- -- ViJ "''' , -. , y- LANCASTER DAILY 1NTELIIGEN0ER. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13, 1880 ikfi ' ' -. .,- ? '"'( l'" trjcrs&zx Net se many years age it was a difficult matter te persuade teachers te lend their aid and give their time te the instruction of the few ragged boys and girls then gath ered into the schools. New we have an armv of a million and a-half of volunteer teachers and a schelarsiiip of fourteen million pupiln. There is therc- fore a necessity for conventions, such as this, that the teachers and ethers interested in the schools may commune together, compare experiences, impart and receive new ideas, and the. better qualify them selves for the great work in which they are engaged. Over 5,000such conventions have been held, and among the delegates may be named many of the brightest in tellects known among men and women; aud it will be found that in all the churches of whatsoever denomination the most earnest arc active as teachers in Bible classes and Sunday-schools. A versa or the hymn, "Blest be the tie that binds " was then sung, after which Rev. Henry M. Ilarman, D. D., professor f of Greek and Hebrew in Dickensen college, Carlisle, was introduced and dilivercd an address en the " Credibility of the Gospel," a theme, he said, that was of paramount importance and needed no apology for its 1 discussion. In offering proofs of the f antiquity, authenticity and divine origin of thry!Ospcls,hc quoted largely from Pagan and Jewish antliorsef the first, second and third centuries, te show that they had a knowledge of Jesus Chrisi, anu of the writings of the four evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and join; and that their history is corroborated in many wonderful ways by the ancient writ ings of Pagans. Jews, heretics and infi dels, whose object was te discredit it. After an elaborate presentation of proofs outside the four gospels te demonstrate their authenticity, the reverend orator pre sented the proofs afforded by the gospels themselves. In all the churches of all ages, iuall languages, there arc found the four gospels, and no mere, and everywhere the writers arc known by the same names. They have always proclaimed the same Christ and there is none ether. Fer eighteen hnndn-d years the Jews have been looking for another Mes siah and found none. The reverend gentleman argued that no system of re ligion had ever Lu.n or could ever be en a higher moral plane than Christianity. It teaches that we shall love the Lord with all our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves. As iothe religion of the future, of which modern skeptics talk, he thought there could be none except purer Chris tianity, broader charity, holier lives, mere Sunday-school work ; these will raise the masses te tit themselves for usefulness en earth and meet all the wants of man here and hereafter. After a few remarks by Mr. "Whitney and the secretary relative te the entertain ment of delegates, and a few ether matters, the convention adjourned, the benediction being pronounced by Rev. Dr. Ilarman. Wednesday Herning. The convention opened with the singing of hyins and de votional cxciciscs, led by Rev. Geerge Sig ler, Dr. Fleck, Dr. Kerr and Rev. Weed stock. Rev. 11. Crittenden, of Bellefenie, was elected assistant secretary. The following committees vcij an nounced : On iimncc JamisMcCennick, ilarris burg ; Cel. Sam'l Shnch, Columbia ; J. R. Eby, Harrisburg ; W. S. Woodcock, Al Al Al toena ; Jehn Wcist, Frccburg. On nominations J. C. Stock, Carlisle ; W. B.MavshalljIndiana; W. S. Woodcock, On time aud place for holding next con ventien Rev. D. Id. ?diller, Johnsteivn ; Thes. Fletcher, Girardvllle ; Rev. S. G. Shannen, Milrey ; K. Allen Levell, Hunting don : VvV Heward Celbert, Butler. On State Secretary's Repert. Eli S. Reinhold, Rev. J. S. Landis, R. "Wariwr Hare. On Organization of Unorganized Coun ties E. Payson Perter, Philadelphia; Rev. R. Crittenden. Bcllefentc ; W. B. Miller, Bedford ; J. I!, Cameren, Oeela Mills: Rev. Funk, Philadelphia. Actinjr State Secretary Ed. S. "Wagner read his annual report, a document of some length, wherein the work el tee as sociation since its organization is review ed. The report was referred. The report of the treasurer was also read. It shows the society te be several hundred dollars in debt. Referred te finance committee te audit and rcpeit. Rev. B. F. Vincent. Philadelphia, deliv ered an eloquent adds ess, filled with npt illustrations, in "practical normal work in the Sunday schools." He said one must first knew something before they attempt te teach; and must knew mere fian they attempt te teach or want te nc. They should haveau enlarged knowledge that will never run dry; they must thoroughly un derstand what they attempt te teach, and net merely have a smattering knowledge of some general facts. The speaker illus trated this point by telling a couple of anecdotes : A boy was asked te tell what he knew about Peter's betrayal of the Lord, and lie answered that " Peter swore three times before he crewed." Anether, in attempting te tell the story of Abraham and Let, and the destruction of Sodom, said among ether things that Let's wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt by day aud a pillar of salt by night ! These boys had some facts te go'en, but like illy-infermed teachers they made but peer use of them. It is further necessary, the orator said that tl.e teacher should have a knowl edge of the relation existing between the teacher, the pupil and the lessen. He must knew what and hew much the pupil can receive, and se govern the amount of the mental discharge. He must measure his. pupil's mind and net turn en mere than he can receive A fue plug with all its water makes : very peer fountain. The wise teacher will gauge the mental and moral lessens te the per ception of the pupil. We want teachers aud we want teachers te have a method, and use implements suited te their work. And then we want them te use tnefc methods and implements understandingly. A com pass is an admirable thing te have in the forest or wilderness, or en the eceau by the man who knows hew te use it, but in ignorant hands it is valueless ; and se of the means placed at the disposal of the teach er; he must knew hew te use them, his zeal must be directed by knowledge. The reverend orator then spoke at sonic length en the importance of preparing Sunday school teachers for their work by meaus of practical normal classes. He argued that there should be a normal class in every church. Geed teachers are constantly drop ping off by death, removal or ether causes, and there are constantly recurring ditlicul ties in supplying their places. By having a class of trained teachers in each church, as a reserve force, these difficulties would disappear and the work of the Sunday school would be greatly furthered. At some length the lecturer threw out hints as te hew such normal classes could be or ganized. A vote of thanks was tendered Dr. Vin cent for his valuable address. . The hymn " Revive thy work eh Lord" was sung, after which the counties were called ever alphabetically for reports en the condition of the Sunday schools. The delegates prcsent made brief verbal reports, most of them being quite favorable, after which the convention adjourned. Lecal Sunday Scheel Convention. The Lancaster district of the Lancaster classis or the Reformed Church held a Sunday school convention in the Reformed church at New Providence, beginning en Monday evening and closing last evening. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. W. F. Lichliter, of Lancaster, from the text,St. Jehn, xxi., 15., "Fcedmy Lambs," Alteena; Rev. 11. K. Fleck, fcteneemireli : Lewis Philip.EastXantmeil ; J. B. Bangh man. East rterlin ; Dr. J. W. Kerr, Yerk. which was a very practical and edifying discourse. The convention was organized by elect-in"- Rev. J. P. Moere, of Millersvillc; pres dent ; Rev. D. B. Shucy.-ef New-Providence treasurer ; and B. F. Bausman, of Lancas ter, secretary. . On Tuesday morning tnc urst suujcct, "Family nurture and its relation te the Sunday school." was opened by Rew D. B. Shuev, "Hew te secure regular at tendance," by Rev. A. B. Shcnkle; " Who should be officers, and teachers of the Sun day school," byAV. F. Lichliter. At the afternoon session thc following subiccts were discussed : " Methods of Teaching," by Rev. D. B. Shuev Hew te keen ceuutry Sunday schools open dur ing the winter," bv Rev. J. P. Moere; " Hymns and Music," by B. F. Baus man ; "The dutj of Sunday schools te missions aud orphans" homes," by Lewis Ileiter. During the cveningiscssien the subject for discussion was "The "proper object of Sun day schools," which was opened by Rev. D. "W. Gerhard. Considerable time was spent in answering of referred questions and ether business. All the subjects elicited lively general discussion and the meetings of the conventions were pervaded with much interest. COLUMBIA NEWS. or:: nF.avi.Au coiii-:srexoi::.fE Te-night, Democratic Parade Inef neliary i'lre isoreusii isuugui. There will be a parade of all the Hancock and English ferces this evening. The bat talion will be formed at S o'clock sharp and the column will v.-ill move ever the following route : Up Locust te Seventh, aciess Seventh te Walnut, down Walnut te Frent, clown Frent te Locust, up Locust te Third,across Third te Union, up Union te Fourth, out Fourth te Maner, up Maner te Ninth countermarch te Florence, down Florence te Fifth, out Fifth te Union, down Union te Perry, down Perry te Second, across Second 'te Cherry, up Cherry te Fourth te Locust, and down Locust te opera house, where the paiade will he dismissed. Afne broke out early this morning at S. C. Swaitz's ice house, situated en the liver shorn a short distance above the Reading & Columbia railroad coal shtttcs. The lire, from the rep-irts at hand, was the act of an incendiary and was started at the lower end of the house. It was discovered before gaining much headway, aud an alarm sounded, but before the arrival of the fire department had assumed such proportions 'that te save the building was impossible. There were less than fifty tens of ice in the house and the less en stock is therefore light. The less en the building is tela', and expense would have been saved had it burned ie ashes, as it new stands, it is absolutely worthless. Under reef in front of the house were an chercd seven beats thcpiopeityefasmany gentlemen residing here. Twe of these beats were saved by their owners, the etbcis were le.it. The ice house and stock arc injured in the Lchaneu Mutual in surance company. The Pennsylvania railroad pay c.ir is ex peeled here te-day. The Frederick accommedalioir train west yesteiila.y nficiuenn, due here at 2:1, arrived about feity-livef minutes late. Miss Saiah Wynne, an ex-teacher of the Columbia public schools, died yeterday mer.iing of consumption. The members of the arehcry club did what is considered very geed sheeting yesterday afternoon. The Republicans last evening listened te Messrs E. K. Martin and A. C. liein liein eehl, of Lancaster city. Christian Kaufi'man died at Lauduvillc at Jive o'clock yesterday afternoon, aged 72 years, lie was the father of J. IT. Katiffman, haulware merchant of this place. The funeral will take place en Fii iliy morning at J) o'clock. Geerge Tille has returned faun a visit of a couple of days te Philadelphia. Large crAvds assembled at the efliccs of the We: tern Union and American Union telegraph offices last night te hear the return.-; from Indiana and Ohie. A couple of boys engaged in a het fight at Fourth aud Locust streets this morn ing. The adjutant of the Democratic battal ion. Lieutenant Harry S. Graybill, thor oughly understands his business and will form the battalion in ship shape s'yle. SKltlOCS HAILllOAD A'IiS:ST. A Hey's L.z Terribly Crashed by llie Cars. Yesterday two boys, Isaac Rutlcr and Toke Maynard,ngcdabeut 12 years, jumped upon a fi eight tiaiu passing through the depot in this city, and rode down as far as Kinzcr's, where they jumped oil". In attempting te jump en another train, te return home, Ruttcr missed his footing and fell with his right leg partly upon the track. The wheels passed ever it, tearitg away the fiesh fieni the calf almost te the hip and rolling up the skin like a s.-iell. The boy's right hand was also badly lacerated and his head was cut and bruised but none of his bones were broken. His injuries were attended te by Dr. Leaiuan, efLcamau Place, after which he was b: ought te Lancaster, en the Harrisburg accommodation train west and taken te the home of his father, Isaac Ruttcr, Xe. 113 East King st:ect. Here he was attended by Drs. WesthaeiTcr, Rohrer and At.lee, jr. His wounds are terribly, severe, but it is hoped his limb aud life maybe saved. FIRE THIS aiOKNINU. Uivelllu? Heuse Sligiitly Damaged. This morning a dwelling house belong ing te the Reading railroad company, and sif-iinied :-. t.lte. rmvmv of .Tamps and Mul berry streets, was slightly injured by fire. Tlin limlf!in is n. nn.Kierv ami a half frame, and is occupied by Mrs. Kale Scott. The furniture was removed immediately frnr Hinflrn in t.hn vnnf was discovered. ".'v .... ...... - - J and none of it was burned. A large hole was burnad in the reef of the build ing. The lire was easily extinguished by tlm fmi Rfimnaiiica. The buildinf? was in sured and the less is net very large. Sale r ICuul Kstatc. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioned., sold at public sale, at Hanibright's hotel, en the Columbia turnpike, Oct. 12, for Andrew Brubakcr, trustee of Levi Baer and wife, a farm situated in East Iiempficld town ship, containing 114. acres, with improve ments. Benj. B. Baer, for S2C3.20 per acre, the whole amounting te $20,812.S0. In Town. James F. Sherry, the well known theat rical manager, who ha many friends in this city, was in town this merinng. He is new in the publishing house of E. II. Butler & Ce. Ilmv Thev F.-el at Adrian, Midi. KccJ, Beach & Smit'.i, druggists, of this city, say that Day's Kidxey Pad W giving the very Lea' or satisfaction. One of their customers says he would net lake two hundred dollars for one he has if lie could net another. Any diseased the Kidney s.lSInddcr. Ui inary Organs, Nervous System, or case el l-aine liaclc, that cannot he cured by Day's Kidney Pad, cannot he cured by any ether treatment or remedy in existence. ell-lwdMW&F&w Kich in iunclc-ireducing' material beyond all ether feeds mid medicines and Malt Kit tcrs. Cntcli a Tartar and when caught scrub-well withSOODOXT Don't spare it. Urush for dear life. If yen destroy it, all the better for you and your teeth. " It will destroy the health of the meutli, its beauty, and your sweet breath. oll-lwdced&w !.-i),nD cakes sold the first year attest the popularity e:J3uttcura Jlcdicinal Seap, WE INVITE EXAMINATION OF THE MANY NEW THINGS WE OPEN TO-DAY IN CHOICE DRESS GOODS! FROM THE XEW YORK MARKETS. All the Choice Novelties in Silkst Brocade, Velvets and Cleth Suitings in Plain and Fancy, in all the Popular Makes. GIVLEE, BOWEES & HTJEST, 2 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Amusements. "The Galley Slave."-ln the cast that will present Mr. Hartley Campbell's great play et 'The Galley Slave" at Fulton opera house Thursday night, the namci of suc'a popular local favorites as Mr. Frank Evans, Mr. J. J. Sullivan, Miss Xellie Barbour and ethers ara notable. All persons at all familiar with cur rent dramatic history arc aware et the great success that has been achieved by " The Galley Slave,'' which has Just been renewing and in creasing miaurels at thaChestnut Street opera house, Philadelphia. Mr. Mishlcr will super vise its production here, which will be marked by all the scenic effect that has contributed se materially te the success of the piece. It ought te have a big house here, as Manager Yeekcr informs us this performance will virtually close the season unitl alter the election excite ment. 1'OT.lTIVAl. llUI,ZTjy. or Assembly. The name et WILLIAM McCOMSEY, of the First ward, will be presented te the Demo cratic electors et Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidata for As sembly, under Democratic rules. ELIMG. SXYDEIt, of the Xinlli ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te tiie Legislature from Lancaster City. Suh fect te Democratic rules. tel rel'ITIUAl. MKKT1XGH. Company I. Company D of the Eighth Ward Hancock and English club will meet lit Kohlhaas's saloon Wednesday evening next for drill. The company comprises all residing in the north eastern part of the ward. Derwart te Vcst King te line of ward, Derwait te cast side of run. High te East High, te line et ward. Xfnt: IVard. The regular stated meeting et the Xinth ward Hancock and English club will be held at their club room, eyer Arneld Haas's saloon, North Queen street, en Friday evening at 1 o'clock. Company II et the Hancock Veterans will drill te-morrow evening at 8 o'clock, at the Centre Square headquarters. Attention Hancock Veterans. All members of Hancock Veteran Assecia" tien, with the exception of Ces. A and 1J, are requested te report at headquarters for drill en Thursday evening at Vt o'clock, sharp, Sevcntli Ward. Tiie Yeuug Men's Hancock and English club of the Seventh ward will meet te-morrow (Thursday )evciiingftt V.i o'clock at tTtzinger'a saloon, Middle street. Important business. .i HtCCIA I. KO TI VJZS. ..2- -C Miri.1: etici:. It is impossible ler a woman after a faithful course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham:s Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness of the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mr. Lydia E. Pinkliam, 233 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass.,cfer pamphlets. jy23-lydeed&w Aching heads and clouded brains arc cured by "Sellers' Liver Pills" Try them. Sold by druggists. 23e. a bes , revcrty and Suffering. " 1 was dragged down with debt, poverty and suilcring ter years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did them no geed. 1 was completely discouraged, until one year age, by the advice of my pastor, I procured Hep Bitters and commenced their use, and in one month we were all well, aud none et us have seen a sick day since, and 1 want te say te all peer mcn,yeu can keep your families well a year with Hep Bitters ter less than one doctor's visit will coif. A Working man." 2wd Try Leehcr's Uenownee Cough Syrup. .Iietlicra! .Mothers:! Mothers:!! Ari-yeu;distuilicd at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying w-iili ihe excruciating pain et cutting teeth? I! .-.. go at once ami get a bottle of MKS. WIXS I.OW'S SOOTHING SYUUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it .- then; is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has overused it, who will no! ttll ou at once that it will regulate the beue;-, and give rest te the mother, and relief an. I health te the child, operating lik niugie. It :-. perfectly sale te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the ta.5te, and i- the prescription et one et the (!desl and best female physicians and unices in the United States. Sold everywhere" 2.-V ent a bottle. rilT-lyd&wM.W&S Scrofula of thirty years' standing has been cured by "Dr. Lindey's Bioed Searcher." Sold by all Druggists. llcip te iUerncrs .nursing Infants. It Is a conceded fact that mothers who have the care, anxiety and draught et nursing in lants, aie weak and need the aid et some strengthening tonic te make up the nourish ment required for the growth of the child. Ale, porter and lager beer have often been re commended. Of late, since physicians have become aware that the Tort Grape Wine pro duced by Alfred Specr, et l'assaie. X. J., is strictly pure, they have prescribed it instead of ale and porter. This wine is principally sought for by mothers who have nursing in fants at the breast, as the best supplying medl cine te be found. The wine is rlchlnbedyand net intoxicating, but gently stimulating Druggists generally keep it. Enquirer. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlec and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. el-2wd&w Cengtis. . "Jlrewn's Bronchial Troches" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer thirty years these Troches have been in use, with annually increasing favor. They arc net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Tlie Tlireat. "Jlreicn's Bronchial Troches'-'' act directly en the organs of the voice. They have an ex t inerdinary effect in all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone w hen rc laxed, cither lreni cold or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a clcarand distinct enunci ation. Speaker ami Singers find the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re quires immedi.-it" attention, as neglect often times results in some incurable Lung Disease. ' Jire;vn"s lironehial Troches " will almost in variably give relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many el which are injurious. The genu ine "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are sold cnl't in. Vezes. anl3-lyd&wTu,Th&S MAJtltlAGES. Xecdeuf Keller. October 10, In the Evan gelical Lutheran (Zion's) church by Kev, F. i Mayers, Frederick William Xeuderf, of Brandenburg, te Catherane Marg. Keller, efthi3city. ltd&w VMAT11S. Vellmck. In this city, en October .13, 1800, Mary Ellen, daughter ei Frederick and Anna Mary Vellmer, aged C months The relatives and friends of the family arc rcspectiully invited te attend the funeral Irem her parents' residence. Xe. 309 Xerth Queen street en Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment at Zion's cemetery. m&x GOODS. LADIES, 7 e H. Z. RHOADS & BRO. Call attention te the completeness and variety of their stock, including ever? article of every description in their line, from the low-priced te the costly. All grades of Watches and Time-keepers. All classes of Jewelry, including very many pretty designs in cheap goods, and a superb collection of find Diamond Goods. Silverware in full variety, from any geed Electro-plated article te the Solid Silver Goods of great intrin sic worth. Oil Paintings, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, &c., &c. All purchasers of goods in our line, all persons contemplat ing the purchase of such goods, all admirers of beautiful goods, are respeetfully invited te visit our store. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers. A'lSir ADVJilllltiliMEXTS. Democratic County Committee The Democratic County Committee will meet at the Central Headquarters in this city en MOXDAY, OCTOBER 23, ut 10 a. m. Im portant business. Every member ia expected te be present. W. V. HEXSEL, v. ii. ur.iEit, i D. McMcllen, V Secretaries B. S. Patterson, ) W. II. Gr.iKn, i .Chairman. JA In the Court of Common Pleas for the Cevnty of Lancaster : Netice is hereby given that an Application will be made te said Court en MOXDAY, OC TOBER 23, 1SS0, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. for the ap proval of a certain Amendment te the Charter of the Woodward Hill Cemetery of the City of Lancaster, asset forth in the Petition for the allowance et said amendment llled in said Court. A: .1. EBEKLY. ect 1,'J.IU Solicitor. QZ.(f KfcWAIH. tu)UUU By virtue of the authority vested in me by resolution of Councils February i, 137-1, I hereby offer a reward of $310 for the arrest and conviction et the person or persons who fired the building at the corner of Plum street anu Marien allev en the evening of October 10, 1S80. " JOIIX T. MacGOXIGLE, ectl3-!td Mayer. PUllLIC SALV OF KKAL ESTAT1S. On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1?S0, at the Leepard Hetel. East King street, will be sold a two-story BRICK DWELLING, with two-story Brick Back Building, containing seven (7) rooms, with gas, situated at Ne. 20 Plum street. The let irents 17 leet 4 inches by CI feet. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m , when terms will be made known by HENRY IlERSHEY. S. Hess & Sex, Aucts. ect2l3ul 100 Tens of Kags Wanted, Fer whieh the highest price will be paid. 2J.J CENTS l'E-U POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. : CENTS PER POUND FOR V 111TE I: AGS. The highest price paid for Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, 4c. Ten Rag Asserters wanted, te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, y9-tfdRl Lancaster, Pa I)UHLIC S.iLE. On WEDXESDAY, OCTOBER 13, lfSO. in pursuance of an alias order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned administrator with the will annexed of Joan Jean na Barry, deceased, will se ' ft public sale at the Leepard hotel, East L i'j street, in the city of Lancaster, the following described property, viz: All that certain two-story and attic BRICK DWELLING HOUSE ami ether buildings and Let or Piece of Ground belong ing thereto, situated en the North side of East King street, in t tie cily of Lancaster, being Ne. !tl .rtnf if ,i,iir ill frrmfOI filt llini'l nv lf4 .....l ......n.lEn'?. 1.. .!..!. ,. ....!.... ....I )! 1.l..t ' ..1111 vltrillllllt. 111 1IUI111 iiviiuniu -t'.ii.t:!, mere or le?.s, te p. 14 feet wjde public alley, and having a front of said alley et 28 feet, mere or less, with a gend Brick Stable. Terms : Purchase nienev te be paid cash en the 1st day el April, A. D. 1SSI. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. m.. of said day when attendance will be given and terms made known bv. PHILIP BARRY, HtxitY SnuitKKT, Administrator, C. T. A. Auctioneer. siy-ei!),ll,12.13 F LAGS! FLAGS! SASHES FOR PARADES, TRIMMINGS FOR SASHES, SADDLE CLOTHS, SHOUL DER STRAPS, BELTS, &c. Neckties, Entirely New Styles. NEW STYLE COLORS. UNDKRWEAE, GLOVES &c, &c. E, J. BRISMAN'S, . S6 SOKTn OUKiSN STKEET. .... . . i .. WAXTEV. WANTED. fiVKRVBUDV TO ADVEK tise, free of charge, in the Inteliiefn cbr, who wants something te de. WANTED. THE INQUIRER PRINTING and Publishing Company want a few in telligent boys te learn the printing business. Inquire cither in person or by letter, at their office 53 and 35 North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. ect 7-3tdeew&2tw SAUER KRAUT LUNCH TO-MORROW from 10 a m. te 2 p. m. at the Tremont Heuse, 151 North Queen Street. It JOHN SCHOEXBERGER, A fANTED AN AGENT FOR THE COLUMBIA BICYCLE. Address ltdf W. A. STEWART. Lancaster P. O. Office op tue Maiiest Mutual life Asse- ciatiex or Selixsckeve, Pa. s 1I7-ANTED-UOOI, ACTIVE, RESPONSI f V blc Agents in each township of the county et Lancaster. Apply in hand writing of Applicant te the Heme Olllcc. L. R. HUMMEL, Sec'y. Sclinsgrew, Snyder county, Pa.. September 7.18SO. hepKMmcl&Slw WANTED. IIY A .IlIUOLK AGED UN marricd man employment ; quick and correct at figures ; can keep books by double ereinglc entry, and will net object te making himself generally useful at a very reasonable salary. Address J. B.,'235 Fulton street, Lan caster. WANTED A XOUXO GIRL WANTS A situation as Chambermaid or Dining Roem girl. Geed reference given. Apply at ltd THIS OFFICE. TV 7E.SLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, WILMINGTON. DEL Pleasant Christian home. Beautiful healtlifu city. Twe degrees conferred, or select courses Increase et boarders last year 50 per cent. Nc charge 8190 a year. Forty-fourth year begins September . Fer Catalogue address REV. J. M. WILLIAMS, A. M.. )yll-3tw President. rOZITXCAZ. DEMOCRATIC sssss NOMINATION. The Democratic voters et this city arc re quested te assemble at their iinual voting places at primary elections en WEDXESDAY EVENING, Oct. 18, 1880, FROM 7 TO S O'CLOCK, and make general nominations ler Assemblyman for the City legislative District, and te meet at thesame places en SATURDAY EVENING, Ccl. 1, 1880, FROM C TO S O'CLOCK, und te vote f'oreno nominee for Assembly treni said District, W. V. HEXSEL, Chairman Campaign Committee. Jse. IC. Metzucr, Sect. A31 USHJUEXTS. OltlLLIANT DRAMATIC EVENT. OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14th. MR. JOHN D. M1SHLER hai the honor el presenting Hartley- Campbell's greatest tri utnpu, as produced ever 100 nights last season in New Yerk. THE GALLEY SLATE will be interpreted by one of the best dramatic companies that has ever appeared Lancaster, including MISS GUSSIE DeFORREST, M'ME MA.IERONI. FRANK EVANS, J. J. SULLI VAN. JUNIUS BRUTUS BOOTH. THOS. II. BURNS and NELLIE BARBOUR. Will posi tively be presented witli splendid scenic views et VENICE, ROME. MARSEILLES, PARIS. Ne advance in prices. 35, 50 and 7lic. Diagram at Yccker's Office. e'J-3td MIS CELL A XEO VS. MISS DAVIS, Teacher of French in St. James Scheel, pupil of the PENSION TRIBOU, Paris, will receive a few private pupils. Fer terms apply from 5 te C p. in., at e!) 2td Ne. 131 NORTH DUKE STREET. MAGNETIC TOOTHACHE CURE. Cures almost instantly without injury te the teeth or gums. Fer sale ut BLACK'S DRUG STORE, 21 West Chestnut Street. 23 cents per bottle. eWwd PAINTING. All kinds of Heuse Painting and Graining done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. We have reduced our prices te $1.73 per iluy. Shep en West Charlette street. QCtl23md ALLEN GUTHRIE & SOS. POTATOES. 500 bushels or Pennsylvania Potatoes at COc per bushel of Early Rese, Bresce's, Ne. 6 and Canada Victer. J ust received seme very fine teas and choice ceftces and a full line et fancy Groceries and Fruits in season. Call at GEO. WI ANT'S. e!2-2td 13 West King street. A MEETING OL' THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Lancaster and Friiltvilta Turnpike Read Company will be held en MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1880, at the Office et the Secre tary, CI North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa., be tween the hours of 2 and 4 p. m., ler the elec tion of officers ler the ensuing year. I. CARPENTER, octll-M&Thtnevl Secretary. 17LEGANT GRAY GRANITE MONU li MENTSat McC LUKE'S MARBLE WORKS, Ne. 23 Seuth Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. Pi ices very low. eC-2tdW&Sltw BR. SAMOBJD'S LIVEE INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANPORD, 162 Broadway,N. Y. Fer sale by all Druggists oll-lyced&coww t AS FITTING AND PLUMBING. 7 JOHN P. SCHAUM, Ne. 27 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. A Large Assortment et GAS FIXTURES Constantly en hand. iylO-fimdeawS THIRD EDITION WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCT. 13, 1880. NIP AND TUCK DOUBTFUL INDIANA. COXTEXDIXW CLAIMS AND COXCES- SlOWS. BULLETINS FROM THE HOOSIER BAT TLE GROUNDS. LANDERS THINKS HE'S BEATEN. OHIO. THE REPUBLICAN MAJOICITV MELTING Lang Making Heavy Inroads en Last Year's Vete. INDIANA. Republican Gains in Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Oct. 135:30 a. sl 230 precincts give a Democratic gain of 1301, Republican gain 3,102, net Iicpublicr.ii gain 1,801. Nearly 17 per cent, el the vote is heard from. 9:30.v. m. Indianapolis city and county give a Republican majority of 2,500, a Republican gain of 1,000 10:20 a. m. Twe huudicd and eighty precincts show a Democratic gain of 1,553, and a Republican gain of 3,817; net Re publican gain, 2,291. St. Jeseph county, complete, gives Perter, Rep., a majority of 240 ; Republican gain, 237. 10:35 a. m. Returns from 300 precincts give net Republican gains of 2,4G3. JefTer JefTer sen county gives Republican majority of 621, Republican gain 310. The Reput licans claim eight congressmen. 10:50 a. m. Returns from 320 precincts give a Democratic gaiu of 1,529, a Repub lican gain of 4,299; net Republican gain, 2,770. This isabeut 22 percent of the vote. Indianapolis, Oct. 13 11:50 a. m. 390 precincts give the Dcmeciats 02,715, Re publicans 07,725, Nationals 3,270. A net Republican gain of 3,282 ever vote of .same places in 1870. Indianapolis, Oct. 13 Noen. Partial returns en the congressional vote indicate the election of Democrats in the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 12th districts, and of Re publicans in the Cth, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 13th districts. The 7th (Indianapolis) district is doubtful, with chances iii favor of Byficld (Dcm.) ever Dc La Matyr (Nat.) and Peellc (Rep.) Indiaoapelis, Oct. 13.-12:30 p. m. 430 prccinst show Democratic gain of 2,723, Re publican gain of 0,559, net republican gain of 3,830. News from New. New Yep.k, Oct. 13. The Commercial Advertiser issues an extra containing the following despatch : "Indianapolis, Oct. 13. The latest re turns indicate that the state will go from 3,000 te -1,000 Republican. Seme of our friends claim as high as 5,000, and we have made congressional gains. "Jehn U. New" A Democratic County ilenrd Frem. Indianapolis, Oct. 12 The Republican majority in the city of Indianapolis is 1,70). The Democrats elect eight con gressmen out of thirteen. Shelby county gives 833 majority for Landers. Shelby is the first Democratic county that has been heard from, and hews a Democratic gain of 01 en the vote of 1870. It is the home of ex-Governer Hendricks. Jtlore Cheering Titlti:;;. Indianapolis, Oct. 13. Complete re turns from Jacksen county, unefiicial, give 1,119 Democratic majority. Knox county all in; majority for Landers (Dcm.) 8G3. White county gives Landers (Dcm.) small majority. Reported last night the ether way. All the above show Demo cratic gains. Grewing IScltcr and lletter. New Yep.k, Oct. 13. Nelsen J. Water bury, of this city, telegraphs from Indian apolis te the Democratic national commit tee that Indiana is surely Democratic. A Gleam of Light Irem Ohie. The following has just been received at the Democratic national headquarters here: "Cleveland, Oct. 13. Returns from Ohie arc muddled. Republicans are making their calculations en supreme court judge; we are making eius en secretary or state. Thus far the Democratic gains for secre tary of state in this section have been heavy ever the vote of 1879, and it leeks as if Lang is net beaten ever 5,000 te 7,000. Hurd (Dem.) is beaten for Congress, se is Shaffer, whose vote runs largely behind his ticket. The vote in Ohie lias been in creased at least 49,000. Hancock is 10,000 votes stronger than Lang. The strong Democratic counties have net yet been heart from fully." Some Republican Claims. The following dispatches were lcceivcd at the headquarters of the Republican na tional committee this morning : Indianapolis, Oct. 13. Te lien. M. Jewell : One-ninth of the slate is heard from. At this ratio Perter's plurality will be 3,000. Signed W. R. Halloway. Later. Indianapolis, Oct. 13. Perter's ma jority will reach, if net exceed, 5,000. Signed W. Ii. Hallewav. A Wild itcpubliciiu Estimate. Chicago, Oct. 13. A JS'eics special from Indianapolis, says morning returns indi cate Perter's election by net less than 10,000 majority. Itejelcln;; Kads. Cincinnati, Oct. 13. 12.35. Private dispatches from Indianapolis say the Re publicans arc in a high state of excitement, marching through the streets with bands of music. They new claim Perter's (Rep.) election for governor by 3,000 majority ; also 8 members of Congress and 50 mem bers of the Legislature. They concede forty members of the Legislature te the Democrats and claim that ten arc doubtful. Fert Wayne though electing the Demo cratic ticket, gives a Republican gain of 713. Decatur cunty gives a Republican majority of 179, a Republican gain of 208. Landers Gives It Vp. ! Indianapolis, Oct. 13. Mr. Landers, ' the Democratic candidate for governor, (concedes the election of Perter by at least 4,000 majority, and that the Legislature is probably Republican. 480 precincts show a Democratic gain, of 3.G30, and a Republi can gain of 7,573; net Repuplicau gain, 3,915. The Republicans claim the state by 7,000 majority. Carrell county cemplete gives a Demo cratic majority of 77, a Democratic less of 79. Later returns from the First con gressional district indicate a very close vote and both parties are- claiming the election of their candidate. The resnlt in the Seventh (Indianapolis) district is still in doubt. There are net enough returns from the Legislature te indicate a definite result. Beth parties claim a majority. fleyd County ltlght Slde Up. Indianapolis, Oct. 13. Official returns from Floyd county give Landers a ma jerity of 1,004. The ether way last night. Nominated After Leng Flsht. Williamspekt, Oct. 13 li. J.C.Walk er, of this city, was nominated this morn ing en the 221st ballet by the Republicans of the Sixteenth congressional district. Very Latest. The very latest bulletins, evidently through Republican channels, are te the effect that McDonald." con cedes Lander's defeat, but claims the remainder of the state ticket. Ohie is re ported 20,000 Republican, with 15 Re publican congressmen. oiue. Keiittlilicr.ii Claim of 20,000 Majority. CeLC.'tnrs, Ohie, Oct. 13. The Repub licans claim Ohie by 20,000 majority and a gain of live congressmen. Csnul Kcpublicuu 3Ijerlty In Cuyahegm Cleveland, O., Oct. 13. Complete returns from Cuyahoga county give Charles Tewnscud, Rep. Secretary of State, -1,051 majority, McIIvauc, Rep. Sup: cine Court Judge, 3,937 majority, and Ames Townsend, Hep. for Congress 5,239 majority. Gu. lieltl's l'e;ui.iiUy at Ilenin. Returns from Menter, Garfield's home, show a Republican less of three votes en secretary of state from majority in 1S76. AVEATIIEK INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Oct. 13. Fer tti Middle Atlantic states, certhcrly te east erly winds, stationary or slight rise in barometer, clear or fair weather and no change in temperature. MARKETS. l'Ulhitlclptim ctarkct. PuiLAMxriiiA. Oct. IX flour quiet but ilrui lvhelil; Hiinertlin; :; negs 50; extra $3 73 t 2. ; Oliie ami lniliann I'mnily S3 23t 00 ; I'eim'a tuniily (lefaOOgr 50 : St. I .en in tumily at i Xl(i; .Mi; Minnesota family $.' 25a5 00; Strif;iir $'&.? ; ::iten uni lilcth ic ratten $7(X) s -r. Kye II en rat .-i2T). Wheat llrnier; Ne. '2 Western Ueil I14 1 ll:i ; Pa. iteil $1 12JJ1 U ; Amber $1 1301 II. Cern linn ; steamer, none here ; yellow 96c; mixed .Vie. Oats steatlv : Ne. 1, While lie : Ne. '2 de iOKc; Ne. 3 ileSOc; Ne. 2, Mixeii:S.3Dc. Kye "lull at We. PreviMmi'j in steady jelin;r trade; mess perk $lf;.V; beet Hum I: 5!17 OU; In dian m.-i heel ut $18 .0 ; Hineked hams HJiW I2e; pickled ham.-t 8Jrt9a ; bacon ameketl shoulders ifie ; salt le 'Ve. Lard market firm ; city kettle atOQJc; loeie butelierst'S'c: prime .steam $J 00. Butler Choice in fair domain! ether Krade I are dull ; Creamery extra ut 2!)j):!0c; de geed te choice -TS'JUc: ltrmlfenl county and New Yerk extra. iri28c ; Western reserve extra SOJSile ; de geed te choice N320e ; serve extra 222c. Eggs steady; re.tm'a Extra 22c; Western Ex. 3)21c. Cheese dull, but steady : New Yerk lull Itellsfjiuet ; ivnn'a extra 2I?j'.'3; Western rc cream IS-e ; Western full cream 1313'c ; de fair te gued 12312J-Cc; de hair skims 10Q lie. rcti'Olfiim llrm : refined 12ic. Whisky firm at $112. Seed-- Geed te prime clever dull ul$7U:fc 7 SO; Timethy jobbing at $i7iiQ2S1: r'Wxee. scarci', $1 :!(. SieMr Yerk AltirKet. New Yerk, Oct. 13. Fleur State and Wst ern steady, moderuteexpert ami home ! niiiud : Supcrllne, at $::w(i!4 10: extra de Jl 23 4 4'c elieie", de, $t.'i)l 73 : laney de. ff .Si.'JJCO); round hoop Ohieil 833! 93: choice de J5IIOjr; 00; aupiTlim: western S40! 10; common te geed extra de $1231!)'); choice de de$i i;.-C 3'): choice while wheat de ft C3 m S3; Southern quiet, unchanged ; com cem com iiien te fair extra J.i)!(g'3 CO; geed te choice de $3 i;037 0u. Wheat moderate! vuctivii and prices $$le better; Ne. I While, Oct., l li?isl 12; de Nev., Si l-lfil 13',,: Ne. 2 Kcd Oct. SI V',(i) 1 14K ; de Nev. ?1 131 V ; de Dec, if I Il.tyw 1 15-.fr Cern without impertantchangc: Mixed west ern H)et.r3Jft..vy.ic: de future, 3lt.ri3J'. Oatstquiet, unchanged; State ."'.)' I3e ; W:st ern,3Ml4i Sleck Market October 13. Nkw Yerk Stocks. Stocks strenjr, active and buoyant. a. m. a. m. r. m. v. M. 10:35 12X0 2:00 2:40 Krie K. It 42 41-Ji 42 .... Michigan S. St L. S....llu I10 IIl',i .... Michigan Cunt. II. it.. '.O M lOi'-f .... Chicago & N. W. 112 I12i H2i .... Chicago, M &St. 1.. W;j Wg 07 .... Han. & St.. I. Cem :W, Viy :i!t' .... " " l"ld.... SI 83 H:i .... Teledo & Wuba-h.... '.J 37 3 Ohie& Mississippi. .. 3"4 31 314 .... St. Leuis, I. M.&S.K.. SI 50J; fd Ontario and Wi-tern. 231 ZV,i 23Ji .... U.C.&I.CK. it mu 1-H 18 New Jersev Centra!.. ry, 75 7GJ .... Del. & Hudsen Canal. '5 h'j 83-.-, Del.. Luck. & Western i,2V. 9.:.'$ 111 .... Western Union Tel... 'M: 'JD'J 1015 - i'uciiic Mail S. H. Ce.. 12 I2'4 42; .... Manhattan Elevated. :,C.yl vs,y, .... Union 1'acillc .!.; ytj .... K:ui.-as & Texas 'M'i :( 37J.J Veu-Yerk Central 131-4 Adams Express I US .... Illinois Central lli.JJ Cleveland & Pitts 120 'Chlc.ige &. Keck 1 117 .... Pittsburgh . Ft. '.V 1S2 American U. Tel. Ce r.tt Philadelphia. Stocks strong. Pennsylvania It, U. .. f 5! :,'.'H liiru.& Reading Hi It W Lehigh Valley 62t 52 Lehigh Navigation... "5 33 35 .... Northern P.i-.-ilic Coin 2;4 2S 28j .... " P'd . 33 zay, 53 Pitts,, Tltusv'c ft .... 10 lli 1014 Northern Central 37'a '" 37J .... Phil'n ft Erie U. It 15 Northern Pcnn'a 43 Un. It. It's of N.J 173 Hcstenvillc Pasd 10 Central Trans. Ce. v. si 3-.C0 llALZ. I'Al'EBS, r. V TK AKK OFFEKIXO TilK ONLY PERFECT Extension Window Cornice ever manufactured. It is perrcct in its con struetien, simple unit handy te adjust anil very cheap. It can be regulated te lit any or er narv winnow by means of n thumb screw, anil can'be adjusted Irem one feet telivefret wide. T!t-yare made or 4K Inch Walnut Meulding or n :ew Pattern, anu wc have them in eight different styles. Come and see them. CUKTAEK" POLES In Walnut, Ash and Ebony, Ends', Kings and Urnckets complete. ORDERS TAKEN FOR PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. OPENING FALL STYLES OF WALL PAPER A3fD SHADES. PHARES W. FRY; - Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST,