ST LANCASTER&DA1LY INTELLIGENCE! TV EDNESDAY OCTOBER 6, 1880 THAT SETTLES IT. Begus Campaign Stories sTreai the llejjus Tax ftecetpt and Begus Maturaliza Maturaliza nea Party Taper. The Examiner having published a cock and bull story about Mr. Jehn B. Shell', of the Red Lien hotel, Mt. Jey, talking "rebel talk" te a guest at his hotel, the following letters have becu addressed te the Examiner. They explain themselves: Mount Jey, October C, 1880. Eih. Examiner : In reply te the article in last evening's issue of your paper, en titled " Mere JUbel Sentiments," I desire te say that no such man as Simen Wolf Ktepped at my house ; no such conversa tion ever occurred. In short, it is false in every particular. Respectfully, etc., Jehn 1$. Shelly. Wc the undersigned Republican citizens of Mount Jey unhesitatingly denounce the article published in the Lancaster Daily Examiner of the 5th inst., entitled " Mere Rebel Sentiments" as maliciously false in every particular and a great injustice te Mr. Shelly, and trust you will de Mr. Sheliy the justice of publishing his denial : I'. Si. HARRY, E. R. Casskl, E. F. Gamueie, Jehn Flnstermaciier, Ce. G. S)th Pa. Vet. Cal. L. I). Gallagher, Rep. County Committeeman, Dn. Jehn A. Bare, Dentist, B. S. Dim.incskr, Samuel Siiuekers, E. C. Marsh, 31. J Buecht, Principal Orphans' Scheel, Samuel Lkiikicher, J. II. Kaukkman, P. H. Rei:i, Jehn W. Bet., Z. V". Kellu.r, PiiiLir A. Pyle. ak t weir. Concerning the person upon whose author ity the Examiner1 libel en Mr. Shelly was based a reputable gentleman of this city, but ferntei ly a resident of Columbia, S. C, says that "Vilf has been reporting that in tin; Litter city he had stepped at our inform antV house. This statement, we arc as sured, is utterly untrue, and is about en a par with his malicious falsehood concern ing Mr. Shelly. Moreover this Wolf lias a ''war claim" pending against the Unite I States government, for the recovery of damages caused by the destruction of property by Union soldiers. He has re peatedly pressed his claim, but thus far it has been lejected by the claims commis sion, and Weif,haviug doubtless read Gen. Hancock's recent letter announcing his hostility te the payment of Southern war claims, is doubtless moved by this con sideration te his disreputable attempts te in ike capital against the Democratic can didate by defaming respectable citizens of this geed county of Lancaster, Pennsyl vania. ceuitr or common pi.kas. iStTere Judge Livingston. Iii the case of Charles Fell vs. Edwin Burnett, .Tesiah P. Lee and Samuel T. Lee. act! mi for damages, the defense opened tls-'ir case this morning. They claim that they did net rai-e the breast of the mill dam and this case is brought for spite. On trial. Itortre.Iuile Patterson. Ill the case of A. C. Wclchans, assessor of the First ward, vs. the county of Lan caster, the defense called different asses sors and ex-asscssers from diOcrcut parts of the county te prove that they did their work in short or time than 3Ir. Wclchans. The time occupied by them was as follews: Jehn S. Brown,, of Driimere township, e3 days; lleury Dillenderfer, 3Iauheim, 15$ days; Peter Sweig.irt, East Cocalico, 'M days; James MeCulleuirli, Culcrain, 20 days. The jury found in favor et tl.e plaintiff for 810. Isaac Mishler, coroner vs. the county of Lancaster. This was an action brought by t he c ireucr te recover pay for holding au inquest en the body of Jehn Philip llahu, wi.e !ictl suddenly, as was alleged in this i'ity,eu August i.AI1teroieniiirthe case the plaintiffs offered the inquisition in evidence. The dcfcuc objected te its being admitted, as it had net been returned te the next quarter sessions after the inquest was held, as is required by the English statute recognized by the state of Pennsylvania, and it was therefore void and could net be offered as evidence of the holding of an inquest. The court refused te admit the inquisition, after hearing the argument of the counsel, and, as there was no l'urtlnr ndinisihlc testimony by the plaintiff the jury under the instruction of the court, rendered a verdict in favor of the defense. The manner of returning inquests will probably be argued in the future, as as a motion for a new trial may be made. Jehn 31. Bartch for the use of Samuel Bruukhartaud Frederick Buchcr vs. Jehn S. Bewers. The defendant, who is a deaf and dumb man, resides in West Ilcmplield township. In the year 1872 he desired te have a house built like that of a neighbor named Michael Minnicli. Mr. Bartch, one ;f the plaintiffs, is a contractor and build er, and he was engaged te de the work. The communication between the two men in regard te the work and men was had by writing en a slate and speaking thseughau interj re' or. There was no wiitten agreement. The plaintiff says that according te the agreement he was te construct the house and a ene story kitchen, furnishing the material, ler $1,300. Before the weik was done Mr. Bewers said that lie wished te have the kitchen built tw.e story and te have a tin reef en it in stead et shingles. While the work was in progress Mr. Bewers did net like the color the house was painted and he had it chaiigeu four times. W hen the house was finished it had cost $1,800, $300 mere than the contract price," and this suit, is brought, te recover, as it is claim ed that the dciisudaut premised te compen sate the plaintiff for the additional expense occasioned by the change The plaintiff has transferred his claim te Messrs. Bruckhart and Buchcr, and the suit is therefore brought for their use. On tiial. Jeffersen Kieffer vs. the 3Ianhcim school district, action te recover compensation for service rendered, during the trouble about the Airy Dale school organ. A verdict was taken in laver of the plaintiff for $'-K) ami costs. Relieving I lie IJestitute. Our local item calling attention tothedes tethedes titut! condition of Mrs. Parrish en James street opposite the the Lancaster cemetery has had the effeet of awakening the sym pathies of a number of charitable people who havcvremptly responded and relieved the immediate wants of 3Irs. Parrish and her children. County Treasurer Greff and his wife visited the family yesterday and found that their destitute condition had net been overstated. 3Ir. Gruff paid their rent up te the 1st of November and with the assistance of Comity Commissioner Ceble, Uriah Bitzer, Samuel Bitzer. Adam Keller, Philip Lebzcltcr and E. Eberman, raised enough money te supply the wants of the family for a short time. Paradise I'liib. The regular meeting of the Paradise II an cock and English club was held last even ing at the Black Herse hotel of Jeseph Reese. The regular business of the meet ing being transacted, xhe club was ad dressed, in a spech of an hour's length, by J no. A. Ceyle, esq, after which the uni forms, consisting of a blue shirt with a picture of Gencial Hancock en the shield and a blue cap, were distributed. HAD DOG SCARE. The Upper End Again Excited. Frederick street and the upper end of North Queen street continues te be a geed deal excited about the antics of a three months old setter pup which went en the rampage en Friday last and bit or tried te bite everything that came in its way. The deg belonged te 3Ir. Clement Leibsly, Ne. 40, East Frederick street. Twice it snap ped at 3Ir. Charles Krieg, who was pass ing the house, but did nothing worse than slightly tear his pants. Mr. Krieg picked up a stone, struck the deg and knocked it ever, which seemed te make it madder than before. It jumped at 3Irs. Themas 3IcGevern and inflicted a slight wound in her leg just above the ankle, and also bit a lad named Nerman Keller in the leg. A little girl named Weidlcr was also attack ed, but no bleed was drawn, and3Irs. Alex Leibsly was also slightly bitten in the wrist while attempting te tie up the deg. Several dogs were also bitten by the deg, two of them belonging te Peter Ruth, of North Queen street. 3Ir. Ruth says the pup also attacked him but that he kicked it into the middle of the street and escaped injury. 31 r. Ruth shot his two dogs fearing that the pup that bit them might be mad. One of his dogs was a valuable beagle hound, and the ether half beagle and half-terrier. The supposed mad deg was also shot, though 3Irs. Leib sly does net believe it was mad at all. She says it had been penned up and kept away from its mother for some time and when it was released it became wild with joy and excitement. She don't think it in tended te bite 3Ir. Krieg, and when he struck it with a stone it became dazed and did net knew what it was doing. Still, te please some of the neighbors who were alarmed about it, it was killed. Accident te Chester X. Farr. Cel. Chester N. Fair, of Reading, met with an accident at the Stcveus house last night about 10:30 o'clock, which happily proved te be far less serious than it might have been. He was sitting with some friends in a room back of the bar-room, and having occasion te go te the water closet, was directed thither by one of tins servants. Mistaking the direction 3Ii--1 Farr opened an unused second-story deer leading te Water street, and in the darkness pitched headlong out of it, falling te the street below, a distance of some twelve or fifteen feet. 1 le was picked up and carried te his room and a physician sent for, when it was ascertained that he had received no ether injuries except being badly bruised and considerably 'jammed" by die fall. He expects te be able te fulfill his engage ment te speak at. the Republican meeting in Yerk to-inerrow. In reference te the deer from which 3Ir. Farr fell it may be well te state that it is at the end of a narrow entry leading te Water street, and that it was intended originally te have the balcony extend in front of it. This net having been done the deer was kept locked, and a barrel of Bedford water placed against it se that it could net le opened. Yesterday, however, during the house-keeping the deer was unlocked and the barrel re moved; and when the work was done the person doing it failed te lock the deer or push the barrel entirely back te its place. 31 r. Fcrr squeezed himself through the open space and full as stated above. Sale of Ileal 1'Jslate. Henry Shubcrt, auctioneer, sold a public sale last evening in the borough of Colum bia, at Jehn P. Ilatts's hotel, for A. 31. Frant;:. eq., administrator, the following property belonging te the estate of 1J. Sliieincr, deceased : N 1. A tAVo-Ktei'V brick builditiir situ ated en Frent street, between Walnut and Bridge. Ne. 2. A let of ground Mluated en Commerce street and in rear of Ne. 1. Beth properties were sold te Jacob S. Strine for $1,010. Xe. I!. Twe two-story brick dwellings situated en Commerce street near Walnur, te Samuel C. Swartz, for 1,720. Ne. -1. A brick store building situated en the east side of Frent street between Second and Walnut. Ne. 5. A brick build ing, known as Sliieincr s hall, situated en the west side of Hank alley and in rear of Ne. 4. Sold te II. 31. North, esq., for $2, 1C.0. Samuel I less and son, auctioneers, sold at public sale yesterday, at the public house of Jacob S. Erb, for lien. Thes. E. Franklin, the following real estate, situate in West Earl tewushq): Ne. 1. A tract of land containing 47 acres and 112 perches, with improvements there on, te Jehn Hess for $2jU.55 per acre. Xe. 2. A farm containing 110 acres with improvements thereon te David Shirk for $152 per acre. Ne. :. A tract of hill land without, im provements, containing CO acres, te Jacob S. Erb for $9G per acre. Disunion Kepubiicans. It is bad enough te see the Examiner make use of a " patent inside " ami 11 ying te the breeze the image of the rebel flag the stars and bars that Hancock and his gallant army dashed te the dust cm the bloody iield of Gettysburg ; but it is still worse te see Republicans of the rural dis tricts disgrace the stars and stripes ihe emblem of an undivided union by nailing them upiide down en the Garfield poles. as they have done at hiackater, in front et 15. F. Daily's hotel, and displaying them "union down" as they have done in front of Jehn Frantz's hotel, Millersviile. The spirit of old Jesh Gidding'.s, who regarded the union as a covenant with death and a league with hell, still lives in the besoms of Kepubiicans, who cordially hate the South ern states of the union and one half of the Northern states because they arc Demo cratic. ICxcurslen In Wild Cat. This morning about 7 o'clock a party of some twenty or thirty teachers and offi cers of the Seuth Queen street Presbyte rian mission took coaches and omnibuses and drove te Wild Cat falls te pass a day of recreation at that delightful summer retreat. The excursionists will return this evening. Thrown from a Ue.-se. Lust evening William Hinder, who resi ties with his brother en St. Jeseph street, was riding a horse, belonging te Jehn II. Uusheng, along Walnut street when the animal frightened and threw him off. He hail the great tee of one of his feet badly dislocated and was bruised considerably. He was taken tc the office of Dr. S". T. Davis and was afterward removed te the county hospital. Yerk Teachers Visiting our Schools. Several our public schools were visited te-day by 3liss 3Iary Test, principal of the C grammar, and Miss Clara A. Landis, principal of the female secondary schools, of Yerk. They were conducted en their tour of inspection by City Superintendent Buehrle, and speak in the highest terms of the workings of our school system. Sociable. Last evening a sociable was held in Grant hall, and the cool weather brought a large crowd. There were 05 couples in the prom enade, and all passed oil' quietly. Discoveries by Accident. The fact that many et the most valuable dis coveries have been the result et cliunce rather than of design or contemplation, is again il 1 uslratcd in Day's Kidskv 1ad. et-StdMW&F YVUI Positively be Sold en Thursday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, en the premises en the Millersviile pike,tliat valuable property with five acres et land, mere or less, with all improvements, belonging te II. U. Lippe. 2td MERINO UNDERWEAR Fer Gentlemen, in White, Gray and Scarlet, all Sizes and Qualities. 3IERINO UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES, in White and Scarlet, all Sizes and Qualities. 3IERINO UNDERWEAR FOR CHILDREN, in all Sizes and Qualities. Alse, HAND-KNIT SAXONY WOOL SHIRTS, HIGH NECKS AND LONG SLEEVES, FOR INFANTS. Wc are offering a large stock of above goods at prices that we guarantee cannot be undersold. -p e Te c; Kni'dits "ein te Baltimore en 3Ienday, October 11, wishing Knight Templar Gloves and Cresses can get them at our store or any special article of Equipment wanted. By leaving the order with Jehn S. Givler between new and Fri day evening, 8th, 'they can be furnished by 3Ienday morning. GIVLEE, BO WEES & HTJEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Grand Rally. Cheap excursion te Heading en Saturday. October 9. Fare for the round trip only $1.25 Train leaves Lancaster (King Street) at .:.. a. in. and Columbia at 7:55 a. m. Tickets geed te return en any train, uranu veuiecruuc parade at 1 p. All clubs are invited te attend, iioverner Gee. II. McClcllan, W. U. Hcnsel and ethers will speak. Fer particulars see circu lars at stations. e2,4,fi,8<v Beautifies the complexion bystinmlatingthe ' small bloed-vessels-Cuticura Medicinal Soup. While the fields we're reaming ever. Breathing new-mown hay and clever, We'll think of her, as is our went, Whose teeth and breath are, every day. White as white clever sweet as hay. And all Ireiu using SOXODONT. ol-lwdcedSw A loed and a medicine are combined in the most perfect manner in Malt Hitters J'OLITICAE 11VXLETIN. Fur Assembly. The name of WILLIAM McCOMSKY, of the First ward, will be presented te the lleine- i emtie electors et Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate for As- sciubly, under Democratic rules. KLIMU. SNYDER, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub feet t Democratic rules. Id POLITICAL JUKK'ilNCiS. The Seventh Ward Hancock Club meet regularly every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, sharp. Headquarters at Kuhlman'.s (aloen. Rockland street. Full utteiidanee de sired. A Meeting et the Yeung Men of the Eighth ward who will cast their first vote for Hancock and English will be held at Diehl's saloon en Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Hancock Legien. Adjourned meeting of the Hancock Legien at headquarters this evening te consider the excursion te Heading. City Campaign Committee. Regular ineetiuget the Democratic city cam paign committee at Central headquarters, Thursday evening, October 7, at 7 p. m., te fix time ter nominating a candidate for As sembly. Attention, First "Ward. A meeting wilt be held en Thursday even ing. October 7, at 8 o'clock, at Xeimer's saloon, te distribute the ba'uucu of the uniforms. Kightli Ward. The Eighth Hani Ruttullieu officers will t meet at 531 St. Jeseph street, this evening Jut 7 o'clock. ISusiiiens et importance will be i twaclcd Ilnticr.cU Li-clen. j The members of the Hancock Legien are i requested te attend the regular meeting of the Legien this (Wednesday) evening, i October!!, at the Democratic headquarters ler the purpose of making arrangements te re ) eeive Cel. J no. W. Ferney. i Yeung Men's Club. The boys et the different wards will have a lerehlight precession en Saturday Jevening next. All clubs will turn out in full force and meet at Centre Square, where the parade will start from. Attention is directed te the advertisement of sale of the valuable city residence of Samuel Keneasy, 118 East King street, at the Leepard hotel this evening. l'almeutl:, Friday evening, Octobers. Speakers: S. W. Shadle, W. II. Keland. At Meuntvi.Ie en Monday, October 11. Speakers: Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther Uingwalt, E. MeCaa, J. L. Steinmetz, II. F. Davis, W. U. Hensel and Win. it Given. Ac CJuarrjville Tuesday, October IS. Speakers: J. W. Ferney I Luther Kingwalt, Cel. Jehn E. Kitehie. E. McCsui and ethers. Sew Helland. Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 13. Speakers : Hen. Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther Kingwalt, Cel. Jehn II. Kitehie, E. McCaa, of Alabama, clen. II. Kyd Douglas, Wm. II. Keland, Win. It. Given and ethers. In Lancaster en Tuesday evening, (Jet. l'J. Speakers: Jehn V. Ferney, .1. Luther Kingwalt, Gen. II. Kyd Douglas and ethers. SPECIAL. NOTICES. SAMPLE .NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman after a faithful course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkhain s Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness of the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkhain, 2X5 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jyJWyilced&w Poverty and Siill'ering. " I was dragged down with debt, poverty and siitleriug ter years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did them no geed. 1 was completely discouraged, until one year age, by the advice of my pastor. I procured Hep Hitters and commenced their use, and in one month we were all well, and none et us have seen a sick day since, and 1 want te say te all peer nieit.yeu can keep your families well a year with Hep Hitters ter less than one doctor" visit will cost. A Working man." 2wd The Chicago Titncx says: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is highly endorsed by ministers, fudges, physicians, surgeons, by men et literary and scholarly distinction, anil by individuals in all the walks et life. 3 Statistics prove that twenty-nve percent "f ! jl1 li lit fill l lit trot riitliii ein rwin.ul limp ii hij i tint? ia& iuiv viin-r- ikiu t,uu;i;ii ijf t consumption, and when we reflect that this . terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Leclier's Kenewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn Hie sufferers for their negli genee, or pity them for their ignorance? Xe '.lEast King street. Dr. RnewNixn's Tonic and Alterative is the popular ltloed Purifier, Tonic, etc., because it is made by a Regular Graduate et Medicine, is the result et scientific research, is accurately and elegantly compounded, wonderfully cfli cfli cacieus, is taken in very small doses, and 1 pure, clean, and pleasant te the taste. Price .W cents and $1. Fer sale by the Proprietor. W. Champien Rrewning, M. 1)., 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia, and all Druggists. eMwdTTh&S The invalid Hnds in "Dr. Lindscy's llloed Searcher" nature's great restorer. It is won derful. Metfiers! Mettiers!! Mothers::: Are you disturbed at night and broken el your rest by u sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? It se, go at once and geta bottle of MRS. W INS LOW'S SCOXHIXU SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relict mid health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, und is the prescription et one et the eldest and best fcuiale physicians and nuives in the Unlted.Sta.ccs. Sold everywhere" 23 cents a bottle. ni'-lyd&wM.W&S DRT GOODS. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We have just placed en exhibition an invoice of OLIj PAINT INGS of varied subjects and rare merit. Among them will be found a number of Original Game Panel Pieces by MeuccL Origi nals and Copies by Castagnola and ether Artists; Figure, Fruit and Bird Pieces, Neapolitan Character Studies, &c, &c. The public are cordially invited te call at our store and in spect them. H. Z. BHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West King Street. I . Help te Mothers Xnrsing Infants. : It is a conceded fact that mothers who have i the care, anxiety and draught et nursing in j lants, me weak and need the aid et some .strengthening tonic te make up the nourish ment required ler the growth of the child. Ale, porter ami lager beer liave often been re i commended. Of late, since physicians have j become aware that the Fert Urape Wine pro duced by Allied Speer, et Pusaic. X. J., is i strictly'pure, they have prescribed it instead of ale and porter. This wine is principally i sought for by mothers who have nursing in ' fants at the breast, as the best supplying ineili 1 eine te be found. The wine is rich in body and net intoxicating, but gently stimulating I Druggists generally keep it. Enquirer. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and I Davis, and sold by II. E. Slay-maker. I el-2wd&w ' our liver is out of order and you knew it ; se take "Sellers' Liver Fills." .Sold by all druggiits. Try Leclier's Renowned Cough Syrup. It EAT US. IlAitiu III East Lampeter, Oct. 4. 18S0, Mrs. Anna Ihirr, widow of the late Christian Karr, in the S:!d year el her age. The relatives and friends arc respectfully invited te attend her en Thursday morning, at!) o'clock, from the residence el her son-in-law, l'eter J. Landis. Services at tile house. 3td A'EIV AVt'EETlSEMENTS. l.UKUAKT GICAY Ull AXI IK MONU- 1 MEXTSat McCLUUE'S MARKLE WOKKS. Xe. i" Seuth Queen Street. Lancaster, l'a. I'riees vcrv low. e StdW&SXltw MK. ADAMS Witt 3IIKKT l'KKSONS wishing te enter his Literature Classes, and will answer inquiries thereto at lif Xerth Dukestreet en Thursday at 4 p. m. ltd VTTKNTION SIK KNIGHTS! The Knitflits of Lancaster Ceminanilery Xe. IS are requested te meet at their asylum FOR DRILL en this (Wcdnesday)evenin and en Thursday and Saturday evenings el this w ek. U.S. GAKA. ii Recorder. 100 Tens of Kags Wanted, . Fer which the highest price will be paid. ! K CENTS I'F.R TOUXD FOR GOOD MIXED ' KAGS. 3M CEXTS PER l'OUXD FOR j WHITE RAGS. ! The highest price paid for Woolens, Old ! Paper, Heeks, &c. Ten Rag Asserters wanted, te whom the highest price will be paid, i JOHN A. SHOBBR, j Cor. Xerth Queen anil Orange Streets, ( v'J-tldRl Lancaster, l'a PCIlT.If! SALK. OnMOXDAY, OCTORER 11, lfe, will be sold at the Leepard Hetel. East King street, that valuable three-story BRICK DWELLIXG ami let et ground, situated en the east side of Xerth Lime street Xe. 307. The house contains hall, parlor, (lining room and kitchen en Hist lloer, live rooms en second fleer, und two rooms en third lloer; also a Frame Summer kitchen. Let rnns in depth te a fourteen feet wide alley. The house has all the modern im provements, such as gas, het and cold water' bath nnl water closets nnd furnace in the ccller te heat the whole house. This is a per fect house I'll through. One half the purchase money can remain in the properly for a number of years. Sale te commence at T o'clock p. m., of said dav, when conditions et sale will be made known by C. A. REECK. II. S nunEHT, Auct. ect2-8tdR ItKPOKT OF TI1K CONDITION OF THE XV Lancaster County National Rank, at Lan caster, in the state of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, Oct. 1, 1880: KESOUKCES. Leans and discounts $ fia-,RS8 30 t'. S bends te secure circulation .'RKi.OOO Ml Due from approved reserve agents.. ."i!)l,f !) Due from ether National banks l!i,!U3 10 Due from state banks and bankers.. 12S,.-u :; Real estate, furniture and fixtures.. . OS I Current expenses and taxes paid.... 3,ii"fi 4 Checks anil etiicrcasii items --'.K3 ) Rills of ether banks 5.13 00 Fractional paper currency 193 ."V5 Specie, nickels and pennies M.'i,!KKl 73 Legal tender notes 24,219 00 Redemption fund with U. S. treasur er ( 5 per cent, et circulation ) l:!.."00 00 Total . .$1,473,08(5 39 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $300,000 00 110,000 00 50,128 00 270,000 00 3,(!ir M 727.982 0 sn surplus num.. 1 r if II 1 1 v.Ut!Jmni'i,,..Iv..Ai National bank notes outstanding.... Dividends unpaid Individual depesitssubject techeck, Demand certificates of deposit Due te ether national banks Due te state banks and bankers 2,137 83 1,SC 96 .91,473,R3t 39 Total. Statcef Pennsylvania count of Lancaster, xs : I. W. L. Peiper, Cashier of the above named bank, de solemnly swear that the alieve state ment is true te the best of my knowledge and belief. W. L. PEIPER. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn te before ine this 5th dav of October, 18S0. J. L. LYTE. Xetary Public. Correct Attest: C. B. IIERR, DAVID GKAYJULL. JACOB C. KREADY. ltd&w Directors. WAJtTEl. llfASTEU .EVER t ttse, free of charge, in the Ihtkllieks exit, who wants something te de. -IT7AXTKD AT THIS OFFICE COPIES et the W eeklt ljtrELLieBSCEK of the fol lowing dates : JAN. J, 1880, JULY 23. 1830. Ifd Office op the Maiienv Mutual Life Asse- CIATION OF SKLIXSOKOVK, Pa. f WANTED GOOD, ACTIVE, KESPONSI ble Agents in eaeli township of the county et Lancaster. Apply in hand writing of Applicant te the Heme Office. L. IS. HUMMEL, Sec'y. Selinsgrove, Snyder county, Pa.. September 17.18S0. epli-lma&5tw satssz: EOlt HALE. 1?0 K SALE AN EIGHT-HOKSE-POWER ; Engine and Reller, all complete anil in geed working order. It may be seen running at. Peters A Shirk's new cotton mill, en Pine street. Fer terms apply te either HENRY RAUMGARDXERer J. G. PETERS, el-lwd PUllLIC SALE OF KEAL ESTATE. On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1580, at the Leepard Hetel, East King strpet, will be Mild a tvto-stery BRICK DWELLING, with two-story Brick Back Building, containing seven (7) rooms, with gas, situated at Ne. 20 Plum street. The let fronts 17 leet 4 inches by M feet. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m , when terms will be made known by IIENBY HERSHEY. S. nEss & Sex, Aucts. ect2-13:d PUllLIC SALE. On SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, will be sold mi the Leepard Hetel, a valuable three story Brick Dwelling and two-story Brick Back building, containing 11 rooms; also a Briek Building and Frame Shed Heuse, Xe. 412 East King Street. Let fronts 32 feet, 2 inches ; in depth 245 feet te a 14 feet wide public alley. Hydrant In the yard, Fruit Trees. &c. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p.m.. when conditions will be made known by 1IEXRY SUUBERT, ect2-7td Auctioneer. -pCISLlC SALE OF CITY RESIDENCE. On Wednesday, October 6, 1880, at the Leepard Hetel, en East King street, will be sold a three-story BRICK DWELLING with two-story back building and wash-house attached, situate Xe. 148 East Walnut street, containing hall anil nine rooms, bath room with water closet, Ac. heater iu cellar. Range, het and cold water in kitchen nnd bath room, gas throughout, and the chandeliers and fix tures remain. The let is 20)x120 feet, extend ing te the allev. Te view the premises call en Herr Ik St'iuffer, Ne. 3 N. Duke street. Sale te commence at 7:30 p. m., when terms will be made known by SAMUEL KENEAGY. II. Siiubeiit, Auct. vXi 27,30ftect2.5,fi 1 EXECUTORS' SALE OF CITY piter- JZi ERTY. On FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15. 188D. the undersigned executers el Henry stclger wait, deceased, will expose te sale, at 7 o'clock i. m., ut the Leepard Hetel, East King street, a Let or Piece et Ground, situated en the east side of Seuth Queen street, in the city or Lan caster, Xe. 3Ti. Said let containing in front, en said Seuth Queen street, 17 feet nnd 4 inches, and extending in depth of that width eastward te Strawberry street, whereon is erected a geed two-story-and-a-half DRICK DWELL ING HOUSE, with a two-story Back Building attached, Hydrant. Fruit Trees, and ether Im provements thereon. Terms made known at time of sale by MICHAEL F. STEIGERWALT, WM. B. STEIGERWALT, Executers of Henry Stelgcrwalt. dee'd. Henry Siiuiieict, Auct. s30-e4.7,ll,lt YALUABLE KEAL ESTATE AT PRI VATE SALE. Is offered at private sale all that valuable property situated in West Lampeter township, known as "Kecky Springs," containing 27 ACRES, mere or less, et which about 22 Acres is fertile farm land, and the remainder weeds, being the well known Picnic Grounds, en which arc erected a large Twe-story slate-reef BRICK DWELL ING, with a Twe-story slate-reef Brick Back Building, and a large nnd commodious Barn, new Tobacco Shed, Heg Sty. Cern Crib, ami ether outbuildings. Alse contains a thriving young Apple Orchard und a large spring et never-tailing water. The farm land Is fertile, well-watered anil especially adapted te raising tobacco, ami the weeds has long been a popu lar picnic gre.ind, with a large dancing plat form, tables, benches, etc. Being situated within a mile of Lancaster city limits, it is easy et access te markets, stores, etc. Fer terms apply te MRS. CATHARINE TR1SSLER. 130 East King street, Lancaster, Pa. S29 3tdWSS yeit SALE. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Teii-roeined, two-story and Mansard root. Green Stene Frent Dwellings, Nes. 429 and 433 West Orange Street. With all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. ncltidiug Jenning's improved Londen water closets, marble-top washstand, improved wall ed -in range, cellar heater, perfect drainage and sewerage, deep, dry cellar, white marble base and steps, &c, &c Let 22 by 245 feet te a 14-fee I wide alley, front yard 2 1 feet in depth, Inclesed with ornamental iron fence. Fer terms, &c, apply te JOHN II. METZLER, nug21-W&Strri Ne. 9 Seuth Duke St. IjVXKCUrOKS' SALE OF CITY PKOP J ERTIES. The undersigned executers of Michael Malene, deceased, will expose te sale en THURSDAY, the 14th day et OCTOBER, at 7 o'clock p. m., at the Cadwell Heuse, the fel lowing lteal Estate, viz : Ne. 1. A Let et Ground en the N. E. corner of Orange and Shlppcn streets, with a frontage of 49J4 teet, mere or less, en Orange street, and along Shippen street northward 245 feet te a public alley, en which is erected a commodi ous and well built Mansion, Ne. 301, two-stories high witli two-story back building, all in geed repair; also en rear of let a two-story brick stable and ether improvements. Ne. 2. A Piece el Ground en North Lime street, west side, between Orange and Chestnut streets, containing in front en Lime street 37 feet, mere or less, and in depth westward 04 teet4 inches, en which is erected a two-story Brickdwelliug.Xe. 128, with its improvements. Xe. 3. A Piece of Ground en south side et East Chestnut street, near Duke, containing in front 2-1 teet and extending in depth south ward ra; feet, en which is erected a three-story Brick Dwelling, Xe. 44, with brick building at tached, furnished with water and sewerage. Terms made known at time of sale. EDWARD McGOVERX, WM.L. FEIFER, JAMES M. BURKE, Executers of Michael Malene. dee'd. IlEMlY SHUBKRT. AUCt. sepl7-2wdced&dta A STRAY MULE WAS FOUND ONUfi Herse Shee Read, Lancaster county. Pa., en Saturday. September 30. The owner can have the mule by proving property and pay ing all expenses, and it net called ler In ten nays win uu euereu ai puunc saic dt II. WALTZ, 2td 52S West King street, Lancaster PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. On October 1. 1880. Gerracht A Ce., dealers in coal, dissolved partnership. All claims must be handed in at once, and all collections will be made by the undersigned, who will continue the business. 4td RBILLT KSLLKB. TILED EDITIOI. WKDNESDAYKVKHTNG, OCT. 6, 186a HANCOCK SPEAKS AS TO THE ALLEGED TERTIEW. GKAXT IX. General Hancock Unwilling te Believe Grant Has Spoken 111 of Him. READY TO DENT THE CHARGES INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS. BURIED UNDER FALLING WALLS. DOMESTIC TRAGEDY. Hancock and Grant. New Yerk, Oct. 6. In a conversation with a reporter at Governer's Island, tbis afternoon, General Hancock, while declin ing te be interviewed, said he found it hard te believe that General Grant said such hard things about him. He had read what Grant is reported te have said, and he would take pains te verify it, and would afterwards publicly deny all that is untrue. As his reasons for doubting the story, he said Grant lacked geed grounds for such an attack ; and secondly, he was an old soldier and he could net believe that Grant would se far overstep the bounds of truth and gentlemanly propriety. BURIED ALIVE. Enleinbde Under a Blass et Brick and Mer- tar. Ciiicagr, Oct. C. A special dispatch from Gibsen, 111., te the Inter-Ocean says : A terrible accident occurred here yester day. While workmen were removing the preps from the arch of a tile kiln at Spauld ing & Eggleton's tile factory, the arch gave way and the immense weight of brick and mortar fell upon and buried the six men at work inside. When help came aud they were taken out, all were badly used up. One man named Frederick Hum mel, died half an hour after he was taken out, and it is thought that another named Themas Nelsen, cannot live. The four ether men were seriously but net fatally hurt. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. Triennial Convention in New Yerk. New Yerk, Oct. C The triennial gen eral convention of the Protestant Episcopal church opened here this morning with im pressive ceremonies. With the exception of North Carolina, every diocese in the United States was represented in the Heuse of Bishops. There were also present missionary Bishops Perriuk, of Cape Pal mas, and Schcrcseliewsky, of Shanghai; Bishop Hcrzeg, (Old Catholic) of Switzerland, and the bislie; of Edinburgh. Bishop Lee of Delaware officiated at the ante-communion service. Bishop Herzeg (old Catholic) read the epistle and the bishop of Edin burgh read the gesple. The venerable Bishop Smith, of Kentucky, presided. At 4 o'clock the convention will be formally called te order. BALL AMD It AT. The Cricket Alatcli at Philadelphia. Cricket Grounds, Philadelphia, Oct. 6. The game started at 11:43, the Amer icans at the bat and Geerge Ncwhall and D. Merris at the wickets. Geerge was bewledj by Lane, ene wicket for no runs. Moere followed Geerge Newhall, and was quickly bowled out by Leng, two wickets ler no runs.' Merris was then run out, making thrce wickets for thirteen runs. Beth sides are playing twelve men. Law then went te the bat. K. S. New hall was clean bowled by Lane, four wickets for sevcuteen runs. R. Hargrave then went te the bat ; he was bowled out for six runs. C Newhall then went te the bat, aud was bowled by Lane for nothing, six wickets for forty-four runs. Clark next took the bat at 2 o'clock. When a recess was taken for dinner, the Americans had lest six wickets for seventy runs with Clark and Law in aud well set. Murderand Suicide at PettsviUe. Pottsville, Pa., Oct. C Charles Wil tlicw, a heater, returned home from his work shortly after eight o'clock this morn ing and shot his wife. He then shot and stabbed himself, dying from his wounds in a few moments. Mrs. Wilthew is net expected te recover. Her ante-mortem statement says that Wilthew had fre quently threatened te kill her. The couple have lived unhappily for the past few years, owing, it is said, te the wife's infidelity. The English Walking Match. Londen, Oct. 0. In addition te the pedestrians already mentioned, Bewel), Pegram, Heward and Deblcr, as having en tered for the contest for the Astlcy belt. Blewer Brown has entered and Little Weed, of Sheffield, will probably be al lowed te enter, notwithstanding that the entries formally closed en the 2d inst. Accidentally Killed by Ids Brether. Philadelphia, Oct, 6. Frank L. Wea ver, aged thirteen, was shot and killed this morning by his brother Henry, aged seventeen years, in a saloon 218 Seuth Eleventh street, where nenry was barten der. Deceased had stepped in te see his brother and while Henry was examining the pistol it was accidentally discharged. The ball struck Frank in the breast and he died seen afterward. Incendiary Fire. New Hamburg, N. Y., Oct. C An in cendiary fire here this morning destseyed several buildings, including the sheds, barn, large warehouse and dwelling of William Shay. The latter's less is $10,000. The ether losses ace in sums from $100 upwards. Total less, $17,000. Perte and Power. Paris, Oct. G. A telegram received from Vienna says the Turkish note is net acceptable te all the powers. The powers desire te maintain the European concert and await proposes from England. A blockade is mentioned as a probable meas ure of coercion. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washtsgtes, D. C, Oct. 6. Fer the Middle states clear or fair weather, aorth aerth west te southwest winds, stationary or slowly rising barometer, and no change in temperature. Strlklas; Workmen. On the 1st inst., a reduction of ten per cent, was made in the wages of the em em peoyes of the A. & W. Sprague manufac turing company, in Rhede Island. On Monday the empleyes in the Natick .mills struck, and the mills closed. An attempt te muuee tne empleyes et tne Arctic and Aquidneck mills te join the strike proved unsuccessful. Twe hundred and thirty-seven meulders employed at the stove works of Rathbone, Lord & Ce., in Albany, N. Y., struck yes terday. The strike threw 600 persons out of employment. It appears that the pre sident of the meulders' union, who is a foreman in the works, was fined five dollars for violation of some rule of the union. He refused te pay the fine; the men demanded his discharge; the firm refused; and hence the strike. The north header of the Sutro tunnel was abandoned en Monday night, and the force of 75 men empleyed there was dis charged. Various reasons are given for the withdrawal, the fact appearing te be that the work does net pay. Congressional Nominations. The following congressional nomina tions were made yesterday by the Demo crats : Sixteenth Pennsylvania district, David Kirk (also the Greenback nomi nee) ; Firs: Connecticut district, Geerge Beach, of Hartferd: Thirteenth New Yerk district. Colonel Edward L. Gaul ; First Massachusetts district, Charles G. Davis. The Grcenbackers of the Sixth Wiscon sin district yesterday nominated L. A. Stewart for representative in Congress. Leepold Merse has formally accepted the nomination offered him by a portion of the Democratic convention of the Fourth con gressional district of Massachusetts. Wm. Gasten was nominated by the ether fac tion R. W. Harris was re-nominated for Con gress yesterday by the Republicans of the Second Massachusetts district. Faithless Stewards. The U. S. grand jury at Trenten, N. J., yesterday found three indictments against Charles II. Voehris, congressman, for embezzling the funds of the Hackcnsack bank. The case of James A. Hedtlen, ex-cashier of the defunct Newark bank, was yester day postponed in the U. S. district court, at Trenten, N. J., until November term. R. G. Miller, city collector of New Bruns wick, N. J., was arrested en Monday en an indictment for embezzling $17,000 of the city's funds. He was placed under $10,000 bends. Courtney at the Oars. The race between Courtney aud Riley, fixed for yesterday at Ensenere, N. 'i ., did net come off, Riley failing te appear. Courtney rowed the three miles alone in 22 minutes, 28 seconds. It is announced that he will row te-day te beat the best recorded time-20 minutes, 14 seconds-for a purse of $1,000. An Immense AbyH. The largest casting ever made in the United States was turned out yesterday morning at the Black Diamond steel works, in Pittsburgh. It was an anvil block for a seventeen ten hammer, its weight being 1G0 tens. Five furnaces were built ex pressly te melt the iron, aud it took seven hours te run the metal. Five months must elapse before the mass is cool enough te handle. MAKKETS. Philadelphia Market. Philadslphia, OcL 6 Fleur steady. jniet; dupertlue $Z 7."):i 25 : extra 3!04 Ml; uhle ami Indiana family $5U05 7; Punn'n tuiutly deT00.r Zi : St. Leuis niniily at f.p Tttta 25; Minnesota family $5 0035 75; patent aud hili grades 758 25. Rye flour scarce at $5 00. Wheat easier : Ne. 2 Western Red f I OCFKtfi'l 0f ; Pa. Red $1CS10!; Amber $1 t'J. corn nnn en local scarcity ; steamer, none here ; yellow at 55c; mixed 51c. Oats quieter; Ne. 1, White 42c: Ne. 2 de 41c; Ne. 3 de 3940c ; Ne. 2, Mixed 393!)ku. Rye nuii't at !Uc. Previsions in easier Jobbing trade; mess perk $If 5017 00; bemr bams 1C 50017 00: In dian iii.-ss t.cct at $18 50 : smoked haunt IVH 12c; pickled hum H-J09c ; bacon siuelied shoulders 7c ; salt de 5c Lard linn ; city kettle at tKc ; loose butcl: er'88c; prline steam $8 75. Butter sluggish; Creamery extra 31Q 32c; de geed te choice 2830c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra. a;2Uc; Western reserve extra 2223c ; de kecmI te choice l';20c : Rellsqniet: Pt-nn'a extra 20023; Western re serve extra 2023c. Eggs steady; Penna Ex. 21 22c; Western Ex. 3!c. Cheese quiet and unchanged; New Yerk lull cream KfJJHc ; Western full cream 13l:c : de fair te geed liil'ia; de hair skims leytQ He Petroleum dnll ; refined at HJc. Whisky active and scarce at $1 12. Seed Geed te prime Clevr neglected at $7.'.08 00; Timethy dull at $2 75&2 SO: flax seed scarce at $1 30 for pure. Stock .Market October C. New Yere Stocks. Stocks strong and higher. A. M. A. X. P. if. Y. M. V. X 10:20 11:20 lv:10 1:20 3:00 iHOIHj J m m m a ifff& Erie R. R. ZKMi WZ S4 S .... 5c: fM.iM.n if & c, i el at ms ii.. Han.ftSt.J.C'ein X 38 38i 38AJ " " P'Id.... 82 KPi 81 Teledo & Wabash.... :s7 r77f 37 37 Ohie Mississippi.... 34 34. 34 33 St. Leuis, I. M. 1 S. R.. 50 514 31 . Wt Ontario and Western -i! 9i 2 UC.ftI.CU.lC 18'4 18!4 184 1 New Jersey Central.. 74li 1K 74 7. Del. & Hudsen Cunid. 81 85 85 85 Del.. uick.A Western flOJf WHi W 9e4 Western Union Tel... !7:J4 !M Pacific Mail S.S. Ce.. 42 42 41 41 Manhattan Elevated. 3 36 ::, Union Pacific Hn 8si 87. 8 Kansas & Texas ; .'K 35 New Yerk Central 131 Adams Express HC Illinois Central 112 Cleveland X Pitts 122 Chicago ft Reck 1 117 Pittsburgh A Ft. W. 121 American U. Tel. Ce Philadelphia. Stocks Irregular. Pennsylvania R. H.... 7ffli V W 13 MX 58 :4 Phil'a. A Reading..... 15 I.V, my ny i Lchigli Valley 52 52 52 52 Lehigh Navigation... 34 34 Ji 34 34 34 Northern Pacific Cem 27 2H' " P'd 52 28 V8 28 52 5tf 52 Pitts., Titusv'cA II.... lil lyi erinern central Phil'a A Erie R. R-... Northern Penn'a 4S 48 48 48 Un. R. R's of N. J 175 175 173 175 Hestenville Pass 1! W 19 19 Central Trans. Ce. Lecal stocks and Bends. Par Las val. sale. Lunc.CitvG per t. Lean, due l.STO... $100 tl'w.25 1882... 100 105 1885... ltt) 114 ' " 1890... 100 118.73 " ' 1805... 100 120 " 5 per cL In ler 30 years.. 100 105 Lane, and Quarryv'e R. IL bend.... 100 lOOAIn " " stock.... 50 3.25 Lancaster and Ephrataturnpike... 25 47.25 Lane , Ellzabetht'n and Middlet'n.. 100 51 Lancaster and Fruitville turnpike. SO 51 Lancaster and Lititz turnpike 25 58 Lancaster and Maner turnpike.... 90 92 Lancaster and Man helm turnpike. 25 30.46 Lancaster and Marietta turnpike.. 25 25 Lane, an J New Helland turnpike.. 100 85 Lane, and Strasburg turnpike-.... 85 30 Lane. andSnsquehanna turnpike.. SOU 375.25 Lane and Willow Street turnpike. 25 40.15 Farmers Nat. Bank el Lancaster... 30 100 First Nat. Bank of Lancaster loe 15S Lancaster County Nat. Bank 30 102.10 Inquirer Printing Ce 30 27 Lanc.Gaa Light and Fuel Ce. stock. 23 " " " bends. Me ft HVn 1J4 I J.54 34 JIV4 -ifi ISS 12 152 1514