r-r nV" LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1880 l Sfrtf Jehn C. Linville, 10 varieties of wheat, first premium, $G. Peter llcrsliey, bebt peck of Fullz wheat, 75 cents. Class 5 Demestic rrcductlens. Mrs. E. Madigan, cherry wine, first pre mium, 50 cents ; quince jelly, first pre mium, 25 cents. Amelia E. Gress, crock 'quince butter, - first premium, 50 cents. Mrs. P. Benedict, Clinten grape wine, brst premium, 50 cents. Mrs. T. J. Davis, preserved peaches, first premium 50 cents, Jehn IJ. Erb, cider vinegar, special pre mium. Mrs. Jehn U5n3;l'j-,c:ab-apple jelly, first picinium, 25 cents. Mrs. Cliailcs Emmens, jar of peaches, first premium, 25 cents. A. . Keller, 0 bottles wine, first pre mium, $1 ; jar soured pickles,first premium 25 ceiils. Daniel Smcych, home-made soap, first premium, 25 cents. Mrs. Harriet IJ. Keller, 2 pounds butler,, first premium, 2. MLs Mary Gcist, 2 pounds butter, sec ond premium $1. Mrs. W. II. Seudcis, crock njiplc butter, first nremium, 50 cents. Mrs. Elizabeth Hoever, fimlbcst quality canned finit, $2. Mrs. V. E. Heinitsh, tumbler quince preserves, firht premium, 50 cents. Christ. II. Mayer, second best variety canned fruits, 1. Mrs. W E. Heinitsh, home madcbiead, SI. Francis Kieady, blackberry wine, eleven years old, first premium, 50 cents ; apple jelly, 25 cents ; canned psars, 25 cents. Class Seven Tobacre. Levi Jeffries, second premium, 1. 31. IJ. Eshleman, 50 cents and faverab le mention. Classes :;, it lO 11,1V Embroidery. II. I. King, silk quilt, second picinium, SI. Mrs. Jacob EI n hart, first premium for embroidered lambrequin, 50 cents ; 2 pairs Scnit infant socks, 50 cents; 2 silk embreid cred flannel .skill., 2: embroidered cicwel work, 50 cents; crochet scrap bag,50 cents, and worsted lamp mat, 50 cents. Mrs. Imiiioeue Tedd, agricultural wreath, fii.st premium 50 cents. Mary 1). Lawience, hand made .shirt, first piemium, $1. Mrs. Jane Hess, veisled flower rug, 50 cents. Leah IJalnier 2 :.efa pillows, 1 ; 2 tidier., second premium, 50 cents. l'artlieniaKatliveii, towel, 50 cents. Miss Kate Schwilkc, knit, quilt, fii.st premium, $2. Annie C. Kathvim, pillow shams fut premium, $1. JIr:;. Tiiemas .1. Davis, embieidcied pilipper case, first piemium, 50 cents. Mif.s JJelle I lager, embieidcied child's .skirt, :a:end premium, SI. Miss Amelia JJaehler, Iloniten l.icc hand kerchief. fht premium, SI. Mis. E. 11. Hager, crochet quill, S2. Mis. O. J. Dickey, patch quilt, $2. Mrs. A. YV. Woedwaid, tidy, first pre um, 50 cents. Mrs. Ruth A. Jliissur, 2 silk quilts S2. Miss Emma llubcr, liemtiir.adc socks. $1. Mrs. Thus. J. Davis, child's emlnedercd silk dress, S2. Mrs. Jehn Uinkley, 2 pairs woellen socks, SI. Miss Kate Rink, muslin tidy, 50 cents. Mrs. Kate Uarr. toilet set, 50 cents. Miss3IaryE. Eachler, hairwieath, sec ond premium, 50 cents. Miss Annie C. I limes, hand-made socks, $1. Leu ita Graver, silk quilt, second premi um, SI ; cmbreideied pillow-sham. SI : ornamental hair work, $1. Miss Maria Keller, kuitruif, 50 cents. Mary E. Keller, bead embieidcied sofa pillow, 50 cents. Jlrs. Annie Crawford, braided .ieque, 50 cents. Mrs. Isaac Stirk, t ib'c spread, 1. Laura Leib, point lace, 50 cent-. : knit rug, 50 cents ; table cover, SI. II. II. Shcnk, ufghaii, SI. SalIie II. A'illc, braided cellar, 25 cents. Class Tl.irtrcn Cabinet-Ware. "W,,iHcr A. lluiuitsh, first premium for parlor .suits, $. ; lin,l premium for cham ber suit. S2 ; a f iverable mention for book case ; liral jircmium for hat. rack, $1 ; meritorious mention of dining chairs, li brary table, extension table and com mode. Class Feurtce i Saddlery. Ringwalt & Zcclicr, favorable mention for horse cellar. Ames Rimrwalt, first premium, S- for best double harness; first premium, SI, fir best, display of horse blankets ; second premium, $1, for display of saddlery. 31. Ilabt'ibusii, first premium for brst single harness. $1 ; lir.st piemium for lady's saddle, SI; first premium for gent's .saddle. SI : for riding bridles, favorable mention ; first premium for driving whips, SI; fiist premium for best display, S2. :i.iss l.'iltecn SIlHcellaneutiH. Juhn A. Charles, 50 cents for crayon pic ture:. 3Irs. Themas J. Davis and Miss Be'la Hagcr, 50 cents each for hand-painted por celain placques. Wm. Urady, S2 for edge tools. Francis U.ichler, old pennies, SI. Hcisc fc Kaulfman, feed and tobacco steamer, S2 and certificate of merit. II. II. Hcisc, hydraulic ram. $1, and cer tificate of merit. Julia A. Keller, panel pictures, 50 cents. A. P. Spencer, case of tiles, $1, and cer tificate of merit. A. L. Kreidcr, paint. Si and certificate of merit . High & 3Iai tin, S each for display of glassware and chinawaiv. W. F. 3IcSpnrrnn, penmanship, 50 cents. Isaac Flower, S2 for best display of fancy &i tides. I. L. Landis, $1 for Iskc's bread and meat slicer, and $1 for pos! -hole digger. Favorable mention was given 31 re. E. Madigan for ornamental vases. 15. G. Lefevre, for Davis verticil feed sewing machine. Annie L. Rathven, crayon. Leah Rainier, chrome. Jehn R. Eib, mottoes. Inquirer printing and publishing corn pan, " Legal Rights and Duties of Farm ers. 3Irs. Ruth, waiter 150 years old Adcle Rarr, crayon peitiait. Plant club, forest flowers, Ju)ia A. Keller, ei il fiiirl iM-n-.Mii iliMW ...... .'.-.j ings. Jehn ii. l.iyilen, pen am i,1 t -itw.il ilivur- !-"-" ....... ;iigs. 31. H. Ralmt-r, china vases. fsamucl Roadman, chickens. Isaac L. Landis, hayledder and nike. 3Irs. Kcrfoet, ornamental jar. Walter 3Iadigan, old papers. Antheny Iske, copying and writing beard ; tobacco sprav ; fly bush ; secretary table. J. P. Lebzcltcr, spokes and fellewes. tl. L. Si oilman & Ce., cigars and to bacco. J. F. Tanner, rotary harrow. S. Pennock & Sen, read machine. Certificates of merit were awarded Hcisc and Kauffman for glass ball casters; North & Ce., organs; Alex McKillips, organs, piano and case of musical instru jr.ents. The exhibition will close this evening, and all who have net yet seen it should avail themselves of this last opportunity te de se. They will never regret it. Death ei n Yeung Lady. Jliss Helen Wcntz, daughter of Charles E. Wcntz, dicdthismerningatlicrfather's l evidence, en East Orange street, in the 20th year of her age, after a long illness. Miss Wcntz was well known throughout the city, and she had many friends who will mourn her death. Grade or Pupils. The following is the grade of pupils, eighty-two in number, in attendance at the boys high school during the month of September. Twe hours' home study is expected from each pupil : FIRST CLASS. A. L. VTU wer DS L. W. Herting 3 C. II. Clark- 1H Gee. Iletrick Chas. A. Miller.. Wm.M.llcrr.... Jehn A. Hoever. Uebt. G. llursk.. 78 ....73 .... 71 .... 71 .... CS GS .S. II. l.iclitv 01 C. L. Franlz SO: W. II. Lindemuti... fcS Frank McClatn Win. G. Landes 87 G. F. Erisman Hi 15. A. Spindler. 82 W.A.Adlrr 7S Heward T. Hays.... 7s Walter E.Kclley.... CC Edw.W. Dillcr CI .T.H. Hartman "l Win. A. Ruckius.... Gi feECOND CLASS. Clia. Carpenter. 90 W. L. Gable i:. 1). JlcCaskey M. 15. Ulssinger E. G. Eicholtz Wilsen W. Fowler. Ciia-. Winewer .... W. 15. Helllngcr..... Jas. II. Man-en CarlU. Eby Win. C. l'yfcr. Jehn K. liiincau Henry Ottliettur.... Harry A. shank 1 Harry R.Smith S.S Cha". H.Obrcitcr.... SI Dan'l II. Sunvjni.. HI Win. D. Reck s. Grant .Strinc S. Uebt. M. Adams 8. Jehn H. Hartiuau... M 1). S. .Sinilh i llenrv ;'iliart 79 G( e. .M. Derwart... . i:. islaymaker.... TIIIUD CLAS3, Gee. W. Cooper SS Win. K. lVteri 8-5 Wm.;. linker 7S Cli:w. D. Mycis Gee. II. Ackertnan. Menree 15. llirh... Chu-. J. Zecher II. 15. Shearer Gee. I. KiUliiu Jehn C. Suniplu.... Gee. E. ZclIeM CI CI Gi 03 C! .M IC, M Kiluin l:. Garvin ... 7? Cli:tr5.ci Wiant 75 Eclv. (J J5ursk 7- Frcl. 1'ylur 70 Alir.im I.. Milcj G.i Walter G.rrturs.... G5 retnrrii CLASS. C. SSlermfeJtz ... E. .M. htene Win. H. Anxur C G. Erisman .M. Merart J as. l'ntiiley A. A. Alliritflit Iuell. Stirk Cha-.. 15. ISr.iilv E h. -M. Hailiiian. C. 31. McLaughlin.. T. W. hues-.erett I.icccstcr Leng Jehn A. Clurles.... J. 11. Welelians .siilr.ey Evans Cha-. C. Heir I'icha:-I .McGeruiu. Chas. G. UMIer V. I. I.'ull Meeting in this County. The fall meeting of the Philadelphia presbytery of the United Presbyterian church will be held at the Middle Octora Octera Octera re church, Uait, Lancaster county, Pa., en 3Iendav ami Tuesday, October 11 and 12, 18S0. 'Following is the pregramme : First session : 3Ienday, October 11, 7:20 p. in. Conference en the following sub ject : " Sabbath Sanctificiilieii Hew te 'make it a delight aud net te use our own pleasure.' Onencd by Rev. "V. AV. Rarr, D. D. Second session : Tuesday, 9 a. m. De voted te business et presbytery. Third session : Tuesday, 1:30 p. in. Conference subjects : " Prayer Personal, Family, Secial' and Sanctuary." Opened by Rev. Jehn Teas. "Family Litera ture Paicnts' duty in regard te it." Opened by Rev. J. G. Fitzgerald. Feuith session : Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Lecture by Rev. J. 15. Dales, D. I).: '-3Iis sieus a means of matciial success at home.'' Resides the minisleri.il and lay members of the piesbytciy, the management expect te have present minister and lay members of ether denominations. The hospitality of the congregation may be depended upon by visitors from a dis tance. CtU!!T OF COMMON l'LEAS. 15c fme .liuige Livingston. In the case of 3fary Kissinger vs. the city of Lancaster, the defense called a num ber of witnesses te prove that the gutter where the accident occurred was net dan dan geieus, and it was net necessary for per sons driving ever it te observe mere care then when passiug ever ether gutters. The case is yet en trial. IScftrre Judge l'attcrien. L. Power vs. Benjamin F. Hookey, ac tion en a promissory note. On August 26, 1S78, J. II. Feglc and E. R. Girviu gave te Ren i. F. Hookey a promissory note for $131. "This note was afterwards endorsed by Hookey te the plaintiff and it was pro tested. This suit is brought te recover the amount of the note with interest. The defense was that Hookey was acting as agent for his Mstcr. 3Irs. Harriet Ful nier, but he neglected Je insert the word "agent" in the body of the note or en the back of it. The "ury lendered a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $147.82. I.IttlC l.OCUiH. The following es-sherilVs of Lancaster county will act as pall-bearers at ex-Sheriff Adam Hare's funeral : Daniel Hart man, city ; Frederick Smith, Ceney ; A. E. Re'beits, city ; R. F. Rewe, city ; Ames Greff, city; II. 31. Rrcneinan, Strasburg : and Sheiiir Jacob S. Mnue. As Chas. Smith was driving Julius Leeb'.s horse from 3Ieuut Jey te Lancas ter, the animal frightened and started te urn. Smith jumped from the wagon te save himself, fell and was badly bruised about the head. Tlie damage te the team was slight. This me.-uiu!; Iheie was a heavy frost in the valleys and meadows, which may by icgarded as a notice te lieiists and gar deners te take in the plants aud Uewcr.s they may wish te keep during winter. The frost that have heietofeie touched the mountains and hillsides, have colored the feicst trees with a bundled different hues and seen the collect"! s of Autumn leaves, will be in motion te lay in their annual supply. Chas. G. Council, whose death is re corded te day, has been a resident of this city for some years and was an experi enced pi inter and proof reader, lie came hither from Philadelphia, where he was cetuu'cteu with tin press in various capac ities. Tlie Ka'iiln el I'araili. Fer the information of all concerned wc republish below the leute ever which the Democratic parade will move te-night. The column will form en Orange and Chestnut streets, the right, lesting en North Queen and move as fellows : Down North and Seutli Queen streets (passing monument en east hide) te Mid dle, te i'asfc King, te Plum, te Grange, te Duke, te Ficdcrick, te North Queen, le James, te Mulberry, te Orange, te Mary, te AVest Kinjj. te Deiwart, te Maner, te West King, te East King, (pascing monu ment en south j-idc), te Ann, and counter march te Centre Square and dismiss. Democratic citizen voters net equipped will march at the head of their iwpcctive waids. Sale of Real Kstale. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold at public -sale, en Thursday, September 28th, en the premises in East Earl township, this county, for Elias Dillcr and Henry K. Graybill, executers of Jacob Dillcr, deceas ed, a farm with improvements containing 10 acres, te Elias Dillcr for 142.10 per acre. Ne. 2, at met of sprout land con taining 5 acres te Jacob Getz for $10 per acre. Ne. 3, a tract of sprout land con taining 3 acres te Jacob (Jetz for $20 per acre. Ne. -1, :i tract of mountain sprout land containing le acres te Jehn Itanck for $11 per acre 1 he whole amounting te 515,280.50. Election of Ofiiccrs. At a meeting held of Company C, Han cock veterans last evening, the following officers were elected . Captain Jehn Bartholemew. 1st Jjicutcnant Samuel W. Kill:. 2d " Jehn Ferry. 1st Sergeant Jes. II. Adams. 2d 3d Jes. McMullen. " Wm. Andrews. TEllHIliLK ACCIDENT. A Yeung 3lan Smothered by Lime. This morning Geerge Swisher, aged 18 years, son of Patrick Swisher, who resides in Eden township, about two miles cast of Quarryville, met with a fatal accident. The young man fell into the top of a lime kiln en the farm of Israal Montgomery, aud before he could ba get out was smoth ered by the lime. Condensed CelaatMs TStmwt. There arc new 80 Hancock Invindbles and there will be mere. They -will equip. Rev. Chas. Winbigler, of the Church of Ged, will preach en Sunday night en "The present and future kingdoms are signs of the times and their outgrowth." Samuel Evans and wife have gene te Weit Chester te visit their daughter at 3lr. Wm. Darlington's school. The Keystone club will be presented with a flag by the ladies this evening, audit will be stretched en a rope, attached te a pole, raised opposite the club rooms yester day. Mr. and 31rs. Charles liayler, et lerk, Pa., were in town this morning. A little boy fell from Billy Mullen's wagon at Fifth and Locust streets, this morning, and cut his head. The concus sion rendered the boy unconscious, and it was several minutes before he was restored te his senses. It is given out here that the Frederick county, 3Id., fair has been postponed for one' week. This will make the day of opening October 19th. Rebert Crane, jr., an old Columbian was initewn te-day. The Intcr-Oceau circus will show in town en October 21 Thursday. Charlss Emerine a Pennsylvania railroad freight brakeman, had his hand squeezed 3'esterday, while coupling cars. The in jury is net serious. Isaac Tayler was last cveuing elected captain of the Hancock Veteran company of Columbia. Company "C," Captain Ed. B. Eck mau's company of the Shech's battalion, will held a business meeting this evening. Fin in Marlle. Yesterday morning a carpenter shop and weed heuse en the farm of Gen. Geerge 31. Stcinman, in 3Iartie township, caught fire in some manner and were destroyed in a short time. The alarm was sounded when the lire was discovered, which was about 4 o'clock, and the neighbors came te the rescue in time te prevent the tire from spreading. The reef of the kitchen was en Are once but it was extinguished. The buildings which were burned, wcre in sured. Alleged Uerse Tblet. Coustable Jehn Warfel this morning bi ought a man te town from Christiana who was arrested en suspicion of being a horse thief. The herse which he had in his possession closely resembled the one that was hired from Frederick Brimmer and never returned. 3Ir. Brimmer went te Christiana this morning, and after look ing at the animal found that it was net his. The suspected thief is in jail. A large stock et overcoats of the latest style and the prettiest or patterns for men, youths, boys and children, Just received by William son & Fester- Their greatest novelty Is a Re versible Overcoat. ltd question. Why Is the Parler Shoe Stere always crowded people who buy large lets of beets and shoes? A nswer. The cut 1 re stock of t ha Parler Shoe S ".ere, including store fixture, is being sold out nt great sacrifice in order te close business by January 1, 1631, and as the people can buy llrst-class beets and Shoes at lower prices than shoddy can be bought elsewhere. They go there te secure bargains, at Xe. East King slreet, oppesitu Lancaster county national bank. ltd Clergymen, lawyers and authors uud Malt Hitters a pure aud sate iuTigerant. Hydrophobia, Dogs transmit It through their tccll:. Tseth should be kept free from rlrus. Use SOZO DON'T, keep the human teeth clean, and no damage can be dene by the man who says te his girl, I feel like eating yen up, dearest." s20-lwcetl&w iicsteie, refresh ami beautify the skin with Cuticnra Medicinal Toilet Seap. 1'OLITIVAL 1WLI.12TIN. Pay Your Tax. Every voter who wants te Totem Xeyember should leek alter the payment of his tax. Col lector Warlel sits at the Court Heuse THIS EVEXIXO lremejf toOe'tlock te receive it UO THEI1E AXD PAT IT. Fer Assembly. The name or WILLIAM McCOMSF.Y, of the First ward, will be presented te the Demo cratic electors et Lancaster nt their primary elections te nomlnate a cundldnt for As sembly, under Democratic rules. KI.IMC. SXYDEK, of the Ninth wan I, wll be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub ject le Democratic rules. til POLITICAL MEETING. Company O and I Veterans will meet at Headquarters for uniforms en 1'riday evening at C$ o'clock sharp. Attention, Second Ward. A special meeting of the Second ward club will be held at Kanslng's Union hotel, opposite Pennsylvania it. it. depot, Chestnut street, Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. Every Dem ocrat in the ward is requested te be present. These net wishing te uniform will be furnish ed with u torch. On Friday evening the club will meet at the above place, at 7 o'clock sharp, fully uniformed, te participate in gen end parade. The members will wear whlte gloves. Third Ward Club. The members of tlie Third Ward Hancock and English club arc requested te meet at the Central Headquarters this reulng at 7oVleek. for parade. Fourth Ward. Tlie members of the Fourth ward club will meet this evening at Uethwcller's hall, fully equipped, with white gloves, for parade. A full attendance is requested. Persons who nre net equipped are personally invited te join. Firth Ward. The Fifth Ward Hancock club will mect at their headquarters en Friday evening, at M" sharp, for parade. Mxtli Ward-Atiiericus Club. The regular meeting of the club will be held te-morrow (Friday) cvcningatTo'clecksbarp. An important business meeting will be held before marching in the parade. The numbers ("G") ler the caps can be had nt Baa & Mc Culley's store free le all members. Seventh Ward. The Yeung Man's club et the Seventh waid are requested te meet at their headquarters en Friday evening at 7 o'clock, sharp, uni formed. Tlie members will wear white gloves. Attention Eighth Ward! Turn out ler the great terclilight parade to morrow (Friday) evening. The Eighth Wanl battalion will form at C:45 p. in. en High btrcct, right resting en Filbert alley, anil pro ceed from thence te West Orange btrcct and take their place In the line. Py order of Fred. E. SUread, commanding Battalion. Ninth Ward. The regular stated meeting of the Ninth Ward Hancock and Englsh club will be held at their club room ever Arneld Haas's saloon, Xprth Queen street, en Thursday evening, at 7"- o'clock. Every member Is desired te be present as arrangements will be made ter the parade en Friday evening. Alse the balance of equipments will be distributed te these members who have net received them yet Netico te Mounted Men. All mounted men wishing te participate in the parade will meet at the corner of Mulberry and Chestnut streets at 7. o'clock, sharp. tieHCIAX, NOTICES. SAMPLE NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman after a faithful course or treatment with Lydla E. Plnknam s Vegetable Compound te continue te luffer witli a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydla E. Plnkliam, 233 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Jy29-lydeed&jr " Sellers' Liver Pills" are working mere real geed in one year than all ethr proprietary medicines. ?5 cents per box. Du. itnowsixe's Tonic and Alterative is the popular Weed Purifier, Tonic, eta, because it is mode by a Regular Graduate et Medicine, Is the result et scientific research, Is accurately and elegantly compounded, wonderfully effi cacious, is taken in very small doses, and is pure, clean, and pleasant te the taste. Price 50 cents and $1. Fer sale by the Proprietor. W. Champien Browning, M. 1)., 1117 Arch Street, Philadelphia, and nil Druggists. el-lwdTTh&S SEW ABTXMTIBMXEXT8. Amnng the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAININO, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &C. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. Help te aiethers Nursing Iufantn. It is a conceded fact that mothers who have the care, anxiety ami draught et nursing in lanls, nre weak and need the aid et sonic strengthening tonic te ma!:c up the nourish ment required ler the growth of the child. Ale, porter and lager beer have often been re commended. Of late, since physicians have become aware that the Pert Unmc Wine pro duced by Alfred bpecr, of Passaic. X. J., is strictly pure, they have prescribed it instead ofale and porter. This wine U principally Bought for by mothers who hare nursing in fants at the breast, as the best supplying medi cine te be found. The wine U rich in body and net Intoxicating, but gently stimulating. Druggists generally keep it. Enquirer. Tills wine is endorsed by llrs. Atlee and Davli), and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. el-2wd&w Ask your druggist for " Dr. Lindscy's Bleed Searcher." It will drive out bad bleed, give yen health mid long life. Poverty and Suffering. "I was dragged down with debt, poverty and suffering ter years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did them no geed. 1 was completely discouraged, until ene year age, by the advice of my pastor, I procured Hep Hitters and commenced their use, and in one month we were all well, and none of us have seen a sick day since, and 1 want te say te all peer mcn.yeu can keep your families well a year with Hep Bitters ler less than one doctor's visit will cost. A Working man." 2rd Mothers! Mothers!! MetliersM! Are you disturbed at night and broken ei your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth? It be, go at ence anil gctabettlc of MUS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYKUP. I twill relieve the peer little faiillerer immediately depend upon It; there is no niKtakc about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the ta-te, anil Is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 2" cents a bottle. fill-lvd fewM.W&S W.ITUS. Heiizoe. September SO, l&e, Jacob llerzeg, of Lima, Allen county, Ohie, lermerly of Lancas ter, in his C'Jth year. ltd Baiib. At Barcville, en September SO, Adam Bare, in the thM year of his age. The relatives und friends et the deceased are respectfully invited te attend his funeral from his late residence, en Sunday, at 10 o'clock. In Urmaat at liener's chureh. Cefutt. Inthis city, Oct. 1, 1330, Charles G. Cennell, in his 55th year. The relatives and triendsare respectfully in vited te attend the funeral from his late resi dence, corner et Llme und Lemen streets, en Sunday attcrnoen, October 3, at 3 o'clock. Philadelphia Ledger, please copy. Wmtz. On the 1st inst., Mary Helen Wcntz, in iiur aim yenr. The friends of the family are Invited without further netice te attend the iuucral from the rcsldcnce et her father, Chas. E. Wcntz, Xe. 45 K. Orange street, en Monday, the 4th inst, at 10:30 a.m. . 2td yjiW AVrEllTlSEMEXTS. TANTED lOO ROYS TO SELL A KK li het Edition of THE OWL te-morrow. Apply at News Stand West King and i-rinee streets. corner of ltd I.IOIt RENT. ; An old established business stand and dwelling known ns Mrs. Jehn P. Well s grocery stand nt 701 North Queen street. Kent reasonable. Possession givpn immediately. Apply te JOHX P. WOLF. el-2d 211 Xerth Mulberry Street. MRS. C. LILliEK, LADIES' HAIKDi:i-.SSi:i:, Miuiuluctuieraiid Denier In Hair Werk Gents' Wigs. Combines strah'htened und made te or der. Hair Jewelry of u.l kinds made up. ANe Kid Gloves and Fc ithers cleaned and dyed "nt Xes. 225 and 2J7 North Queen street, foiirdeoi-s ubeve P. It. It. Depot. eKInnl T"OrICK. 1 In the Cem of Common Mean for the County of iMncaxfer : Xotice is hereby given that an Application will bemade te sniil Court en MONDAY. OC TOI1EK 23, 188), at 10 o'clock, a. m. for the ap proval of a certain Amendment te the Charter of the Woodward Hill Cemetery of the City of Lancaster, as set forth in the Petition for tin; allowance el said amendment 11 led in said t'eurt. A: J. EUEKEY, ect 1.H.10 Solicitor. TULTON OPERA HOUSE. POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1880. JOSEPH JEFFERSON BOB ACRES, In Sheridan s Famous Comedy of THE EITALS. Presenting the following GREAT CAST : Mrs. Jehn Drew as 3Ir. Fred Robinson as Mr. Chas. Waverly as Mr. M. Barrymerc us Miss Resa Rand as Mrs. Malanrep Sir Antheny Sir Lucius Capt. Absolute Lydia Languish Scats ma" new be seen rail at Yeckcr's Ful ten Opera .louse. 01,2,4 5d 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer wbicli the highest price will be paid. 2ii CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. -Jii CENTS PER POUND FOR WHITE RAGS. The highest price paid ler Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, Ac. Ten Rag Assertcrs wanted, te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen anil Orange Streets, yS-tfdRl Lancaster. Pa KIDNEY WettX JJ-OB SALE AT LOCH crs' Drug Stere, 9 East King street. CHAS. BRIMMER, CRAYON PORTRAIT ARTIST, SIGN AXD OBXAMEXTAL PA1STIXB, sep29-lmd 4 WEST KING STREET. wjunEvr WANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVER te, free of charge, in thu Ihteixiekx ckb, who wants something te de. WANTED AT THIS OFFICE COPIES of the WKEKLYlSTELLinEscEROt'thc fol lowing date : J AX. 1, 1SS0, JULYSUSSO. tfd Office of the Mauevt Mutual Life Asse- I CIATIOX OF SELIXSOKOVK, Pa. J WANTEDGOOD, ACTIVE, RKSPONSI ble Agents in each township of the county et Lancaster. Applvin hand writing or Applicant te the Heme Office. L. It. HUMMEL, See'v. Selinsgrove, Snyder county. Pa.. tSeptcmlcr 17.1bN. scplS-lm(Ift5tw 1-Olt SALE. EXECUTORS' SALE OF CITY P EB.TV. On FRIDAY, OCIOBEK 13 PROP- 1S80. the undersigned executers of Henry Steigcr- wair, deceased, win expose te sale, at 7 o'clock p. in., at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, a Let or Piece et (J round, situated en the east side of Seuth Queen street, in the city of Lan caster, Ne. 305. Said let containing in front, en said Seutli Queen street, 17 feet and 4 inches, and extending in depth of that width eastward te Strawberry street, whereon Is erected a geed two-story-and-a-hair DUICK DWELL ING HOUSE, with a two-story Back Building attached, Hydrant, Fruit Trees, and ether im provements thereon. Tenus made known at time of sale by MICHAEL V. STEIGEKWALT, WM. B. STEIGEKWALT, Executers et" Henry Stcigerwnlt, dee'd. llKN'UY SnuBKirr, Auct. s-30-e4,7,ll,lt Pudlic sale. On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEU 13, 1SS0, in pursuance of an alias order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned administrator with the will annexed of Joan Jean na Barry, deceased, will sell at public sale at he Leepard hotel, East Ling street, in the ity of Lancaster, the following described property, viz : All that certain two-story and attic BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and ether buildings and Let or Piece of Ground belong ing thereto, situated en the North side of East King street, in the city of Lancaster, being Xe. 313, containing in front -21 feet, mere or less, and extending in depth northward '2I5 feet, mere or less, te a 14 feet wide public nllcy, and having a front of said alley et 23 feet, mere or le-.s, with a geed Brick Stable. Terms : Purchase meuev te be paid cash en the 1st day et April, A. D. 1SS1. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. m of said day when attendance will be given anil terms made known by. PHILIP BAKUY', Uemit SuuuEirr, Administrator, C. T. A. Auctioneer. s2M)29,ll,12,13 Y AMIABLE HEAL. ESTATE AT PRI VATE SALE. Is offered at private sale all that valuable property situated in West Lampeter township, known us "lieckv Springs," containing 27 ACKES, mere or less, of which about 22 Acres is fertile farm land, and the remainder weeds, being the well known Picnic Grounds, en which are erected a large Twe-story slate-reef IiltlCK DWELL ING, with a Twe-story slate-reef Brick flack Building, and a large and commodious Barn, new Tobacco Shed, Heg Sty. Cern Crib, and ether outbuildings. Alse contains a thriving young Apple Orchard and a large spring et ncver-taillng water. The farm land Is fertile, well-watered and especially adapted te raising tobacco, and the weeds has long been a popu lar picnic greand, with a large dancing plat form, tables, benches, etc. Being situated within a mile of Lancaster city limits, it Is easy et access te market, stores, etc. Fer terms nnnlv te MBS. CATHARINE TRISSLEK. 130 East King street. Lancaster, Pa. .s29-3tdWS.iS IXECIirOIW SALE OP CITY P1MIP !i EUT1ES. The undersigned executers of Michael Matenc, deceased, will expose te sale en THURSDAY, the 14th day et OCTOBER, at 7 o'clock p. m., nt the Cadwell Heuse, the fel lowing Heal Estate, viz : Ne. 1. A Let et Ground en the N. E. corner of Omnge and Sliippen streets, withatrentnge of Wi feet, mere or less, en Oraiiftc street, and alenpf Shippcn street northward 215 feet te a public alley, en which is erected a commodi ous and well built Mansion, Ne. 301, two-stories high with two-story hack building, all in geed repair; also en rear of let a two-story brick stable and ether improvements. Ne. '.". A Picco et Ground en Xerth Lime street, west side. between Orangt;a"il Chestnut streets, containing in front en Lime street 37 feet, mere or less, and in depth westward C4 fcet4!C inches, en w hieh is erected a two-story . Prick i welling. Ne. V2S, with its improvements. Ne. 3. A 1'iece el Ground en betitn sine el East Chestnut street, near Duke, containing in front teetand extending in depth .south ward (!i feet, en which is erected a three-story iirick Dwelling, Ne. 41, with brick building at tached, furnished with water and sewerage. Terms made known nt time of sale. EDWAKD McGOVEKX. WM. L. PEll'EIS, JAMES M.ilUKKE, Executers of Michael Maleup, dee'd. IlEXKV SiiUBiaiT. Auct. scpl7-'2wdced&dls riniE EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE OF X 120 valuable ami attractive building lets advertised te take place en theCth, 7th aud titli et October, 18S0, at 2 o'clock p. in. et each day, in the beautiful East End, en Clnrk's eastern addition te Lancaster- city. Pa., is attracting f;encrnl attention, nml Judging from the great uterest already felt In it in all directions, will be very largely attended by all these wishing levclv homes, with anearent certainty of ob taining great bargains certain te rapidly ad vance in price and become a splendid specula tion. These 120 clcirant lets arc elevated, ac cessible, healthy, arc en East King and East Orange streets, two of themain streets through the city, and In the midst of and overlooking one of the loveliest spots en earth, in the Im mediate vicinity of the best schools, colleges, chnrches, ainusments and society, with water and gas at hand. Te persons desirous of love ly homes atlew rates, merchants or mechanics or men of leisure, this Is an unusual oppor tunity and should net be lest .sight of. Then; are hundreds of pcrsensevery where (men ami women) who have a capital chance te obtain a home and health and intellectual quiet almost for nothing, with certainty of a large advance for their investmentat any tlmein case theydc sire te speculate en their investment. It is certainly an unusual occurrence te find a spot anywhere combinlmrse many desirable quali ties, se well calculated te give these embark ing in it such unusual satisfaction. Fer $25 cash one of thec lets can be obtained ami a live years' credit allowed ler the balance of purchase money. Omnibuses leave the court house every twenty minutes free of charge te all desirous et attending the sale. Hexrt Shcuekt, Auctioneer. scp21,25,30&OCt2.5 "PUBLIC SALE OF CITY KESIDjsNCE. On Wednesday, October 6, 1880, at the Leepard Hetel, en EastKingstrcct, will be "sold a three-story RRICK DWELLING with two-story back building and wash-house attached, situate Ne. 148 East Walnut street, containing hall anil nine room, bath room with water closet, &c heater in cellar. Range, het and cold water in kitchen and bath room, gas throughout, and the chandeliers and fix tures remain. The let is 20xl20 feet, extend ing te the allcr. Te view the premises call en Herr ft StanUer, Ne. 3 N. Duke street. Sale te commence at 7:30 p. m., when terms will be made known by SAMUEL KENEAGY. II. SlICOERT, Auct. s8S 27,30&ect2,5,G ENGINES AND HACHINERY Ot all Kinds, repaired at Short Netico. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS AND PATTERNS, MADE TO ORDER. BRASS SOXES, PACKING RINGS. GLOBE VALVES, Of nil Sizes. All Kinds of BRASS AND IRON VALVES AND BEER SPIGOTS REPAIRED MSf Foundry and Machine Shep rear of; W D. Sprechcr h Sen's Seed Stere, Grant and Christian streets. JOS. B. HTJBBR. alT-SmnS TIIKD EDITION. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1, 1880. BY WIRE. TELEGRAPHIC XEWS OF TO-DAY. COSKUSG IN CINCINNATI, If He Repeats His New Tork Speech 'Twill Cost Gartield 5,000 Vetes. Senater Conkling reached Cincinnati to day, visited the exposition and speaks at the Highland heuse te-night. Dr. Prime presided at the Pan-Presbyterian alliance te-day. Resolutions were passed favoring an increase in the salaries of Waldensian pastors and strengthening the church in Continental Europe. Ad dresses were made en the state of religion in Frauce, Switzerland, Moravia, and Italy. It was asked that the alii meet next time in Heme, when it was premised that the Vatican, seating 60,000 would be in Protestant hands. A general discussion of papers ensued, hopes being expressed that the public press would seen be saturated with religion. It was Jehn McDonald, of New Yerk, who tried suicide by sheeting at the Mar ket Street wharf, Philadelphia, yesterday. He is intelligent aud tells the old story of dissipation, gambling and no friends. He is likely te recover. The Melbourne, Australia, International exhibition opened te-day. Dr. Albert G. F. Gocrseu was convicted of murder in the first degice in Philadel phia te-day, for killing his wife. Nervin Green litis been elected presi dent, and Geerge B. Prescott and James O. Ureen vice presidents of the Geld and Stock telegraph company. The woman's suffage state committee of New Yerk have opened an active canvass iu Albany county. The sale of subscription tickets for Sara Berhardt's season, commenced at, Beeth's theatre this morning. The receipts bcfeie neon amounted te $23,000. Tickets being 00 each" for the entire season's perform ance. The corener'sjury, of Philadelphia, have indicted Special Officer Charles Beslcr, of the North Pennsylvania railroad, for hav ing caused the death of Charles Wannel by striking him with a black-jack. WEATUER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Oct. 1. Fer the New England and Middle states clear or fair weather, slight rise in temperature, winds shifting te northwest and southeast and slowly falling barometer. MAJtKJSTS. New Yerk Market. Nkw Yerk, Oct. l.Eleur State and West ern steady; market moderately active; .Superfine, $.1 .w4 50; extra de 4 ou 4 2S; choice, de, $1 :X4G5; fancy de. $4 705 ( ; round hoop Ohie 4 5004 S3 : choice de $4 0080 00; superfine western Jct50l 00; common te geed extra de $1 001 30 ; choice de de Si 356 23 ; choice white wlient de $1 13 4 CO ; Southern quiet ami llrm ; com mon te fair extra $4 753 35; geed te choice dO3 4050. ' h Wheat iii.c better and moderately active active Ne. 2 Ked, ; Oct. $1 uSl (8K ; de Nev. l OW: 6110; de Dec. 81 11. Cern shade better and moderately active; Mixed western spot, .ri;$Q5l?j;delutitre, 51;' 31c. OatsTwiteeuf. change; Xe,2, Oct.. ."fefKc: de j,i 3 joe nee., .svjc ; siaie, , 445.t-; West- em, mji.iv. Piiilaiielphla Market. Philadelphia, Oct. 1. Fleur firm, with fair jrrades SG 75fl)S 23. Rye flour at $300. Wheat llrm, with geed demand : Ne. 2 WcsternKed $1 0S; la. Red $1 051 0SM; Am ber $1 7. Cem market easier, with mere offering ; steamer 53Jc : yellow at 53f33Kc ; mixed 5I 5!c. Oats steady ; Ne. 1, While, 4IJ.i43c; Ne. 2 de 10c; Ne.3 de SltJJe; Ne.-.', MlxcdSyc. Itye llrm at a. Previsions in steady jobbing trade ; nu.s perk $15017 00; beet hams $17001SUI; In dian in.'sbcet at $18 50: smoked hams llj.?t) I'Aj; pickled hams J10c ; bacon smoked shoulders (7c ; salt de GgKJ-ic. Lard firm ; city kcttle at yc ; loose butel -i-rs'Sc; prime .steam $8 50. flutter quiet, but steadily held; Creamery extra 32c ; de geed te choice 231c ; liradfenl county and New ink extra. 2BQ29c ; Western reserve extra 2223e ; de geed te choice 10ff2Uc Rellsquiet: Peiin'a extra 3ig23; Western re serve exl ni 2023c. Eggs nrincr; Pcnna at 22e; Western an 21c. Cheese linn ; lair trade; New JYerk full cream i:i14c ; Western lull cream 1313c ; de fair te geed 1212.JSc; de hair. skims 111 lle. Petroleum nominal ; refined at HJe. Whisky at $1 12. Seeds Geed te prime Clever dull at $7'-0 ftsOO; Timethy llrm at $2 Vi 80: Flaxseed llrm nt $1 30. .Stock Markat October 1. Nkw Yeuk Srerii-s. Meeks "tetnly. r. m. r. ar . : 12:2i 1:30 si . r. ar. r. si 00 2:25 2:00 23 Meney Erie R. R Michigan S. & L.S. Michigan Cent. R. Chicago & N. W.... ... : suv, ....108;;; ies? R.. SJ6J4 WJJ4 ...Wr)l 103" i 111. IX fllSX .... 'M14 .... 108 .... 9e .... le.'Hj .... 924 .... 30J4 .... 832 .... 37M .... 35 my. 5 105 92 3.1 sA 3 22J4 Chicago, SI St. P Han. ff St.. I. Cem.. " " P'ld. Teledo & Wabash. -L'? VJ74 8.5 31 51 ay. 18 Sl4 no W7S 30 8354 r, Ohie.t Mississippi.... :.'! St. Leuis, I. M.&S.R.. 5(;i Ontario und Western C. C. & I. C. R. R New.IerscvCcntr.il.. 73V6 Del. & Hudsen Canal. 84 Del.. Lack. & Western M -ay. ?y Kt 8 93 WA, 31 a 1)01 8 Western Union Tel... !H 'Ml Pacillc Mail s. s. co. 30!4 Manhattan Elevated. 30 80 31 Union Pacllic Kansas & Texas New Yerk Central.... Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland ft Pitts Chicago & Reck I Pittsburgh ft Ft. W... American U. Tel. Ce. Philadelphia. Stocks stremr. 89li :k YWA .. 11 .. 112 .. 121 .. 118 rjf wa e Pennsylvania R, R. l'hira.& Reading... Lehigh Valley Lchiifh Navigation 33 aiy 33 58 14J K!4 XI 27.; 10 37 13 171 20 Northern Pacific Cem 23 " " P'd . S2J Pitts., Titusv'c ft U Northern Central . . Phll'aftEric;R. R. Northern Penn'a.. Un.R.R's efN.J.. Ifes ten vi lie Pass... Central Trans. Ce., .15 . 37 .nva ."ifi" . -a 172 171 1 1 Lecal Stocks anil Bends. Par vel. LancClty B per ct. Lean, due 1&S0... $100 1882... 100 " 1883... 100 " " 1890... 100 " " 1893... 100 " 5 per ct. in 1 or 30 years.. 100 Lane, and Qunrryv'e R. R. bend.... 100 " " " stock.... 60 Lancaster and Ephrata turnpike ... 25 Lanc.Elusabctht'n andMlddlct'n.. 100 Lancaster and Fruitville turnpike. SO Lancaster and Lltltz turnpike 25 Lancaster and Maner turnpike SO Lancaster and Manhcim turnpike. 25 Lancaster and Marietta turnpike 25 Lane, and New Helland turnpike.. ICO Lane, and Strasburg turnpike 15 Lane, and Susquehanna turnpike. . 3C0 Lane, ami Willow Street turnpike. 25 Last sole. U00.25 105 HI 118.75 120 103 lOOftln 3.23 47.25 51 51 56 92 30.40 25 85 20 275.25 40.15 100 K0 102.10 27 IOC Farmers' Nat. Bank et Lancaster.., First Nat. Bank of Lancaster Lancaster Ceanty Nat. Bank 50 100 50 inquirer printing te L:inc.Ga3 Light and Furl Ce. stock. " bends. 30 teuiuiiii; superune . vjy.. i; extra ri :vg 4 00 ; Ohie and Indiana family $5 005 73 ; Penn'a family de $4 87J3 23 ; St. Leuis fam ily at, J5 SOftis 23; Minnesota family 5 000 5 73; straisht ; OSV&ISO; output und liiirh 15& VA 52j 52 28 2-1 52 52ft 37 3f 15J 15 JJSWEZJtT. LOUIS WKBKK, ., WATCHMAKER. h0-0? QUEEN STREKT.nearP.K. Sh?c,pet' fnewte-. Pa. UeIU, Silver ami Mckel-casea Watches, Chains, Clocks. Agentfer the celebrated PantascoplelTpecta- SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES Receive most careful attention. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES SUBMITTED WITHOUT CHARGE. B. F.BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. ry KKA GLASSES. Largest Assortment or i FOR SALE AND TO HIRE, AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, JEWELER, Ne. 20 East Kin? Street, Laacasf er, Pa. J. E. CALDWELL & CO., )02 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Importers of Ceramics: WORCESTER, COrELANDS, II AVI LANDS, MINTONS. Tlie productions of all the Celebrated Potteries. CLOCKS: MANTEL SETS, CABINET SETS, CHIMING CLOCKS, CARRIAGE CLOCKS, Art folic i:ronze9,Greupcs,Statu(Ucs. LEATHER GOODS, EMRROIDERIES, FANS. One price, always the lowest, marked in plain figures. Orders and inquiries by mall re re celve prompt attention. WEDDING PRESENTS In i it-li Silver. WEDDING PRESENTS In Elegant Plated Ware WEDDING PRESENTS In Fine Diamonds. WEDDING PRESENTS In Foreign Fancy Goods. WEDDING PRESENTS In Decorated Porcelains. WEDDING PRESENTS In Great Variety, Te Suit Every Taste, At Very Lew Prices. BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE, JEWELERS, SILVERSMITHS, IMPORTERS, 12TII AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. scpE-3mdM,W4F TARUAINSi UAUGAINStt SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF!! Ratkveii & Fisher Oiler their cntircsteck el Beady-Made Clothing at ami below Cost, with a vlew et discontinu ing the READY-MADE CLOTHING business, and devoting their attention exclusively te CUSTOM WORK. CLOTHING made promptly te order, ami satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. A select line or Cleths, Cessimercs, Worsteds, Coatings, Suitings, Cheviots. Meltons, Overceatings, Vcstings, &c. always en hand and orders re spectfully solicited. AUe, a general line or Furnishing Goods. R ATHVG3T & FISHER Merckaat Tailors and Drapers, Ne. 101 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. SPECIAL. These in want of Ready-Made Clothing wilt consult their own interest by giving them a call before purchaelng else where, as tlieir Clothing are mainly or their own manufacture and sub-tantlally made. sepS-lmd OPERA mm A -