re, -"-" -' ' - ... jfj LANCASTER DAILY IllTEixiGENCER WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1680. 3 .-1 iS".! SUCHOSCOPY. A Conference Meeting. A conference meeting-of the microscopi micrescopi microscepi cal society was held in the rooms of the Lancaster scientific club last evening. Seme eighty invitations were distributed. Thete were seven microscopes en duty, and of the persons exhibiting them each tried te de his best in the way of interest ing objects. Belew will be found a list of the microscopes, exhibitors, objects ex hibited, and magnifying power used : J. 1. 3IcJaskey exhibited, en nis newt ".National" binocular wttu a masuuyiug nrnvi-r of about sixtv diameters, wing of Lunar moth, seri of ferns and pollen of fire-weed (Eptfebium augusujeuum.) K. W. McCaskcy showed human hair and the feet of a louse with Dr. C. A. Lecher's large microscope, "Grand Amer ica!!," made by Zentrayer, of Philadelphia, 200 diameter. He alseexhibited by means of a Heck "National,'' some shells and sand from Bermuda, and the eels in vine gar, 75 diameters. W. P. King, with a fine microscope owned by J. W. Sidle, of this city, showed the seed of Eccrcmecarfrm, crystals of pan pan eonine, and crystal of sulphate of soda ; all time of which were examined by po pe lai izeti liht, 50 diameters. J. C. IJuirewes with a Beck "National," exhibited the hair of a caterpillar, a bed bug, and a live specimen of Tingis hyalina. 73 diameters. J. M. Davidsen exhibited a newly cap tured musquite and the stem of oleander (Xerium Oleander) double stained. 73 di ameter. C. JL Brinten showed, with Dr. Loch Lech er's small French microscope, two slides of diatoms fiem Helland, and the scales fiem a butterflies' wings, magnified 15 di ameters. The evening was a most enjoyable one te any person who had the least taste for the beautiful and the wonderful. Anrt the society would de well te held their meet ings eftencr and give meic extended priv ileges of attendance. A lINi: TKANSIMUKNCV. Gen. W. S. Hancock en Horseback. Charles Brimmer, pertraitand ornamen tal painter, has just finished for the Fifth ward club a large transparency te be placed jin front of their headquarters at Philip Wall's (Green Tree hotel), West King stieet. above Charlette. The trans parency is 7 by 1) feet in diameter, and en it is painted a portrait of Gen. Hancock, in full military uniform and mounted en his favorite war-horse. The painting is well executed and does much ciedit both te the artist and the club for which it was paint ed. In addition te the equestrian figure of our gallant candidate, the transparency contains in llamiug letteis the words, " Headquarters Fifth Ward Democratic Club." It will probably be erected at the ward headquaitersthis evening. F.ihl Driving. This morning a countryman named A. S. Bitzcr appaieutly a geed deal under the influence of liquor, was arrested by Officer Ceyle ferdiiviug up West King street at full gallop, lie was taken before Alder man McConemy and entcied bail for a hearing en' iturday. Emanuel Miller was in company with Bitzer when he caine te town, but f.nditi; that he was driving fuiieusly, lr. Miller jumi,tcil from the wagon, en West King stieet near Prince, net wishing te risk his safety with such a reckless (hirer. Admitted te the liar. In ceuit this afternoon en motion of M. Brosius, esq., Mr. Themas Whitson, of Fulton township, was ailmittetljte pratice in the courts of Lancaster county. He passed a very creditable-examination. Mr. tVhitseu isat-onef "Old Temmy Whit son." the famous debater and abolitionist. The young man is a "chip of the old block," a ready talker, a close student and :i gentleman of masked intelligence, who in his career will de credit te himself, his preceptor and his profession. A Journey. Miss Lucy MeManus, aged 13 years, daughter of .Jehn McMauus. left this afternoon for Cat son "'ity, Nebraska, te visit her sister, Mrs. Ferster. Through the kindness of Mr. Hambrighr, ticket agent. Miss McMauus was provided with lirnt-elass tickets with first-class slcepers through, besides a letter of introduction. She is certainly very young te travel such a distance alone. Southern Tobacco. Mr. M. L. Hammend, of East Earl township, has just harvested four acres of tobacco of very large growth and superior quality many of the leaves measuring fiem 41 te 4(1 inches in length. Mr. Ham Ham eond received his seed from Hen. Wade Hampton, U. S. senator fiem Seuth Car olina. Finger Crushed. E. SchacfferMcNcal, son of Henry B. McNeal of this city, a freight brakeman en the Pennsylvania iailread, had one of his lingers ci ushed while coupling cars at a station down the read, this morning. He arrive! home at 10:10, K;tts Plentiful. Last night Chailcs Knapp. greccrymau, caught nine rats iu a trap. This morning the animals were given te the Scotch ter rier dogs belonging te Frederick Brimmer, and t!icv weie killed in a short time. Broken. Reuben Seurbcer, of Safe llaalmr, while putting up a fish dam in the river yester day, was swept away by the current and st nick against a piece of timber breaking his leg. Malicious Mlschler. This a'torneDn Jehn Grau was held in bail by Alderman Barr, te answer at court a charge of malicious mischief, preferred by .lames Carberry. iene te Indiana. Jehn A. Hiestand and Hen. Simen Cam Cam eeon left Lancaster te-day for Indiana, te help put the state where it will de most geed in the Hancock column. JZxcentieus Dismissed. In argument court in the case of Jacob Shenk, deceased, exceptions te auditors re port, the exceptions were dismissed by consent of all parties concerned. Sheriffs Sulci. The sheriff has posted up advertise ments for a number of properties which he will sell tin October 9. Charter Granted. This morning in court a charter was granted te incorporate St. Jeseph's hos pital. IJU'OKTANT Til VOTK1W. Matters Which Demand Their Attention. The tax duplicates are iu the hands of the collectors. Every voter should sec te it for himself that his tax is duly paid. October 2 is the last day te attend te this in time te qualify for the coming presiden tial election, but there should be no need less delay. The earlier it is attended te the better. Voters should attend te the payment of their taxes themselves. Seme courts of the state held that this is essen tial and that the tax paid by committees is void and will net entitle the holder of such receipt te vote. It is euly fair and patriot ic,as well as a reasonable precaution, for voters te attend te this duty for them selves. The collector for this city sits from 0 te 9 p. m. iu the commissioners' office ac the court house te receive taxes and every voter should visit him aud get his own receipt. Naturalizations also can be effected up te October 2, te enable the naturalized alien te vote for president ; and these who arc entitled te it, or who knew and are interested in ethers entitled te citizenship, should gill give their attention te this im portant matter. Court will be in session for this purpose en Saturday, Sept. 11 and all of the succeeding week. It may happen that some person duly qualified te be registered has been left off wilfully or carelessly by the assessor of his district, though the voter complied with all the legal requirements. In such cases the law provides a remedy. It should be taken advantage of before Octo ber . me voter can mane eain te ins grievance, and upon presentation of the matter te the court, it is bound te take cognizance of it, te cite the complainant and assessor te appear before it, and if the complaint is well founded, the registry will be corrected accordingly. An Karnest WlRh. Kev. E. F. L. Gauss, Galena, Ills., writes : "Fer ever ten years I had been a great sufferer Irem pains in the small el the buck and region et the Kidneys, which was wiht excruciating and ut times almost insufferable. Doctoring brought no relief, except perhaps momenta rily, and I was linally advised, being unable te fulfill the duties of my calling, te go abroad and seek the climate et my youth. In Ger many and Switzerland, eminent physicians, alter close examination, declared my suffer ings te arise Irem disease of the Kidneys, et longstanding, and could de mene geed. I was however, benefitted by the climate and conse quently returned. Ne sooner had I been back and resumed my pastoral work, when the old trouble grew again se intense as te make life a burden. A few months age I eamc in pos pes pos seislen of one of Day's Kidney Pads, put it en, and the effects were truly wonderful. The pains at once grew less and are new, after w oaring tlie second Tad, entirely gene, and there can be no doubt that I am entirelycured, as I write this some weeks after its use, and am strong and leek again the very picture of health. I wiite this perfectly voluntarily, and and it is dictated only by truth and gratitude. Indeed I consider the Day Kid.vey Pae Ce.. Ged's agents and great benefactors of man kind. May all the suffering be helped as 1 have been .is my earnest wish." s20-lwMW&F Kvening Sociable. On Wednesday evening next, the 29th Inst, fie Lancaster club will give the first of a-criea et evening seciables at Keberts's hall. The-e who attended will remember the pleasant time had en the occasion of the May hop givtn by this club en May 1, as a guarantee of their seciables. Tayler's full orchestra has been se cured. Emaciation, dropsy, mental and physical weakness arrested by Malt Itittcrs. in Kat or West, or North or Seuth, They te themselves an outrage tle. Who cannot beast a lresli sweet mouth. With teeth like, pearls bcguiiimcd with dew When SOKODOXT all this supplies And works the charm before our ej or". s'JO-lwdeedAw The queen of medicinal soaps, the matchless Cuticura. Sales. IS7!1, 450,000 cakes. POLITICAL JWLLETLN. Pay Your Tax. Every voter who wants te vote in November should leek atter the payment of liKtax. Col lector Warlel sit at the Court Heuse THIS EVENING frenit loOe'clock te receive it. GO THERE AN I) PAY IT. Fer Assembly. The name of WILLIAM McCOMSEY, of the First ward, will be presented te the Demo cratic electors et Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate for As sembly, under Democratic rule. ELIM G. SXYDEK, of the Ninth ward, vil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination tethi Legislature from Lancaster City. Mib ject te Democratic rules. td POLITICAL MKKTIXGS. The Sixth Ward Atuerlcus Club Will meet at their club room in Schiller hull en Fill DAY EVENING at 7 o'clock. Bui ness el great importance will be transacted, demanding the attendance et every member. Second Ward. The regular meeting of the Second ward Hancock and English club will be held at their club rooms, Hewell's building, North Queen stieet, Thursday evening next. A full attend ance is requested asbusine-i:, of importance will be transacted. Action will be taken iu regard te attending meeting at Millersvillc en Satur day evening. Members who have tiet received equipments are requested te. be present. Come one! Come all. Seventh Ward. The Seventh ward Hancock and English club will meet at headquarters, Kuhliiian's saloon, en Wednesday evening at iyt e'clcek. The roll will be open for the uignatur of new members. The Veterans. Companies A and 1J of the Veterans will meet at headquartcis en Thursday evening te draw their uniforms. A full attendance is de sired. At Millersvillc en Saturday evening. Sept. 23. Speakers: J. L. Steiumetz, D. Me Mullen, It. F. Davis. W. U. Hensel. Pole raising at 3 o'clock ; parade at 7 o'clock ; speaking at S o'clock. Columbia. Under the auspices of Third Ward club, at Mack's brewery, Saturday evening, Sept. 23. Speaking iu German and English by Jehn A. Ceylo and S. W. Shatlle, esqs. Marietta. Meeting and Pele liaising, Saturday even ing, September 23. Speakers: IS. F. Mont gomery and II. 11. Kisk, e-qs. In Lancaster. General torchlight parade en Friday even ing, October 1. Ne speaking. Welsh Mountain Inn. Tri-county meeting Wednesday afternoon and evening, Oct. 6. Speakers, E. It. Wiegand, of Heading; It. J. Monaghan, of West Chester ; B. F. Davis, D. McMullen, .1. M. Walker, .1. L. Steinmetz, W. U. Hensel, W. II. Kelaud, J no. II. Dellavcu. 4 At Meuntvllle en Monday, October 11. Speakers: Jehn W. Ferney, .T. Luther Hingwalt, .1. L. Steinmetz, 11. F. Davis and W. U. Hensel. At Ouarryvllle Tuesday, October 12. Speakers : J. W. Fern cy J. Luther Hingwalt, Cel. Jehn E. ltitchic and ethers. In Lancaster en Tuesday evening, Oct. 12. Speakers: Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther Hingwalt, Gen. II. Kyd Douglas and ethers. New Helland. AVednesday afternoon, Oct. 13 (unless changed hereafter). Speakers, Hen. Jehn W. Ferney, J. Luther Hingwalt, Cel. Jehn IL Hitchie, E. McCaa, et Alabama. Gen. H. Kyd Douglas, Wm. II Heland and ethers. special xeticxs. SAMPL JNOTICE. It is impossible tern woman after a falthlul course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer witli a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Jyaa-lydced&w Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup DOCTORS GAVE HIM UP. " Is it possible that Mr. Gedlrey is up and at work,'and cured by se simple a remedy ?" "I assure you it is true that he is entirely cured, and a ith nothing but Hep Hitters and only ten days age his doctors gave him up and said he must die!" "Well-a-day! If that Is se, I will go this minute and get some for my peer Geerge. I knew hops are geed." The Value el Pure Wine In Sickness. The chief ditllculty with reliable wines lias been their scarcity and exorbitant price, but this has been removed by the introduction of a Pure Native Wine, produced Irem the Oporto grape by Mr. Alfred Sneer, of New Jersey. We understand that he has submitted his wine te the test et many of our celebrated physicians, and all concur in its purity, medicinal prop erties and superiority te the best imported Pert Wine. Most et them prescribe it in cases of debility, affections et the kidneys, and chronic complaints, requiring a tonic, su su eorific or diuretic treatment. Examiner. Tills wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. sl5-2wdw FLANNELS! In our Flannel department we have new open an immense stock efWhite Flannels in all the grades, from the part cotton te the purest wool Flannels; also, all the different grades of Demet, Shaker, and the celebrated make of Amana Flannels. These goods cannot be surpassed aud should be seen before purchasing ethers. We have also all the grades of Red Weel Flannels, from the lower grades of plain red te the finest qualities of red W1 In Medicated Flannels we have a large stock, from the lower te the finer qualities. In Gray Weel Flannels we also have a large stock, from the lew-pnced te the very finest qualities. In Plaid Flannels, for Sackings, Shirting or Skirtings, we show a choice stock of best styles. In Opera Flannels we show the best makes in all the finest colors. Iu the Blue Weel Flannels, new se much used for ladies' suitings, we show a large stock. In Xankeen Colored Cotten Flannels we show the genuine goods. ..,.,.... . . .... In Bleached Cotten Flannels we show a large stock, from the lighter weights te the heaviest qualities. In Unbleached Cotten Flannels we are offering inducements in all the different grades. We also have Brown and Lead-colored Cotten Flannels in the different grades. Embroidered Flannels, for Ladies and Children's Skirts, we have an assortment of very choice styles. We also call attention te the fact that many of the above goods were bought when Flannels had reached their lowest value and we new offer them at about what they would cost us te-day. We invite examination. GIVLEK, BCTWEKS & HTJEST, 25 East King Street, "Werth their weight in geld" is what "Sel lers' Liver Pills" are said te be. If you don't believe it try them. ; Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers:!! Are you .'disturbed at night ami broken el your rest by a sick child suffering antl crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? It se, go at once and geta bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING STKUI. I twill relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it ; there Is no mistake about it. 1 here is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief antl health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians anil iiur-es iu the United Staces. Sold every wheic 23 cents a bottle. r ilT-lyd&wM.W&S A most righteous judgment awarded Dr. Lindsey for the wonderful cures performed by his ' llloed Searcher." Sold by all drug gists. We would recommend all te try Dr. Brown Brewn ing's Tonic and Alterative, as it is a Perfect itloed Puriflcr. Makes 'new Meed, Heddeus old llloed. Enriches peer llloed, and Gives Vigorous Health. The tlose is but one ten spoonful for an adult, and smaller in preper tien for children, antl is exceedingly pleasant te take. Fer sale by the Proprietor, W. Cham Cham peon Hrewning, M. D., 1117 Arch Street, Phila delphia, antl all Druggists. Price 50 cents and $1. slC-lwdTTh&S&w Thelr ltiglits and Unties by Law. I have suffered Irem a kidney difficulty for the past ten years, accompanied with nervous snasms. Physicians gave me but temporary relief, but atter using three ami one-halt bot tles of Warner's Sate Kidney and Liver Cuie. my nervous spasms werecifirefy relieved. My age is.77 years. 1 recommend this great rem. edy te all suffering from nervous troubles. IIIN UIIIVIIKKmK MHS. MAHY HEKsK. Kasten, Pa. VICATUa. Lean. In Lancaster, la., en September 20, 18i), Henry Lean, in the f3d year et his age. The i datives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the luneial from his lute residence. Ne. ail East Orange street, en Thursday morning, at J o'clock. High mass at St. Mary's church. Interment at St, Mary's cemetery. sep21-2td JTJtfT AliVBMTHUZailWTS. E ,'STAM OB" NELSON TALItOT, LATROF Honevbreok township. Chester county. defeased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te saitl decedent are request ed te make immediate settlement, ami these having claims erdcinaudsugninst the estate et said decedent, te uiaKc known the same te the undersigned without delay,residing in Honey Heney brook township, Chester county, l'a. JOHN J. TALBOT. Supplce P. O. B. F. Davis, Chester County, l'a. Attorney. sop22-3tdeawA.3tw AUCTION. The entile stock of BOOKS AND FANCY GOODS will be sold at auction commencing Wednesday Evening1, Sept. 22d, 1880, AT y NOHTII QUEEN sTKEET. ltd Sign of the Big Hcd Boek. 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, I Fer which the highest price will be paid. 2'I CENTS 1'EK VOUND FOB GOOD MIXED HAGS. The highest price paid ler Woolens, Old l'aper. Heeks, &c. Ten Hag Asserters wanted" te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBBR, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, j-0-tfd III ?jineaster. l'a ITAlfTlSI). w ANTED. ETEEVBODI TO ADVKIt- 4.i fnui ., nliiii.M. i. frli.. Iirpirrttnvw ceb, who wants something te de. A GIRL WAMEU TO DO GENERAL Housework. Apply at once with refer ence at ft East King street. A goetl salary will be paid te one that suits. Ittl Office op tub Mahexy Mutual Like Asse- CIATION OF SELIMjOUOVK, 1A. "llfASTEB-GOOD, ACT1TE, KESPONSI- yy ble Agents in eacii township of the cnuntv of Lancaster. Apply in hand writing of Applicant te the Heme Otlice. L. H. HUMMEL, Sec'y. Pelinsgreve, Snyder county. Pa.. September 17, ISM). seplO-Inid&jtw sc FOll SALE OR RENT, 1'XKCUrOKS' SALE Of CITY PKOP !i EHTIES. The undersigned executers of Michael Malene, deceased, will expose te sale en THURSDAY, the 11th day et OCTOISEK. at 7 o'clock p. in., at the Cndwell Heuse, the fol lowing Heal Estate, viz : Ne. 1. A Letet Ground en the N. E. corner of Orange and Shlppen streets, with a frontage of -r.1 feet, mere or less, en Orange street, and along Shlppen street northward 215 feet te a public alley, en which is erected a commodi ous and well built Mansion, Ne. ZJ01, two-stories high with two-story back building, all in goetl repair; also en rear of let a two-story brick stable anil ether improvements. Ne. '1. A Piece et Ground en North Lime street, west side, between Orange ad Chestnut streets, containing in front en Lime street :i7 feet, mere or less, and in depth westward M feeHJ inches, en which is erected a twn-stery Hrick dwelling. Ne. 128, with its improvements. Ne. 3. A Piece of Ground en south side et East Chestnut street, near Dnke, containing iu front if feet anil extending in depth south ward feet, en which is erected a three-story Hrick Dwelling, Ne. 4t, with brick building aV tached, furnished with water and sewerage. Terms made known at time of sale. EDWAltD McGOVEUN, WM. L. PEIPEK, JAMES M. HUHKE, Executers of Michael Malene, dccM. Henry Shubekt. Auct, &ei17-2wiloed&dts PUKLIC SALt.. On SATUHDAY.OCTOKER 2,1SS0, iu pur suance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned will sell at public sale at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, Lancaster city, the following Heal Es tate, late of Jehn Arneld, tlec'd, situated in the 3d ward of said city, between Seuth Chris tian and Seuth Duke streets, ami between East Mifflin antl East Vine streets, consisting et three continuous purparts viz : Ne. 1. A one-story STONE DWELLING HOUSE, about 2G feet square, with ground be longing thereto, fronting en a 2e feet wide alley, and being about 2 feet in width and about S2 feet in depth, adjoining Ne. 2 and 3, and lands of Ellas McMclIcn and ethers. Ne. 2. A two story rJUICK HUILDING, new used as a Coach Manufactory, about 20 by 2t feet, with ground belonging thereto, being partly 15 leet and partly 24 tcet in width, ami about 51J4ieet in iteptli, adjoining Nes.l and 3 anil ground tit Henry Swentzel, Wayne Ben der and ethers. Ne. 3. A two-story BRICK BUILDING, about 15 by 19 feet, antl u Frame Building, formerly used as a Brewery, with the Tubs, Kettles and ether implements used in same, with the ground belonging thereto, being partly SI leet, aud partly 23J feet in width and about e'tli in depth, atlieins N'es. 1 and 2. anil ground et Jacob Lumparter, estate et Jacob King and ethers. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day. when attendance will be given and terms of sale made known by MARGARET ARNOLD, scpWtdM Executrix of Jehn Arneld. DJtr Mucus- NEW AWERT1SE3IESTS. Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and -warrant all -work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL, BOX REPAINLNG, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced In our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. BT. Z. RKOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. BOOTS AJfJ NOTICE! On and after SATURDAY, AUGUST js the entire stock of HOOTS AND SllOhS et .the I PAHLOlt &IIOK STOKE, Ne. 2 EAST KING STHKKT, will be offered at a great SACKIFICb, te CLOSE OUT HUSIN'ESS. Desiring te engage in ether business, I tuke this opportunity te . eiler the entire stock, consisting et i 10,d00 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Makes, i at least 25 per cent, less than they can be bought S L1111II IllUV Villi UU UUUKlll 11llMI. Till MIUI I Mitt ' MIOES sit lewer prices "oeds'for the last two year-, a splendid oppenunity is new offered te buy superior KOOls and . ....... . . ... -it mr icH A..n I.,. l.tnalir iilntt'ltitrik IUUU inaeULiMl UU uuu,uivwv.uvtu. FAEMEBS ! I AVishin-'te purchase their HOOTS AND SHOES for Fall and Winter, new Is yeurchancc te buy i CHEAI7 Country storekeepers will de well te call while our stock is yet complete. e also 1 have a line of very tine goods which we will sell from $1 te : a pair less than before. The EN , ,'.,'....- J!i'.r.- ..... i...J7i i,...i .... uiMiv ,iu i-iismtn.K w alHoeucrunartGrthctixturesot 1 j vneiuun Hiini ireeuui' "mi t wv... . . --' - - -. . teiv consisting of revolving lixture in window. Lounges, part of shelving Writing Kiremoef Combination Sate, as geed as new, and tin Shew Case and Stand, at the st Olie Fi PARLOR SHOE STORE, Xe. 26 1-2 East King St., opposite Lancaster Ce. Bsuik. C. A. Reeee. SEW AliVERTISMCXESTS ANTED AT'THIS OFFICE COMKS et the Weekly lj.TELLitK:.UKU of the fol lowing dates : 1 .IAN. 1. 1N0. JULY23.ia0. tfd Fall and Winter 1SSO. Anether large invoice of the LATEST STYLES OF Loinleu ami New Yerk NOVELTIES, TOR MEFS WEAR, NOW OPEN AT SM ALI NG'S THE ARTIST TAILOR. J.E.Caldwell&Ce. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS OF DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS, . Purchasers who desire te pro pre cure gems of unexceptionable quality and real value at lowest importer's prices, "will consult their best interests by calling en us. Special attention is directed te the magnificent assortment im ported for this season's sales. sep22-lwdceUM, WAF Lancaster, Pa. HHOE8 elsewhere. HtiTlmr mini n. annpfnltv ill L'lMMl tf' n ,. --j- .... wt- -:-r -" ry FABMEKS ! Desk, MARKETS. 3fw Yerk Market. New Yerk. Sept. 22. Fleur State antl West ern quiet; prices generally without tlecided chsinge: Superfine, S32.i410; extra tle $185D tl.'t; choice, tle, $4 20JJ4 03: fancy de.. $4 70 ($5 r): round hoop Ohie 14 .r4 R0: choice de $4C55 75; supcrlne western $3 2)l 10; common te geed extra tle 3 Se4 2T ; choice de tle $4 3eG -J.") ; choice whlt wheat tle fi 15 4 ); Southern quiet antl steady ; common te fair extra $4 C")05 25; geed te choice tle $5 .luG 50. Wheat without quotable change ; very mod erate trad; Xe. 2 Red. cash, $1 OfrK ; tle Nev., $1 t.9 ; de Dec, $1 10; Ke. 1, White, Oct., 51 OVA. Cern without important change; Mixed western spot, 50?.TO-;i: de fnturr. 30ffl5:lc. Oats about steady ; Ne. 2. Sev. SSJc; de Dec. Me; State, 42g43c; Western 40f3He. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, Sept. 22. Fleur dnll ; choice steady ; superlne $2 50300: extra 3 0033 75 ; Ohie and Indiana family 5 00O5 50 ; Penn'a family de J4 7505 25 ; St. Lemis family at $4 500 5 25; Minnesota family 95 255 87; patent and high grades G 758 25. Rye flour at " 00. Wheat quiet antl steady : Xe. 2 Western Red $ia-ilijfl; Pa. Red 1 031 (; Amber $1 051 et;. Cern scarce and llrm : steamer 62,J53c: yellow 5.!K54c; mixed 53K954C Oatlh'in ; Ne. 1, White 4242c; Ne. 2, de 4141Mc; Ne. 3, de 4040ic; Xe. 2 Mixed 38 39e. Rye scarce at 00c. Previsions llrm; mess perk $1C OOgiGIi; beef hams 1SOU10 00; Indian la.'ss beet at $1850; smoked hmuatl2ai2ic; pickled hami 'Jffglejc ; bacon smoked shoulders 67c ; salt de tic. Lartl llrm; city kettle at 88Jc; loose butchers' 8e ; prime steam $8 "Je. Butter quiet but steady; Creamery extra 31.'tJe;de. geed te choice 286$30c; Bradford comity and New Yerk extra. 2730c; Western reserve extra 2(22e ; tle geed te chetc 17l!c ; Rolls scarce : Penn'a extra 21Q24; Western re serve extra 21921c. Egg steady; Penn at 23c: Western 214822c. Cheese strong; New Yerk full cream 13 13?ic : Western full cream 13c : tle fair te goetl 1212c; tle half skims lllljc. Petroleum nominal ; none ettering ; refined llc Whisky dull at $1 13. Seeds Geed te prime Clever dull at $8 00 (T,S 50 ; Timethy llrm at $2 3Q2 80: Flaxseed lirmnt$I2S130. Stock Market. September 22. Nkw Yeuk Stocks. Stocks weak. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 10:30 11:20 11:50 12:15 Meney ... 2we ErieR. H 30 30& 394 SS Michigan S. & L. S.... 108 103 107& 107JS Michigan Cent. K. K.. !5 95 95 Wi Chicago & X. W 104 104 103 103 Chicago, M St. P... 93 93J4 93 Vtt Han. & St. J. Cem 39 39 39 39 " P'ld.... ! lVt 82-JS 82Ji Teledo Wabash.... 3t 37 3 3' Ohie & Mississippi.... 3 35 34JJ 34 St. Leuis, I. M.&S.H.. 54 54 SI SZ Ontario and Western. 23J 23 23 23 C. C.&I. C. E. V. 18 1 18i P. M 3:00. uesiern union ei...mi uj vj :rjy Pacific Mail S.S. Ce.. 40i 40K 40J 404 Manhattan Elevated-. 31; 31J 31 31 Unie Pacific 90 90 90 )$ Kansas; Texas 33 33 33?, 33' New Yerk Central 129 Adams Express 11S Illinois Central 1124 Cleveland & Pitts 124 Chiciige & Reck 1 117! Pittsburgh & Ft. W 123 Philadelphia. Stocks irregular. Pennsylvania H.K.... 59 59 59 69 Phil'a. A Reading..... 15 15 15 15 Lehigh Valley 53 53 53 53 Lehigh Navigation... 34 34 34 34 Northern Pacific Cem 30 31 31 31 " " P'd ... ... 54 54 Pitts., TitllSV'e&B...! ie 16 16 16 Northern Ccntial 36yH 3 36 36 Phil'a & Erie R. H 15 15 59 14 52 34 29 53 15 36 15 lib" 20 Northern Penn'a 48 48 Un. K. R's of X. J 170 170 Hestenville Pass 20 .... Cental Trans. Ce -TOTlUK. 1 A meeting of the stockholders of the Woedwanl Hill Cemetery will be held at Keberts's Hall en MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, at 3-o'clock p. in., te take action en the ap plication about being made te our courts for increased privilege te our cliarter as may b deemed best, J. B. MARTIN', septlS-3td Scretary. ELKCTIOX XOT1CK. A general meeting of the stockholders of the Lancaster Fire Insurance Company and an election of eighteen directors thereof, te serve for th ensuing year will be held at the elhce of the company. Xe. 103 West Kinir street, en MOXDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1880. Be tween the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, p. m. BEXJ. F. SIIEXK. SsplS-Ctdced Secretary and Trwrarar. TIIftD EDITION. WEDNESDAY EVEN'O, SEPT. 22, 1880. BY TELEGRAPH. NEWS OF THE AFTERNOON. THE GRANT FAMILY. THE FATHER DECLINING DOUBTFUL HONORS AND THE SON TAKING A WIFE. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Telegrams Frem All Quarters. TWO TRAGEDIES. Suicides in Philadelphia and Princeton, Pa. Philadelphia, Sept. 22. Lewis Miller, aged fifty-four, residing 914 Emcline street, committed suicide by hanging him self this morning. About six o'clock this morning Corne lius C. Callahan, aged sixty-three, a wealthy citizen residing near Princeton, en the Norristown branch of the Beading railroad, committed suicide by cutting his threat. He was found dead in bed with a razor by his side. m THE PAKDOa BOAKD. Clemency Granted and Refused. IIarrisbuke, Pa., Sept. 22. The par don beard this afternoon recommended the following pardons : Kate White, of Ly coming county, keeping a bawdy heuse ; Frank Frey, of Yerk, assault and battery; James Dumn, of Philadelphia, conspiracy; Kirtland Campbell, of Lawrence county, rape. Parden was refused in the case of Daniel F. Sullivan, Philadelphia, murder. The case of Frank Small, of Allegheny, for murder, was continued. The beard is still in session. GEN. URAXT REFUSES Te Preside at Gartleld .Meetings. New Yerk, Sept. 22. Many inquiries having been received at Republican head quarters, as te whether General Grant would preside at political meetings--; Governer Jewell communicated with him and te-day received a reply, saying that while he (Grant) would de all in his power te aid the Republican cause he can not new engage te attend any meetings. He will be in Xew Yerk fiem October 10 te 20, and between these dates he will also visit Bosten. L1BE1LTT OF TUE PRESS. A Catholic Priest Who Says it is Degen Degen atleg iate Degrading License. New Yerk, Sep. 22. At the funeral of the late Judge Siunett, of the marine court, at St. Paul's Catholic church, this morning, Father Maguire, referring te charges new pending against deceased, severely denounced the newspapers for attacks en private character. He said the liberty of the press is degenerating into degrading; license. DYING OF FEVER. Alarming Mortality Among Turkish Troops. Loxdex, Sept. 22. A despatch fiem Ragusa says that foreign etiicial reports from Scutari represent that the Turkish troops near that place are dying of fever at the rate of two hundred daily. A despatch from Corfu says that a de cree has been signrd calling out the Greek reserves. Irish Catholics In Convention. Wilmixotex, Del., 22. The twelfth annual session of the Iiish Catholic benev olent union of the United States com menced here this afternoon after a street parade of Irish secities, in which 1,200 persons participated. There were present ever 100 delegates from various parts of the country. GRAXT CIIAPMAX. Quiet Xuptials In San Francisce. San Francisce, Sept. 22. Last even ing Jesse Grant was married te Lizzie, daughter of W. S. Chapman, at the Palace hotel. The affair was very quiet, only a few friends being present. Massachusetts Greenbactccrs. "Worcester, Sept. 22. The Greenback convention was held here te-day, about two hundred delegates being present, and among them one woman. Jehn Hewes, of Worcester, was made president and the usual committees wcre appointed. Beth Legs Cut Off. Maucii Chunk, Pa., Sept. 22. James Campbell, of Upper Mauch Chunk, a brakeman en the L. & S. R. R., had both legs cut off by a train at White Haven to day, while shifting cars. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Sept. 22. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, cooler partly cloudy weather, with northwest te north erly winds, and a slight rise injbaremetcr. KlUHET AJfJt LIVER CURE. Warner's Safe Kifley i Liyer CURE. $1.25 PER BOTTLE. A Positive Remedy for ALTj Kid ney, Liver and Urinary Troubles of betn Male ana D'emaie. READ THERECORD: "It saved my life"." E. B. Lately, Selma, Ala- "It 19 the remedy that will enre the many diseased peculiar te women." Mether's Maga zine. " it has passed severe tests and wen endorse ments from some or the hitched, medical talent in the country." Xew Yerk World, "Xe remedy heretofore discovered ran iw held for one moment In comparison with It. C. A. Harvey, J). ., Washington, D. C. This Great Natural Remedy is for Sale by Druggists in all Parts or the World TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. H. H. WARNER & CO., BOCHESTEB, X. Y. aug9-Tu,Th&SlAw ASTRXCU BR1VS AOTEMTUEMEST. ASTRICH BR0.S' laneaster Kazaar J 13 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. FALL SEM 1880. The season lias opened und we are new reatly te show te our numerous friends and patrons the most cemnlutu assertnurat of s;oeds In each and every department, which hiis ever been seen in this city. That our prices are pesitlTely the very lowest is no need or mentioning, and ladies which have favored us witli a call en our opening days are convinced new that our store is the place te go te ter everything which ladies may need te complete their Fall Outfit. Belew we mention some specialties which please notice. ini Departa!. FRINGES. 34 Inch Silk Fringe.Chcnllle and BcadSca yard Kfch Silk and Chenille Frinse 44c Elegant Silk and Chenille Fringe... 50c " 5-Inch heavy Chenille Fringe, bread bead- Idk COcnyard 4i-tneh heavy Chenille and Head Fringe 'a J 60c n yard 4K-inch Fine Cucnille and Grass Frinw tile a yard 5-inch Chenille and Bead Fringe 7.ks " Most elegant and handsenw Fringe at SO, ty, -.c,$i, 1.10, l.lil.i". and upwards. A handsome line of l'lissementeiics Inull widths. . ... . Tassel Ornaments in Silk, Chenille and Beads. Leeps, Spikes, Curtis antl Spikes. BUTTONS in Hern, Metal. Bronze, Ivery. Silk. Crochet, Ac., of the latest designs and In endless variety. SATINS. A goetl black, well covered Satin for.'Se a yard A inet elegant fcatln for I Blaek Satins at $l.a), $1.40, 1.0, worth con siderable mere. Elegant Colored Satins in all the new sliatles for 9cyirtl Trimming Silk nt v05 . Siik Velvets In all colors and Blacu Velveteen In all colors. ....... Brocaded Velveteens, bilk finished, 65c a yar.l. A complete line et Black Velveteens. A goetl Velveteen, line black 41c a yam A most elegant one at d?10.-, ", Fine Silk Finished Velveteens at V-c, !KJc, l. Dress Linings of all kinds, Paper Muslins and Cambric Be a yard Waist Lining, goetl quality. .,3e ami !' 'I Silesia '-c MILLINERY. Having new en band a handsome variety of TIUMMKD BOXXKTS AXU HATS, we offer the same for inspection, and are pre pared te sell them at most reasonable prlcfs. Our assortment of Flowers and I either cannot be surpassed ; it eilers everything in the line. . Large, handsome roses ..". Fine Freuch Koses ami Flowers, Sprays. Wreaths. Feather Bands, Wings,:Binls,etc. in real Ostrich, l'luiiies we offer some re markable tine goods at most reasonable prices : . ,., Keal Ostrich Tips, in all colors Most elegant Ostrich Tips v,1f We keep a very flue line or French telt Hats which is well worth inspection. FIXE 1'LUSH HATS, Dcrbys Z-, Fine Derbys :""'C'"''"i A most handsome Derby, trimmed and bound with satin ;?' Straw Sailors antl Walking Hats .. OUtt WOOLEN GOODS department Js stocked with the liest hand-made goods, which we are selling cbcaiier than ever : Shetland Shawls, handmade i.e Verv large Shawls "'"21 Ji Heavy bund-crochet Shawls SI Indies' hand-made Shetland Weel Opera Ur culurs.. 5jj The same, silk stitched Ladies' handmade Sleeveless Waists 'i Twilitchts. hand-made, in all colors - !'- Hand-crochet anil elegant Baby-carriage Cevers :: . '!', - Chlltl's Walking Cleak-, hand-made $l.i Child's hand-made Split Jackets :;",, Child's Weel Jackets ...Jc,4ic A choice line or boys' and girls' huudseme Zepher Cap. LINEN WARE. Towels .ncapirce A large line Tewel.. ................. - A very large, all linen Tewel only. .1 e " A line gloss Tewel .....iws Fine Dumusk Tewis i.Jc,uc German Imported Linen Towels. Toweling by the yard .-- from jc up German linen Table cloths, tA ;i All linen Bureau Cevers - .....- Xapkins in great variety and at low prices. '.HANDKERCHIEFS. All linen Handkerchiefs ' Gents' all linen Handkerchiefs. ..lite Ladies all linen Ilundkcrchiefs.hciiistitchcd lie Ladies line linen Handkerchiefs, 3-lncli hem stitched -"Lte Ladies line Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs. Infants' Merine Cloaks and Shawls. Infants' short and long Dresses. Our Hue of LADIES' UNDERWEAR. is well known te every ludy. but Is mere com plete new in variety than ever befen:. CORSETS. Hip Gere Corsets...., j A iroed, hand-made Cen-et .............. .."M- An excellent Corset, sitle steeletl.deuble busk. silk embroidered jc A most beautiful Corset .. The " I'avillien" Speen Busk, side steels.. .: Our wi-11 known liJU-bone "Parisian --1 lIi.Yirs'an.1 Child's SHOCLDEIt BltACKS, an excellent thing ler steeping pceple m Felt unit Flannel Skirts a lull line. RIBBONS in all widths and all the new shades. Fancy Kibbons or most handsome antl ex- aLAChaerLcvery Style antl description. Our HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Is the most complete In this town, comprising all the latest novelties in Cotten us well as Woeleu Hese. BALBU1GGAXS. Notwithstanding the enormous rise in the price or Imported Hosiery we are still selling u heavy Balbrlggan Hese, Full Kcgular Made, Silk Clocked, for ........JOca pair Heavy Dark Cotten Hese. Kegular Made, Fancy Silk Embroidered Centre, ter.ttie a pair Gray and Black Mixed Cotten Hese, richly Embroidered up the Shies, liegular Made, for :.",: ," '?liiP Ladies' Kibbed Merine Hese, Kcgular Made, in White und Colored, for ....23c a pair Ladies Heavy (Juulit? Plain Colored Cotten He-e, Full Kcgular Made, Full Fashioned In grain Celers ...jacapuir Ludies' Heavy German Imported uray and Black Mixel Cotten Hese, Full Regular Made .-- 4ucapalr Ladies' Hair-lined Cotten Hese, Imported Gray and Black Mixed Snpcrtlne English Hese Full Kcgular Made, Extra rinish...63c a pair Ladles' Super-stout British Leng Hese, Full Kcgular Made, Llgui. and Dark Drab Hair Striped ....81c a pair ladies' very heavy Dark Cotten Hese. Cresj- barred -- ;-;-1,,lJ?u!1r A full assortment of Ladies', Gents and Chil dren's German, French and Engl sh Hese. Childs' French Kibbed lle-e In Cotten and Weel, Childs' Plain Cashmere Hese with runcy Infants' Weel Hese, warranted notte fade or shrink aecapair MEDAILLE D'OIt ALEXAXDEB, Positively the best Kid Gloves ever sold for A complete assortment in Black white, cream, flesh, pearl, drab, brown, Ac. 3-Buttens Jirf G-Buttens.-.. ............ SILK IIAXDKEKCHIEFS IX EXDLESS VARIETY. FALLUNDERWEAR Fer Ladies, Gents and Children. We have, no doubt, the best assortment and the lowest prices, ASTRICH BRO.'S, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Tr - ft