:"Y" EC- m IhV Br Lancaster Intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCT. 13, 1880. Grew. Remarks Frem an Exchange that Fit Uere. In a debate in Congress, in 1863, in re gard te the Cellins's. contract for building four first-class steamers, -which will be found in the Congressional Glebe, vel. 28, page 808, Mr. Grew said : "Thia government has no business te come in with its strong arm te aid one class of citizens in competition with another in the same business, especially in the carrying trade of the nation, where it requires a large investment of capital and long experience in business te which men have devoted their lives and in which is invested their all. It is a kind of protec tion mere edius than that given te the roll ing mill and cotton factory, because mere ex clusive, and etery man knows that is odious enough. The government has no right te extend its hand te interfeiein the business relations of life. Let the citizen regulate his own business under the laws of trade with no cempctitien but that of superior skill and industry." Mr. Grew is coming te this city te ad dress the Republican.. The taiiffcry and business protection yell has becu selected te de duty in Pennsylvania and Ohie en the Republican platform, though the lead ers of the party arc notorious tree traders and the legislation of Republican Con gresses for the past sixteen years has been in violation of every principle of protec tion. Mr. Grew was the successor in Congress of the famous David Wilmet, who wa3 the only Pennsylvania representative in the Heuse who. inl84G, voted for the repeal of tlietariiTefl842. DavidJWihnet.Was elected by the Republicans te the United States Senate subsequently, as a tribute of their wsneni: fnr t.lm mil v rrec trader from Penn sylvania in Congress. Mr. Grew is his worthy disciple and follower. He has been an apt scholar, and has proved his sturdy devotion te his free trade education and principles by denouncing "the odious pro tection te the rolling mill and cotton factory." Feels Yeung Again. "MyneUii:r was afflicted a long time with Neuralgia und a dull, heavy inactive condition of the whole system; headache, nervous pros pres pros tnitien. iiml was almost helpless. Xe physi cians or medicine did her unv geed. Three months age she begun te use Hep Hitters, with Mich geed effect that she seems and feels yeuut again, although ever 70 years old. We think there is no ether medicine fit te use in theTamily." A lady, In l'revidence. It. 1. el-2wd&w Hew Happiness 18 Secured. Happiness I, the absence of pain or annoy unci-, and wherever there is pain there Is dis exse. A pain In the lower portion or the body lndicatesndlsorderet some kind. If thcreisany odor or color or deposit in the wrine It means disease and requires attention at once. We have heard manyet ourfrlcndsspeakef the re markable power of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and are convinced there is nothing se certain and valuable ler all disorders efthe urinary system both male and female. 0 FOX SAT.ll. PRIVATE SALE. 1,'ntil NOVEMBER 17. the two-story Ilrlck Heuse, with kitchen attached, Ne. 14S East vinest reet, let extends te Church street. Ap ples, Peaches, and Grape Vine en let, water. Ac. Inquire at Ne. l'Jfi charlotte street, Lan caster, Pa. oet7-ced&novl7 T70K KKNi. J? A Farm, one mil! from the city of Lancas ter, en t lie Petersburg turnpike, containing about ene hundred and live acres : thirty acres of which is new in fall crops ; privilege te put out two acres in tobacco. Enquire at Xe. 33 North Duke street or en the premises. oct7-10tdced MRS. JOHN McGRANN. EXKCUTOUS' SALE OF CITY PKOP EKTY. On FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1S30, the undersigned executers el Henry Stciger walt, deceased, will expose te sale, at 7 o'clock p. m., uttlie Leepard Hetel, E:ist King street, a Let or Piece et Ground, situated en the cast side of Seuth Queen street, in the city of Lan caster, Ne. 385. Said let containing In front, en uald Seuth Queen street, 17 feet and 4 inches, mid extending in denth of that width eastward te Strawberrv street, whereon is erected a geed two-tery-niid-a-half DRICK DWELL ING HOUSE, with a two-story Hack Building attached, Hydrant. Fruit Trees, and ether Im provements thereon. Teim- made known at lime of r-ale by MICHAEL F. STEIGKRWALT, - WM. II. STEIGKRWALT, Executer of Henry Stcigerwalt, decM. llEXUV SllUUCIlT, Auct. 3iKJl,7,l!, 12,13,14 I 70KSALE. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-roomed, two-Mery and Mansard root, Green Stene Frent Dwellings, Xe. !.) and 4:K! West Orange Street. With all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. ncluding Jcnnlng's Improved Londen water closets, marble-top w:ishstuml, improved wall-eil-ln range, cellar heater, perlect tlrainnge and sewcrairc. deep, dry cellar, white marble base and steps, &e., Vc. Let 22 by 243 feet te a 14-feel wiile alley, irent yarn -1 jeer in upi n, mcieieii with ornamental iron lenee. Fer terms, Ac. apply te .IOHX If. MET7.LER, aug2l-W.Vbtld Xe.li Seuth Duke St. PUBLIC SALE. On MONDAY, OCT. 25, IMsO, will be -old ut Hie Cooper Heuse, West King street, tin: lollewiug valuable real estate : Ne. 1, A two-story BRICK DWELLING, sit uated en the euth Mde of West Orange street, Xe. 114, containing hall and seven rooms, gas In the Imusennd hydrant In the yard, house fronts en Orange street IS lect 9 inches, mere or les. let extending in dcptli 75 feet S inches, mere or le-., te a Sleet 7 inch wide common alley, with sewerage. This property has just been newlv lilted up. Ne. 2. A two-tery BltlCK DWELLING and two-story Brick Hack Building, situated en the east side of North Mary street. Xe. 27, hmw IS bv 28 feet, back building 12 fee 4 inches in width, and in depth 18 feet, contain ing hall and seven rooms gas in the house and hydrant in tlie yard; also a side yard 27 lect irent and in depth 102 leaf, mere cr less, a frontage of 45 teet, including the house; a let or choice fiuit trees and the best of grapes; stabling en the rear of let, 20x13 teet. Xe.3, Five Building Lew 22 by 213 teet, situ ated en the north side of Xew street, between Lime and Shippcn streets. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., of said day. when conditions will be made known by JOHN HULL. H.SiiuncitT, Auct. ett-tsd IivxEcureKS sali: or city vuop vuep J EUTIES. The undersigned executers of Michael Malenc, deceased, will expose te sale enTHUUSDAY, the 14th day et OCTOBER, at 7 o'clock p. m.. at the Cadwell Heuse, the fel lowing Ileal Estate, viz : Xe. 1. A Letet Ground en the X. E. corner erOmnzc und Shlnncn streets, wlthalrontage Of 49J teet, mere or less, en Orange street, and along Shippcn street northward 245 feet te a public alley, en which Is erected a commodi ous and well liuiltMansten, Xe. 301, two-stories high with two-story back building, all In geed repair; also en rear of let a two-story brick stable and ether Improvements. Ne. i. A Piece et Ground en North Lime street, w est side, between Orange a"d Chestnut streets, containing in trout en Lime street 37 feet, marc or less, and in depth westward C4 tect4C inches, en which Is erected a two-story Itrick dwelling. Ne. 12S, with its Improvements. Ne. 3. A Piece of Ground en south side et Eat Chestnut street, near Duke, containing iu front 2.5 lect anil extending In depth south ward e; feet, en which Is erected a three-story Brlek Dwelling. Ne. 41, with brick building at tached, furnished with water and sewciage. Terms made known at time of sale. EDWAUD McGOVERN, WM. L. FEIPER, JAMES M. T.UKKE. Executers of Michael Mulene, dee'd. IIknuy Sncucirr. Auct. Mcpl7-2wdced&dts M USICAL INSTM VMENTS. THE Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market- Warcroems 320 North Queen street. Manufactory In the rear. Jtranch Office, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent ler Lancaster County for CU1CKKR1NG& SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins, Banjos, Band Instru ments, Seaways en hand. flS-lydSAlyw Lancaster. Organ Mannmctery 1KY LOCUKR'S , SYRUP IMSMUUNKD COUGH MEDZCAZ. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED The accumulated evidencs of nearly thirty years show that the BIt'.ers is a certain remedy ler malarial disease, as well as its surest pre ventive; that It eradicates dyspepsia, consti pation, liver complaint and nervousness, counteracts a tendency te gout, rheumatism, urinary and utcrine disorders, that it imparts vigor te the feeble, and cheers the mind while It Invigorates the body. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally, ol-lydced&lyw H Ol HITTERS FOKSflLK AT LOCH- ers Drug Stere. 9 Kast King street. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., Is Made te Discovery ! Her Vegetable Compound 1 he Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hep and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHATVTS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. Tills preparation, as Its name signifies, eon sists et Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen one trial the merits of this compound will be recognized, as relict is immediate; unit wiien us use is euu tlnned, in ninety-nine cases in a hundred, a permanent cure is effected, as thousands will testily. On account of Its proven merils.it is te-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling efthe uterus, Leucorrheca, irregular ami pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In fl. tarnatien and Ulceration, Floedings, all Dis pl.u finents and the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the Change or Lite. In tact it has proved te be the greatest and best remedy thai has ever been discovered. It permeates everv portion of the system, ami gives new lite and vigor. It removes faint ness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness efthe stomach. It cures Bleating, Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness, De pression and Indigestion. That leelingef bear ing down, causing pain, weight and backache. Is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. Fer Kidney cemptalnts of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound UCnrcnarcd at 233 and 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles ter $5. Sent by mail in the form et pills, also iu the form of lciznntri's. en reccint et mice. SI uer box. for cither. Mrs. PIXKHAM ireely answers all let- ters el Inquiry. Sena ler pampniei. Address as above. Mention nits paper. Xe family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness and Terpidi-y of the Liver. 25 cents per box. Johnsten. Holle wav & Ce., (general Agent.-;, FJiihuU'lIii;i. Fer sale by C. A. Leehcr, it East King street. ami uee. . huh, i. vici mugsiicci. JMvdeed.'iw INYESTIGATIONf DR. GKEKNK has successfully treated ever SiM of the men difficult chronic (se called) in curable cases during a seven meiuii's practice. The mostet them had been the rounds of the leading physicians of Lancaster county. New DU. GUEENE Is ready at any time te meet a committee et tne Lancaster county .Medical Society at the Opera Heuse or elsewhere te dis cuss the merits et Omnipalhyand prove it superiority ever all ether pathics in vogue. The people are greatly interested anil de maud the fullest Investigation. Invalids are every week dying in this county whose lives could be saved. Is there any subject about which the masse are mere concerned than restoration te health, and the prolonging of thciriivcsT Dr. G. originated an. I is new the owner of 20 Medical Pads. He especially warns the public against the numerous eeunterteits new offered the people. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Catarrh Cured Fer 50 Cents. cuke quick for cataiuth sent te ;axy addkess fouse cents. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. 236 NOKTI1 QUKKX STKKET, J30-ttdMWFAS Lancaster, Pa. TVTEItYOUS DEBILITY. JLi Te Nervous Sufferers The Great Euro pean Remedy Dr. J. II. Simpsen's Specific Medicine. It is a positive cure, for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Wcakncss,lmpetency,and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety, Less of Memery, l'ains in Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Specific Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them anil get full particulars. Price, Spceiiie, $1 per package, or six packages for $5. J. B. SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY. Xes. 101 and 106 Main Street, Buffalo, X. Y. Address all orders te II. B. COCHRAX, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 139 North Queen Street, Lancaster. ml7-lydced&w "VTKKVINE, OB TONIC SPttC'lFlCA. I A BOON TO BOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for nil diseases arising from Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic forms of the following diseases have been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache, Dizziness. Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, General Deniuty, lnipetency, I'rcmaiure necay, c. It has been In ue for ever lerty years, and Is te-day the most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned In the WORLD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, and better than all, it is a sure, sate and certain cure. It Is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since 1836 this remedy has always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold ; but owing te the act that the time ler the payment et an enormous royalty upon its manufacture has expired, it Is etlered te the suffering of both sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be within the reach of all ; at which price it will be sent te any address tree et further charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 4C Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mall. 1y26-Cind&w TJJfWJLRE, AC- s TOVES. STOVJSS. Brick-Set and Portable HEATERS and RANGES :at: Sheiizer,Humphrerille&Kieffer' , 40 EAST KING STREET. STOMACH BITTERS. LANCASTER DAILY USTEIXIGEKCER WE1)NESDA;Y -OCTOBER 13.1880. astbich BBiya adyebtisesient. Lancaster Bazaar EVERT DAT during the coming week a brilliant display el FALL NOVELTIES will be presented In the attractive establish ment of ASTRICH BRO.'S 13 EAST KING ST. We shall place en exhibition the many rich and beautiful articles which we have new en hand, thus enabling Ladles, by a single prom enade through our store, te inform ihem selves as te the Latest Styles for Fall and Early Winter Wear. Especial attcntlen'ls called te our assortment of FINE MILLINERY GOODS, including Trimmed Pattern Bennets. New Shanes and Celers In 1 CHENILLE HATS. FRENCH FELT HATS. DERBIES, &c. NOVELTIES IN VELVETS AND SATINS. Cashmere and v arlegatcd - PLUMES, BIRDS' TIPS, c. Elegant Stvles will be prcscntedln LADIES" UNDERCLOTHING. BABY WEAR. DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY and GLOVES. Please notice ! Every department will have both an attractive display and also nn especial ly attractive bargain. Call early In the week, before our price and goods are disposed of. HATS Dcrbiesat 2c HATS HATS Fine Black Derbies, with Satin HATS HATS Trimming $1.00 nATS HATS Selt Felt Derbies $1.00 HATs HATS Best Ribbed Goods fl.35 HATS HATS Cigarette Hats 73c HATS HATS Cotten Caps 90c HAls HATS Plush Hats 459 11 Ala HATS Straw Sailors 25c HATS HATS HATS SATINS Geed Black Satin. ..75c a yd SILKS SATIXS First Quality Satin $1.00 SILKS SATIXS ASuperfltieBlackSatin.$1.20 SILKS SATIXS All Celers of GoedSatin.DCc SILKS SATIXS Trimming Silks at 75c SILKS SATIXS SILKS VELVETS Black Silk Velvet, $1.10 RIBRONS VELVETS a yard. RIBBONS VELVETS Black Velveteen at 4tc kiuuejns VELVETS A Fine Black Velve- RIBBONS VELVETS tcenatSOc RIBBONS VELVETS Special Bargain. RIBBONS VELVETS Extra Heavy Black RIBBONS VELVETS Velveteen. RIBBONS VELVETS 75c., worth $1.03 RIBBONS VEt.VKTS silk Finished Black RIBBONS VELVETS Velvetccn.$l.00ayard. RIBBONS VELVETS Brocaded Velveteen in RIBBON'S VELVETS all colors, 65c. RIBBONS VELVETS Silk Velvet in all the RIBBONS VELVETS newshudes. RIBBONS VELVETS RIBBONS FRINGES 3VlnchSilk PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Frlnge,Che PASSA31ENTERIES FRINGES nllle and PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Bead, 25c a PASSAMEN1ERIES FRINGES yard. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Rich Silk PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES and Chenille PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringe, 41c. PASSAMENTERIES FRIXGES ElcgantSilk PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES and Chenille PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Fringe, 50c. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES S inch heavy I'ASSAJiE.M'Eiuhs FRINGES Chenille PASSAMENTERIES FRIXGES Bead Fringe, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES eecavard. PASSAMENTERIES FRIXGES -IK in". Fine PASSAMENTERIES FRIXGES Cficnilleand PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Grass Fringe, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES lilcavard. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 5 Inch Che- PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES nllle&Bcad PASSAMENTERIES FRIXGES Bringe, 75c. PASSAMENTERIES FRIXGES Most elegant PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES and handsome PASSAMENTERIES FRIXGES Fringe, at 80, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 83, 05c, $1.00. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES 1.10, 1.12, 1.25, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES and upwards. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES A handsome PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES line of Pas- PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES samcnterlcs PASSAMENTERIES FRIXGES inallwidtL-s. PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Tassel Orna- PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES mcntslnSilk, PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES Chenilleand PASSAMENTERIES FRINGES PASSAMENTERIES BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS Buttens In endless BUTTONS BUTTONS variety. BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS BLACK Black Crepe at Sue. CREPES BLACK Fine Black Crepe at CREPES BLACK 75c, $1.00. CREPES BLACK ExtralleavyEnglisUCrepe, CREPES BLACK C4fer$i00 CREPES BLACK CREPES CORSETS Hip Gere, 21c. CORSETS CORSETS A Geed Hand-made (or- CORSETS CORSETS set, S'Jc. CORSETS CORSETS We offer new a much CORSETS CORSETS better Corset than ever CORSETS CORSETS for 49c. CORSETS CORSETS An excellent, geed lit- CORSETS CORSETS ting Corset for 65c. CORSETS CORSETS The Pavilion," Speen CORSETS CORSETS Busk, for 75c. CORSETS CORSETS The "Star" Corset, ex-CORSETS CORSETS tra long, ler ale. CORSETS CORSETS The "Parisian." 100 CORSETS CORSETS bones, ler $1. CORSETS CORSETS A splendid Nursing Cor- CORSETS CORSETS set ler $1. CORSETS CORSETS Better Corets at $1.2), CORSETS CORSETS ;$1.50 and upwards. COItSETS LADIES Special bar- XTXDERGARMENTS LADIES gains ill that UNDERGARMENTS LADIES line. A geed UND KRGARMENTS LADIES Muslin Che- UNDERGARMENTS LADIES mlse for 25c UNDERGARMENTS LADIES An elegantly UNDERGARMENTS LADIES embroidered UNDERGARMENTS LADIES Chemise, 50c. UNDERGARMENTS LADIES One with very UNDERGARMENTS LADIES rich embrei- UNDERGARMENTS LADIES derv for 75c. UNDERGARMENTS LADIES Skirt, with UNDERGARMENTS LADIES deep embrei- UNDERGARMENTS LADIES derv. for '.Kic. UNDERGARMENTS LADIES Elegant UNDERGARMENTS LADIES Xightreuc,$1.29. UNDERGARMENTS INFANTS WEAR INFANTS Babies' Leng Robes Ireni WEAR INFANTS Stic up te $6. WEAR INFANTS Babies' Worsted Caps. WEAR INFANTS Jackets, Merine Cloaks, WEAR INFANTS Shawls, Weel Coats, WEAR INFANTS Bootees, &c. WEAR INFANTS WEAR FELT Geed, Heavy Felt Skirts at 45c. SKIRTS FELT Flannel Skirts SKIRTS FELT at reasonable prices. SKIRTS FELT The new "Canva-s "Skiit SKIRTS FELT atSLTiO. SKIRTS FELT SKIRTS TOWELS A Geed Tewel for 5c. NAPKINS TO WE LS A very large Fine N A PK INS TOWELS Tewel. Ue. NAPKINS TOWELS A large all Linen NAPKINS TOWELS Tewel, 10c. NAPKINS TOWELS A geed Glass Tewel,14c. NAPKINS TOWELS A line Damask Linen NAPKINS TOWELS Tewel, 25c. NAPKINS TOWELS An extra line Tewel, NAPKINS TOWELS knotted fringe, 33c NAPKINS TOWELS Imported ex tra large NAPKIN'S TOWELS German Linen Tew- NAPKINS TOWELS els, 33c. NAPKINS TOWELS Remnants of all Linen NAPKINS TOWELS Toweling, 10c a piece. NAPKINS TOWELS Toweling, 5c a vanl. NAPKINS TOWELS Russian Crash, J. 11, 13c NAPKINS TOWELS a yard. NAPKINS TOWELS Gless Toweling at 12c NAPKINS TOWELS a yard. NAPKINS TOWELS ELS Napkins. 5c a piece. NAPKINS TOWE ELS German Linen Napkins NAPKINS TOWELS fringed in white, NAPKINS TOWELS $1 per dez. NAPKINS MERINO A geed heavy UNDERWEAR MERINO Undershirt for UNDERWEAR MERINO ladies, only 35c. UNDERWEAR MERINO Avery Unequal- UNDERWEAR MERINO ity Merine Under- UNDERWEAR MERINO vests and Pants. UNDERWEAR MERINtO regular made cutis UNDERWEAR MERINO andsueulders.silk UNDERWEAR MERINO tin Is bed front, UNDERWEAR MERINO enly-18c. UNDERWEAR MERINO Childs' Under- UNDERWEAR MERINO shirts and Draw- UNDERWEAR MERINO ers,ln nil qualities UNDERWEAR MERINO and sizes. UNDERWEAR MERINO Our Men's Un- UNDERWEAR MERINO dcrshirts and UNDERWEAR MERINO Drawersnt50care UNDERWEAR MERINO positively the best UNDERWEAR MERINO ever sold for the UNDERWEAR MERINO price. The Shirts UNDERWEAR MERINO are regular made UNDERWEAR MERINO Cuffs and Sheul- UNDERWEAR MERINO dcrs.and finished UNDERWEAR MERINO as geed as any de!- UNDERWEAR MERINO lar shirt. UNDERWEAR MERINO The Drawers are UNDERWEAR MERINO military finish, UNDERWEAR MERINO with satin front. 3 UNDERWEAR MERINO buttons, and well UNDERWEAR MERINO shaped. Sizes, 30 UNDERWEAR MERINO te 43 inches. UNDERWEAR MERINO Infants' Knitted UNDERWEAR MERINO Shetland Shirts, UNDERWEAR MERINO without sleeves, UNDERWEAR MERINO 44c.: with sleeves, UNDERWEAR MERINO 62c. UNDERWEAR MERINO Nodeubtagrcat UNDERWEAR MERINO Bargain. UNDERWEAR HOSIERY Te mention all the HOSIERY HOSIERY Bargains we offer HOSIERY HOSIERY in this department is HOSIERY HOSIERY hardly peslblc,but we HOSIERY HOSIERY invite everybody te HOSIERY. HOSIERY come and leek at our HOSIERY HOSIERY stock without being HOSIERY HOSIERY compelled te buy. It HOSIERY HOSIERY will be a satisfaction HOSIERY HOSIERY te you te knew that HOSIERY HOSIERY we sell the best goods HOSIERY HOSIERY for the least mencv, HOSIERY HOSIERY and that our assert- HOSIERY HOSIERY ment Is better and HOSIERY HOSIERY larger than thatef any HOSIERY HOSIERY house In this city. HOSIERY Child's Woolen Gloves and Mitts, Leggins, Lcggin Drawers, &c. 4ESNOTE THIS Zephyrs in nil Celers, 9c. an enncc. Yarns, Shetland Weel, Saxony Yarn, Fless, &c. jBS-Wc invite everybody te call and leek at enr store. The handsomest mid most attrac tive place efthe kind In this county. ASTRICH JSRO.'S, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. LANCASTER BAZAAR. FRINGES Fringe,bread PASSAMKNTKICIKS FRINGES beading, 60c. PASSAMENTERIES FRIXGES 4K in. heavy PASSAMENTERIES FIMXGES Clmnillnnnd PASSAMENTERIES NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT GUNDAKERS. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Rucbings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Blaek and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at 142 & 144 North Queen Street, CLOTUIXU. Timely Advice en Fall Clethes. Yeu arc thinking f your clothing for fall ; what It shall he ; hew and where you shall get it. Come and See Us. Come and see us, or drop us a line, saying what you want, as near as you can. If you are here, yen can see for yourself a great variety of things, try en what you like, and go home with the old clothes in a bundle. That is very easy ; and nothing can be mere satisfactory. Net a Strange Place. It isn't as if you wcre going te a strange place. The chances are yon've been here before, and knew something of our ways. Perhaps your neighbor has been here ; and has told you it was a geed place te go te. Perhaps you've only read that we sell a geed many clothes, and say te people who buy them : Bring them back if yen don't find them every way te your liking. New this is really why we are net strangers te anybody; becanse wc deal with everybody as with a neigh bor; and expect him te ceme right back if he has cause of complaint. Ik you Don't Come. But, suppose you deu't come. Hew are wc going te sell you just what you want te buy, without your seeing things beforehand ? Try ; write ; say about hew much you want te pay for a business suit, dress suit, overcoat, or whatever you want ; say what your occupation is ; say anything that has any bearing en what we eugh te send you. It will net take us two minutes te guess what yen want ; if wc don't iiticss right, that's our less, net yours. Have Your Own Way ! Perhaps you want your clothing made te your measure. Did yen sns pect that we make te mcasure a half million dollars' worth of clothing every year for people we never saw and never expect te see ? Yeu may be very certain that we have a way of do ing such v.iiik without much risk of a misfit ; for a misfit, you knew, comes right back te us. "We are pretty care ful about making blunders when we've get them all te make geed. Our Way : Our way of doing business is te make the buyer welcome, at the out set, te all the advantage and all the guarantee he can ask for. WANAMAKBR & BROWN. Oak Hall, Sisth and Market Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. HOUSE JfUJtA'ISUISa GOODS. VTOTICE. FIAM & BRMEMAH". Would advise all who contemplate putting In HEATERS or making any alterations In theii heating arrangements te de se nt onee before the rush of Fall Trade begins. THE MOST RELIARLE in the Market at the LOWEST PRICES. Flu & Brain's GREAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. KIDNEV TOBT KOB SALB AT LOCH. crs' Drug store, 9 East King street. Ranges EXBBOZDEBLES, JtC. DHT GOODS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY have made large purchases of desirable Fall Goods at very law price?. Ijt. 1 Case Chevrons at 15c.; worth 20c. 2d.l Case All Weel Checks at 15c.; would be cheap at 30c. :;d. 1 Case Weel Suitings 20c.; usually sold at 25c. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 1 Ciue 40-Inch all Weel Rlack Cashmere, 30c a yard. Splendid Value In Plain and Fancy Dress Goods at 7, S, 10, 12y 15, 20 and 25c a yard. New Fall Shade In WOOL CASHMERES, MOMIE CLOTHS, SVITIXQS, TRIMMIXO SILKS, HA.TIXS AXD XQY<Y (0OODS. NEW YORK STORE, 8 & 10 EAST cLeiaixa. GrAEFIELD "VS. HANCOCK FALL CAMPAIGN OF 1880 Xew opened and the battle has commenced and rajjea flereely, and while there may be some doubt In the minds et many persons as te who will be the next President et the Uniicu States, there can be no doubt In the mind of nny person in want or CLOTHING as te wncie can be bought the cheapest and the best, cither in Ready-made or Made te Order. MYERS & RATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 East Kingf Street, the Great Clothing Emporium. The second sterv room U packed brim full with the greatest variety of READT M ApE CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTHS, ROYS AND CHILDREN, all enr own manufacture. Tay are well made, well trimmed, and the goods are a!l sponged before they are made up in Ce ments. MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our Piece Goods fill the lint fleer te Its utmost capacity, and Is nicely arranged, se as te give the purchaser the advantage et seeing the whole stock in a very short space et time, we are prepared te make up te order at the shortest possible notice aud at the most reasonable price. Our stock has been bought for cash and will be sold at a very small advance. Buy your Clothing at Centre Hall and nave one preflt. Call and examine our giant stock and save money. MYERS & RATHFON, Se. 12 EAST KING STKEET, WATCHES, ZAHM'S Anew loom and elegant stock. A mil line of Lancaster Watches, Waltnam Watches, Columbus Watches, in Geld and Silver caes, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Ccantlf nl wedding gifts in Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Silverware, and French Clocks. Arundel Speetaeles, the best in the world. OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT Is as complete as a'nv in the larger cities. We manufacture Rings, Masonic Marks, Society Pins, .Jewelry of all kinds Diamond Mounting and any special or odd pieee In any uesircu style. MONOGRAMMIXG anil Fine Jen elry antl Watch repairing a specialty. All work warranted. Call and examine enr stock and leave yenr repairing with Znhm's Cemer, Lancaster, Fa. MEDICAL, ::na DR. BROWNINGS T0HC AM) ALTERATIVE! The Celebrated Prescription of W. CHAMPION' RROWXIXG, M. 1. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND PURIF11JNG THE BLOOD. Pf.ri.pl i v lMii-mp.. f ii Rioed. Enricliej the Rloed. Reddens the Rloed. makes XewBIoed, i i'A,,i.,..f.niv'immvna ti.e ,riTHtitv iimi ( Miaiiyes the Constitution Sutfcring from General Debility into one of Vigorous Health. The best proof of Its wonderful etMcaey is te be obtained by a trial, and that simple trial strongly establishes it reputation with .all. 3-It Is most scientifically and elegantly compounded by Its author and sole proprietor, W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A regular graduate of Jeffersen Medical tul Pharmacist. Price, 00c and Sl.OO. Skillful Dealers In Medicine. VUWA AND OLASSWAEE. AMPS I lamps: J AT CHINA HALL. BRASS NIGHT LAMPS, GLASS HAND and STAND LAMPS, FANCY PARLOR LAMPS. NICKEL PLATED SAFETY LAMPS, NICKEL PLATED LIBRARY LAMPS, NICKEL PLATED HALL LAMPS, NEW STYLE PARLOR LAMPS, At prices te suit everybody, nt HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 KAST KING STREET. EOVKDEESAND MACUEVISTS. T ANCASTEK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrresiT- ins Locomotive Works. The subscriber continue te manufacture BOILERS AND &TEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes Furnace Twlers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-Iren Werfe, anil lilacksmithing generally. 43-Jobbing promptly attended te. auglS-lydl JOHNCEST. MAEBLm, WQEKS. WM. P. FRAIIErS MONUMENT AL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nertn yueen Street, Lancaster, I'a. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED. Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given In cyery particular. N. B. Remember, works at, the extreme end et North Queen street. m)l "I RAIN aPJKCULATIOM JC In large or small amounts. $25 or $20,0QC $20,0QC Write W. T. SOULE & CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 La Salle street, Chicago, III., for cir ulars. m2S-iyd Lancaster, Pa. TO LADIES IN SEARCH. OP KING STREET. LANCASTER, PEJIN'A. .TEirEUtT, c. ---rr: ---- - CORNER. BDW. J. ZAHM. College, of Philadelphia, a thorough Chemist and Fer sale by the Proprietor and all Druggists and u -i Jf ucw n a COAL. r . MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. JSrYard: Xe. 420 North Water and Prince streets ubevc Lemen. Lancaster. nS-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of tne Best Quality put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. 45- YARD 1GO SOUTH WATER ST. ne-9-lyd PHILIP SCHUM.SON ft CO. tOAL! COALt CO ALU! We have constantly en hand all the best grades of COAL that ure In market, which we arc scllinir as low as anv van! In the cltv. Call and get nr prices before buying else where. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, s-7-lyd 234 NORTH WATER STKEET. " C0H0WILEY, " SSO XORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, I'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office : Ne. S NORTH DUKE ST. feb-S-lyd "l U TO REILLY & KELLER ter GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, und all ether kinds of Ceal. Quality and quantity guaranteed. Manure by the car lead ut Philadelphia stock yard prices. x ara, .larriseurg -ikc ( Office, W East Chestnut street. anglT-tfd COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kind or COAL go te RUSSEL & SHULMYER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully 'solicited. OFFICE: 29 East King Street. YARD: 018 North. Vrtnce Street. auglt-taprlSR TXA.YKMUUP HVUtX LANCASTER XXD MILLERSYILLE R. '.'. Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancatser (P. K. Depot), at 7, 9, h.i U-JOa.nu.and 2, 4, 6 and 8:30 p. m., except or Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9-JO p. ra. Leave MUIezsvlUe (lower end) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. (COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT R. R j Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Statiesb North-I Express. Express. Accem. WABO. A.M. r. x. r.it. Pert Deposit. ' 6:35 3:50 ) Peachbottem 7:12 4:24 3:18 Safe Harber. 7:59 5:08 56 Columbia.. 8 JO 5:35 6.20 STATieas Seuth- Express. Express.; Accem. ward. A.X. r. .. I A. If. Columbia. Kh53 6:20 7:50 Safe Harber.. 11:23 6:44 ArWK r. x. r. k. Le9:40 Peachbottem 127 7:32 U.07 Pert Deposit 12:45 8:05 1235 TEA1ING COLUMBIA K. R. ARRANGEMENT OF PA33RNUKR TRAINS. MAY lOtH, 1880. nertHward. LX-VX. Uuarryville Lancaster, King St Lancaster Columbia. A-RXVX. a.X. 6:43 7:35 8:03 7:33 .t. 7:50 J-.-O 9:30 Reading... 10:05 SOUTHWARD. HEAVE. A.X. p.t. P.M. .... 35 .... 3:40 1:00 3:30 1:05 3:40 3:20 3.50 r.3f. Reading ... 7:30 ABKIVK. Columbia...... 0:40 Lancaster... .... ............ 9:33 5r-U 0:30 Lancaster. J-ingst K- Onnrrvv tile .. 7:00 j. rains connect ni itcauiuK wim " iv.. from Philadelphia, Pettavllle, Harrisbnrg, Al- lcntewn and New Yerk, via Bound Uroek Reute. . . , At Columbia with trains te anil from Yerk, or, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltl- A. M. WILSON, Supt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY AUGUST 23d, 13d0, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive antl leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia depots as follews: Leave I Arrive Eastward. Lanc'tcr Philad'a Philadelphia Express,.... M U3l A lll" YorkAccem. Arrives;... Harrisbun. Exnress 2:10 A.-. 4:15 a.m 7:40 " 8.00 8:05 8:15 9:10 12:55 1:U0 2:00 3:05 4:45 6Hi 10:10 DlUerville Accem. Arrives,! Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, 12:6V.M. 3:15" 5:00 5:30 ' (:45 " Pacific Express, Sunday Mull, Johnstown Express, Unv Exnrcss .-, Uerrisburg Accommedat'n, Leave I Arrive Phihufa Lanc'ter Wkstward. Way Passenger, Mail Train Ne.l.via Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne. ivia Cel'bta. 2:30 a.m. 7:30 " fcoi" fcei" 8:00 " 5:1 0 a.m. 10:10 " 10:15 ' 11:05 " lOi'.O " Niagara-; Chicago Express sunuay aiaii, 11:50 ' 111 i-.ll. 2:15 230 " 5:45 " . 7rX " 7:30 " 8:50 " 11.30 " 2.40 A. Frederick Accommodation, DUlcrvillcLocal.viaMt.Jey Harrisbnrg Accommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, 230 4:00 5:30 6B 9:10 11:55 r.M. uarrlsburg express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, Pacific Express, cost, en Sunday, when flag; ffi :u, win step a. jniuuieiewn, j-iizuDemiewn. t Jev. Landlsville. lllrd-in-IIar.d. Lcmiin "iace, uap, unrisiiane, x'urKcsiiurg, luait-a vllle, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step atDowningtewn.Coiitesville, Parkes bnrg, Mt. Jey, Ellzabethtewn and Middlctewn. Hanover accommodation west, connecting nt Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 115 a. m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, wart, at 2:10 r. m., and will run through te Frederick. UIET DMA triHUS. 25th Popular Monthly Drawing O-TIIK COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, In the City or Louis ville, en SATURDAY, OCT. 30th, 1880. THESE DRAWINGS, AUTHORIZED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF 1878 AND SUS TAINED BY THE COURTS OF KENTUCKY. occur regularly en the LAST DAY OF EVERY MONTH, Sundays and Fridays excepted, for the period of FIVE YEARS. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company Is legal. 2d Its drawings ara fair.. N. B. This Company lias new en hand a large rcsrrve fund. Read the lb"t of prizes for the OCTOBER DRAWING. 1 prize $ 3O.0C0 1 T)jTZC JUWW 10 prizes ll.OOOcach 10,000 20 prizes 500 each lo.euo 100 prizes, $100 each 10,000 200 prizes 50 each 10,000 600 prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 prizes lOcach 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " lftO 9 prizes 100 each, " ."SOD 1,960 prizes. ................. .$112,400 Whole tickets. $2; halt tickets, $1; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets, $100. -.Remit by Meney In Letter, by Bank Draft or Express te R. HI. BOARDS. AN, Courier-Journal Building. Leuis-llle, Ky., or 307 and 309 Broadway. New Yerk. m31TuTliASAw lier EITTEHS. IF YOU ARE A MAN OF BUSINESS, weakened by the strain of yenr duties, avoid stimulants and take HOP BITTE11S! Ifyen arc a man or letters, telling ever your midnight work, te restore brain and nerve waste, take HOP BITTERS! It you are young, ami suffering from any Indiscretion ordlssipatlen, take HOP BITTERS! If you are married or single, old or young. snnering irem peer ncaiiii or languering en a bed of sickness, take HOP BITTERS! Whoever yen arc. wherever you are, when ever you feel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating, with out Intoxicating, take HOP BITTERS! Have you dutpepsia, kidney or vrinaru com plaint, disease et the stomach, bowel r, bleed, livtr, or nerves f Yeu will be cured if you take HOP BITTERS! It you are simply ailing, are weak and low spirited, try it I Buy it. Insist upon It. Your druggist keeps It. HOP BITTERS! It may save your life. It has saved hundred-. HOP BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO., Rochester, New Yerk and Terente, Ontario. 2 HOBES, BLANKETS. JtC. S1 ION OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS I have new en hand the Labqest, Bestakd Chxatzst AsseKTM-arr of Lined and Unllned BUFFALO ROBES in the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line or Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &e. 49Kcpalring neatly and promptly dene.S A. MILEY, 10 North Queen St., Lancaster. 25-1 jdMWAS BOOTS AND SHOES. -JT1 A Ciy BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS JCjfL O JL made en a new principle, Insur ing coin.ert for the feet. T"-""T"Q IaL" med's te order. Dl-AJAl! MILLER, leblt-tfa 133 East King street AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL - Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will celve prompt attention. Bills made eataad ended te wlthontCaddltlenalcost. et7-Ir ji. r.it. 11:55 6:10 F.M. 2:03 8.-20 !03 8:10 .... 8:20 .... 933