y 7 HYDROPHOBIA. Dettli or XJtUe David Ziegler. Peer little David Ziegler, an account of whose sufferings from hydrophobia ap peared in yesterday's Intelligencer, died at 5 o'clock this morning, after passing a night of inscribable agony. When tvc "went te press yesterday after noon the boy appeared te be somewhat bet ter, from the effect of the new Seuth Ameri can specific Cue-are, which had been inject ed under the skin of the arm. ButhLs relief was only temporary, as his paroxysms seen afterwards increased in violence and the intervals between grew shorter and shorter, and from midnight until 3 o'clock, when he died, it required the efforts of two men te held him in bed his strength appearing almost superhuman. Between these terrible paroxysms the child was net only rational, but talked with the geed sense of a youth of fifteen rather than a child of six years. His greatest fear ap peared te be that some harm would hap pen te his mother, and whenever he felt the spasm coming upon him he weuJd urge her te run from the room and save herself. Te his disordered mind during his spasms the room appeared te be filled with horrible and dangerous objects that were constantly menacing himself and his mother. At times he would scream and threw up his hands as if te ward them off ; at ether times he acted as though serpents or ether monsters were coiled about him, and would use the most frantic efforts te untwine them. He foamed at the mouth and his eyes glared fearfully, but he at no time barked or attempted te bite, or made any ether canine demonstrations. He seemed te be merely possessed of a terrible fear, and every ob ject around him appeared te assume a fearful form. It was net merely a fear of water, but a fear of everything. In his lucid intervals he would ask for his medi cine, which was liquid and looked like water, and would take a little of it, saying that then he could talk better, and would continue te talk sensibly until seized with another spasm. During yesterday afternoon and last night, he was visited by a large number of our city physicians, who took much inter est in the case and made close observations of its wonderful mani festations. Dr. Foreman, the family physician, was with him almost constantly and Dr. M. L. Hcrr sjwnt several hours with him, ether physicians remaining for shorter periods, but none of them could de aught te relieve him from his indescrib able mental suffering. It is net believed that he suffered any bodily pain, but all his actions and every lineament of his countenance betokened the most intense tciTer of something horrible seen by him, but unseen by these around his bed. Hap pily death relieved him about 0 o'clock, and his pretty little face, se distorted with agony a moment before, resumed its wonted composure. His funeral will take place at half-past : clock Sunday afternoon. Wc were in error yesterday in saying that the deg that bit the little boy was at once shot. It appears that it was a valu able Iiish setter deg,and had been obtained by Mr. Ziegler from Mr. Roadman. As it was a family pet Mr. Ziegler did net have the heart te sheet it. but attempted te get some one else te de it for him. While thus engaged Mr. Al. Hutten, who knew the deg te be a valuable one and did net be lieve it te be affected with rabies, said he would take care of it. He took it away and tied it in his premises. During the night it broke loose, and he never saw it afterwards. Some of Mr. Zicglcr's neigh bors sav they saw the deg next morning en Maner street, with a cellar en its neck with a niece of rope dansrlinc from it. The doc rati off and nothing mere was seen e! it in that neighborhood. Adeganswciing its description was shot about that time (August 1st) near the upper end of North tjuecn street. COLUMBIA SEWS. Our Regular Correspondence. The cornet announced te be voted for at the Citizens' band fair was awaidcd last eveninsr te Frank Krisman, the only com nctiter for prize. This evening at the hours specified the following articles will bedclivcicd te llie successful contestants 8 o'clock set of jewelry ; 8:30 o'clock geld necklace; o:4e e clock guitar; v o'clock printers' composing stick ; 9:30 o'clock lady's geld ring (with setting); 10 o'clock butcher's tools. The balance of the articles will be awarded te-morrow night. Seme of the goods en hand will also be auctioned off. There was a collision of freight trains about two miles this .side of Meuutville early yesterday evening which blocked the north main track for seme time. The Ilar risburg accommodation train west was de tained twenty minutes. The Columbia wrecking crew was sent te the scene and seen succeded in clearing the debris from the track and restoring travel. Edward II. Black, read foreman of en gines of the Philadelphia division of the Pennsylvania railroad, was in town to day. The Philadelphia & Beading railroad company will run an excursion train te the state fair at Philadelphia te-morrow The Cecil county team left here at 6:20 last evening for home. Jeseph Gramm, who has recently been appointed conductor of a passenger train running en the Pennsylvania railroad be tween Philadelphia and Harrisburg, has removed his residence te Philadelphia. The "moving" took place ycstciday. The Bcpublicaus were out with their torches last eveniug, and paraded the principal streets of town. When the parade was dismissed a mass meeting was held in Odd Fellows hall, and addresses were delivered by Mnjer A. Wilsen Norris, of Philadelphia, and Colonel B. Fiank Eshlcman, of Lancaster city. PUS EON SHOOTING. Lancaster vs. Fert "Deposit The Latter Wins. Yesterday afternoon, at Columbia, there was a pigeon sheeting match between six Lancastcrians and six crack shots from Pert Deposit. The terms were ten birds each Rhede Island rules, and the contest for a prize of 100. The following is the score : Cecil County Team. Hit. Missed. L. M. 3Ieuldin 7 3 I. C. Evans 8 2 I. Williams 9 1 JacobTedd 9 1 Rebert Gibsen 9 1 Perry Barnes 8 2 Total 50 10 Lancaster Team. Hit. Missed. J.B.McCaskcy 7 3 II. B. Vendcrsmith 8 2 Al. Rauch 7 3 Walter Freybergcr 9 1 N. Linley I! 4 L. Myers 10 0 Total - 47 13 A number of the birds " scored as " missed" fell dead just out of bounds. Barnes, of the Cecil county team, who is scored with two misses, killed every bird, but it was his misfortune te have them drop tee far from the " trap." One of his birds fell within two feet of the bound ary line. The usual number of guns car ried by persons awaiting inisssd birds, was en the field. In sheeting for the sweep stakes after the match, Myers wen first prize. There were nineteen contestants. Bass Fishing. Judge Livingston, Sheriff Strinc, J. L. Peitcr and Urias Seurbeer were bass fish ing at Columbia, yesterday, and brought .v- home a fine string of fish. They made the return trip fin a Medoc locomotive by moonlight. SAX WUTLER AGAIN. J She Attcinptb Suicide for tlie Third Time. Nan Butler is tlic name ei a nine color ed woman en Middle street, who has figured quite extensively in police circles of late years. Last night William Butler, her husband, had a warrant issued for her arrest en a charge of drunken and diser derly conduct. She was captured by Of ficer Flick, wue started, te ine station Iw.iicn nritl, lier On tlie.w.iv she nicked UT a stone and struck herself en thVhead with it. She was slightly stunned, but seen rccovercd consciousness, and was placed in a cell. About half past one o'clock this morning Chief of Police Dcichler. who was sin ilntv in tlie (.tntirni linllSfV fltldin? that all was quiet in the cell occupied by Nan, went down stairs. no umucKuu mc cell deer, and upon going inside found Nan lying en the fleer with her head some distance from the fleer. Around her neck was tightly drawn a piece of goods, which she had tern from her dress, the ether end of which was tied te the upright steam pipe. The officer thought that the wo man was dead, but upon examination finnil lini. nnlcn tens still hflatintf. He quickly cut the rope and it was net long bclerc sue liau lunyrecevcreu. iuis i iub tiuVil timn tlmt. "Vnn 1ms attempted sui cide in the station house by hanging her- .11' ft i Cl.n !. t ? litm hen wiuiuia year, nnu n.u munie ""-" discovered and rescued. THE FIREMEN. Their Picnic Serenades, &c. The picnic given at What Glen yester day by the American company in honor of their Allentown guests, was very largely attended. The order was every geed and all present enjoyed themselves. During the afternoon an accident occurred te one of the Allentown men, by the name of Milten Wcidcr. He fell ever a bench and broke his arm. After the accident he was placed in a wagon driven by two ether firemen, who started te town with him. While coming along the pike just outside the city, the horse ran oft" and upset the wagon. Weider and the ethers were slightly bruised, but their injuries arc net sci ieus. They filially succeeded in getting te town and Dr. Greve dressed the wound cd mail's arm. This morning the Allentown boys, ac companied by their band visited the en gine houses of the city and were kindly received. We arc indebted te the band for a line .serenade tendered us this morn ing. The music discoursed by the band is i.f an uncommonly high order, each mem ber showing complete control of his hi st riimcnt. This evening at 7J, o'clock the America willbecnteitaincd "by the Humane com pany at Rethwcilcr's hall, where a ban quet will be given by the "Big G." Yeung TliicvcH Committed. Peter Beas, aged 9 or 10 ycers, and Philip Diekcl, aged 13 or 14 years, had a healing before Alderman Spurrier this afternoon of a charge of larceny of a num ber of carpenter tools, the property of Jehn Weaver, and some school books and a brass cap of a water pipe, the prop el ty of Jehn P. Schaum. Mr. Weaver identified 21 of the tools found in the boys possession as his property, and Mr. Schaum identified his goods also. The boys were committed in default of bail te answer at court. The larcenies were com mitted about three week age. JWr. Hull's Funeral. The funeral of Mrs. Catharine Hull, widow of the late Dr. Levi Hull, will take place in the Moravian church in Lititz, of which she was long a member, en Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Hull died suddenly en Monday evening last, and the funeral ceremonies were put off te enable her son, Hairy, who was absent in Colera de, te reach Lititz in time te attend the funeral. Mrs. Hull was an estimable woman and leaves two sons and four daughters te mourn her less. 'folic Wright in Limbe. Tehe Wright, the colored bootblack, is tee well-known te need an introduction te the people who knew anything attbut police cases. Yesterday he get drunk and made his usual amount of noise en Middle street. He was seen by Officer Lcman who attempted te arrest him. Tebc resisted and after a long fight with the officer he was ever-powered and locked up. He will 12 heaid before Alderman A. F. Dennelly en Monday. Off a Fishing. List evening Messrs. Jehn E. Schum, P. J. Dclzeitz and J. Adams, went down te the mill prepcity of Philip Schum, Sen & Ce., and caught 131 fine fish with a stirglc net. In one haul with the net they caught four fish and a live young duck, (a beauty) which is doing well at 31 East Lemen street. The party came back this morn ing. Case Dismissed. Old Mrs. Hewarter and her daughter against whom complaints of assault and battery by the boys Frank Samson and William Wcise, were before Alderman Barr for a hearing this morning and dis missed, the prosecutors net appearing. The alleged assault consisted in driv ing away the boys with brooms from Ho He warter's premises because of their obscene language. Clethes Stelen. Last night a thief entered the yard in the rear of the bearding house of Mrs. Susan Trout. Ne. 414 Seuth Prince street, and sfelc a whole suit of underclothes be longing te one of the boarders named Merris. The clothes had been placed en the railing of a second-story balcony te air, and the thief lifted them off with a clothes-prep. Incited te Ge te Frederick. Chief Engineer Ferdncy, of the city fire department, has received a letter from the firemen of Frederick, Maryland, invit ing the whole department te participate in their parade en October 21st. A Business Man's Opinion. C. II. Derr, of Teledo. O., says he has used Day's Kidney Pads in his family with results se superior te all ether treatments that he re gard tliem as the best Kidney doctor in the world. sl3-lwMW&F Excursion! Last Chance! Anether cheap excursion te Philadelphia and the st:ite fair en Saturday,Scpt. 18. Tickets geed for three days, te return en any train. Fare for the round trip only $1.73, Special through train leaves Lancaster (King street) at 0 a. in. and Columbia C a, m. Fer particu lars see colored circulars at all statieus. scpl3.1G&17 The stock et beet-- and shoes which is new being sold out at great sacrifice in order te close busbies, is diminishing daily. There in as yet en hand a large assortment of ladies', gents' and children's line shoes, which arc being sold at the same prices that, shoddy is sold ier elsewhere. Wc advise all who wish te purclia.c their hill and winter beets, shoes or rubbers te call early and secure bargains. Alse store fixtures, including a lire proof sale, for sale cheap at Ne. 2G East King street. It Headquarters for men's, boys' and children's hats and caps at Cehen ft Bre.'s Philadelphia One Price Stere, 5 East King street. Don't 3Ds the Chance. Cehen & I!re. will have their grand opening s.ile of men's, boys' and children's hats and caps for tall and winter wear, this Saturday, September IS. Give them a call and witness their crand display at 5 East King street Just received new styles in shirts, neckwear, underwear, knit jackets, Sc. Opening sale this Saturday, September 18, tit Cehen & Bre.'s Philadelphia One Price Stere, 3 East King street. scpl7-2td y LANCASTEE pAlW The old saying that "anew broom sweeps clean" receives fresh proof every day In the rapid deterioration of many articles that have obtained a geed reputation belere the public. Inne lineef business has this deterioratlenbeen mere marked than in many once popular blt tera whose proprietors have allowed their preparation te become worthless because of their many hundred orders and Inordinate love of gain, than in anything else. In conse quence thereof and at the request et many per sons who have ordered Chill Chilli Bitters, the proprietor will at 7K P- m.,Menday, September 30, 1880, at his office, 28 N'erth Queen Street, sell at public sale one case and one bottle of Chill Chilli Bitters, pat up in fancy walnut cases, the condition of the sale being that the highestblddershallbethe buyer; the buyer te keep the bottles unopened until three years have expired, then te open the bottles In pres ence of competent Judges and compare them with any bottles made by him since the sale, and it the bitters are net as geed and pure as the first made the proprietor has obligated himsclt under bends te pay $5,000 te each pur chaser of bottle and case. seplC-4td m Amusement. " The Old Crew." This evening the Wellcs-ley-Sterllng combination will produce at Fulton opera house the drama of "The Old Cress ;" or, the Dogs of the Ferest." The lead ing lady. Miss Marie Wellesley, has wen her way te popular favor here in previous ap pearances and she is supported by Mr. W. E. Sterling and a full dramatic company. The famous Leenbcrg dogs will be introduced in the play, and they are among the most mag nificent specimens or canine bleed in the country. Oa account et the political parades tte beginning of the performance will be de ferred until half -past eight, cilice Oatet. On Saturday evening the comedy company known as the "Favorites" will appear in this city in the musical extrava ganza of "Leng Branch," said te be replete with sparkling mirth and pretty melody. The organization Is headed by the popular vocalist and opera beuffe comedienne Alice Oatcs, who sang in Glrofle-Girelia here last winter, and whose reputation extends all ever the coun try. A Great Spectacle Everybody will remem lcr the complete manner in which Messrs. Jarrctt X Palmer presented "Uncle Tem's Cabin " about two years age in this city, and hew faithfully every promlse made in their advertisements was fulfilled. New Mr. Jarrctt is coming again, but with a piece ei a different character. It is called "Cinderella; or, the Little Glass Slipper" by a company of fflfty people. The music is by Rossini, and Max Marctzek, of the Italian opera et New l'erk, will Interpret it with the aid of a larga or chestra, a big chorus and the vocal members of the company. The melodies with which the piece abounds arc sung by Mark Smith, Ed. Council, of Londen, Win. II. Seymour, Jnmes Vincent, Marie Bates, Annie Shaffer (who plays the title part), Elma Dolare and Jenny Hughes. The scenery is magnificent, es pecially the prince's palace, and the costumes ricti. One feature of the spectacle that will es pecially delight the little ones is tlie stage coach and real ponies by which Cinderella gees te the ball. The specialty features are numerous and first-class. On account of the political parades te-nigct the fcalc of Chill Chilli Bitters will be post poned until Monday evening next. ltd Tun evening session or the Lancaster Com mercial College will begin en Monday evcnlng, September 20, 1880. sl7-td White, soft and velvety hands fellow the use of Cuticurn Medicinal Seap. m Kub the Gums Well with SOZODONT when they become spongy or detached from the necks of the teeth. Let them bleed freclv and se recover their tone and health. This SOZODONT is the best reme dial agent ler diseased gums and teeth. Try and learn. sl3-lwdcedftw Teachers, authors and ethers of sedentary habits highly prize Malt Bitters. POLITICAL RULLETIN. Pay Your Tax. Every voter who wants te vote in November should leek after the payment of his tax. Col lector Warlcl sits nt the Court Heuse THIS EVENING fremC te 9 o'clock te receive it. GO THEBE AND PAY IT. Democratic Mass Meeting. There will be a general Democratic meeting under the auspices of the Third, Fourth and Seventh ward clubs at the corner of Straw berry, Middle and Seutli Queen streets, en Fridav evening. September 17. The members of every ward club will meet at their respec tive headquarters at VA P. m. te form in a body and inarch te the meeting. Fer Assembly. The name el WILLIAM McCOMSEY, of the First ward, will be presented te the Deme cratic electors et Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate for As sembly, under Democratic rules. ELIM G. SNYDER, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub ject te Democratic rules. tp Second Ward. The members of the Hancock ami English club et the Second ward will meet at their headquarters, Hewell's building. North Queen street, this evening at J o'clock sharp, te attend the meeting et the Third, Fourth and Seventh wards, Seuth Queen street. Seventh Warfl. The Yeung Men's Hancock club of the Seventh ward will meet at Utzlngcr's saloon this evening at 7 o'clock for the purpose of attending the meeting at the corner of Seutli Queen and Strawberry streets. The Third Ward Hancock club are requested te meet at the central headquarters, Centra Square, this (Friday) evening at 7 o'clock te take part in the meeting in the lower end of the city. Let every Democrat et the ward attend. Fourth Ward Will meet en Friday evening, Sept. 17, at Gee. Wall's snloen at 8 o'clock, sharp. Attention Firth Ward. The Fifth ward Hancock and English club will meet this evening at the Green Tree Hetel at 7 o'clock, sharp, for parade. Hiccups and torches can be had at Simen's store, corner of Orange and Mary streets. Let every member bj present. The Sixth Ward Ainerlcns Club Will meet at their club room in Schiller hall this evening nt 7 o'clock. After a special business meeting the club will take part in the parade and meeting of all the ward clubs. jjLct there be a lull turn out. Seventh Ward. The Senior Hancock and .English club of the Seventh ward, will meet te-night at 7 o'clock, sharp, at the headquarters, B. Ku hi man's saloon, te participate In the meeting at Seuth Queen and Middle streets. Attention Hancock Legien! The members of the Legien who are net members of the equipped ward clubs will as semble at their headquarters en Friday even ing at 7 o'clock te participate in the march of thc'Sccend, Fifth and Ninth wards te the meeting nt the corner of Middle and Seuth Queen streets. Ninth Ward. The regular stated meeting of the Nintli Ward Hancock and English club will be held at their club room ever Arneld Haas's saloon, North Queen street, te-morrow (Friday) even ing nt 7 o'clock, sharp. Let there be a lull turnout as the club will attend the meeting of the Third, Fourth and Seventh wrrds. The club will be fully equipped. Conference Committees, Attention. Tlie conference committees of the Third, Fourth and Seventh wards arc requested te meet at the central headquarters en THURS DAY EVENING at 8 o'clock, for the purpose, of completing arrangements for the general meeting of the city Democracy, te be held at the corner of Seuth Queen, Strawberry and Middle streets en Friday evening under the joint auspices of the Third, Fourth and Seventh wards. In the Lewer End. There will be a general Democratic mceting under the auspices of the Third, Fourth and Seventh ward clubs at the corner of Straw berry, Middle and Seuth Queen streets, en Friday evening. September 17. SPECIAL NOTICES. - - '-r - - ' - rr "Great Bleed Tonic," for the euro of all bleed diseases. "Dr. Llndsey's Bleed Searcher." The happiest results invariably attend the taking of "Sellers' Celebrated Wrer Plus." S3 cents per hes. - UH?LtIGENCER" , EKIDAY, SEFiKMHiR XJEW JLDTXMTISMMMJtTB. Ameufftheinany advantages gained by onrehanso of business location, an important one Is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all -work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING. MUSICAL BOX REPAININQ, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. Sec. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. B. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. NOTICE! .. i ........ c . 'ririn. i- einireT os ! S? ..', LSiXe-smu v er.t' east kt 1A te CLOSE OUT BUSINESS. Desiring te engage in ether business, x taice tms opportunity w eflcr the entire stock, consisting et 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Makes, at least 23 per cent, less than they can be bought elsewhere. Having made a sicialty in gemi goedsfor the last two years a splendid opportunity is new offered te buy superior BOOTS and SHOES at lower prices than Tit ASH can he bought elsewhere. IkliUlh CJiVU - - v S' "-- - FAKMEKS ! Wfehhiff te purchase their BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAP. Country storekeepers will de weii te t ii'tTncif ,,. l. SOLD out as SOON as POSSIBLE. We also offer a part of 'the fixtures pt nfvuw turn freTMiM which we win huh the store, consisting of revolving fixture in window. Lounges, part of shelving, Wi .. Eir..rnnf Pntniiinatleu Safe, us coed as new.and line Shew Case and Stand, at PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. 26 1-2 East King St, opposite Lancaster Ce. Bank. C. A. Reeee. Tlie Value of Pure Wlne in Sickness. i The chief difllculty with reliable, wines has been their scarcity und exorbitant price, but this has been removed by the introduction of a Pure Native Wine, produced from the Oporto grape by Mr. Alfred Spcer. of New Jersey. Wc understand tuat he lias suumittcu ins wine xe the test et many of our celebrated physicians, and all concur in ita purity, medicinal prep erties and superiority te the best Imported Pert Wine. Most et them prescribe it in cases of debility, uflcctlens et the kidneys, and chronic complaints, requiring a tonic, su su eorific or diuretic treatment. Examiner. ' This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. " sl5-2wd&w MAltttlAtiES. Demetii Bcckids Sept. 10. 1880, at the resi dence of the bride's parents, by Rev. E. Grecn walil, D. P., Mr. F. A. Dcmuth te Miss Augusta Buckius, both of this city. ltd DEATHS. Hull. Sept. 13, 1880, in Lititz, Pa., suddenly, Mrs. Catharine Hull, in her Geth year. Funeral services will be held en Sunday morning (10th inst,) at 10 o'clock. In tlie Mo ravian church at Lititz. Friends and relatives are invited te attend. Kine. in this city. Sept. 17, 18W). I'.crtha May, daughter of Jehn and Curric King, aged 5 weeks. She was a sweet and lovely child, Toe pure en earth te stay. Ged only lent her for a while. And came and took her awav. The relatives and friends et the family are respcctlully invited te attend the funeral lrem her parents' residence. Ne. 137 East Grant street, en Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Hitz. In this city en the 14th inst., Charles A. Hitz. in the 3lth year of his age. Leng were his sufferings. Hard was his pain. Ne murmur escaped him. Nene heard him complain ; Till Ged In His mercy Did htoep lrem the sky. And called him come home And rest thee en high. The relatives and friends, also Conestoga council, O. U. A. M. Ne. 8, Degree oeuncll Ne. 20, Ecshahhencc tribe I. O. R. M., Ne. 22, and Shifller Are company are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral from his late residence Ne. 21G Rockland street, en Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. ltd NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST. ON WEDNESDAY EVKNINO, ON North Queen street, between Walnut anil Chestnut, a Geld Bracelet. The Under will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at this Office. sl7-ltd TTENTION, HANCOCK LEGION! The members of the HANCOCK LEGION that arc net going out with their Ward Clubs will nleasc meet at their HEADQUARTERS. Centre Square, this evening nt 7:3', and escort the several emus te me DEMOCRATIC MEETING in the SEVENTH WARD. ltd pUULIC AUCTION. ex Monday Evening, September 20, will be sold at Ne. 150 North (Juceii St., Lancaster, Fa a large let of Household and Kitchen Furni ture, consisting of Walnut Chamber Suits. Walnut Extension Tables, Office Desks, Hair Mattresses, Sewing Machines, Lounges, en elegant Parler Mirror, one hair-cloth Parler Suit, one Hat Rack, Steves and Ranges, four elegant Shew Cases, ene Piane. Card Tables, and a variety et goods net mentioned. These goods come from families in the county and arc ull m geed condition. Goods received up te 10 o'clock en day of sale. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock sharp. HESS & lfLINN. Samuel Hesh & Sex, Aucts. . scpl6-3tdlt DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETING! COR. OF MIDDLE, STRAWBERRY AND SOUTH QUEEN STREETS, THIS EVENING, TO BE ADDRESSED BY JOHN. H. FOW, Esq., OP PHILADELPHIA, AND OTHER SPEAKERS. IXECCrOKS' SA1.E OF CITY PKOP !i ERTIES. The undersigned executers of Michael Malenc, deceased, will expose te sale en THURSDAY, the 14th day et OCTOBER, at 7 o'clock p. m., at the Cadwell Heuse, the fol lowing Real Estate, viz : Ne. 1. A Let et Ground en the N. E. corner of Orange and Shippen streets, with a frontage of 49 feet, mere or less, en Orange street, and along Shippen street northward 243 feet te a public alley, en which is erected a commodi ous and well built Mansion, Ne. 301, two-stories high with two-story back building, all in geed repair; also en rear of let a two-story brick stable and ether improvements. Ne. 2. A Piece et Ground en North Lime street, west side, between Orange n"d Chestnut streets, containing in front en Lime street 37 feet, mere or less, and in depth westward 61 feet 4 inches, en which is erected a two-story Brick dwelling. Ne. 128, with its improvements. Ne. 3. A Piece of Ground en south side et East Chestnut street, near Duke, containing in front 2J feet und extending In depth south ward CG feet, en which is erected a three-story Brick Dwelling, Ne. 41, with brick building at tached, furnished with water and sewerage. Terms made known at time of sale. EDWARD McGOVERN, WM. L. PEIPER, JAMES M. BURKE, Executers of Michael Malenc, dee'd. IlKimr SmTBXRT. Anct, BePlI-SwaceUftUti . . t r ' t. .' . ' . -ri 1 . . j -'- . SwtfQaj'Seaeii.-rPju&ajtand West J entlrn ainnV of ItOOTS AND SHOES et the STREET, will be offered at a ereat SACRIFICE, - v . . -, . " FABMEKS ! for Fall ami Winter, uewr is your chance te buy can wnue our shjck w ci cumiuim;. v iruiuu IU ;- Wil -aCT n" "-"" v -.- I'ing, Writing Desk, AMUSEMENTS. DANCING SCHOOL. Reopening et T. J. McUUIRE'S Dancing Scheel at Grant Hall, Tuesday Evening; September 21. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Classes for Instruc tions new forming. Private Lessens given singly or in classes. Glide, Racquet and New Heel and Tee taught. Terms very moderate. seplfr-Std A GRAND EXHIBITION OF LANCASTER county trotting Horses. BAG RACE, MULE RACE, FOOT RACE, and live classes et Tretting Horses, at the Lan caster Driving Park, - SATURDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. 18, 1SS0. Fer premlumB and entrance fees consult post pest ers. The occasion will be enlivened by the EDEN SILVER CORNET BAND. Admission, 25c. sH-3td Children, 10c. Address, DRIVING PARK, Lancaster, Pa. TULTON OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1880. Engagement for ene night only of the Wellesley & Sterling Combination, appearing In an original Drama of powerful interest, lull of exciting Incidents and bitu bitu bitu ntion.e, entitled THE OLD CROSS ; Or, the Dogs of tbc Ferest. MISS MARIE WELLESLEY as JARTINO, he Rose of Cernell; W. E. STERLING as BALCOM a GIPSY, and a Powerful Dramatic Company, Introducing tlie Wonderful Acting LEONBERG DOGS, Sultan, Cffisar and Sambo, nmnmmml liv nil the laruest and most mnir- niucent Dogs In America. Popular prices of admission 35 and SO cents. Secure your scats at the Opera Heuso Onlce. scpl3-3td MB. JOHN I. 9IISHL.KR HaS THE pleasure et prcscntingat the Opera Heuse SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1880, America's Favorite Prima Denna Come dienne, ALICE OATES, and her talented Comedy Compan y in the New Comedy " LONG BRANCH." Mirth, Music, Meledy. The most comically j comic of all cemicalities, illustrative or sea side Summer Scenes. TIME OF THE PLAY The Interesting period known as Summer, when all mankind vies with the ice In melting. SCENE OF TnE PLAY The rural village of New Yerk and the adjacent metropolitan city Lene Branch. prices, as, au ami la cents. Diagram at Yccker's. scpl5-4td Mlt. JOHN D. MISHL.EK HAS TME honor of presenting , TUESDAY, SEPT. 21st, 1880, Henry C. Jarrett'a Operatic Spectacle, CINDERELLA; Or, THE LITTLE tiLASS SLIPPER, which will be produced at the Opera Heuse with Magnificent Scenery. Orand European Ballet, Gorgeous Stage Costumes, Large Orchestra and Magnificent Chorus, under the distinguished master, Mr. Max Marctzek. Notwithstanding the large expense attending this great entertainment, NO AD VACE IN PRICES, 35, 00 and 75 Cents. Diagram at Ycckcr'a Office. seplG-3td WANTED. w ANTED. .EVERYBODV TO ADVEK- XK in the Irteixieem (BR, who wants something te de. WANTED A'GOOD COOK WANTED immediately at 87-tfd 443 NORTH DUKE STREET. WANTED A SITUATION BY A COACH Painter te make himself generally use ful, cither at coach painting or anything else. Geed recommendation. Apply at this office. bcpl4-3td Office of the Mahesy Mutual Life Asse-) CIATION OF SELINSGROVE, 1A. ( WANTED GOOD, ACTIVE, KESPONSI ble Agents in each township of the county of Lancaster. Apply in hand writing of Applicant te the Heme Office. L. R. HUMMEL, Sec'y. Scllnsirreve. Snyder county, Pa., September 17,1880. r - - , , fW.f.1 scpl6-linu&5tw WANTED, MY THE LANCASTER CITY Scheel Beard, seven hundred school desks and twenty-four settees, suitable for the various grades of Primary and Secondary schools. Alse, twelve Teachers desks. Manufacturers and dealers arc requested te present samples for examination in select council chamber, at 9 o'clock, a. m., Sept. 23. By order of Building Committee, II. E. SLAYMAKER, s!4-4tdTu&F Chairman. UOVSE FURNISHING GOODS. 1. .. .I.MM ' t -VTOTICE. mm & BREKEMAK Would advise all who contemplate putting in HEATERS or making any alterations in their heating arrangements te de se at onto before the rush of Fall Trade begins. THE MOST RELIABLE Steves, Heaters anil Ranges, In the Market, at the LOWEST PRICES. Flu & Breuemaus GREAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. CI RAIN SPECULATION J In large or small amounts. $25 or $30,000- 1 sirxtToe ulara. mStJ-ryd t v-Tt-zzs? vt&m3mmttttTj3MmJmwBmu-1 &sz&szMm&r&r&&fxasmBim -!- frrZ-jZSSSs j:Tjt9tMf9? -?Z.-Tl TWH - - - T-ijL133:a: JUU-JLErrr r-r ; '- fmrTDTi jtiJiTjnratiiiv i --gsggyj- . tsm rOUJAX MmWMWkSMMtHlXM " - - -"--- .vJSTMiM f vj. a-nnnav'n.'iB-ar.ll ni a - wwmmm hbup nrTPRiaraiT atcibbuiuIv i i vnr si MyviiiirfliwrikMMA -ty-;: - wjuc'v UchKlaBUlMrflafln9B4rraXfe'k :r, - - .. i " - 1 1 - m -" --- - -- -m ivcmam nm inmmMm ta EEAINE. THE ATTEMFElfCHJNT OUT. Address of Democratic National Committee. New Yerk, Sept. 17." Tlie. national Democratic committee has issued 'thejbl 'thejbl levring statement relative te the eloetion in the Btate of Maine : HXADO.PABTKB3 XATIOWAL DEMOCRATIC COST. t NawY0HX,Sept.'17.j"$ J The latest reliable and official returns received from Maine are as fellows :'fle' turns from 428 towns gives Plaisted 70,010, Davis 70,693 ; Republican majority 679. In the same towns in 1876 the opposition vote was 57,498, Republican 73,763, Re publican majority 15,266. Republican less in 1880 from the corresponding elec tion in 1876, 14,587. There arc fifty-eight towns and six plan tations yet te be heard from. Relative gains in these towns, as compared with 1S76, would give us at lowest estimate ever 1,000 Democratic majority. Republican manipulators in ilaine arc pretending te claim a majority for Davis and arc undoubt edly trying te doctor the returns te bear out this claim. It remains te be seen whether they propeso te begin in Maine te inaugurate the frauds of 1876. Fer two days Mr. Blaine and the Republican lead ers conceded Mr. Plaistcd's election as the Republican party did Tildcn's in 1876. Tlie entire machinery for counting tlie vote is iu the hands of the Republican returning beard. Usually in past years it has only required about two days te ascer tain definite results in Maine. This year all the first returns showed great Domo Demo Dome cracic gains, and it was only when the Republican manipulators have stepped the returns coming in, and delayed them until they could be altered, that changes were made in favor of Davis. Fer instance, the county of Kennebec, which usually completes its returns in ene day, was held back until after Thursday, and it is openly asserted by a former Republican leader thatthe returns are kept back for manipulation. Twe of the Congressmen, Murch and Ladd, arc conceded. Philbrick, (Dem.,) candidate in Blaine's disirict, while actually elected, may be counted out by fraud by a very small majority, un der 100. In the 1st disirict, Andersen the Democratic candidate is practically in the same position, as the Republicans only claim a majority for Reed of 93, thus showing that out of five Congressmen four Democrats were elected. This is the best criter:ci by which te judge the popular sentiment of the state. Plaisted is clearly elected and can only be defeated by a fraudulent count. The only gains shown by the Republican party, or claimed by them, are in Democratic counties, inaccessible by telegraph and away from lines of the railroads. The best evidence of the fraud proposed te be perpetrated, is the fact that while the Fusion ticket showed large gains all ever the state in Republican cities and counties, a Republi can gain isclaimcdin Democratic counties "W. II. Barsusi, Chairman. REPUBLICAN RASCALITY. Attempting te Count Plaisted Out Its Proba ble KlTect. New Yerk, Sept. 17. The following dispatch from Congressman Murch was received this afternoon : "Recklaxd, Me., Sept. 17. " Te Marius Ilanlen, New Yerk: ''Republican rascality is beyond com prehension. There is no doubt of an at tempt being made te count Plaisted out. If it succeeds it will add ten thousand te our vote in November. Signed "Tnes. II. Murch."' THE WAK IN TURKEY. The Uprisings of the Tribes. Londen, Sept. 17. A dispatch from Antivari, dated leth, says six thousand Albanians are massed in position en the Ma saura range, intrenched with five lines of breastworks, but within range from the sea. Gen. Pctrevich is near Antivari with six thousand men. lie is awaiting orders from Ccttinjc. The Times correspondent at the Monte negrin headquarters says if Gen. Pctro Pctre vich advanced he would expose his flank te the Albanians. Anether despatch from Antivari says Pisa Pacha, the Turkish commander, has 10,000 men at Marengo, en the Scutari read, but he is powerless. His men are deserting te the Albanians. Outraged and Murdered. Mavcu Chunk, Sept. 17. Elizabeth Rey, a widow, aged 60 years, who lived alone iu the midst of most filthy surround ings, was found murdered at her home this morning. The body bore evidence of an outrageous assault. Themas Dowdell, a railroad laborer was arrested this morn ing en suspicion, he having been seen at her heuse last night, and his clothing was found te be stained with bleed. Strikers Weakening. Londen, Sept. 17. The Times correspon dent at Accrington says : There arc already unmistakable signs of wavering among the operatives. Te-day out of 140 opera tives who had given notice at ene mill 105 have withdrawn them. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Sept. 17. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, warmer, clear or fair weather, south te west with winds, slight changes in pressure. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR DELIVERING Filtr Tens of hard white ash coal, broken size, te '-the Heme for Friendless Children," will be received by either of the undersigned up te Sept. 17, at C o'clock, p. m., each leatl of coal te be weighed en the city scales. . JOHN L. ATLEE, President. C1IAS. M. HOWELL, Secretary. Sl4-3td lO WEST, FOR THE BEST COFFEES, JT Sugars and Teas, Best Cigars and Tobac cos, Best Wines and Liquors, Ask ler Oakdale Pure Old Rye Whisky. 95 per cent. 'Alcohol. Invigorating Tonic and the Hair Liquid. All at RINGWALT'S Ne. 205 WEST KINO STREET. PROCLAMATION. The bonfires en Centre Square en the occasion of the recent political rejoicing very much injured the Belgian block ing. New this is te notify all parties tliat no lircs will be allowed te be made en the Belgian blocking wherever laid. The police are hereby instructed te put out all such tires and te arrest any person or persons 1 Interfering with them in the discharge of their I WtaStiSu.atefiggfi and West tradfi deiS M 79 : choice HBC3rBerBAo7weaMn.aue ie: de dojKieJicMte:wEiKe.fti,l iS w;;i)DBtBmyot,niiefiaweaucfmiBoa te fair cxtra?4' 6.6530;' geed tetiMc de Wheat beavy;-X&e lower; Ne. S-Ked, Cern dull' steady and lower,: Mixed wattaw spot, S0&Wi; de futtireyMgtfNBSfe. rrt Oats heavy andlewer : NO.-2.. October, 38Jc ; State, 43fc; Western eGa " -. ' - .' r' . , PbUadalpfcte Market. Sept. 17. Fleur firm, with choice ; snpernne at W oe 0082 iM: Ohie ami ladJaaa famByiati$5i5..-80: Penn'a family de IB 09 aa 2; atieniriam,''y at a oeao w ; Minnesota family' ts 23g? 87; patent and nigh grades IS 75 68 SK- . ' : - . Rye flour at .15 00. . Wheat active: Ne. 2$ Western Bed 1106ft; Pa. Bed fiesai OirAWberlleaaiW.1" ' Cern flrnrforlecal use ; steamer 33c ; yel low 54c; mixed 5334c.- T , Oats firm, with fair, demand : Ne. I, .White 12c; Ne. 2. de 4iai2Kc; Ne.'. 8,' de"H $c; Ne: 3Mixed3737$e. - Bye firm ; sales at 90c. Previsions in fair jobbing demand: mcaa perk $10 00 W SO; beef hams 19 08620 09; Indian m.ss beet at 11800: smoked bams at 122113c: pickled hams at 9ai(Hc; bacon smoked ahenldcrs 6tf27c : salt de Wic. Lard quiet; city kettle at SJfcc; loose butchers' Sc: prime steam $8 C2&. Butter market tair with geed demand; Creamery extra il22c ; Creamery geed te choice 2S00c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 27030c ; Western reserve extra 300230 : de geed te ehoice lftJJl'Jc; KeBa scarce and wanted : Peun'a extra 2021 ; Western reserve extra 2021c. Eggs scarce and firm ; Pennsylvania at S2e; Western 21c. Cheese strong with fair trade ; New Yerk full cream 13Mc; Western fuU cream 13913Ke; de fair te geed 1212c; de half sklins UU)jc. jfepctrelcuin firm ; rcllncd 10Kc. Whisk lower and active at 1 11. Seeds Geed te prime Clever dull at $809 dS 50 ; Timethy firm at $2 0582 70; flaxseed uruiatS12i Stock Market. Septemberl7. Nnv Yerk Stocks. Stocks irregular. a. x. a. ar. p. jr. r. x. p. x 10:10 11:20 12:55 2:20 3:00 43i . 3aVi 38iJ 3 38K .... 107i 1075i 107 107J-J .... Meney Krie jC. !. Michigan S.& L.S... Michigan Cent. B. K. Chicago &N.W.. . Chicago. M.& St. 1' ..103 KB 103K103K .... 91 9155 91i 91 .... Han. & St. J. Cem SSI s)i x-i " P'ld.... ml Teledo & Wabash.... 3-Vi Ohie Mississippi.... lit St. Leuis, I. M. X S. i:.. 5." Ontario and Western. 'tyk ac.fti.cn. it la New Jcrscv Central., "tii Del. X Hudenn Canal. KiJi Dei.. Lack. ft WcMcrn P'. 35?2 36$ H,' 80K 3t4 My. 19 832 SB Wi S3?i 9 " 74 83J 94. 10t 3lS 92J 33 Western Union Te!...10l,-4 m 1034 Pacific Mall S. S. Ce. 40 iy Munhattun Elevated Union Pacific Kansas ft Texas New Yerk central... Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland ft Pitts... Chicago ft Keck I Pittsburgh ft Ft. W.. PllILADSLriUA. Pennsylvania 15, II... Phll'a. ft Beading.... Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation.. 31 33 53? .,.1 7 ;i ."' .... YJU .... 117 .... 112-M .... 121 .... 1I7?.J 123 59. 34?i ' 5W33fahiaOT:o&en3W: de TMga MTrtiackfjiifiramQa4 te? " ?t 89 Ktf 153,15 35 347S 3Wi 30 55 55 13 15 37! i 37U 48 4S 172 173 'Mm .,.?7 Hsia Northern Pacific Cem SO'x ' P'd . TA14 Pitts., Tltusv'e ft B.... 15? Northern Central Phil'aftErle It. 1C Northern Pcnn'a SVH Si OO 155 B 37 37J5 15 13 48 48 173 172 21 21 49 49 Un. K. It's efN. J 172'4 172 Hestenville Pass 21 A Centau Trans. Ce.. i'i'A )lxlX r AVERS, Jtc. W-E ARE OFFKKINO THE ONLY PERFECT Extension Window Cornice ever manufactured. It Is perfect In its con struction, simple and handy te adjust and very cheap. It can be regulated te tit any or nary window by means of a thumb screw, and can be adjusted lrem one feet tetlvc feet wide. -They are inade of 4J inch Walnut Meulding or a New Pattern, and we liave them In- eight dilTerent styles. Come and see tliem. CUBTAIN POLES In Walnut, Ash and Ebony, Ends, Rings and Brackets complete. OBDEKS TAKEN FOB PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. OPENING FALL STYLES OF WALL PAPEK AXD SHADES. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. COAZ. B. B. MARTIN. W helesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. JSS-Yard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince street:! above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of the Rest Quality put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. iS- YARD 150 SOUTH WATER ST. nc20-lyd PHILIP SCHUM. SON ft CO. ptOALt COAL! COAL!!! Wc have constantly en hand all the best grades of COAL that un: iu market, which we are helling as low as any yard In the city. Call and get "tr prices before buying else where. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON. s27-lyd 234 NORTH WATER STREET. C0H0 & WILEY, 3GO NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, Jfa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Ofllee : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. feb28-lyd G TO GORREOHT & CO.S FOR GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, and ail ether kinds of Ceal. Quality and quantity guaranteed. Yard, Harrisburg Pike. Oflicc, 20)$ East Chestnut street. augl7-trd COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kinds of COAL go te BUSSEL. & SHTJLMYER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 22 East King Street. YARD: 618 North Prince Street. nugU-taprlSR 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price win be paid. K CENTS PER POUND FOB GOOD MIXED RAGS. The highest prlca paid for Woolens, Old Paper, Bwiks, fte. Ten Itag Asserters wanted te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, yB-trdR Zancastcr.Pa c ANVASSEBS HAKE FROM S25 TO SO per week selling goods for E. u. xuut. OUT CO., 10 Barclay street, New Yerk, sen for Catalogue and terms. auglWyw MV. - 1 rCf .l h 3tdW,T,S Mayer.