Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 17, 1880, Image 2

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- A Valuable Place.
Somebody has discovered that Garfield
is net eligible te the presidency because
of the law which make congressmen who
have taken illegal fees incapable of there,
after holding office under the United
States. Ne doubt there is such a law
and it is a geed one. There is as little
doubt that Garfield comes under its pro pre
visions ; but if nevertheless be is elected
te the presidency by the people, they may
be considered te have practically abro
gated the law, and it should be promptly
repealed by the Democratic Congress. If
the people select for their president a man
who has been guilty of the many sins of
emission and commission, charged and
-proved against Garfield, they should net
vbe balked by the law of their choice.
This is a democratic country in which
the people govern. If they elect a male
factor of any degree te the presidency,
with full knowledge of his misdeeds,
they are entitled te have their will ex
ecuted and their man inaugurated.
We may set aside Garfield's conduct in
the Credit Mebilier matter, in which he
has one Democratic friend in Judge
Black te avow his innocence ; but we
cannot forget that he took a fee of five
thousand dollars te secure the adoption
of a patent pavement in Washington
while he was chairman of the committee
that was te appropriate the money te
pay for it. This fact is undenicd and
unexplained. Ne defense is offered for
it. It is simply passed by in silence by
the political friends of the Republican
candidate. It was an improper thing te
de and an unlawful thing. Xe one can
contend otherwise. If Garfield is elected
it will be with the full knowledge of
these who vote for him that he did as
congressman what the law forbid him te
de and what it punishes him for by
making him ineligible te office. They
knew that they are voting for a man
who is barred, by Ins admitted act, from
the high office they seek te elevate him
te. If a majority of the people de this
they will condemn the moral and statute
law which declares that" their, rep
resentatives shall net be pecuniarily in
terested in the matters upon which they
legislate. They will set it aside, as whole
some as it seems te be. Hereafter it
will be iermitted te all the people's re
presentatives te mingle their own inter
ests with their constituents',and te make
their votes equally available for both.
With this understanding the position of
congressmen, if Garfield is elected, will
become very valuable.
The Bad People in Maine.
Mr. Blaine's complaint about the
Democratic use of money in Maine
seems te excite general amusement ; and
Mr. Blaine himself has concluded te
discredit it by discovering that the Deme
cratic victory was net bought after all,
and in fact does net exist. The ltepub
lican defeat , for which he was in haste
te find a cause, net existing, the cause
tee must be non-existent. Mr. Blaine's
followers, as he new leeks at it, have net
been se corrupt as he thought
them. The Democrats may have been
wicked enough te try te buy them, but
they were net vile enough te yield. Mr.
Blaine ewes them an apology. Instead
of proffering it he puts upon his French
fellow-citizens in one of the outlying
districts a charge of habitual fraud at
elections ; and the ltepublican expecta
tion of the election of Davis seems te
be based entirely upon the hope e " an
honest vote and honest return in the
French plantations of Aroostook coun
ty." It is singular that Chairman Barnum
seems te have no better opinion of the
honesty of Mr. Blaine and the Maine
Republicans than Mr. Blaine has of
the Maine Democrats.
If both sides are believed, jwc may
safely conclude that there is net much
honesty in Maine. Probably the adher
ents of each party will be persuaded te
fellow the idea of their leaders and te be
lieve that the opposite party is guilty of
of all the wickedness that is practised up
in Maine. Mr. Blaine probably will per
suade his fellow Republicans te believe
in the Democratic corruption which he
charged when he thought he was beaten
and which he still thinks may ruin him
in Aroostook. Mr. Blaine unfortunate,
ly has a reputation which does net en
ablehim te threw stones at hisneighbers.
The Democrats of Maine may be bad,
but Mr. Blaine is net the man te be be
lieved in accusing them of evil. Mr. Bar
num had this advantage in his charge of
fraud upon the Maine Republicans, that
it is something which the world will be
easily persuaded te"belicve of Mr. Blaine,
who is known te be in no way scrupul
ous about the means te his ends.
TnE sympathy of the young men of
America will go out te the young Ulysses
en the less of the fair Floed who was te
bear him a dowry of millions. Tiiat he
did net mere quickly seize his fortune
and mere discreetly behave himself no
doubt he new deeply regrets. Many
ethers have had the same grief before
him. It is impossible always te be wise
but still when wisdom is te be rewarded
with a nice girl presumably she
is nice and two and a half mil
lions of dollars in addition,
certainly the inducements te wisdom are
great. But the wise man is net the sud
den creation of an hour. The youth
gains wisdom by dear purchase as the
years move en. Yeung Ulysses pays a
large price for his ; we wish for him that
he could have had the experience at less
cost. We are sorry te see such a flood of
fortune pass by a young man who net
long age was looked upon as
a possible prince, and who some
people yet expect te hail as such.
Probably old Floed don't. It may be
that it is the present gloominess of the im
perial prospects of thcGrant family which
has caused these riches of the Floods
te take wings and pass away from the
embrace of the young Ulysses. Itmayjbe
that papa Floed no longer sees the scales
balance between his daughter's geld and
charms and the young Grant's worth werth
lessness and expectations. But the
Floods, having the advantage of the sit sit
iiatjen, ought te keep cool; which we
regret they de net all dq.l- Probably tb
old .man is happy and the young jladj.
content ; but the son has felt it necessary
te feel aggrieved and. thrash somebody.
He ought net te have done it.
The tone of the Republican journals
ever the defeat in Maine is very familiar
te us. It is that which we have se often
in the past found ourselves compelled te
adept ever the discouraging results in
the early elections in presidential years.
It never saved us though. We might as
well have acknowledged the corn and
given up the fight. The extraordinary
energy which the disaster was te bring
out, thus proving itself a blessing in dis
guise, never snatched the brand from the
burning. It was love's labor lest.
Canai. keats de net ply between Men Men
eor, Ohie, and the White Heuse.
Plaisted says he will take the stump
for Hancock if the Maine Greenbackcrs
nominate a separate electoral ticket.
Chairman Baknum hat: declined the
Democratic nomination for Congress in the
Fourth Connecticut district. He prefers
te devote all his attention and energies te
the Democratic national canvass.
Kilpatkick has finally get something.
It is a nomination for Congress in a Jersey
district, which has a funny habit of giving
four or five thousand Democratic majority.
Anybody can see what a geed thing Kil
patrick has finally struck.
General. Weaver new expects the
Greenbackcrs te carry Texas and West
Virginia, with hopes of support from In
diana and Maine. General Weaver may
net have much chance for the presidency,
but he manages te keep himself before tbc
public pretty well.
Ouu esteemed Republican exchanges arc
certain Garfield will carry Maine in No
vember ; but they also had a dead sure
thing en 10,000 majority and all the Cen.
gressmen last Monday. Still there is no
law te step whistling te keep your cour
age up. It is rather commendable.
Wayne MacVeagii says te Ids Republi
can friends : " In the present- contest the
intelligence, rather than the passions of
the people, should be appealed te ;" but
Jehn Cessna says the people ,c vote through
their eyes," and that a bloody shirt, a
canal beat and a mule will prove mere effi
cacious than argument.
Consider what Lengstrcf.t and Mesby
arc doing for the Republican party !
Theirs arc the same principles of hate and
disunion for which they fought for four
years, and they arc the mcn that are re
warded by Republicans -with fat offices at
New Orleans and Heng; Koug te repay
them for the defeat they sustained at the
hands of Hancock, McCIclIan, Meade,
Hoeker, Resccrans and ether Democratic
e Dicers and soldiers.
Senater McDonald, of Indiana, said,
in reply te an inquiry about the Indiana
canvass and the probable effect of the
Maine election upon it : "The canvass in
Indiana is proceeding satisfactorily. I
have never doubted our ability te carry the
state, and am new mere firmly convinced
of it than ever before. The great disaster
which has befallen the RcpublicGn party
in Maine is a crushing blew, from which
it will net recover. Its effect in our state
will be te inspire our people, bring ever
doubtful voters, and add thousands te our
The nomination of Hen. Frank Jenes
for governor bythe Democrats of Xcw
Hampshire makes a hand-te-hand battle in
that usually reliable Republican state in
November. He is the most popular man
of the party in New Hampshire, and one
of the most public-spirited citizens the
state can beast of. Be has twice carried a
decided Republican district for Congress,
and the Maine election has made him ac
cept the nomination that he had previously
declined. His acceptance means that both
himself and his party believe he can be
elected, and that is half the battle in a
doubtful struggle.
Mmc. Gerster will sail from Liverpool
iu the steamer City of Richmond en the
23d inst. for New Yerk.
Acklen, of Louisiana, having failed te
be reneminated in the regular Democratic
convention, will run as a belting candi
date for Congress.
Ex-Postmaster General Key presided in
the United States court at Knoxville,
Tcnn., en Wednesday for the first time
since his retirement from the cabinet.
Iu spite of the denials, the statement
proves te be authentic that the engage
ment between Ulysses S. Grant, jr., and
Miss Feed has been broken off.
Mrs. Langtry's popularity in Londen
must be en the wane. She is new back in
Jersey and says she is se delighted te find
herself there that she intends never te go
back te the great city.
Madame Blanc, widow of Monace Blanc,
wants te give te her daughter, the future
Princess Reland Bonaparte, the great
Pitt diamond as a wedding present. This
diamond is new one of the French Crown
jewels and Madame Blanc is treating with
the government for the stone.
Senater McDonald, of Indiana, is
East and tells all inquirers there is no
doubt but that Indiana will give a Deme
cratic majority in both October and No
vember, and that the result of the Maine
election will have a tendency te augment
that majority. The senator denies that
there is any dissatisfaction among the
leading Democrats of Indiana, but says
that perfect harmony exists and abound
ing confidence.
Lord Beaconsfield, when he was the
Disraeli of only twenty-two years, was a
remarkable looking young fellow. He
had a pale, almost delicate face, jet black
hair clustered in curls en a marble brew,
beneath which flashed strangely brilliant
black eyes. His figure was slender and
lithe, and he were a dress coat of bjack
velvet, white kid gloves with draperies of
black silk fringe falling from the wrists
ever his hands, and a waist-coat resplen
dent with geld lace.
The remains of the late Hen. Frank
lin Steele, formerly of this city, who
died suddenly in Minneapolis, Minn., en
Thursday last, arrived at Washintrten yes
terday and wcre interred today in Oak
Hill, cemetery. The pall-bearers were
Admirals Peer,. Stanley and Afcny, and
Dr. Maxwell, of the United States navy ;
Dr. Norris, United States army ; Colonel
McCawley, United States marine corps ;
Hen. J. J. Knox, comptroller of tbc cur
rency, and Mr. Nile.
The Joint Debate Between the liidUuu
Gubernatorial Candidates A Speci
men of Hoosier 1'eUticaI
Indianapolis Sentinel.
Never in the history of Indiana politics,
in the history of joint debates between
men of opposing politics, has anything oc
curred se well calculated te sink Republi
canism te soundless depths of contempt as
the joint debate between Landers and
Perter. Landers is superb. He drives
straight at the mark. He makes his
charges clear, cutting, direct, and then,
turning upon Perter, dares him, chal
lenges him te reply. Perter is a political
sneak. He relics upon his abilities te
dodge, te get away into dark cornets, and
when attacked with arguments te reply as
a coward replies. In no single instance
does Perter reply te Landers. His import
ed prompters, his clackcrs, his hangers-en,
his fawning, cringing, servile, slavish fol
lowers have te help him through. He has
his flunkeys and spaniels about him,
and near him. In every engagement Por Per
ter has his lick-spittles and toad-caters
around him. It is worth while for the pcej
pie te make a note of the fact that Perter
has no confidence iu himself ; he has no
sand no backbone, lie is a political men
dicant. Left te himself, he is a partisan
gnat a Republican mesquite whom
Frank Landers kills between his thumb
and finger. Frank Landers, the man of
farms and factories, the man whose foi fei foi
tune gives work and wages te the people,
the man of toil, who is in sympathy with
the great enterprises of Indiana, takes
Albert (i. Perter by Jus head and by the
feet, and shakes him in the presence of the
people, aud makes him odious ; and all the
while Albert G. Perter has at least two
men te tell him what te say in reply,
and but for such helps Albert G.
Perter would be of no mere force
than a dead grasshopper in a Kansas
hurricane. Perter has te be coached.
He has a small head, a small neck aud big
feet. His hair shows that he is weak. It
is neither red, white or gray ; it is net
flaxen. Perter is net an Albine but he is
cfi'cmiuate. Put him in pautclettcs and he
would pass for a dell. He is a parrot. He
says what his trainers aud bottle-holders
tell him te say. He says words as sewing
machines make stitches, lie isa machine.
He acts as he Is acted upon. He is in the
hands of Republican conspirators, who
groom him, curry him, feed him, harness
him aud drive him. He is never out of
their sight. They doubt him. They rub
the legs of his arguments. They supply
him with fiction, which he is directed te
swear is fact. They think he is a bull
because he can bellow and paw
dirt. They put the blue ribbons
en hint because they say he takes the
first prize as a Republican donkey. They
point te him as a Republican masculine
swine, and invite the people te survey his
snout aud hear his sonorous grunt. Land
ers puts questions te him and challenges
him te answer. Perter replies with as
much directness as he would if Landers'
questions related te heaven or hell, instead
of the record of the Republican party. In
deed, he docs net reply te Landers' ques
tions at all. It is grand te sec Franklin
Landers alone, relying upon himself, self
poised, confident and aggressive, while
Perter takes with hint a set of prompters,
who supply hint with fiction, who pull
him, prompt him, preg him, aud supply
him with nonsense. These trained boot
blacks, who arc expected te polish
Perter ; these hired barbers who aic
expected te invigorate Perter by rubbing
and scratching him ; the quack doctors,
whose business it'is te supply him with po
litical nostrums, jjettcn up expressly for the
campaign, corked aud labeled. Landers
is a man. Perter is a mouse. Landers re
lics upon himself. Perter upon his clackcrs.
Landers isa statesman . Perter is a dema
gogue. Landers asks him live questions.
Perter comes back with old worn-out
bloody shirtisms. Landers is direct.
Perter circumlecutcs. Landers is brave.
Perter is a coward who docs net
meet any issue. lie is a political
knave. Landers is of the people,
with the people one of the people.
Perter had get the dropsy of aristocracy.
He is big iu the calves of his legs and in his
abdominal enlargement ; but iu his brain
pewci his political manhood, he is defi
cient. His political acumen is iu his
intestines, and his logic comes from his
liver. He is fed ensalts,and his efforts par
take largely of the cathartic style of ora
tory. His hair curls. It is kinky. His
ideas, like his hair are a mass of entangle
ments. Perter is a political fraud. He lacks
soul. Te hear him is like listening te the
ceaseless chirp of a katydid, the monoto
nous hoetings of au owl or the refrains of
a bull-frog. He is as much of a statesman
as a bat is an eagle. He is as much of a
politician as a jackass is an $ Arabian
courser. lie is reported te have discarded
his old father iu the days of the old man's
poverty ; and when that father wrapped
his old coat ever his dirty shirt, it is said
that his son Albert discarded him. Such
a boy if what is charged is true, and no
Republican organ or orator has denied it
is net the man for governor of Indiana.
Eircct of a Fit at Hysterics en the IJroeKljii
The wife of Charles Livingston, the man
who began a fast nine days age at Ne. 5
Willoughby street, Brooklyn, is a head
taller than he is, weighs mere, aud has set
her face like a fliut against the fast. She ex
hausted her persuasive powers of all kinds,
however, aud went home yesterday. Pre
sently a rumor she was sick with anxi
ety and had taken te her bed reached
the faster. He still fasted. At 11 p. m.
a man ran into the hall aud breathlessly
exclaimed that Mrs. Livingstone had com
mitted suicide. The faster threw his
pledges te the wind, ran out of the hall,
get a doctor, and hurried te his home at
Ne. 338 Atlantic avenue. He found his
wife's apparently in convulsions. A cup
containing insect powder was handy en a
stand near the bed. The ambulance
was summoned te remove Mrs. Liv
ingston te the hospital, but Livingston
said that she should net go. Dr. Stuart
said that there was nothing the matter
with Mrs. Livingston, and that, although
she appeared te have taken poison she
probably had net done se. Mrs. Living
ston grew better after her husband said
that he would stay at home, and it is
thought that she will be all right by this
evening. She was once a female pedestrian
known as Mme. Waldcr.
The registry of Allegheny county shows
77,6S3 votes.
Themas II. Palmer, of Bradford, fell
down a flight of stairs and was instantly
A little child of Rebert Patterson was
run ever by a wagon in Pittsburgh and
Mr. Henry Kcinard, residing at Forge
Hill, Lewer Windser township, about one
mile below Margareta Furnace, committed
suicide by hanging himself in his bed.
room en Monday afternoon, leth inst.
Near the village of Garfield, Berks
county, there is a family in which there
arc six daughters, all of which rejoice iu
the name of Ann, as follews: Mary Ann,
Lizzie Ann, Sarah Ann, Catbarine Ann,
Julia i Ann and Elmira Ann. ;In a family
at Lincoln, Lancaster county, there are
five Anns
After a Warm Telegraphic Correspondence
With the Successors of Z. Chandler,
Blaine New Claims the Election
of his Candidate as Chan
dler Falsely Claimed a
Majority for Hayes
iu IeulsIanaia
Plaisted Says lie Will Take his Seat.
Whatever be the real facts as te the
election of Plaisted or Davis, the action of
Republican county and town officials in
holding back the returns gives foundation
for the charge that the Republicans mean
te seat Davis as governor by fair means or
foul. They claim that returns from all but
26 towns gives Davis a plurality of 246.
Allowing these towns the samojvetc as last
year. Davis would have a plurality of 146.
The Maine Republican papers te-day claim
Davis's election, and deprecate any doctor
ing of returns. This is just what the
Democrats, however, claim is being done.
The Augusta Standard says editorially
that the Republican managers are holding
back the correct returns either te manipu
late them or weaken the effect of the
crushing defeat. Private advices at Au
gusta from 425 towns give Davis less then
70 plurality. The towns te be heard from
gave last year a Fusion majority of 120.
Gen. Plaisted says he will net be counted out
but will take his scat if he has but one
majority. The constitutional amendments
arc adopted, making a plurality elect the
governor. The governor and council must
within thirty days, count the vete en the
constitutional amendments. The vote for
state officers is te be counted by the Leg
islature at its meeting next winter and the
Republican Legislature will" doubtless de
clare that the amendments, already de
clared adopted by the present Republican
governor and council, will be eperative
ft out their adoption, and will held geed
for the election just held.
Blaine's despairing cry te Garfield, con
ceding the election of Plaisted, seems te
have been far less acute than was expected
of him. Te-day he repents of it. He has
received great quantities of telegrams from
Republicans in all parts of the country. A
private despatch received here says that
Colliding, Cernell and Jewell were in close
consultation in New Yerk te-day, and that
they were in constant communication with
the Republican manugers here. The Re
publicans have the entire machinery for
counting and the case is desperate. But
they must make the majority for Davis, a
small one at best, and the fact remains
that there has been a less of nearly 15,000
Republican votes since the election for
governor in the presidential contest of
187G. "
Evidence is accumulating that the Re
publican managers are manipulating re
turns te show a plurality for Davis. Meas.
urcs will be taken te obtain copies of the
records in each town and city, and if the
result shows that a plurality of the votes
as cast were for Gcu. Plaisted, he will be
inaugurated governor. The opinion is be
coming general among the Democrats here
that a repetition en a small scale et the
fraud of 187G is under way in this state,
and the public excitement is rising te a
high pitch. James G. Blaine, it is freely
charged, controls the press despatches sent
from the state.
The News in New Yerk.
The Democrats were net se much alarm
ed at the news ofthe possible counting out
of Plaisted as might at first be supposed.
They leek upon the matter very quietly,
and there were net a few who hoped that
Plaisted would be "counted out." If this
were done, it was said, the Republicans
would lese thousands of votes in Indiana.
Ohie, Pennsylvania aud New Yerk. " I
only hope Davis will be declared elected"
a prominent Democrat remarked last night
te a Herald reporter. What de we care
who is governor of Maine ? The ofiicedocs
net amount te anything in a political sense,
particularly as the Republicans are said te
have control of the Legislature. If Plais
ted were declared elected he could de us
no geed. The idea is, however, that if the
Republicans count him out the people
will be very apt te rise en masse in Ne
vembcr and avenge the wrong."
The subject of the election is still the
leading theme of visitors te Governer's
Island, aud then the talk usually branches
oil" into prophecies of Democratic victories
in ether states regarded heretofore as far
mere doubtful than Maine. Telegrams
arc also being sent te General Hancock en
the subject, of which the following are
samples :
Majer General W. S. Hancock, United
States Army, Governer's Island :
Maine redeemed, our new star in the
East shines brightest its name Hancock.
Bayonet net fit instrument for collecting
freemen's votes. Well spoken High
Chief. Eugene Casseklt.
Te this dispatch General Hancock scut
the following reply :
Eugene Cassekly, San Francisce, Cal.:
Your dispatch received. Result en At
lantic front is very encouraging. May it
be equalled at least en the Pacific coast,
te which I am warmly attached, with
which I am identified by early associations,
aud whose interests I understand, and in
any sphere of life would always endeavor
te promote. AY. S. Hancock.
The next telegram is from Mr. Jeseph
Pulitzer, of St. Leuis, and is is sent from
that city :
GenkkaIj Hancock :
Yeu will greatly oblige your numerous
friends here by telegraphing your opinion
about the effect of the Maine election.
Please telegraph at once.
Jeseph Pulitzer.
The following answer was sent by Gen
eral Hancock :
Jeseph Pulitzer, St. Leuis :
Your telegram received asking what I
think the effect of the Maine election will
be. I think it will lead te pure and effi
cient administration of our public affairs,
te burying sectionalism, cementing the
Union and perpetuating representative
government. But instead of permitting
us te relax our labors it imposes the neces
sity of increasing them. Te resist the des
pcratc efforts of our opponents harder
work than ever is required of our friends
in the crowning victory.
W. S. Hancock.
Apropos of the Maine election General
Hancock has received the following tele
gram dated at Banger, Me., from Mr.
Plaisted, the alleged newly elected Demo
cratic governor of Maine, in response te
tire one sent te him and published yester
day: General W. S. Hancock, Governer's Is
land :
Thanks for your congratulations en the
glorious victory of our plain people in op
position te class legislation and te a sixth
term. We fused and wen a Union vic
tory. H. M. Plaisted.
Among the earliest visitors yesterday
was Senater Bayard. His Southern trip
and campaign speeches in Virginia aud
Seuth Carolina seem te have improved him
wonderfully in health, for he leeks mere
robust than when he called en General
Hancock several years age. He and the
general had quite a protracted conference.
Like ether leading Democratic politicians
he feels very buoyant ever the Maine
election, which he regards an indication of
a growing desire en the part of the people
for a change in the adminstratien. He
things the Democratic tidal wave has set
in in earnest and that there is very little
doubt of a most triumphant victory in No
vember next.
TTnn.lilnfmiAfl fAVVtlM.rk 1,A te4- 11
beautiful trotting stallion, wjll trot at the
Harrisbnrg driving park en Wednesday
ana inursaay next.
Tea Days' Lcare With Fay te Men Who
Were .Refused Fay for Lesal Holidays.
The following appears in the Washing
ton National Republican; ft
"A report was received from a commit
tee stating that the voters in the govern
ment printing office and the bureau of
engraving and printing would he allowed
ten days' days' leave of abseuce with pay,
giving them an opportunity te deposit
their votes. The work of sending docu
ments is being carried en in a thorough
manner. The meeting adjourned till next
Tuesday night."
It is undoubtedly true that the scalpers
will be patronized. The campaign com
mittee cannot afford te pay full fare for
the boys. What is noteworthy about the
item, however, is that the employees of the
printing office and of the bureau of engrav
ing and printing are te be allowed "ten
days' leave of absence, with pay, giving
them an opportunity te deposit their
votes." Last Christmas, New Year's and
Washington's birthday the government
printing office and the bureau of engraving
and printing wcre closed, because each
day was a public holiday. Fer these days
Pubiic Printer Derrees and Cel. Irish re
fused te give their printers their wages.
All the ether employees of the govern
ment had their holidays and were paid as
though they had worked. Defrccs receiv
ed his pay, and Cel. Irish, head of the
bureau of engraving and printing, received
his, but they refused te pay their working
men and women. This injustice was rem
edied by the Democratic congress, which
en the Cth of April, passed a joint resolu
tion declaring the days named, with the
Fourth of July and Thanksgiving te be
legal holidays ler the employees of the
government printing office. As Decora
tion Day was coming round. Defrccs or
dered that the office sneuld be closed en
that day without pay te the employees.
Again the Democratic congress rebuked
him by passing the following :
" Whereas, The superintendent of the
government printing office has ordered
that said office he closed en said day with
out pay te the employees ; and,
" Whereas, All employees of ether de
partments are entitled te pay for said day ;
"Resolved by the Senate and Heuse of
Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That all
employees of the government iu the city
of Washington, District of Columbia, be
and they arc hereby declared te be entitled
te payment for said 29th day of May.
When the Bureau of Engraving aud
Printing was removed last spring te its
new building there wcre a number of days
when the employees could de no work.
Fer these days of enforced idleness they
received no pay. Many of these employ
ees are peer women, and cannot afford te
go a single day without their earnings.
Nevertheless, Colonel Irish insisted
that he could net pay for a single day or
hour during which work was net actually
done. This had also been the plea of De-
frees. Notwithstanding these assertions
these two worthies new offer ten days'
holiday, with pay, in return for votes iu
Ohie. Did they lie te their peer employees
when they said they could net pay them
for holidays, or arc they new defrauding
the geverment in the interest of the Re
publican party ?
Garfield and the Great Fraud.
Sew Xerk Sun.
And what are the facts? When it be
came known in 1876 that the pcepls in
Louisiana has chosen the Tildcn electors
by eight thousand majority, Garfield was
selected, with ethers, te go te New Orleans
and induce the returning beard te threw
out the Tildcn majority, and falsely ecrtify
the election of the Hayes ticket. The
work was divided among them. West
Feliciana was assigned te Garfield. It
was the most difficult job of all.
Fer eighteen days he sat in an "inner
room" et the Custom-house manipulating
evidence, tampering with negre witnesses,
and writing out interrogatories te be pro
pounded te them by Madisen Wells of the
returning beard. The ether visiting states
men were engaged at the same business,
and when the mass of perjuries and for
geries was completed they left Louisiana,
assured that the beard would complete the
crime, and certify the election of the de
feated candidates. At Bellaire, Ohie, en
their way te Washington, they received a
dispatch that the work was done, and that
se far as that state was concerned the con
spiracy against the presidency was suc
cessful. When the electoral hill was under dis
cussion in the Heuse Garfield freely de
clared his opinion that under its previsions
the judges would be cempclcd by their
oaths te go behind the certificates of the
returning beards te ascertain aud declare
the truth. Yet when, as a member of the
commission, he had taken a special and
solemn oath te render a "true judgment,"
he voted every time with the iu famous
eight, net te examine, net te leek at the
cvidcuce of fraud, net te go behind the
false certificates, net te disturb the
work of his ewii bauds during these
eighteen days of secret labor with the wit
nesses in Packard's inner room of the New
Orleans custom house. Here was the
manufacturer of the evidence sitting as a
judge in the very case which he had him
self made np, and repudiating his own in
terpretation ofthe law te save the fraud
which he had himself fabricated. This is
the true account of Garfield as visiting
statesman aud member of the commission,
which Mr. Hendricks draws from the rec
ord, and substantiates by Garfield's own
He might have added that, when the
decisions ofthe commission were imperilled
by the refusal of the Southern Representa
tives te go en with the fraudulent count,
this honorable judge crawled down from
the bench iute midnight conference, as the
special agent of one of the parties before
his court, and there made a corrupt com
pact by which Packard, the man who lent
him the "inner room," and the whole
Republican party of Louisiana were basely
betrayed and surrendered te their enemies.
Such was his judical honor and such his
personal gratitude.
The Efferts at Compromise.
The Virginia Readjusters' committee in
session at Richmond yesterday, rejected
the plan of compromise offered by the
Democratic state committee of which an
eutline was published in the Intelligen
cer recently, and which provides for the
formation of a mixed electoral ticket, te
be made up of five of the conservative
electors and five of the rcadjustcr electors
the eleventh elector lobe named by the
Democratic national committee or chosen
by let. They reject the plan proposed by
the conservative committee, net out of
any indisposition te unite the supporters
of Hanceck and English, but out of the
belief that the proposed plan is net calcu
lated te accomplish the object sought ;
yet in consideration of apprehensions
which exist outside that a division of the
party may result in the lass te the Demo
cracy of the electoral vote of Virginia,
which apprehensions arc net shared in by by
teo readjusters, they propose that the
electoral ticket question be settled by a
primary election, te be held en the l(Jth
of October, at which all persons shall be
allowed te vote who pledge themselves te
vote for Hancock and English. The reply
will be submitted te the conservative com
mittee this evening.
Jehn Carr, a brakeman, while cutting a
train of cars at Pittsburgh, slipped and fell
upon the track, the wheels passing ever
one arm, cutting it off near the wrist. The
right leg was dislocated at the hip joint
and the flesh was tern from the bone. He
died of his injuries.
The American Union and the Western Union
Notices of the election te cheese direc
tors of the Western Union telegraph com
pany were issued yesterday. The election
is te be held en October 13, and the trans
fer books are te be closed en September
20. Accompanying the notices sent te
stockholders are proxy blanks requesting
stockholders te authorize Nerviu Green,
Wm. H. Vanderbilt, E. D Morgan and
Augustus Schcll, or any ene of them, te
act in their places at the election. The
San says :
The request of the present management
for proxies indicates that opposition is
expected, for it has net been customary
toniakesucha request. The opposition
te the present management, which is that
of the Vanderbilt party, is te come from
Jay Gould. Ever since Gould started his
own telegraph company, the American
Union, a year age, the fight between the
two companies has been bitter. Attempts
te head off the new company have been
made at many points. The most important
suits in opposition where theso in the
matter ofthe Page patents, and the series
of suits relating te the possession of
the wires along the Pacific rail
roads. The street has at times
been filled with rumors te the effect that
it was enty a question of time when the
new company would be absorbed by the
Western Union, but these rumors have
been less frequent of late. It is generally
believed that Gould desires te bring about
some sort of an alliance between his com
pany and the Western Union, and seeks
te obtain a voice in the management of
the latter as a means towards that end.
Several friends of the Western Union
have sold a considerable number of
shares of the stock recently, aud the
shares delivered en the sales de nt stand
in their names, indicating that they bor
rowed stock with which te make the de
liveries, and are holding their own stock
till after the transfer books have been
closed, seas te be able te retain nominal
ownership and vote en the same. Western
Union stock Ins been borrowed en all
sides within the past few days, evidently
for election purposes, as there is no great
short interest. Yesterday one-sixteenth of
1 par cent, per day was paid for the use of
the stock, and one-eighth of 1 per cent,
was paid for proxies. A well-known
Bread street brokerage house is advertis
ing extensively for proxies.
The Angry Floed.
San Francisce is .excited ever a len len len
contre between Mr. Rebert E. Culbrish
and Mr. J. C. Floed, jr., a son of the mil
lionaire of the Comstock lode. It is un
derstood that Mr. Floed charged Mr. Cul
brish with the authorship of the follow fellow follew
ing: " A pretty well authenticated rumor is
going the rounds in railroad aud bullion
society in San Francisce at the present
time, te the effect that young Ulysses S.
(Buck) Grant has received from Miss
Jennie Floed the largest kind of a
Mitten, with a big, big M, all en account
of his iack of loyalty te that young lady.
The story gees that Buck came here a few
weeks age ostensibly te visit his fiancee,
but as she was oil' in the Sierras when
Buck arrived, this very premising scion of
the house of Grant laid himself out for a
geed time,te accomplish which he brought
into requisition all the advantages which
his supposed engagement would naturally
give him. These who whisper that Geerge
R. Wells, Floed's private secretary, was
the Mcphistephclcs ofthe occasion, doubt
less de him a great injustice. Ner de I
believe that the plot had its inception
in the brain of J. C. Floed, Jennie's as
tute father, who, finding that General
Grant had net received the nomination for
,a third term in the presidential office, con
cluded that the ' Grants were net such
great shakes after all,' and se concluded
te get rid of Buck. I repeat, I de net at
tach any importance te these rumors.
That Geerge R. Wells led Buck astray at
the instance of the elder Floed, I cannot
believe. It may be that the plot had its
inception in another quarter. Floed has a
very wicked partner James G. Fair who
is known by various ether appellations.
Fer instance, some people call hint 'Truth
ful James.' Others mere worldly minded
call him 'Slippery Jim.' I can't bclieve it
possible that his services were called into
requisition, and that he put up this unholy
job en young Ulysses. Whoever did it
ought te receive the execration of all true
patriots. In the mean time Buck will fin
ish the writing of a charming society novel
entitled. ' Hepe Deferred ; or, the Busted
Alliance.' "
If reports printed in Eastern newspapers
are true, Miss Floed is te be congratulated
en the rupture of the engagement. If
young Grant appeared in public with a
girl whose social standing rendered it im
proper, she had no ether alternative. Miss
Floed's dowry is estimated at $2,500,000.
The town of Seymour, Outagamie
county, Wis., was nearly destroyed by fire
Wednesday. The less is estimated at $10,
000, partly insured.
Baseball yesterday : At Trey Worces
ter, 0 ; Trey, 2. At Providence Bosten,
10 ; Providence, 7. At Buffalo Cleveland,
0; Buffalo, 1. At Cincinnati Chicago,
17 ; Cincinnati, 9.
Gee. Ambrose, county commissioner of
Frederick county, Md., committed suicide
en Saturday last by sheeting himself
through the heart. lie was a successful
farmer and leaves a wife and eight chil
dren. A small beat containing hat and account
book, with the name "Henry B. Smythc,
Ne. 8 Pine street," in the latter, picked up
in the bay at New Yerk yesterday by a
schooner, gives a clew te the mysterious
disappearance of a young broker by that
name, and the police believe he has com
mitted suicide by drowning.
A tramp was found dead in a freight
car at Wilmington, Del., en Monday even
ing, having been killed by a blew en the
left temple. Twe ether .tramps, named
Geerge Russell and William Smith, who
profess te have found the man in the con
dition described, have been detained. Rus
sell, who is a negre lad, stated that he had
worked until a few days age for a Dr.
Wharten, of Philadelphia.
Sheeting NicKcls and Glass llall While
San Francisce Call.
Glass ball sheeting aud various ether ex
hibitions of skillful manipulations of par
lor rifles arc at present attracting consider
able attention both in Europe aud the
United States, and the telegraph reports
almost daily some wondcreus achievement,
se that the sport has received fresh im
petus en our coast, and has been attended
with some really geed sheeting, jiarticu
larly in the case of Otte, a seu of Jeseph,
the Nez Pcrccs chief. A representative of
the Call availed himself or an invitation
extended by Captain McDonald te wit
ness an exhibition of fancy shoot sheet
ing by his ward, and was amply
rewarded, as the following will attest.
It may be well te state that the
scene of operations was a room sparse
ly lighted and the general circumstances
rather unfavorable for successful sheeting.
The incidentals for the sheeting exhibition
consisted of a triangular wooden frame at
the apex of which a.bill pester represent
ing the figure of a man had hecu pasted,
a piece of glass about one inch square in
serted for an eye, and at the ether corners
of the triangle a set of brass knobs were
inserted in the frame. On cither side,
above and below, slanting iron plates were
fixed te cress bars, and numbers of glass
balls hung at various distances from
each ether. At the back of the
apparatus a gong occupied a central
position. The first experiment consisted of
blindfolded sheeting. A nickel five-cent
piece was glued te the figure, and the
young sharpshooter, blindfolded, turned
around in various directions, and was fi
nally placed iu a direct line of the object,
with a rifle minus a sight, and at a dis
tance of te'.no twenty-live feet. The first
shot scut the nickel flying around the
room, aud en examination an indention
was found en its very edge. The second
test consisted of placing a small piece of
tinted paper en the glass used as an oye
for the figure, aud then placing a large
piece of card -beard in front of and touch
ing it se that it was completely hidden
from view. Tnc shooter was again blind
folded and the first shot shattered the class,
the bullet having passed through the very
centre of the tinted paper. There were
various ether tests, such as breaking three
swinging balls with one shot and breaking
a ball immediately behind the attendant,
the ba!!, owing te previous contact with the
brass knobs or iron plates, taking a cir
cuitous course.
"The 1 our .Season at the Opera Heuse
Last evening C. L. Graves's "chosen
coterie of favorite aiti.its" appeared before
a small audience at Fulton opera house, in
the "$3,000 prize comedy" of "The Four
Seasons.' Popular favor of late has run
strongly toward light variety entertain
ment, aud theatrical managers have
taken advantage of the fancy by
erecting the framework upon which
specialty actors are afforded the op
portunity of displaying their serio-cemic
and clever kicking accomplishments, which
before had been almost exclusively confin
ed te the variety stage. All the merit of
" The Four Seasons" which is nothing
mere nor less than an inferior re-working
of the old idea popularized by such admi
rable organizations as the "Troubadours"
and "rekes Family," is condensed into the
third act, iu which a number of variety peo
ple arc introduced aud serve te brighten up
things and relieve the tedium and inanity
of the remainder of, the performance.
There is no plot te speak of albeit a little
love story is enacted in which Mr. J. II.
Howe sustains tins role of the stalwart and
homespun lever, Mr. DcGcz supplies the
place of thcpeifidieus heart-smasher and
harmless villain, while Misses Wakcman
aud Rhodes figure in the interesting char
acter of sweethearts. The piece moves
sluggishly up te the third act, when the
song aud dance people, comprising two
pretty girls in short skirts and three
men in the customary picturesque attire
ofthe variety stage, are introduced te en
liven things. Up te this point they had
figured as M'rvants aud even in that ca
pacity contribute whatever of zest there is
in the performance thus far. In
this act, or the "Summer" season, we find
them masquerading as a baud of strolling
comedians, the range of characters
including, Irish, French, German, negre
and Yankee eccentricities. Geerge B. Rad
cliff was quite entertaining in his
Ethiopian eccentricities, and Mr. North
is a funny Dutch character actor. 3Ir.
Wm. F. Can oil, who was hilled te supply
the Hibernian element, and who has quite
a reputation as an Irish comedian, was
conspicuous by his absence, having sever
ed his connection with the company re
cently, but his place was acceptably filled
by another. Miss Lulu Dclmay made a
charming aud vivacious little French dam
sel, singing aud dancing well, and Miss
Gcergic Parker, the Yankee dairy maid,
was also quite attractive, and is a graceful
dancer. This Litter young lady is the
heroine of the recent sensation in a Phila
delphia theatre wheicin a rejected suitor
revenged liini.-elf by throwing an egg at
her while she was informing en the
stage, and subsequently compromised the
suit that was entered against him and
seethed the young lady's injured feelings
by paying her $300.
Kilr.KlK from Iriate Letter.
We are permitted te make the follewi
extracts from two private letters recei
from Auburn, Maine, the home of Cn"
gtcssman Fiye. (Auburn is a city 0''"
cast side of the Androscoggin, epJ5
Lcwisten, en the west bank the tvcties
having a population of about -ie,00. In
the iirht letter, written en Sept, "-, afew
days before the election, the wrir"" y8 :
" We arc in the midst of the lyttet po
litical campaign I have ever sceiiyins, what
is uuusual, the Democrats are ss wild as
the Republicans. I never savtftcni se
stirred up, and I am hoping te f a geed
result Monday. I cannot see V we shall
Iieln ':Liniii" 7.1 at Ieasfc in UkVatV, Unless
money takes them from us Jhe Repub
lican election officers are jet putting our
men's n i:ies en the pell-lfati They left
oil" ever -iOt in Lewistei Our men
find G2 Democrats net ' the lists
in Auburn, and net one JUifbiean name off
this our final canvass sb-wJ. I presume
we shall get them en, buO'eu see it takes
work, and the Republic undoubtedly
supposed we would not'iake a final can
vass (we never had cferc), and they
would thus lieat us t of many votes.
- s x- i;ijijciiadc a speech here
this week, in which heaid howeuldcarry
the state by 11,000."
The second letter vas written en the
14lh, the day alter t election, when it
was conceded en fi sides that Plaisted
was elected. The yitcr says :
" Hew de you K the news from the
Diri'je state ? It i what I hoped for, Jmt
did net expect. Jmcw that if we get our
vote out we shuld whip them. They
beat us here in ,uburn and Lewisten by
Ieaviii" our vetrs' names off the poll
lists in ever 200 names but
it's all riglit nw ; it insures the election
of Hancock, :d the next time we meet
them i". e. net state election we shan't
have a theiwnd or two office-holders te
"I see tltt Jim Blaine telegraphed te
Garfield tltt the wicked Democrats
bought thestatc. Peer, virtuous Jim !
howyeur oer soul must be stirred up te
think tint any one should ttse money in
Maine th didn't go through your hands !
"I thiiK we shall elect the Fusion elec
toral ticJct in this state. I have heard of
seven prsens this morning, who voted for
Davis, sav they will vete for Hancock,
and I (eubt net there are hundreds, if net
theuwnds who will de the same."
Think It Unreasonable.
Tae Harrisburg Independent says : "The
Irrsisidcs baseball club el Lancaster nave
vrittcna letter te the secretary of the
Pacific club, in which they state they will
play at no place but Columbia en Satur
day next. The Pacifies have net yet de
cided whether they will play there, as they
deem it a very unreasonable request.
While they, the Pacifies, are obliged te
pay car fare for twenty-five miles, the Lan
caster club has only about ten. They de
sire a square thing all round, and that the
Ironsides don't seem disposed te grant
;t.ndles' Fair.
A ladie' fair is being held in Ephrata
te-day and will continue till Saturday
evening. Tableaux, music, chancing,
voting, &c, are among the attractions.
The excursion train which runs te Phila
dclphic te-morrow will, en its return, step
at Ephrata about 9 o'clock p. m., and take
aboard j-asscnges for Lancaster and inter
mediate stations.
Police Court.
This morning the mayor sent ene drunk
tojailferlodays. One ether drunk and
a vagrant were discharged.