mwm V 'iy-'j!'' J-"'jiB'F '-V-i! -f 'rC-' 4." LANCASTER DAILY liMELUGEKOER MONDAY OCTOBER H. 1880 Lancaster intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 11, 1880. OCTOBER. A lew mere sons and boeh these tuneful voices O'er the blue splendor et the Southern Sea Will sound, where the red taniger rejoices Beneath the acacia and the orange tree. Soen, one by one. the reds new bright and golden Will turn te dusty brambles by the way. And starry aster fall, as from tba olden Rich tapestries the glories fade away. Slowly tbe rushes, and the flags of iris. Dropping, no mere their purple banners raise, And deep, as in the land ei dark Osiris, BtMtms the ied light through bars of chry ' seprase. A lew mere days and all this world of flowers, The light and glory en the land and main, Will fade, as ence en great Aladdin's towers. The enchantment passed, and all was dark again. Ne kingly power, or wand of necromancer, Can gild with geld the withered ileitis again, Ner clarion voice can ill, with jocund an swer A veil of silence fulls en hill and plain. Yet in the west an orange light is burning, f. Where bright heaven's stcndlast lamp is lit en high ; And bold Orien comes, each night 1 (.'turning, With countless world;, en worlds, beyond the sky. And love stall live, though all the rocks should crumble. And with the cvcr-bloeming cypress last, And warm hands clasp the' loud the storm winds rumble. And joys burn brighter in the wintry blast. Stirah D. Clark. A KOMASCE IN SKELETON. A calm, delightful Autumn night A lloen's mysterious, golden Light A Maiden at her Window height. In Kobca of pure and Hceey white. The Uttle Wicket Gate ajar A Lever tripping from afar, With tunclul Vece and light Guitar, Te wee his radiant Guiding Star. A Lute with selt, iusidieu-t Twang Oh, hew the doting Lever sang! A Bull Deg, with Remorseless Fang A 'ip, u Grip, a Deathly Vang. v - a . A Maiden laiuting witu Affright A Lever In a sickening Plight A Bull Deg chuckling with Delight A wild, delicious Autumn Night. Kansas City Time. Seed Leaf Tobacco. The New Yerk Market Notes of the Tratlc. The New Yerk Tobacco Journal, which has a decided tendency te depreciate the market, says : Scvculy-twe pfennige a pound were obtained for a few hundred cases of geed running '79 Pennsylvania in Bremen this week in U. S. currency something like 12 cents. As mere money could have been obtained or tbe goods in this market, future shipments of '79 Penn sylvania can be regarded as net highly probable. The 1,000 cases of the same crop that left this country a few weeks age amidst the congratulations of the Lancaster, Pa., press, have safely arrived and are waiting for buyers te turn up. A sale of 1,100 cases of '79 Ohie has also been made at Bremen this week. The price obtained for it is ligurcd down te 7 j cents. Se much for expert. At home the market has been active. A few curbstone brokers again attempted te brag '79 Pennsylvania into prominence, but failed. As a positive sale wc note 500 cases at from 14 te 20 cents ; as a fiction, or probability, wc note 300 mere. The market was visited by a great many city cigar manufacturers, who were look ing for lleusa tonic and state seed tobacco mainly. These crops have become very popular, of late. Seme assign the cause te the increasing demand for lighter colors in cigars and the possession by the crops named of better qualities than can be found in the '79 Pennsylvania. In '79 Housatonic we note sales of ever 1,200 cases, at 18 te 23 cents for running. Te this we add sales of 420 cases of '79 Connecticut (comprising general New England crops) at from 15 te 17 cents for running and 12A te 13 cents for seconds. The aggregate of sales of '79 New Yerk state was nearly 400 cases. Seme se-called " Big Flats" realized as much as 17 "cents for running ; the market price for state is new between 10 and 13 cents. Sales of 150 cases of '79 Wisconsin, at 9J te 11 cents, are also reported. Ohie of the '79 crop remains neglected. The low Pennsylvania and State tobaccos are preferred at even a higher price than that which is being asked for '79 Ohie, which is from 7 te 10 cents. The '80 crop all ever the country has turned out magnificently. While in some sections, such as the Housatonic valley, buying has been begun at ligurcs equally as high as these paid last season, it is due only te the small quantity of tobacco that these sections produce and for which there is at all times a certain class of- manufac turers ready te buy it ; but en the whole no movement toward the securing of the '80 crop has been made. Packers seem at last te realize the fact that buying green tobacco at high ligurcs means ruination te the tobacco trade of the country. Havana was very active. Sales 1,000 bales, included in which is a sale of 400 bales te au uptown manufacturer. Prices remain unchanged. Gang's ltepert. Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported by J. S. Gans's Seu & Ce., tobacco brokcrs,Nes. 84 and 8C Wall street, New Yerk, for the week ending, Oct. 11 : 1,012 cases 1879 New England seconds, 1014c ; wrap pers, lG40c ; Housatonic asserted, 20 25c ; Havana seed, 2125c ; 1,000 cases 1879 Pennsylvania asserted, 1221c ; wrappers, 18(a,40e ; 200 cases 1879 state "flats," 12l8c ; 500 cases 1879 Ohie G 13Jc ; 100 cases 1879 Wisconsin, 715c. Total, 2,812 cases. There has been au active demand for all sorts from manufacturers aud jobbers. and although ( excepting the transfer of a preparations for an extended- bridal tour Seuth and West. We had the pleasure of a visit during tbe week from Mr. W. F. Ramsey, the corresponding secretary of the Peach Bot Bot Bet eom & Lewer Chanceferd Tobacco Grow ers' association in Yerk county, Pa. While speaking of the 1880 crop in Yerk county, Mr. Ramsey said: "The production of Yerk county this year will approximate 30,000 cases. The tobacco is almost all cut, and is curing finely. The size is large, and the quality excellent. Growers have had very little trouble with fleas this year, the early tobacco having escaped it en tirely, while the damage done te the late tobacco is scarcely noticeable. As a whole the crop is a grand success, and the grow ers are perfectly satisfied with the result of their labors. The area planted in Peach Bettem & Chanceferd townships reached 800 acres. Seme have already begun stripping. XEDICAL. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED TOIAI BuTEBS The accumulated evidence of nearly thirty years show that the Bitters is a certain remedy for malarial disease, as well as its surest pre ventive ; that it eradicates dyspepsia, consti pation, liver complaint and nervousness, counteracts a tendency te gout, rheumatism, urinary and uterine disorders, that it imparts vigor te the feeble, and cheers the mind while it invigorates the body. Fer sale by all Druggists ami Dealers gener ally, ol-lydeed&lyw HOl' KITTEKS IfOlt !)ALG AT LOCH. er's Drug Stere, 9 East King street. ASTBICU BBO'S ADVEBTISEMENT. Lancaster Bazaar EVERY DAY during the coming week a brilliant display et FALL NOVELTIES will be presented in the attractive establish ment of ASTRICH BRO.'S 13 EAST KING ST. We shaft place en exhibition the many rich and beautiml articles which we have new en hand, thus enabling Ladies, by a single prom enade through our store, te interm them selves as te the Latest Styles for Fall and Early Winter Wear. Especial attention's called te our assortment of FIX K MILLINERY GOODS, including Trimmed Pattern Bennets. New Shapes and Celers in CHENILLE UATS, FRENCH FELT HATS. DEUBIES, &.C. NOVELTIES IX VELVETS AND SATIXS. Cashmere and Variegated -FLUMES, BlltDS' TIPS, &c. Elegant Stvles will be presented in LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING, BABY WEAK, DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY and GLOVES. rieasc notice ! Every department will have both an attractive display and alie an especial ly attractive bargain. Call early in the week, belere our price and goods are disposed of. HATS Dcrbiesat Cic Fine Black Derbies, with fcatin Trimming. $1.00 Sett Felt Derbies fl.00 Best Bibbed Goods $1.:J3 Cigarette Hats Tee Cotten Caps J0e Flush Hats e Straw Sailors iic EMBBOLDEJUE8, C Geed Black Satin... 7De a yd First Quality Satin $1.00 ASuperflnc Black Satin.fl.iD All Celers of Geed Satin. Wc Trimming Silks at 7jc Black Silk Velvet, $1. ) a yarn. nek elve NERVOUS DEBILITY. Te Nervous Sutlereit? The Great Euro Eure Scan Ucmedy Dr. J. 15. Simpsen's Specilie edicinc. It is a positive curojfer Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Wcakncss.Impetcncy.and all diseases resulting from Sell-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety, Less of Memery, Fains in Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Specilie Medicine Is being used witls wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get full particulars. Frice, Specilie, $1 per package, or six packages for $5. J. B. SIMP SON MEDICIXE COMFAX Y. Nes. 101 and 10G Main Street, Buffalo, X. Y. Address all orders te II. B. COCHUAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 13) North Queen Street, Lancaster. ml7-lydced&wJ INVESTIGATION ! DK. UKEKNK ha? successful! v treated ever 800 of the most difficult chronic (se called) In curable cases during a seven month's practice. The most et them had been the rounds of the leading physicians of Lancaster county. Ne w DB. GREENE is ready at any time te meet i committee et the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera, Heuse or elsewhere todis tedis enss the merits et Omnipathv and prove its superiority ever all ether palliies in vogue. The pcople are greatly interested and de mand the fullest investigation. Invalids are every week d3'ing in this county whose lives could be saved. Is there any subject about which the masses arc mere concerned than restoration te health, and the prolonging of their lives? Dr. G. originated and is new the owner of 20 Medical Pads. He especially warns the public against the numerous counterfeits new offered the people CONSULTATIONS FEEE. Catarrh Cured Fer 50 Cents. cube quick fob catabbh sl'xt te ;any addbess fob se cents. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. S3G XOKTII JUEEN STREET, jW-tldMWF&S Lancaster, Pa. VTEKV1NE, OK TOXIC SFECll'ICA. -LI A BOON TO BOTn SEXES. A BEMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL ler all diseases arising Irem Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic forms of the tolle wing diseases have been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache. Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, General Debility, Impetcncy, Premature Decay, &c. It has been in use for ever forty years, and is te-day the most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WOULD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, and better than all, it is a sure, sate and certain cure. It Is no quack medicine, but stands upon Us own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since 1KSH this remedy has always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold; but owing te the act that the time ler the payment et an enormous royalty upon itamanufacturc has expired, it is ettered te the suffering of betli sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be within the reach of all; at which price it will be sent te any address tree et further charge. Address HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS BlUBOXS BIUBOXS KIBBONS UIISIiONS RIBBONS BIUBOXS BIUBOXS BlUUOXS BIUBOXS BlUUOXS BlUUOXS BlUUOXS BlUUOXS BlUUOXS BIBUOXS BlUUOXS PASsAMEXTEBIES PAS AM EXTERIES PASSAMEXTEBIES PASS AM EX'I EB1ES PASSAMEXTEBIES PASS AM E X TE B I ES md Chenille PASS AM EXTEBIES Fringe, 41c. PASS AM EXTEBIES ElcgaulSilk PASSAMEXTKBIES and Chenille PASSAMEXTEBIES Fringe, 50c. PASs AM EXTEBIES Sinch heavy PASSAMEXTEBIES Chenille PASS AM EXT EBIES FBIXGES Fringc,bread PASSAMEXTEBIES FRINGES heading, (Wc. PASSAMEXTEBIES 4Cin. heavy PASSAMEXTEBIES Clicnilleaml PASSAMEXTKBIES Bead Fringe. 00c a vanl. Z in. Fine HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS SATINS SATIXS SATIXS SATIXS SATIXS SATIXS VELVET.s VELVETS VELVETS VELVETS VELVET VELVETS VELVETS VELVETS VELVETS VELVETS VELVETS VELVETS VELVETS VELVET VELVET.-! VELVETS FBIXGES FBIXGES FBIXGES FRINGE: FBIXGES FBIXGES FBIXGES FBIXGES FBIXGES FBIXGES FBIXGES FBIXGES FBIXGES eteen at 1 le A Fine Ulack Velvc teen at 50c Special Bargain. Extra Heavy Black Velveteen. 75c., worth $1.0J Silk Finished Black Velveteen .$ 1.00 a yard. Brocaded Velveteen in all colors, 63c. Silk Velvet in all the new shades. :li inch Silk Fiingi'.Chc nille aud Uead, 25c a vard. Bich Silk FBIXGES FBIXGES FBIXGES FRINGES FBIXGES FBIXGES PASS AM EXTEBIES PASSAMEXTEBIES P ASSA MEXT KBIES Cficnillcand PASSAMEXTEBIES PASSAMEXTEBIES ! ASS AM EXTEBIES PASSAMEXTEBIES PASSAMEXTEBIES PASSAMEXTEBIES PASS AM EXTE B IES FBIXGES Grass Fringe FBIXGES tile a vard. FBIXGES 5 inch Che FBIXGEm nille & Bead FBIXGES Fringe, 75c. FBIXGEs. Most elegant FBIXGES andhandseme PASSAMEXTEBIES FBIXGES Fringe, at SO, PASSAMEXTEBIES IFB1XGES SS, '.I5e, $1.(1). PASSAMEXTEBIES FBIXGES 1.10,1.12,1.53, PASSAMEXTEBIES FBIXGES and upwards. PASSAMEXTEBIES FBIXGES A handsome PASSAMEXTEBIES FBIXGES Hneet Pas- PASSAMEXTEBIES FBIXGES samenteries PASSAMEXTEBIES FBIXGES inallwidtl-s. PASSAMEXTEBIES FBIXGES Tassel Orna- PASSAMEXTEBIES FBIXGES mentsInSilk, PASSAMEXTEBIES FBIXGES Chenilleaud PASSAMEXTEBIES FBIXGES Beads, Leeps, PASSAMEXTEBIES FBIXGES Spikes. Cords PASS AM EXTE UIES FBIXGES ami Spikes. PASSAMEXTEBIES FUIV(JKS BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTON'S BLACK BLACK BLACK ULACK BLACK BLACK COBSETS COBSETS COBSETS Buttens in endless variety. Uiack Crepe at 50c. Fine Black Crepe at 75c, 81.00. Extra llcavv English' ivje C i for $.'.00 PASSAMEXTEBIES BUTTON'S BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS CBEPEs CRKPES CBEPES CBEPES CBEPES CBEPES llip Gere, '2Jl-. COItsETS A Geed Hand-made Cor- COBbETS set, :;ac. cebsets COBSETS We offer new a much COBSETS COBSETS better Corset than ever COBSETS COBSETS ler Wc. COBSETS COBSETS An excellent, geed lit- COBSETS COBSETS ting Corset for (Tic. COBSETS COBSETS The "Pavilion," bjioen COBSETS COBSETS Busk, for 75e. COBSETS COBSETS The "Star" Ccrxit, e.- COBSETS COBSETS tralnng, lei'U5c. COBSETS COBSETS The "Parisian." ley COBSETS COBSETS bones, ter $1. COBSETS COBSETS A splendid Nuraing Cor- COBsETS COBSETS MstferSl. COBSETS COBSETS Better Corsets at 1.'-".), COBSETS COBSETS ;$1.5'J and upwniiK COBSETS LADIES Special bar- UXDEBGABMEXTS DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 46 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mail. iv2-timd&w LAMES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES gains in that line. A geed Muslin Che mise for 25c An elegantly euibrnideieil Chemise, 5(lc One with very rich cuibrni dery for 75e. Skirt, with deep embroi dery, ler Vic. Elegant UXDEBGABMEXTS UXD KBGABMEXTS UXDEBGABMEXTS UXDEBGABMEXTS UXDEBGABMEXTS UXDEBGABMEXTS U XDEBG ABM EXTS UXBEBGABMENTS UNDEBGABMEXTS UXDEBGABMEXTS UXDEBGABMEXTS UXDEBGABMEXTS UXDEBGABMEXTS UXDEBGABMEXTS LADIES Xiglitreue.?L2S.'. UXDEBG ABM EXTS INFANTS INFANTS INFANTS INFANTS INFANTS INFANTS INFANTS INFANTS Babies' Leng Bobc- irem e'Je up te $!. Babies' Worsted Cap . Jackets, Merine Cleak, Shawl-, Weel, Bootee, &e. FELT Geed, Heavy Fell Skirts at I5e. FELT Flam FELT FELT FELT FELT TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS nel Skirts it reasonable nriee--. The new "Canva-s "Skin at SUA MOP BITXJS11S. XF YOU ABE A 3IAN OF BUSINESS, j niruiLcui;u uy luu bLrain avoid stimulants and take of your duties, package of Housatonic, belonging te a country packer, aud which was disposed of in two parcels) no very large lets changed hands in blocks, the week's reEttlt is grat ifying. Trade Notes. Tobacco Leaf. There has been a large business done in seed leaf since our previous repert, the 'sales reaching 3,150 cases. All growths of ltw'J tobacco have been in demand, with a very brisk inquiry for Pennsylvania, the appropriations of that variety, summing up, as seen in Messrs. Gans & Ce.'s re view, 1,500 cases at from 12 te 37J cents. The market is iu a very sound condition, and the prospect of a geed fall trade ex cellent. Pennsylvania tobacco is iu geed demand and is held at ceed fitrurcs. aud no doubt. before long, better prices will prevail, at least se says " geed authority." Messrs. Emanuel Heffman & Seu sold during the week 200 cases of Pennsylvania and 150 cases of Connecticut te manufac turers. The marriage en Tuesday evening of Mr. David Lachcnbruch and Jliss Ella Meinhard, of this city, was happily cele brated, according te arrangements, at Standard hall. About three hundred guests were present. When the -nuptial ceremony was concluded, ihe favored par ticipants were regaled with a sumptuous collation in the hall, after wlnrdi mnsi speeches, songs, and general enjoyment I filled up the interval until the guests with-1 drew, and the wedded pair retired te make HOP BITTERS! If you arc a man of letters, telling ever your midnight work, te restore brain and nerve waste, take HOP BITTERS! It you are young, and suffering from any indiscretion ordissipatien, take HOP BITTERS! If you are married or single, old or yeuii". Buffering from peer health erlanguishiii" en a bed of sickness, take HOP BITTERS! Whoever you nre, wherever you aie, when ever you feel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating, with out intoxicating, take HOP BITTERS! Have you dyspepsia, kidney or urinary com plaint, disease of the stomach, beicels, bleed, liver, or nerves ? Yeu will be cured if you take HOP BITTERS! II you are simply ailing, arc weak and low spinicejxiy n: uuyu. insist upon it. leururuggist keeps it. HOP BITTERS! It may save your life. It has saved hundreds. HOP BITTEBS MANUFACTURING CO., Bechcstcr, New Yerk and Terente, Ontario. BOOTS AND SHOES. 105 GO TO F. IIIEMENZ'S. Ne. 105 North Queen street for ana uesi beets and SHOES. 105 Sign of the Big Shee. 105 the Cheapest 105 j2C-SAWlfd "I? A CV BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS JLiXlO X made en a new principle, insnr- iig wuuuibiur uxu iceu leasts matte te order. MILLEB. iebU-tfd 133 East King street BOOTS 105 LADIES AND GENTS It you want a 105 GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, RcaCy-made or made te order, caU at F. HLEMENZ'S, Ne. 103 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. 1e26S&Wtfd A Geed Tewel ier.R-. A very large Fine Tewel, (e. A large all Linen Tewel, 10c. A geed Glass Tewel, lie. A line Dnmask Linen Tewel, 25c. An extra line Tewel, knotted fringe. a3e Imported extra large German Linen Tow els, SZc. Bemnants et all Linen Toweling, 10c a piece. Toweling, 5c a yard. Bussian Crash, 9, 11, lu"e a yare. Glass Toweling at lie a yard. Napkins, ac a pieee. German Linen Xapkius Hinged' in white, SI per dez. A geed heavy Undershirt for ladles, only 35c. a very n ne qual ity McrinoUndcr McrineUndcr vests ami Punts, regular made cuffs 11 nl shed front, only 4Se. Childs' Under shirts and Draw ers,in all qualities and sizes. Our Men's Un dershirts and Drawers at 50c arc positively the best ever sold for the price. The Shirts are regular made Cuffs and Shoul ders, and ilnishcd as geed as any dol lar shirt. The Drawers are MEBIXO military llnish, M ERIXO with satin front. :! MEBIXO buttons, and well shaped. Sizes, SO te 43 inches. Infants' Knitted Shetland Shirts, without sleeves, He.; with sleeves, CIc. Nodeubtairreat MEBINO Bargain. HOSIERY Te mention Bargains we off or in this department is hardly pessibIe,but we invite everybody te come and leek at our bteck without being compelled te buy. It will be u satisfaction te you te knew that we sell the best goods for the least money, and that our assort ment is better and larger than thatef any house in this city. Child's Woolen Gloves and Mitts. Levins Lcggln Drawers, &c. 3XOTE THIS Zephyrs in all Celers, 9c. an ounce. Yarns Shetland Weel, Saxony Yarn, Fless, ,te. ' 3-Wc invite everybody te call and leek at our store. The handsomest and most attrac tive place of the kind in thi3 county. ASTRICH BEOS, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER " LANCASTER BAZAAR. TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIVO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MEBIXO MERINO MEBINO MEBINO MEBINO MEBINO MEBINO MEBINO MEBINO MEBINO MEBIXO MEBINO MEBINO MERINO MERINO MERINO HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY WEAR WEAB WEAB WEAK WEAK WEAR WEAR WEAR SKIRTS SK1BTS SKIBTS SKIRTS SKIBTS HURTS NAPKINS NAPKINS XAI'KIXS NAPKIN'S XAPKIXS NAPKINS NAPKINS XAPKIXS NAPKINS XAPKIXS XAPKIXS XAI'KIXS XAPKIXS XAPKIXS XAI'KIXS XAPKIXS XAPKIXS XAPKIXS NAPKIN'S XAPKIXS XAPKIXS XAPKIXS XAPKIXS XAPKIXS UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR U.MJERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR ill the HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT QUNDAKBR'S. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Rncnings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at QTJNDAKMR'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and. Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GrTJNDKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. BUY GOOB8. WE HAVE JUST OPENED AN ELEGANT LINE OF OVERCOATINGS AND SUITINGS, ail in the New Styles. "We invite examination. Remember we are competent te furnish you with a geed fit, which we guarantee te be second te none iu the city. Bc6t of Trimmings used, and every article of Clothing made in the best possible manner by competent workmen. "We ask a trial. New Styles in Fancy Neckwear Jnst Opened. AVe show the Largest and Choicest Assortment of Merine Underwear in the city at lowest prices. GrLVLEK, BOWEES & HTJEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. CLOTHING. r BUY GOODS. Timely Advice en Fall Clethes. Yeu are thinking of your clothing for fall ; what it shall be ; hew and where you shall get it. Come and See Ub. Come aud see us, or drop us a line, wiying what you want, as near as you can. If you are here, you can see for yourself a great variety of things, try en what you like, and go home with the old clothes in a bundle That is very easy ; and nothing can be mere satisfactory. Net a Strange Place. It isn't as if you were going te a htraugc place. The chances are you've been here before, and knew something of our ways. Perhaps your neighbor has becu here ; and has told you it was a geed place te go te. Perhaps you've only read that we sell a geed mauy clothes, and say te people who buy them: Bring them back if you don't find them every way te your liking. New this is really why we arc net strangers te anybody; because wc deal with everybody as with a neigh bor; and expect liim te come right back if he has cause of complaint. If you Don't Come. But, suppose you don't come. Hew are wc geiug te sell you just what you want te buy, without your seeing things beforehand ? Try f write ; say about hew much you want te pay for a business suit, dress suit, overcoat, or whatever you want ; say what your occupation is ; say anything that has auy bearing en what we eugh te send you. It will net take us two minutes te guess what you want ; if we don't ucss right, that's our less, net yours. Have Your Own Way !' Perhaps you want your clothing made te your mca&urc. Did you sus pect that we make te measure a half million dollars' worth of clothing every year for people we never saw and never expect te see ? Yeu may be very certain that we have a way of do ing suchvrerk withent much risk of a misfit ; for a misfit, you knew, comes right back te us. We are pretty care ful about making blunders when we've get them all te make geed. Our Wat : Our way of doing business is te make the buyer welcome, at the out set, te all the advantage and all the guarantee he can ask for. WANAMAKBR & BROWN. Oak Hall, ?ixth und Market Streets. Fliiliulelphie, Fa. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO LADIES IN SEARCH OP BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY have uijulc lur,;c purclinscd of Ucsiraule Fall Goods at very low price. isX. 1 Case Chevrons at 15c.; worth 20c. 2il. 1 Case All Weel Checks at 15c.; would be cheap at 20c. 3L-Easc Weel Suitings 20c; usually sold at 25c 1P SPECIAL BARGAIN. DSoedfn r-cy WOOL CASHMERES, MOMIE CLOTHS, 8UITIXWS, TRIMMIXG SILKS, HATINS AND SOYELTY GOODS. NEW YORK STORE, 8 & 10 EAST KING STREET. VLOTUiya. GAEFIELD VS. HANCOCK EALIi CAMPAIGN OF 1880 New opened and the battle has commenced and rages fiercely, and while there may be some doubt in the minds et many persons as te who will be the next President et the United States, there can be no ileubt in the mind efany person in want of CLOTHING as te where can be bought the cheapest and the best, cither in Iteady-made or Mede te Order MYERS & RATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 East King Street, the Great Clothing Emporium. . T.I.,C-6CC0,M, story room is packed brim full with the greatest variety of EEADT M adf CLOTIIING FOB MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CIIIEDBEN, aU ou7ewn iMnnnVcure. They are well made, well trimmed, and the goods arc a'l speused bclera they are made n Tin gar- tma rmsjta e viitM LANCASTER AND MILLEKSYUXK R. K i Cars ran as fellows : - save Laacatser 'yv.&. Depot), at 7. 9. uu.t 8t2fSyiWtben th,? last lea at 9-JO p. m. a. HM and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en. Sun SWJLUMBIA AND FORT DEPOSIT R. R . Tanyewn,l,regnUlrlym the Columbia and Pert Deposit KaOread en the foUewina time: " Statiebs XeKTHExpres3.Express. Accetu w j mi. a.. r. x. r-.-jr. Pert Deposit.... Peachbottem.. Safe Harber..... Columbia 6:35 7:12 7:59 8:30 3:30 4:24 5:06 5:35 2:Ofl 3:18 S:C6 6.20 Statiehs SeuTB-Express.Exprc$.. Accem. WAUU. I A.M. r. M. A.X. Columbia. Safe Harber. Pcachbottem Pert Deposit 10:53 11:23 r. m. T07 12:45 11:20 6:19 7:32 8:05 7:50 JAlftOS 11.07 r.x. 1225 TEADIN & COLUMBIA R. R. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGEK MAY lOrn, 1830. NORTinVARD. LKAYE. QuarryvHI" Lancaster, King St iuncusicr llNS. A Columbia... ABRIVE. Reading... A.M. 0:45 7:55 8:03 7:3i 110:05 SOUTHWARD. m. 235 3:40 330 3:10 1:00 1:05 3:20 A.M. 7:50 120 9:30 &50 A.M. ae 9-M 0:33 9:15 10-.50 A.V. 11:55 r.v. 2:03 2:05 FJC. '6:10 8:10 8:20 9:25 LEAVE. Reading ABB1VE. Columbia ' Lancaster. Lancaster, King St.. UM.1JTI- 1V.W ....I il.t t.WW Arams connect at lteauing wun trains te and trem Philadelphia, Pottsville. Harrisbnrg, Al- Reute. At Columbia with trains te nnd from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. II. WILSON, Supt.v 5:20 5:30 7:00 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY AUGUST 23d, 1&0, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia depots as follews: Kabtwamil Leave Arrive aABTWA1IP' Lnne'tcr Phllad'a Philadelphia Express, 2:10 a.m. 4:15 a.m Fast Line, 5:20 " 7:40 " Yerk Accem. Arrives; 8.00 " .... Harrisbnrg Express, 8:05 " 10:10 DillervilleAccum. Arrives, 8:45 " Columbia Accommodation, 9:10 " 12:01 r.M. Frederick Accein. Arrives, 1233 " Pacific Express, 10 v.. 3:15 " Sunday Mail tee " 5:00 " Johnstown Express, 3:05 " 5:30 " Day Express, 4:43 " 6:45 " Uarrisburg Accoiumetiat'n, 6:25 " 9:30 WdTWARii Leave Arrive Wkbtware. 1'lillad'a Lanc'tcr Way Passenger, liSOA.M. 5:10 a.m. Mail Train Ne.Lvia Mt.Jey, 7:30 " lo:le " Mall Train Ne. 2,viaCel'bia, .... 10:15 " Niagara A Chicago Express 9:00 115 " Sunday Mail, S:00 " UWO " Fast Line, uae " 2:10 r.M. Frederick Accommodation, .... 15 ' DillervilleLocal.viaMt.Jey 250 " Harrisbnrg Accomniedat'n, 230 r.M. 5:45 " Columbia Accommodation, 4:00 " 7s!C " Harrisburg Express, 5:30 " 7:30 " Pittsburg Express, ess " 850 " Cincinnati Express 9:10 " IL30 " Pacific Express, 11:55 " 2.40 a.jc Pacilie Express, east, en Sunday, when tin? Sed, will step at Middlctewn. Elizabethtown It. Jey. LandisTille, Rird-iu-Hand, Lemnn Place, Gap, -Christiana, Parkesburg, Ceatc vUle, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when nagged, will step at Downingtewn.CoatCMVille, Parkes burg, Mt.Jey, Elizabethtown ami Middletnwn. Hanover accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:05 a. in., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, we-it, at 2:10 r. if., and will run through te Frederic!:. 1HJ. IM - . ZEOAL NOTICES. MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our Piece Goods fill the first fleer te its utmost capacity, and Is nicely arranged, se as te give the purchaser the advantage et seeing the whole stock in a very short space of time. Wc are prepared te make up te order at the shortest possible notice and at the most reasonable price. Our stock has been bought for cash and will be sold at a very small advance. Buy your Clothing at Centre Hall and save ene profit. CaU and examine our giant stock and save money MYERS & RATHFON, e. 12 EAST KL STKEET, LANCASTER, PESS'A. WATCHES, JEWEZBY, Jtc m J-IUf ZAHM'S CORNER ESTATE OF JOHN M. COOD, LATE OF Lancaster City, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been irranted te the tllidcrsiiriied-iilliierannainilnlit- ed thereto are requested te make iinmcdlate payment, nnd these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned. SAMUEL WORST, W. B. Wilsen, Administrator. Attorney, xep25tdeaw ESTATE UrADOLPB SCHMIDT, OF THE City of Lancaster, dee'd. Letters testa mentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto nre expected te make immediate paynicnt,nnd these having claims or demands against the same, will present tlicm without delay fornet fernet tlcmcnt te the undersigned, residing in the City of Lancaster. MARU ABET SCHMIDT, Executrix. Je. A. Cevin. Attorney. s!4-6tdeaw A new leuin and elegant stock. A full line of Lancaster Watches, Waltham Watches, CJelumbus Watches, in Geld and .Silver Cases, at the LOWEST CASH PRICKS. Beautiful wedding gifts In Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Silverware, and French Clocks. Arundel Spectacles, the best in the world. OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT is as complete as any in the larger cities. We manufacture Rings, Masonic ilarks. Society Pins, Jewelry of all kinds, Diamond Mounting and any special or odd pieces In any desired style. MONOUKAMMING and Fine Jewelry and Watch repairing a specialty. All work warranted. Call and examine our stock nnd leave your repairing with Znhni'S Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. ED W. J. EATTM ESTATE OF WILLIAM VIESEK, LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en aid estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted te said decedent are requested te make immedi ate settlement, and thoae having claims or de mands against the estate of wild decedent te make known tire same te the undersigned without delay, residing at Ne. 027 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. PETE It ALLABACH, Executer. B. F. Davis, Att'y. sepl5-Ctdeaw ESTATE OF NELSON TALBOT, LATE OF Honeybrook township. Chester county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are request ed te make immediate scttlcment.and these having claims or demands against the estate et said decedent, te mate known the same te the undersigned without dclay.reslding in Honey Heney brook township, Chester county. Pa. JOHN J. TALBOT. aunnlee P. O. Chester County. Pa. B. F. Davis, Attorney. sep22-3tdeaw&3tw ESTATE OF E. B. STOWEItS HARHEK ger, late et Lancaster citv, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto arc requested te make imme diate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing In Lancaster, Pa. ALEXANDER J. HAKBEKGElt. Executer. J. L. ti:mtz. Atty. nug20-Utdeu.r CAMPAIGN a OOB8. MEBICAZ, DR. BROWNING' TOHC AID ALTERAHinE! The Celebrated Prescription of W. CHAMPION BEOWNING, M. D. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND PURIFIlNtt THE BLOOD. CIfciUK PurIflcs Hle Bleed, Enriches the Bleed, Reddens the Bleed, makes New Bleed Sr?rf?1.lyIn,pre8theAlJPet,,i?'n? Cenges the Constitution Surfering from General Debility Inte one of Vigorous Health. The best proof of IU wonderful efficacy wtobSebtalncd by a trial, and that simple trial strongly establishes it reputation with all oeiaineu Wit is most scientifically and elegantly compounded by its author and sole proprietor, W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., 117 AROH STREET, PHILADEIiPHLA, PA. IISFnleS pAMPAHJN HEAUQUARTEIWr PREPARE FOR THE CAMPAIGN We have Large Chinese Lanterns. We have Mnslln Flags et all sizes. We have Streamers m abundance. Wc have Deuble Portraits of Candidate 22 by 18 inches. We have Single Portraits at 5c each. We liavc in stock different sizes of BUNTING FLAGS. Wc have a geed supply of FIREWORKS. We have U reek Fire. Wc have Kaduc iu Silk and Metal. We take orders and supply all kiudh of Equipments te Clubs. D. S. BUISSK, 17 East Klnar Street, Lancaster. pOKTKAITS OF ( HANCOCK AND ENGLISH Fer sale at THIS OFFICE. TINWAXE, &C- OTOVES. STOVES. Brick-Set and Portable HEATERS and RANGES AMPS! LAMPS! -:at:- 8hertzer,HnmphrevilIe&Kieffer' , . Hi EAST KING STREET. MABBLm, WQXK8. . WM. P. FRATLEY'S MONUMENT AIi MARBLE WORKS 758 Nertn yueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MOXUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES. GARDEN STATUARY, Vi,Jli3' CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given In every particular. H. B. Remember, vnrlra at the itrfTAiriA nd ex North Queen street. m80 I CHINA HALL. BRASS NIGHT LAMPS. ! GLASS HAND aud STAND LASH'S, FANCY PARLOR LAMPS. NICKEL PLATED SAFETY LAMPS, NICKEL PLATED LIBRARY LAMPS. .' NICKEL PLATED HALL LAMPS, ! NEW STYLE PARLOR LAMPS, i At prices te suit everybody, at HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. liOBES, BLANKETS, At. C-1 BAIN SPECULATION J In large or small amounts. 25 or 20.00C 20.00C Wrlte W. T. SOULE ft CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 La Salle street, Chicago, IU., for cir nlars. mia-ryd OIGN Of TDK BUFFALO HEAD. ROUES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS I nave new en hand the Largest. Bear asd CBEArKsr Assektmxst of Lined and Unllned BUFFALO KOI'.E.S In the city. Alse LAP AND HOUSE r.I.ANKETS Of every descrip tion. A full line of j Trunks and Satchel; Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. -Repairing neatly and promptly dene."tt A. MILEY, lOS North Queen St., Eaneatter. 25-lydMWftS AE. McLMNN. AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left ut Ne. :. Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, (t aud V, North Queen street, -will eclve prompt attention. Bills mede en t and ended te withoutadditienal cost. e27-ly TRY LOCHER'S RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP. Jt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers