'' ' s - --,-, - ;, . c -. '-- . v v--? :' ". .-, 'J !.. f ., at LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1880. -'f - '. -.--" .. -T"-- . IS" -II. I- l 4 FIREMEN'S CONVENTION. Reception of the America of Allentown Resolutions Illative te the City Appropriation. Last evening a firemen's convention was held at tbe Americas engine beuse. In the absence of C. M. Hewell, president. Slier. Smith, of the Fiicr.dsh'p, was elect ed pic&idint pre tern, ind Andrew F. Hammend, of the Washington, acted as secretary. Every company except the Empire was represented. The committee en reception of the America of Allentown formed the following route : Ferm at Heading outer depot at 7J p. m., march down Prince te Lemen, te North Queen, te Walnut, te Duke, te Orange, te Mary, te West King, te Pr nee te Hazel, te Seuth Queen, te Vine te Lime, te East King, te Ann, ceuntcrm.icih teShippcn and dismiss. Capt. E. McMellcn was unanimously elected chief marshal. The following resolutions were passed : lleseltrd, That we, the representatives of the different fiic companies of Lancas ter, in convention assembled, consider it unjust and uncalled for in the finance com mittee of councils withholding our yearly appropriation te which wc arc entitled, aud which is entirely inadequate for the support of any company iuthedepartment, and allowing us but one-half of such ap propriation as passed by councils. llcnekcd, That we further consider this pittance dearly earned, and demand our appropriation "as passed aud allotted te us by the city. Adjourned. The Empire Will Turn Out The Empire hook and ladder company held a meeting at their truck house last evening. They resolved te turn out en the evening (hat the America company of Allentown will arrive here. Samuel S. Spiccher was elected chief marshal, with Jehn O. Carter and Jacob P. Shirk as aids. Horses will be driven in the truck upon which there will -be a calcium light, pro vided one can be piecured. It was owing te the length of the meeting that there was no one at the firemen's convention te rep resent the company. The parade will ec -cur en the 15th hist. The Lampeter l'ele Raining. Our Lampeter correspondent sends us a graphic account of the Republican pole raising at that village en Saturday, but we have net room for its insertion in full. Our correspondent states that with their usual bad luck the Republicans had a liaru time getting the pole from the weeds te the village. The wagon en which it was being dragged upset and deposited it in the mud. At another point in the read several panels of fence were knocked down. With the as sistance of Democrats the pole was finally put up and speeches were made by "Hen." Jehn II. Laudis, Jake Amwake, Dr. (Satchell and Senater Myliu, all of whom failed te raise any - enthusiasm for the cause or candidates. Of Am wake's speech our correspondent says: After relieving himself of a surplus amount of tobacco juice he commenced his speech, if s-icceli it might be called. All knew the man, anil can well imagine the nature of his harangue. His vulgarity and blasphe my caused the most radical Republican te blush and some were heard te say " pull him down !" This speech would have been a disgrace te any party. Even the vile tongue of the sand-let orator could net have surpas.'.cd it. He told the boys that before the campaign is ever he will come eat and give them some of his experiences in the work, but I venture the assertion that if the voices of the respectable people have anything te de with future engage ments Jake Amwake will never again ad dress a West Lampeter meeting." PALLING l'ROM c.uaci:. Orator Weaver Hi the Sunday Scheel. Win. IX Weaver, csj., the Republican o.-iter, was called upon en Sunday te take charge of a class of boys iu the Presby terian mission Sunday school. The lessen was the story of the fall of Sodom and Gomeriah en account of their wickedness, and the teacher took occasion te impress upon his youthful hearers the enormity of the wickedness of these who fall from grace by sinning against light and knowl edge. He then asked the boys if they could name any eminent men who had thus fallen. One of the boys named Judas Iscarier, who betrayed his Lord ; another named Benedict Arneld, who betrayed his country; another, Aaren Burr, who betrayed the Democracy and strove te build up an empire en the ruins of the union. Mr. Weaver was delighted with the readiness with which the boys named the men of bad eminence who had fallen from grace because of their own wicked ness, and asked whether they could name any mere of them. One little white-head, who probably get held of Judge Poland's congressional reiert, startled his teacher by naming James A. Garfield, the man who sold liis vote and took a $3,000 bribe, and Mr. Weaver brought the examination te a hasty elese made a "shorter catechism" than he had intended and did net jicrniit the youngster te tell anything mere about Garfield's fall from grace. Itiils ter Trenching. The following arc the bids for digging trenches for laying water pipes in differ ent sections efthe city, received by the water committee and opened by them last evening. Fer' dinging trench in West Lemen street : Thes. .Madden, per yard for earth l." cents ; Nicholas Nary, for rock 50 cents and for earth l-i cents. Fer trench in Milllin street, Rogers & Geitcr. for rock -10(rt.-15 cents, for earth 10 cents ; Nicholas Naiy for rock 50 cents, for earth 14 cents. Fer trench en Plum street : Nicholas Nary for rock r0 cents, for earth 11 cents. Fer lead for joints Fliuu & Urcncman were the only bidders, ej cents per pound, and te them was awarded the contract. The contract for work en Mifiliu street was awarded te Rogers & Gciter, en con dition that the prices for excavating reek be 10 cents. The work en Lemen aud Plum street was awarded te Nicholas Nary. Rids for the repair of the pumps run by water power at the city water works, were also opened, but were net made public, nor was the contract awarded. The Hancock Veterans. The members of companies A aud B, of the Hancock veteran club, met at the club rooms in Centre square, last evening and elected the following officers : Cempnivi A Captain, Gee. W. Zccher ; 1st Lieutenant, Peter Demmel ; 2d Lieut enant, Thce. Wcnditz. Capt. Zccher was authorized te appoint all the non-commissioned officers. They will probably be announced at the general meeting of the veterans te be held te-night. Company Captain, Lawrence Beyle ; 1st Lieutenant, Emanuel Guudaker; 2d Lieutenant, Jehn J. Hartley ; 1st Ser geant. L. E. Fulmcr ; 2d Sergeant, An drew Shay ; :d Sergeant, Jehn Miller ; 4th Sergeant, Jesse Nye ; 5th Sergeant, Samuel Watsen. The selection of corporals was for the present laid ever. They will probably be chosen at the meeting this evening, at which time companies C and D will also organize. liirlhdny Party. Yesterday, Jehn Scheenbcrger, mine host of the Trcment house, completed his 58th vcar. Iu celebration of the event he was called upon by his fellow members of the Maennercherand JMeuerkranz societies and scores of ether old friends, all cf whom he entertained right royally, with a boun teous lunch set in the yard connected with the hotel. Tiie festivities were kept up until after midnight, and many a " health" was drauk te Mr. Schecnberger. COLUMBIA -MEWS. OCR REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE. Over a Thousand Scheel Children Prospect ive Reopening or the Shawnee fur fur fur naceBoeough Locals. Mere than one thousand 1.035 is the exact number children were enrolled as pupils of the public schools en yesterday, the opening day, and it is thought that be fore the end of the week the number will be increased at least a hundred. The opening, in point of numbers, compares favorably with that of last year. The nor mal class teachers have been positioned in the order of their election by tbe school beard aud yesterday took their initial steps in disciplining and teaching a separate duty te each. In the mere advanced de partments the machinery has been put in motion and the wheels are new steadily revolving. We have it en excellent authority that an effort will be made te start the Shawnee rolling mill next week. Mr. J. W. Themas, superintendent of the works, who has been out of town for several weeks, has return ed, and it is uuderstoeod he is making every effort te get the works in motion once mere. The mill can be stalled in very shot t order when the company is ready te make the start. This morning, while turning into Locust street, at Frent street, the wheel of Fil bert's ice wagon was broken into pieces and that portion of the wagon fell te the ground resting en its axle. The brake lock was also broken off. The ice was transferred te a coal wagon and the rounds of the town were made and the customers served. With reference te the invitation te Com pany II. te participate iu the exhibition te be given in Frederick City, Md., in Octo ber next, a committee was appointed last evening te sec what arrangements could be made. The minstrel performance given in the opera house last evening is said te have been very peer and te have been given te a peer house. The Pennsylvania railroad company will run a special excursion train te the state fair at Philadelphia en Friday. September 10. The tickets will be geed for two days and will sell from Columbia at 1.G0. The narrow gauge track of the Chestnut Hill iron ere company will extend from the Shawnee furnace te the Pennsylvania rail road siding near the Susquehanna rolling mill. The latter company purchase heavily iu pig iron from the former and it is for convenience in delivery te the mill, as well as te the Pennsylvania railroad company at their sidings," that the track will be laid. J. W. Stcacy's horse attached te a buggy broke loose near the posteflicc last evening and running up Locust street, turned into Second, where he was grabbed and held fast by a man. Ne damage te horse, buggy or man. The regular monthly meeting of the Vigilant lire company will be held this evening in the engine house parlors. Final arrangements will be made for the company's participation in the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Washington county ag ricultural aim mccnamcai association ei Hagcrstewn, Md., te be held en October 20, and te attend which the company has been invite:!. A son of Cormick MeCall, while working at the Susquchauna rolling mill a day or two age, stepped into some het cinder and severely burned one of his feet. Gallagher, the original Otcl man, was in Columbia yesterday. There was a brilliant, keen and cutting intellect at work en the Frederick division of the Pennsylvania railroad yesterday. It was decided te take a number of empty cars from this place te run en an excursion train leaving some point en that read to day. Te de this required the running of two sections te the Frederick accommoda tion train, leaving here at 2:45 p. in. A long string of these empty cars were at tached te the first section, or regular train. The second section left here half a minute after the first, and consisted of an engine with no cars. Why the empty cars, which overloaded the first train, were net sent with the second engine is a mystery. Jehn S. Gricr, of Leck Haven, Pa., is visiting in town te day. The Protestant ministers of Columbia held a mcctiug yesterday. Anether meet ing will be held en next Monday, when the question cf cauvassing the town te find out hew many Bibles there are in it will come up. A striug of very fine bass at Black's hotel attracted some attention last even ing. The bricklayers have net yet finished laying the new pavement in front of the P. R. R. depot. The members of the Citizens' band arc decorating the Company II armory where their fair, beginning en Thursday next and continuing one week, will be held. If work is a harbinger of success the boys will have it. A man was swung beautifully in at tempting te jump en the Harrisburg ac commodation train east evening bcferelast at the Locust street crossing. He lit en a pile of cinders and had his face scratched almost beyond recognition. THE BEFUKLICAN BANNER. It-t Political Significance. The Yeung Men's Republican club, hav ing at last received their banner, swung it out. across East King street opposite the club room yesterday afternoon. It is about the size of the Democratic banner en North Queen street, and contains portraits of Garfield and Arthur. Above them is an alleged American eagle holding in its tal ons something that leeks suspiciously like the Confederate stars and bars, but which is probably intended te represent the Northern half efthe American shield the Southern half being cut off. This is net an inappropriate emblem of the disunion Re publican party. The alleged eagle has its neck stretched out at full length and is looking due south, as though in search of the missing portion of the shield. On either end of the scroll containing the names of the candidates arc a collection of Chinese hieroglyphics, which are prob ably intended te set forth Garfield's opin ion en the Chinese questions. The faces of both Garfield and Arthur wear an anxious expression ; the former (en the west side of the banner) looking apprehen sively towards the Eighth ward and the latter towards the Ninth. On the east side Garfield's troubled face leeks towards the Sixth and Arthur's towards the Seventh. Court Notes. The jurors, who were drawn for the court, which was te have been held next week, will net be wanted as the cases set down for trial that week have been con tinued. Court will meet en Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. On next Monday the argument court will commence. Animal Pictures. The programmers of Cooper & Bailey's show arrived iu.tewu this morning. One of them gave an exhibition of his drawing by making" large pictures of elephants and ether animals en the stone pavements of North Queen and ether streets. He cer tainly is an artist in his line. Wild Harry. This remarkable marksman was at New Hellaud en Saturday and gave and exhibi tion of his wonderful proficiency iu hand ling the rifle. Harry has received flatter ing proposals te join his old companions in the Far West and may possibly close with their offers. ssanaMK RENTZ'S MINSTREL. Their Performance Last Evening. Last evening Madame Rentz's minstrels appeared in the opera house. The weather was warm; but 'notwithstanding the gallery was full, while two-thirds of ; the seats down stairs were occupied. The per formance began with a minstrel overture in which eight yeuug ladies and five men were seen. The music and singing were better by far than that of most organi zations of the kind. The second part of the performance was of the variety order, and the feature of it were the sketches by Miss Georgie and Jen Powers, and Louisa Bliss and B. 8. Hedges. Alf Lawten is a geed comedian, and his old says were really funny. Alice Witherell and E. F. Lindseygave a fine musical act, which pleased all, as did the performance nf mnit nf tlm nctm s. The entertainment closed with a laughable musical burlesque, AnfUliull'Pann'c Aunts emnnfrtlin Pirates." There was nothing said or done during the Mvnimr wliicli was calculated te offend anyone, and these who went with the ex pectatien et seeing an unclean snow were sadly disappointed. Accident te a Milk Wagen. This morning about 9 o'clock the horse attached te the milk wagon of Frank Ro Re land, of Neffsvillc, while standing in front of Ginder's store. East King street, this eity, took fright and running upon the pavement upset and badly broke the milk wagon, spilled all the milk and broke a number of articles of merchandise in front of Mr. Ginder's store. Mr. Reland was net hurt, being at the time iu Ginder's store. Fast iu the Mud. This morning about 10 o'clock a horse was discovered te be fast iu the mud en thn edge of the Conestoga creek, near Reigart's Landing. After several unsuc cessful attempts by two young men te re lease the animal, another horse belonging te Mr. Heman, who lives near, washitched te the horse bemircd in the mud, and it was safely drawn te dry land. The Rattle or Autletam. MariiottBresitis, esq., of this city, will be the orator en the occasion of the unveil ing of a monument at Antietam, en the 17th inst, the anniversary of the battle of thjiOplacc in 1862, when the rebels under GedMal Lengstrect, at present United States minister te Turkey, appointed by a Republican administration, was defeated by the Union army under General Han cock, new the Democratic candidate for president of the United States. A Queer Nubbin. Wc were shown last evening a tassel of conrgrewn en the farm of 11. E. Leman, en the top of which was grown a pretty geed-sized car of corn. Such freaks of nature are net very uncommon, but it is seldom that se large an ear of the kind is seen. Sheeting Match On Thursday, September 16, there will be a sheeting match at Columbia between eight men from Pert Deposit and eight from this county, for $100 a side. Several well-known shots from this city will enter. Obituary. The wife of Comity Commissioner Isaac Bushong died te-day at the residence of her husband, near Heller's church, Upper Leacock township. She had for a long time been a sufferer from nervous neural gia, which finally caused her death. Equipment Picnic. The picnic, held at Green Cottage yester day, by the Seventh Ward Equipment as sociation, was a very pleasant affair, aud quite a respectable sum of money was raised for the purchase of equipments for the Democratic club of the ward. Sale of Horses. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold for Geerge Gressman, at the Mcrrimac house yesterday, twenty-live horses at an average price of 180.52 per head. Overa million of Pret. Uullinctte's French Kidney Pails have been sold in France. Who will dare snv they arc a humbug? s7-lwdTTh&S State Fair Excursion. PliU.uleJnhiaH big day.grand combination ex cursion te Philadelphia and Zoological Garden en Saturday, Sept. 11. Tickets geed for three days, te return en any train. Fare for the round trip, only $i.(K). Special through train leaves Lancaster (King Street) at C a. m., Cel tinibia, a. in.; returning leave Bread street at li p. in., Icllment. 0:15 p. m. Fer particulars sec pesters and circulars at all stations en Iteailing II. K. s4-7,9ai041tw Mere Improvements at Hager's. Messrs. Hagcr & Brether, the enterprising dry goods Arm, have added te the many ether attractions of their large establishment an ele vator running from the basement under the carpet room In the rear efthe building te the top fleer. It in of the Clem ft Merse patent, and was erected by Mr. Pierre i'ouillet, of that linn. A peculiar and valuable feature et the elevator Is an automatic attachment with which it is provided, which opens and closes the hatchway in the Aoerswhilcnscending and descending, thus guard iiif, against the possi bility of anyone falling through the opening ; and "security is assured in the event of the breaking of the cable by an arrangement In the shape or a ratchet, which in case et acci dent would held the elevator fast and prevent it Ireni falling. This elevator is the only one of the Kind in the city, and Messrs. linger Brether arc entitled te credit ler this new evi dence of their desire te previric for the com fort and convenience of their patrons and ac commodate the demands of their rapidly-increasing trade. The rear portion of their building occupied as carpet, queenswurc and warcroein, recently damaged by fire, hiis been handsomely refitted and restocked with an at tractive exhibit of goods. AiiiuscinciitF. "Fun en the Pacific" Tonight. Wc feel am ple confidence in assuring our readers of a thoroughly enjoyable entertainment at Fulton opera house this evening, when Manager Ferd's excellent company will produce the new musical eenicdy of " Fun en the Pacific." The piece has been received with unbounded popular favor wherever presented thus far. The music is bright and sparkling, comprising many efthe faverltcairs from half a dozen of the best comic operas, while the scenes and in cidents are pronounced as mirth-provoking te a degree. Misses Belle Mackenzie, Marie Beckcl and Blanche Thompson are in them selves a host, and they are supplemented by such favorites as Messrs. Jehn Rlcbcrt, Herbert Archer, Frank Cuhuian and a dozen ethers. A Wilmington newspaper of yesterday ac cords the troupe high commendation. Nlles, Mich., Heard Frem. ' Larimerc & lean, druggists (30 years in business) write . ns that Day's Kidney Pad gives better satisfaction than any remedy they ever bold. s6-lwdMW&S A UO OO ACCOUNT. 'Te miiii it up, six long years of bed-ridden sickness and suffering, costing SiOO per year, tetai, $1,200 all of which was stepped by three bottles of Hep Bitters taken by my wife, who has done her own housework for a year slnce without the less et a day, and I want every body te knew It ler their benefit." "Jehk Weeks, Butler, N. Y." Ulcerative weaknesses and debilitating bu rn ors et females cured by Malt Bitters. Of the first stain or speck beware That en your teeth you may espy, There Is by far mere danger there, Than at the moment meets the eye. Use SOZODOXT without delay. And thus arrest the first decay. s6-lwdeed&w Our sharp reporter was neatly shaved yes terday with Cuticura Shaving Seap. sew ' astemtlsemuits. Among the many advantages gained by our change of busineeB location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and unproved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en en trustedte us. "WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ' ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. NOTICE! r tn otter the entire stock, consisting et 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Makes, at least 25 per cent, less than they can be bought elsewhere. v,nSnaileasjiccial goods for the last two year., asplendid opportunity is new offered te buy superior BOOTS and SHOES at lower prices than THASH can be bought elsewhere. FARMERS ! TIKE STOCK must be SOLD out as SOON ns POSSIBLE. We also offer a part et 'Uie fixtures et the store, consisting of revolving fixture In window. Lounges, part of shelving, "Writing Desk, one Fin-proof Combination Safe, as geed as new, and fine Shew Case and Stand, at PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. 26 1-2 East King St, opposite Lancaster Ce. Bank. C. A. Reeee. very POLITICAL BULLETIN. FOR PBESIDENT : GEN. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOB VICE PBESIDENT : HON. WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. The great principles or American lib eriy are still the lcwtal inheritance of this people, aud ever should he. The right of trial by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights of persons and the rights of property must be preserved. W INFIELD S. HANCOCK, Muj. ieu.Cemd'gDept. La. and Texas. State Electoral Ticket. KLECTOKS. R. E. MONAGHAX, W.H. PLAY FORD. JOHN SLEVIN. E. A. PUE. I. M. CAMPBELL. GILLES DALLET. JOHN N, MOFFET. EDWIN WALDON. NATHAN C.JAMES. GEORGE FILBERT. JAMES G. McSPARRAX, DR. ALFRED J. MARTIN ADAM GERRINGER. FRANK TURNER. P.J. BIRMINGGIIAM. JI. E. DAVIS. GEORGE A. POST. A. M. BENTON.J J. P. LINTON. COL. JOHN S. MILLER. J. O. SAXTON. C. M. BOWER. J. A. J. BUCHANAN. CHRISTOPHER MAGEE. ROBERT M. GIBSON. THOS. BRADFORD. HARRY W. WILSON SASIUEL GRIFFITH. J. ROSS THOMPSON. DEMOCBATIC STATE TICKET. FOR SUrilKME .lUDOK. G EORG E A. J ENKS. POK AUDITOR OKNERAL. ROBERT P. DECHERT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. FOR CONORK83. J. L. STEINMETZ. FOR DISTRICT ATTOIUf KV. d. Mcmullen. FOR SBNATOR (13th DISTRICT.) J. B. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEMBLY (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. FOR ASSEMBLY (3d DISTRICT. II. M. BRENEMAN. R. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOB M. HAENLEN. FOR PRISON IITSrXCTORS BARTON N. WINTERS, BENJ. MILLER. FOR I-OOR DIRECTORS. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN FRANC1SCUS. Fer Assembly. EL1MG. SNYDER, efthe Ninth wanl, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub ject te Democratic rules. tp Te Voters. Persons intending te be naturalized bctere the 2d of OCTOBER should attend te it with out delay. Committee en naturalization : J. L. Steln metz, D. ' McMullcn, B. F. Davis, Jehn A. Ceylc, B. F. Montgomery. Persons desiring te be naturalized can npplv te any of these, or te W. U.Hcnscl, atthe Istellieenckr office. Club Ufllcers, Attention! The Captains and Lieutenants et the several ward clubs arc requested te assemble at the Central Headquarters en Wednesday evening, at8 o'clock, for the purpose of completing or ganization and transacting ether Important business. Seventh Ward. The Yeung Men's Seventh Ward Hunceck and English club will meet at Utzlnger's sa loon, Middle street, this evening at 1i o'clock. Business of Importance, adoption of uniform, Ac Fifth Ward. The Hancock and English club efthe Fifth ward will meet tilts evening at the Green Tree Hetel, West King street, at 8 o'clock. Let every member attend as business of import ance will be brought before the club. Eighth Ward. A stated meeting of the Eighth Ward Han cock and English Club, will be held te-morrow (Tuesday) evening, at 7J4 o'clock, at Dichl's saloon, en High street. Business of Importance will be transacted, and able speakers will address the meeting. Ninth Ward. The Nlnt'i Ward Hancock and English club will meet at their club room tills evening at 7 o'clock sharp, for the purpose of marching te the Eighth ward meeting. The club will be f ally equipped. If the weather Is un fav6rablc the club will net parade. SPECIAL NOTICES. SAMPLE .NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman after a faithful course or treatment with Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkham, 233 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets! jy29-lydeedw Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup Aching heads and clouded brains are cured by "Sellers' Liver Pills." Try them. Sold by drnggistc. 25 cents per box. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. A. Rochefort, Fayette,' Mich., writes: lour Eclectric Oil givas geed satisfaction in this place, please send me ten dollars worth by ex press and oblige. . , . . Fer sale by H.B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 42 FARMERS ! My life was saved by Warner's Safe Kidney anil Liver Cure. E. Ji. Lakely, Selma, Ala. Mothers! Mether!! Mothers:!! Are you 'disturbed nt night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T It se, go at once and geta bottle of MISS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon It; there Is no mistake about It. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once tliat it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest mid best female physicians and nuivus In the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. filT-lyd&wM.WAS Trv Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. "Since taking 'Dr. Lindsey'a l"loed Search er' that old sere of mine is entirely cured.'' Sold by all druggists. Warm Weather anil Its Effects. Many people, especially ladies, complain at this season of the year of a general weakness or rteblllty. The use or Sneer's Pert Grape Wine prevents this. The wine Is said te have a most wonderful effect iu giving strength, vigor and tone te the whole system. It Is ex tensively used by ladies nursing, or about te nurse infants. This wine lsiietuiiianufHCtureil article no liquor is added te It. Jt is no patent medicine or cordial humbug, but is a superior wine of the Oporto grape. It Is pure, old, un adulterated wine, nothing mere or la s. Mr. Specr has been supplying hospitals with liis wine for many years past. It is said te be un surpassed for summer complaints, and for weakly persons. The price is low ter se excel lent a wine, aud no taiuily need be without it. This wine is endorsed by Drs. Atlcu and Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymuker. auie-2vd,tw Beware. Beware or young ladles who call you by your Christian name, the first time they meet you. Beware nf imported Pert wines at e dollars per dozen ; Beware of uledglng house whereyeu arc treat ed as one efthe family, and Beware of unprincipled persons endeavoring te Imitate, Eclectric Oil, calling It Electric and Electron Oils, always ask for Dr. Themas' Eclec tric Oil. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 157 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 41 DJCATHS. Heffman. Sept. 5, 1880, at the residence of her son. in West Philadelphia. Mrs. Harriet, widow of the late Christian Heffman, in the 63d year et her age. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, B. F. Reet near Landisville, en Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. DeiixKR On the 7th Inst., at Elizabeth town , Mrs. Maria Dehner, widow of Jehn Dehner lately deceased, aged WJ years. Funeral Irem her late residence en Friday morning nt 10 o'clock. The relatives ami lricnds are respectfully Invited te attend. Bcsiieica. On the Cth inst., Mi's. Susanna, wife of Isaac Bushong, of Upper Lcnceek township, aged CI years and 12 days. The relatives and friends nf the lamlly are respect lully invited te attend the runcral.rrem the residence of her husband, near Heller's church, en Friday morning at '. o'clock, and at 10 o'clock nt Heller's Reformed church. Preaching at the church. s7-3td SEW ADVERTISESLEXTS PUBLIC SALE-ON THURSDAY, SEP TEMBER 9. atl o'eleck, will be sold at the Mcrrimac Heuse, Lancaster, Pa., 17 head of Kentucky horses, well broken ler single and double harness. Credit et GO days will be given. JOHN SIDES, ltd PUBLIC SALE ON SATURDAY MORN ING at 9 o'clock at the blacksmith shop efthe undersigned, en Vine street, between Seuth Queen and Prince streets, will be sold Blacksmith's tools, such as Bellows, Anvil, two Vises, Hammers, Tongs. Grindstones, Ac. scpt7-2til JAMES McELLIGOTT. 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. 2Jj CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. The highest price paid for Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, 4c. TcnJlag A-iserters wanted te whom the highest pcc will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, ytMfilltl Lancaster. Pa IVANTEIl. WANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVElt ttsc, free of cliargb, in the Int&ll'ubh cm. who wants something te de. WANTED A GtlOD GIRL TO DO UEN end housework. Apply at this efiice. TirANTED. A GOOD COOK WANTED Vv Immediately at 87-tfd 443 NORTH DUKE STREET. ZELLER'S CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 10K EAST KING Street. Music taught in all its branches Instrumental. Vecal (Madame Seller's method), Thorough Bass and Har mony, and Analysts. Friday evening concerts every two weeks, for which the pupils furnish the music. Terms Classes of three, $8.00 ; les les eons in classes et two, $10.00; private lessens. 915.00 ; lessens at the pupil's house, $1.00 each lessen. 8ep4-"td 1" 7STATE OF JOHN TOMLINSON, LATE ll of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto arc requested te make Immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned. ROBERT FAULDING. ROBERT TOMLINSON, Executers. W. A. Wilsex, Attorney. sep6-6tiieaw W" BOMBERGER, TEACHER OF MUSIC, Ne. 24 West King street. Fall Term will begin the flrst Monday of September. aSl-3tdeawTu . FIRST EDITION. TUESDAY EVENING", SEPT. 7, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Sept. 7. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, higher barometer, cooler northerly winds, cloudy or partly cloudy weather, and numerous rains. BY. W1HJE ASP CAMLE. Afternoon Telegrams Condensed. Clias. II. Bell was te-day nominated by acclamation for governor of N. Hampshire, in the Republican convention at Couceni. Owing te tbe lack of a vessel of suffi ciently light draught for the purpose, the navy department is unable te comply with the request of the friends of General Tor Ter bert, one of the victims of the Vera Cruz disaster, asking that a vessel be sent te bring tbe remains north. Four buildindings belonging te Clayten Tewnscnd burned near Three Bridges, N. Y., te-day. Less, $8,000. Burglars stele $133 in cash and between $4,000 and $3,000 worth of bank stock and securities from the residence of Oramcl White, at Helbroek, Mass., last night. The peer directors of the state met iu convention at Harrisburg te-day, and ad jeurned until te-morrow after electing K. D. Hultz, of Allegheny, president. Hen. Marshall O. Roberts was prostrated with apoplexy or paralysis at Saratoga this morning. The Imperial bank of Germany has or dered its Bremen and Hamburg branches te suspend geld payments. Furst, Kienicr & Ce.'s planing mill, at Leck Haven, Pa., burned te-day. The Bortree murder trial at Hencsdale, Pa., has been postponed until Decem ber?. LEADVILI.E. A Steve Charged with Giant rewifer. Denver, Sept. 7. A special from Leail ville says ou Friday last as a party of con tractors were starting a fire in a stove iu the shaft house of the Pennsylvania mine One man was seriously wounded and an other blown about 20 feet by some giant powder which has been placed in the stove by malicious persons. Fatal Feud. A despatch te the Republican says en Sunday night Gemer Richards, formerly captain efthe Lead ville police force, fatally shot Edward Jenes. There was a quarrel of weeks .standing between the men, and it is said that Jenes threw stones at Richards who fired in retaliation. Heavy Storm In Virginia. Petersburg, Va., Sept. 7. A violent storm visited this city and vicinity last night. Several places wcre struck by light ning. At the custom house, which was struck, several persons were se verely stunned. The Presbyterian church was badly injured and wires at the Western Union telegraph efiice were con siderably disarranged and a number of employees were painfully injured. A number of houses in tbe lower part of the city aie flooded. The rain in adjacent counties is reported as very heavy and the reads arc badly washed. HORSE and man. The Fermer Ahead in the Test Kace. Chicago, Sept. 7. Tbe score in the test race at midnight last night for thirty-six hours stoed: Horses Speculative, 190 miles ; Betsy Baker, 107 ; Barryman entry, 1G1 ; Rese of Texas, 145 ; Dunn's entry, 143. Men Deblor, 136 miles; Scheck, 135 ; Vcut, 12G ; Krohne, 12C ; Cele, 121 ; Connelly, 221 ; Crawford, 100 ; Jacksen, 80. " NEW YORK. The Union of the City Democracy. New YeiiK,Scpt. 7 The beard of alder men te-day confirmed the mayor's nomina tion of Henry Murray, for police justice. This is the result of the union of Tamma. ny and anti-Tammany parties. Mayer Cooper sent te the beard his veto of the cat ordinance adopted en the third of last month. This veto was laid ever for the present. Factory Burned. Toijesto, Sept. 7. A fire last night de stroyed Simpsen's knitting factory in Berkley street. The less is heavy. FOK SALE OR BENT. FOR RENT. THE BLACKSMITH SHOP en West Vine street, between Seuth Queen and Prince streets. Apply te JAMES McELIGOTT. sepl-3td 210 West Mifflin street. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. On TUESDAY.SEPTEMBER 21. 1880. will be sold at public sale, en the premises, 150 Seutli Water street, Lancaster, Pa., the follow ing personal property belonging te the estate of Philip Sebum: Twe excellent DRAtT two Safes, one et which is nearly new, large and small Scales, Clocks, c. Household and Kitchen Furniture et every description. Alse the entire stock of Coverlets, Counterpanes, lti:iiikits. Herse. Blankets, anil an excellent as sertment el Heme-made Carpets, Yarns, &c. Sale te commence at S a. m. and 1 o'clock p. m., when attendance will be given and terms made known by .JOHN E. SCHUM. CHARLES HOLZWARTn, S. Hess & Sen, Aucts. Administrators. Stere goods will be removed from 38 and 40 West King te ISO Seuth Water street. ans27,31ftBei3,7,10d CITY PROPKRT AT PUBLIC SALE. On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1880,will be sold jit the Cooper Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, the house and let lately owned and occupied bv General James L. Reynold, dee'd. The let is situated en the cast side or North Prince street, in this city, between Orange and Chestnut streets, nt the corner et a public alley, containing in Irent en Prince street aforesaid, thirty-three feet, and extending eastward of that width one hundred and twenty-one leet, mere or less, en which is erected a comfortable two-story BRICK HOUSE, with two-story Brick Back Building. It contains eight rooms, exclusive or the attic, together with v-idc halls en each fleer, and has a hydrant in the kitchen as well as in the vard. There are en the premises Grapevines, "Peach and Pear Trees, all choice Irult. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, when Its conditions will be made known by the undersigned, who' will then Ms 1 n at tendance. A. SLAl MAKER, Executer et the will of James L. Reynolds, dee'd. , , . S. Hess & Sex. Aucts. scpl-tsd PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL estate in Lancaster city. On WEDNES DAY evening. SEPTEMBER 15, 1880, at 7 o'clock, at the Swan Hetel, Seuth Queen street, in the city or Lancaster, will be sold the fol lowing real estate, viz : ... Ne. 1, A let of ground. Ne. 643, cast sldeet Seuth Queen street, containing In Irent 25 feet and in depth 140 feet with an alley, upon which is erected a Twe-story Brick DWELL ING HOUSE, with two-story brick back build ing and Blacksmith Shep in basement. Ne. 2. Three building lets, sltnated in same place, containing in front 19 feet eacli and in depth 140 feet, en which is erected a one-story Frame Stable. . , . Ne. 3, A let or ground, situated In samp place, containing in irent 20 feet and in depth 140 feet, en which is erected a two-story Wagenmaker's shop. .,,..,, Ne. 4. A let or ground, situated in same place, containing in rrent23reetand In depth 110 feet, en which is erected a two-story Brick Dwelling house with one-story frame back Possession and title en April 1, 1881 . Terms en day of sale by SEIFEET. Samubl Hess & Sew. Aucts. scpl-eedts MAMKKTS. New Yerk Market. ' 'MBWYbac. Sept. 7. Fleur SUte anil West em without Important chance, very moderate expert and home trade demand: Superfine, ft54409: extra de at $3 75f)(00; choice, de., $4 0504 65; fancy de.. $17005 65: round hoop Ohie $4 UO&l 50; choice de $4CO S3 73; superfine western $32591 00: common te geed extra de $3 734 13 : choice de de $4 tm6 23 ; Choice white wheat de $1 154 63 ; Southern unchanged, light inquiry: common te fair extra 94 3 33 20; geed te choice de 93 238630. Wheat about lc better ; trade very moderate ; Ne. 2 Red. Sent.. $1 03lC5"c; He October, de Nev. 91 07-.xl ec),;. Cern HQlie better: rather quiet; Mixed western spot, S031c; de future, 51'i 53Kc Oats a shade stronger; State, 33344c; West ern 380440. Pblhtdelphlk Market. PuiLADKLraiA. Sept. 7. Fleur very quiet and unchanged ; superttue $2 33'-'' 0 extra 3 U 3 75 ; Ohie and Indiana family $3 C03". 75 ; Penn'a family de $4 7563 0): St. Leui family at $3 50O6 00 ; Minnesota family $5 23g575 ; patent and nigh grades ft 508 u. Rye flour tinner at $4 62 I 73. Wheat ttrni with fair demand: Ne. 2 Western Red 91 03 ; Penn'a Red $1 03 ; Amber at $1 0J lOSJ. Cern Ann; steamer SlJtQjilvi yellow 53c; mixed 5252e. Oats firm but quiet; Ne. 1. White UiUlc ; Ne. 2, de 406)40c; Ne. 3, de 33ft;J3c; Ne. '., Mixed 37c. Rye scarce and wanted at 85c. Previsions market linn; racss perk $16 25m 50; beef hams -20 00021 00; inuian m.'ss eeei ni n w: u:icmi "CCl ill -sV w .'.is rs 642?.ic: salt de 6t"ic; 123 l3c; pickled hams iwj? smoked sheulders smoked hams 10,Ce. Lard Arm; city kettle at $99c; loose butchers' sc ; prime steam $S5fl8 50. Butter fcarce and with geed inquiry; Creamery extra 2t"27e ; Creamery geed te choice 2'26c; Bradford county anil New erk extra. 2425e ; Western reserve extra lSSl'Jc; de geed te choice 1417c; Rolls dull, quality poenFenn'a extra HgK"; Western reserve extra 14016c. ' Eggs steady; Penn'aat We; Western 17J I5- ... . Cheese firmly held and active; New Tterlc full cream 13c; Western full cream 1212c: de fair te geed lll')nc; de half skims 10 llc. Petroleum Arm ; reAnCd 9"c. Whisky at $110. Seeds Geed te pi line Clever dull at $8 00 850 ; Timethy Arm at $2 50g2 60.: Flaxseed steudyat$I25l 27. Cattle Market. Mempat, Sept. 6. The receipts of Iieeves at the West Philadelphia yard for past week were 2,500 head; North Philadelphia yard, 550 head. Total, 3,050 head. Bekves were active and prices were JJic per pound higher. At noun te-duv all stock was sold. We quote Extra at 5.VhC ; geed, SJiQSWc; medium, 4U?5!'He ; common, 4c le ; bulls and cows, ;y,Syr.v; calves at -l6c. Fresh cows, $2U te $le per head. SALES AT TUB WEST rillLADKLmlA YAUO. Head. . . 135 Reger Maynca, Western, and West a., gross. 4.c. 10 Owen Smith. West. Va., Houseman & Sey mour ; 19 de Elliuger X Seymour, 30 Pa. W. D. Bniden. gross, 45?4c. 197 A. ft J. Christy. Western, gross, IJSKJWic. 200 E. S. ft R. F. McFillen. Western and Ches ter county, gross. 55ic. 53 Jm. Clemsen. Western, Levi bcnscnlg, 4 5c; 7 de 51. Ulman, 4fi!4Jic. 30 Dennis Smyth. Western ; 20 R. F. Fratcr, de gross, 45?ie. 175 Jehn McArdle, Western, gross, &4iSe. 75 Daniel Murphy, Western and W. Va., gross, 4ji5e. 400 Leweustcin ft Adlcr, Western and W. Va.. gross, 4K5c. 225 G. Schamberg A Ce., Western, gross, 4J. 5c. 43 II. Chain, jr.. Western Pa., gross, 45c. 70 Daniel Smyth ft l!re.. Mil.; 12 II. C. Louder, WestVa., own account; 2(1 Sam Brown, Western, gross, 3'5c. 100 llacluuan ft Levi. A est a., gross, V,i.Mia. 70 Schaiulierg ft Paul, Western, grins, 45c. 50 M. Levi, West Va., gross, l!:i5;.c. 16 II. Chain, Wiwt Va.. gre-s, IJUnSMe. 51 James Aull, Western, gre-s. 5fJ.c. 15 P. Hathaway, Chester comity, gross, li Sc. 20 James Eustace, West Va.. gross. 4"4?5e. 400 J. F. Sadler Ce., West Va. and Western, gross, 3K5c. Hogs were considerably higher in sympathy with the Western market. Woqueto Irem 7c teSc per pound. Arrivals at all yards 3.0U0 Sheep and Lambs were active and pricea had an upwuiii tendency. Wc quote Extra Total, 11,100 head. Stock Market. September 7. Naw Yekk Stocks. Stocks Arm. A. M. r. M. V. V. 1 M. 2.00 3:00 10:J3 11:15 12:30 Meney ........ .- EricR. R 40 Michigan t. ft L. !.... m Michigan Cent. It. I.. fi Chicago ft '. W KC'i Chicago, M ft St. P... te'4 Han. ft St. J. Cem W. " " P'ld.... 81 Teledo ft Wabash.... :'f Ohie ft Mississippi. .. X St. Leuis, I. M. ft S. IS.. 67 Ontario and Western. 2.'4 C. C. A I. C. R. R 20"4 New Jersey Central.. 77 Del. ft Hudsen Canal. 7 Del.. l.ack. ft Western l? Western Union Tel...l(T. 23 4I 1! WA 104 92 42v' ' 35 St'A ViVx Till eiii 105 41 4(M4 110 !V lt).-J ft'5 I2 WA :sy OK 58 203 774 S')l 91 HWfA 41 27J4 95 7 10 97 101 IKtf 42i S4 :.9l4 354 4054 WM 06 1M 92 41 83'4 39J 35 25 20" 77 HI 90 104 il'A 2S 94 36 i 10 PaclAc Mall S. S. Ce.. 41 j Manhattan Elevated. 27' Union Pacific 04 Kansas ft Texas 37 New YerkCentr.il Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland ft Pitts Chlciige ft Reck I Pittsburgh ft Ft. W PuiLADXLruiA. Pennsylvania R,R.... 5!K I'hll'a. ft Reading..... ISJfi Lehigh Valley K Lehigh Navigation... 32 Northern PaclAc Coin " P'd Pitts.,Tltusv'e B Northern Central I'hll'a ft Erie R. R Northern Penn'a Un.R-R's erN.J Hestenvllle Pass Central Trans. Ce 91 37i 132 117 1154 122JH 120 122 37 59'4 13 rw 32 :se 51 15 r.9. 59 59 13 II It 53 53 53 ....2$ Z-Q 31 30 55 55 54 .... 12 12 .... Si vtA 48 va 21 4i - um's. 21 AMVSEMESTS. IfULTON OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Tuesday, September 7, 1880. FORD'S BRILLIANT COMEDY CO. After two weeks in I'altimeri: and one week in Washington, will produce the musical com edy of "Fbe eh tie Pa!" With the gems of SIX OPERAS, and many bright minstrel effects introduced. Full of Fun, Jollity and Merry Music In cidental te a Trip from China te California. ADMISSION. - - - - 35 and 50 Cts. RESERVED SEATS, 75 CM. Ne w en sale at Opera Heuse. s l-Ctil Tj-ULTON OrJSKA HOUSE. OK MOSDAY EVEXJyO, KEPT. 7, 1SS0. The world-tamed, great original and en y Mtae Rentz's Minstrels, Enhancing its illustrious value and Interest by merging into itseU the equally honored VIENNA LADY ORCHESTRA, and their equally .eminent VIVANDIERE CORNET BAND AI1 M'me. RENTZ'S Peerless Opera Burlesque Stars. RESERVED SEATS, 73 CENTS, en sale at the Opera Heuse Office. s2-4td T1NWAEE, C- GAS FIXTURES, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, Shertzer, Hnmphreville& SieSer's 40 EAST KING STREET. at 55c,; geed iil';c.; meuimii, Xar 4c; common, 44i?i;e.: culls, xyjmiv-; West ern Ph., Lambs. 442c ; Chester comity de BJc; stock ewes,23e. Arrivals, A est Pliila delnhia. 4.500 head; ether yards, 0,500 head. ... i.