.r'; i' ii3 -v - V ?tj r , ' ; COLUMBIA NEWS. OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE. The Band Fair Glew efSuuday Sciieul Cuu ventleu Notes About Teuu. The CitifenV band fair new being held in Company ll armory is di awing near its close, aud as vet without any of the des'r des'r able results anticipated. Every evening s'.nce the opening night a visiting band has been in attendance and ether attrac tions have been provided with the hope of drawing our citizens, the music-loving tines especially, te the assistance of thcen tcrprisc, bat w far without avad. The members of the organisatien feel very seic ever the reception which they have receiv ed and some of them express themselves very bitterly en the seeming slight. With out money the band can de nothing, aud it is with the intention of replenishing their treasury and at the Battle time giving an equivalent for it that the fair is being held. It is te be hoped our citizens will seen sec that they ewe something for the music discoursed by the band and that they must pay their debts. The sheeting match te be held heie te-day will take nlacc at 12 o'clock, neon, en Milll'm's Held at the head or Locust street the held wherein Coup's ciicus re cently gave a performance. Rev. Charles Winbiglcr, pastor of the Church of Ged, of this place, will preach a sermon" in the Itcthcl, coiner of Seventh and Walnut streets, en next Sunday te liutnam ciiclc, Ne. IKi, 15. U. (II. F.) C. A., of Columbia. , W. II. Swingler and Annie Teibcit were united in mauiagc last evening, at the parsonage of the Picsbytcii.ui chinch, by Kcv. J. McCoy. The Citizens' band last evening, sere naded Jliss Fannie llanauer. who recently returned from Europe. Miss Mary Bewman, of Maiictta, with her fiicnd Miss Weaver, were visiting Miss Marie E. I'm pie, in Columbia, last even- jlfr Kcv. F. W. Stalcy, pastor of E. E ilmraii flnnfli and Chailcs 1. Shrci: Lu- ucr, :i delegate, lea here yesterday, te attend the East Pennsylvania synod or the Evangeli cal English Lutheran chinch, new holding at AHentewn, Pa. Butter was vciy scarce at maiket this meining, and many of our people were un able te secure any. The Gai field and Aithur club Hung a Hag te the breeze at Second and Locust streets this meining. The annual Sunday school contention of the HaiTisburg dibtiict of Lancaster classis which has been in session at the Rcfeiincd church or this plaee since Tuesday, closed last evening. The attendance at the scv er.ll meetings held was quite geed, and the debates programmed were a seuicc or pleasure, taken pait in net only by the delegates, but by a number of our citizens interested in Sunday school weik, notably Messrs. S. C. May, Samuel Oievc and ('. II. McCullough. Tlic opening scimen was preached en Tuesday ci cuing by Rev. .1.11. Poiniebcckcr, of Elizabethtown, Pa., who took for his text St. Luke, ii., 'W, and delivered an excellent disceui.se thcio thcie finin. On Wednesday uieiiiiugthc fellow ing pregramme was begun and gene through with : 1st, What shall we teach in the infant department .' The discussion was opened by the He v. S. P. Blown, of Maiictta. 2d, Hew can the missienaiy spiiitbe best cull haled in the Sunday school ? Opened by the Uev. W. T. Gei haul, of Lancaster. 3d, Are Sunday school picnics commendable ? Opened by Kcv. W.1I.II. Snyder, of llauisbuig. Thi, discussion was continued in the afternoon session and was followed by " Should net the Sunday school be mere closely identi fied with the chinch?" Opened by ltev. Ueoige W. Snyder, of llauisbuig 2d, The Tencher'.s Pieiuralien." pen ed by Elder W. 11. Seibeit, of llauisbuig. During the cveniug the following topics were discussed : Hew can the elder nicin bcis of the congregation be most success fully inteiested in the Sunday school ? (iiuMwxl liv Uev. .1. G. Fiitehey, of Lancaster. 2d. Should Bible class teach ing be denominational? Opened by the Rev. J. 11. Pcnuebcckcr, of Elizabctntewn. The convention adjourned after a number of rcfciicd questions had been answered and general business transacted. Knv.Gce. W. Snyder, of llairisburg, presided ever the convention and Rev. D. P. down served as sccictaiy. The question are Sunday school picnics commendable ? was net decided but laid en the table for future consideration. Before the adjournment took place a tote of thanks was tendered te Rev. C. S. Ccrhaid and his congregation for their kind and hospitable cntcitaui- lncnt. Majer A. Wilsen Neuis, or Philadelphia, will address the Republicans of Columbia this ccning. Late this afternoon our reporter had an interview with Dr. Foreman, who states that the case is one of hydrophobia, and this diagnosis is continued by Dr. Atlce who also visited the boy. The boy had frequent spasms te-day aud shuddered at the sight of feed or water, bnt remains quite conscious. The new remedy for hy drophobia, "Cnrane,"a Seuth American drug, is being administered te him by in jection under the skin of the arm, and since this has been done the boy appeals te be impre ring. The remedy is a vegeta ble poison, and is only used te counteract the mere deadly poison of the virus of the deg. It is hoped that it may effect a cure, but of course the chances are that it will net. Dr. Foreman extends te I lie faculty generally au invitation te visit his patient. Cases of this kind are se rare that the profession have but few oppei Ut ilities of studjing them. Lallip ExplOHlOll. This meining between 7 and 8 o'clock as a. son of Frederick Shiead was in the act eflilling a street lamp at the corner or Mary street and Campbell's alley, the lamp exploded with a loud repeit, shatter ing the glass, binning Master Shread in the face and wtting lire te his clothing. Jacksen Klingcr. who happened te be near by, threw a bucket of water ever the boy and threw the large oil can he was carrying beyond the reach of the flames. It appeal's that the lamp contained a small quantity of oil and was burning se dimly when the boy attempted te fill it that he did net notice the flame. The coal eal lamps arc net ex: tinguished at daybreak as the gas lamps are, but are filled with a sufficient quantity of oil te burn till daybreak when they go out. This lamp appears te have been filled tee full and te have burned two heuis tee long. A Het! led llccrCuse. This meining Collector Wiley caused the detention of a twe-mule team belonging te Chas..Tely, of Philadelphia, and leaded with bottled beer, en the ground that the beer was being peddled in violation of the U. S. revenue laws. It appears that Mr. Jely bottles Bcrgncr & Englc's beer in Philadelpliia,ships it te Laucatcrand many ether places, and supplies it te hotels, restaurants and ethers. The collector claims that as he lias several depots in this county, he is liable for the payment of a special tax at each depot, the same as a liquor seller is liable for a separate licence for every tavern or Btore he may open. Harry liaise, who has charge of the team has tclcgrapucaTO.nir.ioiyier instructions. Meanwhile the team and beer renniu in possession of the collector. m Baseball. Tomorrow afternoon the Ironsides and College baseball clubs will play a game en the college greuuds. Death el a Herse. Last night a valuable horse belonging te Themas J. Houghten, liveryman, died. HYDROPHOBIA. Anetbcr Supposed Case In the City. A painful rumor prevailed this morning that little David Zieglcr, aged six yeare. an adopted son of Ftank Zieglcr, Ne. 453 Maner street, was attacked yesterday with symptoms stiengly resembling hydropho bia. The child was bitten about the 1st of August by a setter deg belonging te his father. The deg was at the time lyiug at the back deer of the house, and the boy wanting te pass it struck ft a slight blew, whereupon it Hew at his face and bit hhn in the lip and lacerated one of his rye-lids se badly that it required the ser vices of Dr. Foreman te sew it up. The deg was net supiesed te be mad, but as it had shown itself te boicieus it was killed. The little boy's wounds healed nicely, and the affair was passing out of the minds of his adopted parents, when yesterday morn ing the child was taken suddenly ill. He could cat no breakfast, .refused te take his coffee, aud asked for water, a little of which he drank, and then complained of feeling cold. His eyes became much di lated and at intervals he appeared te be unable te talk. He was induced te take some waim tea te warm him up, and seen altenvaids complained that lie was burning all ever and felt hick. In the afternoon Dr. Foreman was sent for and gave him some liquid medicine, and left some for him te take at inteivals. He resisted taking it and some force had te be used in adiuinibteiing it. He frequently shuddered and screamed, complaining of pain in the chest. Healing that Dr. Foreman had express ed a fear that he might be .suffering from hydiophebia.a representative of the Istkl uc:i:m i.k called at Mr. Zieglci's this morn ing and found the lad in much the same condition as represented above. He is a blight and intelligent little fellow and at times talked cheei fully, but suddenly would cry out aud gasp for breath and in a moment altciwxuds appeared te beat ease. His pulse was weak, bis tongue a geed deal coated, the pupil of the eyes much dilated, and the expression rather gl.uing. He has eaten nothing since Tues day altei neon, and appears te loathe the very name of feed. Except dm ing mo me meutaiy spasms of pain he talked ration ally and ecn cheerfully, asked if it was net time te take his medicine, and took it with the least peiccptiblc shudder. He seemed pleased with a small picture of Hancock given him by the ic ic peiler, recognizing it at once, saying that it was Gen. Hancock, and that he was a Hancock boy. On leaving him the lcpeiter willed at (he ellice of Di. Foreman, and found there Dr. Jehn L. Atlee and Dr. M. L. Heir in consultation with him relative te the case. The doctors were net prepared te give an opinion as te whether the boy was or was net sud'ci ing fiein hydiophebia, and net wishing te be ebtiiisivc the repetlcr bowciMiimself out, premising te see them later. Correction. In noticing the arrest of Frank Samson and Win. Wcise for indecent behavior, and their healing before Aldciinan Don Den nelly, of the Seventh waul, we stated that a counter-suit had been brought by the bejs '-before the alderman" against old Mrs. Hewater and her daughter. The eeuiitei-suit was hi ought before Alderman B.ii r, net before Alderman Dennelly who. after his sccrc reprimand te the 1ks fm- l.'ieir misconduct, would net of ceuisc hae cnteitaiucd a complaint made by them. Alderman Barr was net aware of the bejs' misconduct towards the llewaleis when he cnteitaiucd their com pl lint. Hersestealing. List night the premises of Mr. J. W. Mi eis, Witmer station, east of this city, were invaded by thieves, who stele from hi., stable a heavy-set daik bay mare, 14 hands high, with one white feet and star in forehead, and with inane flowing te the lc It side. They aKe stelo a piano box buggy with lull leather top, made uy Altick iV Sen., of this city. Detectives are en the track of the thieves, but at last accounts had noteveitaken them. Alleged .Knibezleiiient. J. II. Kecliler luil a licaiins bclbic Al derman Spinner, yesteiday afternoon, te answer a charge of cnihc..Icincnt pie reueil against him by A. M. Biighten, who deposed that Kecliler was Urighten's agent collected money for beer belonging te lliighteii and appiepiiated it te his own use. In default of bail the aldei man com mitted the accused te jail te answer at ceiut. ;ing lu the State Fair. This meining a large number of poisons left en the 8:10 train for Philadelphia, te attend the state fair. hunting Match. At 10:10 this meining a huge ciewd of hpnit milieu fiem this city went te Columbia te be pie-MUil and take pait in the big sheeting match te-day. A-.k veur dingl-l ler l'uif. Uiiilinette's I'lcnili'lviiliiey Fad, and take no ether. sliiced i:iursiun! Labt Chance! tint her ehi ap et u i -ion te Philadelphia and tin slate tan en sal in day, Sept. is. Tickets geed let lime laj s, te lelin n en any train. I'.uc lei Hie iiHind tup only ?!.", hpcei.il lliieiightraiu lerves I-iutaster (Kingstiect) aU. a. in. .nut Columbia 0 a. in. Ter pattieii lai -. see t'di eiltnt ul us at all tatieu-. seplS.UiX.17 'Hie old b iv ing that "a new Inoetii sweeps clean- leceives lic-h proet eveiy day in the i.ipnlilt tetialien el -e inanv ai titles that have obtained a geed leput.ilieu Indele the public. lniioliiifell)iiine-shast!iistlctenorationbccn nieie in.uKeil Hi m m many once popular bit ten wIiem! piopiieters have- allowed their pti p iratien te beteuie weithle-s because of then many bundled outers and inordinate lev e el gain, than in anv thing t Ne. In consc censc consc Hieiite.theiielaiidal theieiiiestet in my per sons vv he h iv e enleied Chill Chilli Hitler, the piepi icier vv ill at 7J p. m., Fntlay, September 17, issi, at his elllte, 213 North Queen Street, sell at public site one case and one bottle of Chill Chilli Kitten, pat up In l.incy walnut ea-e-, the tendititni of the sale being that the highe-.tbi.hlei shall be the buyer; the buyer te Keep the bottles unopened until three years have evpiietl, then te open the bottles in pres ence et eempelenl jiitlges and compare them Willi :in bottles made by him since the sale, and it thebitleibiiienet as geed and pure as the iiil made the piopiieter has obligated hun-ell iiinlei beiuls te psy 5,(iJtl te each pui tli iser el bottle anil e.as seplO 2td Aiiiuscincuts. " 7it Jeur .S'toe)is"' Te nUjhl. This even ing O i-av es's comedy company vv ill appear at Fulton opera heu-c In the play of "The Four Stuseiis,"' which had a very success! ill run at the Walnut Mud the.itie, Philadelphia. The ca-t is said te be a stieng one, and the play it-ell te present phases or humor that have wen ler it no sm ill tlegieeoftaver. It is made up mainly erplcismg specialty performances and the nieiiibcis et the company are artists in their paiticular lines. The invaliil's hope and stiength bej end all ether lemeilies is Malt Kittcis. Hub tiie CJnms Well with seODOXT when they become spongy or detaelied fiem the necks or the teeth. Let them bleed fieely and se leeever their tone and health. Tliis SO.ODOXT is the best xcnic xcnic dialancntlerdiscascdgums anil ttth. Try ami Ie.ii n. M dced& w l'iist-elass b.ubcrs use the Cuticuni Medi cinal fehav ing Seap cvcluslvely. HEATHS. He-Li. scpl. U, 1&S0, in LitiL!, Pa., suddenly. Mi's. Cat hai me Hull, in her Uith year. Funeral sei vices will be held en Sunday meining (19th inst,) at lOo'cleck, in thcMo thcMe rav Un chmch at Lititz. 1'iicnds and relatives aie Inv ilcd te attend. LANCASTER DAILY POLITICAL BVLLXTIS. Pay Year Tax. " Every voter who wants te vote in November should leek atter the paymentef nte tax. Col lector WarJcf sits lat' the Court Heuse THIS EVENING freinCJ te 9 o'clock te receive it. GO THEKE AND PAY IT. City Calgo Committee. The weekly meeting of the City Campaign committee this evening will be postponed un til Saturday evening of this week. Democratic MmM Meeting. There will be a general Democratic meeting un'lcrthc auspices of the Third, fourth and Seventh ward clubs at the corner of Straw berryi Middle and Seuth Queen streets, en Friday evening, September 17. The members of every ward club will meet at their respec tive headquarters at "M p. m. te .form in u body and march te the meeting. Fer Assembly. The name or WILLIAM McCOMSEY, of the first ward, will be presented te the Demo cratic clwstera et Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate for As sembly, under Democratic rules. ELIMG. SNYDER, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub ject te Democratic rules. U Fourth Ward Will meet en Friday evening, Sept. 17, at Gee. Wall's snloen at 8 o'clock, sharp. Seventh "Ward. The Yeung Men's Hancock club of the Seventh ward will meet at Utzlngcr's saloon en Thursday evening at 8 o'clock for the pur pose of making arrangements te attend the meeting at the corner of Seuth Queen and Straw berry streets en Friday evening. Beeend Ward. The members of the Hancock ami English club et the Second ward will meet at their headquarters, Hewell's building, North Queen street, Friday evening at 7 o'clock sharp, te attend the meeting 'et the Third, Fourth and Seventh wards, Seuth Queen street. The Fifth and Nlutli Ward. v ill meet at the headquarters of the Second ward te join lu Hie line et march. He prompt 1 o'clock. All citizens el the wards net uniformed are requested tojein the precession. Attention Hancock Legien i The members of the Legien who ate net members of the equipped ward clubs will as semble at their headquarters en Friday even in" nt 7 o'clock te participate in the march of the Second, Fifth and Ninth wards te the meeting at the corner of Middle and Seuth Queen streets. Ninth Ward. The regular slated meeting of the Ninth Ward Hancock and English club will beheld at their club room ever Arneld Haas's saloon, North Queen street, te-morrow (Friday) even ing ,it 7 nvieck. sham. Let there be a lull ...-.... .... . .!ni will iittcnd the meeting of the Third, Fourth and Seventh wants. The elub will he fully equipped. Attention Fifth Ward. A special meeting of the Filth ward Hancock and English club will be held tills evening ut the Green Tree Hetel at 7J o'clock, sharp. Every member is requested te be present. The Sixth Ward Americas Club Will meet at their club room in Schlller ball te merrcw (Fitduy) evening at 7 o'clock. After the business meeting the club will take pai tin the parade of all the club. Let there be a lull turn out. Company l. Hancock Veterans will meet this Timisday evening for drill at the central headquarters. Centre Square. The Third Ward Hancock club are requested te meet nt the central headquarters, Centre Square, te-morrow (Friday) evening nt VA o'clock te take part in the meeting in the lower end of the city. Let every Democrat et the ward attend. Conference Committees, Attention. The conference committees of the Third, Keuith and Seventh wards arc requested te meet at the central headquarters en THUKS h.wkvkning at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of completing arrangements for the general meeting or the city Democracy, te be held nt the comer of south Queen, Strawberry and Middle streets en Friday evening under the joint auspices of the Third, Fourth and .Seventh wards. In the Lener End. There w ill be a general Democratic meeting under the auspices et the Third, Fourth and Seventh ward clubs at the corner el Straw- beny, Middle and Seuth Queen streets, en Friday evening. September 17. SPECIAL NOTICES. SAMPLE MOTICE. It Is impoi-slble ler a woman after a falthlut course of treatment v ith Lydla E. l'inkhain's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lvdia E. Finkham, 233 Western av enue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Jy2MydeedAw sic-k- headaches incessantly distract uiuny. i ,.. .wli n-n "Pelleib' Liver TilR" 25 cents- a be?. KEMKUV J?OH HARD TIMES. Slop spending se much en line clothes, rich feed anil style. Kuy geed, healthy feed, i..,..i--mil iM'ticrclothlnir:s:ctmereieal and substantial things of life every way, andes-iH-ciallv step the foelLsh habit of running niter expensive ami ipiack docteisior using se mucli or the vile humbug medicine that docs you only harm, and makes the proprietors rich, but nut jeiirtrnstin the greatest of all simple, linrercuudics, Hep Hitters, that cures always at a trilling cost, and you vv ill see better times and geed Kcaltle Try it once. Head of It in another celu'.-m. Try Lechcr's Itenevvnetl Cough Syrup tr j en v ant te get rid et pimples, bells, tet :r,&c., use "Lindsey'sllloed Searcher." Sold ter, by all tlruj fgists. Try Lechei's Renowned Cough Syrup Wn would recommend all te try Dr. Brown ing's Tonic and Alterative, as It Is a Perfect Illoed Purifier. Makes new RIoed, Reddens old Illoed, Enriches peer Weed, and Gives Vigorous Health. The dose Is but ene tea spoonful for an adult, and smaller In preper tien for children, and is exceedingly pleasant te take. Fer bale by the Proprietor, W. Cham Cham peon Hrewiilng, M. I)., 1117 Aich Street, Phila delphia, and all Druggists. Price 60 cents and $1 sUMvvciTThAS&w DOCTORS OAVE HIM UI. " Is it possible that Mr. Godirey Is up and ut vv eik, and cured by se simple a remedy 7" "I assure yen it Is true that he is entirely cured, anil a ith nothing but Hep Hitters nud only ten daj s age his doctors gave him up and taid lieniustdie!" "Well-a-day! If that is be, I will go this minute ami get some for my peer Geerge. I knew hops arc geed' Coughs. "Jlrewn's Jlrenehial Troches" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial AflccUens.. Fer thirty years these Troches have been in use, with annually increasing favor. They arc net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among thc'fewstaple rcmedlesef the age. The Threat. "JJreicn' Iirenchial Trecic" net directly en the organs of the voice. They have an ex traordinary ctTcct in all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tene vv hen re lated, cither irem celtl or overexertion or the nice, and produce a clear and distinct enunci ation.' Speakers and Singers And the Troches useful. , A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sens Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect ettcn- times results in some incuruuw aiuub iw. ' Brown's Jlrenehial Troches " will almost in variably give relief. Imitations are etTcrcd for sale, many et which arc injurious. The genu ine "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are sold only in boxes. lanlMyd&wTu.ThAS The Value of 1'ure Wine In Sickness. The chief difllculty with reliable wines has been their scarcity and exorbitant price, but this lias been removed by the introduction of a Pure Native Wine, produced trem the Oporto grape by Mr. Alfred Spccr, of New Jersey. We understand that he lias submitted his wine te the test el many of our celebrated physicians, and all concur In its purity, medicinal prop erties and superiority te the best Imported Pert Wine. Most et them prescribe it In cases of debility, aHectlens et the kidneys, and chronic complaints, requiring a tonic, su su eorific or diuretic treatment. Examiner. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by n. E. Slaymaker. SlSrSwuw 1NTELL1GENCEE THUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, J880. XXW AjirXMTIlUMlSXTB. Among the many advantages gained' emtciingb iettaBei8 location, an important one is the enlarged reMba and improve fa- ) cilitiee of our REPAIR DBPABTJUSWT. wnn our pnHeni. wue of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced hi our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. NOTICE! On and niter SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, the entire stock of BOOpAAOMlObSeiiiic ki.i ill SHOE STOUK. Ne. "bVi EAST KING STKEET. will be offered at a great SACUlt ICfc, te CLOSE OUT BUSINESS. Desiring te engage in ether business, 1 take mis opportunity xu efler the entire stock, consisting et , 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Makes, at Iciest 23 per cent, less than Jhey can be bought elsewhere. Having made a specialty in geed coils for 1 1hc last tvv e years asplendid opportunity is new offered te buy superior BOOTS and SHOES at lower prices than TBASH can be bought elsewhere. FA FARMEKS ! WUbln" te iniu-hase their BOOTS AND SHOES for Fall and Winter, new is your chance te buy CIIEAl7. Veuntrv storekeepers will de vv ell te call while our stock is jet complete V, e ii lse havua lliie el very line goods which we will sell from 1 te i a pair less than bcterc. The KN "a:.4rt,i; Vel-I...:',. i..uiii,.t.minnv ..ai'iissiltl.K. Wn iiIhe offer unart of thollxtureset the store, consisting of revolving fixture in window. Lounges, part of shelving, Wi one Fireproof Combination Safe, as geed as new. and line Shew Case and Stand, at PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. 26 1-2 East King St., opposite Lancaster Ce. Bank. C. A. Reeee. Xmi' ADVXltTlSEMEXTS. Office ok tub Mahesy Mutual Lifk Asse-) CIATIOX OF SELINSOnOVB, l'A. WANTED-GOOD, ACTIVE, RKSFONSI ble Agents In each township of the county of Lancaster. Applv in hand writing or Applicant te the Heme Office. OI Aiumeai r K nAMMETTf s,cc,j. si-llimfrrnve. Snvder county, ra., senicmnei 17, 18. --- ri- w - -..., ,.n.ribft scplC-lmd5tw Ol'ECIAL NOTICE. FAIiLr-1880. NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. HAGER & BROTHER ARC RECEIVING DAILY XKW FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEFATMENTS. NOVELTIES IN SILKS, NOVELTIES IN VELVETS, NOVELTIES IN FRENCH DRESS GOODS, NOVELTIES IN ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, NOVELTIES IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. LYONS KLACK ami COLORED SILKS, KLACK and COLORED BROCADE SILKS. TRIMMING SILKS and SATINS, KLACK and COLORED DRESS and TRIM MING VELVETS. BLACK CASHMERES. .Splendid value, 37c, 45c, Me, C7e, 75c, 87c,l , $1.25, KLACK SILK WAKF HENRIETTA, FRENCH CREPE CLOTH, MOMIE CLOTH, vviM.lKIl I'.REl'ES AND BLACK THIBET SHAWLS. Shawls, Cloaks and Cleakiiigs. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HOSIERY and UNDERWEAU, GLOVES. LACES and RIBKONS, CHINTZES and CRETONNES, MUSLINS and SHEETINGS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELS and TOWELING, TURKEY RED CLOTHS, MARSEILLES QUILTS, In laigc assortment, at very LOWEST pi ices. WCall and examine. HAGER & BROTHER. BECAUSE Oui Goods aie Carefully Selected, BECAUSE The Designs are Aitistic anil New, BECAUSE The Colorings :ue Rich anil Harmonious BECAUSE The Prices aie Extreme!) Reasonable. We ask you te v isit iiswhen you aie in want of CARPETS FAFEB HANK, LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. J. B. Martin & Ce., Cerner West King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER, PA. FARMERS ! ritlng Desk, NEW AVVERTISEMENTH. DANCING SCHOOL. Reopening el T. J. McGUIRE'S Dancing Scheel at Grant Hall, Tuesday Evening; September 21. Ludles and Gentlemen's Classes for Instruc tions new forming. Private Lessens given singly or In classes. Glide, Racquet and New Heel and Tee taught. Terms very moderate. sepl&3td umi.ic AUCTION. ex- Monday Evening, September 20, will be sold at Ne. 150 North (nccu St., Lancaster, Fa a large let et Household and Kitchen Furni ture, consisting of Walnut Chamber Suits. Walnut Extension Tables, Ollice Desks, Hair Mattresses, Sewing Machines, Lounges, ene elegant Parler Mirror, one halr-eleth Parler Suit, ene Hat Rack, Steves anil ltanges, four elegant Shew Cases, ene Piane, Canl Tables, and a vurlcty el goods net mentioned. Thee goods come from families In the county and are. all in uoed condition. Goods received up te 10 o'clock en day of sale. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock sharp. HESS & M.INN. Samuel Hess & Sex, Ancts. scpl6-3tdR AMVSEMUNTS. A GKAND EXHIBITION OF LANCASTER county t retting Horses. HAG RACE, MULE RACE, FOOT RACE, and live classes et Tretting Horses, at the Lan caster Driving Park, SATURDAY AFTEltXOOX, SErT. 13, lfySO. Fer premiums ami ontrance fees consult post pest ers. The occasion will be enlivened by the EDEN SILVER CORNET RAND. Admission, 25c. Children, 10c. Address. mui mu r-jnnv. sM-3td Lancaster, l'u. O1 kl'CllA HOUSE TIIUIiSDA Y EVEZflXa. SEPT. 1G, 1SS0. GRAVES' An American comedy representing the four seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, presented with ALL NEW SCENERY AND A GOOD DRA MATIC COMPANY. Singing and Dancing. Three happy hours. REHEARSAL IN THE BARN, Introducing the "5 GIPSY COMICS," In their Negro, German, Irish, tcrpsichercan anil vocal specialties. Prices. 35c, 50c. and 73c. Diagram at Ycek er's elhce. sll-5td r ' T7ULTON OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1880. Engagement for one night only of the Welleslcy & Sterling Combination, appearing in an original Drama of powerful interest, lull of exciting incidents and situ ations, entitled THE OLD CROSS; Or, the Dgs or the Ferest. MISS MARIE WELLESLET as.IARTINO, he Rese of Corbeil; W. E. STERLING as KALCOM a GIPSY, and a Powerful Dramatic Company, introducing the Wonderful Acting LEONItERG DOGS, Sultan, Ciesar and Sambo, pronounced by all the largest and most mag nificent Dogs iu America. Popular prices of admission 35 and 50 cents. Secure your seats at the Opera Heuso Ollice. scpl5-3td MB. JOHN 1. MISHLEU HAS THE pleasure et presenting at the Opera Heuso SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1880, Auici lea's Finerite Prima Denna Come dienne, ALICE OATES, ami her talented Comedy Company in the New Coin ct ly " LONG BRANCH." Mirth, Music, Meledy. The most comically comic of till cemicalities. Illustrative of Sea side Summer Scenes. TIME OF THE PLAY The interesting period known as Summer, when all mankind vies wit lithe Ice In melting. SCENE OF THE PLAT The rural village of New Tork and the adjacent metropolitan city Leng Branch. Prices, 35, SO anil 75 cents. Diagram at decker's. sepl5-ltd IfK. JOHN I. MISUL.EH HAS TUE JjJL honor of presenting TUESDAY, SEPT. 21st, 1880, Henry C. Jarrctt's Operatic Spectacle, CINDERELLA; Or, THE LITTLE LASS SLIPPER, which will be produced at the Opera Heuse with Magnillceni Scenery, Grand European Ballet, Gorgeous Stage Costumes, Large Orchestra and Magnificent Chorus, under the distinguished master, Mr. Mux Maretzck. Notwithstanding the large expense attending this great entertainment, NO AD VACE IN PRICES, 35, DO and 75 Cents. Diagram at Ycckcr's Ofllcc. t-eplC 5td n'ANTEV. WANTED. .EVEKTBODY TO ADVEK tlse, free of charge. In the Ihtuxiekn ckr. who wants something te de. -ITfrANTED. A GOOD COOK WANTED V Immeiliatcly at sf-tfd 443 NORTH DUKE STREET. WANTED A SITUATION BY A COACH Painter te make himself generally nsc lul, cither at coach painting or anything else. Goetl recommendation. Apply at this ellice. scp!4Std WANTED. A GOOD GIRL TO COOK and de general housework. Geed wages and a permanent situation given. Apply at Glebe llotel,cerncr North Queen ami Chestnut streets, JOSEPH CKEMER, 2td Proprietor. WANTED TEN (10) HONEST AND EN crgetlc men or ladles te introduce a new article. Fer particulars call after 9 o'clock a. m. at 45 West King street. 2td B. FRANK SAYLOR. THIRD EDITI0S. THUBSDAY EVBN'G, SEPT. 16, 1880. NIP AND TUCK. BUT PIAISTEB ELECTED. MAINE'S CLOSE VOTE. BLAME DOCTOBlXti THE RETURNS. REPUBLICANS CLAIMING THE STATE. BUT THE DEMOCRATS CONFIDENT. Miscelaneeua Telegrams. I'LAISTED'S ELECTION SURE. New Yerk, Sept. 10. The national Dcmociatie cemmittee Las just received the following dispatch from Portland : 384 towns give Plaisted 65,995 and Davis 67,828; Republican majority 1,833. Iu 1876 the same towns gave the Republicans 85,382,' opposition 70,477; Republican majority in 1876, Republican less since 1875, 13,11.1, 13,292. The 120 towns net yet heard from gave considerable Democratic majority in 1S76, Thcre is no doubt of Plaistcd's election. Fer Congress the contest between Lind scyand Philbrick is clese aud doubtful. The committee scut out this afternoon the following despatcli : "New Yerk, Sept. 16. Our latest in formation is te the effect that Plaisted has a clear majority of semen here fiem 500 te 1,500. Ne amount of cheating which it is apparent the Republicans are trying te de can affect this result. Every thing is being done te watch them and defeat fraud en their part. Signed "W. II. B.vunum, Chairman.'' ltOUTELLEM BLUSTER. Ccperted Republican Gulus. Auut'STA, Sept. 1C Returns received from 419 towns, a considerable part official, give tlie following vote : Davis, '.70,9G5, Plaisted C,057, Nye 174, scattering 235. Davis Icadcs by 1,479 votes. There arc yet 81 towns and 8 plantations te hear from, wliieh voted last year as fellows : Davis 2,427, Smith 1,758, Gaicelen 1,982 ; Fusionists ever Davis, 1,313. If these 81 towns aud 8 plantations have voted the same as last year Davis is elected by a nia nia nia iorityeflGO. The constitutional amen d- ments are doubtless both accepted. Portland, Sept. 10. Five plantations and small towns of Somerset county, en the lemetcst upper waters of the Kenne bec, received additional this morning, give Davis 193, and Plaisted 191 ; last year they gave Davis 130, Smith 132, and Gar Gar Gar oclen 51. Republican majority of 2 this year against a Fusion mujei ity of G7 last year. Cl.riuiing Davia'ft Election. New Yerk, Sept. 1G. At the head quarters of the Republican national com mittee in this city the election of Davis ever Plaisted is claimed upon the base of a despatch from Maine which states that Davis's majority will reach 1,439. PEKIL& OF MINING. Anether Disaster Near Shenandoah. Pottsville, Sept. 16. An explosion of Milphur occurred this morning at Richaid Ilccksher & Ce.'s Kohineor colliery, near Shenandoah, by which Richard Ficsize, inside foreman, Jehn Ilargravcs, lire bes, and William Manncls, Dennis Corgan and Jehn Corgan, miners, were seriously and Frank Temple, a miner, slightly burned. The men have all been taken out of the mine except J. Gergan, who is supposed te be dead. Discussing lynch Imw. N.biiviid.E, Tcnn., Sept. 10. At Guth rie, Ky., last night, 200 men met and dis cussed the question whether they should visit Springfield and lynch the remaining negrees connected with the Laprade mur der, but they afterwards dispersed. The six prisoners wcie brought here last night by the sheriff of Robertsen county aud placed in jail for safe keeping, by order of Governer Marks. IN FOREIGN LANUS. TlioIUter jMle Rises. Caire, Sept. 1G. The river Nile is us ing badly. The cotton crop in the intciier has Miflcrcd. Overiluwcd Its Hanks. Londen, Sept. 16. The river Ousc has overflowed its bauks, and crops and ether property have been destroyed. The French ministry. Londen, Sept. 16. The Paris coircs ceircs coircs respendentoftho Morning Pest says : "The belief that De Freycinct will resign gains ground. The National names M. Jules Ferry as his probable successor, but, I am assured, en geed authority. The difficulty will be temporarily smoothed ever and a crisis postponed." Candidate Withdrawn. Baltimore, Sept. 1G. Dr. Frank T. Shaw, Democratic nomince for Congress from the Second district of this state, has formally withdrawn from the canvass for reasons of a public and private nature im pelling him te decline the candidacy which he had accepted. Anether convention will be held. Philadelphia Republicans. Philadelphia Sept. 16 The follow ing nominations were made te-day by the Republican conventions without opposi tion : Judge of the court of common pleas Ne. 3, Themas K. Finletter ; coroner, Dr. W. N. Janney ; district attorney, Gee. S. Graham ; city controller, Joel Geek. Hurt by Jumping lrem the Cars. Philadelphia, Sep. 16. This morning Daniel Van Winkle, fortyfive years of age, a rcsidcut of Pottsville, jumped from a train en the New Yerk division of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad, at Ridge avenue crossing, and cut his head severely. lie was conveyed te the hos hes pical. Nominated for Congress. Chicago, Sept. 16. The Democrats of the Third Wisconsin district yesterday nominated M. M. Calhcrn for Congress. WKATBKK INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Sept. 16. Fer the Middle" A.tlantie states, stationary, or lower, baremctcrsiightly'warmcrwestcrly winds," " clear or partly cloudy weather. Naval Expedition. Raevsa, Sept. 16. Sir Frcderick Scy Scy meur, the British vioe-adwiral,wUl as sume the supreme command of the inter national ileet en Monday next. Prier te the carrying out of the naval demonstration, the dispatch vessel Helicon has been sent te rcconneiter the waters of Dulclngne. The Virginia Faction. Richmond, Sept. 10. The.Roadjusters' committee iu an all-night session decided te reject the plan of compromise submit ted by the regular Democratic state com cem cem mitteo. Maryland Graeabacker. Baltimore, Sept. 10. The state Green back Laber party iucouveutionhere te-day nominated presidential electors and also made congressional nomination for all the districts. MARKETS. Mew Yerk Market. Nkw Yerk. Sept. 16. Fleur State ami West ern firm ; fairly acttve expert and home trade demand; Supertinc.$::25W4 10; extra de $3850 i 10; choice, de, 15i50: lancy de., $4 70 e (O; round hoop Ohie Jl 15Q4 60: choice de $1 03$5 73 ; superllne western 43303 1 10; common te geed extra de t5 s5K 25 : choice de tle ft 3 )0 i"i ; choice white wheat de ft 15 f0; Southern llrni, unchanged ; common te fair extra O.Qi 3; geed te choice de 5 2.1QU 5i). . , ... AV heat level ish and un-ettled ; opened alteut lc better; atter wards y'ic advance lest: Ne. 2 Red, Sept.,$lOtffJlus:di Oct., $101 fill W : de Nev., SI W1 10j ; Ne. 1 White, Oet,$llteillte'i. ... , . Cern heav valid a shade loner ; Mixed west ern spot, 5165lW:le future. 51"8Mie. Oats about Me belter : Ne. 2 September K,l.ic ; dnOctobcrSSKe; de Ne ember 37Je; State, 1 tic; Western iOQUc. I I'hlladelphla Market. PniiADisLrniA, Sept. 10. Fleur linn, with del sinible brands in small supply ; superllne $3 SO .l 00; extra IJ00SJ 75-; Ohie ami Indiana lamily at $500" SO; Pcnn'a family de $187 25 25 ; St. Lnni lamily at $5 50 00 ; Minnesota r.unily $5 W5 87 ; patent ami high grades tf 50 (pOO. Rye flour '-earec at $5 00. Wheat strong and higher: Ne. 2 Western Retl $10rtM; Pa. Red $1001 07; Amber 107. Cern llruierlorleeatu-o: steamer 5Jc; yel low 5l5IJ'e; mixctl5e'.'VIC. Oats ilnii heltl higher ; Ne. 1. Whitel-'c : Ne. 2,Me40liKc; Ne. 3, de -li)v; Ne.1?. Mixed :!7J7)e. Rye llrm and scarce ; t-ales at 90c. Previsions steady: intssperk $1C 0ulfi50; beef hams til) oeg-M 00 : Indian m.ss beet nt $li;00 ; smoked hams 1231 te; pickled hams 01 dwy.a bacon smoked shoulders f?i7c ; salt ''"Lord steady ; city kettle at S8Jc ; loeso butchers' tc ; prime steam $S tl. Ruttcr uctie and prices advancing; Creamery extra 3132c ; Creamery geed te choice 273te: Bradford county ami New lerk extra. 27M0e; Western reserve extra 2PQ22c: tle uoed te eholee lCfJIUc; Rolls scarce and wanted; Penn'u extra 2U21 ; Western rcscrve extra 20821c. Eggs scarce aud llrm ; Pennsylvania at 21c; Western Sue. . ., , , ,, Cheese llrm with fair trade ; New Yerk full cream 13Ke; Western luU cream 12K323c; de fair te geed li;'12ie; de half slilms l(l(!?10JC. Petieleiim llrm ; leilned leje. Scetls Goetl te prime Clever dull at $30iJ ffiSSO ; Tliuntliylirmer at $2 IWS'2 70; Flaxseed llrm at $123. Sleck Market. September 1C. Nkw Yeuk Stocks. Stocks steatly. a. m. a. m. r. m. r. v. r. M 10.J5 11:30 2.05 2iW 3.011 ?n,.i Meney.... V.rU' it- K. .. 3S :r'4 y. Michigan S. & L.S?....10s U'. lObJ iUlCUlgnil lyUIll. I., a... i-.Vn ' ., Chicago N. W Z 10IJ4 m Chicaun. M & St. ! ill . ltpl Il.in. & St.. I. Cem " " P'hl.... Teledo & Wabash.... Ohie& Mississippi.... St. Leuis, I. M. A S. K.. Ontario and Western si S1K 2?1 wi 2y Hi 23K i'j5 te; 55J3 23'! C. C. A I. C. R. K. u. c it i. yi. j.. j. New Jersey Central.. 7t.'4 ii. t. HiiiNen Canal. 85-'. vj'4 77 Xrl fi..i i ..L- Wi.ti.ru Ul' K)- w Western Union Tel...l0ief mji lel .... Pacillc Mail S. S. Ce.. 10-A "t'i i?4 Manhattan Elevateil. I 31 Union Pacillc. Kansas & Texas... 31 New 1 erk Cell ir.i l Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland & Pitts Chiejge A Reck L Pittsburgh & Ft. W PlllLAlELVIII.. Pennsylvania R.R.... .V.fJ Phil'a. A Reading..... 15-,'i Lehigh Valley 5t Lehigh Navigation .. 35 Northern Pacilic Cem :VA PM . X Pitts.,TitusvV& IS.... 1 Northern Central 37K Phil'a & Erie R. R Northern Pcnn'a Un. R. It's efN. J Hestonville Pass CentMV Trans. Ce. 129A lITi 121 lit) H rift ' ii; 51 ? .'Ii it; IVl 51 35 31 55'4 I-V4 isji fOIt SALE OR REST. F OK sali:. A steed second hanil Organ, very cueap. wanna a goon iiey. .JUblUS STUCK ENHOLZ, sLJ-Std Fulton Hall. PUP.LIC KENTAI.-ON THURSDAY. SE1' TEMISER10, 18S0, will lie rented by pub lic enterv, at the Cooper Heuse, Lancaster citv, Pa.,"the following, le nit : That elegant STORE ROOM situated Nes. 38 and W West King street, Lancaster, opposite the Cooper Heii-c, lately occupied by Philip Sehuiu (deceasetl) Seu A Ce., with all thu counters, shelving and glass cases. Renting te eomuience at 7 o'clock p.m. or said day w hen conditions w ill be made known J JOHN E. SCHUM. CHARLES F. HOLZWARTH, Administrators. Samum. Hfcss A Se:j, Ancts. septll-5td CUTY PROPERTY AT l'UIILIC SAL.K ; On TUESDAY, SEPl'EMRER21,lS),will be sold at the Cooper Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, the heiihe and let lately owned and occupied bv General James L. Reynold, tlcc'tl. The let is situated en the cast slde of North Prince street, in this city, between Orange and Chestnut streets, at the corner nt a public alley, containing in Irent en Prince street ulercsaid, thirty-three leet, and extending eastward of that width mm hundred ami twenty-one leet, mero or lesn, en which is erected a comfortable two-story BRICK HOUSE, with two story Brick Rack Building. It contains eight rooms, exclusive or the little, together w ith v. ide Irdls en each lloer, and has a Imlrunt iu the kitchen as well as In the yard. There are en the premises Grape Vines, Peach ami Pear Trees, all choice lrult. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, when its conditions will be made known by the undersigned, -vhe will then be In at tendance. A. SLAYMAKER, Executer et the will or James L. Reynolds, dee'd. . . , S. Hess A Sex. Aitcts. sepl-tsd PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL estate iiiLniittudi-ndty. On WEDNES DAY t-tciiing. SEPTEMBER 15. IbftO, at 7 o'clock, at the Sw an Hetel, Seuth ciiiecn street, in the city or Lancaster, w ill be sold the fol lowing real estate, vhs: Ne. 1. A let of ground. Ne. CU.east side of Seuth Oiieen street, containing in lrent25fect and in depth 110 leet with an alley, upon which is erected a Twe-story Brick DWELL ING HOUSE, with two-story brick back build ing and Blacksmith Shep iu basement. Ne. 2, Three building lets, situated in same pluce, containing in Irent 19 feet each and in depth 110 feet, en w hieh Is erected a one-story Frame Stable. . .. . i . Ne. 3, A let of ground, situated In same place, containing in Irent 20 feet and in depth 140 feet, en which is erected a two-story WugoninnkerVshep. Ne I A let or ground, situated in same place, containing in front 23 feet and in depth 110 feet, en which is erected a two-story Brick Dwelling house with one story Irame back b PoWtes'ion and title en April 1, 1381. Terms en .lay of sale by wnJ AM SElrERT. Samuel Hess A Se. Aucts. sepl-eedts GRAIN Sl'ECULATlON ,,., In large or small amounts. $25 or 120,000 Wrltc W.T.SOULE CO.. Commission Mer chants, 130 La Salle street, Chicago, HI., for clr ulars. m2-iyd s EALED PROPOSALS FOR DELIVERING Filtv Tens of hartl white ash coal, br DXVKL'n will be received by either of the undcrsigne-d up te Sep;. 17, ate o'clock, p. in., each lead of coal te le weighed en the city scales. JOHN L. ATLEE, President. CUAS. M. HOWELL, Secretary. sll-Cttl Le. te -the Heme for Jrrlciulless cnuurun.