rj-"5y' - -h "' " " ' fTT' -'4tJ1 '- V W?-'-4" LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. TUESDAY OCTOBER 5, 1880 COLUMBIA. NEWS. OUlt KUGULAU COUhESPONDENCE The Hancock Invincibles, under com mand of Captain W. Whiteficld Welsh, have sent elf for their uniforms adopted at a mcetiu;; held a few evenings since. The uniform consists of a tin helmet (like that adopted by Captain Fondersmith's Repub lican company), a blue flannel shirt with the letters H. and E. inscribed en the breast plate, white neckties, white belt and torch. . Te this will probably be added white yleves. The uniforms are expected here in a few days. The Vigilant fire company will held its "regular monthly meeting this evening and complete arrangements for the trip te Ilagerstewn, Md., en the 20th of the pre sent month. It will be ascertained hew many equipments are in the possession of members and hufliciencics will be supplied. Te-night in company H armory will be given by a special committee a "calico dress ball." The ministers of Columbia held a meet ing yesterday. A gipsy train passed through Colum bia yesterday, crossing the bridge into Yerk county. Justice Samuel Evans and Mrs. Evans have icturned from their visit te their daughter Miss Lilliu at West Chester. Itcv J. J. Russell, pastor of St. Peter's Catholic church, who has been traveling in Europe for the past couple of mouths, has icturned te Columbia. The Republican helmet company will parade te-niglit and the Republican bat talion to-ineirow night. Company II. was inspected last evening and the company court-martial met. The surface of the water at the Reading and Columbia coal shutes is en a level with tlie feet mark of the depth pest there planted. This is somewhat of a rise in the river. During most of last night we had rain, but the present indications are that the weather will clear. The Pennsylvania railroad company yes terday morning commenced selling tickets te the Yerk county agricultural fair. The tickets are geed until October 9. The illncs of Mr. P. S. Brugh, the diuggist, stil! confines him te his resi dence. Mr. J. C. Gitt, the Pennsylvania canal company's collector at the locks at this place, has been very ill during the past few days. He is new se far recovered as te be able te be en the street. A party of fishermen from down tewaids Lancaster left heie en the Pert Deposit toad at ll:l."i te-day. Locust street, between Sixth aud Sev enth, is being macadamized. Fisher & Sen, of Norwood, are furnishing tire stone. W. F. LeckaitUs mausoleum in Mount IJethel cemetery is slowly Hearing comple tion. The workmen are new employed in building the walls which will be finished in a couple of weeks, when the inside work will be commenced. The Wrightcr mau-' solemn, te be built when Mr. Leckard's is completed, will net be as line a struc ture. liass arc being caught in unusually large numbers, lie is a peer fisherman indeed who cannot manage te hook one of these gaiiH fish in a day's trial. Jeseph Gerlitzki. Steinman & Ce. fur nished, the plate glass and it was put in by Geerge W. Brown, who also did the painting, oiling aud varnishing. The marble base upon which the new front rests, was furnished by Mr. Charles Mack Mack insen, marble mason. Mr. Kinzlcrmay congratulate himself, net only en having one of the largest and finest supplies of beets and shoes ever ex hibited in Lancaster, but also en having one of the most complete and attractive sales-rooms in the city. m Prof, Uuilmette's French Kidney Pad is the greatest discovery of the century for the cure of all diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and urinary organs, In both male ani female. De. Beowxise's Tonic and Alterative is the popular liloed Purifier, Tonic, etc., because it is made by a Regular Graduate et Medicine, Is tbe result et scientific research, is accurately and elegantly compounded, wonderfully effi cacious, is taken in very small doses, and is pure, clean, and pleasant te the taste. Price 50 cents and $1. Fer sale by the Proprietor. W. Champien Crowning, M. 1., HIT Arch Street, Philadelphia, and all Druggists. el-lwdTThAS XEW AHTEBTIH KMT.XTS. ' They cannot all lie," was the observation of one while reading the endless testimonials te " Dr. Lindsay's Weed Searcher." It is inlal-lible. Grand Kally. Cheap excursion te Beading en Saturday. Octobers. Fare for the round trip only 81.23 Train leaves Lancaster (King Street) at 7:55 a. m. and Columbia at 7:55 a. ni. Tickets geed te return en any train. Grand Democratic parade at 1 p. All clubs are invited te attend. Governer Gee. B. McCfclIan, W. U. Ilensel and ethers will speak. Fer particulars see circu lars at stations. e2.4,3,8Altw Amusements. Jeffersen in "The Rival'' Te-night. Mr. Jeseph J cllcren will te-night appear at Ful ton opera house in his latest succcsslul role, Beb Acres, in Brinsley Sheridan's famous comedy "The Rivals," and the event will be a notable one in the present season. The New Yerk 7'ri&unc,speaking of Mr. Jeffersen's com pliance at last with the general public desire that he should appear in some ether part than Hip Van Winkle, says : "He has net tired et liis old character any mere than the public has tired et it ; but be has felt the mental need of a change, and he lias recognized the claims of the new generation of play-goers upon that versatility of art, aud these resources of lac ully anil humor, which gave enjoyment te theatrical audiences of an earlier time, and which laid the basis ei his professional re nown." The cast comprises Jeffersen as Beb Acres, Frederick Koblnsen as Sir Antheny Absolute, Mrs. Jehn Drew as Mrs. Malaprep, Mr. Maurice Itarryiiiere as Captain Absolute, Mr. Charles Waverly as Kir Lvcius O' Trigger, Miss llesa Hand as Lydia Languish, Mi.-s Adlnc Stephens as Lucy, Mr. II. F. Tayler as Falkland, Mr. Themas Jeffersen (second son of the comedian) as Fag, and Mr. J. Galloway as David. Will Positively be Sold en Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, en the premises en the Mlllersvillcplkc,tlial valuable property with five acres el land, mere or les , with all improvements, belonging te II. G. Lippe. 2td Their Rights and Duties by Law. I have suffered irem a kidney difficulty for the past ten years, accompanied with nervous snasms. Physicians gave me but temporary relief, but alter using three and one-half bot tles of Warner's Sale Kidney and Liver Cure, my nervous spasms were entirety relieved. My age i;77 year.-.. 1 recommend thLs great rem. edy te all suffering from nervous troubles. MBS. MAKYKEESE. Eaiiten. Pa. 4 Help te Zllethers Nursing Infants. It ! a con ceded fact that mothers who have the care, anxiety and draught et nursing in lants, are weak and need the aid et some strengthening tonic te make np the nourish ment required ler the growth of the child. Ale, porter ami lager beer have often been re commended. Of late, since physicians have become aware-that the Pert Grape Wine pro duced by All red hpeer, et Pas-ale. X. J., Is strictly pure, they have prescribed It instead of ale and porter. This wine is principally sought for by metheis who have nursing in fants at the breast, as the best supplying medi cine te be leuml. The wine is rich in body nnd net intoxicating, but gently stimulating. Druggists generally keep it. Enquirer. This wine is emleised by Dis. Atlce and Davis, and sold by ii. H. Slaymakcr. el-2wd&w We have just placed en exhibition an invoice of OIL PAINT INGS of varied subjects and rare merit. Among them will be found a number of Original Game Panel Fieces by Meucci. Origi nals and Copies by Gaetagnela and ether Artists; Figure, Fruit and Bird Pieces, Neapolitan Character Studies, &c., &c. The public are cordially invited te call at our store and in spect them. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. THIRD EDITION TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 5, 1880. OVER THE OCEAN. FLOOD, FLAME AND FAMINE. SAD RECORD OF CASUALTIES. LAYCOCK WINS THE BOAT RACE. DEATH OF THE AUTHOR OF "MARTHA." 31 uzzliug Speech and lres. HOME NEWS. Nutrition improved, strength restored disear-e arrested by Malt Uittcrs. and While the Acids we're reaming ever, Breathing new-mown hay and cloirer, We'll think of her, as is our went. Whose teeth and breath arc, eveiy day. White as white clever sweet as hay. And all from using SOZODONT. ol-lwdced&w The only medicinal soap adapt' shaving Cuticura Shaving Seap. eil te cay Kckihtlnir an Officer. Between 1 and 2 o'eleck this morning Ofliecr Ceylc nicked up Mary Sherlock, a i well-known street-walker, in the Pentisyl-1 vania railroad depot. She resisted arrest, i and in her resistance was assisted by Gee. Hele, otherwise known as " lleggy ': Kote The eflicer called for assistance, and Jacob Hcline responded. After considerable struggling, during which Miss Sherlock severely bit the efliccr's hand and Hcliuc's arm, tlie woman and " Ileggy " were se cured and taken te the lock-up. This morning they had a hearing and Mayer MacGeniule committed the woman for SO POLITICAL BULLETIN. Fur Assembly. The name el WILLIAM McCOMSEY, of the First ward, will be presented te the Demo cratic electors et Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate for As sembly, under Democratic rules. EI.IM (J. SNYIIEB, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub ject te Democratic rules. td I'UI.ITiCAL MEETINGS. davs and the man for 25 days. This afternoon shortly after 2 o'clock lletc was taken before. Judge Patterson en a writ of habeas corpus with a view te his discharge. Fur want of time the judge declined te hear the case before next Sat urday afternoon at 15 o'clock. West Marietta Club. The Hancock voters have organized i club in West. Marietta. The fifty names en the roll will be increased at the next meeting. The eilicei selected are as fol fel lows : President Aaren Seurbeer. Vice President Benjamin F. Shields. Secretary Isaac G. Iiineman. Treasurer 1 lenry Fletcher. Captain S. AV. Price. First Lieutenant Geerge Paules, jr. Second Lieut. Geerire Clinten. Oidcily Serge mt Jehn M. Campbell. Eighth IVurd. Mated meeting of the Kighth ward llaueeek club te-morrow (Tuesday) evening at 7 o'cleek at DiehlV saloon, High street. Fourth Ward. There will ben meeting et the Fourth rd eliib en te-morrow (Tuesday) evening at S o'eleck. The ticienth Yi'ard Hancock Club meet regularly every Wednesday evening at Yi o'clock, sharp. Headquarters at Kuhlman's sidoen. Ilecklaml street. Full attendance de-.-ircd. A Meeting el the Yeung Men of the Kighth ward who will cast their first vote for Hancock and English will be held :il DUshi's saloon en Wednesday avening at T o'clock. Welsh Mountain Inn. Tii-ceunty meeting Wednesday uttcrnoeii aud evening, Oct. (!. Speakers, K. 11. Wlegand, of Beading ; 15. J. Menaghau, of West Chester ; i:. McCaa, i!. V. Davis, D. MeM alien, J. M. Walker. .T. L. Steinmetz, W. 17. Hcn-cI, Iteland, .Inc. H. II. Dellaven. Falmouth, Friday evening, October?. Speaker: s, ShadlK, W. H. Reland. At MeuutviWc i en Monday, October 11. Spcakeis: .lehn lerncy, J. Luther Illngwult, E. McCaa. J. Try Leehcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. Mether: JHetiiers:: Mothers:!! Are you di.stitihcd at night and broken el your ret by a sick child sullering and crying with the ecruci.aing pain et cutting teeth? I! mp. go at once and getabettlc of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little Mill'erer immediately depend upon it: theic is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the beucN. aud give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cas.es, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and lie-tlcuiale physicians and nurses in the United Staies. Sold everywhere 23 cent-a bottle. (ilT-Hd&wM.W&S Poverty and Suilciiiig. "I v.as dragged down with debt, poverty aud sullering ler years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did them no geed. 1 was completely di-ceuraged, until one year age, by the advice of my pastor, I procured Hep Hitters aud commenced their use, and in one month we were all well, and none el us have seen a sick day since, and 1 want te pay te all peer mcn,yeu can keep your familic ; well a year with Hep Uittcrs ler lees than one doctor's vi-it will cost. A Working man." 2d 1'retcct the Little Ones, l'aeTKCT the Liitlk Oxks ti em the often latnl consequences of croup, with Df, Themas' Ee leetric Oil. it U the king et all cough medicine as well a apeeiless remedy for rheumatism, lame back, sprain, bruies.Yuts. piles, kidney troubles, etc. Take it inwardly and apply out ward! v. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, di uggist, 137 and I3!i North Queen street, Lancaster. 30 The State 'lux. Yestculay County Treasurer GrelY vis ited Harrisburg aud covered into the state treasury ever 61G,000. including balances due from 18-0, which, added te $20,000 previously paid and ever $20,000 paid for licenses, makes about $60, 000 paid by Lancaster county en account of state taxes during the year. Eje Injured. Jeseph Jenes, residing en Church street and employed at. the Penu ironworks, was severely injured yesterday by having a piece of steel strike him in the eye, whcie it still remains. w. w. w. L. Ceuglis. ' Jlreivn's Bronchial Troches"" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer thirty years these Troches have been in use, with annually increasing laver. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant, use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the fe w staple reined ie of tiieage. The Tlt eat. '' Jlreicn'i Bronchial Ttechcs"1 act directly en tlie organs of the voice. They have an ex traordinary effect iuall disorders of Iho Threat aud Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, either irem eeld or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a clcaraud distinct enunci ation. Speakers and Hinijcrs lind the Troches useful. A Cough, Celli, Catarrh ei .eie Threat re quires Immediate attention, as neglect olten elten timc results in some incurable Lung Disease. Browni Bronchial Troches" will almost in in variaely give relief. Imitations are offered ter sale, many el winch are injurious. The genu ine " Brain? Bronchial Troches" are sold enl: in liej.es. iunl.-i-lyil&wTu.ThAS F. Davis, W. 17. Hcmtcl and Win. J. W. Ferney E. Ritchie. E. 13. Speakers : Till; EAST END. Attractions in That Locality. Among the many splendid views of beautiful landscape about our geed cily none compares in extent and richness with that from the reservoir location, looking north, south, cast and west, taking in the city and many square miles of our most highly cultivated rural districts. Just new, when the early autumn is tinging the foli age with bright colors, the beauties of this view are greatly enhanced, and it is avcII weith a walk out that way te see what a gladsome picture is displayed te the en raptured view en every hand. The tide of improvement tee surges toward the East End and the development made in that direction in the past decade is something marvelous. Fiein St. Antheny's church te Witmcr's bridge there has been a steady and uninterrupted inarch of progress and while scores of substantial publie and private buildings have been erected, new streets laid out, pavements aud gutters laid, gas and water exlcndedjthcre has been a steady rise in the value of properly and a grow ing appreciation of the desirability of locating houses in that neighborhood. Mr. Clark's sale of lets last fall grcatly stimulated this growth, aud purchasers then lind themselves in possession of lucky investments. The 18S0 sale comes off this week and is likely te be well attended. A ilamlsome Improvement. Fer some time past workmen have been engaged in putting a new front in Fred crick Kinzlcr's brick building, Xes. 1G1 and 1G3 North Queen street, and occupied by Mr. Kinzlcr as a hoot and shoe store. The work is new finished and the building is one of the most attractive en the street. The new front is of the Queen Anne style of architecture, the weed-work being of solid ash of very fine grain, of chaste design and elaborately carved. The windows and doers arc filled with immense plates of heavy French glass as clear as crystal, showing te fine advantage the stock of goods inside. Philip Dinklebcrger, the builder had the contract for making the new front, which was designed by Mr. Frederick Dinkle bcrger of New Yerk. The woodwork was supplied by Messrs. Urban & Burger, the carving, having been done by Mr. W.R. Wilsen. R. Garninu, II. D. Speakers: K. Mc W. V. Ilcnftcl. steinmetz, IJ, 15. Given. At QmtrrytlMc Tuesday, October li Speakers: I. Lnlher Ringwalt, Cel. Jehn "McCaa and etliers. New Helland. Wednesday afternoon, Oct Hen. Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther Ringwalt, Cel. Jehn II. Ritchie, K. McCaa, et Alabama, Gen. H. Kyd Douglas, Win. II Reland. Win. R. Given and ethers. In Lancaster en Tuesday evening, Oct. 12. Speakers: Jehn W. Feiney, J. Luther Ringwalt, Gen. II. Kyd Douglas aud ethers. Millport, East Lampeter Twp. Thursday evening, October 14. Speakers: ii F. Davis. .1. L. Steinmetz, E. D. North. W. IT. Hcnsel, J. A. Ceylc. Ilewinaiisvilic. Friday evening, October 13. Speakers Hen. D. Ermciitreut, el Reading: McMullen, W. II. Reland, J. Mehler. Lititz. Friday evening, October IS. Caa, E. R. Wiegand, IJ. F. Davis, Mayteivn. Saturday evening, October 1. Speakers : W. V. Hcnsel, D. McMulleu. 91c Call's Verry. Cli. OiUeman's hotel, Saturday alternoeu and evening, October 10. Speakers: Hen. J. L. Steinmetz. E. D. North, R.B. Risk. Strasburg. Saturday evening, October 1. E. McCaa, it F. Davis, W. II. Iteland, Jehn A. Ceylc. .Midway. Tuesday evening, October 19. Kirkwood. ThutMlay afternoon and evening, October 21. Kphrata. Friday afternoon and evening, October 'ii. Hen. E. K. Apgar and ethers. Lancaster. Frldaj evening, October 22. Speakers: Hen. E. K. Apgar and ether:. Balnbridge. Saturday, October 23. Keamstetvn. Tuesday, October 25. Speakers: son, J. L. Steinmetz, J. A. Ceyle. Lancaster. Wednesday evening, Oeteber Hen. S.-T. Randall. Christiana. Wednesday. October 27,alteriioen and evening. Intercourse. Thursday evening, October 2S. Arousing its Headers. An alarm of llre at midnight is a startling thing, but net hall se etartling te many who hear it a- would be the sudden knowledge et their own dangerous physical condition. Thousand-, ei" thousands aie hurrying te their graves because they are carele-sly indifferent te the insidious inroad- el disease and the means el cuic. It is the mi-si'.m of II. 11. Warner &: Ce., with their Sate Kidnev and Liver Cine, te arouse men ten sense et their danger and then eme tiieui. Jlimpliis Appeal. JHAMtZAOES. ' - -- Hestcttki; Rkist. On Monday, October t, at Lecu-t Heme, the residence et tlie bride's parents, by the Rev. Jes. Shcirich, assisted by Rev. I. A. Dewman, Henry F. Hostetter, of Oregon. Man heim township, te Clai a, daughter el Levi . ReSt, e-ii.. of Warwick township. ltd&w JVi'ir ADVERTISEMENTS. IKKOEITE SHIPMENTS OF KLUt, Points, Cape Mays and Cote Oysters every day by express, thus enabling mctesnpplv famllles with Fresh Oysters at all times. 0. W. ECKERT, ltd- 123 East King Street. DISSOLUTION OF FAHTNEKSHIP. Netice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between n. 15.. L. B. and J. M. Keiper anil A. . Smith, trading nndcj- the firm name et II. II. KEIPER, SMITH & CO., has by mutual consent this day been dissolved In the luture the business will be conducted by J. M. Keiper ami A. B. Smith, under the firm name or Keiper & Smith J.M. KEIPER, ltd A. B. SMITH. 100 tens et Rags W anted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. il CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAOS. 3,'i CENTS PER POUND FOR WHITE RAGS. The highest price paid ler Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, &c. Ten Rag Aserters wanted, te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, v9-t id U 1 -!.an caste r. Pa AM USEMEA'TS. rsrsBcrrr. TULTON OPERA HOUSE. POSITIVELY ONB NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1880. i JOSEPH JEFFERSON BOB ACRES, In Sheridan's Famous Comedy of THE EIVALS. Presenting the following GREAT CAST : PU1ILIC SALE. On MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1R8, will be sold at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, that valuable three-story BRICK DWELLING and let el ground, situated ou the east side of North Lime street Ne. 307. The house contains hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen ou first fleer, live rooms en second lloer, and two rooms en third lloer; also a Frame Summer kitchen. Let rnus In depth te a fourteen feet wide alley. The house has all the modern im provements, such as gas, het and cold water bath and water closets aud furnace in the celler te heat the whole house. This Is a per fect house nil through. One half the purchase money can remain in the property for a number of years. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., of said day, when conditions of sale will be made known by C. A. REECE, II. SHUBtnT, And. ent2-3tdR Carpets! Wall Papers. bd THE LARGEST STOCK? THE CITY. IX TI1E FINEST ASSORTMENT. THE LOWEST PRICE-. H 5j WALL PAPERS, Ph carpets. -; ep B' czi Sharp Railroad Swindling Haysa's Pere grination, etc. Mrs. Jehu Drew as Mrs. Malaprep Mr. Fred Robinson as Sir Antheny Mr. I'hiis. Waverly us Sir Lucius Mr. M. JJarrvmere as t'apt. Absolute Miss Resa Rand us Lydia Luniiish Seals may new be seemed at Yccker's Ful ton Opera Heuse. el,'i,l ."d EOJi SALE. J70K SALK-AS KIUHT-UOUSE-rOWKK ? Engine and Beiler, all complete and in geed working order. It may be seen running at Peters & Shirk's new cotton mill, en Pine street. Fer terms apply te either HENRY B AUMGARDNER or J. G. PETERS, fel-lwd PUnLIC SALE OF KL'AL ESTATK. On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1&0, at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, will be sold a two-story BRICK DWELLING, with two-story Brick Back Building, containing fieven (7) rooms, with gas, situated at Ne. 2( Plum street. The let irents 17 ieel i inches by 01 feet. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. ni , when terms will be made known by HENRY HERSHEY. S. Hess & Sex, Aucts. . ect'J-lSul PUBLIC SALE. On SATURDAY', OCTOBER 'J, ill be sold at the Leepard Hetel, a valuable three-story Brick Dwelling and two-story Brick Buck building, containing 11 rooms; also a Brick Building and Frame Shed Heuse, Ne. 412 East King Street. Let fronts 3i feet, i4 inches ; in depth 215 feet te a 14 leet wide public alley. Hydrant in the yard. Fruit Tree-". &c. Sale te commence at 7 o'eleck p. m.. w lien conditions u ill be made known by HENRY SIIUBERT, ect2-7td Auctioneer. 1ST SEATUS. Baku. In East Lampeter, et. I. Hsn, Mrs. Anna liarr, w Mew of tlie late Christian Batr, in the S!d year el her age. The relatives and friends :ne respectfully invited te attend her funeral en Thursday morning, at ! o'clee".;, irem the residence el her son-in-law, Peter '. I.andis. Services at the house. 8td . Mii.lku. October !, isv, :it Cliamlicrshnrg, Pa.. Georjre A. Milh r, lerui.'ily el this city, in ids Bid year. The lclatives and friend aie rcspecttully in vited te attend lite funer,:! from the residence of his brethei'. Jehn F. Leng, Ne. 123 East Orange street, en Wciluesday. the nth iunt., at :!:"0 p. in. ltd XEW Alt FEBTISEMEA'TS LUNCH. I will have a Pauer Kraut Lunch to-iner-row irem 10a. in. te 2 p. m. Alse tiarbcy's cel ebrated Beer en tap, at Franke's Garden". All aiis rc.-peetluliv invited, ltd JOHN HESS. W. R. AYil- Speakcr : SPECIAL HOT IVES. .iiMKnrr; w bmm SAMPLE NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman after a faithlul course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkliam,,2j53 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jj-29-lydeed&w Have you headache, pain in tbe back, coated tongue, or dizziness? If se, take "Sellers' Liver Pills," and be cured. Fraud. Tens of theusauds of dollars are squandered yearly upon traveliug Quacke, who go irem town te town professing te cure all the ills that our peer humanity is heir te, why will net the public learn common sense, and if they are sullering from Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, invest a dollar in Spring Blessem, sold by all druggists and endorsed by the laculty. Prices, 50c, trial bottles, l()c. Fersalcjby H.B. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and i: Neith Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. 29 no Ti TREILLY & KELLER . . run GOOD. CLEAN FAMILY COAL, and all ether kinds ni' Ceal. Juality aud quantity guaranteed. Manure by the car lead at Philadelphia stock yard prices. :' Yard, Harrisburg Pike. Olh'ce,20)5 East Chestnu' street. , augl7-tfd GILT CORNICES. " J WALNUT CORNICES, q Walnut Curtain Poles, h Ebony Curtain Poles, ' Ash Curtain Poles. ft - fc m Ph Ph e Window Shades, Piim'.Y Dade Sliailcs, FFXTTTKES. Queensware, Decorated Ware, Majolica Ware, GLASSWAKE. en e w 09 i B CD w CD CD c-r- fcH go eri CD go "PUKLIC SALE OF CITY KES1DK.NCE. . On "Wednesday, October 6, 1880, at the Leepaid Hetel, en East King street, will be sold a three-story BltlCK DWELLING with two-story back building and wash-house attached, situate Ne. 148 East Walnut street, containing hall nnd nine rooms, bath room with water closet, Ac. heater in cellar. Kange, het and cold water in kitchen and bath room, gas throughout, and the chandeliers and fix tures remain. Tlie let is 2UJxl2i leet, extend ing te the alley. Te view the premises call en Heir & StaulTer, Ne. 3 N. Duke street. Sale te commence at 7:30 p. m., when terms will be made known by SAMUEL KENEAGY. II. Shubciit, Auet. s35 27,:HMfcect2,.'S,; E XKCUTOISS' SALE Of CITY PlCOI- the uudersiirued executers of Henry Steiaer- walt, deceased, will expose te sale, at 7 o'clock p.m., at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, a Let or Piece et Ground, situated ou the east sine ni seuiii t;ueen street, m tue eitv el Lan caster, Ne. 303. Said let containing in front, en sulil Seuth Queen street, 17 feet and 4 inches, and extending in depth of that width eastward te Strawberry street, whereon is erected a geed two-story-and-a-half D1UCIC DWELL ING HOUSE, with a two-story Back Building attached. Hydrant, Fruit Trees, and ether im provements thereon. Tarnis made known at time of sale by MICHAEL F. STE1GEUWALT, WM. B. STEIGEBWALT, Executers of Henry Steigcrwalt, dee'd. Ilt.MtV SlIUBEUT, Auct. s.'Ul-e 1,7.11,1 1 TTCKCUrOKS' !ALK Of CITY I'KOP- JLJ EKTIES. The undersigned executers of Michael Malene, deceased, will cxpee te sale en THUUSD AY, the 14th day el OCTOISEK. at 7 o'clock p. in., at the Cadwell Heuse, the fel lowing l.'eal Estate, viz : Ne. 1. A Letet Ground en the N. E. corner of Orange and Shippcu .streets, withalrontnge of 40)$ leet, mere or less, en Orange street, ainl along Sbipneu street nerthw ard 215 leet te a public alley, en which is erected a commodi ous and well built Mansion, Ne. 3U1, two-stories high with two story back building, all in geed repair; also en rear of let a two-story brick stable and ether improvements. Ne. 2. A Piece et Ground en North Lime street, west side, between Orange ud Chestnut streets, containing in lrent en Lime street 37 M1SVMLLAXXOU3. K'AXTEIK jAxrr.n.- CEn. who wan f tlse, tn-e el charge, in the Ixtkllieex kvi:kyi:edy te adveic S'lim-tiiing te de. LAltOK WANTED. FOUR GOOD CUK riers en Harness Leather. Apply te or address KEYSTONE TANNERY. (J. Kifc & Bre.), ! ect5-3td-t!.8 Middlctewn, Dauphin Ce., Pa. ;i AT THIS OFFICE -ITTANTI of the Weeklt lCTrxLieExcEit of tin lowing dates : COPIES fel- ia:. i, isse, JULY 5. lii!). Ifd TT7AMfeD GOOD CIGAIt MAKERS AND f Stripper. Geed prices wi 11 be paid te oed workmen. Apply at thep, 227 North prince street. ltd DAVID G. IIIUSH. WAMl't.U-A lUU.Nti UlUIi WANTS A situation in a small family te de up stairs work. XTTANTED A OUNO MAN' WANTS A VV situation at which lie can make himself generally useful. Apply tit Ne. 23 North Mary street. 100 HANDS FOR CROCHET. sirec ltd TirAXTEl) VV ING. Appl v at 2.t3 East Chestnut sirect. WA ANTED 1SY A MIDDLE AGED MAN ;i position as book-keeper or something at which he can make himsclt useful. Apply at 237 Fulton street. Orrici: ok the Maiiest Mutual Life Asse-) CIATIOX OF SU.INSGROVK, IA. $ WANTED-GOOD, ACTIVE, RESPONSI ble Agents in each township of the county et Lancaster. Apply in hand writing of Applicant te the Heme Office. L. K. HUMMEL, Sec'y. Selinsgrevc, Snyder county, Pa., iSeptember 17.1SSO. scplfrlnuuWtw! A STRAY MULE WAS FOUND ON THE J. Herse Shee Kead, Lancaster county. Pa., en Saturday, September 30. The owner can have the mule bv proving property ami pay ing all expenses, and it net called ler In tun dnvs will b etlcred at public sale by II. WALTZ, 2td 526 West King street, Lancaster. "PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. X. On October 1, 1SS0. Gorrecht & Ce., dealers in coal, dissolved partnership. All claims must be handed In at once, and all collections will bs made by the undersigned, who will continue the business. 4td KEILLT & KELLER. INSTATE TirOHN TOMLINSON, LATE l of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate pay ment, aud these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned. KOBEKT FAULDING. " KOBEKT TOMLINSON, Executers. W. A. Wilsex, Attorney, septWJtdeaw feet, mere erlcv, and in depth westward CI Ltienalists in the Ttciclmr-itli will mf niirln iect4Js inches, en i which is erected a two-story p,eu'l,1 ln lllL ncn.nsi.uii will set aside Brick dwelling. Ne. 12S, with its improvements. Ne. 3. A Piece of Ground en south side et Ea.-t Chestnut street, near Duke, containing in front 2.J lect and extending in depth south ward 6fi feet, en which is erected a three-story Brick Dwelling, Ne. it, with brick building at tached, furnished with water and sewerage. Terms made known at time of sale. EDWARD McGOVERN, WM. L. PE1PER, JAMES M. BUIUSE, Executers of Michael Malem-, dee'd. Hexrt SuuBEtrr. Auct. sepl7-2wdeedJtdts T YALUADLE REAL ESTATE AT PRI VATE SALE. Is offered at private sale all that valuable property situated in West Lampeter township, known as "Keclry Springs," containing 27 ACRES, mere or less, et which about 22 Acres is fertile farm land, und the remainder weeds, being the well known Picnic Grounds, en which are erected a large Twe-story alatc-roef BRICK DWELL ING, with a TwoHBtery slate-reef Brick Back Building, and a large and commodious Barn, new Tobacco Shed, Heg Sty. Cern Crib, and ether outbuildings. Alse contains a thriving young Apple Orchard and a large spring et never-lailiug water. The farm land U lertile, well-watered and especially adapted te raising tobacco, and tbe weeds has long been a popu lar picnic ground, with a large dancing plat plat lerm, tables, benches, etc. Being situated within a mile of Lancaster city limits, it is easT el access te markets, stores, et. Fer t terms apply te .UKS. UA111A1UAJJ lillOOUCli, 180 East King street, Lancaster, Pa. .29-3tdWS&S UIK EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE ON 120 valuable and attractive buildim; lets advertised te take place en thcCth, 7th and stli el ucteuer, lfesw, at o'cieck p. m. et each day, in the beautiful East End. en Clark's eastern -addition te Lancaster city. Pa., is attracting general attention, anil judging irem tlie gieat interest already lelt in it in all directions, will be very largely attended by all these wishing lovely homes, withnppaicnt certainty of ob taining great bargains certain te rapidly ad vance m price and become a splendid specula tion. These 120 elcsrant lets are elevated, ac cessible, healthy, are en East King and East Orange streets, two of the main streets through the city, and in the midst of and overlooking one et the loveliest spots en earth, in the im mediate vicinity of tiie best schools, colleges, churches, amusments and society, with water and gas at hand. Te persons desirous of love ly homes at low rates, mcrchantser mechanics or men of leisure, this is an unusual oppor tunity and should net be le-t sight of. There are hundreds of persons even,-where (men and women) who have a capital chance te obtain a home and health and intellectual quiet almost for nothing, with certainty of a large advance for their investment at any ti me in case they de sire te speculate en their investment, it is certainly an unusual occurrence te find a spot anywhere combimmrse many desirable quali ties, se well calculated te give these embark ing in it such unusual satisfaction. Fer $25 cash one of these lets can be obtained and a live years' credit allowed ler the balance of fmrchasc money. Omnibuses leave the court ieusc every twenty minutes free of charge te all desirous et attending the sale. Hexkt SuuEEttT, Auctioneer. sen21,25.30&ect2,5 Reut Race en tne Thame. Londen, Oct., 3. The match betwaen Elias C. Laycock, the Australian sculler, and Themas Blackhain of Dulwick, for 200 ever the Thames championship course, from the aqueduct te the ship, a distance of four and a quarter miles, came elf this afternoon and was easily wen by the Australian. It was a very geed race as far as Ham mersmith bridge, but from there Laycock pulled right away from Blackmau. Here Laycock, who was en the Middlesex side, was one length ahead, and both were row ing strongly and well. Blackmail stepped rowing altogether and cave up the race at the feet of Chiswick Eyet, a few hun dred yards further en. Disastrous Floods in luillu. Londen, Oct. 4. A dispatch from Cal cutta te the Times says : Heavy rains have caused disastrous floods in Rehilcund, Bengal. Many lives have 'been lest and tlie crops have becu much injured. An English Merchant's Failure. Londen, Oct. 5. The failure is an nounced of Frederick Wilkinson, yarn spinner at Heywood. His liabilities are stated at i"(i5,000. Fire in the Leuvre. P.vitis, Oct. 5. The lire at the Leuvre en Saturday night damaged property te the extent of one million francs. Oti'enbiicli the Composer Dead. Londen, Oct. 3. Jacques Offenbach, composer, died in Paris at 3 o'clock this morning in his sixty-first year. Won't Pay Rent. Londen, Oct. 5. Mr. Parnell addressed a meeting of ten thousand persons at Kil kenny en Saturday last. Nine members of Parliament and fifty priests were pies, cut. He announced that as seen as suffi cient information had been collected the Land League would organize a great strike against paying rent en the estate of every rack renting landlord. Famine In Russia. Londen, Oct. 5. The St. Petersburg correspondents of the Times bays reports of dearth and poverty fill the Russian papers from all parts of the interior, par ticularly from the governments of Teir, Vladimir, Samara and Sarater. The grana ries at Tagawag are rapidly emptying their stores for consumption in the interior of the country. -' FREE SPEECH AND FREE PRESS. IIw They are Rridled en tlie Other tii'le of the Water. Londen, Oct. 3. A dispatch from Paris te the Times says the communists, MM. Blauqui, Felix Pyatt and Henri Rochefort, were te speak at tke meeting that was te have been held at the Cirque Fernande en Sunday last te pretest against intervention in the J'ast. Hie government refused permission for holding the meeting en the ground that whereas peace is in no degree imperilled, the public would have regard ed the meeting as proof of the cxistence of fears of war, and as government license was necessary the government would have been held partially responsible for what ever had been uttered. A Vienna dispatch te the Times say h: Seme sensation was caused here en the 2d inst. by the confiscation of most of the evening paper. containing a resolution which was te be proposed at a meeting of Constitutionalists, te be held en the 3d inst. at Carlsbad. The scmi-efiicial, journal, the Abend Pest, was exempt from the court -catien. The resolution condemns the r.c'.ien of the government as dangerous te the unity of the empire and the legitimate position of the German clement in Austria, and expresses the hope that the Censtitu- every thing else te combat the government. It also proposes a general meeting of Con stitutionalists in Vienna. S AS FITTING AND PLUMBING. JOHN P. SCHAUM, Xe. 27 SOUTH QUEEX STREET, LANCASTER, PA., PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. A Large Assortment ei GAS FIXTURES' DWINDLING A RAILROAD. The Sharp Game Played by a Ouartet of Oincialv Denvek, Colerado, Oct. 3. Systematic robbery which has been going en for sometime has been discovered en the Kan sas Pacific read, and the principal con spirators, three conductersand a baggage master, have been arrested. The scheme was te sell bogus tickets, cautioning pur chasers te take only certain trains, by which means the passengers were taken through te Kansas City under the supervi sion of the three conductors engaged in the conspiracy. llujcs iu tlie Far Northwest. San Francisce, Oct 3. R, B. Hayes and party arrived at "Walla Walla, Wash ington Territory yesterday. They will re turn te Dallas, Oregon en Wednesday. A despatch from Portland says Hayes and his party te-day left Vauceuvers en the steamer Widcwavc and proceeded up the Columbia liver te Dallas. Along the river the residents greeted the party in a cordial manner. At the Cascades Mr. Hayes was greeted by the mayor and the common council of Dallas. WEATHKK INDICATION . Washington, D. C, Oct. 5. Fer tb Middle states areas of rain, followed by clearing weather, with slightly lower tem perature, stationary or 6lewly falling bar bar emeter, northerly. winds shifting te west erly and southerly. -t MAMKETS. "PnHadelpbla market. Pbiladkltkia. Oct. 5 Fleur steady. quiet; superfine $2 JQ2 23: extra 3 30g4 00; Obit and Indiana family S500t 73 ; Penn'a tamily de $5 0035 25 ; St. Leuis tamily at tS SOtttS 23; Minnesota family S3 COgS 73; patent and bteb grades $G75SS 25. Rye flenrat S3 00. Wheat Arm: Ne. 2 Western Red SI 091 09& ; Pa. Red iiecm it); Amber $1 10. Cern firm for local use; steamer, 3253c: yellow at 5ic;mlxed S3Kc. Data higher, with geed Inquiry : Ne. 1. Whita 4212Kc; No.2de4l$lIKc; Ne. 3 de040Hc: Ne. 2, Mixed 330Uc. KyeatOJc. Previsions in easier Jobbing trade : mes perk 16 5031700; beef hams 17001S00; In dian m.3 beet at SIS 30 ; smoked hams 110 12c; pickled hams 9IOc ; bacon smoked shoulders G)ic ; salt de 66lc. Lard firm ; city kettle at !c : loose butch crs'868!c; prime steam S 50 8 55. Butter auiet. but easy; rcrcamery extra 31Q32c; .de geed te choice ai30c ; Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 2629e; Western reserve extra 2223e ; de geed te choice 16920c Kells quiet: Peun'a extra 20823; Western re serve extra 20323c. Kggs steady ; Peuna Ex. 22c ; Western Ex. 2021C. Cheese quiet ami unchanged : New Yerk fall cream U$14c; Western lull cream 13 13c : de fair te geed 12fil2,'ic; de half skims 110 llc. Petroleum dull ; refined at lljkc. Whisky at l 12. Seeds Geed' te prime Clever nominal at $7.-i0Q8 0O ; Timethy dull at 2 7032 73; Flax seed sctrceatst CSJJ1 30. Maw Yerk Market. Nkw Yenx. Oct. 5. Fleur Stale und West" ern quic and prices generally without change : Superfine. .t seci 50: extra de si en 04 25; choice, de, $4 S04C5; tancyde. $i 705 C5 ; round hoop Ohie Si 5081 S3 : choice de 4:tea 00; superfine western SI50i 09; common te geed extra de $4 00jt 30 ; choice de de $4 35Q6 25 ; choice white wheat de $4 15 4 CO; Southern quiet and firm ; com mon te fair extra 14 7535 35; geed te choice de 5 40ti 50. Wheat without quotable change ami fairly active Ne. 1 White. Oct. I 10 : Ne. 2 Kcd Oct. $l wm eX : de Nev. ?l leJit! HJil ; de Icc. 1 121 124'. Cern scarcely se firm ; Mixed western spot, 52,i52Kc: de future, 52)ij34c. Oats quiet, without decided change: State 4244,Me; Western, 40 14c. Cattle market. Mesday, Oct. 4. The receipts of beeves at the West Philadelphia yard for past week were 3,100 head: North Philadelphia yard, 030 head. Total, 3,750 head. Beeves The market during the past week was active and the light run of cattle lias had the effect of raising "prices Vila per pound ; a few choice sold at 0c. We quote Extra at 5 Vtfi ; geed. 4J35ic; medium, 44Kc; com. men,34IJc: hulNand.cews. .l4j3c: veal calves, ut tigt'Jic. Fresh cows, $25 teftSper head : BALKS AT TUE WEST l'lllLAUELTUIA YAIUJ. Head. 125 lieger Maynes, Wcatcrn Vu., gross, 45c ; 51 Ohies, 57Je. 40 Owen Smith, Vu.. gross; F.Bell, 13 West ern ; J as Clemseii, 23 West Vu.; E. L. Nixen.3!de; A. T. Daniels. 45ic. 270 E. S. & B.F.McFilIen, West Vu., gross, 4 3J4c 357 A. & J. Christy, Western and West Va., gross, 4JifJ5Jc. 175 Ulmun & "Lehman Bres., Ohie aud West Va.; Lchmman Bre 17 West Vu.; .1. P. Oeuley ; 17 de A. T. Daniels ; 57 de J. Ireland ; 00 de. .1. Sawdon ; 00 de, O. Hughes) ; C2 de, Levi Scnsenlg, gross, 4 Sk'e .V .las. Cleniieii, Thiamin, 45c ; 37 Western gross, 44c. 20 Dennis Smyth ; Pa. L. B. C'leris ; 10 de, F. Mcchun ; 15 de, en acct.; 15 de, .fa. Clem son, gross, 4.Uc. 100 Jehn McArdle, West Vu., 4Q.-ic ; 200 West ern, grehs, .rAi(k 100 Daniel Murphy, West Va., gross, 35c, 31i Frjnk Lewenstein A, Adler, Western, and W. Vu,, gross, 24(i75c. ISO G. Schamberir A Ce., Western und West Va.. gross, 3j55'c. 40 F. Scheetz, U est VYi.. gross, 44c 31 II. Chain, jr.. Western. E. F. Fruter ; 21 Pa, J. II. O'Neil, grert, 3i?4c. 175 Daniel Smyth & Bre., Western and West Va., 45c. CO L. Hern, West Va.. gross. 3?44c. 150 Bachman & Levi, West Va. aud Kentucky, gross, 4Sffc. 100 M. Levi, West Va.. gross, 4K33! ic. 21 S. Drcirus, West Va., Ic. 15 II. Chain, Western, gre.-s, 3fri3Jc 125 Schamhcrg & Paul, West Vu., gross, 3 5c. 31 James Eustace, West Vu gross, 3J45ic. 18 P. Hathaway, estern Pa., gres, 3444c. Sheep aud lambs. Tlie market during the past week lias been luirly active and prices were c per pound higher en account of light run. V, quote KxU at 55c ; geed, 4)d5c.; medium. ililWiv. ; common, 3c. : culls. SJi'c. ; Western Pa., Lambs, 4J 5Jc J Cheiter comity de &t'ic. ; stock ewes, $2.755g3.2. Arrivals West Philadelphia vards, 4,500 head ; ether yards, 5,500 head. Total, lo.etio head. Samuel Stewart sold 570 head of dressed sheep at 0Sc. Hogs were in geed demand, but prices were rather lower. We quote extra at liiViy. Mixed 7S7c. Arrivals at all yanls , head Stock Market October 5. Njjw Yerk Stocks. Stocks strong and higher. a. m. a. m. r. st. r. m. r. m 10:30 11:35 li:35 1:35 3.00 Als-OIi v tvtFjfv Eric It. it 30,'i 3!iJS J)i SttJ 3J Michigan S. L.S.... 100 K WfiAW 10D Michigan Cent. K. It.. 'STK 'SIM 'JS 97K 'XtlH Chicago A N. W KIC 10SJ4 1071 107fe 10SJ Constantly en hand. jylo-CmdeawS A. ISurnine Mine. Luadville, Oct. 3. Nearly all the mines iu this vicinity have been closed for four days te prevent the spread of lire, which commenced in one of them yester day, but which is new completely under control. Ne ene was injured, although sorae of the miners made narrow escapes. Death by Merphia. G-VLVEsTON, Texas, Oct. 5. A special from Dallas, Tex., says D. C. Burley and Gallic Embanks, died there of morphine administered by mistake. Chicago, M St. P. . OtU Han. V M. .1. Cem SS- " " P'ld.... A".i Teledo & Wabash.... 3K Ohie& Mississippi. .. 31 St. Leuis, I. M. & s. it., go; ; Ontario and Westeri C. C. A I. C. K. it New Jersey Centra!.. 74U Del. A Hudsen Canal. 8IK Del.. i.aek.& Western V Western Union Tel... a Pacific Mull S.S. Ce.. I2;s Mauhattan Elevated. 35,'ii Union Pacific Kansas A Texas 3'J New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland A 1'itts Chicago A Ueck I Pittsburgh & Ft. W American U. Tel. Ce Philadelphia. Stocks dull. Pennsylvania IJ, it.... te Phil'a. A Beading..... le Lehigh Valley t. 53 Lehigh navigation... 33,'ft !I2J 38 Hl ?,VX -j.iy4 38 8" 3fi'4 3M 50 71 e;4 r,iu :k;4 74Vi Hl!i 'My, US 3i 88 3t;J 130;4 110 112-I 123 1b 120 93 82 37 Wx 22 18 ;v oe,'S 41-J 35 88 31 ?3 37 34 22 18 71 81 30 83-K v.: Northern Pacific Cem 27 P'd . Pitts.,TitusT'cAB... Northern Central PhiraAErlc li. It... Northern Penn'a...., Un.lt. It's of N.J Hcstenvillc Pass Central Trans. Ce...., !I v,y, 5 15 53 35 28 51H 10 15' 48 175 10 35" 28 16 58 MA vs 52 37?iJ 15J 49 5 13 31 37 V?A 174 W Lec:il Stocks anil Bends. J Lane.City C pur et. Lean, due lsSO.. .! 1W2... 1683... ' " s!)0... " " 1805... " 5 per c.t. in 1 or 30 years. . Lane. aud Quarryv'c IS. B.bend.... " " ' stock.... Lancaster and Ephrata turnpike... Iinc ,Elizabethtii andMiddlet'ii.. Lancaster and Fruitville turnpike. Lancaster and Lititz turnpike Lancaster and Maner turnpike... Lancaster and Manheim turnjiikc. Lancaster and Marietta turnpike.t Lane, and New Helland turnpike. Lane, and Strasburg turnpike. Lane, and Susquehanna turnpike.. Lane, and Willow Street turnpike. Fanners' Nat. Bank ei Lancaster... First Nat. Bank of Lancaster Lancaster County Nat. Bank Inquirer Printing Ce Lanc.Gaa Light and Fuel Ce. stock. " " " bends. I'ar Lust fid. sale. 10 $100.25 100 105 100 114 ISO 118.75 100 120 l(;e 105 100 lOOAin 50 3.25 25 47.25 100 51 50 51 25 SI 50 92 25 30.40 25 25 100 85 25 20 SOU 275.25 25 '40.15 WI 100 10-) 10$ 50 102.10 0 27 100 MUSICAL INSTK UMENTS. THE- Lancaster Orp littterr Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Wart-rooms 320 North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Branch Office, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor.' Alse Agent for Lancaster County for CIIICKEBINGA SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins. Banjos, Band' Instru ments, Ac.su ways en hand. fl3-lydSAIyw zrni, . jK. . "?' ."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers