" - LANCASTER DAILY !KTEtIJGENfcEB ffipASBPlSffgA i88 Lancaster Intelligence FRIDAY KVENINO, SEPT. 10, 1880. DMT aOOJMJi Farmer art Gardeier. The Ucrraantewn Telegraph's Advice C Tbem. Knrlcbteg Orchards. Any fanner who has been accustomed te raising apples and has beea uniformly suc cessful, will doubtless say that if he ex pects te get geed crops he treats the or chard as he does for any ether crop he manures it, and he finds that a manure that will de for most ether crops will de for the crop of apples. It is the neglect te manure orchards at all that causes them n hA.ir ke noerlv and the trees te leek in bad condition. There is nothing better tlmti weed ashes for orchards, if we had the ashes ; but nearly everybody burns coal except in certain out-of-the-way KentinnR- and wc must? therefore re sort te something else. Next- W weed-ashes there is no ether'fertilizcr lh?t tcr than barnyard manure. & liberal ap plication of this, if only one in three years, with careful pruning and scraping of the trees, and ferreting-out the borers and all ether iinsccts which lay concealed under the bark, will seen make a change in the productiveness of the orchard. Cc- te apply the manure and te give the trunks I el tue trees a goeu scrapiu-uu w bark. If the trunks were washed with whale-oil soap, say oue pound te an ordi nary sized bucket of water, thcre would net be many insects left alive after tlie operation. American Tobacco. Pennsylvania has become ene of the leading American states in the production of tobacco. And as the crop is a much mere profitable ene tl'an many ethers te which our farmers turn tuCir attention in multitudes from the mere fbrce of habit and association, we cannot say that we re gret this development. liefore the civil war tobacco was ene of the leading sta ples of American agriculture en account of the extent of the Southern crop. But war left the tobacco regions of the Seuth se devastated and ruined, lint. i-niMinnratimi was CXtremclV slOW and difficult, and in some regions almost impossible. Nevertheless the Southern crop has been gradually recover ing, and within the last ten years it i u n n n dcrstoed te have made marked progress L'1 some of the gulf states. Properly speak ing, this crop ought te be ene in which the American production should perma nently held the leading place in the world's commerce. The example set by Pennsyl vania in this respect is calculated te carry weight with it in all parts of the Seuth. Fer if geed tobacco can be raised here, much better ought te be raised in the planting states of the Seuth, and especi ally these of the cotton belt extending from the Seuth Carolina coast te western Texas. TO STATE FAIR ; VISITORS ! ASTXICBBMtrB ADYXattUXXIinT. INVITATION. Cultivation or Tea. The head of the agricultural department at Washington appears te be quite sanguine of success in the permanent cultivation of tea as a domestic crop in our Southern states, where the department has distrib uted seeds of tea-plants quite extensively, with the most gratifying results. As a matter of course, if the Southern planters conclude te turn their attention te this crop with anything like the determined en ergy displayed in raising cotton, tobacco, corn, rice, sugar and ether crops, they may be exacted te achieve a measure of success. We should have supposed, how ever, that this particular crop would succeed better in California than in our gulf states, as en the Pacific coast the climate is better adapted te it, the soil mere prolific than in India and China, and the situation of the country particularly favorable for the in troduction of Chinese labor skilled in the cultivation or the tea plant and the prep aration of it for use by the commercial world. As, however, the persecutions of the Chinese in California have rendered the experiment there apparently hopeless for the prcscut perhaps, the commissioner of agriculture has acted wisely in attempt ing te utilize the peculiar plantation system of the Seuth for the successful naturali zation of tea in American agriculture. A. Cordial Invitation te visit mv store, and te make use of it during your stay in the city. In the waiting-room, as you enter from Chestnut street, you may rest with ladies and chil dren; leave parcels, checked; and enjoy many ether little facilities. I want you te see my place and business; and te learn hew easily, safely and advantageous ly you can send there from your homes for almost everything. JOHN WANAMAKER. A GOOD ACCOUNT. ' Te sum 11 up. six long years of bed-ridden sickness and Millcring, costing $200 per year, total, $1,200 all of which was stepped liy three bottles of Hep Hitters taken by my wile, who lias uene licr en n nouhcwerK iur u jour miiwj without the les el a day, ami I want every body te knew it ler their benefit." 'Jciix Wkkks, Butler, X. V." A Went te Our Readers. When veu read of a remedy that will cuic a1 diseases, beware of it; but when you read of a pure vegetable compound which claims te cure enlv certain parts of the body, ami fur nisher high proet that it docs this, you cm safely try and witli the assurance that it will help" you. This is just what Warner's Sale Kidney and Liver Cure does. It cures all troubles et the lower portion et the body and none ethers. It will net help the toetiuche, earache nor consumption, but it will put your body in a vigorous and healthy state where you can enjoy lite and appreciate its geed things. Try it. 2 MJiltlCAJj. NEKVOUS DEUILlTx. Te Nervous Sutlerers The Great Euio Euie pcan Remedy Dr. J. 11. Simpsen's Spccilic Medicine. It is a positive cureiler Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Veakness,Impeteiicy,and all dlbeiiMw resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety, Less of Memery, l'nlns ' Back or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Spccilic Medicine is being used witli wonderful success. l'ampuieis scill ireu lu :ui. t rue mi uieiii uni get lull particulars. Trice, Specilic, $1 per package, or six packages for $5. J. I!. blMP tON MEDICINE COMPANY. Nes. 104 and 106 Main Street, Bullale, S. Y. Address all orders te II. B. COCIIKAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and IXI North Queen Street, Lancaster. nii7-lydced&w TEUV1NE, OR TONIC SPKCIF1CA. 1 A BOON TO BOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for all diseases arising from Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits, as well as from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic tonus of the following diseases have been at tested te bv the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Sell Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, General Debility, lmpeteticy, Premature Decay, Ve. It has been in use ler ever lerty years, and is te-day the most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the. WORLD. It can be used without regard fe diet, is pleasant in .... 1 1... ....... 1 11 S I , .. ...a ...j. .....I liisie, ami ji ui;i uiuu un, il is it suit., row.; aiiu certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since 1KW this remedy has always been sold for a much larger price than that for which it is new sold ; but owing te the act that the time ler the payment et an enormous royalty upon its manufacture lias expired, it is ettered te the suffering of both sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be within the reach of all; at which price it will te sent te any addicss tree et further charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 46 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mall. 1j-2G-0ind&w HOSTETTEK'S BITTER'S FOR SALE AT Lecher's Drug Stere, 9 East King street. JZVVVATIOXAL. PENNSYLVANIA MUSEUM AND SCHOOL of Industrial Art, The school year of 1880 81 will begin Monday. Sept. 13. Instructions for young men and women in Industrial Draw ing, Painting and Medclinq a app.'icd te the arts. Send ter circulara te THE SECRETARY, 15 S. Seventh street, Philadelphia. aug2-19tced&Gtw 1WE ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH Franklin and Marshall College otters su Se'rier advantages te young men and boys who csire cither tenreparc for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ctUdyd Lancaster. Pa. rhestnut Thirteenth and Market sti eeb", and cit v Ha" Square, Philadelphia. sep lOtd JJM USJb'JUlZA'TS. The Only Peerless and the Best! OH! THAT PRECIOUS BABY. The Craze te See the Baby Elephant. Thousands of people turned away, unable te gain admission, every day. Old Fossils laid in the shade and a New Em in Amusements es tablished. The Largest Canvass ever erected, and four Times the Biggest Shew ever here. LANCASTER, Saturday, September 11th. TWO RINGS DOUBLE CIRCUS COM PANY in friendly contest. Twe Meustcr Triple Menageries. UNDER THE LARGEST TENTS EVER ERECTED anywhere in the WORLD. Receipts from $6,500 te $10,000 Daily. Great LoMen Circus, SANGER'S Royal British Menagerie, UNITED WITH THE International Ten Alliea Shows JAMES E. COOPER, SelkOwheks JAMES A. BAILEY, HOLKuuhers. First Time of the Baby Elephant. Only Elephant ever born in bondage any where in the wide world, and when, exhibited in Lancaster will be six months and one day old. Team of 13 Camels ; 30 Genuine Plantation Jubilee Singers; 3 Brass Bands: a Superb Steam Organ and Brilliant Free Street Pro Pre cession which fairly scintillates with golden lustre ; Open Dcnsef Ferocious Wild Beasts in the street; Only Baby Hippopotamus ever ex hibited in America. First time of Filteen Elephants performing incredible feats in military drill, and double the elephant sever seen in one herd before in anv country. Only Shew in the World Light ed "Thoroughly Throughout by Electricity. Ne ether has it. Ne ether can have. ONLY 6 PERFORMING OXEN, 4 Snow White and 2 Bleed Red ; in feats rivaling the intelligence of the. horse. Tremendous Triple Menagerie of no odd cages. A World of Menkies, forests et Birds, and the most startling catalogue of Curiosities ever seen under tents; 200 Cham Cham peon Circus Performers, culled from every branch of the profession, and positively and only containing every stellar light of the arena, in Friendly Rivalry in two Distinct Rings. The most Gorgeous Street Pageant ever witnessed this side et the Orient. Te miss it will be the regret of a lifetime; 6,000 Number ed Opera Chairs, with scats for 15,000 people. ADMISSION SOCU. CHILDREN UNDER 9 YEARS, 25Ct. Harrisburg Friday, Sept. 10. auff24.2Sscptl.418,10A8tw MABBLt, WQBK8. WM. P. FRATLKTS MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 768 Nerm yueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given In every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end of North Queen street- mSO Iff OP BITTERS JTOK BALK AT LOCH. er's Drag Stere, 9 East King street. ASTRICH BR0.S' Lancaster Bazaar 13 EAST KING ST. Special Netice te Oar Customers. Our store will be closed en MONDAY and TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER tha Cth and 7th. en account of holidays. Will be reopened Tucs dav evening, SEPTEMBER 7th, at C p. m. We also beg te inform the ladles of Lancaster and vicinity that we shall keep for the next season a complete line of TRIMMED MTTfT.TNERY, and offer such at our well known low prices. Due notice will be given of our FALL OPENING. JUtX.UVOBB. PENNSYLVANIA STATE PAIR. A COEDIAL INVITATION 16 EX7TENDED BY We have opened this week a new line et COKSETS, which wc offer at our well-known low prices. Cull in and examine the goods and prices Our well-known 49c. CORSET, is btlil 111 great demand, and cannot be sur passed by anv ether in the market. Wc ofler a 11 rat-class French Woven Corset for 68c. The "COUNTLESS," a side-steel and laced Corset, ter 50c. The "QUEEN CORSET,"extralength double busk, side steels, embroidered bust and front, for 74c. The " PAVILION," a handsome and most el el cgautCersct, spoon busk, laced at the hips, side steels, embroidered bust, trimmed with lace edge, m white and drab, ler 75c. Our extra long "STAR CORSET." with double busk, side steels, worth l.i", for only !)5c Onr leading 100-bone Corset, the " PARIS IAN," for $1.00. A most elegant FRENCH WOVEN CORSET, extra long, side steels, with rich hand embroid ered bust, for $1.00. A splendid NURSING CORSET, side steels, 80-bone, for $1.00. The "CrPRUS," spoon busk, Hide steels, elaborately embroidered bust and front, at $1.23 The "DOUBLE ADJUSTABLE" Corset, side steels, double side-lacings, extra long, at $1.50. The '-LISBON," a most elegant, long Corset, side steels, with 6ilk stitchlngs. at $1.00. An elegant "SATIN COUTILLE" Corset, in pink, blue, cream and drab, for $3.00. Wc are closing out a lotef Corsets, odd sizes, for 25c. thereby offering our customers a chance te purchase a Corset worth 50c., 75c. and $1.00 ler the small sum et 25c. EARLY FALL HATS. One Let of New Style Hats at 21c One Letof Fine MILAN HATS at (He MOSQUITO NETS. jCANOPYNETS OVER BEDS $2.00 We have opened this week a Full Line of "WORSTEDS, and etTer them at prices never sold for be fore. Knitting Yarns at P0c per pound. First Quality at 9Cc " BEST eGeiai Knitting Y; Common Celers $1.40 per pound, 35c per quarter. High Celers and Balmoral $l.fi0 per pound , 40c per quarter. GERMANTOWN WOOL. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Te their many Lancaster County friend te make their establishment general headquarters during the continuance of the State Fair, owning in this city September 6lh. Fer the convenience of out-of-town patrons, pleasant Waiting and Toilet Reems and a Parcel Office, where packages may be left .until called for, liave been introduced. - lYbile the Fair lasts we shall daily place en exhibition NEW THINGS IN. NEW THINGS IN. SILKS, VELVETS, NEW THINGS IN. Black and White.... VOlOTTsU Shetland Fless Shetland Yarn $1.35 per pound ... L50 " ... 1.40 ... 1.80 " BEST IMPORTED BERLIN ZEPHYE, Full Weight, All Celers, at the uniform price NINE CENTS Per ounce, $1.35 per pound. DEXTER'S Ball Knitting Cotten, All Numbers, at Excelsior Ball Cotten ut 7caball 4c a ball EMBROIDERY SILK, In all Celers, 25c a bunch or twenty-five Skeins. White Perforated Card Beard at 3c a sheet Silver Card Beard at Sea sheet IN Fall Underwear We are offering some great Inducements. An elegant Ladies' Merine Undershirt, silk stitched front, regular made cuffs, at 50c The best ever sold in this city for the price. DRAWERS the same price. Child's heavy, geed quality Undershirts from 25c upwards An excellent Gent's heavy Merine Undershirt IOK iuvC Gents' English Merine Socks, regular made, CHILD'S IMPORTED Fall Cotten Hosiery, In New and Elegant Designs. Ladies' Heavy iron frame Hese, full regular made, Londen length, 25c a pair ncavy Baibriggan Hese, full regular made silk clocked, 25c POLKA DOTTED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, all silk, 49c. Satin Hat and Neck Scarfs, polka dotted, . . . ,50c Pelka Dotted Satin Neckties for Gcnta. Pelka Dotted Satin Skirt Cevers for Gents in the latest designs. Gents' Pelka Dotted Handkerchiefs, 10c a piece. Gents' Satin Scarfs and Ties In black and colored. Hen's extra size Undershirts np te 50 Inches A large assortment or Gent's Suspenders Socks, Dress Shirts, Handkerchiefs, 4a SATINS, NEW THINGS IN. DRESS GOOCS, NEW THINGS IN. BLACK GOODS, NEW THINGS IN. HOSIERY -AND- NEW THINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, Selected in Europe by our own buyers. The extensive additions made te our building during the past three months will be ready for inspection, se that taking tilings together our establishment will probably be as interesting te lady sight-seers as the Statu Fair itself. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Nes. 801, 803, 805, 807 and 809 Market Street, Nes. 2, 4,f6 and 8, Eighth Street, Ne. 804 Filbert Street. :cp4-rnidS&3mw PHILADELPHIA. LADIES! We Open this Morning the following New Goods : ENGLISH DRESS NOVELTIES, new combinations. ALL WOOL MOMIES, all the new shades. SILK BROCADES, cheice patterns. BROCADE SATIN D'LYON, very handsome. FANCY DRESS PLAIDS, new styles. FANCY VELVETS, in new colorings. WASHINGTON CREPE8, in all shades. b CRETONNES, all in new styles. BLACK SILKS, from G5 cents up te iincst quality. BLACK SATINS, superior goods for the money. BLACK and COLORED SILK VELVETS, cheice goods. BLACK ALL WOOL CASHMERES, from 45 cents te finest quality. LADIES, we keep nothing but geed goods and offer them at lowest prices. I3J We invite examination. Alse just re ceived this morning another let of Mesquite Canopies and Nettings. GrlVLEB, BO WEES & HTJEST, 26 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. VLOTIUltU. H. GERHART, TAILOR, Has just opened a CHOICE STOCK or risis WOOLENS reRTHB FALL TRADE. SELECT STTLKS uad none bnt the best et ENGLISH, FRENCH AMERICAN FABRICS, AT Ne. 51 North Qua Start. H. GERHABT. Spring Opening 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have tot sale for the coming seasons an Immemte Stock of Beady-Hade Clettiing, if our own manufacture, which comprises the latest ami Most STYLISH DESIGM Come and see our SEW GOODS FOB 1ERGEANT TAILORING, which in larger unit composed of the best styles te be'tennil In the city. D. B. Hostetter & Sed, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. k ftyd LANCASTElt. PA TH.i nmuhf eviitu LANCASTKK ANDMlIAKRSVlU.KK.lt I Cam run :i fellows): Leave Iuicut.ser (1. K. Depot), at 7, 9, un.l 11:30a. in., aiitl a, 4, 6 and S-M p. in., except en Saturday, when the test car leaves at '.KM p. in. Leave Millcrsvllle (lower end) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. RKAD1NU ANI COLUMBIA KAIMCOAI) On and arter MONDAY. MAY. IOtii, IS', passenger trains will run en this re:id as ll-lews: TBAim Goihe .Setmt. JSMMltOIOERIES, JtC. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT QUNDAKBR'S. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Retchings, Black Bilk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c., call at GUNDAKBR'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cutis, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GIINDAKERB, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. Beading;, Kelnheids,. Ephrata, injii . ................ Manhcini, Lancaster Junction,. LandLsrille, Celnmbhi, Dlllcrvlll.-, Lancaster, King Street Harnfcth, West Willow Baumfurdner,. PeQnea,.. .. ........ New Providence Hess, Qnarryvllle, 7:30 8:01 8:18 8.-34 8:43 9tt2 two hit; 9:40 3T.7 9-JS 9-.lr !h58 10:05 1039 10:17 1033 10:34 10:42 10-JSO A.M. 11:55 P.M. van 14 145 1:02 1:13 1:40 lisa 2:05 SfcOS 05 l!:10 :4' 7:03 73M 7:25 lisa 7:45 7:50 8:20 8:00 8:10 8:20 8:31 8:42 8:47 8:55 9:01 9:12 9:19 925 P.M. 5:20 5:30 5:52 1:03 0:09 6:17 0:26 fi:3. Oil 7:0 Tbaths Goihe Nebth. QearryvlUe, mifWdj , New Providence, Kefton,. .. ., PeQuen,.. . . ... Banmgardner, West Willow ' Harnlsh, , King Street, Lancaster, Dillervtlle, , Columbia. Landlsvilkv Lancaster Junction.. . . Manhclm,. Ijllill...................... "ren,. .. ........... Ephrata, RelnheldHVille, Heading, A.M. F.K. P.M. 6:45 .... i35 62 .... 2.41 6:59 .... 2:48 7:11 .... 239 7:18 3:05 7:26 .... 3:13 7:32 .... 3:18 7:41 .... 3:26 7-JZi 3:40 8:05 1:00 3:50 8:08 1:03 3:53 735 1:05 3:40 8:30 1:30 4.04 8:30 135 4:15 8:49 1:48 4.-20 9:00 09 4:30 9:16 2:18 4:47 9:23 225 433 9:42 2:46 5:14 10:03 3.-20 i 530 A.M. 730 738 8:13 827 8:35 8:13 8:49 9:00 9:20 9:30 irEwzirjsxr STABLE. J. O. HTTGKHTCMNr'S LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE, Ne. 1J2 Seuth Queen Street, in the Bear of Erisman's Hetel. Where gentlemen will find at all times Geed Safe Hesses and First-class "Wasrone te hire. Alse all utvies of Wagons con stantly en hand for sale, new and second-hand. New Wagons, Buggies and Carriages Made te Order, And all kind of Repairing done at short notice, in the best style and at the Very Lewest Prices by HARRY HAUGHTON, Shep in the rear of the Stable. Alse Horses and Mules constantly bought, sold and exchanged. STABLE 112 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, Trill na MinnMif At Ifefl.lf -urltl. A .a from Philadelphia, PottevHle, llarrteburg, Al Al Icntewn and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAU-NEW ..?12;ISDlILE n anl ft:r SUNDAY AUGUST 23d, 18, trains en the Pennsylvania Kailread will arrive anil leave tins LruiCitMtei and Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. AE. McCANN, AUCTIONKKR OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Blllsmsde entand ttvaaMtowlUMmladiaeiuaoo4ft 8Hy KIDNEY WOKT FOB SALE AT LOCH era' Drug Stere, 9 East King street. 1'BT LOCHER'S BENOrNED COUGH . 8YJHJP 17 A CrT BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS JZilO X made en a new principle, Insur ing comfort for the feet. BOOTS La8toBM,d6teoiaS.E, tebU-tfd WKMtlnglstreet Philadelphia Express), 2:10 a.m. fast Line. 5.-20 " Yerk Acveip. Arrives; SOI " Harrif bury Express, 8.-05 DillervillcAccem. Arrives, '8:15 u Columbia Accommodation, 9:10 " Frederick Accetn. Arrives, 12.55 " racinc t.tprcss, i) i-.ii. Sunday Mail, 2:00 " Johnstown Express :w " DayLxpiess, 4:4. " Harrlshurg Accommedat'n, C35 " Leave l Arrive Lanc't.T Phllad'a 4:15 a.m 7:40 " 10:i6"" 12:01 V.n. 3:15"" 5:00 ' 5:30 " 6:45 " 9S ' WESTWARD. Leave Arrive tPhilud'a Lunc'tJ-r W A V PluuiAnfm- Mail Train Ne.l,vla Mt.Jey, Mall Train Ne. 2,via Cel'biu, Niagara & Chicago Express euujai mail,... ....... ....... Fast Line, Frederick Accommodation, nilloralllet ruxil vlntft In.! Harrlsburg Accommedat'n, irtjjuuiure .Atrcuiumuuauen, Harrlsburg Express Plltihnn,Vnn uincinnuu express,.... rwaiii: express......... SJ0, :3) 9:00 8:00 lll:5u 2M : 4:00 S.-25 9:10 15 Tt-A Oa.it. flt10 " 10:15 " I IMS " 10-J50 " 2:10 r.M. 2:15 ' 2JO " 5:15 " 7.-2C " 7:30 " 8S0 " I1JS0 " 2.40 A.M fit Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, when flag ed,wlll step at Mlddlctewn, Elizabeth town, X Jey. LandisvUle. Ilirdln-IIund. Lcmnn Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkcsburg, Coatcs Ceatcs vllle, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged. will ntnn lit. Ilnwnltifftnwn rMit.w,.lltn D..JLU' burg,Mt..Joy,EUzabethtewn and Mlddlctewn. jianever accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Nuurara and Chieaire Einm at 11:05 a. m., will run through te ifanever. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with. Fast Line. went, at 2:10 v. w and will run through te Frederick.