?-i, I . - LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. MENDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1880 v, - k torches ablazc,did geed marching up Mar ket te Perry street, down Perry te Frent, and dowuFrent te Lewer Marietta, when the liue hickory pole was raised opposite the hotel of Jehn Finn. UK. SWKNTZtXL'S l'IS. et a Me ICecuvera it Through the Agency Tlcntl A Strange ury. Dr. Swcntzcll, of Pittsburgh, late of this city, has recovered the diamond pin which was taken from him by a couple of garro garre tcrs en Pciiii street, a little ever a month since. Tlies, Godfrey, the saloon keeper through whose agency the pin was re turned te its ewucrj tells the following re markable story of the manner in which its recovery war. accomplished : "About a week age he (Godfrey) re ceived iufoimatieu that the doctor's pin had been sent away from Pittsburgh shortly after it had been taken from its owner, and scut te Cleveland where it had fallen into the bauds of some well-known fence men. " Conceiving that he had struck upon a plan by which he might recover the valu able trinket and actuated by motives of Icrseiial friendship for Dr. Swcntzcll, God frey left with two companions for Cleve land last Monday afternoon. Learning that be parly in whose possession the object of his search was supposed te be could be found in Penny's saloon, en the corner of Hank and Lake streets, Godfrey went there villi his companions shortly after 10 o'leck en Monday night and was rewarded by seeing the pin in the possession of a stranger who refused, however, te deliver it up and succeeded in making bis escape when Godfrey made an attempt te take it from him by force. In attempting te prevent the escape of the man with Hie pin Godfrey became invelv. d in a row with several of his accomplices in which he was obliged te draw a revolver upon bis assailants who locked the deer of the saloon te prevent his escape. The dis play of the revolver, having effected his release fieni the dangerous predicament ia which he was placed, Godfrey pro pre reeded te bis hotel, and was upon the point of going te bed when he was ar rested en a charge of carrying concealed wcajHtns, and taken te the central sta tion where be remained until a friend went his bail in the sum of $00. His treatment while in the police station at Cleveland, Godfrey describes as barbarous in the ex treme, the turnkey, a man by the name of Miller, refusing him proper feed and de clining te allow him te communicate with his friends in any way. After bis release Godfrey continued his efforts te recover the pin, which he was finally enabled through agencies hieb he claims were totally iinkuew u te him in getting posses sion of Hie pin en Wednesday afternoon. The centre stone is inisMiig." SUCCI-SSt'ULLY KNDKD. The .Junier i:aml Fair. The fair which for the past week was being held in I Solicits' ball closed en Satur day night, there being an immense num ber of persons in attendance. That por tion of the goods which has net been dis posed of by 10 o'clock was sold by auction, and fair prizes were realized. Following is the result of the voting for the ai tides named : Sleigh A. Uitzer, 701 votes ; .1. C. Spaeth, 7,10 ; Frank Zcllers, Ge ; E. Itos Ites ciifcit, :;ei. Sewing Machine Mis. Compteu, 2(55 ; Annie Hcrtmati, 211 ; Celia Downey, I'M. Silver Watch .1. E. McMichacl, 100"; IJeiij. Fex, '17. National Council Kcgalia E. S. Kurtz, of Ne. 22, 302 votes ; J. P. Winewcr, of Ne. 120, 2;;a. Hep. te State Council ltegali.i and Apron Strasbuig council, 11 votes. Ne ether contestant. Silver Caster Sue Erisman, 38e votes ; Kate Mishler, -) ; Lizzie Nelsen, 157 ; Miss Gerrccht !). Wax Flower Annie Eiismaii, 11 vets. Ne ether contestant. Large Cress Jac. L. Kberly, 140 votes ; Harry Steele, 7. Small Cress Maigie llumphreville, 120) votes ; Miss McG linn, 59. A number of articles were chanced off, the most valuable of which, a lounge, was wen by Mrs. J. 1). Lcbkiehcr. The management desire te extend their sincere thanks te the ladies having charge of the several tables, through whose well directed efforts the fair was made a suc cess, and te the patrons for their liberal snppeiland excellent behavior. COLUMBIA NEWS. Ol'K KKGULAK COBBESPOKVKNCK The younger members of the Vigilant fire company desire trading their large Claff & Jenes engine for a smaller engine of the same make, ana te that end arc thinking of holding a fair towards the last of the present year. The engine new in use is most loe hcavj te make geed head way with in going up hill. We are at this writing having the loug-leokcd-for rain. It is reported in Columbia that the com pany who appeared here about a week age with the Lcenbcrg dogs has ;;one te pieces. Marriett Brosius, esq., of Lancaster city, is announced te speak te the Repub licans of Columbia en Thursday evening next. Mrs. James Newlen, of Lancaster, Pa., was visiting friends in Columbia yester day. Miss Lizzie Graver, residing en Den Cameren's farm, is visiting her cousin Miss Annie Graver. J. W. Themas, suix-i inlcndeut of the Shawnee rolling mill of this place, arrived in Columbia this morning, and informed a prominent citizen with whom we had conversation that the mill would certainly resume operations en Monday morning next. This iufei matieu is about as reliable as can be had. The following communication is handed us with the request that it be published : " Last evening two ladies went te Mount Jicthcl cemetery te visit the graves of the children of one of the ladies, and remain ing a little later than usual, they reached the gate at the Locust street entrance te find it closed and locked. They say Mr. Siicath, the sexton, and ethers weie sitting en the perch of the sexton's heusc,aud did net offer te open the gate te admit of their passage through, and but for the assist ance of a friend they might have been com pelled te remain in the home of the dead all night. As it was, they were compelled, with the aid of a chair, te jump the high fence encircling the cemetery." We knew nothing of this matter eursclf. LADIES! . WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE IMMENSE STOCK OF NEW STYLES OF DRESS GOODS, THAT WK NOW DISPLAY OX OUK COUNTEK--. LADIES we call attention te the new lines of Ladies', Misses' and Childieu's Hosiery, that vu luuc just opened. LADIES we call attention te the immeme stock of Ladies and Children's Underwear, in all sizes, from lowest te finest ' LADIES we call attention te the immense stock of Dress Butten.':, from lowest te finest qualities, in all the new styles. 3"Priccs in every department for the quality of goods we offer will be found te be as low as the same goods can be bought in any of the larger cities. We respectfully invite examination. GIVLEK, BOWEKS & HUBST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. THIED EDITION MONDAY"EVENING, SEPT. 27, 1880 PORTE AND POWERS, WAR IN EUROPE INEVITABLE. THE SULTAN'S DEFIANCE. FA1K AT KOKTHEKN JU AKKLT. and Animal Kvhiliilien of IJie Agricultural uuriit-uuuiai nifciciy. On Wednesday the annual fair of the Lancaster Agricultural and llerl icullural society will open in the Farmers Northern market house and continue until Friday, October 1st. Te-day the managers are silting te receive entries and award space te exhibitors. Catalogues and premium lists may be obtained free by calling at Kathven A; Fisher's store Ne. 101 North Queen street. A fiuc display of agricul tural, horticultural and household products is confidently expected. Fer particulars see advertisement in another column. JIM ISLAINK, or maim:. no l'.ifcHCB Through en a Morning Train. Hen. J. G. Blaine, of Maine, passed through Lancaster en the 11 o'clock train this forenoon. While the cars were stand ing in the depot, Mr. Blaine appeared en the platform and was received with ap plause by the crowd in attendance. Andy Kauffman, of Columbia, who voted :; limes against Blaine, at the Chicago convention against the wishes of his constituents, jumped upon the platform and insisted en shaking hands with him. Hay Brown, who also voted from lirst te last against Blaine, was less brazen-faced, and dodged about un easily in the crowd. Wash. Jack, of the Sixth ward, was the only ether local poli tician who pushed forward te shake hands with the defeated Maincac. The real fiicnds of Blaine btoed back, wishing te hear what he had te say. Mr. Blaine expressed surprise at seeing the crowd, and asked hew they happened te find out that he was en the train. He then said he was glad te meet Pcunsylva nians ; was born in the limits of this great state, in which he could trace back his an cestors. He said that he looked upon the election of General Hancock as a menace te the industrial interests of Ihc country, and he felt sure that whatever ether states might de at the coming election, Penn sylvania would have the geed sense te stand by her own interests and give Gar field the largest majority she had ever given a candidate for the presidency. Bidding an affectionate adieu te Wash. Jack, Mr. Blaine entered the car and the train moved off. He speaks at Pittsburgh te-night and thence moves en te Ohie and Indiana te explain te the Buckeyes and lloesiers hew that terrible slip-up in Maine took place and te prepare them for the Democratic deluge that is sure te overwhelm them in October. What it Led Te. This afternoon Andy Kauffman, the pertly attorney from Columbia, and the only politician, besides Wash Jack, who had "sand" enough te shake hands with Herse ami Huggy Stelen. j On Tuesday last a man stepped at the j Cooper house and registered as J. Stoffer, j representing himself te be a member of Stoffer & Myers, tobacco dealers, Nes. 1017 and 1019 Pratt street, Baltimore. On Wednesday he requested Mr. Tripple, the J proprietor of the hotel, te get him a horse ' and buggy te drive te the country for a i few days, as he wished te examine the to bacco, with a view of making purchases. Mr. Tripple sent one of his employees te Brimmer's livery stable and Mr. Brimmer promptly bupplicd the team, the man premising te return it en Saturday. Net the least suspicion of anything wrong was entertained, as the fellow spoke glibly about a number of prominent residents in j this county, witlt. whom he professed j acquaintance. As he did net return at the j appointed time Mr. Brimmer began te make inquiries and seen learned that there j was no such firm in Baltimore as Stoffer & ! Myers, and the fellow was unknown?! te the persons in this vicinity whose j names he had se- effectually used. The , stolen horse is a dapple gray, about 9 j years old, somewhat flea-bitten about the head, a little se under the cropper, and has the tail switched oil rather snort SJ-: A V VVK TISEJIUXTS. Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. "With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. The vehicle was an erdinay top-buggy, ( with piano box. Mr. Biimmer has sent I telegrams in all directions and offers a re- j ward of $25 for the return of his property i and $25 for the capture and conviction of j the thief. The thief appeared te be about 15 years j of age, was net mere than 5 feet 5 inches in height, but quite stout, and were a ; blue llanuel suit of clothes. i Funeral Scr ices in AHcntewn. The Allcutewii papers, in noting the death of Bcv. D. P. Kescnmillcr there, add that funeral services were held at the house of Mr.Kcck(where Mr.lt. died,after receiv ing cvciy attention) yesterday afternoon. Bcv. Hill offered prayer, after which Bcv. Hay read the memorial service. Remarks were then made by Ucv. Dr. Sadtler and Bcv. Minnieh, Rev. Dr. Weed pronouncing the benediction. Uuiiavtay at 'Willow Street. On Saturday evening a horse, which was being driven by Ames Kreider and his brother and Ainaziah llaruish, at Willow street, frightened at the cars. Harnish was in the buggy when the horse started and he was thrown out. He was picked up in an insensible condition but seen re covered. He was net cut but slightly bruised. Dr. Winters, of New Danville, attended the man. WAT IIS. KitcYiiiLL. Ill East. Denegal In p., en Sept. S5, lbSO.SIrs. Elizabeth Kieybill, aged 78 years, 9 months and 7 days. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited te attend the funeral Irein tin: rcsi- 1 1 dunce her son-in-law, J. G. liecrner, en the j Mt. Jey and Maiictta turnpike, en lo-menou ' (Tuesd'iy) morning at 10 o'clock. It ; Haoeleakz. In this city, en Scpl. 27, lsse, ; Anna Mary, wile of Christopher liugclgun., j in thc3Sthycaref her age. j The relatives and mends et the iauiily aic : respectlully invited te attend her tuuural from the residence of Iter husband, Ne. 320 East King street, en Wednesday afternoon at , "o'clock. Services tit St. Stephen., church. j -Ui . Shenk. In Lancaster, Pa., en Sunday, Sept. ' 2i, ISsO, I!. W. Shenk, el Lancaster city, in the ; Uithycaref his age ! The relatives and friends of the Iauiily are ! respectfully invited te attend the funeral liein his late residence, Xe. 220 East King street, en Wednesday, at 2:30 o'clock. Interment at 1 Woodward Hill cemetery. -Id i Kesknmilm'. Uev. I). I. I'eM'iiiuiller, et ' congestion el the brain, in .Mleiiteuu, Sunday, at :t o'clock a. m. I Funeral at J'. o'clock Tuesday, lieiu his lute ; residence, '". 1 Xerth Duke street, thK city. Iii j torment u Woodward Hill cemetery. The ' clergy of the city and the Iriends et the family are rcspectfit'ly invited te attend without lurthcr notice. -tt NJi w Ait rujiTiiiJ-:ju:x ts. Kale of Ileal r.statc. Henry Shubert, auctioneer, sold al public sale en last Saturday evening al the public house of William Balz, a one story brick dwelling belonging te the German building association. Situated al Nes. 117 and lit! Derwarl street, te Henry AVelf for $700. Samuel Hess & Seu, auctioneers, sold at public sale en Saturday last at Millcrsvillc, Lancaster county, for Jehn Kcpperling, a house and let, situated in Millcrsvillc, te Benj. V. Linlncr for $1,175. Jacob ("umlaker, auctioneer, sold en Satin day evening at public sale the prop erty belonging te the estate of Killian Beck, Leve Lane, this city te August Man, for $2,0(18.50. Sen Yerk Tobacco Slarkct. The following sales of seed leaf tobacco arc reported by J. S. Gans's Sen & Ce., tobacco brokers, Nes. 81 and 8G Wall street, New Yerk, for the week ending September 27, 1880 : 1,700 cases 187!), Pennsylvania tillers, 0(m7--c. ; asserted, 12r,2l.',c. ; wrappers, 10(fl,'Wc. 100 cases 1878, Pennsylvania, ll(22c.; !)00 cases 1879, New England seconds, 1014c.; wrappers, 17,35c; Housatonic asserted, 22(?25c.; 50 cases 1878, New England wrappers, 15(j20c.; 800 cases 1879, State "Flats' 12.(jr)lGc.: 100 cases 1879, Ohie, 7(('10c.; 100 cases 1879, Wisconsin, 0llc 150 cases sundries, 8()20c. 3,900 cases. Senater Blaine this morning, was passing Lew Hartraan's cigar store. Lew, who is ji strong Blaine man, shook hands with Andy and congratulated him be cause he shook hands with the Maine senator, but told him that he thought he displayed a geed deal of check in doing se. This led te a wordy dispute, and it attracted the attention of many passers-by. The two men almost engaged in a quarrel, although both pre tended te be in a geed humor. As Andy was blowing himself off he said: "Weil Garfield was net my candidate and I did net vote for him.'; About this time Kauffman noticed that an IsTEhMciENCcn reporter was standing near, and he said ' I heard of this as seen as I left the depot and I hear that the Istelligexcki: has it all. It is water for their mill." common Common 1'Icas Court. This morning the first week of picas court beian. The list was called everaud it was found that 20 cases were ready for tiial. The fol lowing were disposed of : Jacob D. Stauffcr, new for the use of Isaac Brciicmaii. vs. Jehn L. Brandt. Set tled. Lancaster County national bank vs. Ames Bheads. Plaintiff suffers non-suit. Themas B. Claflin, Edward E. Eamcs, Uorace .1. i'anchild, William b. Dunn, Dexter N. Fenc, Daniel Robinson and Geerge Claflin. trading as II. B. Claflin & Ce. vs. II. B. Kabcr & Sen. Judgement was entered in favor of the plaintiff for $09.94. Mary M. Reese vs. Jehn Hildcbrandt. Judgment was entered in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant with defendant te pay costs. This was an issue te try the right te certain property levied upon by the sheriff. Matrimonial. Rev. James Galen, Franklin county, Pa., new residing in Portland, Maine, was married en Thursday last te Miss Mary Clark, youngest daughter of Edwin Clark, of this city. ISar Meeting. The Lancaster bar will held a meeting te-morrow afternoon te take action in re gard te the death of Maj. It. W. Shenk. NEW VIANG V1SK Y CHEAP. Ail entirely new piano will lie. sold at manufacturers wholesale prices. Applvsoen 2U1K Al THIS OFFCK. I PtM.f O'n Wednesday nieriiing la-t a 1AP ' PLKD tiltAY HOKSIO, llca-bittcii about the j head, sere underbid and sere back, and tail switched off short, attached te a Tep Uuggy. ! was stolen from the undcrigncd. A reward of $25 will be paid for tiie return el the team I and $23 for the arrest and comictien el the I thief. scp27-3td FKEDKl'ICK I'l'KMMKU. Albert C.plcy, el aicUaniels' P. O., Ohie, JUiikcs a Statement. : " 1 have been a great sufferer for years with: liillammaliouel the Kidneys, and a neiveu:i j disease that caused a twitching of the lace, ! mouth and eyes le such an extent Hint I could j net appear in company. Day's Ividncv Pai lias entirely cured me, and I shall never fall te ! deall I can te have its meiits known." 21 Excursion te i.crlts County Pair. i Special c.cuivien le I'eadingeu Wednesday, I September 20. Train leaves Lancaster (King ' street) at 7:.V a. in., upper depot at S:(Cia. in., and Columbia at 7:.V a. in. I'are for the round trip only $1.2Ti. Ticket. go,d te return en any ! train. Hemming trains leave Reading at f:I0 ; p. in. Fer particulars scu circulars at all stations. scp2l,2.V-7Sllw ' Cleanse, whiten and bi aulify the skin villi , Ctiliciira Medicinal Toilet Se:ip. ! SPECIAL ORDERS FOR FINE WATCHES Hydrophobia, Dogs tiair-mil it through their teeth, should be kept tree lreui virus. Use DONT, keep tin; human teeth clean. damage can be done by Ihc man his girl, "1 icel like eating you t-'JO-lwced&w Teeth no in he says te j up, dearest." i licceivc mesleaietiil attention. DKMCXS AND ISTIMATI'i hUi;HTri'D WITHOUT CIIAUt'K. B. P. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STKKET. IjAncastki:. ia. DEMOCRATIC 'sx-,: . -.'"'Ji'&iaHrs -- xmr Aitri:iiTi$E3rESTs T)tlftTltAlT OP " HANCOCK AND ENGLISH Fer .-ale at THIS OFFICK. V SPECIAL MEETINt! OF TIIE SHI1-! Her Steam Fire Engine Company, Xe. 7, will be held te-morrow (TUESDAY) evening at 7j t o'clock, te take action upon the death et our esteemed tellew member, K. V. bhenk, esii. 1'y order of the president. II. W.VIM.EK, ltd Secretary. 100 Toils or Rags Wanted, Fer which the higheat price will be paid. 2'. CENTS PEIl l'OUXD FOK ('ODD MIXED KACS. Jl'i CENTS PElt POUXD FOIt Vt HITE KAUS. The highest price paid ler Woolens, Old Paper, Heek", Ac. Ten I tag Assertcr, wanted, te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, yj-lfilKl .Lancaster. Pa 1SSO 1SSO Eall Season. The meet attractive and l'eeherciic Line et PARISIAN. LoiOQaiiilerk NOVELTIES, reu MEN'S WEAK OPEN TIMS DAY AT SM ALI NG'S THE ARTIST TAILOR, 121 X. JUEEN STREET, Feeble di; and flint lie fest ion. sick headache, dizziness s cured by Malt Hitters. Car off the Track. ( n Saturday afternoon, as the Dillei villc local en the Pennsylvania railroad was passing wct-t, near Saluuga the train was cut in elder te allow the train men te run a car en Ccrber's siding. The train was cut and the engine ran ahead with the car in eiilcr te .switch the latter until the rear of the train came up. The men who were en the rear car did net put en the brake in time and a collision occurred. One car was thrown from the track but was net broken and after about 20 minutes work it was again placed en. Sad News. Right Rev. Bishop Vail, of Kansas, preached te the congregation at St. James church, this city, yesterday morning, and was auneunccd le preach in St. Jehn's Free church in the evening. During the morning, however, he received a dispatch from Tepcka, Kansas, that his son had been thrown fiem a carriage and danger ously injured. In the afternoon a second dispatch was lcccived that the young man bad died fiem the injuries received. As is well known te most of our readers young Vail's mother is a daughter of the late Bishop Bewman. Watch Stelen. Conductor Qcorge W. Fordney, of this city, was one of the crowd in front of the Union League building, corner of Bread and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, who wauled te hear Blaine, of Maine, make a speech. He knew that there were pick-pockets in the crowd, and cautioned several persons near him te leek out for their watches. Then feeling for his own he found that an adroit thief had stolen it by cutting the ring attached te the stem of the watch and leaving the chain dangling te the vest. The watch was an open faced hlgin with heavy silver case. Vi'i.'C'.IX. A'ltriCJitt. SAMPLE .NOTICE. It is impe-sible ler a woman after a faithlul course of treatment with I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te sutler with a weakness el the uterus. EucIoke :i stamp te Mrs. I.ydia E. Piiikham, 2SS Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlet's. jySD-lydeed&.r What is the use in going te the seaside for health when " Dr. Lindsey's Rloed Searcher" is what you need. The Chicago Times fays: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is highly endorsed by ministers, judges, physicians, surgeons, by men et literary and scholarly distinction, and by individuals in all the walks et life. S Fer titty years "Sellers' Liver Pills" hae brought health and happiiif-s in thousands el homes. Ask your druggist for them. - - -- VOJjITIVAX, 11VI.X.1ZTIN. IT. 11. Cenlcrencc. A ministerial meeting of the Lancaster district of the East Pennsylvania confer ence of the United Brethren in Christ will be held in the U. B. church, at Ephrata, en Tuesday aud Wednesday of this week, September 28th and 29th. About sixteen ministers of the district will be present, Sunday Scheel Celebration. At Willow Street en Saturday the M. . Sunday school held their celebration in Randelph Harnisk's weeds. All had a pleasant time and the ladies of the Sunday school deserve much credit for the manner in which the affair was get up. Feet Crushed. Wm. Kautz, plumber, Maner street, while attempting te beard a train near the West King street station en the Reading railroad, made a misstep, and getting his feet under the wheel of a moving car had it badly crashed, the beet being almost tern from his feet. Attention, First Ward. The First Ward Hancock and English club will meet te-morrow evening at the club room, Ilciiry Xeimcr's saloon, corner of Orange and Water streets, at S o'clock sharp, ler the pur pose el receiving their uniforms. Fifth Ward. The regular weekly meeting of the Fifth ward Hancock and English club will be held te-morrow (TUESDAY) evening at VA o'clock, at the Urccn Tree Hetel. Sixth Ward Atnericus Club, Attention. The members of the Sixth Ward Americus club will report al headquarter!-, Schiller hall, te-morrow (TUESDAY) evening at "! o'clock sharp, lully equipped ler parade through the ward. All members who have net as yet re ceived their equipments can get the same by applying at Uau & McCulley's store, Xerth Queen street, this evening at 7 o'clock. All Democrats and Hancock men arc invited te participate in tiic parade. The lieutenants and sergeants of Hie club are requested le meet at the Central Headquarters, Centre Square , th is evening at 8 o'clock. MASS IEETIM, FULTON OPERA HOUSE, Wnesflw Eraii, M. i Te bu addiesscl by Hen. W. A. Wallace, U. S. Senater from Pemr'a. J. Br IAETII & CO. enc aa, OF IUK.MINGHAM, .. IepJ7-3ld Seventh Ward, The regular stated meeting of the Seventh ward Hancock and English club will be held at B. Kuhlman's saloon, Rockland street, en Wednesday evening at 7J4 o'clock. Every member Is requested te be present as business of importance will be transacted. Seventh Ward. The Yeung Men's club el the Seventh ward, will held their regular meeting at Utzinger's saloon, Tuesday evening. Every member Is tJiven out. AGK1CULTUEAL AND HORTI CULTURAL PAIK. The Annual Exhibition of the Lancaster County Society will open en Wednesday, the 2!)th of September, 1880, and continue until 10 o'clock p. m., October 1, at the Northern Market, North Queen street, Lanea-tcr, Pa. Fruits. Flowers, Vegetables, Grains. Seeds, Demestic Productions, Household Matititac tnres. Mechanical Implements, Tobacco, lice Products, Fancy Werk, Cabinet Ware, Furs, Dairy Produce. Saddlery, Sewing Machines and general household articles will be re ceived and placed in competition, governed by the rules published in premium list. Ne entrance fee required Irem exhibitors : and open te ail in the county and state be yond. Single Tickets 20 cents. Children 10 cent-, and satisfactory arrangements made for the admission of Exhibitors. On Monday, the!7th inst., the officers will lie in attendance at the place of exhibition te as sign space ami make ether preliminary ar rangements. Premium listd can be had at 101 North Queen street until the opening of the Fair. SPECIAL. Exhibitors should have written lists of their exhibits before they enter them in order te prevent inaccuracy and contusion. Carctul officers will be appointed, and everything guarded with fidelity. MANAGERS : Jc-scphF. Witmer, Paradise ; Calvin Cooper, Uird-in-Hand ; Jehn C. Lin Ville, Gap: Peter S. lteist, Eititz; H. M. Engle, Marietta; Jehn H. Landis, Millcrsvillc: M. D. ITnnftlm PwAaewall V -U If nskiri enl i U requested te be present, as equipments will DO JBathren, Lancaster; W. M. Brosius, Iaberty dvAn rtnr. fl flnnm- sT29.til Square. sep29-2td CARPETS WALL PAPERS. We are new .showing New and Attractive Designs in CAUPETS and WA1.1. PAPEKS. All grades el Brussels id lira Carpets. Our stock is larger than ever before, and will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES. MATS, RUGS, CRUMB CLOTHS, &c. WIIBOf SHADES FIXTURES. J.B.Iartin&Ce., Cerner West King and Prines Streets, LANCASTER, PA. Latest 'ew Frem Heme ami Abroad. 1UE WAR ClAIUU. An Implied Declaration et Hostilities Ity the Perte. Londen, Sept. 27. The Manchester Guardian's correspondent at Gravesa tele" graphed at 3 o'clock ou Sunday evening, as follews: --Yesterday the Priuce of Mon tenegro received an official intimation from the Perte that auadvance toDuIcigne would be regarded as a declaration of war. The Prince el 3Iontcuegre con sequently has telegraphed te Admiral Seymour that he is net prepared, with out the aid e the laud troops of the powers, te attack the Albanians, rein forced as they are by Turkish regulars and artillery." The correspondent adds : "This step of the Perte's must be regarded as tautamount.te a declaration of war against Europe, and the powers can never submit te disperse the licet at the mere fiat of the sultan." The Daily Ncics this morning -ays though France may possibly net take part in the bombardment of the Turkish positions, .she will net with draw her ships or dissociate herself morally from the cnteipru-e. Del.. Lack. A Western SK ,; Western Union Tel... OS W'i Pacitlc Mall S. S. Ce.. S' 3Si Manhattan Elevated. 29): 2"2 Union Pacitlc Ss $7 Kansas & Texas 3i 04 Xew Yerk Central : .... Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland & Pitt Chicago & Heek I Pittsburgh ft Ft. W American U. Tel. Ce PlllLADELrlllA. Stocks irregular. Pennsylvania K, K..., l'hil'a. & Keading..... Lehisrli ViUlev Lehisrh Navigation... 3S', Northern Pacilic Cem S-i g -J 8Ji mi 97U 9R? 97$? 5 3t2 384 w-i a-K ?s& .vV ? ju? 3S 31Ji .... 12) .... lltt .... Ill .... ViZ '.'." in; fti-y P'd . Pitts., TitutrVft U.. northern Central .. Phil'a Erie It. K. Northern Penn'a.., Un.i:.K'.-JefX.J... Hestenvillu Pass.... Ceiit:il Trail. Ce.. 13 58"f 14!; 51 as 15 j 57 UK 517, 52;H .; 5Ts' 13J4 51 32i 2S 53 im; vi 1WX .... wk 5'J 3f m if- 15 fti 15 ml Lecal blocks ami Bends. Par val. ..1IW 100 leu 100 101) tee UK) 50 25 1M) 50 25 50 25 CIVIL SKI-TICK KKPUJCM. Hew it Works in Turkey. Ce.N!tantinupi.e, Sept. 27. The .spirit of reckless defiance is becoming meie in tense at the palace. The .sultan has or dered that any official expressing a con trary opinion te the policy which he has adopted shall be dismissed and exiled. Never since the time of Mahmeiid the Terrible has such an order been i tsiicd. DIED AT HIS POST. Dren niii; ; ei an Engineer A PluugcM Over it ISritlu Liieoiitettic e. f?.. Fkamjisce, Sept. 27. A siiccial excursion train from Sacramento, having en baaid the First regiment of infantry California National Guards, was thrown lrem the track at uaklaml uriuge, by a misplaced switch. The locomotive, ar.d tender weie ditched and the engineer who remained in the cab te put en the air brakes, was drowned. The fireman was saved from drowning by a soldier. Al 1 iln soldiers were mere or less bruised , and one of the baud men was severely cu t. The car containing the band men is .sus pended ever the edge of the bridge ami ether cars aic lying en their -idcs. THE COUNCIL. Presbyterian Contention at rinladclplila. PinijADi'i.ruiA, Scp.27.-At the Pan-Prcs-bytcrian convention te-day it was agreed te held the next council atl'clfast, Ireland in 188-1. The business committee reported adversely en the invitation te appoint del egates te represent the council at the Methodist council in Louden next year but after a spirited discussion the whole subject was recommitted. Papers weie read by Rev. Dr. A. R. Vanzandt, of New Brunswick, N. J., and Uev. Edward I. Merris, 1). I)., of Cincinnati ; the former en "Cieeds " and the latter en Prcsby teriaiiism and Education." The session closed with the usual discussion of the papers before the convention. A UENERAL STKIKK Ordered hy Pall Kiver Spinners. Fall Riveis, Mass., Sept. 27. At a meeting of the spinners' committee held ycslctday fe consider the advisability of sti iking in ten or mere mills, in case of a reduction of wages in this city October lth, the committee decided te lccemiuenil a strike at all the mills in the city. Their rcpeit will be picsculcd te the entiie union for action te-morrow evening ar.d will probably be adopted. WKATUKi; INIUCATIUiSS. "Washington, D. C, Sept. 27. Fer the Middle states, generally cloudy weather and light rains, with falling followed by rising barometer, southwest te northwest winds, and lower temperature. MAJIKJiTS. New Verk market. KNkw Yerk, Sept. 27. Fleur Mate and West ern steady, moderate expert and home trade demand; .Siiperllnc, '!2.'t 10; extra de .'iM4M); choiee,'de$l 54?l i : laney de. $1 705I0: round hoop Ohie $ I Vifil 50: eheiii' de $t(K)5 75; buperliiic wecleni .":27g! IK): common te geed extra de .P'SVSII 25: cheier de ile I .'!!; 25 ; choice white wheat de ft 15 Sgl IX); Southern apiict; common te lairextia $1 75CJ5 25; geed le choice de 5 )( 50. Wheat a. shade stronger, quiet; Ne. 2 IJitl, Oct. $1 07l r,. Cern dull, a shade easier: mixed western spot, 50'ft5y;: de lllturc, 50;j'g52,'e. Oats without important change; Ne, 2, Oct.. :"ie ; de Nev,, ISc ; de Dec, 5ve. Philadelphia market. Pim.AUKi.rniA. Sent. 25. Fleur euiei: 4111-er- fine-75:tn; extra-;:' 25100; ohieann In diana familv $5 Ui5 50 ; Penn'a Iauiily de f 1 S75 25 ; St. Leuis family at $5 5fi H) ; ill 111 111 ncseta lamily $l7."iQ.'rj; p.ilcnt unit high ermle-i $)! 758 25. Bye Heur at 500. Wheat lirmer: Ne. 2 Wcnti-rn lt-d f I ur-ifi) ler.;; Peiiu'aKcd$Iur!Ui; Amber fl ;; 1 07. Cern scarce and wanted by local trade ; steamer !lV.a ycllewJil!c; mixed 51c. Oats steady : Ne. 1, White, 42JJ tic: Ne. 2 de 4IHc; No.3de 4010e; .Ne. 2, Mixed :.Je. Kye scarce at llJc. Previsions in llrm Jobbing trade; m's, perk l;oel(J2.; beef hams US oesiauo : In dian m.-ss beet at $18 50; smoked hams liy.Ti 12c; pickled hams !!0',c ; bacon jnieKed shoulders G'c ; salt de Gf.';c. Lard llrm fclty kettle at 8-c ; loe.c hulcli eis'Sc; prime steam S3 "7. Butter quiet but steadily held; Creumety extra 32c; de geed te choice 2U31e;lSrailfeid county and New Verk extra. 2;s$2!)e; Western reserve extra 2123c ; de geed te choice lOfgK: rf ICells scarce : Pena'a extra 2023; Western r-serv- extra 202.'!e. Eggs steady ; Pcnmi scaice al C2j; Western 2A&-J1C. Cheese quiet but strong ; New Yerk full cream 'Sialic: Western full creum 13c: de fair ;te geed li-gc; de hair skima Ihwil'-Cc. Petroleum nominal ; relincd at llXc. Whisky lower at $1 12. Seeds Geed te prime Clever dull at 7 7 US 25 ; Timethy nnn at $2 75g2 fee: Flaxseed firm al $1 30. Stock Market. September 27. New Yerk Stocks. Stocks strong. A. M. A. r. r. m. r. Jf. P. 51 10:15 10:55 11:45 1:20 2:20 31 one y . (jf) Erie U. It 3SJ 3SM5 38 37 87 Michigan S. & L. S....10 100 1(W 10T-H K ' Michigan Cent. It. IS.. 112 91 VS'A S3 93 Chicago & N. W 102 102X VH 101 10HJ Chicago, M & St. 1... 91 'J2 Han . St. J . Cem 37 38 37 ' " P'M.... SOM 80K S0j2 Teledo & Wabash.... 35 35 X Ohie & Mississippi.... 21 32 S4 SL Leuis, I. M.&S.K.. I!i; 49 48i Ontario and Western 'H'i C. C. & I. C. It. K 17 New Jersey Central.. 71 11 71 Del. & Hudsen Canal. S3 83 S3 'Jl 37 80-4 33H Xi'A 48 171 6 71 9 S3 82 92 37 ). 35 32 18 Lauc.Cit v I per et. Lean, due 150. , 188 " " IS85." ' " l-sye.. ISO.. 5 per et. In I or M years. Lane, and i tiarryv'c 1C. K.bend.... SlOCK.... Lancaster aud Kphnita turnpike... Lane . Kliabetht'n anil Middlet'n.. Lancaster and Fruitvillc turnpike. Lancaster ami l.itil. turnpike Ijiue:isteraiid Maner turnpike Laueasterand Mauheim turiipike. Lancaster and Marietta turnnike.. Lane, and New Helland turnpike Lane, and Straburg turnpike Lane. aiidSiistniL-hanua turnnike. I.anc. and Willow Street turnpike. Farmers' Nat. lt.mkel Lancaster... Fir-t Nat. I'ankef Laneaster Lancaster County Nut. Il.iuk luiiiirer Printing Ce Laue.liiu Light and Fuel Ce. stock. " " "x bends. 100 The above schedule et local stocks, sub stantially, was prepared by .1. I!. Leng ami Hist publNhcd in the yew I'm. It ts repub li-heil because it has been teuiid accurate, ami it Mill be from time te tune corrected, en larged and amended according te the Intel li;knc!:i.s bc-t iutoi-inalieii.-KiH. l.NrKLHOEN- CKII.J 100 ' 25 VMt 25 50 ten 51) 51) Last sale. fl00.25 105 114 118.75 120 105 lOOAlll 3.25 47.25 fit 51 5K 5tt 30. 25 S5 20 275.25 40.15 100 15t; 102.10 27 Catlle .Market. PiiiL.MiEi.i'111 . September 27. Cattle niarke1 dull: sale. I.UK) head. Prime 5-g3c: geed 47s5e; inediiiiii l!(ifi'5c ; common 3J..J (ii'le; mixed" 2J.J3)..c. hcep market -fair; sales 10,'xm head. Prime t7x5'Ne: geed lj;l',e; iiiediuui l I'.e ; com moil 39li: eulls 3c; lambs 4 ;'..e ; stock ewes f2 753 50. llegs Market lair; sale et 5,:K) head ; extra. .s-,ff.s!.;e : lair 7!.;7jie. AMVSEM2XIS. IITLTDN OPIOKA IIOUSL. TUESDAY i:VL.MN(;, SE1T. 28, The .lull ic-t Coined von Kecenl. An Kslab'lislicd New Yeik Fayerltc, H!SiIi!5;: CLINTON HALL'S i nvi iii.m cicewmm; cuuwninc n:ewNiN; CUOWN1NU C. W. IJicliardMin. SUCCESS SUCCKSS SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS .Manager. NEW SOXtiS MUSIC, M1KTII ANU DANCES NEW SONUS DANCES NEW SONUS IH1MICKY. DANCES The Company net Kxcelled. All Metropolitan Artists. Admission :i.-.. OiV .A Cl. Keserved Seats 7.1 CIs. Kc-erveil Seals en bulc at the Opera Heuse Olllce. Clm-. Melville Hii-iness Malinger. sep2l4trt 1'OKSAl.K OK JUOfT, PUnLIt' SAI.K. On WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMItEK 29,188V, will lie sold al public sale, al the late residence of Jehn Tomliiieii. deed. Ne. 49 31 idille street, a let of Household Furniture, consisting of lrils. Tables, chairs, etc. There will also be -.old lour excellent Milk Cens. Hay, Straw. Uniss, Manure. ,te. Terms cash for all pur chases under fill. When the amount exceeds; f 10, the purchaser may give Ids note, with ap proved security, ler iai days, if bu desires. Sale le commence at 2 o'clock p. in. KOKEUT FAULDINU, I'OI'EUT TOMLINSON, I. F. Kewr, Auels. Executers. sep25-3td I )iii(Lic hai.u or ciTVritF:.siir.NCE. On Weunesday, October 6, 1880, at the Lcepaid Hetel, en East Itiiigstrcet, will be sold a three story Ill'lCK DWELLING with two story buck building ami wash-house attached, situate Ne. 148 East Walnut street, containing hall and nine rooms, bath room w ith water closet, Ac., heater ill cellar. ICitngc, hoi and cold water in Kitchen and bath room, gas throughout, and the chandeliers and llx turcs remain. The let is20.120 feet, extend ing te the allcv. Te view life premises call ou Herr & St.iuuVr, Ne. 3 N. Duke street. Sale locemiiieneeul7:.''0p. m., when terms will be made known by SAMUEL KENEAUY. II. Slinr.i:KT, Auct. s:!5 27,:"0ceet2,5, ui:i.it; sai.k or household rincNi TUItE. On WEDNESDAY, SEl'TEM I1EU29, INSi, will li-sold ler tin; undersigned executer, at Ne. 123 Nerl h Prince stieet, lin caster city. P.i , tin: fellow iug personal prop erly, te wit : Twe bedsit ails and bedding, bureau, wash stand", two book e,ise, two lawyer's desks, tables, ehaiis. mi-King chairs, refrigerator, wine press, a line set of chinawnrc. glass ami tueensware, howl, anil pitchers, tinware, three stove-, one of which is a cook stove a., geed as new; al-.ua lolefstovt; pipe.abeut 175 yards of ingrain and rag carpels, a large let el "mil and stove teal. and about one cord of hickory weed sawed ler stove use and kind lings; ISirsch water, some brandy and wine, and a large let of bottles ileiiii.'ehiis and bar rels, tubs and slaud-t and ether articles. Sale te ceinmciiceaL 10 o'clock a. m. of Mild day, when attendance will be given by A.SLA-tMAKEi:. Evccuter of the last will efUen. lames L. I'cynelds. deceased. SAM'r. Hiss & Sev, Aucts. sep25-:;td 1)UltM; SALE OF VAl.UAISLi: JtKAI. estate. en thuicsday evening, SI'i'TEMI'Elt.'iO, l.-ffO, al the Franklin Heuse, North Queen street, will he sold at public sale the lollewing valuable leal estate, vic: Ne. I. A two story and mansard-reef 1SUICK DWELLING HOUSE, with two-story ISrlck i'ack JSuildiug atlaehed.aiid bit or piece el greiiml, situ.iteat the corner of North Duke ami Frcdeiick streets, in thecily et Lancaster, containing M! lect in Irent ami 115 feel la thu rear, Tlieie isa well of etceilent water with pump therein ; aNea cistern with mill water ami pump theiein in back building ; then: ki miieli clniice truit ou the let. Ne. 2. A two-story STONE WAUEHOUSE. :j) feet squint,, u'ith tillice attached, 1 by 20 feet. Frame Stable ami ether improvements, and let or piece et gieimd flouting IS feet en Frederick ..licet, and extends IV, leet in the rear. The above piepei lies w ill he sold separate aa described or as a whole, as may suit pur chasers. Possession and geed title en April 1. ISM. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p, in., when due attendance will be given ami tcrcjsef sale made known by i.i. u . 1.. l.r.l'IMU. S. Ilcbs & .-en, A nets. scp25-5ltl I)Ui:i.it: saw.. On SATlJi:i)AY.O(,Te!"EU2,!ssO,iii jmr siiaiiti; of an oitleret the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, the uiidcrsi'jiicd will sell at public s;!,. :,t tiie Letipanl Hetel, East King street, Lancaster city, tlie following Itcal Es tate, late of Jehn Arneld, dee'd, situated in the 3d want of said city, between Seuth Chris tian and Seuth Dukij streets, ami between Kast Milllin and East ine .street-, consisting of three continuous purparts, viz: Ne. 1. A one-story STONE DWELLING HOrsi;, about 2i" lcets(iiaie, with gieund be longing thereto, tienting en a 20 leet wide alley, and being about 2i" feet in width and abeiit b2 feet in depth, adjoining Ne1. 2 ami 3, and lauds of E'ias Me.Mellcii and ethers. Ne. -2. A two-sterv ISUICK i:t;iLDING, new u -ct I as a Coach Manufactory, about 20 by 24 Teet, with gieund belonging thereto, being partly 15 leet and partly 21 leet In width, ami about 51 leet in depth, adjoining Nes. 1 anil 3 and gieund et Henry bwent.el, Wayne Icn tieraiitt ethers. Ne. 3. Alwo-steiy ISUICK HUILDING, about 15 by 19 leet, and a Frame ISulitling, formerly uscdasa 1'icwery, with tin; Tubs, Kettles and ether implement.-, u-t;d in same, with the ground belonging thereto, being partly 32 teet, and parti v 23 lectin width and about ."W in depth. ailioIiis'Nes. 1 ami 2, and ground et Jacob Lamparter, estate et Jacob King and ethers. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in. of said day, when attendance will be given and terms of sale made known by MAUGAltET ARNOLD, scpG-ltdM Executrix of Jehn Arneld. irAJtxJiit. WANTED J-VXSYBOOX TO ADVER tlse, free of charge. In Uie IrrrrixieBt cxb, who wants something te de. Orrici: op tub Mahexv Mutual LnrK Asse- ciATiex ei- brxiasouevE, Pa. j WANTED GOOD, ACT1VK, ItJSSrONSI ble Agents in each township or the county et" Lane-aster. Apply in hand writing of Applicant te the Iletnu Offlce. U 11. IIU3IMEL, Sec'y. Sclinsgrevc, Snvder county, Pa.. September 17 . ls-W. seplC-lmUfttw