Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 22, 1880, Image 2

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iancastct intelligences.
Vlclens and Unwise.
General Mahone finds a champion in
our Republican cotemperary, the Exami
ner, which gees te him, notwithstanding
he was one of these dreadful rebel gen
erals and new proclaims himself a Demo
crat, just because he is in alliance with
its Republican friends in Virginia ; and
our contemporary needs no mere te cause
it te smile en the vilest sinner that ever
breathed. It but fellows the fashion of all
its fellow partisans, who have made their
party notorious for its absurd inconsist
ency in reviling the confederate briga
diers while they take te their arms every
one of them who will embrace them for
a mess of pottage.
In applauding General Mahone the Ex
aminer shows itself very amiable indeed.
One would think that it was somewhat
imprudent; because General Mahone
was net only a relel general who is new
a Democrat, as hesays,but he entertains,
as the vital article of his political faith,
the belief that the state of Virginia
ought net te pay even se much of its debt
as it has agreed te pay in a compromise
which has been accepted by its creditors.
In this community repudiation is net
looked upon with favor, and it may be
that the Republican farmers and mer
chants of Lancaster cennty will think
that they are asked te swallow tee much
when their organ demands that they
shall take into their political em
brace the repudiatienists of Virginia,
who euphoniously call themselves " re
adjusters." They don't take kindly te
the name of repudiators, which belongs
te them. Their aim is net te repudiate,
but te readjust their debt ; but the dif
ference te the creditor is small, as by
either process he loses his money.
Our contemporary seems te be sensible
that it is skating en thin ice, for it says
of Mahone, that " his views en the pay
ment of the debt of Virginia may net be
in accord with our ideas of justice, but
they are net much worse than the ether
side who premise te pay but don't." In
asmuch as the eniy issue between the
Mahone and regular Democrats is en
the question of paying the state debt,
obviously the Examiner does net deal
justly with the state credit Democracy
who are ready te endanger the success
of their party rather than yield te the
demand of the repudiation element in it,
and upon whom the responsibility for
the failure te pay the interest en the
debt does net rest, since the majority in
the legislature is made of Republican
and Mahone Democrats who have com
bined together te refuse payment.
It is net remarkable te find the Ex
aminer incorrect in its statements of fact.
We hardly think it worth our while te
correct it, as probably few intelligent
persons permit themselves te rely upon
its representations. It would seem te be
bad policy in a newspaper te state the
news of the day incorrectly te serve ;i
partisan purpose, as its readers will pretty
surely find out the deceit that has been
practiced en them and will be indignant
that their nevspaier gives them false
news. It may be assumed that most per
sons like te have a reasonable assurance
of the truth of what they read. It was
unwise therefore, as well as vicious, for
the Examiner te misstate the positions
of the Virginia parties ; and especially
was it imprudent in it te say that the
two wings of the Democratic party have
been withheld from harmonizing en one
electoral ticket by the demand of the
regular Democrats that only " white "
Democrats should be allowed te vote at
the proposed primary. "We subjoin the
text of the correspondence en
this point between the committees of
the two sides, and it clearly shows
that General Mahone wanted all his
Republican allies te vote en the issue
between the " re-adjuster " and the state
credit Democrats; which they could
have done under his preposition by sim
ply declaring their intention te vote for
the Dlanceck electoral ticket of their
composition. What chance for its life
our presidential ticket would have in the
hands of such " Hancock " electors may
be imagined from the advice the Repub
lican Examiner gives te vote " the Ma
hone electoral ticket;' which is what the
Virginia Republicans propose te de.
The regular Democratic committee
wrote te the friends of Mahone accepting
their preposition that the choice of a
single electoral ticket shall be submitted
te a primary election, but saying :
We propose te amend the third section
of the plan of conciliation submitted by
your committee, se as te require that none
but legal voters who arc national Demo
crats shall participate in the election. Gen.
Hancock and Mr. English were nominated
by a regular Democratic convention. The
delegates who shared in their nomination
were all Democrats. Ne Democrat can
fittingly object te confining the selec
tion of these who are te be intrust
ed with casting the popular vote
for the Democratic nominees te their
brother Democrats alone. We by no
means wish te exclude any person el what
ever political profession from voting for
Hancock and English. On the contrary,
we welcome all who wish in geed faith te
support them. But party fealty, pru
dence and unvarying custom alike require
that representatives of the party be chosen
by members of the party. Seme of the
members of the party which your commit
tee represents have publicly declared that
in their opinion a majority of the Virginia
Democrats are in sympathy with them.
We cannot see that they can object te the
test of a Democratic primary election,
which would only result, if they would be
correct, in vindicating their judgment.
We invoke the test.
Te which the Mahone committee re
plies: We cannot and will net yield te any
demand that would place us in the posi
tion of abandoning faithful allies, and we
cannot concede that any man's Democracy
is te be concluded by his vote in 187G, by
his previous political opinion or associa
tions, or by the fact that three weeks be
fore election he should net have paid his
capitation tax, which by law he may pay
at any time before election. We propose
te recognize in the projected primary
every registered voter who by iiarticipa iiarticipa
tien therein should shpw purpose te sup
port Hancock and English. We saw and
see no reason why any ether qualification
should be demanded of the voter.
In Virginia, Tennessee and Arkansas
the Democracy successfully resist state
repudiation. Iu Minnesota the Repub
licans warmly espoused and accomplish-1
In the excitement and interest of the
presidential contest it should be steadily
borne in mind by Pennsylvania Demo
crats that they have a special contest
of their own of great importance, with
tremendous issues staked en its result,
in this campaign. The personal excel
lence of their candidates for the impor
tant offices of supreme judge andauditer
general is a fit subject of self-congratulation
by the Pennsylvania Democracy,
while their platform is a declaration of
principles pregnant with truth of most
vital moment te the people of this com
monwealth. The infamous pardon of
the riot bill bribers presents a square,
living state issue en which the Democracy
of Pennsylvania, en the whole, are en
one side as plainly as the Republicans, as
a party, are en the ether. In this central
city of the greatest Republican county
in the state, the Republicans have com
mitted themselves by instructing their
legislative nominee te the support for the
United States Senate of the head and
front of all offending in this legislative
bribery and " rooster " pardon business.
This is an issue that concerns the integ
rity and honor of the commonwealth,
and the people of our state will be apt te
give it due weight in November.
The Republican national platform
makes what Harper's Weekly calls this
" clear and admirable" deliverance en
the question of states rights and federal
powers :
" The constitution of the United States
is a supreme law, and net a mere con
tract ; out of confederated states it made
a sovereign nation. Seme powers are de
nied te the nation, while ethers arc denied
te the states ; but the boundary between
the powers delegated and these reserved is
te be determined by the national and net
by the state tribunals."
Much clearer and much mere admira
ble is the Democratic doctrine enunci
ated by the constitution itself : " The
powers net delegated te the United States
by the constitution nor prohibited by it
te the states arc reserved te the states
respectively or te the people." This
is the sheet anchor of popular
liberty, the breakwater against en
croachments by the party that may
happen te be in power. Under the opera
tions of the Republican dogma it would
be altogether possible for a party in
power te get up a supreme court te suit
itself and then legislate the states out of
existence and vote away the rights of
the people.
The attorney general seems
that te ask the beard of pardons te de
cide upon the constitutionality of laws
is asking a little tee much; and he is
right this time. It is a pity, however,
that he could net also be consistent. He
thought otherwise when he was called en
te find reasons for pardoning Kemble &
The beard of pardons is net a court of
appeal, although from the ravenous
way in which the lawyers close around
it when it meets, it has that appearance.
Nobody doubts new that it is a genuine
nuisance. It was a reform of the new
constitution which has proved te be no
reform. If there was no ether objection te
it, the fact that practice before the beard
had become a lucrative branch of the
lawyer's business would suffice te show
that it should be abolished. The mercy
and justice get from it are tee expensive,
The Examiner is as anxious that the
Democracy of Virginia should embrace
the Repudiatienists as it is distressed
that the Democrats and Greenbackers of
Maine can fuse se happily and success
The railroad up Vesuvius has done
such a flourishing business since its open
ing last spring that the value of the stock
has increase 1 fifcy per cent.
Japanese horseshoes arc mnde of straw
mats and se slightly fastened te the ani
mals feet that the principal streets iu the
cities are strewn with cast-oil' sandals of
the ponies.
William II. Bakxu-u, chairman of the
Democratic national committee, returned
yesterday from the West. He says that
Indiana will surely go Democratic in the
October election, and that Ohie is net cer
tain for the Republicans.
The reporter of the Wst Chester Vil
lage Recerd can take tue New Yerk Trib
une's jack knife for the biggest liar. He
says 3,500 persons were in the Republican
parade at Oxford en Monday night. By
actual count there were 1,000.
TnE venerable Reformed church editor,
Rev. Dr. S. R. Fisher, announces that all
marriage notices sent for insertion in the
Messenger with ' and' substituted for te'
cannot appear in that form, as long as wc
can have any control ever the matter."
Ov course the pious itepublicans of
Maine who se fiercely denounced "the
state steal " will take no advantage of the
fact that some of the Democratic ballets
were cast for "Harrison M. Plaisted" in
stead of " Harris M. Plaisted." Of course
"Twe tenths of one per cent." error the
Republican associated press agents admit
that they made in reporting the Maine
results. Net se wide as a church deer
nor as deep as a well, but enough te
elect Plaisted. Take in that Examiner
Efferts are being made at Zurich,
Switzerland, te abolish the prevailing poll
tax and te substitute for it a tax te be paid
only by the unmarried men. It is argued
by the reformers that the unmarried men
have no families te support and, of course,
have no sons te be drafted into the army
when their country calls for help.
A driveling idiot who is" permitted te
vent his ignorance and bigotry through the
columns of the West Chester Republican,
gets oft" the following in yesterday's issue
of that delectable sheet : " Can it be that
the fruit of Democracy is heavenly bless
ings ? Democrats, in all candor, I de net
believe it. Ne man can fellow our Saviour
and the Democratic party, for they are
pathways that lead iu exactly opposite di
rections. Mr. Editor, I am serious in ask
ing the above question, for I cannot be
lieve that a Democrat can be a Christain.
I mean by Democrat what we knew as
such te-day."
Gov. Jeter, of Seuth Carolina, has di
rected Attorney General Youmans te ap
pear and assist in the prosecution of Cel.
E. B. Cash, at Darlington, who recently
killed Colonel W. M. Shannen in a duel.
Salvixi, the Italian tragedian, has for
many years taken lessens in English in
order te be able te interpret Shakspeare in
the original text ; but he says he despairs
of ever playing in English en the stage.
Ex-Gov. Shepherd, formerly of the
District of Columbia, writes te a friend in
Washington gleefully that he has " struck
it rich" in the Batopilas mines of Mexico
and that in forty days he has extracted
$120,000 worth of silver. He has 80 men
at work in the mines.
A rumor was current in Harrisburg
yesterday that Cel. Jehn H. Filler, of
the Harrisburg Patriot editeral staff, had
died suddenly in Philadelphia. The
friends of Cel. Filler will be glad te knew
that the report is false and that he is alive
and well.
Majer Walsh, of the mounted police, has
secured Sitting Bull for three years for a
company of Canadians, who propose mak
ing a tour of the United States and Can
ada with him, commencing en the 1st of
January. He will appear in a border-life
Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt expects te
remain abroad about a year. Frem Liver
peel he will travel te Caire, where a com
pany will be formed, composed of guides,
spearmen and woodchoppers, and Mr.
Vanderbilt will set out en an exploring
expedition up the Nile.
Senater Bayard will speak in Tam
many hall en Thursday evening, when a
mass meeting and torchlight precession
will take place. Six separate meetings
will be in progress around Union Square
and the parade will be reviewed by General
Hancock and many prominent officials
and citizens. August Belmont, esq., will
Amasa Stene is the man who will give
$300,000 te Western Reserve college, at
Hudsen, Ohie, if it shall be removed te
Cleveland. At a meeting of the trustees,
held en Monday, it was practically resolv
ed te remove the college te Cleveland and
te change the name te " Western Reserve
university." The college already has an
endowment of 8230,000.
On the occasion of the opening of the
new Chestnut street opera house, Phil
adelphia, Monday night, James II. Hev
erin, esq., made an appropriate speech.
"The Dauicheffs " was played by the stock
company, and the ornate edifice, a very
temple of Thcspis in artistic beauty, was
filled te the doers with an audience repre
sentative of the most cultured circles in
Philadelphia society.
Mr. J. V.;L. Findlay, of Baltimore, has
just returned from a trip te Indiana,
whither he went, by invitation of the
Democratic national committee, te speak
en the hustings. He was unfortunately
laid up by tee great exertions in one of his
efforts, which the local paper pronounces
" the ablest speech that has been made
en cither side iu the campaign in Indiana."
Mr. Findley spent several days in Indian
apolis and the central parts of the state, and
issatislicd that Indiana will go Democratic
both at the Octo ber and November elec
tions. Gen. Butler has this kindly greeting
trem the Little Reck (Ark.) Gazette :
"Let the old man have a chance. He is
new approaching the evening of his life,
and en his head and among the remaining
gray hairs the falling twilight plays. Let
it play. Away back behind him, in the
political west, there is a red murky spot
where his old sun went down. In front of
him rises a Democratic moon. Help your
self, old man. Take just as much of the
'cake' as you can get, and it is reasonable
te suppose that you cau get your share."
Hancock having been invited te attend
a Democratic meeting at Hicksville,
Ohie, wrote a letter of regret at being un
able te attend, and concluded : " The meet
ing will be one of unusual interest, hon
ored, as it will be, by the presence of these
two prominent leaders, Senater Thurman
and Gov. Hendricks. The cause must be
one of no ordinary kind that brings to
gether these two eminent men en the hol
ders of the two great states of which they
have long been distinguished representa
tives. I have reason te feel proud of be
ing prominently identified with a cause
that is upheld by the patriotism and ability
of such advocates. I regret that I cannot
be present en this occasion te share with
my fellow-citizens the lessens of wisdom
and patriotism that cannot fail te emanate
from such sources.
OleBull died in his house en "the Isle
of Light," a forest-clad rock in the Ber Ber
genfjerd ; his body was borne down te a
steamer, which conveyed it te the city of
Bergen, at the head of the fjord, fourteen
ether steamers falling in precession behind
it, and the cortege was saluted from the
fortress and the man-of-war in the harbor.
Frem the wharf te the burial ground the
coffin was borne through streets decorated
with wreaths and flags, and thronged with
people wearing mourning badges. Edward
Grieg, the composer, and Ole Bull's most
celebrated pupil, bore behind the coffin the
crown of geld given him years age in San
Francisce, and his friend Dr. Danielsen
carried his many decorations. The poet
Bjarnstjerue Bjornsen spoke at the grave.
There was scarcely a village in Norway
where the day was net observed in some
Heard et l'ardens.
The beard of pardons met in the su
preme court room, Harrisburg, yesterday.
The following cases from this county were
before the beard : Geerge Sheets, Henry
Duck, William Frew, Neah Keescy, Gee.
Fisher, Haldcman Jacksen, Matthew
Jehnsen, Jacob Read, Franklin P. Hogcn Hegcn Hogcn
teglcr, violating fish laws ; August 21.
1880. Each sentenced te pay a fine of $2
and six months te county prison. Case
heard, put no action taken.
In its report of the meeting and of the
application for the fishermen's pardon, the
Philadelphia Press says : " They were
also represented by Mr. Davis, who
claimed the law under which they were
convicted was unconstitutional. Attorney
General Palmer remarked that he had ap
proved the law. Lieutenant Governer
Stene, as president of the Senate, had
signed it and the goveener had affixed his
signature, making it a law, and he didn't
see hew, at this present time, a beard of
pardons could repeal a law. This remark
created quite a breeze, and Mr. Davis sat
Jehn Echtcrnacht, burglary ; August 23,
1878. Sentenced te pay a fine of $100 and
five years in county prison. Case heard
and re hearing granted.
A rrangenients
te Cast the Electoral Vete
for Hancock.
The associated press agent at Portland
reports as fellows : Finding an error in
the telegraphic returns te the amount of
two-tenth of one per cent., copies of the
official returns have been footed up and
compared with the footings received from
Augusta. An error is found of 100 in the
footing of Penobscot county. Seven towns
are added, and the final result is: Davis,
73,040; Plaisted 73,814; Plaisted's plural
ity, 174. The scattering votes were
net en the sheets received here, but the
Augusta footing. 473, is probably correct.
This result must be very near, although
some towns are net official, and the Demo
cratic state committee, although their
tables are net complete, agree that they
will come out very near this. Although
these figures are from official returns, the
official canvass of them is net made until
the Legislature meets in January, and
only that body takes cognizance of errors
in them. The plurality amendment is
carried by a large majority."
The Republican Committee Gives It Up.
The following has been sent out by the
secretary of the Republican state commit
tee : " Returns received at the secretary
of state's office fiem the clerks of all the
towns in the state but thirteen give Davis
494 plurality. Nine of these thirteen
towns give by newspaper reports a plural
ity of 548 against Davis and the ether four,
remote plantations, gave last year a plur
ality against Davis of 43, indicating a plur
ality of 90 agaitist Davis this year, count
ing everything for Plaisted that was
intended for him, although there arc
great irregularities in his name as return
ed by the clerks. The name is returned
Hiram M., Harrison 31., Mauris M., etc.
These variations affect mere than one
thousand votes. The returns of votes
upon which the question is decided are
canvassed by the Legislature, and it is se
close that it will net be known te an abse
lute certainty until the Legislature meets
in January.
"The constitutional amendments are both
adopted that providing for the election
of governor by a plurality instead of a
majority vete by 58.872 te 37,153 ; the
amendment making the term of senators
and members of the Heuse two years in
stead of one by G7.71G te 18,184.
The Fusion te Continue.
The Maine Greenback state committee
met in Portland yesterday and elected
Samuel A. Berry chairman and Benjamin
liunkcr secretary, lhe convention te
nominate electors met at Congress hall at
2 o'clock. S. A Berry, called the eenven
tien te order and Charles A. White was
named chairman. He denounced General
Garfield and said the understanding was te
divide the electoral ticket and urged that
it should be carried out. Rev. Alman
Straut offered prayer and A. G. Plummcr,
of Washington county,
E.isen, jr., of Newport,
secretaries. The state
made the committee
and Jehn B
were appointed
committee was
en credentials
The temporary organization
made permanent. There were
was then
4G3 dele
gates present from 95 towns. S. D. Heb
son, of Wiscasset, presented a resolution
endorsing the action of the state committee
recenimcuding fusion with the Democrats,
J. B. Chase, of Cape Elizabeth, amid great
excitement, protested. Elliett King moved
te accept the report and resolutions and te
name a joint electoral ticket. Chase made
a motion te amend by nominating seven
straight Greenbackers, which was received
with applause and hisses. The speaker
made an appeal for afair hearing and argued
against fusion. Rev. Alvah btraut, 11. 31
Plaisted, Elliett King and ethers advo
cated fusion, after which the previous
question was carried and the motion te
fuse was carried.
The following is the resolution in full :
"The election of Gen. Harris 31. Plaisted
te the office of governor by a vote unpre
cedented in the history of the state, and
the re-election of our representation in
Congress, is an unquestionable endorse
ment of our principles by the state of
3Iaiue. Wc feel assured that when party
prejudice shall no leugcr control our Re
publican brethren, wc will show an over
whelming majority in favor of national
principles which will be responded te by
every state in the Union.
" That the action of the state commit
tee in recommending an arrangement with
tlie Democratic party for state and presi
dential elections was expedient, and the
National Greenback party of the state of
Maine in convention assembled hereby en
dorses that action and agrees te support at
the presidential election Solen Chase and
Samuel Watts for candidates for electors
at large, and Jehn J. Turney, Benjamin
Bunker, Charles R. Whidden, William
Cromwell and Jehn P. Denwarth as can
didates for district electors, as recommend
ed by the committee."
At the adjournment of the Congress
hall convention the straight Greenbackers
met at the city hall, Solen Chase, presid
ing, with R. 31. Springer, secretary. A
straight ticket was nominated as fellows :
Solen Chase, J. F. Turner, C. R. Whid
den, J. F. Hilten, Themas G. Burdin, G.
W. Wertcr and E. B. Frye ; seventy-three
delegates voted.
Congressman 3Iurch made a brief speech.
He believed every Greenbacker knew his
opposition te fusion in the past. He be
lieved the Democratic party was governed
by high and patriotic motives, and return
ed thanks te the Democrats for supporting
him. The question was, shall seven Gar
field, or three Hancock and four Weaver
electors be chosen. He was frce te say he
preferred the latter.
The Dauphin county fair has three ex
hibits in its poultry department.
James E. Cooper, of Cooper fc Bailey's
Londen circus, having sold out his share
of the show te Mr. Bailey, will, at the close
of this season, retire te private life at his
home in Philadelphia.
Themas Jehn, of Hazleton, a prominent
coal operator, who was injured a few days
age by an accident, died yesterday. lie
was 56 years of age and had spent a
life of activity and usefulness mainly in
the anthracite coal region.
The formal opening of the International
exhibition of sheep and wool products at
the main exhibition building, under the
auspices of the Pennsylvania State agricul
tural society, took place yesterday after
noon in the presence of a fair audience, U.
S. Commissioner Lc Due de
livering the opening address.
The New Yerk Stenographers' assecia
tien is the principal organization of stcne
praphers in the world, having an active
and honorary membership composed of
many of the leading practical stenographers
of America. At its 'late cempeti tive meet
ing Henry C. Dcmming, of Harrisburg.
was awarded the first prize for rapid and
accurate reporting.
The Centre county convention renomin renemin
ated J. P. Gcphart and W. II. 3Iurry for
the Legislature and instructed the dele
gates for C. T. Alexander for the state
Senate, and A. G. Curtin for Congress.
The Clearfield county convention also in
structed for Curtin, which insures his
nomination, Clinten county haviug al
ready instructed for him.
The coal tonnage of the Philadelphia &
Reading railroad company for the week
ending with Saturday last aggregated
206,319 tens 03 cwts., against 193,731 tens
09 cwts. shipped during the same time last
year. The total tonnage from January 1,
1880, te date is 5.326,417 tens 08 cwts., a
decrease of 928,621 tens 09 cwts., from the
amount carried during the corresponding
period in 1879.
Fires, Accidents, Murder and Robberies.
The stove and hardware factory of J.
Taraultz, at Graytown, Ohie, were burned
yesterday. Less $20,000.
The northern freight house of the Bos Bes Bos
eon & Maine railroad, in Bosten, was
burned last evening, with a large quantity
of freight. The less is estimated at $130.
000. A fire at Tell City, Ind., destroyed the
Cabinetmakers' union furniture factory and
lumber, together with a number of small
dwellings. The less is estimated at $200,
000. James S. Grever, a well-known merchant
of Oak Creek, Wis., hanged himself. Wm.
Herner, sentenced te be hanged for mur
der, hanged himself in the jail at Sault
Ste. 3Iarie, Ont.
Stokes Daniels was shot dead by Wesley
3Iurphy, while attempting te force an en
trance into the lattcr's house iu Kent coun
ty, 3Id.
James Redus was killed and James Har
din slightly wounded in an affray in a dis
reputable house near Point Lick, Ky., en
Saturday night. Knives were the weapons
used. Redus was fighting with a woman
and Hardin interfered.
The sparkling gems which the bank rob
ber Rollins had smuggled into the Eastern
penitentiary in a shaving-brush handle' and
which he premised te give te the keeper
Hustis if he would assist him te escape,have
been examined by a lapidary, en behalf
of the administrator, J. McDowell Sharp,
of Chambersburg, and prove te be paste
instead of Brazilian diamonds.
In Bradford little Johnnie Wolf twelve
feet from a window and may die. In
3Ieadville, Chas. Brown, a painter, fell
from a reef and was killed. Near Read
ing young Delhampel was carrying a box
of powder and fuse when a stranger set fire
te it and the boy was terribly burned.
Frank Necker, of Berks county, went te
Reading te see the circus, was sunstruck
in the tent and died in an omnibus en his
way te the hotel.
Railroad Fatalities.
Aaren Stevens and Clara Trask were
killed by a train while crossing the railroad
at Beverly, 3Iass., last evening.
Themas Hackett, aged 19 years, a switch
tender, was killed en the railroad at Brad
ford, Pa., last night.
Geerge W. Brice was killed by a train
while crossing the railroad track, at Milten
near Elizabcthpert, N. J., in a wagon, last
It was a bogus impersonator of 3Irs. Har
ris, author of "Rutledge" and net the
original, who was recently killed near St.
Paul, Minn.
3Irs. Hazzard, of Monticclle. III., gave
birth te five babies en Saturday. They
are all alive.
Fifty cattle fell through the drawbridge
at Passaic, N. J., yesterday. Net one was
Rev. Francis Thornteu died in Louisville
yesterday, aged 83 years. He had been in
the ministry 64 years.
Baseball : At Cleveland Buffalo, 4 ;
Cleveland, 11. At Worcester Trey, 2 ;
Worcester, 17. At Chicago Chicago, 5 ;
Cincinnati, 4. At Providence Providence.
3 ; Bosten, 1.
A party of destitute boys, numbering in
all fifteen, were started West yesterday by
Whitelaw Reid, through the agency of the
Children's Aid society. They arc te go te
Emmcttsburg, Iowa. Ten of them arc
sent en account of a contribution made
some time age en condition that these sent
should all be of respectable Protestant
parentage, orphans or half orphans, and in
actually destitute circumstances.
Successful Blew Up.
A crowd of citizens and strangers, esti
mated at 50,000, gathered along the water
front of Montreal yesterday morning te
witness the blowing up of a 100-ten vessel
by torpedoes in the harbor. At eleven
o'clock a preliminary explosion sent sev
eral tens of water te a height of about
thirty feet. As seen as it was ever the
vessel, with a crew of dummy men-of-war's
men, were blown into fragments, according
te the pregramme.
Fatal Landslide.
By a landslide at Naini Tal Bengal elev
en British officers, fifteen soldiers and
eleven ether persons were killed and four
TUE RIOT AT T11E 1111.1..
A Fight Soen Started and Rapidly Spread.
Last Saturday night there was a party
held at Mrs. Stcffy's White Herse hotel,
in the "hill," two miles north of Bricker
ville which ended in a disgraceful fight,
and pistols and billies were used by
these net possessed of the proper
pugilistic requisites.
It seems that a couple of young men
hardly mere than boys, were indulging iu
a sham fight, and called each ether hard
names in fun, when up jumped Cyrus
Fetter, leader of the Snertville band, and
knocked one of the embryo prize-fighters
down. He did it for the purpose of start
ing a row, and, judging from what hap
pened next, he can start a fight a great
deal better than he can start a band.
In less time than it takes te write it
thcre were ten or a dozen men fighting in
the bar-room ; and, as plenty of ethers
sailed in, it seemed as if everybody was
fighting. The women spluttered and
swore in Dutch ; the young ladies, bless
'em, screamed, but did net faintthey
don't knew hew and all who were net
desirous of becoming involved in the muss
were compelled te retreat te a point a
quarter of a mile above the hotel. They
tore off beards from the fence and used
them with disastrous effect. Jerry Fetter
broke Jehn Beyer's nose with a fence rail.
Jehn fled and Fetter fired four shots after
him, none striking him, however. This
worthy also held a cocked revolver against
the face of Jehn Rhoads and threatened
his life. Mr. Jehn Keener, of Clay, and
Levan Ulrich, the musicians, were count
ing the money taken in, when Keener was
floored by a blew with a steel. He had
net spoken te the mob, but they didn't
give him time te remonstrate, and several
mere unfortunates, unconscious and bleed
ing, fell en top of him. 'Twas the most
desperate fight that ever took place in the
" Hill." Several persons are injured se
riously if net fatally, and numerous com
plicated cress action law suits will fellow.
The Accident te Edward Jacksen.
Edward Jacksen net Edward Hunter,
as reported yesterday the colored man,
belonging te this city, who wasreperted te
have been run ever by the, cars and seri
ously hurt at 31ilten, Pa., yesterday morn
ing, has net since been heard from. His
mother, Mrs. Hunter, is much distressed
about him, as she telegraphed yesterday
te have him sent en te this city. It may
be mentioned as a singular coincidence
that just about the time Jacksen was run
ever at Milten, Pa., a man named Gee.
W. Brice was run ever and killed at 3Iil 3Iil
ten, New Jersey.
The Veterans.
The Hancock Veterans held a meeting at
the headquarters in Centre Square, last even
ing. Thirty new names were added, 13 of the
men having been Republicans heretofore.
Instructions were given te draw en the
quartermaster for 100 sets of uniforms for
companies A and B. The attendance was
large at the meeting.
The Famous Fairy Story at the Opera Heese.
The largest audience that has assembled
within the walls of Fulton opera house
during the present season gathered there
last evening te witness the production of
the operatic spectacle of " Cinderella ; or,
the Little Glass Slipper," by 3Ir. Henry
C. Jarrett's large selected company ; and
there has been no mere thoroughly pleas
ing entertainment given there since the
doers were thrown open te public amuse
ments last month. The performance con
sists of a very clever operatic arrangement
of the famous fairy story that has de
lighted the imagination of generations of
children and grown folks, and it is rendered
with fine spectacular effect and rich cos
tuming. A features of the performance
was a grand European ballet by a
corps of graceful dancers, notable among
whom was the child premiere L.a 1'etite
Leontinc, a little midget who was re
ceived with marked favor. In the
grand specialty act, which is in
troduced in the palace scene at the prince's
ball, the most pronounced hit was made by
Miss Lizzie Simms, the English danseuse,
whose lightning changes of costume
excited the audience te the highest pitch
of wonder and admiration, while her danc
ing was by long odds the best that has ever
been seen here. She made twelve complete
changes of costume in half as many min
utes, and each successive reappearance
from behind the wing found her represent
ing a different nationality, of which she
gave the characteristic dance ; she was re
warded with tumultuous applause. 3liss
Lillian Lancaster's character song and
rapid and lifelike crayon sketches were
also well received. She drew clever like
nesses of Gen. Benj. F. Butler and the
presidential candidates. Little Katie Sey
mour's singing and dancing were mere
than ordinary, and the acrobatic perform
ance 3Iessrs Geerge Tepaek and William
Moere astonished the natives, and added
te the fun. As for the play proper, it
was the dear old fairy .story that has
for se many years been the charm of the
fireside, told with all the advantages of
splendid scenery, elegant wardrobe, the
realisms and all the arts and illusions of
the theatre. The music, which was a
prominent feature of the entertainment, is
mainly by Rossini, and the arrangement is
wonderfully effective, the chorus compris
ing a powerful corps of geed voice, aug
mented by fine orchestration and efficient
leadership Miss Annie Shaffer, who plays
the title role, is a little lady whose
uncommonly pretty face, artless
manner and withal charming voice,
wen her the immediate favor of her audi
ence which strengthened with the progress
of the play, ami her marvelous transmeg
rificatien from the abused drudge of the
kitchen te the dazzling belle of the ball
loom was the signal ler a prolonged burst
of applause, which indicated clearly
enough hew securely she had leaped into
the geed will of her auditors.
Miss .Marie Bates made au ac
ceptable Prince Paragon, the here
of many a childish dream, and 3Iisses
Elma Dclare and Jennie Hughes, as the
proud and wicked sisters of peer abused
little Cinderella, contributed net a little te
the entertainment. They both sing well,
tee, and 3Iiss Hughes's paraphrase of one
of the popular airs of the "Pirates" wen her
an encore. 3Ir. Wm. II. Seym ur, as
Baren Pompiline, father of Cinderella and
the cruel sisters was very funiiy,:iud 3fc.ssis.
E. Council and 3Iark Smith were seen
and beard te advantage in their respective
roles of Count Alidera, tutor te the prince,
and Vandini, valet te his royal highness.
They both have fine bass voices. 3lr.
James Vincent was about as homely and
amusing as possible in his rendition of
Cinderella's humble friend Pedre, while
little Katie Seymour was quite acceptable
as the fairy godmother. The ladies of the
court, guards, hunters, servitors, etc.,
were represented by an efficient corps of
auxiliaries, the company numbering up
wards of fifty people; the mechanical and
spectacular effects and gorgeous costumes
left nothing te be desired, and the entire
performance was one of thorough enjoy
ment and mere than fulfilled the abund
ant premises of 3Ianagcr Mishler and con
sequent high expectations of our people.
A Family That Needs Attention.
Yesterday there was a rumor en the
street that a girl of unsound mind, about
14 years of age, and living with her par
ents in a small frame building near the
bark works, had killcdhcr father 3Iartin
Funk, by striking him en the head with a
stone. An Intelligencer reporter visit
ed the premises and ascertained that the
rumor was unfounded, and that it had
probably originated from the fact that ou
.Monday the girl had found a drunken man
lying en the pike near 3IcGrann's park,
and had caught him by the heels and
dragged him across the pike, and then
given him a pumiiicling, probably with
the intention of waking him up.
The Funk family, however, ought te be
looked after. They are very peer, and
live iu the most squalid manner in a single
room. The girl, as stated above, is of un
sound mind, and clad in rags. The old
man is a cripple, having had one of his
great tees cut off recently, and the old
woman his wife has no visible means of
subsistence. The residents of the neigh
borheod de what they can de te provide
for the peer family, but the case is one
that calls for action en the part of the di
rectors of the peer.
Thcre was also a rumor en the street
that a young man who left this city about
fifteen months age had been convicted of
murder in Ohie, and sentenced te be hung,
but investigation failed te establish the
truth of the report.
Lecal Exhibition.
But one week stands between us ami the
commencement of the agricultural and
mechanical exhibition at the Northern
market house, en North Queen street. The
building is spacious, well ventilated and
lighted, and free from exposure and dust.
Ne matter whether it rains or shines all
articles placed en exhibition will be equally
protected. lhe annual display et our
local agricultural and horticultural society
will consist of farm products, manufac
tures and mechanical implements in all
their endless varieties, such as grains,
seeds, fruits, flowers, vegetables, imple
ments, manufactures, light machinery, do
mestic inventions and industrial produc
tions in general ; also specimens of domes
tic labor of all kinds, the details of which
are amply set forth in the premium list of
the society. Lancaster county producers
never fail te make an honorable record
abroad, and it new will be seen what they
can de at home. This association and the
beard of managers who represent it are
all well known te the community, and have
long been laboring in their chosen field.
An j thing committed te their custody will
be as well cared for as if it remained at
home. Send for premium list te the local
manager, Ne. 101 North Queen .street,
Lancaster, Pa.
ISerks County Fair.
The annual fair of the Berks county ag
ricultural and horticultural society com
mences in Reading en Tuesday next, and
continues during the week. A large num
ber of entries have been made and a line
exhibition is ceulidcntly expected.
Dogs Shet.
The deg belonging te Israel Kautz, sup
posed te have been mad and which was
shot as reported yesterday, was seen te bite
a deg belonging te 3Iaggie Reese and
another belengiug te Sam W. Altick, both
of which have been shot.
Democratic Meeting Street ImpreTetneat
Screw Frepellers Miscellaneous
The II. 31. North Democratic inarching
clubs will held meetings for the transac
tion of important business at their respec
tive headquarters en Friday evening. A
torchlight precession will form en Satur
day evening and it is te complete arrange
ments for this, and also te attend te what
ever ether business may ceme up that the
meetings of Friday evening are te be held.
On the afternoon of Saturday a Democratic
pole will be planted at 3Iack's brewery at
the "Five Points," and in the evening
addresses will be made by S. W. Shadlc
and Jehn A. Ceyle, esqs. It is de
sired te have a display creditable te the
Democracy of Columbia, and te this end
the members of the party are requested te
turn out te a man, or failing te de that, te
see that their equipments are placed at the
disposal of members of the clubs net sup
plied. Members of the club who have yet
in their possession the equipments worn in
1S7G are requested te leave the same at the
Herald office or give them te members as
yet unequipped. The clubs will meet at
the different headquarters at 7:S0 o'clock,
sharp, se that the parade may be dismissed
at an hour sufficiently early te warrant :v
geed attendance at the meeting te be held
ThelSoreugh Rudget.
Workmen have been employed for some
time iu macadamizing Perry street from
Frent te Second and at the present writ
ing the work is about completed. The
street is nicely leveled and is much im
proved. Union street near Third is also
being repaired in the same way. The work
there is net yet finished but seen will le.
An attachment te the main water pipe
is being made at'Feurth and 3IHI streets.
3Iessrs. Ed. N. Smith and Jerry Kech
are at present engaged in attaching a screw
propeller te their thick beat. If the pro
peller works well which is net doubted
the aforesaid parties will have chance Ne.
1 iu banging away at the ducks, as with
the aid of their propeller, they will be able
te make better time with their beats than
can possibly be made by ordinary sculling.
The propeller will be worked by hand, but.
the labor will net be great, by reason of
the admirable arrangement made in the
machinery. The experiment will he given
a trial shortly.
T..e engineer and fireman of shifting
engine Ne. 870 are both off duty en the
sick list. The former with fever and the
latter suffering the torture of a carbuncle
under the arm.
The ladies' aiil society of the 31. K.
church will give their semi-monthly socia
ble this evening in the church parlors. 3!r.
Henry Suydain's class will provide the re
freshments. A boy was thrown while attempting te
jump ou a moving freight train yesterday
afternoon and severely cut about the face
and head.
Twe mere Republican club elected offi
cers last evening. Ed. B. Eckman was
elected captain of one and L. K. Fonder Fender
smith of the ether.
The Columbia rilles met for re-organization
at the Franklin house last evening,
and effected their purpose with a mem
bership of thirty-live all present. Civil
officers were elected as fellows : President,
Jehn R. Henry ; Vice President, Harry IJ.
Dean ; Secretary, A. Kistler ; Assistant
Secretary, II. Nolte; Treasurer, Will Alli Alli
eon. The military portion of the concern
was left as it was, the old officers being
retained in their positions. A number of
new officers will be appointed te till vacan
cies. It is said the pole te be raised by the
Democrats at 3Iaek's brewery, ou next
Saturday evening, will be fully as long, if
net longer, than the one raised at Gagin's
hotel about a week age.
The "3Ierris whites" and ether Iato
peaches are new coming in.
The Republican "helmet" company
decided last evening te purchase auniferm
for two dollars.
Alleged Merse Stealing.
On 3Ienday morning James S. Eckman,
inn-keeper of Drumere Centre, hired a
horse and buggy from Themas Houghten,
liveryman of this city, te drive te Drumere
Centre, with the understanding that Eck
man should return the horse the same
evening. He did net de se, however, and
3Ir. Houghten hearing nothing from him
up te Tuesday eveuing determined te leek
after his missing team. In company with
Samuel Urban he drove down towards Dru Dru
mere, and found Eckman at Charles's
Pcquea Valley tavern, and asked him why
he had net returned the team according te
premise. Eckman said he did net knew
where the team was ; that some person had
stolen it and driven off with it while he
(I-'ckman) was at the hotel. Seme of the
women of the house said thay saw a man
take the team and drive towards the Buck.
Houghten and Urban thereupon followed
iu that direction, thinking the thief might
be making for Conowingo bridge. He was
overtaken near Hickory Greve, Drumere
township, and when asked who he was
and where he was going, and whose team
he was driving, became very imper
tinent. Houghten then ordered Urban
te arrest him, which was accordingly
done, and he and the team were
brought en te Lancaster. He proved
te be a man named Jehn Given, and de
clared that the team was leaned him by
Eckman, and that he was going te return
it very seen. He was locked up iu the
station house.
This morning Eckman called at Hough Hough
eon's stable, and be tee was arrested and
locked up at the station house. He denies
Given's story and declares the team was
stolen from him.
The time for the hearing of the case has
net yet been fixed.
KuMcllvllIe's Reusing Rally.
A reusing demonstration took place at
Russellville, Chester county, last night,
under the auspices of the Democrats of
that place. Delegations were present from
Oxford and ether neighboring towns, and
it is estimated that fully 1000 voters listen
ed te the eloquent speeches iu behalf of
Hancock and English that were made by
J. D. Harrar, esq., of Christiana, Jehn A.
Ceyle, esq., of this city, and Jenn II. Few,
esq., of Philadelphia. A creditable parade
was a feature of the occasion.
The Downlngtewn -Meeting.
At the Democratic meeting in Downlng Dewnlng Downlng
eown en Saturday night, there were fifteen
club in attendance, besides hundreds of
enthusiastic individual Democrats fiem
the surrounding country. The speaking
was kept up until midnight, having been
only begun after the parade. Ringing
speeches were made by Jehn II. Dellaven,
of Churchtown; J. C. 3IacAlarney, esq.,
of Harrisburg, and B. F. Davis, esq., of
this city.
Sale or Real Estate.
Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, Beld at
public sale last night at the Cooper house,
this city, for A. Slaymakcr, esq., executer
ofthewillof Gen. James L. Reynold,
deceased, a two story briek house and let
situated ou North Prince street, between
Orange and Chestnut, te Jehn A. Ilica
tand, esq., for $3,505.
Till Tapping.
3Iarkct 3Iaster Derley, at an early hour
this morning, arrested a lad named Charley
Coulman for prowling about the market
house and attempting te rob the tills of
the markctmen, an offense which he is
said te have practiced en former occasions.
The mayor committed him te the county
jail for three days.