I v'ij!r-'h-i-''"-Tr-( jf.i"' -r "'"' i'vs.s.&;,.i.-; V'.' --'-Vv"i. - - vJsVi- -i" ?i a LAKcAstEfe i)AniiHm 2, fe8d ".- COLUMBIA NEWS. Utii: REGULAR CORkESPOXDEXCE Flng; Premutatien The Hancock Juvlncible Uniform Notes Around Town. Lafct evening the residence of W 13. Given, esq., "at Fourth and Chestnut stiects, the jilace selected for the presen tation by the ladies of Columbia of a bunt ing flag te the Keystone Democratic club, was handsomely illuminated, every win dew of the commodious dwelling house being resplendent with light, while in front and en each side arranged wherever space cauld be found, were hanging Chinese lanterns, the whole being net in the least lessened by the pictures of the Demo cratic candidates for the offices of presi dent and vice president of the United States, General Wiulield S. Hancock and William II. English, occupy ing conspicuous positions in the front windows en tlie first fleer of the house. The United States flag the one pre sentedhung just te the right and the ladies steed te the left, grouped in a semi-circle, with II. 31. North and W. B. Given, e.sqs., the former te present the flag and the latter te receive it, standing in fieut and withiu the semi-circle. The Keystone Democratic club appeared at Mr. Given's lesidenccat about 8:10 o'clock and was drawn up in front facing the house from the peich of which the speaking was done. 31 r. II. 31. Xe.th in behalf of the ladies, in a speech of about half an hour's duration, piesented the flag te the club and it was received by W. B.Givcn, esq., who, in accepting made the following remarks : " Mr. 2erl7t and Ladies : It becomes my plcasmc as the piesident of the Keystone Democratic club of Columbia, te receive this flag. I return in their name te the ladies who have se kindly and generously remembered us grateful, hearty thanks. This i alittiugilt.In the long age as seen as mankind began te assemble together for the purpose of accomplishing a par ticular enterprise, some lend of a conspicuous object was used as the symbol of the common senti ment, as the rallying point of the common force. This symbol was generally a fla, and it served by rccalliug te men their past lcselvcs; by lemiuding them of the gieat deeds of their heroes who live only in memory, le rally te eutuusisin these animating feelings of honor, of pergenal devotion, of patriotism, upon which, as well as upon skillful leadership and strict discipline, success in all great efforts de pends. In thin great, bread, free land of ours these stars and stripes are our common symbol. Its thiitccn brilliant strips recall te us the struggling days of our young ic publie when capability and honesty the Icflerseuiau Democratic test of capability for office wieuifht our independence. Its Mars in this latter day, thirty-eight in number, each leprcscnt a great and mighty sovereignty, yet the many in one. Treason attempted te tear them asunder, but the patriotic sons of America flew te arms and ujien our fair fields of Pennsylvania wen the dhcisive victory. Partisan maligmity of te-d:iy would divide them into sections and make them subject te different laws according le their political faith ; but again the sons of our land will arise in their might, net this time in the habili ments of war. but armed with the silent, potent power of the ballet, and the verdict shall be no North, no Seuth, no East, no West, but the many in one under the uni versal law of the constitution. Ladies, this symbol shall assist us te win the pres ent great political struggle. It will re mind u that your loyal hearts bid us God speed in the fight. It will recall te us the noble deeds of brav ery accomplished in its and for the preservation of its unity by him . who is our standard bearer, Winficld Sett Hancock, here of Gettysburg and son of j Pennsylvania. Ladies, we shall love this i symbol because it is the flag of our ceuu- i try ; wc shall care for it because it conies from your hands and v.'c shall ever use it in behalf of the right.' llircc cneeis were given for Hancock and English, for the ladies, and for the speakers, when the flag was handed te Captain Bert Slade, and the Keystone club returned te its club room. A liieet'iig of the Columbia teachers' in- ( stitute wa held this morning. Rew Themas Jacksjn, of Pine Giove, , Pa., is visiting friends in Columbia. i The Ilauceek luvincibles adopted an uui-! form last evening. It cousistef a helmet, blue shirt, white necktie, white belt and torch. A breast plate with the letters " II & E ' is attached tvi the shirt besom. A squad of eight, four ladies and as many gentlemen, membeis of the Rebin Heed archery club, of this place, went le 3Iarietta yestei.lay afternoon, and over whelmingly defeated a lepresentativc team of that place. The Columbia lire company transacted its monthly business last evening. Nothing of impeitaucc. Scncr Bletz, a student at Lebanon Valley college, is visiting his home in Columbia. Captain L. W. Richards s company "B ' of the Republicans battalion will parade fully equipped thi evening. The Fredenek divisen P. R. R. passen ger train employees are new wearing their winter uniforms. The Philadelphia di vision men, running between that city and Harri?barg, still stick le their summer rigs. A surprise party was taken evening be fore last te the residence ef3Ir. Grccna wait, en "Walnut street between Fourth and i'litii. It will be remembered bv the membeis that Putnam Cirele Ne 113 B. 31. (II. F.) C. A., will attend evening services at the United Bethel church te-morrow. Rev-, C. S. Jleily will preach a special sermon. Wm. jlarklcy, leader of the Citizens' baud, of this place, will play with the Mount villc baudatRohrcrstewn this cven inr. Th.it "Torrible " Outrage. Under the head of " a Democratic out rage " the Examiner had a long local en Wednesday evening about the arrest of "Curly" Shay by Officer Titus. They say he was talking loud enough te be heard while a dozen persons who saw the arrest made, say that the efilccr was right in do ing se. rfhay was making mere noise than a half a deeu men, and he was roundly abusing a man vrhe was standing near him and had s.iid nothing. Persons who knew Shay will likely knew which story te believe. Republican Meeting ut Scheenccfc. The Republicans had a mass meeting and torch-light precession last night at Scheencck. The Third and Fourth wards Republican clubs of this city attended, in a body numbering about 150 men. Speech es were made by W. D. Weaver, Thes. J. Davis, J. W. Mentzcr and ethers. The Lancaster boys didn't get home until the grey of the morning. Admitted te Rail. William Jlimm, who en Sunday night cut Wesley Heir in a fight at Georgetown, Bart town&hip. was brought iute court, from prison this afternoon, and was ad mitted te bail in the sum of 8300 te answer at court, the charge of felonious assault and battery. If you are a sulferer from any disease of the kidneys try Pret. Gnllmctte's French Kidney Pad, and lake no ether, it will cure you. A New Use for Cerk. The want has long been felt of a fleer co er lu:r combining the durability and comlert of a carpet, with the cleanliness of oilcloth. The desirable end is obtained in the the p.i cut Lixeixra, an 1, being composed of cork is never cold under feet. The goe.ls are made in a variety of handsome patterns, suitable ler cery part of a. dwelling house, as well as ."tore-, offices, etc. See that the word " Ltxo Ltxe ixum '' is en the back of every square yard. This is the only genuine article. Kept by all carpet dealer. . ltd Fine WertaMBShlp. There Is new en exhibition in Rhoads & Bre.'s jewelry store, West KJng.strect, a work ing model or a combined hiypike and tedder, which is one of the most beautiful things of the kind we have ever seen. It is made of brass and rosewood, and is finished in a beau- It If ul manner. It was made by Albert Iske, of this city, te the order et Israel Landls and at tracted much attention at the horticultural fair, where it was en exhibition. ltd m Amusements. Jeffersen at "Beb Acre." An event of the present dramatic season here will be the ap pearance at i ulten opera house, en Tuesday evening next, of Mr. Jeseph Jeffersen in his gr-'at impersonation of Fighting Beb Acre in Sheridan's comedy of "The KivaU." Mr. Jeffersen's Rip Van Winkla gave him a world-wide reputation years age, which he is maintaining in the role he has mere recently assumed, in which he lias been appearing be fore large and delighted audiences for several week's pjfet in Philadelphia. Se notable h-is been Mr. Jeflersen's success in this latest per formance, that the New Yerk Tribune and Herald sent their dramatic critics te Philadel phia te review the play and the great come dian's part in it, and their notices, uniformly with these et the local press, are of the mast complimentary character. Of the play itself it is unnecessary te speak. -'The Rivals" is a lameus off-spring of Brinsley Sheridan's witty pen that for a century has delighted English-speaking people, and the production of legitimate comedy here will be a pleasant relief from the monotony of burlesque and specialty perfei mances that have made up the gieat balk of the exhibitions at the .opera house thus far this season. The company sup porting Mr. Jeffersen includes such notable names as Mrs. Jehn Drew, Mr. Maurice Barry- mere, Mr. Frederick Robinson and ethers of like reputation. Grand It ally. Cheap excursion te Heading en Saturday. October '.). Fare for the round trip only $1.25 Train leaves Lancaster (King Street) at 7:55 a. in. and Columbia at 7:55 a. m. Tickets geed te return en any train. Grand Democratic parade at 1 p. All clubs arc invited te attend. Governer Gee. 15. McClcIlan, W. U. Ilensel and ethers will speak. Fer particulars see circu lars at fctitieus. e2,4,C,6Jtltw The aged and infirm are strengthened and faculties brightened by Malt Bitters. Hydrophobia, Dogs transmit it through their teeth. Teeth should be kept free from virus. Use SOZO DOXT, keep the human teeth clean, and no damage can be done by the man who says te his girl, ' I feel like eating you up, dearest." s20-lweed&w for tender and inflammcd faces Cuticura Shaving Seap is worth its weight in geld. 1'OLITICAL BULLETIN. Fur Assembly. The name el WILLIAM McCOMSEY, of the l'lret ward, v ill he presented te the Demo cratic electors et Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate si candidate for As sembly, under Democratic rules. KLIM G. SNYDER, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub feel te Democratic rules. til POLITICAL. MEETINGS. I:i Lancaster. Gcnciul teichlight parade en Friday even ing. October 1. Xe speaking. W'cWli Mountain Inn. Tiiceunty meeting Wednesday afternoon and evening, Oct. fi. Speakers. IS. B. Wiegand, of Keading ; K. .1. Monaghan, of West Chester ; L JlcCaa, 15. F. Davis, D. McMnllen, J. 51. Walker. J. L. Stelnmetz, W. IT. Hcncl, Helaud. Jno. H. II. Dellavcn. juarryvllle. Pele r.ii-ing, Tuesday afternoon Oct. ft Falmouth. Friday evening, October?. Spcakeis: s, Sl'adle, W. II. Itelaml. At Mouutvitle en -Monday, October II. Speakers: Jehn W. W. W. t erney, J. Luther Kingwalt, E. McCaa, J. L. SttiiiiiieU, B. F. Davis, W. V. Hemel and Wm. It Given. At OtiarrjIIle Tuesday, October 12. Speakers: J. W. Ferney .1. Luther Ilingwalt, Cel. Jehn E. Kltehie. E. 5IcCaa ami ethers. New Helland. Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 13. Speakers: Hen. Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther KIngwalt, Cel. Jehn II. Ititchic, E. McCaa, of Alabama, Gen. II. Kyd Douglas. Win. II ltelnnd, Wm. B. Given and ethers. In Lancaster en Tuesday evening, Oct. 12. Speakers: Jehn W. Ferney, .!. Luther KIngwalt, Gen. II. Kyd Douglas and ethers. Millport, East Lampeter Twp. Thursday evening, October 11. Speakers: B F. Davis, J. L. Steinmctz, E.D. Xerth, W. U. Henhel, J. A. Ceylc. I'ewmansvillc. Fi iday evening. October 15. Speakers Hen. D. Ermenlreut, of Beading; "W. It. Wilsen, D. McMnllen, W. II. Keland, J. B. Garuian, II. X Mehler. Litltz. Fi iday evening, October 15. Speakers : E. 51c Caa, K. B. Wiegand, B. F. Davis. W. V. Ilensel. May tan n. Saturday evening, October 10. Speaker : W. 1. HciiM!l, D. McMullen. Mt Call's Ferry. Ch. Oilleiuan's hotel, Saturday afternoon and evening, October 1C. Spcakurs: Hen. J. L. Steinnn'tz. E. I). Xerth, 1. B. IJibk. Strasburg. Saturday evening, October 16. E. McCau, B F. Davis W. II. Ueland, Jehn A. Ceylc. Midway. Tuesday evening, October 19. Kirkwoetl. Tlnu-day afternoon and evening, October 21. ICphrata. Friday afternoon and evening, October 22. Hen. E. IC. Apgar and ethers. Lancaster. Friday evening, October 22. Speakers: Hen. E. K. Apgar and ethers. Kalnbridge. Saturday, October 23. Keainstewn. Tuesday, October 26. Speakers: W. It. Wil Wil eon, J. L. Stcinmetz, J. A. Ceylc. Lancaster. Wednesday evening, Octeber 27. Speaker: Hen. S. J. Bandall. Christiana. Wednesday. October 27,atlcruoen anil evening. Intercourse. Thursday evening, October 2S. tiFEUIAJ, NOTICE. SAMPLE NOTICE. it it, impossible lern woman alter a taithfui course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound te continue te sutler with a weakness of the uterus. Enclose n stamp te Sirs. Lydia E. Pinkham, SJ3 Western avenue. Lynn, 3Ia-., for pamphlets. jy29-lydeedSw Statisiics prove that twenty-nve percent of t he deaths in our larger cities arc caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall wc condemn the suflercrs for their negli gence, or pity them for their IgneranceT Ne OEast King street. A Wish. I wish I was a fere'gner, Hottentet or Heathen Turk, Or else I lived in China where they used no knife or fork, Fer my health is really horrid, I'm feeling very sad, Aiul I have get dyspepsia, and get it very bad. Peer fellow, instcadet grunting, meaning and crying. Yeu better by far Spring lllossem be trying. Prices : 50c. trial bettlesJlOc. Fer sale by H. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1S9 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. '& Cruel. . Why ought the children of a thief te he burnt! ilecause their Pa steals (pastiles.) ISurns, scalds, cuts, bruises cured by Dr. Themas' Eclcctric Oil. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 17 Samuel A. Hewitt. Monteray, Mich., writes that Dr. Themas' Eclcctric Oil cannot be beat by any medicine for coughs and colds and for rhauiuatism, it works like a charm. It has been thoroughly tried in this place and is great demand. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster. 21 It Is simply marvelous hew quickly consti pation, biliousness, and sick headache are cured by "Sellers' Liver Pills." Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Byrpp. "What'a the matter, Jehn?" "Ol a big boil." "Well, why don't yen take 'Dr. Llnd sey's Bleed Searcher,' and be cured;" Coughs. ' "Brown's Bronchial Troches'" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer thirty years these Troches have been In use, with annually increasing favor. They are net new and untried, bnt, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. The Threat. "Brown' Bronchial Treche"1 act directly en the organs of the voice. They have an ex traerdinary effect in all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, cither ireni cold or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a clcarand distinct enunci ation. Speaker and Singer find the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect often times results in some incurable Lung Disease. Brewn'' Bronchial Treche " will almost in variably give relief. Imitations are offered for t-alc, many et which are injurious. The genu ine "Brown' Bronchial Treche" are sold only in bexe. ianl5-lydwTu,Th&S Dr. llnewsirc's Tonic and Alterative is the popular Bleed Purifier, Tonic, etc., because it is made by a Regular Graduate et Mediclne, is the result et scientific research, is accurately and elegantly compounded, wonderfully effi cacious, is taken in very small doses, and Is pure, clean, and pleasant te the taste. Prlce 50 cents and $1. Fer sale by the Proprietor. W. Champien Browning, M. D., 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia, and all Druggists. el-lwdTTh&S Arousing its Readers. An alarm or Arc lit midnight Is'a startling thing, but net half se startling fe many who hear it as would be the sudden knowledge et their own dangerous physical condition. Thousands of thousands aic hurrying te their graves because they are carelessly Indifferent te the Insidious inroads et disease and the means et cure. It is the mission of II. II. Warner & Ce., with tlicir Safe Kldncv and Liver Cure, te arouse men te a sense of their danger and then euro them. -Mamphi Appeal. 1'evcrty and Suffering. "I was dragged down with debt, poverty anil sullcringler yearn, caused bya sick family anil large bills for doctoring, which did them no geed. I was completely discouraged, until one year age, by the advice of my pastor, I procured Hep Hitters and commenced their use, am I in one month we were all well, and none et us Iiave scen a sick day since, and 1 want te say te all peer men, you can keep your families well a year with Hep Bitters ler less than one doctor' viit will cost. A Working man." 2wd DEATHS. Bake. At Uarcville, en Eeptcmber 30, Adam Bare, in the 32d year of his age. The relatives and friends et the deceased are respectfully invited te attend his funeral from his late residence, en Sunday, at 10 o'clock. In termentat Heller's church. CexjfEM.. In this city, Oct. 1, 18S0, Clmrle G. Council, in Ills S5th year. The relatives anil ft lends arc reapcettully in vited te attend the luncml from his late resi dence, corner el Lime and Lemen streets, en Sunday altcrnoen, Octeber 3, at 3 o'clock. I Philadelphia Ledger, please copy. Wentz. On the 1st inst., 5Iary Helen Wcntz. in her 20th year. The friends el the family arc invited without further netice te attend the luncrnl from tlie residence et her father, Chas. E. Wentz, Xe. 45 E. Orange stieet, en Monday, the 4th inst., nt 10:30 a. :n. 2td A'E IV Alt VJSUTISEMJiXTS KOASTED GKUDNU HUG AND SAUEK Kraut Lunch this evening at the Maner Hetel. West Kingstrect. W5I. KEHJI, ltd Proprietor. lOR KENT. J? Fine, large. 'dry second story Irontreom ever Fiihnesteck's Dry Goods Stere, next deer te tlie court Heuse, suitable ler a Lawyer or Physician. Immediate possession if required. ltd w 7" ANTED THIRTY LAIIOK1NO MEM nt the i.nncater county Agricultural Park. New Helland pike, en 5IOXDAY JIOUXIXG at 7 o'clock. ltd PHILIP DIXKELBERG. w T ANTED A (ilKL f Housework in si TO DO GENERAL small family. Geed wage-- paid. Call at 15-1 XOUTII QUEEN STltEET TUIRD SlTPl'LY OF GAKFlKLD AND HANCOCK CAPS jut received; also a lull line et underwear, ladies' and gents' hose, uspenilers. handkerchiefs. &c at BECHTOLD'S. ltd Xe. r2 Xerth Queen Street. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. On October 1, 1SS0. Gerrccht & Ce., dealers in coal, dissolved partnership. All claims must t)e handed in at enee, and all collections will be made by the undersigned, who will continue the business. 4td REILLY A KELLER. Te. e. r. The members et Lancaster Ledge Xe. 07, .Monterey Ledge Xe. 212 and Hebcl Ledge Xe. 59.) are requested te meet at their hall, en SUXDAY AFTEUXOOX, OCTOBER 3, at V4 o'clock, for the purpose of attending the funeral et Brether C. G. Council, late a mem ber of Star of America Ledgo Ne. 52, of Phila delphia. By order of the X. (I. ltd GEO. SPURRIER, Sect. PUBLIC SALl "" On SATURDAY. OCTOBER 9, will be sold ill the Leepard Hetel, a valuable three story Brick Dwelling and two-story Brick Buck building, containing 11 rooms; also a Brick Building and Frame Shed Heuse, Xe. 442 East King Street. Let fronts 'M teet. 2 inehes ; In depth 215 feet le a II teet wide public allcv. Hydrant in the yaid. Fruit Trees. Ac. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in.. i hen condition u Hi be made knew n by HEX15Y SIIUBERT, ect2-7td Auctioneer. rinn: 3UEIWKEUS OE INLAND CITY JL Ledge Xe 83, K. el P., are requested te meet ou to-inei row (-Sunday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, te attend the luneral of the late Brether C. (J. Council, et Damen Ledge, Ne. 8, of Philadelphia. Members of Nes. C8 and 165 are Invited te attend. Dark clothes, cap anil white gloves. Members In possession el caps will bring them le the hall. Uv order of the C. Commander. Attest JEREMIAH RIFE, ltd K. R. and S. LADIES AND GENTS It you want a 105 GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, HcA'.y-madc or mads te order, call at P. HIEMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. ie2GS&Wtfd PUKLIU SALE. On MONDAY, OCTOBER II, 1880, Will be sold at the Leepard Hetel. East. Kinir street, that valuable three-story BRICK DWELLING and let et ground, situated en the cast side of Ner Lh Lime street Ne. 307. The house contains bill, parlor, dining l-oem and kitchen en first fleer, live rooms en second fleer, and two rooms en third fleer ; ale a Frame Summer kitchen. Let runs in depth te a fourteen feet wide alley. The house lias all the modern Im provements, such as ga, het and cold watci" bath and water closets and furnace In the ccller te heat the whole house. This is a per fect house ll through. One half the purchase, money can remain in the property for a number of years. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., of said day, when conditions, of sale will be made known by C. A REECE, II. Sbubert, Auct. ect2-8ttlR LADIES' COATS. Opened this day a large stock of the above goods, te which special attention Is Invited. Silk and Cotten Yelvets FOR TRIMMING AND SKIRTS. BLACK AND COLORED SATINS FOB TRIMMING, &c. BLACK SILKS AND Black and Colored Cashmeres. We have all the above goods In loll supply, anil te be sold at our usnal Lew Prices. FAHNESTOCK'S, Kext Deer te the Court Blouse. HJBW XBTXMTBEXBlm. "Among the many advantages gained byeur change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and cemplete1 equipment of machinery' and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING-, MUSICAL. BOX REPALNLNQ, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C., In the city, is te be NORBECK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. 49-COX & CO.'S The Stock Includes nil the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, uch as the Brewster, Whitney, Salldee Triple, Empire iCress Spring, Dexter Queen, Duplex nd Elliptic, and they will also make te order any style a purchaser may desire. Repairing fall kinds promptly attended te. All work guaranteed for one year. "OUR -WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD." JVJBIf AltrXUtTlSEJMJiS'TS. FOR RENT. An old established business stand and dwelling known as 5Irs. Jehn P. Wolfs grocery stand at 701 Xerth Queen street. Kent leasenablc. Possession given immediately. Apply te JOHN P. WOLF. el-2td 214 Xerth 5Iulbcrry Street. 105 UO TO F. HIEMENZ'S, 105 Xe. 105 Xerth Queen street for the Cheapest and Best BOOTS AXD SHOES. IOS Sign el the Dip Shee. 105 12.;-SAWfd PUML1C SALE OF REAL ESTATE. On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1880, at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, will be sold a two-story BRICK DWELLING, with two-story Brick Back Building, containing seven (7) rooms, with gas, situated at Xe. 20 Plum street. Tlie let irents 17 lcet 4 inches by CI feet. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m , when terms win uc maue Known uy 1I17V1 HENRY IIERSHEY. ect2-13td S. Hess A Sex, Aucts. COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family anil all ether kind of COAL go te RUSSEL.& SHULMYBB'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 22 East King Street. YARD: 018 Xerth Prince Street. augU-taprlSK 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer which Hie highest price will be paid. 2X CEXTS PER POUXD FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. 3K CENTS PER POUND FOR WHITE RAGS. The highest price naid ter Woolens, Ola Paper, Beeks, Ac. Teh Rag Assertcrs wanted, te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBBR, Cor. Xerth Queen and Orange Streets, y9-tfdRl Lancaster. Pa W AS FITTING AND PLUMBING. JOHN P. SCHAUM, Ne. 27 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. A Large Asberlment el GAS FIXTURES Constantly en hand. jyNWimdeawS H ULL'S DRUG STORE. FOR- PRESERVING CIDER rE NEUTRAL SEF1TE OF LIE. DIRECTIONS FOR USING WITH EACH PACKAGE. FOIl HALK AT HULL'S DRUG STOKE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET, ang23-lyd LANCASTER, PA. ll'AlfTED. WANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVER tlse, free of charge, in the Inteixiekh kr, who wanlH something te de. WANTED AT THIS OFFICE COPIES et the Weekly Ihtellieexceii of the fol lowing dates : JAN. 1, 1SS0, JULY 23, 1SS0. tfd OrncB of thb Mahest Mutual Life Asse- i ciaties or Selissgkeve, Pa. TXr ANTED GOOD, ACTIVE, RESPONSI TT ble Agents in eenntv et Lancaster. tewnshin of the pply in hand writing of Armltrcint, te the Heme Office L. R. HUMMEL, Sec'y. Selinsgrove, Snyder county, Pa.. September 17.1860. f.cpl6-lma&5tw Eli VCATIOlfAL. PENNSYLVANIA MUSEUM AND SCHOOL of Industrial Art. The school year of 1880 81 will begin Monday. Sept. 13. Instructions for young men and women In Industrial Draw ing, Painting and Modeling as applied te the arts. Send ler circulars te THE SECRETARY, 15 S. Seventh street, Philadelphia. aug2-10tced6lw TVHE ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH X Franklin and Marshall College otters su Serler advantages te young men anil boys who eslre either te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send ter circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ctll-lvi Lancaster. Pa. TSTS!5T TINWARE, JtC- GAS FIXTURES, IS ENDLESS VARIETY, AT Shertzer,HnmphreTillc & Kieffer s 40 EAST KING STREET. seen at the Works of OLD STAND.- AM USEMENTS. TjWLTOX OPERA HOUSE. POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1880. JOSEPH JEFFERSON AS BOB ACRES, In Sheridan' Famous Comedy of THE EIVALS. Presenting the following GREAT CAST : Mrs. Jehn Drew as Mrs. Mulaprep Mr. Fred Robinson as Sir Antheny Mr. Chas. Warcrly as Sir Lucius Mr. M. Barrymerc as t'apt. Absolute Miss Resa Rand as Lydia Languish Seats niav new be secured at Yeer "s Fill ten Opera Heuse. el,2,4 3d KlSUrjiT AND ZXVEX CUBE. Kidney a teer CURE. $1.25 PER BOTTLE. A Positive Remedy for ALL Kid ney, Liver and Urinary Troubles of both Male and Female. READ THERECORD: "It saved my life." E. B. Lakcly, Selma, Ala "It Is the remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar te women." Mether's Maga zine. " It has passed severe tests and wen endorse ment from some of the highest medical talent In the country." Xew Yerk World, "Ne remedy heretofore discovered can be held for one moment in comparison with it." C. A. Jlarveu, . V.. Washington, D. C. This Great Natural Remedy is for Sale by Druggists in all Paris of the World. TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. H. H. WARNER & CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. augft-Tu.Th&Sd&w HOUSE FUKNISUINO GOODS. -J-OTICE. FLIA'iN & BREMIAK Would advise all who contemplate putting in HEATERS or making any alterations in their heating arrangements te de se at once before the rush of Fall Trade begins. THE MOST RELIABLE Stores, i A id Ranges, In the Market, at the LOWEST PRICES. Flmii & Breueniau's GREAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. -THE- Lancaster Orpi Manolactery Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Warerooms 320 North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Branch Office, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agent ter Lancaster County for CHICKERIN6& SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line of Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments, Violins. Banjos, Band Instru ments, &c. always en band. tlS-lydS&lyw CHAS. BRIMMER, VBAYON PORTRAIT ARTIST, SIGN AN ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, seplf-lmcl l WST EZXC STRBBT. Warners Safe TILED EDITION. SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. 2, 1880. NEWS OF TO-DAY. EYEMS AT HOME AND ABROAD. Presbyterian Council Adjourned. OARSMEN IN ENGLAND. Miner Matters. 3Ir. Maynaril, the new postmaster gen eral, declines te revoke previous rulings of the department forbidding the delivery of registered letters te lotteries. Hayes will net return te Washington till Nev. 7. The U. S. troops at Fert Mcllcnry will participate in the Baltimore celebration. The Pan-Presbyterian alliance in Phila delphia adjourned finally te-day. A number of New Yerk publishers have been indicated for advertising sales of lottery tickets. Among them are I. TV. England, of the Sun, and AVm. II. Ilur!. burt, of the World. USUI.AXD. Proeable Sensational- Rumer. Londen, Oct. 2. A "Vienna dispatch te the Daily Telegraph says : "Mr. Geschcn, the British ambassador te Turkey, will leave Constantinople ia November, and shortly after his arrival iu England, he will be appropriated chancellor of the exchequer." The abeve stetcment is'regardcd heic as sensational. Aquatic Sports. The Sportsman this morning says there was a meeting of many well-known oars men last night te witness the final deposits made in the Laycock-Blackburn match. which is te come off en the Thames, Oct. 5. Hnnlan and Trickctt were present and shook hands amidst enthusiastic appl.uihC. Trickett offers te take two te one that he will be victorious in his match with Hanl.inJ The latter refused te accept this as well a two ether bets offered by Trickctt. Rebert W. Boyd has entered for the American prizes in the international ic gatta. THE VERA CRUZ. Investigating the Cause or the Shipwreck. Washington, Oct. 2. Supervising In spector General Dumont te-day read a re port giving the result of the iuquiry made by local Inspectors Jayne and Mathews at N&iv Yerk into the causes of tlie wrecking of the steamer City of Vcrw Cruz. The inspectors find that the vessel foundered during a hurricane en August 29, and that the ship was tight and staunch up te the time of the disaster, she being filled with water through the openings in the deck made by the washing away of the joiner work and skylights. It was. also feuud that the ship was fully equipped with eveiy thing required by law. PHILADELPHIA. Large Fire this Morning. Philadelphia, Oct. 2. Afirceccmied this morning at the bobbin and spool manufactory of Messrs. E. jCundy A Bie., Ne. 348 North 4th street, causing a less en the building and contents of about i'le,- 000 ; partially covered by insurance. Death of n Telegraph Operator. Fester W. Davis, for many ycRra the chief operator of. the Western Union telo tele graph company at their main office, Tenth and Chestnut streets, died at his residence in this city yesterday, of malarial fevir, aged 37 years. ITALY. Agreeing te Allew the Perte Time. Heme, Oct. 2. Count Mcnabrca, Italian ambassador te England, telegraphed te his government that at the meeting of the British cabinet council in Londen en Thurs day, it was decided te propeto te the powers that the respite till Sunday, the 3d hist, asked for by the Pei te be granted. Italy immediately adhered te the pro posal. Garibaldi. There is great anxiety iu official circles adeut General Garibaldi's movements, which have formed the theme of discus sion at the cabinet councils. WEATUKR INDICATION. Washington, D. C. Oct. 2. Fer the New England and Middle states slightly warmer, partly cloudy or clear weather, with falling barometer, southeast te south west winds and iu the northern pait of New England light rains. UorseSlieer Kicked te Death by a Mure. New Brunswick, N. J., Oet. 7. Ucnj. Keid, boss blacksmith of the First ward, was killed by the kick of a initie he was shoeing en Friday. MARKETS. New Kerk Market. Nkw Yerk. Oct. 2. Fleur State and Wr-u-ern dull ; prices without decided change : Supertlne, $t 501 SO; extra de 4 be 1 23; choice, de, SI e04 C5 ; fancy de. $4 705 5 ; round hoen Ohie ft Mil 1 S3 : ehoici eheici ehoici de 1!X)C 00; superfine western ?t:03 I 00; common te geed extra de tl 004 SO : choice de de $1 33G 23 ; choice whit- wheat de II 13 i (M; Southern quiet and steady ; com mon te fair extra $I7."5 33; geed te choice deS5 40G50. Wheat a shade stronger and moderately active-eo. 2 Red, Oct. IC8J; de Nev. ?1 Mi ; de Dec. 81 1V. Cern J4c better and moderate trade ; Mixed western spot, .r2g52c; de future, 52J4 54Kc Oats a shade better; Ne, 2, Oct., ."!H.-; State 4245Kc ; Western, 40g4Je. Philadelphia Market. Philadklfhia, Oct. 2. Fleurqulct but'-tcad-ilyhcld; supertlne 2 733 23; extra ts 5U 4 00; Ohie and Indiana family $3 003 25; Penn'a lamily dei875 23; St. Leuis fam ily at $3 .WQ0 23 ; Minnesota family 13 COS 5 87; straight $6 0OeJ5O; patent and high grades SG 75&S 25. Rye flour at V 00. Wheat firmer, with fair demand : Ne. 2 Western Kfd 1 8108; Pa. Red 103103; Amber $1 07 1 1$. Cern market easier, ler local line ; steamer Sic : yellow at 5!Jc; mixed Kjle. Oats quiet and easier ; Ne. 1. White, like; Ne. 2 de 404UJc; Ne. 3 de 3330c; Ne. 2,Mlxe!39d9e. Rye firm at 93c. Previsions in firm jobbing trade; iimss perk $1G501700; beef hams 17O018O0; In dian mess beet at $18 50 ; smoked hams HyVrt 12c; pickled hams 910c ; bacon omeXcd shoulders 67c ; salt de OgG'c. Lard firm ; city kettle at 8c ; loe-it; butch ers' 8c ; prime steam $8 50. Butter quiet, but unchanged; Crcamery extra 32c ; de geed te choice )31c ; Erudferd county and New Yerk extra. 26'e29c; Western reserve extra 2223c ; de geed te choice l;g20c Rolls quiet ; Penn'a extra 20g23 ; Western re serve extra 2023c. Eggs flrmlyiheld ; Penna22c; Western 2J 21c. " Cheese market steady ; New JYerk full cream 13J14c ; Western full cream 1313c ; de fair te geed 12912c; de half skims 11 lljc. Petroleum nominal ; refined at 11 nrhi.in.f i lf Seeds Geed te prime Clever dull at $7 50 I 68 00 ; Timethy firm at S2 7332 9; Flaxseed I Arm at $1 se. Stock Market " Octobers. Xrw Yerk Stocks. Stocks steady. N A. If. A.. F. x. r.it.r.M 10:15 11:23 12:15 .23 3M Meney 233 ErieR. It 39k 3&& 39K Chicago. M 4St.r... 9 seu flj aj) nun. j ei. . i.uui eii jy sii i " " P'ld.... S3 ag? 8JK 83 Teledo A Wabash.... S6K 36 3)M 9SK Ohie & Mississippi. .. S4 3l 34K 3ftg St. Leuis. I. M. 4S.lt.. 51 304 3 U Ontario and Western 22 22j 22J$ S V A la V AC XewJersey Central.. 71 71f 7I7.7IK Del. & Hudsen Canal. $ik 85 85 85 Del.. Lack. A Western 90 Wj 90Jg 90 Western Union Tel... 'X 98 98;, 99 Pacific Mall S. S. Ce.. S9?4 89K 39 3tt Manhattan Elevated. 2l S2K 3i& 33k? tfnienlPaclfic S3J 89 83 89jJ Kansaa & Texas 3t New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland A Pitts Chicago & Reck I Pittsburgh & Ft. W American U.Tel. Ce Philadelphia. Stocks strong. -.M....l......f.. T UI .... 1 J03i .... .... AAv .... ...120 ... 113 ... 125 ciliistituuu aw, a..... i; Phil'a. A Reading..... 15 58 158 541? 15 Phil'a & Erie 1 R Northern Penn'a.. Un.R.R'8 of N.J.., Hestenvlllc Pass.... Central Trans. Ce.. 172 172 172 174! 1! 19J 19 192 Lucul Sterk aud Uendi. Par val. Lauc.City (S per et. Lean, due 1&S0... 9100 18.-2... 100 ' j " l.S3... 100 " " 1U0... 100 ' " 1803... 100 ' 5 per ct. in 1 or 30 years.. 100 Lane, and Qunrrvv'e K. R. bend.... 10) " " " stock 50 Lancaster and Ephrata turnpike... 25 Lauc.Elizabftht'ii amtMiddlet'ii.. 100 Lancaster anil Frultville turnpike. 50 Lancaster and I.ititz turnpike 25 Lancaster and Maner turnpike.... 50 Lancaster itinl Mauheim turnpike. 25 Lancaster and Marietta turnpike.. 23 Lane, and New Helland turnpike.. 100 Lane, and strasbuig turnpike 25 Lane, and Susquehanna turnpike.. 3(0 Lane, and Willow Street turnpike. 23 Fnrmi-ra' Nat. Hunk et Lancaster.. . 50 First Nut. liaiikef Lancaster 100 Lancaster County Nat. Hank 50 Inquirer Printing Ce 50 Laiie.Uai Light and Fuel Ci. stock. 23 " " " bends. Last sale. 9100.2S 105 114 118.73 120 105 loejtia 3.t 47.23 51 51 58 92 30.40 25 85 20 275.2S 40.15 100 150 102.10 27 100 JEli'EI.RV. ZI IOUIS V.'EIJKi:, 1 WATCHMAKER. Xe. ISO): XOUTII QUEEX STUEET.ncarP. if, R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Celd, Silver anil Xickel-cabud Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler tlie celebrated Pantoscepic Spcctiw cles and Eyc-Ghisses. Repairing a specialty. uprl-lj-d , -.-. . 4 SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES Receive most cue till attention. DESIUXS AND ESTIMATES SUBMITTED WITHOUT CHARGE. B. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAJT KING STKEET, LANCASTER, PA. fVVEKA il .ASSES. Largest Assortment of FOR SALE AND TO HIRE. AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, JEWELER, Ne. 20 East King Hired, Lancaster, Fa MISCELLANEOUS. TtKTi:AITS OF HANCOCK AXD ENGLISH Fer .-ale at THIS OFFICE. H OVi'ETTEK'S niTTEit'S 1TOK SALE AT Lecher's Drug Stere. U hast King street. MliS. V. IilLIjEIt, LAU1ES' IIAIltmtESSEK, Mauutuetnieraiiil Duller In H.ijrWerk,GcnUt Wigi. Combing straightened and made te or der. Hair Jewelrvef all kinds niadcup. Alse. Kid Cleves and Feathers cleaned and dyed, at Nej. 225 anil 227 North Queen street, fourdeors above P. R. R. Depot. el-3md 1II WEST, FOR Til: MCVr COFFEES, JT Sngsiis mill Tea". IJ'-st Cigars and Tobac co", Rest Wines and Liquor', Ahk 1er Oalidaie Pare 0W Kye Whisky. J per cent. Alcohol. Invigorating Tonic uni the Hair Liquid. All at RINGWALT'S Ne. 205 WEST KING STREET. Ai:. aicCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders lelt at Xo.:iClurlett street, or at tlie lilaclc Her.-e Hetel, 41 and V. Nertb uecn strcnt, will eclvu prompt attention. Hills liuule entand cndPil te without .additional cost. e27-ly KIUNEV Weiir FOR SALE AT LOCH era' Drugstore, 0 E:ist King street. 1DPJE CHE-CHILLI! $500 REWAED for any ease et Chronic Dyspepsia that cannot be cured by the u-e or CHILL-CHILLI BIT TERS. Fer Ague Chill-Chilli Hitlers is the one ttafe and speedy cure. Ne aching bones after tak ing it. Chill-Chilli Hitters will restore your lest ap petite. Try it and be convinced. Delicate and nervous ladies should use Chill Cliilll Bitters. It will restore them te health. Clergymen. lawyers and all who have se dentary habits should use Chill-Chilli Bitters. It will give them an excellent appetite. CHILL-CHILLI BITTERS irlil positively cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Nervous Af fections, Less et Appetite, Cramp. Dlarrhcea, General Debility. Ague, Intermittent Fever. and all diseases arising irem malaria, impure bleed, or a disordered stemacL'. Chill-Ciiilll Bitters is an old medicine ; was used for hundreds et years by the Seuth Sea Islanders for all Diseases ; was introduced into England. Portugal, Spain and Germany with the most wendcrlul curative results ; was brought te America by the old Greff family, and has been used by them for generations for all diseases of the Bleed anil Stomach, and hi especially geed te ward oil malarial attacks and ler Chronic Diseases. Taken according te directions en circular around the bottle, will never foil. .... Ask your ilruggiat, storekeeper or landlord Ter it; if they have net get it tncy will procure It ler you. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY SAMUEL A. GROFF, Office and Laboratory, Xe. 213 Xerth Queen stieet; Warcroem, 240 3Iarkc-t street, Lancas ter. P. sP27-M.W,S<w 587, 53 15W 15li T Al.ll. V..II.,- . fvn-' K-lj? !' Lehigh Navigation... SIK Sl 343? 31 34J2 Northern Pacific Cem 2SK 28 23 2lW 285 I'M . 52)2 5Ji 52)2 52 52?2 Pitts., Tltusv'e&E.... 1G IG 1G 16 15JJ Northern Central S! 37J4 37K 37); 13J 13Vi 13)i is 48 48 48VI .... OFM GLASSES, L. ''-J ifiSfes- i,5l V -