k - -', f. v. v v . - . r -ji- , v- sr'-f. r4 '-' -,v " ,. x - . 1 V LANCASTB DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1880 . "WWl J- -'..; 1.1 r policy in tbe Lebanon insurance company ler $120. His entire less he estimates at $.-i00. Adjoining Hcfler's stable Jehn Fen stenmachcr loses one, and his less is sev eral hundred dollars. Te the west of the works the dwelling, occupied by J. Smoker, and the east end of the tannery arc slightly damaged. When the fire had spent its fury and there was no anticipated destruction of property a second alarm was bounded. JehnASuvder's small barn between the house and" mill, jut en the eastern bor ough limits, was discovered te be en fire. The firemen with the hand engine were seen en hand, tee late te save the barn, but in time te rave the large mill which was en fire at .several places. The barn contained five leads of hay and two of straw. Adjoining the barn were a hog pen and an ice heu.se, both cf which were destroyed. The only live .stock in the building were four porkers which were let out. This property is net insured and foots up a less of about $1,000. Mr. Sny der is new in Iowa, and no men were en the prcmUes when the brand ignited the straw. A Mr. Bear, of near Saliin.ia. lepeils that charred pieces fell in the field wlieie he was plowing. This is five miles east of the borough and seems almost inciediblc, but the nutherilv is reliable. A leek at the partially burned building.; surrounding the ruins .speaks volumes in the praise of the firemen and the many citizens who lent a willing hand. It. !'. Plummer, proprietor of the Washington house .scvcilv sprained an ankle and is de prived of the use of it- S. X. Eby, while taking held of a fence burned one of his hands in bli.-tcrs, making a painful wound. One unfortunate made a misstep and went China-ward. A change of clothing was essential for his conifeii. Mrs. William Dicrelf, overcome with ex citement, fainted and Jay iiiicoiicieiiN for some time at a neighbor's house. i.e. e. r. Vi-.lt te M:t:i!n,iiiiri.aiir.iitciina.. Yesterday niicnioeu twenty-one mem bars of Lancaster l.idgeX". 07, 1. O. O.l'"., left thi.; city in a large omnibus for Man heim te pay a vi.il te the ledge of that place. They arrived at Mauhcim at half jiast live o'clock, ai.d, after pai taking of a supper at the Washh.g ten home they were willed' upon by a committee of the Mauhcim ledge by whom they wcie escorted te the ludgu room. Ar riving there they were welcomed by Nelilc r.inl JMnnw, ei me .Hannciin , iedge. who made a idiert speech. Dr. Jehn Levergood, .M. I. Weaver, Franklin i Oilier, Isaac Mihh-r, F. A. DiuViulerfcr, , W. F. Hambright mil Henry Swenlzel. ' r Jliiu nltv nlMi in:it!.' sii"cches as dill a number of member.-. f t'.ie Mauhcim i.hI.m. ACi.T i'h- .l.-ikiivr nil m-escnt foil into ranks and marched te the Washington ' ""nv -.-.. ... --. ;-, , - hotel, where they sat down te an excellent bamiuet prepared by order of the Mau- heini ledge. While there the members of , ii.- 1.... 1...1 1... !... M. ki.lii.it. .cornet band, which played a number of j nieces in iioed stvle. The evening was ! very pleasantly spent and the Lancaster gentlemen stalled home about - twelve o'clock, arriving here at two this morning, well pleased with their visit. sin;i;i..w: acuiei-.nt. A Herso Itrraks lis I.e.: IVSiile tt'XZln-; Aleu :t Summer i.ii.iil. Yesterday while Mr. ('has. S. Ibirn the Jinn of SliaubVc Burns, this city, driving en the summer read along ;. ei was the New Helland pike, a shot I distance this his hor.-e .suddenly side f that village, l:mii-d and slenned short. Mr. Hums tiet. I out of the vehicle and found that tlie horn- ' had broken both bones of one of its hind legs a short distance below the knee. JIew the accident happened Mr. I'uriis cannot explain. He is a careful driver, was diiviug slowly en a perfectly smooth ieai, in which tiieie were no holes nor any ether known obstruc tions. The hersedid net stumble nor catch its leg in any part of the vehicle or harness, aud yet both bones of the leg were broken off. The horse belonged te Tlies. J. j Houghten, liveryman, from whom Mr. i Hums had hired it, and was worth "$0 or I $1)0. Mr. Houghten is in bad luck with j bis horses. Inside of three weeks he has ' iest three one worth $12.1 died of colic ; I another worth $110 died in some kind of a ' fit, and hew a third breaks a leg in thisun accountable manner aud had te be shot. Seven Men In Uiic-I;rai," The Lancaster special te the Philadcl- phia Pram " estimates '" the number pies- j ent at the Republican meeting at Seuth ' Oucen and Conc-rega f ticcts last night at 3,000. Well, v.e have all nenrd tlie story of the eystcrinau who, when he wanted te order 10 h.urcls of oysters, thought it. would leek better and de no harm te add a, " nully or two " and was immensely as tonished when he received 1,000 bar rels instead of 10. That's just what the Prcsx special has done. He holds ciphers" in such low esti mation that he slings them about re gardless of consequence. The club 'num bering 300 membeis'' paraded exactly 21 men by actual count. The clnb of " about 500" turned out exactly 50 uniformed men and boys, and the ether clubs a less num ber. There was at no time :W0 listeners around the speakers' .stand,and the speeches by Je. Miller Reinechl, Jumping Jack Brown and Tobacco Jake Amwakc were utterly devoid of point if net efslac. The best speech of the evening and the only one that created any enthusiasm was made by Ed. Mellcn, a colored man of the Seventh ward, whose really creditable effort the i'ms correspondent docs net deign te notice. A ISey MISiinjT. Frank Kahser, a sixteen-j car-old son of Victer Kasser, cabinetmaker, West King street, left home about four weeks age in company with Samuel Gundaker, a lad of about the same age. Gundaker returned some two weeks age. after having gene west as far as Johnstown, and stated that Kasscr, in company with another Lancas ter boy, was en his way home, but he has net yet put in an appearance and his fam ily arc much distressed at his absence. Before leaving Lancaster be had been working at the watch factory and was induced te believe that he could get better wages elsewhere Anether reason for his leaving may have been that he was eharg cd with having in his possession a few pigeons belonging te Mr. Blickcnderfcr, but which he declared were given te him by another boy. When he left he took nothing with him but the well-worn suit of working-clothes which he were at the time. He is rather a stoutly built boy of medium height, and light hair, light com plexion and blue eyes. Persons knowing of his whcrcabentsVil! confer a favor by informing his father, Victer Ka-ser. 2'2G West King street. aseti:!'.!! Fizzr.i:. Itcjiiibllcaii Ie!t--lial-in at Itarcville. The Republicans of Barcvillc, Lcaceck township, erected a poplar pole. 90 feet long, in front of the postefliee. The pole was cut en Sunday last, without leave, from the weeds of Abraham Stultzfuss, an Amish farmer. The meeting held en the oceisien was a small one, and the " precession" a miserable fizzle, there be ing net mere than 32 persons in line, a ma jority of them iion-veters. Speeches of the usual bleed and thunder bloody shirt va riety were made by Statesman J. II. Lan dis and Wm. D. Weaver, embryo district attorney. The attempt te get up a boom in behalf of the De Golyer bribe, the Credit Mebilicr steal and the New Yerk custom house fraud, was a dead failure in Bare ville, as it has been wherever else attempted. COLUMBIA 17EWS. ecn i;ix;utAii coniiEsreNOKXCJ Political rire Matters-Factional Fight T;ie lloreugli liutlget. At a recent meeting of Company A of the II. M. ZN'erth Democratic marching club Ucrt M. Slade was elected captain Martin II. Smith, 1st lieutenant, and Harry C. Lichty, 2d lieutenant. The company has a full membership. James D. Sladc is recruiting a junior company and had yesterday -about thirty-five names en his roll. An" election of efficeis will take place as wen as the company is full. The Vigilant fiu: company of this place will no doubt make a creditable appear ance at the firemen's parade in Hagcrs Hagcrs tewn, Md., en October SO. The members of the eempanv who will participate aic all having new firemen's shirts made for the occasion and these who are net sup plied with hats will purchase the same in time for the visit. Then, tee, the appa ratus will be put in the best condition and will be gaiiv trimmed out in everything which will add te the beauty or its appear ance. If the company is net awaided first place v.c will be disappointed. After a het fight between the factions, the Republicans last evening elected Cel. Samuel Shech, president of the Columbia national bank, colonel emeritus of the "Colonel Shech marching club."' Harry Mullen was elected lieutenant colonel, and Jehn L. Wright, major. As a piemincnt paitisan said the ether day, ' wc want a man for colonel who will pay our tell across the bridge when wc go te Wrights ville se that we will net have any suchdis agi eeable scene as we had in 1376. when each man was expected te pay his own way and a collection was made for the pur pose."' The p.uty referred te is en the winning side. Xew we will see whether Cel. Shech v. ill reach down in his pocket and pull out a fifty dollar bill te save the disgrace of ach man paying his own way. The light docs net end here, but will make its power fell at the next primary election. A ceui Is of weeks age a colored man, who is employed by a Columbia merchant, stepped a white woman who was carrying a baby in the bridge, and threatened te sheet her if .--ha attempted te inn. Not withstanding tliL- fluent the woman ran and made her escape. Xew, her husband, who resides in thcceuiilry back of Wrights ville, and who was sick in bed when the as sault was made, is in search of the darkey who, we believe, is new (t. The African is known, however, and will be attended te when he again appears about here. At about nine o'clock this morning a Sive-year-old boy named Fisher had his leg i-aught between the wheel and bolster of a wagon at ThSid and Cherry streets. 'The crying of i scared than In:: the boy, who was mere , saved him from possible injury. A false alarm of fire v. as sounded at about eigltl o'clock iast evening. The fire department turned out and turned m again, .'ter which euiet was restored. Tlie attention of the members of the If. M. Xerlh marching clubs of Columbia is called te the fact that a meeting of the clubs will take place this evening at the dilVnent head quartcis. As business of an important nature will be transacted, it is desired that i all members of the clubs turn out and in- sure a full attendance. The final arrange i ments for te-morrow evening's parade will be made. ! A portion of the t: Salvation Army'' was in the M. 12. church last evening. It is ' said the Queen's English was murdered. ' AVc have at present a dull, gray, cloudy I sky. and it may be the equinoctial is bear i imr down upon us. The steeple of St. Paul's Episcopal church is being repaired and the willow 1 trees in front of the edifice arc being mu tilated trimmed wc presume is the word. The pole raising at Mark's brewery at the "Five Feints' te-morrow, will be wit nessed by a majority of Columbia's Demo crats. The speaking in the evening will he heard by as many. 1 he mercury registers bui ui degrees cool. Wc arc new in the liush time of the fish-' ing season. All fish bite well, bass being I especially veracious. Several of our sports j men during the last week have made big j hauls, and he is a peer fisheiman, indeed, t who cannot manage te hook one en two of the game fish. Tli -eavm will seen be I te this date ! ever. Opera house engagements ha-. emit panned out we!l aml politics being both tee v things cannot be- cooled until -the weather "arm. These after election i day. The hoes aie new doing te tin M-aches what, earlier in the s-caen late they did te the grapes. I Je.-epb M. Wilsen, engineer of bridges . and buildings, Pennsylvania railroad and j branches, was in Columbia this morning . en a special ear, brought here at 11:10 a. in. Special engine. Ne. 21, took the ear j c:;:, leaving here at about 12:15. Mr. ' Wilsen, we understand, is en a trip of ex- animation. The new int. rumen! s for the Citizens I bind aie cxpTUvl lien- t.i-morrew or Men- 1 day. Jehn Harsh will give u set-out te the ; Citizens' band this evening his birthday. J ( sther guests will also p.irtakc. TWINS. ilnuc:i-l: Apjilc, Pears anil Toinatecfl. General Hancock, as everybody knows, is one of a pair of twin the biggest pair in the country and the biggest of the pair. It is net wonderful, therefore, that his Democratic admirers should lake some pride exhibiting twin fruit grown by them. One of the finest specimens in the city is undoubtedly the twin pears grown by Peter Winewcr 820 West King street. They are perfect bcaut'ea growing from a single stem and each measuring eleven inches in circumference. They will ne exhibited at horticultural fair in the Northern market house next week. Anether pair of beauties are twin golden pippins grown en the premises of .Jacob Zecltcr, Ne. 42!) North Queen street. They arc perfect in color and shape and arc as much alike as two peas. They, also, will be en exhibition at the fair. Alnust as beautiful are the twin smokehouse apples sent us by B. 15. Myers, proprietor of the White Oak hotel, Strasburg town ship : and the ' fuunic-t tomatoes sent us by Mr. shall net place ours en no ! of all are twin Myers but wc exhibition eh. The Salvation Army. Twe members of the Salvation army,'" a company of English evangelists, arrived in town te-day. They are young men and are attired in bine clothes, with red cellars en their coats. They wear stilV-rimmcd hats, with a red band and a card, bearing the words, " Salvation Army." They are the advance guaid and arc selling books and papers preparatory te the coming of the whole force hither in a couple of weeks, when they expect te "sweep the devil out of this town with the gospel broom."'' Tlie advance guard sang en the curbstones, and will sing and held "an original Jehn Wesley meeting" in the square this evening. UUicial Visit. Dillcr Luther, visiting agent of the state beard of charities, came te Lancaster this morning and was met at the railroad depot by Superintendent Cox who took him te the county hospital and insane asylum which he inspected. He was then taken through the almshouse by Warden Breck, and afterwards through the jail by Keeper Weisj. He expressed himself as highly pleased with the condition in which he found these several institutions. He left Lancaster at 3 o'clock. BVBDICK AAIXEN'S SHOW. Their Appearance in QoarryvUle Yesterday. Yesterday Burdick & Allen'a tent show gave two performances in Quarryville. The show arrived in the morning at one o'clock and the brass band gave a short parade. At both performances the tent was crowded and the managers made money. There was no ring in the tent as no horses are used in the exhibition. The performance was similar te that given by variety troupes and the features of it were the contortion acts of Henry Wentworth, acrobatic performance of the Lorenze brothers, jig (bracing and serio-cemio sing ing by Miss Nellie Thernc and negre per formance by two men who were advertised as Pietre aud White. Several darkey sketches were well acted, and the whole show seemed te please the audiences. This show was organized by the proprie tors, both of whom travel with it, in Ohie. They have been playing in the small towns throughout the country te geed business. They have about 20 people and 30 horses, and their expenses are therefore small. They appear in Delta, Maryland, te-day. The OeinecratlcGlee Clnb. The Hancock glee club, which has been organized for the campaign, consists of the following persens: GeoPentz, sr., and Geerge Pentz, jr., airs; Frank Sheid, Gee. Kissinger, Benjamin Myers, Jehn Frailey, tenors ; Jehn Kissinger, soprano ; Geerge Myers, alto ; Jehn Keller, baritone ; W. C. Geitcr and Jehn Bradle, bass. Geerge Pentz, sr., is leader of the club and com poser of songs. The club will sing the latest songs at the Mi'lersville meeting to morrow evening, and will also attend a number of ether meetings. Flaud Nut a Fraud. The Examiner having denied the state ment that Daniel Flaud, a Republican soldier of Bird-iuJIand, would vote for Hancock, we have investigated the matter aud find our statement exactly true, ex cept that Flaud lives in Mt. Jey and trerks for his brother, near Bird-in-Hand. Mr. Jno. W. ltheads, a young Republican, saw Flaud and asked him, and he answered that he would vote for Hancock if he lived until election day. New Track;. The Pennsylvania railroad is about te lay two new tracks from their east yard in Columbia te Dembach's lane, the distance being nearly a mile. The contract for the work has been given tc Messrs. Black & Upp. who will at once commence opera tion -:. .Tingcr Sliced. Henry Ritchie, residing en North street, had the index finger of his right hand bad ly cut by being caught in a cork sliccr at the Conestoga cork weiks this forenoon. The finger was dressed at Bechtold's drug .-.Jere, Seuth Queen street. Sale of Real Estate, Mr. Henry Shiflher, near Bird in-Hand, sold at public sale en the 21st inst., his property, consisting of about ten acres of land with improvements, te Henry Slander, for -e, 500. Snoeting; Daves. Constables Flick and Shay and Officer F.emau went gunning yesterday for doves. Flic!; went back of Pctcrburg and bagged :i0, Shay and Leman went back of Millers ville and bagged G3. Sheeting Match. This afternoon a sheeting match is tak ing place at the hotel of Jehn Echternach, at Miilpert, en the Stras'uurg pike. Court. Nothing was done of any impertance in coin t this morning, except the arguing of several eases. Court adjourned at neon until te morrow morning. S-iIe or ISauk Stock. J. 11. Leng, real estate agent, sold te day at private sale, 19 shares of Farmers' na tional bank stock at $100 per share. Te Meet In Lancaster. The East Pennsylvania Lutheran synod adjourned te meet at Lancaster en the thud Wednesday in September of 1881. An Karncst Wish. Kev. !:. V. J.. Cans', (Jalcna, Ills., writes: " Fer ever ten years 1 hart been a great sult'ercr liein pains in tlie small ei the hack anil region et tlie Klrtney.-s, which was most excruciating ami at times almost insufferable. Doctoring id-ought no relief, except perhaps momenta rily, ami 1 was linally ailvlscrt, being unable te lnfnil the duties of my calling, te go abroad and seel; the climate ei my youth. In Ger many ami Switzerland, eminent physician", alter cleiu examination, declared, my sutler iiiss te ari-e Ireni disease of the Kidneys, et longstanding, and could de mono geed. I was however, benefitted by the climate and conse quently returned. Xe sooner had I been hack and resumed my pastoral work, when the old i reuble grew again se intense as te make life a burden. A few months age I came In poj pej se ion of one or Day's Kidnev 1'ads, put it en, and the etlects were truly wonderful. The paint, at once grew les and are new, after wearing the second Vav, entirely gene, and there can be no doubt that I am entirely cured, as I wiite this some weeks at ter its use, and am strong and leek again the very picture of health. I wi He thli perfectly voluntarily, and and it is dictated only by truth and gratitude. Indeed 1 consider the Day Kidscy I'ad Ce.. Gmf-. agents and great benctactera of man kind. May nil the suffering be helped as 1 have been . is my earnest wish." sSMwMW&F Amusements. Our Jlmmiinff Scheel Tonight. In spite of r.ii-eiN te tlie cenliary Minnie Palmer's itaiety company wiU'.this evening appear at l-'mteii opera house in tee amusing comedy of Hearding Scheel." Tlie place of Mr. Wm. .1. .Sc-.mlan, whose withdrawal occasioned tne reports that the engagement of the troupe here had been cancclert. has been tilled by Mr. Wm. Xagle, who is spekan of as au accom plished actor. The company in its reorganized fei m appeared in Heading lest night and the Timet and Dispatch et this morning thus notices the perfermance: "A delighted audience greeted that charming senbrctte Minnie Palmer, and her company et come dians, lust evening. As tlie " spoiled child." .Texsic Fairlevc, she was the incarnation or mischief and Invention, and the charactcref Use rollicking, carclcsss young hoarding school ini-!, which she portrayed, was a literal tran script from life. She Is full el spirit and nai vete, and her laughter lleats down ever the audience In rippling cascades. She is of the Letta school of articles, thoroughly lin-b-.ied with the realism of her lele, and is Miblimely audacious as t lie professor el" t he Alpha academy and assist ant". Incidental te the comedy were some capital songs rendered by Miss Palmer in geed style and clear soprano. William Xagle made a hit sis "David Deedle,'' a servant and searcher after knowledge Nutritious, restorative, quieting, strength ening and purifying are Malt Hitters. in i:at or West, or North or Seuth, They te themselves an outrage de, Who cannot beast a lresh sweet mouth, With teeth like pearls begummed with dew When SOZODONT all this supplies, And works ihe charm before our eyes, s2O-lwdc0d&w Ter baby and children what mere delicate and wholesome than Cuticnra Seap. Ne wonder the rush te Ne. 26 East King street continues unahatcd, when people can buy llrst-class beets and shoes at lower prices than trash can be bought for elsewhere, as the entire stock including store fixtures must be sold out te close business, and as tlie store room at present occupied a shoe store is te be used for ether purposes. Tl.n Ulnir nf VlnnT ClOtllg. The new and artistic designs brought out this season in the patent Likelecm fleer cloth will, no doubt, give this popular article an In- ...,., I cim Tt ia !ia nnlV llOOr COVCrlnK made combining In the highest degree the qualities essential te conuert, elegance anu ..,.- rln noeniint nf Inferior imitations see that the word " Linelkum" Is en the back of every square yarn, ah carpei ueaiera ccp it. ltd SEW JLDrEETISEMJ-XTS. Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATOH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPACKING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. POLITIC Al. JIVLI.ETIS. Pay Your Tax. Every voter who wants te vetcm November should leek atter the payment of his tar. Col lector Warlcl sits at the Court Heuse THIS EVENING fremC4 te 9 o'clock te receive it. GO THERE AND PAY IT. Fer Assembly. The name et WILLIAM MeCOMSEV, of the First ward, will be presented te the Demo cratic electors et Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate for As sembly, under Democratic rules. ELIMG. SNYDER, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub ject te Democratic rules. til POLITICAL JUKKT1XGS. There will be a special meeting or tlie City Campaign Committee at the Central Head quarters en Monday evening, September 27, at 7JJ o'clock. Important business, requiring the atteniien of every member, will be pre sented te the committee. The Sixth Waril Aincririis Club Will meet at their clnb room in Schiller hall en FRIDAY EVENING tit 7J o'clock. Busi ness of great Importance will be transacted, demanding thcatteiulance et every member. Let there be a full tin neut. Klghth Ward. There will be a special meeting of tlie Eighth ward Hancock club this (Friday) evening te hear report of Commute en Millervillc meet ing, Ac. Uniforms ready for tlixtrilmtien. A tell attendance Is solicited. Ninth Ward. The regular stated mcctiug el tlie Ninth ward Hancock and English club, will be held at their clnb room, ever Arneld IhiaV saIoeh, North Queen street, this evening at s o'clock. At aiillcrsvUIe en Saturday evening. Sept. 23. Speaker.-,: J. L. Stetiimctz, D. Mc Mullen, 15. F. Davis. W. U. Hcnscl. Pele raising at 3 o'clock ; parade at 7 o'clock ; ppeaking at 8 o'clock. Columbia. Under the auspices of Third Ward club, at Mack's brewerj', Saturday evening, Sept. i". Speaking in German and English by Jehn A. Ceyle and S. W. Shadlc, csqs. marietta. Meeting and Pele Raising, Saturday even ing, September 23. Speakers : H. F. Mont gomery and tt. B. Risk, csqs. In Lancaster. General torchlight parade en Fi Way even ing, October 1. Xe speaking. Welsh Mountain Inn. Trl-county meeting Wednesday alternoen and evening, Oct. P. Speakers. E. 15. Wiegand, of Reading; R. .1. Monaghan, of West Cluster; II. F. Davis, D. McMullen, .1. M. Walker. .1. L. Steinmctz, W. V. Ilen-el, W. If. Reland. .Jno. II. Dellaven. At Quarrjvllle Tuesday. October 12. Speakers: .1. W. Ferney J. Luther Hinswalt. Cel. .lelni V. Ultehie and '., t ethers. In Lancaster en Tuesday evening, Oct. 12. Speakers : .Jehn W. Ferney, .1. Luther Ringwall, Gen. II. Kyd Douglas and ethers. At MeuntvHlb en Monday, October 11. Speakers: .lelm W. Ferney,.!. Luther Ulngwalt, .. L. Sti-imnetz, 15. F. Davis, W. U. Hensel and Win. B Given. New Helland. Wednesday afternoon, Oct. tt (nnless changed hereafter). Speakers, Ityn. Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther Ringwult, Cel. Jehn II. Ritchie, E. McCaa, et Alabama. Gen. If. Kyd Douglas, Win. II. Reland, Win. B. Given an. I ethers. 8VECIAJL XOTJVKS. SAMPLE .NOTICE. It Is impossible ler a woman afti-r a ralthtul courseof treatment with Lydia E. Plnkhani s Vegetable Compound te continue te sutler with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 25.5 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., ter pamphlets. JyJMydcedS v Try Leclier's Renowned Cough Syrup Statistics preva that twcniy-nve percent of the deaths in enr larger cities are cau.-ed by consumption, and when we reilect that thi tcrrible disease in Ha worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lechor's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall wc condemn the suTercrs for their ncgli gence.erpity them for their ignorance? Xe 9 East King street. The secret et long lite Is te keep the liver perfectly healthy, which is best aecempli-'.ied by using only "Sellers Liver Pills." DOCTORS GAVK H13I UP. " Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up ami :it work, and cured by se simple a remedy ?" "I assure you it Is true that he is entirely cnrcd.and .vith nothing but Hep Bitters nnrt only ten days age his doctors gave him up and said he must die !" "Wcll-a-dayt If that is se, 1 will go this minute and get some for my peer Geerge. I knew hops are geed." The Value et Pare Wlne in SicKncux. The chief dinlcnliy with reliable wines has been their scarcity and exorbitant price, but this has been removed by the introduction or a Pure Native Wine, produced from the Oporto grape by Mr. Alfred Speer, of New Jersey. We understand that he has submitted ins wine te tlie test et many of our celebrated physicians, and all concur in its purity, medicinal prop erties and superiority te the best imported vnr-t win., xiest. rt them nrescribc it ill cases of debility, atlcctlens et the kidneys, and chronic complaints, requiring a ionic, mi mi derlllc or diuretic treatment. Examiner. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymakcr. sl.V2wd.tw The remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar te women is Warner's Sate Kidney and Liver Cure. Mether's Magazine. 5 Methera! Mothers!! Mothers:.! Are you .disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? It be, go at once andgctabetlle of MRS. WIXS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon it; there la no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you atence that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relict and health te the child, operating like, magic. It la perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription el one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses m the Unlie.il Slates, seiu every wncre- 25 cents a bottle. il7-lyd&wM.W&S MAS11IAOES. Rusamv-WnEtXA. On the 23d et September, 1880, fby the Rev. W. T. Gerhard, at Smith Rndy's Leepard hotel. Mr Latta Russcl te Miss Vlnnie Whenna, both of the Nickel Mine, Lancaster county. "ll Fbecbd KiszLEn. On Sept. 21, by Rev. F. P. Mayser, at the house of the bride's parents, Frederick Frcnnd.el Philadelphia, te Emma Kinder, et this city. Xe cards sent. VEAT11S. WATSOH.-Fridaymerning,2lthinst., in Lan caster, at the resldenceef hersen-in-Iaw, J. W. Jehnsen, esq., Mrs. Maria IL, wife of Dr. Na tbanlal Watsen. Funeral, Monday, Sept. 2", at 9 a. m., te pro ceed by rail te Marietta. Interment at Done Dene gal Her friends are respectfully invited te at tend her funeral. A ' AJrKTISMHT8, PUBLIC SAX.K OF CANADA UOKSfcS. On MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1S80, will be sold at the Merrimac Heuse. Lancaster city, V, head of the best Canada Horses I ever brought from Canada. Sale at 1 o'clock p. m. GEORGE GROSSMAN. SAMria. Hess & Sex, Aucts. scpi4-2td 100 Tens et Hags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. 2'i CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. The highest price paid for Woolens, Ola Paper, Beeks, &c. Teh ltag Asserters wanted te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, yj-tfdRl Lancaster. Pa A TK. JOHN D. MISIILKK GUAKANTF.ICS ItJ. a delightful entertainment FRIDAY, SEITEMBER 24, 1880,. At the Opera Heuse by MINNIE PALMER'S GAIETY COMPANY. MISS MINNIE PALMER, WM. NAGLE, and carefully selected company of Comedians in the very successul comedy entitled MIN NIE PALMER'S BOARDING SCHOOL. Mis Palmer made as pretty and gracetula hoyden as one could wish te see. Xew I'erk Herald. Miss Palmer may be considered the Letta et the present generation. Xew Yerk Mercury. PRICES 3.-,,r.O7.'!Ct Diagram at Yeekcr'.s Bex Onice. s21-ltd F IILTON OPICHA IIOUSi:. TUESDAY EVEHMJ, SEPT. 28, The Jellie.st Comedy en Recerd. An Established New Yerk Fayeritc. ciwNiNii CLINTON HALUS gwjgKg CROWNINti SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS CROWNING CROWNING CROWNING SUCCESS C. W. Ricliarden Manager. NEW SONGS MUSIC, MIKTII AND DANCES NEW SONGS DANCES NEW SONGS flIIMICKY. DANCES The Company net Excelled. All Metropolitan Artists. Admission 35, SO Si 75 Cts. Reserved heats 75 Cts. Reserved Seats en sale at the Opera Heuse Ofllce. Cluu. Melville, Business Manager. sep2l-ttd j'OJi SALE OK JIEXT, IjVX ECU TORS SALK Of CITV PKOP U ERT1ES. The undersigned executers of Michael Mat one, deceased, will expose te sale en THURSDAY, the 14th day et OCTOBER, at 7 o'clock p. in., at tile Cad welt Heuse, the fol lowing Heal Estate, viz : Ne. 1. A Let of Ground en the N. E. corner or Orange and Shippcn streets, with n frontage et"4'.) feet, mere or les-s, en Orange street, and aleng'Shippen street northward 243 feet te a public alley, en which is erected a commodi ous and well built Mansion, Ne. :0I, two-stories high with two-story back building, all in geed repair; also en rear of let a two-story brick stable and ether improvements. Ne. i A Piece et Ground en North Lime street, west side, between Orange a"d Chestnut streets, containing in front en Lime street 37 feet, mere or less, and in depth westward M rcct4K inches, en which is erected a two-story Brick il welling. Ne. 12S, with its improvements. Ne. :t. A Piece of Ground en south side et East Chestnut street, near Duke, containing in front 21 feet and extending in depth south Vi aril (a feet, en which Is erected a three-sterv Bi ick Dwelling, Ne. 41, with brick building at tached, furnished with water and sewerage. Terms made known at time of sale. EDWARD McGOVERN, WM. L. PEIPER, JAMES M. BURKE, Executers of Michael Malene, dee'd. IlKN'UY SiiuiinuT. Auct. sc)l7-2wdcedttdts 4 SSIGNEF.'S SALK OF VALUADLK i. FARM. ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, lsse. the undersigned assignee- of Samuel Ewing and wife, will sell at public sale, en the premises in Drinnere township, Lancaster county, Pa., en the read leading from Geshen Station te Miller's tannery, a farm CONTAINING 113 ACRES, mere or less, 20 Acres thereof being woodland. The balance is in a high state et cultivation, well fenced and well watered; adjoining lands or Jeseph Warden. Geerge W. Miller, anil ethers. The improvements arc a lirge FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, with attic and basement kitchen. Alse a Brick Tenant Heuse. A Large Frame Barn, M by 40 feet, with shed attached, and all ether necessary outbuildings in geed repair. Twe geed wells of water, with pumps therein, and access te running water lrem every Held. The property is well located, convenient te selioels-.chnrches and ether public places : also te railroads. It is two miles north of Columbia & Pert De posit Railroad, aud one mile west et Elderado station en the Peach Bettem Narrow Gauge. Twe orchards el choice fruit, one bearing, the ether young and thrifty. Persons wishing te view the premises will call en Samuel Ewlng, residing thereon. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m., en said ilaj Terms ly ISAAC BRADLEY, , AMOS K. BRADLEY, Assignees. Wakefield, P. O., Lancaster County, Pa. sp2it&24d&tw 1)UDLIC SALK. On SATURDAY. OCTOBER lrt, 1SS0, will be sold at public sale en the premises, situated in Colerain township, en the Neble read, lead ing lrem Brownstown te Nertli Rend, about 8 miles from eltner place. The public read lead ing from Kirkwood te Quarryville runs through part of the farm, nnd the premises are located about y. mile lrem thclermcrand 5 miles from the latter place, all that valuable tract of land containing 82 ACRES, mere or less, adjoining lands of Millar Harrar, Jehn Swisher, Gee. Hegg, Jeseph McClure nnd ethers. The property Is within 2 miles of the Oxford & Peach Bettem Narrow Gauge Rail road and about .r miles from the Quarryville Ball read. The improvements consist et a two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE with 4 rooms en llrst fleer, cellar underneath perch or south front, geed well of water with pump therein, agoed frame barn with stone stabling, geed pump in the barn yard, frame wagon shed, corn cribs, frame hog house, carriage house, weed house, stone dairy house ever a never failing spring of water, and all neces sary out-buildings. This farm is in a high state or cultivation, divided into ".convenient fields, under geed fences, and having access te run ning water, geed orchard of choice fruit trees, such as apples, pcars,pcaches, plums, cherries. Alse grapes and a variety of small fruit. About 3 acres et the above is geed woodland. Sale te commence at 2 o'clock p. in., when at tendance will be given and terms made known by WM. N. GALBRA1TH. Administrator of Dan'l Harrar, dee'd. S. W. Swisiik-i, Auct. sep21-ltdA3tw WAXTEV. WAJiTED. EVEBYBODY TO ADVER tisc, frce of charge, In the Iotkixiekv cke. who wauls something te de. WANTED-A SITUATION 1JV A F11WT class varnislier. Apply te IC. F., 113 Filbert street. 8tl WANTED WASHING AND IKONING at the house. Apply at 113 Filbert street. 2M Offick of the MAnesv Mutual Like Asse-J ciatiex of Selissokevk, Pa. S WANTED-GOOD, ACTIVE, KKSPONSI blc Agents in each township of the county of Lancaster. Apply in iianil writing or Applicant te the Heme OlHce. 1 ' L. R. HUMMEL, Scc'y. Selinsgrove, Snyder county, Pa.,t.Scptenibcr 17.18SO. scplC-lmd&etw xttiielksalk and retail. LEYAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 237 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dI7-lyd THIRD EDIT1M. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 24, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Sept. 24. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, Tailing barome ter, easterly te southerly winds, nearly stationary temperature, partly cloudy weather and rain in the southern portions. BY WIRE XSD CABLE. Afternoon Telegrams Condensed. An international cricket match between selected professional American and Eng lish teams will be played at Philadelphia en the 6th of October, which it is hoped will serve te revive the annual contests that formerly furnished one of the greatest features of the cricketing year. The fraudulent cabinet was in session te-day. Archibald Ferbes, the famous English war correspondent, sailed for the United States te-day. Lanny, the nephew of an archbishop, has been acquitted of a murder en the ground of insanity at Santa Fe, N. 31. The total amount of silver purchased by the trcasuary department this month was 1,103,000 ounces. All the mints are wel supplied. Jese Bezagas, clerk in a store at Eagle Pass, was murdered and the store robbed. Wm. J. Tayler & Ce., English ship owners, fail for 172,000, and a number of smaller houses go down with them. The commissioners investigating the Narragansett-Stonington disaster censure the captain of the Narragansctt for in competence aud cowardice, and his license is revoked. The steamship company is also censured for net providing the Narra gansctt with licensed engineers and the number of watchmen provided by law. MAltKETS. Mew Yerk Market. Naw Yeilk, Sept. 24. Fleur State and West ern quiet and prices without important change; Snperllne, S32.$4 10; extra de f38T 413; choice, de, $4 34 03 ; fancy de.. $4 70 05 CO; round hoop Ohie $4 15f$4 00: choice de $4Cj3 73; superfine western $3TQ)l 10; common te geed extra de $3 85fj4 23 ; choice de de f I 30g: -2T ; choice white wheat de $4 15 (H (X); Southern dull, unchanged ; common te fair extra f! trigs 23; geed te choice de $3 30G 50. Wheat a ahade stronger en While, ethers without quotable change ; Xe. 1. White, Sept., $1 OSc; Ne. 2 Red, Sept.. $1 (V.J.J ; de, Oct.810G;;;lG7; de Nev., $1 US'jl IS'.'.; de Dec, I W;iQ 1 0 Cern a shade lower and quiet; Mixed western spot.SOJaseif; de future. .rnK;52c. Oats without quotable change; Ne, 2, Oct., .'iSJ'c ; de Nev., :i8c ; State, KiQWiie : Western 44l!lc. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, Sept. 21. Fleur quiet, but stead)-; superfine $2 503 DO : extra $3 23Q4 (10 ; Ohie and Indiana family $5 255 75 ; Penn'a family de 5Xig525 ;St. Leuis family at ?5ne$ COO; Minnesota family $5 005 75: straight patent and high grades $ft 7.rfirt 25. Rye flour at 5(. Wheat 11 rm ; Ne. 2 Western Red $1 0.vyl IW; Pa. Red $10fi; Amber $1 OC10G. Cern firm en local market ; steamer . 13c : yclIew'M'lc; mixed 53K54e. Oats linn, with geed inquiry", Ne. 1. White, 43c; No.2de41Ji12c; No.3le labile; Ne. 2, Mixed 3933e. Rye scarce at iCc. Previsions in geed Jobbing demand ; mess perk $1G001(;25; beef hams ;18 WJQI'J en : In dian mess beet at $18 50 ; smoked hams IVJS) 12c; pickled bams 'JjglOJc ; bacon smoked shoulders GJ7c ; salt de tiic. Lard linn ; city kettle at s'c ; loose butch ers' 8c ; prime steam $8 '"7. Rnttcr quiet and generally easier; Creamery extra 32c ; tie geed te choice 2S;:ic ; Rradferd county and New Yerk extra. 2G'ic ; Western reserve extra 2223c ; de geed te choice 1020c ; Rolls firm; Penn'a extra 2023; Western rc servaextra 2023c. Eggs steady; Pcnna scarce at2223c; West ern 21c. Cheese linn ; New Yerk full cream 13J14c ; Western full cream 13c : de fair te geed 12 -').c; de half skims llllc. Petroleum neminal: none ettering ; re lined WCc. Whisky dull at $113. Seeds Uoed te prime Clever dull at $7 75 68 25 ; Timethy firm at $2 75Q2 Ml; Flaxseed tlrnint$I2sl3n. Sterk Market. September 21. New Yeuk Stocks. Stocks weak. A. sr. a. M, P.M. P. M. 1:23 37i 1W ! P. M 3:00 37 iy 102 !h! 37 80'S &y. 47Ji .tils 10:15 ll:ue 11:10 23 Meney Erie R. R Michigan S. & L. S... Michigan Cent. R. R Chicago &y. W Chicago, M & St. P. Han. &. St. .1. Cem.... P'fd... Teledo A Wabash... Ohie & Mississippi... "N' Nl' 1 IWH4 .... imyH : 37J-! is s;4 3514 3. as VTA 102 a ' 37'4 80'4 34)2 32J2 MA 21 ?A 84 M iVA: 38 :wy. 3IK -jiTi 3l 47 22K 'Ml 84 8 !7 38!4 .10!4 86 3U 128J4 St. Leuis, I. M& S. R 50J4 Ontario and Western. 23,';; C. C. & I. C. R. R 17 New.Ier-jeyCenfr.il.. 73 Del. & Hudsen Canal. 844 Dcl..uick.& Western !I0'4 Western Union Tel... ; 72'-S ny. SI as as 30 8-Vi 3U4 sn w 98i Pacific Mail S.S. Ce.. Manhattan Elevated. 3S'4 38K w 87J$ n Union Pacltlc Kansas & Texas.... New Yerk Central. siy. Adams bxpres Illinois Central Cleveland & Pitts Chicago & Reck I Pittsburgh & Ft. W... American U. Tel. Ce. PniLADELrniA. Stocks unsettled. Pennsylvania R, It.... FhH'a. & Reading..... Lehish Valley 111 llGiC 121. fit 58!4 5S5 58 5S 15fJ 13 13 12 S2J4 52 B2K 52!4 3.1 Xy. '. 33 21 28 28J4 27 Ttiy. bVA 52' 51 y. ay, vy, is" n? sr.i 31 :r,X : .... 15 15!4 15 48-4 .... 170 170 170 171 W !'. WA Lehisdi NnviiRitien. 33? Northern Pacltlc Cem 29!4 " " P'd . Sii -a m Pitts., Titusv'cS I!. Northern Central... Phil'a & Erie R. R. Northern Penn'a.. Un.R. It's efN.J... Hestenvllle Pas-... Central Trans. Ce.. Lerul Met-ks and Bends. Par Last sale. $100.25 105 111 118.75 120 105 lOO&iu 3.25 47.25 51 51 :r, M 30.40 25 85 20 275.23 40.15 100 I5G 102.10 27 IOC val Lauc.l'ity 1; per et. Lean, due IsSe. $1(0 isai... 1885... ' " 1... " " 1805... ' 5 per ct. In 1 ir 30 years. . Lane, and Quarryv'e R. R.bend.... " " " stock Laneaster and Ephrataturnnlke... lanc , Elizabetht'n andMlddlet'ii.. Lancaster and Fruitville turnpike. Lancaster and Lilllz turnpike Lancaster and Maner turnpike Lancaster and Man helm turnpike. Lancaster and Marietta turnpike.. Lane, and New Helland turnpike. Lane, and Strasburg turnpike Line, and Susquehanna turnpike.. Lane, and Willow Street turnpike. Farmers' Nat. Rank et Lancaster... First Nat. Rank of Lancaster County Nat. Rank or Lancaster Inquirer Printing Ce Lauc.Ca Light and Fuel Ce. stock. " ' bends. 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 25 100 511 25 50 100 25 300 25 50 100 50 50 CI O WEST, FOK THE BEST COFFEES, T Sugars and Teas, Best Cigars and Tobac cos, Rest Wines and Liquors, Ask for Oakdule Fare Old Bye Whisky. 93perccnt.'Alcelwl. Invigorating Tonic ami the Hair Liquid. AH at RINGWALT'S Ne. 205 WEST KINO STBKBT. NOTICE TO PAINTERS. Proposals will be received for Hie paint ing of the new barn at almshouse, as follews: First. Fer the painting. Material ami board beard ing furnished. , ... Second. Fer the painting and material. Rearding furnished. . The building te have three coats of paint. Best of white lead te Iks used and any shading desired by Directors of Peer. The right te re ject any and all bids reserved. Security required. Fer further particulars call en the undersigned at the huUding. Bids arc te be addressed te the under sfgned,in care of O. P. Brlcker. 29 North Duke street. Lancaster, Pa., en or before MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, at 2 p. m., when hlds will be opened at Bricker's l,iwOnu:e&AcHMAV sep23-3td Builder. JKWEUIY. T OCIsWEllEk. i j m I4 HI 4..t 5-, .,. WATCHMAKER. Ne.159 NORTH QUEEN. STREET, near P. B. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ter the 1 celebrated Pantoscepic Specta cles and Eye-Glasscs. Repairing a specialty, aprt-lyd MillAHMIKIIAGa Adopted by the USITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. Measuring Rain-Fall Accurately te the 1-100 of an Inch. PRICE $5.00. Fer sale by RR BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. Lancaster Watch Ge. Wait NAMED WeSt Slid, ia i$k. cold ca-.iv. WeSt Slid, in Uk. CuM Cases. VV eSt End, in Silver Hunting Cases. WeSt End, in Sliver open-face Cases. AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S. Ne. 20 East Kin? Street, Lancaster, Fa. WEDDING PRESENTS In rich Silver. WEDDING PRESENTS In Elegant Plated AVare, WEDDING PRESENTS In Fine Diamonds. WEDDING PRESENTS In Foreign Fancy Goods. WEDDING PRESENTS In Decorated Porcelains. WEDDING PRESENTS In Cire.it Variety, Te Suit Every Taste, At Very Lew Prices. BAILEY, BUS & BDLE, JEWELERS, SILVERSMITHS, IMPORTERS, 12T1I AND CHESTNUT ST&, PHILADELPHIA. sepa'-SindM.W.'iF J.E.CaldweU&Ce. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS OF DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, Purehasars who dosire te pro cure fiem3 of unexceptionable quality and real value at lowest importer's price3, will consult their best intere3ts by calling' en us. Special attention is directed te the magnificent assortment im ported for this season's sales. scplMwdcedM, W4F UOVSK VVUXISUIXU UOOiiS. -vtetice. FLlfliN & BRENBMAN. Would advise nil who con tern plain putting In HEATERS or niukiii;; any alterations In tliclr lic-.itlng arrangements te de se at once In-fore the rn.-di or Full Trade begins. THE MOST REMARI.E Steves, Heaters ai Rises, In the Market, at the LOWEST PRICES. Flo & Brenem's GREAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street,' LANCASTER. FA. WANTED AT THIS OFFICE COPIES Ot thC WEEKLVlXTElLIOESCEROf HlC fol fel fol lewlns dates: JAN. 1. 1880, JUI.Y-J3.1SS0. tfd. Y' r M