..(.-v-t - -- LANCASTER DAILY ELLIGENCEK. FRIDAY OCTOBER 15. 1880. . I fcancastet intelbgencec. FRIDAY EVENING), OCT. 16, 18B0. Tke Lest Oatptst. We have te-day the inspiriting ad dresses of the Democratic committees, with geed advice which the members of the party will fellow.' There can hardly be a Democrat, of a respectable degree of sand in his gizzard, whose depression ever the unexpected result in Indiana will last the week out. It must be tee plain te his common sense that the causes which produced that result will net be effective in November. Indiana was but an outpost which the en emy has captured -by superior appliances and concentration of effort. It was an attack which our forces were net massed sufficiently te meet. The defeat was net a rout. The majority was small, being new but six thousand with a half dozen strong Democratic counties te hear from. The battle in Ohie had a similar inconclusive result, the Demo cratic gains exceeding these of the Re publicans, who have wen by a" reduced majority. Disappointment is natural that we failed of success in this initial fight, but no Democrat of courage and sense, we say again, can see in it our final defeat. Hew would it be in an army if the less of an early fight in a campaign should be felt te presage its disastrous close ? The contests of armies are a series cf successes and defeats, and it seldom hap pens that victory perches steadily en one side. Ner does demoralization of all the forces fellow a disaster te an outlying detachment. If the Democratic army is of such peer spirit and peer discipline as te be subdued by the small and incon sequential contest in Indiana, it is be neath contempt and worthy of the de feat which it invites. We knew it te be made of different stuff, and that the de pression of its voters is but temporary. What you hear them say new is net that they are weakened, but that they fear the effect upon these who always wait te see hew the cat is jumping before they jump themselves. That class is tee small te control the coming elections, if it exists. We have net heard of anyone whose opinions have been changed by the brightening of the Republican prospects. What we Demo crats need te de is te take care of our selves, te keep our heads level and our courage te thesticking point,and the bat tle will take care of itself. Ne one who knows the Democratic record cau doubt that its activity will suffer no dimini dimini tien. A party that has been fighting for twenty years against the fieshpets of power is net one te be scared by the latest evidence given it of the efficiency of money in an election. It is a fearful use te make of it and a dreadful instru ment with which te seek te control the ballet. The capitalists who have con tributed it have done it in wilful blind ness te its iniquity and danger. When the people come te realize that the battle is between them and money what then ? Let the history of i evolutions tell. falsehood of the affidavits he prepared, and of the case he made up, he was in famous beyond the infamy of a simple perjurer. And who can acquit him of this guilty knowledge in view of the no torious facts and his brightjntelligence? Politics and Basiness. The Mw Jra,which reproached us for having no Republicans in our employ in the Intelligencer office, seems like wise te held it as a reproach te one of the proprietors of the Intelligencer that the majority of the employees of the Penn rolling mill company, of which he is chairman, are Republicans. This seems scarcely consistent. But if the JVcic Era will try te com prehend that we believe in the utmost tolerance of political opinion,and its free expression by every voter, without in timidatien in any degree by these who may employ him, it will understand that the skill and efficiency of the workman are the sole conditions of his employment in any business which we or either of us control. There are both Democrats and Repub licans among the officers of the Penn iron company, and when we mentioned the chairman the ether day as a Demo crat we made no intimation that he sought te control the employees te his own way of thinking. That hesedueusly avoids. The resolve of the man agement is te exclude politics from the mill. Employees may meet out side of it in any way they cheese ; in side they are workmen, and ever their political views these in authority, by mutual agreement, de net seek te exer cise any influence or control. Garfield's Perjury. An esteemed Republican friend com plains te us that we have charged that the Republican presidential candidate is a perjurer, and seemed really surprised that we should defend the charge as true. He evidently had net acquainted himself with the evidence in the case, but took the charge as a Democratic campaign slander, and naturally thought that it was an infamous one te appear in a re spectable newspaper. And he was quite right if the charge is false or even if its truth is doubtful. We de net think that any reader of the Intelligencer will say that it is in the habit of making such grave allegations lightly, and we should be very much ashamed of ourselves if any height of partisan feeling would in duce us te charge upon the Republican candidate se gross an offence as perjury if there was the slightest room te doubt its truth. Unfortunately there is net, and for the benefit of these who have net yet regarded the proof, we will briefly re late it. A chief witness against Mr. Garfield is .Judge Ulack, who has been quoted by Republican authority as declaring that Garfield was innocent of any intentional wrong-doing in takiug the Credit Mobi Mebi lier stock from Oakes Ames. Judge Black said this ; but has further said that Garfield distinctly told him that he received this stock from Ames, ignorant, however, of its character. Judge Black advised Garfield te make the same ad mission te the congressional committee of inquiry that he had made te him; but when he was jilaewl nn the stand, and had taken the oath of a witness before that committee, Garfield swore that he had never received any stock from Ames, but that he had borrowed 300 from him en one occasion. Mr. Ames being subsequently put en the stand swore that Garfield had received the stock, and he exhibited the account of it in his memorandum book, showing a balance in Garfield's favor of $329, which he had paid him. Garfield's per jury is proven by this. testimony and his admission te Judge Black; which ad mission, it will be noted, he has never denied, and it stands therefore unassail ed upon the high credit of Judge Black's character. Anether act of purjury was committed by Garfield in taking $5,000 as an attor ney's fee te secure the DeGelyer pave ment contract; which pavement was paid for by an appropriation in a bill re ported by him as chairman of the appre priatiens committee in the Heuse. As a representative he was an attorney of the people,and it was in contravention of his oath that he accents! m r fmn. :: vidual citizens te secure money for them from the government. And did net Garfield commit perjury again when he went te Louisiana, while a congressman, and there in a room in the custom house prepared the false affidavits which served as an excuse te the returning beard te threw out the vote of certain parishes for the Tilden electors; then, returning te Washington, he took a place as one of the electoral commission sworn te decide this case.that he had already net only prejudged but PERSONAL. Rev. J as. A. Schultz, the insane Re formed clergymau of Reading, lias been taken te tbcNorristewii asylum. The divorced wife of the Rev. Newman Hall, was married at the registrar's office, Great Yarmouth, in the month el August, te Richardson, the groom whose name was prominently mentioned in Dr. Hall's suit for divorce. Mr. Andrew D. White, United States minister te Germany, is writing a " Life of Themas Jeffersen," te form one of a series of biographies of the founders of the American Republic te be published during the coming winter. Professer Geldwix Smith is te write a " Life of Geerge Wash ington" for the same series. Jehn Gokertii, Esq., a well-known mem ber of the Philadelphia bar.dicd at his resi dent, 1921 Chestnut strcet,yesterday. after a long and painful illness. Deceased was born at Beusalcm, Bucks county, and studied law in the office of Peter McCall, esq. He held but one political office, that of assist ant attorney general or the United States, at Washington, for a period of three years, 1873, 1874 and 1875, under the administra tion of President Grant. AtLiuceln, while Jehn T. Raymond was presenting the trial scene in Colonel Sellers, two dogs began te fight in the cen tre isle. AH attention was instantly di verted from the stage te the fight. " I meve wc suspeud proceedings in this court," said Raymond, "and I'll bet a dol lar en the white deg." "I'll take you," crieu a man in the audience. The white deg wen, the dollar was passed across the footlights te the star, and the acting of the play was resumed. Mr. Archiuald Founts, the famous war correspondent, made a very favorable impression upon the audience which as sembled te hear him lecture in New Yerk. Like most English lecturers, he spoke very rapidly and generally in se low atone that he could riot be easily heard by theso at a distance from the platform ; never theless, he was attentively listened te and frequently applauded. Many passages were eloquent, though delivered in a spiritless manner, and ethers were se hu morous as te provoke much laughter. Pretty little Jeanne Samarv, the merry girl comedienne of the Cemcdic Francaise (who is a Parisian Letta), was announced the ether day as being en the verge of matrimony. . In fact, the banns were pub lished, the trousseau was purchased, the wedding cake was ordered, when, at the eleventh hour, the papa of the bridegroom steps in and interposes his veto te the mar riage. Hence a sudden stoppage te all proceedings and a total inability en the pare ei the pretty financee te L'Etincellc the ether evening Charles E. Smith, editor of the Press, has been arrested upon a charge of libel for publishing a dispatch from West Ches ter in last Saturday's issue of that paper te the effect that en the occasion of the Democratic parade at Oxford, Chester county, en Wednesday night of last week, a man named Dewsen, employed by the uainmere central railroad company, raised a rebel flag, made by himself; that Dewsen is an cx-rebel, and served in a Mississippi regiment, and that there was great indignation at his action. BAKOTMIt BUGLE BLAST. Aa Address te tke Democratic aad Coaser Ceaser Ttire Voters at the Ceaatry. At a meeting of the Democratic national committee te-day the following address was adopted : Te the Democratic and Conservative Voters eftiie Ceuntry: The election of president and vice president is new before you. State and local dissensions are eliminated from the issues of the day. The magnitude of a victory or a defeat can only be esti mated by the forces and means employed in securing it. By fraud and corruption the people of the country were defeated in their purpose in 1876 and the rightfully elected president was kept from office.. With the combined capital of the Republican party, aided by repeated assessments upon an army of office-holders, with the power of the federal government represented by the United States marshals at the polls, with intimidation, fraud and a re sort te every corrupt appliance known te Republican methods concentrated in the two states, our adversaries have succeeded in procuring the probable return of their local candidates. Can it be possible that in every state throughout this bread land the same methods can he brought te bear that were used by the Republican mana gers in Indiana and Ohie? Can the great states of New Yerk, New Jersey, Connec ticut, California, Colerado, Nevada and New Hampshire be bought, intimidated and defrauded? Even without the vote of Indiana, which I believe will be redeemed in November, with New Yerk and New Jersey, and these states are conceded te us, including Maine, the election of our can didate is assured. The Republican party have put in nomination for president and vice president, two men who by the ad mission of their own party and pi ess aic unworthy of your confidence and suffrages. It is impossible that fifty millions of intel ligent and patriotic people will consent te place themselves upon the humiliating level thus prepared for them by the Re publican managers. Fellow citizens, the first day's repulse at Gettysburg ended en the third, with Hancock in the front, in a glorious victory. That victory secured us our Union. The question is net new the preservation of the Union, but of constitutional government. Hancock is new.as then, in the front. The repulse is new, as then, the omen of a vic tory which is te secure te coming gen erations the inestimable blessings of civil liberty. By order of the Democratic national committee. William II. Barn cm, Chaiiman. New Yerk, October 11. "REBEL CLAIMS." WHAT THEY ARE. INVENTED AND PAID Bit REPUBLICAN COXGKESSES. 1)11.1, TO THE DEMOCRATS. An Address from the State Committee. Headquarters op the State Demo cratic Committee, Philadelphia, Octo Octe ber 14, 1880 Te the Democracy of Penn sylvania : Indiana votes Republican by a small majority. Ohie holds her position as a Republican btate. The latter was ex pected ; the former is a disaster te our cause as Maine was te that of our oppo nents. The success in Indiana is the re suit of means alike discreditable te these employing them and destructive of honest elections. The corrupt use of enormous sums of money and of organized fraud protected by federal power, against a weak candidate for governor, has given Indiana temporarily te our fee. But In diana will be redeemed, for Hancock is stronger than the local candidate every where. Out of this nettle, danger, we will pluck the flower, safety. We aic done with side issues aud weak candidates, for November gives a broader field, and Hancock is at the front. Arouse the peo ple everywhere ; push the column boldly ; give new force and increased vigor te the newspaper and speaking canvass in ev ery locality; embolden the timid; en courage the hesitating ; preach and teach the truth with renewed energy ; redouble your efforts among the masses: make them feel that this battln is for their rights, and is against the power of money, organized fraud, and a strong government. Appeal te their personal in dependence against the domination of em ployers ; te personal right against corpor ate power; te state pride and love of coun try against centralized government aud federal corruption ; te the rule of the peo ple against an army of office-holders. We ugut ier me state, ier eiccteis, congress men and the Legislature. Let it be with the earnest force of men who are deter mined te coerce victory and wc can carry Pennsylvania for our gallant son. He saved the state and the republic at Gettysburg. Let us rally with united force and desper ate energy te repay te him the debt of grat itude the people ewe him and te restore te the whole country unity, prosperity and peace. A. II. Dill, Chairman. AMUSEMENT NOTES. Interebtiiifi appear in MINOR TOPICS. "Let us enceuracre tlm li.nmAm,,j generous rivalry among our own industries which will revive our languishing mer chant marine, extend our commerce with foreign nations, assist our merchants, manufacturers and producers te develop our vast natural resources aud increase the prosperity and happiness of our people." Gen. Hancock's Letter of Acceptance. "A sedulous and scrupulous care of the public credit, together with a wise and economical management of our govern mental expenditures, should be maintained, in order that labor may be lightly bur dened and that all persons may be pro tected in their rights te the fruits of then- own industry. The time has ceme te en joy the substantial benefits of reconcilia tion. As one people we have common in terests." Gen. Hancock's Letter of Acceptance. Sin Fitzrev Kelly, the late chief baron, enjoyed for fifteen years au average professional inceme of 33,000 ($125,000) M 1 X. J .. -. . win idiubb income ever reanzea Dy an English lawyer except Lord Shclberne, who as Sir Reundell Palmer, before his elevation te the woolsack,realized for some years $150,000 a year. The largest income made by a physician in England was by fill. ItAniqmiii T'rax3.A !... ! . ..... iu,..u.u muure, mm ixjauzea in one Iteinx About Actera ami lliclr Flays. Sara Bernhardt sails from Havre for this country te morrow. The McGibeny family are drawing packed houses through the East. The San Francisce minstrels will seen play "The Cannibals of Barren Island." Mishler will bring Havcrly's colored minstrels te this city later in the year. A new variety theatre will be opened en Arch street, Philadelphia, shortly. W. W. Celes's circus leaves San Fran Fran cisce en Oct. 23, for Australia. Gregery and Cransel's pantomime neupc, wnu uoergc uregery as clown, take the jead November 8. Miss Lillie D'Alvc, of the D'Alvc Sis ters, who have played here often, is lyhi" seriously ill at her home in Philadelphia. " Helen Petter's Pleiades this season con sists of Miss Petter and the Eichberg quar tette of violinists. Milten Nobles has made mere money out of "Phoenix" this season than ever before. Nat Salsbury and his ''Troubadours" have made a great hit in Londen. He will probably be here the coming season. Teny Denier's troupe appears te im mense houses every night aud the show is said te be the best Mr. Denier has ever had. Gus Phillips ("Oeftv Goeft" , will sh.-irf. out with a treup in November. He will appear in a new piece by A Bcnrime, in which the here is a Dutchman. Henry S. Seymour, who ran away from Bradford last seasen, where he had charge ofavariety theatre, leaving plenty of un paid bills behind him, is new running a theatre in Dallas, Texas. bteele Mackavc. of the Madisen Kmmin (N. Y.) theatre, was playing Dunstan Eirke in the play of "Hazel Kirkc" dur ing a short tour of one of his companies, which closed their season in Reading en Saturday night. He is new back at the theatre. Last night's entertainmcut was the last that will be given in the opera house for a week after the November election. Owing te the great excitement of the campaign a number of companies have cancelled. The amusement season has been greatly hurt by politics,and it is te be hoped that when the season reopens business will be geed, as se far this season Lancaster has made a fearful showing. Frem Mr..EDglish. Te the Editor of tlie World : Sir : In this contest we have encounter ed the resources of the whole Republican party of the United States and have suffer ed a temporary defeat. In NevemW shall encounter only the Republican party called Southern war claims in the sense used What Iligb Uusluess Authorities Have te Say About Them. Fieni the Financial Column or the rhi'adel pbia Ledger. In reply te the inquiries, "What is the aggregate amount of Southern war claims paid since the war? Alse proportionate amounts of same for which appropriations were made by Congress when the Republi cans and Democrats respectively were in the majority? Alse what amount of such claims are pending unsettled ?" the Jeur nal of Commerce, based en information obtained directly from the books of the department of Washington, first premis ing that " Southern war claims " is a very indefinite term, but supposing the inquiry refers te the se-called claims of loyal citi zens for property used or destroyed by the United States government during the tear in states recegnised in rebellion, answers that By the act of March 3d, 1871, the Forty Ferty lirst Congress (the Republicans in a large majority in both branches) created what has been known as the Southern Claims Commission, consisting of three commis sioners. This tribunal had jurisdiction evr all citizens of the United States who during the rebulien were "leval adherents te the cause and the government of the United States," and who had claims for stores or supplies taken or furnished for use of the army or navy of the United States in states preclamed as in insurrec tion aud claims for the use or less of vessels or beats while employed in the service of the government in such states. The tri bunal was organized by the appointment of tin cc pronounced Republican commis sioners. The two most important rulings of the commission were (1) that every claimant should prove his loyalty affirma tively, and (2) that the term "stores and supplies" should embrace net only quarter master and commissary supplies, but also engineer, ordnance aud medical supplies, including cotton used in hospitals, and the materials of buildings and fences when tern down and used for fuel. The Southern claims commission expired en the 10th of March, 1880. During the nine years of its existence Congress appropriated in round numbers $4,500,000 for the payment of claims allowed by the commission. Special private relief acts, making ap propriations for the payment of claims for the use or less of property of loyal citizens in states in rebellion were passed by the Thirty-ninth (18G5-'C7), Fortieth (1867 G9), Forty-first (18G9-'71), Forty-second (1871-'73), and Forty-third (1873-'75) Con gresses (all largely Republican), the ap propriations aggregating ever $500,000. One of these special acts appropriated 9,500 for the destruction of certain build ings; another $50,000 for cotton; several paid specified amounts for the rent of buildings ; aud one bill made an appropri ation for refitting the hall of a Masonic ledge which had been damaged by the military all in the insurrectionary states. Bills of this sort arc new denounced as " rebel claims." They are thus " heist by their own petard." It is a noteworthy fact that, since the Democrats ebtaiued the control of the Heuse of Representatives in 1875. net a single dollar has been voted by Congress for the payment of claims for the use or destruction of property during the war in the states in rebellion, except the appro priations made te pay the awards of the Republican Southern claims commission created by a Republican Congress in 1871. The awards of that commission, for which Congress has provided since 1875, amount ed te 61,900,000. The act of July 4. providing that "all claims of loyal citizens in states net in re bellion for quartermaster stores actually furnished te the array of the United States and receipted for by the proper officers re ceiving the same, or which may have been taicen eysucu officers without giving such receipt," may be presented te the quarter master general, and that similar claims for sustenance may be submitted te the com missary general for settlement, was in 1800 extended te the loyal citizens of Ten nessee. Previous te the fiscal year 1876 the awards made by the accounting officers under the act of 1864 were paid by the treasury without being submitted te Con gress. But beginning with the year 187G Congress directed that the claims passed upon by the accounting officers should be paid only by special and specific apprepri atiens, emce mat time appropriations amounting te about $400,000 have been made te pay the claims of loyal citi zens of Tennessee passed upon by the ac counting officers of the treasury. It thus appears that the total amount of claims for the use or less of property in the states in rebellion, paid by apprepria tionsmadeby Congress, has been about $5,500,000. All these appropriations were made by or in pursuance of laws passed Republican Congresses. 1 here are ether classes of claims which have been created aud recognized by gen eral legislation passed by Republican Congresses in 1803. 1864 and 1872. The act of March 13, 18G3, as amended by the act of July 2, 1864, authorized the appoint ment of agents by the secretary of the treasury, te collect and forward te the loyal states all personal property (except ships, beats, arms and munitions of war) captured by the United States forces in insurrectionary states, and also te collect and transfer as such property found aban doned, either in fact or in law, by the absence of the owner engaged iu aiding the rebellion; the prep city te be sold, and the proceeds, less all expenses, te be paid into the treasury. It was further provided that the owners of such property might by pe tition in the court of claims, te be filed within two years of the end of the rebel lion, receive the proceeds of such nrennrfcv in the treasury upon satisfactory proof of ownership, their right te the proceeds thereof, and that they never had given aid or comfort te the rebellion. The supreme court decided that August 20, 186C, was the date marking the end of the rebellion ; hence the limitation te the filling of the aoevc ciass ei claims was August 20, 1868. Under the act of 1804, $28,818,038, the proceeds of captured and abandoned prop erty, were covered into the treasury. Of that amount the court of claims has re turned by award ever $11,000,000. Claims te the amount of about $10,000,000 filed before August 20, 1868, are still' pending. Most of them, without doubt, will be disallowed. The act of July 4, 1804, enlarged the jurisdiction of the accounting afficcrs, and included cases where the stores and subsist ence iu question had been furnished te or taken by the army without the stict legal form as prescribed by the rules of the de partments. The time within which these claims could be filed expired January 1, leau, the work et adjusting and allowing which has been going en quietly for 16 years. Recent inquiry discloses the fact that the quartermaster general and com missary general allowed ever $4,700,000 unuer tiie act ei July 4, 1804, and have disallowed about $25,000,000. There are some 25, 000 of these claims yet te be di&; posed of, the amount claimed aggregating iuvui ?iv,vui,vw. jxu mis weris uas ecen dene under a law passed by a Republican Congress sixteen years ase. Most of the claims of this class come from Missouri. Kentucky, Ohie, Maryland, Tennessee, and utH Virginia, ana cannot ee accurately claims (or claims coming from states which seceded) pending unsettled, it is impossible te speak definitely. On this point there is just new a great deal of loose talk. The loyal claimants of the se ceded states have had their ''day in court." They were given nine years he fore the Southern claims commission. There weie presented te that tribunal 22,298 claims, the amount claimed l(of course exaggerated) being $G0,000,000. The commission disposed of 17,000 cases, allowing $4,500,000, and disallowing about $40,000,000. At the same time the com mission expired (March 10, 1830) there were pending 5,250 cases, claiming $15, 009,000. But no evidence had been filed in these cases, and they were under the law "forever barred." Se far as the se-called "'rebel claims" are concerned, it ought te understood that Congress has never passed either a general or a special act paying any person who was disloyal during the war for the use or de struction of property by the government during the war, and no senator or repre sentative from the North or the Seuth, Re publican or Democrat, has ever proposed in Congress, by bill or otherwise, te pay disloyal person or classes of disloyal persons for the less or use of property by the army or the Geverment iu the seceded States during the rebellion. A New Yerk journal a few days age printed a list of seventy Democratic senators and representatives each of whom, it was asserted, had intro duced seme measure te "facilitate the passage of rebel claims.' irthis declar ation is intended te convey the idea that these senators and representatives have introduced bills te pay "rebels" or dis loyal peisens for the use or destruction of property during the war, it is a gross misrepresentation. As an illustration of hew reckless is much of the talk about "rebel claims," take the preposition te refund what is known as the cotton tax. That was an internal revenue tax en cotton collected during the years 1866, 18G7 aud 18G8, after the close of the war. It was subsequently declared uncon stitutional by the supreme court. The pro pre position te refund the tax is no mere a "rc "rc bel claim" thau the refund of customs du ties illegally collected at the pert of New Yerk. It had far mere friend!, in the Re publican Congresses siv or ei!ht jcars age than it has ever had since that time. There isn't the remotest probability of its pass ing' congress under any circumstances. It no longer figures among the possibilities except in the unscrupulous minds of party leaders and iu the vaperings of party jour nals during political campaigns. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. 33,026 imniagiants airivcd at Bosten during the year which ended en Septem ber .wen. At Pienticc Vale, neai Duke Centre, iu the oil regions, two children of Geerge Riley were burned te death in their fath er's house which caught fire while no ene was at home but the children. Yesterday was the fourth day of thescs-qui-ccntennial celebration in' Baltimore, aud was devoted te a parade of beneficial, benevolent and religious societies and se cret organizations. The city was again il luminated at night. The annu.ll meeting of the stockholders of the Ohie fc Mississippi railroad was held yesterday in Ciunciuati. It was stated in the president's rcpeit that the net earnings of the read for the year ending December 30 next would probably reach SI,dUU,UUU. Frederick Kiihcn.smcn while gunning en the beach near Cedar Greve, N. J., was instantly killed by the accidental discharge of his gun, which slipped from the scat of a wagea in which Mr. Kirchcnsmcn and two friends were ruling. The entire charge entered his breast. Mr. Kircheus men was piopricterofthc New Yerk house and was about -13 yeais of age. The caving iu of the railiead tunnel near West Point was caused by the striking of a spring of water. The water burst forth a week age, and seriously inlerferied with the work en the tunnel. The body of Pat rick Cerrigau, who fell into the chasm, was washed out of the tunnel entrance yes- reruay morning, with the neck bieken. The laboratory buildings near the cave arc beginning te settle. A large hotel, te cost ever 81.000.000. is te be erected en Eighth avenue, opposite Cci.tral Park, New Yerk. The work has been already commenced, and the structure will occupy the whole front of the block in Eighth avenue, between Seventy-second and Seventy-third .streets. The building will front 104 feet en the avenue by 200 feet en each of the .streets named, and will be nine stories in height, with a peaked roei. it win inclese a large court-yard. The "Cheap Transportation Convention" met yesterday in Chicago. About 400 dele gates, from the West and Seuth, the At lantic and border states, were present. Matthew Andersen, of Mississippi, was elected president ; M. J. Fowler, et' New Yerk, vice president ; and Jonathan Per ian, secretary. Discussion was had en the question of holding railroad corporations te strict accountability for their manner of conducting business, and of regulating their charges by national legislation LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. DecUaatiea. Messrs. Editors : As you arc aware, I am net responsible for the announcement of my name as a candidate for Assembly. I have made no effort te secure the nomi nation, nor have I ever had any personal desire for it unless party interests should seem te require it. Ne such necessity is apparent. Therefore, thankiug my Democratic friends for many past favors, and with my earnest wishes for harmony, and the suc cess of the nominee, I respectfully decline te he longer considered as a candidate for the nomination. Wm. McCemset. TH DRAMA. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CIWYEXTI05. AUdres by the Hlartoe Orator Narayaa Thursday Afternoon. After two had been suii'r by the a hymn or convention, llurtley Campbell' ' Galley SI.ne" at tlie Opera Heuse. The critics have said that Mr. Bartley Campbell's play of " The Galley Slave " is lacking in the element of probability se es sential te successful dramatic compo sition. It is mere than likely that a rigid analytic scrutiny into the scries of incidents that makn up this production of the author's pro lific pen would discover a great many de fective links iu the chain he has wrought ; but for all that. the piece is eudewed with the merit of early engaging the inteicst of the average spectator, and se absorbing it that he hasn't the inclination te leek tee closely at the mechanical con struction nor te observe where the bounds of probability are overstepped. At all events the goodly audience gathered in the opera house List evening did net mani fest any such disposition,judging fieni the palpable favor with which the play was re ceived and the unstinted applause be stowed upon the thrilling periods iu which actual incongruity would have been dis covered by the' keen vision of your wide-awake, sharp-eyed "expert." The theme of "The Galley Slave" is of a man who prefers ignominious punishment aud disgrace in his innocence rather than by his exculpation brim; the suspicion of (lis-1 honor upon a pure woman. Whilst net at all original with Mr. Campbell, it is defty, treated and wrought out by that popu lar play-wright, who with rare per ception of the peculiar weaknes of his audi ence has made his leading characters Americans, but placed them iu a fereigu atmosphere, surrounded by which purple haze they seem te take en new ferm.s of indefinable beauty and attractiveness. Florence, Reme and Paris constitute the centres, of action, and the spectacle of the utter self abnegation of lever aud here in his calm and stern determination te face all the horrors of Teulon before one sylla bic shall escape his lips which may create esclandre upon the name he worships, is a scene grand and heroic in itself, and is ren dered mere intensely fascinating in view of thc,fact that the punishment he invites the chain and ear of the galleys is far mere romantic than the very matter-of-fact cell of an American jail. Mr. Camp bell has utilized this characteristic of an American audience te very geed cft'tet. The piece was well presented. Miss Gus Gus sie De Ferrest, in the rele of Cicely Blaine, an American heiress and a sad sufferer through a case of mistaken identity, gave an admirable portrayal of passion aud pain ; Signora Ma Ma jcreni is an actress of real power and well adapted for the rele she se successfully performed, Francesca Brabant, the wronged and deserted wife and mother ; and Miss Nellie Barbour, a local favorite, charmed her audience by her apt nn f . r w - . . rrei. . u. r isciier sang the sole, "Make itoeiu 1 or Jesus and this was followed by the hymns "Hew cau I live without Jesus," Bringing in the Sheaves," and an invocation by Rev. Anstadt. The newly elected officers of the conven tion were announced and took their seats, President Whitney making a brief ad dress. The president then introduced te the audience the distinguished Hindoe con vert and missionary, Rev. Narayan She shadri. who appeared arrayed in Ori ental custuine with a great white tur ban en his head, a loose sack coat of pecu liar cut, under which was a white skirt reaching nearly te his knees, and under thisapairef loose fitting trousers. The reverend gentlemau is a little below the medium height, has a-large and finely de veloped head covered with black hair, a dark and swarthy face of Oriental type, an iron-gray moustache, but no ether beard, piercing black eyes, aud strongly marked features, with a decidedly honest and be nevolent expression. As seen as he com menced te speak it was evident that he was sufleiiiig from a very bad cold, his voice being harsh and huskv. He spoke with a geed ileal el difficulty, but without personatien of the Ievins. whole-seuled American girl, whose rosy checks, bright eyes and pretty features, were uncommon ly effective, and her acting was nevcr un natural. Miss Clara Stencall was quite satisfactory in her role of Mrs. Phcbc Gay. Of the mcn,Mr. Frank Evans made a geed here and is a clever actor ; Messrs. Themas II. Burns and Junius B. Beeth supplied plenty of merry humor that served te light up the edges of the pathos with which the piece is largely imbued, and Mr. Sullivan performed his rather unjrracieus role of the heavy villain in a pains-taking aud conscientious manner. The remainder of the cast were satisfactory in their respect ive parts, the costumes of the ladies were exceedingly rich and tasteful, and the scenery and mounting cemmcndably ef fective. All in all the performance amply justified Manager Mishlcr's liberal premises. MB. AND 9IK8. CAST'S GOLDEN DING. WED actually manufactured, fairly between year 65t000 of which $25,000 was for one ? Iudlana and confidently expect te carry I when speaking of the claims allowed by the parties? Certainly if he knew thp operation for the stone. ' thP ste;. -- . Ws H. Ekgush. I the Southern claims commission, yunewiewthe Indianapolis, October 14. 3. Astothe amount of Southern war STATE ITEMS. Henry Lilly, aired four vears. lcsidinir nt Ne. 1,037 North Fourth street, was jester day ruu ever and killed by car Ne. 61 of the Union line, en Fourth street, Phila delphia, above Berks. In the pocket of a prisoner arrested in Philadelphia for drunkenness and who was found dead iu a cell yesterday morning, was a tag en a bunch of keys, labeled J. Herace Swinford, grocer, Tipton, Iowa. Charles McLigup, aged 2 J years, was fatally injured by an explosion of powder mine west 1'ittsten colliery at Pittston, yesterday. He had been married only four months, and his wife is evpeeted te die from the shock. Thes. Boguc, aged 70, residing at Ne. 2,430 Pine street, died at the Twentieth district police station, Philadelphia, from injuries received by being crushed between a pile of biicks and a passenger railway cir, en Market street, west of Fifteenth. Disastrous Kirc. A lire in Shclbyvillc, Ind., destroyed the furniture factory of Conrey, Waller & Djjprcty, the planing mill of X K. Stewart VO., ana several dwellings, causiii"- a less of $35,000. A fire in the village of Huntington, nine miles north of Bridgeport, Conn., destroy ed a spoke factory, cider mill, vinegar works, barn and storehouses, all owned by Geerge S. Thompson, and the dwelling of Agur Judsen. Less, $20,000. The steamship Jee Brycrly was binned near the mouth of Rail river, L-x. She was valued at $19,000, and had about 1,200 bales of cotton en heaul. Ne liws were lest. Ferest liics have been burning for sev eral days near Seuth Ambey, N. J., aud a renewal of the spring aud sum mcr's de vastations is feared as a consequence of the dreuth. A tract of valuable timber in Sayreville has been dcstieycd. i Sales efltcal Instate. Henry Shubcrt, auctiener, sold at public sale October 14, at the Cadwcll house, for executers et the estate el Michael Malenc, decd., the following property : Ne. 2. A two-story brick dwelling situ ated en the west side of North Lime street Ne. 128. Te Jehn F. Sener, for $2,210. Ne. 3. A three-story brick dwelling sit uated en the south side of East Chestnut street, near Duke, Ne. 44. Te Wm. Lant. for $3,500. Ne. 1, en the northeast corner of Orange and Shippen streets, was withdrawn at $6,050; A Joyous Kennlen of friends ami KeJutiie Uappy Keniinlsccnccs uf the 1'ast. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Christ ian Gast, Ne. 224 West Chestnut street, last evening, before the general arrival of the guests invited te celebrate the golden anniversary of their wedding, there was an assemblage of the immediate mcmbeis and closest friends of the family who engaged in religious and social exeicises, espec ially appropriate te the occasion. Mr.Oast's pastor, Rev. Dr. J. B. Shumakcr, of St. Paul's Reformed church, pronounced a prayer and followed it with the leading of the 103d Psalm aud a fitting address en the significance of the occasion. Rev. Dr. J. H. Dubbs followed in a very happy aud feeling address and then prayer was offered by the venerable Father Jehn G. Fritchcy. Rev. J. A. Peters, of the First Reformed church, made an address and concluded it by pronouncing the benediction aud the whole company sang the doxology. Frem 7 until 11 p. m. the reception in" the invited guests eccuired, aud during this time there was a steady throng of visitors who desired te pay their respects te the host and hostess. Anions thec who called were many el the foremost citizens of Lancaster city aud county, dis tinguished in business and professional walks of life, and including the Re formed and ether elerev of the city aud the college and scminaiy piofcs piefcs piofcs sers. The only person present who witnessed the original ceremony which made Mr. aud Mrs. Gast man aud wife was Mrs. Abram Erisman nee Oster). Every ether attendant en their marriage is dead. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. Heflmcicr, who celebrated their golden wedding seme years age. As expected, all the children of the " bride and groom " who arc living were present, Chas. E. Gast, esq., making a Hying trip from Pueblo, Cel., te attend. The company was very handsomely en tertained and the entire evening passed off with the highest satisfaction te hosts aud guests. By special request en the invita tions there were "no presents," though some of the family felt at liberty te disre gard the injunction and testified te their esteem for their parents in a substantial form. any rant, and with little gesticulation. He spoKe hngh-h wry llucntly, and the only noticeable accent Was his German-like pronunciation ei the . lie said !u had been requested te tell hew the guspjl had reached him, and hew he had been enabled te impart it te ethers, lie said he was born a Brahmin, a class of the Hindoe people who are regarded as be ing above all ether classes a class holding a much loftier position than the Pharisees held among the Jews. The Brahmin's were believed te have proceeded directly fieni the mouth of the Ged Brahma. A second class are supposed te have pro ceeded from his arms, a third from his thighs and a fourth from his feet. The lowest class of Hindoes are regarded as outcasts and arc called "the accursed, ones;" hut foreigners are regarded as be ing far lower even than these. The Brah mins retvivu the worship of the classes be bo be lew th'.-in ; having come from the mouth of Brahim, they are regauled as gods. Fer a long time, the speaker said, he was proud te believe himself a god and te receive the worship due te a divine being. Men and woman appeared before him and weis!iip.d him; they came iu the utmost humility ; they were no shoes or stockings, their feet beinir uncased in little bags, something like slippers. Before coining into his presence these weie taken eifaud their feet were covered with flowers and sandal weed, and thus they came into his presence and bowed before him and worshipped him. He, of course, fancied himself a poison of great importance, and received their worship as though he were a god. Owing te English influences in In dia many ISrahmins leain the English lan guage, :ts it gives them many advantages. He tee wished te leain the language though he -wished te avoid the Christian missienaiy fnstitutiens, because if it were known he had visited them his honor and power would be destroyed. Finally, how ever, hying unable te get instruction in English i-N'-whcre, he went te Bombay and took in -.t i net ions at the missionary insti insti tien, which Dr. Murray Mitchell aud ethers were master Uaehers. He wanted none of their religion, but only a knowledge of their language : and se. avoiding the Bible and ail religious instructions, he applied hiuteclf te grammar, arithmetic geography and ether branches, and seen acquired some knowledge of these, but carefully avoided allBible lessens or any religious insti notion. Believing himself te be a god he needed none. But Ged has wondrous ways of emptying out men's conceit. In common with all Brahmin children he was familiar with Hindoe supcislitiens as narrated in their sacred writings. Seme of these legends are se pal pably ludicrous and false that he could net believe them. Here the learned speaker narrated at length .seme of the Hindoe legends, eiks of which was about the Ged Agasti swallowing up all the oceans at three uieuthfuls ; another about a giant who sleeps six mouths at a time and shakes the world with eaithquakcs evcry time he snores ; another about the wiekciiiii's-. and terrible punishment of a god-me.il.ty or monkey-god, with a very long tail, who expiated his sins by having rags satttiated with oil tied around his tail and then -et en lire ; and afterwards had mountains oiled upon him, a separate mountain for every separate hair en his body. The ,e F.terics were net calculated te favorably impress the student after knowledge and afforded no consolation. He turned te the Brahmin philosophers and found thorn divided into two classes the thcistie.il and atheistical. The doc trines of the feimer taught him that Ged was responsible for everything ; that man's weakness, felly and sin aic Ged's weakness, felly and sin. The philosophy of the Buddhists or atheists, en the ether hand, taught him that there was no personal god, and yet they worship net only Buddha, but their own ancestors. In India a man cannot live without religion of some sort; he must be a Brahmin, or Parser, or Mohammedan cr Buddhist, something else ; he cannot get a'f";. as he doe- sometimes in the United States, without any religion ; and se. finally he was led te the Bible and TKK1UULE ACCIDENT. A 3Ian Has Ills Skull Crushed. H. P. Krick, the well known butcher, who resides near Mcchanicsburg, met with a terrible accident yesterday, lie was sitting with a friend along side of Pine creek mill, which was having a new; shin gle reef put en it. While they were en gaged in conversation a bundle of shingles fell from the reef and struck Sir. Krick en the head crushing his skull, as it is said He is new in a dangerous condition. Felonious Eatry. Last night Thes. Rcdley and Jehn Scott, were arrested by Officer Flick in the new machine shop of Bender and Heluian, East Chestnut near Duke. They had in their possession, when arrested, some of the tools of the workmen. The trespassers were locked up for a bearing. icad it, and studied it and was converted, lie nad the prophets with especial interest, and these p.u ts of the Bible mere than any ether led te his conversion. Se many of them had been literally fulfilled, and se many incidents recorded in them seem ed te show that Ged, and net man, had governed, that he could net disbelieve. The premises of Neah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and ether patriaichs had been se literally fullillcd that they compelled be lief. Ged's will, and net manV, was em phatically maikcd in the selection of Jii'.l.ih iustiMii of Benjamin, and David in stead el his cider brothers as Ged's chosen tiii-tiunifiits. Had man's.judgment governed, Jerusalem and net Bethlehem would Ii.ue been the birth-place of the Lord. The speaker then at considerable length ;i.ii rated his religious experience, gave a veiy interesting account of his trials in being obliged by his conversion, te break up hU family connections, te leave father and mother, sisters and broth ers, te renounce pretensions of being a god and te become a servant of the Lord. The rcvemid speaker concluded his dis course by giving a very interesting ac count er'Iiis missionary labors and his cs- tablislini' nt of Bethel, a settlement he has founded iu the midst of the heathen, and ofwhe:4. prosperity and growth he spoke with pardonable pride. Theaitcinoeu's session was concluded with peme reiiuiiks en " blackboard illus trative teachings," President Whitney, Sccrctaiy Wagner aud ethers giving their views en the matter. Thutsdiy Ecening. After singing a hymn or two by the convention prayer was elfei cd by Rev. R. W. Hufferd, of St. Jehn':' Lutheran church, this city. The committee appointed te select time and plac for nest year's convention named no particular plate, but recommended that it be hcM iu the western part of the state, and that ttiu time aud place he selected by the executive committee. Clir.ii ma u Whitney announced that Jehn Wanamakcr. w he was te have been pres ent and (k-Hvvr au addrcssen thc " Raikes Ccntcn:y,Lo'iden," was unable te attend te fulfil his engagement, owing te his hav ing a s-erc threat. Unsuccessful efforts were made te secure Dr. Beardman or some ether eminent person te take his place. The president then introduced Sec- . AZ'S.?s$.