mmw-; z j.sf? v LANCASTER DAIIiY ElliGENCBai TtflBSDAY KKTOBER 12, 1880 TyW- COLUMBIA NEWS. OCR KEGCLAK COBKESPONDF.NCE Badetef Fresh News Frem the Borough en the Snsqaehauna. Rev. F. W.Staley, pastor of tbc E. E Lutheran church, has been delivering a series of lectures en " Pilgrim's Progress during the past several weeks and will con tinue lecturing en the same subject for a few weeks te come. The lectures arc licid in the lecture room of the church every Wednesday evening and all persons inter ested in the subject arc invited te attend. The attendance at most of the meetings held has been geed. . . The fence te the rear of Hely Trim y Catholic church, en Cherry street above Fourth, has been tern down and will be replaced by a brick wall, which is new in course of erection. S. B. McCerklc, of Philadelphia, is en a week's visit te his home in this place. Mrs. Leah Enney was yesterday after noon buried from the residence of her son, Richard C. Enney, en Cherry street above Fourth. A number of Masens from Lancaster passed through here yesterday afternoon accompanied by Clcmmcns's City band en their way te Baltimore, Md., te partici pate in the celebration of the scsqui-ccn-tennial anniversary of that city. The party were joined here by several members of Cyrene cemmandcry K. T., of this place. CempanyJ II lakt evening appointed a committee te study the feasibility of turn ing one of the spaic looms of the armory into a reading room for the company. Ansel Purple and C. C. Haldcman were elected secretary and assistant secretary, respectively, te fill vacancies. The com pany drilled with a very slim turnout politics the cause. E. K. Martin, csi., and JIaj. A. C. Rcinechl, e" Lancaster, will speak here this evening in the interest of the Republi can party. The Democracy of Columbia will give a battalion parade en Wednesday evening and the Republicans, en Thursday evening. Each party will turn out every man who can be peisuade.l te carry a torch, and .each party will probably extend courtesies te the ether. This beats fighting all hol low. That the Indiana and Ohie returns will net be cagcily awaited is extremely im probable. It will Le a late hour te-night he fore many of our citizens sec their beds, provided, of course, the telegraph operators can be" persuaded te remain at their pests and tal.'c the news as it (lashes ever the wires By the breaking of aii axle a wreck ec currcd te a iiarket wagon at Fourth and Locust streets at about e o'clock this morning. We went te a cetip'c of black smith and carriage shops te leek the mat ter up, but could net learn te whom the team belonged. The ministers of the Protestant churches of Columbia held their weekly meeting yesterday morning. The archery club will sheet at target this afternoon. Wc had a very light market Inis morn ing. Produce is reported le have been plenty. . The gunners about here arc getting then traps ready for October 15, when rabbits, partridges, pheasants and ether game may be and will be slaughtered. The day is net a great way off. Columbians are mere interested than wc thought they would be in Baltimore's anniversary celebration. Tickets arc go ing right lively. Pcihaps the gaudy dis play is doing it. The Republican helmet company of this place will go te Lancaster again en the lst. It is'theught a special train will be run. COUKT OF COMMON PLEAS. The Chester Comity Cases Settled. This was the week set apart for the trial of ' jeases. sent hcic from Chester county, nd which arose from the disaster en the i Mckering Valley R. R. in 1877. kThc suits w. re brought against the Reading railroad cel- ijKiiy, which controls the Pickering Y-i'l. ei'' Yesterday afternoon they were cmpietaSscd by the parties with ver ver iliets i t favor the plaintiffs as fellows : Man ' Ami Tustinand Geerge P. Tnstin, children ethaaa .Tustin, deceased, vs. the PhilaiMp hia ' Reading railroad company. Verdict .", 000. . . Marv An ii Tustin; surviving parent of JehiiTustin, deceased, vs. the Philadel phia & Reading railrnn1 company. er dict $1,000. .... Mary Ann Tustin vs. the Philadelphia & Reading railroad cempa.nJ'- ' erdict $3,000. . .. Alirnlmin l'finiiv'inekcr VS. til"5 illia- dclphia fc Reading railroad coiI"'" ceiI"'" Verdict. SU.eOO. Olive Mary Prizer, by her guardian, iVc. Isaac N. Schacffer vs. the Philadelphia & Reading railroad company. Verdict. $1,000. The plaintiffs in all of the cases were persons who were injured in the disaster or relations of these who were killed. Court adjourned until Monday at 10 a. m. Missing; Weman. Chief of Police Deichlcr has received a postal from Philadelphia te the following effect I Eliza McKcevcr, 70 years of age, gray hair, 5 feet 5 inches high, dark dress, has been missing from her home in Philadel phia, since Aug. 15, 18S0. Is childish, and subject le waudering off. Sometimes gives her name as Lizzie Gorden. Gener ally gees up te policemen for information." A woman answering her description was in the Lancaster station heusft ever Sun .day and gave her name as Anna Donaghy. She said, however, that she was 91 years old and had served as nurse during three seasons of yellow fever in Philadel phia. She was discharged from the sta-ion-heusc Monday morning. Heg clilorelormeil. A day or two age Frauk Ilaitniyer's pet dev a beautiful Italian greyhound, was put te death by being chloroformed, the chloroform being administered by saturat ing a sponge, placing it in a cone and hold ing it ever the deg's nose. The deg had been bitten about four weeks age by an other deg, and was put te death because it showed symptoms of hydrophobia. A KengU Tarty. Mayer MacGeniglc had before him this morning a party of sixteen tramps.arrcsted as stated yesterday, inthe vicinity of Sciiroy Sciirey er's hothouses en the Ilarrisburg pike. Twe of the party were committed for eight days, three for nine days, five for ten days, one for twelve days, one for twenty days, two for twenty-five days and two, who did net belong te the gang, were discharged. . m A Giant IScct. Our old Democratic friend Gee. Dillcr, .-etel keeper at Lcaman Place, sends us a .iple, a mammoth Hancock red beet. win aS H pounds and measuring 30 -m,p5 around the length and 23 inches in breadth Tret out your Garfield beets tebcatitifyncan Gen. ftimnelBwn' Insurance. Jacob B. Leng, agent Peun Mutual life iusurancrcempanv of Phihidclphia paid te-day te Mi. Pliebc W. Ress wife of Gen. Samuel Ress, debased, tG.014.,4 being-the amount of insurance due her from the above company. Large Crep of Clever Seed. Ex-Deputy Sheriff J. D. Wilsen, of Ful ton township, en his farm in Fulton town ship raised 46 bushels of clever seed en 18 acres of laud. This is a very large crop and is hard te beat. TTIE FIGHT ON "THE HILL.' Mere Sworn Testimony The Accused Police Vindicated The Republican Cam paign ties Exploded. The following additional testimony was tiiVnn hfnr( the maver last evening and 4 this morning in the case of Colonel Elias 3IcMcllcn against the police omcersier neglect of duty during the riot enthe "hill" en Friday evening last. It will be seen that the bleed and thunder stories of the New Era and Examiner arc completely exploded by the sworn testimony of their own witnesses examined yesterday and te-day, without taking into account the testimony offered en the part of the ac cuscd. Fer the prosecution Henry N. Stevens was sworn and testified as follews: After the fuss en the hill and the precession had come down te the square, I went te the colonel of the battalion and asked him if he could net get an escort te go up ever the hill with the Columbia people. . He said he would see what he could de. After I left him I saw Mr. Deichlcr and asked him for an escort. He told me the police men were all out en their beats. Seme one in the crowd called out he should swear in fifty men te go ever the hill with the Columbians, no said, " I will attend te it myself and see what I can de.'" I said one man would be of no account as an escort going ever that hill. Seme one said that lie, the chief, would be a pretty fellow te go ever the hill through that crowd by himself. He turned round te me ; I suppose he thought it was I who said it, when he said te me if I was net careful I might get myself into trouble. Tliu Defense. Fer the defense of the accused officers the following witnesses were called and sworn : C. A. Oblendcr, sworn : I was en Maner street in rear of Dr. Leng's ; saw the pro pre cession coming along peaceably until the Fourth ward came along ; saw a little bev ten or twelve years old, and saw one of the Fourth ward club strike him ever the head with a teich because the boy hur rahed for Hancock ; this was seen by Mrs. Alderman Dennelly, Mrs. Waltz and an other lady ; when 1 saw this I went for an officer ; found Hannan and told him what had occurred, and requested him te go and sec about it. lie went out and get the precession moving ; it was stepped at the time Harmau was there endeavoring te de his duty; The crowd was tee large and disorderly for any one man or two men te nrcscrve order. Geedman was in this fuss, and this was the occasion upon which Harman was accused of holding Geedman; saw Harman take .held ofGeodman for the purpose of preserving order. David Carr, sworn : Was at the Plew tavern talking te Mr. Harman when the fuss was up en Maner stiect. Mr. Harman walked up and then he came down again. When the fuss was en West King street, opposite Martin's I saw Harman go down te where it was and saw him trying te make peace. He was trying te make peace at the tavern when the precession came round. Herace Miller, swern: I was standing at the Plew tavern when the hiss was en Maner street last Friday night. Harman was at the Plew tavern with mc. When the fuss began Harman ran up and 1 followed him. The crowd commenced te halloo and make a noise. Harman nishcd in among thcin and pushed back all who were in his way and told them te be quiet. They became quiet, and then he came back and went down te Ackcrmau's where an other fuss was taking place, lie caught held of some of them there and pushed them back ; I mean these who wcie crowd ing en the precession. Oflicer Flick came Yl.r.1. im1 l'MiWl tr imsli the crowd. When the crowd was in Maner street I saw him push back the crowd te the pave- J ment ; I saw him going into the crowd and , de all in his power te preserve the peace : . sfliv liim take held of no one except te keep order. I would have seen him, think, if he had done anything onto! the way. Edward Hardy sworn : I was standing at the Plew tavern as the precession came en te West Kimr street : when the fuss commenced en West King street, Mr. liar- J man was standing there; I s.vsv him insh ' into the crowd; just at that time some one in the ranks called halt : I saw Hannan y push the crowd back, and the stones were I thrown from the direction of the sheet towards the tavern ; I ran into the. tavern " and saw a young man washing ins lace. Hc'teldmc lie hail been hit with a stone ; his nam 2 was Hebrank : he was a Jiooker Jieoker Jioeker on. I sawHIarman try te de all he could te keep things quiet. Andrew J. Flick, police euicer, mveih On Pridnv itiirhf. mi the occasion el the I Republican precession, we were inarching ' 1U.JUUHUU111UVI ... . " up Maner street mmn tn I Ir. l.en' K cer- I ncr : I met Mr. Gill who came into -... - -" r rnks as a friend and inarched one deer k 'Uii .in .. iuuiiu tnvi ..... ... ... below" UC P'ew tavern with me. ,et. ...,. biii fellow whom I don't There knew l.l.T )UUJU tr , ,, who took beh? el mc and struck mc Gi took held of him, saving te mc "111 Gill see ,.r. i . ,.! " Diceifl lvautz ami liar- ma'i both came up after he had hit mc aim toei:holdofhim, but the crowd was se large and rough, and in such confusion, that it was impossible for any man te make an arrest there. 1 d.-cw my billy out ,i oeiri " let- i,;,n ,.,imn .( he wanted te get at mc again. Gill sau'l hc we!a stand by me, aud said te the man . IC ou"', , i te knew who lie was hitting, and .should ( tw.f- Innnli nn nllii-er T tn.'ilr mv il:ir an'i marched awav. Harman and Kautz wc"v I both called en by me and they did what they could te assist me. O. B. Shertzcr, sworn : 1 saw Mr. Kautz, while I was standing under my deer, Ne. 353 West King etrcct; a crowd collected and some one said he was going out te the precession tonic some one , i Officer Kautz held him by the coat and , said, "Yeu stay here ; it is net your place our, there: it is a uspuulican precession and vea have no businesi there. 1 O held him until the crowd rushed en, when the man get away from the offi cer ; there was a man with a cape en who rushed in and said he would clean out the crowd en the pavement. Officer Kautz get between him aud the crowd and kept them apart and told him te go en with the paaradc ; I saw Kautz in the crowd at Ackcrmau's when the- precession rushed in ; I knew neither the man Kautz pushed back nor the man from the precession. Frank Ilubley sworn : Was standing corner Wesc King and Charlette streets ; saw the crowd fussing around ; saw Officer Kautz trying te Keep order around the Plew tavern : saw him take held of several men for the purpose of preserving order. I was in the precession but slipped out of it there, intending te go te the ball at the Humane engine house. Henry Keller, sworn : Was standing in front of the Plew tavern when the proces preces sion came along ; a fuss took place : Mr. Kautz came pushing through the crowd and did all in his power te step the fuss ; He grabbed one of the fellows who was fighting there, but he was pulled out of Mr. Kautz's hands. Geerge Shay, police officer, swern: I was standing en Alderman Dennelly's step en West"K'mg street as the precession came out of Maner street ; a large part had already passed when some women came running up West King street, saying there was fighting en Maner street, just nrnnnil ilia corner, near the old hose house ; I ran immediately te the place aud found fighting going ou ; Officer Harman was there deiusi his best te step it ; I pushed in the lighting was en the pave ment and took held of two men, ene of whom were a cap and cape and the ether was in citizen's dress ; I took one in each hand te separate them and succeeded in doing se ; the lightiug then ceased at that point. Who the fighting parties were I don't knew: cverythins was confusion. Harman did everything he could te separate the fighting men and restore order. I nt nothing of the fighting en West King street, rue cniei ei pence sens me en me hill te keep order around the Humane ball and wherever else I might be required. My duties in the earlier part of the night were in Centre Square. Chief Delchler Vindicated. The New Era having published a para graph te the effect that Chief of Police Deichler had refused te furnish an escort ever the hill te the Columbia company that paraded, the chief went te Columbia te see the commander of the company about the matter. He met thatgentleman and found that he had already written the following letter te Mayer MacGenigle. " Columbia. Oct. 11, 1880. " Information has reached me this morn ing that the chief of police had refused me an escort for my company en leaving for Columbia. I did net ask for an escort and must in justice te the chief deny that there is any truth in the assertion made. The chief came te me and said that some gen tlemen had sent him and said that the Col umbia company should have an escort ever the hill. He said he did net think there would be any treuble.but that himself and two policemen would go up te Maner street and see that we were protected, for which I thank him.' Vetting en the Election. This morning there was some lively bet ting en the election in the vicinity of the Pennsylvania railroad depot. Mr. W. offered te bet $300 that Garfield will be elected president. The bet was promptly taken by Mr. II. Mr. W. had $300 mere that he wenld like te wager en Garfield, and he was promptly accommodated by Mr. M. Mr. W. had a $10 that he wished te risk en Perter (Republican) of Indiana, and he was accommodated by Mr. M., who wished te increase the stake. Mr. W. began . te weaken a little but was induced te try $100 mere en Gar iield, just te accommodate Mr. B.,who was "spoiling" ie put up a trille en Hancock. Mr. B. tried hard te introduce Mr. W. te come again, but that gentleman was either out of soap or didn't wish te invest any mere against Hancock. In the meantime ether Democratic "business men " had heard the geed news of a Re publican who was willing te back his can didate and hastened te " see " him but they were tee late. Mr. Wells's $100 is still at our office waiting te be covered by $80 by any one who believes that the Republi cans will carry Indiana. Narrow Escape. A countryman, accompanied by two ladies, while driving down North Queen street this morning, made a Darrow escape from accident. The mail train west was pulling out of the depot and the country man was only a short distance north of the track. Although the watchman called te him aud motioned him te step and a dozen ethers did the same, the countryman seemed net te understand them, and drove right across the track in front of the en giuc, and the cow-catcher almost grazed the hind wheels of the carriage as it crossed the track. Correction. It was net Jehn Fisher but his brother Henry, 555 North Prince street, who acci dentally shot himself near McCall's Ferry en Sunday. It is said that he did net "threw the gun ever the fence" as slated yesterday, but that he was sit ting en the fence and a rail broke under him, causing the discharge of the gun. His father did net go te Funk's yesterday te see him, as reported, and wc have noth ing new in rcgaul te his condition te add te what was reported yesterday. IJaetit Stelen. Six beets have been stolen from the store of Jacob Berk, en West King street. All of them are for the right feet. The thieves I I should apply te Mr. Berk for the mates. , M v v.itc was saved by wearing one of Prel. I Uiilliiietti-'g Kidney Pads, alter I had tried all j ether remedies," writes a well-known minister I wiiel'iid the gravel for line years. Williaui.-en & Fester have just received 40 1 dozen of Men's Working Pants and making a t-pecial sale et them at C'Jc per pair. ltd , ' Cearhma er'ii Rail. The employees cf Edgcrlcy ft Ce.'s coach erks w ill Rive a ball at Knthweller's hall en Thursday, evening next. A lare hall ar.d I pleasant time is expected. General liutlur acknowledges te have been neatly .shaved w :tli Cuticiira Shaving Seap. Catch a Tartar ml when caught scrub well with SOZODONT Won't spare it. Brush for dear inc. ii you destroy It, all the better for you and your ,..n. li ...111 .lulrni- f lin linnllll nfllle niniltll. "--"' "" "-""j - . it . bcaiitv. and your sweet breath. oll-lwdced&tr Xurveu debility, weakness anil decline pre vented bv a timely ns,e of Mnlt Hitters. SfKClAJ NOTICES. SA3II'I.K .NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman after a faithful reiir.c el" treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Confound te continue te suffer Willi :i weakness of i!:e uterus. Enclose a sta'np te Mrs. J.ydi.i E. l'inklmm, 253 Western avenue. I.yr.n, 5Ias.,ffer pamphlets. JySMydceuAw Poverty and Sull'erlng. " I was dragged down with debt, poverty and suileringler j-enrs, canned bya sickfamily and huge bills for doctoring, which did them no crend. 1 was completely discourasred. until J vin" year age, by the advice of my pastor, I procured Hep I'.ittcrs and commenced tneir use, .l"'! hi one i"0"'1 wc were all well, and none et us have seen a sick day since, andl want te say te all peer nicn.yeu can keep your families well a year with Hep Hitters ter leu u,anone,loctor's visit will cost. A woricing wericing 2wd Statistics prove that twenty-nve percent of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te :i bottle et" J.echer's Uenewned Cough Syrup, shfdl ve condemn the suflTcrers ler their ncgll genee, or pity llicm for tlielr ignorance? Ne OEast King street. Mr. Kewen, efiJnii Lake, Mich., says: "The people here cannot de without " Sellers' I.lvcr Pills." Try them. Coughs. 'Jirewn's Bronchial Trcclies" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Ker thirty years ihe?c Troches have been In use, with annually increasing favor. They arc net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few Maple rcnicdicsef the age. The Threat. "7;vw'. Bronchial Troches" act directly en the organs of the voice. They have an ex traordinary effect in all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, either Hern cold or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a clear and distinct enunci ation. Speakers and Singers find the Troches useful. A Cough, Cehi, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect often times results in some incurable Lung Disease. Brown" s Bronchial Trec7ies" will almost In variauly give relief. Imitations are offered for tale, many et which are Injurious. The genu ine "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are sold only in boxes. ianl5-lyd&wTu,Th4S Eclcctrie Uill Amongst the Base Balists. Jeseph Dnriinbcrger, Broadway, says he had the misfortune te severely sprain his ankle ceniluing him te Ids room and causing ex treme suffering, his brother " Lessee of the E. Side B. B. Grounds" who always uses It In such eases, Induced him te try It and he says that the application et the Eclcctrlc OU half a dozen times enabled him te walk round and before he had used y, et the bettle he was quite recovered. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, Vi: and 130 North Queen street, Lan caster, Pa. 47 If yen have scrofula, don't lall te use "Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher." Sold by nil drug, glstj. HEW XDTEftTIS KKKNTB. We have just placed en exhibition an invoice of OIL PAINT INGS of varied subjects and rare merit. Among them will be found a number of Original Game Panel Pieces by Meucei. Origi nals and Copies by Oastagnela and ether Artists; Figure, Fruit and Bird Pieces, Neapolitan Character Studies, &c., &e. The public are cordially invited te call at our store and in- speet them. H. Z. RHOADS & BBO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Tie Chicago Times says: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure Is highly endorsed by ministers. Judges, physicians, surgeons, by men et literary and scholarly distinction, and by individuals in all the walks et life. 3 A Jest. A witty man can make a jest, a wise man can take one. It does net take cither te find out the virtues of Spring Blessem in curing dis orders arising irem impurities or the bleed. Constipation. Indigestion, Ac. Prices: 50 cents, trial bottles, in cents. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IS) North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. Help te Metners ursing Infants. It is a conceded fact that mothers who hav the care, anxiety and draught et nursing in lants, are weak and need the aid et some strengthening tonic te make up the nourish ment required for the growth of the child. Ale, porter and lager beer have often been re commended. Of late, since physicians have become aware that the Pert Grape Wine pro duced by Alfred Speer, et Passaic, N. J., Is strictly pure, they la re prescribed it instead of ale and porter. This wine is principally sought for by mother who have nursing in fants at the breast, as the best supplying medl cine te be found. The wine is rich In body and net intoxicating, but gently stimulating Druggists generally keep It. Enquirer. This wine Is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. T.. Slaymaker. el-2wdiw POLITIC Al BULLETIN. or Assembly. The name et WILLIAM McCOMSEY, of the First ward, will be presented te the Demo cratic electors et Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate for As sembly, under Democratic rules. ELIMU. SNYDEB, of the Ninth ward, wll be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub fect te Democratic rules. td POLITICAL MEETINGS. Company 1. Company D of the Eighth Ward Hancock and English club will meet at Kohlhaas's saloon Wednesday evening next for drill. The company comprises all residing In the north eastern part of the ward. Derwart te West King te line of ward, Derwart te east side of run, High te East High, te line et ward. In Lancaster en Tuesday evening, Oct. 12. Speakers : Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther Klngwalt, Gen. 11. Kyd Douglas and ethers. New Helland. Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 13. Speakers : Hen. Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther Blngwalt, Colonel Jehn Ritchie, E. McCaa, of Alabama, Gen. II. Kyd Douglas, Win. II. Reland, Win. B. Given and ethers. Millport, East Lampeter Twp. Thursday evening, October 14. Speakers: B F. Davis, J. .L. Stelnmetz, E. D. North, W. U. Ilcnsel, J. A. Ceyle. Spring Garden Thursday evening, Oct. 14. Speakers: D. Me MuUen, R. 11. Risk, Jehn L. .Tacebs.Capt. II. H. Haines. Revrninnsvillc. Friday evening, October 15. Speakers Hen. D. Ermcntreut, of Reading; W. R. Wilsen, D. McMullen, W. II. Reland, J. i. Carman. II. N Mehlcr. Lltltx. Friday evening, October 15. Spenkura: E. Mc Caa, E. B. Wlegand, B. F. Davis, W. U. llensel. " Blaytewn. Saturday evening, October lfi. Speakers : W. IT. Henscl, D. McMullen. McCall's Ferry. CliOflleman's hotel, Saturday afternoon and evening, October 16. Speakers: Hen. J. L. Stelnmetz. E. D. North, R.B. Risk. Strasbaqg. Saturday evening, October 16. E. McCaa, 11 F. Davis, W. II. Reland, Jn A. Ceyle. Adauistewn. Saturday afternoon and livening, October -J1. Speakers: W. R. Wilsen, J. Willis Bland, B. F.Davis, F. P.Schtll, J. P. Dampman, J. G. Carman, Midway. Tuesday evening, October 19. Speakers. B. F. Davis, J. L. Stelnmetz, D. McMullen, W. II. Reland, W. U. Henscl. Engle Hetel, Salisbury Township, Thursday evening. Oct. 21 : Speakers : R. J. Mennghan, R. B. Risk, B. F. Montgomery, Jehn H.DcIIaven. Kirk weed. Thursday nHei neon and evening, October 21. llphrata. Friday afternoon and evening, October 22. Hen. E. K. Apgar and ethers. Lancaster. Friday evening, October 22. Speakers: lien. E. K. Apgar and ethers. Balnbridgc. Saturday, October 23. Reamstown. Tuesday. October 2G. Speakers: W. R. Wil son, J. L. Stelnmetz, J. A. Ceyle. Lancaster. Wednesday evening, October 2T. Speaker: Hen. S. J. Randall. Christiana. Wednesday, October 27,afternoon aud evening. Intercourse. Thursday evening, October 24. Washington Borough On Friday afternoon aud evening, October 15. Pole raising in the afternoon and speaking in the evening. Speakers: Jehn A. Ceyle. B. F. Montgomery. MAKBIAOES. Brkxemas ALnmenT. October l- 1800, at the residence of the bride's parents, bv tuc Rev. C. B. ShullK, A. N. Brencman, jr.,te Mary E. Albright. It' Sweieabt Reitz. October 10, 1830, at the Lu thcran parsonage. Illnklctewn, Pa., by the Rev. S. S. Henry, Jehn M. Swclgart, of Earl, te Lizzie Reitz, of East Earl, Lancaster county. NEW AVYEKTISEMENTS. Democratic County Committee The Democratic County Committee will meet at the Central Headquarters In this city en MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, at 10 a. in. Im portant business. Every member Is expected te be present. W. U. HENSEL, W. 11. Grikk, Chairman. D. McMdxlex, Secretaries. B. S. Pattkrseh, ) 1 In the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lancaster .- Netice is hereby given that an Application will bemade te said Court en MONDAY, OC TOBER 25, 1880, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. for the ap proval of a certain Amendment te the Charter of the Woodward Hill Cemetery of the City of Lancaster, as set forth in the Petition for the allowance et said amendment filed in said Court. A: J. EBERLY", ectl,,16 Solicitor. 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. 29 CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. SyA CENTS PER POUND FOR WHITE RAGS. The highest price paid for Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, Ac. TcnRag Asserters wanted, te whom the highest price wiU be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, y9-tfdR Lancaster, Pa 3TEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RED ILLUMINATING FIKE IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. AT HUBLEY'3 DRUG STORE, 21 Wast King Street, ltd Lancaster, Pa. FIREWORKS. Campaign Goods, Flag, Badges, Equip ments, Lanterns, at WEAVER'S, It r1 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. PAINTING. All kinds of Heusa Painting and Graining done at the shortest notice and in the best pos sible style. We have reduced our prices te $1.73 per day. Shep en West Charlette street. ectl2-3md ALLEN GUTHRIE & SONS. POTATOES. 500 bushels of Pennsylvania Potatoes at CUc per bushel of Early Rese, Bresec's, Ne. ( and Canada Victer. Just, received some very line teas and choice coffees and a full line et fancy Groceries and Fruits in season. Call at GEO. WI ANT'S. el2-2td 13 West King street. POLITICAL. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION. The Democratic voters et this city are re quested te assemble at their usual voting places at primary elections en WEDNESDAY EVENING, Oct. 18, 1880, FROM 7 TO 8 O'CLOCK, and make general nominations ler Assemblyman for the City Legislative District, and te meet at the same places en SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 1, 1880, FROM C TO 8 O'CLOCK, and te vote for ene nominee for Assembly treiu said District, W. U. HENSEL, Chairman Campaign Committee. Jxe. K. Metzqer, Sect. AM USE31EXTS. TJRILLIANT DRAMATIC EVENT. OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14th. MR. JOHND. MISIILER has the honor et presenting Hartley Campbell's greatest trl urapn, as produced ever WO nights last season In New Yerk. THE GALLEY SLATE will be interpreted by one or the bestdramatlc companies that has ever appeared Lancaster, including MISS GUSSIE DeFORREST, M'ME MAJERONI. FRANK EVANS, J. J. SULLI VAN. JUNIUS BRUTUS BOOTH. THOS. II. BURNS and NELLIE BARBOUR. Will posi tively be presented with splendid scenic views et VENICE, ROME, MARSEILLES, PARIS. Nc advance In prices. 35, SO and 7;"c. Diagram at Yecker's Otticc. eMtd WANTED. WANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVEK tisc, free of charge, in the Iktkluebw cer. who wants something te de. WANTED. THE INQUIRER PRINTING and Publishing Company want a few in telligent boys te learn the printing business. Inquire cither in person or by letter, at their efllccS.'! anil .15 North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. ect 7-3tdeew2tw, Office n this Mahesy Mutual life Asse-) CtATIOX OF SELINSOP.OVK, Pa. TtrANTED-GOOD, ACTIVE, RESPONSI- f f ble Agents in each township of the county et Lancaster. Apply in hand writing of Applicant te the Heme OtHce. L. R. HUMMEL, Sec'y. Sclinsgreve, Snyder county, Pa.. September 7. isse. seiiKMmd&Stw MISCELLANEOUS. AT1!5 DAVIS, iVL Teacher of French In St. James Scheel, pupil of the PENSION TEIBOU, Paris, will receive a few private pupils. Fer terms apply rrem 5 te C p. m., at e9 2td Ne. 131 NORTH DUKE STREET. MAGNETIC TOOTHACHE CUKE. Cures almost instantly without Injury te the teeth or gums . Fer sale at BLACK'S DRUG STORE, 21 West Chestnut Street. 25 cents per bottle. e9-lwd ELEGANT GRAY GRANITE MONU MENTS at McCLUltE'S MARBLE WORKS, Ne. 25 Seuth Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. Prices very low. e6-2tdWAS41tw "I O TO RINGWALT'S FOR MONONGAHELA PURE RYE. Alse OAKDALE PURE RYE WHISKY, 95 per cent. Alcohol, and the lnvIgoratlng.Tenlc Hair Liquid, and the Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, All at Ne. 205 WEST KING STREET. A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Lancaster andFrultvIlle Turnpike Read Company wtll be held en MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1880, at the Office et the Secre tary, CI North Dnkc street, Lancaster, Pa., be tween the hours of 2 and 4 p. m., ler the elec tion or officers ler the ensuing year. I. CARPENTER, octll-M&Thtnevl Secretary- DR. SAIimiVS LIVEE INVIG0RAT0R Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANFORD,162Breadway,N. Y. Fer nale by all Druggists. oll-lyecdftcewwr THIRD EDITION TUESDAY SVKNTKO.OOT. 12, I860. THE WESTERN BATTLE OHIO AND INDIANA ELECTIONS A VERY HEAVY POLL. FATAL FUMES IN CHICAGO. URANT OFF TO BOSTON. ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. THE RATTLE IN THE WEST. An Unusually Heavy Vete in Cincinnati Beth sides Hard at Werk. Cincinnati, Oct. 12. The weather is delightful, though partly cloudy and colder than yesterday. Beth parties in this city are using every effort te secure a heavy vote. Very little scratching is done, and everything is quiet at the polls up te this hour (12:40). There will undoubtedly be a larger vote than was ever befere polled, as in some precincts the vote at neon was up te the highest vote ever before cast. All points throughout Ohie and Indiana heard from indicate earnest work by both parties. It is the most exciting election held for a long time. Nothing can be told at this hour of the probable result. Tne Ileglrn te Indiana. Chicago, Oct. 12. There was a large hegira of Chicagoans te Indiana last night. A single railroad yesterday issued ever 800 passes te various points of that state between this city and Indianapolis. Net a few of these receiving these passes sold them te ethers. BRITISH SPORTS. An American Cricket Team for England. Londen, Oct. 12. The newspapers here publish the following : " It is stated that an American team of cricketers may visit England in 1881. Twe gentlemen are about te visit the United States te make necessary arrangements. The success of the enterprise financially or etherwise is very doubtful, but if the brothers Newhall and ether strong Philadelphia players could be induced-te come ever an interest ing tour might be arranged." Hanlan tialnlnjr Flcsli. The Sportsman says Hanlan, the oars man, has gained thrce pounds owing te inactivity during Saturday and Sunday "en account of the weather. lie has a slight sere threat, but he leeks very well. El El leott is in excellent health. He is consid erably reduced in weight aud rows in cap ital form. KIKE IN CHICAGO. Academy of Music Burned Lives Lest. Chicago, Oct. 12. Emmit's Academy of Music was destroyed by lire te-day. One fireman was killed and five injured. The fire was confined te the theatre. The cause is undnewu. Other Fires. Tkey, N. Y., Oct. 12. Skinner & GVs knitting mill at Stillwater, was partly burned yesterday. Less, $10,000 ; insured. Seventy-five operatives are thrown out of work. The Association's barns at Round Lake were burned last night. Less, $1,000; in sured for $2,000. THE SLAV: TRADE. Gorden l'aclin Telling What lie Knows. Londen, Oct. 12. Colonel Gorden (Gorden Pacha), while passing up the Red Sea en his way from China te Europe wrote, under date of September 29th, te the secretary of the British Anti-Slavery society as fellows : "I hear of an Egyp tian official leaving Massawah te annex the Damkli coast and occupy the Guardafui promontory. This will involve Egypt in the yearly expenditure of 30,000, and completely blockade Abyssinia from the sea. The Egyptian commission established at Assioet for the suppression of the slave trade is a perfect farce." AIIDUCTED AND CABRUTEl). A Pennsylvania Farmer's Exciting Adven ture. Nnw Yerk, Oct. 12. Rebert P. Gouran, a farmer from. Canenvillc, Pa., was res cued by the police from a coach early this morning, while being, as he claims, forci bly abducted and garroted. He says four men enticed him into the hack in Baxter street, aud robbed him of $75. One man named Gaffney was arrested, while the ethers escaped. The attention of the police was directed te the coach by the cries Gouran for assistance. BALTIMORE'S FE5TIVAI . l'rocensfen of Atasens and Children. Baltimore, Oct. 12. The Knights Templar, Royal Arch and Blue Masens are eat in strong force, including a num ber of visiting cemmanderies of Knights Templar. The remainder of the precession is composed of children of the public EClioels, of whom there are several thou sand in line. A threat of rain early in the forenoon prevented many children from joining the line, but the precession is the largest of its kiud ever witnessed in Haiti Haiti mere. URANT. Departure of the ex-President for Bosten. New Yenic. Oct. 12. Gen. Grant left te-day by the ljp. m. train for Bosten, eecertcd by a committee from that city of ex-Gevs. Beutwcll and Talbot, and Cel. Herbert C. Hill. The party occupied a special parlor car. During the morning the General received a large a large num ber of visitors among whom were ex-Gov. Fenten, Rev. Highland Garnett and the Chinese ambassador Chen La Pin. THE IRISH TROUBLES. Preparations for Disturbances. Londen, Oct. 12. The Dublin corres pondent of the Manchester Guardian says: The military authorities in the west of Ire land are making cxtcubivc preparations in view of apprehended disturbances. Houses are being hired at Ivam and Headferd in Galway andatBallain Maye for imme diate occupation by the military. Detach ments of troops will also leave the carragh of Kildarc for Castle Bar and Wcstpert in Maye. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. -C, Oct. 12. Fer Middle states, northwest te southwest winds, partly cloudy weather, light local rains followed by rising barometer and slight fall in temperature. MAIUCEJS. HewIetkMuMu Nitw Vewc Fleur State and West ern less active and scarcely se firm; Superfine, at $S 00i 10; extra de at $4 23 Qi 40; choice, de, $t 3084 73: fancy de. $1808600; round hoop OUlel 83014 95: choice de 950086 00; snpcrflne western $34001 10; common te poed extra de M 4 93 ; choice de de l 63SC SO; cheice white wheat de 94 a 4 35; Southern quiet, unchanged;, com mon te fair extra 99 00225 50: geed te choice de$5 60Q700. Wheat feverish and unsettled, anil IQlJJc lower ; Ne. 1 White. Oct., 91 lifil 12Ja ; de Nev.,$U2ffllI3: Ne. 2 Bed Oct. $1 ISJSft 114;de Nev. S113115J; de Dcc:,91lW& 116. Cern heavy and !6Jc lower; Mixed nest crn spot,.U;e54c:le future, 5iQ55c. Oats in buyers' favor; State 4044Ke ; West ern, 3$c. Uadelphla Market. Philadelphia. Oct. li Flenr dull owing te break: superfine 13 000350; extra 93 75 4 35 ; Ohie and Indiana family 95 256 09 ; Penn'a family de$500fi5 50: St. Leuis family at $6 Oea 50; Minnesota family 95 25iG 00; Str.itght $C6 75 ; patent and high grades 97 00 8 25. Kye flenr at 95 25. Wheat lewerand unsettled ; Ne. 2 Western 9112; Ia.Kcd 91 111 1-5 Amber 9111 lit ' Cern 11 rm ; steamer, none here ; yellow 56c ; mixed 55c. Oats steady; Ne. 1. White 42c : Ne. 2 de 40 4Ic ; Ne. 3 de 33i10c ; Ne. 2. Mixed 39c. Kye firm at J3e. Previsions In steady Jobbing trade; nits perk 9IS50; beer hams tW 50Q17 00; In dian m.s beet at $13 50 : smoked hams I1K 12c; pickled hams !g9c ; bacon smoked shoulders 6JC"c ; salt de Sc. Lanl market firm ; elty kettle at 99jc ; loesn butcn'r! S'e : prlme steam $ 73. Butter Choice In fair demand ether pradct are dull ; Creamery extra at 29a tec: c.e geed te choice 2729c: Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 25Q23c; Western reserve extra 2022e ; de geed te choice l!19c : Bells quiet : ivnn'a exi ra si: ; cstern re serve extra 20f322c. Egsts steady; Pt-nn'a Extra 22c; Western Kx. 202Ic. " Cheese dull, but steady ; New Yerk full cream l.'tjllc ; Western full cream 1313Vc ; de tulr te geed 12512!c; de half skims 10)5 lie. Petroleum steady : refined 12)c. Whisky firm at $112. Seeds Geed te prime clever dull at 97 00 750; Timethy jobbing at i7(S230: Flaxseed a caret, $ I SO." Cattle Market. Monday, Oct. 11. The receipts or beeves at the Wtt Philadelphia yard ler past week were 2.S00 head: North Philadelphia yard, CM head. Total. 0.4(0 head. Beeves The market during the past week has liceu fairly active, and for the better qual ity et cattle -were higher. Extra choice was scarce. Sohn McArdle sold one let at fie. We quote Extra at 5J3Jic; geed. 45Kc; me dium, 454c; common. ."I-SQlJc: bulls and cew.s, 243c; veal calves, at ii7Jc ; grass calves, 23c. Fresh cows, $25 per head : BALES AT THK WEST PIULADELrHIA YARD. Head. 12.1 Beger 3Iaynes, Western Va. and Western, gross. yM?ryAc. 10? Owen Smith. West Va., account of J. It. Andersen ; 2J de., .1. U. Thompson, gresa, 271) E.S. .F. McFlllen, Western and West Va., gross, 43c. :!57 A. & .1. Christy, Western and West Va., gross, 4j.iS3c. 17i Ulman & J.chuian Bres., S. Ohie, account or I.ehmman Bres., 55 de., B. Bacr; 17 Western, account of evl Sensenlg; 20 de., J. F. fcadlcr & Ce.; 59 West Va., ac count of Lciinan Bres.; 43 de. own ac count; Si 1-an. co., account or U. Klllln ger. gross. i!5&c. 11 .las. Clcmsen, Chester co., account of .1.1. Fex & Ce.; 10 Md., account of Oliver Hughes : 37 Tlnlcum, own account, gross, 4U3c. 14 Dennis Smyth West Va., account or . I.. Wilsen : US Pa., own acct., gross, 45c. 200 Jehn McArdle, Western and West Va., gross, 4Gc. 100 Daniel Murphy, West Va., gross, 4S5$Je, 2J Lewcnsteln Adler. Western Pr., en ac count; 40 lid., accennt of Myers X House man, gross, 45-4c 223 C. Schambcrg Ce., Western, gross, 4'ffi S-''c 41 F.'sciicctz, West Vii., gross, 55c. 21 II. Chain, jr.. West Va.. en account or W. Pest ; 23 Onie en account or E. F. Fratcr ; 20 Western, own account, gross, 4J5c. 175 Daniel Smyth Bre., Chester county, ac count et Sales & Chandler: 32 West Va., accennt et KusscK & Ce.; 3il de.. J. CIo CIe vis ; 30 de., B. Denley, gross, 35JSc. 80 L. Hern, West Va., gross. 3JS?nC. 140 Bachman Levi, West Va., gres. SUQSc. 31 Abe Ostheim, West Va.. gross, CMKr-. 22 S. Dreirus, West Vn.,3UfC. 110 Schambcrg & Paul, West Va., gross, 3 5ye. 33 P. Lathaway, Chester county, gross, 3.S 4Ke. 85 M. Levi, West Va., gross, 43ic. SO II. Chain, West Va., gre,s, S$ iJie. 43 .lames Eustace, West Vn gross, i.liv. Si; .fames Anil, Western, grcs, l'.r.e. 430 .1. F. Sadler & Ce., Wcstsrn ana V-st a., wholesale, grass, :G3. Sheep and lambs were active and prices were well maintained. We quote Extit. at 5Jc ; reed. 3.: pnnntv i hia yards, 5,W) head ; ether yards, 5,000 head. AOtal, iu.iwi ncau. Hogs wcrcmederatclyactiveand prices wcre 23 cents per hundred lower. We quote geed 4Wc; Mixed 77e. 'Arrivals at all yards 7,000 head. .Stock Market I icteber 12. Saw Yeus Stocks. 3tecks strong. A. . A. X. 10:30 11:29 Y. . 2:10 203 104 as no 91 S2 p. m. r. m 2:1(1 3:CU .".'.." .... 109 .9 110 Meiitijr lric J I- Michigan S. IS.... Michigan Cent. It. B. ,my mI . tW !W Vf.1 10-J& Chicago ft . W i Chicago, M ft St. P. . Han. & St. J. Cem " P'ld.... Teledo & Wabash.... Ohie ft Mississippi. .. s. I.mifx. I. M.&S.1C. . OWi 94 xiyt 334 .vjyt Via .... 924 .... 35)2 . . . 23& - - -? .... 74(? .... S4'2 .... 9IJ4 .... 4ltf .... 34 .... 8833 .... 35 & Ontario and Western. C. C. &1. C. I It New Jersey Central.. Del. ft Hudsen Canal. Ii'l..ark.ft Western Western Union Tel... Pacific Mall S.S. Ce.. Manhattan Elevated. Union Pacific Kansas ft Texas New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland ft Pitts Chicago ft Beck I Pittsburgh A Ft. W... American U. Tel. Ce. PmLADXLriHA. Stocks firm. Pennsylvania It, It.... Phll'a. ft Beading..... Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation... Northern Pacific Cem T.ik twK 3 V' 00-,'i 40 :r 2yt 'Jili 40tf 13(1 n; it y' 1 -Vrt 122 ii ; 121 5,CK MX si ml 27 is yya t .... 15 .... 43 38JJ 15J$ 524 63 1C 37 15 .... 53 .... 52 .... Z .... 27J .... 52k .... 16 .... 15 175 .. v'd . Pitts., TItusv'c ft B.... Northern Central Phll'a ft Erie K. K.... Northern Penn'a Un.ItrB'sefN.J Hcstenvllle Pass Central Trans. Ce. 175 19 Lecal Stocks and Bends. Par Last sale. 9100.25 105 114 118.75 120 105 103 3.25 47.25 51 51 U 33 30.40 25 85 20 275.23 40.15 100 13C 102.10 27 100 ' val. Lanc.City 6 per et. Lean, due lbSO, " ' 18S2, " 1885 " 1890 t lms .9100 . 100 . 100 . 100 100 " S per ct. in 1 or 30 years.. 100 r.nnc. uml iiuarrvv c i;. it. uone.... jw " " stock.... Lancaster and Ephrata turnpike... Lane .Kilzabctht'ii andMldillct'n.. Lancaster anil Frultvlllc turnpike. Lancaster and Lltltz turnpike Lancastcrnnd Maner turnpike.... Lancaster and Man helm turnpike. Lancaster and Marietta turnpike.. Lsiuc. and New Helland turnpike.. , nA a.1 UtMicthnnr f timinilff 50 25 100 50 25 50 25 23 101) 25 Lane, and Susquehanna turnpike.. 300 -. i ivilfAwKlnvit fnranllrr. 95 25 Farmers' Nat. Bank et Lancaster... First Nat. Bank of Lancaster Lancaster County Nat. Bank Inquirer Printing Ce LancGaa Light and Fuel Ce. stock " bends .50 100 50 50 25 pi AS FITTING AND PLVMBING. JOHN P. SCHAUM, Ne. 27- SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. A Large Assortment et GAS FIXTURES Constantly en hand. lylO-CmdeawS 4.54S5;C.; medium, VCCii,c. ; common. 3i4'Xc. ; culls, 'itiwe. sieck ewes, s-hj J: Western Penna.. ambs, 4KHM; : cnester iln cfflKe. Arrivals at West I'lUluuci-