- ir t -. ''.V,-t,iKt-i,'; -v Li - I 75TMR!KnaBM5'' Jf - ' vg)Z"" -Sj. x,--fi-- " -s,-s- -i - t r - - - -"--i's-J. i, .-.. if L t fmiikfi fiii : Volume XTII-Ne. 35. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1880 PrkeTwCnfc. '' rdih iH3BttfllHltS'Bivr I x P fev- vZ HEW ADVERTISEMENTS, TAEUAXNS! BARGAINS!! SELLING OFF! SELLINOOFF!! Eathven & Msher Oircr tlicir entire-stock of Reacty-Made Clothing at and below Cost, with a view et discontinu discentinu ing: the RE AD V-MADE CLOTHING business, and devoting their attention cxdutlrcly te -CUSTOM WORK. CLOTHING made promptly te order, and satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. A select line of Cleths, Casslmcrea, Worsteds, Coatings, Suitings. Cheviots. Meltons, Overceatings. Vestings, ice. always en hand and orders re spectfully solicited. Alse, a general line of Furnishing Goods. RATHVON & FISHER Merchant Tailors and Drapers, Ne. 101 North Queen St., Lancaster, I'a. SPECIAL. Thebc in want of Ready-Made Clothing will consult their own Interest by giving them a call before purchasing else where, as i heir Clothing are mainly or their own Manufacture and substantially made. ucp2Mmd FALL OPENING H. GEEHART'S 1, MONDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1880. A Complete Stock 6l Cleths, Suitings AMD OVERCOATINGS, which ler elegance cannot be surpassed. The Largest Assortment of ENGLISH AND SCOTCH SUITINGS in this city. Price u- low as the lowest at H.GERHART'S Ne. 51 North Queen Street. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! We hive new leuly ler sale an Immense stock el ren Fall and Winter, which tue Cut and Trimmed in the Latest Style. We can giva you a GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In great variety, made te order at short notice at the lowest prices. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, c-lyd LANCASTER, PA. 1SSO 1SSO Eall Season. The inebt attractive and Recherche Line or PARISIAN, Wen iuiw Yerk NOVELTIES, -FOB MEN'S "WEAR OPEN THIS DAT AT SMALING'S THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STREET, MRS. C. LILLER, LADIES' HAIKDBESSEH Mauuiacturerand Dealer in Hair Werk, Gente. Wigs. Combines straightened and made te or der. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse, Kid Gloves and Feathers cleaned and dyed, at Xes. S23 and 227 North Queen street, four doers above P. It. E. Deret. el-3md nunc ReaMMe Cleing VET GOODS. LADIES' COATS. Opened this day a large stock of the above goods, te which special attention Is invited. Silk and Cotten Velvets FOR TRIMMING AND SKIRTS. BLACK AND COLORED SATINS FOB TRIMMING, &e. BLACK SILKS ASD Black and' Colored Cashmeres. We have all the above goods In full supply, and te be sold at our usual Lew Price. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Ueuse. J. B. lartin & Ce. New offering special ralue in DRESS GOODS SILKS, SATINS XJfU VELVETS. SPECIAL VALUE IX BLANKETS, FLANNELS, UN DERWEAR AND HOSIERY. . We are daily opening New Designs in CARPETS -AXD- WAU.PAMBS. J. B. HARM I CO., Cerner West King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER, PA. DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, CLOAKINGS.. HAGER & BROTHER haye new open the latest novelties in French, English anil American DRESS GOODS. FRENCH PLAIDS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUITINGS, SIDE BANDS, C ASHMERE FOULE, MOMIE CLOTHS, FLAN NEL SUITINGS. Ac, &c. SILKS, SATDTS AMI- VELVETS. Cloaks' Cloaks! Havejust. received, front New Yerk Import ers a line of Cloaks, Delmans and Jackets in the Latest Style for Ladles and Misses. CLOAKING CLOTHS, Black and Celers, Plata and Fancy, in Large Assortment. yYc invite examination. CARPETS. TJARGAINU FOH EVERYBODY. BARE CHANCE IN CARPETS, Positive sale te Reduce Stock el 6,000 Yards Brussels Carpets, AT AXD BELOW COST. Call and satisfy yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpets in almost endless variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALT,, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W HBNBY A. BILK Y Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Rew. New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United States, and a general legal businesstransacted Refers by permlmien te Stelnman & Heneee KIDNEY PADS. DAH DUET PAD! A discovery which, cures by the natural pre cess, ABSORPTION, all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Organs and Nervous System, when nothing else can. It is comfortable te the patient, pos itive in its enccts, anu tne nrst euro ier tnese painful and much dreaded affections. Diabetes and Bright's Disease, while its cures of Gravel. Dropsy. Catarrh of .lift ml4A.. nMln1ln4 TlnnnrU DnlMfnl TTt tiiu uumimvi. litJtKuusb xscjjvaii, ituuiui uri nating. High Colored Urine, Nervous Weak ness and Pain in the Back seem mere like miracles than cases et natural healing. The price brings it within the reach et all, and it will annually save many times Its cost In doctor's bills, medicines and plasters, which at best give but temporary relief. It can be u-ed without lear or harm, and with certainty of a permanent cure. Fer sale by druggists generally, or sent by mall (free of postage) en receipt of the price. Regular 1'ad. ti; Child's Pail (for incontinence of urine in children). $1.50: Special (extra size), $3. Our book, "Hew a Life was Saved," giving the history of this new discovery, and a large record of most re markable cuies, 6enl tree. Write for it. Ad dress Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. CAUTION. , Owing te the manv worthless Kidney Pads new seeking a sale en our reputation, we deem it due the afflicted te warn them. Ask for DAY'S KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether. sMvdcedHW&F&w EASTERN AGENCY, CHAKLES N. CSITTENTON, 115 Fulton St., New Yerk. $500 REWARD ! OVER A MILLION OF PROF. GUILMETTE'S Have already been sold in this country and in France ; every one of which lias given pcricct satisfaction, and has performed cures every time when used according te directions. We new say te the atllicted ami doubting ones that we wil p-iy the above reward ler a single case et LAME BACK hat the Pad fails te cure. This Great Remedy will Positively and Permanently cure Lum bago, Lame Back. Sciatica. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Rright's DUease of the Kidneys, In continence and Retention et the Urine, In flammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh et the Bladder, High Colored Urine. Pain in the Back, Sale or l.eius. Nervous Weakness, and in fact ulldiserdcrs of the Bladder and Uriuury Urgaus wticther contracted by private disease or otherwise. LADIES if you are suffering irem Female Wcakncs. Leucorrliec.i, or any disease el the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CUBED! Without swallowing nau-eeus medicines by simply wearing FBOP. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH CURES BY ABSORPTION. Askyourdruggiatfer PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether. If lie lias net get it, send $2 and you will re ceive the Pad by return mail. Fer sale by JAMES A. MEYERS, Odd Fellows' Hall. Columbia, Pa. Sold enl v by G EO. W. HULL, Druggist, l." W. King St., Lancaster, Pa. augll-G:udcedM.W&F Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake. Billious Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach aiul Bleed. Price f l..",0 by mall. Send for Pret. Guilmette's Treaties en the Kidneys and Li cr, lrec by mail. Address . FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Olde. augll-t;iudcedM.W&F 3l .'- L. ji:uas, ac. rintUSSES ! TRUSSES!! TRUSSES ! ! ! X Sufferers from Ruptuie wHI find flic safest, easiest and cheapest Trusses in the world en exhibition and ler sale by ANDREW G. FREY. Druggist, Cor. N. Queen and Orange Sts, Lancaster, Pa. Call and sec. Alse, the only suie cure ler Piles, FREY'S UNIVERSAL PILE SUPPOSITORY. Never lull. Price. Mc. and 75c. a box. nie-yd II ULLS JKC STOXti:. FOB PRESERVING CIDER NEUTRAL SULPHITE OF UK DIRECTIONS FOR USING WITH EACH PACKAGE. reit kamj at HULL'S DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, augSS-lyd LANCASTER, PA. MURNITURE. HEINITSH, FIJWE ETJBNITUBE AND Cabinet Manufacturer. All in want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk would de well te call and examine specimens et our work. OFFICE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. HEINITSH, 15 East Ring Street. FOUNDERS AND MACUINESTS. r ASCASTEK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrresrrE the Locomotive Works. The subscriber continue te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-Iren Werk, and Blacksmithlng generally. iw Jobbing promptly attended te. angie-lyd JOHN BEST. Frencn Kidney Pals ILawastet 1-ntclh'gcnccr. MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 11, 1880. DEATH ON-THE RAIL. TERRIBLE LOSS OF LIFE BY A BA1L BOAl COLLISION. An Excursion Train Returning front a Denis cratlc Demonstration Runs Inte the Bear et Anether In Pittsburgh Twenty-five Persons Killed and Many Wounded. THE SOUTH CAROLINA CENSUS. Superintendent Walker Accounts for the Increase of Population by Proving Republican Incompetence In the Enuineiatlen or 18TO The Tariff and the Business Interests. A Dread Oil Disaster. The frightful collision which occurred Saturday night at midnight, en the Penn sylvania reailread near Twenty-eighth street crossing, Pittsburgh, was mere disastrous than at first reported. Nine people were killed outright and eleven mere have died since, making in all twenty deaths, while as many mere are dangerously hurt and physicians say they cannot recover. In addition te these there is a large number who are slightly injured. The first section of the Wall's accommoda tion train cast left the Union depot at 11:31 p. m., having a large number of passengers who had come te tli3 city te participate in the closing exercises of the exposition and witness the Democratic demonstration. The back platform was se crowded that the headlight en the second section, which was following, could net be seen. The first section stepped at the regular station at Twenty-eighth street, where it was de layed en account of another train which was in the next block. The second section came along at geed speed but owing te the ciewd e:i the platform of the first section the sig nal lights were hidden from view and con sequently the cngiuefcr-ef the second sec tion did net see the Jirain ahead of him until he was se near ft that his train could net be checked in time te prevent a cellis- sien and the engine went crashing into the rear coach of the first section, packed as it was with human beings. The engine bu ried itself in the cab windows among screaming, suffering men, women and chil dren, mangling all who were in its course. The boiler head of the colliding engine was burst off by the shock and scalding water and steam poured ever the occupants of the car as if bent en completing the terrible work that had gene before. It is irapesiblc te descrbe the fearful scenes that followed. The groans of the dying aud shrieks of these who had lest their friends were frightful. Werd was immediately telegraphed te the mayor's elllce for assistance and twenty-five police men, with a corps of physicians and wagons were dispatched at once te the scene of the disaster, where they were soeu busily em ployed in alleviating the sufferings of the victims and clearing, away the wreck. The wounded who wgre unable te care for themselves were" cai'rTeTt te the soldiers' hospital but a short distance from the ac cident. The name of the engineer of the second locomotive is Julius Iluey and that of the fireman Rambo. Reth arc residents of Pittsburgh and escaped uninjured, not withstanding they stuck te the engine when it plowed through the rear car of the ether tiain. Twenty-five deaths have occurred as fol fel lows : Edward Prenter, of Pittsburgh, aged 27, scalded and died this morning ; Hemer Eepplc. aged 20, lives at East End, scalded ; Mrs. Margaret Jacob?, of Pitts burgh, aged 50, crashed and scalded ; Jehn J. Ferley, of Pittsburgh, aged 48, scalded and burned ; Katie Ferley, daughter of Jehn J. Ferley, aged 16. scalded; Miss Jessie Simce, of Wast End, aged 1G, inhalation of steam ; Annie M. Schuster, of East End. aged 22. inhalation of steam ; Milten H. Edwards, son of Mathew Edwards, aged 23 scalded andnhalatien ; Miss Sarah Tayler, of Pitts burgh, aged 22, inhalation ; James O'Neill, of California, Pa., aged 30, died this morn ing from scalds ; Charles Hctzcll, of the East End, scalded ; Edward Butler, baggage-master, aged 21, crushed and burned ; Isaac K. Leve, of Edgewood, aged 17, crushed ; William H.Leve, brother of Isaac, aged 10, scalded and frightfully mutilated ; Mrs. Elizabeth Boyd, of Pittsburgh, aged 33, inhalation ; Miss Resana Boyd, sister-in-law of Mrs. Boyd, aged 26, inhalation ; David Bellinger, railroad employee, head cut from body ; Samuel W. Elliett, con ductor, aged 3ferushed ; James McMec hau, of Dallas Station, aged 60, scalded ; William LnalMrtJef the East End, died from intenuTttMrics and inhalation. Miss Emma Winnfterg, aged 19, of Pittsburgh, scalded.- Th'esc dangerously injured aud new in the hospital of whom the physicians say but few will recover, are Gee. Yeung and Prank Kinsingcr, of East End ; Jeff P. Myern,' from Frewsburg, Chautauqua county, New Yerk ; Frank Defairc, East End ; James Hctzel, Edgewood ; II. W. Black, Swissvale ; Rebert Dicksen, Swiss vale ; David Aiken, Cherry Camp, West Virginia ; Qeorge Cummings and James Lawrence, East End, and Hugh Mul Mul Mul deer, James Dcmpsey and William J. Smith, Spring Hill, Pennsylvania ; Annie Quinn, Shady Side ; Mellic Stiuebaugh, East End ; Mattic Tayler, Edgewood ; Mary Davidsen, East End ; Mrs. J. P. Riemend, Edgewood ; Rese McCabe and Kate Leslie, East End. These injured painfully but net seriously arc Nancy Manley (colored), Catharine Manley, Wil kinson Manley, all of Waynesbitrg and Miss Bcssie Riemend, of Pittsburgh. m The Seuth Carolina Census. Republican Incompetence In the Enumera tion of 1870 the Pretext of the Re publican Cry of Fraud in 1880. Secretary Schurz has made public the report of Superintendent Walker, of the census bureau, en the alleged census frauds in Seuth Carolina. Alter review ing the statement made by the Republican press, alleging frauds, aud the action of the census bureau in investigating the same, Gen. Walker says : " The extraordinary gains reported in certain of the eeuntics in Seuth Carolina and the state as a whole ever the census of 1870 demanded a careful investigation. It was notorious that Seuth Carolina had net profited materially during the ten years since 1870 by immigration either from foreign countries or from ether states of the Union. It fellow, either that the census of 1870 was grossly defective or that the cen sus of 1880 was fraudulent. The census of 1870 might have been defective in a high degree through incompetence or neg ligence, without fraudulent intention, but the census of 1880 could net have exag gerated the population e: the stites-with-eut absolute fraud, as the census law re quires the name of every person reported te be written at length en the schedule?, with a score of particulars, se that any illegitimate addition must be of the nature of a conscious and purposed crime. Pe culiar difficulties attended the enumera tien at the Seuth in 1870. The disturbed state of society and the supposed necessi ty of appointing the assistant marshals wholly from the dominant political party, the members of which, in seme sections, were drawn almost exclusively from the race lately emancipated by the effects of war, combined te reduce te a very low point the assurance which the country could have of a geed census' being taken under such a thoroughly bad organization as that provided by the act of 1830. ' ' The method chosen for dealing with the question of the accuracy of the recent enumeration was a direct test of the count in certain districts in which the apparent gain from the ninth te the tenth census was the most extraordinary. In testing the count the assistance of officials and citizens of undoubted probity were ad mitted in the selection of the districts te be se canvassed. Mr. Ganuett visited six counties of Seuth Carolina which showed extraordinary gains since 1870 and visited in all eighteen enumeration districts. In each of these districts, the lists of inhabit ants returned te this office were subjected te examination by United States officials or by citizens. In general these citizens were introduced and vouched for by the United States marshal of the judicial district or by the United States cellec ter of internal revenue as net only men of reputation, but, with two excep tions only as also recognized members of the Republican party. In each of the eighteen districts in succession the names of inhabitants were se far identified as te put it beyond a doubt first, that the cen sus of 1870 in each of these districts was grossly defective, aud, secondly,- that the census of 1880 was substantially well taken. In no instance did anything ap pear which has the semblance of fraud in the returns made te this effice by the enumerators of 1880. In some districts nearly every family was identified as resident in the township notwith standing the great extent of the Seuth Carolina townships, some of which em brace one hundred and even two hundred square miles. In all cases the identification was carried far enough as te put it beyond a doubt that the fault of the impossible gains reported ever the census of 1870 lay with the pre ceding enumeration. It appears tome that the report of Mr. Gannett satisfactorily set tles the question as te the fairness of the tenth census in Seuth Carolina. It must be remembered that no reason exists for suspecting that enumeration beyond the fact of extraordinary gain ever the report ed population of 1870. I knew of no reason therefore why any ether charge should be made against the enumeration in Seuth Carolina. The presumption which existed against the work has been completely overthrown and a strong counter presump tion has been created by the verification upon the ground of the schedules of in habitants in the case of eighteen enumera tion districts successively taken for special investigation, en account of their exceptionally questionable character." With reference te emigration from the state between I860 and 1880 the report concludes as follews: "We de net knew fully what effects the destruction of slavery aud the vast change resulting in the con ditions of labor have produced upon the emigrating" propensities efttrc people of Seuth Careliua. We de knew that negrees are no longer sold Seuth te culti vate the lands of the Yazoo, the Red river and the Brazes. It is reasonable te sup pose that concurring causes may have checked, in an equal degree, the outward movement of the white population. A comparison of the 'free' natives of Seuth Careliua living in ether states in 1860 with the white natives of Seuth Carolina living in such states in 1870, shows the number te have been respectively 193,389 and 1-18,571, a reduction of 43,000 in the ten i years between 1860 and 1870." The Tariff question Settled. The Democrats, who new control both houses of Congress, have resolved that the tariff question shall no longer be a feet-ball in politics. la December last Eaten, of Connecticut, introduced a bill in the Senate providing for the formation of a commission of nine experts, by whom all matters relating te thetariff en all articles shall be decidcd,"and every mem ber of the United States Senate voted in its favor. The bill is new en the table of the speaker of the Heuse, and will be the first one te be taken up in December next. The speaker (Samuel J. Randall, of Penn sylvania) and all the Democratic members are in favor et" its passage. Read the re marks of the author of the bill, made a few days age, in a public speech : "There is net a member, from General Hawley up or down, net one fiem New England, that won't vote for that bill when it comes up in the Heuse, net one. They dare net de any ether way. I waut te tell you why they dare net deit. Be cause all the manufacturing interests of Connecticut have decided themselves in favor of that bill ; that is the reason. Be came TJield in my Jiand, us the author of the bill, the petition of all the iron interests of the United States, the whole of it ; the pe tition of all the cotton spinners of the. United Slates, the ichele of them, asking for the pas sage of the bill. There came into iny hands, sir, one petition signed by men all ever New England, representing a body of men who consume 1,500,000 bales of cotton ; representing men who employed $300,000,- 000 capital ; who employed 500,000 hands and gave bread and meat te 2,000,000 peo ple. It is simply knavish te say that the Democratic party is against the interests of New England and the country. When a man makes a charge of that character against the party te which I am attached, when all the industrial interests have beg ged me te assist in the passage of this bill, 1 say it is knavish te charge that the Dem ocratic party is opposed te the manufac turing interests of the country." at UOUSE FUUJflSULSO GOODS. T-OTICE. FLIJS'iN & BREXEMM. Would advise all who contemplate putting in IIEATEUS or making nny alterations in theii heating arrangements te de se at once before the rush el Fall Trade begins. THE 3IOST RELIABLE In the Market at the LOWEST PRICES. & GREAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER PA. EDVCATIOJTAL. R Fill Brenein PENNSYLVANIA MUSEUM AND SCHOOL of Industrial Art. The school year of 1880 81 will begin Monday. Sept. 13. Instructions for young men and women in Industrial Draw ing, Painting anil Modeling as applied te the arts. Send ler circulars te THE SECKETAKY, 15 S. Seventh street, Philadelphia. aug2-19teed0tw MEDICAL. Mrs. Lydia E Pinkham, OF LYNN, MASS., Has Made tlie Discovery ! Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHATVrS Vegetable Compeiind, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as its name signifies, con sists et Vegetable Properties that are harmless te tne most tiencaie invalid, upon oue inai the merits of this compound will ill be s recognized. as rcnci is immee tlnucd, in ninet; as relict is immediate ; and when its use Is con ey-) nine cases si nhnndreu.n effected.-aa thousands will permanent cure Is elTectcd,-as testify. On account of lLinreven merits.it is te-dny recommended and prescribed by the best nhvsiclans in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leucerrhma, irregularand pain ful Menstruation, ull Ovarian Troubles In flammation and Ulceration, Floed lugs, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and Is especially adapted U the Ciange of Lite. In tact it lias nroveilte be the creatcst and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and aives new lite and vigor. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving ler stimulants, and relieves weakness erthajjbmach. It cures Bleating. UeadaaUferveus Pros tration, General Debility. MVpIessuess. De pression and Indigestion. That leclingef bear ing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act In harmony with the lav that governs the female syslbm. l Fer Kidney cemptaints of cither sex Jills Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mas-!. Price $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form et pills, also in the form of lozenges, en receipt ei price, 51 per uex, ier either. Mrs. PINKII AM Irecly answers ail let ters of inquiry- Send ter pamphlet. Address as above. Mention this paper. Ne fiimlly should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S LIVER PILLS. They cure Con stipation. Biliousness and Torpidity of the Liver, i't cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., Ouerul Agents, Philadelphia; Fer sale by C. A. Lecher, 9 East King street, and Uce. W. Hull, 15 West Klngstrcet. ySMvdeediw BOOKS AND STATIONERY. OCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES for Lancaster City ami County, nt L M. FLYNN'S Ne. 42 WEST KINO STKKET. SCHOOL. BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS AND Eancy Stationary AT FOW DEKSMITI'S Ne. 32 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. uug2S-4td "school books FOR TUB Schools of Lancaster City, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. At the LOWEST PRICES, at the Iloek Stele of JOETT BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., WAI.lt PAPERS, Sx. TV TK AKE OFFKBINU THE ONLV PERFECT Extension Window Cornice ever manufactured. It is perfect in its con struction, simple and handy te adjust and very cheap. It can be regulated te lit any or nary window by means of a thumb screw, and' can be adiustcd from one feet te live fee t wide. Thcy are made of 4J Inch Walnut Meulding of a Jew Pattern, and we have them in eight different styles. Come and see them. CURTAIN POLES In Walnut, Ash and Ebony, Ends, Rings and llrackcts complete. ORDERS TAKEN FOR PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. OPENING FALL STYLES OF WALL PAPER AS1 SHADES. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. CHAS. BRIMMER, CRAYON PORTRAIT ARTIST, SIttX AXD ORNAMENTAL PAISTIXB, i sep29-lmd i WEST KING STREET. KIDNEY Weitr rOK SALE AT LOCH era' Drug Stere, 9 East King street. JEWEHtY. TOU1SWEBKK, XJ WATCHMAKER. Ne-NOJXOKTH QUEEN STKEET, near P. K. it. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Sliver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chain, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantascopie Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. KcpalriBg a specialty. aprMyd SPECIAL ORDERS FOB FINE WATCHES Receive most careful attention. DE9IOXS AXD ESTIMATES SUBMITTED WITHOUT CHARGE. B. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Complete Bridal Outfits In Silver and Ware, at Reason able Prices. Tea Sets, Soup Tureens, Iee Pitchers, Cake Baskets, Coffee Spoons, Knives ? Vi TSj;: Spoenst Casters, &e., AUGUSTUS RH0ADS, JEW.ELBK, . Ne. SO East King Stapl, Laaeaster, Fa. i ' ' J.E.CaldweU&ea 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. SOLID 1YMAHE! FOR BRIDAL PRESENTATIONS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT IX NEW DESIGNS. Tea Services, Ferks, and Spoons, Fancy Silver, Complete Bridal Outfits. SILVER-PLATED WARES AMD FINE CUTLERY. Our stock in this derjajrtealia! is unexcelled. We guaranteejHajprier quality at positively lowest prices. Orders and inquiries by mail will receive prompt attention. Goods by express en approval. COAL. B. B. MABTIIf, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ull kinds of LUUIIER AND COAL. SST-Yaid: Ne. 4J0 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lauetcr. n3-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of the Best Quality put up expressly for family use, anil at the low. est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. 9i- YARD ISO SOUTH WATEIt ST. neJIMyd PHILIP SCIIUSI.SON ft CO. fWAL! COAL! COAL!!! We have constantly en hand all the best grades of COAL that are in market, which we are selling as low as any yard In the city. Call and get '"ir prices before buying else where. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, s'J7-lyd SM NORTH WATER STREET. 60H0 & WILEY, Xne NORTH WATER ST., Ixtntasier, Pa., Wholesale anil Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchaagw. Branch Office: Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST- feblyd pe TO REILLY & KELLER ren GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, and all ether kind of Ceal. Qualify and quantity guaranteed. Manure-by the car lead at Philadelphia stock yard prices. Yard, Uarrlsburg Pike. ) Office, 20 East Chestnut street, s augVMfd GENTS' GOODS. TfOVt. LINEN COLLARS GOTO EEISMAN'S. IOB FANCY STOCKJHUS OOTO ERISMAN'S. TjHJK SUSPENDEIW 1 OOTO ERISMAN'S. M , - , .- -- . - - -TOR NKW STYLE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, GO TO E. J. ERISMAN'S, 86 NORTH O.UEJO STKEKT. VN GROCERIES. -tTTHOL8ALE AStD BETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR f AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. d!7-lyd IiRY LOCHER'S KfcfiunNED COUGH SYKUP 3jj5 y M 1 W P'-sT Ww&r : ll L'WJ iT-,