I S"Z-- " "t'WC'iV-fT-'" - " ' - S t, - -ii -"j."M'.-fr-.rr -- '" ? - -I. V"T y T"-1 "J: ,-'- xtf- -; -,"T'3vi "-f( "'r ,1111,11 - IMWMI''!11 I II I II III 111 1 1 'I LANCASTER PAIL lKTELLIGjEy CER MONDAY.OCTOBER 4. 1880. Lancaster intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, 1880. A THOUSAND TEAKS PROM MOW. I sec the mart, and sec bow men Barn with the last of geld ; And souls, like detlsh sbeep and swine. Are daily bought and sold. My heart Is sick with shame, my head In weary denbt I bow, And only ask, " Will it be thus A thousand years from new I" I walk the filthy streets Where herd the wretched peer, And note what meagre ghosts or men Pass by, the day's tell o'er. I read the tragedy that's writ On many a livid brew. And wonder, "Will there be such scenes, A thousand years from new?" I stand where Fashion holds her court. And liaughty beauties shine : And scented fepllngs leer and Hip, And quail the sparkling wine. I see troths plighted void el love. And hear the listless vow Will shams like these encumber earth A thousand years from new?" 1 wander o'er the battle-field. And hear the mean et pain That rise from these that fell beneath The cruel iron rain. 1 bind up gaping wounds, ami feel The fever-tortured brew. And cry, "O Christ, will-such things he A thousand years from new? A calm voice answers: "Be of cheer! The Lord still reigns, and lie Who made the world can care ler it. And make it glad and free. .Walt patiently upon His will, All time is His, and thou Shalt sec hew fair this earth will be A thousand years Irem new. " All is net dark ; through broken cloud The strong sun pours Its raj Am! tells of realms et light and calm Where smiles the perfect day. Let hope, iiotdeubtlng, be thy guide. And then thou wilt see hew There well can be a better world A thousand years from new. " All are net I'aKc, all arc net hard, All arc net vain, and cold ; All arc net foolish, giddy moths, All de net worship geld. Ced hath His own, linsc sturdy knees Will ne'er te Haul bow; The prophets efa nobler age. A thousand years from new." Feels Yeung Again. " My mother was afllictcd a long time with Neuralgia anda dull, heavy inactive condition of the whole system ; headache, nervous pros tration, and was almost helpless. Ne physi cians or medicines did her anv geed. Three months age she began te use Hep Hitters, with such geed cilect that she seems and feels young-again, although ever 70 years old. We think there Is no ether medicine fit te use in the family." A lady, in Providence, It. 1. el-2wd&w The Chicago Times says: Warner's Safe Kidney ami Liver Cure Is highly endorsed by ministers, iudges. physicians, surgeons, by men et literary and scholarly distinction, and by individuals in all the walks et life. 3 medical. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED The Accumulated evidence et nearly thirty years show that the Hitters is a certain remedy ler malaria disease, as well as its surest pre ventive ; thai it eradicates dyspepsia, consu ltation, liver complaint and nervousness, counteracts a tendency te gout, rheumatism, urinary anil uterine disorders, that it imparts vigor te the feeble, ami cheers the mind while It Invigorate the body. Fer sale bv all Druggists and Dealers gener ally. " ol-lydced&lyw NERVOUS DEBILITY. Te Nervous Sutlercrs The Great Euro pean Remedy Dr. J. It. Simpsen's Specific Medicine. It is a positive curcifer Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakness. Impetcncy, and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety, Less of Memery, Pains in Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Specific Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get lull particulars. Price, Specific, $1 per package, or six packages for $.'. J. B. SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY, Nes. 104 and 106 Main Street, liullaln, N. V. Address all orders te 11. It. COCHKAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 ami 139 North Queen Street, Lancaster. ml7-lydced&w INVESTIGATION ! Dlt. CltEKNIC lias successfully treated ever SOdofthcmestdiuicult chronic (se called) in curable cases during a seven month's practice. The most et them had been the rounds of the leading physicians of Lancaster county. New DR. tiltEEXE is ready at any time te meet a committee et the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Heuse or elsewhere te dis cuss the merits et Omnipathy and prove its snpcrieritv ever all ether pat hies in vogue. The people arc greatly interested and de mand the fullest investigation. Invalids are every week dying in this county whose lives could be saved, is there any subject about which the masses an; mere concerned than restoration te health, and the prolonging of their lives? Dr. U. originated and is new the owner of 29 Medical Pads. He especially warns the public against thcni-.mcreu counterfeits new offered the people. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Catarrh Cured Fer 50 Cents. CURE QUICK FOR CATAKKH SENT TO ANY ADDRESS FOR 50 CENTS. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. 236 NOKTII QUEKN STREET, jM-ttdMWF&S Lancaster, Pa. NERVINE, Olt TONIC SPECIFICA. A BOON TO BOTH SEXES. -A KKMEDY WITHOUT A 1UVAL for all diseases arising Irem Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration et old age. ' Its curative properties in violent and cjirenic -forms of the following diseases have been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, General Debility, lmpeteucy, Premature Decay, Ac. It has been Jn use for ever lerty years, and Is te-day the most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WOULD. It can be used without regard te diet, Is pleasant in taste, and better than all, it is a sure, sate and certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since 1836 this remedy has always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold ; but owing te the act that the time ler the payment et an enormous royalty upon Us manufacture has expired, it is eilercd te the suffering of both sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be within the reach of all; at which price it will be sent te any address tree et further charge. Address DR. WILLJAM YOUNG, C Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mall. 1y2G-GmdAw MARBLa, wqrks. WM, P. FRATTi'rTY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm (jueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. . MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac All work guaranteed and satisfaction given In every particular. N. B. Remember, works ai the extreme end Ot JOrUt Queen street- m90 STOMACH Bwra CZOXMUfO. Timely Advice en Fall Clethes. Yeu arc thinking of your clothing for fall ; what it shall be ; hew and where you shall get it. Come and Sf.e Us. Come and sec us, or drop us a line, saying what you want, as near as you can. If you are here, you can see for yourself a great variety of things, try en what you like, and go home with the old clothes in a bundle. That is very easy ; and nothing can be mero satisfactory. Net a Strange Place. It isn't as. if you were going te a strange place. The chances arc you've been here before, and knew something of our ways. Perhaps your neighbor has been here ; aud has told you it was a geed place te go te. Perhaps you've only read that we sell a geed many clothes, aud say te people who buy them : Bring them back if you don't find them every way te yenr liking. New this is really why we are net strangers te anybody; because we deal with everybody as with a neigh bor ; and expect him te come right back if he has cause of complaint. If yei; Don't Come. But, suppose you don't come. Hew are wc going te sell you just what you want te ' buy, without your seeing tilings beforehand '.' Try ; write; say about hew much you waut te pay for a business suit, dress suit, overcoat, or whatever you want ; say what your occupation is ; say anything that has any bearing en what we eugh te send you. It will net take us two minutes te guess what you want ; if we don't guess right, that's our less, net yours. Have Yem Own Wa y ! Perhaps you want your clothing made te your measure. Did you sus pect that we make te measure a half million dollars worth of clothing every year for people we never saw and never expect te see ? Yeu may be very certain that we have a way of do ing such work without much risk of a misfit ; for a misfit, you knew, conies right back te us. We are pretty care ful about making blunders when we've get them all te make geed. Oun Way : Our way of doing business is te make the buyer welcome, at the out set, te all the advantage and all the guarantee he can ask for. WANAMAKER & fiROWN. Oak Hall, Sixth and Market Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. HOF HITTERS. IF YOU ARK A MAN OF 1IUS1NESS, weakened bv the strain "of venr duties. avoid stimulants and take HOP BITTERS! If you are a man of letters, toiling ever your midnight work, te restore brain and nerve waste, take HOP HITTERS! It you arc young, and suffering from any indiscrcUonerdissipation, take HOP BITTERS! Ifyeu arc married or single, old or young, buttering from peer health or languishing en a bed of sickness, take HOP BITTERS! Whoever you arc, wherever you arc, when ever you feel that your system needs cieaiisuig, Toning or stimulating, with out, intoxicating, take HOP BITTERS! Have you dyspepsia, kidney or urinary com- jtiuuu, uiseusu ui iiiu xiumacn, oeweis. bleed, liver, or nerves Yeu will be cured if you take HOP BITTERS! It you are simply ailing, are weak and low spirited, try it! Buy it. Insist upon it. Your druggist keeps it. HOP BITTERS! It may save your life. It has saved hundreds. HOP BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO., Rochester, New Yerk and Terente, Ontario. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. r ANCASTEK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Orreara thk Loeoxotiyz Wekxb. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes Furnace Twlers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmlthing generally. 43 Jobbing promptly attended te. auglS-lyd JOHN BEST. A8TMICM MOS ADVERTISEMENT. ASTRICH BR0.S' Lancaster Bazaar 13 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. FALL SEASON 1&80. The season has opened and we are new ready te show te our numerous lriends and patrons the most complete assortment of goods in each and every department, which has ever been seen in this city. That our prices are positively the very lowest Is no need of mentioning, and ladles which have favored us with a call en our opening days are convinced new that enr store fa the place te go te for everything which ladles may need te complete their Fall Outfit Belew we mention some specialties which please notice. Dress Triiiii Department. FRINGES. 3JlnchSllkFrlngc,ChcnillenndBead23cayard Rich Silk and Chenille Frlnge 44c " Elegant Silk and Chenille Fringe... SOc " 5-inch heavy Chenille Fringe, bread bead ing COcayard 414-inch heavy Chenille and Bead Fringe 60c a yard 4'i-inch Fin Chenille and Grass Fringe Cic a yard 5-inch Chenille and Bead Fringe 75c ' Most elegant and handsome Fringe at'SO, S3, 95c. $1, 1.10, 1.12, 1.25 and upwards. A handsome line of Passementeries in all widths. Tassel On.aments iu Silk, Chenille and Beads. Leeps, Spikes, Cords and Spikes. BUTTONS In Hern, Metal, Bronze. Ivery, Silk, Crochet, Ac., of the latest designs an.". ::-. endless variety. SATINS. A geed black, well everedSatin for .75c a yard A most elegant Satin for $1 Black Satins at $1.20, $1.40, $1.00, worth con siderable mere. Elegant Colored Satins in all the new shades lur, Jee it t ri i Trimming Silk at 75c " Silk Velvets in all colors and Bleck. Velveteens in all colors. Brocaded Velveteens, silk finished, 65c a yard. A complete line et Black Velveteens. A geed Velveteen, line black 44c a yard A most elegant one at 50c " Fine Silk Finished Velveteens at 73c,0c,l. Dress Linings of all kinds, Paper Muslins and Cambric c a yard Waist Lining, geed quality . .,Sc and 10c " Silesia 12c " MILLINERY. Having new en hand a handsome variety et TRIMMED BONNETS AND HATS, we offer the same for inspection, and are pre pared te sell them at most reasonable prices. Our assortment of Flowers and Feathers cannot be surpassed ; it offers everything in the line. Large, handsome roses 10c Fine French Reses and Flowers, Sprays. Wreaths. Feather Bands, WingsBirds, etc. In real Ostrich, Plumes we offer some re markable fine goods at most reasonable Driccs Beal Ostrich Tips, in all colors nec Most elegant Ostrich Tips 75c We keep a very line line of French Felt Hats which is well worth Inspection. FINE PLUSH HATS, j "creys. ........................................ ' line Deruys....... ............. .t jc A most handsome Derby, trimmed and bound with satin $1 Straw Sailors and Walking Hats 25c OUR WOOLEN GOODS' department is stocked with the best hand-made goods, which we arc selling cheaper than ever : Shetland Shawls, handmade 75c Very large Slia wis $1 Heavy hand-crochet Shawls $1.2!) Ladies' hand-made Shetland Weel Opera Cir The same, silk stltcued : Ladies' handmade Sleeveless Waists $1 Twilights, hand-made, in all colors 16c Hand-crochet and elegant Baby-carriage evers ..ii.. pi.ij Child's Walking Cloaks, hand-made $1.25 Cnild's hand-made Split Jackets 40c Child's Weel Jackets 39c, 44c A choice line of boys' and girls' hamUemu Zephy Caps.; LINEN WARE. Towels 5c a piece A large tine Tewel He " A very large, all liuen Tewel only, .loc " A fine glass Tewel 16c " Fine Damask Tewls 23c, 25c " German Imported Linen Towels. Toweling by the yard from 5c up German linen Table cloths, 7-4 $1 All linen Bureau Cevers 65c Napkins in great variety and at low prices. HANDKERCHIEFS. All linen Handkerchiefs 3 c Gents' all linen Handkerchiefs 10c Ladies all linen Handkcrehiefs,hcmstltched 14c Ladies fine linen Handkerchiefs, 2-iuch hem stitched '...lite Ladles line Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs. Infants' Merine Cloaks and Shawls. Infants' short and long Dresses. Our line of LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Is well known te every lady, but Is mere com plete new in variety than ever before. CORSETS. UiD Gere Corsets 2!c Aeoed, hand-made Corset :!'.)c An excellent Corset, side steeled.deuble busk, silk embroidered l'Jc A most beautiful Corset "C The ' Pavillion " Speen Busk, side steels. . .75c Our well known 100-bone "Parisian" $1 Ladies' and Child's SHOULDER BRACES, an excellent thing for steeping peeple 75c Felt nr d Flannel Skirts a full line. RIBBONS in all widths and all the new shades. Fancy Ribbons of most handsome ami ex- qulsite patterns. patterns. ;S of every style and description. Our LACES HOSIERY DEPARTMENT is the most complete in tills town, comprising all the latest novelties in Cotten as well as Woolen Hese. BALBRIGGANS. Notwithstanding the enormous rise iu the price of Imported Hosiery wc are still selling a heavy Balbriggan Hese, Full Kcgular Made, Silk Clocked, for 25c a nail- Heavy Dark Cotten Hese, Begular Made, Fancy Silk Embroidered Centre, f er.20c a pair Gray and Black Mixed Cotten Hese, richly Embroidered up the Sides, Regular Made, Iera M u jitxilr Ladies' Ribbed Merine Hese, Regular Made, in White and Colored, for 25c a pair Ladies' Heavy Quality Plain Colored Cotten Hese, Full Kcgular Made, Full Fashioned In grain Celers SOc a pair Ladies' Heavy German Imported Gray and Black Mixed Cotten Hese, Full Regular Made 43c a pair Ladies' Hair-lined Cotten Hese, Imported 34c a pair Gray and Black Mixed Superfine English Hese mi neguiar iuauc, n.xim r hush. ..iuc u pair Ladies' Super-stout British Leng Hese, Full Kcgular Made, Light and Dark Drab Hair Striped 8icapalr Ladies' very heavy Dark Cotten Hese, Cross Cress barred Slanair A full assortment of Ladies', Gents' and Chil dren's German, French and English Hese, Chdds' French Ribbed Hese in Cotten and Weel, Chllds' Plain Cashmere Hese with Fancy Infants' Weel Hese, warranted net te fade or shrink 30capair MEDAILLE D'OR ALEXANDER, Positively the best Kid Gloves ever sold for the price. A complete assortment in Black white, cream, flesh, pearl, drab, brown, Ac. 3-Buttens 98c a pair 6-Buttens $1.6!) " SILK HANDKERCHIEFS VARIETY. IN ENDLKSS FALL UNDER WEAR Fer Ladles, Gents ami Children. We have, no doubt, the best assortment nnl the lowest prices, ASTRICH BROS, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT GUNDAKERS. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflinga, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Blaek and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at QTJNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GUNDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! Fine White Weel Blankets, Medium Quality White Weel Blankets, Lew-priced White Weel Blankets, All Weel Crib Blankets, Fine Gray Weel Blankets, Medium Gray Weel Blankets, Lew-priced Gray Blankets. COMFORTS! COMFORTS!! Our own make. Made of Geed Material and filled with clean Cotten MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES. Excellent Goods at a Bargain, examiue our stock before purchasing. GrlVLER, BOWERS & HURST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. NOTICE LADIES! We are new receiving daily all the Latest Styles and Novelties in FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. MILLINERY GOODS AND DttESS TRIMMINGS of the Finest Qualities in our City, SILKS, SATINS, FRINGES, SILK VELVETS IN ALL SHADES, Lisle Thread aud Kid Gloves, Laces, Neck Ties, in all the Latest Novelties. .LADIES! If you want a first-class stylish HAT or BONNET go te HATJGHTON'S for they keep nothing but first-class Goods, first-class Milliners, and buy their Goods at first class Houses, Importers and Manufacturers ; therefore wc receive all the latest styles daily. We keep the Largest, the Greatest Variety, the Finest and the Lewest Prices in our city at m:. a. ha.tjgmtten's, NO. 25 NORTH QUEEN ST. TKAYEI.ISKH' OVIDH LANCASTER AND MIIXERSVIIXK K. I. Cars run as fellows;: Leave Lancatscr P. K. Depot), at 7, 9, and ll:e0a.ni.,und 2, 4, 6 and 8:30 p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9-JO p. n. Leave W filers ville (lower cud) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. CIOLUMHIA AND PORT DKPOSIT It. K J Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and iert Deposit lUllreud en the fnllewiiii; following nine: STATIOMS XOKTII-WARD. Acceu.. P.M. Pert Deposit. , Pcaclibotteni Fite'sEddy. McCall's Ferry.... Shcnk's Ferry Sale Harber. Columbia 2:00 3: IS 3:39 4:00 4:34 5.0U 6.20 Express. Express. a. it. p. M. 0-35 3:50 7:12 4:24 7:25 4:35 7:37 4:i 7:54 51 7:."9 5:( S:30 6:35 Stations Seeth- Express. Express. Accem. ward. a. si. p. Jf. a. M. Columbia 10:53 fc2() 7-S) Safe Harber. 11:23 :4 LVrlhOG .... Le9:40 Shenks Ferry..... 11:23 0:51 9..51 M,?C,aH,Fcry-" 1WI - 10:25 He's Eddy. 11:515 7:20 I0:4fi Pcaclibotteni 12:07 7:32 11.07 1 M Pert Deposit 12:45 8:05 12:25 RKADING AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD On and after MONDAY, MAY. 10th, 1880. passenger trains will run en this read as tel lews: Trains Going Seuth. a.m. A.x. P.M. P.M. I Reading, Relnhelds, Ephrata, AHrUllji -"" ( Manhcim, Lancaster Junction,. Landisvillc, Columbia, Dillerville, Lancaster, King Street, Harnish, West Willow, Baumgardner, MT CLJ UCUf -Ifct'Hi'Jlf . New Providence, Hess, Quarryvllle, 7:30 8:01 8:18 8:24 8:43 92 9:05 9:10 9:40 9T27 9:33 9:45 9:58 10:05 10:09 10:17 10:23 10:34 10:42 10:50 ll&- P.M. 12:24 12:10 12:45 1:02 1:13 1:40 1:30 2:05 2:02 2:(S 0:10 6:i:. 7:03 7:08 7:25 7:36 7:45 7:50 8:20 8:00 8:10 8:20 8:34 8:42 8:47 8:55 9:01 9:12 9:19 925 5:20 5:30 5:52 0:03 0:09 6:17 626 6:3!) C:51 7:(0 Trains Geino North. P.M. P.M. A.M. Quarryvllle, New X'revidence,.... Refton, Pcqnca, Baumgardner, West Willow, narnish, , King Street, , Lancaster, , Dillerville , Columbia, , Landisvillc, Lancaster J unction,. Manheim, , G:45 652 659 7:11 7:18 7.-2C 7:32 7:41 755 8.-05 8:03 755 8:30 8:30 8:49 9:00 9:16 9:23 9:42 105 2.35 2.41 2:48 259 3:05 3:13 3:18 3.-26 3:40 350 353 3:40 4.04 4:15 4:20 4:30 4:47 453 5:14 550 7:50 758 8:13 827 8:35 8:43 8:49 9:00 9:20 9:30 1:00 1:03 1:05 1:30 1:25 1:48 20 2:18 2:25 2:46 320 Akren,. Relnhelds ville,. , Reading, , Trains connect at Reading with trains te and .Tiui A-iiiuuieiniuu- i-ettavii inhia, Pettsvflle, Harrisburg, Al New Yerk. At. rviumiii ..-kk lentewn and New Yerk. At CelumbliL with trains te and irem Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg. A. M. WILSON, Supt. PKNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY AUGUST 23d, 183), trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lancastcr aud Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Leave Lanc'tcr Arrive Philad'a Philadelphia Express, East Line, Yerk Acceu. Arrives; Harrisburg Express, Dillerville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, Day Express, Harrisburg Accommedai'n, 2:10 a.m. 530 " 8.00 " 8:05 " 8:45 " 9:10 " 12:53 " 10 v.m. 2:00 " 3:05 " 4:45 " 0:25 " 4:15 A.M 7:40 " 10:10 " 12:01 V. jr. 3:15 50 " 5:30 " :45 " 9:30 " Westward. Leave Arrive Lanc'tcr Philad'a Wav Passeneer. 12:30 a.m. 7:30 " 9:00 "' 8:00 ' 5:(0a.m. HdO " 10:15 " 115 lOSO " 2:10 p.. 2:13 " 2-.50 " 5:45 " 7:2C 7:30 " 8:50 " Mail Train Ne. l,via Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, Niagara & Chicago Express auuuay Juan, Fast Line 11:50 ' Frederick Accommodation, Amicr viue i,ecai.via Jir, J ey Harrisburg Accommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express Pacific Express, 2:30 p.5f . 4.-00 " 5:30 " 6:25 " 9:10 " 11.30 " 2.40 a.m 11:55 " TJOKTRAITS OF HANCOCK AND Fer sale at ENGLISH THIS OFFICE. HOSTETTER'S BITTER'S FOR SAIXAT Lecher'a Drug Stere, 9 East King street. MMBXOZDERIE3, C. JBY GOODS --A-arrir-r . v- ww. White and Brown Mixed Quilts. Large Stock MIHsINJiKYr GARFIELD VS. HANCOCK. PALL CAMPAIGN OF 1880 New opened and the battle has commenced and rages fiercely, and while there may be some denbt in the minds et many persons as te who will be the next President et the United States, there can be no doubt in the mind of any person in want of CLOTHING as te where can lie benght the cheapest and the best, cither iu Kcady-made or Blade fb Order. MYERS & EATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 East King Street, the Great Clethiag Emporium. . , -..JA'F second story room is packed brim full with the greatest variety of KEADYJUADE CLOTHING FOUMEX YOUTHS, BOYS AND CIHCDREN, all enr own manufacture! .They are well made, well trimmed, and the goods are a'l sponged bctore they are made up In gar- incuts. MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. Our Piece Goods fill the first fleer te Its utmost capacity, and is nicely arranged, se as te give the purchaser the advantage et seeing the whole stock in a very short space of time. We are prepared te make up te order at the shortest possible notice and at the most reasonable Pflce. Our stock has been neught for cash and will 1ms sold at a very small advance. Buy your Clothing at Centre Hall and save one profit. Call and examine our giant stock and save money MYERS & RATHFON, Se. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PENS'A. FOR Grand Opening Uew Pall Goods. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY Are new showing r.n Immense Stock et NEW PALL DRESS GOODS, BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES, SATINS, VELVETS, Novelties, New Fall Shawls. Single Shawls, Deuble Shawls, Black 'shawR New Fall Coatings. Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's NEW FALL HOSIERY. Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's New Fall Underwear. Blankets, Flannels. House keeping Goods. Every department a specialty at the NEW YORK STORK WATCHES, ZAHM'S 7 A new room and elegant stock. A full line el Lancaster Watches, Waltham Watches, Columbus Watches, in Geld and Silver Cases, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Beautilul wedding gifts in Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Silverware, and French Clocks. Arundel Spectacles, the best in the world. OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT vt. cP,nP",cte "Jf any In the larger cities. We manufacture Rings, Masonic Marks, Society ityie efall kinds, Diamond Mounting and any special or odd pieces In any desired ramLnrimMni?.? a,nd1?'lne1 Jewelry and Watch repairing a specialty. All work warranted, call and examine our stock and leave yeurrcpainng with Zabin's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. WINES AND S. CLAY MILLER TV ESPECTPULLY calls the attention of his friends as well as " the public in general te his Superior Stock of Old Whiskies; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gughenheimer, Hannissville, Overhelt and Gaft's Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, which he has recently bought from first hands for Cash, and will sell from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Perm Square. GROCERIES. T)n-HOLfiSALE AND KKTAIL. LE VAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. d!7-lyd at very Lew Prices. BSTlease call and VLOTUINa. -- r if.-irr THE ZADIES. JEWEUtT, St. CORNER EDW. J. ZAHM. LIQUORS. CHAS. BRIMMER, VRA YOX PORTRAIT ARTIST, SUiS AND ORNAMENTAL PAlNTINti, sep29-lmd 4 WEST KING STREET. JMWXLMT. LOUIS WEBEK, WATCHMAKER. Xe.lX NORTH QUEEN STREET, Bear P. K. Nickel-eased Watches, Chalks. Clocks. Ac. AHj?iecelebItSl ataaceplcaBeeta-clcsandEye-Glasses. KenUriagareeclaltT. aprMyd - SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES Receive most careful attention. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES SUBMITTED WITHOUT CHARGE. B. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. VA. J. E. CALDWELL & CO., 002 Cbeatnnt Street, Philadelphia. IniDertuTs of Cms: WORCESTER, COPELANDS, HAVILANDS, MINTONS. The productiensof all the Celebrated Potteries. CLOCKS: MANTEL SETS, CABINET SETS, CUIMINU CLOCKS, CARRIAGE CLOCKS, Artitic.Bronzes,Grenpes,Statnettes. LEATHER GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, FANS. One price, always the lowest, marked In plain figures. Orders and Inquiries by mail re ceive prompt attention. WEDDING PRESENTS Iu rich Silver. WEDDING PRESENTS "In Elegant Plated Ware WEDDING PRESENTS In Fine Diamonds. WEDDING PRESENTS In Foreign Fancy Goods. WEDDING PRESENTS In Decorated Porcelains. WEDDING PRESENTS In Great Variety, Te Suit Every Taste, At Very Lew Prices. BAILEY, BAMS & BDLE, JEWELER?, SILVERSMITHS, IMPORTERS,. 12TH AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. scp2C-3mdM,WAF HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 1CTOTICE. FLIM & BREMMAI. Would ail vise all who contemplate putting HEATERS or makinir any alterations In tl in lelr heating arrangements te de se at once before inc ruan 01 rail xratie eczins. THE MOST RELIABLE Ste?es, Heaters ai Be, In the Market, at the LOWEST PRICES. Fiji & Breneman's GREAT STOYE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. fJARVETS. DARGAINS FOK EVERYBODY. ' RARE CHANCE IN CARPETS,. Positive sale te Reduce Stock et 6,000 Yams Brussels Carpets, AT AND BELOW COST. Call and satisfy ycursel r. Alse, Ingrain, ICag and Chain Carpetsinalmestendless variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALT,, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. BOOTS AND SHOES. T? A CV BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS 'j t in x maue en a new nrlncinle. in am-. !.. -. w .1 mm - " wiuwihui me leeu WViTG Lasts mad te order. JtnJvJJLQ MILLER, febl4-trd 133 East King street HUP BITTERS JTOK BALE AX IOCM er's Drni store. 9 East Klag street.