;;?' vv-i- '"' " ?.' '-VH' --; j -S- i-ti "v-- fc V V-'' 'V.'"'V ;. "itzbf j; - LANCASTER DAILY 1NTELLIGEN0ER. MONDAT OCTOBER 4. 1880 i s JLancasiei; ntelligencec. MONDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 4, 1880. " It is new the right and the duty of a lawyer te bring te the notice of the peo ple, who elect the judges, every instance of what lie believes te be corruption or partisanship. Ne class of the commu nity ought te be allowed freer scope in the expression or publication of opinions as te the capacity, impartiality or integ rity of judges than members of the bar." Juilyr Sluir.vrnetV opinion. The Disbarment Case. The news of most interest te everyeue te-day is that of the reversal of the order of the court of Lancaster county disbar ring the editors of this journal. Te them it is hardly of mere consequence than te any ether citizen and especially te any ether editor. If it had been declared by the supreme court te be the law that an editor may net, while he is a member of the liar, criticise the judicial conduct of the judge upon the bench, that decision would of its own force have driven from the bar every editor who chose te keep himself f ree te discharge in an honest and independent way his duty te the public. We, as the particular editors con cerning whom this test had been made and this law pronounced, would net have been mere thoroughly deprived of our offices as lawyers than our fellow editors who are lawyers would have been, for they could net witli self-respect have held two offices whose duties had been thus declared te In: irreconcilable. Xer would the people have fared bet ter by the gag thus placed upon the class of the community te whom they espe cially leek for political leadership and instruction. The bar is the read taken by the generality of well educated young men who have political aspirations. With such a sword suspended ever their heads in the hands of the judges, net a lawyer could havomeunted the stump or opened Ids lips even in private without apprehen sion. Fer the understandings of judges are as many and various as that of men, and sometimes inarvelensly poer: and who can tell te what they would lead them, guided by malice or stupidity i Of course this decision or the supreme court is what everyone expected. Com mon sense alone was needed te feel sure that it could net be otherwise. As Gon Gen eral Hancock says, and we all knew, in this age and in this country we move for ward, net backward. And what a retro grade step, indeed, would it have been te put the press and the bar under the heel of the bench, and te declare that, how ever weak and wicked the man who puts en the crmiuc.it should protect him from the shafts of an honest public criticism ! Fer the judges of this court, in this hour of their humiliation, we have no word of further reproach. We feel. as we have said, that their act was net against us se much as against all their fellow citizens. This disbarment order, which has caused us inconvenience, ex pense and less, hail for us no mor tification, for we felt that we had done nothing for which our con sciences repryed but that en the contrary we could net have done less than we did with self-approval. The comment te which Judge Patterson took exception was fair and truthful. We scarcely knew, in fact, what there was in it that was resented by him. It did net charge him with wrong-doing indi vidually and apart from the court. Its utmost sting was in its accusation that the court was restrained by political bias from inquiring into and resenting a gross imposition which we declared had been practiced upon it by certain members of its bar whom we named. In this indictment of the court Judge Liv ingston was as fully included as Judge Patterson, and there was the same rea son for both te feel affronted. We de net knew what malign influence drew Judge. Patterson en te attempt se arbitrary and lawless an exercise of power as was his ridiculous bull against us: nor wherefore Judge Livingston, who recognized its felly, permitted him self te concur in it. Hut such as it is it steed, and is new overthrown. It served a useful purpose, and it is well that it was done. It has .secured an authoritative exposition of the rela tions of the bar, the liencli and the press. It has served te erect a sign-beard upon which these who held judicial power may read its limits; and these who wield the editorial pen may find its re striction; and the lawyer may knew his privileges and lespensibililies; while the people are assured of the preservation of their liberty in a free press, in free speech and in a respected judiciarv. All's well that ends well." Villainy Afoot. Closely treading en the heels of the report that Garfield is te withdraw and Grant is te take his place comes a revival of the rumor that after the Indiana election has presaged Republican defeat the Republican governors of doubtful Northern states are te assemble their legislatures and cheese Republican electors. It is claimed that they have the power te de this under the constitu tion, and as Garfield said in 1S70, they argue "Having tnc cards in our hands wouldn't we be feels net te play them." Every Northern state, except Xew Jersey and Indiana, happens at present te have a Republican governor, and it is claimed that with this advantage they can make sure, by appealing te the legislatures, of the elec toral choice of Grant, and that he is " a strong man" who being thus constitu tionally chosen would seat himself. We have no doubt that the men who engineered and carried through the Iwld theft of the presidency in 187C-77 are quite capable of undertaking the scheme new proposed. Rut we very much doubt if they would run the tremendous risks involved for the slender chances of its success. It is te he remembered that the electoral vote is te lie finally counted in the presence of both branches of Con Cen gres3. They arc both Democratic. They will net consent te the subversion of the will and intention of the people if it can lie prevented by constitutional means. Such means can be found. They will be found. Almest a Disaster. The Pan-Presbyteriance alliance which had been getting along se amiably for ten days, in Philadelphia, came well nigh splitting en a rock in the twilight of its sessions. The geed brethren who had assembled te forget their denomina tional differences in common zeal for the holy cause of Christianity had a re freshing season of counsel, of harmony, and of brotherhood. They were se in spired with it that upon nearingthe close Rev. Dr. Philip Schaff, a leading spirit in the alliance, enthusiastically moved the singing of that grand old sacred song " Praise Ged from whom all blessings flew,"' and with common accord the throng joined in it. That is all the throng joined in it except the delegates and members of the United Presbyterian church U. P. for short. The U. P.'s de net object te praising Ged, nor does their orthodoxy allow them te doubt that from Him all blessings flew. But the popular version of that acknowledg ment in rhyme is net among the inspired songs which they sing. Accordingly they were mute, but the echoes of the mul titude's praise hadnet died away when one of the offended U. P.'s found tongue te resent the wrong done his denomina tion in proposing and singing their dox dex dox elogy. Up te this point ail the common exercises of the alliance had been se carefully arranged as te give offense te none, but at the last minute it looked as if there was te be a breach ever the un happy interruption of the peaceful pro pre gramme of happy harmony. Luckily Dr. Schaff was able te explain that some U. P. brother had assented te his proposi preposi tion before, it was made, and luckily some ether brother enabled the alliance te escape the brewing storm by success fully moving te pass en te some ether subject. Otherwise the spectacle might have been presented of that alliance going te pieces in bitter confusion ever the matter of singing" Praise Ged from whom all blessings Hew." of such weakness are mortal men. ' Tin: Republican clubs in this state seem te be acting under instructions from headquarters. The Invincibles, of Philadelphia, went te Conshohocken en .Saturday night, visited a Dem ocratic hotel, and " all at once, as though it seemed a prearranged scheme, several of them reached up and tore down the picture of General Han cock that was pasted up en the wall. Several notices of forthcoming Demo cratic meetings were also hung up about the room, and they, tee, were tern down ami thrown upon the fleer." The Re publicans of Lancaster visited Rohrers Rehrers Rohrers tewnanddid exactly the same thing. Rohrcrstewn, en a small scale, like Con shohocken, is a manufacturing town, and the above prearranged behavior is doubtless intended te shctw what destruc tion threatens the industrial interests of the country in the event of Democratic success. PERSONAL. On the 14th hist. Mr. and Mis. Cmus tiax Gast, of this city, will celebrate their golden wedding. William Wat.tiu: Piii:lis, who lest the nomination for governor of New Jersey, has sailed for Europe with his family. Senater William Pinknrv Wiiytk, of Maryland, had a splendid reception from the Philadelphia Ddinecracy en Saturday aud made an eloquent speech. The statue of Rebert Bums, in Central park, New Yerk, was unveiled en Satur day. After music and the playing of bag pipes the statue was formally presented te the city and unveiled by" Mr. Jehn Paten, Mayer Cooper accepting it en the city's behalf. Mr. Gr.onei: William Ci-rtis then delivered an oration, and the cere monies closed with the singing ef'Auld Lang Syne." MINOR TOPICS. Thk Philadelphia highway commission, out of tender regard for the six cent faie passenger railway, has refined te license HcrdicV. five cent faie coaches. It is well enough for the Republicans te parade 2" miners in one waid club, but when it comes te parading in print the names of boys as vice presidents of public meetings it is "tee thin." 1 in: list of vice presidents of the Repub lican meeting in the court house, Friday night, as published in our local contempe raries, is adorned by the names of a couple el young gentlemen who are net yet 'old enough te vote" and will net he old enough en November 2. Tin: Tuscuiiibia AJabamian says of Cran dall, secretary of the national Greenback committee, that he is known in north Ala bama as the wind-maker for anything that needs brass, from a circus or an emigration scheme, te the management of the Xatienal Viae. He is the " Mulberry Sellers" of the noble army of free lances that has its headquarters at Washington. Tiif. New Yeik Xttu calls en Gen. Gar field te print that letter from Judge Black reciting his statement te him that is.that he had agreed te take ten shares of Credit Mebilier stock and had received the divi dends upon it and urging him te make no statement in conflict with that. " If he fails te de se, the inference that he dare net will be irresistible." At a Democratic mass meeting in New Orleans, en Saturday night, the following was adopted : " We believe in an inde structible Union of indestructible states. Wc are equally and unalterably opposed te a centralized despotism aud te seces sion. The letter of General Hancock rel ative te Southern claims receives our heaity support." Ix Indiana, at the suggestion of Mr. English, it has been arranged between the Republican and Democratic state com mittee that in all election precincts where tuc inspector is a ucmecrat lie slialt ap point a judge and clerk te be selected by the Republicans of the precinct, and when the inspector is a Republican he shall ap point a judge and clerk te be selected by the Democrats of the precinct. Hew unfortunate that General Garfield went te Louisiana. His mere presence .was a participation in the contest, and by his mere presence, without referring te what he did, he encouraged aud helped te arrange a case for his party, and, having done this, he returned te Washington and sat as one of the judges te decide it. The majority en every vote of the electoral commission was just one. His was that vote, and all the responsibility of deciding a case which he helped te prepare rests upon him. Mr. Oreesbeck at Cincinnati September 18. The Washington preachers, who have no votes at the presidential electien,appcal te all Christians " te unite in prayer that Ged will forgive our great national sins : that the foundations laid by our fathers and cemented by the bleed of our brothers may remain unshaken; that the people may withstand temptation te wrong-doing enthe day of election, and that the candi date preferred by the majority of the actual citizens of the republic, the candi date who will be true te the genius of our institutions, te the best interests of the nation and our common humanity and helpful te the cause of temperance, purity and true religion, may be elected, aud that political party may prevail whose success will most conduce te financial, civil and moral prosperity at home, te peace and respect abroad and te the favor of the Ged of our fathers." THE CAMPAIGN. Drift or the Political Curreut. Gen. Jack Casement, of Paincsvillc, O., who has been classed as a supporter of Garfield, is for Hancock. The general, although a Republican, has net changed his opinion that Garfield's career in Con gress was marked by much crookedness. Adelphus Berst,who was p--uncntly identified with the erganiziAtaH)ne of the first Republican clubsjHpPrYerk, and who has voted the Republican ticket ever since, has withdrawn from the Re publican executive cemmittee and an nounced his intention te vote for Hancock. One of the objections he urges against GarGeld is that he is a hypocrite. A Republican politician met ex-Judge S. D. Merris in Brooklyn, and said that he had a friend who was willing te bet $1,000 that Garfield would be the next president. "I have $1,000," said Mr. Merris, "te bet that Hancock will be the next president, and if you will bring me a taker I will give yen $100 for your trouble." 3Ir. Merris has net yet heard from the Republican. Solen B. Smith, secretary of the Repub lican central committee of New Yerk, of. fcred te bet $2,500 te $3,000 that Garfield would carry New Yerk state in November. 3Ir. Charles W. McCune, the Buffalomcm Buffalemcm ber of the Democratic state committee, at once accepted the wager and proposed that the money should be then put up in the shape of checks. Mr. Smith thought that the checks should be certified, and prom prem ised te meet Mr. McCune in the Heffman house en Friday evening. Mr. McCuue was en baud with his money at the ap pointed hour, but Mr. Smith did net keep his engagement. Couldn't KuIke the Meney. A well-known and wealthy man an nounced at a club in Philadelphia that he had offered te bet $10,000 even that Han cock would be elected. This man is net much of a Democrat or Republican ; he bets te win. He could net find a Republi can who would bet with him except at enormous odds. Next morning he met Geerge G. Pierie, who is secretary of the Commercial Exchange of Philadelphia, and also financial editor of the Philadel phia Kerth American. " Pierie," said he, "I'll put up $10,010 as a neel, and I'll give you $30 if you'll find takers, that Han cock will be elected." Dene," said Pierie; "I'll place that money for you en 'Chance within an hour."i Pierie is an active, ardent Republican. He has a large acquaintance with the brokers en 'Change. He immediately went te them and said that here was a bona fide chance te form a peel te win $10,000. He labored zealously for two hours, and in all that time he could net find a Republi can broker who had faith enough in Gar field's election te be one of a party te make up the peel. The feeling among them seemed te be that Garfield's chance of elec tion was altogether tee small te warrant risking any money in it, Mr. Pierie re turned te the gentleman and sorrowfully confessed, "the Republicans were net bet ting with their party this year." IN .NEW KN GLAND. A Desperado Uesporate Crime. Andrew J. Dearborn, of Danville, N. II., a notorious character, who is said te have served in the state prison, went te the house of Jehn Elkins aud wished him te go te a man named Randall, some two miles distant, te find his (Dearborn's) wife, who had left him. In response te his re quest Elkins, accompanied by his wife, who insisted en going, wcut te Randall's house en feet. Before Elkins started a friend cautioned him against going with Dear born, hinting that the latter would kill him before he get back. Mrs. Elkins then suggested te her husband that he take his pistol, which he did. Net finding Dear born's wife at Randall's the party started te return about 9 p. m. On reaching a piece of weeds Dearborn' turned suddenly and said te Elkins, "Damn you, you've get te die," at the same time striking him en the nose with a whipsteck, causing the bleed te flew. Elkins immediately returned the blew, striking Dearborn with a fence stake, knocking him down, and upon Dearborn trying te rise, striking him again and again en the head, and finally shoot sheet ing him with the pistol, firing three times. Dearborn died instantly. Elkins and his wife are in custody. F1RKS. Louses In all Parts or the Country. The Ofallon flour mill in St. Leuis burn ed en Sunday. Less, $30,000. The Rhede hall Friends meeting house, at Fountain Green, near PlumslcJ, N. J., was destroyed by fire en Friday night. There were no stoves in the building and it is supposed the fire was of incendiary origin. The less en the building is $0,000, uninsured. A fire in Jonestown, Pa., yesterday de stroyed property as fellows : Ceniwall house less $8,000, insurance $3,000 ; Grif- uin nouse jess ?u,uuu, insurance $4,000 ; Weed's billiard room, less $1,000, fully insured ; Cole's cigar factory, less $500, no insurance. A young man "has been ar rested for firing the stable and is held for trial. In New Orleans en Saturday a fire broke out in the laundry of St. Charles hotel, causing damage estimated at from $20,000 te $30,000. The ladies ordinary, one of the handsomest dining rooms in the ceun try, and the historical parlor P en the Common street wing of the hotel were considerably damaged by water. The first alarm of fire created quite a panic among the inmates, but order was seen restored. Twe boys, smoking cigars in an old stable near James Slack's ship yard, in Cincin nati, yesterday, set fire te the building. The flames spread te Mack's property, and his sawmill, sash and blind factory and a large quantity of lumber were de stroyed. The less is $30,000. The heat was se intense that several firemen and an insurance adjuster were overcome by it. The mangled body of James MacDonald was found at the feet of Summit Hill, N. J. it is supposed that while intoxicated he attempted te walk ever the bridge, but made a misstep and fell seventy feet was 40 years of age and married. He LATEST NUWS BY HAIL. Lizzie Fromback, 2 years of age, fell into a tub of water at 57 Forsyth street, New Yerk, and was drowned. " i Ed ward Jenes, aged twenty-one, during an altercation shot and killed Andrew Fin ley, his uncle, near Salem, IU. James Roekweod, formerly marshal of streater, ill., was shot aud instantly killed in a saloon four miles east of Denver by James Kennedy. Henry Renniuger aud Simen Coskey, sons of well-known farmers near Findley, Ohie, have been arrested for passing coun terfeit silver coin. Mrs. Mary Deyle, while delirious from malarial fever, killed her two-months'-old infant by throwing it out of a third-story window, in Jersey City, en Saturday even ing. Jehn Maicre, a saloon keener in Massil- Ien, Ohie, had his threat cut by a gang of roughs whom lie bad put out et his place. They returned and stoned the saloon, and his wife went for the police. Paterson, N. J., has a solid foundation. A drill for an artesian well has been pounding away for months, and at a depth of 2,200 feet, it is yet passing through solid rock. It will be of interest te tobacco levers te knew that William Lever, who died re cently in Chenango county, N. Y at the age of 101 years, had used tobacco for ninety years. AJyeung woman, giving the name of Carrie Andersen, lias been arrested in New Yerk en the charge of stealiug $1500 worth of diamonds and a small amount of money in Philadelphia. She is held for a requisi tion. Samuel Ramsey, aged sixty-one years, a farmer of Clayten, N. J., shot himself twice in the breast and died from his wounds. He has a wayward daughter who disappeared from home several months age and never returned. Ansel C. Perry, of the wholesale beet and shoe firm of Clark, Perry & Ce., in Baltimore, disappeared last Tuesday. Yesterday mernimr his body was found in the lake in Druid Hill park. He was 45 years old, and it is believed te have com mitted suicide in a fit of insanity. In Buffalo, N. Y while Max AValter was going down into a well te clean it out his feet slipped and he fell te the bottom aud was impaled by a large stick, which went completely through his body coming out at his back. The injured man get out without assistance, was removed te the hospital and was alive at last accounts. In Bay City, Mich., two boilers of Pitts & Cranage's mill exploded, demolishing the boiler house and drill house and shat tering one end of the mill. The boilers were carried 450 feet. The fireman, Gee. Parker, was cithcr'buricd in the rains or blown into the river. Three ethers were badly hurt. At Sacramento Mrs. Geerge Hamilton .sent a note asking for an interview with her husband, from whom she had been separated. lie called en her, and during their conversation she shot him dead. The act was prompted by jealousy. Last win ter she shot and severely wounded a young girl who had excited her jealousy. A show of goats was opened recently at the Alexandra palace in Londen. Ne less than 11!) animals have been collected, aud prizes are offered te the aggregate value of neatly .178, mere than $329 in our money. The Bareness Burdett-Coutts exhibited a fine specimen of a Hungarian male goat, probably the largest ever shown in this country, and it received a prize. In Newbimr. X. J., James Nelau, of Pert Jervis, a brakeman en the Erie rail road, was found dead in the railroad yard with a wound en the head, which Dr. Wiggins testified must have been made with a blunt instrument. There are sus picions of foul play. Twe ether brakemen who were with Nelan testified that they entered the caboose and went te sleep about 11 o'clock, leaving Nelan near where his body was found. STATE ITEMS. The Bcllefeutc Watchman gives an car nest and cordial support te te the Hen. A. G. Curtii). In Philadelphia the two parties have paid taxes for from fifty te sixty thousand voters mere than one-third of the whole vote of the city. In the Snyder county case of the com monwealth against E. Ettinger the jury rendered a verdict of murder in the first degree. James Wiser, aged seventeen years, whose parents reside near Spruce creek, had his thigh se badly crushed between two ere dumps that he died en the 27th hist. The Cambria iron company fired their four hundredth coke even near Connclls Cennclls villc, Fayette county, last week. This makes a grand total of five hundred evens under t lie control of the Cambria iron com pany in the coke region. In Minersvillc an aged lady named Jen kins attempted suicide by cutting her threat, inflicting injuries which physicians say will prove fatal. She has been an in valid ler some tunc and it is supposed committed the act while in a lit of despon dency. A young married woman named Teets was found dead in a garret in Scranton, en Saturday, witli an infant two days old by her side. She died of hunger and ne glect. A for days before her death phe cut off her hair te buy feed while her hus band was carousing in a saloon. The Pan-Presbyterian council closed its sessions in Philadelphia en Saturday. Rev. Dr. J. Marshall Leng, of Glasgow, read a farewell letter, containing words of greeting and advice from the council te the churches forming the alliance. Rev. Dr. Rebert Knox was appointed convener of the next council, which is te be held in Belfast, Ireland, in 1884, and all the Irish delegates were appointed a committee of arrangements. On Friday and Saturday live hundred and three persons of foreign birth were naturalized before the Carben county court, and out of this number only twenty three were for Garfield. A majority of them came down from the Hazleton re gion, ever seven hundred, including many who came for their declarations of inten tion te become citizens. These from Car Car eon county proper were mostly from Banks, Summit Hill, Buck Mountain, Lansford and Ncsquehening, with a fair scattering from the ether districts. Indi cations are that a much larger vote than ever before will be polled and a restoration of the old Democratic majority prier te the organization of the Reeublican party. Telegraph Avar. Hackciisack, N. J., has had a little tele graph war. A large gang of men in the employ of the American Union company were erecting poles through the village streets, and Street Superintendent Earle ordered them te sten. The first pole planted was promptly felled by the super intendent ; but while he was absent con sulting counsel the work of pole planting progressed with such rapidity that Union street was seen lined with them. Several citizens cut down the poles en their premi ses, and the matter will come up before the improvement commission. Fer Hancock. The movement in the New Yerk Union League club te raise money for the elec tion of Garfield in the name of the club has created a commotion among the mem bers of the club who are supporters of Gen. Hancock. These ncutlemcn b.iv tlmr. Gen. Hancock is an honorary member of 1 the club, aud that for that reason, and be- cause many of the club's members are op ep op ppsedteGirfibia, itisnet proper for the ,club te give money te' the Republican managers in the club's name. Gen. Han cock's supperters.in the club have initiated a movement te help his election. Mine Fatalities. Jehn Denehue, a miner at Leith station coal shaft, started te go te the five feet vein, a depth of 250 feet, by letting him self down the rope hand ever hand, te see what was the matter with the bucket, the men at the top being unable te raise it. When but fifty feet from the top of the shaft lie' lest his held and fell te the bot tom. He was crushed into a shapeless mass. J. Morgan Messmore, watchman at the same shaft, volunteered te go down and make some repairs at a depth of a 100 feet. He had completed the work and was stepping from the platform te the bucket, when his heel caught a beard He stumbled and fell te the bottom of the shaft, 150 feet. He was taken out dead and terribly mangled. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Grade of Pupils. The following is the grade by classes of the pupils in attendance at the boys' sec ondary school, North Mulberry street, for the month ending September 30, 1880, the first column of figures indicating the con duct of the pupils, and the second column the progress in the several branches of study : A CLASS. Gundaker I) 95 Kberly Willie.... JO KutledgcH 100 Hetriek Jehn.... 100 95 95 97 95 95 91 itf 95 92 95 92 95 87 Derwurt G E 85 UarpclG I. 85 BitncrJ W 95 Maxwell Win.... 90 Kirkpatrick Win 93 BitnerA W...... 95 Mills Harry. 100 ZoekSK 95 Sternifeltz W L.100 Musser Win 90 Uehrcr Heward. 90 BncklitsIIarrv.. 90 Wiant II. re Gressman II.. Sheets G Chambers .1... Adams W K... Ilitner Ahm... Kreider Chas. Zoekllnrrv... Greff J K. .".... .. Ml .. S5 .. 95 .. HO .. SO ..100 .. 113 .. 85 IS CLASS. Nauman Win.... 95 Apple Harry.... 95 Martin Wm 95 LeiiRencckcr C. 90 95 95 95 90 87 98 95 90 80 93 Martin Jehn Shultz Harry.... WeidlerMB Lcyden Chas.... Hestettcrll Kaufman Eriw.. CexevF 11 Kcilcy Rebert... Hartman Ii:ih... Hull 11 C. 90 Davcler Gee... Bcnttell) Hartman F :.. Shindle Frank., LichtyG K.... .100 . 90 . S3 . 85 . 90 C CLASS, HeitshuE it 91 99 Keyer Calvin 50 Sclmuni Wm 100 GoedliartTho-t.. 92 Bewers Hit 9K Lecher C II 98 Carman J M 85 Faeglev Chas C3 Lecher 'VI! 95 GoeblcGee 80 Hoever W .1 90 Krinscr Gee 80 Jehnsen F II.... J.ntz Fred M, Cehe Herbert... 90 Nuuninn Chan... 8$ tyurr .uieuuei.... Krentz H S4 Amwakc Clie. . . 80 Frank Jno 78 MusiSelmati Win 78 Leng Chas 70 MauUVr Harry.. 73 Kress A 75 D CLASS. Hambrighl Gee. Kuhns Jno Gundaker Wm.. shauh Harry Gust E H Trissler J W BitnerS lieettner Kd Fritz Sum Pewdcn C K.... Weaver G It Kuutz Wm 74 Hartley M 70 Shultz II 70 LeippcHS 70 100 . 90 90 80 Miller W C 5 KryUerC F CI lleettuer Albert CA se 80 7 95 92 m Glever II 1 r,i Power H CO Iteycr J 53 Feuger Hurry.... 58 Leippe M 1. 57 Godfrey ,111 95 lleitsliu W IC... 40 E CLASS. Welchens Will.. 82 Xens Willie Smith Frank.... Wackcr Will.... Mcl'hcrsen II... McEvey M GcrlochJuceb... Flick ChrM Fowler Ja-i Gerrcciit II Vecker Ben Hartley Harry.. KckcrtFred Brinscr Elmer.. Gibsen La tun... Kirk Alfred Bitner Alfred... Krieg Eugene... Hacker Ben Kepner Kl lJeus Sam l'inkerten Herb. Itcese Ward HeitshuIIerb.... Martin Heward. Schaum Jno I.echer Have.... Pentz itenhen... Bcnnwit Will... ZecherSam Xauman Will... Frailey Henry... 44 McGever Dun... 44 Walker Ed 4.T McCartney C 4: Kcimensnyder C 39 Ijivcrty ltalnli.. :8 Buckiiiircr C Troyer Fd uammemi c Jeffries Milten. . F CLASS. 82 92 i;u 99 65 94 et 87 02 98 IS! 92 ;. m IS 90 59 49 .17 91 . . .-; 9s M 94 Fisher Jno Finger Adum DIflenderler.1... Gundaker Will.. McGuirc Henrv BiickcndcrferC. 43 Adams A. DavLsh Will Adams Leuis Hull Wendell.... MaleneChas Burr Walter Bey W.HI Weaver Marien. 47 DUST TO DUST. Several Large Funerals Kecently Held. Yesterday morning the funeral of Dr. Kcyler, of Celcrain township, who died a few days age, took place. It was very large and the pall-bearers were physicians. The deceased had just returned from Col Col orado a short time age. He having gene te that state for his health. Gcerge Swisher, the young man who was killed in a lime kiln, near Quarry villc, en Friday morning, was buried yesterday from his father's residence. There was an immense number of persons present from the surrounding neighborhood, and the in terment was made at the burying ground of the Octoraro church. This morning the funeral of Miss Mary II. Wcntz took place from her fathers residence en .hast Oransc street. The at tendance of friends, of which the deceased had many, was very Large, and the inter ment took place at Lancaster cemetery, after service at St. Mary's church. Jeseph Rineer, who was well-known throughout the lower end of the county, where he was familiary called " Wagner Jee" died last week in Harrisbnrg, te which place he recently removed. He was buried at Mt. Hepe M. E. church near Quarryville en Satnrday and the funeral was very large. The funeral of ex-Sheriff Adam Bare took place at Barcvillc yesterday morn mern ing. The body was removed te Heller's church, where the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Christly Rupp and Rev. Jehn Funk, of !New Helland. The attendance was lanre and the ceremonies very impressive. Ex-Sheriffs A. E. Rob erts, David Hartman, B. F. Rewe, Ames Greff, II. N. Brencman and Sheriff J. S. Striue acted as pall-bearers. The only living ex-sheriff of the county net present was Fred. Smith, of Ceney, who was un avoidably absent. Ex Sheriff Adam Bare had 10 children, 37 grand children and 40 great-grand children. Died In Kansas. The Osage county, Kansas, Jlerald brings us news of the death in Osage,Kan sas, Sept. 23, 1880, from typheid-pncul menia, of Mrs. Mary E. Herning, asred 28 years and 3 days. She was born in Maytown, Lancaster county, where she lived until her parents moved te Dnncansvillc, Blair county, Pa. She was one of a large family, consisting of six daughters and one son. This is the first link broken in the chain. She was married in 1877 and they then re sided in Alteena until Mr. Herning went West. They first located in Osberno City, Osberne county, Kan., where Sirs. Horn Hern ing made many true and sincere friends who will hear of her decease with sadness. Her disposition was naturallv a verv pleasant one, while her sympathy for ethers in trouble was easily awakened, and adding te this, her kindness of speech and gentle manners, it is net strange that she numbered se many friends and no enemies. Her illness was very brief, ex tending ever only thirteen days, her death eccuring en the fourteenth day, at 3 o'clock p. m. Her husband, who was East en business, was telegraphed for after she had been ill three days ; he responded at once and remained at her ttedside night and day. She liad but lately become a mem ber of the Presbyterian church of Osage, having been a professor of religion for ten or twelve years. 73 98 72 98 70 95 70 90 8 S3 IS 88 IX) 94 57 100 55 88 52 97 ,51 90 51 85 48 73 47 91 THE KEPVBLXCASi iAKADE. DlMppelntment, Disgust and Disorder. In accordance with arrangements made and duly announced, the several Republi can clubs of this city assembled en East King street Saturday evening for the pur pose of marching te the Republican meet ing at Rohrerstown. The Examiner Rxve notice that the clubs would march te Roh rerstown, instead of going in the cars, as Cel. Wm. L. Peiper desired te entertain the young men at his residence situated between the two points. The prospect of a free lunch at the hospitable mansion of Mr. Peiper was sufficient inducement te se eure a large turnout of men and boys, net less than 450 of whom were willing te make a six mile walk for a square meal and free beer. There was a geed deal of trouble in arranging the order of march, the Yeung Men's club and the Veterans, each wanting te lead the column. The war-worn ets had te give way and the handsome young men led the advance te the lunch-table, the "colored troops" bringing up the rear. On rciching Cel. Pciper's, it was found that the Examiner's premise of a free lunch was a pious fraud set afloat for the purpose of getting to gether a big crowd, and that Cel. Peiper had made no arraugemente te entertain 400 or 500 hungry and thirsty ward politi cians. We are told he did the best he could, under the circumstances, and "treated" the colonels, majors and cap tains of the clubs. This, however, only aggravated the thirsty rank and file, who were told that the set out would cemprise ten barrels or beer, te say nothing of the mera substantial things that they saw be fore them "in their mind." When the sad reality burst upon them they hurried en pell-mell te Rohrcrstewn, each appar ently intent en being the first te reach the nearest tavern. Kauffman's tavern was first taken possession of and a scene of the wildest confusion followed. Everybody drank at the temporary bars erected for the occasion, and only a few paid for their tipple. Quarrels arose between the city and country DcGeIycrites, who pummelled each ether right bravelv. A large crowd visited Dietrich's taveui, steki whisky by the bottle, refused te pay for their drams, tore down and trampled under feet the large portrait of General Hancock that hung in the bar-room, and tore into shreds the large pesters announc ing Democratic meetings at different points. The clubs returned te the city at a late hour in a terribly demoralized condition, utterly disgusted with the fraud that had been practiced upon them, and fatigued with their long and unprofitable tramp. There arc rumors that appear te be well founded, that the trouble has net yet ended; that the Yets declare that they will no longer play second fiddle te the Yeung Men's club, composed as it is of callow youth, a large percentage of whom are net twenty-one years old and are net entitled te vote. As an illustration of the juvenil ity of the crowd, we may mention that in the Seventh ward club alone there were ticenty-tJirec non-voters, whose names are known. ind were written down by persons well acquainted witti them, while thev were standing in line. The misbehavior of the men who visited Dietrich's is the mere indefensible for the fact that Mr. Dietrich had made every preparation te treat the visitors courteously putting himself te the trouble of illumina ting his house en the occasion. THE LEAF. The Lecal Tobacco .Market. There has been very considerable activ ity in our local maiket durinrthe nast few days. Net less than 800 cases of 1870 leaf has been disposed of at geed figures. iheugii the prices are kept private, it is said the advance in first-class goods has been from 3 te 4 ccr.ts per pound, and that outside of Lancaster but few lets of really geed leaf arc te be found in the county. First-class goods are eagerly sought by manufacturers, many of whom buy directly from the packer instead of from the job ber, as heretofore. Medium and inferior goods de net go off se readily, and ic is be lieved that holders of such goods are a lit tle tee "steep" in their views, and that they will net dispose of their packings until they come down a peg or two. Of the new crop little can be added te what was said last week : the crop is housed ; mucji of it very fine, much of it very small ; much of it badly damaged by the flea and ether insects, and a little of it cut by hail. It is all en the poles and ap pears te oe curing well, tuc weather being very favorable for that purpose. Wc hear no complaint of pole-sweat or ether in juries te the crop except these above noticed. Of course it is tee early as yet te state what the outcome may be, but the present show is geed. A few lets that were cut early are reported te be ready for stripping, but these are of course excep tional lets. The Sew Yerk Market. Sales of seed leaf tobacco, reported by J. S. Gans's Sen & Ce., tobacco brokers, Xes. S4 and 80 AVall street, New Yerk, for the week ending October 4, 1880: 83.1 cases 1879, Pennsylvania fillers, G2()7lc.; asserted, 12J21c; wrapper?, 18(5,;i7c.; 80 cases 1878, Pennsylvania, 10t(,15c.- oue cases iey, cw .England seconds, 10i(t,13e.; wrappers, 1540c.; Housatonic asserted, SOr-a; 100 cases 1879, Flats, 12i(nlGc; 150 cases 1879, Ohie, 7llc; 100 cases sundries, 9(5,22c.; 1,783 cases. Sales of Real ntate. Henry Shubcrt, auctioneer and real es tate agent, sold at public sale en last Sat urday evening at the Leepard hotel, the property belonging te the estate of Jehn Arneld, deceased, situated in the Third ward, between Seuth Christian and Seuth Duke streets and between East Mifflin and East Vine streets. Te Jacob Lamparter, for $1,700. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, .sold at public sale en Saturday, October 2, for Jehn C. Hcrr and Elias Wissler, ex ex ecueors of the. will of the Rev. Christian Hcrr, deceased : Ne. 1, a tract of land situated along the Lancaster and Millers ville turnpike, in Lancaster township, con taining 3 acres and 112 perches, te Rudelph S. Hcrr, for $300 per acre; Ne. 2, a tract of weed-leave, containing 2 acres, te Philip Lcbzelter, for $283. AIm at the same time and place, 27 acres of chestnut sprout land, situated in Providence township, te Abraham S. Hcrr, 'or $19.40 per acre, the whole amounting te $2,038.80. List or Unclaimed Lettcrx. The following is a list of unclaimed let ters remaining in the postefiice here for the week ending te-day : Ladie' List : Mina Chester, Mrs. Em ma Dennelly, Mrs. Sallic Edwards, Kate Graeff. Lizzie Herr, Mrs. A. M. Jacksen, Mrs. J. E. Kurtz, Barbery Kepliner, Liz zie Martin, Mrs. Annie Phillips, Mrs. Liz zie Stafi'er, Mrs. Jno. Zellinger. uents- jaH : W. S. Uarker, Ban). F. Chronister, C. W. Cramer, Harman Dahn, Ress Eshlcman, Maris Hess, L. B. Hum mel, Jacob Heuser, James Luca, Frank Leehr. Michael Mcrringer, Harry Mehr, Gee. F. Prengcr, Michael Shrcincr, Davis Slaughter, M. Y. Van Hern, Jonathan Waters. I'ele liaising. At Slackwatcr en Thursday evening the junior Democrats had a pole raising and torchlight precession. The affair was un der the management of Master W. G. Shober, ably assisted by the boys of the neighborhood. The pole is 83 feet in height and the precession was quite an imposing one, being headed by a drum corps, consisting or Jay G. Shober and Pud McHenry. THIS JURY BOX list or Jurymen Draws Te-day. Names of 50 jurors te serve in a common pleas court commencing Monday, Novem ber 22. "" Jeseph R. Ferney, farmer, Penn. Henry Melllugcr, blacksmith, Washing ton ber. Benjamin F. Werth, mason, Pievidence. David Terbert, laborer, Columbia. Lindley F. Brown, farmer, Sadsbury. Cyras Ream, justice of peace, E. Coca Ceca Coca Iice. Jehn Masen, innkeeper, Salisbury. Hugh E. Miller, tailor, Salisbury. Jehn A. WeiraerJ carpenter, 3d ward, city. Jehn Rcdmau, auctieueer,Manheim twp. Lemuel Brown, merchant, W. Earl. Harvey E. Greff, clerk, Cth ward, city. F. O. Sturgis, carpenter, 5th ward, city". James H. Handwerk, farmer; E. EarL Jehn W. Lytic, merchant, Strasburg ber. Reuben R. Reycr, machinist. Ephrata. Peter Graybill, farmer, W. Earl. Jacob B. Leng, broker, 2d ward, city. Martin B. Geed, farmer, Brecknock. Jeseph C. Buckwalter, farmer, Manheim twp. Augustus Derrick, farmer, Martic. Sylvester Burrels, laborer, Columbia. Samuel J. Ankrim, farmer, Drumerc. William H. negg, farmer, Celcrain. Edward McMullen, farmer, Penn, David Miller, farmer, Martic. Christian Flery, farmer, E. Denegal. Jehn B. Wissler, clerk, Columbia. William Ellis, stenographer, Columbia. Jehn Scncr, farmer Pequea. Jehn S. Stauffer, farmer, East Earl. Jehn Kline, printer, 8th ward, city. Abrani Fritz, shoemaker. Manheim twp. Dauiel Beese, miller, E. Denegal. William Zeros, blacksmith, E. Earl. Themas Cullcy, farmer, Martic. David Kautz, brickmakcr, 9th ward.city. Ames Harnish, carpenter, Columbia. Jehn W. Helli:iger,innkcceper, Warwick. Adam Greff, farmer. Providence. Wilsen J. Fisher, laborer, 4th ward, city. iiiram hwarr, farmer, E. llcmplield. Jehn Ammend, lime-burncr, E. Earl. Fred Hartmyer, gentleman, 5th ward, city. Henry II. Harnish, farmer, Concstega. Martin E. Bemberger, dealer. Manheim ber. Linua'tis R. Reist, farmer, Manheim twp. Reuben Baker, miller, Mauer. Ellis Bachman, cabinetmaker, Strasburg ber. Themas Jenes, mechanic, Fulton. Names of 30 jurors te serve in a com mon pleas court commencing Monday, No vember 29th. Jehn Lccd, farmer, East Cocalico. Christian S. Gerber, farmer, East Done Dene gal. Frank Warfel, laborer, Coueslega. Rebert Jacobs, gentleman, Caernarvon. Jehn Kennedy, farmer, Fulton. Geerge Dillcr. innkeeper, Paradise. Andrew B. Landis, farmer, Manheim twp. Jehn B. Heuser, grocer, 8th ward city. Richard Weaver, saddler, Earl. Jacob R. Ruttcr, innkeeper, Lcaceek. Jehn Kreider, farmer, E. Denegal. Stephen Hicstand, farmer, Manheim twp Henry Gish, miller, W. Denegal. Thce. Rudy, farmer, W. Earl. Jehn S. Mctzger, carpenter, 4th ward city. Tobias D. Martin, farmer, Warwick. Reuben A. Bear, editor, 2d ward city. Henry Fex, tailor, Salisbury. Tsaac B. Martin, tailor, Earl. V. J. Baker, tobacconist, Columbia. Jelin-G. Snavcly, grocer, Columbia. William K. Maurcr, assessor, Adams town. Menue Hershcy, farmer, Paradise. F. P. Ileuscal, gentleman, E. Denegal. Levi S. Reist, farmer, Warwick. Abraham Geltmacher, butcher, E. Don Den egal. Daniel Smcych, cigar-maker, 8th ward, city. Elain Lcfevre, wagon-maker, Lampeter. James McGill. farmer, W. Denegal. Antheny Lcchlcr, lightningred-man, 3d ward city. C. G. Snyder, farmer, E. Denegal. Rufus Gresh, grocer, Marietta. Israel Kern, gentleman, Caernarvon. Jehn Lcnhart, farmer, W. Hcmpfield. Jacob Shearer, painter, Manheim ber. Wm. II. Brosius, farmer, Drumore. Henry G. Herr, farmer, Maner. T. J. Armstrong, assessor. Providence. Graybill C. 3Ientzer, wheelwright. Ear!. Henry Rohrer, tailor. Ephrata. Ernest Kechlcr, tailor, Cth ward, city. Samuel Hinklc, tailor, Marietta. Jehn Clark, wheelwright. W. Hempficld. Andrew Rambo, editor, Columbia. J. C. Otte, carpenter, Martic. Jehn 31. Weller, farmer, W. Hcmpfield. Jeremiah Carman, tailor, E. Hempficld. Abraham Heffer, farmer, W. Denegal. Henry Ferney, farmer, E. Lampeter. Reese Evansen, farmer, Bart. JN'aracs of 48 jurors te serve in a quarter sessions court, commencing Monday, Dec. 0 : Jehn G. Bewman, farmer, Ephrata. M. J. Biirkheldcr, merchant, Penn. Jacob Singer, merchant, Elizabeth twp. Jehn C. ('lair, saddler, Raphe. Jehn B. Cadwell, farmer, Lcaceek. G. L. Bewman, farmer. Brecknock. Martin Woemert, shoemaker, E. Earl. Simen Nisslcy, farmer, Mt. Jey twp. Jeseph D. Pewnall, farmer, Sadsbury. Philip Borngesser, tobacco packer, 7th ward, city. Theodere Siple, merchant, Maner. Jeseph Lebar, barber, 7th ward, city. Geerge Flowers, painter, Mt. Jey twp. J. R. Buckwalter, farmer, Salisbury. Abraham Harnish, merchant, Leacock, Samuel Donavan, clerk, Mt. Jey ber. Jehn M. Fulton, survcycr, Pequea. Abraham Celden, drover, Penn. AVilliam M. Slaymakcr, clerk, 2d ward, city. Samuel II. Wiker, coejier, Strasburg twp. David Bender, butcher, E. Denegal. Charles Himmelsbach, ceachmaker, 7th ward, city. Isaac S. Sahm, merchant, Penn. Isaac Watsen, laborer, Mt. Jey twp. Jehn Prescelt, assessor, W. Denegal. Wm. Armstrong, farmer, Martic. Bernard E. Malenc, contractor, Colum bia. Benj. B. Kaiiffnian, farmer, E. Hemp ficld. Daniel S. Lutz, auctioneer, E. Cocalico. II. B. B. Garman. clerk, Manheim ber. E. Shcaffcr Metzgar, clerk, ftthward, city. Jes. Schmid, printer, 8th ward, city. Henry B. Kauffman, farmer, Maner. Allen G. Pyle, butcher, 1st ward, city. Jacob M. Marks, merchant, fith ward, city. Samuel Gruel, butcher, 4th ward, city. Henry G. Mekn, miller, Adamstown. Tobias Stchman, farmer, Penn. A. C. Ilyus, scrivener, Manheim twp. Jacob Rohrer, farmer, E. Lampeter. Jehn K. Fisher, butcher, Manheim ber. Chas. W. 3Iurry, innkeeper, Elizabeth- town. Gee. W. Wermly, jr., farmer, Elizabeth town. Wm. 3IcGewan, faimcr, Sadsbury. Adam 31. Snyder, plasterer, 5th ward, city. Israel Clark, farmer, Caernarvon. Jehn J. Geed, farmer, 3Iartic. 3!ilten R. Bushenir, miller. U. Leacock. Correction. In publishing the list of premiums award ed by the Agricultural and Horticultural society the award te A. L. Kreider was accidentally emitted. He was awarded a first premium and certificate of merit for ready mixed paints. ? W