p" c ', ', -- LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1880 Hfcancastet intelligencer. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 24, 1880. TIic Republican Idea. The idea upon which the Republican orators base their claim te continuance in power is that the Democratic party will be controlled by its representatives in the states lately in rebellion, and that it will be their aim te ruin the country. The second preposition is one that is hard enough te prove, but when it is combined with the first declaration the whole statement becomes tee foolish te ba patiently endured by sensible Repub licans who think for themselves and are net willing that they shall be stultified in their effort te continue their party in power. The New Yerk Even ing Pest is net willing that its party shali be put in the position of claiming that the Seuth, with one-seventh of the popula tion of the country, will first control the Democratic party, then through it ob tain the necessary votes te control the nation, and finally use the power thus obtained te adminis ter the government in opposition te the interests of a majority of the peo ple. The preposition thus plainly stated carries its refutation en its face. If Hancock and English are elected it will be by the majority of the people, and it will be absolutely ncscssary for the Dem ocratic party se te govern the country as te retain the approval of these who have given it the power, which it will net want te resign. It will net certain ly cater te the wishes of one-seventh of the people le receive the condemnation of the remainder and certainly secure its downfall. Elections come tee frequent ly in this country te enable a party te be se unwise, and unless it designs te abolish representative government it will ba controlled in its conduct by its desire te secure the approval of at least a ma jority of the people. This seems le dispose entirely of the Iteptiblicaim claim te dread the control of Hancock's administration by the solid Seuth, even admitting that the representa tives of that section arc se unpatriotic as te be unworthy le be trusted with power. There is no doubt that the northern ieo iee ple would be unwilling le confide the ad ministration of the government te the men of the Seuth, and se would these of the East refuse te be governed by the West and the West by the East. There should be no sectional government in this country ; and this is one of the strongest reasons why the Republican parly is nut entitled te demand power. It is essentially sectional and admits itself te be se by admitting that the solid Seuth is with its oppo nents. Ry its own unfair govern, ment it has alienated this whole sec tion. A portion of the Xerth has re volted against its policy and is allied with the Seuth in demanding a government which shall be in the interest of the whole country. If this is te be a nation of free and equal states there is no escap ing the conclusion that the government must be administered for the geed of all ; and when we find one section that is solid in its disapproval of its administra tion there can be no ether conclusion than that it is wrongly administered. The only logical way in which the Re publican party can defend its record is by the claim that the interests of the stales of the solid Seuth are net entitled te be considered : and when it claims this it must go farther and degrade them from their position as states and reduce them te territories unfit for equal asso ciation in the conduct of the nation. The Democratic party is leavened by the nearly solid Seuth as an element of its strength, but it is net controlled by it, unless the tail can control the body. The great Middle States of the Xerth and West, will be in the body, if the parly succeeds in this election, and they must be kept in it if the party would succeed at future elections. The policy they dictate will be the policy of the party, and the fact that the Seuth is solidly with the party will diminish its influence in stead of strengthening it ; in accordance with the natural political law which gives the uncertain voter a com manding inlhience in the adminis tration of the slate. Se that allowing all that may be claimed for the unpatri otic disposition of the Seuth it is evident that it will bs controlled by its allies in the government, net only by reason of their greater numerical strength, but by the common interest of the party which will force it te strive te increase its strength in the Xerth where only new it has formidable opposition. The splendid demonstration of the Democracy in Xew Yerk last night, tells net only of a united, harmonious and aggressive Democracy in that city and stale, but it appeals te the pride of the whole nation. That magnificent and earnest display in the great commercial metropolis of the country, is an all suf ficient answer te Use desperate appeals of Colliding and his stripe te the busi ness interests of the country te support a sectional, strife seeking party. Rut if any further assurance was needed that no material interests would suffer from Democratic success it could be amply found in the speeches at Xew Yerk last evening of such men us Relment, Bayard and Randall, who have always had the warmest confidence or the commercial interests of the country. But they give mere than their own personal assurance of this : they show it by undubitable ar. gument; by irrefutable figures, and the public believe them and will vote te put out a faithless party and put iu an honest clean administration. People who arc distressed about -the persecution of the negre in the "solid"' Democratic state of Georgia, will de well te read the facts in the case as they are given and they have net been challenged by the member of the national Demo cratic committee from that state. What ever his party bias may be he gives facts and figures. They explain why the negre vote is leaving the Republican party, for reasons lietter than fear of Ku Klux or bulldozer's bludgeon. Advices from Vir ginia, te the Xew Yerk Times, tell of a similar condition of things there, and we doubt net, if the Republicans should win, that they would at once move te repeal negre suffrage. The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, one of a class of papera which has been discrediting the census reports of the Seuth, admits that Superintendent Walk er's investigation and finding that the census reports of 1870 were grossly un fair, is a much better explanation of the apparent rapid increase of population of Seuth Carolina than the stale Republi can cry of " Democratic frauds' by Re publican census takers in 1880. m Dan Deugheiity's speech in Xew Yerk last evening was a capital one. It is aggressive as the Democracy ought te be in this campaign ; it is concise and yet comprehensive as all political speeches ought te be ; and it is truthful and logical as every argument must be that is te bear the test of criticism and exercise any influence en the public mind. MINOR TOPICS. An address of the Philadelphia Republi can politicians appealing te their busi ness men for money says " seven weeks from this day the great battle will be fought, and, if the present apathy contin ues lest.'' Tin: Republicans of Pennsylvania should net order Frank Eshlcmau te Ohie te help their sinking cause there, and at the same day inform him that Lancaster county must give 0,000 Republican major ity te save Pennsylvania te Garfield. Commedouk HiESTAsn needs te come back from Indiana straightway. His friends here arc getting ready for frauds that we feel certain he would never coun tenance and te shirk the responsibility of which he would certainly net lice the slate. Tin: Lancaster Xew Era makes a mis take when it says the Republican vote in Maine this year is " Many thousands mere numerous than it ever was before." It is in fact, mere than two thousand short of what it was at the corresponding election in 1870. Times. Mit. Themas J. Davis is respectfully invited 4e take himself off the Republican county ticket. As Murat Ilalstcad said of Garfield, " he hasn't a record fit te run en." If he cemiMjls that record te be shown up for necessary public informa tion his be the fault. Will he take him self off or make the people de it '.' When the Ifiui'jt iner says that Hancock en one occasion "took down the Ameri can flags which graced his banqueting room lct they would offend Beauregard an.l ether Confederate guests, "' it lies. Muio than this it knows that it lies. Xe such thing ever occurred, and no respecta ble authority ever offered te sustain the report of it. Tine following startling dispatch is sent from Richmond te the Xew Yerk Time, the leading Republican organ of the coun try : '' I:i the next election thousands of the black citizens of this state will, of their own free will and knowing fully the importance of their action, walk deliber ately up te the polls and cast their votes against the nominees of the national Re publican party and for the Hancock and English electoral ticket." A wkiti'i: in the Cornhill Magazine who is ''compelled te admit" the general physical beauty of the Euglisli upper classes finds the squalid peer of merry England te be, as a class, noticeable for their absolute and repulsive ugliness. He also finds the average personal beauty everywhere te roughly correspond te the average general love for beauty in the ab stract. The English peer, who live and die in the stifling dens of large towns or cheerless stone floored cottages of the country, arc gaunt, lew-brewed, sickly, shapeless or bulHlog-leoking, in compari son with even the beautiful and shapely Seuth sea savages, whose love of the ath letic is displayed in carved furniture, in tricately traced war-clubs and beat pad dles, graceful pottery, and even handsome stone hatchets and arrow-heads. Tin-: Xew Yerk World was much inter ested in Mr. Blaine's special telegram te the Tribune, in the course of which he spelec of certain alleged Democratic frauds as having been " signally exposed and re baked as long age as 1838 by the Hen. James S. Pike, of the Tribune." James S. Pike ! 1858 ! The World asks if it wasn't just about time that Herace Grcclcy, founder of the Tribune, sent a subscription te the campaign fund te Mr. Pike, with an earnest warning against letting the money get into the hands of the Republican local managers as they would surely steal it ? And wasn't Mr. Blaine one of the local managers just at that time '.' Hew a single name will some times awaken a flood of old-time memo ries ! STATE ITEMS. A negre has had his jaw broken for political reasons a Hancock negre in the Republican city of Philadelphia. Wm. B. Curry, a Chestnut street mer chant and his wife celebrated their golden wedding at their residence. 4,813 Silverton avenue, Philadelphia, last evening ; the Rev. Jeseph Holdich, of Trenten, who married them fifty years age, being pres ent and receiving a renewal of the nuptial vows. Harry English the notorious Elk county outlaw, who shot and killed Constable Velmcr and badly wounded Constable Warnitli at Caladonia, Elk county en the 17th of April last, is en trial for murder at Ridgcway, and the trial is expected te continue .ek. Hen. Geerge A. Jcnks, Democrat candidate for supreme judge is of counsel ier the prosecution. The condition of Mi's. Burncll, of Seventh and Spruce streets, Philadelphia, the dwarf upon whom the cajsarean operation was performed by twelve physicians en Wednes day, was most favorable last evening, and the youngster brought te light by this ex traordinary means was alive and gave premise of vigor. Mrs. Burncll has yet te pass through a critical period, but her at tending physicians are hopeful of her re covery. Gen. Hancock has been forced te decline an invitation te the industrial exposition at Pittsburgh. In his letter of regret he says: "As a Pennsylvanian I have the just pride felt by my fellow citizens in ex hibiting the capacity of our mills and looms, shops, fields and mines, and I may be permitted te express my pride in my na tive state, and my interest in all that con cerns her welfare and the prosperity and nappincss eiaii ner people." m m The steamship Amcrique, from Havre, brought one million dollars in francs. The steamship Nurcnbcrg, from Bremen, brought $25,000 in marks. NO cUBBEXT IN 3IACXKT4. By Wm. Baker lTalinesteck, M. D. N 4 j; V s . S N The attractive and repulsive forces in magnets are greatest at the end of either arm, and least in the middle of all com mon magnets, where the polarity changes ; because each magnetic atom has a north and south pole, and as they de net change their relative position te each ether throughout magnets, they necessarily present different poles at the end of either arm. (See the above sketches.) The fact that the magnetic atoms de net change their relative position te each ether throughout magnets, whether straight or curved, their attractive and repulsive powers being independent and equal in either arm, least in the middle of magnets, and greatest at the end of either arm, it fellows that the number of atoms in cither arm must be greater in long arms than in these which are short, consequent ly the powers te attract, etc., will increase with their length, as has been proved by actual experiment in straight magnets from two inches te three and a-half feet. Experiments also show that a magnetic bar a feet long and one-fourth inch square is equal in power te a bar half an inch square of the same length ; but the power decreases as the thickness lessens, evidently indicating that a certain size or surface is necessary for power as well as length. When a piece of iron of any size is placed in contact with each arm of a magnet, se as net te touch each ether, the attraction will be towards either arm from all parts of the respective pieces, and there being no connection between the arms a current is impossible, yet the power te attract is perfect in either arm independent of con. ncctien. Te prove this, if each picce of iron be one-half the weight of the magnet's power, and are completely separated by weed or non-conductors, the arms of the magnet will raise and support the pieces thus separated, as tcellas if joined or form ed one piece weighing as much as both pieces. If the pieces of iron thus separated were brought together they would, of course, mutually attract each ether as single atoms of unlike polarity de, hat there would be no current established, but a mere attach' mint, nor would their coming together increase the power of cither or both arms when joined. The inference, therefore, is plain that the idea of a current in magnets is imaginary and cannot be sustained. The repulsive force is equal te the attractive ; for when particles or portions arc mag netically alike they repel each ether, until they beceme or are rendered unlike, then they attract each ether as de opposite electrical influences, all systems, suns, planets and satellites in the universe, and until these powers cease te exist the revolution and perpetuity of our planet in it orbit will be steady and secure. Electricity, like magnetism, is a single identity, and currentlcss, until disturbed or evolved by chemical action or friction, whether by human efforts or naturally, as in the clouds ; then it is rendered evident te our senses, but its natural tendency or disposition te equalize through conduc tors of some kind facilitates the restora tion of its equilibrium, when it again lie comes latent and currentlcss. Lancaster, Pa., June, 18S0. PERSONAL. One of the most important announce ments of the day is that Schuyler Cei.vax is going en the stump for Garfield in In diaua. Mrs. Lim.ie Dkveraux Blake is mak ing Hancock speeches in Xew Yerk. She recently appeared before a Pike county audience Themas Ai.i.en, the great railroad man of Missouri, has consented te become a Democratic candidate for Congress in one of the St, Leuis districts. The Chicago Times says there has net been a genuine political fight in Illinois since 1800, but that Lyman Tuumiium. is waking things up this year in an old-fashioned way. Dr. Washington A. Smith, the Repub lican candidate for Congress in the East ern Shere, Md., district, owned fifty-five slaves at the breaking out of the war, and ten years age was a Democratic member of the state Legislature. Ben Butler's speech te the colored people at Pittsburgh has been printed en a half letter sheet and is bcinjr scut all ever the state et Ohie, te be placed in the hands of every colored man who can be found. This is a still hunt. Senater Cameren, of this state, his wife aud two daughters, have been in Washing ton inspecting their elegant new home, which is rapidly approaching completion. The senator " speaks confidently of the the situation in Pennsylvania and is san guine of Garfield's election," which he is aiding by building a new house. TheRight Rev. Dr. Edward Heiizeg, Bishop of the Old Catholics of Geneva, Switzerland, who arrived in this country last Saturday, upon invitation of Bishop Coxe, was received by the forty-second council of the Episcopal diocese of West ern Xew Yerk in the session at Geneva, X. Y., en Wednesday. Resolutions of congratulation and fellowship having been reported te the council by the Rev. Dr. Shelton, they were translated into German by the Rev. Mr. Siebt, and presented te the right reverend prelate, the council ris ing in his honor. Bishop Herzeg replied at some length in German, which was in terpreted te the council by the Rev. Dr. Siegmund, of Xew Yerk. The litany was then said by the Rev. J. G. Webster, of Palmyra, followed by the whole body singing the "Gleria in Excelsis." After prayer by Bishop Coxe for unity of the whole body of Catholics, Bishop Herzeg pronounced the apostolic benediction. It was eue of the most interesting and im pressive occasions in the history of the American church. Bishop Herzeg's re marks were redolent with charity and prophesies of a united Christendom. He is about te visit this city as the guest of Rev. Robt. J. Xevin, D. D., and Rev. C. P. Knight, and will preach in St. 'James en Sunday. Baseball yesterday : At Clevelaud Cleveland, 10; Buffalo. 1 exhibition game. At Providence Providence, 12 ; Trey, 0. At Worcester Worcester, 9; Bosten, 4. A TRUE BILL. REPUBLICANISM INDICTED. DAS DOUGHERTS'S RIJiGIXG SPEECH. A Monster Demonstration In Xew Xerlc In Xew Yerk Union square and adjoin ing streets were crowded last night and bril liantly illuminated in honor of the mass meeting. At Tammany hall August Bel mont was chosen chairman. Senater Bay ard was received with prolonged cheering and addressed the meeting at great length. Senater Hill followed. Hen. T.J. Mackey, of Seuth Carolina, Congressman McLane, General Dan Sickles and Daniel Dougherty also made speeches. Speech of Daniel Dougherty. Mr. Dougherty said: This is an ex ceptional occasion, net a night for dry de tails and elaborate argument. It is an outburst of exultation that the Democracy of Xew Yerk are united and therefore in vincible. We arc net here te reason with one another, but rejoice that day at last is breaking the morning glow is in the sky in Maine, the long night of strife and dis cord is past joy and conciliation come with the dawn. This resplendent sight recalls the scenes of Cincinnati. Every shade of past politi cal opinion every type of Americans had gathered there. Dwellers by the shores of the mighty seas citizens whose homes arc in the great cities, in thriving towns, en the bread prairies, in the lonely forest aud en the lefty mountain top. Men of the Xerth and men of the Seuth sat side by side. Followers of all pursuits were present ; the adopted citizen as well as the native-born : the colored as well as the white man. In and about the convention were many who had fought te establish a confederacy of states in the Seuth, and thousands who en the gory field had sworn that for the triumph of the Union the last dollar should be spent aud the last soldier die ; these who in former years had claimed the right te carry their slaves te the lakes, and ethers who had demanded that slavery should be swept te the gulf; a multitude who had adhered through geed and evil report, through years of monotonous de feat te the Democratic organization, and countless numbers who, at the outbreak of the rebellion, tore asunder all party tics, and disdaining proffered favors gloried in sustaining te the last the administration of Abraham Lincoln. These varied differ ences wcre buried and forgotten, these many interests were united in the bends of a common brotherhood devoted heart and brain te our common country, and praying for its peace and prosperity under the benignant rule of a Democratic ad ministration. The cheice of the conven tion was one who had scaled his devotion te the Union with his bleed, who had proved his fidelity te the constitution when clothed with absolute power, and who, in honor as in stature proudly cmincnt,stands like a tower. The nomination unlike that of Chicago was net the resust of management schemers had no hand in it our candidate pulled no wires it was a conviction of con science, an inspiration of patriotism. The nomination for the vice presidency was a tribute te a distinguished citizen and te the gallant Democracy of Indiana, whose vote in October will be the next harbinger of victory. And nor,' the entire land, even te its re motest boundaries, as Xew Yerk te-night, is all ablaze with enthusiasm. Pactiens arc falling, dissensions healed, and the masses rallying te tiic support of the sol dier statesman. In the fitness of our candidates, in the rectitude of our principles, we carry the issues before the tribunal of the people. We arc ready te discuss with our political opponents each vital question in the public prints. We will meet them in friendly contests at the hustings, in the school house, at the cress reads, and en the plat form, with pen and voice, with argument and document, prove that the best inter ests of the country demand that the Re publican party be driven from power. The glory of the Republican party died with Lincoln. Its usefulness expired with the ratification of the constitutional amendments that secured the results of the war. We charge that even in the darkest hours of the rebellion, many of its adher ents and some of its leaders were plunder ing the government and robbing the sol diers by corrupt contracts. We charge the Republican party with being faithless te pledges made te the people. Civil service with them is a farce. They have rewarded with places men guilty of infa mous crimes. They have crowded custom houses, postefficcs, and every department of the national service with officials whose chief qualification is that they can carry conventions in the interests of bosses. We charge that these same bosses nomi nated Rutherford B. Hayes ; and at Chi cago, failing in the audacious attempt te destroy the most sacred of our traditions, by forcing General Grant for a third term were yet courted and conciliated by the nomination of General Arthur for the vice presidency. Wc charge that the Republican party purposely avoided all mention of civil ser vice in their recent convention until they were compelled by the independence of a single delegate. Their candidate for the presidency net only repudiates civil ser vice, but in his letter of acceptance de clares opinions at variance with the con stitution, and tending te destroy the inde pendence of the legislative arm of the gov ernment and make it the tool of the exec utive. Even new. President Hayes himself, members of his cabinet, and officials with out number, arc breaking his own order of June 22, 1878. Their pledge as te the public lands is a shameless mockery, for millions of money and millions of acres, the heritage of the people, have been given away by them in subsidies. Wc charge the Republican party with nominating for the presidency I say it with sorrow a candidate with a tarnished record ; one who from his own admissions was liable under the act of Congress of February 1G, 1853, te be imprisoned for three years and te be forever disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust or profit under the government of the United States. We held them responsible for the high crimes and misdemeanors of past adminis trations, especially the last term of Presi dent Grant, endorsed and approved in the platform of the national Republican con vention of 187G, an administration that will be remembered only te be execrated. Wc held them responsible for frauds in the District of Columbia, frauds in erec tien of public buildings, frauds of the whisky ring, frauds in frccdmen's bureau, frauds in frccdmen's banks, frauds in pen sion bureau, in the Indian bureau, in the custom houses, even in the gray stones that mark the spots where the soldiers sleep, frauds in the postefficc department, frauds in Congress, frauds in the cabinet, frauds in the vice presidency, frauds even in the White Heuse. Wc" charge them with sustaining an executive that inter fered with the administration of public justice by suppressing important testi mony by dismissing a faithful prosecut ing officer by pardoning convicts out of the penitentiary and refusing te make public the names of petitioners an execu tive that steed by Babcock and sought te dishonor Bristow. We charge the Republican party with increasing the judges of the supreme court of the United States from seven te nine, for the purpose of reversing a solemn deci sion en a constitutional question arrived at after most careful deliberation ; the de cision was reversed by the addition of Jus tices Streng and Bradley, and the resump tion of specie payment postponed for years. We charge them with sustaining carpet bag government that in seven'years added te the indebtedness 'of nine impoverished states the enormous sum of 8170,000,000, squandered among corruptienists. We charge them with fastening en a proud commonwealth an ignorant herd of manumitted slaves, whose mockery of ad ministration would have provoked laugh ter, had net their oppressions outraged civ ilization. The sanctity of legislative bodies has been invaded by armed soldiery, and lib erty stabbed at the heart by the perpetra tion of that which the republic of Reme and the monarchy of Britain by express statutes prohibited, namely, the presence of troops at the election polls. We charge them with sustaining with the aid of the army usurpers in the executive chairs of southern states while the people were groaning under the weight of monstrous taxation. We charge them with engen dering riots in different parts of the Seuth in which bleed has been shed and lives lest, and then falsely spreading the calum nies through the Xerth te influence politi cal campaigns. We arraign the Republi can party as guilty of the blackest crime ever committed against free government high treason net courageous and defiant like the rebellion, but craven and secret, encompassing the life of the republic, lay ing polluted hands upon the ark of the covenant, high treason by bribery, treason and forgery, that deprived the people of the presidency, thrust their elected duel into retirement, aud placed in the chair of Washington a candidate defeated in the electoral college, and by a majority of nearly three hundred thousand voters. We arraign the Republican party as even new striving te tear open the healed wounds el war, and array one section against another. That in all their plans and purposes, their aim is te perpetuate their power, that they may hide their crimes, gloat in plunder and drag the gov ernment towards centralization, imperial ism and despotism. The Democratic party cherishing beyond all price the Union, abhorring the doctrine of secession, undaunted by defeats, pun tied by deprivation of patronage, taught by the lessens of the past never te desert principle for expediency, strengthened by the return of the Southern states, by the accession of unnumbered thousands, as the conservative power in American poli tics, and by the flower of the young men as the party of the people, has raised aloft the banner of the constitution, adhering te every letter of the sacred character, from the "Wc" in the preamble, te the last word in the last amendment. 1 lelding loving allegiance te the general govern ment, she is the determined feo of central izatien, and believes that the very core of the constitution is the clause "AH powers net delegated te the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited te the states, are reserved te the states and te the peo ple." The mission of the Democracy is te guard the rights of the people at their altars and in their homes. Te held offi cials accountable te the locality, and net te a president threned in the White Heuse. She cries out for retrenchment and reform everywhere. She will strive te fill the high places with men of untarnished honor, and gifted with wisdom te direct a mighty em pire ou her pathway through the centu ries. Her organization, limited te no 'sec tional line, premeatcs te every county in the cutire republic. She docs net live en the polluted breath of patronage, but in hales the pure air of patriotism. Her darling desire will be te draw closer and closer fraternal ties, that wc and our chil dren and our children's children may en joy the priceless been of constitutional liberty. These arc the issues en which the battle will be waged from new until November. On these issues we will appeal for their suffrages te the enlightened patriotism of the American people. Political parties, net sectional but na tional in their organization, arc necessary te the vitality of government, but no party can long exist, or deserves te exist, that has net for its basis integrity, devotion te the constitution, love for the entire laud, and for its loftiest aim the welfare of the people, the equality of the states, and the honor, glory and perpetuity of the repub lic. Other Speeches. Letters of regret wcre received from General Hancock, Samuel J. Tilden, Chas. Francis Adams, Gen. McClcllan, II. M. Plaistcd, of Maine, and many ethers. A large crowd was assembled at Irving hall, where Jehn Mciveeu presided. Speeches were made there by Waddcll, et" North Carolina ; Beebe, of New Yerk, and Gen. McMahon. At the Seventh street meet ing Augustus Schell presided. Among the speakers were ex-Geverncr Carrell, Sena tors Morgan and Kcrnan, Ignatius C. Grubb, ex-Governer Bedlc and ethers. Senater Wallace was introduced but ex cused himself from speaking. Among the speakers wcre Wade Hampton, of Seuth Carolina, and S. J. Randall, of Pennsylva nia. Addresses were made from stands en Fourteenth, Fifteen and Sixteenth streets, and at the entrance te Tammany hall. The latter building was jammed and the streets through which the almost end less precession moved wcre alive with peo ple. The torchlight parade was a tremendous success. There were fully fifty thousand men in line, most of them uniformed. There were numerous devices and con trivances drawn by the various ward orga nizations, such as a miniature printing office, a blacksmith shop, an ancient fire engine, an old fashioned and clipper-built ship. There was a squad of one hundred colored men in line. Companies of stone cutters, masons, butchers, carpenters and ether men of trades appeared in the pro pre cession attired in their working uniforms. The line did net ccase moving until after 1 o'clock. GEN. DANIEL E. SICKLES Speaks for Hancock Frem Crutches. A Republican Soldier Who Leut a Leg at Gettysburg. One division of the great Democratic parade in New Yerk last evening halted before the residence of Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, late minister te Spain under Grant's administrstien. It had been an nounced that a great surprise was in store, and that Gen. Sickles would provide it. When the music ceased, Judge Duffy raised one hand and spoke : " Fellow citizens," said he, " there are assembled here 3,500 citizens of the First assembly district, the van of 50, 000 who are out te-night. We arc assembled here te de honor te Gen. Sickles, who was the comrade of Winfield Scott Hancock in many a well-fought battle-field. Wc deem it fit te pay this respect because he repre sented the district from which wc come in Congress, and his statesmanship was only equalled by his valor the field." There was another burst of music, and several red-clad torch bearers mounted the general's steep, and held their flaming torches ever the head of Gen. Smith who preceded Gen. Sickles. The latter came en the crutches that he has worn since he lest a leg en the battle-field of Gettysburg the day before that upon which Gen. Han cock was wounded. " Many years hava passed," said Gen. Sickles, when the applause of the multi tude gave him a chance te be heard ; " many important events in the history of our country have transpired, since Ilast had the pleasure te receive the greetings of my old friends of the Third congres sional district. I thank you for your visit. It recalls the generous confidence of a constituency I was proud te represent in the councils of the state and of the re public. When a sense of duty impelled me te offer my services in the defence of the Union, the regiments I raised were largely filled by voters who had given me their suffrages in successive elections. And I found that geed voters made geed soldiers. Although withdrawn for some time past from any prominent part in poli tics, I cannot be an indifferent spectator of a presidential canvass in which a distin guished and esteemed comrade is named for the highest effice in the gift of the country he has se brilliantly served. Ne one need be afraid te confide the presidency te a soldier who fought for the Union as Hancock feusht. Among all the il lustrious men who have been called te the chief magistracy none have mere commended themselves te the favor of the people by a scrupulous adherence te the best traditions of our public life. Unused te the arts of a politician, separated by his profession from political organization, and never seeking office, his nomination by a vete that represented all parts of a reunit ed country is a pledge of fraternal feeling that will become a guarantee of peace and union in his election. The wiser opinion of the day is against sectional politics. Enjoying universal tranquillity and pros pres pcrity,appeals te old sectional animosities arc offensive te the geed feeling and com mon sense of the people, "New Yerk desires cordial relations with all her sister states," the general con tinued ; " and accepting Southern support of Hancock as a fresh bend of union ; ' solid' support is proof of 4 solid ' loyalty. I knew Gen. Hancock. He will de his duty. Politicians will net control him. Neither factions nor sections will intimi date him. He will execute the laws of the land with all their safeguards and guarantees, without fear or favor. The support he receives in the Seuth rebukes if it docs net silence geographical prejudices. And if the North refused its favor te one of the greatest of its comman ders the reproach of ingratitude that would rest upon us might challenge un welcome comparisons with our late adver sarics. The North is net ungrateful. Gettysburg deserves te fname a president, and Hancock impersonates Gettysburg.! Again and again the popular soldier was forced te turn and bow in response te the cheers of the throng before he could re enter his house. V.'llV THE NEGKOES VOTE Till'. DEMO CKATIC TICKKT. Ills Educational Advantage, Though Re publicans Stele His Scheel Moneys K8.523 Colored Voters Who Own Ileal Estate. Te the Editor el Hie Xew Yerk World : Sir: I take pleasure in complying with your request te furnish for publicatie certain facts which I referred te in an in terview with your reporter relative te the present condition of the colored man in Georgia under Democratic rule. As long as the institution of African slavery existed in the Seuth public policy dictated that the slave should net beceme the owner of property and that he should net enjoy the lull advantages of education. This policy grew out of the necessity of our situation, net out of any hostility te the colored peo ple as a race. I find many intelligent peo ple at the North who believe that this policy still continues. But there never was a greater mistake. With the abolition of slavery the reasons for the policy ceased aud the reason ceasing, the policy ceased with it. When the negre became a voter it at ence became our interest that he should become an intelligent voter, and in devising a system of public education equal facilities were offered te both races. (See act of the Legislature of Georgia, ap proved August 23, 1872.) Our people were in an impoverished condition. Ac cording te the estimate of the school com missioner of Georgia the wealth of the Seuth in 1870 was only three-fifths of what it was in 1800, and nearly one-third of our population consisted of recently manumit ted slaves, owning no taxable property. In Georgia the proportion was greater. Yet in the face of these obstacles we have ac complished great results in the education of the colored people. In 1873 there were enrolled in our public schools, colored scholars, 19,755 ; in 1874, 42,374 ; in 1873, 50,238 ; in 187G, 57,897; and in 1877, 02, 330. I take these figures from the school commissioner's report of 1878. I think this is the last report published. The next report will appear in the fall of this year. But no intelligent reader can fail te notice the lapid and steady increase in the num ber of colored pupils. With our limited resources it must be admitted that the re sults are surprising and could only be ac complished by a pcople willing and anx ious that the colored race among them should receive all the advantages and im provements which can be derived from ed ucation. Since the Democrats have been in power the funds appropriated te school purposes have been sacredly applied te these objects. But such was net the his tory of the Republican Legislature elected under the reconstruction acts. In 1870 they took frem the treasury aud applied te general purposes 242,027.02 which belong ed te the school fund. (Sec Governer Smith's message, 1872.) In Georgia wc have a colored university, located at At lanta, which receives from the state the same amount annually which is appropri ated te the white university. I leave this part of the subject without further com ment, and new invite your attention te the question of property. Ne one is allowed te vote in Georgia who has net reached the prescribed age and paid his taxes. By the comptroller-general's report of 1879 wc had 83,522 colored polls, and according returns made by them selves under oath te the tax receivers of their respective counties they owned 541, 199 acres of land. This is an average of mere than G 1-10 acres te each colored poll in the state. When yen examine the comp troller's report for a scries of years you again discover a steady and rapid in crease in the acquisition of land. In 1874 the colored population in Georgia returned te taxation 338,709 acres ; in 1875, 390, 058 ; in 187G, 437,035 ; in 1877. 158,999; in 1878, 501,890, and in 1879, 541,199. These figures abundantly prove that under Democratic rule in Georgia the Southern state giving the largest Democratic majorities the colored race is rapidly advancing both in the acquisi tion of knowledge and wealth. It has been the policy of our people te fester the spirit et industry et which this increase in the acquisition of land is se striking a mani festation. In ante-bellum days the large planter usually carried his cotton for sale te the larger cities. But at the close of the war the large plantations were greatly reduced in value and the number of small farmers increased. Their product was usually disposed of in the country towns, which new began te grew in wealth and importance. The village merchant seen began te purchase ler the mere industrious negrees small tracts of land and then te stock them. The mer chant retained the title in himself as secu rity until the negre had paid the debt when the merchant transferred the title te him. The negre thus became the owner of a small farm, and the merchant acquired, in addition te the interest en his advance, a geed and reliable customer for the future. Examples of this kind can be found all ever Georgia. I knew of one village mer chant in a single county who has in this way enabled negrees te purchase in that county nearly, if net quite, 10,100 acres of land. The causes which have brought about these results in Georgia, have operated elsewhere throughout the Seuth, and doubtless with the same consequence. Of course there wcre disorders attendant upon se radical a revolution as the trans formation of our former slaves into impor tant and powerful elements in our political system such a transformation as the world had never witnessed iu any period of its history; but these disorders have passed away. The former slave and the former owner are living peaceably- side by side, and feeling mere and mere every day that the political policy which retards or ad vances the prosperity of the one equal ly retards or advances the prosperity of the ether. The white man believes that upon no one thing is his prosperity in the future mere dependent than upon the restoration of fraternal relations between the Xerth aud the Seuth, and the most powerful agent he conceives at present iu bringing about this result is the electieu of Hancock and English. Is it a matter of wonder te your people, in the facts here presented, that his negre neighbors, ever accustomed te respect his intelligcnce.will be found side by side with him at the bal bal eot box, giving expression te the same sentiment ? Yours very truly. Gee. T. Baknes, Member Xatienal Democratic Committee from Georgia. AersTA, Ga., September 8, 1880. LATEST NEWS BY MAK. Samuel Rittenhouse, a butcher, was struck by a Pennsylvania railroad train at Elizabeth. X. J., yesterday, and instantly killed. The wagon was 'demolished, but the horse escaped. Eleaner Daniels was arrested at FranR lin, Mass., en Wednesday, en the charge of murdering her illegitimate child, which was found strangled in a mill pond. When arraigned she pleaded net guilty. Ferest fires arc destroying considerable property in the vicinity of Kewaunce. Wis. The house and barn of Carl Haape, the barn of Jeseph Chcmcrla aud the crops of F. W Smith were destroyed en Tuesday. The Providence, R. L, Press (indepen dent Republican) is te undergo a change in its management at once. Mr. Z. L. White, a journalist of Xew Yerk, has ac cepted the position of editor. The capital represented by its new stockholders, fifteen in number, amounts te several mil lions. At the wedding reception of Dr. Simeon Denten and bride, of Hancock county, III., some of the invited guests wcre poisoned. The theory is that a drug was introduced into water of which they drank freely. Medical aid was summoned and antidotes were administered. Some wcre alarmingly ill and vomited bleed, but no deaths have as yet occurred. W. K. Muir, one of the wealthiest men of Michigan, arrived in New Yerk from Europe the ether day. IIe said that he had no dutiable articles in his luggage. On Wednesday the customs officers found hundreds of dollars worth of geld and silver ornaments, lace and articles of less value stewed away in the corners of his trunks. v Rev. Dr. Ten Brecck, one el the eldest clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal church in New Jersey, and rector of St. James's church, at Eatontown, died at his residence there at a late hour en Wednes day night, at the age of 95. The de ceased took an active part iu all the af fairs of the church for fifty-live years. Twe years age he had a streke of paraly sis, from which he never entirely recovered. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. FIBES. INCKN'IHAi:iS.U AM) ACCIDENT. Three I'raiun Dwellings I'uriied. Last night about midnight a row of three frame dwellings, situated en Lafay ette street near the "run," in the Eighth ward, and belonging te Adam Finger, were discovered te be en fire, ami in a short time were se badly burned that they will have te be tern down. The lire originated in the last house in the row, and was undoubtedly the work of an in cendiary, as there was a strong smell of coal oil after the lire broke out. The house m which it broke out was unoccu pied, the tcucut, Oscar Beaumont, other wise called Arthur C Wcstwoed, having moved out of it yesterday morning and sold what things he had te persons re siding in the neighborhood, lie had lived in the house about four months, had paid no rent,and was disliked by the neighbors, seme of whom believe that he fired the premises, as he was seen in the vicinity last night before the lire. He is the same man who was arrested a year or two age for passing brass medals for geld coin. Since the fire he has net been seen. The adjoining house, the reef of which is burned oil aud the upper story badly damaged, was occupied by Martin Land is, wife and child, and the ether house of the row by Christian Yeung, wife and three small children. Beth of these men arc laborers and the fire has rendered them homeless. Most of the furniture was saved iu a damaged condition. Mr Mr Yeung's less is net mere than $30 and Mr. Landiss perhaps net se much. Mr. Fin gcr, who owned the burnt building, which was formerly used as a coverlet factory aud afterward converted into three dwell ings, loses about 8800, en which he has no insurance. The firemen were promptly en the ground and extinguished the ilanics before any adjoining property was damaged. The Coullagratieii at Alt. Jey. On Thursday, shortly after neon, the old coach works en East Main street, near Jacob, iu the borough of Mt. Jey, took fire at the blacksmith shop from a spark which came from the tall stack of the tan nery new carried en by Jacob II. Stricklcr. The flames were extinguished before much damage was done, aud the citizens whose property was in jeopardy congratulated themselves upon the fortunate escape, but a few hours later the flames broke out again, entailing the entire destruction of the building, causing a less of about $2, 500 ; the destruction of two stables and a small barn. The property, which is known as Lan dis's old coach works, faced en East Main street, extending 180 feet in depth, thirty feet of which was a two-story brick, sixty a two-story frame and the remainder a frame one-story smith bhep. It has been unoccupied for several years, but contain cd machinery sufficient te carry en an ex tensive business, besides machinery for renovating feathers, belonging te Smith, Richart A: Ce.; the last named was saved, but was badly broken by the reii"h hand ling. The works belonged te cx-Rcprcscn-tative A. II. Suminy, new of Oregon, this county, and being unoccupied no insur ance can be claimed. It was en the reef of the smith-shop that the fire originated, and it was only after employers of the tannery and ethers en deavored te put it out, that the cry of fire was generally raised. The hose was promptly en hand, but when the firemen arrived the fire had gained considerable headway. Four streams played upon the burning building with but little effect, and the flames spread quickly te the paint room with a brisk north westerly wind fanning them. Then it appeared as if all the property ou the east would fall prey te the flames ; as sistance was telegraphed for te Lancaster ; houses were emptied of their contents ; a dozen houses were burning, and a Bcene of the wildest excitement ensued. Soen, however, the fire pressure was pat en at the water works, and the firemen with well directed energies began te check the flames, when the call for foreign assist ance was countermanded. East of the coach works, separated by a few feet, is a frame building occupied by William Swords and owned by J. R. Heffer. The gable end is badly burned together with awash-house, and a stable at the feet of the let, which was entirely consumed. Upen this Mr. Heffer held a