- ,- " -' -rZ -f- r- ' - r v '- r .. je mite v; '-iiic-iv in A 7 i Volume XVlI-Ne. 15. czeTiiixa. H. GERHART, TAILOB, lias j ust opened a CHOICE STOCK WOOLENS FOR THE FALL TRADE. SELECT .STYLUS antl none but the best et ENGUSH, FRENCH AHD AMERICAN FABRICS, AT Ne. 51 North Queen Street. H. GERHART. CLOTHLNGH CLOTHING! V have new iculy for fale an IiumcnbC Stock el Eall and Winter, which are Cut mid Trimmed in the Latest Style. We can give yen a GOOD STYLISH SUIT AS LOW AS $10.00. PIECE GOODS In jiieal vailcty, made te elder at short notice at the lowest iuice-. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Wyu LANCASTER, PA. Leuqui autl New Yerk NWELTIES, IN GRiA.T VARIETY, FOR MEI'S WEAR, KOW OIiN AT SMALING'S THE ARTIST 1AILOR. ujtiriTUjij?. HEINITSE, FINE FURNITURE AXD Cabinet Manufacturer. All in want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk would de well te call and examine specimens et our work. OFFICE FUKXITURE A SPECIALTY. HEINITSH, 15K East King Street. ajtevmtiEs. -TTTHOI.KSAT.K AMD RETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. U7-lyd AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate ami Personal Property. Orders left at Ne..". Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will eel ve prompt attention. Bills made out and ended te witheut.addl tienal cost. e27-ly ReaMaie Cleim MEDICAL. Mrs. Lydia R Pinkhanv OF LYNN, MASS., Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Hepe and Happiness Re stored by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHAMS Vegetable Compound, The Positive Cure Fer All Female Complaints. This preparation, as Its name signifies, con sists et Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the most delicate invalid. Upen ene trial the merits of this compound will be recognized, as relict Is immediate; and when its use is con tinued, lu ninety-nine cases in a hundred, a permanent cure is effected, as thousands will testily. OnaccountefiLsproveniiicrits.it is le-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Lcucorrheea, irregular and pain lul Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In In llammatien and Ulceration, Floedings, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and is especially adapted te the Change of Life. In tact it lias proved te be the greatest and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and aives new lite and vigor. It removes faintness, l!at uleney, destroys all craving ler stimulants, and relieves -weakness et the stomach. It cures Bleating, Headaches, Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness, De ltressieu and Indigestion. That leeiingef bear ing de ii, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by lis use. It ill at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the lemale system. Fer Kidney cemptaltits of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound IsJ prepared at S3 and 235 Western Avenue, Lvnn. Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for $3. Sent by mail in the form et pills, also in the form of le.enges. en lecelpt et price, $L per uex, ler fit her. M rs. P1NK.II AM Irecly answers all let ters el inquiry. Send ler pamphlet. Address as alie e. Mention this jiapcr. Ne f.imilv should be without LYDIA E. FIXKIIAM''S LIVER FILLS. They cure Con stipation, Biliousness and Torpidity of the Liver. 2 cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., (jeucral Agcnls l'liiludclnhia.- Fersaleliy C. A. Lechcr, 1) East King street, and Gee. W. Hull, 15 West King street. jy29-lvdced&w JHWEZltY. IOUIS 1YE1IEK, J WATCHMAKER. Ne. i:KHC NORTH QUEEN STREET, near P. It. It. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-eased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ler the celebrated Pantascepic Specta cles and Kye-U lasses. Bcpaiiing a specialty. apiHyd Lancaster Watches. We have just leeeived a second invoice of the i te which we call spceial attention of anyone wanting a Ueliable Watch at a LOW PRICE. B. F. BOWMAJST, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. NAMED WeSt Elld, in isk. Geld Cases. WeSt Ella, in Ilk. Geld Cases. W eSt End, in Silver Hunting Cases. WeSt End, in silver open-face Cases. AT- AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S. Ne. 20 East Kins Street, Lancaster, Pa. J.E.Caldwell&Ce. WATCHMAKERS, 902 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, Deal ers in American !and Geneva Watches, 17kt. Geld Cases and the most reliable Movements; Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Beys' Watches, Chronographs, Re peaters, Chatelaine Watches. The Lewest Prices, marked in plain figures, from waich there is no deviation. Orders and in quiries by mail receive prompt attention. PHILADELPHIA. scplo-lwdcedM, W&F Has Hade i Discovery Lancaster Intelligencer. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 17, 1880 Western Correspondence. The City or Minneapolis The Weather There Old Lancaster Ceantlana Hunted Up. Minneapolis, Sept. 14, 18S0. The weather here is quite cool, fire is required and overcoats are comfortable. The supply of fuel here is obtained princi pally from the waste of the saw mills. When it is cut in proper lengths for grates and stoves, and hauled in carts ( of which there are hundreds) into the weeds yards, or distributed te purchasers ever the city, who stack it up te dry before it is fit for use. Anthracite coal from Pennsylvania reaches here by way of Dultith and costs about $9 per ten. The streets of the city are bread and lined en either side of the footways by rows of shade trees, mostly of maple. but many have planted the Lembard poplar. The yards of many of the principal dwellings are covered with a close clipped sward of green grass running down te the sidewalk, interspersed with shrubbery, tastefully arranged. Hennepin and Nic Nic cellct avenues, both running west from the Suspension bridge. These and Wash ington avenue are the principal business streets. There are several large wholesale grocery and dry goods stores here doing a business of ever a million dollars each. St. Paul has been for many years a kind of military headquarters for army officers of the Northwest. Most of the army offi cers in Mentana, Dakota and the ether territories reside here during a part of the year with their families. Fert Snclling is an old fort established by the United States iu 1819 at the conflu ence of the Minnesota river with the Mis sissippi. Previous te the war it was de termined te abandon the pest and it was sold te Franklin Steele, with all the land attached te it. After the breaking out of the war it was found necessary te re-establish the pest when it was re-sold te the government by Mr. Steele. Since then great improve ments have been made. New barracks and officers quarters have been built, and it is te be permanently established as a base of supplies for the Northwest. The government made an appropriation for a new bridge across the Mississippi at this point which has been built in the most substantial maimer. A short distance above Fert Smaling is the celebrated Falls of Min-nc-ha-ha, when here in 1857 ray friend Dr. Raub and myself walked from Minneapolis te St. Paul. On our way wc stepped at the falls. The doctor had read Longfellow's "Hiawatha " and was enthu siastic ever them. At that time there was nothing but the naked falls ; no improve ments of any kind. New there is a rail road station, hotel and the grounds arc nicely fixed up. The place is extensively visited by tourists. There is a bread ave nue extending from the city te the falls, a distance of five miles, from the centre of the city. On Saturday we took a carriage ride ever the city and out as far as Lake Calhoun, from there te Min-nc-ha-ha, down te Fert Snclling, crossing the new bridge and drove home en the cast bank of the river, passing the state university, a very impos ing structure in what was formerly St. Antheny and new East Minneapolis. There is a splendid farming country cast and west of this city. The land is very rich. Wheat is their great crop here, and I never saw se many wheat stacks at ene time as I saw in that 25 mile ride. The season is tee short for corn, the crop of which is net large. But they excel in raising potatoes, turnips, pumpkins, melons and cantclepcs. The apple docs net de well, except ene or two varieties. Peaches are net raised, but there arc plenty of them in market from Michigan. The principal fruit raised here are crab apples and a spscics of wild plum which are very abundant. There are few natives here. There is a large sprinkling of Maine, Vermont and Massachusetts yankees, a few New York ers, and the balance is largely made up of Pcnnsylvanians. I found quite a number of the best citizens from our neighboring county of Yerk. Frem Lancaster county I met Dr. Jehn Steele, of St. Paul, who was here at his brother's jfuneral ; Collin Hamer's family, of Bart township, and Washington Pierce, of Eden. Mr. Pierce is married te a daughter of the late Ed ward Paxson and came here in 1855. Mr. Hamcr came in 1857. I met in the Washburnc mill a gentleman named Wermlcy from Mcndeta, 111., who brought an excursion of 600 up te the fair. He was formerly from Cumberland county and is a nephew of Geerge W. Wermlcy, of EHzabethtewn. no appears te be a very enterprising man and I understand he ha3 become quite wealthy. He has been ever te Stillwater, and purchased a $11,000 hotel property. I have met and made the acquaintance of a great many persons here. I like the people very much. They arc generous and hospitable, and a stranger feels at ence at home among them. H. A German View of the Situation. Why Judge Stalle, of Cincinnati. Will Support General Uanceck. At a meeting of German-American voters, held en the night of September 10, iu the large hall of the Cooper Union, a letter was read from Judge Stalle, of Cin cinnati, who had been invited te address the meeting, but was unable te be pre sent. In the first part of this letter Judge Stalle shows at length that the Republican party has wholly survived its mission; that its true vitality is extinct ; that its members are at cress purposes in respect te nearly all the political problems that new press for solution ; that its present tendency is towards centralization, and the usurpation by the national govern ment of powers wholly beyond its consti tutional limits ; that it is a dangerous in strumentality for promoting the schemes of monopolists and speculators; that its presidential nominee, as appears from his past political history, is ready te give its support te all measures by which the pew LANCASTER, PA., ERI DAY, SEPTEMBER, 17, 1880 ers of the government are abused in furth erance of private interests, and that he is the representative of the very worst ele ments and tendencies of his party. He then proceeds as fellows : "Yeu will net expect me, I trust, elab orately te discuss the topics about which the Republican orators and journalists are raisinga clamor in order te stifle the dis cussion of the real questions of the hour topics like the 'Solid Seuth,' 'Negro Outrages,' 'Confederate Brigadier,' &c., &C. The whele southern question, so se called, is, in my judgment, very simple. Notwithstanding the shamcless.distortien of the real state of facts by Northern man ufacturers of Southern horrors, and the difficulty of reaching the truth through the mists of calumny and misrepresentation, there is no doubt that there are great political and social disorders in many parts of the Seuth, and that the exercise of the right of suffrage by the negrees under the control of the indigenous whites is as illusory new as it was a few years age under that of the carpet baggers. Hew are these disorders te be suppressed ? By what means is it possible te secure te the negre vote that degree of political efficacy which legitimately belongs te it, in view of the fact that it represents neither physical nor moral and intellectual power? By a return te the system of military interference which has just been abandoned ? That requires a stand ing army of several thousand men. Or by the ceaseless vociferous ex postulations of Blaine, Chandler, Legan, Cameren, Sherman, Garfield and the ether embodiments of common and political morality, whose right te stand forth as ex ponents of the moral sense of the nation is evidenced by their direct or indirect par ticipation in the processes of revising the electoral votes of Leuisiauna and Flerida inl87G? Thcicisbut eue pessible solu tion of the southern problem, and that is founded upon a lccognitien of the fact that the disorders at the Seuth arc the na tural and inevitable consequences of the destruction by the war of their whele social and industrial system, whose recon struction can be effected solely by the slew operation of social and political agencies new at work in the southern communities themselves. Whenever the Northern Re publicans desist from their policy or con stant aggression upon the Southern people there will be an instant split of the South ern whites into parties which, in their struggles for supiemacy, will compete for tlie negre vote. I his competition will sooner or later put an end te all improper coercion of the negre voter and te the ether outrages that new constitute almost the only capital of the Republican party. Of course, all this is the work of time. Iu history, as in nature, repair and reor ganization proceed far mere slowly than disorganization and destruction. "It is hardly necessary, I hope, te say that my resolution te east my vote this fall for the nominees of the Democratic party is net indicative of a purpose te identify myself with that party for all time. The Democratic party, even during the last four years, has net lived up te the standard of its professed principles, and if in future it fails te practice whit it pro fesses if, for instance, it docs net place our revenue and tariff laws upon a rational basis I shall ccttaiuly net be among its adhcicnts. But 1 shall vote for Hancock because he is an upright, intelligent and patriotic man, who will naturally turn for counsel and support te the better elements of his party. And there arc statesmen in the front ranks of the Democracy men like Bayard, Morrison, Koerner,Thurman Ranncy, Payne, Greesbcck, Palmer, Trum bull; Davis", McDeuald, Julian, Gantt, Bigelow, &c, (net te speak of the South Seuth South eons, among whom we also find men con spicuous by their integrity, ability and patriotism), in whose hands the country is far safer, in my judgment, than in these of Sherman, Ceukling, Blaine, Edmunds, Cameren, Legan and the ether leaders of the Republican party. But there is an other metive which induces me te assist iu breaking the power of the Republican party and defeating the election of their candidate. I allude te the reprobation of the greatest electoral fraud perpetrated iu the centennial year of the American re public. I knew very well what excuse the Republicans seek te offer for this infamous felony. They assert that the elections in the Southern states wcic se tainted with force and fraud that the true result could be reached only through a compensatory fraud. That is the substantial if net the exact form of their defense. New, apart from the refusal of the Republican attor neys before the electoral commission te put their assertions te the proof, and apart from the enormity of the logic involved in such a defence, it is simply shocking te the sense and conscience of a civilized peo ple te speak in the same breath of the common disorders incident te all elections and the deliberate attempt, carefully plan ned, premeditated and prepared by the heads of the party and coely executed amid the acclamations or silent acquies cence of nearly all its members, te set at naught the will of the people and thus te subvert the very foundations of popular government. And prominent among theso who are guilty of this atro cious attempt en the life of the republic is James A. Gaificld. It was Garfield who, with Sherman and ethers, manipulated the wires in New Oilcans, at the ends of which danced the puppets, Wells, Ander Ander eon, Kcnncr and Cascnavc. It was Gar field who afterwards in Congress, in the course of the debate en the bill creating the electoral commission, gave the Demo crats the most solemn assurance that this commission would have the unquestion able right te inquire into the facts bear bear bear uponthe validity of the electoral returns. And it was the same Garfield who, after the passage of the bill and the organiza tion of the commission, as one of its mem bers, decided that it had no such light and 'could net go behind the returns.' And this is the man whom his confederates new propose te put at the head of the na tion ! In all countries in which society is net in a state of utter moral decay there arc certain things which everybody held sacred and inviolable, like the columns of the god Terminus in ancient Reme, or the trunks of the forest en the Alpine pro montory, the 'Bannbcrg,' at the feet of which William Tell, in Schiller's drama, 5 holds this dialogue with his son Walter. Walter (pointing te llic Hannbcrg). '"Father, is't time, that en the mountain there The trees, if wounded with a hatchet, bleed ?' TELL. " Who says se, boy?' WALTER. " ' The master herdsman, father ! He tells us there's a charm upon the trees, And if a man shall injure them, the band That struck the blew will grew from out the grave.' TELL. "'There Is a charm about them that's the truth. Dest see these glaciers yonder these white horns That seem te melt away into the sky ?' WALTER. " 'They arc the peaks that thunder se at night. And send the avalanche? down upon us.' TELL. '"They arc: and Altdorf long age had been Snbincrgcd beneath these avalanches' weight, Did net the forest there above the town Stand like a bulwark te arrest their lall ? " "James A. Garfield (who, it is te be hoped, is neither of Hessian nor of ether German origin, as has been asserted) has laid his sacrilegious hand upon the trunks of the forest without whose protection we are sure te be overwhelmed by the aval anches of anarchy. If the old simple faith of the shepherd is founded in truth our children will beheld the growth of that hand from out his grave, and with my consent, at least, it shall net be uplifted en the next 4th of March in front of the Capitel and in the stern presence of the marble effigy of Geerge Washington while Garfield swears an oath te support the constitution of a republic whose founda tion he has deliberately sought te sub vert. Yours, &e. J. B. Stalle." KIDXEX PAHS. DATS HD1EY FAII! A DISCOVERY BY ACCIDENT, which supplies a want meu of eminent ability have devoted years of study and experiment te find a Specific for Diseases et the Kidneys, .Bladder, Urinary Organs and Nervous System and from the time of its discovery has rap idly increased In favor, gaining the approval and confidence et medical men and these who have used it ; it has become a favorite with all classes, and wherever introduced has super seded all ether treatments. In short, such Is its Intrinsic merit and superiority, that it Is new the only recognized reliable remedy. Is Strongly Endorsed! We have the most unequivocal testimony te its curative powers from many persons et high character, intelligence and responsibility. Our book, "Hew a Life was Saved," giving the history of this discovery, antl a large record of most remarkable cures, sent free. Write for it. DAY'S KIDNKV PADS are sold by all drug gists, or will be sent by mail (free of postage) en receipt of their price: .Regular, $J; Special, for obstinate cases of long standing, $3; Chil dren's, fi.au. AUtiress. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. PATITTflN Owing te the many worthless lf.au HUH. Kidney Tads new seeking a sale en our reputation, we deem it due the uillietcil te warn them. Ask for DAY'S KIDNEY l'AI, and take no ether. st-lvdeedMW&F&w $500 REWARD! OVEI& A MILLION OF PROF. GUILMETTE'S French Kidney Pais Dave already been sold In this country and In France ; every one of which has given pcrlcct Kitislactien, und has performed cures every time when used according te directions. We new say te the atllictcd and doubting ones that we wll pay the above reward ler a single cascet LAME BACK that the Pad fails te cure. This Ureal Kcmcdy will l'esltivelv and Permanently cure Lum bago, Lame llack. Sciatica. U ravel. Diabetes, Dropsy, lJriglit's Disease of the Kidneys, In In eeutinence and Retention of the Urine, In In llauimatien of the Kidneys, Catarrli et the Itiadder, High Colored Urine, l'ain in the Hack, bide or Leins, Nervous Weakness, and in fact all disorders of the IMaddcr and Urinary Organs whether contracted by private disease or otherwise. LADIKS, ir yen arc suffering from Female Weakness. Lcucerrhcca, or any disease et the Kidneys, IMaddcr, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CURED I Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply wearing PROP. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH CUKES BY ABSORPTION. AskyonrdrngglstferPltOF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY l'AU, and take no ether. If lie lias net get it, bend ! and you will re ceive the Pad by return mail. Fer sale by JAMES A. ME VERS, Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbia, Pa. Sold only by C.EO. W. HULL, Drnggist, 15 VT. King St., Lancaster, Pa. angll-nidcedM,W&F Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Will positively cure Fever and Agnc, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Billiens Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia and ail diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Bleed. Price $1.50 by mail. Send for Pret. Guilmette's Treaties en the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. augll-GindcedM.W& F JiUOKS AJili STATIOSJiliT. SCHOOL HOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS ASD SCHOOL. SUPPLIES for Lancaster City and County, at L M. FLYNN'S Ne. 4S WEST KING STltEET. OCUOOt HOOKS, BLANK BOOKS .VXD Eancy Stationary AT FOI DERSHTI'S Ne. 32 East King St., Lancaster, Fa. ang2S-ltd SCHOOL BOOKS FOR TIlK Schools of Lancaster City, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. At the LOWEST PRICES, at the Boek Stere of JOM BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., M AKCUS G. SEHNEK, HOUSE CARPENTER, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid tool ration and rcpa'rs slS-lyd DRY OPENING OF AND THE AUTUMN Strawbridge & Clothier llave the pleasure of extending a general invitation te the publie te visit the new and extonsive addition te their Stere, just completed, and new open for inspection. The enlargement two years age, although deemed sufficient for many years te come, proved inadequate te meet the demands of our wonderfully increased business. We, thoreforo, during the past year purchased a block of cloven houses in the rear of our stere, and during the spring and summer have erected en the site thereof an cxtcusive addition te our former spacious buildings, giving us a depth of 303 feet, extending from Market street all the way through te Filbert. Our arrangements for the soaseu's business have as far exceeded theso of former seasons as our future facilities for its transactions will exceed theso of the past. The great enlargement of the buildings has euabicd us te entirely vcer ganize certain departments of the house, giving considerably mere room te SILKS, DRESS GOODS and ether popular branches of the business, which were formerly at times tee much overcrowded. It also affords in ether ways facilities for the sorvice and convenience of our patrons net te be generally found. Waiting and reading rooms for ladies and gentlemeu have,bccu added ; re tiring and toilet rooms for ladies, se arranged and systematized as must prove of great convenience te all our customers, both city and country. Numerous improvements have been made, which space will net permit us te mention, but the entire building, which is believed te be unsurpassed iu its appointments in this country, is open for examination and critical inspection of all who are interested in new methods of doing business, and in the growth and progress of our city and its institutions. Later cards willgive information as te the extent of our offerings in the various departments. The present is merely te extend a special invitation te everyone interested te call and inspect the buildingri. STRAWBRIDGE MARKET STREET TO FILBERT, N. W. COR. OF EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. DKVUS, JtV. rpitUSSES ! TRUSSES!! TRUSSES!!! J Snuercrs from Kupturc will liudtliu safest, eustcstand cheapest Trusses In the world en exhibition and ter sale by AXD1CEW G. FBEV. Druggist, Cor. N. Qncen and Orange Sts, Lancaster, Pa. Call anil see. Alse, the only sure cure for Piles. FUEV'S UNIVERSAL PILE SUPPOSITORY. Never tails. Price. 50e. and 73c. a box. nie-yd XTULL'S 1UCUU STOKE. PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. All Kinds of PATENT MEDICINES HULL'S DRUG STORE, IS West King St., Lancaster, l'a. Alse a Large and Fine Assortment of TODLET AND FANCY ARTICLES, American, Frcnehand English PERFUMERY, Teeth, Hair, Nail, Flesh, Cleth, Shaving anil Infant Urushcs, Preparations for the Teeth, Soaps, Hair Oils antl Pomades, Trusses, .Shoul der Unices and Supporters. PURE GROUND SPICES. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, F1SIIIXJ TACKLE, KODS AM) REELS or Every Description. HULL'S DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KINO STREET, augad-lyd CAltfJiTS. TARGA1NS FOR EVERYBODY. RARE CHANCE IN CARPETS, Positive sale te Reduce Stock et 6,000 Yards Brussels Carpets, AT AND UELOW COST. C..1I and satisfy yourself. ANe, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpets In :Umest endless variety .at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET TTAT.T. 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. C'UllfA ASD OJjASSWAJtJS. r KEAT KAKGAINS AT CHINA HALL. IN CHINA, GLASS AND QDEENSWARE. A large assortment of Fancy Flower Pets, Plain Flewer Pets. A full line of them In our window. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. MASBL. WtJJIKS. WM. P. FRATTiTnTS MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm yueen Street, Lancaster, Fa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUAKY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given in every particular. N. B. Remember, werts a.', the extreme end of North Queen street. m30 Price Twe Carts." GOODS. NEW STORE, or SEASON OF 1880, & CLOTHIER, . MJSDIVAH. NEKVOUS DEKIL1T. Te Nervous Sullerers The Great Eure. Scan Remedy Or. J. It. Simpsen's Specific lediciiie. It is a positive cure for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakneas.ini potency,and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety. Less of Memery. Pains in Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an eariy grave. The Specific Medicine is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent free te all. Write for them and get full particulars. Price, Specific. $1 per package, or six packages for $3. J. B. SIMP SON MEDICINE CO.MPANY.Nes. 104 and IOC Main Street, BuUuln, N. Y. Address all orders te If. B. COCHRAN, Druggist, Sole Agent, 137 and 1.7.) North Queen Street, Lancaster. inl7-lydcedAwJ -TEKV1NE, OR TONIC SFEUIFICA. -L A BOON TO BOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for nil discasw arising irem Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration et old age. ltd curative properties in violent and chronic formseftlio toUer.ing diseases have been at tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Scir Abuse, Headache, Dizziness. Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, General Debility, Impotency, Premature Decay, 4c. It has been in use for ever ierty years, and is te-day the most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WO'RLD. It can be used it itheut regard te diet, is pleasaut in taste, and better than all, It is a sure, safe and certain cure. It is no qnack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wll amply demonstrate. Since 1830 tills remedy has always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold ; but owing te the act that the time for the payment et an enormous royalty upon Us manufacture has expired. It Is ettered te the suffering of both sexes at one dollar per package, se w te be within the reach of all; at which price it will be sent te any address tree et further charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 48 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mall. 1y2G-Cind&w INVESTIGATION!. DR. GREENE has successfully treated ever MW of the most diflicult. chronic (se called) In curable cases during a seven month's practice. The most et them had been the rounds of the leading physicians of Lancaster county. New DR. GREENE is ready at any time te meet a committee et the Lancaster County Medical Society at the Opera Honseer elsewhere te dis cuss the merits et Omnipathy and .prove Its superiority ever idl ether pathies in vogue. The people arc greatly interested and de mand the t idlest investigation. Invalids arc every week dying in this county whose lives could lie saved. Is there any subject about which the masses arc mere concerned than restoration te health, and the prolonging of their lives? Dr. G. originated and Is new the owner of 29 Medical Pads. He especially warns the public against the numerous counterfeits new offered the people. ' CONSULTATIONS FREE.. Catarrh Cnreil Fer 50 Cents. CURE QUICK FOR CATARRII SENT TO ANY ADDRESS FOR CO CENTS. DR. C. A. GREENE, Ne. 230 NORTH JUEEN STREET, j30-trdMWFAS Lancaster, Pa. HOSTETTEK'S HITTER'S FOR SALE AT Lechcr's Drug Stere. 9 East King street. JCOBJEM, DLAIfKJSTS, JtC. s: IGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES 1! BLANKETS! BLANKETS I have new en hand the Largest. BnTAHD Cheapest Assertmcht of Lined and Unllned BUFFALO ROBES In the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. -Repairing neatly and promptly dene.Vt A. MILEY, 198Krth Queen K, eas-lydMWAS