v i1 Sr r- LAKCASTEtt vAlLZ 'iKTEtllfciENCER FRIDAY OCTOBER 15, 1880 .... retary Edw. S. Wagener, of Mechanics burg, Pa. Mr. Wagener sympathized with the au dience in the disappointment they must feel at the absence of Mr. Wanamaker, and asked their indulgence for his own short comings. He said that although his name J commenced with a W and ended witu an It he was by no means a Wanamaker ; he would, however, de the best he could. The question was asked "what warrant is there for the Sunday school work ?" and the answer is that in all the ages, w i s ever there have been great revivals of religion they have been brought about by the religious education of children. The training of children in holiness is as old as the Bible itself. The lecturer called attention te the lives of Abraham.Jaceb, Daniel, Moses, David.aud ether patriarchs and prophets, and quoted many passages of the Old and New Testa ment, te prove his position. He then read, a very interesting report of the establish ment and progress of Sunday schools in Europe and America, paying high honor te Ludwig Packer, who established the school at Ephiata, this county in 1747 and te Raikcsand Gilbert of Engjand,and Vin cent of this country, for their eminent ser vices in furthering and systematizing Sun day school work. He then gave a histori cal sketch of the introduction of the inter national series of uniform lessens, and awarded all honor te B. F. Jenkins, Rev. Dr. Jehn B. Vincent and Rev. Dr. Edward Egglcsten for saving the system at a criti cal moment when it came se nearly being abandoned. The thanks of the convention we voted te Mr. Wagener for his interesting ad dress. A hymn was sung, and then President Whitney made a few remarks, comparing the convention te the miraculous tease. We had had the five leaves and two small fishes and had been abundantly fed. We must new gather up the fragments, that nothing may be wasted. The work of the convention was about finished, a collection would be taken up, the supplementary re port of the committee en resolutions would be read, and then some of the brethren would be called upon te make brief .speeches. The committee en resolutions reported a biiefseiies, thanking the several railroad companies that had favored delegates te the convention by a reduction of fare, the pastor and trustees of the Presbyterian church, for use of the chuich ; the local committees for the efficiency with which they had done their work ; the local press for publishing full and accurate reports of the proceedings of the convention ; and the people of Lancaster for the hearty and bounteous entertainment given te the delegates. Brief speeches were then made by Revs. Weed-stock, Fleck and Shunian, Messrs. Mayer and Xettleteu, Rev. R. W. Huf Huf fenl and President Whitney. The executive committee announced that .1. R. Whitney, Edw. S. Wagener, W. L. Woodcock and E. Payson Perter had been appointed a sub-cemmittc te ."-elect delegates te the Terente interna tional convention. Tiie doxology was sung, a benediction was pronounced by Rev. Huflbrd, and the convention adjourned nine. die. COLUMBIA NEWS. OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE A stated meeting of the Columbia school beard was held last evening in the Shech library room of the Cherry street public school building. The members were all present with the exception of Messrs. Given, McCullough, Wike and Seurbeer. President Myers was in the chair. The finance committee presented the following report : Receipts. J. 1. stamuii, balance of tuition ler 1S7'J... 30) 400 800 12 CO 1100 a 03 I. I'. Stuuuui, two meets tuition for leU Mr-. Mi'Utngcr, two mouths, tuition lerlSs1! .!. W. htctey, llircc months' tuition for .1. C. blencr. lialuucc of tuition for J. C. Stencr, one month's tuition for Ebcrly, lent te September 25 Iaekt.en, runt for October Nete renewed J. ;. Ilw, tux collector, 1878 .1. G. lles, tux collector 1870 J. 15. Dunbar, tax collector 1880 300 300 . 1,484 00 34 93 189 13 . 1,010 31 .$2,8)0 39 Total receipts Expenditures, Order-, paid since last icpert.. Nete charged .balance in treasury $1,2S5 m 1,500 00 09! F6 The rent committee reported rents all paid. Billste the amount of 547.90 were read and ordered te be paid. On motion it was decided that children net purchasing their necessary books shall be'referred by the superintendent of the schools te the xnesident of the school beard and such children shall net be permitted te attend .school until their books have been procured. The lloreugh Budget. A revolver shot was fired as the Repub I can precession passed one point last evening, but whether the shot was fired by a man in the precession or by a looker-en is net positively known. Ne arrests have been made. The new steps for the Pennsylvania rail road depot have arrived here, but have net been put in place. Mr. S. B. McCerklc who has been visit ing here for the past few days, left at 12:25 te-day for Philadelphia where he is con nected with the hardware establishment of Buchlcr, Bonbright & Ce. Captain D. Braiuard Case left here te-day en a visit of a couple of days te Philadel phia. Captdiu Fendcrsmith's Republican hel met company will participate in the parade at Wrightsvillc this evening. They have chartered the steamboat. The Republican battalion paraded its full strength last evcuing te the music of three bands and a drum corps. The Mount Meunt villc club perticipatcd in the parade as the guests of company Z, helmet company. The route of rroccssieu was a long one and many members of the several com panies dropped out before completing the distance. Many dwelling neuses were handsomely illuminated aud a constant dis charge of fireworks was kept up. The Pennsylvania railroad pay car paid us its monthly visit yesterday, and the September pay of the employees at this place was disbursed. Jehn S. Given, of Dever, Del., is visit ing friends in this place. Rev. J. W. Dcsheng will preach at the Bethel or the Church of Ged, at Mount Jey, en Sunday morning and evening. Te-day the gunners are out in force and te-day rabbits and ether game may be legally slaughtered. There is net much game of any kind about here, but the sporting mcu persist in sheeting at even what little we have. The recently macadamized streets have been found te be detrimental te geed marching. There were a great number of strangers in town last evening. The precession drew them. We were yesterday shown a bass caught in the river a short distance below the dam, which weighed 2 pounds 3$ ounces. Captain D. Brainard Case will make ap plication en Monday next for a charter te incorporate the Star cornet band of Wash ington borough. North Second street above Poplar has been leveled aud in ether ways improved. The weik is iust about finished. Ladles' Tract Society. The anniversary of the Ladies' tract soci ety will be observed with the usual exercises in the Moravian church en Sunday evening next. The choir of the First Reformed church will assist the Moravian choir in the music,and the two choirs are requested te meet at the Moravian church te-morrow evening for practice. BErUBLICAS QUARREL. A Colored Brether Badly Used. Last evening the Third ward Republi can club, te the number of forty or fifty men and boys, rendezvoused at McMellen's Exchange hotel te march te the Republi can meeting at Neffsville. Steve Brown, a colored member, had been premised the honor of carrying the banner, and was en hand te de se, when he found that Capt. McMellen had given the job te some-, body else. Brown was indignant and followed McMellen, who was at the head of the line, as far as Duke and Frederick streets, reminding him of his premise. Seme one pushed Steve into the gutter and when he get up and demanded an explanation of what he meant by that " Pud " Stapleford struck him. The two men at once clinched and in the tussle both fell, Brown being en top and te all appearances would have punish ed his white brother severely had net ethers interfered. Brown get up and con tinuedte fellow McMellen, asserting his right te carry the banner, when some cowardly member of the club struck him ever the head with a lighted torch, cutting a deep gash iu Brown's head, bursting the torch and covering him with coal oil. Luckily for Brewii the oil did net take lire or he would probably have been burned te death. Steve had better curb his ambition aud learn that the only ubc the Republicans have for him is te secure his vote, net te bestow upon him any of the honors of the party. AMTE AND ACT1VK. Democratic Meeting at Spriugvllle. The ad verse news from Indiana has net dampened the spirits of Lancaster county Democracy, as was shown abundantly by the enthusiastic turnout at Springville last night. Large delegations headed by brass bands came marching lrem Jlaytewn, Marietta, Mount Jey aud ether neighbor ing towns and villages ; two Hancock poles were raised ; an immense torchlight precession took possession of the streets, and from a thousand threats went up inauy a wild and determined cheer for Hancock aud Victory. After the parade the meeting was organized, the following officers presiding. President Jehn Miunich, of Mt. Jey. Vice Presidents J. Heward Swartz, Jehn Entcrlinc, Wm. Difl'cnbaugh, Manuel Heffman, Martin HildebranJt, Jeseph Ha bakcr, Samuel Greff, II. II. Bates, Abram Kelp, Phil. Frank, Samuel Eckcrr, Ralph Montgomery, D. Greve, Harry Safner, jr., Frederick Maulick, Henry Epplc, Jacob Shrite, Jacob Loraw, Jehn B. Shelly, Levi Heffman, Samuel Donevan, M. B. Stener, II. H. Haines. Secretaries Abram Sle.it, Harry Kelp, Jes. Detwciler, J. C. Stambaugh, J. V. Leng, Jehn Buhl. The first speaker was D. McMulleu, who reviewed at length and with great force the issues of the campaign. He was followed by Robt. B. Risk, who briefly spoke of i local, state ami national politics, and by Jehn L. Jacobs, of Maytewu, who thun dered denunciations upon the hypocrisy aud corruptions of the Republican party. All the speakers were loudly and enthusi astically applauded, and the ladies who were out in force presented the "orators of the day" with handsome bouquets. All in all the meeting was a gratifying suc cess aud indicates much for the November result. Tlili Dcuelycrites ut Kplirata, Fer some time past large bills have been posted up announcing that a Republican meeting would be held at Ephrata last evening. Governer Heyt and a score of ether speakers were announced te be there, and the affair was te eclipse all previous attempts. A special train of four cars was run ever the Reading read from this city, and when it left the upper depot there were but two passengers en beaul. Governer Heyt was net at the meeting. Speeches were made by Gen. James A. Beaver aud a few local roosters, but the whole thing was exceedingly tame and many who went were greatly disgusted. There were GOO men in the parade. During the evening thcDcmecratic mar shal was shot at by one ei the RcpuV-S lican marshals. Peter Kilhafner is clerk at the Eagle hotel aud in trying te pacify Joel Miller, who tried te pick a fight with a drunken man, Kilhefler was shot at by Miller only a few feet away, but unfortu nately avoided the ball. Large Meeting at Millpnrt. Last evening a very large Democratic meeting was held at Jehn Echternach's Millport hotel, en the Strasburg pike. A great many persons were present from this city, including the Fourth ward club. Clubs were also present from Strasburjr and ether places and there was great en thusiasm. Ringing speeches were made by. B. F. Davis, E. D. North and Jehn A. Ceyle, csqs., of this city. The energetic landlord of the hotel, Mr. Echternaclit, had a fine stand erected and handsomely decorated and his house bril liantly illuminated. The best of geed or der prevailed all evening and the many Re publicans present paid respectful heed te the speakers and were addressed effectively iu moderate and convincing speeches. The Mt. Sidney cornet band inspired the occa sion and Jes. Echternaclit presided. FRIGHTFUL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. An Aged Lady Instantly Killed. This morning Mrs. Butler, an aged lady residing at Scheck's mills, was instantly killed by the cars near that station. She was walking en the track when she was struck by extra engine 929, which was at tached te the pay train. She was the mother of several grown children, one of whom, a son, is a conductor en the Penn sylvania railroad. Attempted Incendiarism. Last night an attempt was made te set fire te the carpenter shop of H. II. Iluber, en Christian street. A tin bucket contain ing lighted waste was thrown through one of the windows. The noise made awaken ed one of Mr. Huber's employees who was sleeping in the shop, and he quickly ex tinguished the "lire before anything was burned. As seen as the waste was thrown through the window the sound of the footsteps of people running from the building were heard. A Naughty Artist. Lewis Rcidcnbach, a young man living in the eastern part of the city, is charged with having painted a white man black while the said white man was lying asleep in the American house, and also te have given his hat a coat of paint of a color the owner did net appreciate when he woke up and took a leek at it. Mr. Rcidenbach will have te answer a com plaint preferred against him before Alder man Ban. Died etHis Injuries. Alexander Hall, colored, of Columbia, who was employed at the steel works as hed-carrier and fell from a scaffold te the ground, a distance of twenty-five or thir ty feet, breaking his back, about two weeks age, died at the Harrisburg hospi tal early yesterday morning. His remairis were taken in charge by undertaker Spiccr, and at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon were sent te Columbia for interment. Hall's wife, who was in attendance since his ad mission te the hospital, accompanied the remains te Columbia. Circus at Manehlui. Manhciin is te have its first circus en October 23, en which date the Inter-Ocean Ehew will exhibit there. The Sheeting Seasem. Te-day gunning season opens and sports men have the right te sheet rabbits, par tridges and some ether varieties of game. The boys all knew it, and make geed nse of their knowledge. Eay this morning scores of them afoot aud in wagons, with dogs and guns and game bags, left the city and are new scouring the county in all directions for "Bunny" and "Beb White. Ne doubt many a quail and cot ton tail will bite the dust, but the festive sportsmen must net forget that some guns when aimed at duck and plover kick back and knock their owners ever. Accom panying the glowing reports of " immense strings of birds" bagged, generally come stories of arms and legs shattered and some times lives lest. Guns are dangerous playthings at all times, but especially when tney are unleaded and uncapped and don't you forget it. Leaving. Rev. C. B. Shultz has received and ac cepted an appointment as one of the pas pas teis of the Moravian church at Bethlehem, te succeed Bishop Edmund de Schweinitz, who has resigned the charge en account of the engrossing nature of the duties con nected with his office as president of the Provincial Elders' conference. The Bethle hem church is the most desirable charge in the Moravian ministry, and Mr. Shultz's selection for it is very compli mentary te him. He surrenders the church here at the close of the month and will lcae with the universal regret of the congregation. Runaway Beys. Malvern A. Fisher, aged 18 years, 5 feet 9 inches in height, and James S. Martin, 15 years of age, and 5 feet 1 inch in height, ran away from their homes in Providence, R. I., en the 8th inst., and have net since been heard of. Fisher had iu his possession a small riilc and it is supposed the boys aie making their way West te fight Indians in the approved dime novel style. Our police have been notified te keep a leek out for the bays. Death of a Yeung Man. Jehn Kirchncr, son of Geerge Kirchncr, proprietor of the Eagle hotel, en East King street, died yesterday at Carlisle. The body will be brought te this city en the 0 o'clock train this evening. The funeral will take place te-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the residence of the father of the deceased young man. The inter ment will be made at Zion's cemetery. Deceased was about 5J0 years of age. ram en. The Pennsylvania railroad pay car passed through ycsteiday, and the employees were paid off for the month. ."The bebt evidence et success is sueces,' and that is why Prof. Uuilmcttc's French Kid ney Fails have bud such an enormous sale, ler it positively cures all diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs.. Any dKeaseet the Kidncys.Bladder, Urinary Organs, Nervous System, or case ei Lame Back, that cannot be cured by Day's Kidney lid, cannot be cured by any ether treatment or remedy in existence. elMwdM W&F&w Fickle in appetite, irresolute in mind, and subject te melancholy, try Malt Bitters. Catch a Tartar and w lieu caught scrub well with SOZODOXT Don't s-p.ire B. Bruh for dear life. If you destroy it, all the better for you and your teeth. It will destroy the health of the mouth, its beauty, and your sweet breath. oll-lwdced&w Yeung ladies who delight in fair, fresh laces use Cuticmn Medicinal Seap. rOJ.ITIV.11 JIUZZETIN. Democratic County Committee The Demeciatic County Committee will meet at the Central Headquarters in this city en MONDAY", OCTOBER 25, at 10 n. m. Im Im peit.iut buine -. Z cry member is expected te be piesent. W. U. HENSEL, W. II. Gkiku, ) I). McMiilixx, i 15. S. PaTTEHSOX, Chairman. Secretaries. or Assembly. ELIM G. SNYDEB, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate ler the Democratic nomination te the Legislature lrem Lancaster City. Sub feet te Democratic rules. til POLITICAL MEETINGS. llancecK Veterans Companies A and IS, of Hancock Veterans, will meet ut Central headquarters Saturday evening, at t o'clock, fully equipped, te re ceive flag from the ladies of the Ninth ward. Ninth Ward. The tegular stated meeting el the Ninth ward Hancock and English club will be held at their club room, eyer Arneld Haas's saloon, North Queen "trect, en Friday evening at 7J o'clock. May ten n. Saturday evening, October 10. Spcnkcis : W. 17. Henscl, D. MeMnllen. McCall's Ferry. Ch. OlHcman's hotel, Saturday uitcruoen and evening, October 1G. Speakers: Hen. .1. L. Steinmetz. K. D. North, B.B. Bisk. Strasburg. Saturday evening, October 1(5. Gee. W. Barten B. V. Davits W. II. Ueland. Jehn A. Ceylc. Adamstown. Salmday afternoon and evening, October t. Speakers: W. U. Wilsen, .1. Willis Bland, B. F. Davl, F. l Schcll, .1. 1 Dampman, J. G. Carman, Midway. Tuesday evening, October l'J. Speakers: B. F. Davis, J. L. btcinnietz, D. McMullen, W. H. Kelnnd, W. U. Ueutel i:agle Hetel, Salisbury Township, Thursday evening. Oct. 21 : Speakers : K. J. Menaglian, K. B. Itisk, B. F. Montgomery, Jehn II. Delliiven. Kirkwood. Thursday aftei neon and evening, October 21. Gee. W. Barten, W. U. Hcnsel, B. F. Davis, B. F. Montgomery. ISnhrata.' Friday alteruoen aud evening, October 22. Hen. E. K. Apgar, Gee. W. Barten, Ezra D. Parker, J. 1,. Stcinmet;:. Lancaster. Friday evening, October 22. Speakers: Hen. V.. K. Apgar and ethers. ISnlnbralgc. Saturday, October 2J. J. A. Ceylc, K. B. Bisk, IS. 1". Montgomery. lteniusteu n. Tuesday, October 2S. Speakers : W. K. Wil Wil eon, J. L. Steinmetz, J. A. Ceyle, H.X.Mehler. Lancaster. Wednesday evening, October 27. Speaker: Hen. S. J. Buudnll. Christiana. Wednesday, October 27,af teruoen and evening. Intercourse. Thursday evening, October 2h. Slacknrater. Thursday evening. October 28. W. U. llensel, C. F. Bee. B. 1 Davis. D. McMullen. neECl.tt, NOTJVES. SAMFLU NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman after a faithful course of treatment with Lydla E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkbam, 233 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass.,for pamphlets. jy20-lydeed&w Istrnim Bleed, General Debility, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples, Carbuncles, Unhealing Seres, and ether diseases demanding a treat ment essentially Tonic, Absorbent, Alterative, Bleed Cleansing, Bleed MakingandHealtkBc MakingandHealtkBc steriug, yield readily te that most perfect and elegant of medicinal preparations, Dr. Brown ing's Tonic and Alterative. Price 50 cents and fl. Fer sale by the proprietor, W. Champien Browning, M. D., 1117 Arch street, Philadel phia, and all Druggists and Dealers in Medl-1 eH-lwdTu,Tli&S ' Constipation, sick headache, and bilieusnes curedby "Sellers' Liver Pills" Try them. 25 cents per box. Try locker's ftenewnccl Cough Syrup. XXW AJDTEXTI8EMEXT8. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. Call attention te the completeness and variety of their stock, Including: every article of every description in their line, from the low-priced te the costly. All grades of "Watches and Time-keepers. All classes of Jewelry, including: very many pretty designs in cheap goods, and a superb collection of fine Diamond Goods. Silverware in full variety, from any geed Electro-plated article te the Solid Silver Goods of great intrin sic worth. Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, &c, &c. All purchasers of goods in our line, all persons contemplat ing the purchase of such goods, all admirers of beautiful goods, are respectfully invited te visit our store. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers. Coughs. "JJrewn's Bronchial Troches" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer thirty years these Troches have been iu use, with annually increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, -they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. The Threat. ".Breien' Bronchial Troches'' act directly en the organs of the voice. They have an ex traordinary effect inall disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, cither lrem cold or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a clear and distinct enunci ation. Speakers and Singers And the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect often times results in some incurable Lung Disease. Brown's Bronchial Troches " will almost in- varlaDly give relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many et which are injurious. The genu ine "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are sold only in boxes. anl5-lyd&wTu,ThftS A Wise Deacon. " Deacon Wilder, I want you te tell me hew you kept yourself and family se well the past season, when all the rest of us have been sick se much, and have had the doctors running te us se long." "Bre. Tayler, the answer Is very easy. I used Hep Miners in time and kept my family well and saved large doctor bills. Three dol lars' worth et it kept us all well and able te work all the time, and I will warrant it has cost you and most of the neighbors one te two hundred dollars apiece te keep sick the same time. I guess you'll take my medicine here after." See ether column. el5-2wd&w AI ethers! Mothers!! mothers!!! Are you .disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et eutting teeth? It se, goat once and get a bottle of MIIS. WIXS LOW'S SOOTHING SYKU1. It will relieve the peer little sullcrer Immediately depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. T here is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, v, he will net tell you at once that-it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief anil health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. f U7-lydftwM.WS " 'Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher' cured my son of erysipelas." Mrs. E. SmelUer, Lari mer, Pa. The remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar te women is Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Mether's Magazine. Help te Mothers nursing Infants. It is a conceded fact that mothers who have the care, anxiety and draught et nursing in lants, are weak and need the uid el sonic strengthening tonic te make up tiie nourish ment required ter the growth of the child. Ale, porter and lager beer have often been re commended. Of late, since physicians have become aware that the Pert Grape Wine pro duced by Alfred Speer, et Passaic, X. J., is strictly pure, they have prescribed it instead of ale and porter. This wine is principally sought for by mothers who have nursing in fants at the breast, as the best supplying medi clne te be found. The wine is rich in body and net intoxicating, but gently stimulating Druggists generally keep it. Enquirer. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlce and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. el-2wd&w JUABJIIA.OES. Staceter-Keeser. On the 14lh of October, ISS0, by the Kev. W. T. Gerhard, at Smith A Kudy's Leepard hotel. B. F. Stautlcr, of East Earl', te Miss Sallie T. Keescr, et Salisbury township. ltci&w ItEATHS. Sattler. In this city en the 13th inst., C. Sattlcr. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the lunerel from his late residence. Ne. HO North Queen street, en Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter ment at the Lancaster cemetery. 2td Miessb. In this city, en the 13th or October, 18S0, Daniel K. M!case, in the 73d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from his late residence. Ne. 311 Seuth Prince street, en Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. In terment at Woodward Hill cemetery. 2td Kirchheb. In Carlisle, en the 14th inst.,Jehn Kirclnier, aged 39 years. The relatives and liicnds et the family arc respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, corner of East King and Lime streets, to-nierow after noon, at ?. o'clock. Interment at Zion ceme tery. .YE If ADTEK1JSESIESTS. INVESTIGATION ! DR. GREENE has successfully treated ever 1,000 of the most difficult chronic (se called) In curable cases during a nine month's practice. The most et them had been the rounds of the leading physicians of Lancaster county. DB. GREENE is ready at any time te meet a committee et the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Heuse or elsewhere te d is cuss the merits et Omnipathy and prove its superiority ever all ether patldes in vogue. The people arc greatly Interested and de mand the fullest investigation. Invalids are every week dying in this county whose lives could be saved. Is tere any subject about which the masse3 are mere concerned than restoration te health, and the prolonging of their lives Dr. G. originated and is new the owner of 29 Medical Pads. He especially warns the public ngainst thenumereus counterfeits new offered the people. Dr. Green does an exclusive office business. Patients who cannot call at his offices must send full description of afflictions. Ilnndreds of deaths have occurred here in nine months ; only two In his practice. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Catarrh Cured Fer 50 Cents. CUBE QUICK FOB CATARBH SENT TO ANY ADDRESS FOB 50 CENTS. DR. O. A. GREENE, Ne. 830 NORTH QUEEN STREET, 30-tfdMWFAS Lancaster, Pa. F LAGS! FLAGS! SASHES FOB PABADES, TB1MMINGS FOB SASHES, SADDLE CLOTnS, SHOUL DER STBAPS, BELTS, Ac. Neckties, Entirely New Styles. NEW STYLE COLORS. UNDERWEAR, GLOVES &C. &C. E. J. ERISMANS, 56 NORTH QUEjtiN STREET. 1TJSW ADVERTISEMENTS. T OST. Xj Either en North Queen, East King or Duke streets, a portion of a geld opera chain. A liberal reward will be paid ler return of same te this office. ltd STBAY-CAME TO THE PKEMUKS OF the undersigned, at 522 East Chestnut street, a sheep. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying costs, ltd OTKAVED. O A mule en Monday night strayed te Reese & Bres.' livery stable. The ewnercan have the same by calling at the stable, proving prop erty and paying ler this advertisement, ltd. PROPOSALS WILL HE RECEIVED UP TO OCTOBEB 18, at 8 p. m., ler the following Ceal, for uc at Station Heuse. City Treasurer's and Mayer's Offices: 13 tens of Hani Egg Ceal, 15 tens of Seft Egg Ceal, and 8 tens or Medium Nut Ceal. Proposals te be directed ''City Property Committee." Mayer's Office. GEORGE W. ZECIIER, e!5-2td Chairman Committee. PUBLIC SALE OF CANADA HOUSES. On MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1880, will be sold at public sale at J. D, Denlingcr's Merri mac Heuse, 113 North Prince street, Lancaster city. Pa., the following Live Stock : IB head of HEAVY DRAFT and DRIVING HORSES, from 4 tefiyeais old. Must oil be as repre senale by the undersigned or no sale. A credit of sixty days will be given. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m en bakl day, when attendance will be j;iven by GEORGE GROSSMAN. S. Hess & Sex, Auct. ectl5&l( TCBLIC SALE. I On MONDAY, OCTOBER IS. 1880. at the popular restaurant In the P. R. R. Depot, a inrge variety ei iiesiaurant fixtures, consist ing of Tables, Chairs, Screens, Mirrors, Pic tures, Cleck, Steves and Heater, Cupboards, Refrigerator, one Splendid Geng, Tin, Glass and Queensware, Knives and Ferks. Bottled Catsup, and many articles net named. Sale te commence at ! o'clock a. in. OWEN HOPPLE. II. Shubeut, Auct. el4-2tdR EXECUTORS' SALE OF CITY PROP ERTY. On FRIDAY, OCIOBER 15. 1880, the undersigned executers of Henry Steiger walt, deceased, will expose te sale, nt.7 o'clock p. m., at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, u Let or Piece et Ground, situated en the east side orseuth Queen street, in the city of Lan caster, Ne. 3(!5. Said let containing in front, en said Seutli Queen street, 17 feet and 4 inches, and extending in depth of that width eastward te Strawberry street, whereon is erected a geed two-story-and-a-half DRICK DWELL ING HOUSE, with a two-story Back Building attached, Hydrant. Fruit Trees, and ether im provements thereon. Terms made known at time of sale by MICHAEL F. STEIGERWALT, WM. B. STEIGERWALT, Executers of Henry Steigerwalt, dee'd. Hejjry Suubekt Auct. s30-e4,7,ll,12,13,l I 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. ii CENTe PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. 3i CENTS PER POUKD FOR WHITE RAGS. Tiie highest price paid ler Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, Ac. Ten Rag Asserters want ed , te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. Nei tli Queen ami Orange Streets, yU-lfdRl Lancaster, Pa DEMOCRATIC -i -Ir-. w ". -w.- " . ;v-"r 'ss2S3&eir. , -. . rv NOMINATION. The Demeciatie voters of thW city are re quested te assemble at their usual voting places at primary elections en SATURDAY EVENISU, M. 1, 1880, FROM G TO 8 O'CLOCK, and te vote ter one nominee ler Assembly lieni sai.l District. The withdrawal of the namcef Mr. WM. Mc COMSEY leaves the only name te be voted upon, as reported te this committee, that of ELLM G. SNYDER. In the Eighth ward the election will be held at the Miloen of Henry Kehcr, en Strawberry street, between r and 8 p. m The Judges of the elections will meet at the Centra! Headquarters at 0 p. m. te tabu late the ote and declare the nominee. W. U. HENSEL, Chairman Campaign Committee. Jno. K. Metzeer, Sect. JIIIS CELZANEO US. MAGNETIC TOOTHACHE CURE. Cures almost instantly without injury te the teeth or gums. Fer sale at BLACK'S DRUG STORE, 21 West Chestnut Street. 23 cents per bottle. e'j-lwd PAINTING. All kinds of Heuse Painting and Graining done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. We have reduced our prices te $1.73 per day. Shep en West Charlette street. ectl2 3md ALLEN GUTHRIE & SONS. (ftKnn RfcTVARD. tfljyUU By virtue of the authority vested in me by resolution of Councils February 4, 1874, I hereby offer a reward of $SC0 for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who fired the building nt the corner of Plum street una Maiien alley en t he e veiling et October 10, 1080. JOHN T. MacGONIGLE, ectlJMtd ' Mayer. TeriCE. y In the Court of Common Bleas for the County of Lancaster : Netice is hereby given that an Application will bemade te said Court en MONDAY, OC TOBER 23, 1880, at 10 o'clock, n. m., for the ap proval of a certain Amendment te the Charter of the Woodward Hill Cemetery of the City of Lancaster, as set forth in the Petition for the allowance el said amendment tiled in said Court. A: J. EBERLY, ectl,'J,lG Solicitor. TURNPIKE ELECTION. The annual meeting et the stockholders of the Lancaster and Williamstown Turnpike Bead Company for the purpose et electing officers for the ensuing year, will be held at Finney's hotel, North Queen street, in the city of Lancaster, en MONDAY', NOVEMBER l, 1830. between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock. oct7-3tdeaw J. M. LONG, Sect. LE! ALE! ALE! LA WHENCE KNAPP'S CELEBRATED AND WELL KNOWN DRAUGHT ALE. is new ready for consumers, wholesale and retail. Hotels, Restaurants asd Private Families can be supplied with this wnolcsemc and nourishing beverage. All orders will receive punctual attention and deliverances made at s'lert notice. Call or address LAWRENCE KNAPP, Ne. 143 East King Street, ectl4-lmd Lancster, Pa. A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Lanca-stcr and Fruitvillc Turnpike Read Company will be held en MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1880, at the Office et the Secre tary, 61 North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa., be tween the hours of 2 and 4 p. m., ler the elec tion of officers for the ensuing year. I. CABPENTEB, octll-M&Thtnevl Secretary. TUBD EDITION FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. IB, 188a TO-DAY'S NEWS. GATHERED FROM ALL QUARTERS. FATAL EXPLOSION OF A CANNON- HA.YE3 ASTONISHING THE NATIVES. THAT GREAT AMI) GOOD Ma' IN THE FAK NORTHWEST. Miscellaneous Telegrams. INDIANA. Latest Returns Frem Tuesday's Election. Indianapolis, Oct. 13. Returns from all but four counties give a net Republi can majority of 6,210. The counties yet te hear from gave a Democratic majority of 413 in 1876. The official majority en the state ticket will be about 6,000. The Re publicans elect eight congressmen, with the Fifth district se close as te require the official count. The Republican majority in the Legislature en joint ballet is four teen. Perter's Majority About 5.0OO. Indianapolis, Oct. 15. Returns from all but four counties give a Reeublican majority of 5,797. The counties te be heard from gave a Democratic majority in 1876 of -113. Democratic Leaders In Council. New Yerk, October 15. An Indian apolis special says : Te-day Senators Hend ricks, Voerhecs and McDonald, and Messrs. English, Fleming, Landers, Haley and Cropsey, together with a number of ether leading Democrats, are holding a grand council of war in the eity. But the conference is held with closed doers, and the proceedings will net be made public until this evening. JOY TURNED TO MOURNING. Several Persons Killed or Fatally Injured by the Explosion of a Gun Velag Fired in Hener or the Re publican Sucre a:s. Trey, N. Y., Oct. 15. A special te the Telegram says : At a Republican demon stration last night at Johnseuville, Charles Nutting, Mcllic Welling, Charles Themas, Jehn Fay, and a Frenchman whose name is unknown, were injured by the explosion of a cannon. Nutting's leg was shattered and welling s lett arm was tern te picces- and lias since been amputated. It is theultt the latter will die. Charles Themas, eight years of age, had his left leg tern te pieces and will probably die. Fay and the Frenchman were slightly in jured. Pieces of the gun Hew in all di rections and many persons had narrow es capes. HAYES IN THE NORTHWEST. A Seasick Party Greeting te the Fraudulent President. San Francisce, Oct. 14. R. B. Hayes and his companions left Pert -Townsend yesterday and iu the Fuca stmts, some of the number were made very seasick, affording great sport for the mere fortu nate ones. At Utsaladdy they were warmly greeted and Mrs. Hayes distribu ted apples and dainties among the chil dren! At Tacena salutes were fired, and 100 children bearing flowers and moving arches formed a passage way for the party. Mr. and Mrs, Hayes shook hands with all the children and a public reception and specch-makiug took place at Genera Spraguc's residence. Twe Beys Killed by the Cars. Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 15. The ex press train for New Yerk while passing through East- Bridgeport this morning struck two boys named Dan'l E. and Wra Nelan, brothers. Daniel, aged 11, had lr's skull fractured, his right leg crushed, and his face badly disfigured. He lived but a short time after the accident. William, aged seven, received a fracture of the left lejr and several scalp wounds. He will re cover. The boys attempted te cress the track in front of the approaching train. Ne blame is attached te tile railroad com pany. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Oct. 15. Fer New England and Middle states, slightly warmer southerly te westerly winds, falling barometer, partly cloudy weather, and in the northern portions light rain. Address Frem the Republican Committee. New Yerk, Oct. 15. The national Re publican committee met shortly after neon te day with Gov. Jewell in the chair. An address will be issued te the people. Jealousy and the Pistol.. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 15. At Aven, last night, A. V. Smith, a music teacher, shot and seriously wounded Geerge Dew, whom he found in the company of his wife from whom lie had separated. Poverty and Suicide. Pbevidbnce, R. I., Oct. 13. Mrs. Martha Cooper, a widow, drowned herself in Warwick yesterday te avoid removal te the poerhousc, "-v 5E T.i:OAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF JOHN M. GOOD, LATE OF Lancaster City, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebt ed thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned. SAMUEL WOBST, W. B. Wilsen, Administrator. Attorney, sep25-6tdeaw ESTATE OIT ADOLPH SCHMIDT, OF THE City of Lancaster, dee'd. Letters testa mentary en said cstate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are expected te make immediate paymcnt,and these having claims or demands against the same, will prcsentthem without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing in the City of Lancaster. M ABG ABET SCHMIDT, Executrix. Jse. A. Ceyle, Attorney. 8l4-6tdeaw ESTATE OF WILLIAM VIESER, LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted te said decedent arc requested te make immedi ate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against the estate of said decedent te make known the same te the 'undersigned without delay, residing at Ne. 527 West King street, Lancaster. Fa. PETEB ALLABACII, Executeiv B. F. Davis. Att'y. seplMWeaw pOTO RINGWAIfS FOR M0N0NGAHELA PURE RYE. Alse OAKDALE PUBEBYE WHISKY, 95per cent. Alcohol, and tlielnvlgeratlng Tonic Hatr Liqnid, and the Best Sugars, Coffees; Teas, &c, All at 2se. 205 7EST KING STBEET. mAMkets." .CU.w'v) .V i . V a w xerk HsrUb Nbw Yerk, Oct.li Flour-SUte and West ern firm and moderate active expert SHd home trade; Superfine, at 121738416; oxlrade H i 04 50; choice, de, H 0X84 73; fancy de. SM 80S600; round hoop OhfeH 650500' choice de 95 1086 00 ; superfine western S3 75t 15 ; common te geed extra de- 94359469: dhele de de 14 63436 50 ; choice white wheat de H 65 Q4 S5; Southern firm, unchanged.; com-' men te fair extra $5 105 60; geed te choice J uesa 7Ufj7 w. Dec.iiiseim;, Cern ic better and quiet ; spot,5555,ic:de future.'5Urf Mixed neater Oats a shade stronger; State 45tfc;Wc9t:. cm, iwc JTMUadelBBJa Harfceu PHii.ADBt.wat. Oct. 15. Fleur tending-upwards; superfine 93 0003 50; extra-93 750 4 25 ; Ohie and Indiana family 95 50(26 .3 ; Penn'a family de 95355 75: St. Leuis lamily at 96 2507 00; Minnesota fainila- 95 599J6 60'1 Stratght 9606 73 ; patent and high grades 97 00 03 25. Bye flour at 95 235 37. wheat active and higher; Jfe. 2 Western Bed 9117011; Pa. Bed 91 160117; Amber 91160117 Cern quiet ; steamer, none here ; yellow 55J 056 ; mixed 54,'55c. Oats firmer ; Ne. 1. White 42c ; Ne. 2 de 40cr Ne. 3 de393yc; Ne.2,ailxed3038tf. Bye firm at 9ec. Previsions in firm jebbin trader mcaa perk 91650; beef hams 916 00017 09; In dian mess beet at 1S 50 ; 'smoked ham 11M0 12c; pickled hums 8Mfj9c ; bacon smoked. pickled Idcrs 6.'.( snnuidcrs 6iGc ; salt de 5J5fc. Lard market firm ; city kettle at Ofl'JUe: loose butcliers'Slic: nriiue steam 98 87439 09- Butter Choice iu fair demand, ether Sradef are dull ; Creamery extra at SOgiaec; e geed te choice 27020c: Bradford, county and New-Yerk extra. 2523c; Western reserve extra 20022c: de geed t6 choice 16019c : serve extra 20022c; Bells quirt: Penn'a Fxtra 20022c ; Western Keserve de 21023c. Eggs firm; Penn'a Extra 22c; Western Ex. 21c. Cheese dull, but steady ; New Yerk fnll cream 13e; Western full cream 13013)0: no lair te goon Kgjvic; no nan sKimsiusp lie. Petroleum quiet : refined l-!iC Whisky active at 91 12. Seed (Jeed te prime clever dull 11197000 750; Timethy jebbingat f2 7028t: Flaxseed $1 33. Stock Market October 15. Nxw Yerk Stocks. Stocks strong and higher. A. M. A. M. r. X. P. II. r. M 10:20 11:25 12r25 2:15 2:29 HsWUCjT J(tt ErieK. B M 42, 43 43 43iJ. jHicmgan a. x i.. ....iii iii-'i ni-'-s ll'-Mi irsji Michigan Cent. B. U..I0I?' 101 'i Will lOili 103'2 umcages.p. w iijvt ii;; . Chicago, 51 A St. P... 7 'JTX iie;i, mvs. liJJiJ' 'JV& 3 S3 3!W 3II 52'4 23tf l&ii 7a JSin W ? uan. v &t. .1. t.em .-eis WA M7 3'i " " P'ld.... &Vi XiY S3 3Ji 3?iJ 70 83 34$ 52 33 19 76, 5Ji 4U1CTIU Ob VVUUU3II.... i Ohie & Mississippi.... -Mil sty. st. Leuis, i. si.as.i:.. :ii 51 ! Ontario anil western, 'a C. C. & I. C. B. B 18 23V !9h icn iiuavv ifUiabitw.. 7h Del. ft Hudsen Canal. 85 i Del.. Lack. Western 03 ) 85JS 8 9 !W4 y a . western union tci...ieij ion Tcl...l01k 10li 10W1 leii 10156 S.S. Ce.. 424 42K 42?2 4 Elevated. 34?$ 34? X : ,W4 racuic aian s. Manhattan Elevated Union Pacific 014 9P4 aiJiJ 91 kT. Kansas & Texas 3ti New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland ft Pitts Chicago ft Beck I Pittsburgh ft Ft. W American U. TeLCe Philadelphia. Stocks strong. Pennsylvania U.K.... 5U9.J PhiPa. ft Beading..... 1( Lehigh Valley 53 LHJ, 37 133 116 111 122 H7J 122 37J4 37 59i VL 53!4 31-Ji 284 53 sty 154 49 176 19 48 59J 16 53J4 60 1 53.J 29 53!i mi n Liemgii Afivigauen... ai?. El Northern Pacific Coin 29 "tl..... Pitts., TItusv'c ft B.... i6Ji Northern Centnil Phil'aft Erie B. B Northern Penn'a Un.B.R'9 of N.J Hcstenville Pass Central Trans. Ce. 1 17 17 37J 37Jtf lft J5'4 .... 49 49)2 .... 176 176 72 Lecal Stocks and Bends. Par viU. Lanc.City 6 per et. Lean, due lMj0...9K)e " " 1S82... 100 " " 1685... 100 " " 1800... 100 " " 1805... 100 " 5 per ct. in 1 or 30 years. . 10 Lane. and Quarry v'e B. B.bend.... 100 " " " stock.... 50 Last sale. 9100.25 105 114 118.75' 120 105 103 3.25 47.S5 51 51 5S 92 30.40 25 85 20 275.25 10.15 100 136 102.10 27 100 Lancaster and Ephrataturnpike... 25 Laiic.,Eilzabetht'n andMlddlet'n.. Lancaster and Fruitvillc turnpike, Lancaster and Litifz turnpike 100 50 25 50 .Lancaster and Maner turnpike.... L.:incasier ami juanneiui turnpike. Lancaster and Marietta turnpike.. Lane. an. I New Helland turnpike.. . 100 25 300 25 50 . 100 J.unc. and strasenrg turnpike Lane, and Susquehanna turnpike. Lane, anil Willow Street, turnpike Fanners' Nat. Bank et Lancaster.. First Nat. Bank of Lancaster Lancaster County Nut. Bunk 50 Ineuircr Printlnc Ce 50 Lanc.Ca.3 Light and Fuel Ce. stock. 25 " " " bends. WASTED. w TKD. EVERYBODY TO ADVEK- tlsc, free of charge, in the In rKLuaav EB. WllO wants semeimng te ue. rANTED A SINGLE MAN, EXI'EKI- Htrin and 111 enccd tobacco stripper, te pack a three acre crop. Address, 1. 1). Ilad Icy. Kennett Square, Chester county, statins terms per day. It -tf ANTED A JlIUDLE-AfiED MAM T T wants a situation where he can make himself useful, understands working with horse. Apply at yt North Duke street. ltd WANTED. THE INQUIRER PRINTING and Publishing Company want a few in telligent boys te learn the printing business. Inquire either in poison or by letter, ut their eflice 53 and 55 North (juecu xtrcct. Lancaster. Pa. ect 7-3tdeewft2tw Office of the M aiiesv Mutual likk Asse- ciatiex or Skli.nsorevi;, Pa. $ WANTED-GOOD, ACTIVE, KKSFONSI ble Agents In each township of the county et Lancaster. Applv In hand writing of Applicant te the Heme Oflice. L. B. IIU3IMEL. Sec'y. Selinsgrevc, Snyder county. Fa.. September 7.18b0. ncpl6-l md&5tw EOJC SALE. PRIVATE SALE. Until NOVEMBEB 17. the two-story Brick Heuse, with kitchen attached. Ne. lid East Vincstrect, let extends te Church street. Ap- Slcs, Peaches, and (J rape Vine en let, water.. :c. Inquire at Ne. 12C Charlette street, Lan caster, Pa. oct7-cedftnovl3 FOR REM. A Farm, one mile fiein the city of Lancas ter, en the Petersburg turnpike, containing about one hundred and live acres : thirty acres of which is new in full crops ; privilege te put out two acres in tobacco. Enquire at Ne. 38 North Duke btrcet or en the premises. oct7-10tdced MBS. JOHN McUBANN. PUBLIC SALE. On TUESDAY', OCTOBER 26, 1S80, will be held at the Keystone hotcl.Nerth Queen street, a valuable let of ground situated en the west side of North Queen street, fronting en North Queen street 16 feet, 7 inches, and In depth 245 lcet, te 14 ieet wide public alley, en which ia erected a two-story BBICK DWELLING, cen-r taining parlor, back room, five bed rooms and basement kitchen. Saulc te commence at 7 o'clock p. m.,.vhcn conditions will be made known bv BEBECCA FKTTFRL-Y, II. Shubebt, Auct. ectl3-lltd PUBLIC SALE. ' On MONDAY, OCT. 25; 18se, will lie sold" at the Cooper Heuse, West King street the ionewing vainaDie real estate :- j valuable real estate v r t -? l two-story BRICK" DWELLING, sit- -l the south side of West Orange street, i Ne.l. At natcd en the ; Ne. 114. containing hall and seven rooms, gas in the house and hydrant In the yard,- house fronts en Orange street 18 ieet 'J lnche. mere or less, let extending In depth 75 feet 5 inches, mere or less, te a 3 feet 7 inch wide common aUer. with scwcracc. This .property has Just TMSfin.ncwly fitted up. AO.'i Atwosierysniuaonriiiiii.iu anu two-story Brick Back Building, situated en the east) side of North Mary street. Ne. 27, house 18' by 23 feet, back building 12 fee; 4 inches in width, and in depth 13 feet, contain- frnntiiW of 45'lrwfL lnelndinrr th hnrtfra ? n let xf choice fruit trees and the best of trapes ; rJ'JJ.iiii stabling en the rear of let, 20x49 lcet. . ( Y'V f'r'i ! Ne.3, FivcBuildingLefahy,2tt,tecWiltu, jrVrtv ated ob the north side of New street, between- , ; t Lime and Shippen'strects. , . .. An f Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m.. of said v t t ) i y day. when conditions will be made knewn: by . ,. r v JOHN HULL.' -yV., K iJaMJir.uss " "e9-U07rr Vai A. K. BCcCANN, AUCTXONKKK OFJtEAC Estate and u-ft at Ne. 35 Charlette atrcer.-er at BacfcJLH Hene Hetel. 44 and 46 North Oueen street, will eelve prompt attention, BUls made et and ended te wlthoutladditleual cost. e27-ly msM Gil r 'J a i.