Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 23, 1880, Image 2

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Hancastci intelligencer.
Hcury Gere Smith.
A letter from Gee. A. Smith, esq., te
Mr. Steinman, dated at ltegersville, Ten
nessee, September 17, announces te him
the sudden death, en the afternoon of
the preceding day, of his old associate jn
thelXTELLiOEN'CEi:, Henry G. Smith.
He died in his room at his home, near
Rogersville, from heart disease. He has
had premonitions of the progress of this
disease for a year or mere, and spoke of
them when we met him in June at the
Cincinnati convention. "We found him
then much wasted in form and evidently
in ill health. Yet he did net anticipate se
speedy a release. A letter from him, under
date of the sixth of this month, requesting
a shipment of Lancaster red seed wheat,
says : " I am quite unwell at present
with the complaint of which I spoke te
you. I suppose it some form of heart
disease. Geerge is coining te Pennsyl
vania this month and I think I will come
with him. I want te consult some first
rate physician.' And new is the end.
Henry ('ere Smith was horn at Wil Wil
liamspert,Pa., in February, 1R28. His
father, Rev. Ames Smith, was :i member
of the Baltimore, conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church, and conse
quently was net long a resident in one
place. His son Henry went te Dickin Dickin
eon college from Anne Arundel county
Maryland, and graduated in a class of
twenty, delivering an oration upon " The
Duel Between Man and the Age in "Which
he Lives." MencureD. Conway and
Geerge de J. JCeim were among his since
distinguished classmates. He taught
school for awhile and was then admitted
te the bar hi "Worcester county, Mary
land. Removing te Pulton county, Penn
sylvania, he practiced his profession
and was elected district attorney of the
county in 18(11. He edited the Fulton
Democrat, and the ability displayed in
its columns secured a call upon him le
assume the editorial charge of the In
telligences in lS(i, when the daily
edition was started by the firm of Cooper,
Sanderson & Ce., of which he was a
member. When the constitutional con
vention was called, he was selected as
the Democratic delegate from Lancaster
county and was an iniluenlial mem
ber of the body, in whose proceedings he
took a great interest and an active part
in the discussions. In 187-1, desiring
a mere active life, he dissolved his
connection with the Intelligence!
and removed te Tennessee, with
whose fertile valleys he had fallen in love,
and where he and his brother Geerge had
bought a thousand acres or mere of lime
stone land, near ltegersville, which they
divided between them. He shortly mar
ried the daughter of a citizen of ltegers
ville, built himself a new house and barn
and settled down te the independent life
of a farmer. He did net, however, sur
render his interest in politics, and was,
when he died, the chairman of the Deme
cratic committee of Hawkins county.
At Cincinnati he early saw the current
which was setting in for Hancock and
he was in hearty sympathy with its result
He was .strenuous in his opinion that it
was the strongest nomination that
could be made and warmly urged
his views upon hiss friends in
the Pennsylvania delegation. In such
scenes as these lie was at home.
He never had in Pennsylvania his supe
rior in mHiienee in a state convention.
He knew all the deli-gates, or seen came
te knew them.ertivateti them as though
he knew them : and lie had an ardent,
persuasive way, without impatience or
irritability, which was very potential. It
is somewhat strange that his power was
only manifested in thelargestate gather
ings. In a county convention lie was
net remarkably strong, and as a politi
cian among the people he was weak, be
cause he had net the faculty of recollect
ing the faces and names of these who did
net particularly interest him, nor had la
the disposition which permitted him te
daily court their favor, as the politician
needs te de. lie was apt te pas.-; ac
quaintances without notice, net with in
tention, but through absorption and real
failure of recognition : se that some
times he was misjudged te h: cold and
proud. But really there never was a
warmer hearted man or one who would
de mere te serve a friend. With his
friends he was exceedingly genial, and it
would be hard te find a mere agreeable
associate in company. His friends were
manyand warm, for they found in him
the noble qualities of heart and sound
ness of head which secure affection and
respect. His death will net be heard
without a sob from mere than one heart
in this town when! a few of his life's
years were spent and when- in every class
his ardent admirers will b found : for he
was a man te love.
As an editor Mr. Smith was distin
guished for the ease and strength and
perspeeuity of his writing. His style
was simple and without much affectation
of ornament. He wrote with very great
readiness, though net with extraordinary
nicety of touch or closeness te an idea.
He was an artist whose picture is strik
ing in general effect, but net particular
ly faithful in the detail of its drawing.
Ner was he a very systematic worker.
He loved te work at night ; and in the
midnight hours, when the day was spent
and the social evening ever, his time of
labor came and his task was quickly done.
ne was especially strong as a deserip
tive writer. Enamored of the wildncss
of nature he loved te penetrate into her
recesses in pursuit of his favorite recre
ation of trout fishing. While connected
with this journal he repeatedly describ
ed his jaunts te its delighted
readers and the beauty and vividness of
his pictures attracted wide attention te
his letters. He was, tee, a remarkably
geed reporter. He would give a full and
accurate report of a speech from brief
long-hand notes and write up scenes and
incidents with admirable vigor and
. sprightlinci?. He was an earnest and
impressive orator.
A startlingly sudden end has come te
a life, studded with virtues, that may be
fearlessly handed back te its Maker.
Guided with honesty and zeal, its fruit
vindicated it. With no meanness in it,
or corruption, or faithlessness, the soul
that governed it might rest in peace ;
with the positive virtues that possessed
it, and which sorrowing friends new viv
idly recall, they feel assured of its place
amid the exultant throng
The Sin or Sectionalism.
The powerful editorial of the New
Yerk Evening Pest, which we reprint in
full te-day, indicates the tremendous
and irresistible drift of public sentiment
against the party which comes before the
country upon no issue but one of section
al hate and malignant misrepresentation.
The Eccniivj Pest, the old paper of Will
iam Cullen Bryant, and the inheritance
of his son-in-law, Parke Gedwin, is the
ablest and most conservative Republican
paper in that city, the best representative
of its culture and business interests. Be
fore its rapier thrusts Mr. Conkling s
stuffed club is a very awkward weapon of
controversy. The Pest speaks for patri
otic and sensible men who knew that the
war has been ever fifteen years, that the
Seuth has no thought of fighting anew a
fight which brought desolation le them,
that the material as well as the moral
interests of the country demand peace,
and that the people of the whole coun
try, beginning with Maine, are ready te
rebuke these who would trample under
feet the white roses of peace growing up
through the ashes of war.
Every intelligent man knows just what
a Pennsylvania Republican writes te the
Kcic J?rc,lhut. the Seuth is entirely ready
le welcome te all the privileges of free
citizenship men of whatever party who
go there for an honest purpose. Its wel
fare, like that of the whole country, lies
in this direction, and its upbuilding mufit
come from this source. Instead of de
riding the poverty of the Seuth and the
paucity of its resources, Mr. Conkling
and his kind would de well te go Seuth
in response te the invitations they have
had see for themselves that what they
say is net true and promulgate for their
party a policy that has some breadth of
statesmanship and some traceef civiliza
tion. Hut long before they rise le that
height they will have no parly.
a'cmIc-I at Heme.
Geerge William Curtis, editor of Har
per:; Weekly, the brilliant antagonist of
Senater Conkling, having been called for
at a public meeting in Xew Yerk the
ether evening, it was answered that he
had gene te Maine when; much import
ant work yet remained te by done. The
information was doubtless correct, but
in his absence some one in his place has
given him much mere important work le
de ii. '-making his paper censisf'in its ed
itorial direction en the favorite subject
of civil service reform. In the current
number there is an attempted defense of
Mr. Garfield's attitude upon this ques
tion; he is praised as having ' often
and clearly expressed in Congress"' de
cided views en the civil service reform,
and the hope is freely expressed that he,
being " a man who has distinct views
favorable te reform already familiar te
the country, and who, having expressly
staled in his letter of acceptance that in
his judgment Congress should take ac
tion, would recommend such action."
While it is true that Mr. Garfield ex
pressed himself distinctly in Congress,
and even mere notably out of Congress,
en this subject, and while he might make
such ' recommendations "" as .Mr. Cur Cur
tisknews Grant made, and as he has se
often complained were utterly futile, it
is equally true that in his letter of ac
ceptance Garfield bowed the knee te Mr.
Curtis's fees en this question. He made
a clear bid te the Cenklings and Canier Canier
erens and Legans, and substantially told
them that if he were elected they should
continue their " boss " system. Nobody
discerned this mere clearly than Mr.
Curtis who, inreviewingthcleUerwhich
his paper new commends, said : ' The
part of the letter which treats of civil
service is inadequate and disappointing.
The writer is mere anxious te placate its
enemies than te satisfy its friends, and
it. rtinnet lit honestly "? thai he yu'es
the.-t frinid.f any neeurwjt i.n ., or that
he shows a just appreciation of the im
portance or the merits of the question."
What "cannot be honestly said" is new
being said in Mr. Curtis's paper in his
absence we presume. He is needed at
home forthwith.
Tlie Thanks of ll:e Natien.
lie it lieselcctl, by the Senate and Heys,
of lleprcschtatkes, Ac. That, in addition
te the thanks heretofore voted, by joint
resolution, approved January 23, 18(51, le
Maj. Gen. Gee. G. Meade, Maj. Gui. O.
O. Heward, and te the officers and .soldiers
of the Army of the Potomac, ler the skill
and heroic valor which, at Gettysburg,
repulsed, defeated and drove back, broken
and dispirited, the veteran army of the
rebellion, the gratitude of the American
people and the thanks of their represen
tatives in Congress arc likewise due and
are hereby tendered te Maj. Gen. Winiield
S. Hancock for his gallant, meritorious
and conspicuous share in that great and
decisive victory.
Passed ly the Jleiiec, April 10, W ; passed
hi the Senate, April IS, lSGfi ; sitned In
the President, April 2:), 1SGIS.
"The troops under my command have
repulsed the enemy's attack, and have
gained a great victory. The enemy arc
new dying in all directions.
" W. S. Hancock,
" Majer General."
"Say te Gen. Hancock that I regret ex
ceedingly that he is wounded, and that I
thank him for the country and for myself
for the gi eat. service he has rendered to
day. . Gi:e. G. Mkaije,
"Any. Gen. Cemmainling.
Lincoln Opinion of Hancock.
" Seme of the elder generals hate said te
me that he is ras7t, and I hate said te .hem
that Iharc icatched General Hancock's con
duct very carefully, and Iharc found that
tchen 7te gees into action he achieves his pur-
2)esc and comes out with a smaller list of cas
ualties than any of them. If 7ds life and
strength is spared Ibelietethat Geneal Ilan Ilan
ceckis destined te be one of the ir.est dislin
guished men of the age."
And te show hew much he lit ought of
him Mr. Lincoln declared that he always
opened his morning mail in fear and trem
bling les! he would hear that Gen. Han- J
cock had been killed or wounded.
The fund for the new professorships in
Harvard divinity school has icached
The projection of Hiestandand Cameren
into the Indiana campaign leeks as if
Jewell was abandcring it te the "dam
literary feller.1;."
Tun Rctuc des Deux Jrendcs,fumided fifty
years age, and te-day the principal review
in France, failed te pay during the first
twenty years of its career. It new num
bers 20,000 subscribers at $10 a year.
Westwaud the star of empire takes its
way. Jack Hiestand and Simen Cameren
en route for the battcfield of Indiana ! At
the first charge of Barnum's forces they
will retreat mere precipitately than Hies
tand Ucd from Bull Rum.
Commedore Hiestand is said te be en
gaged for stump service every night, from
te-night until Landers is elected in Indiana
by 5,1G9 majority. Then he will come
home and help te carry Pennsylvania
against the man who beat Grant at Chicago-
Tun course of true love has net yet get
te running smooth. Here was Gee. Greff,
of Bayennc, N. J., who found Charles Ab Ab
eot in jail, took him home and made
merry with him only te find the tha wed
out adder, after some weeks, trying te
elope with Mrs. Greff. And then Carrie
Barten, who eloped te Beck Village,
N. Y., with Charles Thornten, from
Lafayette county, Me., two months age,
has died from strychnine, taken after her
meneyless husband, moody ever their
misfortunes, had been missing for several
Antheny Thollepe is about te review
Longfellow in a leading periodical, and the
Philadelphia Jfertk American takes the
matter quite seriously, as if a calamity te
our great poet was impending. It regards
Trollepc's monograph of Thackeray as
"execrable," " misconceiving and misun
derstanding," "clumsy and vulgar,"
" owl-like " and " exasperating." He has
also slaughtered Hawthorne in " cockney
vulgarity." If this be se Longfellow ought
te be protected. But then maybe the
Xerth American critic, who writes about
Hawthorne's "Marble Farm,'' is preju
diced against Trollepe.
Mr.. Stenreu hits the nail en the head
when he says in his letter te the Philadel
phia Times: "A great outcry is being
raised and political capital is sought te be
made by Republican orators and journal
ists en account of the small number of
pension bills passed by Congress. The
fact that the number of bills passed is
small in proportion te the number intro
duced will net seem strange when it is
understood that nearly every pension
claim for which a bill is introduced has
been adjudicated and rejected by the pension
office, ever leJiicli a Republican of undoubted
loyally te his parly presides.'''
An attempt having been made te create
the impression that a certain amount of
military poppycock surrounds Hancock, a
Glebe-Democrat reporter thus dissipates
it : "The general lcccives at his head
quarters, and the warlike character
of the establishment would never
be dreamed of, for from chief te messen
gers they are all clothed in sembre, stupid
citizens clothes ; net a bit of glory and
glitter about ir. Regular visitors send
their cards, and are marched up stairs te
the sanctum, while for ladies Ihe general
comes down and shows all the courtesy
and politeness for which he is famed. If
he is a Democrat, no one could fail le be
charmed with the manners and appearance
of the elderly whitc-meustached gentle
men. '"' ' - '"' His mail comes in bugs
new ; telegrams and letters cover his ta
bles a feet deep, and although he may
begin opening his mail he never Inn time
le finish it."
The Chcycnncs arc again reported te be
in a threatening attitude in the Indian ter
ritory. Police Justice N. K. Wheeler, of New
Yerk, died in the village of Deposit en
Tuesday evening.
The national government has triumphed
in the election at Buenes Ayres for provin
cial deputies.
The steamer Teutonia, from Liverpool
for New Orleans, took out one hundred
and fifty British agriculturists for Texas.
G. 1. Grace, the celebrated English
cricketer and brother of the famous W. G.
and E. M. Grace, has died of inllammatien
of the lungs.
Mrs. Leonera Berg and three children
were poisoned by eating smoked salmon
in New Yerk en Tucrday. One child may
The body of one of the men killed in the
Hudsen river tunnel was found en Tues
day evening. Little mere than the skele
ton was left.
Mrs. Rufus Clallin's house- and a small
tool shop and barn, at Millford, Mass.,
have been burned. Total less, $9,000 ;
insurance, $5,700.
Baseball : At Chicago Chicago 5, Cin
cinnati 'A. At Cleveland Cleveland H.
Buffalo 1. At Providence Providence 7,
Trey !J.
Twe railroad men named Jehns and
Mcighan were drowned by the upsetting
of a small beat near Brown's Landing,
N. J.
A fire in Sherburne, near Utica, N. Y.,
destroyed a brick block, hotel, church.
grocery store and several smaller buildings
causing a less of $30,000.
During the industrial exhibition at, To Te Te
eoneo, three carrier pigeons, owned by
James Fullcrten, of the Canadian Poultry
Review, were despatched te their home at
Strathroy, 1G0 miles from Terente, and
next day two of the birds reached their
destination. The ether did net arrive.
Sarah White, aged 19 years, daughter of
Hugh L. White, a prominent citizen of
Richmond, Ky., was found dead in bed
with her threat cut and a knife in her
hand. It is believed she committed sui
cide in a fit of insanity. She was gener
ally considered "the belle of the blue
grass region of Kentucky."
A genuine sea serpent, six feet in length,
with a mane head shaped like a panther's
and a tail whittled down te a sharp point,
was brought into Victeria by Indians, they
having caught it in deep water in the
straits of Dchare. Its appearance creates
intense interest. The serpent has been
photographed and the body will be pre
served in spirits and sent te Ottawa.
In Montreal en Tuesday night, F. E. L.
Barnes, musical director and associate or
ganist of Trinity church, New Yerk, shot
himself through the brain. Barnes had
been giving performances during the past
week at the Dominion exhibition, en the
pianos of the New Yerk company, and
drew audiences of thousands who listened
with rapture te his playing.
New that Belle Mackenzie is married
114,333 young men will have te transfer
their affections te Mary Andersen.
Fanny Davenport was born in Lon Len Lon
eon, but she is " American in her feel
ings." Conkling's New Yerk speech of about
20,000 words was telegraphed as a special
dispatch te the St. Leuis Glebe-Democrat.
Miss Spiceh, who lately married Mr.
Miles of Her Majesty's First Life Guards,
is clearly net a superstitious young lady.
She had 13 bridesmaids.
Jehn Bright is said te be new in better
health than for several years past. He
has been very regular in his attendance at
the Heuse of Commens, sitting late and
often taking part in the debate.
The wife of Bernard Bcell, de
faulting postmaster at Martin, Mississippi,
has been appointed te take charge of the
office in his place. Buell is in jail at Nat
chez. Miss Florence Til-ten, daughter of
Theodere, was married yesterday at Lon Len Lon
eon te Mr. Pelton, a young New Orleans
physician, who first met her there about a
year age.
Te-day is the anniversary of the capture
of Majer Andre, the British spy, by three
Revolutionary patriots, and will be ap
propriately observed at Tarrytown, N. Y.,
Mr. Samuel J. Tilden is expected te pre
side at the celebration.
General Ewine, of Ohie, is interdicted
from business and politics, having been
ordered by his physician te Santa Momce,
Cal., where it is hoped the sea air may
serve te relieve him from an attack of
malarial fever, with which he is suffering.
The cruise of Mr. Gladstone, his fam
ily and friends, in the Grantully Castle,
cost a very large sum of money, the whole
of which was defrayed by Mr. Donald
Currie and his partner. Mr. Currie usually
contents himself with a much smaller ves
sel when he takes a yachting trip ; but en
the recent one in addition te the Gran
tully Castle herself there was frequently
a tag or tender in attendance te convey the
telegrams and despatches te and from the
Miss Nellie Chase, the daughter of an
Episcopal clergyman, whose strange infatu
ation for and marriage te her mother's
negre coachman has been a nine days'
wonder in the West, has been re
moved by her brothers te her home in
Peoria, 111. She expresses great contrition
for her conduct, which is accounted for
only en the theory of mental abcrratieu.IIer
brother Herace, who is a talented young
lawyer with a lucrative practice, talks of
moving away where they arc unknown.
An Ingenuous Man Cornered.
The ingenuous Mr. Smith, of the Phila
delphia Press, is moved te exclaim : " Re
member these facts : Claims of ever two
thousand millions pending ; no constitu
tional prohibition ; Democrats in Congress
voting solidly for the claims ; Mr. Tilden
deeming it necessary te write a letter
pledging himself against them ; General
Hancock refusing te write such a letter
and then answer whether it is safe te elect
Gen. Hancock." New will the ingenuous
Mr. Smith tell the truth and shame the
devil by admitting these facts ? 1, The
" two thousand millions pending" is a
gross exaggeration, embracing at it docs
the same bills repeated a dozen times in
different, sessions of Congress and in
both branches ; 2. If the constitu
tion docs net bar all of these claims
the Republican party neglected its duty
when in power by failing te amend the
constitution se that it would bar them ;
3. The Forty-fourth and Forty fifth Con
gresses (Democratic) passed claims of
every description amounting te $1,530,
710.07, while the Forty-second and Forty
third Congresses (Republican) passed simi
lar claims amounting te $2,2S7, 030.50 or
32 per cent, mere than the two Demo
cratic Congresses ; 4 General Hancock's
record of loyalty te the Union, of fidelity
te the government, of regard for the pop
ular weal, and his sound, practical com
mon sense make it quite unnecessary that
new pledges should be required from him;
."). There is infinitely mere danger from a
piesidcnt who while in Congress supported
ever j species of rotten claims and who was
convicted by Republican committees of hav
ing sold himself te the lobby.
the ui:k.ii feveu.
IIct)i;ilils Kojeiolnj; in ('entl Health.
The American bark Caribou, from As
pinwall, anchored efi Tortugas en the 11th
inst., for assistance, her crew being sick of
Chagres fever. Her captain and two men
died of the fever at sea.
The medical commission appointed te
investigate the disease prevailing en the
Mississippi river below New Orleans, pro
nounce it malarial fever, net the yellow
kind. The disease at Key West, also re
ported te be yellow fever, is pronounced te
be only the dengue.
The celebration in honor of "the con
tinued geed health of Memphis" took
places in that city yesterday, and attracted
many visitors from ether places. The
streets were gaily decorated with flags,
transparencies were displapcd at nearly
every crossing, and two large arches were
erected, one composed entirely of cotton
hales. There was a precession, represent
ing thu various trades and industries,
which was estimated te be three miles in
length, A large transparency, in front of
the Avalanche office, bore the inscription
"Solid Seuth Solid for cotton, corn, trade
and manufactures." Among the partici
pants in the jubilee were the governors of
Ivcntucky and Tennessee and the governor-elect
of Arkansas.
The CniiHtltutleiml liar.
Neither the United States nor any state
shall assume te pay any debt or obligation
incurred in case of insurrection or rebel
lion against the United States, cr claim for
the less or emancipation of an;.' slaves, but
all such debts, obligations and claims shall
be held illegal or void. Constitution of the
United Slates, Article 14, Sec. 4.
Army ICounlen.
The fourth annual reunion of the Army
of West Virginia was held yesterday in
Parkersburg. About eight thousand per
sons were present at the festivities, in
cluding Generals Creek, Cox, Devee and
Kennedy, and Governer Picrpeint. At
sunrise a salute of 33 guns was fired, in
the afternoon Geerge B. Caldwell deliver
ed an address of welcome at the wigwam
te which General Kennedy responded, and
at night officers were elected and Governer
Picrpeint made an address.
State Itcrcnne Commisiiien.
The state revenue commission received
a pretest yesterday against the present law
which imposes a 3 per cent, tax npen all
the premiums paid for life insurance. A
citizen offered for a commission of one
mill upon the dollar te increase the state's
revenue $500,000 yearly. Addresses were
made by Gen. Wm. Lilly, or Carben, T.
Charlton Henry, Cel. A. Londen Snowden,
Henry C. Tewnscnd and Samuel C. Huey.
The commission adjourned te meet in
Pittsburgh en the 19th pros.
Anil Observe the Amenities of Geed
New Era.
The amenities of politics, we are pleased
ie note, is a growing featnre of the present
campaign. The Wilmington JSeics (Rep.)
says that " one cf the pleasing features of
the Democratic parade, en Saturday even
ing, was the fact that as each club passed
the headquarters of the Yeuug Men's Re
publican club it was heartily cheered by a
delegation of the latter club that steed en
the sidewalk. This shows that while men
may differ in political matters it is net ne
cessary that the common courtesies of life
should be forgotten." And our respected
Democratic fellow-citizen, Newton Light
ner, esq., proposed te his family te jeiu
his Republican neighbors in illuminating
for the precession en Friday evening,
which was done in " a modest and becom
ing way." A reporter, evidently unable
te comprehend such courtesy from a polit
ical opponent, having stated that Mr.
Lightner "thought it was the Democrats
who were passing his residence " and il
luminated by mistake, Mr. Lightner had
the manliness te avow the real motive ever
his own signature. And we trust similar
amenities of politics will net he lacking
througneut this exciting campaign.
The rittRtHirli Example.
The following excellent order has been
issued by the Democratic clubs' command
er of Pittsburgh. We should be glad te
sec similiar action taken by both the com
manders here, and if Cels. McMclIen and
Fordney will confer en the subject wc be
lieve their action will meet with general
approval :
All marching clubs parading singly are
hereby cautioned against attempting te
cress the Republican marching clubs
whilst en parade. Should their route at
any time earn' them against the marching
clubs of the Republican party they will
Halt till the street is clear.
Single clubs of both parties incctiii:
should extend every courtesy. The pub
lic peace and the lives of the men arc of
sufncicnt importance te urge every cap
tain te the greatest care when parading
his clue. no necessity exists for bitter
personal enmity toward these dillering in
party opinion.
An effort will be made te se arrange
general demonstrations as net te centlict
with each ether, ihc carrying of con
cealed weapons, or any nthcr weapons
than the umterm of the club, must be
prevented, and no man should be al
lowed te parade when under the influence
of liquor.
A Pennsylvania Uejmll!c.-tn Gives His Ex
"11. I). KV v.-ritinjj te the New Era Ireni
Keine, Ga.
I have resided in the Seuth nearly two
years: came here from Pennsylvania a
Republican ; express mv sentiments as
such whenever occasion calls for it, and se
far as I can discern have suffered none of
these sacrifices or punishments "J. P." se
readily refers te, net even "ostracism."
I have read of certain Northerners hav
ing been estracised by the people of the
Seuth, and if memory serves me right one
Andersen had this misfortune te overtake
him during his Southern sojourn, but as
yet I must honestly say that this sort of
punishment has been spared me ; nor has
it ever come under my observation, but
were I called upon I think I might be able
te cite an instance or two right in this
place where it could be very justly ex
ercised. On the contrary, notwithstanding my
being only a journeyman mechanic (em
ployed in one of the branches of mechanics
identified with the iron industries) myself
and family arc favored with the society of
some of the wealthiest and most respected
families of the place, an experience rarely
enjoyed by these in my walks of life in
Northern communities.
The cause of all this, however, may lie
in the fact that I came Seuth te make it
my home and gain my living by working
for it, which may net have been the case
of the party who, after migrating around
through " mere than a dozenef the South
ern states," was finally compelled te re
turn te the North te enjoy that " free
thought and speech, and independent
political action and association " that J. P.
would have us believe is confined only
within certain imaginary geographical
In conclusion, I will say te these who
contemplate emigrating, if you have a
small capital te unite with your labor, or
if you have a skilled trade, you can de no
better than come Seuth. It is a section
of the Union rich in natural reserecs, and
capital is steadily flowing in te develop
All these who have neither capital nor
trade, but must work at common labor. I
would advise te remain in the North or
AVcst, net en account or any restriction
upon the " right office thought, indepen
dent action." etc., but en account of the
Hinall compensation paid that class of labor,
owing te a superabundance of colored com
mon laborers.
II. M. Wolf, jr., has purchased
Williamsport Sun and Democrat.
Ex-Chief Justice Aguew is gefn
make political speeches.
Barney Macaulcy and Alice Oatcs arc in
Pittsburgh, neither of them doing well.
The visiting delegation of business men
from the Shenandoah valley, at a recep
tion yesterday morning, weie welcomed
te Philadelphia.
Majer Jehn Crainc, one of the most re
spected and popular citizens of Eric, who
has been a Republican all his life, an
nounces that he has joined the great army
of "Hoppers' and will give his vote anil
influence te General Hancock and the
Democratic ticket.
The city councils of Philadelphia, beard
of guardians of the peer, several judges of
the courts, the managers of the house of
correction, and the peer commissioners of
Delaware, Chester. Montgomery, Bucks.
Lehigh and Northampton counties, and
ether officials, yesterday inspected the
Norristown hospital for the insane.
Twelve Philadelphia doctors yesterday
performed the cicsarcan operation upon a
Mrs. Burnell, a dwarf, who has been mak
ing a living for years by traveling with
shows throughout the country. She is
forty-two inches in height and thirty-two
years old. Her husband is also a dwarf.
The child and mother are both likely te
The international sheep and wool show
in Philadelphia was fully attended yester
day. The interest of the visitors appar
ently centered upon the trial of the sheep
dogs, A convention te promote the sheep
and wool industries of the United States
held two sessions yesterday. Addresses
were made by A. M. Garland, Springfield,
111. ; Wm. Dean and Wm. Homeward,
Newark, Del.; Lauing Coatcs.Lerin Blod Bled
gctt and Themas Lee.
Of Course.
Ailapteil from New Era, Sept. 17.
Of course, new that the latest returns
from Maine show that the state has geno
Democratic by about the same majority it
gave the Whigs in 1840, our neighbor will
admit the logical inference of his own
argument that this ' surprise," coming en
the echoes of its own pai ty's cannon, will
"direct the drift of subsequent events in
behalf of the Democrat ic party, create a
panic in the" Republican "ranks, and
sweep the country for" Hancock !
Gen. Hancock's Plodge te Enforce the Jforc Jferc Jforc
seins Article.
The amendments te the constitution of
the United States embodying the results
of the war for the Union are inviolable. If
called te the presidency I should deem it
my duty te resist with all my power any
attempt te impair or evade the full force
and effect of the constitution, which in
every article, section and amendment is
the supreme law of the land. Gen. Han
cock's Letter of Acceptance.
Cctneeratlc Meeting at Manhclin I'urengh
The Hancock and English club of Man
heim borough, numbering between two
and thrce hundred men, held a special
meeting last evening at their hall. After
some business appertaining te the cam
paign had been transacted, the president,
Mr. Francis R. White, introduced R. B.
Risk, esq., of Lancaster, who in a spirited
address of one hour and twenty-hve min
utes duration reviewed the fraud of 1870 ;
delineated minutely the very small ex
pensc of government under Democratic
administration m contrast with the ener
meus extravagance under Republican rule;
reviewed the absurdity of the Democrats
ever payiug rebel claims ; condemned the
sectionalism and tendencies te centraliza
tion of Republicanism, and somewhat hu
moreusly referred te the assumption of
Rcpuehcans that they have all the moral
ity and intelligence et American citizen
shin by reviewing the local contest
of " hogs' and " bulls' and the men they
have elected te local efliccs m this county,
and also by referring te the action of our
legislative body for the past two or three
years, and the prompt alacrity with which
Republican power pardoned confessed
criminals. The sneaker reviewed briefly
the career of Garfield from his boyhood te
his legislative manhood, when he took
every bribe offered him, and finally reach
ed the acme of political infamy in aiding
the Louisiana returning beard and corrupt
visiting statesmen te steal the presidency.
In eloquent terms the speaker reviewed
the services rendered our country by Gen.
Hancock, hew the brave soldier without
fear or reproach ended the strife of dis
union at Gettysburg, and hew he would
new, as a civil commander, abate the dis
cordant elements of our politics, and unite
us as a free, happy and great people.
The speaker was loudly applauded, and
at the conclusion the thanks of the club
were tendered him.
The Republicans at Christiana.
The Republican meeting and precession
at Christiana, last evening, turned out te
be a rather small affair. The " large dele
gatien from Bart" consisted of two vetcis
and a few boys, the Sadsbury club did net
number mere than twenty, and the entire
assemblage, including two bands of music,
did net number three hundred. William
McGowan presided, T. Whitson, esq., of
Lancaster, recited Jehn Cessna's primer,
including the canal beat and mules, and
was followed by Ellwood Gricst, of the
Inquirer, who seemed ta be trying te make
his innocent hearers believe that Wade
Hampton was the Democratic candidate
for president. He took occasion te
denounce Jehn W. Ferney, and said For Fer
ney's Life of Hancock was a "drunken
book," and that he (Gricst)had never des
ecrated the Sabbath se basely as he did
when he read the book en Sunday. Mar Mar
reott Brosius followed with a calm and
moderate speech, but wound it up with a
grand fusilade against Hancock, remind
ing one of the effort made by Calhoun te
place a stigma en the brew of Jacksen, the
here of New -Orleans. The Buckeye
Blacksmitii followed with a characteristic
speech, which, like these that preceded,
failed le elicit any enthusiasm, except
when he denounced the Democrats as
"damnable rebels," which seemed te
please- the boys who staid at home while
I lauceck was fighting for the Union.
" Ileartltng Scheel " Troubles.
Yesterday word was sent te Mr. Yeeker
by Manager Mishler te cancel the date of
Minnie Palmers "Bearding Scheel "party.
It appears that while the troupe were in
Philadelphia last week there was some
trouble between Miss Palmer, her mother,
who travels with the troupe, and William
J. Seaulan, the leading man. It was hoped
that the alfair would be amicably settled
but such was net the case, and Manager
Mishler has canceled his dates with them.
The troupe is billed for Reading te-night
where they may appear en their own ac
count. It is net known for certain whether
they will be here te-morrow night, but if
they de they will net play under Mishler s
I'urilens Kcfused.
The beard of pardons iii session in Ilar
risburg yesterday refused a rehearing in
the case of Jehn Echtcrnaeht, convicted of
burglary and sentenced by the Lancaster
county court te pay a line of $100 and un
dergo an imprisonment of live years in the
county prison. The beard refused te
pardon Gee. Sheets, Hcny Duck, William
Frew. Ncal Kcescy, Gee. Fisher, I Table
man Jacksen, Matthew Jehnsen, Jacob
Read and Franklin P. Ilogcnteglcr, Col
umbia fishermen ; violating the lish laws,
and sentenced te pay a line of $'2 each anil
six months' imprisonment.
A Peculiar Cern Tassel
Mr. I. H. Kauffman, of Mountville, has
laid upon our table a tassel of corn, con
taining about thirty small cars in a greater
or less state of development. Net
less than twenty of the cars con
tain well-formed grains of yellow
corn. It is net unusual te see a
few grains of corn growing upon the top
el a tassel but it is quite rare te sec the en
tire tassel covered with corn, as in this ease.
That I'limercd Murtler.
Lewis A. Rcidcnbaugh, about whom an
unpleasant rumor was in circulation, con
necting his name with a murder committed
in Ohie, came te town last evening te prove
te his friends and the gessipcrs that he had
net been murdered, nor had he murdered
anybody else. It is net known who origi
nated the story, but it is a great relief te
the young man's friends te knew that there
is nothing in it ; as of course they had
never any reason te believe there was.
The Duke Street liriile.
Beth foetwalks en the Duke street i ail-
read bridge arc in bad condition, and have
holes in them that make them dangerous.
The pavement approach en the. east side is
unsafe. Is it nobody's duty te leek after
these things, or de they propose te wait
for sonic one te break a leg le stir them up
te the necessary action in the premises'.'
Assault and ISattcry.
Jehn Williams had a hearing before Al
derman Ban last evening te answer a com
plaint of assault and battery' laid against
him by Jehn Corcoran. The case being
made out against Williams the alderman
held him te bail for trial at quarter sessions.
Caught in
3II1I Machinery.
Amelia Leng, residing en East King
street, was caught in the .shaltmgat the
Allandale mill last evening at i e ciesk.
Her clothing was tern oft", but she was
net injured.
iinti.lnl Over te the Veterans.
The $2.0. which young Master Leuis
Nerbcck, of the Fourth ward, collected te
raise a Hancock pole has been handed te
the ctc"ran association te he put where it
will de mere geed.
Hancock Club in Stras'eur;;.
The Democracy of Strasburg, and ether
supporters of Hancock and English there,
will meet at Massasoit hall te-morrow
evening te organize a Hancock club.
One et Baren Stiescl'aaianuJactOTO.
The following letter, published in the
Fulton Democrat, has a certain amount of
local interest :
Ellsian Mills, Sept. 1, 1SS0. Albert
Stener, Esq., McCenncllsbnrg, Pa.-DEAi:
Sir : When about two weeks age you
called my attention te a very ancient stove
plate in your possession, bearing the date
17C4 ami marked with the initials "H. S.,"
I said in my reply te your desire te knew
what name these initials represented, that
I thought I could furnish you with the
coveted information.
In examining the history of iron-making
in this country, I find only one name
among the iron-masters te correspond te
these initials, that of Baren Henry Will
iam Stiegcl ; and Elizabeth Furnace, in
Lancaster county, the place where he oper
ated. This furnace was built seme time
previous te 1755, by Jehn Hubcr, who
had inscribed the following legend en the
stack :
.Telm Hui,er ,ier crste Deutsche maun
Dcr this hle work reUfuren kaun.
This translated into English reads : Jehn
Huber is the first German who knows
hew te make iron."
But Iluber's beast was short-lived and
lie sold the furnace in 1757 te a company,
the head and active owner and manager of
which was Barem Henry William Stiegcl,
a German of noble birth and great wealth,
who built a new furnace and carried en
the business for about eighteen years. The
ether members of the company lived at a
distance and were only silent co-partners.
It is stated that seme of the first stoves
cast in this country were made by Mr.
Stiegcl, and se proud was he of his success
that he had, en some of the stoves made
by him, the following inscription :
Enren Stiegcl iit ileruiauu
Pur tlie Ofcti inaclien kaun.
Which means : "Baren Stiegel is the man
who knows hew te make stoves."
If Baren Stiegel could return te the
earth new and see the great improvement
and beauty in stoves at this day, he would
likely conclude that he did net knew se
very much about making stoves, after all.
It was, however, a crowning .success for
his time.
I account for the absence of the " W."
in Stiegel's name en the stove you have
because there was no space for it in the ar
rangement as it is there, as any one may
The "first stoves" spoken of as made in
this country were the "jamb stoves' These
were walled into the jamb of the kitchen
fireplace, with the back projecting into
the adjoining room and were without pipe
or even. The first improvement en these
stoves probably was the " Franklin steve "
or " Pennsylvania fireplace," and then fol
lowed the ten-plate stove such as the eue
you have. It is a relic of thu past worth
Elizabeth Furnace passed into the pos
session of the Celeman family in 1770 and
se remained until 1850, when it was aban
doned for the want of weed, after having
been in operation 100 years. During the
Revolutionary War this furnace furnished
large supplies of the " hell-panoplies of
war " te the American army.
Among all the names of early iron-masters
of this country there is net one that
has the initial " II. S.," except Mr. Stcig
el, se tint, if the stove was made in this
country at all, he must be the man.
I may add as a singular coincidence that
Pennsylvania, the greatest iron-producing
state in the Union, was one of the last of
the colenics te begin the development of
its iron resources. A sketch of the early
iron manufacture in this country would
be interesting, but I have neither the time
nor the space te give it here and se leave
the r.ubjeefc at this point.
Respectfully yours,
James Pett.
Ns-.:uiii:oi:iieoi news.
Events Acress the County Lines.
The Chester county agricultural fair
opens te-day.
A campaign club in Chester county
turned out. and cut their leader's corn by
The East Pennsylvania Lutheran synod
lcselvcd against beneficiary students for
the ministry engaging themselves te be
Hcise & Kaufi'maii, of Columbia, have
a feed steamer and clothes washer en ex
hibition at the Dauphin county fair. 7,000
persensattended the fair yesterday.
AVcst Pikcland township, Chester county,
had a grand celebration of Jacob Stauffer's
eighty-sixth birthday. At the Green Tree
there was a grand celebration of Hannah
H. Pyle's sixtieth birthday. Among the
guests being her sister, Lydia Hroemall, of
Samuel Hartman, of Upper Oxford
township, Chester county, has purchased
j his old home farm, near Lancaster, con
taining .? acres. 3Ir. Hartman eilers his
Upper Oxford farm at private sale, with
intention of removing te his new pur
chase. Harriet Themas, wife of Daniel Themas
of West Nottingham township, died en
Sunday night last. She was a well known
fortune-teller, and for singularity of char
acter was well known for miles around.
She was often visited by persons from a
distance in quest of knowledge supposed
by them te have been vested in this old
William Geisuch and wife of Peters
Creek, Lancaster county, started from Ox
ford en Monday for Viroqua, Vernen coun
ty, Wisconsin. They go en a visit te a
brother, Jehn Ger.sueh, who went west
from Lancaster county !( years age, first
settling in Ohie and for the last fifteen
years has been located at the above place
where he is engaged in farming.
In Harrisburg the ether day an engi
neer's wife, Mrs. Eisenbcrg, rushed from
her house te the track, spread herself ever
the rail in front of her husband's locomo
tive, shut her eyes and calmly waited the
approach of the wheels which were te
uisc and mangle her beyond recognition.
Seme parties who saw her, hurried te the
spot and dragged her off the track, before
she could make a success of her little di
version. Near Calvert, Md., Miss Lizzie Brown,
about IS years of age, daughter of James
Brown, who was recovering from a serious
spell of typhoid fever, jumped suddenly
from the bed, terribly frightened, caught,
the bed pest, uttered a fearful shriek and
fell back dead in the attendant's arms. It
is supposed she had had a frightful dream
and the sudden action of the heart caused
a rupture of some of the vessels, predue-in-
instant death.
David Beeves, president, and Wm.
Reeves, suitcrintcndcnt of the Phoenix
iron company, have resolved te start their
rolling mill at Safe Harber, en double turn
next Monday. The enterprise is a private
one en the part of the owners, and the
company has no connection with'it. They
will employ about twenty-live hands from
I'luenixville, Norristown and ether places.
T. F. Patterson, general manager, and
Jehn Ucdlec, foreman have left Norris
town for Safe Harber.
Eph. Bnshey, of Lancaster, was arraign
ed before Justice Bycrs, of Potts
town, en Tuesday, for passing
through the tell gate of the Perki Perki
emen & Reading turnpike company with
out paying the proper amount of tell.
Bushey is en gcnt for winnowing mills
and ether farming machinery, and repre
sented te the tell gate keeper that he did
net come directly down the pike, but made
a dcteilr and entered the highway near
Douglassville, while in reality he came all
the way from Reading en the turnpike, as
witnesses testified. He was compelled te
pay a fine and the costs, amounting te
$0.85, which the justice informed him was
getting off very lightly.
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