Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 06, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster imtelltgewet.
An Old-Time RepaMIcaa.
One of the ablest and purest and, in all
respects, best men that the Republican
party of this country has had in its ranks
and lest from them is Lyman Trumbull,
of Illinois. Like Greeley and Seward
and Chase and Sumner, he was one of its
patriarchs, and like them he gave voice te
the indignantpretests of thousands of its
members against its degradation by un
principled thieves and time-serving politi
cians. He left it because he considered
it hopelessly corrupt, and he embraced
Democracy, net because of any past sym
pathy with it, but because he saw only in
the triumph of its organization any hope
for the country. Slander and malice
have invented no apology for his course
that reflects upon his integrity or his pa
triotism, nor eveu upon his geed temper.
He is conceded te be a pure and upright
man. What he says should have weight
with his old party friends and that his
example is moving some of them, maybe
inferred from the altogether hopeful
contest making by the Democracy of Illi
. neis with Trumbull at the head of their
Mr. Trumbull in a recent speech re
minds his old party friends that without
Democratic soldiers no war would have
.been successfully carried en against the
Seuth ; without Democratic votes the
thirteenth constitutional amendment
would net have been passed; that the
Democracy alone te-day are a truly na
tional party, and that their candidates
have the Jcfferseniuu qualities for office.
Mr. Trumbull speaks from the head and
the heart. He is with us by the exercise
of his judgment no less than by the
premptings of his feelings. The logic of
events compels him as well as the
premptings of his patriotism. Where
tlicy lead it is net likely that men like
him will fear te fellow because of Legan,
and Cameren, and Ccssna,and that kind,
who, when Trumbull was fighting the
battles of freedom, were knotting whip
crackers for the slave-driver's lash.
Eloquent Figures.
It is a very remarkable showing that
Ave Democratic states of what the Repub
licans se scornfully and bitterly call the
solid Seuth and which can contribute only
43 electoral votes te the election of a Dem
ocratic president, sent mere Union troops
te the front than did some thirteen
Northern states which must give their
whole GO electoral votes' te any Republi
can nominee who hopes" te be elected.
Strange as it may appear (he Democratic
state of Missouri sent mere troops te the
war te fight for a restoration of the
Union than did the Republican states of
New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhede Is
land, Minnesota, Kansas, California,
Colerado, Nebraska, Oregon and Ne
vada, though they have 42 Republican
electoral voles te Missouri's 15 Demo
cratic electors.
Ne less remarkable is the fact that of
the four million Democratic voters in
this country scarcely a million are ledged
in the states which were in rebellion and
ever three millions are in the states
which remained te put down the rebel
lion. In the great belt of central states
stretching from Connecticut te the Mis
sissippi river, with half the population
of the country, the backbone of its busi
ness interest, Democratic voters are in a
majority. Year after year in this section
the Democrats have increased their vote
until the gap is entirely covered and the
opposition is behind. These figures have
an eloquence that eulsieaks stump ora
tors. They settle and silence the clamor
about the solid Seuth. They prove that
the capital as well as the laber, the brain
and sinew, the hope and confidence of
the country, the interests of all sections,
arc with the Democratic party.
The Philadelphia grand jury inveighs
most bitterly against the office of recor
der in that city, and the manner in
which it is administered, declaring that
the position, which was established
against the pretests of the business men,
is run in such a manner that its incum
bent ought te be indicted. Ne necessity
exists for it, and it proves te be just what
it was predicted that it would become a
place for meusing politicians te grew fat
at the public expense. It was established
te pension Quay, but as he saw a wider
field of operations utthe head of the par.
dening beard and as a candidate for
United States senator, he quietly give it
ever te a congenial friend who, most
likely, divides with him. The character
of this office, and the nefarious means by
which it was established, are characteris
tic of Republican methods in this state.
These methods aim persistently at build
ing up a party organization at the ex
pense of the public, and whenever ex
isting offices fail te go around new ones
are created for the pensioned families.
Of these methods Quay is the animating
genius. His fertile brain devises them
and his conscienceless boldness executes
them. His reward is te be a seat in the
United States Senate and Dcmuth is in
structed te vote for him.
It is hardly worth while for the New
Yerk Herald te gravely argue that there
is no danger of the relel debt, indemnity
for slaves, or pensions for Confederate
soldiers being paid; for, as it says:
"When a Republican stump speaker
threatens his hearers with the payment
of rebel claims, these who arc net abso
lutely ignorant knew that he is attempt
ing a gross deceit; for they knew that
under our constitution the people never
surrender themselves or their rights and
property into the hands of any party.
Net one of them believes in this silly
stuff, which yet is a staple of the Repub
lican canvass. Every man outside of a
madhouse knows that the Democrats
pay taxes, own government bends and
arc concerned for the credit and prosper
ity of the country as well as the Repub
licans." The intelligent people of the
country pretty well knew by this time
that it is only a knave or a feel who
utters such twaddle as the Herald se ef
fectively ridicules, and in these com
munities where knaves and feels control
the public judgment they would net
believe though one were sent from the
.When Republican politicians are
moved te lie te help along their cause,
they would show their wisdom selecting
a story calculated te answer their pur pur
e Tfii-iniiv nvs fn sav that Cen-
PTPssman Beltzhoover sai.dthat ex-reeei
rmmMmpn arnet disnesrf te increase
LUC JJCliaiUU iMM , wiv -
would only affect the rebel ceu.Cf men,
who are net running for anything "
.v, a . e,w;ii
section, and when new Cengrc. " '
Beltzhoover says he never said any
thing, the concoction is found te be
false as it is silly. I
"" T7TT , I
It was supposed te be uan scnurz niw
" put in" Mr. Hayes's letter of accep
tance that " public officers shluld give
their whole time te the government and
the people." With Hayes and Evarts
and Schurz and Sherman and Devens and
Thompson all away from duty, and most
of them en the stump, it is no wonder
that foreign ministers feel encouraged te
disregard Mr. Hayes's talk, and te come
home te leek after their chances of " stay-
mg en.
A uELiAiiLK gentleman, net a parti
san, who luis recently traveled through
West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina
and Seuth Carolina, reports that the only
outrage he saw or heard of was negrees
stoning a Hancock parade in Wilming
ton, N. C.
The Examiner is troubled because the
Democrats have net made war en the
Camerons in this campaign yet. We
believe it is the Cameren henchman Quay
who is running for United States senator
this year. He will be quite as geed game
in due season as the Cameren birds.
Judge Black visited Gen. Hancock en
Saturday. lie also called en Mr. Tilden.
Postmaster-General Key left Washing
ton without paying his 2 per cent, cam
paign assessment, or otherwise contribut
ing te the fund. Considering that the
party took him up and festered him, and
finally gave him a snug berth for life, this
oversight is regarded as a very small and
ungrateful piece of business.
The Chester County papers arc hoetin'
at the late Cel F. C. Hoetkx because he
is handing around a circular asking for a
'Complimentary congressional nomina
tion" The circular says : "The effect of
obtaining the nomination would be two
fold. It would give te me a fair oppor
tunity of securing the nomination in two
years if I then desired it, or it would place
mc in a fine position, when connected with
my state chairmanship te obtain some im
portant appointment from General Garlield
in the event of his election."
Den.v Yeung, the favorite daughter of
the great Mermen apostle, and one of the
seven children who prosecuted te success
ful issue the suit against his estate, is neur
ishing -around Chicago and an enthusiastic
reporter describes her as " a particularly
handsome aud attractive looking woman,
with a complexion of great beauty, abun
dant golden hair, and a set of the most
perfect teeth, which shone like pearls
when she smiled. She was dressed in ex
tremely geed taste in a fashionably made
dress of black brocade and satin, with
berdcrlings of crimson satin. Her white
hands displayed several elegant aud cost
ly rings, and her shapely arm was .set oil"
te geed advantage by the lich lace of her
short elbow sleeves. "
The Late Ce!. Noyes.
Hen. AmesC. Noyes, ex-State Treasurer
of Pennsylvania, was stricken with para
lysis en Friday night at his home at West West
pert, Clinten county, and died live minutes
before midnight. Colonel Noyes was a
native of New Hampshire, where his an
cestors, who were of Scotch-Irish descent,
resided from the earliest settlement of the
state. He was born in G rat ten county, N.
II., September 17, 1818, and at
the time of his death lacked thir
teen days of being 62 years old.
His father was a fanner and he spent his
youth in the same pursuit. He came te
Pennsylvania in 1847, locating first at Em
porium and afterwards settling at West West
pert, where he continued te lire till his
death. He served for several terms in the
Legislature and was often prominently
spoken of for governor, and at the Demo
cratic state convention of 1875 was ballot
ed for for the nomination. It was at the
time that a compromise was effected by
the nomination of Judge Pershing. In
1877 Colonel Noyes was nominated by the
Democrats for state treasurer and elected
ever William B. Hart by a major
ity of 9,901. He retired from
the treasurer's office en the 3d of May last
and has since given attention te his pri
vate businscs. Colonel Noyes was a man
of large frame, stout and vigorous, and
had enjoyed geed health until within a
few years, when he began te show signs of
decline. A couple of years age he spent a
few weeks at Grcenbriar White Sulphur
springs, West Virginia, and derived great
benelit from the baths and use et the
water. When he retired from the state
treasury last spring he was in geed health
and continued se until recently, when he
was threatened with paralysis, which final
ly resulted in a fatal attack en Friday
night and his stout frame succumbed te
the malady about midnight.
Wouldn't Ueine te Time.
Ex Candidate Gricst's Inquirer.
The Examiner suggests that it would be
better te have a regular system of taxing
office-holders yearly for the necessary
campaign funds, than te collect all from
candidates the year of their election.
Perhaps se, but our neighbor would find
it very often a little inconvenient te collect
and then there would be no means of en
forcing the request. As an illustration,
we understand the collector of internal
revenue of this district, whose annual
compensation ameuuts te about $4,300,and
who has his son about 17 years of age,
drawing a clerk's salary from the govern
ment of $50 iter month, was taxed last year
by the Republican state committee te the
amount of $50, but very kindly declined te
pay a cent of it. Se we arc of the opinion
that the method suggested by our neigh
bor would net work.
In the Sunny Seuth.
Eastern Tennessee Sentinel.
One of our most valuable exchanges, the
Lancaster Lntelmgenceh, comes te us
this week double its former size, and is
new ene of the largest, as it was before,
one of the best papers in the United States.
It is published at Lancaster. Ta., and is
check full of interesting rcadiug matter,
and is hitting as many and terrible blows
for Hancock and English as any ether
journal new battling for right. It was our
pleasure, some years age, in the moun
tains of Virginia, te become acquainted
with one of the editors of this paper, Mr.
Stcinman, and he is just our idea et an
educated, social, pleasant gentleman, who
is always sure te make you glad and sorry
glad te meet him and sorry te part.
UTMIW frmrct
M m. Ce'.vait, MUP., for EduibWirb. ac-
cuk K8 the British government of aa inten
tien, te fcce the Dardanelles with the ulti
mate or tject of bombarding .Constantine
If; view of the unprecedented registra
tion in Philadelphia this year, the figures
eC which bear en their face the evidence of
gigantic J rami, tue l ones of that city sug-
"" J e
gests that the next tune the census i
I taken the contract for making thcenumer-
5 1 atu
I nfinn Ti lf In tlin
assessors. They would
b 2 the boys te
run the population up te
nr, t a million
jT is new evident te. thf; Times that the
Rcpul 'licaus have gicatly abated their con
fidence m Indiana within the last week,
while th.-5 Democrats haw correspond i ug
ly incrca. -d in heart and hope, and will
new make .things decidedly lively in both
Indiana and Ohie. The correspondence
which wc publish, elscvlierc seems te bear
out this prediction.
X., the ingenious X., advertises in :i
widely circulated paper as fellows :
Tlie precious secret Imparled by return of
pest teany one sending tlie sulvcrtkcr fifteen
centime. Address, &c.
Letters came in by thousands, and te
each of the writers X. replies by postal
card :
" Dear Sir : De as I am ileing new.
Yours, respectfully,
Beth parties arc likely le Judge
Pinlcltcr for rc-clcctieirju Philadelphia,
and the respective slate 011 ether offices
arc confidently outlined as follews: llc-fAlbtici-'H
Geerge S. Graham for district
attorney Joel Cook for city contellcr, and
Dr. E.- K. ShapJcigU for coroner. Fer
clerk of the quarter sessions it is uet
known wire ex-Sherifl" Leeds will name
but cither Albert Dingee, of the health
beaid, or RieltardPeltz, chief deprty clerk
of the quarter .sessions. Democratic Dis
trict Attorney, i'urman Shcppard ; Con
troller, 11. E. Pattison ; Corener, Pre
HcnryLcttman ; Clerk of Quarter Ses Ses
siens, Maj. 31. Veale.
OsTiticn farming is one of the coming
industries in California. If carried en
properly it premises te be rcry profitable.
A geed feather bird will produce from $30
te 125 worth of feathers every eight
months, aud the breeding birds will nest
four times a year, hatching te the pair en
an average of twenty chicks each time,
which arc vrevtli, if the old birds arc geed
ones, $38 te $50 at two weeks old ; then, as
they advance in age they also advance iu
value. The cock bird docs nearly all tlie
hatching, and can usually cover twenty,
two eggs. AH above that number laid by
the hen arc hatched iu an incubator; the
period of the incubation is usually forty
two days.
One by one the campaign canards arc
nailed. The Carlisle Herald, Tribune,
Press, Juc.niiner, cl id enme genus have
been publishing a letter purporting te
come from Cengicssman Beltzhoover, con
cerning which he tclcgaaphs te the
Times: "I was absent from home when
the letter purporting te have been written
by mc te some unnamed person, stating
that a pension bill could net be passed be
cause the rebels in the llausc and Senate
were opposed te pensions, appeared iu the
Carlisle Herald and the Philadelphia
Press, and I did net see a line of it until
this morning. It is an infamous ibrgeiy.
There was no occasion or necessity for
such a letter and no reason why it should
have been written."
The September elections open te-day in
Arkansas, where there is no contest en the
State or local tickets. The Jewell-Weaver
Republican-Greenback fusion, started with
such iKmp iu Alabama, was also started
111 Arkansas ; nut as tne only visiuie re
sults in Alabama was the extraction of
parly funds from Jewell te be pocketed by
Republicans and Greenback traders, Jew
ell retired from the Arkansas partnership
some weeks age, and that ended all oppo
sition te the Democratic ticket. Themas
J. Churchill will be elected governor with
a few scattering votes cast for William P.
Parks. The new Legislatute will elect a
senator te succeed Mr. Garland, Demo
crat. Te-morrow Vermont votes, electing
slate officers and a Legislature that will
cheese a successor te Mr. Edmunds.
Tun ninth quarterly report of the Penn
sylvania beard of agriculture ter June,
July and August is largely devoted te the
report of the beard's chemist en the an
alyses of the different fertilizers offered
for sale in this state. Iu the crop reports
for the year 1880 wheat is reported inferi
or in quality te the crop of 1879 ; corn will
far outdo la-it 3'car's crop ; twenty-eight
counties show an increased acreage of eats,
but en the whole the crop is less ; hay has
b;cn generally light ; the early potatoes,
though a light crop, were of exceptionally
geed quality. There is no general lcpert
en tobacco. Iu the special Lancaster
county report it is ueticcd that barbed
wire fences are being intrednced ; pests a
red apart, and five wires ; cost of locust
pests eighteen cents ; cost of fence for
four-wire fence seventy-nine cents, and for
five wires sevcuty-niuc cents per red of
fence." Alse that this county falls off 8
per cent in fat cattle this year, and 6 per
cent in poultry. The average yield of
crops per acre is given as wheat 21, rye 22,
eats 34, corn 53, potatoes 138, hay 2,100
pounds. The first prospect is generally
excellent. Lancaster county premises 31
per cent increase in apples ever last year
and 10 per cent in peaches.
One II u ml red and Ten Victims.
Accounts of the Logreuo catastrophe in
Spain show that one captain, six lieuten
ants and four ensigns of the regiment
from Valencia, and ene lieutenant of
engineers and ninety-eight privates per
ished. It seems that the battalion
WHS rrnssmr the river en a larire raft.
j constructed en pontoons, and in the middle
of the stream, which is tlecp anil rapid the
raft began te leak, and the men get alarmed
and capsized it. Only half the battalion
escaped, with the assistance of beats and
ropes. Planks were quickly cast in the
Ebro by the inhabitants. The scenes at
night in recognizing the bodies were heart
rending. Many officers aud sergeant s wcre
married men, aud their wives and families
rushed te the batiks during the search for
the bodies by torchlight. Next day, in
the presence of the garrison and' an im
mense concourse, 110 bodies were laid in
two craves. Kin" Alfonse, the euecn and
the royal family have headed the subqc rip-1
tien list with $0,000.
- - ' , V
afere Kepabllcua
m Tots ter Ha
CeL William McWiTltei; of Baltimcn,
a Republican, "will staap Iadiaea aad
Pennsylvania for Haaoeck, having resign
ed his office under the Government te
de se.
Tlie two sons of cx-Cengrcssman De
Brulcr, the National candidate for lieu
tenant governor of Indiana, have declared
epeniy for Hancock and the state ticket.
Jehn H. Marlacher, of Rahway, N. J.,
writes : "Of the eighty-five members of
the Silvus Democratic club of this city,
ten are young men who have left the Re
publican party."
A number of Republicans in New Yeik
city who have declared their intention te
vote for General Hancock, have formed
the Republican Hancock and English cam
paign club of the city and county of New
Yerk. A call has been issued for a meet
ing of the club tebe;beld'in the Westmin
ster hotel en Tuesday next. The call is
signed by 223 members of the club who
have heretofore acted with the Republican
Iu Spencer county, Iud.. Ben. T. Smith,
one of the last Republican county clerks,
and twenty-scveu ether Republicans who
voted for Hayes in 1870, have joined Han
cock and English clubs.
The Deutsche Zeitung-ef Newark has
hauled down the names of Garfield and
Arthur and substituted these of Hancock
and English. It is a daily paper of much
influence among the German voters of Es
sex county.
Hiram Buswcll, postmaster at Warwick,
N. II., for sixteen years and a life-long Re
publican, has announced his intention te
vote for Hancock and English. He says
he cannot swallow the Credit Mebilier and
Dc Golyer scandals.
Donald McDonald, of Pomeroy, O., a
life-long Republican and prominent politi
cian, has announced that he will support
the Demecratic ticket. He is a member
of the beard of education and. will cany
many votes with him. The Republican
leaders regard the step with amazement
and sorrow.
' 4-?t. -V "
JUcuWhe Will Vete as Tliey Shet,
niKits and Sailors op the Latk W Ait, I
Ne. 7U2 Chestnut street, (Itoem Ne. 18), f
Philadelphia, September 1, 1880. J
Ce.Mit.VDEs. The debauchcry of the
party with which wc have affiliated for the
past twenty years, has become se manifest
te all geed aud true soldiers, without re
gard te party ; te such an extent have the
office-holders trampled upon the rights of
the people ; the stench of impurity which
pervades all departments of the national,
state and city government, that a change
in the administration of affairs is demanded
and must be had te clean these Augean
stables of the filth that has surrounded
them. The cry of. halt, must be heeded.
Men who wcre contractors ; men who were
the hangors-en of the army ; men who did
nothing but make money, while we were
fighting for the perpetuity of the Union,
arc the men who, te day, as in days of the
war, arc holding the honors and emolu
ments of office.
This should be stepped. It is our rights
that arc trampled upon, and it is the priv
ilege of the soldiers and tailors of the late
war te stand by their colere as in' days of
yore, aud compel these cormorants at the
public crib te cease feasting off the carcass
of the nation, and endeavor te bring about
a healthy condition of affairs.
There are thousands of soldiers and sea
men who b?Iicvc as we believe ; whose
rights have been sapped away, and who
stand te-day as they never steed before, in
diead of the office-holder and his master.
Te these men, comrades-in-arms of the
past, we say come with us. Toe long has
the "bloody shirt" been the cry of politi
cian and place hunter. Toe long have
these men been permitted te use the fair
fame Aven en the battle-field by the soldier,
te foist themselves into power. Toe long
have we been passive spectators of men
winning honor and renown, which should
belong te us. The time lias come te
Halt !
Commence the clcauiug out of the peli
ticians that have ruled us, by voting for
the man who has ever been known among
us Republicans as a true patriot and hon
est man, aud a superb soldier, Win field S.
Send your name and address le these
headquarters without delay.
By elder of the club.
Jehn C. Dei;
Late Captain 17th, 72d and 180tli Regi
ments, P. V.
Jacob Eiixek,
Captain "K"
Ce. 73d regiment, P. V.
Heur llcniecratlc Documents HI ajr 1je Ob
tained. One of the characteristics of the present
campaign is the unusually large number of
voters wavering ui their former iMlhcrcuce
te the Republican party and anxious te be issues in the contest.
There is an unusual demand for reading
matter. In order te meet it independent
voters can procure for themselves or Demo
crats can procure for them able and ferci
ble presentations of the truth upon appli
cation te the proper authorities. The
following pamphlets have been published
and may be ordered in any quantity simply
by giving the number and upon application
te W. H. Barnum, chairmau, 138 Fifth
avenue, New Yerk.
Ne. 1. Platform Letters of Acceptance
of Hancock and English Gcu. Hancock's
Letter te Gen. Sherman Constitutional
Ne. 2. Civil Records of Gen. Hancock
Speech of Captain Hancock at Les Au Au
geles, Cal., July 4, 18C1 Motion en Bab
cock Court Martial Gem. Hancock's Let
tcr te Gen. Sherman.
Ne. 3. Garfield and the Credit Mebilier
Ne. 4. Garfield en the Tariff.
Ne. 5. War Claims and Private
Ne. 6. The Democratic Party the
Friend of the Soldier.
Ne. 7. Chinese Emigration.
Ne. 8. History of the Carpct,Bag Gov
ernment. Ne. 9. Gen. Hancock's Letter of
Acceptance, and his Letter te Gen. Sher
man. Ne. 10. Civilized Bulldozing in Rhede
Island and Massachusetts.
Ne. 1 1. Garfield denounced by the Re
publicans of His Own District.
Ne. 12.- Garfield and the Ship Builders.
Ne. 13. Republicans in Judgment en
the Republican Candidates.
Ne. 14 Electoral Commission.
Ne. 15 Venezuela Scandal.
Ne. 1C Seme Small Steals.
Ne. 17. Democratic Economy and Re
publican Extravagance.
Ne. 18. Garfield and the De Golyer
Ne. 19. Garfield and, the Salary Steal.
Dec. A. Same as English Ne. 1.
Dec. B. Life of General Hancock.
Dec. C. Republicans in Judgment upon
the Republican Candidates.
a a
Tramp KUIed by a Deg.
At Fairview, Ky., a tramp entered the
residence of F. A. Hawkins and demand
ed of his wife, in angry tones, his break
fast. The lady being alene screamed for
help when her large Newfoundland deg
rushed in, seized the tramp by the threat,
severing the jugular vein, causing instant
A medium-sized, brown-haired and lame
armed man has been found drowned in the
Allegheny river. $41.40' and railway
guides, besides a dirk knife, were found en
him. The suicide had cut the name out
of his shirt. ,
BaPRMtWaScnrtvcv-Tke BenaMI-
;cnsOatgeaaUal aud the State
f AneaWr 1 for tha Detna
n -ti cratic Ticket.
The leaders of both sides have get down
te business aud hard work iu Indiana, and
the Republicans te-day openly confess, for
the first time, that Chairmau Jewell has
been utterly outgeneraled in Iudiana.
They knew that Indiana is naturally a
Democratic state; that it elected Hen
dricks governor in 1872; that it gave 17,
000 Democratic majority in 1874 ; 5,50J
in 187G, and 14,000 in 1878, and they new
see the' vanity aud foil' of Jewell's
"splendid dress parade" begun by him
self in Indiana mere than two memths
age and followed up by a lavish waste of
money, parades, speeches and enforced
enthusiasm long before the people were
ready te take part in the contest. Assess
ments aud double assessments en the office
holders wcre called for aud poured into
Iudiana before money could effect any
lasting geed, while English sat calmly en
bis bar'l " and waited for his opponents
te exhaust themselves. Barnum slipped
out te Indianapolis seen after Jewell had
exhibited en the tree tops and told hew
the state was te be carried with a
hurrah, and none kuew that he came
but English. They met, talked the battle
ever, decided te let the Republicans ex
haust their money and cnthusiasani, de
vised the most complete system for reach
ing every individual voter of the state by
actual canvass, and decided te wait until
three weeks before the election and then
go in with all their resources. Ne money
was scattered around for fireworks or
parade; but the canvass was made as a
matter of business by English, paid for out
of his own pocket, and every weak voter
and every weak point of the Republican
line is before English te guide him iu put
ting his reserve powers into the strujigle
"where they will de the most geed."
"' There is net auythiug like confi
dence felt in Indiana new at' Republican
headquarters. Twe weeks age Jewell was
aglow with enthusiasm ever the easy
victory he premised himself in the pivotal
state ; but te-day he aud these about him
regard Indiana as mere than doubtful,
because they feel that they have wasted
their resources and cannot new meet the
Democratic assault that is certain te be
made en the state. Anether new feature
of the state contest that has been un
expectedly developed since Barnum's
late visit te Indianapolis, is a fierce,
aggressive campaign against Judge Perter,
putting him en the defensive by charges
of gkess corruption as controller of
the treasury. The charge has been
worked up by ex-Dctcctive William P.
Weed, ence chief of the secret service, and
it makes out a plausible case against Con
troller Perter for paying a fabricated and
fraudulent claim, knowing it ti be such.
It is net credited by Republicans, nor is it
likely te be really credited by sensible
Democrats ; but it puts Judge Perter at
the great disadvantage of being en the
defensive in his joint debate with Landers,
and that is a reversal of the whole Repub
lican policy of the Indiana campaign. The
great distress in the Jewell committee new
is becaust of the want of money. Enough
aud mere than enough te meet all re
quirements '.new has been wasted in Ala
bama, Maine, Vermont, and in a premature
display in Indiana, and new, when a large
sum is needed, the contributions aud par
tics subject te assessments are exhausted.
And the new well-developed pregramme of
the Democrats requires the Republicans
net only te pour out money like water iu
Indiana, but they must be prepared te
meet a most desperate assault in Ohie, for
Barnum means te make a systematic and
exhaustive effort, backed with all the
money that can be used effectively, te
carry Ohie in October. This is an un
expected and serious peril for Jewell's com
mittee te meet, for th'iy must net allow
Ohie te tall te a nominal majority, aud the
less of the state in October would elect Han
cock by a hurricane. The work of collect
ing money for Ohie and Indraua will bc
giu anew te-morrow and it will be pressed
with desperate vigor, but the growing
conviction among Republican contributors
that Indiana is lest, and principally be
cause of Republican waste and misman
agement, will make responses reluctant
aud net at all libera!. There will be a
desperate battle in Indiana, notwithstand
ing the disadvantages under which the
Republicans must labor from this time
out, but the belief is much mere general
than it is expressed among the leaders
that Indiana is lest te the Republicans,
and that Ohie must be liberally supplied
with money te save Garfield's own state.
A man named Tasscll drowned himself
in Pittsburgh the ether day. Toe much
corn in the Tasscll was what ailed him.
Wesley Dewoody, a prominent citizen
of Sandy JCrcck, Venango county, is under
surveillance for alleged forgeries en his
The Philadelphia Canstattcr fest opened
with a sacred concert yesterday afternoon;
te-day there a parade and festivities con
tinuing this evening iu Scheulzan park.
The Menree county Democratic cam
paign opens with a meeting in the court
house in Stroudsburg this evening te be
addressed by W. U. Henscl, esq., of this
Harry Haines, twenty years old, whilst
attempting te beard. a moving coal train
en the Lehigh Valley railroad, at Fuller Fuller
ten, missed his footing, was run ever, and
horribly mangled about the head and
Posteffices were established in this state
last week at Kcil'er,. Westmoreland county,
Lyndcll and Pocopson, Chester county,
and Rewc, Beaver county. The office of
Plunkctt, Sullivan county, was discen
Daniel Brumbaek, aged 18, accidentally
shot Mary Fryer, aged 1(5. about six miles
north of Pottstown yesterday. The lead
came from .a shot-gun and entered the
girl's head, breast and arms. Her condi
tion is considered dangerous.
B. II. Bartel has been named ou the Re
publican ticket as presidential elector from
the First congressional district, iu the
place et Samuel C. Perkins, who resigned,
as his office of commissioner of the United
States court of claims renders him ineligi
ble. F. G. Miller aud wife, from Wyoming
territory, unused te whitc-shirted civiliza
tion, stepped oil" at a Pittsburgh hotel and
the train carrying them cast was moving
off when the old man recollected that he
had left $20 in geld pieces among the bed
clothes in their room.
A party of young gentlemen from
Easten have been camping out at Lake
Popenomong, near Stroudsburg, and a
few days age several of the party came
down te make a few calls upon friends in
the town, where they were met by a party
of rowdies, who began stoning them, and
they were finally set upon and Frank
Robinson, a young man of Easten, was se
badly wounded in one eye by a stone that
he will lese his sight.
A Mrs. Carr, of Pittsburgh, two weeks
age, while asleep, was cither bitten or
stuug by a spider or some ether insect,
aud the next morning a small, but very
much inflamed, pimple was observed oil
the spot where the wound was inflicted,
and the arm began te swell, and from thn
wrist te the shoulder there were poisoned
blotches, the whole arm aud side having
the appcarance of being badly burned.
The inflammation was reduced, but about
four days age, either from the effects of
the poison or from the shock te her ner
vous system, Mrs. Carr became insane, aud
new she is a raving maniac.
England costumes te have magnificent
harvest weather.
A, ten-year-old scamp picked up by the
Jersey City police mvstilied them for hours
J by adroitly personating Charley Ress.
Henry Bcrgcr, 19 years old. a visitor
from Chicago at Sea View, N. J., was
drowned while bathing in the surf.
Jehn Penman was fatally shot bv Jehn
Kaddy, in a drunken quarrel, at Brazil,
Ind., en Saturday night.
Mary Jacksen, colored, was burned te
death, while lighting a fire with coal oil.
in Jersey City, yesterday afternoon.
Fergusen Kealy fell off a deck and was
drowned, while drunk, in New Yerk, en
Saturday night.
Three men were sunstruck in Brooklyn.
N. Y., en Saturday, and ene of them died
before he could be taken te the hospital.
Simeon Hibbcr, of Hunterdon county,
N. J., was run ever and killed en the Penn
sylvania railroad, near Mctuchen, last Fri
day evening.
Edward Haulau, accompanied by his
trainer, sailed from New Yerk for Liver
pool en Saturday. He is in geed health,
and confident of defeating Trickctt.
The boiler of a saw mill at Toisnet, N.
C, exploded en Saturday, wrecking the
building and injuring two men, one named
Edward Whitchurst, fatally.
Twe stages which ruu between Leuis
ville, Ky., and the Mammoth Cave, were
stepped by highwaymen en Friday night
and all the passengers robbed.
An unknown man fired into a Demo
cratic parade at Washington, O., en Sat
urday evening, and Perry Wilsen, a spec
tator, was killed.
Cornelius Ceaklcy was stabbed five
times by Dennis Lcary in a light in
Seuth Bosten en Saturday, and is believed
te be fatally wounded. Lcary was ar
rested. In Brooklyn, en Saturday night, Win.
Barry, being drunk, beat his' wife se badly
that she is net expected te recover, be
cause she refused te give him money te
buy mere drink.
E. W. M. Mackcy and Rebert Smalls
wcre nominated for Congress en Saturday
by the Republican conventions of the Sec
ond and Fifth districts of Seuth Carolina,
The body of a man, supposed te be Jehn
Appleby, of New Yerk, was found near
the railroad track at Seuth Ambey, N. J.,
yesterday morning. It is believed he was
killed by a train.
The steamer Charleston, from Charles
ton, S. C, for New Yerk, went ashore en
Saturday evening, and tugs and lighters
wcre at work upon her yesterday. One
thousand bales of cotton constituted the
bulk of the cargo.
The steamer Massachusetts, at Provi
dence, R. I., yesterday from New Yerk,
was run into by an unknown schooner oil'
Point Judith, in a thick fog about 2 o'clock
in the morning. The steamer was net
damaged, and it was net believed the
schooner sustained serious injury.
Several persons narrowly escaped drown
ing at Leng Branch yesterday. One of
them, named AVelf. was treated by physi
cians for several hours before he recovered
consciousness, and remained at last ac
counts in a precarious condition.
Four boys, swimming in the Christiana
river, at Wilmington, Del., yesterday,
wcre fired upon by Jehn W. Morten, cap
tain of the schooner Souder, because they
did net heed his order te keep away from
his vessel. All wcre wounded, and one
named Harry Riley will probably lese an
eye. Morten was arrested.
Yesterday was the warmest'ef the season
at Leng Branch, the thermometer, at four
o'clock in the afternoon, registering 97 de
grees in the shade. The temperature
averaged about 93 degrees in the shade at
all points along the Hudsen river yester
day afternoon, and the exodus from the
mountains received a check.
A fire in Mobile, Alabama, yesterday
afternoon, destroyed the wholesale dry
goods store of It. R. Duniap, banking
house of Thes. P. Miller & Ce., hardware
stores of Ira W. Perter & Ce. and J. 15.
Hazard & Ce., tinware factory of F.
Gomez, and a warehouse and law office.
The total less is estimated at $350,000.
Mrs. Margaret Fury remonstrated with
two young roughs named O'Brien, who
were abusing their mother under her win
dow, in Providence, R. I., yesterday after
noon. The ruffians thereupon threw stones
at Mrs. Fury, ene of which, it is said,
struck her with such force that she died in
about two hours. Her assailants escaped.
A little boy, named Sweeney, playing
around the machmery at the railroad deck
at Reuse's Point, en Saturday, had his left
arm caught in a wheel and tern from his
body. His father, seeing the boy's peril,
rushed te the rescue, and was also caught
in the machinery and had ene leg taken off
below the knee.
The body of an unkrewn man, appar
ently about 30 years of age, about live feet
in height, iu dark clothes and a white
shirt, was found floating en the Brooklyn
shore of the East river yesterday. It is
supposed te be that of a suicide who
jumped from a ferryboat a few days age.
At Bedic, Cal., yesterday, Geerge Wat
kins killed a policeman named Whittakcr,
and died seen afterwards from the effects
of wounds inflicted by the officer. A
Spaniard killed a man named Hackwell,
and Jehn Raum killed a miner named C'os C'es C'os
tclle, in an affray growing out of the beat
ing of a waiter girl in a saloon.
Dr. Themas Mansen, the missing dent
ist from Brooklyn, has been found dead,
suspended by a hankerchicf from a limb of
a tree in a shrubbery near the main line
of the walk leading from the skating house
te the flower garden in Prospect park,
Brooklyn. He was rich aud slightly de
ranged. Tiie body of Geerge A. Campbell, of 192
Delancy street, New Yerk, who disappear
ed ever a week age, was found floating in
the river, near the Brooklyn navy yard,
yesterday. The threat was cut, hut there
was no evidence of robbery, and the police
think he cut his threat and jumped into
the river at the same time.
Articles of incorporation of the " New
Yerk under ground railroad company,"
as the successor of the "New Yerk City
central 'underground railway company,"
have been filed. The read is te extend
from Seuth Ferry te Fifty-ninth street, the
main line running in a tunnel nndcr Broad
way. Werk will begin this fall and it is
proposed te complete the line by June 1,
O'Leary wen his race at Chicago. The
conditions were that O'Leary was te ride
30 miles while three runners, McLcary,
White Eagle, the Indian, and Charles
Price, ran the same distance, for $500 a
side. O'Leary covered the distance in
3 hours, 7 minutes, 36 seconds. The run
ners made their 10 miles each as fellows :
McLcary iu 1 hour, 9 minutes, 20 seconds.
White Eagle, 1 hour, 11 miuutes, 19 sec
onds. Price, 1 hour, 4 minutes, 2U 1-5 sec
onds. Total, 3 hours, 26 minutes, 5 1-5
A Nice Fair.
On Friday a countryman and a woman
from this city made a nice exhibition of
themselves at the King street depot. They
were both drunk and for some time before
the eight o'clock train arrived they enter
tained these present, with most affectionate
demonstrations and showed their regard
for each ether in a very loving manner.
When the train arrived both get en beard,
but the conductor was obliged te put the
woman off as she had no ticket nor money,
aud her companion would net pay her fare.
A large crowd witnessed their performance
K. OF P.
AnnlTerxarr t.r 1'ilny Ledge. Ne. 483. at
The anniv.isary of Pliny ledge, Ne. 423,
K.P..ofR.twlir!t,vilIe,teok place en Saturday
in BrubaUei'.s weeds, aboutaniile from the
village of R.twlinsvillc, Martic township,
and was attended by a great crowd of peo
ple, estimated at fifteen hundred. Among
the visiteis a delegation of members of
Lancaster ledge. Ne. C8. of this city, in
cluding P:t Sir Kuisht Commander Jehn
McGinucs ; Sir Knight M. AV. Raub ; Sir
Knight Frank L. Krauskop; Sir Knight
James B. Kearden ; Sir Knight Geerge
Ellisen ; Ivnight James Ewing, Knight
Rebert Meri is and Knight Constant Boctt Bectt
nc. The day iu ami about Rawlinsville was
made a regular holiday, the public house
and most busines places being closed, te
enable all hands te take part or at least
witness the pageant. The mcmlicrs of
Pliuy ledge met in their ledge room and
denned their equipments. They then
formed line aud with the Quarryville
band at the head or the column started en
parade. Behind ihe equipped knights fol
lowed a long line of citizens afoot, en
horseback and in carriagcs,accempanicd by
the Marticville band. It is estimated that
there was from one thousand te fifteen
hundred persons in line, the carriages alene
occupying a distance of three-quarters of a
mile. After inarching aud countermarch
ing through the village the proccsssien
proceeded te Brubakcr's weeds, where a
stand had been erected and tables and
seats provided for the multitude. An ex
cellent dinner was prepared and served te
the knights by "mine host" Smith of
After dinner the orator of the day, Chas.
I. Land is, esq., of this city, delivered an
oration en the general principles and ob
jects of the order. He was followed in an
entertaining address by Dr. J. C. Gatchcll.
Dr.M.W. Itaub next addressed the audience,
his theme being the Endowment Rank of
the K. of P. '
After a recess of half an hour, which
was devoted te social intercourse, the parade
reformed and returned te the village. Ar
riving at the ledge room, an address was
made by Past Commander, Jehn McG ill
ness, his theme being the Uniform Rank
of the K. of P.
The best of order prevailed throughout
the proceedings both iu the village aiid the
grove, and the demonstration is expected
te have a geed effect in increasing the
membership of Pliny ledge, which is al
ready in a healthy financial condition,with
a membership of 85, of which number 65
were in the parade.
The Lancaster delegation, which left
Lancaster in coaches at 7 o'clock, a. 111.,
returned at 7 o'clock p. m., well pleased
with their ihivc and thcircerdial reception
by the memoirs of Pliny ledge.
Meeting or tlie I'eultry. Society Talk About
liie Nest Shew.
The Septum Iter meeting of the Lancaster
county prtiiltry society was held iu the
room of the Agricultural society this
morning. The following members were
present : Mi-ssis. S. N. Warfcl (president),
Strasburg ; J. 15. Licit ty (secretary), city;
W. A. Sehecnbcrgcr, city ; F. R. Diffcn
dcrfler, city ; 1 1. M. Engle, Marietta ; C.
A. Gast, city ; II. II. Tshudy, Lititz ; E.
C. Brackl::i, Strasburg ; Chas. Lippold,
city ; Frank (Jricst, city ; J. M. Johnsten,
cityj Chas. E. Leng, city; JehnF. Reed,
city ; Jes. F. Witmer, Paradise ; Jacob B.
Leng, city ; J. F. Malene, Brickcrville.
The chairman of the committee en pre
miums at the nning poultry show read
the names of the several varieties of fowls
for which premiums would be offered. Twe
premiums wen: proposed for each kind of
birds $2 for first premium and !?1 for sec
ond premium, for both fowls and chicks.
The premium for pigeons was net finally
agrccil upon.
The executive committee w.isdiiectcd te
secure a sufficient number of coops for
pigeons and bantams.
A discusMen a lese as te the propriety of
getting for exhibition at the fair a pair of
golden and a pair of silver pheasants. It
was stated that the price pur pair would he
$25, and it was suggested that the birds
might be sold, at the close of the fair, for
815 or moil' per pair, se that there would
be but 1 i tt li less te the society, ft was de
termined that the secretary should corres
pond with htct'dcrsiif pheasants and ascer
tain th- lu-sl- ti his en which the hints
could h.: bought or placed en exhibition.
It was asked what action would he taken
towards having an incubator en exhibition
at the show, and it was answered that Mr.
Cameren, Brickcrville, had premised te let
the society have the one ou exhibition I:ut
year. It was also stated that a gentleman
of this city had invented an incubator
which he had put in successful operation
and which he would probably be willing te
exhibit. The secretary was en motion
directed te procure one or mera incuba
tors. '1 he c itivc c.immittcc was directed
te sec 1 1 u; a s 1:0111 in which te held the ex
hibition and report te next meeting of the
E. II. Witmer, of Ncflsville, was pro
posed for membership and elected.
It was ordered that the society contrib
ute $55 te he placed iu the hands of the
executive committee te be ell'credas special
premiums of $5 for the best coops in each
of the ten classes of fowls and $5 for the
best collection of pigeons.
A l.lve Corpse.
Several nights age two gentlemen were
walking up Neith Duke street. When op
posite the ceuit house they found a young
man ling stretched out en the pavement
and very diunk. One of the gentlemen
thought he would have some fun, se he
said te his friend, 'I suppose this man is
dead ; he has no doubt fallen from the
reef of this building : you go for a physi
cian and I will go for Corener Mishler."
The two men started oil" at a rapid rate,
but they had net gene far before the
"dead" man arose and yelled, "Here,
darn your skins, I am net dead."
They Want te be Corener.
In our late list of candidates for offices
next year in the Republican party we
neglected te mention the persons who
want te be coroner. The following gen
tlemen will fight for that office : Corener
Isaac Mishler. Levi Gallagher, Peter K.
Henaman, Samuel Shiffer and Jake
l.lTrt,K LOCALS.
Hcreaii'l There and Ktcrywliere.
Dillcrville has 26 voters of whom 25 arc
Democrats, and this in Lancaster county.
Send for troops.
The inquirer says : " Hancock's picture
inBacr's bookstore window about the fore
head and eyes very much resembles A. J.
Stcinman, of the Ix'n:M.ier:xcKit. The
twist te the moustache is identical, tee,
and it is a line looking picture."
There is net much doubt about State
Senater Evcrhart's nomination in Chester
James Black, esq., of this city, mnde a
temperance speech in Wet Chester, Thurs
day evening last.
Sal or Iteal Kslate.
Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold at
public sale, en Fridav, the "d inst., 10 acres
of weed leaf for Jehn S. Landis. of Maner
township. Lancaster county, Pa., at an
average of $88.50 per acre.
Went West.
Geerge W. Henscl and wife, of Quarry
villc, left en the It o'clock-train this morn
ing, en a trip te Chicago, Minneapolis, and
ether points in the West.
. As-.