V- ' -1 yt1 - ,wki-.Kr3g&-' - '' '.v ;!:v,-clT V- -'-J-f't " s--i'tC iT V r 'K1- '-.-iS- s. J -JS"'r' -" i.efcr -c 11. L h jUtszr-r- tbe big caual beat made of canvass, and carried en wheels by the Fourth ward club. There were half a dozen of men and one woman in the beat. The Fifth ward club carried a large re vel ving balloon, en which were pasted the names of all the states. As it revolved horizontally, the names were, of course, upside down one half the time, causing a very ludicrous effect. The name of Ohie was spelled "OimV' wnicnawe carcu much remark, and Kentucky had an extra e in it, COLUMBIA NEWS. OCU REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE At a meeting of the Keystone Demo cratic club held in the club room en North Third .street last evening, the following battalion officers were elected : Colonel H. M. North, esq. Lieutenant Colonel William Patteu. Majer S. S. Detwiler. Adjutant Harry S. Graybill. The meeting was largely attended and the enthusiasm was unbounded. It was decided te parade en Wednesday evening efnextweek,and it is the intention te make the parade the largest ever given here by . either of the great political parties. A special train will be run from Colum bia te Meuntville en Monday evening next te give te the Democrats et Columbia an opportunity te participate in the parade te be there and then held. The train will leave here between 7 and 7:30 o'clock and will return shertiy after the dismissal of the parade. It is thought a large number of Columbians will avail themselves of the cheap fare (23 cents) and take part in the parade. The Hen. Galusha A. Grew will address the Republicans of Columbia in the opera house this evening. A horse bclengiug te a man named Dom Dem bach came very near breaking up the wagon te which it was attached this morn ing, near the Third national bank. A trace became loosened and it was some time before the horse could be quieted after his scare. The rcgnlar monthly meeting of council was held last evening. Wc will give the proceedings in Monday's Intelligencer. Captain Fendcifcmith's helmet company went te the Lancaster parade by wagon last evening; and returned in the same way in the "wce sma' hours' of this morning. The Yerk exuiiaiuii iickets become in valid after te-day. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered in the E. B. Lutheran church te-morrow morning and evening. In the afternoon a baptism of children will take place. Jehn C. Clair has been appointed ser geant major of the Keystone Democratic battalion. Mrs. Colonel James .Myers with her daughter Miss Clara, returned yesterday from a visit of several weeks te Harris burg, Fa. The advertising car of the Inter-Ocean show is here te-day. The show will be here en the 231 of the present month. Ceal shipments from the Reading & Columbia railroad coal chutes arc net at present very brisk. The beats arc here in plenty, but the supplies are shert.Thts will necessitate a delay te all beats moving during the next few days. The macadamising of Locust street and Fourth has suddenly stepped by reason of what wc knew net. Messrs. William Marklcy and Harry Bernthcizel, of Columbia, will join the Meuntville band for the day fcr services at Highville. They left here at 12:23. . A large number of Columbian went te Lancaster te sec last evening's parade. The postefficQ is open from 9 te 10 a. in. en Sunday. The town is again being .surfeited with flaming pesters. The showmen are doing it. Advertising beards have been erected at Fifth and Locust streets and in ether pints of town. COUKT RUMNC'jS. Verdict Rendered Te-day. In the suit of Jehn M. Kartell, for tl e use of Samuel Biuckuit and Frcdciick Buch?r, vs. Jehn . Bewers, action for a balance alleged te be due en a contract for building a house, the jury returned a ver dict in favor of plaintiff for $210.20. . Daniel F. Gelin vs. Christian Hershcy. owner or reputed owner, and William Ho He Ho gendebler contractor, scire facing sur mechanic's lien. The jury rendered a ver dict in favor of plaint!)!' for 041.19. Cer tain points of law being reserved the case will 0 te the supreme court for final ad judication. THE IItI3IAE HAM.. Dedication of the New Engine ilo:ie. Last night the Humane steam fire en gine and hesa company dedicated their beautiful new hall by holding therein a grand ball. There were net less than one hundred and fifty couples present, and the best of order picvailed from the beginning te the cud of the festivities. Jeseph Xci mcr was master of ceremonies, assist ed by a large number of fleer managers. Stocy's orchestra furnished excellent music for the occasion. The ball was kept a rolling en until a late hour, and all present enjoyed themselves most heartily. The Humane boys at e te be congratulated en the completion of their beautiful hall, which is by far the finest of any of out Lancaster line halls, the room in which the ball was held last night being 100 feet long by 40 wide. Fell Down Stair.. Dr. J. A. Fitzpatrick met with quite a severe accident last night about 11 o'clock. While in the act of leaning against the railing at the top of the stene steps leading te Mulhaitan's restaurant, he slipped and pitched headlong down the stairway. His head striking the edge of one of the steps, he received a very severe scalp wound en the top of his head. One of the arte ries was Bcvercd and the wound bled very profusely. Drs. Elder and King dressed the wound. Kunavay Accident. This afternoon as Mr. Frank Ilartmycr was driving a spirited marc en East King street she became frightened and ran oil at full speed. On reaching Centre Square she made a bce line for the front window of Hindi's store, and would probably have gene through it had net Mr. Hartmycr, by almost superhuman efforts, managed te threw her en her haunches and thus put a step te' her flight. Neither Mr. Hartmycr nor the mine was much hurt, but the harness watern and a shaft of the buggy broken. Daath of Jacob Sencr. Jacob Sencr, who was stricken down with paralysis day bcfeic yesterday, as has been already reported, died at the Franklin house this morning about 2 o'clock. Mr. Scner was well known net only in this county but throughout the west, ne was at one time a man of considerable wealth, beiug largely engaged in horse and cattle dealing. Many years age he was propri etor of the Franklin house, being a very popular landlord. He was a Democrat of the old Jacksen school. Obituary. Mr. Henry W. Harbergcr, of this city, received a telegram this morning announc ing the death of his brother, Jehn 8. Har bergcr, president of the Manhattan bank, New Yerk. His death was sudden and unexpected, having been caused by con gestive chills. He was in the G3d year of his age, and had been connected with the Manhattan bank ever since he was 19 years old. Tlie Postefllce. The posteuicc Sunday morning hour has been changed te from 9 te 10. The even ingheur remains as heretofore from 0 te 7 BY THE SHERIFF. Properties Sold This Afternoon. Sheriff Strine Yeeid.atths courthouse this afternoon, "the following described properties : A let of ground en Seuth Fourth street, Columbia, containing in front 22 feet and in depth C3 feet, en which is ereeted a two-story brick dwelling house and cut buildings ; as the property of Winnie He i t j er administrator of Abraham fgentesie Sold te 31. H.Themas et ADrauam 110- for 81.350. A let of ground en Lawrence street, Columbia, containing in front 18 fect,mere or less, and in depth 80 feet, en which is erected a two-story frame dwelling house. As the property of Casper Reth. Sold te Jeseph Myers for S350. A let of ground in the borough of Mount Jey, containing in front 73 feet, and in depth 180 feet, en which is erected a two story frame dwelling house. As the prop erty of Henry H. Leng. Sold te A. Garber for $200, subject te a mortgage of $400. A let in 3Ianer township, containing 2 acres, en which is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, as the property of Michael H. KaufTmau. Sold te J. B. Kauf man for $C0. A let of ground in the borough of Mount Jey. containing in front en the Harrisburg turnpike 18 feet and 9 inches, and in depth 200 feet, en which is erected a two story frame dwelling house and drug store. As the property of Win D. Blensinger. Sold te Bcrij M. Grcider for 8400. A tract of land in Fulton township, con taining 112 acres, en which is erected a two-story stone dwelling house, as the property of Samuel Towson. Sold te Themas Towson for $33. A let of ground in Eden township, con taining 12 acres en which is erected a one and a half story frame dwelling house. As the property of Abraham Aultheusc. Sold te H. G. Boek for $350. A tract of land in Celcraiu township, containing 100 acres, en which is erected a two-story frame dwelling house. As the property of Themas C. Cellins. Sold te Sanders McSparran for $3,500. A let of ground in Warwick township, containing one acre, mere or less, en which is erected a two-story frame dwelling house. As the property of James A. Heit ler and Mary A. Hcitler. Sold te Phares S. Brubakerfer $330. A let of ground in Conestoga township, containing five acres en which is erected two lime kilns. As the property of H. II. Hnrnii-li, administrator of Michael Haruish (Maner). Sold te Michael S. Ilavnish for $20. A let of ground, situate en East Lemen street, this city, containing in front forty two feet and in depth one hundred aud twenty-four feet, en which is c.ccted a one-story frame dwelling house, as the property of Jehn B. Devclin. Sold te Rebert "Fullerton, for $1,400. A piece of land in Ephrata township, containing 1G acres, en which is erected a two-story stone dwelling house, as the property of Israel Mcllinger. Sold te Edw. linrman for $1,400. lie still Wants It Bet. A. J. Wells, who left $100 at this uuicote be bet en Ilauceck or en a Democratic victory in Indiana next week, called te-day te find that he had had no takers. He. is willing te put up $100 te tfSO en a Demo cratic victory in Indiana. Mr. Wells can be seen at "Bowery" Eris man's hotel at Gracff's Landing, and wi 1 remain in Lancaster at least until Tuesday, Pigeon Flight. This morning there was a pigeon flight of four birds from Harrisburg te Lancas ter. The birds were let loose at 11:43 and Mr, Charles Lippold's blue Antwerp reached its cote a little before 1 o'clock, j). m. The ether birds came in about ten minutes later. Anether Telephone Connection. The cotton mill of F. Shredcr has been connected with the telephone exchange. Gravel, diabetes, Briglit's disease of the kid neys and all diseases of the kidneys and uri nary organ, permanently cured by Prof. Uuil-mptte'-t Freneh Kidney Pad. Amusements. "V'Ae Galley Slave:' On ncr! Thursday evening Mr. Bart ley Campbell's picturesque piny of" The Galley Slave," said te he one of the be-l productions of that preline and ver satile dramatist's pen, will he fjivenat Fulton opeia lionse by tlicsainc strong cast that din ing the pi st week has been winning golden Opinions at the new Chestnut Miect opera nonce, Philadclphin.nppcarlng p. ightly before large audiences. Excursion Tickets. The Pennsylvania railroad will eil excur--ien tickets te Baltimore lrem October 8th te 20th, and they will be geed until 23d. Via Col umbia and Yerk the priea ler the round trip wiIlhnS2.53. Via Harrisburg the fare will be J3.T1. A Remarkably Elastic Carpet. The new cork t'.oer covering Lijfeixrn I m rapidly increasing in popularity, that it Is superseding all article? used for a like purpose. Its remarkable durability is the secret el its success. All Hi st-class carpet dealers keep it The genuine cloth has the name " Li selium " en the back of rveiy squarn yard. ltd Shaving becomes a luxury when indulged in daily with Cnticura Shaving Seap, While the Ileitis we're- reaming ever, Breathing new-mown hay and clever, We'll think of her, as is our went. Whose teeth and breath arc, every day, White us white clever sweet as hay. And all from using SOZODONT. cA-lwdeed&w Mothers never lull te recommend Malt Bit ters as netu ishing and strengthening. Sl'EVlAL NOTICES. r-abaw 'sellers' Liver Pills' cared me of liver com plaint." D. II. Celeman, Short Creek, W. Va. Arousing its Headers. An alarm of Arc at midnight is a staitling thing, but net half se startling te many who hear it as would be the sudden knowledge et their own dangerous physical condition. Theusand1 nf thousands mc hurrying te their graves because they arc carelessly indifferent te the insidious inroads et li-case and the means et cure. It is the mission of II. II. Warner & Ce., with their Sufc Kidncv and Liver Cure, te arouse men te a sense of their danger an d t lien euro i hem. Mrmpiii Appeal. Noses. Cocked up noses tire pert and t-enie nay net tee civil, Seme have none, like a bear when ii cub. A line stately nose, may sometime hide a devil. And an angel may beam In a snub, But noses et all kinds no matter their shape, Are attacked some time with disorder. Catarrh caused by cold, will cane their head te ache, But Eclcctric Oil will seen put you in order. Fer sale by II..B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 39 Try lyncher's Renowned Cough Syrup. .".Ietliern! Mothers!! Slet hers:!! Arc you disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suirering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? It se, go at once niulgetabettlc of MBS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell yen at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Stares. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. filT-lyd&wM.WS SAMPLE .NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman after a faithlul ceurse of treatment with Lydia E. Tlnkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western avenue.' Lynn, Mass.,Jfer pamphlets. jy29-lydeedftw LANCASTERDAa.10ma!EELlGENGEK. SiHJUCAYQCTOBER 9, 1880 OVERCOATINGS AND SUITINGS, all in the New Styles. We invite examination. Remember we are competent te furnish you with geed fit, which we guarantee te be second te none in the city. Best of Trimmings used, and every article of Clothing made in the best possible manner by competent workmen. We ask a trial. " lew Styles in Fancy Neckwear Just Opened. We show the Largest and Choicest Assortment of Merine Underwear in the city at lowest prices. QIVLEE, JBOWEKS & HUEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Help te Mothers Nursing Infanta. It is a conceded fact that mothers who have the care, anxiety and draught el nursing in iants, are weak and need the aid et some strengthening tonic te make up the nourish ment required for the growth of the child. Ale, porter and lager beer have often been re commended. Of late, since physicians have beceme aware that the Pert Grape Wine pro duced by Alfred Speer, of Passaic. N. J., Is strictly pure, they luivc prescribed it instead ofale aud porter. This wine is principally sought for by mothers who have nursing in fants at the breast, as the best supplying medi cine te be found. The wine is riehlnbedyand net intoxicating, but gently stimulating Druggists generally keep it. Enquirer. Tliis wine Is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and DavLs, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. el-2wdftw Poverty and Suffering. "I was dragged down with debt, poverty and suffering ter years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did them no geed. I was completely discouraged, until one year age, by the advice of my pastor, I procured Hep Bitters and commenced their use, and In one month we were all well, and none et us have scen a sick day since, and 1 want te say te all peer mcn,yeu can keep yenr families well a year with Hep Bitters ler less than one doctor's visit will cost. A Working man." 2wd Gospel Truths. He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for It. But he that trusteth in Spring Blessem ler curing Liver. Kidney and complaints of a like tendenev, shall never be disappointed. Pi ice : 50c., trial bottles 10c. for sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 40 Everyone will And a general tonic in "Llnd scy's Improved Bleed Searcher." All drug gists sell it. VOLlTlC.il, DVLLETIN. or Assembly. The name or WILLIAM McCOMSET, of the First ward, will be presented te the Demo cratic electors ei Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate for As sembly, under Democratic rules. ELIMG. SNYDEK, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub feet te Democratic rules. td Company A Eighth Ward, Ce. A, of the Eighth ward Hancock club, will meet for drill at Mrs. Dieul's saloon, High street en Tuesday evening at 7t o'clock. MAllKIAOJiS. Walkct Davis On tlieCth of October, 1880, at Lancaster, Pa., bv the Itev. James Y. Mitch ell, D. D.. Francis V. Walker, of Washington, I). C. te Miss Kate W. Davis, et Lancaster, Pa. ltd DEATUS. Snxtn. In this city, Oct. !), 1830, Jacob Sener, in the 70th year of his age. The relatives and friends tire respectfully invited te attend his funeral from the res idence el his son-in-law, Geerge L. Messen kop, Ne. 33 Seuth Prince street, en Monday afternoon at i o'clock. Mackeh. Oct. 7, in this cilv, Elizabeth Mail rer, wife of Jacob Maurcr. In the 40th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from the residence of her husband, Ne. 420 Poplar street, en to-me.ow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Scviccs at St. Jehn's Kclerincd church. xi: wad n:n tisjssiests AN OLD MAXIM : PUT NOT OFF UNTIL te morrow what yen can de te-day. New you are in geed health, te-morrow you may suddenly die. Make prevision thercfore and insure your life in the U. B. Mutual Aid So ciety et Lebanon, Pa. $8 secures $1,000. Fer circulars or information call en or address HENBY BECI1TOLD, Agent, ltd 52 N. Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. PUBLIC SALE. On S ATUKD AY, OCTOBER 9, will be sold at, the Leepard Hejtel, a valuable three-story Biick Dwelling and two-story Brick Back building, containing 11 rooms; also a Brick Building and Frame Shed Heuse, Ne. 442 East King Street. Let fronts 32 feet, 2J4 inches : in dcptli 215 feet te a It feet wide public alley. Hydrant in the yard, Frnit Trees, &c. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., when condition will be made known bv HENRY SHUBERT, ect2-7td Auctioneer. TAMPS! LAMPS! AT CHINA HALL. BRASS NIGHT LAMPS, GLASS SAND and STAND LAMPS, FANCY PARLOR LAMPS, NICKEL PLATED SAFETY LAMPS,- NICKEL PLATED LIBRARY LAMPS, NICKEL PLATED HALL LAMPS, NEW STYLE PARLOR LAMPS, At prices te suit everybody, at HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. FALL OPENING H. GEEHABTS Fill t. MONDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1880. A Complete Stock et Cleths, Suitings AND OVERCOATINGS, which for elegance cannot be surpassed. Largest Assortment of Th ENGLISH AND SCOTCH SUITINGS in this city. Prices as low as the lowest at H. GERHART'S Ne. 51 North Queen Street. lauuiiiig, DRY GOODS. .4 IvV WE HAVE JUST OPENED AN ELEGANT LINE XJEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We have just placed en exhibition an invoice of OIL PAINT INGS of varied subjects and rare merit. Among them will be found a number of Original Game Panel Pieces by MeuceL Origi nals and Copies by Castagnola and ether Artists; Figure, Fruit and Bird Pieces, Neapolitan Character Studies, &c, &c. The public are cordially invited te call at our store and in spect them. H. Z. BHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. CARRIAGES, 1 1 m m ' .","i - THE LABGEST AND FINEST STOCK OP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C, In the city. Is te be seen at the Works et NORBECK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. 49-COX & CO.'S The Stock includes all the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, ueli as the Brewster, Whitney, Sulldee Triple, Empire TCress Spring, Dexter Queen, Duplex net Elliptic, and they will also make te order any style a purchaser may desire. Repairing fall kinds preraplly attended te. All work guaranteed for one year. "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD." CHINA AND GLASSWARE. MISS DAVIS, Teacher of French in St. James Scheel, pupil of the PENSION TKIBOU, Paris, will receiTe a few private pupils. Fer terms apply from 5 te 6 p. in., at 09 2td Se. 131 XOUTI1 DUKE STKEET. PUBLIC SALK OF HORSES. On MONDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1830, at J. D. Denlinger's Merriinac Heuse. 115 North Prince street, Lancaster, Pa . TIIIRTY-TWO IIEAD OF OHIO HOUSES. Among them are some very Fine Drivers and Uoed Working nerscs. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. A credit of GO davs will be given, ltd " DANIEL LOUAN. G O TO RIXGWALT'3 Feil MONONGAHELA PURE BYE. Alse OAKDALE PDKE RYE WHISKY, 95 per cent. Alcohol, and the Invigorating Tonic Hair Liquid, and the Best Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c, All nt Ne. 203 WEST KING STREET. DRILLIANT DRAMATIC EVENT. OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14th. UK. JOHND. M13HLEU has the honor of presenting Bartlcy Campbell's greatest tri umph, as produced ever 100 nights last season in New Yerk. THE GALLEY SLATE will be interpreted by one of the bestdramatic companies that has ever appeared Lancaster, including MISS GUSSIE Dk FOUR EST, M')IE MAJERONI. FRANK EVANS, J. J. SULLI VAN, JUNIUS BRUTUS BOOTH. THOS. 11. BURNS and NELLIE BARBOUR. Will posi tively be presented with splendid scenic views Of VENICE, ROME. MARSEILLES, PARIS. Nc advance in prices. 35, SO and 73c. Diagram at Yeekcr's Offlce. eJ-5td DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, CLOAKINGS. HAGER & BROTHER have new open the latest novelties in French, English and American DRESS GOODS. FRENCH PLAIDS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUITINGS, SIDE BANDS, CASHMERE FOULE, MdMIE CLOTHS, FLAN NEL SUITING S,&c., 4c. SILKS, SATT1S VELVETS. Cloaks! Cloaks! Have Just received from New Yerk Impert era a line of Cloaks, Delmans and Jackets in the Latest Style for Ladles and Misses. CLOAKING CLOTHS, Black and Celers, Plain and Fancy, In Assortment. Large WWc invite examination. OF PHAETONS. Jtc OLD STAND.- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MAGNETIC TOOTHACHE CURE. Cures almost Instantly without Injury te the teeth or gums. Fer sole at BLACK'S DRUG STORE, 21 West Chestnut Street. 25 cents per bottle. e9-lwd 100 Tens ei Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. m CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. ZyA CENTS PER POUND FOR WHITE RAGS. The highest price paid for Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, 4c. Ten Rag Asserters wanted, te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, y9-tfdRl Lancaster. Pa PUBLIC SALE. On MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1830, will be sold at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, that valuable three-story BRICK DWELLING and let et ground, situated oe the east side of North Lime street Ne. 307. The house contains -hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen en first noer, nve rooms en second noer, ana two rooms en third fleer ; also a Frame Summer kitchen. Let rnns in depth te a fourteen feet wide alley. The house has all the modern im- Srevcments, such as gas, het and cold water' ath and water closets and furnace in the celler te heat the whole house. This is a per fect house sll through. One half the purchase money can remain in the property for a number of years. Sale te commence nt 7 o'clock p. m., of said day, when conditions of sale will be made known by C. A. REECE, II. Shcbert. Anct. ect2-8tdR J. B. lartin & Ge. New offering special value in DRESS GOODS SILKS, SATINS ASD VELVETS. BlacR anil GoleM Gastan. SPECIAL VALUE IN BLANKETS, FLANNELS, UN DERWEAR AND HOSIERY. We are dally opening New Designs In CARPETS -AXD WAU PAPERS. J. B. MARTIN it CO, Cerner West King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER, PA. THIRD EDITIOI. SATTJfcDAY EVENING, OCT. 9,1880. WEATHKR INDICATIONS. WASHnjGieN, D. C, Oct. 9. Fer the Middle states, northeast te southeast winds, increasing cloudiness and rain en; the coast, with slight changes in tempera ture,acd stationary or slowly falling bar ometer. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Less of Life Reported. Hartferd, Oct. 9. A collision occur red en the New Yerk and New England railroad, near Williamantic, last night be tween a passenger and freight train. En gineers Kenyen and Floed, and Fireman Forsyth, of the freight, were badly injured and will probably die. There were but few passengers en the train, one of whom was injured slightly. The conductor of the freight train is said te be te blame, as he should hare held his train at Williamantte for the passenger train. The passenger train was a local one and Jiad stepped at its last station before reaching Williaman tic. THOSE NATURALIZATION PAPERS. Legal Proceedings Against Supervisor Da venport. Application was made te-day te Judge Blatchford for a warrant for the ar rest of William Hilt, jr., for alleged larceny of naturalization certificates from Jehn Walsh. His honor refused te grant the warrant en the ground that Hilt did net keep the paper, but returned it te the inspector of the election. A mo tion will be made this afternoon before the same judge by E. Ellery Audersen in the case arising out of the seizure of 18C naturalization papers by federal supervi sors of the election, for order te show cause why Chief Supervisor Davenport should net be removed from office. The New Yerk Obelisk. New Yerk, Oct. 9. The ceremony of laying the corner stone of the obelisk at Central park this afternoon was witnessed by thousands of spectators. The chief feature was the Masonic and Templar pro pre cession. Texan Manners. Galveston, Oct. 9. During a difficul ty at Mexico, Texas, yesterday H. E. Fer ryman was shot and instantly killed by a man named Wells. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T OST. j Last evening, a Geld Meilnl, with the name of Katie A. Marley. etc, engraved there on. A l.feeral reward will lie paid If left at the It EXAMINER OFFICK. s AVER KKAUT LUNCH This evening at JOHN SPANULER'S (Opera Heuse Saleen), North Prince street. ltd OTOVE9. STOVES. Brick-Set and Portable HEATERS and RANGES :at: Shertzer,HunipbrevilIe&Kieffer' , 40 EAST KINO STREET. Bl UY YOUR I'NDKKWKAK NOW AND save money. A fresh sunnlv of Ucnts ciirnisning uoeus. iiats ami cans mat. receiv ed, which will be sold cheap ter cash or ex- cnangeu en cigars. arms, city properties nnii bnilding lets for Hale at BECHTOLD'S, ltd Ne. W North Queen street. ELEGANT OKAY C.RANITE MONU MENTS at McCLURE'd MARBLE WORKS. Ne. 25 Seuth Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. Prices very low. eSStdWftSAltw PUBLIC SALE. On MONDAY, OCT. 25. 1820, will be sold at the Cooper Heuse, West King street, the following valuable real estate : Ne.l, Atwo-stery BRICK DWELLING, sit uated en the south side of West Orange sti eet. Ne. 114, containing hall and seven rooms, gas In the house and hydrant in the yard, house fronts en Orange street 18 tcct tl inches, mere or less, let extending in depth 79 feet 5 inches, mere or less, te a 3 feet 7 inch wide common alley, with sewerage. This properly hat Just been newly Utted up. Ne. 2. Atwo-stery BUICK DWELLING and two-story Ilrick Back Building, situated en the cast side of Nertii Mary street. Ne. 27, house 18 by 28 feet, back bnilding 12 fee' 4 incites In width, anil in depth 18 feet, contain ing nan ami seven rooms gas in tne house and hydrant In the yard; also a side yard 27 lect front and in depth 102 feet, mere cr less, a frontage of 45 feet, including the Iien.se ; a let of choice fruit trees and the best of grapes; stabling en the rear of let, 20x43 feet. Ne. 3, Five Building Lets 22 by 215 feet, situ ated en the north sidu of New street, between Lime and Shippen streets. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m.. of said day. when conditions will be made known by JUUX HULL.. II. SuuitEnr, Auct. e'-tsd DEMOCRATIC & NOMINATION. The Democratic voters et this city are re quested te assemble at their u-.nal voting places at primary elections en WEDNESDAY EVENING, Oft. IS, 1880, FROM 7 TO 8 O'CLOCK, and inuke general nominations ler Assemblyman for the City Legislative District, and te meet nt the same places en SATURDAY EVENING, Vet. 16, 1880, FROM O TO 8 O'CLOCK, and te vote for one nominee for Assembly from said District, W. V. 1IEN3EL, Chairman Campaign Committee. Jxe. K. Metzekr, Sect. WANTED. w ANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVEK- tlse, free of charge, in the Istelliebn (in, who wants some :uung w ue. w lt ANTED TWO . APPRENTICES TO learn dress making COR. DUKE AND VINE STREETS. w ANTED A COOK. APPLY AT It 443 NORTH DUKE STREET. WANTED A YOUNO MAN WANTS A sitnatlen as clerk in u dry goods or grocery store. Apply at 202 Nertii Water street. WANTED. THE INQUIRER PRINTING and Publishing Company want a few in telligent boys te learn the printing business. Inquire either in person or by letter, at their office 53 nnd 55 North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. ect 7-3tdeewJfc2tw. OmcE or the Mahect Mltdai. Life Abse- i CIATIOX OP SEUSBaROVE, 1A. i WANTED-GOOD, ACTIVE. RESPONSI ble Agents. in each township of the county of Lancaster. Apply in liana writing or Applicant te the Heme Office. L. R. HUMMEL, Scc'y. Selin8grevc, Snyder county. Pa., September 7.18b0. 8Cpl6-lmcUt3tw rRNPlKE ELECTION. The annual meeting et the stockholders of the Lancaster and WOliamstewn Turnpike Read Company for the purpose et electing officers for the ensuing year, wiU be held at Finney's hotel, North Queen street, in the city or Lancaster, en MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1880. between the henrs of 11 and 12 o'clock. oct7-3tdeaw -T. M. LONG, Sect. tr. ?iS5ilSiZ::s-, icg;r'r:?v. MARKETS. - ew Yerk Market. N'irer Yeax. oet. 9. Fleer State and West ern flrmer.fairly active expert and home trade demand ; bnperflnc, $3 S0&J 00 : extra deM SinJchcJce'.le SOS 65: fancy de. 5 TO?5 Sa Jna h0P OWe 38 : enoice de te 0086 00 ; superfine western $S 500 09 : common te geed extra de M leg 83 : choice de de ft 40SG i. ; choice white wheat de H 15 Ql GO- Southern prices advanclnc ; com mon te fair extra J4 90Q5 40; geed te-choice Wheat excited ana 2 ?3c higher, and business wv mainly st speculative : Ne. I White, Oct., $1 1M i Ne. 2 Rel Nev. $1 U 1CK : de Deck 91 1331 17 Cern ;Xc better and quiet: Mixed west ern spot, sk5S3c: de future. 33?i34Ke. Oats OHe better; State 40c; Western ,390 3c. Philadelphia Market. PHir.ADKi.rHiA. Oct. a Fleur firm, with fair Inqulryjsuperflne 13 003 50; extra S3SO0 4 2j ; Ohie and Indiana family $3 25ffi 00 : Penn'a family dots 00g5 50 : St. LeulsnunUy at $5 736 23; Minnesota family $3 0926 09; Strtght $S36 73 ; patent and high grades $7 Oft 08 25. Rye flour at $5 125 25. Wheat excited and higher; Ne. 2 Westers Red S114KS115:Pa.Bcd SI 1KB114VI: Amber $1 14. Cern 11 rm but quiet ; steamer, none here : yellow at 55c; mixed 5454Kc Oats Arm ; Ne. 1. White 42c ; Ne. 3 de 40V: 041c ; Ne. 3 de at 30c ; Ne. 2, Mixed at 39c! Rye firm at 93c. Previsions in firm jobbing trade; mes perk $1650; beet hams 1G S017 0U; In dian mess beet at $18 50 : smoked hams 11J0 12c; pickled hams Sgeic ; bacon smoked sl:euIdcrs 6HQ7e ; salt de aJ;c. Lard market firm ; city kettle at OQWc ; loesti butcners' 80 ; prime steam $8 75. ' Butter sluggish; Crcamery extra at 300 31c; de geed te choice 2729c: Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 2i!28c ; Western reserve extra 2223c ; de geed te choice 1020e : -Rolls quiet: Penn'a extra 20323; Western re serve extra 20223c Eggs firm; Penn'a Extra 22c; Western Ex. 2021c. Cheese dull, but unchanged ; New Yerk full cream 1314c ; Western lull cream 13I3le ; de fair te geed 123!2c; de half skims 10Q lie. Stock Market October 3. NjeW Yerk Stocks. Stocks dull. A. 3. A. ST. P. M. P. M. 10:20 11:20 1:30 2:49 4it!r ft m iiJ MUl T.U 3:00 Meney Eric It. R... Michigan S.A L. S....109 lOsli Michitmn Cent. E. R. saji win uiucagesA. w Chicago, M 4 St. P.., Han. 4 St. J. Cem " " P'ld... Teledo ft Wabash... Ohie & Mississippi.... St.Lenis,I.M.&S.R. Ontario and Western, im 107?j5 wt .... . ifl'4 02?ft 92X .... 37JJ 37Vi 60 3(1 32); 40 DUa Hi & -3i 3:J .... A"X ayt 21JS 'B ? 21$ ;:;: C. C. & I. O. R. E. .... 17 New Jersey Central. "My -Del. & Hudsen Canal. 83K til Del.. Lack, ft Western 8'. Western Union Tel... '.17 Pacinc Muil S. S. Ce.. 4 Manhattan Elevated. 3.VA Union Pacific 87 Kans:is ft Texas 354 New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland ft Pitts Chicago ft Reck I Pittsburgh ft Ft. W American U. Tel. Ce 80 35$ .... 130 .... 11C .... mi; .... 123 :::: i$ PniLADELrUlA. Stocks Irregular and weak. Pennsylvania R, R.. 57K 57 57 14Jk 52 Sr 51 16JS 57 15J4 52 33 27 51l 16k 37 170 19". rmrn. x ltcauing..... it;H Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation... 34 Northern Pacific Cem 2Ti " P'd . 52J Pitts., Titnsv'c ft B.... Kyi 52 33?i 27J 51K 1 a ermcrn ucnirui ... Phll'aft Erie R. R.... 1 15 Northern Penn'a 48 Un.R. R'.s efN. J Hestenville Pass Central Trans. Ce. ia 18 Lecal Stocks and Reads. Par val. Lnnc.Clty ! per ct. Lean, due ltxW. . .$1 " 1SS2... 100 1885... 100 1800... ICO . ik 1S95... 100 " 5 per ct. in 1 or 30 years'". 100 Lane, and Quarry v'e R. R. bend.... 100 " stock.... 50 Lancaster and Ephrataturnpike... 25 Lane , Elizabethan andMidalct'n.. 10O Lancaster and Krultville turnpike. 50 Lancaster ami Lititz turnpike 25 Lancaster and Maner turnpike.... 50 Lancaster and Manhelm turnpike. 25 Lancaster and Marietta turnpike.. 25 Lane, an.l .New Helland turnpike.. ICO Lane, and Strasburg turnpike. 25 Lane. undStisriucliunna turnpike.. 3U0 Lane, and Willow Street turnpike. 25 Farmers' Nat. Bank et Lancaster.. . 50 First Nat. Bank of Lancaster loe Lancaster County Nut. Bank 50 Inquirer Printing Ce 50 Lanc.Gas Light uud Fuel Ce. stock. 25 " ' bends. Las sale $100.25 105 114 118.7. ISO 105 lOOftin 3.25 47.25 51 51 m; 92 30.40 25 86 20 275.25 40.15 111 15) 102.10 27 100 EOIt SALE. T)R1VATK SALE. I Unt til NOVEMBER 17. the two-story Brick Heuse, Willi kitchen uttuched. Ne. 148 East VIncstreet, let extends te Church street. Ap ples, Peaches, and Grape Vine en let, water. 4c. Inquire at Ne. 12f. Charlette street, Lan caster, Pe. oct7-eelftnovl7-t . IOR KENT. JP A Farm, one mile from the city of I-aneas-ter, en the Petersburg turnpike, containing nbe.it one hundred and ilveacres: thirty acres of which is new in fall ereps ; privilege te put out two acres in teb iece. Enquire ut Ne. XI North Duke street or en the premises. oct7-10tdeed MRS. JOHN McGRANN. PUHLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 180, ut the Leepard Hetel, East King street, will be sold a two-story URICK DWELLING, with two-dterv Brick Back Building, containing seven (7) rooms, with gas. situated at Ne. 20 Plum street. The let (routs 17 teet 4 Inches by 64 feet. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m , when terms will be made known by HENRY If ERSHEY. S. Hess & Sey, AucU. ect2-13td T?OKSAI,K. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-room cd, two story and Mansard root, Green Stene Frent Dwellings, Nes. 429 nml 433 West Orange Strc-t. With all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. 'ncluding Jenning's Improved Londen water closets, uiai-ble-tep wushstand, Improved wali-cd-ln range, cellar heater. perfect arainngc and sewerage, deep, dry cellar, white marble base and steps, ftc., Ac. Let 22 by 245 feet te a 14-feet wide alley, Trent yard 2 1 feet in dcptlt, inclesed with ornamental iron lencc. Fer term", Ac, apply te JOHNn.METZLER, aug21-W&Stni Ne. 9 Seuth Duke St. PUBLIC SaLK. On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1880. in pursuance of an alias order of the Orphans' Ceuit or Lancaster county, the undersigned administrator with the will annexed or Joan Jean na Barry, deceased, will sell at public sale at the Leepard hotel, East Ling street, tn the city of Lancaster, tiic following described property, viz : All that certain two-story and uttic BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and ether buildings and Let or Piece or Ground belong ing thereto, situated en the Nertii side of East King street, in the city of Lancaster, being Ne. 313, containing in front 21 feet, mere or less, and extending in depth northward '245 feet, mere or less, te a 14 feet wide public alley, and having a front of haiil alley or 28 feet, mere or less, with a geed Brick Stable. Terms : Purchase money te be paid rash en the l3t day et April, A. D. 1S31. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. in., of said day when nttendunce will be given ami terms made known by. PHILIP BARRY, IIexrt Sucbert, Administrator, C. T. A. Auctioneer. s2-e29,ll,12,lS IX ECU TORS' SALE Or CITY PKOP !i ERTIES. The undersigned executers of Mlchncl Malene, deceased, will expose te sale en THURSDAY, the 14th day et OCTOBER, at 7 o'clock p. m., at the Cad well Heuse, the fel lowing Real Estate, viz : Ne. 1. A Let et Ground en the X. E. corner of Orange and Shippen streets, with a frontage of 49J4 feet, mere or less, en Orange street, and along Shippen street northward 215 feet te a public alley, en which is erected a commodi ous and well built Mansion, Ne. 301, two-stories high with two-story back building, all In geed repair; also en rear of let a two-story brick stable and ether Improvements. Ne. 1. A Piece ei Ground en North Lime street, west side, between Orange ami Chestnut streets, containing in front en Lime street 37 feet, mere or less, and in depth westward 64 tcet4tfinches, en which is erected a two-story Brick dwelling. Ne. 128, with its improvements. Ne. X A Piece or Ground en beath side et East Chestnut street, near Dnke. containing in front 2ileepund extending In depth south ward 66 feet, en which is erected a three-story Brick DweUIng, Ne. 41, with brick building at tached, furnished with water and sewerage. Terms made known at time of sale. EDWARD McGOVEBN, WM.L.FEIPEE, JAMES M. BUKKE, Executers of Michael Mulene, dee'd, Henry SMi'nsur, Anct. scpl7-2wdcedftilt3 ' - -T . 1 - - .,- -