Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 28, 1880, Image 3

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    Vt- "i?s"
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Tlic Citizens' band lias elected the fol
lowing efficers:
President Jehn A. Sladc.
Vice President Jehn Lawler.
Secretary Harry 31. Sample.
Treasurer Frank A. Bennett.
Trustees Wm. llaiklcy, Geerge C. K.
Sample and B. F. 3Iann.
The new instruments, purchased by the
band in Philadelphia about one week age,
were expected yesterday, but they failed
te come. " ,,.,
Jeshui Seurbccr, jr., celebrated his 33d
birthday last evening by a ''surprise
party" of from fifty te sixty couples of his
friends, who presented him with a haud-somejjrcach-loading,
deuble-barreled shot
Locust street, between Fifth and Sixth
streets in front of the greuuds of the
"Washington Institute is being macad
amized. The work is in au advanced
Tlie Vigilant lire company have placed
the wheels of their steamer in the hands
of J. T. Shrecdcr te be repainted prier te
their visit te llagcrstewn, Md., in October.
Mr. Shrecdcr, who is an interested party,
will de his work well.
A rainbow was seen te the west at about
six o'clock this morning.
Samuel A. Lockardel Ilarrisbunr, P.i.,
was visiting in Columbia yesterday.
The Philadelphia & Heading railroad
company will run an excursion te Heading
te-morrow morning.
The Susquehanna liver is at present a
few inches lower than it has been in a
number of years. In rowing te the dam
ycslei day afternoon we noticed that the
new iishwny is bearded up and that but
little water escapes. The dam is as dry as
Workmen are new engaged in repairing
the fourth pier beyond the iron span of the
The HepuLilcwJ ; ' helmet ' company
expect their equip!) ents te-day.
"The trouble in getting pig iron" is the
reason given for the non-starting of the
Shawnee rolling mill a week or two age.
Bass fishing is light geed about the
piers of the bridge.
The telegraph lUcii who came here a few
days age have finis'.iul stretching vires at
this place and have gene farther west.
The Dauphin county lair has closed and
the Yerk county fau- has net yet com
menced, consequently no excursion tickets
have been or will be sold this week from
the Pennsylvania railroad depot. This is
-the first week that excursion tickets have
net been m11 at the depot for a month or
Nearly all the clouds have cleared away
and it new leeks a if the rain was ever.
A geed wind is blnwingand is being taken
advantage of by sail beat men, who are
flying en the river before the breeze.
Company II had a small turnout at its
drill last evening. The blame for the
smallncss of numbers is credited te the
campaign, which certainly has its eficcl.
If the river falls much mere it will be
found almost impossible te get a heavily
leaded canal beat from under the Heading
iind Columbia mil read coal shutcs.
The raft shulc at this end of the dam
was closed yesterday. This closing will
occasion somewhat of a rise in the river,
which has already risen three inches.
"ic Pert Deposit train was compelled
te remain here awaiting the arrival of the
mail train.
Mr. J. A Knight will leave here for llol llel
lidaysbnrg te-day.
Sudden Dentil f GcerKC Sclmer.
Geerge Sehncr, carpenter, 138 North
"Water street, died this morning after a
short but painful illness. He was in geed
health up te Sunday afternoon, when he
was seized with cramps, and, though he
had the best medical attendance, he con
tinued te grew worse until about G o'clock
this morning, when he died.
Mr. Sehncr was a native of Lancaster
and spent the greater part of his life here.
He was an industrious and excellent me
chanic, an upright and honest citizen, and
an unswerving Democrat from youth up.
At the time of his death he was in the GSth
year of his age. lie leaves a wife and two
grown sons and two daughters. The time
of the funeral has net yet been fixed, as
bis son Albert is absent in Warren, Pa.,
and the family desire te give him time te
be present at the funeral.
Hint. Kcyscr'H Decease.
Mrs. Kcyser, wife of Leenard Kcyser,
of New Helland, died very suddenly at the
residence of her son-in law. Wm. Hannels,
in Manhcim, en Sunday. It appears that
she arose as usual, and was engaged at
combing her hair when she fell ever and
died almost inrtantly. Mrs. Kcyser was a
large woman, weighing ever 200 pounds,
and heart disease or apoplexy was the
cause of her death. Her body was removed
te New Helland and the funeral took place
itaute ori'reeesslmi for Friday Night Dem
ocratic Torchlight Precession.
At a meeting of the Democratic city
campaign committee, held at central
headqualieis last evening, and at which
were present also tlic colonel of battalion,
Win. .1. Ferdncy, and members of his
staff, the following route of precession was
agreed upon for Friday night's general
torchlight parade of the Democratic or
ganization of the city :
The clubs will mass en Orange and
Chestnut streets, right resting en North
Queen (full details of formation will
be published te-morrow), and move as fol fel
lows : North and Seuth Queen streets
(passing monument en cast side), te Mid
dle, te East King, te Plum, te Orange, te
Duke, te Frederick, te North Queen, te
James, te Mulberry, te Orange, te Mary,
te West King, te Derwart, te Maner, te
"West King, te East King (passing monu
ment en south side), te Ann, and counter
march te Centre Square and dismiss.
Cel. Ferdncy desires all members of his
staff and mounted aids te report at central
headquarters this evening at half-past
Chimney Rlewn Down.
This morning between 7 and 8 o'clock,
during a gale of wind the top of the chim
ney of the high three-story brick building
belonging te the Pennsylvania railroad en
the cast side of North Queen street above
Chestnut was blown, and fell with a crash
upon the reef of a one-story building ad
joining, occupied by Mrs Catherine Bitncr.
The falling chimney struck exactly en the
comb of the reef or Mrs. Bitncr's house,
aud the bricks were thickly strewn en the
pavement in front aud in the yard in rear
of the premises, but luckily no one was
hurt, though persons were passing en the
street within a few yards of the place, and
some children were playing just inside the
deer in front of which the avalanche came
down. Meral : leek te your chimney tops
before the blasts of winter set in.
Going Over te Berks.
The Reading JVe-rs says that a Republi
can meeting was held at Fritztown, Berks
county, ou Saturday evening, and all these
in attendance were Republicans resident in
Lancaster county.
J. L. Steinmctz, esq., is booked for a
speech at the great Democratic mass meet
ing in Reading, October 9th.
Pay Your Water Kent.
By diicctien of the water committee of
city councils, Davis Kitch, jr., superinten
dent of the water works, commenced shut
ting oil the water from all . water-renters
who have failed te p"ay their water rent,
aud he will continue te de se until all de
linquents are deprived of the use of city
Bar Meeting in Respect te theMemary cTE.
W.Snenk, Kq.
At 4 p. m. yesterday the death of Maj.
R. "W. Shenk, a member of the Lancaster
!.. litT-trirr lienn announced in ODCU COUrt.
Jen motienofW. Leaman, esq., seconded
by D. G. Eshleman, esq., court aojeurneu
until 9 o'clock this morning. Meanwhile a
bar meeting te take action in the matter
was called and assembled at 2 p. m. to
day. At this meeting, en motion of Newton
Lightner, esq., Hen. Thes. E. Franklin,
was chosen chairman, and en motion of
Wm. Leaman, esq., R. B. Risk and Wm.
A. Wilsen, esqs., were chosen secretaries.
Wm. Leaman, esq., arising said that
ilrntli incl in t.lm m-psfiiit instance struck in
an unexpected quarter. Mr. Shenk was in
such robust health, was possessed of such
life and vigor, such bright eyes and clear
complexion that he appeared te be the
very antithesis of death, and a
long life might reasonably have
been expected from him. As his friend
for many years somewhat intimately asso
ciated with him, Mr. Leaman said he
might be permitted te speak efhis life and
death. He then at some length gave a
sketch or Maj. Shcnk's life, and the par
ticulars of his visit te Yerk Furnace
Springs, en which occasion he was stricken
with apoplexy, as was afterwards ascer
tained. and suffered injury by falling into
the ravine. lie also lieucctt tnc inci
dents attending his last illness, and
death, and in the choicest and most pa
thetic language eulogized his character in
all his business, social and professional re
lations, which had gained for him se
many friends at home and abroad. On
Mr. Lcaman's motion a committee of five,
appointed by the chair, retired te frame
resolutions expressive of the sense of the
This commit tec. consisting of Messrs.
Leaman, Atlec, Nauman, McMulIcu and
Slaymakcr, reported the following which
were adopted by the meeting :
llcselcal, That we have learned with
sincere regret of the death of R. W. Sheuk,
esq., and that the shock has been mere
deeply felt that he died in the piimc of his
manhood, and while apparently in the full
possession of health and manly vigor.
Jksehcd, That while Mr. Shcnk's atten
tion was in a measure withdrawn from the
practice of the law by his absorption in
ether pursuits, yet having quickness of
perception, readiness of memory, fluency
of speech and sound practical judgment,
together with liberal preparatory sludy,
lie was a geed and competent lawyer and
with efforts mere exclusively applied te
his profession would in all probability
have achieved high rank and large suc
cess. llcxelccd, That the community has lest
a citizen who was public spirited, liberal
and enterprising, aud his circle of mere in-
IIIIKIIC UIOIHl.s Will MjrciJ lUlftS a, av
cial. cordial and hospitable companion.
Jicselccd, That we tender our heartfelt
sympathies te the bereaved family and
friends and that as a tribute of respect we
attend the funeral in a body.
Jknehcd, That a copy of these resolu
tions be transmitted te the immediate rel
atives of the deceased, and that they be
published in the newspapers and entered
en the minutes of the court.
Mr. Risk followed Mr. Leaman in a
eulogy of Majer Shcnk's excellencies, his
enterprise, his generosity, frankness, en
ergy, public spirit and genial and social
Speeches of the same import were made
by Messrs. II. M. North, W. A. Atlec,
Gee. Nauman, A. C. Heinechl, Capt. Chas. !
Dcnues, M. liresnis, A. J. ilautlman,
and Hen. D. W. Patterson, but the
lateness of the hour at which the
report of them comes te hand hinders us
from giving anything but such a naked
and meagre abstract of them as would fail
te de justice te their universal pathos, elo
quence and sympathy.
On motion of Mr. Leaman a committee
of three was appointed te communicate
the resolutions te the family of deceased.
The chair appointed N. Lightner, D. G.
Eshleman and W. W. Brown.
The meeting then adjourned te meet at
2 p. m. te-morrow, when the bar will at
tend the funeral in a body.
ISerore Judge Liviuoteu.
(J. Scncr & Sens vs. Adelph N. Bash,
contractor, and Charles Metcn, Mocs Mecs
Maxwcll, Rebert Able and Jehnsen Wes
ley, committee and trustees of St. Stephen
Tabernacle Ne. 5 of Independent Order of
Brethers and Sisters of Leve and Charity of
Lancaster county, sci.fa. sur. mechanic's
lien, te recover $o9S.6e for lumber
furnished by the plaintiffs in the
construction of Leve and Charity hall
en North street, this city, for which
Adelph N. Bash was contractor, the con
tract price being $1,000. The trustees of
the church de net defend iu this action,
but 1'entz fc Bre., brick manufacturers,
have put in an isitcr-pleaderandare resist
ing the claim of plaintiffs, as they have
filed a lien also, and if the bill of the
plaintiffs is set aside they will have an
equally geed opportunity of having their
bill, which is about $1C0, paid.
The defense iu the cases is that the last
two leads of lumber furnished were net
used iu the construction of the building
proper, but for making fences, &c. They
therefore claim that mere than six months
elapsed from the time of the completion of
the building until the lien was filed and it
s therefore void. Ou trial.
Uefete .Tiiiljjc Patterson.
Jehn B. Bachman vs. Christian llcrsh
cy, owner or reputed owner, and William
liougcndeb'.er, contractor, set. fit. sur. me
chanic's lien. The plaintiff in the case
furnished $113 worth of lumber used in the
construction of several buildings for Mr.
Hcrshcy aud for which he claims te have
never been paid. On trial.
Parry i's. Sonseni.'C.
In the case of Dr. II. B. Parry vs. Levi
Senscnig, in which a preliminary injunc
tion was granted te restrain Seliseuig from
tearing down a wall separating his
property from that of Dr. Parry,
Judge Patterson delivered a lengthy
opinion this morning. By this opin
ion the injunction was dissolved. As
seen as the result of the case was known
men wcre set te work by Senscnig, tearing
down the wall, en tiie site of which is te
be erected the wall of a four-story back
building te the Leepard hotel. The case
excited great interest, and its decision was
awaited anxiously by lawyers, citizens and
IV,ct Scalded.
Mrs. C4cergc Flick, residing at Ne. 15
West German street, had her feet badly
scalded by stepping into a peel of het waste
water that Hews across the pavement in
German street, opposite Ne. 1 cotton mill.
Mrs. Flick could net sec the water en ac
count of the steam from the waste pipe.
It is said that several similar accidents
have eccurcd at the same point.
Sirge Funeral.
The funeral of Benjamin Buckwalter, a
wcil-kuewn citizen of Maniieim township,
who died pn Saturday, took place this
morning. It was very largely attended
and the interment was made at Peters
burg. Train Detained.
Tlic Niagara express, which is due here
ever the Pennsylvania railroad at 11:0G
a. m., was detained for an hour near the
Penn iron works this meming. An in
jection red of the engine was broken.
irxcio.slen te Kertts County Fair.
Special excursion te Heading en Wednesday,
September 2U. Train leaves Lancaster (King
s-trect) at 7:53 n. m., upper depot at 8:05 a. m.,
and Columbia at 7:53 a. m. Fare for the round
trip only $1.25. Tickets geed te return en any
train. Returning tralaa leave Beading at 6:10
p. m. Fer particulars see circulars at all
stations. sep2L25,2"'ltw
PreC GuUmette's French Kidney Pad Is
manufactured In this country from the French
formula, and la the genuine. Fer sale by
druggists. s"3"21
Lancaster Clab Sociable.
Te-morrow evening the first evening soci
able of the Lancaster club will be given at
Roberts's ball by the same management under
whose auspices the successful May hop at tne
same place was conducted. There Is every
prospect of a thoroughly enjoyable occasle-,
as the young gentlemen in cbarge knew he
te conduct a party, and net the least attrac
tive feature will be the presence of Tayler's
popular orchestra.
"The Strategist!" Te-night. Clinten Hall's
comedy company will this evening present at
Fulton opera house the sprightly and success
ful play entitled " The Strategists." The play
and the people come fortified with the most
complimentary press testimonials, of which
the following Is merely a specimen brick:
'There is net a mere mirth-provoking play en
the beards than 'Hall's Strategists,' and it
deserves te rank with the best of genteel com
edies. Such a combination of ludicieus situ
ation?, laughable events and general mixing
up of personages us in this comedy is seldom
met with. Every one who enjoys really geed
acting, that is wholly clean and decent should
sec the 'Strategists.' In the company arc
such well known actors as Clinten Ilall.Cliarle
S. llegers, T. .1. Kind, F. Heward, Charles
A. Gardner, Miss Mattie Vlckers and Miss
Emily Stene.'"
Cleanse, whiten and beautify the kln with
Cuticnra Medicinal Toilet Seap.
Dogs transmit it through their teeth. Teeth
should be kept free from virus. Use SOZO
DOXT, keep the human teeth clean, and no
damage can be done by the man who says te
his girl. " 1 feel like eating you up, dearest."
m m
Feeble digestion, sick headache, dizziness
and f.dnlness cured by Matt Hitter?.
it is impossible for a woman after a faithful
course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham s
Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer
with a weakness of the uterus. Enelose a
stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 253 Western
avenue. I.ynu, Mass., for pamphlets.
What is the use in going te the seaside for
health when " Or. Lind-ey's Dloed Searcher"
is what you need.
The Chicago Times savs: Warner's Safe
Kidney and Liver Cure is highly endorsed by
ministers, judges, physicians, surgeons, by
men et literary aud scholarly distinction, and
bv individuals in all the walks et life. 3
Fer fifty years "Sellers' Liver Fills" have
brought health and happiness in thousands of
homes. Ask your druggist for them.
Mothers! Mothers!! mothers!!!
Are you 'disturbed at night and broken el
your rest by a sick child suffering and erylng
with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth?
If se. go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS
LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. Itwill relieve the
peer little sufferer immediately depend upon
it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a
mother en earth who lias ever used It, who will
net tell you at once i.5 it will regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te iie in all cases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is the prescription et ene
et the eldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United Slaces. Sold evcrywhcrc
25 cents a bottle. ilT-tvd.twM.W&S
Mrs. E. II. Perkins, Creek Centre, Warren
County, X. Y., writes i she has been troubled
with Asthma ler four years ; had te sit up
night after night with It, she has taken two
bottles of Dr. Themas' Electric Oil. and is
perfectly cured, she strongly recommends it
and wishes te act as agent among her neigh
bors. Fer sale by 11. It. Cochran, druggist, 137
anil 139 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. a
"Jirewn's Jirenehtal Treches'1'' are used with
advantage te allcviate Coughs, Sere Threat,
Hoarseness and Ifrenchlal Affections. Fer
thirty years thee Troches have been in use,
with annually increasing favor. They arc net
new and untried, but, having been tested by
wide and constant use for nearly an entire
generation, they have attained well-merited
rank among the fewstaplereincdiesef theagc.
The Threat.
" JJreivn' Jlrenchiat Troches"1 act directly
en the organs erthc voice. They have an ex
traordinary effect in all disorders of the Threat
and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re
laxed, cither from cold or ever-exertion of the
voice, and produce a clearand distinct enunci
ation. Speakers und Singers find the Troches
A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re
quires immediate attention, as neglect often
times results in some incurable Lung Disease.
' lireu'ii's JJrenehial Troches " will almost In
variauly give relief. Imitations arc offered for
sale, many et which are injurious. The genu
ine "JJrewn's Jlrenchial Troches'" arc sold
only in boxes. ianl5-lyd&wTu,Th&S
.imi. i m iiiw i tin iai-
R. Schcutcnmnller, Brooklyn, writes ; Your
Spring Blessem is invaluable. I have had
Scrofulous serrs en my legs for a number et
years, and occasionally they would break out
en my face. 1 have taken two bottles et
Spring IJlossem, according te directions, and
new all the sores have disappeared and my
sciu is perfectly healthy.
Prices: COc., and trial bottles 10c.
Fer sale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 and
IS!) Xerth Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. Vi
Try Lncher'u llenewneil Cough Syrup
On Tunc ns Usual.
That attack of Neuralgia that laid him up, mid
which was only a fresh visitation of an old
enemy, diappearcd,bceaU3C he took a friend's
ndvicc and used Dr. Themas' Electrfc Oil.
Rheumatic pain, sores, cuts, bruises, threat
anil lung complaints, etc., are invariably con
quered br it. Fer sale by II. R. Cochran,
druggist, 135and 137 Xerth Queen street, Lan
caster, Pa. H
" Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and nt
work, and cured by se simple a remedy ?"
'I assure you it is true that he is entirely
cured, and A'tth nothing but Hep Ritters and
only ten days age his doctors gave him up and
said he must die !"
"Wcll-a-day! ir that ft se, I will go this
minute and get some for my peer Geerge I
knew hops arc geed."
TYcary or Life.
Hew many a man has jumped into the river.
When all 'twas that ailed him was a disorder
ed liver,
If he only had known that Spring RIossem
would save.
IU: never would have filled a suicide grave.
Prices : 00c . trial bottles 10c.
Fer sale by II. R. Cochran, druggist, 137 and
130 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. It)
Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup.
The Value ct Pure Wine In Sickness.
The chlcr difficulty with reliable wines has
been their scarcity and exorbitant price, but
this lias been removed by the introduction of
a Pure Xatlvc Wine, produced lrem the Oporto
grape by Mr. Alfred Speer, of Xew Jersey. We
understand that he has submitted bis wine te
the test et many of ear celebrated physicians,
and all concur In its purity, medicinal prop
erties and superiority te the best imported
Pert Wine. Most et them prescribe it in cases
of debility, aflcctiens et the kidneys, and
chronic complaints, requiring a tonic, su su
eorific or diuretic treatment. Examiner.
This wine i3 endorsed by Drs. Atlce and
Davis, and sold by II. H. Slaymaker.
! r.i , - .'A.
Pay Your Tax.
Every voter who wants te vote in November
should leek alter the payment of his tax. Col
lector Warlel sits at the Court Heuse THIS
EVEXIXG fremC te 9 o'clock te receive it
Fer Assembly.
The name of WILLIAM McCOMSEY, of the
First ward, will be presented te the Demo
cratic electors et Lancaster at their primary
elections te neminate a candidate for As
sembly, under Democratic rules.
ELIMG. SXYDER, of thcXlnlU ward, wil
be a candidate for the Democratic nomination
te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub
fect te Democratic rules. td
I mi .ti ,
Arrewy the many advantages gained by our ehange of business
location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa
cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps
of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and
tools we are are prepared te execute and -warrant all work en
trusted te us.
A great variety of new -work in original designs will be produced
in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled
at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld
or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods.
H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
Attention, First Ward.
The First Ward Hancock aud English club
will meet te-morrow cveniiigat the club room,
Henry Xeimcr's saloon, corner of Orange and
Water streets, at 8 o'clock sharp, for the pur
pose of receiving their uniform.
Fifth Ward.
The regular weekly meeting of the Fifth
ward Hancock and English club will be held
te-morrow (TUESDAY) evening at 7J o'clock,
at the Green Tree Hetel.
Seventh Ward,
Ths regular stated meeting of the Seventh
ward Hancock and English club will be held
at R. Kuhlman's saloon, Rockland street, en
Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Every
member is requested te be present as business
of importance will be transacted.
Seventh Ward.
The Yeung Men's club et the Sevcnth ward,
will held their regular meeting at Utzlnger's
saloon, Tuesday evening. Every member is
requested te be present, as equipments will be
given out.
Feurtli Ward.
There will he a meeting of the Fourth ward
Hancock and English club en TUESDAY
EVEXIXG. SEPTEMRER a?, at S o'clock.
Distribution of uniforms and ether Important
suqiness. A full attendaaee Is requested.
Eighth Ward.
Special meeting of the Eighth ward Hancrck
club to-meirow (WEDNESDAY) evening at
7 o'clock nt Kehllmas' saloon, en Maner street,
for the election of additional company and
but I al Ien officers.
Sixth Ward Auicricus Club, Attention.
The members of the Sixth Ward Auicricus
club will report at headquarters, Schiller hall,
sharp, fully equipped ter parade through the
ward. All Dcuiecrats'and Hancock men who
have net as yet received equipments are In
vited te participate in the parade.
Seventh Want.
The regular meeting et the Yeung Men's
club will be held at Utzingcr's this evening at
7o'cleck. Ralauce of uniforms will be given
out aud a full attendance U desired.
In Lancaster.
General torchlight parade en Fiiitny even
ing, October 1. Ne speaking.
Welsh Mountain Inn.
Tri-county meeting Wednesday afternoon
ami evening, Oct. C. Sneakers, E. R. Wicgand,
of Reading; R. J. Monaghan, of West Chester;
R. F. Davi, D. McMullen, J. M. Walker. J. L.
Steinmctz, W. U. Hcnsel, W. If. Reland, .Ine.
II. Dellavcn.
Friday evening, Octobers. Speakers: S. W.
Sliadlc, W. II. Reland.
At IMeuntvitle
en Monday, October 11. Speakers: .Jehn W.
Ferney, J. Luther Ringwidt, J. L. Steinmctz,
R. V. Davis, W. U. Hcnscl and Wm. R. Given.
Ac Qiiarryvllle
Tuesday, October li Speakers: J. W. Ferney
J. Luther RIngwalt, Cel. Jehn E. Ritvhie and
In Lancaster
en Tuesday evening, Oct. 12. Speakers : Jehn
W. Ferney, J. Luther RIngwalt, Gen. II. Kyd
Douglas and ethers.
Millport, East Lampeter Twp.
Thursday evening, October 14. Speakers: R
F. Davis, J. L. Steinmctz, W. U. Ilensel, J. A.
Friday evening, October 13. Speakers Hen. D.
Ermcntreut, or Reading; W. R. Wilsen, D.
McMnllen, W. H. Reland, J. 15. Garman, II. X
Saturday evening, October 1G. Speakers : W.
U. Hcnscl, D. McMullen.
Other Meetings.
Meetings will also be held (subject te future
arrangement) at Strasbnrg, Oct. f6 ; Kirkwood
Oct. 18; Midway, Oct. 19; Ephrata, Oct. 22;
Christiana, Ocf.itt.
Lancaster. j
Fulton Opera Heuse, Wcdne.-diiy evening,
Sept. 29. Speakers, Hen. Wm. A. Wallace and I
Eugene McCaa. !
l'ele raising, Thursday afternoon Oct. 7
New Helland.
Wednesday afternoon, Oct. IS. Speakers :
Hen. Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther Ringwalt,
Cel. Jehn H. Ritchie, E. McCaa, of Alabama,
Gen. H. Kyd Douglas, Wm. II Reland, Win. R. ;
Given and ethers. i
Taecart. On the 27th int., Mary E. Tag
gart, wf te of David Taggart. et Gordenvllle, in
tliu aid year of her age.
The relatives and friends of deceased are re
spcctfully invited te attend her funeral from
her late residence en Thursday, the
10J4 o'clock a. in., without further notice.
Services at the old Leaeeck church.
Haeelganz. In this city, en Snt. 27, 1S30,
Anna Mary, wile of Christopher llagelganz,
in the SSth year of her age.
The relatives and friends et the family arc
respectfully invited te attend her funeral
from the resilience of her husband, Ne. 32(1
East King street, en Wednesday afternoon at
2 o'clock. Services at St. Stephen's church.
Siir.HK. In Lancaster, Pa., en Sunday, Sept.
20, 1880, R. W. Shank, of Lancaster city, in the
40th year of his age.
The relatives and friends of the family arc
respectfully invited te attcnd;thc funeral from
his late residence, Ne. 220 East King street, en
Wednesday, nt 2:30 o'clock. Interment at
Woodward Hill cemetery. 2td
The members of Geerge II. Themas Pest,
84, arc requested te meet nt their hall en
WEDNESDAY' AFTERNOON at two o'clock,
sharp, in full uniterm, te attend the funeral
et their late Comrade, R. W. Shenk.
jjy orecr ei
Attest :
II. C. Weidleu, Adj't.
ii. Mcelrey.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1880.
Engagement of the Popular Y'eung Acter,
Who will appear in bis world-renowned play,
depicting life-likc incidents in Xew Yerk and
California, entitled
Supported by the Charming Artist,
And an ensemble of 20 Artists, Including the
Excellent Comedian. JOE U. BASKS, who
will introduce bis old Cremona and Hl-wang
WMASTER cnAS. HAGEN, in h& great Imi
tations of Pat Rooney.
CHARLES ARNOLD, in hU wonderful Ger
man Specialties, -i
JOHN PENDY, in laugbabla Songs and
Mere fun, mere pathos, tbau any three
dramas new before the public. Produced witli
New Scenery and a powerful cast. Admission,
35, BO & 7fic. Secure scats at Opera Heuse
Office. 'UAEnvD. GUAUAXE,Rnslncss Manager.
Omca of tub Maiiest Mutual Live Asse-)
ciATieif or Selissoreve, Pa. s
ble Agents in each township or the
county of Lancaster. Apply in band writing
or Applicant te the Heme Oflice.
L. R. HUMMEL, Sec'y.
Sclinsgreve, Snyder county. Pa.. September
17.issa seplf-lmd&5tw
Xl The members et the Lancaster Mncnncr Mncnncr
cher arc requested te meet at their ball en to
morrow (WEDNESDAY) afternoon at 2
o'clock for the purpose of attending the fun
eral of our late member, R. W. Shenk.
By order of the President.
It Secretary.
T T of the Weekly Istellieexceu of the fof fef fof
lewlng dates :
JAN. , 1SS0,
JULY 23.1880. tfd
100 Tens et Kags Wanted,
Fer which the highest price will be paid.
The highest price paid for Woolens, Ola
Paper, Reeks, Ac. Ten ling Assertcrs wanted,
te whom the highest price wlR be paid.
Cor. Xerth Queen and Orange Streets,
ylMfdRl Lancaster. Pa
for any case or Chronic Dyspepsia that cannot
be cured by the use et CH1LL.-CH1I.iL1 RIT
TERS. Fer Ague Chill-Chilli Hitters is the one safe
ami speedy cure. Ne aching bones after tak
ing it.
Chill-Chilli Ritters will restore your lest ap
petite. Try it and be convinced.
Delicate and nervous ladies should use Chill
Chilli Rittcrs. It will restore them te health.
Clergymen, lawyers and all who have se
dentary habits should use Chill-Chilli Ritters.
It will glvethcm nn excellent appetite.
CHILL-CHILLI RITTERS will positively
cure Liver Complaint,' Dyspepsia, Nervous Af
fections, Less et Appetite, Cramp. Diarrheea,
General Debility, Ague, Intermittent Fever,
and all diseases arising from malaria. Impure
bleed, or a disordered stemacb.
Cliill-ChlUl Rittars Is an old medicine ; was
used for hundreds et years by the Seuth Sea
Islanders for all Diseases ; was introduced
into England, Portugal, Spain and Germany
with the most wonderful curative results ; was
brought te America by the old GrelT family,
and has been used by them for generations for
all diseases of the Rloed and Stomach, and is
especially geed te ward en malarial attacks
and ler Chronic Diseases. Taken according te
directions en circular around the bottle, will
nevcr fall.
Ask your druggist, storekeeper or landlord
for It; If they have net get It they will procure
it for you.
Oflice and Laboratory, Ne. 218 North Qncen
street; Warcroem, 210 Market street, Lancas
ter, Pa. sep27-M.W,S&ltw
Fer sale at THIS OFFICE.
On AVednesdav inerninir last a D AP-
!! CTl r.f V UrklPCI. 41s.,-1iitn r1unf tliA
11JIV VJJW&.E 11U1IUU, ll.-Ll... mv. ....u
head, sere under tail and sero back, and tail
switched efT short, attached te a Tep Ruggy.
was stolen from the undersigned. A reward
of $23 will be paid for the return of the team
and $5 for the arrest and conviction of the
A general meeting of the stockholders et
the Lancaster Fire Insurance Company and
an election of eighteen directors thereof, te
serve for the ensuing year will be held at the
othce of ttic company. Ne. 108 West Ring
street, en MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1880. Rc
twecn the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, p. m.
Scpl8 Ctdced Secretary and Treasurer.
w rtuflbr Eveiii, M. 29,
Te be addressed by
Hen. W. A. Wallace,
U. S. Senater lrem Penn'a.
Eugene McCaa, Esq.,
The Annual Exhibition of the Lancaster
County Soclety will open en Wednesday, the
20th of September, 18S0, and continue until 10
o'clock p. m., October 1, at the Northern
Market, North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa.
Fruits, Flowers, Vegetables, Grains, Seeds,
Demestic Productions, Household Manufac
tures, Mechanical Implements, Tobacco, Rce
Products Fancy Werk, Cabinet Ware, Furs,
Dairy Produce, Saddlery, Sewing Machines
and general household articles will be re
ceived and placed in competition, governed
by the rules published in prcminm list.
Ne entrancc fee required lrem exhibitors ;
and open te all In the county and state be
yond. Single Tickets 20 cents. Children 10 cents,
and satisfactory arrangements made for the
admission of Exhibitors. -
On Monday, the 27th Inst., the officers will be
In attendance at tlic place of exhibition te as
sign space and make ether preliminary ar
rangements. Premium lists can be had at 101 North Queen
fdrcct until the opening of the Fair.
Exhibitors should liave written lists of their
exhibits before they enter them in order te
prevent Inaccuracy and contusion. Careful
officers will be appointed, and everything
guarded with lldclity.
MANAGERS : Jeseph F. Wltmer, Paradise;
Calvin Cooper, Bfnl-ln-Hand ; Jehn C. Lin
vlllc, Gap; Peters. Rctst, Lititz: H. M.Englc,
Marietta: Jehn H. Landls, Mlliersville: M. D.
Kcndlg, Cress well: E.- S. Hoever and S. S.
Rath von, Lancaster: W. M. Rrel us, Liberty
Square. aep29-2td
Washington, D. C, Sept. 28. Fer the
Middle states, rains, followed by cooler
and partly cloudy weather, with south
erly winds, shifting te westerly and north
westerly, and a slight fall followed by
rising barometer.
By Wire.
Thes. Flinn and "Win. Kelly, young men
of Media, Delaware county, fell from a
train en the Philadelphia and West Ches
ter railroad last night, while returning
from a political meeting at Darby. Kelly
has died and Flinn's death is also proba
ble. Iu Xew Brunswick, N. J., Patrick Mc
Knight, aged 43 years, committed suicide
en Monday night, while crazed with rum.
He left a wife and four children in desti
tute circumstances.
Gen. Charles Albright, a prominent
lawyer and Republican politician of Mauch
Chunk, died there of paralysis this morn
ing, in his 50th year. He served in the
Union army, rising firm the ranks te brig
adier general, served in the 43d Congress,
and was defeated by Cel. Kletz, Demo
crat, in the memorable contest of 1873.
At the time of his death lie occupied a
number of positions of honor and trust.
The American beard of commissioners
for foreign missions yesterday received a
check for $150,000 from the Stene estate.
In the Pan-Presbyterian alliance te-day,
Dr. Cairns, of Edinburgh, and Dr. Hedge
read papers en the "Vicarious Sacrifice of
Christ," and Dr. Withcrspoen, of Peters
burg, Va., read ene en " Final Retribu
tion," expressing hope that the Presby
terian church would held te the doctrine
of eternal punishment.
The Democratic congressional delegates
in Philadelphia met te-day and' selected
the following nominees : Second distriel,
Daniel Dougherty ; Third district, Samuel
J. Randall ; Fourth district, Geerge Bull ;
Fifth district, Jehn K. Felwcll.
The New Yerk Democratic convention
met at Saratoga te-day. Jehn Kelly was
loudly cheered. Mr. Faulkner, chairman
of the state committee, called the body te
order, and Rufus W. Peckliatn was made
presideut. He congratulated the party en
its unity, and premised the ether states
that New Yerk would de her duty. He
predicted a Democratic majority of at
least thirty thousand iu the state in No
vember. The murder of Lord Monntmeries iu
Irelaud has created a panic among the
wealthy landowners there.
Philadelphia Alarfctn.
PaiLADELrniA, Sept. 28. Fleur quiet ; super
flue 12 73;t 25 ; extra .' 2534 00 : Ohie anil In
tirades G75f28 25.
Rye Heur scarce at (5 00.
Wheat ltrm: Ne. 2 Western Re.l $1 07; Pa.
Rcd$l 07; Amber $1 071 07;.
Cern scarce and wanted" by local trade ;
steamer 53c : yellow 05c; mixed 5lVc.
Oats steady : Ne. 1, White, 4'$43c; Ne. 2 de
4141c ; Ne. 3 de 4U40c ; Ne. 2, Mixed SOUii
Kyc firm at 93c.
Previsions in firm jobbing trade; nif.fls
perk $1GOO01G25; beef hams $18 001'J00: In
dian mess beet at $18 50 ; smoked hams W.'ci
12c; pickled hams 9KIOc ; bacon smoked
shoulders 7c ; salt de titc.
Lard firm ; city kettle at sJc ; ioeie bnlch
crw' 8c ; prime steam $3 37.
Rutter quiet but steadily held ; Creamery
extra 32c ; de geed te choice 283Ic; Rnulferil
county and New Yerk extra. 2C23c ; Western
reserve extra 2223c ; de geed te choice 102t)c ;
Rolls quiet; Penn'a extra 2023; Western re
serve extra 2023c.
Eggs easier; Penun scarce at 22c; Western
Chccse quiet but strong; New Yerk full
cream KStiMc ; Western foil cream 13lS4c ;
de'futr te geed 12t$12c; de half skini-i II
Petroleum nominal ; refined at ll&c.
Whisky at $112.
Seeds Geed te prime Clever dull at $7 75
(IS 25 ; Timethy firm at $2 7532 80: Flaxseed
firm nt $1 ;!0.
New Yerk AlnrKet.
Nbw Yer.K. Sept. 23. Fleur State and West
ern market without decided change in
prices and with modcrnte expert and home
trade demand; Superfine. $254 10; extra
de f:85S4x); choice, de,J4 0504 C5 ; fancy tie.
$4 70.rre: round hoop Ohie $4 10QI 50: choice
de $1G05 75; superfine western $325l 00;
common te geed extra de $3 8!4 25 ; choice
de de$l 30U 25; choice white wheat de $1 15
(ill GO; Southern quiet and unchanged ; com
mon te fair extra J4 75JJ5 25; geed te choice
de $5 30G 50.
Wheat Spring neininnl ; Winter White
steady : Red heavy anil J4J.c lower ; Ne. 1
White, Oct., $1 07?1 07k; de Nev., $1 OSK ;
Ne. 2 Red, cash, $1 07; de Sept.. $t 075; de
Oct.$f 07t f8; de Ne. 2, $1 0Ui 03Ji ; de
Dec.,$110Ml 1
Cern a shade lower and moderately active;
Mixed western spot, WJ.JIO;,',; de future, 50
Oats firmer but quiet; Ne. 2, Oct.. S8o;!e
Nev,, 4Sc:de Dec, 5S"Jc; State, 404 Ic ; West
ern, I04ie.
Cattle Market.
Monday, Sent. 27. The receipts of beeves
at the West Philadelphia yard for past week
were. 4,000 head; North Philadelphia yard.
G50 head. Total, 4,50 head.
Reeves The market during Hie past week
was inactive and the lurgc run of cattle m.-idc
prices Jic lower. XVk quote Kxtra at 5J5Jic ;
Keed, 4jJ5Jc; medium. 444c; comiiien,
34c: bulls and cows, 2:c; veal calves,
at 0Gc. Fresh cows, $25 te $45 per head.
200 Reger Mayncs, Western, gross, 4g5;'fe.
31 Owen Smith. Ohie nnd Western, and V-t
Va., gross. 45Jc.
250 E. S. & II. F. McFlllcn, Western, gross. 4
257 A. ft J. Christy, Western, gross, 4f5!c.
428 Ulman & Lehman Rres., Ohie and We:;t
Va., gross, 4.c.
78 Jan. Clemsen, Tinicum and Chester coun
ty, gross, 4K5c
70 Dennis Smyth, Ohie and West Va., grew.,
313 Jehn McArdlc, Ohie, and West Va., gross,
127 Daniel Murphy, West Va., gross, .TJiSGc,
283 Frank Lewcnstelnft Adler, Western, gross,
250 G. Schambcrg & Ce., Western, gross, VA
G5 F. Sciicctz, West Vii., gross, 3J?fc.
73 II. Chain, jr., Ohie and West Va., 3Uffi4c.
140 Daniel Smvth & Rre.. Wist Va.. 4fi5V,c.
70 L. Hern, West Va. and Md. 34jc.
182 Rachman ft Levi, West Va.. grey, 4g'5'4e..
loe m. i.evi, wesi va., gross. 34S3C.
29 S. Drelfns, Western, PiVAc.
25 II. Chain, Western aud West Va., gross,
90 Schambcrg & Paul, West Va., gross, 3
38 .ram'cs Anil, Western, gross, 4J5c.
GO James Eustace, West Va., gross, yxlic
90 A. Werthcimcr. RntraIe,3fti4c.
25 11. F. Miller, West Va., 4tJic
281 !. F. Saddler & Ce., Western und West Va.,
were moderately active and prices
wcre well maintained, while lambs were
ic ?J B off. We quote ExU- at 475Jc ;
yards, 5,000 head; ether yards, 5,000 head
'letai, iu.tuu neaa.
Samuel Stewart sold 310 bead of dressed
sheep at RJQSc.
Hogs were in mero demand than last week,
although prices were stilt high. Wc quote
extra at 78e, Arrivals at all yards 5,300
Lecal Stocks and Bemts.
Lanc.City fi per ct. Lean, due 1S80.. .$1M)
18S2... 100
1S85... 100
" " 1890... 100
" " 1805... 100
" 5 per ct. In 1 or 30 years. . 100
Lane, and Quarryv'e R. R. bend. . . . 109
" stock.... 50
Lancaster and Ephrata turnpfkc. . . 25
Uinc.,Elizabetht'n andMfddtct'n.. 100
Lancaster and Frultvllle turnpike. 50
Lancaster and Lltltz turnpike 25
goon, 4'rtfaii?ic.; iiicuium, i&tsc. ; common,
3K4c. ; culls, 3c. ; Western Pa., Lambs, 4
5yc : Chester county de 56c. ; stock
ewes. S2.73&3.50. Arrivals West Philadelphia
Stock Market.
September 28.
New Yeuk Stocks.
Stocks weak.
a. jt. a. it. p. v. r. x. r. x
10:15 11:53 12r25 1:30 2:20
Meney 2fi3
trfeK. It "TI' .TO' -Mi '
Teledo & Wabash..
Ohie ft Mississippi.... 322 S3i 33? ?
St. .LOUIS. I. 3I.AS.K.. 47i 1TV. i7 A2
"Ontario and Western. 20 an.? i 22 '.'.'
C. C. ftLC.R. R p: i i; ....
New Jersey Central.. 9? 69JJ 702 71i ....
Del. & Hudsen Canal. 81fi 81Z 82'2 Si ....
Del.. Lack, ft Western 87i 87?i 8Si 89
esicrn union lei... yj-;.i
racinc .Man s. s. Ce.. 3?i
Manhattan Elevated. 28'8
23W 2SJ.
Union Pacific.
SlVi 87
33;' 345
.... 12
.... I10J4
.... 115
.... lit)
Kansas ft Texas...
New Yerk Cent rat
Adams Express
Illinois Central
Cleveland ft Pitts
Chicago ft Reck I
Pittsburgh ft Ft. W...
American U. Tel. Ce.
Stocks strong.
Pennsylvania R, R....
Fhira.ft Reading.....
as "
15' .C
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation
Northern l'a-.-itic Cem
. p,(
Pitts., Titiisv'c ft II...I i.:i" 3i
Phil'aftEric R. K
Northern Penn'a
Un.lL IPs of X.J
Hcstenville Pass
Central Trans. Ce.
The Jeliiest Comedy en Recerd.
An Established New Yerk Fayorite.
4 rUblE.ce
C. W. Richardson..
The Company net Excelled. All Metropolitan
Artists. Admission 3A, 5(1 ft 7.1 Cls. Reserved
Seats ." Ct. Reserved Seats en sate at the
Opera Heuse Oflice.
Chas. Melville, Riisiucss Manager.
zrrr aacn
tlse. froe of charge. In the InTia.iaeK
CKR. who wauls something te de.
anil steady desires a situation : net par
ticular what kind of work, lam willing te
work at anvthing. Try me. Address C. A R.,
132 Seuth Vater street, Laiicaster. ltd
1 at private sale in Lancaster and Chester
Our New Real Estate Catalogue
contains full descriptions, local tens and te west
prices of a large number of FARMS, MILLS,
&c, and will be sent lice te any address.
Real Estate anil Insurance Agents,
scpl5-2tw 3 N. Duke St., Lancaster. Pa.
A valuable farm situate In Celernln
township, Lancaster county. Pa., live miles
from Oxford and nheutcight miles from Peiin Peiin
Ingtenville, containing about 108 ACRES, all
cleared except about CO Acres of timber, is of
fered at private wile.
The laud I.-; iu a geed state of cultivation and
well watered. The improvements consist of n
Rank Ram, Wagen Shed and ether necessary
out-building. Terms easy. Fer parttcutars
address JOHN HAAS.
scp15-.rmw Sunhnry. Pa.
the undersigned executer et the will el Jehn
lllntz, deceased, will sell at public sale, en the
premises in Colerain township, adjoining
lands of Themas C". and Hugh M. Cellins, Dan
iel D. Hess nnd Geerge Aliment, a tract of
land in a high state of cultivation, containing
15 ACRES and 111 PERCHES, mere or less,
with Le;r, Weather-bearded Dwelling, Frame
Rani nnd ether improvements thereon erect
ed. Fields regularly divided, water conve
nient and geed Orchard. Alse, 'J ACRES and
131 PERCHES ortimbcriauil.niljeluingubovc,
and a tot of Personal Property. Sale te com
mence at 1 o'clock P. M.
nug25-5tw Executer.
PUltLIR ha:.t..
On SATURDAY, OCTORKR 2,1880, In pur
suanci: of an order or the Orphans' Court of
Lancaster comity, the liudcrsigncd will sell at
public sale at the Leepard Hetel, East King
street, Lancaster city, the following Real Es
tate, late of .Jehn Arneld, dee'il, situated in
the 3d ward of said city, between Seuth Chris
tian and Seuth Duke sticets, and between
East Mi 111 in and East Vine streets, consisting
of three continuous purparts, vis :
Ne. I. A one-story STONE DWELLING
HOUSE, about 20 feet square, with ground lie
longing thereto, fronting en a 20 feet wide
alley, and being about 2t feet in width and
about 82 feet fn depth, adjoining Nes. 2 und .",
nnd lands of Ellas McMellen and ethers.
Ne. 2. A two sterv RRICK RUILDING, new
used as a Coach Manufactory, about 3 by 21
feet, with ground belonging thereto, being
partly 15 leet and partly 21 feet in width, and
about SlJfcct in depth, adjoining Nes. 1 and
3 and ground or Henry Swentzel, Wayne Ren
der and ethers.
Ne. 3. A two-story P.RICK RUILDlNG.abeut
15X by lit reet, and u Frame Ruiiding, formerly
useil as a Urewery, with the Tubs, Kettles and
ether iuiplt:hicut.s u.-.ed in simc, with the
ground belonging thereto, being partly 'il
tcct, and partly 2SJ-J feet in width and about
M'A in depth, mitetan Nes. 1 and 2. and ground
of Jacob Lamparler, estate et Jacob King and
Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said
day, when attendance will be given and ternw
of sale made known by
RcpS-itilM Executrix of Jehn Arneld.
1SS0, will be seldatpubllesale, en the premises,
en the Miilersvillc! pike, in the city or Lancas
ter and county of Lancaster, Pa., the tallewing,
te wit.:
A tract et land, containing 5 ACRES, mere
or less, en which is erected a large and conve
nient two story RRICK HOUSE, with Mansard
Koef and a two-story Rrfck Rack Rui Idlng at
tached, and a small Summer Kitchen; gas
through the house ; has a line hall and eleven
large rooms, conveniently laid out; a well or
never-tailing water with pump therein, cistern
and a choice let et lruit trees in bearing order,
peach ii. chard, etc.; a ffnc driving read te and
lrem the house. The ground fronts en three
streets; would be well adapted for building
lets. There Is also a geed cellar under the
whole house ; heater in cellar, and Reed ven
tilation in all the rooms; there 1:4 nn observa
tory en top of the house, also a geed large
Rarn, Carriage Heuse, Ice Heuse, stabling ter
three horses and two cows, with water i.t the
barn ; a glass front hennery, 55 feet long, with
work-shop attached. There arc en this property
about ;20. different varieties or graiies, bearing,
with a line let or shrubbery, evergreen and
shade trees.
Tills properly Is well worth the attention et
persons who wish te buy a private residence,
or for building leU. or ter a Herist. .
Any person wishing te view the property
previous te the day et sale can dosebyj calling
en the undersigned residing en the same, cither
by letter or personally.
Sale te commence at i o'clock P. M. el said
day, when attendance will be given and condi
tions of sale will be made known by
S. Hess ft Sex, Auct. aug2l.ltdftGtdSft7tw
-puRLic salt: or city residence.
On Wednesday, October 6, 1880,
at the Leepard Hetel, en East King street, will
be sold a thrcc-stery RRICK DWELLING
with two-story back building and wash-house
attached, situate Ne. 148 East Walnut street,
containing hall and nine rooms, bath room
with water closet, Ac. heater In cellar. Range,
het and cold water In kitchen and bath room,
cas throughout, and the chandeliers and fix
tures remain. Tholetis20ixl20fcet, extend
ing te the alley. Te view the prcinhcs call en
Herr ft Stanflcr, Ne. 3 N. Duke .street.
Sate te commence at 7:30 p. m., when terms
wtfl be made known by
II. Siiueeet, Auct. s"i 271."ect2,51tj
Lancaster and Maner turnpike.... 30
Lancaster and Manhefm turnpike. 2r
Lancaster and Marietta turnpike.. 25
Lane, and New Helland turnpike.. H
Lane, and Strasbnrg turnpfkc -A
iinc and Susquehanna turnpike.. SOU
Lane, and Willow Street turnpike. 25
1 armors' Nat. Rank et Lancaster.. . 50
First Nat. Rank or Lancaster lue
Lancaster County Nat. Bank 50
Inquirer Printing Ce se
Lanc.Giu Light and Fuel Ce. stock. 25
." bends.
Michigan Cent. K. R 92 9 IK 9U l ....
Chicago & N. W. iei?4' 102 " 102?; lie ....
UlfcagetM &SLP... 91Ji 92 92'.i 92 ....
Han. A St. .1. Cem :j? vn' ir.? tl?
" P'l. " S S ," a (J
"It' n. -