EBWiBBi LANCASTER DA1L1 INTELLIGENCER. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13, 1880. Lancaster Intelligencer. . . . - WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCT. 13, 1880. fz . . The Result. The result in the October states leaves the presidential battle in the best pessi We condition for heavy work all along the line. The elections of yesterday jend no very strong influence te the final decision, whatever may be the result iu Indiana; for there, wherever victory perches, it will be by se slender a ma jority as practically te be no indication of thepresidentialstrengthefthcparties. In Indiana our party had te contend gainst the weakness of its gubernatorial candidate because of his Greenback pro clivities, and it did net have in Ir. English a candidate who called out the enthusiasm of the people. It is possible that Landers may be beaten and the Valance of the . Democratic ticket fee elected; which would make a cirawu battle of the contest, and it wil tot be much else anyway. There is no geed reason why a few thousand votes in Indiana one way or the ether should se riously affect the election in ether states. Ohie stands without change although the presidential candidate is from her borders. A great many people have been looking te Ohie and Indiana te decide the November result, as they would have done if they had shown any decided change of feeling among the people. They have shown that party lines are Jireily drawn and that there is going te tie no political avalanche. All the states that were debatable before are se yet. We never have believed that any result in Indiana or Ohie that did net prove a Streng political revolution te be going! en would greatly affect the November bat tle in the Eastern states. There is work and plenty of it before both nartics. with the udvantase of the situation strongly with the Democratic jiarty. The only thing discouraging te us in yesterday's results is te find that the party allegiance of Republicans is greater thau their disgust for their can didate. There ought net te be a decent man in the country who would vote for Garfield. Bui party spirit evidently will make decent men de very indecent things. Hard as it is te credit that any large part of the American people will vote for a perjured man te be president, it is certain that the Republican party will generally stand by its candidate, though he is such a man. It is disgrace ful, but it is true. Hancock ought te be elected by acclamation ; he will be elected by hard work. Expensive Representation. The circular letter of Miv Win. E. Dedge te Mr. Paris Haldeman, publish ed elsewhere, will be found te be very Interesting reading. Mr. Dedge is a Re publican politician and metal dealer of 3sev Yerk, and some years age was under the harrow for alleged custom house frauds. The. remarkable part of liis circular is that he should think that an appeal from him te an iron-master would secure a conlributtien for the election of a Republican congressman in the Seuth. Nothing is said in the way of advancing a reason why Northern Srer-Tiiaslcrs should contribute te elect this representative; but the idea sug gested is manifestly that it will be te .their material interest in the way of legislation. We therefore see hew free Republi can iron-masters are expected te bleed for their party. Probably the majority of them fail te respond, but no doubt enough are found silly enough te de se te make this way of raising funds very pro ductive. The preposition which Mr. Dedge makes seems te be te buy up the negre voters in a Southern district where they ere in the majority, and te elect a. con gressman who shall be the representa tive of the negrees of the district and the white men of the North who furnish the funds. It comes as near a wholesale purchase of a constituency for a congress man as can well be imagined. It is a very expensive mode,however,of getting a represcntien, and one which only the richest classes of business men can adept. Stocks took an upward turn yester day without waiting for the news of the election, which it was said wasgoingte have se great an influence ever prices. Politics and business de net seem te be one and indivisible. The country will go en its read te ruin ,or prosper Sty without regard te the rise and fall of parties. We de net se much advocate Haueecks election because it will benefit the business interests of the country ,ns itis its pelil ical interests which are mainly at stake. Beside these there is nothing in the contest but the self-re-epect of the people which ought te keep them from electing te the presidency a man who is eligible te the penitentiary. With eight Democratic congressmen out of thirteen in Indiana, it weuldseem that there ought net te be much doubt of our having carried the state. The Republican gains which arc reported will probably net be found en anything liut the head of the ticket. It seems clear new the result will show a substan tial Democratic majority en the average of the state ticket. A Democratic gain is reported in Shelby county ever the vote of 1870, and we will have mere of the same kind as the Democratic coun ties are heard from. There is no occa sion at present te be in bad heart ever Indiana. Indiana four years age was doubtful for several days after the election, and was at first claimed by the Republicans. Jt may be se again. A large part of the litate is net heard from, and there is no reason te argue that the Republican gains in the sixth of the state which has re ported will be continued in the remain ing five-sixths. It is rather a reason te conclude that the gains have been the ether way in them since the political conditions are entirely different in the outlying counties. Meanwhile we recom mend our friends te go about their busi ness calmly. The country is safe and Hancock's election well assured. The rioting and bloodshed which were ee much apprehended in Indiana, de jiet seem te have taken place. The elec tien was very quiet for one se exciting and appears te have been fairly conduct ed. At least we hear no charges of great fraufls such as accompanied the Maine returns lately. MINOR TOPICS. The Examiner flag which has " Indi ana'' basted en it, also had " Maine" en it, but they had te take it oft. The year 1880 has been se decidedly a comet vear that the discovery of another one by Prof. Swift will hardly attract much attention. Yet it is the second found within a fortnight. A German boy, who could net speak a word of English, traveled alone from his home in the fatherland te an Iowa town. He had en his breast a big placard with the words, "Please direct this boy toMon teMon toMen tccillo, Iowa." AIST. I searched a dark and ancient mound, Amid a mass et human bones, The broken frames et souls, I leund Carved pottery and shaped stenei, Here was lhe infancy of Art; Among these stone and figured flay Did many marbled Venus Btart, And grew divine- day by day. ' The excitement consequent en the dis coveries of diamonds in the Free State of Seuth Africa, according te latest intelli gence, had net abated in intensity. Three new rushes have been reported. A gem of the first water, weighing fifty carats, and worth $30,000. had been unearthed at the Jagcrsfentcin diggings. The Londen Daily Jfcics, in a leading article says : " It is possible that Germany and France, imitating Austrian timidity, may interpose seme difficulty should ac tion en the Gnlf of Smyrna seem te be necessary ; but we believe that though these three powers will hesitate as long as England seems te depend en their concur rence, they will concur when it is made clearly manifest that though she desires, she can dispense with their co-operation." Quant's old friend the New Yerk Her ald says for htm : " If General Grant has shown excessive partisanship in this can vass, it lias net been in declaring his strong wish for Mr. Garfield's election and assist ing te swell the magnitude of party pro pre cessions, but in his ungenerous and uu candid aspersions of the distinguished fellow-soldier who is the rival candidate. Fer our part we share Gen. Hancock's considerate doubts of the genuineness of theso alleged interviews. Rut if General Grant's conversations have been misre misre perlcd, he ewes it te his own character te disavow the imputed language which puts him in a light that gives pain and regret te many of his warmest admirers. The re port of what he said certainly swarms with historical blunders which General Grant could net have made, and the alleged per senal aspersions should seem equally in credible. It is te he hoped that he will authoritatively disclaim both the histori cal blunders and the personal detraction." MASKED COKKUFTION. Specious Republican Appeal te Northern Iron-Miisters. Wc have received from Mr. Herace Haldeman, of the duckies iron company, the following circular letter addressed te Mr. Paris Haldeman, of the duckies com pany. Mr. Haldeman endorses the paper as fellows : Respectfully referred te the Lancaster Intelligence!!, for its information. I suppose this was sent te P. II. because he is an iron-master. The Republicans seem te think a man can't be honest and in the iron business. II. L 11. Private and Confidential, 11 CLIFF Stukkt, I New Yeui:, Skitemeii 21, 1&0. Dkau Sin : Cel. J. T. Cellins, a veter an of the war, a geed soldier, an unright gentleman, an active business man and a Hist class citizen who is intimately and personally known te me, is running for Congress in the First district of Georgia. The district is 8,01)0 Republican. He ought te be elected, and he can be with some ma terial assistance. They have raised all they can there ; we ought te assist him here and insure his election. Wc all knew hew important it is. I propose te de fully my share. Will you net help us by indorsing check for a moderate sum, say $50 or $100, te the chairman of the national committee, ex-Governer Jewell, marked "Speeial 1st district, Georgia," who agrees te be re sponsible for the proper disbursement of such contributions. The funds are wanted for the payment of poll tax and ether legitimate expenses, which the colored Republicans are unable themselves te defray. A moderately lib eral contribution will insure his election. I shall subscribe $230. Yours respectfully, Wm. E. Dedge. Facts in Relation te the First Congressional District of Georgia. The census of 1880 gives the nbove dis trict 15,454 white and 17,425 colored voters. The colored men are nearly ali Republi can ; and at least 1200 of the white arc Republicans giving en a full vote a Re publican majority of about three thou sand. Owing te the fact that a capitation or poll tax is required from all voters before the arc allowed te vote, a large number of they colored men who cannot pay the above tax arc disfranchised, and their votes lest te the Republican party. Could these taxes be paid and a full vote polled the district would be Republican beyond any doubt. There are three candidates in the field new for Congress, a Republican, a Democrat, and an Independent Dtmecrat en the Greenback line. The latter will, te some extent, split the Democratic party, and make the chances for the election of a Republican much better. This opportunity te gain a Republican congressman who will be sound en the linancial and tariff question is one that should be taken ad vantage of, and every effort made te secure his election. Dedge, Meigs & Ce., PERSONAL. The Tammany and Irving Hall Democ racy last night resolved te support Fer Fer naneo Weed in the Ninth and Abbam S. Hewitt in the Tenth, congressional dis tricts. Themas D. Smith died at his residence in Philadelphia en Monday, in his sixty ninth year. He was born at Huntingdon, his father, General William R. Smith, be ing a prominent lawyer, and some years after attorney general of the "state of Wis consin, and his grandfather, Rev. William Smith, D. D., having been the first pro vost of the University of Pennsylvania Deceased was admitted te the bar in Hun tingden in 1839. His public career in Philadelphia began about J840, and he was deputy sheriff five times. THE ELECTIONS. INDIANA DEMOCKATIC. OHIO REPUBLICAN WEST VIRGINIA DEMOCRATIC. Varying Gains and Lesses iu Congress. The Result in Ohie. Special Dispatch from a Times Staff Corres pondent. Columbus, Oat. 13, 1 a. si. The election is ever, and at this hour it leeks a3 though the Republicans had car ried Ohie by a majority net less than 15,000 en the general ticket, with their candidate for secretary of state running several thousand behind his col leagues. The returns arc scattering rather than in blocks of counties and cities which makes it difficult te tabulate them and as certain definitely the result, but I think that the average Republican majority will net be less than 15,000, and it is quite probable that it will reach the figures se cured by Fester in 1S70, although advices new at hand de net indi cate mere than 10,000 for Town send, the head of the ticket. It ap pears also, en incomplete returns, that the following have been elected te Congress : Bnttcrwerth, Yeung, Meney, Kcifer, Rob inson, Rice, Neal, Updegraff, McKin ley, McClure, Tayler and Townsend, twelve Republicans, and Lcfcvre, Lecdem, Converse, Atherton and Geddes, five Democrats, leaving four districts in doubt, with probabilities slightly in favor of the election of McMahon and Warner, Demo crats, and Ritchie, Republican. Chairman Nash claims the state for the Republicans by 20,000, and thirteen and possibly fifteen congressmen. Chairman McKinucy, for the Democrats, concedes 12,000 average majority en state ticket and eleven con gressmen te the Republicans. The Demo crats have realized their real expectations as te the state ticket, but arc terribly dis appointed about the congressmen. M. P. II. Indiana. Special Dispatch Irera a Times stall" cerivs- pendent. Indianapolis, Oct. 12 Midnight. At this hour net mere than ninety of the thirteen hundred voting precincts in the state have been heard from. While the gains and losses have gene up and down during the night the net gain is in favor of the Republiaaus and leads them te a feel ing of confidence that they have carried the state by a small majority. The Democrats de net concede this. They are getting dispatches in their headquarters which arc being read off by Mr. English. Senater McDonald, Mr. English and ether mem bers of the cemmittee would de no mere when asked a few moments age than say i that the state is very close, but that I.in j dcrs would probably have a majority. iney explain that lew el the returns se far received are from the counties in which Democratic gains were expected. On the ether hand, the Republicans say that no returns are in from the cities where the greatest Republican gains were looked for. It is the slowest sUte known for returns, and it will be well into te-morrow befere any ward iu this city will be returned. The iucsease in the vote iu Indianapolis is nearly one thousand, at least seventy per cent, of which probably gees with tht Republicans, giving them a majority of about 2,200 in Marien county. This is net as much as they expected here, but they arc getting seme unexpected gains from the rural counties. Estimating the precincts net heard from by the returns new in, the Republican gains in tiic state will be from G.500 te 7,003, which will give the election te Perter by from 1,000 te 2,000. It leeks at this hour as if that will be about the result. As near as can be ascertained from the meagre returns at hand the following have been elected te Congress : First district, Jehn J. Klincr, Democrat ; Second district Themas R. Cobb, Democrat ; Third dis trict, S. M. Steckslagcr, Democrat ; Fourth district, William S. Hohnan, Democrat ; Fifth district, Court C. Matsen, Democrat Sixth district, Themas M. Browne, Re publican ; Seventh district. Stanten J. Peellr Republican (probably); Eighth district, R. B. Pierce, Republican ; Ninth district, William R. Myers, Democrat; Tenth dis trict, Mark L. DcMett, Republican; Eleventh district, Geerge W. Steele, Re publican ; Twelfth district, W. G. Celeriek, Democrat; Thirteenth district, AV. II. Calkins, Republican. Ne returns what ever have been received en the Legislature but the state was se districted that it will require a Republican majority of seven or eight thousand en the state ticket te give the Republicans the Legislature. The streets arc full el people at mid night, the Republicans cheering and sing ing in chorus, while the Democrats arc waiting and praying for better returns. 1 a. si. The additional returns keep up about the average of Republican gains in dicated in my midnight dispatch. The Democrats new concede that it is possible the Republicans have the victory. Their headquarters arc crowded at this hour and, under the unruffled urging of English, they arc endeavoring te figure out some comfort. It is all against them. Judge Scott, who was a Democratic candidate for the supreme bench, has just gene home, declaring that the Republican have carried Indiana, no was pretty dis mal. New, Dersey and Gerham took a midnight lunch at the Denisen and dis cussed the situation. New says he is dis appointed that the probably Republican majority isn't larger than indicated. Gor Ger ham estimates that Perter's plurality will be from 3,000 te 5,000, while Dersey thinks it may go a little higher. The Greenback vote has exceeded general expectation, but will net reach the figures it attained two years age. It has hurt theJDemecrats most in Democratic localities and the Re publicans most in their strongholds. One hundred and ferty-nine precincts out of the thirteen hundred and twenty six ill the state are just returned and show a net Republican gain of 858. This is in creasing (he Republican average of gain just a little. There are new indications ' .that the Republican gains will be large enough te pull the whole Republican ticket through. The scattering returns show that the Republican manufacturers have voted their empleyes pretty solidly Re publican, according te arrangements. This is particularly indicated by the result in Seuth Bend, where the Democrats have lest heavily, and the county of St- Jeseph, which usually gives a small Democratic majority, has been turned ever te the Re publicans by 250 plurality. The Republi cans appear te have made considerable of their gains in the counties en the northern border. Only one precinct in this congres sional district has been heard from. One congressman, Peelle, tbejtepublican can didate, just asked about the result, says he has no idea who is elected; it maybe himseld, Byfield or De La Matyr. Everybody Cautious. 2. a. si. In talks with ex-Governer Hen dricks and Mr. English, within the hour, it was impossible te get them te give an opinion en the result. Senater McDeuald says that Landers will probably be elected by a greatly reduced majority. The sec retary of the Democratic committee calls attention te the fact that the strong Dem ocratic counties are net heard from and claims that the later returns are showing a smaller average of Repub lican gains. He concedes that the returns new indicate a Republican plurality in the state of from 2,000 te 4.000, but insists with Senater McDonald that it will be impossible te return such majorities from the river counties as will defeat Landers unless by fraud, and every body concedes that se far there is no evi dence in the returns of fraud. Judge Perter, the Republican caudidite for gov ernor, said a few moments age that he was net yet prepared te receive congratu lations. Since the Maine election, he says, he cannot regard auything as cer tain en incomplete returns, although there was little room te doubt the success of the Republican ticket. J. II. L. A Democratic Gain iu Newark. The charter cloeien was held at Newark, N. J., yesterday. It resulted iu a majority of about 1,700 ler the Republicans, wne elec ted eleven el" the fifteen aldermen. The only gain is a Democratic gain of an aldcr mau in the Fourth ward. The Fifth, Sev enth and Twelfth wards arc Democratic. The next council will st!tnd eighteen te twelve in favor of the Republicans. The present council stands nineteen Republi cans and eleven Democrats. The joint Democratic and German majority last year was 3,:00, but the city is always Republi can unless a special issue arises. m r.votuTiej. T!ie Magnetic Forces, Spirit ami Matter. BV WM. BAKER FAIINESTOCK, M. D. Fer tllC-lSTKLLlOESCnn. The scientific world has been thrown into an unusual excitement by the term evolution, which has been advanced te ac count for the manner in which all existing things have progressed te their present condition, or that man, as he new exists, is the result of a gradual evolution from slime, as it is found iu the sea, and that he, by some persons, is supposed te have passed through all the grades below him, and as a consequence, that he could net have been created, thus leading te a dis belief in a Supreme Being. The idea of evolution, in this sense, can not satisfy minds that require mere posi tive ovidence than mero assertions which spring fieni sources that are mundane and known te be imperfect. Evolution or progression, in a certain .ense, is true ; but it must be remembered that there can be no effect without a cause, and that the cause always precedes the effect, and must have existed before it. Cultivation may improve but cannot rad ically change the nature of auything. Eve lutien, therefore, cannot change things, which seme cause that pre-existed has en abled us te recognize, and the fact that some cause must have preexisted has embittered these who disbelieve in Ged, because it is an argument unanswerable, and an axe at the root of their infidelity. If there be no Ged, why de net evolution ists irive instances where this "law of change '' is new in force. Every newly discovered plant, insect, bug or auimal, etc., is perfect, and they arc never known te change their charac teristics. All things, conditions, forces, etc., iu nature arc absolute or positive ; there can, therefore, be no negative condition in the universe. The magnetic power in both arms of a magnet is equally absolute, and repels with a force equal tetthcir retraction; consequently, the repulsive power in both arms is equal and absolute also. The universally credited opinion that there is a current in magnets wc have demonstrated te he false, for cither arm will raise and support a piece of iron, weighing one-half the magnet's power, even when the pieces are perfectly separated by non-conductors. Ne evolution or change in the forces have ever taken place, they have always been the same, and net being understood, ap pearances were mistaken for facts. Spirit and matter are both absolute and cannot be destroyed. Male and female, love and hatred, geed and evil, etc., are all equally absolute. If we go back te the slime of the ocean as a starting point for evolution, we are as far from a knowledge 'of the cause of its existence as we we were before in regard te the cause of man'H existence, and the question is still forced upon us what caused the slime te exist if Ged did net? Matter is as indescribable as it is devoid of intelligence, yet many declare, that as seen as the spirit is seperated from the body, that it (the spirit) ceases te exist. This, however, is only a matter of opinion, mere assertion, devoid of proof, and is as unreasonable, as it is unsupported by facts, for if the body is indestructible, the mind, spirit or active principle of life cannot perish. If the one is indestructible the ether necessarily must exist also in a condition pessible te nature for te sup pose that matter the part devoid of life shall perish is tee hctcreclitical and im probable te be entertained for a moment. The very fact that the spirit leaves the body, as is acknowledged, is positive proof that it is something that lives and exists or it would remain with it. - Te suppose that the originator, or these who support the evolution theory, knows every thing that exists throughout space, is tee great a stretch for the credulity of any one. They cau see the sun, moon and stars, but their best telcseepea cannot magnify nor bring them near enough for them te decide, whether they are balls of fire, or I cimnlr mnfle cimflai fn fliif nfnm . ......f.J aa..iv NIIU1HI1 WW VUtV VI VU1 UMU earth, nor can all their knowledge give them a single correct idea of their external appearance, much less of their internal construction or light-producing qualities. What then can they ; knew of that which is in the great beyond ! or of Ged, the Great Spirit, or of hew and where He exist ? They may deny but cannot prove His non-residence, nor even ever have a per fect knowledge of matter itself,, although they can sec and handle it. Wc are net satisfied with mere asser tions which lead us just where started. Evolution must start from something ma terial, and we may ask, with the same anxiety for correct information, where did that something ceme from '; Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 1SS0. THEY vote as thki shot. Fur a Union of Hearts and of Hands And a Union of States Nene Can Saver. Harrisburg Patriot. The list of veterans of the war who sup port General Hancock for president would till volumes. They are te be found iu every stete, county, town and hamlet of the north. General Meade, General Jeseph Hoeker, General Jehn F. Reynolds, Gen eral Themas, General Lyen, General Mcpherson, General Blair, General Gor Ger Gor eon Granger, all Democrats when they went they went into the war and Demo crats when they died, would vete for Gen eral Hancock if living. Among the dis tinguished living veterans who are earn estly advocating the election of General Hancock arc the following whose names and services are familiar te the soldiers of the war and te all ethers who are familiar with its history : General Geerge B. McClclIan. General William F. (Baldy) Smith. General Henry W. Slocum. General William S. Resccrans. General Jehn M Palmer. General Den Carles Buell. General T. T. Crittenden. General Themas Ewing. General Jehn M. Corse. General Kilby Smith. General James B. Stcadman. General Rebert Mitchell. General Jehn M. Corse. General Durbiu Ward. General William R. Morrison. General M. D. Mausen. General H. U. Sibley General Jeseph F. Knjpc. General D. N. Couch. General Gershen Mett General A. J. Warner. General St. Clair 3Iullielland. General W. II. II. Davis. General Martin T. M'Maheu. General Ben Le Fcvre. General Daniel E. Sickles. General Daniel Buttcrficid. General Franz Sigcl. General A. V. Rice, author of arrearages of pensions bill. AMERICA'S nLKOllOXl'S. Geerge llancreft as a Presidential Electer. A reusing Democratic meeting was held in Newport R. I., last week en the occasion of a caucus le elect delegates te the con vention te be held in Providcnce for the purpose of nominating candidates for Con gress and for presidential electors. Mr. Isaac Lawrence presided and made some interesting remarks regarding the pro posed nomination of Geerge Bancroft, the venerable historian, as the head of the Democratic electoral ticket. Mr. Lawrence spoke as fellows : "Since the formation of the government there have always been two parties acting in antagonism te each ether the Demo cratic party, founded by Themas Jeffer Jeffer eon, and the Fcdeial party, since falsely called Republicans, founded by Alexander Hamilton. Se early as May 29, 17S7, in the convention which met at Philadelphia te frame the constitution, Elhridgc Gerry, of Massachusccts, paid : ' A popular election in this case is radically vicious. The ignorance of the people would put it in the power of some one set of men dispersed through the Union and acting in concert te delude them into any appoint ment. Such a society of men existed in the order of the Cincinnati. They arc re spectable, united and influential. They will, in fact, elect the chief magistrate in every instance if the election be referred te the people.' Mr. Jeffersen, en his return from France te assume the duties of sec retary of stale under Washington, said he found the sentiments of the wealthy or aristocratic classes te be in favor of an hereditary monarchy. The Democratic party is new, as in has always been, the only protection which the American people enjoy against the less of liberty by centralization. Very recently, in the city of New Yerk, Mr. Hamilton Fish, the presi dent of the Cincinnati, presided ever a meeting at the Academy of Music te con trol the election of the president, just as Eldridgc Gerry remarked would be done one hundred years age. Te counteract this move the Columbian Order of Tam many hall met en the 23d of September last, in their wigwam, and ratilied the nomination of General Hancock by such a demonstration as was never before seen in that metropolis. Again the order of the Cincinnati conic forward in this state, and present as a candidate for pre sidential elector a young man who knows nothing of political life, though it has always been the case that in every state the presidential elector was taken from the old men who had served their country in some high office of trust and honor. In 1821 my grandfather, Isaac Lawrence, president J of the Bank of the United States, acted as presidential elec tor, and cast his vete for James Menree, and hence I feel a pride iu the office which otherwise I might net feel. The day before yesterday I was asked iu Providence whom we could nominate as a meet candidate le oppose Gcerge Wotmero in his own city, and I answered that we had another Geerge Geerge Bancroft (ap plause) the Herodotus of America, who with the iucxorable hand of the historian has brought together the acts of our great men after they had passed away, and writ ten, te use his own words, with a diamond pen upon tablets of steel the verdict of posterity." The speaker concluded by expressing the belief that Mr. Bancroft's name would swell the Democratic vote te a very large extent. (Applause.) INDUSTRIAL CENSUS. The Werk I'ract ically Cemplntcd Shows', that l'hiladelpliiahns 8,000 EstaDllsliments. The work of taking the industrial cen sus in Philadelphia is practically completed and results results in the registering of ever 8,000 business establishments te the credit of Philadelphia among the arch ives at Washington. Except as te a few scattering houses the field has been thor oughly covered by Chief Arret aud his enumerators. The number of industrial establishments returned will be within 184 of.the return of 1870, net including fisheries, breweries and ether special interests iu this count that were included in that censns. As te the total number of people employed in the various industries, the census shows that there has been an increase of 25 per cent, ever the figures of ten years age, net in cluding such establishments as these kept by merchant tailers who manufacture gar ments en the premises, and in this way a very important showing is lest. In the matter of value of production there has been a decrease of probably 40 per cent, or mere in value en the average. In the iron interest it will average 47 per cent. The actn.il results of the census cannot be ascertained until after the work is reported I iu me veusua uuiuiu. ACADEMY OF MUSIC BURNED. A Disastrous Fire la Chicago. In Chicago yesterday Emmctt's academy of music was destroyed by fire. One fire man was killed and five injured. The fire was confined te the theatre. The cause is unknown. When the fire had been burning little mere than fifteen minutes a crash was heard and a portion of the reef, en which were a number of firemen, fell in, cre ating terrible consternation. It was some minutes before the extent of the disaster was appreciated, and then the work of rescuing the unfortunate men begau. It was found that some bad saved themselves by clinging te the portion which had net fallen. Fire Marshal Will iams was helped out of the main entrance staggering and bloody, but was without serious injury. Theodere Bcrnbart, a fore man, was taken out badly burned and with internal injuries which are believed te be fatal. C. W. Daukcr, of the hook and ladder company, and Lietcnant Palmer were badly injured about the lower limbs. Jehn Nichols received severe but net fatal injuries. Assistant Fire 3Iar sliall Pctrie was en the reef when it fell and clungjte a portion near the wail, but it gave way aud he fell, with ethers, clear te the bottom, breaking his right leg and receiving ether injuries. Thrce men, named Andersen, Daly andHeilman, of a hook and ladder company, fell te the bot tom unhurt. The fire originated among the flies back of the stage, and spread te the scenery aud reef with incredible ra piditv. Ths less has net yet been estima ted, but will be heavy. This theatre was destroyed about three years age, having been the leading place of amusement after the great fire until the.Seuth Side theatres were rebuilt. Nearly $20,000 were spent in decorating it this summer. W. E. Em met has been recently the lease and mana ger of the burned theatre. STATE ITEMS. The dissensions in Philadelphia en the district attorney nomination have been healed by the declination of Mr. Sheppard, who had received the nomination of the anti-Hagcrt wing, and Mr. Shcppard's friends will give the regular nominee, Mr. Hagcrt, a cordial support. The ene hundred and fiftieth anniver sary of the settlement of Presbyterians in the Cumberland Valley, was celebrated at the Oakville camp grounds yesterday. There were about one thousand pcrseus iu attendance, many having come in vehicles from the surrounding country. Jeseph Green, an old German, fell from the stene bridge ever Limestone creek, in Milten, the ether night, and was injured se badly that he died in a short time. The place where he fell ever has been consider ed dangerous for some time, as part of the wall that extends above the roadway is broken down. Befere he died Mr. Green detailed hew he happened te fall ever the wall. lie was stepped bj a stranger, who inquired the way te the postefficc. After giving him the desired information Mr. Green, in turning around in the dark, fell. Several years age his wife fell down stairs and broke her neck. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. HOPE AND FKA1C. Spirited Scenes Hi Lancaster. Frem This Morning's Extra IXTEttiaEscsR. The excitement occasioned by the re ceipt of the news of the election paralleled in intensity tha remarkable scenes wit nessed iu the similar event of four scars age, and repeated at the presidential elec tion a few weeks subsequent. The monster Democratic mass meeting at the opera house, at which stirring addresses were made by Gen. H. Kyd Douglas, of Mary land, and Cel. Jno. W. Ferney, had the effect of early crowding the streets with throngs of excited partisans. The earlier telegrams were announced from the stage by the chairman of the meeting, Mr. Nauman, and the audience being in san guine mood greeted the extremely meagre returns with wild applause, netwithstand ing they failed te convey any clear idea of the result. After the adjournment of the meeting tllC INTELLIGENCE!! efficO W.1S lliade tllC rallying point of the Democrats, the street being literally jammed with an eager mul titude, and the space around the Yeung Men's Republican club room and Jthe Ex amimcr efiicc presented asimilar animated spectacle. Defiant cheers from one or the ether of thcEe points were echoed back by a hundred lusty threats, and iu the absence of any intelligence each side was aggres sively hopeful that the news would be fa vorable te their respective causes. The early bulletin of the Examiner te the effect that, the Indianapolis Grecnbackers were voting largely for Perter, the Repub lican candidate for governor, had the effect of frightening a geed many timid Democrats, whose fears, however, were somewhat allayed by a later telegram te the Intcm.ieencei: from the Sentinel, of Indianapolis, stating that all looked well for the Democrat!1, and that a number of Republican repeaters had been nabbed while plying their nefarious vocations. The earlier news nftcr the close of the polls had a very evident dispiriting effect en the Democrats, and occasioned corres ponding jubilance en the part of their opponents. The hulk of it was from Ohie, and the returns steadily indicated that the Republican strength in the Buckeye state had net been materially shaken, while grossly exaggerated reports of Republican gains iu Indianapolis put a further dam per en the feelings of the anxious Demo crats. The Republicans early claimed the election of Perter, the Republican candidate for governor, and howled themselves hearse ever their presumed victory. The Democrats doggedly bided their time and were rewarded for their grit by a ringing dispatch from the Indianapolis Democratic organ claiming a majority of 7,000 for Landers. Then for the first time the pent up enthusiasm of the Democrats found free vent, and a sound that can only be accu rately described as a var swelled up from the immense assemblage around the In telligencer building. It went rushing across Centre Square, part of it took ecca sien te turn into East King street and de moralized the "Yeung Republicans" there gathered, and the rest of it went plump into the Examintr crowd and created a temporary panic among the truly loyal followers of the Credit Mebilier aud De Gelycr statesman. A blazing bonfire was seen sending its lurid light into the mid night sky, and the Democrats were fairly wild with joy. Following close upon the cause of this outburst of en thusiasm came an associated press bulle tin that put the laugh en the ether side, announcing as it did that Perter, Republi can, had been chosen governor by a small plurality from 1,000 te 3,000. This was the Republicans' time te yell, and right heartily they availed themselves of it. They organized an impromptu walk-around, headed by a drum corps and went march ing with the shout of victory upon their lips. Thus it alternated betwixt hope and fear, the Republicans having decidedly the best of the hurrah, by reason of the continued faverable returns from Ohie, although their inflated claim of 27,000 ma jority suddenly abated te somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000 below that figure. The cooler heads among the large body of devoted Democrats, who still held their ground, declined te concede a Re publican victory in the Hoosier state, and their patient faith was ultimately reward ed by the glorious intelligence with which the telegraphers wound up for the night, namely the Democratic com mittee's claim 6f 5000 majority for Lan ders, nine out of the thirteen congressmen, and a Democratic Legislature. That set tled it, and with thrce times three the Democratic throng, who had held the fort long after their opponents had depart ed, went home with an altogether com fortable feeling. The news of the Democratic success in West Virginia, though net unexpected, was heartily cheered. It was netablethat the news from Ohie entered but slightly into the interest, for while the Democrats were plainly disap pointed in the apparent unimpaired Re publican majority .few if any of them had any idea of securing control of that state, the home of the Republican candidate for president and of the present national ad ministration iu which the intluonce of the federal patronage is most materially felt, while all realized that every vital in terest in the contest was directly centred in Indiana, aud that there the Democrats had mere than held their own. During the night a number of anient par tisans of both sides imbibed rather mere bcuzine than they could safely carry, and a number of scrimmages were the re sult, though nothing serious has been re ported. During te-day the same excitement pre vailed upon our streets, the preponderance of the enthusiasm being in favor of ,the ether fellows because of the stout claims made by the organs of that party and the uncertainty of the result admitted by the World Sun, Herald, Philadelphia Times end ether Democratic and Inde pendent newspapers. Frem an early hour this morning the street between the Intelligencer and Ketc Era offices was occupied by a large asscmblage of anxious partisans who eagerly scanned the bulletins of varying Republican claims as they were written out by the Era's young man, the Democrats, of course, preferring te put 'their faith te Mr. Bar num's estimate claiming the state, and the flag floating from the tall pole en the In telligencer building serving te stiffen the Democratic backbone until the worst or the best should be known beyond per ndventure. The Examiner also sported its flag with the words " Ohie-Indiana" in scribed thereon. SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERESTS. Tlie State Sunday Scheel Convention. Yesterday the first meeting of the state Sabbath school convention was held in Fulton hall. The meeting was for children and the building was filled with a large audience composed almost entirely of chil dren. After a prayer by Rev. Charles B. Shultz, of the Moravian church, there was singing, which was led by Prof. G. Fisher, of Philadelphia. A large number of new pieces were well sung under the instructions of their excellent teacher. After the singing Jehn R. Whitney, president of the association, introduced 15. T. Vincent, of Park street M. E. church. Philadelphia, who addressed the children at some length. He began by telling them about a man who fell from a deck in New Yerk city into the water. He made con siderable noise, and after being rescued he was very thankful. A sinanurchin, who steed near when he was brought ashore said : Why did yen net holler less and kick mere." This remark was full of geed sense. There are plenty of folks who make a great deal of noi.se and de net de much work. It is easier te make a noise than te work, but we must have ihe implements te work. The object of this meeting is te waken up Lancaster as well as the whole state. The speaker then called the attention of the children te three implements of work, namely gun powder, the compass, and printing. Gun powder is useful in many ways, es pecially iu making railroads, where it is used for blowing up rock. The compass is used at sea te give the mariner the right direction, and for sur veying en land. Tlie printing press is used te take up the thoughts of people and put them befere the world. These imple ments were Invented 400 years age, but we could net de without them. The speaker then said he wished te teach the children three lessens : a work is of no account un less it has a geed deal of gunpowder in it. It must have force. It must be directed te geed ends. The force force must be put iu the right direction. An engine will always de well while it is en the right track. The only way for force te de well is when it is used in the right direction ; for this the Bible is used in our Sunday schools. The only way te work is through Ged. The power of the printing press is put te great use, ths type striking each ether are sent out through the whole world and de great geed. Wc must scatter geed everywhere, we use the force in us and guide it by the work of Ged. The three implements mentioned resembled force, guidance and benevolence. After the speaker had closed there was singing by the children and a prayer by Rev. R. W. Ilufferd. The convention then adjourned te meet iu the Presbyte rian church in the evening. Tuesday Evening. The convention as sembled iu the Presbyterian church at 7 o'clock, the attendance of delegates and citizens being quite large, almost every pew in the church being filled. After the opening devotional services. Rev. C. Elviu Houpt, pastor of Grace Lutheran church, this city, read an ad dress of welcome. Rev. Henpt said he felt honored by becoming the bearer of the welcome te each member of the conven tion, forming as they did se worthy a body of men. He regarded it as a privilege te have and hear in our midst such veterans and well-tried sciyantsef the Master. The assembling will be one of mutual benefit, the attrition and pc lish of mind by mind, which would enable all te wield the old weapon of the Werd against the devil, the world and sin. After reviewing the pro gress of Bible work aud especially the work of the Sunday schools and congratu lating the convention en the great geed accomplished, .Mr. Houpt again saluted the convention with " nil hail," and once mere bid them welcome, each and all, te the hearts and hearths of Lancaster homes. Jehn R. Whitney, president of the con vention, responded at some length. After paying a compliment te tht people of Lan caster, he said that at this time when the friends of the Sunday-school cause were celebrating the centennial of the establish ment of Sunday-schools, it was appropri ate that the state Sunday-school conven tion should meet here in Lancaster, net far from where Sunday-schools were first es tablished. If our forefathers who had first established such schools could new rise up and sec the great results which have followed their small beginnings, they could net but feel thankful for the im -mense work which has since been done . Bfc-.