Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 30, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster intelligencer.
Manifestly Rotten.
Te outside observers the Democratic
split in Philadelphia ever the district at at
eorneyship seems te be very absurd ; and
if there is any sense in it there must be
a great deal of rascality in it also. Mani
festly no sane Democrat expects te elect
either candidate with two in the field,
and the logical conclusion is that these
who are responsible for this division de
net wish te elect cither and have caused
it te come about in the interest of the
Republican candidate for the disputed
"We say this en the assumption that
this Democratic division has been fo
mented, and is net the incident of a sud
den outbreak of unruliness of temper.
It has all the ear-marks of deliberation.
Fer some time the newspapers have been
full of renerls that some of the Deme
cratic leaders proposed te nominate
Ilagert with the purpose of securing
through his unpopularity the election of
the Republican Graham. This was a
very remarkable story, and one difficult
te credit. Yet it was told en every side
and the Times gave it editorial endorse
ment. Certainly the occurrences at the
nominating convention go far te sustain
it. The chairman, one Cantrell, who in
the Ilagcrt interest refused the creden
tials of the delegate? of one of the wards
opposed te Ilagert, en the ground that
they had net been handed into him before
ten o'clock in the mprning, as required
by the rules. It is true that this is the
requirement of the rules ; and it is also
true that the rejected delegation was
headed by one Burke of unsavory memory
who was put out of tins Lancaster Demo
cratic slate convention for voting in the
name of a delegate. Burke's character,
however, is net involved in the present
issue. He claims that he could net find
Cantrell, the chairman, duiingjthc morn
ing licfore 10 o'clock, se :is te present his
credentials ; and it is staled that Cantre'.l
kept himself in hiding from all the dele
gates whom lie did net want te find him
before the opening of the convention.
Tiiat this charge is true is made very
probable by his conduct sis presiding offi
cer, in resolutely refusing te receive these
crcdculiuls,ultheugh he v:ts urged todeso
in the interest of harmony and fairness
by some of the respectable delegates who
were Mr. Ilagert's friends. Hut evi
dently lie had his appointed work te de,
which was te secure the nomination of
Mr. Ilagert regardless entirely of that
conciliation of his opponents which the
sincere! friends of Mr. Ilagcrt must have
desired te secure. It leeks very much
indeed as though the plot was te force
the split in the convention which occur
red ; certainly Mr. Temple,Mr. Stevenson,
and the of her opponents of Mr. Ilagert
were of sufficient consequence te have
been treated with courtesy and conces
sion ; instead of which they were grossly
outraged and driven from the conven
tion. Certainly no one of self respect
could have been expected te stay in a
body which thus abused them and tram
pled upon their rights. We cannot com
plain that they left,
have done better
another convention.
lul they might
than organize
Certainly they
had no authority te nominate Mr. Shop Shep
panl, and thciractien cannot receive the
support of the party. They slieuld sim
ply have left the convention te which
they wire elected under pretest, and
have carried their complaint te the party
organization. Surely if they can show
that organization the conspiracy te set
tle Ilagert te cleat Graham, and the
wrong.-: iiillictc.l upon them in its execu
tion, a i:;n'.ly will 1 found if the or
ganization is net worthless and corrupt;
which it ought net te be after it has se
lately left the creative arms of the Dem
ocratic slate convention's peace commis
sion. Tin-: Democracy of Alabama and Lou
isiana quickly respond te the letter of
General Hancock en the war claims
question by giving it full and unequivo
cal endorsement en behalf of the people
of their section. Senater Hill, of Geor
gia, has already pointed out hew he took
this position long age in Congress and
was endorsed for it by his constituents,
and Mr. Herbert, candidate for Congress
in a leading Alabama districts says that
were he te run en any ether platform
he would be beaten in every count' of
his district . The fact is that the present
generation of the Southern Democrats,
like their Northern allies, have quite as
much interest as Republicans can have
in resisting the payment of these trumped
up claims that are mostly in the hands
of Republican lobbyists and claim agents.
There are Democratic property owners
and taxpayers as well as Republicans,
and it has long been patent te every in
telligent person that there is no larger
portion of people in the Democratic
party who would favor payment of un
due or exorbitant claims than in the
Gen. Wit.lakp Waisnek, of Ala
bama, writes a letter te the Xew Yerk
Tribune, dated Sept. 7, and waves " the
bloody shirt"' in a way that must be
pleasing te the stalwarts. Loek at the
facts. Gen. Warner went te Alabama
shortly after the war. He was sent te
the United Slates Senate by the carpet
baggers, served his time, and returned te
Alabama. In 1872, recognizing the
evil of carpet-bag rule, he united
with the Democrats, and voted for
Herace Greeley. He aided materially in
redeeming the state, and has had his re
ward. Under the rule of peace, General
Warner has been able te engage success
fully in iron mining, His furnace is at
Tecuinseh. He lives there and votes as
he pleases. Yet he says, " the ballet has
been suppressed." His own life proves
his letter a " fundamental falsehood."
Sekateu Wallace defines the issue
dispassionately and honestly when he
declares that no material or moral inter
est of Pennsylvania or any ether North
ern state can be helped, or can fail te be
hindered and harmed, by sectionalism,
passion and malignant misrepresenta
tion. Speaking for his sect ion of the country,
Mr. MeCaafrankly admits theerrcr of its
attempt te divide the Union, and that all
the hopes, the sentiment and the material
welfare in the Seuth lie in tlie restora
tion of geed feeling, of generous co
operation, and of complete harmony
among citizens of the same states and
states of the same union.
Dewx in Alabama, where, according
te Grant, a Republican cannot get his
vote in or counted, it appears, according
te Mr. McCiia,that this cheating is done
at a very cheap rate $29 per county.
Perhaps our Republican friends here at
the North would like te knew the secret
of this cheap villainy since theirs is se
much mere costly.
At the coroner's inquest it was shown
that the death of Rebert Divver, who died
se suddenly in Reading, en Saturday, was
caused by eating tee many chestnuts.
The woman suffrage committee of New
Yerk began a canvass of Warren county,
in that state, with a meeting in Glen's
Falls yesterday. Isaac Mett presided, and
Helen 31. Slocum made an address.
Tun faculty of Yale college, at a meet
ing yesterday, resolved te forbid the stu
dents from walking in political parades for
the present. This action is taken in con
sequence of the destruction of a Hancock
flag by students last Saturday next.
Ax interesting art and literary event
will be the unveiling of the Burns statue
in the New Yerk park en Saturday after
noon next. Mr. Jehn Pay ten, of the Cale
donia club, will present the work te the
city in an appropriate address, and Mayer
Cooper will reply. The oration will be de
livered by 3Ir. Geerge Wm. Curtis. Among
the distinguished gentlemen invited te be
present arc Jehn G. Whitticr, Oliver Wen
dell Helmes, Richard Stoddard, Henry W.
Longfellow, ex-Governer Wasliburnc, of
Maine, and ethers. Delegations will be
present from the Caledonia clubs of Phil,
adclphin, Bosten, Chicago, Cincinnati and
ether cities.
Joux, jr., a prominent citizen of
Mobile, died suddenly of apoplexy, in that
city, yesterday.
Earl GitAXVir.r.vj, foreign secretary, has
been summoned te Londen from Balmoral
in connection with foreign affairs.
Axnnr.w G. Cuktin was nominated for
Congress yesterday by the Democrats of
the Twentieth Pennsylvania district.
William McAitTitri:, member of the
Heuse of Commens for Lambeth, was yes
terday elected Lord 3Iayer of Louden. Mr.
3lc Auther is a Liberal.
In resigning their scats in the Italian
Chamber of Deputies. General Gaki and his son Mcnetti state that
they arc unable te remain as deputies in a
country where liberty is trodden under
feet. The real reason of their resignat ions,
however, is believed te be that Majer
Canzie, Gen. Garibaldi's son-in-law, has
been placed under arrest.
The statue of Admiral Farragut, by Mrs.
YiNNin Ream Hexie, was yesterday
erected in Farragut Square, Washington.
It is of bronze, of heroic size, and stands
upon a pedestal of Maine granite ten feet
six inches high. The total cost was 20,
000. Tiie statue is covered with sail
cloth te await the decision of the naval
authorities as te when the ceremony of
unveiling shall take place.
Kev. Troyer a Statuvellst.
Lancaster, Sept. 29, 1880.
Messrs. Editors : The account given
in your paper of the 2Sth, in regard te the
preaching of 3Ir. Treycr, when in a sup
posed trance condition, is very interest
ing, but would be much mere se if the
true nature of his condition and his pow
ers while in it were understood by the
community as well as by himself.
3Ir. Troyer is simply in a semnambulic
or statuvelic condition, and could easily
be taught te become a statuvelist, when
his powers would be much increased and
the delay and the necessity for se much
care of him, new deemed necessary, could
be dispensed with, as he then could enter
the condition at will or plcasuic. and de
all that he new docs uudcrstandingly if
net knowingly.
It is unfortunate that the community de
net study the true nature of statuvelence,
as much valuable information in legard te
man's natural powers would be gained,
and any amount of human misery pre
vented. But this cannot be effected as
long as prejudice and bigotry are arraign
ed against natural conditions and God Ged
given blessings, which new the ignorance
of the world ignores. W. II. F.
J. Campbell, a blind man, and
only ene who ever performed the feat,
climed te the top of Mount Blanc during
the past summer.
The grain elevator and warehouse of O.
P. Ghancy, at Canal Winchester, Ohie,
was burned yesterday. Less about $1,500,
probably cavcrcd by insurance.
On the 2Gth of September was held the
thirty-ninth and last representation of the
"Passion Play" at Obcr-Ammcrgau.
TJiirty-five hundred persons were present.
Mike McCoelc, the famous ex-prize
fighter, is supposed te have been drowned
by the sinking of the steamer Florence
Meyer, en the 3Iississippi, en Friday last.
Heugh's sawmill, furniture store and
adjoining stables, 1 bill's cabinet shop and
Hughes's slaughter houses, at. Prescott,
Out., were burned yesterday. Less, 1.1,.
000 ; insurance, G,000.
A fire at Fert Dedge, Iowa, destroyed
the dry goods store of Hall & Julius, beet
and shoe store of Cresby & Ce., hardware
stere of Prussias, First national bank, and
several smaller buildings, causing a less of
Diphtheria is epidemic in Bennington,
Vt., and the public schools there have been
closed in consequence. Twenty cases,
seme of which will prove fatal, .have been
reported since Saturday.
An investigation of the circumstances of
the death of the woman Phillips, whose
body was found in the weeds near Atsion,
N. J., last Friday, shows, it is said, that
she was net murdered, but that she stran
gled herself after a drunken sprce.
The jury in the ease of Jehn Mcrritt, en
trial in the Halifax county (N. C.) court
for the murder of E. 31. Hicks, yesterday
rendered a verdict of net guilty. The judge
in discharging prisoner, said "it was
through the mercy of the jury he was dis
charged." Blew Oat the Gas.
Twe men, one of them James Hanna, of
Oakland, were found dead in bed in the
Burnet house, at Stroudsburg, yesterday.
They blew out the gas en retiring, and
were suffocated.
James Forrester and wife wcut te Indian
apolis from Laperte en Tuesday. Thev
stepped at a hotel ever night, and blew
out the gas before going te bed. Yester
day morning Forrester was found dead in
bed, and his wife in such a condition that
her recovery was despaired of.
Union, Peace, National Prosperity A Kcbcl
lirlfadlcr Bead "What he Says.
Ben Hill's Xew Yerk speed).
Is it wise, is it patriotic, te teach the
people of one portion of our country te
hate and distrust the people of another
portion of that same country? (Cries of
"Ne.") The Republican party say it is
both wise and patriotic te de se, andthe
Democratic party affirm that it is mest un
wise and most unpatriotic te de se. That
is the issue before the American people.
After the lapse of fifteen years of Republi
can rule since the close of the war we had
hoped that in this campaign for the presi
dency this issue would net have been pre
sented. I did net believe that it would be
presented two months age, for surely it
seemed te me in the light of the early past,
that it ought te be regarded as au insult
te every intelligent man te continue one
party in power solely because it teaches
the people of the North te distrust and
disparage and hate the peeple of one-half
of this country ; and yet it is true. It is
represented that the rule of the
Democratic party will be dangerous te the
interests and the liberties of this country,
but I ask you if there is a Republican
here de you en your consciences believe
it ? (A voice" .Ne," and great laugh
ter.) If what our Republican friends say
is true, the country is iu a sad condition.
Suppose it te be true that thcie have been
(as there have)sorae unpleasant differences
between the two sections. Are these dif
ferences te be healed by perpetual wrang
ling or misrepresentation or abuse? What
can we de te convince you that the charges
against us are false ? We tell you that
thev are false but they say we are net te
be beheved. We vote in Congress that
they are false, but it makes no impression
en the ether side. Pray tell us what we
shall de ? I knew of no method of set
tling this question. Is the Seuth
always te be distrusted, is the party with
which the Seuth works always te be kept
from power because of these charges ?
If the charges be false you ought te
knew it. I knew of but ene way te settle
it, and that is te try us. (Cries of " Geed "'
and applause.) Try us, and if we de net
prove te you that these charges are untrue
we will cevenaut never te ask for power
again. (Annlause.) Four years will net
be very long. Try us under the lead of
Northern Democrats. Try us miner the
lead of your Seymour (applause) your
Kcrnan, your Bayard ; try us under the
lead of the ueblest, the greatest and most
valiant of the Union generals, and sec
whether we shall be true or net. (Ap
plause.) We all belong te the same ceun
try and must prosper together or fail te
gether. The charge is made that we arc
untrustworthy ; but try us by our works
and judge us by them. But 1 believe that
the people of this country will de us jus
tice, and I will say seme things which I
bone von will net forget. I wish te deal
kindly with the Republicans of the North
I am net net astonished that se many people
of the North believe these stories, because
they arc constantly repeated in the press
and by their great leaders. I believe that
the great mass of the people are honest
and desire te de right. And new, as a
Southern man. I wish te say ene thin:
There is ene great fact which the peeple of
the North, and especially the ucpuuiicaus,
de net seem te sec. and this fact is a most
important ene. It continues in itself an
epoch in the nineteenth century, and yet I
am sure that the disttnguisiicd senator
from New Yerk, Senater Colliding, docs
net even suspect its existence. It is this :
There was a Seuth of secession and slav
ery ; that Seuth is dead. There is a Seuth
of union and freedom (applause) that
Seuth is living, doing, prospering every
hour. I concede that this wonderful
change has been accomplished by a great
revolution, and I am net ene of these who
think that the revolution of 18G1 wrought
no great results, for I think that it
wrought very great results some of the
greatest in history. There have been three
great revolutions in our country. The
first was the diffcrence between Geerge
the Thirdjand his ministers which ended
in the independence of the colenics ; the
second, that which began in the move
ment the amend the articles of federation
which ended in the adoption of the censti
tutien, and the third was that which
sprang out of the differences of opinion
en the subject of slavery and ended iu its
destruction. In my honest judgment life
third revolution will take its place iu his
tory with the ether two. Leng after the
war began the Republican party almost
unanimously affirmed in the most solemn
manner that they had no purpose
te exterminate slavary in the states ; but
the truth is that in the revolution iu 1801,
as in many ether revolutions, there was a
divinity that shaped our cuds, rough hew
them hew we would, and we are net in
debted for the abolition of slavery te
the Republican party, but te that divine
power which directs human events con
trary te human will. And looking at the
result and effect of this last revolution, I
fa Southern man and a born sla'c-helder,
lift my voice te Him and say, 'Ged of
my fathers, I thank thee.' The Southern
peeple have becu the most benefited and
are the most contented with the abolition
of slavery. I have seen the time when I
would have given my life te have prevent
ed the abolition of slavery; new I would
give my life a thousand times te prevent
its restoration. (Great applause.)
Hew Regarded by Southern Aim.
Colonel A. R. Lamar, of Georgia, at the
national Democratic headquarters said en
the subject of "Southern claims" and
General Hancock's letter. " A large por
tion of the se-called Southern war claims
are fraudulent and have no real basis
whatever. Of the remainder a large
majority are se greatly exaggerated that
the amounts new claimed bear scarcely
any relation te the damage inflicted upon
the original claimants. They have nearly
all passed into the hands of claim agents
and speculators. When carpet-baggers
were in power in the Southern states they
were very industrious in cooking up these
claims, and the Republicans in Congress
passed ever $2,000,000 of such claims.
The Southern people have accepted the
consequences of the war in geed
faith and de net expect te get any
damages for losses sull'ercd through its
prosecution. The letter of Gen. Hancock
will be very warmly indorsed by the entire
Seuth, which understands the war is a
cruel game, all the consequences of which
must be accepted by these engaged in it.
When the Democrats came into power in
Congress they shut down en the war claim
business, and the only claims for damages
seriously pressed have been these for the
destruction of collegcs and institutions of
religion and learning. If all the trumped
up claims of pretended loyalists were paid
the eevernment would be bankrupted for
the benefit of sharpers, or the Seuth as
well as the rest of the country would be
taxed beyond endurance for their profit.
General Hancock's clear and masterly
letter will net be mere heartily endorsed
in any part of the United States than in
$ he Seuth.
JU..IIU& j. S.m MU1A.U, fcllU VU1LU1 ,11111 IliU-
prioter of the New Orleans Democrat, was
also at headquarters and said en the same
topic : " General Hancock's letter will be
sustained by the Seuth with the greatest
unauimity. We regard nine-tenth of the
se-called 'Southern claims' that have been
filed since the war as concocted by carpet
bag congressmen from the Seuth and spe
culators, and the ether tenth made up of
claims for supplies furnished te Federal
armies by se-called loyalists. If the Re
publican North is disposed te repudiate
these last claims the Seuth will certainly
have no reason se object. The Seuth is
tired of being regarded as a beggar at the
floors of the national capitol, and simply '
asks rcspesc and relief from that sense of
apprehension created by Republican rule in
order that she may go forward iu solving
the problem of building up her industries
and improving her natural advantages.
We arc building railroads and manufacto
ries and taking steps te bring emigrants
te our rich lands. Seven hundred thous
and spindles are new running in the Seuth,
and thenumbcr will be doubled within
eighteen months. New Orleans and Texas
are negotiating te bring the Great
Eastern through the jetties. Barge lines
are new being formed and elevators con
structed te handle 500,000 bushels of grain
per week. We are net thinking of claims
against the government. The real Seuth
has 'bucked' her losses long age and is
looking ahead and net behind her. If all
the se-called 'Southern claims' were pitch
into the Potomac river the Seuth would
net complain. Mad. Wells, of returning returning
beard fame, and the persons interested
with him would lese some $400,000. But
the real representative people of the Seuth
have little or no interest in the question."
Voices rrem the Seuth.
The Hancock association of Louisiana,
at a meeting in New Orleans, last evening,
adopted a resolution fully endorsing Gen.
ilauceck s letter against payment of rebel
The Democratic state committee of Ala
bama yesterday issued an address entirely
endorsing General Hancock's letter in rela
tion te the claims question, and adding :
Onr party in Alabama stands committed
by its platform, bv the action of evcrv de
partment of the state government, and
by the judges of its courts elected by it,
first, te an acceptance of the results of the
war ; second, te the equal political rights
of every citizen; third, te the faithful
maintenance of the public credit, state and
national, and unflinching opposition te
the repudiation of any public obligation;
fourth, te the free and fair exercise of the
elective franchise; fifth, te the strictest
economy iu the administration of public
A freight brakcinan named Hendersen
was killed by falling from a ear near Car
lisle, en Tuesday night.
The second annual exhibition of the
Philadelphia Society of Artists will begin
in the academy of fine arts en November
1, and continue until December 0.
The body of an unknown man, about 25
years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, was
found in the Lehigh river, at Bewman's,
en Tuesday. It was clothed in a dark
blue coat, overalls and calico shirt.
Justus Heffman pleaded guilty yester
day of the murder of his child at Wilkcs Wilkcs
baree, and was sentenced te nine years'
imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary.
He shot his wife five times, in July last,
and killed the infant in her arms.
. m. 111
A Paper by Kcv Dr. Thes. J. Apple.
Ill the Pan-Presbyterian council, at
Philadelphia, yesterday, Rev. Themas G.
Apple, D. D., of Lancaster, read a paper
en " The Theology of the Germau Re
formed church." He said: The Reformed
church of Germany, extending new into
ether lands, and maintaining a vigorous
independent organization in America, has
its roots in original Protestantism, having
started in Germany-Switzeiland simultan
eously with the Lutheran Reformation in
Wurtcmbcrg,and establishing itself subse
quently in the Palatinate and ether sec
tions of Germany. In this brief paper
it is net difficult te determine the
leading feature of the faith of the
German Reformed church as compared
with ether branches of the Reformed
church. While IIcppe has labored te
show that the Reformed church of Ger
many ewes everything te Mclanethen and
nothing te Calvin, and such writers as
SndheifandSwcitzer have tried te show
that its standpoint i3 purely Calvanistic,
the Irnth must doubtless be found between
these two parties. It was meulded under
the influence of Calvin and Melancthen,
and also te some extent that of Zwingle
and his fellow Swiss Reformers. It is the
province and task of theology te reduce te
systematic and scientific form the dogmas
of faith derived by a believing church
from the teachings of Ged's Werd, having
for its guide and ecclesiastic authority the
denominational confession which it repre
sents, and relating itself te the present
conditions of Christian life as unfolding
itself in the midst of historical progress.
In the progress of German philosophy,
especially since the time of the philesphcr
and theologian Schlcirmachcr, who him
self, it must be granted, mingled much in
in his leaching that is very far from being
ortherdox. German Reformed theology, in
common with German theology generally,
has made great account of the Chrhtologi Chrhtelogi Chrhtolegi
cal Principle in organizing it system of doc
trine The Reformation principles remain
undistuibed, bnt they are related from a
different standpoint. And this change has
come net by theological speculation, but
in a legitimate historic way. The assault
of unbelief, it was found, directed its force
net only against the Bible, but against the
person of Christ, in the mythical theory of
Strauss and the infidel romance of Kenan.
Never before did the church, in response
te this assault, produce a richer literature
in reference te the person of Christ, and as
a result the dectrine of the person of enr
Lord has taken its place as central in the
ological science.
Our church hits inherited a precious
legacy from her past history. Frem the
mountains of Switzerland, where the voice
of Zwniglc and his fellow Swiss Reformers
first sounded the nete of Reformation;
from her home in Palatinate, where she
was nourished under the care of the pious
elector ami the teachings of the disciples
of Melancthen and Calvin ; fiomthesccncs
of persecution, where her people scaled
their faith by martyrdom, and though the
struggles and trials of her early settlers in
this country, pilgrims from the Fatherland
and exiles for conscience sake, she has
gene forth and lived and piespcred under
the care of the great heid of the church,
and she comes, in this alliance, through
her humble representatives, te present her
greeting in this joyous reunion of the Re
formed churches throughout the world.
Hancock Clnb at Oak Hill.
The Democrats of Little Britain held
an enthusiastic meeting at Oak Hill, en
Wednesday evening, and organized a Han
cock and English club. One hundred
voters subscribed their names, and prom prem
ised te bring in many mere at the next
meeting. A constitution and by-laws were
adopted and the following officers elected :
President B. S. Patterson,
Vice President Warren W. llcnsel.
Secretary Jes. Hilten.
Treasurer Charles Hagcr.
Captain D. F. Magce.
Lieutenants J. J. Pcnncll, Ash Mc
Cardle and A. Guincy.
A committee was appointed te procure
equipments, and arrangements were made
ler attending the meeting at Oxford aud
at Quarryville.
Lancaster Official Visitor.
A visiting committee from the Lancaster
county agricultural society, composed of
Messrs. Peter S. Rcist, Jacob Bellinger
Jehnsen Miller arrived in Reading yester
day te attend the county fair.
Geed Fishing.
Jonas Winters, of Ilagcrstewn, Md., and
Cel. Samuel II. Price, esq., went fishing
yesterday te Fitc's Eddy and caught 01
bass, ene of which weighed IJ pounds.
TION. Speeches Frem the United States Senater
and a High Private lu the Late C. !. A.
The Democratic meeting in Fulteu opera
house last evening was a signal success. It
could net be surpassed iu any building of
like size for enthusiasm and numbers, and
certainly has net been equalled iu the
present campaign in this city. By 7:30
every seat i the building, numbering
about 1,150, was occupied and by 8 it was
crowded in every feet of available stand
ing room. Senater Wallace was escorted
from the Stevens house te the meeting by
the officers of the evening and the city
campaign committee, and their entrance
was the signal for long-continued applause.
After filing into the reserved scats assign
ed thnm,and some of the officers occupying
stage scats, the organization was announc
ed as fellows by the chairman of the
ceuuty committee :
Pkesident Nnwrex Lieutnci:, esq.
Vice Presidents Hen. II. G. Leng, 11.
J. McGiann, 11. E. Slaymakcr. Wm. B.
Ferdncy, II. M. North, Robt. Montgom
ery, Daniel A. Altick, Christian Shadier,
Dr. II. Ycaglcy, James Stewart, D. G.
Eshlcman, S. II. Reynolds, Alex. Harbcr
gcr, Philip Docrsem, J.M. Johnsten, Gen.
Gee. M. Steinman, Dr.H. Carpcntcr.Chas.
Dinklcbcrg,Frank Pfeiflcr, Abrm Erisman,
Philip Wall, B. Reynolds, 11. II. Swarr,
J. H. Widniycr, Gee. Gans, II. Z. Rhoads,
C. A. Oblender, Wm. A. Morten, Philip
Dinklcberger, Jehn Stamm, Lewis Fisher,
Jehn McKilleps, II. Blickcndcrfer, sr., M.
Hildebrand, Nich. Danner, W. S. Yundt.
Secretaries W. Hayes Gricr, Jehn A.
Shebcr, Geerge Nauman, W. R. Journey,
Jehn S. Rcngier, W. II. Gnthrie, William
Jehnsen, Alex. Dennelly, Jeseph Schmid,
Jehn Rese, Harrison T. Shultz, E. C. Dil
ler, E. L. Hambright, II. E. Miunich.
Mr. Lightncr was received with applause
and after returning his thanks for the
honor conferred upon him, said he would
net detain his audience from these whom
they had assembled tehcar,and introduced
Senater Win. A. Wallace, who upon ad
vancing te the front of the stage was re
ceived with long continued applause.
Mr. Wallace's Speech.
Mr. Wallace began by recounting the
evidences or returning prosperity that arc
visible en every hand,nnd pointing out the
rivival of the material interests of the
cenntry from the desolating blight that
fell upon them in 187!. Business is con
stantly improving, and times are in
finitely better than they were five years
age. The Republican party claims this te
he the result of its policy of government,
bnt this pretension is without foundation.
Of course wise government is a necessary
agent of national prosperity, but
the redistribution of the forces of the
country constituted the real cause of
this renewed life and energy throughout
the bread domain of the republic. The
laboring man, for whom was only idleness
in the great cities, went te the country and
turned his hand te the tilling of the soil,
and from the ample stores of mother
earth drew the nourishment that was
necessary te sustain life and supply
strength aud happiness. All classes of the
peeple knew that te better their
condition thrift, economy, prudence
were rcqusite, and it was by the
exercise of these that the republic was res
tored te the position of progress and
growth. Net by the fiat of legislative and
executive will, but by their own nerved
right arm, did the American peeple again
vindicate their title te be regarded as a
free and independent nation. Applause,
Ask our adversaries where we would
stand te-day if the people of this country
had been a generation of spendthrifts in
stead of a people of frugality and enter
prise. Their claim te have been the
agency will net bear the test of criticism
aud scrutiny. Fer it was no governmental
policy that wrought this change for the
better in the condition of the country. The
peeple are themselves the governing power
and the manor organization or agency that
stands in the way will go down before the
resistless march of progress. In the clank
of the loom, the rattle of the spindle, the
busy hum of machinery the country re
sumed, and cursed be the hand that would
rekindle the embers of sectional strife
among a reunited and prosperous people.
The stability of confidence cannot be
forced upon the people by legislative enact
ment. Comfert and happiness at home, by
the fireside, produces educational advance
ment, and following in logical sequence
comes intellectual progress ; and by these
the country is led up te the position te
which the Ged of nations destined it.
Can this condition of business prosperity,
intellectual advancement and stability of
government be most effectually maintained
by nourishing the feeling of party passion
and sectional prejudice, by reviving bitter
memories, or by endeavoring te restore
that unity of sentiment for which se many
thousands of lives were sacrificed en many
bloody fields? The question is its own
answer. Yeu cannot have stability of
government, unity of sentiment, by array
ing the great sections of our bread land in
enmity against each ether. Coming out
as I de from among the peeplc,Ican lay my
finger en the public pulse and there detect
the threbbings that se clearly indicate the
desire of all classes merchants, mechan
ics, laboring men for a restoration of the
era of geed feeling between all parts of our
common country. We all want this, here
in our own great state, the Keystone of
the federal arch, and throughout the sis
terhood of commonwealths, the sentiment
prevails. The men of Pennsylvania re
cognizing the fact that we are designed te
be one people, that we have identity of in
terest with that portienof our land once
unhappily arrayed in hostility against the
general government, can net alferd te step
new and quarrel with the Seuth, where a
new race of men has sprung up making
the wilderness there te blossom as the
rose, and who arc asking us te take their
tobacco and cotton, and rice and sugar,
and who want te take in exchange our
iron and ether manufactures. Prolonged
The Republican party is a sectional
party; it has ceased te be national if it
ever was national. There is no Republi
can party south of Masen and Dixen's
line ; they don't want any electoral votes
from that portion of the country, they
don't make any efforts te secure them.
The Republican leaders seek te array the
North against what they cheese te term a
disloyal solid Seuth andif they secured any
of these "disloyal" states for their party
their potent argument would be lest.
The Southern negre has awakened te the
fact that he has been put in a position of
self-government; he begins te realize the
responsibilities that have been put upon
him ; he has arisen from the degraded po
sition into which unscrupulous and design
ing Republican politicians and adventurers
had forced him ; his eyes are opened te his
real interests, and as a consequence this
colored individual is beginning te vote the
Democratic ticket. He is growing in men
tal stature and wealth, and the Republican
party has discovered that the great exper
iment of placing the ballet in tin hands of
the unlettered negre has proved a failure
se far as it had been designed as an cle
ment of party strength. And party
leaders will always discover their mistake
when they attempt te govern from the top
instead of from the bottom and thereby '
ignore the great cardinal truth that man is
the unit of free government. Applause.
Southern outrages te fire the Northern
heart have become useless as Republican
stock in trade.- Just after the war, indeed,
when that party in the Seuth refused te
admit the subordination of the military te
the civil authority, and rode rough-shed
ever the natural rights of the people, that
portion of the country may have been con
vulsed with disorders ; but a comparison of
18G8 with 1880 shows that all these have
passed away: that under the beneficent
inllucnce of Democratic government and
constitutional rule the region has been re
stored te tranquillity, happiness and pros
perity ; and as a final veto this Republican
outrage cry is silenced by the Democratic
party's nomination of a Union general for
the office of president of the United States.
Wild cheering. The bloody shirt has
been a failure, as even our friend Blaine
admits. Mainebas sounded the muster,
the day of the general resurrection will
come in November. Great applause
Pennsylvania has been went te be called
the Keystone of the national arch, and she
must continue te occupy that proud posi
tion. As the great workshop of the nation,
whose interests as a manufacturing centre
are se closely identified with these of the
Seuth as a great producing region, it is for
her te call in thunder tones that there
must be an end of strife, te step this sense
less Republican chatter about the traitor
eus Democracy of the North and the un
repentant rebels of the Seuth. Pennsyl
vania's pocket is directly affected in this
matter, and at the ballet-box she will net
be found frowning upon the effort that
the geed peeple of the country are
making te restore unity and geed feeling
between the scctiDns of a restored Union.
Sensible peeple of all parties agree that this
stirring up of old animosities must cease,
and they knew, tee, that the Democratic
party propeso te gevern this country in the
fear of Ged and according te the constitu
tion, when they get it, which they will en
the 2d day or November next. Cheers.
Mr. Wallace demonstrated that the poli
cy of the Republican party has wrought
the destruction of American commerce,
and remarking upon the the necessity of a
change ofadministratien said that change
is the law our being ; enr very physiology
undergoes transition iu the course of every
seven ycars,and the operations of nature re
veal a continuous course of changes. The
same principle applies in the operations of
government, the same necessity for a change
prevails there ; and in a government of
the peeple it is the peeple who must
apply the remedy. The Democratic
party is net superior te this common law
of nature, and, said Mr. Wallace, when we
shall have become in power corrupt
and defiled and stink in the nostrils of the
people, why kick us out and put the ether
fellows in. Applause.
The Republicans say we can't be trusted
with the business interests of the country,
aud they have sent hundreds of thousands
of dollars te Ohie and Indiana te save
these commonwealths from the avalanche
of Democracy that is sure te sweep
ever them next month. Cheers.
Loek at the facts. The Democrats have
had control of two Congresses ; and right
along they have been applying the prun
ing knife of economy iu every branch of
the government. Useless expenditures
have been lopped oft" ; wholesale stealing
has been steppcd,and the lobbyist has been
driven from the halls of legislation. With
all this retrenchment and economy the ap
propriatiens have bcen ample te cover the
legitimate expenses of the government,
and the interests of the pensioners have
been protected.
Mr. Wallace exposed the hollewncss of
the Republican charge that the Demo
cratic policy is hostile te the material in
terests or Pennsylvania, and quoted from
the record te preve that General Garfield
and ether Republicans had voted yes
when the question of reducing the tariff en
manufactured iron was before Congress,
but when the peer man's table was at
tacked Garfield was found among these
who sought te raise the tax en coffee,
tea and ether little home comforts.
Frem the pages of the record the
senator again exposed the position of
another man, who is a candidate for an
important position in the gift of this state,
which will be vacant en the 4th of next
March. Galusha A. Grew, for whom Lan
caster county's Republican candidates for
the Legislature are instructed te vote for
United States senator, advocated en the
fleer of the Heuso the free trade doctrines
of David Wilmet, whose pupil he was.
just as Garfield reflected the views of
Jeshua R. Giddmgs, the Ohie free trader,
whom he succeeded in Congress. Let these
Republicans who arc charging home upon
the Democracy principles hostile te Penn
sylvania first remove the sin from before
their own deer before they attack ours.
The record of Garfield and Grew will show
very clearly where they stand upon this
question of tariff, about which our Re
publican friends arc making se much ado.
The Republican bugaboo of rebel claims,
which scusible peeple always laughed at,
has disappeared before the ringing utter
ances of General Hancock's recent letter.
In 187ft Mr. Tildcn was elected president
of the United States by a majority of a
quarter of a million of the American peo
ple. Prolonged applause. That deci
sion was reversed by the partisan vote of
an electoral tribunal. The Democratic
party is the party of peace, and in order te
preserve the business of the coun
try submitted for the time be
ing te the indignity that had
been put upon it and upon the American
people, bided its time, and new comes be
fore the great tribunal of the public and
indicts the Republican party for the larceny
of the presidency of the United States. On
this issue, as much as upon any ether,
it comes before the court of last resort,
and the verdict will be rendered in unmis unmis
tagable terms en the second day of Novem
ber. Cheers.
Senater Wallace's closing words compris
ed a graphic description of the battle of
Gettysburg, where three noble sons of
Pennsylvania steed like a wall of adamant
against an invading host, and where at the
most critical juncture, when the issue
hung trembling in the balance, Wiuficld
S. Hancock like a viking hurled back the
tide of threatened destruction and saved
the commonwealth and the country.
Great cheering. In the hands of Gettys
burg's here the Democratic party has
placed its standard in this campaign, and
him we fellow te certain victory. Renew
ed cheers. The speaker graphically por
trayed the scenes in the Cincinnati con
vention which culminated in Hancock's
nomination during which he said he felt
the inspiration as he new feels it, " Glory
te Ged, we are en the high read te
Senater Wallace retired amid tumultu
ous applause at the conclusion of his mas
terly address, which was delivered in the
calm, logical and impressive manner that
distinguishes his forensic cfTerts, and after
the cheering had in a measure subsided,
President Lightncr stepped te the front of
the stage and introduced
Eugene McCaa, Esq., of Alabama,
who was received with a burst of applause.
Mr. McCaa addressed his audience as
fellow citizens net alone or Pennsylvania,
the home of his ancestry, but fellow citi
zens of a reunited country. He said that
he came from that land of rest, fair Ala
bama. He was net a rebel brigadier, nor
colonel ; net even a major nor a captain,but
the last high private left of Longstreet's
corps. Langhtcr. He at once took up the
subject of the "solid Seuth," and he said
that this is net the first time it has been
solid. In the days of reconstruction the
Republican party, through fraud, chica
nery and the most infamous corruption,
had placed it solidly under carpet-bag
regime. Te be sure, his own state of
Alabama had voted by fifteen thou
sand majority, as certified te by Gen
eral Meade, te defeat the reconstruction
constitution, bnt the Republicans calmly
stifled that popular decision and forced
the yeke upon the necks of the unwilling
people. Mr. McCaa pictured the con
dition of the state under this corrupt gov
ernment thus illegally foisted upon it.
Business withered, production ceased in a
large measure, and thieves and cormorants
fattened en the substance of the
people Since 1872 all this has
been changed. Corrupt carpet-bag
rule has been overthrown, and the
state has rapidly arisen te a proud position
among the commonwealths of the repub
lic. Especially notable in the improved
and improving condition of affairs is the
advancement of the colored peeple ; they
are happy and contented ; their children
are being sent te school and educated for
the duties of citizenship ; they have be
come and are regarded as an important
factor in the business interests of
the community, and they are treated with
kindness and consideration by the white
population. The speaker lived in the cen
tre of ene of the most densely populated
negre districts of the state, and he could
truthfully say that at the election in
August last he neither witnessed nor heard
of a single case of intimidation, violcnce or
fraud, and as indicative of the simplicity
of the manner of conducting elections he
mentioned the fact the truth of which he
was in a position te knew that the entire
expense of the campaign in his county of
30,000 people, was exactly $29.75.
As had been said by the distinguished
senator, the Republican party Seuth has
disappeared, and the Republican mana
gers have aided this condition of affairs
by removing all the efficient organizers of
the party te pests where they could net
employ their talents in creating an organi
zation. Gen. Lengstrcct, the speaker's
old corps commander, and ene of the best
political managers in the Seuth, had been
sent by the Republican administration at
Washington as minister te Turkey ; Mesby
has been shipped te Heng Keng for the
same reason, and R. 31. Reynolds, ene of
the most cultured Republicans iu Ala
bama, has !ecii appointed te a position
that keeps him at the national capital. It is
the same with all the prominent Republi
cans in the Seuth, and the reason is trans
parent. The Seuth is solid for Hancock becanse
she wants te ceme back into the Union.
Old rebels like myself recegnize the results
of the war, and want te sce a restoration
of unity and peace ; and Hancock is the
representative of that feeling, xs he is the
representative of the constitution and
geed government.
The Seuth was solid for Geerge Wash
ington because he steed up against op
pression and tyranny, and is new solid ler
the man who saved us, and by us I mean
the citizen alike of North and Seuth.
Jlr. McCaa spoke with marked effect
and genuine earnestness; he was fre
quently interrupted by applause, and after
Geerge Pent, had sung a couple his popu
lar campaign songs, the immense assem
blage slowly dispersed firmer than ever iu
the support of Hancock aud Union.
The Hancock Veteran club will meet this
evening at 7:30 o'clock, in the Keystone
Democratic clnb room, en North Third
street, for organization. The membership
of the club is new about seventy, which
number will be increased te ene hundred
or mere. The clnb will decide upon the
uniform te be worn at this meeting, and it
is, therefore, decided that all members at
tend and give their views en the question.
The Citizens' band received their new
uniforms yesterday and turned out with
them and with their new instruments hut
evening. The boys presented a fine ap
pearance. The uniforms are of dark blue
cloth, the pants with stripes aud the coats
cut double breasted and trimmed with red.
The caps are also red, with dark pompons
Several ladies aud gentlemen, members
of the Rebin Heed archery club, of this
place, will visit Jlarictta te-morrow after
noon, te sheet at a target, against repre
sentatives of the team at that place.
The propeller which Messrs. Ed. N.
Smith and Jerry Kech have placed en their
duck beat did net work well at a trial
given a couple of days age. When the
propeller was put te work the beat iu
place of going ahead described a circle of
its length. The llatncss of the wheel is
considered the cause of the failure, and
this evil will be remedied in a conple of
days when a new iron wheel of quite dif
ferent shape will the place of the worth
less etic.
Marriett Brosius, esq., of Lancaster, city
will address the Republicans of Columbia,
this evening.
A meeting of the teachers' institute will
be held in the high school room en Satur
day morning next.
The question of exonerating Jehn B.
Wislcr, tax collector, from the collection of
uncellectible taxes will be deferred by the
school beard until its next regular meet
ing. In the west yard at this place, yesterday,
a twclvc-ycar-eld boy named Redman, iu
jumping from a car from which his hat
had blown, was struck en the head as the
car passed him, his injury being a cut
of about two inches, net dangerous.
Samuel Roberts, who was struck en the
head by the reef of the Lancaster depot,
yesterday morning, an account of which
was given in last evening's Intem.iokn Intem.iekn
ckic, is getting along finely and was able
te been the street yesterday afternoon.
The women's foreign missionary soeiety
of the M. E. church held a meeting yes.
terday afternoon in the church parlors.
The Columbia Ne. 1 cngine was this
morning again taken te the Henry Clay
furnace te pump water into cngine beilers.
The regular monthly meeting of the Col
umbia fire company will be held te-morrow
Shcriir.Taceb S. Strinc, with his son
Charles, came here this morning and left
en the Pert Deposit train at 11:45 en a
fishing excursion. The party will encoun
ter rough weather.
Ed. N. Smith get in a beat lead of lum
ber yesterday.
L. K. Fendcrsmith is just completing
seme needed repairs te the exterior of the
property at Second and Locust streets.
A. I). Rccse has finished re-covering
and rc-cushiening twoef his billiard tables
and will te-day finish the third. The peel
table will then be subjected te the same
Jehn Fcndrich is tsariiig down the old
fence enclosing his property en Fourth
streat and will erect a new ene te take its
Miss Bcckic Kunklc, of Harrif-burg,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Colonel James
Myers at Norwood.
The Hancock Invincibles will meet this
evening se says W. II. Given, esq. A
uniform will be adopted.
Putman circle Ne. 118. B. M. (II. F.)
C. A. will attend evening service at tin;
United Brethren church, corner Third and
Perry streets, en Sunday next, when the
Rev. C. S. Mcily, pastor of the church, will
preach a special sermon te them.
Duck sheeting about here has com
menced in real earnest. Yesterday the
fowl were thick en the river between the
dam and the bridge and ever above the
bridge and the gunners were out in full
force -notwithstanding the high winds
blowing all day. Quite a number of the
ducks were bagged by several of our sports
men. Only One from Lancaster.
Harry B., a herse belonging te C. R.
Bacr, of this city, is entered in the races
which take place at the Oxford fair te-day
and te-morrow
vs .
! -V