- -; LANCASTJBl! DAILY INTELIIGENt'EU. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 20,1880 "lift r I lUncastet Intelligencer. MONDAY EVENINO. SEPT. 20, 1880. Contemptible Journalism. The New Yerk Tribune chides the New Yerk Times for having conceded the election of .Plaisted in Maine, and sets itself up as the Republican organ nonpareil of New Yerk, while at the same time it plumes itself that it is con ducted "with honest and sole reference te giving the facts." Its despicable course during this entire campaign has proven that its management is anything else than honest and truthful. Its sup pression of Schuyler Colfax's presence at Chatauqua when Garfield was there, its refusal te publish the Hancock-Sherman letter, after clamoring for it, its refusal te publish the statement of the Republi can lawyers in Indiana that nearly all the mortgages foreclosed by Mr. English were foreclosed by them for a Republican client whose trustee Mr. E. was only, and its treatment of the "Wade Hampton speech, are notable examples of its con cen con temptibleexcmplificatien of the meanest style of journalism. In the very issue in winch it beasts it self an " honest " paper it proves the contrary by declaring that a Democratic Congress " made persistent opposition te the payment of the pensions of Union soldiers," when it knows that a Demo cratic Congress voted millions mere for lensiens than its Republican predeces sors. In the same issue, in republish ing a statement that some blatherskite in Virginia" wished twiceasmany Yan kees had been killed as were," it calls this "solid Southern sentiment,'' though the paper from which it repub lishes it says the speaker was promptly sat down en and that the ex-Confederates, who heard him, applauded one of their number who resolutely rebuked him. Again the Tribune has been publishing a fac simile of a rebel Hag cut displayed in an Arkansas paper ever an account of a Democratic barbecue and has never pub lished the following reasonable explana tion of the matter, which has been cur rent for weeks and which is given in this shape te tin Philadelphia Times by a Mr. Nattily, who is a staunch Garfield Republican and lives in the same town where the offending newspaper is pub lished : " Although I am n Republican and in tend te vote for Garfield," said Mr. Naul ty, " yet I want te see justice done. "Web ber is a Northern man and was an eflicer in the Union army. He is secretary of the Arkansas press association. lie is a posi tive censcrvatist. He is much esteemed, and has done mere in the cause of emigra tion than any ether man in the state. The St. Leuis & Iren Mountain railroad sent him te this city last October, when he opened an eliicc en Walnut street, below Third, for the sale of lauds. He remained hereabout three months. The Het Springs Teleyraph is one of the eldest newspapers in the state, but it is continually changing hands. When the barbecue took place Webber looked ever the old cuts for a flag. He came across the Hag printed, and thinking it was a Union Hag he sent it into the composing room, and when he discovered the error he ordered the press te be stepped before the entire issue should be printed, and substituted another flag. Most of the papers, however, had already been printed, and although the ed itor tried te keep them back some of them get out, and the newspapers took up the heading and denounced it as a rebel defi ance." The Tribune, which under its founder was a reliable werkpaper, however radi cal and even rabid its opinions, has de generated into a hireling organ, a steel pigeon for sleck gamblers,and a Hessian and mercenary whose editorial and news columns, like its financial departments, are always "te let." People who are distressed about the sectional distribution of parties will de well te bear in mind that of the 4,290,070 Democratic votes polled in 1S7G,3,20C,0S2 were located in slates that had net been in rebellion and only 1,0S9,GSS in stales that were in rebellion. Alse that in the slates el Cennecti cut, New Yerk, New Jersey, Penn sylvania, Ohie, Indiana and Illi neis, the Democracy inlS70 had 1 ,801,312 votes te 1,S52.S21 Republican. As these states have nearly half the entire pepu' latien of the country ; ever half the per sons engaged in manufactures, median ics, mines and trades ; include the leading cities of New Yerk, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Cincinnati : own half the real and per- soeal estate of the country ; have half the manufactories, employees, capital, products and wages ; half the farms ; nearly half the railroads, newspapers and colleges ; produce three-fourths of the pig iron and four-fifths of the coal commercial interests are net apt te be paralyzed by having the administration put into the hands of the party which is in the majority in these stales. m Had Mr. Reltzhoevcr really written the Curridcn letter, which he pronounces and his friends Iwlieve te be a forgery, it is difficult te understand what Republi cans could ex'wet te gain by using it as evidence that the Democratic congress men arc unfavorable te pensioning Union soldiers when the facts are se notoriously against this statement. The following table shows the amounts appropriated for pensions in the respective years: Republican Congress, Democratic Censrrcss. 1872 $ 1.070,000 1873 ,4SO,000 1874 :W,4SO,000 1875 Jii.'.tSO.OOO 1S77 $ 2,KtS,a(X) 1878 2V33.IW0 187U t,371..ri74 isse SG.sn.sne 1SS1 41,011,000 187 30,000,tOO Total $ll,tKM,G0n Total $183,315, 274 The Republican campaign managers are distributing through this community pamphlets giving some extracts from what Democrats have said favorable te Garfield. They should disseminate the 1873 opinions of the New Yerk Tribune, New Yerk Times, Harper's Weekly, New Yerk Independent, Cincinnati Commer cial, Philadelphia Bulletin and Telc tjraph, Judge Poland's report "and the resolutions of Garfield's Republican con stituents, te prove what a ' distressing figure " he cut when it was shown that he had received $329 from Oakcs Ames, " then understood " by him te have been " balance of j dividends after paying for the stock ;" and te prove that his re ceiving "$5,000 for his aid " te a " no ne no terious jobber " " in getting through a paving contract " indicated " the giving fiway of the moral foundations." That portion of Mr.Cenkling's "great est effort" which was net -a eulogy of Grant and of Arthur, a virulent assault en Hayes, or agraceless snubbing of Gar field, is an onslaught upon the Southern states, an attempt te show that their commercial and industrial rank is far below these of the North, and therefore that Hancock should net be elected. If Mr. Conkling's facts are true we fail te see what bearing they have against Han cock's election. They only prove that the Northern states should elect mere Democrats te Congress, which they show a great disposition te de. Inasmuch as ever two-thirds of the Democratic vote is te be found in states that were net in rebellion, and since the Democracy have mere than a majority of the voters in the great belt of states, beginning with Con necticut and ending with Illinois, the commercial interests of the country have nothing te fear from Democratic ascendency. The preposition of Gen. Mahone, en the part of these Virginia Democrats whom it hurts te think of paying their debt, te held a primary election te decide which of the two electoral tickets shall be supported by the whole party, was evi dently insincerely made, since when it was accepted by the state credit Demo Deme crats,subject te the proviso that none but Democrats should vote at the primaries, the Mahone people refused it. They wanted the Republican vote te help them out ; which was at once a confes sion of their weakness and lack of geed faith. Of course the idea of permitting Republicans te vote en a question be tween Democrats as te their nominees for their electoral ticket was preposter ous. The fusion project is therefore at an end. MINOR TOPICS. New Maud S., "queen of the turf," holds undisputed sway. Turc Pittsburgh Lender, Rep, manfully admits that its party was badly whipped in Maine. They all knew it. Te-day the state fair merges into the internatural sheep show, and the display of stock and woellen fabrics will be one of the finest ever seen in the world. ICO, 000 persons have already visited the state fair and the "sheep show " will attract tens of thousands mere. Tnrc Examiner gratuitously anueuncc-s that the Democrats of this city will held their first general parade next Saturday evening. If the Examiner will kindly alii . the city Democracy te fix their own time of parade it will most likely be about Friday evening, October 1. Hex. J. V. Fakwelt. pleads in the New Yerk Independent for all " Christian ' people te v6te for Garfield as though Hancock was as great an infidel as Beb Tn Tn gersell, as unorthodox as Bccclicr, or :is much of a pious fraud as Colfax. Brether Farwcll's pious exhortation is consider ably marred by one or two naked falsehoods and a great deal of malignant and un christian misrepresentation. Tnn Springfield Republican, which is sup porting Garfield, dolefully says : "The plan of the Republican campaign as managed from New Yerk by Mr. Jewell has broken down at the first fire. A singing and a speak ing campaign, precession and bran and blus ter, appear te be no match for the stealthy and fatal still-hunt which Barnum learned from Tildcn and has improved upon te the manifest advantage of his cause. The noise of the captain and the shouting is en the Republican side in Indiana ; hut the result in Maine must make every one some what doubtful whether the voters arc." MeDEitx research makes game of the Swiss patriot, William Tell, and shows him te be only a mediaeval version of the story of Brutus, the very names being akin and standing in their respective languages for feel or idiot. The fairy tales which delighted our youth are traced back te the ancestors of the vandals ; and even the ap parently silly baby legend of " The Heuse that Jack Uuilt" has just been trium. phantly proved by a Hebrew scholar te be an English version or an old Jewish alie gory, the various steps of which depicted historical epochs in the national life of Is rael. Even Lc Sage's famous Docter San grade turns up with hardly a variation in the " Adventures of Owlglass,'" which has been in circulation in Germany for at least mere than four hundred years. Julian the apostate has had his life and character successfully defended against the Chris tian traduccrs, and we may leek forward with confidence te the publication of a work placing Nere en a higher plane of virtue and greatness and proving that the conflagration of Reme, wherein he is pop ularly represented as playing at once the role of an incendiary and fiddling feel, was really the work of the pious but plotting Christians of the city. The vandals are still afoot. PERSONAL. Mrs. M.vnv Tysex, mother of Hen. Henry A. Tyson, mayor of Reading, died in that city en Saturday morning, aged 70. The Liberal League indulged in a fracas at Chicago en Saturday night, the result of which was that Mr. Ben Ixgkksem. withdrew from the organization. Hen. Lafayette S. Festei:, formerly president of the United States Senate and acting vice president of the United States, died at Norwich, Conn., yesterday morn ing, after a brief illness. He was a direct descendent of Miles Staudish. W. Stump Fokweod, M. D., of Harford county, Md., who participated in the recent Pennsylvania and Maryland medical re union at Tell's Hain, near this city, writes a lengthy and pleasant account of it for the current number of the Maryland Medi cal Journal, a Baltimore publication. Sitting Bull is described as being the most intrepid, intelligent and energetic savage living, aud as one who never will consent te surrender unconditionally te the United States authorities. lie is forty eight years of age and has a family of three daughters and one son. Hbrbeiit SrEXCEit, the distinguished philosophical writer, is of medium stature slimly built, long-legged, and a great walker. He is a bachelor, living in a quiet bearding heuse in the West End of Len den. He talks with the same force and perspicuity as he writes. Maoeie Mitchell is renewing her tri- umpbs in the West. Her uniquenesses something the public never tire of, and the long train of imitators that fellow her attest the popularity of her style. Her husband, 3Ir. Paddock, accompanies her, and manages her business with efficiency and tact. When Adei.tx.v Patti war, a little girl of ten years she had a filial attachment for Olc Bull, whom she always called " Olcy," and lie relied mere upon her criticism of his playing than upon that of any ether judge, the development of her musical powers even at that early age being extra ordinary. Hen. R. V. Piekck, of Buffalo, N. Y., resigns the remainder of hisHcrni as rep resentative in Congress. His recent ill ness tnrcw him se far behind in his busi ness affairs that it will take all his time te catch up. It would be tee great a private sacrifice, he says, for him te return te Con gress. STIKLEO MY ESCAl'ISG GAS. A Pennsylvania .Merchant Found IJeail in his Koeiuat Croen's Hetel. Jacob Elepsky, a merchant of Bradford Pa., was found dead in his bedroom at Creek's hotel,Ne.84 Chatham street, N.Y., Sunday afternoon. The gas was turned full en at the single burner in the room, the window near the bed was closed closed and the curtain was down. The swinging ventilator ever the deer was also shut. Death had apparently been caused bv suffocation. The ventilaiers in the hotels arc generally open, but some have been closed in the recent cool weath er, se that Elepsky did net. himself close the ventilator in his room. Saturday night was rather warm, however. The man came te the hotel en Friday night and went immediately te bed. He had with him a small black valise full or clothing, and said that he thought he would stay in town three or four days and would like te pay in advance. The money was handed ever and he took his receipt. Saturday morning he went out aud returned in the afternoon. Seme of the guests in the iieiel remember hav ing seen hint wandering about in an absent-minded way. Saturday night lie called for his key at '.) o'clock. The cham bermaid knocked loudly at the deer at neon yesterday without receiving an an swer. She knocked again at 2, but still there was no answer. The clerk looked through the ventilator and saw the man lying motionless upon the bed. A cheap silver watch and geld chain and $1.2: were found in Elepsky "s pockets, with a num ber of receipts for fancy goods aud cauls of various New Yerk fancy-goods merch ants. Ferdinand Ehrlich, a dealer in fan cy goods at 2": Church street said that Elepsky had a small farm in Brad ford, and that in dull times was a peddler. lie was married and had a large family. He called at Ehrlich's store en Saturday and bought hosiery. While he was examining silk handkerchiefs he said he wanted te go te Housten street and leek at another man's stock. lie would return seen and take away his goods. Thai was the last time Mr. E'lrlieh saw him. While looking ever his books last. evening Mr. Creek found that Elepsky had been at the hotel last April. In the very room in which Mr. Elepsky died a man named L lark and connected with a Philadelphia banking-house shot himself through the head some years a. " STOI THE SIILSIU." t: Cecil tliat .Inn Emmet iliaiie n:i the rjtage of a Italtiniore Theatre. The engagement, of .Tee Emmet at the Ilellidav Street theatre, Baltimore, during last week, was probably the most sneeess- lul ever played by him. At each pcriorm pcrierm ance hundreds were tarncd away, while the interior of the theatre was crowded te excess an hour before the curtain went up. Manager Albaugh and two or three ether friends of Emmet met him at the depot upon his arrival here last Monday, and never lest sight of him during the week, except en Thursday, when he managed te elude their vigilance and escape. lie immediately took the train en the Philadelphia. Wilmington and Baltimore railroad northward, but his friends had him captured at Bay Views just outside of the city limits, and brought back te the city. At the Saturday matinee Emmet, while evidently intoxicated, walked up te one of the proscenium boxes, in which was seated the proprietor of the hotel where he stepped, and shaking his fist in that gen tleman's face, exclaimed, " (let out of here!" On Saturday night his condition was greatly improved, but he emittod neat ly all of his songs. Just before the close of the la?t scene he suddenly walked down te the feet lights and shouted, ' Step the music !"' A dead silence followed, and then, in a weak and trembling voice and with tears pouring down his cheeks. Fritz spoke as fellows : "Ladies and Gentleman :"' I was verv sick te-day. Ced only knows hew sick I was. it was heart sickness. At this evi dent allusion te the action of his wife in having him put in prison he laid his hand en his heart and looked mournfully around. 1 would net have appeared here te-night but for one man, and he is Jehn Albaugh. r Applause. I told him this afternoon that 1 was tee sick te play te-night, and he said : 'Jee, for Ced's sake play for my sake.' Fer no ether man would I have played : net thai. I de net appreciate the applause of tins audience and I lie .smile.-; el the pretty eyes present and Baltimore is fuil of them but I was tee heartsick." At this point Emmet sat down en the Mage and exclaimed : "Johnnie Albaugh is a geed fellow, and I was glad te be able te fulfil my engagement with him. Ap plause. Then in an undertone Emmet said, apparently addressing himself, " Brace tip. brace up." He then sprang te his feet, saying : " Let the music go en," and finished the performance without further break. When he made he allusions te Mr. Al baugh, he was greeted with loud applause, but as he proceeded his rcmaks were coldly received, and when the curtain went down there was a dead silence anil no cllbrl was made te call him te the front. A .Sijjliilicunt Letter. CeLVMiirs, Ind., Sept. 1-i, 1SS0. I have been a resident of Wayne town ship, in this county, for the past six weeks, when I moved from Shelby county. I have been a Republican all liiy life until this year, when my eyes were opened te the rascality of the se-called peer man's party by their shipping negrees into Shel by county te vole and threw peer white men out or employment. I was m Com pany II, Thirty-seventh Indiana volunteers and claim that I have a right te vote with the party that is the true friend te the soldier and the peer man. I knew that the Republicans did bring negrees into Shelby county. If anybody doubts my sincerity or the correctness of this state ment, I refer him te Jehn Gcarharr, of Wayne township, or W. J. Satcr, of this city. Henceforth I intend te vote and work with the Democratic party, and te de all in my power for the success of the whole Democratic ticket. Ben-. T. Clauk. Hancock telegraphed te the "Fleppcrs' " meeting in Pittsburgh : "The composition of your meeting will indicate that the re mains of sectionalism and bitterness are te be bnricd ; that living issues arc te be grappled with, and that we have a grew ing party covering all sections aud embody ing harmony, freedom of opinion, and fan expression of truth through the ballet box." MAINE. WHY HE CROWS. Eecause Plaisted is Elected. A correspondent of the Bosten Glebe, who went te the state house in Augusta, Me., and examined the returns, telegraphs te his paper as fallows : " All are there with the exception of these ireni twenty-two places, the towns reported give Davis 72,104, Plaisted 71,402, showing a plurality of 702 for Davis. The twenty-two towns te hear from last year gave Davis 1,40j ; Garcclen and Smith, 2,171, bcin" a Fusion majority of 700. If these towns come in as they did last year, and I learn that Union net gains have been inauc in tnem, l'laistca will liave a plurality ever Davis of C5. I am convinced that the figures arc correct, for care was taken m the compilation. The clerks' returns arc net, as a general thing, models et accuracy, and if the elhcial returns arc no better, there will be some difficulty in their tabulation. Fer instance, the clerk el assaluore returned the Plaisted vote of that town as being east for Hiram M Plaisted, and it is said that if the town's record is in the same shape, the votes can net be counted ler Harris M. Plaisted. le ell'sct this, however, another clerk returns the JJavis vote of Ins town as for Daniel W. Davis. Similar errors are noticed throughout. "The Republicans arc new claiming Da vis's election if the towns unreported held their own, but are hoping against hope that they will gain enough te wipe out riaistcd s plurality as at present indicated. Among the towns te hear from arc the Unionist strongholds of Cape Elizabeth, Sebago, Bremen, Prospect, Turner, Mill Bridge, Van Buren and ethers. "The evidence is new clear that Plaisted is elected governor of Maine, whatever may be done toward cheating him out of it." By midnight Saturday all except seven towns in iuauic had been heard from, giv ing Davis 73,5-12 ami Plaisted 73,403. The towns te come in gave last vcar 107 Fusion majority. This would new give Plaisted US plurality. It is expected they will snow li anion gams, as have all the towns in that vicinity. Edmund Wilsen, member of the national committee from Maine, says: "There is net the slightest reason te doubt that we have carried the state. Blaine's first de spatch te Garfield alarmed the Republi cans ana rendered some desperate remedy necessary te let them down easy. Se, en the second day after the election, the re turns, which had been coming in regularly, suddenly slopped, and there were many in dicatiens that lraud was being committed But they cannot succeed. The count of the vote will show that Plaisted is elected." Mr. Wilsen believes that Hancock will carry Maine in November. A despatch te the Democratic national committee from Portland, Me., says : Re turns from 4!)G towns, mostly from Repub lican sources, carelulry revised, givcl'Iais led 73,403 ; Davis, 73,512 ; majority for Davis, 49. Same towns in 1870 : Repub lican, 7e,S02 ; Opposition, 00,700 ; Repub lican majority, 15,042 ; Republican less, 1-1,093. Seven towns te be heard from which voted in 1870, Republican, C5 ; Democratic, 171 ; and in 1870, Republi can, 01 : opposition, 228. They will elect Plaisted by about 200 majority. There are about 500 scattering votes te in crease the majority against the Republi cans, i no nest proel et the demoraliza tion of the Republicans is shown by the fact that they threaten te have Blaine's supreme cemt declare that it requires a majority el all votes cast te elect the gov ernor. Republicans have carried ;the Leg. islalurc by resorting te the most desperate means in close towns and counties. Ot the 22 senators, they elect 13, who have each less than 100 majority. Great joy is felt that een. Andersen, a staunch Democrat, is elected te Congress ever Reed. Reed claims 109 majority, but many mere votes for Andersen were tendered by citizens whose names wcra .surreptitiously emitted from the lists by Republican election officers. In Blaine's district, Lind- sey, Republican, claims about 100 ma jority ever Philbrick, but Philbrick will contest and expose the reckless bribery of Lindsay's supporters. Frye Republican, aud Ladd and ?Iuich, opposition, arc elected by large majorities! " The " bull bull eozing'' of factory hands throughout the state was open and violent. In Biddcferd Democrats were compelled te vote the Re publican ticket or leave their work, and these who did net were discharged. In Seuth Berwick Democrats were net al lowed the mills te vote, and similar coer cion was used in ether factory towns, but the people have triumphed. The presiden tial campaign will be prosecuted here with out regard te miner differences, te rescue the state and county from Republican des potism." The Union forces of Banger had a grand celebration there Saturday eveuing in honor of their great victory at the recent election. An imposing torchlight proces preces sion paraded through the principal streets, where many stores and residences were brilliantly illuminated. Congressman Ladd, Senater-elect Jennings and ethers were serenaded, big bonfires were lighted in the squares and the booming of cannon resounded from the heights. Last night the political situation was net materially changed, an uncertainty existing in regard te the result of the gu bernatorial vote, which may require the official count te remove. The opinion is rapidly gaining ground among all classes that General Plaisted really received a majority, or at least a plurality of the votes cast, aud that the Republicans will net be aide te change the result, but arc simply trying te keep up the appearance of Davis's election in the hope of inlhicuc ing the result in the doubtful states 'seen le held elections. The Kcpubhcaus wear especially sorrowful faces since the impos ing demonstration of the opposition which in its magnitude surpassed any former political celebrations in that section, The Democrats and Grccnbackcrs in ether por tions of Maine arc celebrating their great victor' with enthusiasm. It is the current talk among conservative men that Maine will new be ready for an anti-Garfield ma jority in November, and that the Repub licans will find it a hopeless contest te stem the tide with a fusion electoral ticket in the field. During the summer the under standing was that the ticket should cm brace three Democrats and four Grccn backcrs. The Democrats at their state convention put in nomination their elect ors, and the Greenback state committee, te which the Greenback state convention referred the matter, chose four prominent Crecnbackers. The Grccnbackcrs have called a state convention at Portland this week te ratify the ticket. STATE ITEMS. The P. O. S. cf A. had a parade at Fleet weed, Berks county, en Saturday. The Pan Presbyterian Alliance meets in Philadelphia this week and the religious people there are much interested in its de liberations. Al lento wn has subscribed $01,000 to ward starting a silk factory there, and the building is te go up at once in the Jerdan meadows of that enterprising city. O. M. Warner, lime burner of Reading, is missing since Monday last, and foul play is feared. He is about 5 feet in height, weighs probably 150 pounds, lias dark hair and sandy moustache, lame in left leg, and was drcsseu in rather light clothes, lie had in his pocket a roll of bank notes amounting te about $50. The America fire company of Allentown, late the guests of the American in this city, were handsomely entertained at Read ing by the Rainbow of that place. The festivities were held in Fairvicw park, where a ball was given in honor of the visitors. They left for Allentown Satur day evening. Miss Emma Longaker, wife of Hiram C. Longaker, residing in Frederick township, Montgomery county, nearZicglcrvillc, died last week of lockjaw. She trod en a nail a short time age, but did net think the wound a serious one ; but a few days age it began te pain her, and tetanus, or lock jaw, seen set in, resulting in her death. Ex-Stale Senater G. II. Rowland, at the primary election, carried Pike county for Congress by a very large majority, elect ing liis three conferees ever Hen. Rebert Kletz, the present incumbent. Edwin J. Baker, formerly el" Philadelphia, receives the nomination of associate Judge, and William Wcstall, from present indications, is nominated for representative. In Scranteu, en Saturday night, the Democratic central club of Lackawanna county swung a Hancock and English ban ner from their headquarters. Half an hour previous, Democratic clubs from nearly every ward in the city began te march te Lackawanna avenue, and the street was seen packed with a crowd estimated at from 3,000 te 4,000. A number of bands were out, and the enthusiasm reached a high pitch. The latest sensation in Northeastern Pennsylvania is the supposed discovery that vast quantities of oil lie under the barren wastes of Pike and Wayne coun ties. A geologist of some note, while traveling through this section of country, discovered that, the northeastern counties arc undoubtedly en the same" oil vein" as Bradford, the great oil centre. Prepa rations are new making te bore te the depth of fifteen hundred feet, when, if no oil is found, the venture will be aban doned. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. Virulent rinderpest has appeared in Yol Yel hynia, the principal cattle district in Rus sia. The League of American Wheelmen nre holding a convention in New Yerk. Clubs from four states, including Pennsylvania, are in attendance. The steamer Westphalia is bringing ever 500,000 francs in geld. The steamship Mescl, which arrived in New Yerk en Fri day, brought $470,200 in geld coin and bars. The discord in the French cabinet cul minated yesterday in the resignation of M. dc Freycinet, the Premier. M Jules Ferry has been called upon te form a jiew ministry. Gen. Hancock has received a letter from Geerge W. Singly of Moulten, Iowa, who said that he was 110 years of age. and had been steadily a Democrat since the party was originated. He sent his photograph", and desired one of the general's in return. A bush-fire in the parish of St. Geerge's Bcauce, Quebec, is reported te have com mitted fearful ravages. Seven or eight square miles of country have been devas tated near the frontier, andalargcqiiantity of timber and grain, besides houses anil ether buildngs, were burned. A fire broke out at Shocmakcrtewii. that for a time threatened te destroy the village. Ihc Haines swallowed up the ex- tensive carnage factory etW. B. jJerchalls ei spoils, iwu ujacKsmiinsuep shops, one stable and one dwelling. The less en these structures will amount te about $0,000. which is partly covered by insurance. Engineer Lovcjey, who is directing the operations at the Hudsen river tunnel' Jersey City, says that the caisson has been lowered te within eight feet of the tunnel and that twenty-three beams which form the base of the coffer-dam have been reached. The beams will have te be sawed into pieces and stored in the top of the caisson. Mr. Lovcjey says he hopes te reach the twenty dead bodies within a week. Maud S. was breugh out en the track at Chicago en Saturday when it was nearly dark. It was cloudy and there was a strong south wind. She made her first quarter in 34 seconds and the next in St: she marked the three-quarter pole in 1 :30. Bair urged her gently with voice and whip, and she responded gamely, and the mull i tudc was breathless as she went by the final quarter and thundered down the homestretch in 2:10; the fastest mile ever trotted. Jehn Jenes, aged 80, a local preacher, en-route te New Yerk with his aged wife, while trying te cress a car platform near New Brnuswick, N. J., must have fallen between the cars and clung te the railing or buffer for some distance, his feet drag" ging en the track bed, for his shoes, with the tees entirely worn' off, were half a mile from where the body lay. The pain re sulting from the laceration of his naked tcct doubtless caused the peer old man te faint and loosen his held, and he was cut te pieces. I le lived in the Far West. Xlie l'cnsluii ltusiness. Ex-tiev. Curtin's Williamson speech. I have looked up the law and I find that from 1800 te 1S75, the Republican party being in power, Union soldiers received from $S te $30 per month, the latter being for total disability. In 1875, for disability; it was raised te $50, allowing nothing for artificial arms and legs. But in 1870, when the Democrats get control of Cen gress "the rchel brigadiers" as the Re publicans call them the limbs of the sol diers were replaced and renewed, and in 1878 the pension was raised te $72 a month for tiiese who had lest both arms, or both eyes, or both legs. In 1879 a law was passed giving arrears te all soldiers, and allowing pensions from the date of dis ability or discharge. Thus they get their backpay from the "rebel brigadiers." Soldiers should bear in mind that a Re publican acting as president vetoed .the ar rearages of pensions bill, and a Democratic Congress passed the bill our hi veto. - fc Owns the Cern. MtMiiirgli Leader, tiarliclcl Organ, It may as well be frankly confessed first as last that the result in Maine is a virtual jwpupucuH urjeac. vc were all li'Minn" last week en the Ycrment election." Tlutf showed a slight Republican gain and the arithmetic men were justified in making the calculation that if the same percentage of increase prevailed through the North the election of Garfield was assured. In all fairness then we must allow the arith metic men te come forward again new and demonstrate that if the percentage of Republican less in Maine should obtain throughout the North why there is danger even of Iowa, and Hancock would sweep the North as "solidly" as the Seuth. Tobias Wrlslit. Tebe Wright, colored, was sent te jail for thirty days by Alderman Dennelly, of the Seventh ward, Air Icing drunk and disorderly. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. GltEAT FIHE AT OXVOKD. The Car Sheps Burncil. A big fire occurred at Oxford. Chester county, Saturday morning at 4 o'clock, which consumed the remaining large building of what was known as the Oxford co-operative car company's works. These buildings were commenced in April, 1873. They consisted of two separate sets of buildings. The one destroyed Saturday morning was part frame and brick 300 feet long and 70 wide. It centaiucd 328, 955 feet of lumber, 195,474 shingles and 38,420 bricks. The brick portion, which was the engine room and smith-shop, con tained a line ntnety-uorse power engine. The ether big building, the paint shop, was blown down by the terrible gale en Oct.23, 1S78 ; it was 70 feet by 179. These shops were erected by a Wilmington company, who together with the citizens of Oxford and vicinity, raised $45,000. The president, J. L. Killgore, seen ab sconded with the capita! and the works be gan te fail. Of late years the shops have been idle and were sold at sheriffs sale te W. D. Alexander, of Oxford, for $8,000. 31 r. A. loses about $0,000 en which was an insurance of $4,107 in the Royal insur ance company and $833 in the Lancashire insurance company both foreign com panies making a total of $5,000. Kirk and Niblock, liverymen, lese eight sleighs: Harry Swift, seven ; Dr. J. K. McKissic. a new cutler ; Jehnsen Bres., one sleigh ; S. B. Paul, II. S. Werth and A. W. Reed, all wagons; a Doylestown firm two threshing machines ; J. Cepe, Lincoln, Wm. Mct'Iurg and Ed. Ferd, Oxford, lese about $1,500 worth of tobacco which was gathered from live acres. MTAKCITY OF tVATl'.K. The Wliy ami Wherefore. Seme of the water consumers in the high-lying localities north of Chestnut street complain that they are net getting their usual supply of water. This is net because the reservoirs are net full, but be cause a portienof the water main en Plum street between the Penn iron works aud the New Helland turupike has been re moved temporarily en account of the re grading of the street, and it will take some time te relay it, as the new trenches have te be cut through a bed of rock. Nicholas Nary had the contract for digging the trenches, but as he was getting along very slowly with the work, Superintendent Kitch has taken the job in hand and hopes te have it finished inside of a week. The scarcity of the water in the higher-lying parts of the city is said te be caused by the heavy draught made upon the pipes by the low-lying drove yards, which new get their supply by a roundabout course and through small pipes instead of by the di rect route along Plum street. S:i!e or Ileal Kstate. Henry Shubcrt, auctiencr and real es tate agent, sold at public sale en last Saturday evening at the Keystone hotel, for David Hartmaii, executer of the estate of Jeseph Peel, deceased, the following property : Ne.l, a one story frame dwelling siiuaieu en me west sum ei auun t.-" street between Lemen and James streets, Ne. 414,te Henry Bundle for $2,730. Ne. 2, a one story brick dwelling situated en the south side of East Chestnut street, between Duke aud Lime streets, Ne. 1315, te Freder ick Brimmer for $2,033. Jehn Hull has sold at private sale a let en New street, 21x241 feet, te Benjamin R. Buckius for $240. Mr. Buckius will erect a house en the let. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold at public sale, en the 18th hist., for Merris Zeek and Geerge Zeek, administrators of Neah Zeek, deceased, a tract of land situ ated in New Providence. Lancaster county, IV... containing 12 acres, mere or less, en which is erected a two-story brick house, barn and a wee! factory, te Nelsen Dyson, for $5,250. L'iil:iinv!i . An UI1cumVn man died rec ci.tteIieHille. Yerk county, who sta ic had come thither from Marie eccntly in stated that ietta. lie was buried at Prospect M. E. church, near Gatchelvillc. The deceased was about 45 years of age. 5 feet 8 inches in height, dark hair and beard, and sprinkled with gray and hast en a cress-barred coat and pants. He had visited Gatchelvillc four weeks previous and stated te the hotel keeper that he lived en Lee street, near Sharp street, Baltimore ; that he was a watchmaker and had worked in a jewelry establishment en Baltimore street, where there were four hands employed, lie had with him some watchmaker's tools, two old watches, etc., and eighty-three cents in money. Seme scraps of paper were found in a book in his pocket, in which was written Theodere Vernbcech : also some memoranda. JiuirryviIle Items. On Saturday Harry Tenant, :i little son of Abraham Tenant, fell from an ex cart which was leaded with coal. One of the whee's passed ever his arm, breaking it. Dr. Rail b dressed it. On Saturday evening the Hancock boys i raised a beautiful jmjIc in the village. It is about sixty teet high aud has a hcaiitilul Hag upon it besides a large tin rooster and a beard hearing the names of the Demo cratic candidates. On Thursday Jhtrdick & Allen's tent show will exhibit in (Juaaryville. They advertise eighteen performers, including gymnasts. Irish. Dutch and negre come dians and a full brass baud. Yesterday's Fire. Yesterday- about neon a small frame kitchen belonging te the house en Stew art's coal yard, which is occupied by Stephen Myers and owned by .fames Stew art, war. burned te the ground. Mr. Myers had just built a tire in the kitchen and had been out but a short time when it caught fire, from the stove, as is supposed. The house was saved by the efforts of the neighbors and the firemen. The less en the kitchen will probably rc.ich $50. Du ring the tire the Washington company had two sections of hose whicli wen; lying across the railroad track, cut by an engine running ever them. Last evening about S o'clock an alarm of fiie was sounded, but it proved loins false. A Dangerous 1'lace. There is a hole in the lloer of the eastern foetwalk of the Duke street railroad bridge which is as dangerous as it is un sightly. A misstep by any passer-by is at any time liable te break one's feet or wrench the ankle. It would cost little time or labor te repair it; neglect of it may result in serious injury and heavy damages for somebody te pay. The pave ment south of the foetwalk and under the monstrous bill beard just erected there is also in dangerous condition. Assault and Ilattery. Rev. Matthew M. Diggs, colored, has made complaint against" Geerge Burten and Charles Lee. also colored, for assault ing him en Monday evening bust, while he was walking in the Democratic precession. One of them attempted te pull him from his place in the ranks and the ether at tempted te wrest from him the Hancock banner he was carrying. The accused will have a hearing before Alderman Mc Conomy. Xnse Kitten. Yesterday Wallace Hauck, of Laudis Yalley,'was badly bitten in the nose by a deg, belonging te Jehn Ifeffnui. The ani- I mil was net mad. Mr. Hauck had his wound dressed in this city. THJS LOf AL TOBACCO MARKET. Fall Sales and Geed Prices for Geed Lear. There has been quite a boom in the tobacco market during the past week. In addition te'thc 593 cases of 1879 leaf sold a week or two age by Messrs. Sigle & Mor Mer rin (but net reported until new)vcr 1,000 eases have been sold by local packers dur ing the week. One packer sold 700 cases aud could have sold the balance of his packing, 150 cases, Iiad he been willing te make the slighest abatement in the price. Anether sold 300, and several ethers smaller lets, aud all secured full prices, though they cheese te keep the figures private. One packer who had made a heavy sale and obtained the ' price demanded, was appealed te after the saie te make a slight deduction, as the buy er thought he had paid tee nincli for the let. The packer declined te make the de duction, but offered te take the tobacco back. This preposition was accepted and in less than twenty-four hours the tobacco was resold at an advance of a cent a pound. Auother sale of 250 cases waaal- most consummated at a given pricc the buyer asking a brief delay te consider ever the matter. The delay asked for was granted and the time agreed upon expired without an answer from the prospective buyer. Thereupon the packer sold te art art ether party at an advance of a cent a pound, and seen after the sale was effected, the packer received a telegram from the ether dealer that he would take the let, but he was tee late. Anether sale failed consummation only by a quarter of a cent between seller and buyer. These facts show that the market is firm, and that there is a lively demand for the crop. Quite a number of heavy manufacturers are in the market, looking ever the crops and making their selections. There is but one opinion as te the condition of the crop. In size, color and quality it is equal te any ever grown in the county, and there. is no doubt that it will be sold at full prices as rapidly as it can lie prepared for mark et. The samplers are pretty well through with their work, aud by the end of the week will perhaps have finished. They report very little "damage" except in low priced fillers. The crop of 18S0 is nearly all housed. A slight frost a few nights age, net severe enough te de any damage, admonished growers that delay is dangerous, and they liave since then been rapidly cutting off ami housing the leaf. Seme of it is very fine and some of it is very inferior. In some sections the Ilea has almost ruined it, and in ethers it has entirely escaped damage. A gentleman from Colerain told us this morning that in that township there was no damage cither by the Ilea, the worm, or the hail. In some ether sections there arc patches that will net pay for the cut ting efi. A remarkable fact is that some of the poorest tobacco this year has been grown by farmers having the highest repu tation. The total crop of the state is new put at 100,000 cases, of which Lancaster pro duces less than 40,000. A correspondent writing from George town, says : " The cold evenings last week infused new life into the tobacco man, and the fields of this neighborhood that a few days age were covered with the green te baeoe, new leek bare. The whole crop of this vicinity has liccn well housed, and is in geed condition, and should nothing hap pen te it between this and stripping time, this section can well beast a geed result. the Ilea and worm have net damaged te any serious extent. Since the crop of to bacco has been get rid of the farmer is new turning his attention te his ether work and finds his hands filled with work that was forgotten during the busy time of cut ting housing his tobacco. Seeding, corn cutting and even potatoes yet uuraiscd, are clamoring for their share of attention. Our Salisbury correspondent under date of September SO, says : The crop in Sal isbury is new safely housed, and as we claim te be the banner tobacco district this year, our farmers and tobacco raisers will reap a rich harvest from the weed. The early crop is new very nicely cured en the poles, and will seen be ready for the spectien of buyers. In quality Salisbury tobacco this season is far superior te the crop of 1870, with less stem ret, and as yet I have net yet heard of any burn." Tlie 'evv Yerk Tobacco Market. The New Yerk Tohaece Journal, as usual, gives the 1870 Pennsylvania tobacco and the packers who have invested in it, a vigorous kick, and then whines after this manner : "Altogether the leaf tobacco trade of te-day is a most pitiable one. Ne life, no business. And all because a handful of packers have seen fit te threw their money te the farmers. The great incentive te packers te pay high prices te farmers is the notion that line tobacco can only be found early in the season and at high prices. They therefore start out wildly, buy a few acies of .supposed fine leaf at enormous figures, and of ceurse threw the the firebrand of high prices among the farmers. Have the packers considered that by such action they are only hinting themselves :' After having paid high prices for line crops, can they buy the inferior at small figures? They can net. Every grower of tobacco thinks his crop as geed as, and probably a geed deal better than his neighbor's:. He wants the highest price. Thus tobacco is made unnecessarily dear, and nobody but the farmer makes money." The New Yerk Tvbaere Leaf says : " There has been increased activity in the seed leaf market, the sales amounting te 1.S83 cases, against 1,270 cases last week. The sales have embraced all varieties, with larger transactions in 1870 Pennsylvania than in any ether kind, the transfers of this growth amounting te 700 cases as as eorted lets." Following aie the sale of seed leaf to bacco reported by .1. S. ( Jans' s Sen fc Ce., tobacco brokers, Nes. 84 and 8G Wall street, New Yerk, for the week ending September 20, 1S80 : 000 eases 1879 New England, seconds, 11 te 13e., wrappers, 10 te :55c. ; Housatonic, 22 te 24c. ; 000 cases 1870 Pennsylvania, asserted, 12 te 22 ; 100 cases 1S79 state, p. t. ; 500 cases 1871) Ohie, 7 te 10c. ; 100 cases sundries, 9 te 18c. ; 100 cases 1870 Wisconsin, 7 te 12c. Total, 2,000 cases. Won't Sprinkle Your Crccu Tohaece. The Tobacco Leaf says editorially : " Within the past three or four years many of the producers of seed leaf tobacco have adopted the practice of sprinkling their leaf when asserting it. Wiicnevcra hand of leaf is found te be a little dry en the edges, the blew-pqie, or atomizer, as it is called, is brought into requisition ; and thus the leaf, as is supposed by these who avail themselves of this method of preparing this variety of tobacco for the inspection of buyers, is put in proper con dition. It is the opinion of prominent cigar manufacturers, te whose fiat all cigar leaf tobacco has finally te be subjected, and en which its reputation stand.! or falls, that this treatment is very prejudicial. In the language of one experienced manufac turer with whom we have conversed en the subject, 'it is death te green or new tobacco,' as it impairs the fibre of the leaf and makes it tender. Tobacco possessing the requisite gum will, when warmed up, however dry it may be, naturally become moist from its own liquifying properties, and generally difmse sufficient moister te go through the natur al sweat. Where tobacco docs net possess sufficient moisture te go naturally through the sweating or fermenting process, after it has been about a year in case, it may then be, and should be, moistened by manufacturers, who will have the necessa ry evidence before them te enable them te determine hew much water a given quantity of tobacco need and will bear. Wetting tobacco when green or unsweated is like wetting sugar, the vital principle is decomposed and washed out of it; and the prevailing practice, no '1 l M A