' ti;!?vJ5y" -"V-iJ fesv"- -" ,$ r" V" T. "-. t,- Jj6 &&&!?''', 2c- ---"" 'i'-"'" Ji -.--.;; ,-,-. ;i.. tMMwMHI LANCASTER DAILY INTKLLIGENOER. THTJESDAY OCTOBER 14 1880. Lancaster intelligencer. THURSDAY EVENING. OCT. 14, 1880. Re-Fest the Besks. Events transpiring in the "West re quire a slight recasting of the political books as we posted them shortly after the Maine election. The results of Tues day prove nothing except that the Re publicans will adhere mere closely than had been expected te their party allegi ance. It proves this and proves nothing else. Hence it may be assumed that certain Republican states will be reason ably certain for Garfield in November. Ter example : New Hampshire 5 Illinois 21 Massachusetss 13 Michigan H Colerado Minnesota 5 Vermont Rhede Island 4 lewa ......- Kansas 5 Nebraska Total 103 The following states, which voted for Mr. Tilden in 1870 and are Democratic, are very certain te vote for Gen. Han cock and have altogether three mere electoral votes than are necessary te his success : Connecticut New Yerk New Jersey Delaware. Alabama Arkansas Flerida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi Misseuii North Carolina. Seuth Carolina. Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia.. 0 :$r J) 10 n 4 n 12 8 8 8 15 10 7 12 11 Total 183 Leaving the following states te be con tested between the opposing parties from new until November , with varying chances of success : Indiana ! Maine 7 Pennsylvania 20 Wisconsin 10 Oregon 3 California 0 Nevada I Ott ! There is net one of these in which the Democracy have net a geed lighting chance, and Hancock is mere likely te get 40 of these 73 electoral votes than te lese any state set down in the Democrat ic column. A horse that can .show his speed en the homestretch is a geed deal mere likely te win the nice than one which can go fast enough te break at the third quarter pole. The Indiana Result. Democrats have been placing se much reliance upon Indiana that they are un duly troubled by the unexpected less of the state. Te most Democrats the less has been, very unlooked-for, though, upon what they based their great confidence we never have been able te see : and sev eral weeks age we tried te warn them of the unsubstantial nature of their expec tation and te persuade them te keep their eyes upon their own work in Penn sylvania, a state that there is every rea son te expect te carry for Hancock, and which should rather inspire Indiana and her sisier states than be inspired by them. This is what we then said : The Indi ana elect ion in October, although it will be of great importance in inspiriting or dispiriting parties with its result, will net be of Mich vital consequence as te disastrously affect the canvass in General Hancock's state. He can carry that though his colleague in the contest should net be able te held up his end of the string. We de net knew anything of the Indiana canvass in detail, norde we need te. We I'ennsylvanians have our own work te de in seeing that General Han cock gets his native state. This we knew his popularity will enable us te give him. It is a guarantee of his secur ing it outside the parly strength. It is an element in the contest here which, of course, does net enter into the canvass in Indiana or any ether state ; just as the popularity or unpopularity of Mr. English in Indiana does net affect the political battle in Pennsylvania. We held, therefore, that our fight is quite in deiendcnt of that in Indiana, and that our geed sense demands that we keep it separate.'' But Democrats are very curious crea tures, who are likely te be inspirited and dispirited with equal lack of reason. " Many of them really found fault with us for speaking in a doubtful way of the Indiana result, and thought it was very wrong thus te dampen the ardor of the people. They would net leek ahead and contemplate the greater discouragement which would come from the possible less of Indiana, and reason, with us, that it was lietter te get ready for an agreeable surprise than a mortifying disappoint ment. They probably realize their felly new. But it was gross felly. There was nothing in the situation in Indiana te entitle us te be confident of the state if it was vigorously contested against us. It was Democratic four years age by a meagre majority of some five thousand at the October election in 187G, when the candidate for vice president was the favorite son of that state. Hew could we think that the great popularity of Hendricks was net the controlling element in that canvass ? We did net think it. We knew it, but refused te read its le?seu, which was that in 18S0, with an unpopular candidate for governor, and a candidate for vice presi dent who seams te have had the esteem but net the warm affection of the people of his state, the five thousand majority of 187C would be likely te be mere than dissipated. Te these positive - elements of weakness was added the fact that the enemy perceiving them and knowing the discouraging effect which the less of Indiana would be likely te have upon flO Ttemnllfl' cfl(lilltit liririT liuvi tA VMW Af usvte wj hsatisawi v.i i UV.A .j carry it. The Republican bankers and manufacturers were freely bled and the mighty power of their dollars was used for all they were worth. The schism in the Republican party caused by the disappointment of Grant's friends at Chicago was healed by the bargain made at Menter, and the party men, money and machinery were in united array against us in Indiana. There is positively no reason for seri ous discouragement at the Indiana re sult. As we said this weeks age we re peat it new. It shows that the Repub lican party is well united and well sup plied with money, as it was four years age when Ave beat it. Then we carneu Indiana by the happy choice of her strongest statesman. New we must ex pect te get along without her, for though it is (mite probable that in Novem ber, when the extraordinary out side pressure is off her, she will rebound te us, we cannot depend upon her. In 187G we carried, in the .N erth, New Yerk, New Jersey and Connecticut, beside Indiana, and these three states with their fifty electoral votes, which arc enough te elect our ticket, we have bet ter reason te expect te carry new than we had then. "With a united party and a strong candidate who has the enthusi astic support of his followers, what is there te discourage ns ? Then we may count en three votes in Maine, and leek for the vote of California and Oregon. In our own judgment, we may confi dently expect the electoral vote of Penn sylvania te be cast for a son of her own soil. This expectation is net generally shared by the Democrats who were yet se confident of Indiana. It may be that their judgment will be found again at fault. Rut without counting Hancock's state for him, there are cr.eagh electoral votes reasonably sure for him te make it absurd for Democrats te go into mourn ing ever the insignificant result in In diana. The Republicans, who were jn the dumps ever Maine, are new taking their spree of joy, but it will be a short laugh, we feel very sure. Hancock has had his Bull Run. He will see his Gettysburg en November 2. New is the time for Democrats show that they tire the " unterrified." te HANCOCK at Gr.TTYsnuiu;. Tlie TliimkM of the Natien. Be it lieselveil, by the Senate and Heuse of Representatives, dr. That, in addition, e the thanks heretofore voted, by joint resolution, approved January 28, 18G4, te Maj. den. Gee. G. Meade, Maj. Gen. O. O. Heward, and te the officers and soldiers of the Army of the Potomac, for the skill and heroic valor which, at Gettysburg, repulsed, defeated and drove back, broken and dispirited, the veteran army of the rebellion, the gratitude of the American people and the thanks of their represen tatives in Congress arc likewise due and arc hereby tendered te Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock for his gallant, meritorious and conspicuous share in that great and decisive victory. Passed by the Heme, April 10, 18G0 ; passed hi the Senate, April 18, 1800 ; s'nned ly the President, AjmlM, ISGfl. "The troops under repulsed the enemy"! my com maud have attack, and have gained a great victory. The enemy arc new living in all directions. " W. S. Hancock, " Majer General." 'Say te Gen. Hancock that I regret ex ceedingly that he is wounded, and that I thank him for the country and for myself for the gi eat service he has rendered to day. Gee. G. Mkaih:, "Mai. Gen. Commanding. ' - MEMUKABLE WORDS. Lincoln's Opinion of Haneek. " Seme of (he elder 'jcnerah hate said te me that he is rash, and I hate said te them that 1 hare watched General HancecVa con duct very carefully, and I hate found that ichen he gees into action he achieve his pur pose and comes out with a smaller list of cas ualties than any of them. If hit life and strength arc spared I beliete that General Hancock is destined te be one of the most distinguished men of the age."' And te show hew much he thought of him Mr. Lincoln declared that he always opened his morning mail in fear and trem bling lest he would hear that (Sen. Han cock had been killed or wounded. PERSONAL. Mr. Themas HimiiEs, M. P., who has been the guest of Professer Geldwiu Smith in Terente, for several days, left yesterday for New Yerk. Mr. Jeiix H. Pauneij., brother of tie famous Irish agitator, has a line peach or chard in Alabama of 250 acres, containing about 80,000 trees, from which a geed yield is 100,000 boxes, weighing 1.500.0CO pounds. Pni.EG Si'RAGUR died in Bosten yester day, aged eighty-seven. In 1821 and 1823 he was in the Nineteenth Congress, "and we'nt te the Senate in 1S29, serving until 1835. lie was afterwards judge of the United States district court for Massachu setts from I860 te 18G5. The Crown Prince of Austria is te re ceive en his marriage, from the aristocracy of Vienna, a present of a magnificent al bum, each leaf of which will contain J drawings and water-color copies of the most celebrated and best-known paint ings. Colonel Henry McCeumick, the Hanis hurg iron manufacturer, who owns several mills and employs mere than a thousand men, has posted notices iu all his estab lishments warning the bosses and ethers in authority "net te use their influence upon employees cither way in the mat ter of politics, en penalty of discharge."' Mr. McC. is a Democrat but docs net carry politics into "business." The German Crown Prince has been the ; most popular of all the visitors at the Pas sion Play iu Obcrammergua. He stayed out the entire play, and afterward told the burgomaster that he should never forget the performance, for the impression made upon him was greater than he could ex. press. It is already a tradition among the Obcrammergua peasantry that tears steed in the eyes of " Uxser Fritz " when he said these words and grasped the burgo master's hand. a. testimonial te Mrs. haves nas been arranged in recognition of her services te flie tniiinni"inrn nince in lvuiicliinrr infnv!. .iv iwnijbiuuvi. vhu.jv vauieitui iiiiai- eating liquors from the White Heuse table. Commissioners for the collection of subscriptions have been appointed in the different states, and it is proposed te place a full-length portrait of Mrs. Hayes in the White Heuse, and te establish a fund, known as the Hayes fund, for the circulation of total abstinence literature. GeneralGtitAST proceeded te the state house in Bosten, yesterday morning, and was recived by Governer Leng and the executive council. After the reception the general and party visited the Quincy mar ket and the Merchants' association rooms, the crowds along the streets cheering as he passed. At Mechanics' hall a collation was served and a reception held. He here made one of the longest speeches of his life, devoted chiefly te our Mexican rela tiens. Founder's Day is celebrated at the Le high university, Bethlehem, te-day. Senater Bayard delivers an address in Packer hall. A life-size portrait of Judge Packer will be unveiled. This afternoon the annual sports of the University Atidctic association take place iu the Athletic grounds, and in the evening theie will be a fine display of fireworks in the University park. Senater and Mr. Cam Cam eeon will be present, and, with Senater Bayard, will he the guests of R. A. Lam Lam berten, president of the university. Judge Packer expended a million of dollars in founding the university and by his will gavcauethcr million and a half te endow it, and yet another half a million te round and endow its library. There is a paragraph going the rounds te the effect that the famous Mrs. Gkundy whose word in the law of fashion, and the mere terror of whose reproof is a social corrective, was the wife of a noted politi cian of forty and fifty ycais age, Felix Grundy, of Tennessee, President Van Bu ren's attorney general. She is said te have ruled Washington society with a red of iron, and her social authority te have been se supreme that "Mrs. Grundy says" was conclusive in all social debate. Mrs. Felix Grundy may have been this autocratic lady, but she is net the original of the phrase, "What will Mrs. Grundy say?" That personage, as any diction ary of quotations will show, is found by name in Morten's comedy of Speed the Plough, which somewhat antedates the wife of Mr. Van Burcn's attorney general. Themas Morten was born in 17(54 and died iu 18.18. MINOR TOPICS. In Pert Jervis, N. Y., yesterday, fifty ladies voted at the school election. A ticket composed of ladies was defeated. Other ticket.; were in the field, run en a sectarian issue, the anti-Catholic ticket being successful by a plurality of 1G7. The Scotsman says that since "(Jidda's"' novels were tabooed by the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution some of the direc tors have read the whole of these obnox ious works, probably te qualify themselves with arguments should the question be again raised. Tiieke is new only one theatre in the country, the Bosten Museum, where the old system of weekly changes of bill by a stock company is maintained. All the rest, except the few which run plays for lone periods, arc (riven up te travcliug parties. Actors never before earned their pay se easily. With only half a dozen, or fewer, parts te study for an entire season, and no rehearsals attcr-.cacu new play is fairly started, the labor is almost confined te the time actually spent in the public performance. M. Gamurtta, in opening some two years age a ftec library iu Paris, hinted at a phase of the educational problem which has net yet received much attention in this country. If you educate people, he said, you unavoidably develop in them certain tastes, and it is the duty of society te give them the means te gratify these tastes, which, in themselves laudable enough, have beceme doubly legitimate through the means which society and the state employ te force education upon pee ple, sometimes instinctively unwilling te share in its pretended benefits. In the state of Georgia there are only about 90, 000 colored children of school age, and last year 80,000 were enrolled in the schools, In 1873 there wcie but 10,755 colored children attending the public schools. In 1874, a year after the Demo crats had driven the Republican carpet baggers from power, 53,309 colored men paid taxes en 39G,G58 acres of laud ; last year 85,522 colored men owned and paid taxes en 541,119 acres rf land. The colored people of Georgia would net be willing te exchange places with the foreign born but industrious and intelligent work werk ingmen of Rhede Island. The Bosten Pilet, noticing the recent Irish Republican convention at Saratoga, thus rebukes the animus that in spired the Republican politicians te devise that movement : " It probably did net represent many Irish voters. Wc have no wish te criticise its proceedings, but wc think it was a mistake te ask Irishmen te vote the Republican ticket merely because the Republican party has placed some Irishman in of fice. There should be a better reason than considerations of bread and butter for supporting any party. One man, Irish or otherwise, has just the same right te be a Republican that auether has te be a Democrat, but in cither case the man should be led by his convictions of right, net by the hope of getting a petty office. The Republicans who pretend te believe that Hancock's election will be followed by a period of depression in business, which is the latest Republican argument, have net faith enough in their creed te bet en it. A Cincinnati banker who made himself conspicuous by prophesying that gevcin- ment bends would go down te ninety per cent, iu the event of a Democratic victory was challenged by Hen. Theodere Cook te back his statement, by agreeing te sell the latter a million dollars worth of four pol ecat, bends at par en the day after Han cock' election, but declined. Anether Republican, Solen B. Smith, secretary of the Republican central committee of New Yerk, backed out of a bet or $2,500 against $5,000 that Garfield would carry At 1.L -- TkT , -. ... .. . - -"-0, - ... i true, is net argument, but it has almost as biie suiiu in xtevemucr. iiettni"-. it is ..1. :a.a1.n.nA IUUVU 1U1IUUIIWV LATEST NEWS BY MATT.. The house of Godfrey Leisolle, in Riche lieu, Quebes was burned yesterday, and a child perished in the flames. The third issue of the Nihilist news paper, The Will of the People, has made its appearance in St. Petersburg. Reports from Omaha state that a heavy storm west of that point has prostrated all the wires between Omaha and the North Platte. The cettcn mills of E. I. Dupent & Ce., near Wilmington, Del., were burned last night. Less, $30,000. The mill were leased by William Hunt. Charles Deyo was accidentally shot dead at Shawanguuk, N. Y., en Tuesday, by a playfcllow'whe was carelessly handling a pistol. Frank Hammer, assistant postmaster at Allendale, Me., was arrested en Tuesday night for rifling registered letters and steal ing ordinary letters and packets. The West Shere tunnel at West Point caved in yesterday. Patrick Kerrigan fell into the pit last evening and it is sup posed is killed. Anuie Helman, aged eighteen, of Lewer Mill, fhs found drowned in Laurel Pend, N. J. It is supposed she accidentally slip ped oil' the feet bridge and was drowned. In Segrim, Texas, Mr. Derrickson, an old and respected citizen, committed sui cide by hanging. Bad health is the sup posed cause. The number of lives lest by the sudden flooding of the Fert Pit, at Stellarton, N. S., was six, instead of ten, as at first re ported. The victims were all married, and leave families. Wm. C. Patterson, his wife and daugh ter-in-law, were thrown from a'carriage at Seuth Newcastle, Me. Mr. Patterson died last nigh1. The ethers are seriously in jured. A strong force of Basutes attacked Mas iru en Sunday night. The firing continued throughout the day and night. The Ba Ba sueos were ultimately repulsed. The less en the colonial side was trifling. The steamer llhynland, from Antwerp for New Yerk, which lest her propeller, has been towed into Falmouth by the Brit ish steamer Marcia, from Shields for Havana. The Marcia lest everything mov able from her deck. Jehn Titus, a retired truckman, sixty two years old, committed suicide in New Yerk, by cutting his threat with a razor. Titus wiis a Quaker, and well known en the cast side of this city. Insanity result ing from sickness, is the cause assigned for the deed. While a train en the Brooklyn, Flatbush and Ceney Island railroad was returning te Prospect Park from Brighten Beach, a man named Jeseph Cotten, age 50, of Seuth Greenfield, L. I., was run ever near Gravcscnd station. He was walking en the track when the engine struck him and hurled him from the track, killing him al most instantly, as his head was split open. Afire at Stanten, the county scat of Montcalm county, Michigan, has destroyed $50,000 worth of property. The prin cipal losers arc : Herald newspaper ellicc, $8,000 ; insurance, $1,5000 ; C. D. Allan,$7,000 ; insurance, $5,000 ; Webber and Chepin, $2,500 ; W. II. Paine, $2,500 ; J. W. S. Picrsen' hardware store, $18,000; insured, $7,000; D. M. Gardner's store, part of his stock, house, etc., $15,000 ; in sured, $1,300. The lire is a severe blew te the village. STATE ITEMS. While out hunting Ex-Sheriff William son, of Liverpool, Perry ceunty,accidcntalIy discharged his gun and the lead entered his right knee. The leg was amputated. R. J. C. Walker, of Williamsport, was nominated for congressman yesterday en the 221st ballet, by the Republican con vention of the Sixteenth Pennsylvania district. General Albright's will leaves legacies of $500 cash te three relatives and the use of the estate te his widow during her life, and the reversion at her death te Dickinsen collage te educate peer young men with out regard te race or color. Shenld the college make a color distinction the bequest becomes null. The old mill, known as the Gwin's mill, at Helmcsburg, en the Pennypack creek, at the feet of Mill street, which has been in active operation since 1697, was burned en Tuesday night. It was owned by Geerge Pcnneck and leased by Donevan & Miller as a grist mill. Thus Helmcsburg loses one her most interesting landmarks, having been the first building erected in that vi cinity. Seme sixteen indictments had been found against liquor dealers of Mercer county mostly in Sharen, for selling te mineis and 'men of intemperate habits. Thrsj indictments were all quashed by the court, because the names of the min min ors and men of intemperate habits were net set forth in the information en which the defendants had been arrested. The body of a man found near Vermil ion, Dakelah, last Monday, liddlcd with Indian bullets, is believed te be that of GcerjiC Leslie, of Hartferd, Pennsylvania, a small town sixteen miles cast of Carbon Carben dale. Leaving home at the age of sixteen, he went te sea, where he remaim-d several years. In 1807 he returned te his family at Hartferd. Six months later he went West into Dakotah, and has since that, time lived among the Indians. Teny Dcnier's Feat. Teny Denier, the well known clown and manager, has been distinguishing himself as a here. A few days age a fire occurred in the hotel at Winona, Minnesota, where lie and his company were. One et tiie ladies of the company has a young baby. She started out of her room in terror and fell. Mr. Denier, who stepped from his room into the hall, saw her and carried her down stairs. She revived irem the swoon en reachiug the outer air, and be gan screaming for her child. Mr. Denier turned back into the building, through dense smoke, and explored his way te the lady's room." He took the child and start ed down stairs, but was driven back by the flames. He ran te the window, shouted te these below te "leek out," and turned a forward somersault from the window ledge. Happily he landed en his feet and escaped injury, his experience as a clown proving valuable. She child was given te its mother, and then the people swarmed about Teny, several men lifting him upon their shoulders, ami he was borne te a saloon, where wine was liber ally poured out in his honor. The com pany lest netlimg, and modest leny gained considerable. llaltlmerc'i Celebration. Yesterday was the third day of the Bal timore celebration. In the morning a pub lic meeting was held in the Church of the Ascension, in Lafayette square, at which addresses were made, followed by a thanks giving service. In the afternoon there was a parartc of the military organizations, United States marshals, firemen, Grand Army pests and custom house officials. The "Star Spangled Banner" was carried in the line. Te-day there will be a parade of the benevolent, beneficial and religious societies. A CliaatlyTale of Arctic Starvation. The revenue cutter Cerwin brings news that at St. Lawrence island, in the Bchr- ing Sea, out of 700 inhabitants 500 were found dead of starvation. The traders had introduced liquor among thejp, causing them te neglect storing up the usual supply of previsions. The officers of the Cerwin believe thet the Jeannctte wintered en the Siberian shore and is new west of the North Cape. THE ELECTIONS. OHIO STRONGLY REPUBLICAN. INDIANA SLIGHTLY SO. WKST VIRGINIA SOLID. The Kcturns. Returns from 590 voting places in Indi ana give a Democratic vote of 105,990 ; Republican, 11G.881; National, 5.478. The same places in 1S7G gave the Demo crats 100,895 ; Republicans. 105,703 ; Na tionals, C,0S9 ; net Republican gain G,018. The Democratic majority for governor in 1870 was 5,139. The above is forty-eight per cent, of the vote of the state. Perter will have about 5,000 plurality and the ether candidates run materially lower. Schuyler Colfax is talked of for United States senator te succeed McDonald. There will be Jive Democratic congressmen and may be six. Ohie. Special te the World. Official returns from fifty-three counties received at Democratic headquarters show a net Democratic gaiu of 4,450. Unofficial estimates iu the remaining counties add te this 1,300 and make a total Democratic gainef5,75G. There is still some confusion as te the head of the ticket, owing te the Republican method of substituting sup reme judge, but the World correspondent has carefully compiled all the returnsactu ally received at the capital by both commit tees, by the associated press, and in special and private despatches, and these show a net Democratic gain en secretary of state ever Fester's majority of last year of 5,923. The Republican claim of 20,000 or 25,000 majority is false, aud it was sent out with a full knowledge of its falsity and te break the force of the actual losses of the Re publican party. The figures at the Re publican headquarters show it te he false. Despatches in the Western papers this morning stating that leading Eastern Re publicans and members of the Union League had declared that presidential elec tions were a standing menace te the busi ness prosperity and stability of the coun try have alarmed the Republican leaders here, as the workingmen and ethers who, from choice or compulsion of employers, voted the Republican ticket yesterday in terpret it as a declaration against the elec tion franchise and elective government, aud a stampede te the Democracy is threat ened. Such a movement would wrest it from the Republicans, and yesterday's re sults would be no index te the future. Senators Thurman and Pendleton and all the leading Democrats in the States hae the fullest confidence iu the election of Hancock and are fully impressed with the belief that Hancock will carry, Indiana in November, make a hopeful if net a win ning contest in Ohie, carry New Yerk, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maine, aud two if net three of the Pacific States, with an equal chance in Wisconsin, Illinois, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. West Virginia. Reports from West Virginia arc coming in slowly. The indications are that the Republicans have reduced the Democratic majorities in a number of counties but the Democratic majority will net fall much below 8,000 if any. The Republicans de pended upon a much larger Greenback vote being cast than was thrown. It seem ed that this party which claimed upwards of 25,000 votes iu the state, did net poll ever half that number. Thcy largely went back te the two old parties. Sttirgis, the Republican candidate,lcads his ticket con siderably. The constitutional amendments arc probably cairicd. intimidation et Veter. X w erlcMm. Wc receive many letters asserting that the employees of prominent manufacturers and capitalists aie threatened with dis charge unless they vote for the Republi can candidate. A dozen cases, aside from these of the Rutland marble quarries, are cited iu Vermont. In Maine a score or mere arc reported, and similar cases arc cropping out in Connecticut, New Yerk and New Jersey. The United States statutes pretccs voters in the exercise of their rights of suffrage, thus : " Sec. 5,50(. Every person who, bv any unlawful means, hinders, delays, prevents, or obstructs, or combines and confederates with ethers te hinder, delay, prevent, or obstruct any citizen from doing any act required te' be done te qualify him te vote or from voting at any election in auy state, territory, district, county, city, parish, township, school district, municipality, or ether tcrritoriel subdivision, shall be lined net less than $500, or he imprisoned net less than one month nor inure than one year, or be punished by both such fine aud imprisonment. "Sec. 5,507. Every person who pre vents, hinders, controls or intimidates an other from exercising or iu exercising the right of suffrage, te whom the right is guaranteed by the fifteenth amendment te the constitution of the United States, by means of bribery or threats depriving such person of employment or occupation, or of ejecting such person from a rented house, lands, or ether property, or by threats of refusing te renew leases or contracts for labor, or by threats of violence te himself or family, shall be punished as provided in the preceding section." Tiic law is explicit. Employees cannot be intimidated without a violation of its previsions. In Syracuse the Democrats have appointed a committee te bring all offenders before the United Staics courts. The streets arc te be posted with large handbills giving the previsions of the law aud offering liberal rewards for testimony that will convict its violators, and that will give redress te these thrown out of employment for adherence te their political convictions. The example should be fol lowed by Democratic committees in the manufacturing towns of New England, the Middle states, the West aud Ncvad.t. IU'lSC01Af.. ThcMlnsIim Interests of the Church. The Houscef Bishops and Heuse of Dep uties of the Protestant Episcopal general convention met in jeirt session as a beard of missions in the chinch of the Hely Trin ity this morning, IJishtqi Lcc, of Delaware, presiding. Bishop Stevens, of Pennsylvania, read the annual reports of the missionary bish eps of Shanghai. Bishop Lcc, in the absence of Bishop Rilej', of Mexico (new en his way te the convention), gave an encouraging report of the progress of the work of the church in that country. Statistics of the work in Mexico embrace the following : One bishop, two bishops-elect, two ether presbyters, 51 organized congregations, "5,500 regular members, 7,000 attendants in all, two theological seminaries 15 theo logical students, one orphanage for girls, ten schools, 400 scholars, 200 Sunday scholars, 17 lay missionaries, 7 teachers, 3 professors in seminary, 17 ether teachers and workers. In the diocese of the Val ley of Mexico there are twenty congrega tions. The following resolution was placed en the calendar : Resolved, That in the judgment of this general convention, sitting as a beard of missions of the Protestant Episcopal church, the time has come te endow the episcopate of each missionary jurisdiction with an endowment fund at least of twenty-five thousand dollars, and that the privilege and duty of creating such en dowments be earnestly commended te the consideration of members of the church whom Ged has entrusted with wealth, that they may aid in the forming et" great diecejses of the church and connect their names with lasting memorials te His glory and the advancement of His kingdom. A Millionaire rbllantbeplst. Mr. Corcoran's residence in Washington is net only the finest in that city, hut would be accounted palatial in auy city in Europe. One of its principal apartments (perhaps its most striking) is the library a larg?, square room that seems cut out of oak, Gethio iu style, and elaborately carved. The mantel, mirror frame, and book-cases are fine specimens of carved work richly inlaid with malachite. The books, about four thousand volumes, arc very valuable. Above the deer which leads te the dining-room' haugs a portrait of Geerge Pcabedy by a distinguish ed artist, te which Mr. Corcoran is greatly attached. The relations of these great philanthropists were of the most intimate character for sixty-five years, and Mr. Cor coran has hundreds of letters from his old friend. Indeed, the letters in Mr. Corcor an's library are of the greatest interest. There may be seen friendly letters from many of the great characters of Europe and America. There are several from Humboldt of a highly interesting character, while there are many from Webster, Clay, Calhoun, Ames Kendall; Father Richie, Fillmore, Tyler, Buchanan, and nearly all the prominent men in a former period before the war. He was consulted by both parties in Con gress in regard te financial questions, and Mr. Webster seemed te have great respect for his opinions. Among his letters are many from business men of a rather re markable character. After Mr. Corcoran was well started in business in Georgetown he failed, with heavy liabilities. The failure was net due te any lack of business sa gacity or feresignt en his part (being due wholly te ether suspensions), but he was forced te compromise with his creditors, paying them fifty cents en the dollar. Many years afterward he paid the entire indebtedness, with interest, the interest in some cases nearly equalling the principal. Tlie Featliercs en a Silver Dellar. E. Masen, Jr., a numismatist of Phila delphia, gives the Public Ledger the follow ing in relation te the eight-feathered Bland dellar: The statement going the rounds of the public press that the "L. S. Bland dol lar of 1878, with eight feathers in the tail of the eagle, is valuable,"' needs a little correction. Of this variety of dollar many thousands were coined, until a new die, with seven feathers, appeared, and has con tinued in i:Si te the present time. The Poe1878 Bland dollar, with eight feathers is worth $2 te $3. The ordinary issues for circulation are net worth a premium lerWliatit I Werth. Clearfield Republican. The supreme court of the state settled the case, and in our judgment, after read ing the opinion of the court, it has inti mated, or words te that effect, that Judge Patterson had better resign. If he dots net sec it in that light, it is no fault of the court el last resort. A "Sign Beard "te Success. Philadelphia Timea. The Republicans recovered from a mere unexpected and apparently crushing disas ter a month age in Mamc, and it is new for the Democrats te prove their recuper ative powers uudcr severe adversity. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. A Itciiiinisceuce of Kcv. Or. Muhlenberg' The life and work of the Rev. Dr. 3Iuh Icnberg is filled with the most charming reminiscences like this, for example, from one of the closing chapters: "In February, 1S7G, he accepted an iuvitatien te a rather remarkable lunch party. The Rev. Dr. Adams, of the Presbyterian church, invited him, with a few ether oc togenarian friends, "te meet a venerable gentleman, who, bright and well in his ninetieth year, was then expected en a visit. Among these present, were the poet Bryant, Mr. Peter Cooper, Mr. James Brown, the Rev. Dr. Calhoun, of Syria, and ethers. As Dr. Muhlenberg exchanged greetings with Mr. Bryant, he playfully quoted, with mock ruefulness, two lines from the poet's 'Death of the Flowers :' " The melancholy day have come the aIik-t of the year, Ot wailing winds, and naked weed, and mea dows brown and sere.'' Mr. Bryant laughed, enjoying the appli cation. " Coming te the table,' wrote Dr. Adams, iu his mention of the occa sion, " I requested Dr. Muhlenberg te ask a eiessmg, and rasing irem ins pocket a . slip of paper, which at this moment lies before me iu his own hand writing, he read these lines : I '-Sele.; ii thanks be our grace, ler tl'C year . that are past, With their hlcssinzs untold ; and though tliU I be our last. Yet, joyful our trait that through Chri-st 'twill I be trlven. Ami here meet asaln, at His table In heaven." 'Amen, amen,' was the hearty response from that bright, beautiful aud cheerful group. Dr. Muhlenberg and Dr. Adams loved each ether. 'Mere than once,' said the latter, ' I have said te my family, when returning from some interview with him, in which he had honored me with a kiss, that I felt as if the Apostle Jehn had em braced me, and repeated in my car some words which had been whispered te him by the Master en whose besom he had leaned at the supper.'" The Itcbcl Flag Kuiuer. At a meeting of the Democratic club at Oxford, en Saturday last, the undersigned were appointed a committee te make in quiry iu regard te the article published in the west Chester papers, stating that a rebel iiag or flags have been publicly dis played at the residence of Mr. Dewsen en the afternoon and evening of the Demo cratic meeting en Wednesday last. We have carefully investigated the charge and .find it utterly untrue and entirely without foundation. Wc have interviewed intelli gent and unprejudiced Republicans who hcariug the report repaired that afternoon and evening te Mr. Dewsen's premises and carefully examined his flag decorations lc lc ferc and at the time the precession was passing and they unhesitatingly assure us that no disloyal emblem or rebel flag or flags were displayed en his property. As an evidence of Mr. Dewsen's loyalty for many years passed he has in bis poscs pescs poscs sien an honorable discharge from service in the United States navy from December 27th, 18CG, te February 5th, 1870. '1HO.VAS &LOAX, If, ... Jes. R. Stuickland, $ Committee. The State Beard or Agriculture. The state beard of agriculture met in the Academy of Music, Reading.ycsterday and will continue iu session until Friday. The members were welcomed by Mayer Tyson, whose address was responded te by the president of the beard. Dr. Jehn P. Edge, of Chester county. Governer Heyt and ethers of the execu tive committee were expected but did net arrive. Cyrus T. Fex, of Reading, read an essay en " Success in Agriculture," in which he showed the benefits te be ob tained from farming when an interest is taken in the matter by these engaged in this pursuit. The subject was discussed in all its bearings by the different members present. Sale of .Real Eitate. Henry Shubert, auctioneer aud real es tate agent, sold at public sale, October 13th, at the Leepard hotel, the property belonging te the estate of Jeanna Barry, deceased, situated en the north side of East King street, between Shippen and Plum streets, Ne. 813, te William S. Shirk for $4,000. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Proceedings or tfae State CoaTeatlen. Wednesday ofterneon. A musical service conducted by Prof. W. G. Fisher, of Phil adelphia, was the opening part of the pro pre gramme. " Bringing iu the sheaves " and "Hew can I live without Jesus," were sang by the congregation after which Mr. S. B- Herr, of the Y. M. C. A. sang a sole. An address en "One hundred years of Sunday school work " by E. Payseu Por Per tcr,esq., of Philadelphia, followed. It was an able presentation of the Sunday school cause which he claimed was as old as his tory, and quoted many passages from the Mosaic writings, from the prophets, the Psalms, the gospels and the apocalypse te sustain his position. He spoke flatteringly of the old school at Ephrata, this county, established about 1740, as being the pioneer Sunday school of America and of modern times ; and then referred te the "ragged school," established iu Gloucester, England, by Rebert Raikcs one hundred years age. ne admitted that Raikes was net by any means the first who had established Sunday-schools, but he was the first who had systcmatised and regularly organized them, and was there fore entitled te the same honor as is Merse for the invention of the electric telegraph ; for though ether telegraphs had been in vented long before the time of Merse. some of them beingvery ingenious. Merse was the first te utilize the telegraph and bring it into general use. Mr. Perter pre sented a very interesting roview of the es tablishment and history of Sunday-schools from the time of Raikcs te the present day, showing that from his small begin nings in the "ragged schools" wherein were a few paid teachers, there has grown a great army of volunteer teachers, and a Sunday school scholarship of ever 12,000, 000, of which number mere than one-half is accredited te the United States. Te properly control these immense masses, organization and systcmizatien are neces sary. The field must be surveyed te as certain what is necessary te be done, where the work is most needed, and what are the best methods of doing it. Knowledge as te these, facts may be best ascertained by conventions like the one new being held, where an interchange of sentiment and opinion may be had. As important fac tors in the geed work he regarded the use of the Bible in the Sunday schools as of prime importance. Readings from the scriptures by the most accomplished elo cutionists should be given in the schools and conventions, and responsive reading of scripture lessens was also recommended. In the Sunday schools of te-day we sec net only the little children, but adults, men and women, aud the religious wants of these should be supplied. The orator stated, as an encouraging fact, that within the past eight years 121,000 Sunday school scholars had become members of the Christian church. Hymn "The old, old story." 3Ir. James McCormick, of Harrisburg, was next introduced and delivered an ad dress en the question "Hew can we retain the young men and women in the Sunday school ?" Re answered that you must let them knew that you wanted them there ; must work te retain them, and by your work make them desire te remain. Be genial, winning, patient and persevering, and they will ndt only be induced te stay in the Sunday school, but will dci-ire te stay. If there be yeuug men who de net attend the school a si; them te attend, net once only but repeatedly, and get ethers te ask them. Werk for what you want and urge ethers te help you. In this way the speaker had gathered around him a class of about 200 young people, who took a great interest in the school, and who he thought had been greatly benefited by it. Mr. Hare, of Philadelphia, being called upon for his views stated that he had a large class of young mei and women who had been gathered into the school by much the same means recommended by Mr. Mc Cormick, and he found no difficulty in re taining them. Only let them knew that you want them and work te keep them, make the school instructive aud attractive and there will be no difficulty. Where there is a will there is a way. If the pupils leave the school there must be some fault with the teacher. Great learning is net necessary te retain them ; impart te them some of the practical truths of the Bible, that they may carry them out of the schools and take them with them te cheer and encourage them in their daily labors and struggles with the outside world. Rev. R. Crittenden suggested that in some sparsely populated districts there might net be " found teachers qualified te take charge of such schools, aud j;ivc in struction te young men aud women, aud he wanted te knew what was necessary in such cases. Mr. McCormick answered that there i in all communities some one who loves Christ and who knows that Christ loves him, and who wants ethers also te love and be beloved of Him. Such a person, even if net learned, can de much geed, if he properly supplies the gifts he has. President Whitney said there were three things wanted tomake such schools suc cessful. The teacher should have learn ing, piety and common sense. The question was further discussed by Rev. I. II. Terrence, Mr Woodstock and ethers, after which Mr Stark, of Carlisle, " delivered a brief address en blackboard deliniatien, showing hew pupils might be interested by a fexr very simple drawings. His illustrations consisted of a drawing of Jacob's Ladder, and a skeleton lessen (te be filled up by the class) of the hymn "Nearer my Ged te Thee." On the walls of the church were hung a number of finely drawn blackboard illustrations of scripture lessens. The convention, after singing the doxology, was dismissed with a lienedic lienedic tien by Dr. Terrence. Wednesday Keening. Convention met at 7 o'clock. "Jesus, Lever of my soul," "The story of Jesu?, " "Sewing Eceds or gladness " were sung by the convention. Rev. Dr. Shumaker read the 37th psalm and offered a prayer. Rev. Dr. Dubbs, of Franklin and Mar shall college, delivered an address en the " Altars of childhood." He opened by a historical narrative of the altar of Carmcl descratcd by Ahab and Jezebel, and af terwards repaired and restored by the prophet of the Lord, a story of peculiar in terest te Christians. He would, however, confine himself te the altars of childhood : he would for the time lcverse the usual order of teacher aud see whether wc can not learn something from the children ; for the Lord has said, " Except ye be con verted and be as little children ye cannot be saved." The orator read a German translation of a manuscript- Dr. Ncac dcr, after which he spoke of the several altars of childhood, the first being "the altar of faith." Without faith religion is impossible ; it is the . alphabet, the very foundation of all religion ; ,and yet hew few there arc who have the true idea of faith. This is because wc de net worship at the altar of childhood,. The child has infinite faith, believes implicitly you will provide for him. Se in the Sunday-school he believes all you tell him ; believes the Lord is near te him and protects him. The Christian, if he will, may believe as im plicitly as the child ; the former believes withent intelligence ; the latter with in telligence. Anether altar of childhood is " Leve." There are two kinds of love that lift us up, and bring us nearer te Ged ; and two ethers that draw us down. The leve of Ged and the neighbor lift us up, while the love of self and the world pull us down. Anether altar is that of "Humility," whosoever becomes as a little child, says the Lord shall be greatest among you. Ic is only after Pride and Hate have pulled down the altar of Humility that our old faith slips away, and we become worldly. The hymn "Awake, my soul iu joyful