'-- - - -. J- . - ' -, - ' - -".-(JV 4- , " LANCASTER MtLY lNTEIIIGENCER MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1880. "V"l v is . BAILKOAD ACCIDENTS. A YeuBff Man Killed Three Others In jured. William Dernbaagb, jr., aged 18 years, who was an employee of the Btecl works at Baldwin, was struck by the engine of toy express en Saturday evening and was in stantly killed. A freight train was going at a lively rate aud Dornbaugh was stand ing en the down track waiting until it had passed, and en account of the noise it made, did net hear the approach of the passenger train. He was about te get en it, and bis companions advised him net te. lie was struck en the shoulder, knocked down, and his head, falling en the track, was completely severed by the train pass ingevcr it. Yeung Dornbaugh resided with his parents at Ne. 411 Herr street, Ilarrisburg. . ... Adam K. liear, ageu se jcuia, ic.-u.k at the Gap, was struck by the engine of fast line east, about G o'clock yesterday moreiug, just after he had stepped out of the deer of the telegraph tower te the track. He was badly bruised and is said te have been injured internally. Ne bones wcre broken and he will recover. Dr. Parke, of Gap, attended the man's inju rics W. G. Fagan, a boy who resides with his parents about a mile and a quarter north of Parkesburg, in stepping off the Parkesburg construction train yesterday afternoon fell through a culvert. He had his right arm broken and dislocated. The accident occurred near Parkesburg and the boy was removed te his home. Dr. Mer cer attended him. On Saturday night a brakeman en the train drawn by engine Ne. 120 was stand ing en a freight car when the train was passing through the depot. He was struck and knocked unconscious by the depot. A number of young men witnessed the accident, and they informed one of the ether brakemen, who weut te the rescue of the injured man, who was en the train yet when last seen. KENNEDY. A Maiden Kll'eit. The Republicans of Salisbury had a mass meeting and pole-raising at the Gap en Saturday, and two or three worn-out Republican orateis repeated the stereo typed bloedy-shiit speeches with which they have afflicted ether communities. There was, however, one ucw.fcature pre sented a speech by G. C. Kennedy, esq., late of Salisbury, new of this city. It was his maiden effort, and he made an effort that will be long remembered. It was a geed speech, "Fer lie hlnif.cll hath said it. Audit's greatly te Ids credit." He declares he was astonished at his own oratorical accomplishments, aud that his words fell upon the cars of his auditors like the droppings well, no matter what kind of droppings. Wc arc sorry we did net hear Mr. Kennedy's speech, because he says it was a geed one, and geed speech es are net te be listened te every day. We are net positively informed as te what was Mr. Kennedy's theme, but most probably it was " Republican Arithmetic," a subject in which he takes much interest, and with which he is quite familiar. He could have shown his hearers the great ad vantages which the system of " counting out" possesses ever the old system of "counting up," and he could have men tioned by way 'of illustration the weu tiers performed by the Flerida aud Louisi ana returning beards, the Seventh and Third ward Republican election officers, and the mere recent case in which the orator himself "counted out" Sammy Greff as chairman of the beard of Repub lican return judges, te the delight of Fry, Scnscnig, Ebcrly and Company. He might have shown that by this method the Salisbury Rcpublicaus cau add 329 votes te Garficlds majority as easily as Garfield put $329 of Credit Mebilier divi dends, iute his wallet, and that the legiti mate Republican majority of Lancaster county may be increased 5,000 votes as easily as Garfield picked up $5,000 from the DeGelycr lobbyists. Mr. Kennedy, of course, did net forget te tell his Gap-iug admirers that he was a candidate for prison solicitor with a hope of something better in the near future but he studi ously avoided mentioning that he is an out-and-out free trader. MATCH'S COURT. Plenty of Business Tills Morning;. This morning there were seventeen per sons before the mayor. The four tramps who wcre arrested near the park en Satur day by Officers Lcman and Titus, and who were ueucvcu te nave uccu inipncaiuu in the robbery of Hinkle's store, wcre sent te jail as fellows en drunken and disorderly charges: Themas Phillips, 10 days; Frank McDevitt, 20 days; Win. Morgan, 30 days ; Frank Malenoy, 10 days. It is likely that the charges of burglary will be dismissed, as it is probable that these men cannot be identified. Three ether drunks were sent te jail for 10 days each. One for 20 days and one for 30 days. Twe ethers paid the costs and six vagrants were discharged. One of the latter was a man named Real, who was in the employ of Cooper & Bailey, but missed the train yesterday. Democratic Meeting at Washington. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Democracy of Washington borough was held en Saturday evening, and able ad dresses were made by S. W. Shadle and R. B. Risk, csqs., of this city, and Jehn L. Jacobs, of Maytown. A quarrel between two young men in the bar-room of the hotel in front of which the meeting was held, caused a slight disturb ance for a few moments, but had no polit ical significance, as it was an old grudge about a girl. The Democracy of Wash ington borough are wide awake and will give a geed report of themselves ou elec tion day. State Fair Prizes. II. M. Engle & Sen, Marietta, Pa., first premium, $3, for Martha grapes; first pre mium, $3, for Telegraph grapes; first pre mium. $3, for Rogers' hybrid grapes; and $15 for fifteen varieties of native or foreign grapes. Dan'l Smcych, Lancaster, first premium, $3, for Coe's Gelden Drep Plums. Engle & Sens, $3 for Shelden pears; $3 for Des Monnes pears; $3 for R. J. Green ing pears ; $3 for Spy pears ; $3 for Smoke house pears. Tite Verdict. Squire Baily, of Celcrain, held an iu iu qucsten the body of A. P. McNcal, whose accidental death en Thursday last has al ready been noticed in these columns. The following named gentlemen were empanel ed as a jury : Wm. N. Galbraith, C. Black burn, Pcnn Moere, Jehn Thompson, Jehn J. Galbraith, Simeon W. Swisher. The following verdict was rendered : Andrew McNcal came te his death by fall ing from a scaffold in the barn of Jeseph Robinson, in Celcrain township, Lancas ter county, Pa., and producing compound fracture of the skull, and causing instan taneous death. Slight Cutting. Ou Saturday afternoon Hugh Cosgrove and his brother Jehn became involved in a quarrel while standing en the New Hol Hel land pike, near the Laucastcr cemetery. Hugh pulled a knife and cut Jehn in the neck and hand .wounding him slightly. The former was arrested and this morning Alderman McConemy sent him te jail for thirty days for being drunk and disorderly. Ne ether charge will be made against him. Opening of Mllleravllle Scheel. The Millersville school opened te-day and large numbers of students have been arriving en all trains. n Poisoned. Seme one poisoned a valuable rat tern-r deg, belonging te Geerge W. Lutz, sexton of Lancaster cemetery The animal was taken very sick and died in a short time. There seems te be some person in this city who is poisoning all the valuable dogs that can be found and owners of such animals should carefully watch them. Kan Over. Walter McCaskey, a little son of Prof. J. P. McCaskey, principal of the boys high school, was ran ever by a horse in front of the St. James parish school, Duke street, this afternoon, and somewhat bruised and scratched, but net seriously injured. . - - A Business Man's Opinion. f i nr nfTniedn f. savs he has used Day's Kidney Pads In his family with results he superior te all ether treatments that he re Kurds them as the best Kidney doctor in the world. BlMwMWftF Ball. The ball or the Yeung Men's Working As sociation that was te be held In Rethwcller's Hall, will he held at Reberta's Hall this even lug. Fireman's Supper. 1'crsens wishing te contribute te the fire man's supper are requested te bring the same te M:enuercher hall Wednesday afternoon. A 5cr Wagen. Walter Ilciuitsh, the furniture dealer, has placed a new and beautifully painted wagon upon the streets. He took advantage- of the circus parade en Saturday te advertise his bu siness by having Ids wagon driven In the rear or the parade. It made a line appearance. The Value or Advertising. 1. S. Bur.sk, whose advertisement or cam paign goods appears In our columns, informs us that he Is doing quite a geed trade In that line. He is furnishing the Second ward, city, witli Dellinau coals and hats ; Third ward, caps and torches ; Fourth ward, capes and caps ; Ninth ward, capes and caps ; Hancock Legien, hats and badges ; also furnishing Con Cen Con cslega Centie, Manhclm, Schoeneck, Kast Lampeter, and Wrlghtsvillc aud Kast Pros pect, in Yerk county, their lull outfits. State S. S. Convention. The local committee of the state Sunday school convention huvecalledamectlng or the pastors or our churches and the supcrinten supcrinten supcrinten dunlsofeur Sunday schools, te morrow (Tues day) evening, at the Y. M. C. A hall, for the purpose or considering plans for the enter tainment of the delegates who are expected te be present. - Ferd's Masqucraders.On Wednesday even ing Ferd's excellent company will appear In this city In the new play entitled "Pranks." The troupe includes Ilhuiche und Klin Cliap man, Geerge Denliam, Rebert Slavln, ami a number of ether well known artists. I5i),(K)0 cakes sold the first year attest the popularity of Cuticura Medicinal Seap. Kub the Gums AV ell with SOZODOXT when they become spongy or detached from the necks .or the teeth. Let them bleed ireely and se recover their tone and health. This SOZODOXT is the best reino reine dlal agent lm-tlNea-seil gums and teeth. Try and learn. slS-lwdeed.tw Kich In iiiuscle-preducing material beyond all ether reeds and medicines are Malt Hitters. POLITICAL BULLETIN. Pay Your Tax. Every voter who wants te vote in November should leek alter the payment of his tax. Col lector Warlcl sits at the Court Heuse THIS EVENING ironing te 9 o'clock te receive it. CIO THERE AND PAT IT. Fer Assembly. The name et WILLIAM McCOMSEY, or the First ward, will be presented te the Deme, cratie electors el Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a cnntlidutv for As sembly, under Democratic rules. ELIM U. SNYDER, of the Ninth ward, wll be a candidate ter the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub ject te Democratic rules. tp Hancock Legien. The members of the Hancock Legien will meet at the Central Headquarters this evening f.ir special and important business. Veterans! One et the companies or veterans will drill at tlie Central Headquarters this evening. The ether members of the Veteran Association will meet there for special business. -v. first Ward. A meeting or the First Ward Hancock club will be held at Nelmcr's, cer. el" Water and Orange streets, en Tuesday. September 14, at 8 o'clock. In regard te uniferming the club. A full altendcnce is requested. Second Ward. The Second Wnrd Hancock and English club will meet at their headquarters en Friday evening next for the purpose of attending the meeting te be held under the auspices of the 3d. 4th and 7th wants, at the corner or Seuth Quuen and Strawberry streets. The club will be fully equipped. The 5th, Cth and tltli wards nre respectfully invited te join. Third Ward Club. The Tldrd ward Hancock and English club will meet at Central Headquarters, in Centre Square en TUESDAY EVENING, September 14. A full attendance Is urgently desired as the members will be measured for uniforms aud ether Important business transacted. Fourth Ward, Attention! Every voter faverable te the election et Han cock und English Is requested te nttend a meeting of the Fourth Ward Club, en Tuesday evening, September 14, 1SS0, at So'cleck. There will be important action taken en uniferming. Fifth Ward. The Hancock club of the Filth ward will meet en Tuesday evening, at the Green Tree hotel, at S o'clock sharp. Business of import ance te every member. Seventh Ward. A meeting or the Yeung Men's Hancock tub will be held at Utzinger's saloon, Middle street, Monday evening, at 8 o'clock. Every member el the club who desires te secure equipments Is requested te be present. Let there be a lull turnout, liusluess et import ance. Seventh Ward. The senior Hancock und English club or the Seventh ward will meet at the saloon of 15. Kullnnan, Rockland street, en Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance Is de sired, us important business will be transacted. Eighth Ward Hancock Club, Attention! There will be a special meeting el the Eighth ward Hancock and English club (Tuesduy) evening, at Dicld's saloon, ler the pur pose of taking measurements for and se lecting uniforms. All members et the club who desire te uniform are requested te attend. Ninth Ward. The Hancock club of the Ninth ward will held a special meeting in the club room, at Haas's saloon, at 8 o'clock this evening. Im portant business. Every member is requested te be present. In the Lewer Knd. There will be a general Democratic meeting under the auspices of the Third, Fourth and Seventh ward clubs nt the corner of Straw berry, Middle and Seuth Queen streets, en Friday evening. September 17. SPECIAL JVOTJC.KS. SAMPLE NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman after u faithful course or treatment with Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkham, 233 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., Ter pamphlets. jy29-lydcedftw Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Statistics preve that twenty-nvc per cent or the deaths In our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that tills terrible disease In its worst stage will yield te a bottle or Lecher's Itcnewncd Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their negll gencc, or pity them for their Ignorance? Ne UEast King street. Many ladies misinterpret their sufferings. Try a box of "Sellers' Liver Pills." Sold by all druggists. . LADIES! OUR 45 CENT ALL WOOL BLACK CASHMERE, OUR 50 CENT ALL WOOL BLACK CASHMERE, OUR 62 CENT ALL WOOL BLACK CASHMERE, OUR 75 CENT ALL WOOL BLACK CASHMERE, We guarantee are the best goods for the money ever offered in this city or elsewhere. Our Black Silks are all new, and of the best qualities, which we offer at 03 cents and up. Satins, Velvets, Novelty Dress Goods, Memie Cleths and Dress Plaids, all in New Styles and Colorings. Elegant Line of DRESS BUTTONS just opened. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Merine Underwear New Offering Yery Lew. GUVLBE, BOWEES & HTJEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. " 'Dr. Llndsey's Bleed Searcher' cured my son or erysipelas." sirs. K. sincuzer, iun nier, Pa. Their Rights and Duties by Law. I have suffered lrem a kidney difficulty for the past ten years, accompanied with nervous snasins. Physicians gave me but temporary relief, but alter using three and one-half bot tles of Warner's Sale Kidney and Liver Cure, my nervous spasms were entirely relieved. My age Ls7 years. 1 recommend this great rem. edy te all suffering from nervous troubles. MRS. MARY REESE. Easten, Pa. 4 Tub ambition et the American people leads them te overtax their strength and completely break down their nervous systems, Impov erish the bleed, and almost destroy their con stitutions. Recover your constitution imme diately, betere It is tee late, by taking Dr. Browning's Tenie and Alterative, the great Bleed Furlfler and Bleed Maker. Price 50 cents and 91. Fer sale by the Proprietor, W. Champien Browning, M. D., 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia, and all Druggists and Healers in Medlclues. 82-lwdTu,Tli&S itEMEOV FOK IIAKO TIMES. Step spending se much en line clothes, rieli feed and style. Buy geed, healthy feed, cheaper and better clothing j get were real and substantial things of life every way. and es. peclally step the foolish habit of running alter expensive and quack doctors or using se much of the vile humbug medicine that does you ) only harm, and makes the proprietors rich, ; but put your trust in t he greatest of all simple, j pure remedies. Hep Bitters, that cures always I at a trilling cost, and you will see better times . and geed health. Try it once. Read of it in unefher column. Warm Weather and Its Effects. Many people, especially ladles, complain at this season of the year of a general weakness or debility. The use of Spcer's Pert Grape Wine prevents tills. The wine Is said te have a most wonderful effect In giving strength, vigor und tone te the whole system. It Is ex tensively used by ladles nursing, or about te nurse infants. This wine is net a manufactured article no liquor Is added te it. It Is no patent medicine or cordial humbug, but Is a superior wine or the Oporto grape. It is pure, old, un adulterated wine, nothing mere or less. Mr. Spccr lias been supplying hospitals witli his wine for many years pest. It is said te be un surpassed for summer complaints, and for weakly persons. The price Is low ler se excel lent a wine, and no family need be without it. This wine Is endorsed "by Drs. Atlee and Davis, and sold by H. E. Slnymaker. aulC-2wd&w Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup mothers! Mothers! I JU ethers! It Are you jdlsturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth? It se, go at once and getabettlc efMKS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. Itwill relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon It; there Is no mistake about IU There is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and Is the prescription et one et the eldest aud best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. 17-lyd&wM.WAS Coughs. " Brown's Bronchial Troches " are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer thirty years these Troches have been In use, with annually Increasing favor. They are net new nnd untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. The Threat. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" act directly en the organs of the voice. They have an ex traordinary effect In all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, either lrem cold or over-excrtlen of the voice, nnd produce a clear and distinct enunci ation. Speakers ana Singers And the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re quires Immediate attention, as neglect otten etten tlmes results In some Incurable Lung Disease. Brown's Bronchial Troches" will almost In variably give relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many et which are injurious. The genu ine "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are sold only in boxes. Ianl5-lyd& wTu.ThiS N1W ADVERTISEMENTS. C CONSTABLE'S SALE. j By virtue of a landlord's warrant 1 will sell this evening, AUGUST 13, at Ne. 96 Centre Square, Musical Instruments, such as Violins, Banjos. Accordions ; also. Sheet Music, Stere Fixtures, &c. Seized as the property of Wm. II. Manby. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in. A. EICHHOLTZ, ltd Constable. 1?UN! FUN! I FUN!!! COMING I N FULTON OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. FORD AND DENIIAM'S MASQUERABERS PRANKS. "A Hit, a Very Palpable Hit." FUN WITHOUT VULGARITY, SPARKLING OPERATIC MUSIC, AND GRACEFUL DANCING. THE MERRY MASQTJERADERS. TnEY ALL SING I THEY ALL DANCE 1 THE ALL PLAY INSTRUMENTS ! A PERFECT COMPANY : Blanche Clinpman, Ella Chapman, Emma Hall, Mamie Tayler, G. W. Denliam. F. M. Wills, Rebe Slavin, Charles Shcffer, Morgan Sherwood. W. W. FnnsT, Musical Director. ADMISSION, 50&35CU. Ne extra charge for Reserved Seats at the Opera Heuse Bex Office. scpl3-3td FAIFESTOCK'S, Next Peer te ttae Court Heni. Open this day the Largest Stock of UNDERWEAR Fer Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, DRAWERS, VESTS AND SHIRTS, 12, 15, 19, 20, 25, 3 50, 65, 75c, Te be feund'in the city. GRAND FALL OPENING OF LADIES' SKIRTS. FIVE HUNDRED FELT. FLANNEL, SILK AND WOOL SKIRTS, te be be sold much less than REGULAR PRICES. FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. DRT GOODS. new advertisements. Among the many advantages sained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools -we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. "WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL. BOX REPALNING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced iu our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. NOTICE! On and after SATURDAY, AUGUST ', the entire stock of BOOTS AND SHOES el the P ARLOR SHOE STOKE. Ne. sKfcC EAST K 1XG STREET, will be offered at a great SACRIFICE. te CLOSE OUT BUSINESS. Desiring te engage iu ether business, I lake this opportunity te eiler the entire stock, consisting et 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Hakes, at least 25 per cent, less than they can be bought elsewhere. Having mode a specialty in geed goods for the last two year, a splendid opportunity Is new offered te buy superior BOOTS and SHOES at lower prices than TRASH can he bought elsewhere. FARMEES ! Wishing te purchase their BOOTS AND SHOES for Fall and Winter, new is yourchance te buy CHEAP. Country storekeeper. will de well te call while our stock Is yet complete. Wcalse have a line of very line goods which we will sell from $1 te $2 a pair less than borere. The EN TIRE STOCK must be SOLD out as SOON as POSSIBLE. We also offer a part or the fixtures et the store, consisting or revolving Uxture in window. Lounges, part of shelving, Writing Desk, one Fireproof Combination Safe, as gecd as new, and line Shew Case and Stand, at PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. 26 1-2 East King St., opposite Lancaster Ce. Bank. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I7"OK SALE. 1 A geed second-hand Organ, very cheap.' Wanted a geed Bey. JUSTUS STUCKENHOLZ, 6l3 2td Fulton Hall. 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. 2'i CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. The highest price nald ler Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, Ac. Teh Rag Assertcrs wanted" te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SEOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, y9-irdll Lancaster, Pa Londen and New Yerk NOVELTIES, IN GREAT VARIETY, FOR MPS WEAR, NOW OPEN AT SM ALI NG'S THE ARTIST TAILOR GIFT DRA tflXUS. 24th Popular Monthly Drawing OF TUB C0MM0NYEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macaulcy'a Theatre, In the City of Louis ville, en THURSDAY, SEPT. 30th, 1880. THESE DRAWINGS, AUTHORIZED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF 1878 AND SUS TAINED BY THE COURTS OF KENTUCKY, occur regularly en the LAST DAY OF EVERY MONTH, Sundays nnd Fridays excepted, for the period of FIVE YEARS. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the lollewing decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company Is legal. Sd Its draw lugs are fair.. N. B. Tills Company lias new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the li.-.t of prizes for the SEPTEMBER DRAWING. l pnze $ euwu l JJriAU AUfAJU a JiribLi a a i),WW 10 prizes $l,uoe each 10,000 20 prizes 500 each lo.euo 100 prizes, $100 each 10,oeo 200 prizes 50 each lo.eoo 600 prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " 900 a (JU) JJjrlZUSa a a a a ?llmWM Whole tickets, $2; half tickets, $1 ; 27 tickets $50 55 tickets $100. Remit by Postefflcc Meney Order, Registered Letter, Bank Draft or Express. Te Insure against mistakes and delays, cor respondents will please write t i-e.r names and places or residence plainly, giving number el Postefflcc box or Street, and Town, County and State. All communications connected with the Dis tributien and Orders for Tickets should be ad dressed te K. M. BOAKDMAN, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky., or 307 nnd 00 Broadway. New Yerk. ni31TuTh&S&w FARMERS ! C. A. Reeee. HOVSE EURN1SUINO HOODS. N TOUCH. fhlNN & BKENEMAN. Would ndvlse all who contemplate putting in HEATERS or making any alterations in their heating arrangements te de se at once before the rush of Fall Trade begins. THE MOST RELIABLE Ms, Heaters ai Baies, In the Market, at the LOWEST PRICES. GREAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. AM. VSJEMENTS. ri'.KA JUOL'SE. THURSDAY EVENING. SEPT. K, 1SS0. GRAVES' An American comedy representing the four seasons. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, presented with ALL NEW SCENERY AND A GOOD DRA MATIC COMPANY. Singing nnd Dancing. Thtce happy hours. REHEARSAL IN THE BARN, introducing the "5 GIPSY COMICS," in their Negro. German, Irish, tcrpslchercan and vocal specialties. Prices. 33c., 50c. nnd 75c. Diagram at Yeck ers efnec. sll-5td WANTED. WANTED. EVERYBODY TO ADVEK tlse, free of charge, in the Ihtblliebn cer, who wants something te de. w ANTED A GOOD COOK WANTED immediately at s7-tfd 443 NORTH DUKE STREET. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Twenty Bricklayers. Apply te O. W. J1AUIUM. ll-2td 40S East Orange street. WANTED A VEhV COMPETENT MAN who is well acquainted In the tobacco growing district of Lancaster county nnd Its vicinity, as a tobacco buyer and te takecharge of the warehouse In Lancaster. Only these witli geed references and thorough business ability as buyers, who have be lore been em ployed with some large honse as such, need address, X. Y. 'A., iaTKLLiUEXCEU Office, sept 11-3K1. trip. LADIES AND GENTS 1"kC 11 you want a GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Rva'O'-made or made te order, call at F. HTEMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. 1e2CSJtWtfd SPECIAL NOTICE. Lancaster Commercial College, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. FALL TERM BEGINS AUG, 30. COURSE OF STUDY embraces Single and Deuble Entry Book keeping, Pcnnmanshlp, Commercial aud Prac tical Arithmetic, Grammar. Correspondence. Orthography, Business Ferms and Commercial Law. Students can enter at any time and complete the course In lrem three te six months. THE COURSE IS THOROUGH AND PKACTICAL, Combining Theory with Actual Business. Fer Catalogue, giving full Information, call at College Reems, or address II. C. WEIDLEB, Principal, Or W. D. MOSSER, Secretary, engll-ltw ILancaster, Pa. 105 GOTO F. HIEMENZ'S, 105 Flu l Brenemans Ne. 10.1 North Queen street for the Cheapest and Best BOOTS AND SHOES. IOS Sign or the Big Shee. 105 ias-sftwuq THIRD EDITIOI. MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. 13, 1880. IE NEWS FROM HAM Boutelle's Begus Bulletins. CLAIMS THAT WILL BEAR REVISION BUCHANAN IN JAIL. THE DIPLOMA VENDER'S TROUBLES. CRIMINAL. CUKONICLK. Miscellaneous Telegrams. MAINC Fine Weather and a Dig Vete. Portland, Mc, Sept. 13. The weather is beautiful and a very heavy vote is being polled in all the wards of this city, ltoatelle's Begus Bulletins. Lewiston, Me., Sept. 13. At 1 o'clock the vote of Lewiston gives Davis 832 and Plaistcd C73. Everybody is at work and the weather is line, a full vete being brought out. Fogg runs behind the ticket. Auburn is voting very largely Republican, and there is con fidence of increasing the majority of last year. The Prohibition party is voting ler Jey instead of Nye, and only two votes arc reported in Lewiston for that ticket. Portland, Me., Sept. 13. Twe o'clock tallies a Republican majority of 20. Biddeford at one o'clock gives 47 Republi can majority. Rockland at 1:30 o'clock 200 Republican majority. Saee one o'clock 200 Republican majority. Dccring at neon Fusion majority GO. ilardatWerk. Biddeford, Mc., Sept. 13. The voting te-day has se far been quiet, but each side is endeavoring te get out a full vote. At 12 o'clock alight vote had been .thrown and the Republicans had a small majority. They also lead iu Kcnucbunk and Sace. In Kcnucbunk and Konnehnnkperl the Democrats are casting a much larger vete than last year, and it is possible that a representative may be gained iu the classed towns of Kcnucbunk and Lyman. The county will be close. The Temper ance vete will be small. Everybody Cenltdenl. Bosten, Sept. 13 A despatch from Augusta says a heavy vole is being cast. While the polling gees en the sheutcrs en both sides maintain an equally confident front. Senater Blaine cast his vete early. He declines te fiive any esti mate in figures, but feels assured of a complete Republican triumph that will make the congressional delegation solid. Per contra, Candidate Plastcd says he feels certain that he will be the next gov ernor. Congressmen Ladd and Mnrch arc equally positive in their claims. Captain Beutclle ( Ladd's Republican opienent ) believes that he will have from S00 te 1,000 majority. BOGUS BUCHANAN. The Fraudulent Diploma Vender in illnja inensiiig. Philadelphia, Sept. 13. Dr. Jehn Buchanan, the bogus diploma vender, of Philadelphia, who pretended te have com mitted suicide by drowning in the Dela ware river, and was arrested in St. Clair, Michigan, last Thursday, arrived in this city yesterday morning and was locked tip in ileyamcnsing prison. The Recerd pub lishes an account of the " dean's" joiirncy jeiirncy ings in Canada, from which it is learned that he sold a couple of diplomas for 30, from plates which he yet retains in his po pe po sessien. 31. V. Chapman, Buchanan's brother-in-law, evaded the police upon the fugitive's arrival ami has net been seen since. Buchanan was brought into court of quarter sessions te-day and recommitted te prison. Themas Vanduser was given a final hear ing before United States Commissioner Gibbens, upon charges of perjury and con spiracy. Evidence was submitted te show that Yanduscr had testified at the hearing before Judge Butler, en the application for forfeiture of Buchanan'sbailjthathe was in Buchanan's company en the ferryboat and saw him jump into the Delaware. The court re cords were produced te establish the same fact, and the prisercr was committed in de fault of $3,000 bail. His counsel gave no tice of an application for habeas corpus te-morrow. MOTHER AND SON Bleeding Frem (ilinstly Wounds A New Yerk Tragedy. New Yerk, Sept. 13. Jehn Higgins, 1G years old, entered the Sixteenth district station house early this morning bleeding from two cuts en the neck. "When ques tioned as te hew he received the injuries he told the sergeant te send a doctor te his home where his mother lay injured. A physician was summoned, who dressed the boy's wounds nnd then started for his home, where he found Bridget Higgins, fifty years old, lying en the fleer in a peel of bleed, with her threat cut and unable te speak. She was taken te the hospital and the coroner summoned te take her ante-mortem statement, as it was thought she would die. The ielicc have net learned hew these parties re ceived their injuries. BALTIMORE'S JUBILEE. 150th Anniversary of the flattie or North Point The Old Defenders In Line. Baltimore, Sept. 13. The anniversary I of North Point ecccuring yesterday, that event is neing commemorated te-day. inc Old Defenders assembled at city hall ac- I cording te their annual custom ; ten of them present ; their ages ranging from 83 te 94 years, most of them bent and feeble 1 from age. After falling into line the lit tle band, escorted by a detachment el the Grand Army of the Republic, marched te and around Battle monument two squares distant. They they proceeded in a special car te Druid Hill park te partake of their annual dinner liberally provided for by the city. TOPSON'S TRICKB. Charged Witli Heavy Ferg. rics. Philadelphia, Sept. 13. Jeseph Top Tep son, who was arrested in this city, en Satur day night last, upeu charges of forgery aud embezzlement of .t'lO.OOO, belonging te the depositors of a Londen savings bank, was arraigned before United States Commissioner Gibbens this morning. At the request of tlia acting British consul the hearing was postponed until te-morrow en account of the absence from the city of Judge Butler. The latter will appoint Mr. Gibbens as special commissioner te hear the case. Topsen admitted his identity. FATAL FAMILY FIGHT. Cousins Eugaged In Mertal Combat. LerisviLia:, Sept. 13. A difficulty arose at a picnic nearOwenten ou Saturday between three brothers named Smith, and three brothers uamed Hammend, and a half brother of the Hammonds named Barnard Acree. Pistols were freely used by all the parties, and Acrce, aged 18, was instantly killed, and the Hammonds wcre all wounded ; two of them it is thought cannot live. The Hammonds aud Smiths are cousins. The latter escaped arrest. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D.C., Sept. 13. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, falling follewd by statieuary or rising barometer, rising followed by lower temperature, winds mostly westerly, or partly cloudy weather followed by increasing cloudiness and ecal rains. MARKETS. Philadelphia .Market. PntLAiiKLriiiA. Sept. 13. Fleur unlet ami linn, with a better feeling ; superfine at $250 :: 00; extra .! O115:; ;." : Ohie and Indiana timiily nt ?."i0il-i "; Pcnn'a lamllvile $4 87 (".' 12 ; St. Leuin tuiuily at Ti .rM;it;iK; .Viimt'.-et.i lamily $." ."05t;00; patent and high grade-, $;.-, gs 00. Rve Heur at $1 KKH ' Wheat llmicr: Ne. 2 Western Red $1 OD.C ; l':i. Red 1 tiegl ( ; Amber 1 WV?! ti.". Cern il rm : steamer .lie : yc!Uv 5ftri.Brc; iiiixiMl.V'.rklc. OaU steady ; Ne. I. White II7I2l; Ne. ?. de 4l)i?l(iJe"; Ne. Z, de SSJiiJS'Jif; Ne. : .Mixed ."7J.e. liyc llriucr ; sulesi at two. AsPiwlMen market, tiiin; mc- perk $11; oe-an; :); lKTt ham: il.) (kijh 00; Indian ni..- beet at $1(1 IM ; Iricnn smoked Mieuldcrs 'J'ttt??ic; salt de (JiiJ'ie; jirieki'd liamt lUiJlJe; pickled ham ttVcJ leKe. Lurd linn; city kettle at 8J.i!(Jsc; loose buteheis'Sc; priine steam JJe. Butter aetive and linn, with small supply; Creamery extr.i iasa; Creamery geed te choice iVgi'e; Br.idterd county and New Yerk extra. 27H'-e ; Western roerve extra lSgitlc; dogeodto choice l.'rlc: Kelli tlriu and Miiree ; Penn'a extra ISgit); Western reserve extr.i ISSie. Eggs firm; Pennsylvania tit 20c; Western l!;jl'J. Clii'CM! -.ireng, but tjuict; New Yerk full cream ISJ'ir; Western full cream312,'.c: de fair te geed" lHil2c; de hair skims !) 10,'.c. Petroleum II rm ; refined hie. Whisky at $1 lik SeeiN lioed te prime Clever dull at $S(K QSM ; Timethy tinner at fi 5-"ii2 70: Flaxseed xeareeattlSS. New fork Alarbct. Ni:w Yeke, Sept. 12. Fleur State unit West ern steady; moderate expert and jobbing trade inquiry; "Superliur, f.UUfH UU; extra de $.5 73 110; choice, de, ft I5CM r ; taney de.. $1 70 $.- ('-'; round Iioep Ohie 1 l-Olftl 50: choice de $1 (ai;85 7" ; superline western $.'14031 ,X,J common te geed extra de $: 754 25 ; choice de de $1 SlSZli 25 ; choice white wheat de l 15 l m; Southern quiet and .steady; common te fair extra $1 5 2i; geed te choice de .- I'tQli 50. Wheat J;e belter and rathcrqulct ; Ne. I White, Sept.. $101: Ne. 2 Red. October, $107 107; de Nev., $1 l)Sl 0V. Cern a shade easier and in very moderate truth:; Mixed western spot, SuSiMaj de 1 n tn it-, .rj735:;c. Oats 11 shade stronger ; Ne. 2. Nev., :i7;'i"; State, ili lie; Western 3.8V1.::. Cattle Market. IM;it.Ai.LriiiA. September l:!. Cattle market a-tive; wiles 1.110 head. Prime frQnc; goetl.V ifiiV'Cpi medium VSMf.-iy ; common 4 H'De.' Sheep market active; sales 10,'KiO bean. Prime ijt. 5c; geed i''1$ l'ti' l nietliiim l;'hS IJ.c; common ::& Pf:; culls e; Iambs 1 (j.r ; stock ewes ii 75i." 55. flogs Market active; sales 1,'NM head; geed te extra, JJ'MAf: ; mixed light CWiU'.K. Stock JUarket. September I.'!. Nkw Yerk S renes. Stocks Aetive. a. ?i. a. at. i si. r. 31. 10:15 11:50 12:1.-, 05 .MfX) . .... :kv; Mtf-f :2; .... loe w.v- iirt-; .; '.h;', wy. .... 10lll)O I0l, r. ji :i:C Meney Ll'if" 1C. It... ...a .. Michigan . & L. S.... Michigan Cent. R. R.. Chicago Jt.V. W Chicago, M X St. P... linn. & St. .. Cem P'ld.... Teledo & Wabash.... Ohie.N. Mi-slsnippi. .. St. Leuis, I. M.&S.R.. Ontario ami Western. C V'. tV 1. V. -I. I..... . . New Jersey Central.. Del. V HiiiNen Canal. Del.. Lack.. "t Western Western Union Tel... PacilieMail S. S. Ce.. ManhattantKIcvatcd. Union Paeilie Kansas & Texas New Yerk Central.... Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland & Pitts.... Chicago & Reck 1 Pittsburgh & Ft. W... I'lIir.AllKI.lMIIA. Pennsylvania R, R. . I'hil'a. & Reading. Lehigh Valley Lehh!h Navigation... j-. r.;n j.;t Ii;1..-: 411 I0U H2 as " 57'?i w 2 Ou 21 i:;.i 7s'? 7Ji IIK;2 42K Ot't i:f-i v.yy, Wt 7n;i S7 7 f ill7'' 42',. 42 M!U Mj, wx si'S .OK K'h - J,-vrt ... 117 ... li;i; ... 111)5 ... 121 " ... ll'J '' M'A '-.' COJS 15. V,A I.Vi 11. 15m 54 51 17 :;s 51 :; Northern Pacillc Cem :'4Ju ".2- r.'A as P'tl Pitts., Titnsv'& B... Northern Cential PhiPn.t Erie R. R... Northern Penn'a.... Un.R. R's efN.J Ilcstenville Puss Cental Trans. Ce 17 -I7JI urn 15 .. 4i ... wi 1.1 i:i' ti:t 013 !.' -'t. -' -H 's-l tEOR SALE. 1)lir.LIC KKNTALON TTlUK.SIAVrSKI TKMBKRli;, lb.M, will be rented by pub lic: outcry, at lbs Cooper Heuc, Lancaster city, Pa.,'tlic following, te wit : That elegant STORK ROOM situated Nes.SS ami IU West King street, Lancaster, opposite the: Cooper Heu-e, lately occupied by Philip .Selium (deceased) Sen & Ce., with all tht counters, shelving ami glass cases. Renting te commence at 7 o'clock p.m. of said day when conditions will tie made known by JOIIN K. SCIIUM. CHARLES F. IIOLWARTH, Administrator:1. Samltl Hiss & Sex, Aucts. scptil-Std A n.Mi.MsrKATens' nalk. nnTUESDAY,SEPa'EMBKR2l.lSS0.wIII "111: sold at public sale, cm the: premises. 150 Seuth Water street, Ijuicaster, Pa., tin: follow ing pergenal preierty belonging te the estate or Philip Schiim: Twe excellent DRAFT HORSE!, two Ceal Wagons, nearly new; a large quantity et Ceal, Ceal Sehutcs ami Shovels Nt.w Market Wagen, New Phaeton, two Sales, eut: et which Is nearly new. large ami small Scales, Clocks, Ac. Household and Kitchen Furniture et every description. Alse the entire stock of Coverlets, Counterpanes. Blankets, Herse Blankets, and an excellent as sortment et Heme-muilc Carpets, Yarns, Ac. Sale te commence at 9 a. m. and yt o'clock p. in., when attendance will begiven ami terms made known by JOHN K. SCIIUM. CHARLES HOLZWARTH, S. 1 1 ess Si. Se.v, Aucts. Administrators. Stere goods will lit; removed from. a and 40 West King te 150 Seuth Water street. aiurJ7.::i&scn3.7,i0ii PUBLIC SALK. On THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 1890, will be sold at public sale, at the public house of Jacob Geed, "Lamb Hetel," en the Willow Street turnpike. : miles south et Lancaster city, a valuable tract et limestoiie land, con cen fiiiiing2:t ACRES antl:!7 PERCHES, situated in West Lampeter township, adjoining hinds of Henry SIgman. Jehn Harman, Jeseph IJir ncrand Willow Street turnpike. Tin: improve ments are a two-story BRICK UWELLINi; HOUSE, 32x40 feet, covered -with slate, cellar under whole house, kitchen attached, 15xIU feet, with bake even and smoke house, an ex cellent arch, with Ice house, shop, weed heusf. bank barn, 43x4: feet, with com house and com crib attached, antl hog pen. The build ings are lirst-ckiss, with geed cistern at house ami barn, anil well or never-tailing water In lretit or the house. There Is a line variety of choice Trait just coming Inte bearing. The land Is In excellent condition, divided Inte convenient Ileitis; under geed pest ami rail fence, and Is one of the most desirable prop erties enerctl, either as a truck larm or ler a private residence, being only three miles lrem the city, and In a geed neighborhood, conven ient te places of business. Any information will be given by calling en the undersigned, residing thereon. $4,000 may remain en the property, ifdesired by the purchaser, at 5 per cent." Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. en said dav. when attendance will be given anil terms niade known by JOHN II. MILLER, S. Hess & Sex Aucts. ScpWtTr