ft --'--?-- .v.-n -. ; f ; t ;'. '-'-,"" ." Sje pMte$te ri i . . - ' . i ' ' J ! Volume XYII-Ne. 13. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1880 Price Twe Cents. ' f - -. J 4 ' CLOTMNG. H. GERHART, TAILOR, Has Just opened a CHOICE STOCK or FIHB WOOLENS FOB TUB FALL TRADE. SELECT STYLES and none but the best et ENGLISH, FRENCH AKD AMERICAN FABRICS, - IT- Ne. 51 North Qtees Street. H. GERHART. Loudeu and Iw Yerk NOVELTIES, IN GREAT VARIETY, FOR MEFS WEAR, NOW OPEN AT SM ALI NG'S THE ARTIST TAILOR xurniture. HEINITSH, FINE FTJKNITUKE AKD Cabiuet Manufacturer. All In want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk would de well te call and oxamlne specimens et our work. OFFICE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. HEINITSH, 15 Kast Kins Street. CAMl'AIGN GOOVS. "IVMPAION UOODSt New Samples ! New Styles ! Clubs ami Committees Invited te call and ex amine our goods before purchasing. CAPES, COATS, IIATS, CAPS, HELMETS TORCHES. KADGES. STREAMERS, FLAGS, liUKGEES, (Political Lanterns Tery cheap.) Bunting Flags of All Sizes. Portraits of Presidential Nominees en cloth, sultaule ler Banners and Transpar encies. PLASH TOROH. Every Club ought te have some, even If they tle notliave them for entire Club. D. S. BU11SK, 17 East King Street, Lancaster. MODES, BLANKETS, AC. OIGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS I nave new en hand the Labe est. Best aud Ckkafest Asseiitkbht of Lined and Unlincd BUFFALO ROItES In the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A fuU line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 0Repalring neatly and promptly dencGK A. MILEY, 108 North 0M0M St., Lancaster. eVlydMWAS bounders and macuznists. T ANCASTEB BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OFFOBRX IBM LOOOKOTIVB Webes. The subscriber conttauee te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes Furnace Twicrs, Bellows Plpes, Sheet-Iren Werk, and Blacksmithlng generally. 49 Jobbing promptly attended te. auglfl-lyd JOHN BEST. 1TOY LOCHER'S UKNUWNEP COFGH . SYRUP DMT GOODS. PAOESTOCJI'S, Next Doer te the Court Hener. Open this day the Largest Stock or UNDERWEAR Fer Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, DRAWERS, VESTS AND SHIRTS, 12X, 13, 18, 20, 23, 3, 50, C5, 75c, Te be found In the city. GRAND FALL OPENING OF LADIES' SKIRTS. FIVK HUNDRED FELT. FLANNEL, SILK AND WOOL SKIRTS, te be be sold much less than REGULAR PRICES. FAHNESTOCK'S, Ifexr. Doer te the Court Heuse. F ALL 1880. PALL 1880. CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER FA. Having closed out our entire stock of Car pets damaged at the late lire en our premises, we are new receiving a full assortment of the very latest designs, and will be able te hew the largest aad Hnest stock of Carpets ever olio red in Lancaster, including CHOICE STYLES IN MOQUET. BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, THREE PLY, EXTRA SUPERFINE, MEDIUM INGRAIN, DAMASK HALL and STAIR CARPETS, With Inch. 2-4 and Borders te Match. ALSO, WILTON, MOQUET, BODY BRUSSEL, VELYETand TAPESTRY RUGS and DOOR MATS. DRUGGETS in Pattern and by the yard. PLAIN and BORDERED COCOA MATS and MATTINGS. Linoleum and Fleer Oil Cleth. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPEIt. AH the Latest Fall Designs or the leading manufacturers and importers, and In all qual ities. 3- Estimates made and Paper Hung by rc li.ilile paper hangers. J. II. MARTIN & CO. WE ARE NOW 6HOWIXG THE LATEST FALL PATTERNS WALL PAPERS ASD CARPETS VERY LOW PRICES. FANCY DADO WINDOW SHADES. PLAIN SHADING, ALL WIDTHS. 3 SPRING AND CORD FIXTURES Wide Shading for Stere Windows. MOSQUITO CANOPIES ALL SIZES. 3Wc respectfully solicit a call. J. B. lartin & Ce., LANCASTER, PA. CMS A. AND GLASSWARE. pi KEAT BARGAINS CHINA HALL. LN CHINA, GLASS AND QDBENSWARE. large assortment of Fancy Flower Pets, Plain Flower Pets. A full line of tham In our window. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. IB EAST KING STREET. CI O WEST, FOB TUB BEST COFFEES, T Sugars and Teas, Best Cigars and Tobac cos, Best Wines and Liquors, Ask ler Oakdale Fare Old Rye Whisky. 93 per cent. Alcohol. Invigorating Tonic and the Hair Liquid. AU at RINGWALT'S Se. 206 WEST KINO STREET. KIDNEY PADS. DATC MET PAD! A DISCOVERY BY ACCIDENT, which supplies a want men of eminent ability have devoted years of stndy and experiment te find a Specific for Diseases et the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Organs and Nervous System and from the time of Its discovery has rap idly increased in favor, gaining the approval and confidence et medical men and these who have used It; it has become a favorite with all classed, and wherever Introduced has super seded all ether treatments. In short, such is Its Intrinsic merit and superiority, that It is new the only recognized reliable remedy. Is Strongly Endorsed! We have the most unequivocal testimony te Its curative powers from many persons et high character, intelligence and responsibility. Our book, "Hew a Lite was Saved," giving the history of this discovery, and a large record of most remarkable- cures, sent free., write for it. DAY'S KIUNJCT PADS are sold by all drug gists, or will be sent by mail (free el postage) en receipt of their price: Regular, $2; Special, for obstinate cases of long standing, $3; Chil dren'.", 91.00. Address. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. PATTTTflN Owln te tIle many worthless UaUllUXl. Kidney Pads new seeking a sale en our reputation, we deem It due the atllictcd te warn them. Ak for DAY'S KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether. st-lvdeedMW&F&w $500 REWARD! OVER A MILLION OK PROF. GUILMETTE'S Fucli Kitey Pais Have already been sold In this country and in France : every one of which has given perfect satisfaction, and has performed cures every time when used according te directions. We new say te the atllictcd and doubting ones that we wil pay the above reward ler a single case et LAME 1BACK that the Pad falls, te cure. This Great itcmcily will Positively and Permanently cure Lum bage, Lame Back, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Bright's Disease el the Kidneys, In continence and Retention et the Urine, In flammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder. High Colored Urine, Pain In the Back, Side or Leins, Nervous Weakness, und in tact all disorders of the Bladder and Urinary Organs whether contracted by private dlseae or otherwise. LADIES, if you arc suffering from Female Weakness. Luucerrhau. or any disease of the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CUBED I Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH CURES BY ABSORPTION. Askyonrdruggistfer PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether. If he has net get it, send $2 and you will re ceive the Pad by return mall. Fer wile by JAMES A. MEYERS, Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbia, Pa. held only by GEO. W. HULL, Druggist, 15 W. King St., Lancaster, Pa. augll-CindcedM.W&F Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Will positively enre Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake. Bulleus Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia and nil diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Bleed. Price $1.50 by mall. Send for Prof. Gnllmctte's Treaties en the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. augll-GmdcedH.W&F COAL. R It. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds el LUMBER AND COAL. 49 Yard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen, Lancaster. iiS-lyrt COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of the Best Quality put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. S- YARD 150 SOUTH WATER ST. ne2!Uyd PHILIP SCHUM, SON A CO. c OAL! COAL! COAL!!! Wc have constantly en hand all the best grades of COAL that arc in market, which wc are selling as low as any yard in the city. Call and get our prices before buying else where. ffl. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, 827-lyd ZM NORTH WATER STREET. COHO & WILEY, 3SO NOKTU WATER ST., Lancaster, l'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch emcc : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. feb28-lyd lO TO GORREOHT & CO.S ren GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, and all ether kinds of Ceal. Quality and quantity gnaranteed. Yard, Harrisburg Pike. Olllic,205 East Chestnut btrcct. augl-tfd COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kinds of COAL go te RUSSEL.& SHULMYER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Order re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 22 East King Street. YARD: C18 North Prince Street. augll-taprlSR VAMVMTS. OARGAINS FOIl EVERYBODY. RARE CHANCE IN CARPETS, Positive eala te Reduce Stock et 6,000 Yards Bras Camels, AT AND BELOW COST. Call and satisfy yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpets In almost endless variety .at H. 8. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 33 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made entand ttendea te without.addltienal cost. e27-ly Hancastec -ntrlligrnrer. WEDNESDAY EVEN'S, SEPT. 15, 1880- THE NORTHWEST. Correspondence Treni neje:i:l the Missis sippi. HONOR TO HANCOCK. The Address or Citizens of Maryland, Most of them Republicans, te the Jlcre of the War-ticu. ItlcCoekV Opin ion of Hancock. TOINTS OF THE CANVASS. THE NKUROES AND Till: SOUTH. Jiiduc Black en Garllcl.l. Western Correspondence. Beyond the Father of Waters. Minneapolis, Sept. 10, 1830. Wc found our fi tends .Tudrc J. P. Ilea and wife pleasantly located en Nicelcttc is land. . They are both in the enjoyment of excellent health and like their new home very much, and enjoy Western life ; and while tliey have made hosts of fi tends among the best citizens here, they love te refer te the many friends they left behind theui in old Lancaster, for whom they en tertain the warmest friendship. The .i;rcat event here new is the fair held under the auspices of the Northwestern agricultural exposition, of which Cel. Win. 15. King, of Pacilie mail steamship .subsidy fame, is the piesident. The display is very geed, but te one who saw the Centennial exhibit ieiyill such things aie very much dwarfed. There is a geed exhibition of horses and fine cattle, the former principally of Nerman stock, which sevcial patties in the state arc largely engaged inimpetting diicct from Prance. This display in agiicultural products is very large ; the different railroad compa nies having large collections from along the line of their respective reads. Wc noticed one party who had en exhibition two hundred and eighteen varieties of potatoes, many of which weie the liucst wc ever saw. The races, as iku.iI at all fails, are the principal attiaetien. The day before we arrived there was a lace between two lady euesterians of twenty miles for a purse of 3,003. The parties were Miss Helle Cook, of California, and Miss Jcwett, of Minnesota. During the race Miss Jcwett was unhorsed by the turning of the s.sddle and severely injtiicd. The race was decided in favor of Mis- Cook, te whom the money was rewarded. Te d.iy there is another race between lady equestrians for a purse of $2,000. IF. Tribute te ten. Hancock. What Leading Republicans Saul of IIlui In 1870. A True Patriot and a Renowned Soldier, and One te AVliem the liomage of t.'ie Natien is JJuc The Here et a Hundred Battle. In Baltimore much comment has been occasioned by publicity being given for the first time te a highly complimentary letter te Gen. Hancock which was pre sented te him in 18(50 by the residents of that city, irrespective of paity. The letter, which accompanied a present of a life-size portrait of the recipient, is as fellows : September 27, 18G0. "Majer-Oen. Winjicld S. Hancock, U. S. A. Dear Sin : Though the clanger of arms, booming of cannon, the sufferings of the wounded and dying, arc no longer heard throughout the land, coming up from en sanguined battlefields, quickening the re collections of the imperishable deeds of these gallant spirits who for four long and bloody years steed bravely up between treason upon the one band and their country's honor en the ether, yet the hearts of a sympathizing people, while turning with a lively gratitude te an overruling Providcnce for the ultimate triumph given te the cause of justice, righteousness and truth, will ever encircle with the wreath of sorrow the holy memories of these who have fallen, andplacethc chaplet of victory upon the scarred and meritorious brews of thcirsur viving comrade. The first defiant note of the rebellion, as it fell like a pall upon the hearts of the people, reached you upon the golden sheics of the distant Pacific, where the seeds of treason were premising an abundant harvest and traiteis were re joicing in the prospect of a rich domain, but where, in the emergencies of the oc casion, your voice and example were po tential in awakened the spirit of patiietism in loyal hearts and in strengthening their adherence te the flag of their country, the integrity of the Union and the rights of man. Fiem thence the eyes of your admir ing countrymen and the sympathies of their hearts followed you in your homeward course te the Atlantic, and afterward they accompanied you down through your ac tive participation in the various campaigns in defence of the Union in which you aud your brave followers bere se distinguished a part. As a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night you led the invinci ble columns of your ever-glorious old Sec ond army corps from victory te victory, gathering new glories upon your tattered banners and increased devotion in your unfaltering heart with each successive con flict upon a hundred battlefields, by which the names of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Garnctsvillc, Gelding's Farm, Savage Sta tion, White Oak Swamp, Crampton's Pass, Antictam, Fredericksburg, Clian Clian cellersvillc, Gettysburg, the Wilder ness, Spettsylvania Court Heuse, North Anna lliver, Tolepotomy Creek, Deep Bettem, in front of Petersburg, Ream's Station, and Boydstown Read have been rendered forever memorable and as enduring as the everlasting continent upon which they stand. In surveying the vast array of glorious names and brilliant achievements hewn out with the sword and inscribed with the bayonet by the old Army of the Potomac, upon wliieh coming generations will delight te dwell, the name and deeds of Hancock will for ever, shine with unborrewed lustre, and carry with them an inspiration elevating in its tone, irresistible in its iullucncc, and lasting in its results upon the future mili tary reputation of our country. In ten dering, then, sir, within the narrow con fines of this letter, the accompanying mili tary painting of one te whom the homage of the nation is se justly due, we trust in Him whose mighty arm has se often shielded you amid the carnage of battle, that your life may be long in the land, te the unity and integrity of whose govern ment your eminent military services have contributed se much te preserve and per petuate, and that your closing hears may be as beautiful, joyous and full of premise of the coming morrow as the going down of the evening sun behind the distant hills of your far-oil" western home. With the highest admiration and regard, we remain very sincerely and truly." Among the lit signers te this docu ment, every one of whom, with three ex ceptiens, are Republicans, are the Hen. Jehn L. Themas, jr., collector of the pert ; the Hen. Archibald Stirling, jr., United States district attorney ; the Hen. Jehn Lee Chapman, the last Republican mayor of Baltimore ; Lieut. Henry W. Jenes, U. S. A. ; Wm. E. Heeper, the Republi can candidate for mayor last year ; the late Hen. Columbus O'Donnell : Mr. Enech Pratt, vice president of the Phila delphia, Wilmington & Baltimore rail road , the Hen. Washington Beeth, ex ex ex collccter of the pert; the Hen. Rcvcrdy .TefihlSOn, Mr. Samuel M. Shoemaker, Mr. J. J. Stewart, Gen. Jehn R. Kcnly, and Gen. Richard Bewcrman. As nearly all the feigners arc new prominent in the Re publican party in the state, and are all merchants and business men of wealth and position, the letter has attracted general attention. The Democratic state central committee will have it printed and distri buted broadcast all ever the state. Slr Negroes Vete the Democratic Ticket. Duhtiiue Herald. A gentleman new in Dubuque, who has lcsided fifteen years in Louisiana, North Carolina, and Texas, throws some light upon the subject of " why the negre voted the Democratic ticket." He says that " when the war ended and peace wasde claied you never saw a mere jubilant let of colored people than the Southern ne ne geoes. Shortly after the ratification of the peace measures piopesed and accepted the Seuth became literally swarmed with Neithern carpet-baggers, who ingratiated themsclvas into the geed graces of the former slaves. They told them all about Uncle Sam ; that the intended te give each one of them forty acres of land and a mule. The incredulous blacks believed it aud were honest in that belief. These North ern speculators opened stores, rented lands, and hired negrees te till the soil en shares, conditioned that they should purchase supplies of them, the carpet-baggers agreeing te help them along until the crops were harvested. The dark eys were industrious and worked content edly in the cotton, rice and sugar fields, expecting in the fall te have forty acres, a mule and enough money from the profits of their season's labor te start them en the high read te prosperity. The fall and the spring came, but their anticipations of prosperity proved an ignus fatuus. When settling time came, the philanthropic Northerner, who went 'down Seuth' te benefit the black race, charged the peer men 230 icr cent, profit upon all the goods purchased during the season, and se man ipulated the scales that mere than half the products brought te them were actual ly stolen from the blacks. " In many instances, darkeys were com pelled te work another season te pay the balance due these sharks after taking pos session of their cntire cotton crop. After a while the inore intelligent of the negrees began te sec hew they were being swin dled, and in some cases recovered from the thieves. As seen as we discovered the tricks that were being played upon our former slaves, we interfered! and caused a number of the swindlers te leave the coun try te avoid arrest and imprisonment. This action en our part regained the confi dence of the negre, aud in all political mat ters he sought our advice. It was net until the swindlers of the Frccdmcn's bank ruined nearly all the industrious frccd men of the Seuth that they began te realize hew ardently the Northern car petbagger Moved' them. In my state, Seuth Carolina, the negrees were frantic ever the result of that swindling institu tion, and they swore vengeance upon the heads of all Northerners who come among tlictn. They had cause for their revenge ful feelings. Never were a pcople mere duped. But it has had its effect. The ne ne geoes leek te us for aid and protection. They take our advice, as wc de net cheat them. The consequence is that they go te the polls and vote for their friends these with whom they were born and raised. All the Republican speakers, doc uments and money sent among them new cannot change their feeling toward the while Southerners who have aided and protected them since the war closed. That is the reason why the negrees vote the Democratic ticket." Why Alabama is Democratic. A Colored Hancock Club in Montgomery Numbering Over 000 Voters. Te the EniTen op the Sun Sir: I have seen for the last few weeks sundry communications from Alabama te the Trib une and TtMCs reciting the frauds in the late election. They say that the Republi cans voted for the Greenback candidate. In some counties they did, but in ethers it was hardly known that there was such a ticket in the field. The Democrats were se con fident that in a great many counties they had no conventions, and turned every can didate loose en his own merits. This ac counts for the immense vote polled. Every vote was brought out. There was no Re publican ticket in the field, except in a very few counties ; but there were Inde pendents in almost every county; and Republicans voted for some Independents and some Democrats. In our county (Lee) there was an Independent ticket in the field, and the Republicans in convention endorsed part of the Democratic ticket and part of the Independent ticket, and urged the Republicans te vote the endorsed ticket. They say that the colored voters' rights are net protected at the polls. Every fair minded man should knew that this is a false assertion. In Montgomery county, where the colored men are in the majority, a Democratic newspaper is edited by a colored man. That city also beasts of a colored Hancock and English club, num bering ever COO members. In the late election colored orators stumped the state for the Democratic ticket. There is also n Republican sheet edited by a colored man in Mobile, and there were colored men stumping the state for the Greenback ticket. The statements of the Northern Republican papers are net true. Every thing is booming for Hancock and English down here. Yours truly, D. G. AnTiiuit, and no kin te Chester A . Orni.iKA, Ala. Aug. 31. Gen. McCook en Hancock. Gen. McCook, of Gen. Sherman's staff, said te a Chicago Times interviewer the ether day, being asked what truth there was in thestatcment that Gen. Hancock was habitually overbearing in the treat ment of these under him : "Any stories te this effect are simply trumped up lies. I have known Gen. Hancock for the ga& thirty years, and a better soldier or kinder-hearted man I have never met." "What de you think of his alleged in in eompetency as a military man ?" " There is net a soldier walks the earth with a better military record than Gen. Hancock. I have never befere heard that anything had been said against him. The opinion among army men. from Gen. Sherman down, as te Gen. Hancock, is the opinion held by me. He is one of the best men and soldiers the country has ever pro duced." Judge Black en Garfleld. New Yerk Sun. The picture which Judge Black is said te have drawn of Garfield's moral charac ter, in the Philadelphia Pivss, is a very re markable one. He appears te be acquaint ed with two Garficlds having the same Christian names, one of them very geed and oue of them very bad, one of them an estimable private citizen and ene of them a most disreputable politician. The first one never swore falsely, and never helped forward au election fraud ; while the sec ond ene was a Credit Mebilicrist, a cor rupt congressman, an aider and abettor of the Louisiana forgeries, and one of the infamous eight en the electoral commis sion who gave these forgeries the force and effect of law and of fact. Judge Black also states that the Garfield whom he knows privately is an out-and-out free trader, and is in his heart as geed a Democrat as the judge himself ; while the ether Garfield is a prohibitory tariff man, and a thorough-going Republican partisan, who lone since gave the "key of his conscience te his party.'" Wc say there must be two men of this name, for it is manifestly impossible for two such opposite characters te exist in the sarae person. Judge Black, however, seems te think otherwise, and te have made up his mind that a man may be hon est in some relations when he is a sceun drel in ethers ; that the ''hand';" which take bribes in Congress may be considered "clean" outside, and the man who lies under oath may yet be deemed a very re spectable citizen. But if Judge Black does net draw a biibery and perjury the line of distinction and we emphatically deny that there is any such distinction between public and private morals, where will he draw it ? It is, however, with the public character of James A. Garfield that both he and we are required te deal in this canvass, aud of him we understand Judge Black te affirm, upon the strength of a long aud in timate acquaintance, that there is no crime he would net commit, and scarcely any that he has net committed, te serve the parly that serves him. MEDICAL. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, OP LYNN, MASS., I J Her Vegetable Compound the Savier of Her Sex. Health, Heps and Happiness stored by the use of Re- LYDIA E. PINKHAMS Vegetable Compound; The Positive Citro Fer All Female Complaints. This prcrar.itlnn,aj Its r.aine slfjnlllcs, con aists et Vegetable Properties that are harmless te the uiedt delicate invalid. Upen one trial the merits of thH compound will lie recognized, as relief w immediate; and when its trie is con tinued, in ninety-nine c:iscs in a hundred, a permanent cure is directed, au thousands will testify. On acce.int of its proven ineritH.it is te-day recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in the country. it will cure entirely the worst form of falling of the utenn, l.oucerrlicca. Irregular and pain ful Menstruation, all Ovarian Trouble-), In flammation and Ulceration, i'loedings, all Dis placements and the consequent spinal weak ness, and Is especially adapted te the Change of Life. In tact it lias proved te be the greatest and best remedy that has ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the system, and aives new life and vigor. It removes falntnes, flatulency, destroys all craving ler .stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures ISleating. Headaches, .Nervous Pros tration, General Debility. Sleeplessness. Ie prcssien and Indigestion. That lcclingofbcur lcclingefbcur ing down, causing pain, weight and backache. Is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and under all circumstances, act in harmony with Hie law that governs the female system. for Kidney cemptaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lsj prepared at 233 and 233 Western Avenue, I.yun, Slass. Price fl. Six bottles ler .. Sent by mail in the form et pills, ah in the form of lozenges, en receipt of price, $1 per box, for cither. Mrs. PINKHAM freely answers all let ters of inquiry. Send for pamphlet. Address as above. Mention this paper. Ne family should be without J,YDIA K. PIXKHAM'S LlVKIt PILLS. They cure Con stipation, IHlieusncss and Torpidity of the Liver. 25 cents per box. Johnsten, Holleway & Ce., General Agents, Philadelphia. Fer sale by C. A. Lechcr, 9 East King street, and Gee. W. Hull, 15 West King street. Jy23-lvdced&w OEXTS' GOODS. i;OB LINEN COLLAK3 OOTO EUISMA.VS. ,nm jb'AM;y stockings GOTO EMSMAVS. T?H SUSPENOE UEIIS OOTO EUISMAN'd. OK NEW STYLE LINEN UANDKEUCIIIEFS, GO TO E. J. ERISMAN'S, (SO NOKTU OCEEN STKEET. 3IUSICAL IXSTJiUMEXTS. THE- Lancaster Orp Maiiulactery Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IX STUUMEXTS in the Market. Warcroenis 33) North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Branch Ofllcc, 15j East King Street. Alex. McKillips, Proprietor. Alse Agentfer Lancaster County for CHICKEUIXU A SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line of Sheet aud ether Music, Small Instrument. Violins, llanjes, Hand Instru ment ftc.alway.s en hand. tl:HydS&lyw II Ol- BITTJZRS. TSETHS. HOP BITTERS, (A Medicine, net a Drink.) COXTAIS3 HOPS, 1!UCI11T, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, AND THE rCTlSST ATID llEST MCPICAL QPAtimB op all eTinai Brrrcns. THEY CURE AU Diseases of the Stomach. Howe!, Weed, Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Female Complaints and Drunkenness. SI, OOO IN GOLD Will be paid for a cese they will net cum or help.er ter anything impure or injurious teuud in them. Ask your Druggist for Hep Hitters and free books, and try the Hitters before you sleep. Take no ether. Hep Hitu-rs Jlnniiractariii! Company, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. sepMydMWFAw xi . MEDICAL. CUTICURA SKIN REMEDIES re the only kuewn remedies that will perma nently cure Humors of the lfloedund Skin, Af fections or the Scalp with Less of Hair, and Liver, Kidney und Urinary Disorders caused by Impure llloed. Citticuua Ueselvext is the greatest bleed purlllci In medicine. It nets through the bowels, liver, kidneys and skin. 4 Cuticvba, a Medicinal .Icily, arrests external disease, cuts away lifeless flesh and skin, allays inilniuinatieu, itching, and irritation, and heals. Cuticuha Se i-cleanses, heals, softens, whitens and lieautille.5 the Skin. It. and the Citicura Suavixe Se.w, the only medicinal shaving se ip, are prepare.! from Citticuka. SALT KHEUM. Law Office en Chas. Hoceiitox, I JI7 Congress Street, Ilosten, Feb. Si, 1S78. I feel it a duty te Inform you, and through you all who are interested te knew the fact, that a most disagreeable and obstinate case of Salt Kliciim. or Eczema, which has been under my xtersenal observation from Its llrst appear ance te the present lime, about ten (10) years, covering the greater portion of the patient's hed valid limbs with its peculiar Irritating aud i ich'ing scab, und te which all the known nr.rth nr.rth eils of treating Mich disease had been applied without beuellt, h n completely disappeared, leavinga clean anil healthy skin, by the use et the CuncuKA Kumeiues. CHAS. HOUGHTON. WONDERFUL CURES. What cures of I'.Iend and Skin Diseases and Sc-.dp Affections with Lesset Iluircan compare with these of the Hen. Win. Tayler, llo-ten, .state Senater of Massachusetts; Alderman Tucker, llosten : S. A. Steele, esq., Chicago; V. II. Drake, esq.. Detroit. and many ether details of which may be had en application te Messrs. Weeks A Petter, Uosten, Mass. Cuttcitr Ukmeiuks ait) prepared by WEEKS A POTTEK, Chemists and l)rugglsts,:a) Wash ington street, Uosten, and are ler sale by all Driursjists. MALT BITTERS. UNPERMENTED MALT AND HOPS! riMIB AGED. Mental and physical debility JL of the aged begins Willi less of appetite and sleep. These t e potent causes of prema ture and rapid decline have their origin In Dk FIXTIVB Xutiutien and IMI'OVKUISUKD ISloeo. All ether ailments may be warded etr If these be restored te a condition of health. Te ac complish this beneficent purpose, MA LT ISIT TEltS are superior te all ether forms et malt and medicine. They are rich in bone and fat producing material. They vitalize with new life the process et digestion. They dissolve and assimilate every article et feed, thereby enriching and strengthening the Weed. They feed the brain, banishing nervousness, melan choly and sleeplessness. MALT IUTTEKS are prepared without fer mentation from Canadian 1SAKLEY MALT anil HOPS, and are free from the objections urged against malt liquors. Ask ler Malt Hitters prepared by the Malt IJiTTEiES Company, and see that every botlle bears the Trad: Makk L.i:EL,duly SlOMEuand enclosed in Wavk Linus. MALT1UTTEIW are for sale by all Drug gists. sl-lmdW&S&w EXCURSIONS. DAILY EXCURSIONS raeJt PHILADELPHIA CAPE MAY. The famous mammoth thrcc-dcck Steamer ct REPUBLIC M Leaves Kacc Street Wharf nt 7 a. m., nrrivlng at Cape May about 12Jp. ui. lteturning. leaves Cape .May at 3 o'clock p. in., givingample time for bathlnir or a drive en the beach. A full I'.rass Hand and Orchestra Music for dancing. Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch eons ami Kefreshmcnts in abundance. Din nersand suppers provided. Oysters and Fish served for supper a tew moments after taken from the water. Ftire Ter Ihe Keiiml Trip $1.00. SUNDAYS Will leave Kacc Street Wharr at VA a. in. P. S. A Eread Gauge Steam It. K. will con vey passengers te Cape Island in 8 minutes. Tickets for sale at CHAS. H. BARK'S, 2S-2J4mdAw CENTUE SQUAICE. atAIttlL. WQ11KS. WM. P. FBAILEyS MONUMENT AIi MARBLE WORKS 75S Nerm yuecn Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AXD FOOT STOXES, GAUDEN STATUAUY, CEMETEKY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction gl en In every particular. N. U.ltenicmber, works at the extreme end of North Queen strewn. uiH GROCERIES. w HOLES ALE AND KKTAJL. LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. 017-lyU ROOTS AND SHOES. -17 C"V BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS JjiAO X made en a new principle, Insur ing comfort for the feet. T"'i-rFC! Lasts mai I: te order. UUUlO MILLEK, lebll-trd 133 East King strcty jr f