j --.. .. LANCASTER DAILY 1OTELIIGENCER SATOEDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1880. ' '- i.w : - ' THIS XORKIKG'B COCBT. Bill or Kqalty ta tne Scasenlg-Purry Case. Court met at 10 o'clock for the transac tion of current business. In the suit in equity between Heury B. Parry, plaintiff, and Levi Sensenig, defend ant, about a wall between the two proper ties, en Tuesday Levi Sensenig, the -defendant, filed the following answer : I deny tliaf saA wall is a ntirtv wall, and that it stands partly en my property and partly en the property of the complainant, and 1 1 deny that the complainant has any line or interest therein, either legal or equi table. I allege that the said wall stands wholly en my prop erty and is part of the premises described in the second section of complainants bill, and I am advised and believe that I have the right te tear down, prostrate and des troy the said wall whenever it tuits me S3 te de. I deny that my tearing down, prostrating and destroying said wall will work irremediable or any ether damage te the complainant. I allege that the said wall and the foundation upon which it is Imiltwcrc both erected by these under whom I new held the premises, at their own expense and upon their own seiI, 35 years age ; that the owners of the premises new occupied by complainant never con tributed anything towards the expense of building it, never erected any building against it or upon it, never used it in any way (except, as is alleged, they lately trained grapa vines against it) and never claimed the right te use it in any way, end I further allege that I am about te erect a large building en 6aid premises, and if I am prevented by the prdecs of this court from u&ing my own walls and ny own designs I shall suffer great dam age personally, and my property will be greatly dcterieatcd in value. D. G. Eshlrman, esq., of counsel for de fendant this morning asked for a rehearing of the case, and te dissolve the injunction granted. The question of granting a pre liminary injunction in the case re straining Levi Sensenig from tearing down the wall wjis argued and the decis ion of the court continued the injunction. The motion te no into a re-hearing of the case was resutcd by Win. A. Atlee, esq., attorney for plahstiu, he stating that the case had been thoroughly argued, and since that there Las been no change what ever in its position. In order te get fur ther testimony te show en whose lands, the court appeiuied Geerge Nauman as master te report whether the wall in dis pute is partly en the lands of Dr. Parry and Levi Sensenig, or wholly en the lauds of Sensenig, and te report en Saturday morning next at 9 o'clock, UCKGLAUY. Arrest of the Suspected Purlieu. Last night shortly after midnight a gang of three or mere burglars broke one of the large panes in the front window of Mrs. Barbara Hiukle's store, corner of Plum and East King streets, and one of the men entered the store through the broken win dow while his accomplices kept watch and rendered assistance outside. The break ing of the glass aroused Mrs. Ilinkle and her family, and they at once gave an alarm, scaring off the burglars before they had lima te steal anything except a box of igar from a show case. The men were seen by Mrs. Hinkle and her son and daughter, who gave a description of them te the police. This morning Officers Lcman and Titus went in search or them, and found four men, answering the description, near the bark mill, below the Penn iron works. After a desperate resistance they sue cecded in arresting them, net, however, until Officer Lcman drew his billy ai:d clubbed one of them into submission, and Officer Titus dragged another of them some distance by the hair of the head. They were taken te the station house and locked up. They gave their names as Frank Me Divitt, Themas Phillips, Frank Malene ai:d Wm. Morgan. Phillips and Malene have been identified as two of the men who were engaged in the burglary at Hiukle's. They are a hard looking gang. Morgan lest a geed deal of hair in his tussle with Titus, and McDivitt had his head badly cut while lcsisting Lcman. Dr. Fitz patrick plastered up his wounds. PIKE IN CAST KARL. Dnclllns Uonse and Vosteulco Destroyed by Fire. On Wednesday night, between ten and eleven o'clock, the dwelling house owned by Mr. Samuel E. Ranch, postmaster, and occupied by himself and his son, Elijah, at Grecnbank, East Earl township, was totally destroyed by flic, with very nearly all the contents. Hew the fire originated is net known. A few chairs and sonic bed clothing were saved. The family lest all their clothing, except that which they had en their backs. Grcenbank postefficc was located in the buildinz, but all the stamps, letters and documents of the office were saved, and the only thing connected with the office that was lest, we understand, was a mail pouch. About thirty bushels of wheat, stored en the garret, were also consumed. The house was insured for for 1,200 and contents for $300, in the Lancaster County Mutual. The contents belonging te Mr. Elijah Ranck were net insured. Sale of Ileal Instate. Last Saturday Mr. Levi Graybill sold a tract of about e0 acres of land lying en the south side of the New Helland pike, in Upper Leacock township, near David Bear's !hetcl. at public sale, for $108 per acre. Jehn P. Martin, purchaser. The same day Mr. Jehn Lenger.ccker sold his farm of CO acres, situated about 1 mils cast of Fairville, in East Earl township, at public sale, for $130 per acre. Peter Gchman, purchaser. Excursion te the Mate Fair. The excursion te Philadelphia this morn ing was quite a large euc numbering 415 tickets. Se great was the rush for tickets for awhile that Mr. Kamdright, the ticket agent, sold 318 in twenty minutes. Over a million of Prof. Guilmctte's French Kidney Pads have been sold In France. Who will dare say they arc a humbug? .. n7-lwdTTh&S JS'llcs, Mich., Heard Frem. Larlmere & Dean, druggists (30 years In business) write ns that Day's Kidney Pad gives better satisfaction than any remedy they ever sold. sC-lwdMWAS Amusements. "The Four Seasons." An evening of pleas ure is premised at the opera house en Thurs day of next week, when C. L. Graves's combi nation, under Jehn D. Mlshler's management, will present the musical comedy of "The Four Seasons " by a company that achieved great success at the Walnut Street tlieatre, Philadelphia, and lias since visited ether eitlcs In the state and played te large audiences. The piece is said te be full of innocent fun and pretty music. ' Nervous debility, weakness and decline pre vented by a timely use et Malt Bitters. Of the lirst stain or speck beware That en yiur teeth you may espy. There is by far mere danger there. Than at the moment meets the cye. Use SOZODONT without delay, And thus arrest the first decay. eC-lwdced&w General Butler acknowledges te have been neatly shaved with Cut! cura Medicinal Seap. LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD MARKET. DAIBT. Butter ), s... .................. ..J0tij(2ic Cup cheese, 2 cups... ............. fie Cottage cheese, 3 pieces. Sc Dutch cheese y lump 8210c vbcits. Apples f T)K... .............. .tJwCSC Baaaaaseacu.... .95c Cherries, dried, fiqt 12c Currants, dried, f 12c ...58C .10&12C ...93C .122 15c .1220c .'ibijisc .15ffi20c ".ie'aisc ..5c ..5iec ...35e ..5Q10c ..510c ...5Sc ..810c ..710c .legisc ...3Sc .3025c .V.8iec ...... .ec ".7.W.2C .".ie15e DneuAppies f qi l'eacees t qi KViy r.nmca H at Grapes $ Jpfc 'Lemens ft uez Oranges 1 dez rears v V pecic reaches j$pcek " prime Plums l qt VEGETABLES. Beets buncli Cabbage head CarreUi f bunch Cucumbers f dez Cern ?R dez.. ............... ...... Egg Plants each Green Cern fl 'dez Green beans ?pcck Ilma beans ft qt, Lettuce, bead and plate Onions 1 V pk ' bunch Potatoes ?IHPk ' Radishes 1 buncli Soup Beans TH qt Salsify ) bunch .Squashes each Tomatoes il i pk recrrav. Chickens W pair (live)...- " (cleaned) Ducks V pair Geese V piece MISCELLASEOCS. Apple Butter 1 qt Cantcleups Eggs dez Heney 91 fi Seap 3R lit...... - Sauerkraut t qt Watermelons HEATS. Beef Steak, 1 ft " Beast (rib) fi " " (chuck) tJ ft " Corned. V ft " Dried. Pi Bologna dried Hum fJ ft Lamb ij? ft Lard i ft Mutten jB ft .- Perk 1 ft Pudding ? ft...! Sausage ip ft Sides and Bacen jl ft Shoulders V B Summer Bologna .40200c .G075c ..50C0c .00cl 25c "!35e. .1820c ..20625c ...58c ,. 10ft 12c .15fi30t ....1020c ....121CC ....10$I2c ....1O012C ....2efete ..25c "..'.".i34l8c ....1220c 7g9c ....lOffiltiC 910c ....10J2? 7iec '.'.'.'.'.'.'.. iic ....ieigc 10c 1'1'AC lite 10c 10c !C .iS.OWJG.OO i-ju&p .'.'.".35f?40c ftSgUOc .f3.25.1.50 1-00 Veal lit 3 Bass?? ft Cattish t ft.... Kels ft ft Perch Suckers visa. OKAltT. Clerersced 1 bin nay ti ten Cern $1 bus Oats bus RyeW bus Tiuiethv Seced V bus. Wheat $1 bus J'OLITJCAL JlVLLJCTJA'. --WTJ Pay Your Tax. Every voter who wants te vetem Xevembcr should leek alter the payment of Ids tux. Col lector Warlel sits at the Court Heuse THIS EVENING frein( te 0 o'clock te receive it. GO THEKE AND PAT IT. Fer Assembly. The name or WILLIAM McCOMSEY, of the First ward, will be presented te the Demo cratic electors el Lancaster at their primary elections te nominate a candidate for As sembly, under Democratic rules. EMM G. SXYDEB, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination tnthcLi'ginlatiirc from Lancaster City. Sub ject te Democratic rules. tp Second IVtiril. The Second Ward Hancock uitd English club will meet at their headquarters en Friday evening next ler the purpeaw of attending the meeting te be held under the auspices of the 3d, 4th and 7th wards, at the corner of Seuth Queen and Strawberry streets. The club will be fully equipped. The 5th, Cth and 0th wards are respectfully Invited te join. Third Ward Club. The Third ward Hancock and English club will meet at Central Headquarters, in Centre Square en TUESDAY EVENING, September U. A full attendance is urgently desired as the members will be measured for uniforms and ether important business transacted. Fourth Want, Attention! Every voter favorable te the election el Han cock and English is requested te attend a meeting of the Fourth Ward Club, en Tuesday evening, September 14, 1SS0, at So'eleck. There will be important action taken en uniferming. Seventh Ward. A meeting of the Yeung Men's Hancock club will be held at Utzinger's saloon, Middle street. Monday evening, at 8 o'clock. Every member et the club who dc.-ires te sccure equipments is requested te be present. Let there be a full turnout. Business et import ance. In the Lewer End. There will be a general Democratic meeting under the auspices of the Third, Fourth and Seventh ward clubs at the corner of Straw berry, Middle and Seuth Queen streets, en Friday evening, Scptcuiber 17. S I' E VIAL, NOTICES. SAMl'LK MOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman arter a faithful course or treatment with Lydla E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness el the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Plnkham, 233 Western avenue. Lynn, Mnss., for pamphlets. jy29-lydeedw Try Leehcr's Keuewncd Cough Syrup. Sere eyes, tetter, salt rheum, &c, arc cured by " Dr. Llmlsey's Bleed Searcher.'.' Sold by all druggists. The Chicago Times jays: Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure Is highly endorsed by ministers. Judges, physicians, surgeons, by men et literary and scholarly distinction, and by Individuals in all the walks et life. 3 Tin: ambition et the American people leads them te overtax their strength and completely break down their nervous systems. Impov erish the bleed, and almost destroy their con stitutions. Becever your constitution Imme diately, belerc it is tee late, by. taking Dr. Browning's Tonic and Alterative, the great Bleed Purifier and Bleed Maker. Price 50 cents and (1. Fer sale by the Proprietor, W. Champien Browning, M. D., 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia, and all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. s2-lwdTu,Tli&S REMEDY FOB IIAUD TIMES. Step spending se much en line clothes, rich feed and style. Buy geed, healthy feed, cheaper and better clothing ; get mere real and substantial things of life every way, and es pecially step the foolish habit of running alter expeusire and quack doctors or using se much of the vile humbug medicine that does you only harm, and makes the proprietors llch, but put your trust in the greatest of all simple, pure remedies. Hep Bitters, that cures always at a trilling cost, and you will see belter times and geed health. Try it once. Bead of it In another column. Warm "Weather and Its Kneels. Many people, especially ladies, complain at this season of the year or a general weakness or debility. The use or Sneer's Pert Grape Wine prevents this. The wine is said te have a most wonderful effect in giving strength, Tiger and tone te the whole system. It is ex tensively used by ladies nursing, or about te nurse infants. This wine is neta manufactured article no liquor is added te it. It is no patent medicine or cordial humbug, bnt Is a superior wine of the Oporto grape. It is pure, old, un adulterated ine, nothing 111010 or less. Mr. Spccr has been supplying hospitals with Ids wine for many years past. It is said te be iin surpascil for summer complaints, ami for weakly persons. The price is low ler se excel lent a wine, and no family need be without it. This will'; i-i endorsed by Drs. Alice and Davis and sold by 11. E. Slaymaker. aulC-2wdX.w Try Leehcr's Benewncd Cough Syrup Jdutlicn! Mothers!! Metliers!!! Are you "disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth? 11 se, go at once and gctabettlc of Mlts. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYBUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon It; there is no mistake about it. There is neta mother en earth who has ever used it, who wUl net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use in aU cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Staccs. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. Ill7-lyd4wM;W&S Ge te IL B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, for Mrs. Free man's JVcw National Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et colerare uucqualcd. Celer from 3 te 5 pounds. Price, 15 cents. 53 Sellers' Idver Pills" are the secret te per fect health, long life, and absolute happiness. Sold by all druggists. Ceuglis. " Brown's Bronchial Troches" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections. Fer thirty years these Troches have been in use, with annually Increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained weU-merlted rank among the few staple remedies of the age. The Threat. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" act directly en the organs orthe voice. They have an ex traordinary effect in all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, either from cold or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a clearand distinct enunci ation. Speakers and Singers find the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh 01 Sere Threat re quires Immediate attention, as neglect often times results in some incurable Lung Disease. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" will almost In variaDly give relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many et which are injurious. The genu ine "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are sold only in boxes. lanlMyd&wTu.Th&S DEATHS. IIE33. On September 10, 1880. Mrs. Barbara Hess, aged C3 years. The relatives and friends et the family arc respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her son, Dr. J. W. Hes9, 23 Seuth Prlnce street, en Sunday attcrnoen at 1 o'clock. Services at the New Mennonita church, German street, at 1 o'clock. IIaldemax. At Cliickies, Lancaster county, Pa., S. S. Ualdeman, aged CS years. Funeral from his late residence, Chiekles, Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. WeJ,p. Sept. 10, 1880. In this cltv, Elizabeth Wolf, wife of Jehn P. Wolf, In the 40th year el her age, The relatives and friends efthu family arc respectfully invited te attend the funeral from her late residence, Xe, 701 North Queen street, en Monday altorneon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Zion's cemetery. JEW ADVEUTISEUJiSTS 1 'BUSSES ! TRUSSES!! TKU.SSKS! ! ! Sufferers from Bupturc will flndthe safest, easiest and cheapest Trusses In the world en exhibition and for sulc by ANDREW G. FBEY. Druggist, Cor. N. Queen and Orange Sts, Lancaster, Pa. Call and sec. Alse, the enlv sure cure for Piles. FKEY'S UNIVERSAL PILE SUPPOSITORY. Never fails. Price. 50c. and 75c. a box. nie-yd PUBLIC SALE. On MONDAY, SEPT. J3. at Nes. 53 and 53 North Queen street, under the Inquirer build ing, of a large let of furniture, consisting of nn Extension Table, two large Prench plate glass Mirrors, two dozen Chairs, ten Tables, Refrig erators, Sideboard, Range, self-feeding Steve, Ice Bex, Pictures. Shew Case, Cleck, Kegs, Spigots, Knives, Ferks, Spoons, Casters, Glass and Quccnsware, &c. Sale te commence at 0 o'clock en Monday morning. JACOB GUNDAKER. ltd Auctioneer. 1-ULIC UENTAL-ON THURSDAY. SEP TEMBER1C, 1SS0, will be rented by pub lie outcry, at the Cooper Heuse, Lancaster citv. Pa., the following, te wit : That elegant STORE ROOM situated Nes. 38 and 40 West King street, Lancaster, opposite the Cooper Heu-c, lately occupied by Philip Sebum (deceased) Sen & Ce., with all the counters, shelving and glass eases. Renting te commence ut 7 o'clock p. m. of said day when conditions will be made known JOHN K. SCHUM. CHARLES F. HOLZWARTII, Administrators. Samuel Hess & Sex, Aucts. sept tl-5td AS FITTING AND PLUMBING. JOHN P. SOHAUM, Ne. 27 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER. A I.arge Assortment et GAS FIXTURES Constantly en hand. JylO-fiindeawS -VPKRA HOUSE. THURSDAY EVEXIXa. SEPT. W, ISSn. GRAVES' An American comedy representing the four seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumnand Winter, presented with ALL NEW SCENERY AND A GOOD DRA MATIC COMPANY. Singing and Dancing. Three happy hours. REHEARSAL, IN THE BARN, Introducing the "5 GIPSY COMICS," in their Negro. German, Irish, tcrpslcliercan and vocal specialties. Prices, 35c., 50c. and 7."c. Diagram at Yeck cr's office. 8ll-3td G REAT BARGAINS AT CHINA HALL. is CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. A large assortment of Fancy Flower Pets, Plain Flower Pets. A full line of them In our window. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 13 EAST KING STREET. "VrOTICIi. FLliNiN & BRBNBMAlf. Would advise nil who contemplate putting In HEATERS or making any alterations In their heating arrangements te de se ut once before the rush of Full Trade begins. THE MOST RELIABLE In the Market, at the LOWEST PRICES. Flii & Breneman's GREAT STOVE STORE, 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. pUHLIC AUCTION. OX WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15, 1830, willbcxeldat Xe. 150 North Qnccn St., Lancaster, Pa., a larga let of Household and Kitchen Furnl. turc, consisting of Walnut Chamber Suits, Walnut Extension Tables. Office Desks, Hair Mattresses. Sew ing Machines, Lounges, one elegant Par Par eor Mirror, one hair-cloth Parler Suit, one Hat Rack, Steves and Ranges, four elegant Shew Cases, one Piane, Card Tables, and a variety of ether goods tee numerous te mention. These goods come from f.imiliesin the county and are all In geed condition. Goods received up te 10 o'clock en day .of sale. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock, sharp. HESS & FLJNN. SAMUEL HESS & SON, Auctioneers. S11-3UI ZELLER'S CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 10V$ EAST KING Street Music taught in all Its branches Instrumental, Vecal(Matlame Seller's method), Thorough Bass and Har mony, and Analysis. Friday evening concerts every two weeks, for whiclrthe pupils furnish the music. Terms Classes of three,9S.OO ; les les eons In classes et two, $10.00; private lessens. $15.00; lessens at the pupil's house, $1.00 each lessen. sep4-7t I Ran SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Among the many advantages gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPACKING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS Sc BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. NOTICE! On and after SATURDAY. AUGUST CS, the entire stock of ROOTS AND SHOES et the P ARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. iW. EAsT KING STREET, will be offered at a great SACRIFICE, te CLOSE OUT BUSINESS. Desiring te engage in ether business, I take this opportunity te otter the entire stock, consisting et 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Makes, at least 23 per cent. lest than thev cm be bought elsewhere. Having made a specialty in geed goods for the last two year-, nsplcndid opportunity is new offered te bnj'superier BOOTS and SHOES at lower prices than TRASH can be bought elsewhere. FARMEBS ! Wishing te purchase their BOOTS AND SHOES for Fall and Winter, new is your chance te buy CHEAP. Country storekeepers will de well te call while our stock Is yet complete. We also liarea Hue of very fine goods which we will sell trem$l te $2 a pair less than belere. The EN TIRE STOCK must be .SOLD out as SOON as POSSIBLE. We also otter apart or the llxtureset the store, consisting or revolving fixture in window. Lounges, part or shelving, Writing Desk, eue Fireproof Combination Sale, as gecd as neiv, and line Shew Case and Stand, at PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. 20 1-2 East King St., opposite Lancaster Ce. Bank. C. A. Reeee. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C, In the city, is te be seen at the Works et NORBECK & MILEY, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDERS, COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. S-COX & CO.'S OLD STAND.-a The Stock includes all the LATEST STYLES SPRINGS, uch as the Brewster, Whitney, S.didee Triple, Empire Cress Spring, De.xter Queen Duplex nil Elliptic, ami they will also make te order any style a purchaser may desire. Repairing rail kinds promptly attended te. All work guaranteed for ene year. "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD." NE W AD VEU TISEMEXTS. 171NE CRAYON LITHOGRAPHS OF II AN : cock and English can be had at the Inti:i. ugexcku olllce. Only 'JjC. apiece. ltd IEt-UBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS ARE t respectfully invited te call and st-e our Campaign Shirts. Alse, new Meck of Hats, Underwear, Overalls, Notions, .tc., at reduced Prices. IIENRT BKCHTOLD, Ne. 52 North Queen street, Lanca-ter, Pa. ltd 105 OO TO F.IIIEMEXX'.S 105 Ne. 105 North Queen street for the Cheapest and Best BOOTS AND SHOES. I 105 Sign of the Rijf Shee. 10S I2CS&WIM IOTO GrORREOHT & OO.S' GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, and all ether kind-, or Ceal. Quality and quantity guaranteed. Yard, HarrNbitrg Pike. Olliec, SJJs East ChcMnu. btrect. augi7-ttd 105 LADIES AND OENTS II you want a 105 GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Rca'iy-madu or made te order, call at P. HIEMENZ'S, Ne. 103 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. ieSBS&WtM " COAL! COAL,! Fer geed, clean Family and nil ether kinds or COAL go te RUSSEL, & SHULMYER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders le specttully solicited. OFFICE: 22 East King Street. YARD: 018 North Prince Street. angll-taprlSR 100 Tens et Bags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD AIIAKDICAU:. The highest price paid ler Woolen, OM Paper, Reeks, Ac. Teh Rag Asserters wanted'' 1 te whom the highest price will be paid. , JOHN A. SHOBER, yO-tfdR r.-uicaster. I'.i OPMIM BAY ! FAIL A! fflTEl NOVELTIES, FOE MEN'S WEAB. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. September 11, 1SS?. FARMERS ! DRY GOODS. T 15. MARTIN k CO. WE ARE NOW SHOWING THE LATEST FALL PATTERNS ? WALL PAPERS ASD- CARPETS VERY "P PRICES. FAXCYDADO WINDOW SIIADES. PLAIN SHADING, ALIr WIDTHS. SPRING AND CORD FIXTURES. Wide Shading for Stere Windows. MOSQUITO CANOPIES ALL SIZES. We respectluliy solicit a call. J. B. lartin & Ce., LANCASTER, PA. H'AXTED. WANTED.--.EVERYBODY TO ABVKIt tiae, free of charge, in the Intdllieks cix. who want a something te de. WANTED A GOOD COOK WANTED immediately-nt 87-tfd 443 "NORTH DUKE STREET. w ANTED AN ENERGETIC BUSINESS man. Address P. O. Rex 13i ltd WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Twenty Rrieklayers. Apply te u. w. .MAK1U.. sll-2td 4M East Orange street. WANTED A Vi(Y COMPETENT MAN who Is well acquainted in the tobacco growing district or Lancaster county and its vicinity, as a tobacco buyer and te take charge or the warehouse in Lancaster. Only these with geed rercrrnccs and thorough business ability a? buyers, who have before been em ployed wilh some large house as such, need address, X. Y. .., Ixtelligexcer Olllcc. sept ll-3td. SVYSTEItS! OYSTERS!! Fer the opening of the season or '80-'81 sub scriber would anneunce that with Increased facilities for handling OYSTERS, he will be mere ready and able te supply his large demand from day te day as wanted. With mere men, mere teams and mere facil ities in CTery way he Is new prepared te open and serve the best stock of OYSTERS ever his counter, as well as deliver te any part of tlie city with no extra charge ler delivery. Always searching the market through for stock of the best kind h flatters himself that he can add many new customers te his new large trade. Respectfully, P. METTFETT. scp!0-2td THIRD EDITIOI. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPT. 11, 1SSO. "WEATUEU INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Sept. 1 1. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary or lis ing folleweJ by falling baremctf r, higher temperature, northwesterly winds shift ing te southerly, clear or partly cloudy weather. BUCHANAN CACC.UT. Expected In Philadelphia Te-morrow. PuiLADELPniA, Sept. 11. United States Attorney Valentine yesterday received a dispatch dated Pert ITureti, Michigan. which stated that Dr. niichanun, the bogus diploma dealer and a icfugcc from justice, had been captured at that place. Themas Vanduscn was ancslcd yester day en a charge of perjury in connection with the alleged suicide of Buchanan and was arraigned this afternoon be fore United States Commissioner Gibbens. He then desired te waive a hearing, but at request of District Attorney Valentine, he was held te await IJtichanan's appear ance. Bail was fixed at ?r,000 and he was committed in default. Distiiet At torney Valentine this morning received a dispatch stating that Buchanan would reach here te-morrow morning. KY WIRE. Te-Day's Telegraphic News. Wm. II. Rhede, of Beading, has made an assfcnmant. Liabilities, 10,003 ; es timated assests, $."0,000. Further depredations by Victeria's In dians are reported. Gen. Pepe a-lcs that the Mexican government -be requested te permit our troop? te pursue them in; Mexico. Mr. Ilaycs and Gen. Sherman exhibited themselves bafera 1.1,000 people in the Mechanics' pavilion, San Fraeisee, tiiis morning. In a fight between ihieving tramps and Ilarrisburg officers, this morning, at Cove station, revolvers were used, and one tramp was captured. Six ethers escaped. The Republican Left of the French Chamber of Deputies contemplate a fierce attack en the policy of Premier De Freyci nct. A cabinet council has been called te dispose of the unauthorized religious con fraternities. me ::enanz. TI10 Het Springs Yielding Cott!. Sax Francisce, Sept, 11. A. C. Tick nor, who bought the Het Springs hotel prepci ty at Calistoga, Napa county, has extracted $1,000 'of geld from ten barrels of water front the springs. The geld is of the utmost fineness and as the springs in the locality are very numerous and volume of water very large, it would be useless te attcmjit te estimate their value if they continue te yield as rich a return as experiments tints far have proved. Plre fn Raltimore. Baltimore, Sept. 11. The extensive tin can manufactory of Smith & "WccI:, corner of Bewlly and Mill streets, was destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning. The less is estimated at-"0,-000; fully insured. The lumber yaidef Ilcise & Rrtin, adjoining, was damaged ! the extent of three or four thousand ; fully insured. MARKETS. New Yerk HarKct. Nkw Yeke. Sept. 11. Heur Staff .nut Wct ern quiet, without important change; Super fine. CS 4004 00; extra d f.J 7."CM ID ; ehoice.ile, l.r04 0."5; lmiev de. fl 7'JO" -": ruin.u hoop Ohie 71 tOGI r'U: cheiee de $!' 65 7."; superfine western V'.-t)'$i lift: cei. 11:11. 11 te goeil extra de ."! V.")l-": choice de dn $4 Siflfi i".; choice white wheat de $t l.".f t CO Southern unelnmgeil, :md cpiiet ; r-nmnien te fair extra $i j &." -JU; geed te choice de $3 'rG: ",). Wheat dull and J.Qc lower, Willi very meileratc trade demand ; Xe. 1 White, Sept.. $105: de Oct., $1 K-.4; Ne.'.! lied. Sept.,$l : de October, l Cllilm'J, ; de Nev., H i7, 108. Cern a shade easier and in very moderate trade; Mixed western spot, .r.0j'j.";4e; de future, SOQSic Oats a shade lower; Xe. 2, Sept, ."0J-;ffi"'.v,Ve; de Nev., aJ4:r.c ; de ct. S-t,'c ; Mate, 11 44c; Western 4tit.!e. fhiladelplila r.:;;rct. l'mLADKLrniA, Sept. 11. Fleur ciu!c and steady; supertineat HM5:1 00; extra i::et(j 3 75; Ohie and Indiana liimily at y.Vj 7.1 ; I'eun'a tainily de $ 7."." 'W; St."! .eni-r rami! v at S.-,0(Ji;00; Minnesota family . 0-)." 8); p.fen and hicii crude- SG 50s 00. Ryu flour at $4 WSJl 75. Wheat easy: Ne. U Western lied $1 0I : ; i'n. lied $10134: Amber nt $1 u-'i. Cern easier anddull ; httamcr 52c : yel!-.w 53c; mixed 52ic. Oats linn; Ne. 1, White 4PSJS12.-; Xe. 2. de 40ffl!0Jc: Ne. 3, de S'JU ',;; Xe '.'. Mixed :S7:S7J4. Rye scarce and wanted at FCe. Prevision market liim: in.-". pnri: $1C 001 Si; beet hams 1U 0"3:e w, lndi:m iii.s- beet at $1'! 00 : l icon smoked shoulders GMS'9I" sal- ' (JQiJ'fe; smoked haniM 12Qlea; pickled hum- i);t lOe. Lard firm; city kettle at SJfSS;c : 're--but filer' 8c; prime Hteain fv'c. liuttcr scarce and advancing; (5d demand : Creamery extra iUgSlic; Creamery jjoed !" choice i"i32Se; Uradlerd county and Ne.v erk extra. .Cii'JSe ; Western reserve extra lSJe: de geed te choice 15317c ; Rell.- wanted with 110 choice here; l'cnn'a extra 10'S-'); Wc.-tfin reserve extra 16?$'.Mc. EpRSllrm; 1'eiin'u at IBJJgi'ic; W . . 18l'Jc. Cheese finnand light offerings ; New Yeik lull cream lSJe; Western full cream I'jgl-e : de fair te geed llgll'ijc; de half skims M llc. Petroleum firm ; refined UJic. Whisky at $t 1. Seeds Geed te prime Clever dull :.t $;G0 350 ; Timethy firm at f2 5f)2 0 : n.-i.w-d rmat$12S. Stock Market September 11. Nkv Tens Stocks. Stocks weak. a. jr. A. M. 'lfi .Wil'. 10H-. r. ir. 11:55 ; sr. 1:15 r. si juern j KrieU. It Michigan K.& I. ... Michigan Cent. K. It. Chicago & ". W . !fi .IC1 HV. . j"?;' Chicago, M A St. P... Han. & St. J. Cem " " . P'ld.... Teledo .t Wubash ... Ohie & Mii-iisippi. .. St. Leuis, I. M. & S. 1:.. Ontario and Western. CCA I.C. R. R New Jersey Central.. Del. Hudsen Canal. 40 " til 7 , S1U . :r:A 'IT. ' my iyd -ui 01 !K)?Z Del., l.ack. & Western Western Lnien Tel.. iei;i 10 41f 41 31 seyH , id tit . 35 35 . .... lii V2 U& .... 121 .... 117J4 .... 1244 Puclllc Mall S. S. Ce.. Manhattan Elevated. Union Pacific Kansas & Texas New Yerk Central.... Adams Kxprcss Illinois Central Cleveland & Pitts.... Chicago & Reck I Pittsburgh & Ft. W... PUItADBLrHTA. Pennsylvania R, It.... Phll'a. & Reading T.ehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation... Neithern Pacific Cem te 15 15'i .my. S3 lfiJS 38 1 4S 171J4 P'd PitU.,Tilusv'e& 15... Northern Centia! Vhil'a&Erie R. R... Northern Pcnn'a.... Un.R. R'serN.J.... Hestenvilie Past Ccntva Trans. Ce... IS NEW Alil'ERTlSEStEXTS. YAtUAKLE CITY PKOPKKTY AT PKIVATK SALC. A let et ground Xe.27 North Mary str- et, upon which is erected a two-tery IlrlckDwellingwithtwiWerv llriefc U.iek Ituildins. Stable en rear et let. There id a variety of Choice Fruit en ttiepremi-es. U-e .1 nii'ii i.nus uweiting, e. 111 est Oiiinge street, and a Let et Ground en New street, between Lime and Shippcn streets, 131 feet lient anil 215 feet deep. ler further par ticulars apply te .JOHN HULL. Tobacconist. augll-ltdS 47 West King Street. T)1'UI.1C sali:. 1 On SATURDAY. SEPTKJIRER 11, 1SS0. will be old at the Leepard Hetel. East King street, line.ister city. Pa., a valuable lotet grett'.ul, situate en the southeast corner et Middle and Lime streets fronting 011 Middle street -J7 leet 4 inelie.. atulinitepth along t.ime street : teet. mere or lessen which U erected aont'-stery dwelling, part brick and r.ut leg; liydr.ui! in the ard. truit tree-. etc. Sale te commence a: 7:."51 o'eleek p. 1:1. 0:1 slid day, a hen ter:ns w ill be m.ule known Iiv CATHARIXi: POWL. Iln.viir uxnciiT, Auk.-:. 3iirt-itI 4 jiiMTi:.'rnw sai.i:. XL On Tl" I I AY. S EPTKM ItER 21. iss'Oi. will be sold at public sale, en the premise. 150 Mittth Water street. Lancaster. Pa., the follow ing personal propel t belonging te the estate et Philip i-clium: Twe excellent DRAFT HORSI, te Ceal AVagens. nearly new; a targe quantity et Ceal. Ceal Sehut.'.s and lnvel-.. Xi-v Mmkct Wagen. New Phaeton, tue .:te. one et which i nearly new. large anil small scale-. Clocks, Ac. Hou-eheUl and Kitchcii I'urnltiire et every description. Alse the entire -tuck of Cewrie's, Ceuutei pines, tthiiiket-. ller-e l!l uikets. and an e xcelient ns--ertuient 01 Heme made Carpets'. Yarn--, ,1c. S.de te eiiiiimeueeat i) a. m. and iy. o'clock p. 111., when attendance w ill begiven and terms made l.utir.'ii lv "JOHN !". -"'ttru. chai:lk hel.wartii. . HreS ,:;. Aucts. AdminNtr.iters. Mere goe.l- u ill be removed treni :k? and 40 West I.ing t IMJ eutli V'ater street. :iu27,:SlA.cp.:.7,lCd nir; pkepkuty at 1-itkmc sai.k. j On TUESDAY. S El' I' EM HER 21, lS.-0.will be -idd at the Cooper llen-e. in the elty of Laliea-ter. the heti-e and let lately owned ami occupied by Ceneral James L. Reynold, dee'd. The let is -itu.i'fi! 011 th" cut siile et North Prince stiee'. in this city, betwet n Orange and Chf-tniit stie.'ts, at tlie coiner et a public alley, eeut.liuim: in tieut en l'rinee street :it"i"c-aid, thirty-three feet, and extending e:i-tu.ud el" tif.it width one hundred and tueiity-ene leet, mere or le-s. m which is eii'dcil :t comfortable twe--iO.-v ItRK'Iv IIDl'.-i:. with two-fery i'.rick Hack Ibtilding. !t c.mt-iiiis . ight reiims, c xelu-ive of the attic, t.ig- tlier w ith 1 ide halls 0:1 each lloer, and lias a hydrant in the kitchen as well a in the yard. There are en tlu' prcmi-es Grape Vines, Peach and 1'cir Trcc.-i. :.ll choice truit. Sale lit eeinuiiiiieu at 7 o'cle.-l; p. m. of said day. when its condition.! will be made known bv" th under.-igned. ".he will then be in at tendance. " A.SLAYMAICER, Executer et the will efJauiui L. Reynolds, dcei. S. Hu-j & Ses. Allots. . sepl-tsd 7jn:Ln; sali: or valuaki.k kkal 1 ESTATE. On SATURDAY EVKNINIL at 7e" lock, MrPTEMRER IS, IS-tl. at the Key st .ne Hetel, North uccn street, in this city of I.anca-tcr. will be sold in pur-uame of the di di reeiieus of the will et Ji-epli Peel, deceased, th' lollening real estate, l.: I lllt.111-:-, ..111, it, , Jl . ,.l.b .4J, ivti wide ttlley: bounded en the north by ground of Jehn Ue-eutnl 011 the south by ground et I.'iclmr.l MeGraun, en which a One-Story I'niiue Duelling Heuse H erected en Xeri'll tjueen Mreet, and another One-Mery Friime Dwelling situate en the laid leurteen feet wide alley Ne. 2. "All that certain One-story Crick Duelling Heu-e and halt-1 it or piece et ground, situate en the south side et East Uhc- nut Street, in said city, containing in front ::i Ii el 2' J inches, and in depth 215 reette a i t feet v.idi; alley, bounded en the east by ground of D. IS. Hosteller and 011 the wist by W'illiam Ilensci. Poscs-ieti and title en ApriKl, !-st. DAVID IIARTMAN. Executer. ii. -ur!i.:.Lr. Auc. aiiiJ-TSF-tisd LK Jf VALUAISI.i: KKAI. -. m THURSDAY. OCTOI5ER 7. 1 ESTATE. P"". i.id l.cMi!dutlHibIIi'Mi!f.nu the in finises. 0:1 th ; .uiliersville pike, in the city el" Lanciis terand county of I.ue:iater,Psi., the follewlnif, te wit.: A t.actef iaiid, ceniaining 5 ACRI'S, mere or If- , en v. Inch i e iceted 11 large and conve nient two'tery !:!:!!;:; HOUSE, v. ith Mansard Reol and :i two lery Itrlck Rack Ciiililingat Lichid, jrd :i small Miuiuier ICitcheii; gas through the hnu-e; lus a line hull and eleven large 100ms, cenvt uiently laid out; a well of never-Ialiing iiilit with puiiipth iei:i, cistern and a em. ice 'ei et Iiuil tree- in hcaringerdcr, peach e. chard, etc.: a tine driving mm I te and lieui the heitse. 'i'hf ground flouts en thri'e st reels: v, euhl be wll adanl'-il ler hiiiiding lets. '1 here is al-e a geed cellar under the whole heu-.-; Iiealer in teliar, and geed ven tilation 111 ail i he room-; then' i- :t:i ob-frvn-lery em lop et th" heu-e. :d-i a ;eih large Rarn. Caniagf Heit-f. Ice Hmii-f, si.ddiiig ler three hin-"s and two cmiv-. v.ith water ..tthf barn: a gins- trout hennery, 55 li-ft long, with work-shop attached. Tiieieareen this property about .Hi tllH'ere lit vai if tics et giape-, lieaim, with a line let r shrubbery, evergreen ami -hade tree-. This property is well wei til the attention of pcr-wis who v. ish te buy a private le-idcnee, or ter building let-', or (lira lleri-t. Any person wishing te If w the piepcrty jircviouste the day et :ile cmdoseliy ealling en the l.nd'ji-igni'd if iding en the same, either by Iftb'r or personally. Si.il.-te eeinii.i iiceut 2 o'clock I. M. et said day. u In 11 attc iidaiif 1: v. ill be given and condi cendi condi teo':. s ei sale v, ill he made l:newn by HENRY G. I.IPP. S. I!ns .fv .s'e:;, .'!!!:. :iu21-ltiI&t;tdS.7tv Jjcglic sal:: of valuahlk i:i:al i:-TATE. On WI:DXI:sDAY,SE1"1EM ItER l.'i, I 11. v. ill be sold at. public salt; en the prcmi-es, -ituated in Raphe township, en tin: re.il leaiiiug 110111 .Ml.Jovte Maiiheim, one halt mil- Hei tht'ii-t 01 ."dl. .ley.nd joining lands et Chri-tiau Geed, Je-eph i)i tv.-ciler, Jno. i:reueiii.ni and tin; Little Chiipies aluuga ei'-ck. a Valuable Farm containing 134 ACRES, en which i- erected a two-s.er I'rick Heu-e withtw --lery brie!: u tug attached. Then; is no liner larnrheii-e in Lnifiister county. A balcenj extend- the w hob; length of the house wn tin lir-t and si cend stories. Ti-ere are lai-jis tehiiiig doers in the hall; in winter flu: doeis can l.e cle.-ed, making another le'im, and in siiiiiiie r by opening the doers a large, cool hall i he lf-uit. A circular staircase, rum te the tbiid -t ry. The cellar is cement ed and lias a -iib-arehed cellar underneath, which i- iutf tided or keeping milk, butter. meats, ,te. .-tone Tenant IIeu-i: with base i:icnt kitchen. A large bank b.un, when erected in 1S7I, c e-t nearly itr,i). Attached te the barn in a building v. hieb contains a her-t: ewer and above i i a large mew. A large straw heitse at tached te the b.uii.a cirriagi: heu-e, wagon shed, corn crib and ail neceary outbuildings, all et which aif coveted with slate. A large iff h'iu-f in ar the heii-f . The ft ncing is com 1 e-ed et locust p.-U and cln stunt rails. 'I hi: proper! v lias been th .leughty linitd within thf M-t live jeais. I- in a high stat;; of cultiva tion, ami i4o:icet the most de-Irab'e farms in tin teiiiity. If.lc lied ?I5,0 .Oef the piu chase money can remain 0:1 the farm. Any person desiring te view the priDart," bc bc feie "the lay of sale will plcusu call en3Ir. ( h.irles Render, r siding then en. t-aic te cimincnce at 1 o'clock ji.m. efsald dav, v. hen attendance will be given by iiexry e. l!:man. L. D. Gam.c:ii::i:, Auct angsjtw(itdeaw5 IJI'RLIC KALIS P VALUAlILi: HEAL A e-tate 1:1 I.anca-ter city. On WEDNES DAY evening. SEPTEMRER 15, IS60, at 7 o'clock, at the Swan Hetel, Muttbtjin-eii. street, in the city et" Lnnciutcr, will lie &old the fol fel fol lewi. g ical estate, viz: Xe. I, A let of gifiiiid. Ne. 013, rust sideel south tjueen street, containing in lient25fcet and in depth 1H) leet with 1:11 alley, upon which i-crcete! a Twe-story i'.rlck DWELL IXi, HOl'hK, with two-,tery brick back build ing and Rlucksi.'iith Shep in basement. Ne. 2. Three hiiiiding let-, situated in same place, containing in trout 1!) fet t each and in depth lt'i feet, en which is elected a one-story Frame Stable. Xe.::, A let of gieund. iliuut.'l In 'iiir.ie ila'f. cent lining in trent 2'i feet :.n I In depth It) l;ct. en v.hiili u elected a tv.-i.iery Wagenmakcr's shop. Xe. 1. a let et ground, si'uatul 1:1 same jilace. eenlaining in fient i'-'ilt et and In depth 110 Tc. t. 0:1 which is eiec'.eda two-story Rrick Dw lling hou-e with one-story Irai.n; back building. I'd sc- ion and ti;b;e:i Apul I, 1:91. Term en day of sale by WILLIAM SEIFERT. Sjlxvzl Hess A Se:;. Aucts. sepl-e ed:.s 1 7f-''-I HA1TDSOMB RESIDENCES, Tcn-rf.e:ncd, two-story und Mansard root, Green Stone Frent Dwellings, Ne;. :23ahi! 4'3 West Orange Street. With all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS r.clitding Jcnnlng's Improved Londen water closets, niaiblc-tep washitimd, iuii-reved wall-jjd-in range, cellar heater, perfect drainage and sewerage, deep, dry cellar, white inarble base and steps, Ac, fee. Let !J2 by J15 fcette a i I-fcet wide alley, front yard 2 feet In depth, iucle-cd with ornamental iron fence. Fer terms, fctvapply te JOUNILMETZLEK, aug21-WtStfd Ne. Seutii Duke SL, .i. 1. ..11 1:1.11, eeriiiiii nun nil or piece. 01 ground situate en the west side et" North tjueen street, in -aid ciiy, containing In fient.'Uteet H':.w.l.... .....I :. . 1. .,.!': f..i I.... 11 r.... 51 -r