v-F--y?,r-' -.r ."JvW t -ir- cat iy-stt,-grvj. !.:''- aiAt'J'g' . -'-' rTTeyiWWw'nnwira LANCASTER DAILY 1OTELUGENCER FRIDAY OCTOBER 1.. 1880. 5v;7ii;.-'' v V 's--r " v " "7-C r if l; . I V lncaster Intelligencer. FRIDAY EVENINO, OCTOBER 1, 1880. Farm Notes. The White WUIewas a Hedge. Frem the Germantown Telegraph. Seme people are recommending this va riety of the willow for hedging purposes, and say it will, in its fourth or fifth year, "turn any stock ever kept upon a farm." There is some truth in this. We have some little acquaintance with the article. We think in about its sixth year all told, or fourth or fifth from the nursery, it will turn cattle if planted sufficiently close to gether say from fifteen te twenty inches. It is a rapid grower, and in early spring its early blooming is very beautiful. But we te these who plant it within fifteen feet of a well or drain ! The roots wander in every direction and will scent water, we believe, at twenty feet or mere. They exhaust the soil also for many feet ou cither side of the line quite as completely as the Osage orange, without being nearly se valuable as the latter for hedg ing. Seme years age we planted two .speci mens as ornamental shrubs, about eight feet from a stone spring conductor, eight inches square, four feet underground. In about four or five years after planting the spring stepped running. Suspecting the cause the conductor was unearthed, and it was found for a distance of fifteen feet completely choked with the roots ! They were se crowded that it was with some difficulty that they could be removed. That was the last of the white willow seen about our premises. Cattle at the lair. Any one attending the late state fair and noticing the uumtar of contributors in the cattle department, must have been struck' with the very few farmers and owners of fine stock who felt enough interest in the exhibition te counterbalance the trouble and expense of aiding in the display of cat tle that always attracts se much atten tion. It is one of these parts in a farmer's exhibition that mere than any ether in volves an amount of interest that even the very childicu arc brought up te estimate aud regard as something paiticularly wor thy their attention. Ne doubt the ex tremely warm weather for some ten days previous te and immediately up te the opening of the state fair kept many away en account of the risk as two valuable animals died as it was but this was net altogether enough as the actual cause of the deficiency. One prime cause was the labor and expense of driving the cattle a long distance, or of transporting them by rail ; another was dissatisfaction with the awards of previous exhibitions. Anether in disturbing the milk or butter arrange ment with customers. Fer, it is clear that if the contributions were te be confined te only Montgomery, Bucks, Lehigh, Lancas .tcr, Chester and Dclware counties, the dis play of cattle ought te have been five times what it was. Without an extensive display of cattle at a "cattle show," it scens te detract from everything else. ISig Horses. Within the last ten te twelve years theic have been a considerable number of Perch Perch eren horses imported into this country, and net a few Clydesdale. The first is a gray or mottled animal of great weight and heavy proportions, and sometimes as much as 17$ hands high. Few indeed arc under 1G hands. They are bread-backed animals with stupendous legs and quarters, and some of them contrary te their ap pearance are quite active upon their feer, being very geed steppers. Yet people would net be favorably inclined toward them as roadsters; but for teams and farm work generally, one would suppose them te be a raie acquisition, drawing heavy burthens and enduriu great hardships. The Clydesdale horse is generally a very dark bay, with black points, aud perhaps fully as heavy as the Perchcren, but net se high. They are Scotch, while the ether is French, but lescmblc each ether very much in form. The Clydesdale has been very much in demand for heavy work in Londen and ether large cities up te a very recent period ; but strange te say its popu larity is waning. At a late public meeting in relation te them as well as te use of all very high and heavy horses, after a full discussion of the question, a resolution was adopted in opposition te their use as street draught horses,and an agi cement was reached te introduce a lighter animal net ever 1C hands in height as being mere available for street and read service gen crally. IVels Yeung Again. " My mother was afllietcl a long time with Neuralgia ami a dull, heavy inactive condition or tne win le system ; lieailaclic, nervous pros tratien, nnil was almost helpless. Ne lihvi ckvnser medicines did her nnv geed. Three months :i"re "he besnu te u-e Hed Hitters, with such geed ellect that he seems ami feel-, young again, although ever TO years old. We think there is no ether medicine lit te um-in the lainllv.' " A l:idv, in 1'reviilcHcc, K. 1. el-2wdAw A Werd te Our Readers. When you lead of a remedy that will cure a1 discuses, bewaiuefit; hut when you read of a pure vegetable compound which claim-, le cure only certain parts of the. hotly, anil fur nishes high proel that it does this, von can safely try ami with the assurance that" it will help you. Thii is just what Warner's Sale Kidney and Liver Cure doe-. It cures all troubles et the lower portion et the body and none ethers. It will net help the toothache, earache nor consumption, but it will put your body In a vigorous and healthy state w'here veu can enjev lite ami appreciate its geed tliuigs. Try it. 2 nor mutters. tf veu aim: a MAN OP HUS1NFSS. J. wea weakened by the strain et our duties. hvuiu simmiauibanii lane HOP HITTERS! ' If you are a man of letter-, toiling ever your midnight work, te restore bruin and nerve waste, take HOP HITTERS '. It you are jeting. and buttering liem any Indi-crctioiierdU.vipation, take. HOP 1UTTEUS! If you aie married or single, old or venng. sutrerltis lrompeor health or languishing en abed of sickness, take HOP HITTERS! Whoever you are, wherever you ait, when ever you feel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stimulating, with out intoxicating, take HOP HITTERS! Have you dyspepsia, litlncy or urinary com plaint, disease et the stomach, bowels. Meet!, liver, or nerves f Yeu will he cured if you take HOP HITTERS! If you are simply ailing, are weak and low ftpiritml, try it! Buy it. Insist upon it. Your druggist keeps it. HOP HITTERS! It may save your life. It has paved hundreds. HOP BITTERS MANl'FACTURING CO., Rochester, Xew Yerk and Terente, Ontario. ROBES, BLANKETS, AC. OICN OF THE HUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS 1 have new en hand the Larqeist, Bebtakd . Cheapest Asseetmkwt et Lined and Unlined BUFFALO ROBES in the city. Alse LAP AND HOUSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Oellara, &c. 49 Repairing neatly and promptly deners A. MILEY, lOH North QntH St., Lancaster. 25-lydMWAS . MEDIC AE. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED The accumulated evidence et nearly thirty years show that the Bitters is a certain remedy ter malarial disease, as well as Its surest pre ventive ; that It eradicates dyspepsia, consti pation, liver complaint and nervousness, counteracts a tendency te gout, rheumatism, urinary and uterine disorders, that it imparts vigor te the feeble, and cheers the mind while it Invigorates the body. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally, ol-lydeed&lyw HOSTETTER'S BITTER'S FOR SALE AT Lecher'a Drug Stere. !t East King street. -VTKKVOCS DEUIL1TK. 1 Te Nervous Siillcrers The GreatEure- Sean Remedy Dr. J. B. Simpsen's .Specific edicine. It is a positive curejler Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Wcakness.Impetcncy,and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxlctv, Less of Memery, Tains in Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Specitlc Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get lull particular, l'rice, Specitlc, $1 per package, or six packages for $.'-. J. It. SIMP SON 31 EDICINE COMPANY, Nes. 101 and 1UC Jlain Street, Buffalo, X. Y. Address all orders te II. II. COCHRAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 139 North Queen Street, 1-ancastcr. ml7-lydced&wl INYESTIGATION ! Die. 1M:enE has successfully treated ever SOO of the most difficult chronic (se called) in curable caes during a seven month's practice. The meat et them had been the rounds of the leading physicians of Lancaster count y. New Dlt. GREENE is ready at any time te meet a committee et the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Houseor cKewhcre te dis cuss the merits et OinuipathyTind pyeve its superiority ever all ether pat hies in vogue. The people are greatly interested and de mand the tallest investigation. Invalids arc every week dying in this county whose lives could he saved. Is there any subject about which the masses are mere concerned than restoration te health, aud the prolonging of their lives? Dr. G. eriginai ed and Is new the owner of 29 Medical Pads. He especially warns the public against tlicnnmcreus counterfeits new ettered the people. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Catarrh Cured Fer 50 Cents. CURE QUICK TOR CATARRH SENT TO ANY ADDRESS FOR 50 CENTS. DR. C. A. GREENE, e. 230 NORTH QUEEN STREET, j.JO llilMWK&s Lancaster, Pa. 'VTKRV1NK, OK XONIC SPECIFIC A. 1 A BOON TO BOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for all diseases arising from Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic forms of the following diseases liave been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Sell" Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, General Debility, lmpetcucy, Premature Decay, Ac. It has been in use for ever terty years, and is te-day the most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WO'RLD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in taste, and better than all, it is a sure, sate and certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wll amply demonstrate. Since 1SS; this remedy has always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold; but owing te the act that the lime ler the payment et an enormous royalty upon its manufacture has expired, it is ettered te the buffering of both sexes nt one dollar per package, se as te be within the reach of all: at whicli price it will he sent te any nildicss live et timber charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 4C Spruce Street, Philadelphia. 31 ay be consulted en all diseases by mall. ly'JG-limdSw JlOUSi; EUMIXISMI LS'ti goods. "VrOTIUE. FL1M & BRBNEMAJi. Would advise all who contemplate putting in HEATERS or making any alterations in their heating arrangements te de se at. once before the rush et Fall Trade begins. THE .MOST RELIARI.i: In the Mai l;et, at t IK LOWEST PRICES. GHEAT STOVE STOKE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. EEGAE NOTICES. Es iWTATK OF JOHN M. GOOD, LATE OF I-aneaslcr Citv. deceased. Letters et administration en said estate having been granted te the uudcrsigned.allpei-seusindebt-ed thereto nits requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned. SAMUEL WORST, W. R. Wilsen. Administrator. Attorney, sep25-0tdeaw INSTATE OF JOHN TOMLINSON. LATE It of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tcs tamentnry en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te mnke immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned. ROBERT FAULDING. ROBERT TOMLINSON, Executers. W. A. Wilsex, Attorney, sepO-Gtdeaw ESTATE OFADOLFH SCHMIDT, OF THE City or Lancaster, dee'd. Letters testa mentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are expected te make immediate payment,and these having claims or demands against the same, will presentthem without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing in the City of Lancaster. 31ARG ARET SC1I3I1DT, Executrix. Jse. A. Ceylk, Attorney. sll-titdeaw i i j i ESTATE OF WILLIAM VIESER, LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are i equested te make immedi ate settlement, aud these having claims or de mands against the estate of said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing at Ne. 527 West King street, Lancaster. Fa. PETER ALLABACH, Executer. B. F. Davis, Att'y. seplD-Ctdeaw ESTATE OF NELSON TALBOT, LATE OF Honeybrook township, Chester county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted te said decedent are request ed te make Immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands asainst the estate ei said decedent, te mace known the same te the undersigned without dclay,rcsiding in Honey Heney brook township, Chester county, Pa. JOHN J. TALBOT. Snpplec P. O. B. F. Davis, Chester County, Pa. Attorney. scp22-3tdeaw&3tw ELECTION NOTICE. A general meeting of the stockholders et ine Lancaster rire insurance company and an election of eighteen directors thereof, te serve for the ensuing year will Be held at the olhee or the company. Ne. 108 West Kinir street, en MONDAY, OCTOBER 4,1880. Be tween the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, p. m. ilK..l. f. SUENU. Sepl8Gtdeed Secretary and Treasurer. TOUCH BITTERS Ran Fill it te III! MS ASTRICH RROS ADTMXTD3EMEST. ASTRICH BR0.S' Lancaster Bazaar 13 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. FALL MM 1880. The season hat opened and we are new ready te show te our numerous lrlends and patrons the most complete assortment of goods In each and every department, which has ever been seen In this city. That our prices are positively the very lowest Is no need or mentioning, and ladles which have favored us with a cell en our opening days are convinced new that our store is the place te go te for everything which ladles may need te complete their Fall outfit. Belew we mention some specialties which please notice. Dress TriiDii Dptmt. FRINGES. 3i Inch Silk Fringe,Cbenllle and Bcad25c a yat d Rich Silk and Chenille Fringe 44c Elegant Silk and Chenille Fringe... 50c " 5-inch heavy Chenille Fringe, bread bead- lnf). wcu j iirii 4M-lnch heavy Chenille and Bead Fringe COc a yard 4l-iuch Flue Chenille and Grass Fringe 61c a yard 5-Inch Chcnllht and Bead Fringe 75c " Most elegant and handsome Fringe at SO, 88, 95c, 1, 1.10, 1.12, 1.25 and upwards. A handsome line of Pesscmenteiics in all widths. '.Tassel On.aments In Silk, Chenille and Beads. Leeps, Spikes, Cords and Spikes. BUTTONS in Hern, Metal, Bronze. Ivery, Silk, Crochet, 4c, of the latest designs an.; !:i endless variety. SATINS. A geed black, well covered Satin ler. 75c a yard A most elegant Satin for $1 Black Satins at $1.20, $1.40, $1.ge, worth con siderable mere. Elegant Colored Satins in all the new shades Trimming Silk at 75c " Silk Velvets In all colors and Black. Velveteens In all colors. Brocaded Velveteens, silk finished, 6ee a yard. A complete line et Black Velveteens. A geed Velveteen, line black 44cayard A most elegant one at 50c " Fine Silk -Finished Velveteens at 75c, 90c, $1. Dress Linings of all kinds, Paper Muslins and Cambric.-: c a yard Waist Lining, geed quality . .,8e and 10c sllesli le ' MILLINERY. Having new en hand a handsome variety et TRIMMED BONNETS AND HATS, w c offer the same for inspection, and arc pie pared te sell them at most reasonable prices. Our assortment or Flowers and Feathers cannot be surpassed ; it offers everything in the line. Large, handsome roses K)e Fine French Reses aud Flowers, Sprays. Wreaths. Feather Bands, WingsBirds, etc. In real Ostrich, Plumes we offer some re markable fine goods at most reasonable T) rices Real Ostrich Tips, in all colors 59c Most elegant Ostrich Tips 75c Wc keep a very fine line or French Kelt Hats which is well worth inspection. FINE PLUSH HATS, -ld Dj S. ."'(. r luu X'tfnjj j (. A most handsome Derby, trimmed and bound TVltll HUla.Il iiiatiii.(t.iiilaiiitiii vl Straw Sailors and Walking Hats 25c OUR WOOLEN GOODS' department is stocked with the best hand-made goods, which we arc selling cheaper than ever : Shetland Shawls, handmade 75c Very large Shawls $1 Heavy hand-crochet Shawls $1.29 Ladies1 hand-made Shetland Weel Opera Cir cuiurs 7 The same, silk stitcticd t Ladies' ltandinade Sleeveless Waists $1 Twilights, hand-made, in all colors 16c Hand-crochet and elegant Baby-carriage vO crs. pii. Child's 'Walking Cloaks, hand-made $1.25 Cnlld's hand-made Split J ackcts 49c Child's Weel Jackets eDc, 41c A choice line of boys' anil girls' handsome Zcphy Caps.; LINEN WARE. A large fine Tewel 8c ' A very large, all linen Tewel only. .10c " A line glass Tewel . 16c " Fine Damask Tewls 23c, 25c " German Imported Linen Towels. Toweling by the yard tremSeup German linen Table cloths, 7-4 $1 All linen Bureau Cevers 5c Napkins in great variety and at low prices. HANDKERCHIEFS. All linen Handkerchiefs 5c Gents' all linen Handkerchiefs 10c Ladles all linen Hnndkerchlefs,hcmstltched 14c Ladies flue linen Handkerchiefs, 2-lnch hem stitched lUe Ladies line Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs. Infants' Merine Cloaks aud Shawls. Infants' short and long Dresses. Our line of LADIES' UNDERWEAR. is well known te every lady, but Is mere com plete new In variety than ever before. CORSETS. Hip Gere Corsets...., He A uoed, liand-made Corset 39c An excellent Corset, side stecled.deuble busk, silk embroidered J 9c A most beautiful Corset G5c The " Pavillion " Speen Busk, side steels. . .75e Our well known 100-bone "Parlsfan " $1 laidies'and Child's SHOULDER BRACES, an excellent thing for steeping peeple 75c Felt ard Flannel Skirts a fall line. RIBBONS in all widths and all the new shades. Fancy Ribbons of most handsome and ex quisite patterns. LACES of every style and description. Our HOSIERY DEPARTMENT is the most complete in this town, cenmrislnir all the latest novelties in Cotten as well ns Woolen Hese. BALBRIGGAXS. Notwithstanding the enormous rise in the price of Imported Hosiery we are still selling a heavy Balbriggan Hese, Full Regular Made, Silk Clocked, for 25c a pair Heavy Dark Cotten Hese. Regular Made, Fancy Silk Embroidered Centre, ler.20c a pair Gray and Black Mixed Cotten Hese, richly Embroidered up the Sides, Regular Made, ler 25c a pair Ladles' Ribbed Merine Hese, Regular Made, in White and Colored, for 25c apair j.auies- iteuvy ituiuuy jriain uoiereu cotton Hese, Full Regular Made, Full Fashioned In grain Celers..... ..39c a pair Ladles' Heavy German Imported Gray and Black Mixed Cotten Hese, Full Regular Made 43c a pair Ladies' Hair-lined Cotten Hese, Imported. 34c a pair Gray and Black Mixed Superfine English Hese. x uii .ucguiar juaue, txirn r inisii...usc a pair Ladies' Super-stout British Leng Hese, Full Regular Made, Light and Dark Drab Hair Striped 8icapelr Ladies' very heavy Dark Cotten Hese, Cross Cress barred.. ..............,....,.... fi apair A full assortment of Ladles', Gents' and Chil dren's German, French and English Hese, Chillis' French Ribbed Uose In Cotten and wool, cuiius'riaincasnmercHesc with Fancy Centre. Infants Weel Hese, warranted net te fade ev shrink 30c a pair MEDAILLE D'OR ALEXANDER, Positively the best Kid Gloves ever sold for the price. A complete assortment in Black white, cream, flesh, pearl, drab, brown, Ac. 3-Buttens 98c a pair (-Kuttens $1.C9 " SILK IIANDKEBCHIEFS VARIETY. IN ENDLESS PALL UNDER WEAR Fer Ladles, Gents and Children. Wc have, no doubt, the best assortment and the lowest prices, ASTRICH BRO.'S, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT G-UNDAKELRS. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Refflings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GTTNDAKBR'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at aUNDAKEE'8, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. NOTICE LADIES! We arc new receiving daily all the Latest Styles and Novelties in FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. MILLINERY GOODS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS of the Finest Qualities in our City, SILKS, SATINS, FRINGES, SILK VELVETS IN ALL SHADES, Lisle Thread and Kid Gloves, Laces, Neck Ties, in all the Latest Novelties. LADIES I If you want a first-class stylish HAT or BONNET go te HAUGHTON'S for they keep nothing but first-class Goods, first-class Milliners, and buy their Goods at first class Houses, Importers and Manufacturers : therefore we rcceive all the latest styles daily. We keep the Largest, the Greatest Variety, the Finest and the Lewest Prices in our city at M. A. HA.XJGMJTOIST', NO. 25 NORTH QUEEN ST- KEFS WEAR, KEN'S WEAR, KEFS WEAR, NOW OPEN IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF Overceatings, Suitings, Coatings and Pantings. GENELEMEN : We offer no goods but what we can guarantee te give you full satisfaction in every respect. We cmpl e a first-class cutter that can furnish you with a fit that wc knew you will be pleased with. We buy nene but the best trimming s and therefore use none but the best in all the goods we make up. All goods thoroughly sponged before cutting. Every article e clothing is made in the best possible manner. GENTLEMEN : These of you who have never given us a trial we earnestly request te de se, as we feel satisfied that hav ing purchased of us once, you will de se again. We can refer you te hundreds of ethers who will tell yen the same thing. One thing aise is certain, that our prices will be found te be as low, and in many cases lower than the same goods, which the taleut in cutting, and the same quality of materials used in trimming, can be had elsewhere. We also keen a full stock of GENTS' FUR NISHING GOODS, in all the latest styles. HWc earnestly invite a call. GIVLEK, BOWEKS & HTTBST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. CLOTITIA'a. H. GERHART, TAILOR, lla-i just opened a CHOICE STOCK WOOLENS -VOR THE FALL TRADE. SELECT STY LES and none but the best et ENGLISH, FRENCH AMERICAN FABRICS, AT Ne. 51 North Queen Street. H. GERHART. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! We have Stock et new retdy ter s,ale an Immense Realy-Me Clothing reu Ml and Winter, which Style. are Cut and Trinimc.l in the Latest We can give you a GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS I0W AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In great variety, made te order at short notice at the lowest prices. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, fi-lyd LANCASTER. FA. BOOTS AND SHOES. P, A ftVBOIS. SHOES AND LASTS M-lJJ X. made en a new principle, insnr - .. 'Iff comfort for the feet. BOOTS l"8t8n"M,oteo5iLrLEu, febU-tfd 133East King street 105 GOTO F. HIEMENZ'S. 105 SS ??.!5iieeP.treet for t,ie Ctieapest and Best BOOTS AND SHOES. 105 Sign of the Big Shee. 105 J20-S&Wtfd OLDJCJCJLE8, C. JU22LYBr.: VliT GOODS. VLOTUIXG. GAEFIELD VS. HANCOCK PALL CAMPAIGN OF 1880 New some ileu New opened and the battle has commenced and rages fiercely, nnd while thcre may be ! doubt in the minds et many persons as te who will be the next President et the United states, there can be no doubt in the mind of ran 11c neugnt me eneapest ana tne best, either in Keaily-mailc or Made te Order. MYERS & 11ATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 East King Street, the Great Clothing Emporium. l he sccenil story room U packed brim are well made, well ........ i vi J.U..1, xuunu, iiuic a.ii trimmeil, and the goods menis, MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS AS LOW AS $12.00. our Piece uoeds III! the first lloer te its ., ,....... ...v .......eiU w. ...ae, .. niwiuetui,iwiii ik vci niiuEbBnaiKm uiiii?. are prepared te make up te order at the shortest possible notice and at the most reasonable price. Our stock has been bought for cash and will be sold nt a very small advance. Buy your Clothing at Centre Hall and save one prellt. Call and examine our giant stock and save money. MYERS & 0. 12 EAST KING STREET, FOIt TIM &rand Opening Few Fall Goods. WATT, SHAND & COMPANY Arc new showing an Immense Stock et NEW PALL DRESS GOODS, BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES, SATINS, VELVETS, Novelties, New Fall Shawls, Single Shiwls, Deuble Shawls, Ulack Shawlt, New Fall Coating, Ladles', (ientlcmcn's nnd Children's NEW FALL HOSIERY. Ladies', Gentlemen's nnd Children's New Fall keeping Goods. Every department a specialty at thu NEW YORK STORE. WATCHES, ZAHM'S A new iedui an I elegant stock. A full line ei Lancaster Watches,. Waltham Watches, Columbus Watches, in Geld and Silver Cases, at the LOWEST CASH i It ICES. Ileaiititnl wedillng gifts in Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Silverware, and French Clocks. Arundel Spectacles, thrbest in the world. OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT jses complete as any in the larger cities. We tfSs 7' uiiKiniis. luameml Mounting riiri0,0niA?5IING ", Fine -Jewelry and Wntch repairing a specialty. All work warranted. Cell andcxamlne enr stock and leave your repairing with Zalim-s Cerner, Lancaster, Pa. GENTS' GOOliS. JOR LINEN COLLARS GOTO EIUSMAN'S. nOR iWUCV STOCKINGS GOTO EUISMAN'S. F- R SUSPENDERS GOTO ERISMAN'S. fOR MEW STXLE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, GO TO E. J. ERISMAN'S, 86 NORTH yCEKN STREET. TRY LOCKER'S SYBUP. RENOWNED COUGH any person In want of CLOTHING in te where full with the greatest variety of HEADY MAUL" uuiiii.i.ii, mi our own manmaciure, They nre nil sponged before they are made up In gar- utmost capacity, and is nicely arranccd. se tw RATHFON, LANCASTER, PESS'A. ZADZES. Underwear. IttiinkcN, Flannels, Heuse- JJBIVJSLRY, Jte. CORNER manufacture Rings, Masonic Marks, Society desired and any special or odd pieces in any EDW. J. ZAHML TINWARE, AC- ..GAS FIXTURES, IX ENDLESS VARIETY. AT Shelter, HumnhreTUle & Kieffer's 40 KAST KING STREET. GO WEST. FOR THE BEST COFFEES, Sugars and Teas, Best Cigars and Tobac cos, Best Wines and Liquors, Ask ler Oakdale Fare Old Bye Whisky. 95 percent-' Alcohol. Invigorating Tonic and the Hair Liquid. All at RINGWALT'S Ne. 205 WjSST KING STREET. HOP BITTERS 3TOK SALE AT LOCH er'a Drug Stere, East KICK street. THA.TEUZES' OVIVX LANCASTER AND MILLERSVIIXK K. t Cars run as fellows': Leave Lancatscr P. "R. Depot), at 7, 9, an.t 11 JO a. m., and 2, 4. 6 and 8 JO p. m., except ea Saturday, when the last car leaves at a-JOp. m. Leave MUlersviUe (lower end) at 9. 8. and a. M., and 1,3, 5 and 7 p.m. Cars run daily en above time except en San day. COLUMBIA AND FORT DKPOS1T R. R Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Fert Deposit Railroad en the following time: STATtess North- Express. Express. Acceiu. WABD. A.K. r. Jf. r.M. Pert Deposit. 6:35 330 2:00 Peachbottem....... 7:12 4:24 3:18 Fife's Eddy. 7:23 4:25 3J9 McCall's Ferry.... 7:37 4:46 440 Shenk's Ferry..... 7:54 3:01 4:34 Safe Harber. 7:59 346 346 Columbia.. 8:30 5:35 6.20 Statiexs Secra- Express. I Express. Accem. WARS. A.M. I P.M. A.X. Columbia. I(h53 6:20 7:50 Safe Harber. 11:23 6:l ArftOS . . Le9:40 Shenk's Ferry..... 11:28 64 9-J1 McCall's Ferry.... 11:41 7:0!) lOrii Fite's Eddy........ 11:56 7:20 10:46 I f. v. r. x. Peachbottem 1 107 732 11.07 I r.v. Pert Deposit 12:45 8:05 1235 READING AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD On and after MONDAY, MAY.IOtu, 1880 passenger trains will run en this read its ter lews: Trains tieura Seuth. Reading, Kelnheltls, X!T)Ur&tlf AKrUIl KHZt Man helm, .- Lancaster Junction,.. Landisville, Columbia, Dlllerville, Lancaster...... ... King Street, Harnish, West Willow Baumgardner, Pequea, New Providence, Quarry ville, a.x. a.x. r.x. 7:30 11:55 6:10 r.x. 8:01 12:21 6:15 8:18 12:40 7:03 8:24 12:45 7:03 8:13 12 7:25 9:02 1:13 7:36 9:05 1:40 7:45 9:16 1:30 7:50 9:40 2:05 8:20 97 2:02 8416 fcXt 2.05 8:10 9:45 .... 8:20 9-.5S 8:34 10:O5 .... 8:42 10:09 .... 8:47 10:17 .... 8:55 lern .... !WJ1 10:34 .... 9:12 10:42 .... 9:19 10-.50 .... 9?25 5:20 530 5:52 6:03 6:09 6:17 6:26 6:3J 6:51 7:10 Trains Ooine North. Quarry vllle, , New Providence, , Pequea, liaumjr.irdner, West Willow, Harnisli, King Street, Lancaster, Oillcrvillc, Columbia Laiullsvtllc. Lancaster.) unction,. Manheim, A4all A.X. 730 7:58 8:13 8-27 8:35 8:43 8:19 9-.IIU 9r20 9-30 AKren,. Iteiulielilsvllle,... Heading, Train-, connect nt Itcadlng with trains te and from X'hilnilelphia phia. Pottsville, Hurrisburg, Al- lentewn and Xew Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and trem York.IIanever, Gettysburg, Frederick anil iiaitiiueru. A.M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAO NEW SCHEDULE Ou and after SUNDAY AUGUST 23d, 183, trains en the Pennsylvania Itailread will arrive and leave the Lancastm and Phllaitelphia depots as follews: Leave Lanc'ter Arrive Phllad'a Eastward. Philadelphia Express Yerk Accem. Arrive;... llarrisbnnr Exiircs 2:10 a.x. 5:20 " 8.01) " 8:03 ' 8:45 " 9:10 " Ii55 " l:ue v.u. 2:00 ' 3:05 " 4:45 6:25 " 4:15 a.x 7:40 " Hhie"" 12:01 r.x. 3:15" fcOO " 5:30 " 6:45 9-J50 " Dlllerville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacltle Express, Sunday Mail. Johnstown Kxprc-js, iJav Kxoresi JfcliTisburg Accommeilat'ii, a.x. r.M. r.x. 6:15 .... 2.35 62 .... 2.41 6:59 .... 2:48 7:11 .... 239 7:18 3:05 7:26 .... 3:13 7:32 .... 3:18 7:41 .... 326 7:55 3:40 8.05 1:00 3:50 8:08 1:03 3:53 7:55 1:05 S:40 8:30 1:30 4.04 8:30 1-25 4:15 8:49 1:48 4:20 9:00 00 4:30 9:16 2:18 4:47 lta 2T25 4-M 9:12 2:46 5:14 10:05 3:20 530 Arrive Lanc'ter 5:10 a.m. WESTWARD. Way Passenger, ............. Mail Train N e. 1, via M t. Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bla, Niagara Chicago Express Sunday Mail,... - Fast Line...... ........ ....... Frederick Accommodation, DillervillcLocal.viaMt..Iey Uarrisburg Aceommednt'n, Columbia Accommodation, Hsrrisburg Express, Pittsburg ExpresH, C'lucin nati Express, i'acilic Express, le:10 " 10:15 " 114T5 1030 ' j 2:10 i.x. 2:15 ' 230 " 5:45 " 7rf ' 7:30 " 830 " I1J0 " 2.40 A.X te i Leave Phllmfa l2ile .-vr. 7:30 " 99 "' 8:IK ' ll:5u " 2:36 r.x. 4:w " 5:30 " 6-25 " 9:10 " 1135 " Scd, will step at Middietewn, Ellzabethtewn , It. Jey, Landisville, JJIrd-in-Hand, Leman Place. Can. Christiana, Varkesburg, Coates- , ville, Oakland aud Glen Lech, i Fast Line, west, ou Sunday, when flagged, i will step atDowningtewn.CoutcsvlIIe, l'urkes ' burg, Mt. -Jey, Ellzabethtewn and Middietewn. Hanover accommodation west, connecting at I ancastcr with Niagara and Chicago Express . 1MB n., will run through te Hunevcr. i "rcderlck Ac2ommeilatlon, west, connects at ln sw:?r, With Fast Line, west, at 2:10 r. m., and .Till ru". tlireugh te Frederick. TOC.1X. MAIL J UKANOEMENTS. 12 HOURS FOR CLOS? THE MAILS' BY UAILP.OAD.-Nkw OB thboueh kaii. 7:30 a m, 1230 p m, 4:15 p m and J" l:3 P ,n Way Mail, east, 7:30 a in. Gordenviuk, Downingtown, Lcam.',n ",ttCtt uap e p in. Puiladklviiia tlireucli tu.ill. 7.30 and a. nt., 12:30, 4:15 and 11:30 p m. l'lTTSEtmen and wpst, 1:30 and 11:30 p in. Harkisbuku Mail, lh30, a m, liSi, 6:15 and 11.1'J pm. Wat Mail, west, 0:30 a m. .Baltimore ase Washi'motek, via l'hllotlel l'hlletlel pliia, 4:15 p in. BAJ.T1MORB ai Wasuisoten, via Yerk, 1:30 p m. BaliIxers asd Washington, vlallarrbbur. llOpnl. COATXSVILLK, 4:15 p ). COLtntBi , 0:3i) a m, liM and 5:15 pin. Yerk ave Yerk wat, 10 aud IIJ0 p m. Nertukrx Cbxtral,9:30 am, 130 and 1130 p m. Ukadine. via Heading and Columbia It It, 7:3!) am and 12:30 pin. ItBADiMO. via Uarrisburg, 9:15 and 1130 pm. ItEAniKO way. via Junction, Lttitz, Manheim, East Heinpllrld and Ephrata, 3 p m. Q.UARRYV1LLE, Cumarge, New Providence, West Willow anil Martinsville, 9:13 a m and 5:00 pm. Nrw Hellane, Churchtown, Greenbank, Blue Ball, Goeilvillc, Ueartewn, by way ei .Downingtown, at 730 a in and 6 pm. Save IIarber. via Columbia. 930 a m. BY STAGE MiUersviile and Slackwater. tn Sate Harber, daily, at 4:00 p m. Te Millcrsvillc, a and lanuiJMu am, and 4pm Biakiey's Bridge, Leacock, Bareviife, New HeUaud. 230 n m. AViliew Street, Stnlthvillc, Buck, Chestnut Le-eJ, Kef ten. Lime Valley, West Willow, Greene, Peters Creek, Pleasant Greve, Reck Springs, Fairmount and Bewlandsvillc, Md. dally, at 9:15a m und 7:50 p in. Lnndis Valley, Oregon, West Earl. Farmer ville, Hinkletown, Terrc Hill, Martiuduiu doily, at 230 pm. Greenland, Fertility, Lampeter and Wheat land M11N. te Strasburg, daily, at 4 p m. New Danville, Conestegu, Martleville, Cole Cele manvillc. Mount Nebo. Itawllnxville, Bctheb.iit and Liberty Square, daily, nt 2:30 p m. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mall, 7 a in 1030 a m, 3 and C30 p m. Eastern way mall, 10:30 a m. Western mall, 7 and 10 a m, 2 and t30 p in. Reuding, via Reading and Cel uinblu, 230 p Western way mall, 8:30 a m. Reading way mail, 1030 a m. Quarry ville Branch, 8:15 a in and 4 pm. AIMUVING BY STAGE. Frem Safu Harber nnd Millersville, at 9 a m, daily. Frem Millcrsvillc, 7 and 9 a in, and 4 pm. Frem New Helland, at 930 a ui, daily. Reading way moll, at 1030 a m, dally. Frem Strasburg, at 930 a in, daily. "rem NelTiVllle, at 1 p m, dully. from ICawllnsvilJc, at 11 am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There arc four mail deliveries by letter cur riers each day, and en their return trips they take np the mail matter deposited in the letter, boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the office at C30 a in; second delivery ut 10am; third delivery ut 11 a m ; fourth delivery ut 3 p m" SUNDAY POSTOFF1CE HOURS. On Sunday the postefflce is open from Aprl 1 te October 1, from 8 te 9 a m. and from 6 te 7 a in ; from October 1 teApril l.frem 9 Ut 10 a in , and from 6 te 7 p in. XARBLm works. WM. P. FRAUjEY'S MONUMENTAL. MARRTiTi WORKS 70S Nertnyueen Street. Lancaster, Fs. MOSUMENTHEADNFOOT STONES, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Aa All work guaranteed and satisfaction given In every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end et North Queen street- .mSB