--. --".-.V '.;.-. . v -' -f . -t t "n --J v LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER M01S$AI, SEPTEMBER 20, 1880. ! 'I i''."t' F- J 1 V doubt, Las muck te answer for in connec tion with the constantly augmenting quantity of tender, flimsy tobacco placed en the market. It would be well for far mers, as a rule, it is claimed, te leave moistening te manufacturers and practi cal sweaters, who have all the facilities and knowledge for the proper performance of the work. Hands that arc partially or even wholly dry, may, if te any reasonable extent gummy, be put in the piles with ether hands in condition when asserted, with the assurance that they will come out all right. If they are both dry and deficient in substance, they are of little use anyway, and will be of less use when wet down by unskillful operatives in the baste iucident te asserting." COLUMBIA NEWS. OCB KEGDI.AU CORRESPONDENCE. Teachers Institute End or the ..and air The Successful Contestants News About Town The first of this year's meetings of the teachers' institute was held en Saturday morning in the high school room of the public school building, at Fifth and Locust streets. On the " Responsibility of Teach er," Mr. Heffman said, some teachers aie able te influence their pupils for life, there fore it is emincutly necessary that such influence should be for the geed. The rc rc snensibility of teachers for the mental, moral and physical developmentef pupils, was dwelt upon at some length. 3liss Pfoutz thought each teacher should use all the influence he or she can, as it is iiu iiu le.s6iblc te aim tee high in our moral in fluence. Mr. Ames thought it impossible te associate with any one without influ encing him or her for life, hence we should be careful what that influence shall be. Miss Dean then followed with a drill in reading with a class showing the necessity of sticking te one thing until it is really known. Miss Newlen next had a class drill in number which was both interesting and instructive. After recess Miss Dinan had a recitation la reading in the Third Header. She commenced by having a number of the words from Ihe lessen writ ten en the "blackboard" which she re quired the clasi te pronounce, after which the class lead a selection from the Third Header, the attention of pupils being call ed particularly te the emphasis and the meaning of the weids. Miss Pfoutz then took charge of f he class, calling attention particularly te accent. Miss Preston then took the question "Hew shall we teach melality in the .school:"' She thought that teachers generally thought less of the methods of teaching morality than of anything else, when this is most important. The principal way te teach morality is by example ; te teach pupils honesty we must be perfectly hon est enrsclves in all our dealings with them, especially in all the little tilings of daily life; the teacher should see what is geed and conscientiously fellow it ; we should make our .school work the fust object; gain the love and respect of the pupils ; study each pupil's character in order te gain this influence ever them and thus show where the weak points are and hew te work against them. "What can we de tliis term te add interest and freshness te the werkV" was taken up by Miss Pfoutz. She said the chief thing was that the teachers should come te the institute with the determination of doing all they can te add te the interest of the work. In order te get the new ideas of the day, the institute should club lugethcr and .sub scribe for the leading educational journals of the day. On the subject of " Headers" Miss Shunsan thought words in the read ers were tee diflicult and that the pupils should net take up a reading lessen in which the words were tee diflicult for them te understand. Institute adjourned. The following articles voted for at the Citizens' band fair were awarded en Satur day evening te the successful contestants, whose names, with the names of the de feated as well as the amounts subscribed, are given below : Orchestra Cernel. Frank Erisman $ 20.7. Guitar. Harry Leckard 18.-1 Harry Sanders 13.00 Composing Mick. Hairy Dean Wm. Jerdan Se (t'eld Xtrllitn: Ruth Barnes I:!!r Set of Ji icelrg. Maggie Wy man 1 Ji. Mary Graham "&' Geld Watch. Eva Nelle 7."i.03 Mary Paxton IS.bJ liutchers Tooh. Frank Fuhncr " ' -' Jehn Nan 2.(50 JleiV Men' Charm. B. F. Maun 17.18 Jehn Snyder 1 - Gun. Jeshua Seurbeer O' S. B. CIcpper r,r'-:i Uccr Spigot. V V. IvMiise 41.15 Jehn Schlegelmilch -l.l.UU Barber Chair. William A. Morrison 22 .-15 Geerge Hogcnteglcr 32.7. Suit of Clethes ami Gcerceat. Geerge Zcrgcr a William Hinklc .OO Silver Watch. David Helstmaii l!J-7- Isaac Tayler :5-7- Lady's Set lling. Mary Prc.iteu 21.21 Maggie Hehcnadlc 12.00 Total . . $(5(57.41 The following were chanced oft" : Ne. 1 carpet, te Jehn Fisher ; Ne. 2 carpet te Susie Lawlcr; "The Bride" te Daniel Heist man ; ice pitcher te Daniel Holsl Helsl man ; lounge te Harry Finney ; marble top table te Lizzie Himcs. The band cleared between 300 and $000. Miss Lillic S. Evans, a graduate of the Columbia high school and daughter of Samuel Evans, esq., left town for West Chester this morning te enter the school of Wm. Darlington, of that place, where she hopes te continue the study of the lan guages and music. Miss Jessie Stencr, daughter of Jacob C. Stencr, who owns and resides en the Stricklcr farm near this place, also started for the same school. Quite a number of young ladies who have received instruction from Prof. F. O. Stan ley, late principal of the high school, have entered classical schools elsewhere without any difficulty, and many of them arc qual ified te enter upon a course of studies in any of our colleges, which is the highest commendation of the thorough manner in which they have been taught in our high school. Mr. J.J. Black, of Philadelphia, is visit ing friends in Columbia. Daniel Stape, a locksmith, who has a shop en North Second street, near Wal nut, was shot through the left hand en Saturday while engaged in taking the bar w.1 nt i nistnl from its stock. AltllOtl-'ll the bullet went ciear tnreugu tnc paim ei his hand Mr. Stape is this morning at work as usual with his injury well band aged. He says the wound inconveniences him somewhat, but he docs net think se rious consequences will ensue, The class of '81 of Lebanon Valley col lege spent Saturday hi Columbia and at tended the "senior banquet" given at the residence of Messrs. Elias It. and Isaiah W. Sneath, members of the class. The oc casion was a pleasant one te all concerned. The class 16 in number left here at (5:20 p.m. Ansel Purple was yesterday elected secretary of the Presbyterian Sunday school, vice B. B. Broemell, resigned. Twe properties situated en Walnut .street, between Sixth-ami Seventh, were sold at public sale en Saturday evening. Ne. 1, belonging te the estate of S. Cath arine Graybill, deceased, was sold by C. E. Graybilladministrater, and purchased by I. E. Graybill for $2,030. Ne. 2 of the Pfuzur estate, was .sold by Jehn Yeager, executer, by order of the orphans' court, and bought for $2,025 by Mrs. C. Pfuzur. The Columbia " wreck crew," with the wreck ear, was sent te the scene of the late wreck, near Mountville ycstciday after noon te clear up the debris and bring" the broken cars, lying at the feet of the em bankment, te Columbia." The weil: was done in geed time. A ciiclc around the sun at 11 a. m. yes terday, attracted a great deal of attention. The circle bad all the colors of the rainbow and is put down in the list of phenomena. Who can and will explain it? We pre sume it was seen elsewhere. Paul McMann, baggage-master at the Pennsylvania railroad "depot, who has been confined te his home for the past couple of weeks with fever and ague, is again en duty. The Frederick accommodation train west was detained en Saturday and came te Columbia aheul twenty-live minutes late. TIie Columbia S.nall liny. We guess the "small boy" of Colum bia is ahead. At the .sheeting match which came off a few days age at the east ern edge of the borough, one of the gun ners missed a pigeon, when one of our fast boys threw a stone at it and sliuckiten the head and killed it. It was about 25 lict from the ground, and liflecu yards distant The same boy threw a stone at another pigeon which steed upon the "trap" te fiightcn it, but the stone stiuck it en the head and kilh-d it. This is remarkable threwiu:', and if there is a boy in tan caster who thinks he can beat this, all he has gj! te de is te send a chal lenge, naming the lime and place, aisd net mine than ten tad-!. KACIM. A.IK Green Hertes e:i the Tin I, nn li.iiuwlnv fifr:iiinii i he races, vt hicli have been advertised for some time, came oil' at the pail:. The crowd present was of ;oed i'izeand the music was furnished by'lhe llden cornet band. Daniel Dener and Jacob .MaUiiew, ei i.asi i-amiwier, ami Wallace Ilauek. of Lands:-. Valley, were che.-cn judges. The fust race v.as open te all and was for a premium of $10. the horse mak ing the nrarcsL te four minutes te k.m.Ii'1. flu. ulinV in tec. The owners of the horses, and their time were as fel lows : Henry llailman.-l:; .loimsteKCS. :j-.:57; A. .1. IJeruhart, 3:31 ; W. It Har man. 3:3''; G. Elder, 3:38; A. Landis, 1:05:;-Eaby. 3:10; D. Wish, 4:07. The money was given te .Mr Land::-. In the race for all untiaiued homes, the premium of $21 v as distributed -as fellows : $12 te first her i"3te scc.md horse and $3 te third. Ms rr.. llr-ekcr, Bewers and Barhait had their horse.-; entered, and the Cenner wen, faking two heats; time. 2:38, 3:05. The horse of .'if:-. Bewers took second money. In the opci.-'.e-all race I'm- tlnve-j ear-old colts, the animal belonging te A. Iliish wen in 4:32. The premium wa.; $10. E. McGeniglc. F. Bitzer and B. McC.on McC.en iglc entered their Inures in the third race, which was for a premium, of $25, distrib uted as fellows : $12 te first horse, $8 te second and $15 te third. Tne horse of E. McGnntela wen, with that of B. MeGenigle second.' Time 3:0V. and 3:10. Ed Ivauffiuan had two mules entered in the mule race. Oar v. as a black and the ether a bay. Daiing th.s lace the animals threw then- rider.; but did net injure them. The black wen the race. Beth Hav.lins, Abraham Xelcr. a ml. I no. Trewilz were entered in the 200 ard lim ning race, which was wen by Nelen. There were eight entiics in the bag lact am! William Schaum, a boy. v. en it vj .'. iiss:s i-iu:;ci:. lit.) Kti-i cidng Yesterday Insi'iwln' Ser- ices. St. James church was reopened for Di vine wer.-hip yesterday mein'mg, after having been closed s-v.cj c.uly summer for the purpose of enlarging and improving it. A description of the improvea-cnts was printed hi the I.vn:i.!.:c.;::n-.i: of Saturday last. The congregation en the occasion of the reopening' yes-teiday was ery large, every scat, in tlni church being occupied. The services commenced with a processional hymn, sung as they moved up the central aisle by the surpliced choir of the boys and young men, under the direction of Prof. Carl Mat., organist and choir master. Then followed the regular morning and ..nlc-communien services, the lessens and p-siller being taken from the services for the dedication of the church. The rector, Rev. C. F. Knight, preached an able and eloquent sermon appropriate te the occa sion, after which the communion was cele bated, the rector being assisted in the ser vice by Rev. J. G. Mulhelland, master of the Yeatcs iintiluie. The music rendered during theseivice was very fine, especially the Jahilate and Te Jkuiii. At (5 o'clock last l veiling tl.e:c was a choral se: vice largely attended. rel.ITK.MI'. Large Democratic IKccSi.igs. On Satui day evening the Democrats of Paradise township raised a beautiful pole, 139 feet in length, at the hotel of James Evans, at Londen Giove. The pole was gotten ready by Belden Miller and was successfully laned, in the presence of a large crowd, and under the management of 'Geerge Dillcr. After the pole was raised this meeting was called te order by Daniel Rice, a enc-Ieugcd soldier and staunch Hancock man. The following eilicers were chosen : President J. P Mcllvaiiic. Vice Presidents Jehn l'lienegar. Daniel Bice, Jeseph Boek, Henry S. Butler. Secretary 1. D. Worst. Eloquent s-.pceches were then made by W. II. Reland and Jehn A. Ceylc, csqs., of this city and James M. Walker of Cole Cele rain. Cheer after cheer greeted ihe speak ers and a great deal of enthusiasm was manifested, showing that old Paradise is alive and at work. Argument Coutt. This morning the September argument court began, with both judg.-s en the bench. On the list for argument there are 20 cases in common picas ci.uit, 1 lineiphaiis' com t and 12 in quaiter sessions. In the ease of Dr. A. Rebath vs. P. S. Brugh, garnishees of .1. T. and W. A. Payne, certiorari by defendant, the pro ceedings of the justice were ceufirmsd. Philip Frank vs. Abraham Speidlc. Rule te show cause why attachment should net be dissolved. Rule discharged. A large number of persons wcie natural ized. Jlayer'nCmirf. This morning the mayor had a number of persons before him. Four drunks were sent te jail for 5 days each, ene for 15 days, and one was discharged en payment of cost One vagrant get 30 days in the work boue and one was dischargad. A I'.ig Kcd Apple. Messrs. James anil Barclay Simpsen have laid upon eurtab'.c a large red apple, of line form and flavor, measuring 14 inches in its I greater and 13 inches in its smaller circumference. NOTIpE LADIES! . We are new receiving daily all the Latest Styles and Novelties in FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. 3IILLINERY GOODS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS of the Finest Qualities in our City, SILKS, SATINS, FRINGES, SILK VELVETS IN ALL SHADES, Lisle Thread and Eid Gloves, Laces, Neck Tics, iu all the Latest Novelties. LADIES 1 If you want a first-class stylish HAT or BONNET go te HAUGHTON'S for they keep nothing but first-class Goods, first-class Milliners, and buy their Goods at first class Houses, Importers and Manufacturers ; therefore we receive all the latest styles daily. We keep the Largest, the Greatest Variety, the Finest and the Lewest Prices in our city at Mi. J. HAUGHTON'S, NO. 25 NORTH QUEEN ST. BURGLARY. Attempt te lllew up a Safe. Yesterday morning, between 3 and 4 o'clock, an attempt was made te blew up i the safe in Ranch's mill, a short distance , east of this city. The burglar had entered , the mill through one of the windows, and drilled a hole in the safe with some of the tools found in the mill. This accomplish- ' ed, the thief appears te have put a heavy ' charge of powder and laid a slew match with which te ignite it. A messenger who had been sent te Lancaster during the night for a doctor was close ve the mill at the hour above named, and J saw the burglar creep out of the wiudew , and run down through the meadow and hide himself. Before the messenger , had time te find out what was the i matter there was a tremendous ex- j plosien. The messenger hastened te the house, aweke Mr. Ranck's miller, and the two went in search of the burglar. They found him, but be ran off brandish ing a revolver as they approached, threat- , cuing te sheet if they followed. Jnst as he reached the tobacco shed, the miller, j who was also armed with a revolver, fired at him, and with a yell he fell or jumped through an opening in the tobacco shed. His pursuers wcre afraid te fellow him into the shed, knowing wheth-! cr they had killed him and fearing that he would sheet them if they attempted te cuter. When daylight and reinforcements arrived, it was ascertained that the thief had escaped through an opening en the op posite side of the shed. ' The safe was net blown open ; en the oeni rary the explosion had the effect of locking' it se tightly that the owner can not open it I "Leng IJranch." i On Saturday night Alice Oates ami coin pany appeared te a geed-sized audience in the play of "Leng Branch" which is a light comedy. It serves te introduce Miss Oates, who is a clever and popular ac tress! and singer, and her line company, which includes Alf. McDowell, W. II. Fitzgerald and Mclntyre ami Heath, whose acting was heartily enjoyed. Tlircoefa Klutl. Themas Themas, Samuel Price and Wm MeCarty, three boys, were arrested by Officer Wcitzcl and com mi ted by Alder man MeConemy for leafing around Bitncr's warehouse, marking freight cars.and ether bad conduct t Taken With a Fit. A woman was taken with a fit, while walking along North Queen street last evening. She, 'was carried into Strauss's shoe store, where she seen recovered. T.'ie Slander Mult. It was nel ' Miss'' Lama Diffendcrfer, hut Mrs. Laura Diflendcrfer, who has lireiight a slander suit against Wm. Hen ry of Gordonville. The defendant has furnished hail in the sum of $1,000. Fingers Crushed, licuhcu Snyder, aged 15 years, of Seuth Prince street, had two fingers hadly mash ed by having them caught between two stones while at work in Youart's quarry. . m Ail ICurucst Wish. Rev. E. !'. V. Cans, Calcua, Ills., writes: " Ferever ten years I hail been a great sufferer Iren) pains in the small et the back and region el the Kidneys, which was most excruciating and at times almost insufferable Doctoring brought no relief, exeept perhaps momenta rily, and 1 was linally advised, being unable te iulfill the duties of iny calling, te go abroad and cek the climate et my youth. In Ger many and Switzerland, eminent physicians, allercleM! examination, declared iny suffer ings te arise trem disease of the Kidneys, el leng-tanding, and could de me no geed. 1 was however, benefitted by the climate and conse quently returned. Ne sooner had I been back and resumed my pastoral work, when the old trouble grew again Mi intense as te make liTc a burden. A few months age I came in poj-sc-sien of one of Day's Kidney Fads, put it en, and the effects were truly wonderful. The pains at once grew less and are new. after wearing the second Fad, entirely gene, and there can be no doubt that I am entirely cured, as I write this some weeks after its use, and am strong ami leek again the very picture or health. 1 write this perfectly voluntarily, and ami it l dictated only by truth and gratitude. Indeed 1 consider the Day Kuisey Pad Ce., Ced's agents and great benctacters of man kind. May all the suffering be helped as 1 have been, is my earnest wish." s20-lwM W&F Information Wanted. Hew can 1 invest $i or mere and be sure it is purtcclly safe; and at the same time prove ameney-makinsand profitable speculation? Answkr. Ce te the great and attractive 1 lirce-days' auction wile of one hundred and twenty valuable and beautilully-lecated build ing lets, which fronton East King and East Orange streets, two of the main streets in Lancaster city. Fa., en Clark's eastern addi tion te Lancaster, in the beautiful east end, as hundreds or ethers intend doing, which Is te be held October the Gth,7lh and Sth, 18S0, at ."o'clock p. in., each day. at Clark's Villa, en tlie lets cast el the reservoir, and purchase one or mere of these superb and valuable lets. By such a. judicious course you will have in it a lovely spot ler a home, perfectly sare Invest ment" and one that will prove a geed and very profitable speculation, ns sure as that Ihe sun rises and sets. Fer $25 cash one et these valuable lets can be obtained and a live-year credit given for the payment or the balance et the purchase money ; thus extending te every gentleman and lady an unprecedented opportunity te in vest profitably; sure te rcillza u handsein speculation niid at the same time procure one of the most lovely spots en earth for a home. 11I The el.l saying that "anew broom sweeps clean" receives fresh proof every day In the rapid deterioration or many articles that have obtained a geed reputation belere the public. I nnolincef business lias thlsdetcrioratieiibeen mere marked than in many once popular bit ters whose proprietors l.ave allowed their preparation te become worthless because of their many hundred orders and inordinate love of gain, than in anything else. In conse quence thereof anilatthorcancstet many per sons who have ordered Chill Chilli Bitters, the proprietor will at 7' J p. in.,Monday, September i,lSS0,athis elllcc, 218 North Queen Street, sell nt public sale one case and one bottle or Chill Chilli Bitters, pat up in fancy walnut cases, the condition or the sale being mat tne highest bidder shall be the buyer; the buyer te keep the bottles unopened until three years have expired, then te open the ueuies in pres ence of competent judges and cempare them with any bottles made by him since the sale and it the bitters are net as geed and pure as the first made the proprietor has obligated himself under bends te pay JS.000 te each pur chaser of bottle and case scplO-Hd in East or West, or Serth or Seuth, They te themselves an outrage de, Who cannot beast a lresh sweet mouth, With teeth like pearls begummed with dew When SOZODOXT all this supplies, And works the charm before our eyes. sSO-lwdeediw jdky noens: -Vi'ir ADVERTISEMENTS. Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. "With our present corps of skilled rnechanics und complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. "WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX RETAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced iu our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties -will be filled at short netice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 "West King Street. NOTICE! On ami alter: SATl KDAY. AIXJITST 2S, the entire stock or HOOTS AND SHOES Ot tlie V AUI.OU MIOK STOi: K, Ne. y..'. T.AsT K1NU STREET, will be offered at u great SACRIFICE, te CLOSE OUT 1IUSIX ESS. Uisii injr te ciigtuic in ether business, I take tills opportunity te eiler tin: entire stock, ennsistiiifj et 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Makes, nt least i" per cent. Ic-iH than tliev can le bought elsewhere. Having inmie a specialty in goon Hoetls for the last two years aspienilul opportunity is new enercil te buy superior HOOTS anil SHOES at lower prices than TRASH can be bought elsewhere. FAimEBS ! V tVishing te purchase their ROOTS AX1 SHOES for FiUl anil Winter, new is your chance te buy -iii.-ai . m, .i.i-tr.i.. !.-.. iii'iwill .in well ir.e:ill while our stock is vet eeuinletc. We also CHE h: liavea line of very line jroeils which we will sell Irem $1 te $2 a pair less than before. The EN 1'IRE STOCK must be SOLD out :m SOON as POSSIBLE. We ulse offer a part of the fixtures et tile store, consisting ofrevelving fixture in window, Lounges, part of shelving. Writing llesk, one Fireproof Ceinhiiuit ion Sale, as geed as new. mid line Shew Case and Stand, nt PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. IU 1-2 East King St., opposite Lancaster Ce. Hank. C. A. Reeee. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OP BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C, la the oil j', is te be seen at the Works of NORBEOK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. 43-COX & CO.'S OLD STAND.' The Stock includes all the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, uchasthe Brewster, Whitney, Salidee Triple, Empire Cress Spring, Dexter Queen, Duplex ud Elliptic, ami they will also make te order any style a purchaser may desire. Impairing fall kinds promptly attended te. All work guaranteed for one year. "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD." Feet Surgery. Cerns, Bunions, &c, permanently iciuevcd by Dr. J. Byback, the popular chiropodist of Washington, D. C, r.-he is at the Cily Hetel. Every bunion positively cured :;-.'d feet put iu perlict order ter sfl.CO. ltd Full Opening. Astrich Brethers, i:: Eat King street, made their grand tall opening te-day. Their store was wonderfully attractive, for besides the immense stock e'r millinery, trimmings, hos iery and rancy goods of sill kinds tasti-tully displayed, the room was filled with immense bouquets of the me-t Intgniut cut flowers, the pillars and chandeliers were ceveicd with climbing and trailing vines, and beautiful air baskets were suspended in different parts of the room. Athreng of visitors were constantly en hand, and were unanimously et'tiu; opinion that the display or ce-tly millinery was the finest ever opened in I.adcatcr. Disease prevented and medicinal bills less ened by a timely use et Malt Bitters. JUllKUlMIES. ItCAM-BEXNEi: September ID, 1S. at the Ke formed parsonage. New Helland, by Uev. 1). W. Gerhard, Feter W. Beam te Miss Lizzie I,. Benner, both el Chiirchtewn, Lancaster county. Fa. DEATHS. Kheuhs. In Lancaster, la.. en the lSlh inst, Washington H.Khniles, aged.l'.t years ''.months and days. The relatives ami rrlendset the family are respectfully invited teatlend the funeral from his late residence. Ne. sT7 West Orange street, en Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. ltd Ssiun. September 17, 1, in H.irrlsburg, Vrs. Elizabeth Smith, wile efSamiiei Smith, .igcd 6-1 years and K mouths. Theiclatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited teattcndtlie tiineralfrem the Pennsylvania depot, this city, at 1 o'clock en Tuesday afternoon. Interment at Myers's graveyard. J'OIUTJCAI, HVI.LETIX. Fer Assembly. The name or WILLIAM McCOMSEV, or the First ward, will be presented te the Demo cratic electors of Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate for As sembly, under Democratic rules. ELIMG. SNYDER, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancasler City. Sub ject te Democratic rules. td Jlghtli Ward Club Attention! There will be a stated meeting of the Eighth ward club te-morrow (Tuesday) evening at 7 o'clock at the headquarters, Dielil's saloon A full attendance is solicited, as business or importance will be transacted. Seventh Ward. The Seventh ward Hancock and English club will meet at headquarters, Kuhlman's saloon, en Wednesday evening at 7 e'clcck. The roll will be open ler the signature or new members. Fourth Ward. There will be a meeting en Tuesday evening September 21, or the Hancock and English club et the Fourth ward, at Bethweiler's hall at8 o'clock. Every Democrat in the ward de sirous or joining is respectfully invited te at Busincss of importance. THE MONIULV MEETING OF THE Ladies' Tract Society will be held en ....TnTk.v itpvivi: et Z nVleek- in the Ivestrv room or St. Paul's Reformed Church, vesiryioeuiui AjmE M. GUNDAKER, ltd Secretary. e.tt FARMERS ! HEW ADVKKTJSEMESTS )IS110FTH01U"E-A HOARDING SCHOOL. X terCirls-, Bethlehem, Fa. Scheel year be gins September 15, 18S0. Number of Scholars limited. Fer circulars address MISS FANNY I.. WALSH, 1'rlncipal. Kefcrs te Hen. S. II. Reynolds, Hen. II. Ji. North, Charles F. Hager, Cee. M. Kline, esq., and Cee, Caldcr, jr. augl4-rtdS 105 GOTO F. HIEMENS, 105 Ne. 1(C North Queen street fat the Cheapest and Best BOOTS AND SHOES. 105 Signer the Big Shee. 105 jUd-S&Wtfd Adopted by the UNITED STATES SIGNAL SERVICE. Measuring Rain-Pall Accurately te the 1-100 of an Inch. PRICE $5.00. Fer sale by E. F.BOWMAN, 10C EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, FA. 105 I.AUIKS AND GKNTS tfrL It you want a GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Kea'.y.made or made te order, call at F. HIEMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. c2fiS&Wtfd G 1 AS FITTING AND PLUMBING. JOHN P. SOHAUM, Ne. 27 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. A Large Assortment et GAS FIXTURES - Constantly en liand. yl0-CmdeawS pUIILIC AUCTION. ON Monday Evening, September 20, will be sold at Ne. 150 North QHecii St., Lancaster, Pa in. n. YTA....l.nl.l en. I Ulti.hnn It'iirnf. ture, consisting or Walnut Chamlier Suits. Walnut Extension Tables, Office Desks, Hair Mattresses, Sewing Machines, Lounges, one elegant Parler Mirror, one hair-cloth Parler Suit, one Uat Rack, Steves and Ranges, four elegant Shew Cases, one Piane, Card Tables, and a variety et goods net mentioned. These goods come from families in the county and arc all in geed condition. Goods received up te 10 o'clock en day of sale. Sale te commence ... 7 Anlnlr ahnrn HK8S & ITUNN. Samcel Hsss ft Ses, Aucts. sepUWtdll THIED EDITION MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. 2e, 1880 WKATIIER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Sept. 20. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, southwest te northwest winds," followed by rising baro meter, partly cloudy weather, anil local rains anil by Tuesday morning lower tem perature. Shocking Demestic Tragedy. Philadelphia, Sept. 29. At an early hour this morning, James Miller, who re sided at 246 Race street, and who has been sick from typhoid fever, died.- His wife? frantic with grief, proceeded te the upper fleer of her heuse and hanged herself. One of her children found her hanging and attracted the attention of a neighbor. The woman was cut down and has since been restored te consciousness. WIRE AND CAULK. Afternoon Tclegrutilc ISrevitlcs. Floods have caused considerable damage in England. The treasury issued S?0,000 standard silver dollars last week. A new French ministry is announced with 31. Jules Ferry at its hca.las premier ad interim and minister of foreign affairs. The anthracite coal trade for August shows a decrease from the corresponding month last year. Crep prospects iu India arc improving. Ut. Hen. Henry Fawcett. postmaster of England will probably pay a short visit te New Yerk this autumn, for the purpose of studying tlie American telegraphic; sys tem. Cut His Threat. llAi:i:i.suri:ii, P.i., Sept. 20. A. K. Buey, of Hollidaysburg, a relative of I lev. C. V. Buey, of this city, attempted suicide heic lastniglit by cutting his threat with a dull razor, condition. 1 fe is in a precarious Typhoid Net Epidemic at Kvansvillc, Iud. Wamiinc.tex, Sept 20. A despatch from Evansville, I:nl., reports that the beard of health of that city has declared epidemic of typhu-malarial and typhoid fevers, which has been prevalent there, has ceased. MAJiKETS. Cattle Market. Piiiladeu-iiia, September 3). Cattle market active: sales :!.ixni head. Prime ."yftfiKc; geed .r':."?e; medium lJC(7.-lse ; common 5't t:,-c. siieep market slew : sales 1-,'iM head. Prime l&if? .";-c : goel4rl'e; medium 4f$ .i ; common ;!,JifSic; culls . ; Iambi y. (ijjc ; steek ewes $2 7.":J .V. Hogs Maikcl slew: sales of r-,r..n head; extra, fgsvx-; 1-ilr 'V.n-- Sew Yerk "larket. Nkw Your. Sept. 20. Fleur Stale an. i West ern quiet; moderate expeit and home trade demand: Superllne. 'J.'irfl 10; extra de l;;sr(p 415; chok-e,de,$l ae4 K: fancy de. fl 70 fJ5 (;i: reuuil hoop nhie fl l.'ngl 1M: choice de $1 fi."j3 75; superfine western :: Stg) 1 10; common te geed extra de $:t 'e(ri I -" : choice de de$l S.1QH i"; choice white wheat de $1 15 (Jii CO; Southern quiet, unchanged; common te fair extra 4 lU5j". i",; geed te choice de Wheat Cash and Ne.l White wheat 1c lower and ether kinds l(t?i)&- lower and fairly active: Ne, 1 While, cash. 41 07 : de Oct. $1 0X ; Ne. -1 Bed,easn.$IOif,!410.-.J;,: de Sept..$t IM'.Jj;: de Oct., I07; de Nev..$lly4'llS7i. Cern heavy; J4?c lower : Mixed western spot, .rnt.re3: de luture, SUKft'tir- Oats a shade" lower ; Ne. 2, October, SSJie ; State, 47i50c; Western 4(k350c. l'lilliHle!:h!:t .Market. Pnu.MKLrHiA, Sept. 20. Fleer iiiet but choice grades stcadv : superfine at $2 M :i 00; extra $:'. 00;j;t 75: Ohie and Indiana lamily at. $5 005 M; Penn'a laniilv de-5 (O f5 25 ;St. Leuis lamily nt550KGO; Minnesota family $3 25g."S7; patent and high grade- ffi.vi 8 23. Rye flour at S3 00. Wheat easier; Ne. 2 Western Red $1 ftV,Q 1 05 ;Pa. Reil $1 05',irai !M; Amberfl (C1 07. Cern firm : steamer ItZuXUs : yellow .r.l55e; mixed .Via.-Hc. Oataliriuer; Ne.l. White 4:k; Ne.2. de 41". 12c; Ne. :;, de 4Ul0Jc; Ne. 2 Mixei' ::e. Rye scaiee ; sales at Hec. Previsions market iasier; nus. perk $1(1 001 5(1; beef liatiis SIS OOiJl'.l (Hi; Indian m.-ss heel at sn:: smoked ham at 12$i:;c; pickled ham- at '.,'.JUI0.e; baton smoked shoulders iy4J7e ; alt de if,U: Lard qnict ; city kettle at 8c ; loe. butchers' 8c ; prime steam $S 25. Butter market steady with light unpp'y : Creamery extra ::iff:S2e; Creamery goe.l :; choice asT.-Bic ; Hcadterd county ami New Yerk extra. 27gS:tUc; Western reserve extra 2l'22e : de geed te choice 17'l,!e; KelN scarce and wanted; Penn'aexli-:i2l5--t; Western reserve extra 21ft2lc. Eggs scareeand firm ; !' inisylv .iiia.it S!e; Western 2l(22e. Cheese strong w ilh fair trade : New Yerk roll cream i::jJ3lle; Western lull eream ISc : de fair te geed lli?7.1IJe; de half skims lltf?II3e. " , , Petroleum sellers out t market; refined nominal He. Whisky at 1 II. Seeds Ooed In priims.Clevcr dull at $' JS 30: Timethy firm at ii 75Q-2 SO: Flaxseed li nil at $1 2.S. Stock Market. Septum ber Nkw Yekk Sn ks. Stocks strong. A. Jt. A. M. I M. V. M. Hi:) 11:10 2:00 S:(KI Mencv i: ErieR. I: --'A-' ' :"x4 Michigan S. & L.S....HW les- Wt W Michigan Cent. If. i: !!l' tr 'J5 Wi Chicago & N. W ; W.f Vtt;$, 10 H Chicago, JI Si St. P... !)1 '.12 i.'iy !-.:,' Han. St.. I. Cem :'i.vi "' VVi "'A " " P'ld.... WVi SI sl'4 M?H Teledo & Wabash.... :uv :.7'i ::7--; ::7,' Ohie Missis-ipjii. .. :!3J-H "Ci :ii arrt St. Leuis, I. M. & S. R.. 54 5I'H ftlh .1IJ. Onfcirie and Western. 21;. ZV-Z. 21 'iSJi, c. c. & I. c. R. i: i: ja w W- New Jersey Cent nil.. 7 T'v'h '''14 ,;li Del. & Hudsen Canal Del.. Lack. Ac Western Wh 1 ' ' Western Union Tel.. . 101 'j in.! UCy. linj Pacific Mail S. S. Ce.. i.f; lei,' 4( My. Manhattan Klevate.l. :tl ::l ::i :4 Union Pacific '.i: M :ri !ll Kansas & Texas ::i :il " " New Y'erk Central I'M r Adams Express H'v'i Illinois Central 114 Cleveland Pitts 131 Chicago & Ruck 1 117 .... Pittsburgh & Ft. W UK'i .... Philadelphia. Pennsylvania R,i:....r.!) WV. K'K -r' PhU'a.& Reading..... 13J.J W. Wu Wi Lehigh Valley .WW - Lehigh Nhvigatinn.. :!! 35 ::iJi .M? Northern Pasilic Coin :s WA "i;UW-) P'd . 5iy, ",y. x g.r,tii Pitts., Titus v'e& II.... r,y, IBJ.j l's Northern Central '& ."7 "W Phil'n & Erie R. R 15 20. Northern Penn'a rM Vs. ,s un. r. it's of n. .i it:: my.my. Hestenville Pass l - Centra Trans. Ce 47 .'1 WANTED. WANTKD.-.EVERTBODY TO ADVKK tlrc, rice el charge, in the Ihtellieeh cbr. who wants something te de. ANTED. A ""FURNISHED FKONT room suitable for two, between Walnut and King street. Address, "L." I-na.LiKxrsit office. Ayeum; man wishes a situation in the city or eeuntry as Coachman or Creem. Speaks English or (iermau ; thorough ly competent, willing and obliging; can milk; geed recommendations. Address .1. Y"., ISTELLlOtSCEIt OlliCC. OfficeofthbMaiiesyMutoal Like Asse-J CIATION-OfSULlXSOKOVE, 1A. S irANTED-COD, ACTIVE. KESFONSI- ble Agents in each township of the county of Lancaster. Apply in hand writing or Applicant te 11.0 IIe...Offlce.MEijj Selinsgrove, Snyder county. Pa.. September 1718SU. seplG-ltiid5tw JN A meeting of the stocklieldcrd of the Woodward Hill Cemetery will be held at Roberts's Hall en MONDAY, SEPTEMUER "7 at 3-o'clock p. m te take action en the ap plication about being made te our courts ter Increased privilege te our charter sis , inay be deemed best. J. R- MAR l IN. scptld-Utd sccrctiirj-. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PRIVATE SALE. l A valuable let of ground situated en the Mist side oCXerUiDukestrect, between Lemen and James streets, fronting en Duke street W feet and In depth 215 feet, te a 1.1 r.-et wide alley. Apply te HENRY SHUBKRT. Real Estate Agent, Ne. Court Ave. ltd. -fir ANTED AT THIS OFFICE COPIES' M et the Daily Ijctellhukckk of the fol lowing dates: JANUARY 20, 18S), JANUARY 21, 1S' AUGUST 26. 1880. AU-e Weekly copies or the following dates: JAN. 1. 1SS0, JULY 33, 1880. tfd WEDDING PRESENTS In rich Silver. WEDDING PRESENTS In Elegant riated Ware. WEDDING PRESENTS In Fine Diamonds. WEDDING PRESENTS In Foreign Fancy Goods. WEDDING PRESENTS In Decorated Porcelains. WEDDING PRESENTS In Great Variety, Te Suit Every Taste, At Very Lew Prices. BMLEY,BA1S ft BIDBLE, j ew i:li:rs silv ei:.-im iiils, importers, 12TH AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. sep29-.".mdM,W4F A St VSE31ENTS. Mi:, jeiin d. Misiii.F.i; has the honor of presenting TUB3DAY, SEPT. 21st, 18SO, Henrv C. .larrett's Operatic Spectacle, CINDERELLA; Or, T1IK E.ITTI.K ULASS SLIPPER, which will be produced at the Opera Henso with Magnilieeii' Scenery, Crand European Ikillct, tiorgeeus Stage Costumes, Large Orchestra and Magnificent Chorus, under the distinguished master, Mr. -Max Maretzek. Notwithstanding the large expense attending this great entertainment, NO AD VACE IN PRICES, US, SO and 75 Cents. Diagram at Ycckcr's Office. seplti-5td eeR sali: en rest. C11TY- l'KOl'KKTV AT 1'IIKLIO SAI.K j On TUESDAY, SEPTEM1IER2I, lSSO.wIH be sold at the Cooper Heuse. In. the city of Lancaster, tlie house and let lately owned and occupied by tieneral .lames L. Reynold, dee'd. Tin: let is ituutcd en the cast side of North Prince street, in this city, between Orange and Chestnut streets, at the corner el a public alley, containing iu Irent en Prince street aforesaid, thirty-three feet, ami extending eastward of I hat, width one hundred ami twenty-one leet, mere or le-s, en which is crcetfd a eomfertable two-story ISRICK HOUSE, with two-story ItrickRack Ruilding. It contains eight rooms, evelusi ve of Ihe attic, together with vide halls en euehlloer, anil has a hydrant in the kitchen as well as in the yard. There are en the premises Crape Vines, Peach and PcarTrei-s, all eheiee Iruil. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. efsaid day, when its conditions will be made known by the undersigned, who will then be In at tendance. A. SLA YMAKER, Executer et tins will of .lames L. Reynolds, dee'd. S. Hew .v. Ses. Aiicls. Hcpi-tsd Iiuni.ii; kali: of valuaiile htv PROPERTY. On SATURDAY. MEPTEM ISER . lJ-."". the undersigned executer of the will or Killiaii Reek, d.-eeased, will offer at pnlilie sale at tin: Columbia Harden hotel. Seuth (Jueeii stree, Lancaster city, Pu., the following ilescrilieil leal estate of said de ceased, te wil : All that certain en 0-story and attic Frame DWELLING HOUSE with Frame Kitchen at tached. Frame Rani with Wagen Shed attach ed. Heg Sly and ether outbuilding. Well or water with pump therein, fruit trees' and ether improvements, and I ACRES mid S'l PERCHES of land, moreorlc.ss.thcrctobcloiiging.siluute en the south side of Leve lane, in .-aid city of Lancaster, adjoining Leve lane ami property of Christian ISoes ami ethers. Sale te commence at. 7 o'clock p in. en said day. when attendance will Ins given and term made known by ANDREW SHREINER. Executer. .lieliCu.NOAKEit, Aucl. a-ig'JJ-Th&Mtsd I.TXKCUrOKS alk e- citv ruoi' ruei' U ERTIES. The undersigned executers of Michael Maleue. deceased, will cspo-e te sale en Til URSDAY, the Ilth day et OCTOKER. at 7 o'clock p. m.. at the Cadwell Heuse, the fol lowing Ri-al Estate, viz : Ne. 1. A Let et C roil ud en the N. E. corner et-ilraugeaud Shiieu streets, uitlialrontage or XW't feet, mere or Icsh, en Orange -trcct, and along Shippen street nerthwanl ill feet te a public alley, en which is erected a commodi ous and well built Mansion, Ne. ail, two-stories high with two-story back building, ail in geed icpair; also en rear or let a two-story brick stable anil ether improvements. Ne. '.'. A Piete el Ground en North Lime street, xi est side, between Orange ad Chestnut streets, containing in Irent en Linn: street :t7 feet, mere or less, and In depth westward CI reel 4 inches, en which it erected u two-story Rrlck dwelling. Ne. I2H, u Ith Its Improvements. Ne. 3. A Piece of Ground en south side et East Chestnut street, near Duke, containing in front "J ; leet and extending in depth south ward m feet, en hich is erected a lliree-stery Rrick Dwelling. Ne. tl, with brick buililiiig at tached, furnished with waterand sewerage. Terms made known at time of sale. EDWARD McGOVERN, WM. L. PEIPER, JAMES M.RURKE, Executers of Michael Malenc, dee'd. Hksrv Siil-iieiit. Auct. scpl7-2wdceditdU rlJlJLH: SAl... On SATURIAY,OCTORER2,18),In pur suance of an order or the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, this undersigned will sell at public sale at the Leepard Hetel, Eust King street. Lancaster city, the following Real Es tate, late of Jehn Arneld, dee'd, situated in the 3d ward efsaid city, lietwecn Seuth Chris tian and Seuth Duke sticcts, and between East Miilliii ami East Vine streets, consisting of three continuous purparts, viz: Ne. I. A one-sterv STONE DWELLINU HOUSE, about ; feet su nurc, with ground be longing thereto, fronting en a 'Ji reet wide alley, and being about 5 feet In width ami about Si feet In depth ndleiiiing Nes.2 ami S, and lands of Elias McMcllcn and ethers. Ne.2. A two story RRICK ISUILDI.NG, new used as a Coach Manur.ietery. about 20 by 2 leet, with ground belonging thereto, being partly 15 leet. and partly 21 feet In width, unil about SlKlcet In ilepth.adjoininaNes.l and ::and ground of Henry hwentzcl, Wayne Iicn- ' 'no"' A. twivsteryllRICK RUILDING, about 7i by 19 rect, and a Frame Ruilding, formerly used as a ISrcwcry, WR" lI, Tub-, Kettles and ether implements lisdl in H.ime, with the greunii belonging thereto, being pirt'y : tcct, and partly 2:"J reet In width and about &' in depth, adieins Nes. 1 and 2. and ground et Jacob Lampartcr, estate et Jacob King and ethers. . . , . , Sale te commence at 7 e clock p. m. or said day, when attendance will be given and terms of stile made known by ....., MARGARET ARNOLD. scpO-ltdM Executrix of Jehn Arneld. ELI-.CTION NOTICE. , A general meeting of the stockholders et the Lancaster Fire Insurance Company and an election or eighteen directors , thereor.te serve for the ensuing year will be belli at the enicc or the company. .:,?2?e . V2l i?5 6trect, en MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1S. Re tween the hours or 4 and 4 e i-Iec ff- !"- IlENJ. r.rllr.J(K, ScplS-Ktdced Secretary und Treasurer, ft 1