Jii:s . VV'i'Vj J- -'-. TJ UKCASTEK HAIL iKTLLlGENOER. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1880 - '3 & . . ft 1 TUB STATE FAIB. What the Farmer Kay See. The Pennsylvania state fair opened in the permanent exhibition building in Fair mount park, Philadelphia, te-day. The exhibits arc innumerable aud embrace specimens of every kind of natural pro ducts and manufacture. Speaking of the exhibits of an agricultural character the Times says: The farmer of twenty years age were lie, Rip Van Winkle like, te awake from a long sleep and find himself conn-euting them would be dazed, bewil dered, perplexed, speechless. Here would he see the work which, when a boy, took him a day te perform, se systematized that it ean new be done in an hour ; here would he see work which in his own day was looked forward te with dread and dis like se metamorphosed that it is new play ; here would he sec the thing which, had it lecn thought of twenty years sooner, would have saved his joints and limbs and mayhap averted his u rhcuma tiz;" here would he see the machine which would have saved him many a dol lar and many a crop of hay and alas ! much hard cursing, because it would have en abled him te get that crop of hay in the barn before the shower came en and spoil ed it ; here would he see the machine that would have reclaimed that stumpy clearing which was practically useless save for graz ing purposes, because it broke all the plow points as well as the Hiblical injunction te " swear net at all." Here, tee, would he sec the machine that would have saved the weary arms of his wife, whether in the dairy or the kitch en, in the sewing room or in the wash house ; here would he sec the means of redeeming the " farmer's wife" from a life of drudgery te that of a seientilic manipulator of labor-saving machinery; here would he see the means of reducing farming lea science and the life of a farmer te that of a gentleman of comparative leisure; here in the machinery depart ment alone would he see the progress of invention, and here would he marvel what strides it has made and what mere it has te make, and he would wonder where it would be twenty years hence, when he would lie cold in the grave aud his de scendants would go en with the work that he had left off, only te lind in due time and season themselves left far behind by the ever-onward strides of progress. A number efenl lies have been made by parties from this county. Under the head of "Horses and Mules" J. W. Robinson, of Seuth Heritage, and Celin Cameren, of Elizabeth Farms, have made entries. Mr. Cameren has also entered some cattle. Charles E. Leng, Jacob II. Leng, .1. II. Lichty and Chas. Lippold, of Lancaster, and J. W. Uuckhart, of Salunga, have en tered poultry. iiukclaieiks asb iecmmiekies. Meney iihI Goods Stelen ami Lives Threat ened. Saturday night a party til Late burglars Geerge into the went te the residence el Ue.seh, at Marietta, anil get seeoud-slerv window by means of a ladder Mrs. Kc.sch, awakening, was by one of the burglars with confronted drawn revolver. She screamed and awak ened her husband, both of whose lives were threatened if they made any noise. Their son and daughter sleeping in adjoin ing rooms, heard the noise. The son, go ing te his parents room, was met by a burglar with drawn revolver. In the meantime their daughter had gene into a back room, and her brother, retreating into this room, closed the deer, and mistaking his sister for a burglar, struck her a blew in the face, knocking her out of the win dow. The robbers escaped without secur ing anything. About an hour previous te the abeve occurrence, the hotel of Jehn P. Finn, at Marietta, was broken into probably by the same gang. Mr. Finn, hearing a noise, took a light and went down stairs, aud as he opened the deer he was confronted by four burglars, v. i:,h a light, who exclaimed : " lly there's Johnny," and threatened te sheet him if he made an outcry. Finn brew out his light and closed the deer, ran up stairs and gave the alarm, when the thieves left, after robbing the till of about $S in money. They also took some liquor, tobacco and cigars. A stranger, whose name is net given, but who had been working in the country and walked into town late at night in search of lodgings, was attacked by a gang of men,' probably the same parties who committed the abevj burglaries, and was robbed by them of all his money, eleven dollars, his carpet bag and a coat. Attempted lii.rglary In this ,'tty. Last night between 9 aud 10 o'clock an attempt was made te break into aud rob the grocery store of V. G. Rates at the l'unctieii of Walnut street with the New 'l lelhtnd t urnpikc. Hearing a noise in the rear of the house Mr. Ratcs's daughter opened the back deer and was confronted by a man in the yard. She screamed and the fellow made a hasty exit and escaped ever the fence in rear of the premises. A New Church Organ. The new cabinet organ built by Alexan der McKillips, for St. Joint's Lutheran church, having been put in place was for the first time tested at the church service yesterday morning, and gave great satis faction te the congregation present. The organ which was in charge of Mr. Samuel J. Cress, contains live sets of reeds in the treble, ami live sets in the bass, and has also Carpenter's world-renowned tej-Jiu-m,na, which is the only genuine patent vexhuniana in use. It also contains the patent octave coupler, coupling right and left, up and down the key-beard. The magic tlutc reeds are a sole set of great beauty and brilliancy, combined with the mcledia and vexhuniana or saxiphenc tre ble, when under the control of a geed per former its cfl'ect is charming. The organ is worth $e0( ; is enclosed in a line walnut ease with raised Freiieh walnut panels, it is of beautiful design and excellent work manship, rel'.ccling credit tipen Mr. Mc Killips as an organ builder. I.lsit el" Unclaimed tellers. The following is a list of unclaimed let ters remaining in the postetlicc here for the week ending te-day : J Milks' List. Lizzie Gochcneur, Ida Geist, Mrs. Mary Greve, Mrs. A. Hamak cr. Mts. II. Hubert, Nellie Ivctis, Mrs. L. 15. Lee, Sarah Myers, Kate M. Maun (e), Susie Martin, Mis. Cathariue Reynolds, Elizabeth II. Rehrcr. Emma W. Sellers, Pauline Varc, Lucy E. Williams, .Mrs. Mary J. Zicgler. Gaits" List. William K. Rcittel, J. . Rosier. James Rewnback, Rresslcr & Spang, M. Rrckcns, Gee. AV. Cele. Oscar I). Rrubakcr, Patrick Cavanough, William Deran, Jacob Eshlciuan, Themas Evans, R. R. Franklin, Jesse GrefV, 11. S. Geerge, Ambrose llergcnny. C. L. Helfcr, Will liatn McGuirc. Henry Pcfl'er, Jacob Rail, Jee. W. Smcdley (2), J. Smith. Styer & Rlack, Jacob Stirk, C. W. Tayler (2). Jehn W. Weaver. A Ten Star Flag On a small Garfield pole near the corner of Walnut and Shippen, is Heating a small Hag having only ten stars upon it. They are probably inlended te represent the ten small states which the Republicans have a forlorn hope of carrying ler Garfield. .Seventh Ward. Picnic. The young Democracy of the Seventh ward are this afternoon and evening hold ing a picnic at Green Cottage, the profits of which are te be appropriated towards buying equipments for the Hancock and English club. Give the boys a lift. COLUMBIA NEWS. OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE. Public Scheel Teacher Brtherfaead et Ea glneers Company II. Invited t Freder ick, Md. tteepenlns or the Scheel Other Items of Interest. Pursuant te the call of Prof. B. G. Ames, superintendent, the teachers of the public schools of Columbia met at two o'clock en Saturday afternoon, in the high school room of the public school building at Fifth and Locust streets. The meeting was opened by Prof. Ames, who addressed the normal class teachers particularly. He said : The opening of the normal schools is only an experiment, but it is hoped it will prove a success. The two teachers te be placed in one room should have the same manner of teaching and of discipline, said manner te be agreed upon out of school hours. The teacher who disciplines is te take entire management of the school government, and te call out aud dismiss the classes, while the teacher who instructs will instruct only and alone. In address ing himself te the teachers in general, Prof. Ames spoke of the responsibility of their work aud the need of earnestness of thought in their work and the determina tion with which their thoughts should be carried out. He informed teachers that neil resident pupils arc required, during the first week of school te bring a permit from the secretary or president of the school beard te attend the Columbia public schools. Any ueu-rcsidciit jiupil failing te de this will be sent home. At this meeting the teachers were all present with the exception of Misses Flera Pfoutz, Sallie V. Paine and Mazie E. Strawbridge Miss Ellen Preston, the new high school principal-elect, who held the position te which she has been returned a few years age, was warmly greeted by her co-workers. The teachers' institute, which the teachers are required te attend, will be held en two Saturdays in each month, from 9 o'clock a. m. tel o'clock p. m. Adjourned te at tend a meeting el" the institute two weeks hence. Samuel Downs, a little boy aged about four years, fell from a play wagon en Saturday aud had his cellar bone injured. The injury is net serious. Mr. Gee. R. Rrcneinan, of Philadelphia, was in town yesterday visiting his sister, Mrs. Abratn Rruncr. Mr. Oliver Knipc, of Norristown, Pa., was yesterday visiting his home in this place. At a meeting of Columbia ledge of the Brotherhood of Locemative Eiigiuecrs held yesterday afternoon the following officers were elected te serve during the ensuing year : Chief Engineer Jehn II. Downs. First Engineer Geerge McMaun. Second Engineer Jesse Goodacre. First Assistant Engineer Jehn K. Ry nier. Second Assistant Engineer Hays Smith. Third Assistant Engineer David Lea man. Guide Jehn L. Richards. Chatilain Lewis Filbert. Jehn K. Rynicr was elected a delegate te the grand convention, which meets at Montreal, Canada, en October 20. While Uriah Seurbccr was splitting weed en Saturday the upraised axe caught in the rope of a child's swing, and en becom ing released, descended and struck him en the head, cutting a severe gash. The funeral of Jacob Strawbridge who died at Washington borough a few days age, aged 77 years and 17 days, took place yesterday morning from the Be'hel church in that boreuirh. "The services were con ducted bv Rev. J. W. Desheug, of this place, aud the interment was made in the church cemetery. The funeral was largely attended. On Saturday night between eleven and twelve o'clock burglars attempted te ellect an entrance into the residence of Rev. J. AV. Rcsheng, at Seventh and Wal nut streets. They were discovered en the back perch by a young man named Simen Brown, and beat a hasty retreat through a vacant let immediately below Mr. Desh eng's house. The following has just been received by Captain I). Braiuard Case, commanding Company II., 11th Rcgt.. of this place : Frederick City, Md., Sept. , 18S0. Captain Case : My Dear Sin Permit me, in compli ance with the unanimous sentiment of the agricultural society of Frederick county, Md., te tender you and your gallant com mand a cordial invitation te honor us with your presence during our approaching ex hibition in October next. Such a compli ment would be net only dearly prized by us, but I assure you a sincere and hearty welcome would be extended, net by our society alone, but by our community in general. With sentiments of regard, I have the honor te be, Yours, .v.c, Fairfax Schley, Pres't, The exhibition will be hckl en October 12, 1:5, 14 and 15. The Lancaster and Harrislurg baseball clubs did net turn up en Saturday after noon te play the championship game. A disappointment. On Saturday a man, name unknown, stepped into some het cinder at the Shaw nee furnace and had his feet severely burned. Superintendent Strawbridge informed your correspondent this morning that in the opera house auditorium the mercury registered eighty-three degrees. It will he a het night for a miiii.lrcl show. Te-day being a Jewish holiday several of the Columbia stoics arc closed. They will reopen this evening. The dance given by the Vigilant lire company association ou Saturday evening is said te have been a pleasant affair and a pecuniary success. Miss Mcily, sister of Rev. C. S. Meily, pastor of the United Brethren church, spoke in the church last evening. A mis sionary society was organized. The public school vacation of three mouths from June te September is, in Columbia, a thing of the past, and te-day the school boys and girls, with their books in their hands, triulge school-ward with but a dim prospect 'of another of the ever ever ever welcoine vacations before them. Nine month's work and three month's play is te the average school boy an imposition, and it is se viewed by a majority of the Columbia youths, but with the character istic goodness of the sex they lay their grievances aside, and with "duty" as their watchword march unfalteringly te the dreaded school room, there te spend six miserable hours daily and possibly half as many mere if they de net knew their lessens. The girls either have mere patience or are net as easily exasperated as the boys, as they apparently leek en the thing "with indifference and take it as a matter of course. The schools te-day with regard te attciuh.n.-e, have a right geed showing, ami the opening we infer, was a success. Herace West, of Baiubridgc, a marine cadet, was visiting in Columbia en Satur day. Mr. AVcst has just returned from a trip te Gibraltar. The Reformed, Evangelical Lutheran and Saleme (Presbyterian) Suiiday-sihoels yesterday re-adopted the afternoon sessions beginning at 1:30 o'clock. Paul McMauu, baggage-master at the Pennsylvania railroad depe', who has been suffering with fever and ague for the past week or two, is again ou duty. Mr. Ethelbcrt AVatts, of the " Vesta " furnace, was in town te-day. Workmen are employed this morning in tearing up the platform in front of the Pcnn'a It. It. depot. The platform will net be relayed, but steps will be placed in front of the doers leading te the interior of the building. The pavement will be given a slant from the depot te the gutter in front, which, dar ing the past week has been raised." A carpenter named Bradycamp from' Lancaster, working' at the platform of the P. R. R depot, made a misshet with a bar this morning and hit .his feet instead of a beard at which he aimed. The bar went Tcry nearly through the feet and painfull injured the member. BOSH HAStlANAH. The Hebrew New Year. Last eveuing, in accordance with the Hebrew custom of reckoning from the sunset immediately preceding, their new year's day. Resh Hashanah, began en the first of the month Tisri, corresponding this year with September 0, and ushering in the year 5641 of their era. Last fall the 1st of Tisri corresponded with the 17th of September. The celebration of new year's day among the. Hebrews, is a mat ter of religion. It resembles, net the first of January among Chris tians, but the first Sunday in Advent, the begining of the ecclesiastical year, and is founded upon an idea that en that day the Creater weighs the merits and demerits of all. The day is therefore observed both in house and synagogue with ceremonies exceeded in solemnity only by these of the great Day of Atonement, Yem Kippur. In the synagogue services the shephar or ram's horn is used in commemoration of the sacrifice offered by Abraham as a sub stitute for his son Isaac. It is blown with three sounds, the first soft and pure, sym bolizing conviction of sin; the second loud and strong, as a warning or alarm ; the third soft and clear, like the first as denot ing penitence and renovation. All the Hebrew places of business in' this city arc closed te-day and will remain closed until Wednesday merniug. The synagogue last evening and this morning was atteuded by almost all the Hebrew families in this city and the serv ices were of a solemn and interesting char acter. They will be continued this even ing and te-morrow. Prison Inspectors Meeting. The prison inspectors held their monthly meeting te-day. All the members of the beard were present. They approved a number of bills and transacted some ether business of miner importance. The bids for the furnishing of 200 tens of coal for use at the prison were opened. The bids were as fellows : Furnace. Gerreeht .t Ce $e 81 II. Bauuigardner & Ce 3 07 J. Stewart & Seu : 79 Range. $3 88 3 67 3 79 The contract was awarded te Baumgard ncr fc Ce. Death of Twe llerses. On Friday Jesse Bruiten, of Dee Run, Chester county, drove a valuable pair of horses from his home te Quarryville and en Saturday he drove from the latter place te McCaU's Ferry. When he arrived at that place one of the horses took sick and died. After procuring another horse, for which he had gene te McCaU's, Mr. Brin Brin ten drove back te Quarryville, where he ar rived in the evening. AVhile there the ether horse, wltich was the mate te the one that died at McCalls, took sick and died in a very short time. Runaway. A horse belonging te N. D. Rowers, of Springville, Mount Jey township, ran off last evening anil broke te pieces a phaeton te which he was attached. The animal could net be found last night and had net been found this morning yet. ' ' i Paul Quiglcy Committed. Paul Quiglcy had a hearing before Al derman Spurrier this afternoon en the charge of breaking into and rebbitig the store of Charles Gcigcr at Quarrvvillc. He was committed in default of bail for trial at court. Held for Ht-riiiir. Nan Butler, colored, has been held in bail by Alderman Dennelly, of the Seventh tvnn-1 fw n. lip.ariiirr nn AVmliiPsrlav. nn t.lie charge of hitting Julia Patterson en the 1.A...1 .!4-1. am ltmtii rln.i a tarn. Cntllil1nt1 llCilU Willi iV UIXI l.irc, Wll k-lLllKl.l.r. Drunk anil Disorderly. Eliza Flinn. an old offender, was com mitted te jail for ten days, by Alderman McConemy, for druukcii aud disorderly conduct. free Fight. Last evening a party of young boys in dulged in a free light at the corner of Mar ket street and the Pennsylvania railroad. Considerable noise was made and quite a crowd was drawn te the place, but no one was injured te any extent. Te Receive Taxes. Te accommodate these who desire te pay their taxes A. K. AVarfcI, tax collect or,' will sit in the court house for several evenings yet. i Colored Canipmeeting. Yesterday a negre campmecting was held at Rawlinsville, which was largely at tended by colored people from all ever the county. Amusements. Mailamc Itcilz'ls JTinntrcls Te-night. Ne one who has seen Madame Uenl.'.s excellent min strels ileitis te he told Unit the performance they give is an attractive and pleasing one, while te all ethers the liili praise of reputable nc ws papcra throughout the land will bear witness that the entertaimnentalterded by this troupe is worthy et their patronage, rollicking and laugh-provoking, hut withal devoid of vul garity, clean and wholesome. They appear in this city te-night in anew bill abounding in new hits, pretty music and soiue'et the live liest of minstrel attractions. Their burlesque entitled " l'cnii's Aunts Among the Pirates" has everywhere occasioned great merriment. MissXcllIc I!irke!le, a line singer, i.i with the company. The Vivandicre cornet band ce-i-nectcdwith the company complimented the newspaper elliees te-day with an excellent ser enade. ' Emit Lyiuic.m'MU Ada Gray, a noted emo tional actress, supported by the celebrated Watkiiis1 company, treiu the Filth avenue theatre, New Yerk, will appear at Kulton opera lieii.se en next Wednesday evening, in the play of ' Kast Lynnc." Mls Uray is highly spoken of by the Cincinnati Commercial and ether newspipers or the West, where she is espe cially well known, aud her impersonation or the characters et Tsvly Uabcl and Madame Vine in Mrs. Weed's famous novel is de scribed as without an equal. The troupe I under Mr. Mishlcr's management. " Fun en the Pacific." The Baltimore papers tcein with favorable notices of the perform ance of Ferd's comedy company, which for two weeks crowded the theatre in that city withdeUghtcdaudicncc. " Fun en the Pacific' bubbles ever with mirth from beginning te end, nnd is comprised et the most plesislng and ear-taking tunes from seven of the brightest of recent comic operas. These charming, little ladies, llcllc Mackenzie. Marie Ueckcl and Blanche Thompson, with Messrs. Cusliman and Archer, and ether favorites, head a castel uncommon strength, and the performance will doubtless attract a large audience. Kllcs, Mich., Heard Frem. Lariuierc & Dean, drngaists (30 years in business) write us that Day's Kidney Pad gives better satisfaction than any remedy they ever sold. sC-lwdM WAS A GOOD ACCOUNT. ' Te sum tt up, six long years of bed-ridden Mckiicss and sultcring, costing $200 per year, total, $1,200 all of which was stepped by three bottles of Hep Hitters taken by my wite, .who has done her own housework for a year since without the less et a day, and I want every body te knew It ter their bcnellt." ' Jen Weeks, Butler, X. Y." 1 A feed and a medicine arc combined In the most perfect manner in Malt Bitters. et tins llrst stain or speck be.warc That en your teeth you may espy. There is by far mere danger there, Than at the moment meets the eye. Use SOZODONT without delay, And thus arrest the first decay. 6-lTTd0d4w lt. ,Ui ift , XMW nTMMTJUJ!MJiS8. Among the many advantages gained by our change of 'business location, an important one is ths enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DBPARTIBlfT.' .With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH;BBPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPAINING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING. &c A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. NOTICE! OnandafterSATUKIAY, AUGUST W, the entire stock of BOOTS AMI SllOfcS et the P ARLeit SHOE STOKE, Xe. 2GK EAST KIXG STREET, will be offered at a great SACKU IUK, te CLOSE OUT BUSINESS. Desiring te engage in ether business, I take this oppertunttj te eiler the entire stock, consisting et 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Makes, at least i-i per cent, less than they can be bought elsewhere. Having made a specialty J'Se goods for the last two year, asplendid opportunity is new offered te buy superior JUOTa and SHOES at lower prices than TKASIIcanbe bought elsewhere. FABMEES ! one Fin-proof Combination Safe, as geed as new, Wishing te purchase their BOOTS AXD SHOES for Fall and Winter, new is your chauce te buy CHEAP. Ceuntrv storekeepers will de well te call while our stock is yet complete. W e jiImi havea line of very fine goods which we will sell from $1 te $i a pair less than be tore. The EN TIRE STOCK inii-it beSOLD eutns SOON its POSSIBLE. We also offer n p.trt et the! xtuieset iw.t, ,,.iuiini. nrn-rniriiiff fixture iii window. Leumrcs. tiart of shelving. W riting DcsK, PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. 26 1-2 East King St., opposite Lancaster Ce. Bank. C. A. Reeee. Fine reaches. Mr. Geerge Weitzcl, Seuth Queen strcet.h as our thanks for a number of splendid peaches ; they arc of the Susquehanna variety, and very large and luscious. Beautifies the complexion by stimulating the small bleed-vessels Cutlcura Medicinal Seap. ' rOLITJVdL JtUZLETIX. FOB PRESIDENT : GEN. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOB VICE PRESIDENT : HON. WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. The great principles of American lib erty arc still the Icwuil inheritance of this people, ana ever should be. The right or trial by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights of persons and the rights of property must be preserved. , AVIKF1ELD.JS. HAM'OCK, . Jty). ticn. Cenid'g Dept. La. and. Texas. State Klecteral Ticket. ELECTOR8. It. E. MONAGHAN, W. 11. PLAYFORD. JOHN SLEVIN. E. A. PUE. I. M. CAMPBELL. GILLES DALLET. JOHN N, MOFFET. EDWIN WALDON. NATHAN C.JAMES. GEORGE FILBERT. JAMES G. McSPARRAN. DR. ALFRED J. MARTJN ADA3I GERRINGER. FRANK TURNER. P.J. BIRMINGGHAM. II. E. DAVIS. GEORGE A. POST. A. M. BENTON. J. P. LINTON. COL. JOHN S. MILLER. J. O. SAXTON. C. M. BOWER. J. A. J. BUCHANAN. CHRISTOPHER MAGEE. ROBERT M.- GIBSON. THOS. BRADFORD. HARRY W. WILSON SAMUEL GRIFFITH. J. ROSS THOMPSON. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR SUPREME JUDGE. GEORGE A. JENKS. FOR AUDITOR OEHERAL. ROBERT r. DECHERT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTS TICKET. FOR COHORESS. J. L. STEINMETZ. TOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. d. Mcmullen. VOK SEKATOR (letll DISTRICT.) .1. B. DOUGLASS. FOR ASSEMBLY (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. FOR ASSEMBLY (3d DISTRICT.; 11. M. BRENEMAN. It. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOB M. HAENLBN. FORr-RIBOIf msrECTORS BARTON N. WINTERS. UEXJ. MILLER. FOR POOB DIRECTORS. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN KBANC1SCUS. Fer Assembly. EL1MG. SNYDER, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub ject te Democratic rules. tp Te Veter. Persons Intending te Iks naturalized before the 2d of OCTOBER should attend te it with out delay. Committee en naturalizatien: J. L. Stein metz, D. McMullen, B. F. Davis, Jehn A. Ceyic, B. F. Montgomery. Persons desiring te be naturalized can apply te any of these, or te W. U.Hcnsel, atthc Intellieexcer elllce. Club Officer, Attention! The Captains and Lieutenants et the several ward clubs are requested te assemble at the Central Headquarters en Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of completing or ganization and transacting ether important business. First Ward. There will be a special meeting of the First ward Hancock club at Nicmer's saloon en Monday evening at 7 o'clock shap. Eighth Ward. A stated meeting of the Eighth Ward Han cock and English Club, will be held te-morrow (Tuesday) evening, at 7J o'clock, at Dichl's saloon, en High street. Business of 1-nportance will be. transacted, and able speakers will address the meeting. Ninth Ward. A special meeting et the Hancock A English club of the flfli ward will be held at their club room, ever Arneld Haas's saloon, North Queen street, en Monday eveuing at i o'clock, for the purpose of distributing uniforms and drill.. The secretary will be at the club room this evening at 7 o'clock ler the purpose of re ceiving subscriptions. The club passed reso lutions thanking the managers et the picnic held en Thursday, for their successful man agement of the same. SPECIAL JfOTJCES. SAMPLE .NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman after a faltlUul course of treatment with Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose u stamp tq Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkliam, 233 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., fef pamphlets. jy29-lydced4w Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup J. F. Davis, of Portsmouth, Ohie, sold In one year fourteen thousand bores of " Sel lers' Liver Pills.'? Try them. . Try Loehor's Kenewned Cough syrup. FARMERS ! and fine Shew Case and Stand, at My life was saved by Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. A". It. Lakely, Seltaa. Ala. Methers: Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? It se, go at once andgetabottleef MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is neta mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et ene et the eldest aud liest female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. UT-1 vd&wM. WAS Try Lechei's Renowned Cough Syrup. Every one will find a general tonic in "Lind sey's Improved Bleed Searcher. All druggists sell it. AVarui Weather and lis Effects. Many people, especially ladies, complain at tills season of the year of a general weakness or I'ebility. The us'j of Speer's Pert Grape Wine prevents this. The wine is said te have a most wonderful effect in giving strength, vigor and tone te the whole system. It is ex tensively used by ladies nursing, or about te nurse infants. This wine isnetaniauufactured article no liquor is added te it. It is no patent medicine or cordial humbug, but is a superior wine of the Oporto grape. It is pure, old, un adulterated wine, nothing mere or less. Mr. Spccr has been supplying hospitals with his wine for many years past. It is said te be un surpassed for summer complaints, and for weakly persons. The price Is low ter se excel lent a wine, and no family need be without it. This win-j is endorsed by Drs. Atlee ami Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. " anliMwd&w heaths. Heffman. Sept. 5. 1SS0, at the residence of her seu. In West Philadelphia. Mrs. Harrier, willow of the late Christian Helfuian, in the SM year et her age. The relatives and friends el the family arc respectfully invited te attend the funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, II. F. Reet near Landisvillc, en Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. JVi'ir AVrEJITJSEJIEXTS w ANTED A GOOD UIKL TO HO (JtN- eral housework. Apply at t his etlice. GAS FIXTURES, IN ENDLESS VAKIETY, AT Shertzcr, Ilumphrcvillc & Kielier's 40 fcAST KING STICEET. 8TATEOF JOHN TOML1NSON, LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned. UOBEKT FAULDINH. UOIIEltT TOML1NSOX, Exccuteis. W. A. WiLsex, Attorney, jjcpK-Gtdeaw 100 Tens et Sags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. 'Z'i CEXTS PEK POUND FOli GOOD MIXED KAUS. The highest price naid ler Woolens, Olu Paper, Itoeks, Ac. Teh Itug Asserters wanted' te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, yj-tfdK Lancaster. Pa PUKLIC 8AL.E. On SATUKDAY.OCTOr.EU 2, ISM, in pur suance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned will sell at public sale at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, Lancaster city, the following ISeal Es tate, late of Jehn Arneld, dee'd, situated in the 3d wnrd of said city, between Seuth Chris tian and Seuth Duke streets, and between East Mi til in and East Vine streets, consisting of three continuous purpart, viz : Ne. 1. A one-story STONE DWELLING HOUSE, about 2(5 feet square, with ground bc bc Ieii"insr thereto, frentinir en a 20 feet wide alley, and being about 2iJ feet in width and i ulxmt 82 feet in depth, adjoining Nes. 2 and 3, and lands of Elias McMcllcn aud ethers. Ne." A twosterv ItltICK IIUILDINU. new ' used as a Coach .Manufactory, about 20 by 21 feet, witli ground belonging thereto, being partly l. leet and partly 2lleet in wiuin, ami about 51 feet in depth, adjoining Nes. 1 mid 3 aud ground of Hcniy Swentzel, Wayne I!en der and ethers. Ne. 3. A two-story I'.UICK l;UlLDlX(i,al!eut Vii by 19 rcet, and a Frame Uuildiim, formerly used as a llrewcry, with the Tubs, Kettles and ether implements used in same, with the ground belonging thereto, being partly :ti feet, and partly 23)4 feet in width and about 50U in depth, adielns Nes. 1 nnd 2. and ground of Jacob Lam parter, estate et Jacob King and ethers. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, when attendance will be given and terms of sale made known by MAKGAKET AltXOLD, scpC-ttdM Executrix of Jehn Arneld. iYANTEV. WANTED. .EVEKYBODV TO ADVEK tlse, free of charge, in tin: Intsixiebm cm. who wants something te de. WANTED IMMEDIATELY A GIltL from 12 te 15 years old te de general housework. Apply at this office. ltd DM. U9I. B. FAUNESTOCK Having returned from the Seuth, has re sumed his efllcc practice, and can be found at his residence, . . . ..... Ne. 2 EAST KING STREET. ml8-2mdewS ZEL.LEK'S CON8KKVATOKY OF MUSIC, 10M EAST KING Street. Music taught in all its branches Instrumental, Vecal(Madame Seller's method), Thorough Buss and Har mony, and Analysis. Friday evening concerts every two weeks, for which the pupils furnish the music. Terms Classes of three, $S.C0 ; les les eons in classes et two, $10.00; private lessens, 15.00; lessens at the pupil's house, $1.00 each lessen. acp4-7td MOP BITTJSKH, TKUTHS. HOP BITTERS, (A Medicine, net a Drink,) COXTAISS HOI'S, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, UANDElilON, And the raiEST ajid Best Medical Qualities OF ALL OTHER BlTTERS. THEY. CURE All Diseases of thc Stomach. Bowels, Bleed, Liver, Kidneys, andTJrlnary Organs, Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Female Complaints and DrunUenneMt. Sl.OOO IN GOLD Will be paid for a ease they will net cure or help.er for anything impure orlnjurieus found in them. Ask your Druggist for Hep Bitters and free books, and try the Bitters before yen sleep. Take no ether. Hep Bitiers MnnnlacturiHg Company, Rochester, New Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. 8cp6-lyced4w AMUSEMENTS. -VPEKAUOUSE. Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1880. Mr. Jehu D. Misbler has the pleasure or pre senting the emotional actress, MISS ADA GRAY, Supported by WATKINS' FIFTH AVENUE COMBINATION, when will be produced her entirely new vcrsen et Mrs. Weed's novel et human interest. EAST LYME; OR, THE ELOPEMENT. Prices :rand 50 cents. Reserved seats. 50 cents. Diagram at Yecker's olllce. sept-it IULTON OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Tuesday, September 7, 1880. FORD'S BRILLIANT COMEDY CO. After two weeks in Baltimore and one week In Washington, will produce the musical com edy et" 7i0flfcPacir With the gems of SIX OPKKAS, and many bright minstrel effects introduced. Full of Fun, Jollity and Merry Music In cidental te a Trip from China te California. ADMISSION. - - - 35 and SO On. KKSEKVED SEATS, 75 Ct. - New en sale at Opera Heuse. sl-titd TjlULTON Ol'EltA HOUSE. OS MOXliA r EVEX1XU, SEPT. il, 1SS0. The world-lamed, great original and en'y M'me Rente's Minstrels, Eulianeing its illustrious value and interest by merging into itself the equally honored VIENNA LADY ORCHESTRA, and their equally eminent YIVAND1ERE CORNET BAND AJID M'me. RENTZ'S " Peerless Opera Burlesque Stars. KKSEKVED SEATS, 75 CENTS, en sale at the Opera Heuse Ollicc. s2-ltd EOll SALE OB KENT. FOli KENT. THE BLACKSMITH SHOP en West Vine street, between Seuth Queen and Prince streets. Apply te JAMES McELIGOTT. scpt-3td 210 West Mifflin street. IlUIiLlU MALE OF VAL.UAI1LE CITY PKOPEKTY. On SATUUDAY. SEPTEM BER 25, 1SS0, the undersigned executer of the will of Killiau Beck, deceased, will offer at public sale at the Columbia Garden hotel, Seuth Queen street, Lancaster city, Pa., the following described real estate of said de ceased, te wit: All that certain one-story and attic Frame DWELLING HOUSE with Frame Kitchen at tached. Frame Hani with Wagen Shell attach ed. Heg Sty and ether outbuildings. Well of water with pump therein, fruit treesand ether improvements, an14 AGUES and8PEUCUES of land, mere or less, thereto belenging.situute en the south side of Leve lane. In said city of Lancaster, adjoining L,eve lane ami property of Christian lioes and ethers. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p m. en said day. when attendance will be given and terms made known by ANDREW KHKEINEIt, Executer. Jacob Gusdakeii, Auct. aug2ft-Th&Mtsd C'.ITY ritOPEKT AT PUBLIC SAL.E. j On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, lSSO.will be sold at the Cooper Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, the house and let lately owned and occupied bv General James L. Reynold, dee'd. The let is situated en the cast side of North Prince street, in this city, between Orange and Chestnut streets, at tlie comer el a public alley, containing in front en Prince street aforesaid, thirty-three feet, and extending eastward of that width one hundred and twentv-ene tcct, mere or leas, en which is erected a comfortable two-story BRICK HOUSE, with two-story Brick Back Building. It contains eight rooms, exclusive of the attic, together with vide hulls en each fleer, and has a hydrant in the kitchen its well as In the vard. There are en the premises Grapevines, Pencil and Pear Trees, all choice fruit. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, when its conditions will be made known by the undersigned, who will then lie In at tendance. A.SLAYMAKKR, Executer et the will of James L. Reynolds, dee'd. S. IIK3S A Sex. Auct. sepl-tsd PUKLIC SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. On SATURDAY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, SEPTEMBER 18, 1S0, at the Key stone Hetel, North Queen street, in the city of Lnncaster. will be sold in pursuance or the di rections of the will of Jeseph Peel, deceased, the following real estate, viz : Ne. 1. All that certain halt-let or piece of ground situate en the wcfltsldcorNerth Queen street, in said city, containing in frent:i2 leet iy, inches, and in depthlS feet te a 14 rcet wide allcv ; bounded en the north by ground of Jehn iiescand en the south by ground el Richard McGrann, en which a One-Story Franie Dwelling Heuse is erected en Nerili Queen Street, and another One-Story Frame Dwelling situate en the said fourteen tcct wide alley. . , . Ne. 2. All that certain One-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse anil half-let or piece of ground, situate en the south side et East Chesinut Street, in said city, containing in front 32 feet 2JJ inches, and in depth 215 feet te a H feet wide alley, bounded en the cast by ground of D. II. Hestcttcr and ou the west by William Hcnscl. Possession nnd title en April 3, 1S81. DAVID II AKT3IAN. Executer. II. Shcbert. Auc. aug 20-T&F-tsd 1 PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the Mayer's Offlce up te MONDAY. SEP TEMBER 0, 1880, at 8 o'clock p. m., for illgglng out and lining In sixteen huudrcd (1,000) feet, mere or less, et trench for water pipes along Lemen street, westward from North Queen te Concord alley; for digging out and filling in :0 feet, mere or less, en North Plum street, between the Pennsylvania railroad and the New Helland pike; ter digging out and tilling in 175 feet, mere or less, en Mltllin street, west et Water street, trenches te be 4 feet deep and iiMt. wide. Bids must lie made for each trench separately: te state hew inuch: ter cartli anil new liiucii lur tuck per cuuiv jeiu. Werk te be done under the direction und sub ject te the measurement eltlrtSuperinteiident of the Water Works and at the time he may direct. Bend in $2et for the falthiul perform ance of the work te accompany bid. PKOPOSALS will be received at the saine time and place ferns much geed American lead (net exceeding two tens) na the city may re quire te April 1, 18S0. PROPOSALS will 1m; received at the same time and place for repairing Nes. 2 and 3 Bir kcnblne pumps at the Water Works according te specifications te lie seen at the Mayer's Ofllcc. J Oil N T. MacGONIGLE, Chairman of Water Committee sc sMtd-TFS. M1 ISS BOMBEKCEB, TEACHER OF MUSIC. Ne. 24 Wcit King street. c..tt n.'.. .rill Vinrrlra tl;A flratl MnnilAV Of September. a3i-3tdeawTu THIRD EDITION MONDAY EVSNINQ, SEPT. 0,1880. . WEATHER INDICATIONS. "Washington, D. C. Sept. 6. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary, fol lowed by rising barometer, lower tempera ture, westerly wiuds, partly cloudy weather and local rains. BY WIRE AND CABLE. AfternSbn Telegram Condensed. Paul Paptilerum's tannery at Chicago was burned te-day. Less 30,000. The horses are ahead in the running match between men aud beasts in Chicago. Rev. Daniel Lind ley, a deceased mis sionary, was buried at Tarrytown, If. Y., te-day. Lancashire (Eng.) weavers are going en a strike for higher wages. Late advices from Jamaica indicate the hurricane there te have been tremendous. Many small towns were almost entirely de stroyed, houses being swept away, crops ruined, lives lest and general devastation wrought. Threatened fatniue in India and ether points in the far East has becu averted by copious rains. One hundred and fifty houses were de stroyed aud some lives lest by lire in Scrinagur, Cashmere. The railroad from St. Petersburg te Sim -pherapal, was watched night and day by 50,000 troops and peasants, during the emperor's recent journey te Livadia. The match race between James Gorden Bennett's " Latch Key," and E. Zabrow Zabrew skie's " Orien," at Newport, K. I., is off. THE VEKA CllUZ. Six Survivors at Charleston. Charleston, S. C, Sept. G. Six of the crew of the Vera Cruz together with Mr. Owens, arrived here from Jacksonville to day. - Ill-starred I'atMeiiKcrs. BosTex,jjcpt. G. Among the passengers en the Vera Cruz were C. P. Silea, of Ca Ca nepcues, -Brazil, and Geerge Cele, of New ton Centre, Jfciss. Beth were going te Mexico in railroad interests. The Unknown Saved. Savannah, Sept. 0. The parties saved from the Vera Cruz, whose names arc un known, are at Smyrna, Fla. I'UHLIC C1IAUITV. Peer Director ou Convention. Haukisbuue, Sept. (J. The directors of the peer and beard of public charities will meet here in annual convention te-morrow The convention premises te be well at tended. Jl njimiber df delegates are already here. Atjirdureru Pauper Weman. llALiftVX, N. S., Sept. . The body of a murdered woman, Charlette Hill, an in mate of the peer house, was found at An An riapelis. The murderer, Jeseph Tlicbadeau, had charge of the institution. Harry Josephs Dead. Bosten, Sept. 0. Harry Josephs, the well-known actor, is dead. Plttsten Miners Strike. PirrsTON, Pa , Sept. G. The miners em ployed in the Pittston company's Seneca colliery struck this morning, owing te dis satisractian in weights. About iOO men and boys arc idle. SlAltKETS. i'hlladelphls Market. PHiLADKLrniA, September ;. Kleurdulland unchanged ; superfine 250?3 m; extra S 00 3 7tJ ; Ohie and Indiana lauiily l" Wtf5 !i ; Penu'a family de U C2J5 Ol; St. Leu I ram lly at $550000; Minnesota family f.'i 2."ijf"; patent and high grades C n.'lfSS 00. Rye flour at $4 377gl SO. Wheat dull and lewer: Ne.2 Western Red 102J; Pcnn'a Red $102: Amber at $1 (".. Cern steady: steamer 5l4g'v-c: yellow 5IJ .vic: iiiixeiii.-.-c. Oats 11 rm hutriuiet; Ne.2, de 4041c; Ne. Mixed 3737Jc. Rye scarce, at 85c. Prevision market $1G Wl 23; beef Ne. I. White 4l;?l2c ; 3, doSSJftyje;Ne. V, steady; hum perk hams 42) KJ21 OU; lniuan m-ss ueei at tin M: iKiren smoked shoulders J4Si?.c; salt de frolic; smoked hams 1213e; pickled hams lej'tf UPaC Lard steady ; city kettle at aggft'Jc i loose butchers' Sc ; prime steam $8 373 43. Butter nrni ami wnn gueu inquiry , Creamery extra 927c; Creamery geed te choice 2l2e; Bradford county and New erk extra. 2423c ; Western reserve extra IS UK;; de geed te choice Ufa 17c : Rolls dull, iimility peer; Pcnn'a extra 13pIH; Western reserve extra IsgiGc. Eggs quiet; Peim'a at Wc; Western i.Ji 18c. Cheese less active and easier; New Yerk fill I cream 13c ; Western full cream 12i??l2jc: de fair te geed llQIIKc; de half skims 10 lle. Petroleum steady : rellned De. Whisky scarce at SI HI- Seeds Geed te prime Clever steady ut8 23 S75; Timethy firm at 2 40g2.rj0: Flaxseed steady at 91 Sifdl 27. New Kerk MarKet. N Yerk. Sept. . Fleur State und Wcst .. .I..U ..n.i (n luitviM' fivurr Suncrlilic. $32Ti4 00;' extra de at $1759400; choice, de.. 14 Kits 03; iancy no.. i .u. i- ; nim hoop Ohie II O0l 50: choice de $40 5 75; superfine western $325l : common 7. ,.ui ..rim il 't 7-.fi) I 1.1 r choice lle de St 2JQU 25; choice white wheat de I 1551 05; southern UU-l ami ueavj , " fair extra fi 5-.5 20; geed te choice de t5 25C50. , . , Wheat Wc lower ; trade iiiwicratcly ac tive ; chiefly speculative ; Ne. 1 White Sept. $1 031 Itt'i; de October$I03Jc;deNov. $IXc: Ne. 2"Red. Sept., lt;de October, $105U105:K;doNev.107. , Cern lie lower; witli moderate busi ness; Mlxeii"wcstern spot, &eftr5e : de fu ture 50,-253''c. (kite unit uiul'fiulct, including Ne.2 Oct. at SSasse; State, 40943c; Western, at 39543c. Cattle Market. PiiiLADKLrniA, September C Cattle market active: sales 3.000 head. Prime 5i.c; geed 4ftic; medium 4Jljc; common ii Sheep market active; sales 10,000 head. Prime 45Kc; geed 4ffi4c ; medium 4 4-c ; common ic ; culls 3:c. Ilegs Market active; receipts ,r',0CO head; selling at 78c. Stock Market. September 0. Stocks strong. Nkw Yeiuc Stocks. a. Jf. 1". M. 10:20 I:S p. SI. l. -il. 2:15 .'MM 014 -"!4 10.V4 i J82 924 424 24 KVK 81 384 MA Xi'Z 33, 58 :,7!4 25 2'4 20tf 20ii 77 T!'A myt ', 107 107 414 414 274 27 EricR. R Michigan .& L.S Michigan Cent. R. It.. . Chicago & N. W Chicago, M. A St. P... . Han. A St. J. Cem P'fd Teledo A Wabash Ohie & Mississippi St. Leuis, I. M. A S. i:.. Ontario and Western. . C. C. I.C. IS. IE New Jersey Central.. . Del. A Hudsen Canal. . Del.. Lack. A esiern . Western Union Tel... . Pacific Mail S.S. Ce.. Blanhattan Elevated. Union Pacific Kansas ATcxas Meney..-.. New Yerk Central.... Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland ft Pitts.... Chicago ft Keck 1 Pittsburgh ft Ft. W... Philadelphia. my via 2fS 132 . 117 . 114 122W 1204 122 Pennsylvania IE, It.... Phll'a. ft Reading..... Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation... Northern Pacific Cem Pitts., Titusv'c A B.-.. Northern .'entral Phll'a A Eric IE- It---- Northern Pcnn'a Un.R.IS'sefN.J Hestenvllle Pass Central Trans. Ce..... l". 134 3i4 3'4 30 30 : 12U iiji , 37Ji 37K . 15J5 154 168 lr-" 334 3U& : xs. ',. - jF ! UP- .