IZ' $4r-t'"'' ;:' 'V '" -'4-"S-"-v"- v"; ; c -.-"". i'M .-,7- -' -s J .---T?J -- , ." "5 - - LANCASTER DAILY 1NTELEIGENCE11. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1880. ammmmmmmm v i BASEBALL. Ironsides 47 College 4. Yesterday afternoon the Ironsides base ball club played a game with the College nine en the grounds of the latter. A geed sized crowd was present, but the gsjc lacked interest, as it was one rided. The Ironsides had it all their own way. The Ironsides did net play as strong a game as usual this being due no doubt te the fact that the opposing nine was a great deal -weaker then themselves and they knew tlwuirniiifi linvf im tieublc in winning. There was geed playing, however, and the I u! - ..,. Tim crn IK n uaiuug wan very siiuhi;. fellows : The score is as IROXSIuKS. Zecher, c Deinmcl, r. f.... Cosgrevc,p Miles. 21i Arneld, c. 1 Wilsen, 1.1 llurm, l b Kitten house, s. lcpper,3 i O. It. .. 4 .. 2 C .. 2 fi .. .'! C COLLEGE. O. K. Franklin, 1 1 0 Heiiler, i) " 2 II. sheiblcy, h. s... :: e Kelter.c 1 2 Mauinun, c. t 4 e A.Hetten-tein.3b. 2 0 V. Slieibiey. I. f... 2 0 K. Hottenstein r.l. 3 0 Muss-Im:m,2b 4 0 27 471 27 4 1NKIH08- 12 3 4 5 V. 7 8 '.I Ironsides 14 4 2 4 4 7 l 2 i 17 College. 1 0 0 2 0 1 e 4 Umpire, Merris Rittcr. Time el game, two hour and twenty liiin-uteH. Paul Oulgley Committed. Paul Quigley, charged with stealing chickens from J. 31. Coevcr and Jehn Kor Ker nig, efEphrata, had a hearing before Alder man Spurrier this afternoon, and in default of bail was committed te answer at com t. His alleged accomplices, Jacob Weaver and Charles Albright were committed for the same offence some time age. A Fair. A fair, for the benefit of the Junieis' band association, will open in Itebctts'.s ballen Monday next and continue during the week. There will be found en sale many useful and fancy articles. ' The only pad guaranteed te cure diabetic, gravel, dropsy, I!i ight's disease, nervous de bility and all di-ica-,eserthe kidncysand blad der, is Tret, Gulnm lie's French Kidney Pad. slS2!d Aii.uBcmculF. Alice (Jutes U'u-ni'jht.'SUU evening thotu thetu thotu ganizutien known u- "The Favorites," headed Iy the vivacious prima denna comedienne Alice 0.ite-, will appear at the opera house in the musical absurdity of Leng IJi-.mch," xud te be one et the me-it spaikllug of recent con cen ccrLs alid made up el unbounded merriment and pretty music. The company, which is im im derMr.Jehn 1. Mlslilcr,iiieludcs number el xpccialty pcrferincis. The Green Frent. As will be Been by an advertisement else where Mcrnard .Snyder, the well-known cigar manutucturcr, lias taken cliarge el the Uiccii Frent cigar store en List Orange street, and w ill hereafter carry en the business theie. Lancaster Ilaraar Fall eniiig. Aslrlch llres., 1 lie popular anil cnlerpii-ing proprietors or the Lancaster I! i:.:iar, at 1" East King street, will have a giand f.ill opening en Monday and Tuesday nct, when the display et new fashions and line fabrics will be some thing utipiccedeuled in this tow u. , The stock el beets and .shoes which is new being sold out at great saciillcj inoiderle close business, is diminishing dally. Theiv is as yet en hand a large assortment el ladles', gents' and children's line shoes, which aie being sold at the same piiees thai shoddy is sold ler elsewhere. We advise all who w Nh te pin chase their l.ill and w inter beets, shoes or rubbers te enll early and secure bargains. Alse store IKtures, Including a lire pioefsate, ter sale cheap at Ne. 'Jtiy, East King sin-el. II lleadiiai ters for men's, bej.s'and children's hats ami caps at Cehen & llre.'.s Philadelphi t One Price Stere, S Kast King street. Don't Mien tlie Chance. Cehen A: ISre. will haw their gi-.ind opening sale el men's, boys' and children's hats and cups for l.ill and winter wear, this Saturday, September Is. Give them a call and witness their uraud display at 5 Kast King street. Just received new styles in shirt-, m-ckweai, underwear, knit jackets, .Ve. Opening sale this Saturday, September Is, at Cehen A, i:ie.'s Phlladelplda One Pi ice Meie, 5 Kast King hirccl. cpl7-2td 'A tumei was removed from my head by using 'Dr. Lindsev's Bleed Searcher.'" S. Sarver, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold by all druggists. Try Lecht j's Renowned Cough Syrup. Wi: wenM recommend all te try Dr. Brown ing's Tonic and Alterative, as it is a Perfect Bleed Puriuer. Make-, new Bleed, Heddens old Bleed, i:nric!ic3 peer Bleed, and Gives v'Igoreus Health. The doe is but one tca tca tca spoenful for an adult, and smaller in preper tien for children, and Is exceedingly pleasant te take. Ter sale by the Pi oprieter, W. Cham Cham pien Biewning, M. !., 1117 Aich Street, Pliila delphia, and all Druggist-. Price M cents and $1. sl-lwdTTh&S&w Tlie old saying that "a new bioem sweeps clean " receives fresh proof every day in the rapid detcrlemt ion el many articles that have obtained a geed reputation belere the public. Jnne lineef business has thisdetcrioratienbeen mere mai ked than In many once popular bit ters whose proprietors have allowed theli preparation te become worthless because et their many liuiidrcd orders and inordinate leve or gain, than In anything else. In conse quence thereof andattherequestet many pel sons who have ordered Chill Chilli Bitters, the proprietor will at 7. p. m.,Menday, September 20, lHSii, ut his elHce, 2IS North Queen Street, stell at public sale one case and one bottle et Chill Chilli Bitters, pat up in lancy walnut cases, the condition of the sale being that the highest bidder shall be the buyer; the buyer te Iteep the bottles unopened until three years have expired, then te open the bottles In pres ence of eemieteiitjulges and compare them with any littles made by him since the sale, smd it the bitters are net as geed and pure as the first made the proprietor lias obligated hiiiiwlt under bends te pay $5,0(10 te each pur chaser el bottle and case. scpH'.-ltd m Faintness before eating, pain ami distn-ss afterward, prevented by Malt Bitters. Ktib the Gnms Well with SO.ODOXT when tln-y become spongy or ilctached from the necks of the teeth. Let them bleed freelv and se recover their lone and health. This SOZODOXT is the best reme dial agent terdiseascd gums and teeth. Try ami learn. slS-lwdee l.vw ,Veu Jlay, Hut ! Veu may drink a glats of ice water w hen you aie thoroughly heated br e.ercie, but be eaie ful te have Dr. Themas' Kclectiic Oil by en. The best leimdvin the world for Celic. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, dniggNt, 157 and 13J Neith Queen str-.-et, Lanca-tcr, Pa. is CeugTis. ".'reicn't V.rer.rhial Treche,'" are usd with adautage te alleviate Coughs, Sen- Tin eat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affection-. Fer thiilyyeais these Tiechcs have been in use. with annually increasing laver. They aie net new and r.utlied, but, having been tested by wide and constant use ler nearly an entire geneiatieu, they have attained well-merited lank among the f-'W staple lenicdicsef the age. 'Hie Threat. 'Jlievn'x J.rencliinl TroehiH"' act diiec-tly en the organs el the voice. They h-.ve an ex ex tRiei.liuaty c'.lcct inali ili-e:. lei s or the Threat and Larynx, l e-tei ing a healthy leile w lu-u re laeil, either Ii.un celder ever cvei lien et the eite,and pieduei-aelearand ilislinct -niincI-atien. Sjrii!.ci"! hikI iiivjrrs iiwl the Troches u-eliil. ACougli.CeM, Catarrh ei Sen: 'lhreal w fjtiiics immediate attention, as neglect eltcn-t'liu-s icsulls in some iiK-iiniblr Lung Disease. .Veii-m's llrenchittl 'JV'icIict'' v. ill almost in vaiiahly giw I'-licf. Imitations aie et'ereil ler tale, many et w hich aie nijui ieiis. The genu int. "JSrewii'i Ilre-ir'titU Treche:." ale sold enl' in liesrv. i.i!il." 1 j d&w Tu.Tli.VS Wc I 'refer the Othc . Thcii-'s nothing that w ill niaKe a in in sinait se ijuiekas geed slieni; l:eis- Iauam-iit, and nothing will cine weuiuls,cnts,briiise,biirnB, etc.. -e well as Dr. Themas' I,eleetile Oil. Fer sale by II. B. cednau, diugl-t. I.!7 and i:.'.l Neithliiccn stn-i-t, Kaiiest ter, I'a. 115 Sti .i:g I.:den e. I li.ie i old at ictail pi Ice since the 4tli til De-(eiiibi-r last, Iir! bettlts el Di. Themas' Kclec tiic Oil. guar.. iitecliiif every bottle, lintlst say Inner sold a medicine in my life th it gave such u unci -a I satistactieu. in my tn ease, will' a badly Ulcerated Threat, alter a physi ci.m penciling it ler se i r.d il,iste neelleet, the hclectllcOil eiucd It thoieiighly ill twen-ly-Ieur heuis, and in tlneatened cieiipiumy e'liildieu this winter 111 newr tailed te ieliee almtist liiimetliatelv. ". I!. IIAI.K, l.i:w ii.i.i:. Ii.i... Mai e!i 2tl. !1. Fer -ale by II. B. Cochran, di ugirlst, LIT and l.l'l Neith Qiieen -tl.'.-t. I -iiicister, I'a. 17 Tiie Yale.ti at I'l'r.- Wine 111 Sickness. The chic' diliicultj with it-liable wines hss b't-ii their caicily and ce:litanl pi ice, lull this h is been n-mevcd by the introdiietien of a I'uie Xatixt- ine, piediit eil liein the Oporto gi.ip.- by Mr. Alf-ed Sir-er. tit New .ler-'ey. We undeistand that he has -iiljniitted his wine te the test tt many tf our celebrated physicians, and all con'-in in its put ity. medieiual pioj) piej) eilie. and siipeii n its t the best, iuiiierled Pint Wiius "'list et tin in pie-ciibc it in cases el debility, aileLti.uis et the kidneys, ami ehienic eeniplalnts, leijiiiuug a tonic, sii sii tlei die or dim et le 1 1 cat nieiil . I'.j m.iinrr. This v. ine l. endewd bj Iis. Alice and Davis, and si b i. K. si lymakcr. sir2thvw The J'liMsiirrs til Hepe. hen I lie body is bowed with pain an intense longing ler iciiel brings hope. 'I his may brighten the suffering but it does net euie. At n time like this hew welcome Is such a lriend as Wnrnei's Sale Kidney and l.iver Cine, bringing hope, health and h ipplue s and the jejs til a it'liuwed lite. 1 Metlier! ."ttetlieis:: j-!:ici s::i Aicyen;tlIstuibed at night anil broken et your re-t by :is:c! child -u'leiing and crying with the excruciating jiai'i el cutting teeth? It se. goat tine and get.' bo'ileel Mils. VIXS UOW'.sSCiHIHNt; s.. Kl p IH. ill lelteU'the peer little sulleier immetliatelv -tlepentl upon it ; there is no ml t 'l.eabuut it. 'i iit-i is net a mother en eaith w he !:- t ver iie.l It, w he will net tell you a! mei tl:-i II w 111 leulale the bowels, and gn e le t te ihe uituhi i, and iclief ami health te the child, eeeiv.'tng li:.e magic. It is jit 'fecllysate te nseia all cases, and plwis anl te the t'iste. iiui '. !!' piesciiptiea et one et the eldest and be-t teni.de jihj sieians and niii-es In the United t:':es. Sold everywhere' 2"., .ills a bottle. ! 1 17-1' ilA.u M.WA.S lil.ATUS. .Il.rri Kins. At elimibia, suddenly tin eit 17, lssii, Jesi ph Black, elder son tit Ch.ulesA. and Cat lie 1:. .lellencs, aged I jiai-, iiienlhs and i;das. Funeral 110:11 the icsiilenc el his p.n elite, s-tcentl sticel, Celuuihi.i. this attejuoen nt t o'clock. ltd Hi 11. Sept. 1.5, Issi, in l.itit, I'a. .uddcnly. Mis.. Calk-nine IIul!, in herir.th j car. Fuiieiiil -eMlit's will be held en Sunday morning (huh mst.) :.t liio'deck, in the Mo Me 1.11 Ian chinch at l.itit : I'neiids and ichitives i.ieiiiMted leatteml. IIit. In this eily 011 the lith i'i :., Clinics A. Ilil.iti thi'tilth'jear et hi age. Leng v. eie his suffering , Haul was hi- pain. N'e miiiiuiir ese.ipetl him, Xene heard him ceiupl tin : Till Ced in His meicy Did -loop liem the'sky, And called him come home And 1 est 1 lice en high. 'Ihe lclntiws and liieiuls, al-e t'oucstega council, O. I . A. M. Nti. s. Degree con ncil Xe. 20, Kcshahhencc tribe 1. . IL M., Xe. 22, anil Shillier Hie ee.npany aie le-pcctlully in itcil teatlentl the ttiucr.il liem his late residence Ne. 21(5 Keckland siicct, 011 Sunday atternoeii at 2 o'clock, luteimeut at Weed waul Hill cemetery. ltd Vaiidctblltwns neatly shawd jesterdaj with CutlcnraSliavIng Seap. POLITICAL. JIVMASTIX. Pay Your Tax. Every voter who wants te vote 111 November should leek alter the payment el his tax. Col lector Warlel sits at the Court Heuse THIS EVKXIXt; Uamcy. te 9 o'clock le rcreiw II. JO TIIKUK AXD PAY IT. Fer Assembl-. The name et WILLIAM McCOMSKV, of the First ward, will be presented te the Demo cratic electors et Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate ler As scmbly, under Democratic lilies. KLIMU. SXVDEU. et the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub ject le Democratic rules. tp City Campaign Committee. The Democratic city campaign committee will'lield a 'special.mectlng at the hcadtjnar ters THIS EVEXIXG. Every member Is urged te be present. SPECIAL, yOTJCES. SAMPL.K OTlC'E. 11 Is Impossible ler a woman arter a falthlul course of treatment witli Lytlia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp le Mrs. Lytlia K. Pinkliam, 23.1 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jy29-lytIeetiiw Ask for "Sellers' Liver Pills." Xe etheis possess half their virtue. 23 cents per bes. Sold by all druggists. Try Lechcr's Kcnewncd Cough feyrnp KBMEDV FOIl HAttl) TIMKS. Step spending se much en line clothes, rich feed ami style. Buy geed, healthy loed, cheaper and better clothing ; get mere real -and substantial tilings of life even- way, and es pecially step the foolish habit of running alter expensive and quack doctors or using se much of the vile humbug medicine that docs yen only harm, and makes the proprietor-, rich, but put your trust In the greatest of all .simple, pure remedies. Hep Bitters, that cures always at :i trilling cost, antl you w ill see better times and geed health. Try It once. Kead et It in another column. DOCTOUS GAVK HIM UP. " Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up ami at work, and cured by se simple a remedy V "I assure you it Is true that lie is cntliely cured, and with nothing but Hep Bitters :.ml only ten days age Ins doctors gave him up and tiald lie must die !" "Wcll-a-day! If that Is m, I will go this minute ami get some for my peer Geerge. I knew hops are geed." a j:y aiy i:i:risi:Mj;Ts. S AUi:i: KltAUT MIXUJl THIS (-lATUlt-DA1 ) eiening.it Hem v Xeaniei's saloon, corner el Orange and Water sttcet-. Best et Beer en t ip. 11 rpiin Mi:?tii:i-.its or Tin: smifm.kk J. Steam l'iie Kii'iinc Ceiiijiany Xe. 7 arc rt-spectiullv retiiu -ted te meet en sUXDA AFTKKXe'ON at 2 o'clock, sharp, te attend llieliiner.il el Chilli's . Hit.:. IE. A. I'lsllKK. President pie tcin. Atle-t, ffn. si'exu, sicl. pre tem. 1UlII.ISALt:)I' HOitSKS. en mom) Y,sKPri:Mi:i:i:2i, shk win bcseld at .1. D. Denlingei's Meiiiin-ie Heuse, H.Xeith Prince siicct, lii he.ul oPOhie horses. Among the ltd sue some her-es that can trot in 2"0. A etedit el Ce tlaj - w ill be gi en. Salt Salt te commence -it I o'clock p. 111. ltd DANIEL LOGAN. rnin: .iii:ii;ki:s et- i:i:-s,iia!!-k-xi:i: JL Tribe Ne. 22 I. O. et It. M. aie invited te meet at their wigviain en bUNDAY, .Septem ber m,at 1 o'clock p. in., te attend the tiiiieial et our late hre!hcr,ih.ulcs A. Kline. Members et our sl-tcr Trihei are invited t attend. Dark cletlit s ami w hite glove-, ltd I5y elder el the Saciu-ni. N TOTICi: . V. A. M. Thenr.mbeis tit Concsiega Council Ne. s. 0. 1. A. M.. are icenc-tcd te meet in the Council 100m to-ui:uiew (SUNDAY) AFTKK NOON at 1 o'clock, shaip.te attend the luncml el our late biether, Charles A. Hitz. Empire Council Ne. :;, Conestoga Council Ne. 22 antl Empiie Council Ne. 120, .lr. O. U. A. M., are cenlially iu lied. mi Isaac k. long, ii. s. E mictien netici: the III I A general me cling of Ihe stockhelder-ol Lancaster Fire ln-urance Company ami .Lt..n.t.1n .. .....Ill ...... .1 ,.... .1. .......! in .III Vit:t:ii"ii "' ip uvi 11 nurrnns iiiuiefii, iif serve ler the ensuing year will be held at the elhce el III,' company. Ne. IDS West King street, en MONDAY, OCTOBKIi 1, USA Ite tween the hours el 2 and 4 o'deck. p. m. ISKX.I. F. SHKNK. SeplS ctdeetl St cietary antl Tieasiuer. IS OTICK. A meeting of the stockholders el the Woedwaitl Hill Ceineteiy will be held at ltebert-s's Hall en MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. at 3'o'cleck p. 111., te take action en the ap plication about being made le our courts ter increased piii!cgete our charier as may be deemed best. .5.11. MARTIN, septu-:;ttl secretary. riMlK UaUi:i:si(iM.I ISAS pukciiaseij X et .luliu- Lew the stock and lixtnies et the GREEN FRONT CIGAR STORE. at Ne. ." East Orange street, wheie he will hereatler carry en the business, and will con stantly keep 011 hand a large stock el Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, etc. ltd B.SNYDER. IKA1N M'JCCULATIOX VJT In large or small amounts. $y, or $20,000 Write W.T.SOULEA; CO.. Comuiissien Mer chants, 130 La Salle street, Chicago, HI., ler or ulars. m'2a-iyd WE OPEN TO-DAY NOVELTIES IN LADIES' DRESS GOODS, MOTJCHOIE KOBES, HANDKEROHTJSP PATTERNS OP DRESS GOODS. CHOICE STYLES AND COLORS, MEDIUM AND PINE QUALITIES. BLACK SILKS AND BLACK CASHMERES, AT VERY LOW VJIICES. GIVLEK, BOWEES & HUEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. AMUSEMENTS. DANCING SCHOOL. Reopening et T. J. McGUIRE'S Dancing Scheel at Grant Hall, Tuesday Evening, September 21. LadleV and Gentlemen's Classen for Instruc tions new- forming. Private Lessens given singly or in classes. Glide, Racquet and Newr Heel ami Tee taught. Terms very moderate. cp!6-3td MR. JOHN . MISHLKK HAS THE pleasure et presenting at the Opera Heuse SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1880, America's Favorite Prima Denna Come dienne, ALICE OATES, ami her talented Comedy Company In the New Comedy " LONG BRANCH." Mirth, Music, Jleledy. The most comically comic of all cemicalities. Illustrative of Sea side summer Scenes. TIME OK THE PLAY The interesting period known as Summer, when all mankind vies with the ice in melting. SCENE OF TIIE PLAY The rural village of New Yeik and the adjacent metropolitan city Leng Branch. Prices, 35, SO and 75 cents. Diagram at Yccker's. .scpl5-itd lilt. JOUN V. MISHLEK HI li IIAS TllK honor of presenting TUESDAY, SEPT. 21st, 1880, Henry C. Jarrett's Operatic Spectacle, CINDERELLA; Or, THE LITTLE GLASS SLIPPER, which will be produced at the Opera Heuse with Mngnillceu: Scenery, Grand European Ballet, Gorgeous Stage Costumes, Large Orchestra and Magnificent Chorus, under the distinguished master, Mr. Max Maretzek. Notwithstanding tnc large expensc attending this great entertainment, NO AD VACE IN PBICES, 35, 50 and 75 Cents. Diagiam ut Yccker's Offlce. sepltl .ltd WAXTED. WAITED. KVEKYBODY TO ADVEIt ttbe, free of cliarge, In the Ihtbllieen CKit, who wants something te de. AMED.-AMANTO TAKE CAKE Or : horses, must be a geed drlrcr and make himself generally useful. V. D. SPBECHElt & SON, ltd11 31 East King street. Oi-Kici: ok tub MxneNV Mutual Life Asse-) c-iATiex op SELiNsaaevE, Pa. 7"ANTi:i GOOD, ACTIVE, KKSPONSI- V ble Agents In each township of the eeiiutv of Lancaster. Apply in hand writing tit Applicant te the Heme Office. L. K. HUMMEL, Sec'y. Selinsgrevc, Snyder county, Pa., September 17, Insi. sepl6-lmd45tw irarx vateiis, &c Wi: .1KB OPFKRIXO THE ONLY PERFECT ExteiLsien Window Cornice ever maniifactnicd. It Is perfect In Its con struction, simple and handy te adjust and very cheap. It can be regulated te lit any or nary w intlew by means of a thumb screw, and can be adjusted trem one feet te five feet wide. .They are made etiy. Inch Walnut Meulding tit a New Pattern, ami we liavc them in eight ditlc rent styles. Come and see them. CURTAIN POLES In Walnut, Ash and Ebony, Ends, Rings and Krackets complete. OBDEUS TAKEN FOR PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. OPKMNR FALL STYLES OF WALL PAPER AXO SHADES. AM; W AltrEJtTISEJIEXTS. Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important ene i3 the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. "WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPALNING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the natisfaetien of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in oschange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 Wcet King Street. NOTICE! On and alter SATCKDAY, AUOl'ST is, the entire sleck of KOOTs AND SHOES et the P ULOlt SHOE STOKK. Ne. - EAsT KING STKEET, will lie offered at a great SACRIFICE, te CLOSE OUTUUSINESS. Desiring te engage in ether business, I take this opportunity te eiler the entire stock, consisting et 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Makes, at least -1 per cent. less than Miev can be bought elsewhere. Having made a specialty in goeti geed.: for the hist two year-, a splendid opportunity is new etferetl te buy superior 15UOTS anil &1IOES at lower pi ices than TK.VSII can be bought elsewhere. FARMERS ! FARMERS ! Wishing te puichase their HOOTS AND SilOK. for Fall and Winter, new is yeurchance te buy CHEAP. Countrvsteiekeepeis will de well te call while our stock is yet complete. We also havea line of erv line goods which we w ill hell from 1 te $2 a pair less than belere. The EN TIKE STOCK must be SOLD out as SOON as POSSIHLE. We also offer a part of the lixtureset flie store, consisting of rcve! ing lixture in window. Lounges, part of shelving, Writing Desk, one Fireproel Combination Sale, as geed as new, ami tine Shew Case antl Stand, at PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. 2(5 1-2 Kast. King St, opposite Lancaster Ce. Bank. C. A. Reeee. COAT.. "TS B. It. MAKT1N, Wholesale anil Itelai! Uc.dci 111 all I.Snisit LUMDEi: AND COAL. JW-Yard: Ne. 4i0 North Watei and Plinth streets abec Lcimm. Lancaster. 11 '-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal et the Best Jua!ity put up expresdy for family use, ami at the low est mat ket price. TRY A SAMPLE TON. J- YAKD 150 SOUTH WATIIK ST. ucMyd PHILIP SCIIUM.SON ,fc CO. c IO Aid COAL! COAL We have constantly en hand all the best gradesef COAL that are in maikct, winch we are selling as low as any yard in the city. Call and gel ""lr prices before buying elsewhere. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, s27-iyd 211 NOUTII WATKU STREET. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. BRVtiS, JtV. rPKUSSKS! TRUSSES I! TRUSSKS ! ! ! JL Sullerers from Knptttre will find the safest, easiest and cheapest Trusses In the werltl en exhibition and ter sale by ANDREW G. FREY, Druggist, Cor. N. Queen antl Orange Sts, Lancaster, Pa. Call and sec. Alse, the enlv sure cure for Piles, TREY'S UNIVERSAL PILE SUPPOSITORY. Never lails. Price. 50c. and 75c. a box. nlti-yd I T SILL'S DRUG STORK. PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. All Kinds of PATENT MEDICINES AT HULL'S DRUG STORE, in West King St., Lancaster, Pa. Alse a Large antl Fine Assortment of TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Anieiican. French and English PERFUMERY, Teeth, Hair, Nail, Flesh, Cleth, Shaving and 1 11 taut Ilrushea, Preparations for the Teeth, Soaps, Hair Oils and Pomades, Trusses, Shoul der Unices antl Supporters. PURE GROUND SPIOES. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, FISH1NU TACKLE, RODS AND REELS or Every Description. HULLS DRUCr STORE Ne. 15 WEST KINO STREET. aug2-lyd VU1NA ASJi GLASSWARE. 1 HKAT ItAKGAINS AT- CHINA HALL. IN CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. A large assortment of Fancy Flower Pets, Plain Flower Pets. A lull line of them In our window. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. X UMJJKR AND COAL BY TKLKPHONK The undersigned aie new piepated te ie ccive orders for Ceal, Lumber, Sash, Deem, Blinds, &c, by Telephone. Slop in at the Eveli mse and de your own eidcung tree et charge. G.SKXER&SONS, S. E Cor. Prince and Walnut Stieets. jlSJ-tfdSJ " COHbT WlLEY, H.0 XOKT1I ir.iTEli ST., Ltnir.iitcr, I'a., Wholesale ami Retail Dealer, in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic i;xcbaiit;c. P.ranch Office : Ne.:; NORTH DUKE ST. feb2S-lyd 1 U TO GORRECHT & CO.S' GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, and all ether kinds or Ceal, (jiialily and quantity guaranteed. aril, nan isburg Pike. Office, 20jj East Cliestnui sticet. augiT ltd COAL! COAlT " for geed, clean Family and all ether kinds of COAL go te RUSSEL& SHUL-MYEP.'S. Quality and Weight guaraulecd. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: S3 East King Street. YARD: 618 North Prince Street. augll-taprlSR iievsE Fuusisnisa taunts. OTICE. N FLlii k BfiBSEHM. Would advise all who contemplate putting in HEATERS or making any alterations in t heir heating arrangements te de se at once before the rusli et Fall Tratl3 begins. THE MOST UELIADLK Banps In the Mai ket, at the LOWEST PRICES. no t Breneman's GREAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. CIO WEST, FOB THE BEST COFl'EES, j Sugars and Tea", Uest Cigars antl Tobie Tebie Tobie ces, Best Wines ami Liquors, Ask ler Oakdale Pure Old Rye Whisky. 0"i per cent. Alcohol. Invigorating Tonic and the Hair Liquid. All at RINGWALT'S He. 205 WEST KINO STREET. H OP B1TTEKS -01t SALK AT LOCU- cr's Drug Stere, 9 East King street. JIUUKS AND STATIONERY. qciIOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS Axn SCHOOL, SUPPLIES for Lancaster City and County, at L M. FLYNN'S Ne. 4S WEST KINO STREET. QCMOOL i:oeks, BLANK BOOKS AND Eancy Stationary AT FOE DEESMITH'S Ne. 32 East Kin? St.Lancaster, Pa. aug-JS-lttl SCHOOL BOOKS Schools of Lancaster City, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. At the LOWEST PRICES, at the Reek Stere of JOM BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QDEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., s liOJIES, ItZAXKETS, tCC. u;n of the isuffale head. ROUES! ROBES!! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS 1 have new en hand Ihe Laikibst. Ukst and Cheapest Asserthkmt of Lined and Unlined BUFFALO ROBES In the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE I1LANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 4?Repalriug neatly and promptly done.-S A. MILEY, 10H North Queen St., lanetuter. iVlydJIW&S FOVXVEHSANlt MACHINISTS. ANCASTEK L R0ILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Ol'l'OSITElUE LOCOMOTIVB WORKS. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether pnrpeses Furnace Twlcrs, Rellews Plpc9, Sheet-Iren Werk, anil Illacksmlthing generally. 3- Jobbing pi eniptly attended te. luglS-lyd JOHN REST. 1)Kt ICLAM ATION. The bonfires en Centre Square en the occasion of the recent political rejoicing very much injured the Belgian block ing. New tills is te notify all parties that no tires will be allowed te be made en the Rclgian blocking wherever laid. The police arc licreby instructed te pnt out all such tires antl te arrest any person or persons Interfering with them In the discharge of their duty in connection with this proclamation. JOHN T. MacGONIOLE, ::tdW,T,S Mayer. TimD EDITION. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPT. 18,, 1880 HOME AND ABROAD. TELEGRAPH AND CABLE. NEW AND OLD WORLD. NETTS OF THE DAY. Accidents and Incidents, Crimes and Disas ters, Laber and Capital. OVER TIIE OCEAN. 2tet Afraid or n Jtig Strike. Londen, Sept. 18. The Times cemsjKm tlent at Burnley says : The employers jeu. crally believe that if there is a strike of the cotton operatives it will be brief. The Ueumclian Insurrection. Berlin, Sept. 18. A Petersburg corres cerres corres penilent telegraphs that the outbreak of an insurrection in eastern Reutuelia is only a question of a few weeks. Don't Loek lake Surrender. Vienna, Sept. 18. Riza Pasha, the Turkish commander has, it is repei teil, returned te Sentari. This certainly docs net open e prospect for the immediate .sur render of Dnleigna. ALONG THE P. K. K. WEATHER INDICATIONS. "Washington, D. C, Sept. IS. Ferth Middle Atlantic states, southerly te west erly winds, slightly warmer, partly cloudy weather, and stationary or slowly falling, barometer. Striking EleYater Man. New Yerk, Sept. 18. The strike of grain Elevator men is still in progress to te day. Nen-society hands are at work in place of the strikers and no trouble is reported. MARKETS. Twe Ill-itre-siiig Fatalities. At.toena, Sept. 18. At the lower shops here, yesterday, Henry C. Brum baugh, while looking under a car te see what repairs were needed, failed te sec another car 1 uniting toward him. It caught his head and crushed him te death instantly. He was aged .10, left a wife and small children. He had a bretlic. killed en the railroad in the vicinity of Matinsburg some ytats aye. Jeseph Beam, of Cambria, having pressed a Pole te fight, the latter retreated te his home. Beam followed and, in being pushed from the de.r when he tried te enter, fell, struck his head en a spike and has died from his injuries. LAY'S LAUNCH. The Yacht Stuck en the Stajs. Baltimore, Sept. 18. The new yacht efM. Ilctui Lay, built by Malster & Lay, at Canten, was te hac been launched this morning and several thousand persons gathered in the ship yaid and et. the wharves te witness the launch. Mr. Lay and his family were picsent. After the ccicmeny of .sprinkling the new yacht and a benediction had been pronounced by Father Bradford, the fas tenings were cut loose. The vessel glided about twenty feet ami stuck fast en the ways and could net be moved. Anether effort will be made te launch her en Mon day. Ft re at Old Yerk KeiU. Philadelphia, Sept. 18. A despatch was received at the Mayer's efjicc at two o'clock this afternoon stating that a fire is raging at Old Yerk Read Station, Mont gomery county, and asks that lire apara tns in Oermantewn be sent te the scene. LATER. Philadelphia, Sept. 18. The fnc at Yerk read te-day is a wheelwright bhep. Twe blacksmith .shops and one private dwelling burned and ether dwellings are in danger. Fatally Injured by a tiiitllng tSuii. "Washington, D. C., Sept. 18. Miclacl Joyce and Jehn C. Berry, two soldiers at the United States arsenal in this city, were accidentally shot this morning while hand ling a gatling gun. and have since died from injuries icecived. Joyce was married red leaves a wife and two children. Berry was a single man. The Cotten Operatives Confident. Manchester, Sept. 18. Public opinion here generally condemns a strike of the cotton operatives. The Acctingten oper atives are paying a levy of two pence per loom te the fund for the .support of the stiikc. The payments ate made icadily. The leaders of the btrikc arc confident of .atcccss. The Trench Cabinet Oeing te Smaiti. Paris, Sept. 18. At this morning's meeting of the ministerial council M. Con Cen stats, minister of interior and of worship; M. Cazet, keeper of seals and minister of justice, and General Farre, minister of war, tendered their resignations. A second meeting of the council will be held at the palace of the Elyscc, under President Grcvy this afternoon. m Striking Kiillreaders. Winnepee, Man., Sept. 18. The strike of brakemen and firemen en the Canadian Pacific railway threatens te severely inter, fere with traffic. The lics of the men who replaced the strikers arc threatened and they are afraid te run the trains. A de tachment of police have been detailed te permit the arrival and departuie of trains Public sympathy is with the men whose demands arc considered leasenab'e. Steamboats Iturnetl. Pittshcre, Sept. 18. The steamboats Mary Ann and Simpsen Herner, belonging te Herner & Jenes, coal operators, moored opposite here, were burned this morning. Less thirty thousand dollars. Ne insur ance. The fire started in the Herner. L'atal Accident. Pittston, Pa., Sept. 18. Frank Moere" while attempting te beard a train en the Lehigh Valley read last night, was thrown under the wheels, and received injuries which proved fatal. ' Durglarn Burgling." Tuckerton, Pa., Sept. 18. The store of Themas Baum was entered by burglars last night, and a quantity of merchandise was stolen. The ticket efiiec of the Phil adelphia & Beading railroad was also broken into and the safe blown te pieces. Itlaztng Jtusli Fires. Kingsten, Ont, Sept. 18. Bush fires arc raging within a mile of Battersca and ether fires arc being rekindled in different parts of the country. Much valuable tim ber will be destroyed. Wind t'rnm Weaver. Buffalo, Sept. 9. General Weaver. Greenback candidate for president, deliv ered an address in this city last night. m Congressman Nominated. Sciinectadv, N. Y., 18. Geerge West has been nominated by the Republicans in the Twentieth district for Congress. New Yerk Market. Nkw Yerk. Sept. IS. Fleur State and West ern Unit; moderate exiwrt and home trade demand: Supernnc.43-.Sft4 10; extra de 3330 410; choice, de l 156(5 50: tancy de., tt 7U d j cr: round hoop Ohie M 15(24 CO; choice de 4G38j 75; snpertlne western $35004 10; common te jioed extra de 3 S5Q4 25 : choice tle tle $1 3JC -25 ; choice white wheat de $4 15 (it 00; Southern nulet. unchanged t common te fair extra $4 it J3 -J0; geed te choice de $3 -i'.ftBSU. Whe-.it dull and Scarcely se linn ; Ne. 2 Ked, Sept.,$I07':de v.ct., 107'; de N"e-.,$103 '' Cern dull: Mixed western spot, 50 1451; de tntitre, 31353' ,'c. Out- heavy ami lower : Ne. 2, October, 23' .Jc ; State, t'lg-'de; Western 4&Sl3Ue. m Philadelphia market. ftiiLADutrniA, Sept. IS. Fleur steady with fair Imittiry ter choice ; snpertlne at $2 50 3 OJ; extra $3 O0f?S 75; Ohie and Indiana family t 5 0tXj?5 SU; l'enn'ii laniilvde J3 00 R3 23 ;St. Leuis tauiiiyat3-Wfct 00; Minnesota family $3 i35S7; patent ami high grades JC 7 QS 2". ttye Heur at $300. Wheat steady: Ne. 2 Western Ked f 1 (Wt ; Ta. Ked 1 (K; Ambcr$l OCl 07. Cern steady; steamer &2JJ 53c: yellow Sic; mixed 53S5.ie. Oatsstcitly': Ne. 1, White 41l2c; Ne.2. de 4018 10c; Ne. 3, de 3S,Mc; Ne. 2 Mixed 376? 7J-Je. Kye firm ; bales at Me. Previsions market easier; mess perk $ll O0IS 31; beef hams H 00 ID 00; Indian mess beet nt $1800: smoked hams at l-2gi::c: pickled hum- at tVIQlOJc; bacon smoked .shoulders if'-STc ; salt de ec. Idird qnict ; city kettle at iOc ; loeto biitehciV Sc; prime steam $3 2.1. Butter market lain ami well sold up ; f 7ri.mici-v i.Tlm at.T'.lJr' ? !rp-mirv f?im,! tn choice 2S'iT."0e; ilratlfe.-d Leuntynnd New Yerk extra, 'jj&'.hic ; western reserve extra Jtf.r.'c : de goetl te choice lT.fl'.'j; Kells scarce and wanted; Penn'a extra 'S -1 ; Western reservn extra 20021c. Eitks scarce ami linn; rsutisylvaniaatiSe; Wcstuni 2li22c. Cheese strong u illi fair tia.le : New Yerk full cream 13J?Ue; Western full cream 13c; tin rair te geed VlQliy.u; tle hair skims llll'ic 1'etreleuiR sclleid e.it el market; rellned le;ie. Whisky at $111. Seetls IJeimI te prime Clever tlull at $3 00 f?S 50 ; Timethy tlriu at $2 ii'S2 7rt: Flaxseed Ann at $123. Stock Market. Xrw Yep.k Srtvits. Stocks weak. September W. A.M. 10:15 Meuev Erie K. U ": MicliiKim S. & U S....10SJ.J Michigan i:ent. It. K.. '.a Chicago & N. W lO.T'.f CliicaKO, M & St. 1 . 01?h Han. & St. .1. Cem 3t'4 P'ltl.... tfX4 Teledo X Wabash.... :!! Dliie.t Mississippi. .. :K St. Leuis, I. M.&S.IL. 55J'S Ontario anil Western C C. X I. C 1.. IS...... .... New Jersey Central.. "t'.'S Del. X Hudsen Canal. 83-4 Del.. Lack. & Western OOJ Western Onion Tc!...104,i Pncillc Mail S. S. Ce.. 40-,'i Manhattan Klcvntcd. 31 Union Pacltic '.? Kansas A Texas 34' New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland X Pitts Chic.iKO & Ket'lc I Pittsburgh & Ft. W PuiLAi)Br.rniA. Pennsylvania It, It.... .19 Pliil'a.& Heading..... ViH Lehigh Valley 54 Lcht'li Navigation... 3.V Northern Pacltic Cem 30,'.! A.3(. 12:10 iiwi te 101 J1J 3SJi 35-f sa l!l 8.V4 Wi ax V. St. 2:0e 23 lOSJi ! jiy, 83K -57-'2 XK. '177 ia 7 8 40k 30Ji 130'? HC'X 119 H7i 124 r. h. 2:33 :Mi les; U3 lHJi 54 '& 7i 00 103k 4y5 31 r. st 3.(M P'd. Pitts., Titusv'eS H... Northern Central Phil'iiit Erie K. K... Nertlicrn Penn'a Hit. K. It's efN.d Hestenville Pass Centm Trans. Ce.... ri4'i 0 ay. 54 " 31JS 0 xyt vy. 5 ! 034 XM M 53, 37J i! 172 47 37JU 17 POR SALE OR RENT. 70KSALK. 1 HANDSOME RESIDBNOES, Ten-roomed, two story and Mansard roei, (ireen Stene Frent Dwellings, Nes. 4i9 and I West Orange Street. Willi all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, ucliidiiiK JenniiiK's improved Londen water-clesel-s, marble-top wushstantl, improved wall-cd-in raiifje. cellar heater, per tect drainage and sewcmKc, tlcep. tlrv cellar, white marble bae ami steps, Vc, A.c. It 22 by 213 feet te a I t-feel w hie alley, lrent yard 2 feet in depth, Inclesed with ornamental iron lt-nee. Fer terms, &e.,apply te JOHN If. METZLEK. aii!;2I-W.V.Stfd Ne. 9 Seuth Duke St. )UltLIC AUCTION. -ex- Monday Evening, Septembar 20, will be sold at Ne. loOA'ertli (Juecn St., Iaiicasier, Pa a large let nt Household nnd Kitchen Furnl ture, consisting or Walnut Chamber Suits. Walnut Extension Tables, Offlce Desks, Hair Mattresses, Sewing Machines, Lounges, enn elegant Parler Mirror, one hair-cloth Parler Suit, one Hat Kack, Steves and Kangcs, four elegant Shew Cases, one Piane, Curd Tables, and a variety et goods net mentioned. These goetls come from families in the county and are all in geed condition. Oneds received np te 10 o'clock en day of sale. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock sharp. HKSS t-XINIK. S.wunr. 1 1 ess X Sen" , Aucls. sc plO-Stdlt CITY PKOPKKTY AT PCIJLIC SALE On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, lsgO.wlil be sold ut the Cooper Heuse, in the city et Lancaster, the house antl let lately owned and occupied bv General James L. Kcyneld, dcc'tl. The let is situated en the cast side of North Prince street, in this city, between Orange and Chestnut streets, at the corner et a public alley, containing In trout en Prince street atereaid, thirty-three feet, and extending eastwartl of that width one hundred und twenty-one lcet, mere or less, en which Is erected a comfortable two-story ItKICK HOUSE, with two-story Ilric-k Hack IJuIIding. It contains eight rooms, exclusive of the attic, together with vide halls en each lloer,antl has a hydrant in the kitchen as well as in the vartl. There arc en the premises Grape Vines, 'Peach and Pear Trees, all choice truit. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, when its conditions will lie made known by the undersigned, who will then lie In at tendance. A. SLAYMAKEK, Executer el the will of .lames L. Reynolds, tlec'd. S. Hess & Sex. Aucts. scp4-tsd PUI5LIC SALK Of VALUAltLK KKAI. KSTATE.-On THURSDAY. OCTOKER 7. 1SS0, will be seldatpublicsalc, en the premises, en the Millcrsville pike, in the city or Lancas ter ami county of Lancaster, Pa., the following, te wit.: A tract el land, containing 5 ACRES, mere or less, tin which is erected a large and conve nient two story ISK1CK HOUSE, with Mansard Koef and a two-sterv Brick Back IJuIIding at tached, and a small Summer Kitchen; gas through the house ; has a line hall and eleven large rooms, conveniently laid out; a well or never-Iaiilng water with pump therein, cistern anil n clieice let et Irult trees in bearingerder, peach e.chard, etc.: a line driving read te ami trem t lie house. The ground fronts en three .streets: would be well adapted for building lets. There is also a goeti cellar under the whole house ; heater in cellar, and geed ven tilation in all the rooms; there Is an observa tory en top et the house, also a geed large Darn, Carriage Heuse, Ice Heuse, stabling ler three horses and two cows, with water ut the barn ; a glass front hennery, 55 feet long. With work-shop attached. There arc en this property about ;20 tlitrerent varieties or grapes, bearing, with a line let of shrubbery, evergreen and shade trees. This property is well worth the attention et persons who wish te buy a private residence, or ler building let', or ler a florist. Any person wishing te view the property previous te the day et sale can doseby. calling en the undersigned residing en the same, either by letter or personally. ,,,.. . ., Sale te commence at 2 o'clock P. 31. et said day, w hen attendance willbe given and condi tions of sale will be made known by HENRVC. L1PP. S. Hess & Sejr, Auct. aus21-ltd&GtdS&7tw