? . .Wfl LANCASTER BAflA lNTELIIOENCEk. THUftSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 13801 '-."''' ' -' .--.-. A . COLUMBIA NEWS. OUP. REGULAR COHIsESPONHENCi: This morning at about 5 o'clock second Umpire freight west, drawn by cnguiee. 115, Wm. Baight, engineer, crashed into the rear end et Columbia local freight also bound west at a point near Chickies sta tion. Four care or the last-mentioned train -were knocked from the track and broken up, but engine Tse. He was only slightly injured. The north mam track was blocked for some time and the Col umbia wreck crew was sent te the scene of the disaster te get things straightened up. The track is new clear and travel has been resumed. There was no person hurt. Who is te blame for the accident will come out in geed time. C. II. Hanghman, of Lancaster city, and Kate Liphart, of Columbia, were united in marriage at the Kcfermcd church, corner or Third and Cherry streets last evening by Itev. C. S. Gerhard. The bridal party were driven te Lancaster from the resi dence of the bride's brother en "Walnut street above Fifth, at 12 o'clock last night. Acalathumpian Land tendered the party a .serenade befeie they took their departuie, and the noise made was sufficient te ef fectively drive sleep from the eyes of every body within two Mpiarcs of the spot chosen for the performance. The screnadcrs, who were gentlemen of color, were amply sup plied with all descriptions of instruments of tertuie, having besides the inevitable bex-liddle, tin horns, string of sleigh bells, etc.. and using them with a vim. Geerge ' Sample, lircman of Columbia local freight, sprained his -light ankle in jumping from his engine at Chickies sta tion yesterday afternoon. Jerry Kech's statue is almost ready le assume its place in front or his cigar store. It is new in the hands of a painter. The "Star" cornet hand of Washington borough, recently organized, will apply for a charter en Monday, October 18th. The several companies of the Republi can battalion will, through their officers, elect a colonel :.ud ether Held officers this evening. The ui..t iing will be held in Odd Fellows hall. .Mr. F. S. r.Ici t. ill build a new irame barn en his farnn...-t of Columbia along the pike. , -ii The heys :n.ty iw.v no seen auc. .-cneui hours and sometimes during school hours making their way te the weeds te club chestnuts. The nut.; are net yet altogether ripe, but this makes little difference, as enough lips or partially ripe ones can be found le pay for the trouble taken in look ing them up. Walnuts are represented te be mute plenty this year. Besides making the time very pleasant for their guests, the lady's aid society el the M. K. church, at their sociable given in the church parlors last, evening, cleared yiUJO quite a neat, little sum. There were no expenses. The refreshments ler the evening were provided by one of the classes. ... The Pennsylvania railroad company will run a special train from Columbia te erk during the week of the Yerk county lair. The train will leave here at :!' a. m., ar riving at Yerk at !:'M a. in. Xe special train will come this way. Wm. F. Leckard, superintendent el tiie Philadelphia division of the Pennsylvania railroad, is in town te-day. The P. H. II. tickets te the stale fair are geed until Saturday and will be sold until that day. Tiis: pan-pi:i:skyti:rian a:.:.i.'-.i;'.:. IKstinguisIicd Members Prem Lanciastcr. The second council of the Presbyterian alliance met this morning in the academy A)f music, Philadelphia. The business ses sions will be held iu Horticultural hall. A largely attended reception was given te the delegates last, evening in the Academy of Fine Arts, when addresses were made by Gee. Junkin, esq., Governer IIeyL, Mayer Steklev, Be v. Dr. Jehn Cairns, of Edin burg, Scotland ; I lev. Dr. W. P. Murk land, of Baltimore, Md. ; Governer Me Clcllan, or New Jewey, and Bcv. Xarayau Shnclimlri nrlldllllclV. TllU TlMCS. With distinguished enterprise, te day prints an tra sheet of valuable matter about the alliance, and in its personal sketches notes two divines well known in Lancaster. Kcv. T. :. Apple, I. 1). Dr. ThemasG. Apple was born in Lan caster county and was educated at Mar shall college, at Mercersburg. He has been pastor at Greeiisburg and at Green castle and was at one time president of the Mercersburg college. He was after wards called te the professorship of church history and exegesis at the theological .seminary of the German Unformed church at Lancaster and is new there ; atj.be same time is acting president of Franklin and Marshall college, Lancaster. He is editor and contributor of the Mercersburg J'fricir and is considered as one of the clearest-minded theologians in the church. Rev. Themas C. Perter, 1. M. Bcv. Thes. C. Pertcr.jD.D., LL. 1)., pro cessor of natural history in Lafayette eel lege, Eaiiten, Pa., was born in the state. 1 1 received his education at Lafayette college, graduating there in 1S10, having among his classmates Dr. W. II. Green and Dr. Charles Eliott. Dr. Perter finished his theological studies at Princeton semi nary. "In addition te his professorship he alseaccepled the pastorate of the Third Street Befermed church, of Fas ten. He formerly occupied the chair or natural science at Franklin and Marshall college, Lancaster. Dr. Perter comes te the council in place of Dr. Jehn W. Kevin, who, en account of his infirmi ties, requested him te take his representa tion. The gentleman is a great botanist and te this science, together with zoology aud geology, he gives his entire attention. He has translated Het ringer's "Life and Times of Ulrie Zvv'ingli," the great Swiss reformer, aud of Dr. SchalTs "Labors and Life of St. Augustine." lie furnished translated articles for Dr. Benibcrgcr's translation of Herzeg's " Encyclepaedia" and several hymns for Dr. Schalfs "Christ in Seng." He is a con tributor te the Mercersburg liener and has prepared many papers en botany for the government surveys, among them the llera of Colerado. Dr. Perter has collected the richest herbarium in the country for Lafayette college and it con tains the fullest specimens of Pennsyl vania plants. His translation of Goethe's "Herman and Dorethea" is highly spoken of. He is also corresponding member of the Academy of Natural Sciences and the American Philosophical society, of this city. Dr. Perter takes the place in the council of one or the most astute theolo gians in the Befermed church. I. O. O. V. A Fraternal Visit te JUan'.ieini. A delegation of about twenty-five mem bers of Odd Fellows, of this city, met at the residence or Past Grand M.J. Weaver, at 2 o'clock this afternoon where they took coaches for Manheim, their invitation being te pay a friendly visit te the ledge in that borough this evening. It is under stood that delegations will also be present from tlic ledges in Celunbia, Marietta, Mount Jey, Bcamstewn aud ether adja cent places. Toe Many Ry Eight. Chailcs Knapp, grocer, states that the story published last evening in regard te the number of rats caught by him is incor rect. He says that instead of catching nine lats there was but ene iu the trap. Bats arc net "plentiful" iuhis store, as everybody knows who has observed that Mr. K. is' ene of the neatest and cleanest of our local grocers. MT. JOY ON FIRE. THE KOROUGIl IX FLAMES. f':-.ti ITfinn Lancaster I'er Aid. A disastrous fircbreke out in the borough ; of 3It, Jey this afternoon, and seen as sumed dimensions beyond the control of the local appliances for the extinguishment of fires. Private telegrams received in this city conveyed the startling informa tion that the town was en five badly and the agent of the Western Union telegraph company aud associated press confirmed their truth. About 2:10 Mayer MacGeuigle received a telegram from the chief burgess te the same effect, that a violent fire was ragingun chcckcd, and that the local department was unable te cope with the names and asking for aid from Lancaster. The mayor prompt ly communicated with Chief Engineer Ferdncy aud ready means were employed te send the desired relief. Later Particulars. A later despatch te the telegraph offices here says that it was saw mills mat were en firea machine shop and several adjoin ing frame dwelling houses. The firemen here were getting ready te go, and the Union steamer was ready te be put upon the train when another despatch was re ceived, stating that the fire was under con trol and that the services of the Lancaster firemen would net be required. It is net known here at this writing whose mills were en (ire,, but the inflam mable character of buildings burned was well calculated le create a panic audio threaten the destruction of much valuable property. The buildings burned aie supposed te have been situated in the lower end of the town. A gentleman who came through Mt. Jey en the train arriving here at e o'clock, slates that A. 15. Landis's old coach works and a bain belonging te JehnSynder, were burned. A number of ether buildings were en tire but it was extinguished. At one time it was feared that the whole lower end of town would be swept away. TIie IS.image "'inc. Special te tiie I:.r:a.u:i:.vei:i:. . Mt. Jev, Sept. 2;5 !):i5 i m. The fire started at the tannery ; buildings slightly damaged. Landis's old coach shop en tirely destroyed ; building en each side of it considerably damaged and Snyder's small barn, near the mill, destroyed. The lire is new under control. ViCi: fUAIlY M ATTKRS erintcrctt t the Curious. During the last year the register issued letters of administration and letters testa mentary te e-l:; persons. Deputy Begistcr C. F. Stener put himself te the trouble of examining the records te ascertain the time of lay at which each of the decedents died. There were ! deaths at 1 o'clock a. m. : ! between 1 and 2 a. m. ; 15 at 2 a. m. : 7 between 2 and :' a. m. ; G at ; a. in. ; :: between ; ami i a. m. ; eai ta. in. : S between 4 and 5, a. m. ; 2 at 5, and 5 between 5 and (' a. in : l: at 0, and 1 be tween (J aud 7 a. m ; 1) at 7. and e between 7 and 8 a. m ; ! at 8, and 7 between 8 and D a. in : 0 at 0, and C between 9 and 10 ; SI at 10, and ( between 10 and 11 ; 7 at 11, aud 8 between 11 and 12 ; 8 at 12 neon ; ." between 12 and 1 p. in. ; 5 at 1 p. m., and 2 between 1 and 2 ; 0 at 2, and 7 be tween 2 and : ; 7 nt:),and 10 between Sand 1 ; 7,at 1 and 7 betwcen-land .5 : 2 at 5, and 5 between 5 and (5; 0 at (J, and 7 between G aud 7;!) at 7,aud 10 between 7and 8 ; 7at8, and 7 bet ween S and 1) ; 5 at l),and fl between and 10 ; 0 at 10, and 0 between 10.11 : 9 at 11, and 11 between It and 12. At midnight Frem iiMiicmhrr 22. 1871). te September ' 22, 1SS0, the deaths were as billows, per ! menth: September, -12; October, 20; ! vcmbcr, "- U"' 1 2 ; I'ebruar y .,: Mare January, 1:5 A pril, :58 ; May, 23; June, :JS li .' ! - A nmisl 'wv: " . -".-5 ? :;. lleri :i Railroad Ver!c. Near Downinglewn a man by the name of Jehn Linard. a stone cutter, working I for a man named eiiananan, ei auey Creek, en the P. B. B.. while walking en i the south track, was struck by an cast bound freight train at the signal lower, cutting his head in several places aud j mashing Is;.; left feet terribly. He was I placed en a stretcher and taken te the tool ; house, where his wounds were dressed by , Dr. lllakesleslie, of Ceaiesville, and a doc- ter of Downingtown. He is hurt seriously and the doctors say he cannot recover. j II;iss lishiiif.'. i Within the past, few days bass fishing i has been very geed all along the river. A great many sportsmen from this city and ( Columbia are en the river every day and i all have been very successful. Last evening cx-bhcnll Ames (troll re turned from a two days' trip te Fite's Kddy ami brought with him 150 bass, which he caught. He had several large strings and he supplied a number of his friends. Ilnir.s Comniilleii. Chief Deiehler, in command of a squad of policemen, visited the roost at the Wil low Pend, yesterday and gobbled up three bummers. ' They were taken before Alder man Alex Dennelly who committed them te. jail for terms of 15, 20 and I.O days re spectively. The mayor this morning committed a couple of disorderly persons and discharged a vagrant. TIie Iliihlienr; Case. The ease of Magdalena Bushong vs. the Connecticut Mutual life insurance com pany, of Hartferd. Conn., will be tried in Beading en October 5. It will be remem bered that in the year 187S Geerge W. Bushong committed suicide at the Cress Keys hotel in this city by cutting his threat. This suit is brought te recover his life insurance. A number of witnesses in this city were subpiened this morning te go te Heading. Cemiii;: Heme. Mrs. Lucy Hunter, the mother of Edward Jacksen, colored, who was reported fatally injured by the cars at Milten, Pa., a few days tige, received a telegram from him this morning, in which he says he will come home as seen as he gets the use of his limbs. The extent of his injuries, nor hew he received them, is net stated. Argument Court. In argument court the quarter session list hasliecn reached although there yet remain several cases en the common pleas and orphans' court list te be disposed of. In the case of Abraham Mctzler's (de ceased) estate, exceptions te auditor's re port, the exceptions were withdrawn and report confirmed. A Leng Tramp. Three boys ran away from the Mount Jey orphans' school en Sunday. They we're followed by Mr. Biehard Hull, the manager, who found thorn near Allentown, Lehigh county, a distance of 85 miles. It is said they walked the whole distance. m 1'iSlh V.'aril Rainier. The Fifth ward banner, containing an equestrian figure e Gen. Hancock, was raised at Philip Wall's hotel this morning and attracted a great deal of attention from the residents or the West end. Heme AfEaln. Prof. Edw. Brooks, of the state normal school, whose return from Europe was made some days age reached Lancaster te-day en his way te Millersville. J. B. Warfel, W. 31. Franklin, Peter S. Beist and the ether Lancaster ceuntians, who went en the Kennedy excursion te Kansas and as far west as Denver, are ex pected home te-day. (Serenaded. Last night the Democratic glee club, which was recently organized and consists of a number of well-known singers, sere naded a "number of well-known citizens. Their music was excellent. Died Suddenly. A resident of Safe Harber, who had been complaining of ague for seme time and was away from home working yester day, died suddenly last night. Equipments Here. This morning 300 sets of equipments for the Eighth ward Hancock club arrived from New Yerk. IMPORTANT TO VOTERS. Matters Which Demand Their Attention. The tax duplicates are in the hands of the collectors. Every voter should sec te it for himself that his tax is duly paid. October 2 is the last day te attend te this in time te qualify for the coming presiden tial election, but there should be no need less delay. The earlier it is attended te the better. Yeters should attend te the payment of their taxes themselves. Seme courts of the state held that this is essen tial and that the tax paid by committees is void and will net entitle the holder of such receipt te vote. It is only fair and patriotic,as well as a reasonable precaution, for voters te attend te this duty for them selves. The collector for this city sits from (H te 9 p. m. in the commissioners' office at the court house te receive taxes and every voter should visit him and get his own receipt. Naturalizations also can be effected up te October 2, te enable the naturalized alien te vote for president : and these who are entitled te it, or who knew and arc interested in ethers entitled te citizenship, should gill give their attention te this im portant matter. Court will be in session for this purpose en Saturday, Sept. 11 and all or the succeeding week. It may happen that some person duly qualified te be registered has been left oil" wilfully or carelessly by the assessor of his district, though the voter complied with all the legal requirements. Iu such eases Use law provides a remedy. It should be taken advantage of before Octo ber 2. The voter can make oath te his grievance, and upon presentation of the matter te the court, it is bound te take cognizance of it, te cite the complainant and assessor te appear before it, and if the complaint is well founded, the registry will be corrected accordingly. Prof. Guilniflte's French Kidney Pud cures by absorption, all dfecat.es of the kidneys and ii rinary organs. Try it. Night sweats cough, emaciation and decline prevented by Malt Hitters. in Kast or West, or North or Seuth, They te themselves an outrage de, Who cannot beast a lresh sweet mouth, With teeth like pearls begumnicil with dew When SOZODONT all ihU supplies, And works the charm before our eyes. nSO-lwdced&w A delightful shave is pe-sible only with the Cuticura Shaving Seap. l'OZ.TICAl JIUI.IETIX. Pay Your Tax. Kvery voter who wants te Totem November should leek alter tin; payment or Ills tax. Col lector Wartel sits at the Court Heuse THIS KVKNIXG lremf.JS te 9 o'clock te receive it. GO THKUi: AND PAY IT. Fer Assembly. The name et WILLIAM McCOMSEY, of the First ward, will be presented te the Demo cratic electors et Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate for As sembly, under Democratic rules. KLIM (.:. SNYDKIt, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster C'lly. Sub ject te Democratic rules. td POLITICAL. MEETINGS. City Campaign Committee. Kegular meeting et the clly campaign com mittee at Central headquarters THIS KVF.X- I St:. TIie Veterans. Companies A and 15 of the Veterans will meet at their head'iuarteis this evening te draw their uniforms. A full attendance is de sired. Second Ward. The regular meeting of the Second ward Hancock and English club will be held at their club rooms, Hewell's building, North Queen street, this (Thursday) evening A full attend ance is refiue.-tcd as business of Importance will be transacted. Action will be taken in regard le attending meeting at Millersville en Satur day evening. Members who have net received equipments are requested te be present. Come one! Come all. The Sixth Ward Aincrlcns Club Will meet at their club room In Schiller hall en FRIDAY KVKS1SG at ,y. o'clock, llusi-ucs-i of great importance will be transacted, demanding theattendance et every member. Let there be a full turnout. Seventh Ward. A meeting et the Yeung Men's Hancock and Knglish club will be held at Utzinger's saloon this evening at 8 o'clock. All the members arc requested te be present as the equipments will be given out. Seventh Ward. The Seventh ward Hancock and Knglish club will meet at headquarters, Kuhlman's saloon, en Wednesday evening at 7J o'clock. The roll will be open for the signature or new members. At Millcrsville en Saturday evening. Sept. 1". Speakers: .1. L. Steinmetz, D. Me- Mullen, P.. F. Davis. W. U. Henscl. Pele raising at 3 o'clock ; parade at "o'clock; speaking nt 8 o'clock. Columbia. Under the auspices of Third Ward club, at Mack's brewery, Saturday evening, Sept. &. Speaking In Herman and Knglish by Jehn A. Ceyle and S. W. Shadle, esq. Marietta. Meeting and Pele Kaising, Saturday even ing. September ii. Speakers : 15. F. Mont gomery and U. 15. Itisk, csqs. In Lancaster. Cenernl torchlight parade en Friday even ing, October 1. Ne speaking. Welsh Mountain Inn. Tri-county meeting Wednesday ariernoen and evening, Oct. 0. Speakers, K. 15. Wicgand, or Heading; It. J. Monaghan, or West Chester; 15. F. Davis, I). McMullen, J. M. Walker. J. L. Sieinmctz, W. U. Henscl, W. II. Ueland, .Ine. II. DcIIavcu. At Henntville en Mendav, October 11. Speakers: Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther ningwalt, J. L. Stelnmctz, 15. F. Davis and W. IT. Henscl. At Qiiarryvllle Tuesday, October li Speakers: J. W. Ferney .!. Luther Kingwalt, Cel. Jehn K. Kiteliic and ethers. In Lancaster .in Thmi1.iv nveninzr. Oct. 12. Speakers: Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther Kingwalt, Gen. II. Kyd Douglas and ethers. New Helland. Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 18 (unless .i...irr.i lioviMifterv Sneakers. Hen. Jehn V. Ferncv, J. Luther ltingwan, cei. iuun n. Kitchlc, E. McCaa, et Alabama. Gen. H. Kyd Douglas, Wm. II Reland, and ethers. -""" ..--,. a- . ... .. SPECIAL NOTXOMS. SAMPLE NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman after a faithful course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinklmm s Vegetable Compound te continue te sutrer with a weakness et the ntcrns. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Plnkham, 253 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jy2MyUcel&w Try Lechcr's KcnewncU Cough Syrup SEW ADTSBTISEXEST8. Among he many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our BBPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te esecute and warrant all work on en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPATNING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties "will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, takenin exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. DOCTORS GAVE HIM UP. " Is it possible tliat Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, and cured by se simple a remedy V "I assure you it is true that he is entirely cured, and .vith nothing but Hep Hitters and only ten days age his doctors gave him up and said he must die!" "Well-aday! If that is se, I will go this minute and get some for my peer Geerge. I knew hops arc geed." The Value et Pure Wine In Sickness. The chief diniculty with reliable wines liss been their scarcity and exorbitant price, but this has been removed by the introduction of a Pure Native Wine, produced IromtlieOperto grape by Mr. Alfred Speer, or Sew Jersey. We understand that he has submitted Ids wine te the test et many or our celebrated physician, and all concur in its purity, medicinal prop erties und superiority te the best imported Pert Wine. Most et them prescribe it in cases or debility, atlcctiens et the kidneys, and chronic complaints, requiring a tonic, su su eorific or diuretic treatment. Examiner. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by ii. L'. Slaymaker. s!.Vv.d&v.' It you have pimples, boils, salt rheum, rough skin, &c, try LimLcy's P.loed Searcher." Sold by all die; ,'ists. M. A. St. Mars, St. Kenll'ace, Manitoba, writes: "Dr. Themas' Lclcctric Oil is u public benefit. It l:is done wonders here, and has cured me et a bad cold in one day." Fer sale by 11. 15. Cochran, dri.ggist, 137 and K North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. - Wn would recommend all te try Dr. F.rown F.rewn ing's Tonic and Alterative, :is it is a Perfect JSIoed Purifier. Makes new Kloed, ICcddens old Meed, Enriches peer P.loed, and Gives Vigorous Health. The doe Is but one tea spoon fill for an adult, nml smaller in preper Hen for children, and is exceedingly pleasant te take. Fer sa'.c by the Proprietor, W. Cham Cham peon Itrewning, M. I)., 1117 Arch Street, Phila delphia, and all Druggists. Price SO cents and $1. siu-iwurxinvBiVw Vn reined v for kldncv diseases heretofore discovered can be held for one moment in com parisen with Warner's sale liuneyanu J.ivcr Cure. C. A. Ilervry, D.IK, Washington, D. C. "Carry tbc news te Mary !" llealthandhap pincss arc found in every box or "Sellers' Liver Pills." A Kiddle. Four people sat down at a table te play, They played all that night and part or nest This one thing observe, that when they were seated, Sobedy played with, and nobody cheated ; Yet when they get up, each was winner a guinea, Who tells me this riddle I'm sure is no ninny. The answer te this is, "they were four musi cians." , , , They exerted themselves, till they needed Phvsicians, They sutlcred much pain and agony endured. Till they used EclcctricOil and then they were cured. Fer sale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 157 and 1X1 Xertli yucen t-trect, Lancaster Pa. ' Coughs. Iireicn's Jirenchial Treclux'' are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and P.rencbial Affections. Fer thirty years these Troches have been Iu use, with annually increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-meiitcd rank among the fewstaple remedlesef (Image. The Tlirent. "lirewn's lirenchUtl Troches'' act directly en the organs orthe voice. They have an ex traordinary effect in nil disorders orihcThreat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, cither lrem cold or overexertion or the voice, and produce n clearand distinct enunci ation. Speakers ami tiaiycrs find the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect ollcn ellcn times results in some incurable Lung Disea-e. "JJreKti's Jirenchial Trecltcs" will almost in variably give relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many el which arc injurious. The genu ine "Iireicn's Jirenchial Troches" are sold only in boxes. innl.Vlyd&wTu.Th&S MAJ:niAai:s. Hauehmax LiviiAirr. Sept. 2.', 1SS, in the Reformed church, Columbia, Pa., by the Key. Mr. Gerhard. Mr. Chas. K. Hauglmian. et Lan caster, te Miss Kate K. Liphart, of Columbia. Dummy II emu On the S5d et September, 188i, bv the Key. W. T. Gerhard, nt Slough's ISlack 'Herse hotel, Mr. Geerge X. Deininy te Miss Louisa 11. llerr, both of Mount Jey twp, Jtd&iv SJiir AJtrJiltTJSJiSUSSTS. WANTED AT THIS OKPICi: COl'lfcS et the Wkehi.v lNTr.MJdEXcr.it or the fol lowing dates : J ax. i. im, JULY IB. IS. tnl 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. . ffJiCKXTS PKIt POUXD FOK GOOD MIXED HAGS. The highest price naid for Woolens, Old Paper, 15oeks, &c. Teh liag Asserlcrs wanted" te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBEB, Cor. North Qnccn and Orange Streets, yO-tfdKl Lancaster. I'a XT OTIC Ii TO PAINTlSltS. 1 Proposals will be received for the paint ing of the ncwjiarn at almshouse, as follews: First. Fer the painting. Material and board beard ing furnished. ... Second. Fer the painting and m.wenal. Hearding furnished. . , , . The building te have three coats of paint. 15cst of white lead te be used and any shading desired by Directors or Peer. The right te re ject anv and all bids reserved. Sccuritv rcquircd. Fer further particulars call en the undersigned at the building. Bids arc te be addressed te the under signed, in care ero. P. Kricker. .) Xertli Duke street, Lancaster, Pa., en or before 3ION D A'i , OCTOI5EU 4, at 2 p. in., when bids will be opened at P.ricker's 'fc,. scp23-3td Iiulider. ASSIGNKK'S SALVK Ol' VALUABLE FARM. OX TI1UP.SDAY, OCTOI5EU14. 18S0. the undersigned assignees or Samuel Ewing and wife, will sell at public sale, en the premises in. Drnmere township. Lancaster county, Pa., en the read leading from Geshen Station te Miller's tannery, a farm CONTAINING 143 ACRES, mere or less, 20 Acres thereof being woodland. The balance is in a high state of cultivation, well fenced and well watered ; adjoining lands of Jeseph Warden, Geerge W. Miller, and ethers. The improvements are a Large FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, with attic and basement kitchen. Alse a I'.rick Tenant Heuse. A Large Frame Barn, fiO by 40 feet, with shed attached, and all ether necessary outbuildings in geed repair. Twe geed wells of water, with pumps therein, and access te running water from every field. The property is well located, convenient te schoels,chn relies and ether public places : also te railroads. It is two miles north of Columbia & Pert De posit Railroad, and one mile west of Kldorade Station en the Peach Bettem Narrow Gauge. Twe orchards el choice fruit, one bearing, the ether young and thrifty. Persons wishing te view the premises will call en Samuel Kwing, residing thereon. Sale te commence ut 1 o'clock p. m., en said day. Terms hy KAAC mMn AMOS K. BRADLEY, Assignees. Wakefield, P. O., Lancaster County. Pa. . scp25&24d&3tw XJSir ADVEItTISJiJIEXXS TIMIK EXTKNSIVK AUCTION SALK OP X lfl valuable awl attractive building lets advertised te take place en tlicCth, 7th and Sth et October, 1SS0. at 2 o'clock p. m. et each day, in the beautiful Kast Knd, en Clark's eastern addition te Lancaster city, Pn., is attracting general attention, and judging from the great interest already felt !n it in all directions, will be very largely attended by all these wishing lovely' homes, with apparent certainty of ob taining great bargains certain te rapidly ad vance in'price and become a splendid specula tion. These VM elcirant lets ure elevated, ac cessible, healthy, are en East King and Kast Orange strceto,tweof the main streets through the city, and in the midst of and overlooking one oft he loveliest spots en earth, in the im mediate vicinity of the best schools, colleges, churches, amusuicnts ami society, with water and gas at hand. Te persons desirous of love ly homes at low rates, merchants or mechanics or men or leisure, this is an unusual oppor tunity and should net be le,t sight of. There are hundreds of persons every where (men and women) who have a capital chance te obtain a home and health and intellectual quiet almost for nothing, with certainty of a large advance for their investnientnt any time in case they de sire te speculate en their investment. It is certainly an unusual occurrence te lind a spot anywhere combining se many desirable quali ties, .se well calculated te give these embark ing in it such unusual satisfaction. Fer $'25 cash ene of thec lets can be obtained and a live years' credit allowed ler the balance of purchase money. Omnibuses leave the court house every twenty minutes free of charge te all desirous et attending the sale. sepiLiV-OAecti,.- l?OJl SALE OX jKfc'A'T, IIUKLIC SALK OP VALUABLK CITY PKOPKliTY. On SATURDAY. HKPTKM l.KIt i", 1SS0, the undersigned executer of the will of Killiau Keck, deceased, will offer at public sale at tiie Columbia Garden hotel. Seuth Queen street, Lancaster city, Pa., the following described real estate cd" said de ceased, te wit : AH that certain onp-sterv and attic Frame DWKLL1XG HOUSK with Frame Kitchen at tached. Frame 15arn with Wagen Shed attach ed, Heg Sty and ether outbuildings. Well of water with pump therein, fruit trees and ether improvements, and 4 ACUKS andSf! PKUCIIKS of land, mere orless,thcretebelonging,situate en the south side of Leve lane, in said city of Lancaster, adjoining Leve lane and property of Christian Kees and ethers. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. en said day. when attendance will bu given and term.': made known by ASDICKW SHUKISKK, Kxecuter. Jaceis Guxdakei:, Auct. nugaJ-Th&Mtsd TOK SALVE. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-roomed, two-story and Mansard reef, Green Stene Frent Dwellings, Xes. 429 and 4:53 West Orange Street. With all the best m MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. ncluding Jenning's improved Londen water closets, marble-top washstand, improved wall-ed-in range, cellar heater, pertect drainage and sewerage, deep, dry cellar, white marble base and steps, &c, &.C. Let 'Ji by 2 IS feet te a 1 t-leet wide alley, front yard 21 feet in depth, inclesed with ornamental iron fence. Fer terms, &.c, apply te JOIIX II. MKT.LKK, augSl-W&Slfd Xe. 0 Seuth Duke St. E JXECUrOKS' SALE Of CITY I'ltOP- KIM'ILS. The iinuersfsmcd executers or Michael Mu'.one. deceased, will exnese te sale en THURSDAY, the 14th day el OCTOBER, at 7 o'clock p. in., at the Cadwcll Heuse, the fol lowing Real Estate, viz : Xe. 1. A Letet Ground en theX. Ii. corner of Orange and Sliippen streets, witha frontage of l'.)4 feet, mere or less, en Orange street, and along Sliippen street northward 215 feet te a public alley, en which is erected commodi ous and well built Mansion, Xe. 301, two-stories high with two-story back building, all In geed repair; also en rear of let a two-story brick stable and ether improvements. Xe. 2. A Piece et Ground en Xertli Lime street, west side, between Orangeavd Chestnut streets, containing in trout en Lime street 117 feet, mere or less, and in depth westward (it I'cet y, inches, en which is erected a two-story Brick dwelling, Xe. I2S, with its improvements. Xe. 3. A Piece of Ground en south side et East Chestnut street, near Duke, containing in front. 2,! feet and extending in depth south ward (T, feet, en which is erected a three-story Brick Dwelling, Ne. 1 1, witli brick building at tached, furnished with water and sewerage. Terms made known at time of sale. EDWARD McGOVERX, WM. Ii. PE1PER, JAMES M. I'.U RKE, Executers of Michael Malenc, dee'd. HUXRY SIIUBKKT. AlIL't. sepl7-2wdeeiU:dts H'AXTEV. -5SrANTED.--.EVIiKYP.tlDY TO ADVKK- Vf Use, free et charge, in the Ietkllkien CEiu. who want.s something te de. -TIT-ANTED IN A DRY GOODS STOKE IN this city a boy IB te IS years et age. Ap ply at tins eiiice. ltd Office op tub Maiiesv Mutual Lipk Asse- ciatiex of Sixixsouevi:, Pa. $ WANTED GOOD, ACTIVE, KESPONSI KESPONSI ble Agents in each township of the county of Lancaster. Apply in hand writing of Applicant te the llemeOllicc. L. R. HUMMEL, Sec'y. Selinsgrove, Snyder county. Pa.. iSept ember 17.1SM. seiiKJ-lnnutStw GJIOVEIUES. W rilOLESALE AND KETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUK AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. I17-lyd f(() "WEST, FOK THE IS1LST COFFEES, JT Sugars and Teas, Best Cigars and Tobac cos, Best Wines and Liquors, Ask ler Oalcdale Pure Old Bye Wiisfcy. OS per cent. Alcohol. Invigorating Tonic and the Hair Liquid. All at RINGW ALT'S Ne. 205 WEST KING STREET. "YTOTICE. IN A meeting or the stockholders or the Woodward Hill Cemetery will be held at Roberts's Hall en MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, at 3-o'clock p. in., te take action en the ap plication about beimr made te our courts for increased privilege te our charter as may be deemed best. J. IS. MARTIN, septl8-3td Secretary. ELECTION NOTICE. A general meeting efthe stockholders of the Lancaster Fire Insurance Company and an election et eighteen directors thereof, te serve for the ensuing year will be held at the efhee or the company, Xe. 103 West King street, en MOXDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1SS0. Be tween the hours or 2 and 4 o'clock, p. m. BENJ. F. SHENK, Scpl8-Ctdeed Secretary ami Treasurer. E ISTATE OF WILLIA3I VIESER, LATE r , ..nn..c.lnM nlf.. (lniHinciiil T..f,nfi flM2. tamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent arc requested te make immedi ate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against the estate or said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing at Ne. 027 West King street, Lancaster, Pa. PETER ALLABACH, Executer. B. F. Davis, Att'y. scplMHdeaw 17STAT15 OK NELSON TALKOT, LATEOr j lloneybreok township, Chester county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are request ed te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay,reslding in Honey Heney brook township, Chester county. Pa. JOHN J. TALBOT. Supplee P. O. K. i Davis, Chester County, Pa Attorney. scp22-3tdeuw&3tw THIRD EDITION THURSDAY EVENING, SEPT. 23, 1880. BY WIRE AND CABLE. NEWS AT 1I03IE AND ABROAD. THE PRESBYTERIAN COUNCIL. IRISH CATHOLIC CONVENTION. HAD P.LOOD IN AKIONA. Difllciiltles Between the Americans and the Mexicans) Miscellaneous Matters. TIIK PRESBYTERIANS Church Council in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept. 2:1. The delegates te the Pan-Presbyterian council assembled this morning in the Chambers Presbyter ian church, I! read and Sansom streets, and forming in couples, marched te the Acade my of Music, about a square below, where the opening sermon was preached by llcv. Win. M. Paxton, I). D., of New Yerk. After interesting devotional exercises-', Gen. Hurtrauftnud Cel. A. Leuden Snow den assisted iu organizing the precession from the church te the Academy of Music. The latter building was crowded from par quet te dome, and marked attention was paid te the remarks of Dr. Paxton, who took his text from Matthew viii., 2: ''I say unto you that many shall conic from the East and West and sit down with Abre ham and Isaae and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven." The speaker, after an elo quent opening, dwelt at length upon the past history and future mission of Piesby tcrianism, and closed with a feeling refer ence te the death of Hew William Adams, D. IX, who delivered the last prayer and pronounced the last benediction at the closcef the first nicetinir of the alliance in Edinburgh in 1877. ;. a. 1:. The Indiana Knc:u:;iiiie:it. Indiana' -elis, Sept. 2:. The Indiana encampment G. A. K, and the soldiers' re union, which convened in thiu city en Tuesday, had a parade yesterday, in which were the governor and state officers, the . mayor and city officers. Secretary Thomp son was te have delivered an address te the gathering in the afternoon, but through some misunderstanding that pait et the pregramme failed. A Hetel Clerk's .Mint alee. Cincinnati, Sept. 23. A special des patch says that a hotel clerk by mistake reported that Secretary Thompson was net in his room when the Grand Arm;.' of the Hepublie committee called for him. DAD P.I.OOD. Trouble Brewing Between Mexicans and Americans. San Fkancisce, Sept. 2:1. A dispatch from Tucson, Arizona, published here this morning, says bad bleed is brewing at Guaymas between the Mexicans and Americans. A new paper has been started which violently insults all Americans. Several of the latter have recently chal lenged the editor, but he has declined te light. The railroad company has laid out a new town two miles from Guaymas, called it New Guaymas and christened all streets by American names. The Mexi cans claim that this is unlawful and in sulting te them. It is reported that the railroad company has applied te tins gov ernor of the state for protection. IN l'OUEiON LANDS. The New I'reiicii rilinistry. Paris, Sept. 2:. The decree appoint ing new ministers has been gazetted. The papers of all shades of opinion agree that the appointment of M. I'arthclemy St. Hiliare, as minister of foreign affairs, is a guarantee of a pacific policy. (Scncral Chamberlain's Ripening Minims. Londen, Sept. 2:1. It is understood that when the pest of commander in chief in India becomes vacant it will be offered te Gen. Chamberlain. The Bricrlicli! Weavers. Londen, Sent. 2:5. The weavers of Bricrlicld, Lancashire, have passed a reso lution te support the Aecringten weavers should they strike, te the extent of two pence per loom in case they work full time or a penny per loom in case they work three days per week. There is greater unanimity among the employers than ever before known, and they are determined te resist the demands of the weavers. Hostilities ill Seuth Alrii-:i. Capk Town, Sept. 22. Only a t-cctien of the Taobeokies have joined the rebellious Basutas. The colonial forces have had several successful skirmishes with the Basutas. The "City or Chester " at Qiiannstewn. (Jpcrnstewn, Sept. 2". The .steamer City of Chester arrived off Hnche's Point, this morning, and after some of her pas sengers and mails were transferred te a Qucenstewn tug she proceeded te Liver pool in tow of tugs. ITer progress is very slew. Murder ami S11I ctdc. Denver, Colerado, Sept. 2". At Les Vegas, yesterday afternoon, Samuel Mat thews while under the influence of liquor, killed a young woman and then committed suicide. Ne reason is given. Invoking the Pupal messing. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 2.",. The Irish Catholic benevolent union national cenven . tien in session here sent a cable message this morning te the Pepe asking for his blessing upon their labors. WKATUKIl INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Sept. 23 Fer the Hiddle Atlantic states, northeast te southeast winds, partly cloudy weather, light rains te-night, stationary or slowly falling barometer and slight change in temperature. 15AY STATU tSBEENBACXKK.S. IVeuM Net ' Orcct " Solen Chase. The Greenback state convention of Massachusetts met yesterday in Worces ter, 384 delegates, one of them a woman, being present. Charles II. Litchman, of Marblchead, was chosen permanent presi dent, after some opposition en the ground of his alleged recreancy te Grccnback Grccnback Laber principles a year age. Mr. Litch- man took the chair amid cheers and hisses, and defended himself against aspersions. He said, in the course of his remarks, that he would support General Butler for Greenback candidate for governor next year in spite of his present lapse into Democracy a statement which was "vig orously cheered and hissed." A state ticket was nominated, headed by Geueral Herace Binney Sargent for governor and Geerge Dntten, of Spring lield, for lieutenant governor. Hcsolu Hcselu Hcsolu tieus were adopted approving the plat form and nominees of the national Greenback convention at Chicago; de manding the substitution of full legal ten der greenbacks for national bank notes ; that the U. S. bends falling due this year, be net refunded, but paid off as far as possi ble with the cash en hand iu the treasury, and by the substitution of greenbacks for national bank notes; that the hears of labor be shortened, and the employment of young children in exhausting factory labor be prohibited; that a graduated in come tax be established; that there be no L increase of the standing army or that "in sulieus military power under tiie neau of militia laws;'' that the sufferage be uni versal, and that no mere public lands be granted te corporations. A resolution sending gtceting te Solen Chase, in Maine, was tabled ftTte 29. What Herace Crcelvy Said Litre. N. Y. World. On Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1872, Heraco Greeley, "the founder of the Tribune," tit tered these words in Lancaster, Pa., the home of President Buchanan : " I am one of these who believe political parties ought net te be permitted te exist tee long in a government such as ours ; that they should rise, flourish and pass away when they have subserved the pur pose for which they were created. The dangers which threatened our country in the past arc gene. We struggled and suiTered together te preserve the I'ninn of these slates, and net iu the next hundred years will any attempt te divide it Le made. We want peace and the complete restoration of fraternal relations. It is time for us te forget the animosities engendered by the war, and te kindle instead of baleful passions a feeling of universal love. It is time for us te in vite these who have been opposed te ns te a feat around the common table. There is room enough." If Herace Greeley were alive te-day he could net get these true and manly words published iu the Tribune which he founded. But he might utter them with applause from any stand in the great Democratic meeting te-night. MAJIKJZTS. I'lillaileiplilik market. Piui.AiiKi.vuiA, Sent. 2!. Fleur dull and v.-cak; suncriine&sriOgttue; extnt'Sl 0U4I; Ohie mid Indiana family ;.tS5 75; Penn'a tuiniivde : tie;?.." 'JT ;St. Leuis family ut 15600 tied; ".Minix-snta laiuily ." iVe:5 "'; straight patent. :iml hi;;h grades id 7."(JS i". Rye Heur at J.1 00. W heat .si cad v at decline : Ne. 2 Western Red $1 u'l'.ie.v'i; Ph. Red $1 CI IW; Amber $1 U.mJl tx;. Cern steady en local trade; steamer !i2 .Vic: yellow Me; mixed K!.VIjc. Oatslirm ; Ne.l. White iiiiy,c; Ne. 2. de llfrllJie; Ne. .:, de lulle; Ne. ?. MixeitSS Rye scarce at ftfe. Previsions quiet; mess perk $10 00l(!'.i; bccfhaius fl.Suegir.lOO; Indian mess beef ut SIS ."(: smoked Iuuiih at l-J12.J4c; pickled hams tdWAc ; bacon smoked shoulders 37c ; salt de liJiCc. Lard linn ; city kettle at S)i8Ji,c ; loose hiitclicr.i' e ; prime steam $s "51. Knltcr steady ; fair demand; Creamery extra :Ix;c; de. tfoeil tc choice iBtfpOc; Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 27ilc; Western reserve extra 'Jigilc ; dogeod te choice 17'Jlc ; Rolls firm; Penu'a extra 21'JI; Western re serve extra 212lc. KcKSMtcadv; Pcmut scarce at S!c; Western JI-.-Jc. Olieexn streii-i; New Yerk full cream 13 lyc : Western full cream i:ic : de rair te geed HitViyM; de half skims llllj.:c. Petroleum nominal; none ellcring : refined i:t';c. Whisky dull at $1 1.!. Seeds Ceed te prime Clever dull at $77." (i -l't : Timethy lirm at i'l 7.1&-.I !S: Flaxseed linn at fl JiJl:M. Kcw Verk 31aricec. New Your. Scpt.il. flour .State and West ern without important change; very moder ate expert and home trade inquiry ; Southern unchanged, quiet. Wheat heavy ; !.WT!.c lower; Ne. 1. White, Oct., I lyte; -Ne. 2 lied. Oft. fl -7 ; de Nev., ?! us' (Ml " ay. ; de llec, $1 I !,. Cern' a shade lower and weak; Sllxril ueslcins't.''"-r',0r: ' future. aiWMc. Oats without quotable change ; .State, -iSft'SO : Western IK Iff. Stock Mar ice t. September '1. Nicw Yekk Stocks. Stock-' irregular. a. jr. A. ji. v. m. r. m. i si 10.00 tkliT, ll:.rJI 1:20 S:'M (v'' Meuev Krie R. R :'m Michigan M. & L. S....Ik;,' Michigan Cent. R. R.. '.; Chicago & '. W HhiYi Chicago, M & St. P. . :i llan. .V St. .. Cem :- P'fd.... M'i Teledo & Wabash :-.JM Oliie.t Miei-Mppi ""!.' St. Leuis, I. M..1:S.R.. .1155 Ontario ami Western. 2::'.a CCA l.C R. R ia.; New Jersey Central.. Z'.;U Del. ii. Hudsen Canal. 31 Del.. Lack.. t Western .!)H Western L'nieii Tel... ii7,' Paeitii: Mail S. S. Ce.. :t3J.'. .Manhattan Llevatcil. .-ih Union Pacific t'.i Kansas & Texas - New Yerk Central Adams Kxprcs Illinois Central Cleveland ,'i Pitts Chicago & Reck I Pittsburgh & Ft. W :ayt 107 in 10:; :y. :x .... 107 107 .... r.i at littJS my, .... tfc! 'MY ni Hl'A "-'y xy siJi 2 17'i :4 17U -.i el W'm XXW WA KHK '. K'h 'i '.7 in '.is;.-, Vi Jrn 4'J 3-,'ii :;i :u SSJ4 12U? lir.it uey. 122 117 "'A SS,i American If. Tel. Ce PlIILAUKLVlllA. Stocks unsettled. Pennsylvania R, R... PhH'a.& Reading.... V rj .wj iK 11 Lehigh alley I.eliiifli Navigation.. ffiWJ MJ-4 xty, K'A :wa 52 MX 02M 1-V : 2:'i fa" IV"" Northern PaallleCem " " P'd . ray. Pitts.,TitusvV& 15.... lVJi Northern Central Phd'a Krie R. R Northern Penn'a If 11. R.R's or N.J Ilestenville Pass Centra Trans. Ce xay. is 170 48 I.ecal Stocks aud IIeiuls. Par val. LancCily 1; per ct. Lean, due lSS0...$iiiil " ISS2... 10O " 1S8.1... 100 " 1HW1... WO " isur... 100 " .. per ct. ill 1 or ) years. . 100 Lane, and (Juarryv'e R. R.bend 10t " " stock.... SO Last sale. 100.25 105 111 11H.75 120 105 ICOAIn 3L25 Lancaster and Kphrata turnpike... Lime, Klizabetht'ii aiiilMIdillet'n.. Lancaster and Frultville turnpike. Lancaster and Lltitz turnpike Lancaster am I Maner turnpike Lancaster and Manlielni turnpike. Lancaster and Marietta turnpike.. Lunc. and New Helland turnpike.. Lane, and Strasburg turnpike. Lane, and Susquehanna turnpike.. 47.25 SI SI a; 92 MM 25 85 20 275.25 40.15 100 ISfi 102.10 27 1C0 100 Ml 23 M 2T 25 100 2ft .TOO 25 SO loe se se I.anc. and willow street tnrnpiKe. Fanners' Nat Rank et Lancaster... First Nat. Rank of Lancaster County Nat. Ilunket Lancaster Inquirer Printing Ce Lanc.Ciis Light and Fuel Ce. stock. " bends. TKCT1IS. HOP BITTBES, (A Medicine, net a Drink,) COJ.TAIK8 HOPS, PXCUU, MANDRAKE. OANDKLION, Axd tub rcntsrr asd Rest Medical ycALiriia or ALX. OTUER BlTTEBS. THEY CURE All Diseases of the Stomach. Bowels, Uloed, Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Female Complaints anil Drunkenness. 81,000 IN GOLD Will be paid for a case they will net cure or hclp,er ler anything impure orlnjurieusfound "Ask'yeur Drmrgtat for Hep Tilt: cm and free books, and try the Hitters before you sleep. Take no.ethcr. Hep Bitters MaHuractHriBtr Cpwj, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. sepMydMWFATr J?f i. - - ,