--- --te - i je Sante; v!lAv v -: Volume XYII-Ne. 16 LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 18, 1880 Price Twe Cents. - f h - ; 17 J CLeraixa. H. GERHART, TAILOR, Has J list opened a CHOICE STOCK or riNi: WOOLENS FORTIUS FALL TRADE. SELECT STYLKS and none but the best et ENGLISH, FRENCH AKD AMERICAN FABRICS, Ne. 51 Nertb Queen Street. RGBRHART. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! We have new icady for ale an Immense Stock et Fall and Winter, which are Cut mid Trimmed in the Latest Style. We c:m give you a GOOD STYUSH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In grout viulety. made te enlCr at snort lietiee at the lowest prices. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, G-lyd LANCASTEK, PA. Loutleu aud New Yerk NOVELTIES, IN GREAT VARIETY, FOR MEFS WEAR, NOW OPEN AT SM AUNG'S THE ARTIST TAILOR. XUKNITUKE. HBINITSH, FINE FURNITURE AND Cabinet Manufacturer. All in want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk would de well te call and examine specimens et our work. OFFICE FURMTURE A SPECIALTY. HEINITSH, lSEast King Street. OROVER1ES. w HOLESALE AMU KKTAIL. LEVANTS FX.OUR Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd AK. HcCANN, AVCTIONKEB OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 55 Charlette street, or at the lllack Herse Hetel, 41 and C North Queen street, will ceive prompt attention. Ittlls made out and ended te withoutcaddltlenal cost. e27-ly RnMiiB Bihii MEDICAX.. CUTICURA SKIN REMEDIES Arc the only known remedies that will pcrma nently cure llnmera of the Weed and Skin, Af fections of the Scalp with Less of Hair, and Liver, Kidneyand Urinary Disorders caused by impure ISloed. Ci.ticcka Keselvent is the greatest bleed puritler in medicine. It acts through the bowels, liver, kidneys and skin. Cuticcka, a Medicinal Jelly, arrests external disease, eats away litcless flesh and skin, allays inil.imiiiatien, Kching, and irritation, anil heals. Ccticl-ka he w cleanses, heals, seitens-, whitens and beautifies the hkin. It, and the Clticuiia Siiavim Se.r, the only medieinal shaving soap, are piepared f.ein Cuticcka. SALT RHEUM. Law Officii or Chas. Hocciites, 17 Congress Street, ISosten, Fcb.'-M, 1S;S. ) I feel it a duty le inform you, and through you all who are interested te knew the tact, t hat a most disagreeable and obstinate ease et Salt lllicum, or Eczema, which lias been under my personal oeservanon irem ns nri nppear anee te the present time, about ten (10) ycavr, covering the greater portion of the patient's bedvaud limbs with its pcculinrirritntlnv and itching scab, ami te which all the known mcll' mcll' mcll' odset treating such disease had been applied without bem-lit, has completely di-appcuied, leavinga clean and healthy skin, by the u,eet the CciicntA Ki:mi:I'HH. CIIA. HOUCHTOX. WONDERFUL CURES. What cures of Meed and Skin Diseases and Scalp Affections with Less et Hnircau compare with these or the Hen. Win. Tayler, ISosten, Slate Senater of Massachusetts; Alderman Tucker, ISosten: S. A. Steele, esq., Chicago; F. II. Drake, cs.. Detroit. and many ether details el which may be had en application te Messrs. Weeks .V Peltrr, 1 Se, ten, Mass. Ciitici'kv Ur.VKmK.surc prepared by WEEKS & FOTTEIi, Chemists anil I iiiggists.::i;') Wash ington street, ISoMen, and are ler sale by all Druggists. MALT BITTERS. UNPBRMENTBD MALT AND HOPS! riMiEAOED. Mental and physical debility J if the aged begins with less of appetite md sleep. These iwopetcnl causes of prema ture and rapid decline have their e-ij;in in De De ri.eTi'Vi: Nctkitien and iMrevEUisuBii Uloei. All etlwr ailments may be warded off it thesM be restored te a condition of health. Te ac complish this benelicenlpurpOscMAITIJIT TEUS are superior te all ether tonus et malt and medicine. They are rich in bone and tat tat predueing material. Tliey yitali.e with new lile the process el digestion. They dissolve and assimilate everv article et loei, thereby cm idling and strengthening the bleed. They Iced the brain, banishing nervousness, melan melan ehel v and sleeplessness MALT lUTTEItSare prepared without fcr mentatien from Canadian ISAKLEY MALT and HOI'S, and are free lrem the objections urged against malt liquors. Ask ler Malt ISittkrs prepared by the Malt ISitteks Company, and see that every bottle bears the Tkaui: Makk L,i:i:L,diily Sie-Ncuand enclosed in Wavb Linus. MALTISITTEUS aie for sale by all Drug jjists sd-lnidW&S&w JEWELRY. JOUIS WK1IKK, j WATCHMAIvF.lt. Ne. 1.-9K NORTH QUEEN STUKET.near 1". It. It. Depot, lancastcr, Fa. Geld, silvnf and Nickel-eased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantoscepic- Specta cles and Eyc-G hisses;. Kepairing a specialty, aprl-lyd LancasterWatGles. V have just received a second invoice of the iw Lancaster Meveieat. te whieh we call special aitontier. ofanyenc wanting a Keliable Watch at a LOW J'nlCL. B. P. BOWMAN, 10 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. FA. ter NAMED WeSL Elld, in lSk. Celd Caes, WeSt Elld, in ilk. Uchl Cases. W eSt EllQ, inSilver Hunting Cases. WeSt ED.Q, in Silver open-face Cases. AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S, Ne. 20 East King Sired, Lancaster, Pa. VJKl'JETS. "IJAKGAINS FOIt KVi:K'ltOI)V. RARE CHANCE IN CARPETS, Positive sale te Ucduce Stock et 6,000 Yards Brussels Carpets, AT AND I5ELOW COST. Call and satisfy yourself. Ale, Ingrair, Uapr nnd Chain Carpets in almost endless variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 31AKV.L. nanus. WM. P. PRAILBYS MONUMENT AL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nertn vjuccu Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES. GAUDEN STATUAUV, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, &c. All work guaranteed and satisfaction gr en in every particular. N. 15. llemcmbcr, works ai. the extreme end of North Queen street. niSO MiY LOCHER'.S KENOWNED COUGH . SYItUP. Lancaster Intelltgencer. SATURDAY EVENINO, SEPT. 18, 1880. ANTIETAM. RESULTS AND LESSONS OF THE WAR. Oration Delivered by Marriett Bresliu, esq., at the Unveiling of the Soldiers' Monument In Antletam Ceme tery. September 17, 1880. This countless assemblage of tbe chil dren of men declares the profound interest and cemmaning importance of the occa sion that has called them together. Any extraordinary human exertion engages the respectful attention of mankind. A great work of art invokes our admiration. A stupendous effort of intellect commands our reverence. Unexampled feats of dar ing nnd prowess affect us with, wonder. Exhibitions el dauntless courage wrest from us spontaneous applause. But it is the contiinplatien of a combination of all the elevated powers of man in a state of intense and sublime action extraordinary physical power and endurance, matchless courage, deathless valor, sublime heroism and noble self-sacrifice, all inspired by a lefty patriotism and a supreme devotion te principles separately connected with the maintenance of just government and the liberties of mankind that is best fitted te engage all the faculties of the mind all the emotions of the heart, elevating the whole being te a height from which the sweep of the soul's vision comprehends all that is great in action, admirable in pur pose, lelty in sentiment, gounke in achievement. Frem such a combination of human endeavors the ground whereon wc stand derives its importance in the his tory of the republic. Te-day, eighteen years after its baptism of bleed, the name of Antictam is a spear of .tielus which smiting the portals of memory, forth rushes a Heed of hallowed recollections, en whose uplifting besom wc arc borne te a height from which we can survey, with clear and dispassionate vision the character of that day's supreme test of the metal of Amcricau soldiers, the mar velous results and the sacrifices here piled upon our country's altar, with their great less-ens for all coming time. Solemnity et the Occasion. Hew grand the theme! Hew mighty and far-reaching the questions its contem plation suggests. Yet hew little adapted te the elevated and imposing task of their consideration arc the feeble powers of him whom the partiality of the trustees of this beautiful "Place of Sepulchres" has chosen for its execution. In the presence of four thousand of our martyred dead the tongue falters, the heart mulHes its beats, and a sense of overwhelming awe teaches us that silence rather thau speech would most accord with the solemnity of the oc casion. Whatever we may say of the heroes whose sacred dust reposes beneath these mounds, guarded for all time by a nation's imperishable gratitude, symboliz ed in the sculptured sentinel that stands above them all our speech will be out weighed by their speechlessness. They are their eiyn best orators te-day, for, " being dead they yet speak." Necessity of the War fur the fTnlen. Dcferc alluding te the great event whose commemoration has brought us hither, the solemn inquiry which already subsists in your minds thrusts itself upon us, de manding utterance, Should battles be com memorated in a Christian laud ? We voice the sentiment of Christendom when we ask, De net all deprecate war ? And from this vast multitude, bathed m the memory of its inhumanity, its ''splendid murder," its ghastly horrors, its terrible compensations, comes back the answer, All I Yet te the eense of mankind there is in that answer a lcscrvcd exception. Between the phil osophy of Hebbcs, who held that the nat ural stale of mankind was war, and that supcr-rcfincd sentiment, that there can be no war that is net dishonorable, there is a middle ground whereon the Christian pa triot can stand with assurance of the favor of his country and his Ged. When the ob jects of the contest arc such as te engage the highest attributes el Heaven, antl se cure alliance between mortal and immortal powers ; when necessary te crush bad principles, dcstiey tyrants and rescue so ciety from evils incomparably greater than itself, war becomes a high, neble and re sponsible duty. " When offered by the hand of necessity, net otherwise," said Sir Philip Sidney, " it must be accepted." Ours was no ' rash, fruitless war forwau ferwau forwau ten srlerv watretl." nor for " added power and gain, sordid and despicable." It was the spontaneous uprising ei pairieusiu ie rescue Union and Liberty. It was precip itated bv no ephemeral cause, but was m defense of ideas which will wander through eternity principles inextinguishable as the stars, and a civilization wiucu will en dure te the " last vestige of recorded time." It was justified by an overruling necessity in the providence of Ged in work ing out the nation's destiny. It was the shadow by which the sun of American civilization marked its advance- en the dial plate of history. It seems te be the lessen ei the ages that every new mrtn et freedom must have its dark night of trav ail and pain. The Seeds et the Conflict. Liberty and slavery irreconcilable in their natures crossed the ocean the same year. The Mayllewcr and the Dutch slave ship ploughed the sea at the same time. Beth sought the shores of the New World, and both planted their seeds te grew side by side until the principles of the " survi val of the fittest " should exterminate the one and nationalize the ether. Formid able events in the history of their conflict put the nation te a fermidable alternative, " the horrors of miasma or the fury of the blast." Said Victer Huge, " Fer every oak struck with lightning hew many forests rendered wholesome." The storm came. Behind the visible work was the invisible the former barbarieus the latter sub lime. Under a scaffolding of war was te be 10-trcd a majestic temple of human free dom. Never before was war se highly justi fied, for never before had it wrought such l . I . .. i "i mi achievements ier numaun-y. aiiciu were fields en which Spartan valor saved Greek intellect and art from the Persian fields en which Reman law and polity were saved (rem the Carthaginian and the Gaul fields eh which Charles Martel hurled back the Saracen hosts from the heatt of Christendom of Marsten Meer and Nascby, where at the hands of Fairfax and Cromwell the Cavaliers met their deem of Lcipsic, the battle of nations, that de livered Europe from French domination of Waterloo, that saw the overthrew of the first Napeleon, and of Sedan, that witnessed the downfall of the second em pire ; but none of these will be se conse crated by after ages as the fields of the American Revolution which laid the corner stone, and of the war for the Union which fixed firm and stable forever the foun dations of freedom's empire in the new world. The Battle. It is no part of the duty which our pre sent task imposes te vex your ears and weary your patience with a detailed ac count of the battle fought upon this ground nor could we adequately, if we would, for we have net in our touch that "chaos" which the Frenchman found necessary te paint a battle. But a glimpse of the great action which kindled the fires of death from the Antietam te the Potomac may help te lift us up te the level of the extra ordinary occasion. Ge with me then, my countryman, across the years, te the day whose anniversary we humbly celebrate. The sun is net yet risen. The silvery vest ments of a gray dawn hang upon the lulls and drape the weeds along which a despcr perate and determined fee have formed six miles of double batt'e lines. In their rear is the winding Potomac in their front the deep Antietam and McClclIan's eager lines. The Federal army reaches four miles along the creek the left en the east, the right en the west bank. These hostile armies, which last night lay down te rest within musket shot of each ether, are already harnessing their engines of death. Grim and frowning batteries cover each hill crest, trained upon every stretch of "round ever which the soldiers of the Union must pass te scale the steeps occupied by the enemy. The hur ricane of battle has net yet swept the fierce flame of fi.-c ever the corn fields and down the hill sides. The deep-mouthed cannon have net yet shaken the earth with their reverberant rear. Death is waiting upon me light el day. It lias come. Hoeker flings down the gage of battle,and advancing beyond the weeds in hi front te the edge of the corn field, throws his corps like a thunderbolt against the iron front of Jacksen's lines, which, reeling un der the blew, fall staggering te the weeds beyond. Recovering from the shock and reinforced by Heed's fresh corps they roll back the blooded-crested billow, sweep ing from the field every living thing, and reoccupying the ground which is destined this day te he ploughed with shot planted with the dead and watered with bleed. Bending before this dreadful storm, the lines el" Hoeker retire, reorganize and close up the awful gaps made by Confederate shot and shell. Weakened by his losses, he speeds a messenger te Deublcday with the command, "Give me your best brigade in stantly." And instantly it comes down the hillside en the right like an avalanche, led by brave Hartsufl. new iute the corn field new steadily up the slopes beyond they climb against a hurricane of fire be fore which none but lines of adamant could stand. " O ye mortal powers, what cour age ! Hew like gods they move ! Yet sec ! hew like men they fall these raw recruits these citizen soldiers thousands of whom but yesterday left their kisses en the lips of mothers, wives and sisters in exchange for their benedictions, as they rushed te their baptism of lire. They came te triumph or die ! Sec they still breast that flood of lire ; new it begins te break ; new thank Ged, it is dashed te pieces as a wave upon a lock and ebbs with bloody spray and foam te the sheltered grounds beyond. The corn field is again wen ; but the ground is ridged with the dead, the air is pierced with the groans el the dying, and the sun is lurid with the smoke of the sacrifice. The gallant Hoeker who, until new, rode up and down like a charmed spirit en the waves of that crimson sea, cheering his men and leading them te victory, is borne wounded from the field. But en this day there is no gap made in field or stall', or line, or file, that is net instantly filled. Sumner is at baud. Brave as bravery itself, he rides iute Hook Hoek er's place, with his white hair streaming in the air, contrasting with the fiery flash of his eye, as he hurries te the thickest of the fight. But the broken columns of the enemy have again rallied and, strength ened by McLaws' and Walker's divisions, they advance with desperate energy, bear ing down upon our right, with lines of gleaming bayonets, and terrible volleys which smite, bend and break our eager front, hurling it back hall the distance it had wen. But the wave only recedes te advance again, for new Franklin's fresh corps is pressing en, his soldiers cheering as they run. They sweep the corn field again, with a tempest of fire, which nj human power can withstand, and en te the weeds beyond, from which the shat tered lines of the enemy retire, leaving the field, which was four limes lest and wen, in the occupation of the Union army. It is one o'clock. The left of the Federal line is in motion. Burnside wrests the lower bridge from the grasp of the enemy, who retreat te the heights. It is three o'clock. Bumsidc is charging up the rug ged steeps, his brave men marching into the mouths of cannon double shetted with death. The heights arc carried the Con federate right reeling from the shock falls backward almost te the outskirts of Sharpsburg. Glorious triumph ! But eh, hew short-lived. Anether battle line ap pears. Hill's division is en the field ; an other hurricane of fire leaps from their cannon's mouths, while lines of infantry pour pitiless storms of leaden hail upon the thinning ranks of our left until, dashed and shattered, they are horn back toward the bridge. Sorely pressed, Bumsidc sends for troops and guns McClcllan leeks at the western sky, and sends back the inspiring message, "Tell Gen. Burn side this is the battle of the war." Mean while, Franklin's batteries en the right arc blazing like the fires of Etna. The artillery in the centre is in vigorous action. The battle revives in all directions. Every hill top, ridge and weeds along the whole line is crested with white clouds of smoke. Upen four miles of battle shines that splendid September sun, as it sinks red dening in the west. The night ap proaches, bringing its truce te the dcadful fray. Darkness silences the last gun, and the dews of heaven fall upon a crimsoned earth, for " With copious slaughter all the Held was red. And heaped with growing mountain of the dead." After the Battle. The battle is ever. The field of Antietam has become " the valley of the shadow of death." Man is ephemeral, but the heavens arc eternal. The stais that looked down that night upon a field of bleed were the same that lit up the ghastly plains of Trey, " rough with the dead bodies of an cient heroes." The moon whose silvery radiance fell upon the upturned faces of our dead, was the same that steed still m the valley of Ajalon. The marvelous can opy of blue and geld that bent tenderly ever that carnival of death was the same that vaulted above the earth at the com mand of Ged, " Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters." The night is past, for time waits net en the dying. The first beams of the sun that ushers in the morn of the 18th kisses the faces of twenty thousand American soldiers victors and vanquished, prone upon the field. .Oh, Ged ! what a harvest did the reaper gather that day. "Se fought each host with thirst of glory tired. And crowds en crowds triumphantly expired." The Fallen. Of these who went down te death in that dreadful holocaust, what can we say? Vain are the eulogies of the Jiving upon the brave men whom the tide of battle swept te the skies from this historic field. They were soldiers in the most exalted sense. Their helmets were of faith, their breastplates were of courage, their swords were of justice. They entered the war in something of the spirit of Gtistavus Of Sweden at Lntzen, when, spurning his corselets, he exclaimed, " Ged is my bar ness." They died the noblest place for man te die "at the pest of duty"-r-"net for themselves, but for their country." Near the beginning of the century a great battle was fought en the plains of the Danube, resulting in a victory for France. "The courage of a private soldier con tributed te the triumph, and ever after, at the parade of the battalion, the name of Lateur D'Vergnc was first called, when the eldest sergeant stepped te the front and answered, 'Died en the field of honor.' " Se in Walhalla the paradise of battle scarred warriors when en the roll of heroes the names of Antictam's martyred braves are called, a chorus of dauntless spirits will reverberate along the celestial corridors, as the highest eulogy is pro nounced, " Died en the field of duty." Te their character our praise can add nothing. Net te their valor, for it is im mortal ; net te their patriotism, for it is in the Recording Angel's book ; net te their sublime endurace, for it is embalmed in History s page. Helpless te add a single flower te the immortal wreaths that must forever crown their immortal deeds, we resign them te their rest with the prayer of Pennsylva nia's sweet poet en the field of Gettys burg : ' Take them, O Fatherland ! Who dying conquered in Tliv name : Take tliem. O Ued ! our brave. The glad fulfillment of Tby dread decree. Who grasped the sword for peace anil smote te save. And dying here for freedom, died for Thee." Tlie Results or the Battle. The results of the battle were momen tous in the extreme. On it was staked en one side the invasion of Maryland and the safety of Washington ; en the ether the deliverance of Maryland and an open highway for Lee'f army te Pennsylvania. Had net the rocks of Union and Liberty at Antietam hurled back tbe waves of re bellion that surged against them, the bat tle of Gettysburg might have been fought in 18G3. Had net the depression that hung like a pall ever the Nertb, and weighed down the heart of our great president, been lifted by the success of this battle, hew the complexion and duration of the war might have been affected we are net endowed with foreknowledge te tell. But tiie sun that lit up a field without a fee en the morning of the 18th of September sent its beams of light and joy into millions of loyal hearts, dispelling doubts, allaying fears, inspiring hope and stiffening the sinews of courage. Fer months a great question had agitated the mind of the president. His prescient intellect had caught the reflection from the orb of truth long before it reached the multitude, and he becaine fully possessed by the convic tion in which the public gradually acqui esced, that the rebellion was most vulner able through slavery, and that in the end the reconstructed republic must be ded icated te freedom, or a larger part of the American continent be surrendered te an institution of barbarism under the protec tion of the Cen federates States of America. While his own great mind was fully illu minated by this truth, he knew the popu lar perception of the situation had net risen te its level ; he knew that in the Union army were fifty thousand bayonets from the border slave states, and though upon him Ged had bestowed marvelous gifts, he was net endowed with prophetic vision te foresee the effect of emancipation in the existing state of discouragement and gloom. With this question he wres tled in a spirit of supreme consecration te his duty, te his country, and rising te the height of his great manhood, lilting up his faith te a sublime, trustful repose iu the providence of the Ruler of nations, he declared, " Whatever shall appear te be Ged's will I will de." Thus, te the noble pilot at the helm of the ship entrusted te his care, the victory of Antictam was a break in the storm a gleam of sunlight through a rift in the clouds. He had patiently watched the compass of the popular mind had kept the ship's bow te the storm, ready at any moment te change its course when the tempest lulled and the sun appeared. Twe days after the battle the North, which had becu swinging between hope and despair, recovered its courage, renewed its faith, and en the wings of praise and thanksgiv ing the millions of hearts went up te Ged, te thank Him for the renewal of His mer cies and the assurance of His favor. The hour has come. The nation has been lift ed nearer the source of truth by its great sacrament of thanksgiving, and can new sec eye te eye with him. " Who in the tear of Ged did'at bear The sword of power a nation's trust." and who, with prayer upon his lips for Divine guidance, resolves with supreme courage te confront the responsibility of the act, makes his great decision and gives te the world his answer te the invasion of the loyal states by the armies of rebellion. Upen that proclamation, 'Hime's noblest act," he invoked and received the consid erate judgment of mankind and the gra cious favor of Almight Ged. It made its author illustrious, inaugurated a new epoch, and the war for the first time as sumed its real character. At tbe close of the battle of Valmy, Gothe said te the Prussian soldiers, "Frem this time and from this day forth commences a new era in the world's history, and you can all say you were present at its birth." Frem this place and from the day whose anniversary we commemorate, commenced a new era in" American history and one hundred and fifty thousand American sol diers might have said, " Wc were present at its birth." " The wise and their works are in the hands of Ged," saith the scrip tures. And when the struggle for the Union was thus lifted up and enlarged by wisdom until its scope comprehended the liberation of the oppressed and the eleva tion of a race ; when the nation saw with a clear vision that the hopes of humanity hung breathless en the battle's chance, it seemed that the heavenly powers became propitious ; and henceforward the light of faith, hope- and courage burned en un ceasingly, until joyful peace extinguished the camp-fires en the List battle-field of the Union. Under the new inspiration the republic marched en with stately tread ever the elevated plain which had become the theatre of the grandest drama in hu man history, whose first act ledby inevita ble logic te the succeeding ones which ac tualized iu the nation's life the mandate of our fathers, borrowed from the commands of Ged en Sinai's burning mount three thousand years before, and cast in bold relief en the lips of freedom's bell, which told it for eighty years in the ears of an unwilling people, "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, unto all the in habitants thereof." Sublime consumma tion 1 The whele earth round felt the in stantaneeus thrill as the sun of freedom burst in full orbed splendor upon the new world, sending its beams parallel with the eternal law into the remotest refuge of op pression. "Fer mankind arc one In spirit, and an in sunci Dears aieng Hound the earth's electric circle the swift Hash of right or wrong-, Whether conscious or unconscious, 'yet hu manity's vast frau c, Through its eccan-aundcred fibres lecia the gush of joy or shame. In the gain or less of one race all the rest have equal claim." Crowned thus with the artist's last band, the column of American liberty stands, surmounted with the presiding genius of the work, with outstretched hauds invok ing and receiving Ged's endless benedic tion upon her completed task. Thus is exhibited the relation of the battle of Antietam te the great achieve ments which constitute the truest grand eur of the republic a rich heritage of glory, whose life is perennial as the stars. The Veil Lifted. As the veil that was lifted bv the victerv en this field revealed te the eye of Amcri crn statesmanship the exalted mission and splendid destiny of the republic, se the veil, this day lifted, reveals te the eye of tne pat net, by a Dcautilul symbol of sculp tured granite, the great thought that by cternal vigilance alone can wc preserve the results of the war. As this silent sen tinel shall held his sleepless watch above these honored dead, se shall the citizens of the republic stand guard forcvermerc around their priceless legacies te their surviving countrymen. As we te-day ded icate this colossal statute of matchless beauty te its high office of pcrpctnatimr in the remembrance of mankind the sacrifices that gave te history the name of Antietam, and te the republic its richest crown of glory, is it hrevgrcnt te believe that the dead who from these plains and hill sides went up te Ged under the shadow of our flag, and who still love their country? are reaching down their spirit hands te clasp ours of flesh, and with celestial voices are dedicating the living here assembled te the holy ministry of preserving for all coining time what they died te save ? Oh, my countrymen ! de we realize the responsibility of the task imposed ? Are we equal te the great demand ? Are we fit for the exalted service? This is the great question which the field of Antictam propounds te the nation te-day. If the patriotism of the land, North, Seuth, East and West, putting under its feet sec tional animosity, pride, hate and all nn charitablcncss, shall bear back te us en unflagging wing the answer. Yea; then the American republic shall itself stand a monument te the memory of its patriot dead, when the Pyramids arc net, and Karuak is forgotten. Our Country. What is our'ceuntry that we should be thus mindful of it and vex ourselves with the thoughts of its future? The thirteen feeble colonies that struck their roots in the barren edge of a new world have grown te thirty :ght vigorous commonwealths, whose outstretched arms clasp a continent. The three millions into whose breasts Otis flung the electric spavk of his eloquence, kindling the fires of revo lution, have multiplied te fifty millions of freemen, obeying one constitution, devout ly reverencing one country and moving en te one destiny. Earth's boundless wealth of mineral, which slept beneath a surface trodden by a race te whom the use of metals was unknown, new answering the "open sesame" of civilization, flings wide its doers, yielding its stores te the need of every industry and enriching the products of every art. Our commerce, whitening every sea, rivals that of the eldest nations. Our railroads span the continent, climb the mountains, stretcheut into the valleys. Our telegraphs, making every community a centre of the world's daily chronicles, and a free press reaching every hamlet in the land, have realized " the lever's prayer te the gods " by obliterating time and space, have brought the Orient and the Occident face te face and made the dwellers en the golden slopes and the tillers of the hills of New England fellow citizens and neigh bors. Our science and invention augment the power of man ever matter, lightening the burdens of teii. Our system of educa tion gives te every peer man's child a scat at the royal feast of knowledge. Our art embellishes the homes and our literature elevates the taste and enriches the libra ries of the world. In all the diversified industries of civilization our progress has been a marvel compared with which the thousand and ene marvels cf the Arabian Nights pale iu commonplace. At the re cent international exhibition, where all the achievements of our multiplied indus tries were placed in competition with the corresponding exhibits of our sister na tions, we steed peerless. All civilizations, from that of the home of the Pyramids, and the Empires of the Celestials, down te and including the period of modern his tory, brought the products of their best art, their latest science, their newest inven tion and their highest skill. The cluster ed trophies of the world's conquests in science and education, manufactures and agriculture, aesthetic and mechanic arts, were side by side in friendly rivalship en our own soil, and amidst them all the young republic of America rese in queenly majesty and steed proudly eminent. Its Meral Greatness. But our country presents still grander themes than these for our contemplation, and mere stupendous achievements for our admiration and wonder. It is net in the marvelous development of her material re sources, nor the extent of her territory, nor the vastness of her population, nor the accumulation of her wealth, that her high est character is evinced ; but rather in the moral elevation of her citizens sustained, enlightened and decorated by cultivated intellect. The great achievements which have made her history luminous with deeds of justice, charity and benevolence had their rise in and ewe their consumma tion te the growth of the moral element in our civilization. Te invite you te the con sideration of these nobler attributes of our national character is te introduce you te a revelation of beauty and excellence, without a parallel in the history of man. The monuments of Reman greatness her marble aqueducts her sculptured arches, and triumphal pillars piercing the sky arc crumbling te dust, and before long will be buried in oblivion's flood. But the memory of Columbia's charity, philanthropy and magnanimity, like the branch tin legend buried en the breast of St. Hubert, will prcserve its perennial green as long as time endures. The philanthropic agencies and vast systems of benevolence te miti gate the horrors and assuage the distresses of war as the Christian and sauitary commissions and bureaus of frecdmen and refugees in the time of our country's su preme peril leaped from the national heart like Minerva from the brain of Jupiter, full armed for their ministry of relief. Ne ex hibition of the higher life of the republic will shine down the cycles of time with a mere supernatural splendor than the scene presented, when Columbia, iu the agoniz ing threes of that supreme labor which gave te freedom a new birth, steed majes tic, with one hand, Jove-like, guiding tac thunderbolts of Ged's justice, aud with the ether, Christ-like, dispensing the beau tiful charities fresh plucked from the ser mon en the mount. There is something in the human breast that war cannot kill.and the saddest memeries of the past arc light ed up as by a sunset glow with the recel lectien that during the darkest years of the war, wherever loyalty survived when helpless suffering appealed te humanity hew instantly sprang te its relief the angel in the human heart. These deeds of kind ness, helpfulness and leve, performed with equal tenderness and promptitude, wheth er te relieve the wracking pain of a muti lated soldier in blue or te cool the fevered brew of one clad in gray, were pinions en which many loyal souls, North and Seuth, rose as en bright wings towards heaven. Thus was attested humanity in the midst of the fiery passions-of war, showing that abeve the Union, above the rebellion, above all questions of time and sense, was the " boundless compassion of the human soul illuminating with the light of Divine actions the dark precipice of civil strife." Its Magnanimity. In peace the current of the nation's char ity, benevolence and magnanimity saw no abatement. When the greatest living sol dier laid his cenquering sword en the Cap ital of the Confederacy, received Lee's sur render at Appomattox, and the curtain fell before the tragedy of the rebellion, voicing the sentiment of the republic whose swenl no bore, lie said te the vanquished armies, "Lay down your arms and go te your homes en your parole of honor." And the nation, scaling the act of its servant with an all comprehending mercy, said, "Ge and siti no mere." Had ever before the vanquish ed been thus treated by the victors? There was no touch of vengeance here. At the fall of Teulon, where a number et Freuch rebels had taken refuge, Feuche wrote te the director : " We have euly one way of celebrating victory ; this evening we sheet two hundred and thirteen rebels." Hew resplendent by the contrast appears our magnanimity ! Csesar, after vanquishing his enemy, wrote te a friend iu Reme, "That the chief enjoyment he had of his victory was in saving every day one or ether of his fellow-citizens who had borne arms against him." Wc vanquished our iciiew-citizcus who oere arms against us, but we saved them all, and regarding them as still our countrymen of the same Iin cige, language and history the nation pursued her healing aud restoring work, " with malice toward none and with char ity for all." Time will net permit us longer te pursue the pleasing task of passiug in review be fore our admiring vision the transcendent glories of our country. I have detained you thus long, that, before alluding te the lessens with which the occasion is se preg nant, our minds might be freshly touched with a sense of the infinite value aud sur passing greatness of the institutions te whose guardianship we are this day dedi cated. The Lessens of tlie Heur. New, my countrymen, what arc the commanding duties which this occasion points out and patriotism enjoins? If there be one message borne up te us front these hallowed graves ; if from the granite lips of this silent watcher of the dead there leaps te our cars one command ; if from the spirit suppliants abeve us there comes down ene prayer that message, that command, that prayer is that we strive for a standard of mera! independ ence, political integrity, obedience and loyalty, which will guarantee a citizenship at once independent, incorruptible, obe dient te law and loyal te the public weal. If it is meet, then, that the tongues of the living bear the messages of the dead, we summon the manhood, upon which tiic country leans te-day, te lift itself up te the true stature of American citizenship. Without a vigorous, noble and true man hood, though our empire reach from sea te sea, wc arc a rope of sand. " 111 fares the land, te hastening ills a prey. Where wealth accumulates and men decay." Fidelity te conviction, devotion te duty, leyality te conscience and contempt for servility are the qualities which meulded the men who honored Amcricau citizen ship and adorned her public service in the past, and it is a hope, te aid whose realiza tion all the battle fields of the Union im plore the living, that the influence of American civilization and the inspiration of American progress may produce for Columbia's future citizens a race of men who, " being admirable in form, noble iu reason, infinite in faculty," will add there to integrity of soul, a mighty priesthood of truth, who will take net their souls te the public mart, or the election polls, but will stand evermore as manhood incar nate. Abscuce of Political Integrity. The common infirmities of forms of gov ernment iu which sovereignty speaks through popular elections are the absence of political integrity and the presence of a blind and heedless party idolatry. These arc the twin vices of republics. Wc have nothing new te fear from the hostility of open enemies foreign or domestic. But there is an enemy, subtle, insidious, treach erous, venomous, secret ; an adder in the besom of the republic. Te the safety of our institutions a stuffed ballet box is mere dangerous than an army of foreign invaders. Te the honor of the American name a corrupt ballet is fraught with greater peril than the stcct point of a trai tor's bayonet. Te the perpetuity of our liberties, the hand tainted with a bribe is mere fatal than than the one that grasps a traitor's swenl. These arc our imminent dangers; aud if they be but "air drawn daggers"' te-day, they may become " real peiuards" in the heart of the nation, un less our national standard of political ethics is elevated until the fraudulent count, the shot-gun policy, the tissue bal bal eot and the cipher despatch, become te American politics what the rack and thumb-screw are te the judicial system'? or modern times. Faction. Ner can wc tee seen comprehend the truth se vital te our institutions, that the seeds of degeneracy and decay lurk in that condition of political morals which renders possible a degree of party idolatry in which no amount of probity and honor will com mand the esteem of the opposite party, and no depth of political and moral profli gacy forfeit the respect of our own ; that loyalty te party, when it ceases te be loyal te the public geed, is the highest disloyalty te the gvernment ; that lawless faction is treason, while observance of order and obedience te the authorities arc the begin ning of liberty ; that where intrigue aud fraud begin patriotism ends, while honor ia politics is the essential mark of fitness for self-government. The people are the source of authority, the fountain of power, the keepers of the republic's jewels ; what ever measure of virtue shall exalt, then iu that same measure will it feel the up-lifting touch. If they employ themselves in partisan strife where the trtumph of faction rather than the prevalence of right is the object of contest, it be comes as certain as the fiat of omnipotence that the country will express and obey the baser will, and the government gradually degenerate into a political despotism. Te avert se calamitous a dispensation may we net say as a fit utterance for this memorial occasion, when ourceuntryand her defend ers are our theme, aud when the thought is born of what all have observed, the occa sional menace of turbulent faction in our politics, that whatever we may surrender, as we love our country and her institu tions, let us held fast te honor, virtue and loyalty, te law and order the foundations whereon wc have buildcd, and en which we must stand, or perish from the earth. Thus may the republic once saved byfire and sword be saved again for evermore by the example or our fidelity te the principles and institutions of our government. And then will.CeIumbia be spared the mortification of looking upon the realization of an un friendly prophecy concerning our country, that the time was net ' ' distant when a few lean and half-naked fishermen would di vide with owls and foxes the ruins of our ( Continued en fourth juige.)