-' " .- .: . -, LANOASTEE VMLY lNTELLlGiLm S ATOtI)A3S SEPJEBER, 4, 1880 , uyV- ii 4 I We call special attention te ear New Line of Coatings, Suitings and Cassimeres, Which we havejust opened, including the Celebrated SNYDER WOOLEN MILLS AND CHARLOTTESVILLE WOOLEN MILLS SUITINGS. Remember also that we employ a cutter who aims te please and does please all who have had clothing made at our establishment. Remember also that we employ none but first-class workmen te make up our goods, and use none but the best trimmings. All goods thoroughly sponged before cutting. Try us once and you will be se well pleased you will try us again. WHITE DRESS SHIRTS, the best goods for the money in 'the city. Alse a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing Goods, all at Lewest Prices. aiVLEE, BO WEES & HTJEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Tlie Parler Shee Stere, at present selling eir at great sacrifice in ertlcr le close business, will be closed Monday, September fi, until fi p. in., en account of holiday. Female weakness, caused by deranged kid neys, permanently and positively cured by the use of Pret. Uuilinctte's French Kidney Tails. State Fair Excursion. Philadelphia's big day,graud combination ex cursion te Philadelphia and Zoological Garden en Saturday, Sept. 11. Tickets geed for three days, te return en any train. Fare for the round trip, only $2.00. Special through train leaves Lancaster (King Street) at 6 a. in., Col umbia, C a. in.; returning leave Iiread street at C p. in., Bcllmeut, 6:15 p. iu. Fer particulars, see postern and circulars at all stations en Heading It. It. sl-7,0&10Altw Mcssrs. linger V Brether arc new receiving new Fall and Winter goods in every depart ment of their store and have determined te make their stock for the coming season the most complete ever shown in Lancaster. Their purchases are made strictly for cash from New Yerk importers, manufacturers and large dealers, which with tliclr long experi ence in the trade gives thciiiunusual lacilities, and insures the lowest possible prices for re liable goods. Tribute of Respect. Ala special meeting of the Shilllcr hose com pany. Ne. 7, held in their liall Tuesday after. iHHin, September 2, l80,thc lollewing resolu tions were presented and adepted: Wiikkkas, It has pleased the Almighty Ged, in his providence, te remove from our midst our lellew member. Jehn K. Franciscus, who was cut down in the full prime ane vigor el manhood without a minute's warning, and u hoc death has thrown pall efsadue&s alike ever relative ami Iriend. Haseleetf, That in his death his parents lese a l.iit lit ill ami dutiful son : his companions and associates a kind and generous friend ; the community an honest citizen, a brave soldier and a gallant fireman, and this company a worthy and estimable member. IlcxelveiL That we tender our heartfelt svni- pathics te the bereaved family. Realizing that earthly comlert cannot fill the void lelt by his death, we commend them te Him from whom a(l things cometh as the only one who can give mum imu cuiiNiiiuiiuii uiui soeinc tneir grid in I heir lien ret bereavement. Jlrxelreil, I hat as a tribute of respect te the memory et the deceased, we attend in a body; and that we drattc rnir cndiiR uml irrlinm with the customary mourning for the space of inn ly it.ijtrt. Itrxelvcd, TImt;a copy of these resolutions be sent te the family of the deceased, and they be entered upon our journal and be published in the daily Xcw Era, Intelligencer and Exami ner. P. S. GOODMAN. JOHN K. ZECI1EK, WM. SPONG, Committee. Xutiilien improved, strength restored disease arrested by Malt Bittcis. and The Tlirce Graces. aie repieseuled with perlectly developed leruis beauty and health combined. Ne rte eayed-toethed manor woman can be healthy, because digestion must be imperfect. Use SOZODONT, get healthy teeth, geed digestion and a sound body, Revive the three Graces. The only medicinal Seap adapted te easy shaving Cuticura Shaving Seap. rttLlTIVAL 1WLJ.ETLS. Fer Assembly. KI.1M G. SNYDER, of the Ninth ward, wil be a candidate for the Democratic nomination tethe Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub ject te Democratic rules. tp Te Voters. Persen.-, intending te be naturalized belere the 2d of OCTOBER should attend te it with out delay. Committee en naturalization : J. L. Stein metz, D. McMullen, Jl. F. Davis, Jehn A. Ceyle, H. F. Montgomery. Persons desiring le be naturalized can npplv te any of these, or te W. r. Henel, at the Intelluiknckk eflice. First Ward. Theie will be a special meeting of the First ward Hancock club at Nienicr's saloon en Monday evening at 7 o'clock sliap. Ninth Ward. A special meeting el the Hancock A English club el the sith ward w ill be held at their club room, ever Arneld Haas's saloon. North Queen street, en Monday evening at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of distributing unilermsund drill. The secretary will be at the club room this U'lilngal 7 o'clock ler the purpose of re ceiving subscriptions. The club passed reso lutions thanking the managers et the picnic held en Thursday, for their successful man agement of the same. SVEVIAL, XOT1VE&. SAMPLE NOTICE. It is impossible ler a woman alter a fallhiul course et treatment with Lydia K. riukhain's Vegetable Compound te continue le sutler with a weakness el the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Piukhaui, 233 Western avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jy29-lydced&w 1. X. Markell, West Jeddere, N. S., writes: "I wish te inlerni -ou of the wonderful ouali euali 1 ies of Dr. Themas' Eclectic Oil. 1 had a horse se lanie that he could scarcely walk; ;the troublewasin the knee, and two or three ap plications completely cured him." Fer sale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 35 " Female complaints" are the result of im pure bleed. Use " Lindscy's Bleed Searcher." The Friend of Delicate Ladles. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure Is the remedy that will cure the many diseases pe culiar te women. Headaches, neuralgia, dis ordered nerves, weakness, mental shocks, and kindred ailments arc effectually removed bv its use. 2Vic Jefic r' Magazine. 4 " D. Sulliran. Malcom, Ontario, writes: "I have been selling Dr. Themas' Eclectic Oil ler some years, and liavc no hesitation in saying that it has given better satisfaction than nny ether medicine I have ever sold. I consider it the only patent medicine that cures mere than it is recommended le cure." Fer sale by H. 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13!i North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. 33 Mr. llewcn, et Gun Lake, Mich., says : " The people here cannot de without Sellers' Liver Pills." Try them. Mrs. A. N. Frank, 177 W. Tupper Street, Buf falo, X. Y., says he has used Dr. Themas' Eclcc tric Oil for severe toothache and Neuralgia of the head and thinks it Is the best thing she knows of ler relieving pain of any kind. She keeps It constantly In the house as a household remedy. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 36 Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. HEATHS. Moere. In this city, en the 3d Inst., Albcrtha Irene, daughter of N. O. and May Moere, nged 2 years. Funeral lrein the residence of J. H. Shirk, 337 North Queen street, en Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Services at the house. Interment at the Lancaster cemetery. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral. '' s3-2td Brenner. In this city, en the 4th of Septem ber, 1880, Jeseph XV. Brennen, in his 7Cth year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from his late residence, Ne. 514 North Queen street, onMenday afternoon at 2 o'clock." Inter ment at Lancaster cejnetery, DMT GOODS. JVJJIF ADVERTISEMENTS. ZAHM'S A new loom and elegant stock. A lull line of Lancaster Watches, Waltham Watches, Columbus Watches, in Geld and Silver Cases, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Beautilul wedding gifts In Jewelry, Diamonds, Bronzes, Silverware, .and French Clocks. Arundel Spectacles, the best in the world. OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT Is as complete as anv in the larger cities. We manufacture Kings, Masonic Marks, Society Pins, Jewelry of all kinds. Diamond Mounting and any spectator odd pieces in any desired style. MOXOGKAMMING and Fine Jewelry and Watch repairliij a specialty. All work warranted. Call and examine our stock and leave your repairing w ith Zalini's Cerner, Lancaster, Fa. NOTICE! On and after SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. the entire stock of BOOTS AND SHOES of the P MtLOR SHOE STOKE. Ne. 3ii EAST KING STREET, will be offered at a great SACRIFICE, te CLOSE OUT BUSINESS. Desiring te engage in ether business, I take this opportunity te etler the entire sleck, consisting et 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Hakes, at least i" per cent, less than they can be bought elsewhere. Having made a specialty in geed goods ler the last two year, asplendld opportunity is new offered te buy superior BOOTS and SHOES at lower prices than TRASH can be bought elsewhere. FARMERS ! Wishing te purchase their BOOTS AND SHOES ler Fall and Winter, new is your chance te buy CHEAP. Country storekeepers will de well te call while our stock is yet complete. We also liavea line of very fine goods which we will sell from $1 te $2 a pair less than before. The EN TIRE STOCK must be SOLD eutas SOON as POSSIBLE. We also offer a part et the fixtures et the store, consisting of revolving fixture in window. Lounges, part of shelving. Writing Desk, one Fireproof Combination Safe, as geed as new, and line Shew Case and Stand, at PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. 26 1-2 East King St., opposite Lancaster Ce. Bank. C. A. Reeee. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. s OUK KKAUT LUNCH TO-NIGHT AT Fulton Opera Heuse Saleen. ltd Proprietor. B AKER LOUIS DICKEL, liAKER, COK" neret Seymour and Fremont streets. ltd SAITKK KKAUT AND PIG'S FEET LUNCH this evening at the Maner Hetel, West King street. Best beer en tap. WILLIAMKEIIM, ltd Proprietor. e PEKA HOUSE. Wednesday, Sept 8, 1880. Mr. Jehn D. Mishler has the pleasure et pre senting the emotional actress, MISS ADA GRAY, Supported by W ATKINS' FIFTH AVENUE COMBINATION, when will be produced her entirely new vcrsen of Mrs. Weed's novel of human interest. EAST LYME; OR, THE ELOPEMENT. Price Mi and SO cents. Reserved seals. .50 cents. Diagram at Yeckcr's efllcc. sept-It R KAL ESTATE AT ORPHANS' COURT SALE, en TUESDAY, -SEPTEMBER 21, 1880, will be sold; by order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, at public sale, en the premises, en the Lancaster and Marietta Turnpike Read, one and a hall' mile east of Rohrcrstewn. at the second tell-gate from Lan caster, the following real estate, te wit.: A tract of geed farming land, containing SIX ACRES, lying en both sides of said turnpike read, adjoining lands of Jehn Kaulfman, Jacob Shcnk, Geerge Mctzgcr, Sarah Frantz and ethers, en which are erected a one-story leg weather-bearded DWELLING HOUSE, (below the tell-gate), a Frame Stable, Summer Heuse, Weed Shed, Cern Crib, Pig Sty, and ether necessary out-buildings. A variety of Fruit Trees in bearing condition, and a geed Well of Water. Persons wishing te view the premises before the eay of sale, will call en the undersigned, residing thereon. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock P. M., of said day, when due attendance will be given and terms of sale made known by the undersigned. CHRISTIAN 8EHNER, Administrator of Cliristian Sehncr, dee'd. Isaac IIkinamax, Auct. scpl-l$dA2tw H. GERHART, TAILOR, Ha just opened a CHOICE STOCK or FINE WOOLENS FOB THE FALL TRADE. SELECT STYLES and none but the best et ENGLISH, FRENCH AKD AMERICAN FABRICS, AT Ne. 51 North Queen Street. CORNER. EDW. J. ZAHM. FARMERS ! Xliir Alt VERTISEMENTS SALE OF HORSES. On MONDAY, SEPT. 0, 1880, will be sold at the Mcrritnac Heuse. .Lancaster. 32 head el CANADA HORSES. Sale te commence at 12 o'clock, M. GEO. GROSSMAN. Sam. Hfss & Sen, Aucts. sl-ltwA2tds3A4 DR. WM. II. FAHNESTOCK Having returned from the Seuth, lias re sumed his eflice practice, and can be found at his residence. Ne. 239 EAST KING STREET. mlS-2milewS 105 GO TO F. HIEMENZ'S, 105 Ne. 105 North Queen street for the Cheapest anil iicni lieuia a.u ojiur.e. 105 Sign of the Big Shee. 105 i2G-SAWtfd 100 Tens el Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. , 2i CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. The highest price paid ler Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, Ac. Ten Rag Asserters wanted" te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. Nertli Queen and Orange Streets, y.M fd R Lancaster, Ta ZELLER'S CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 10 EAST KING Street. Music taught in all its branches Inst rumen tal, Vecal (Madame Seller's method). Thorough Bass and Har mony, and Analysis. Friday evening concerts every two weeks, for which the pupils furnish fie music. Terms Classes of three, $8.00; les les eons in classes et two, $10.00; private lessens. i.i.ui; lessens at i no pupirs neusc, si.w eacn lessen. sepl-7td 105 LADIES AND UKNTS It you want a 105 GOOD PITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Ready-made or made te order, call at F. HIEMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. ic2fiSAWtfd COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kinds of COAL go te RUSSEL.& SHULMYER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 22 Fast King Street. YARD: C18 North Prince Street. auglt-taprlSR may:; kidney w. A DISCOVERY BY ACCIDENT, which supplies a want men of eminent ability have devoted years of study and experiment te find a Specific for Diseases et the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Organs and Nervous System and from the time of its discovery has rap idly increased in favor, gaining the apnreval and confidence et medical men and these who have used it; it has become a favorite with all classes, and wherever introduced has super seded all ether treatments. In short, such is its intrinsic merit and superiority, that it is new the only recognized reliable remedy. Is Strongly Endorsed! We have the most unequivocal testimony te its curative powers from many persons et high character, intelligence and responsibility. Our book, "Hew a Lite was Saved," giving the history of this discovery, and a large record of most remarkable cures, sent free. Write for it. DAY'S KIDNEY PADS are sold by all drug gists, or will be sent by mail (free el postage) en receipt of their price: Regular, $2; Special, for obstinate cases of long standing, $3 ; Chil dren's, $1.50. Address. Day Kidney Pad Company, Teledo; ome. P.ATTTTflN winff the many worthless UO.UXXV11. Kidnev Pflds -new Bmblnr nanla en our reputation, we deem it due the afflicted I te warn them. Ask fr DAY'S KIDNEY PAD, I jiau i&v uu.vtuvFf eiMyueeiun. w ax&w JTEW AOrjSMTISEMESTS. TO STATE FAIR VISITORS ! INVITATION. A Cordial Invitation te visit my store, and te make use of it. during your stay in the city. In the waiting-room, as you enter from Chestnut street, you may rest with ladies and chil dren; leave parcels, checked; and enjoy many ether little fa cilities. I want you te see my place and business; and te learn hew easily, safely and advantageous ly you can send there from your homes for almost everything. JOHN WANAMAKEK. Chestnut. Thirteenth and Market streets, and City Hall Square, Philadelphia. scp lOtd AMEKT1NU OF THE FIKK DEPART MENT will lie held MONDAY evening Tit s o'clock at the house of the American i'ire Company te arrange for the reception of the American Hese Company Ne. 2, of Allentown, who will visit this city en Wednesday, Sep tember 15. CIIAS. M. HOWELL, ltd President. G AS FITTING AND PLUMBING. JOHN P. SOHAUM, Tfe. 27 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., PLUMBER, &AS AND STEAM FITTER. A Large Assortment et GAS FIXTURES Constantly en hand. jyKMimdeawS CITV PHOPEKTV AT PUBLIC SAL.K. On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1880, will he sold at the Cooper neusc, in the city of Lancaster, the house and let lately owned and occupied hy General James L. Reynold, dee'd. The let is situated en the cast side of North Prince street, in this city, between Orange and Chestnut streets, at the corner el a public itlley, containing in trent en Prince street aforesaid, thirty-three feet, and extending eastward of that width one hundred and twenty-one leet, mere or less, en winch is erected a comfortable two-story BRICK HOUSE, with two-story Brick Back Building. It contains eight rooms, exclusive of the attic, together with vide lialla en each fleer, and has a hydrant in the kitchen as well as in the yard. There are en the premises Grapevines, Peach and Pear Trees, all choice trait. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, when its conditions will be made known by the undersigned, who will then be in at tendance. A. SLAYMAKER, Executer el the will of James L. Reynolds, dee'd. S. Hess & Sex. Aucts. scp4-tsd FALL 1880. FALL 1880. CLOTHS, Cassimeres clothing. II AGE R & BROTHER have new open a large stock of New Fall and Winter Goods for Men and Beys' Wear, which they will sell by the yard or make up te order, and guarantee satis faction. Black and Colored French Cleths, of Superior Quality for Dress Suits. FRENCH AND ENGLISH WORSTED SUIT INGS. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERE SUIT INGS. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERE FOR PANTS. CASSIMERE FOR BOYS DRESS AND SCHOOL SUITS. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATINGS. Ciething, Clothing. The largest Stock we have ever offered for Men, Youths and Beys, manufactured by our selves from carefully selected Goods, which we can recommend with entire confidence. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. In Large Assortment and Latent Style of Neckwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Linen and Paper Cellars and Cuffs, Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, Scarlet Flannel Shirts and Drawers, White and Color ed Merine SJtfrts and Drawers, In all qualities and full assortment of sizes' ter Men, Youths and Beys. We invite examination. l mm jxwxzxr. TOCl&WEBBK, JLi WATCHMAKER. Ne: 159)$ NORTH 4)UKN STJtBET.near P. B. K. Depot, Lanaaster, Fa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, 4c. Agent ler the celebrated Pantasceplc Specta cles and Eye-Glasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd Lancaster Ms. We have 'just received a second invoice of the New Lancaster Movemeet. te which we call special attention of anyone wanting a Reliable Watch at a LOW PRICE. E.R BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. Lancaster Watch Ge. Watce, NAMED WeSL fbld, in 18k. Geld Case;-. WeSL EriCl, in 14k. Geld Cases! W eSt uld, inSilver Hunting Cases. WeSt End, in Silver open-face Cases. AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S. Ne. 20 East Kin? Street, Lancaster, Pa. AM USEM1CXTS. TCULTON OPERA MOUSE. ONE jflGHT ONLY. Tuesday, September 7, 1880. FORD'S BRILLIANT COMEDY CO. After two weeks iu Baltimore and one week in Washington, will produce the musical com edy el" "FiemiePacilc!" With the gctns of SIX OPERAS, and many bright minstrel effects introduced. Full of Fun, Jollity and Merry Music In cidental te a Trip from China te California. ADMISSION, ... 35 anil SO Cts. RESERVED SEATS, 75 Cts. New en sale at Opera Heuse. sl-0td TjULTON Ol'JSftA HOUSE. ON MOXDA 1' E V'ESIXG, SEPT. i:, 1SS0. The world-lamed, great original and only M'me Bentz's Minstrels, Enhancing its illustrious value and interest by merging into itself the equally honored VIENNA LADY ORCHESTRA, and their equally eminent VIVANDIERE C0KNET BAND AND M'me. BENTZ'S Peerless Opera Burlesque Stars. RESERVED SEATS, 7e CENTS, en sale at the Opera Heuse Ollice. si!- Hi I The Only Peerless and the Best! OH! THAT PRECIOUS BABY. The Craze te Sec the liuhy Elephant. Thousands of people turned away, unable te gain admission, every day. Old Fossils laid In the shade and a New Em in Amusements es tablished. The Largest Canvass ever erected, and four Times the ISlggest Shew ever here. LANCASTER, Saturday, September Uth. TWO RINGS DOUBLE CIRCUS COM PANY in Iricndly contest. Twe Monster Triple Menageries. UNDER THE LARGEST TENTS EVER ERECTED anywhere in the WORLD. Receipts from $6,500 te $10,000 Daily. Ureal Ltiudrm Cirtiis. SANGER'S Royal British Menagerie, UNITED WITH THE JAMES E. COOPER, JAMES A. 11AILEY, ...Sele Owners. First Time of the Baby Elephant. Only Elephant ever bem In bondage any where In the wide world, and when, exhibited in Lancaster will be six months and one day old. Team of 13 Camels ; 30 Genuine Plantation Jubilee Singers; 3 llrass Rands: a Superb Steam Organ and Brilliant Free Street Pro Pre cession which fairly scintillates with golden lustre ; Open Dens of Ferocious Wild Beasts iu the street ; Only Baby Hippopotamus ever cx ldbited in America. First time of Fifteen Elepirants performing incredible feats in military drill, and double the elephantsever seen in one herd before in any country. Only Shew in the World Light ed Thoroughly Throughout by Electricity. Ne ether has it. Ne ether can have. ONLY 6 PERFORMING OXEN, 4 Snow White and 2 Bleed Red; In feats rivaling the intelligence of the horse. Tremendous Triple Menagerie of CO odd cages. A World of Menkics, forests et Birds, and the most startling catalogue of Curiosities ever seen under tents; 300 Cham- Eien Circus Performers, culled Irem every ranch of the profession, and positively and only containing every stellar light of the arena, in Friendly Rivalry in two Distinct Rings. The most GorgeeusStrcctPageantcvi'r witnessed this side et the Orient. Te miss it will be the regret of a lifetime; 5,000 Number ed Opera Chairs, with scats for 15,000 people. ADMISSION, 50 Cts. CHILDREN UNDER 9 YEARS, 25 Cts. Harrisburg Friday, Sept. 10. a.ug2i,2SscpU,4,s,103fcv THIRD EDITION SATDBDAY STONING, 0BPT. 4,1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. "Washington, D. C, Sept. 4. Fer the Middle Atlantie states, stationary or lower barometer, slightly warmer, south erly te westerly winds, and partly cloudy weather. BY WIKE AND CABLE. News of the Afteraoea Condensed. In an interview with Geerge William Balleu, the heaviest stockholder of the San Pedre geld and silver mining company, Gen. Grant firmly declines the presidency of the company. The bail of Dr. Jehn Buchanan, the bogus diploma man, was forfeited in the Philadelphia quarter sessions te-day. A large fire at Salamanca, N. Y., this morning, destroyed the Dudley house and twenty-one ether buildings. Less, $157, 000. Assistance was summoned from Bradford, Pa., and Olean, N. T, Yellow fever of malignant type is epi demic in the village of San Diege Del Valla, Cuba. Brambaletta wen the first race at Brighten te-day. The steamship Niagara, which left New Yerk the day after the ill-fated Vera Cruz arrived at Havana yesterday morning. She reports very heavy weather. A. K. Owen, of Chester, ene of the pas sengers en ill-fated Vera Cruz telegraph from St. Augustine that he is safe. "SQUARE TIMBER." Death of Ex-Treasnrer Neycs. Leck Haven, Pa., Sept. 4. Ex-State Treasurer A. C. Noyes died from a para lytic stroke at his home at Westport in this county at twelve o'clock last night, aged sixty-two years. SJEW ADVERTISEMENTS, EEMEJUBER, A GOOD COOL GLASS Olf Barbeybcer and music entertainment this and every evening at Franke's Garden, ltd JOIIN nESS. A GOOD SECOND-HANDED PIANO FOR sale cheap. Inquire at this office, ltd HIRSH'M STORES WILL BIS CLOSED Monday and Tuesday, September G and 7, en account of holidays. MY PLACE OF BUSINESS WILL BE closed en Monday next en account et holiday. JULIUS LOEB. ltd. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE BOUSE BOUSE held and kitchen furniture at Ne. 411 East Orange street, en MONDAY afternoon at IK o'clock. J. GUNDAKER, ltd Auctioneer. FOR RENT. THE BLACKSMITH. SHOP en West Vine street, between Seuth Queen and Prince streets. Apply te JAMES McELIGOTT. scpl-atd 210 West Mifflin street. BISUOPTUORPE-A BOARDING SCHOOL ler Girls', Bethlehem, Pa. Scheel year be gins September 15, 1880. Number of Scholars limited. Fer circulars address MISS FANNY L. WALSI1, Principal. Refers te lien. S. II. Reynolds, lien. II. M. North, Charles F. Uager, Gee. M. Kline, esq., and Gee, Caldcr, jr. augl4-5tdS T UMBER AND COAL IIP TELEPHONE The undersigned arc new prepared te re ceive orders for Ceal, Lumber, Sash, Deers, Blinds, &c., by Telephone. Step In at the Exchange and de your own ordering free of charge. G. SENER 4 SONS, S. E- Cor. Pf Ince and Walnut Streets. jlU-tfdSJ X OT OF WARM FROM NEW YORK AUCTION AT CHINA HALL. SOLD AT Auction Prices. Housekeepers don't miss Bargains. HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. F ALL STOCK Wall Papers AJfD Carpets. ISODV ISRUSSELS CARPETS, ROXKUBY CARPETS, TAPESTRY CARPETS. BRUSSELS, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS. VENIT1AN CARPETS. All gratlcs of Ingrain and Rag Carpets. CRUMB CLOTHS AND RUGS, ALL SIZES WINDOW SHADES. CURTAIN POLES, CORNICES, c. J. B. MARTIN & CO. WANTEV. ( WANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVER tisc, free of charge, In the IimcLLiaiur ckr, who wants something te de. WANTED-i-A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Apply at this eflice; ltd VRY UOODS. FAHUESTOCK'S, Next Doer te tne Court Hetuwi, Have opened this tday large lines of DOMESTICS. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, all the populer makes at less than regular prices. , CALICOES. We have just received large lines of PRINTS of best quality, light and dark, in Remnants at 5 and 6 1-4 Cents. MADRAS -GINGHAMS, in all the new styles. Red, White, Grry, Canten and Demct FLANNELS. LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELS, In large quantities. CHEAPER THAN EVER! piOAL! COAL1 COAL!!! We have constantly en band all the best grades of COAL that are in market, which we are selling as low as any yard in the city. Call and get vur prices before baying else where. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, 9:7-170. sijOBTJfTYATBR street, T. JfeW.YOTkl Ksw Yebk, Sept. 4. Fleur State and West ern dell and prices unchanged; Superfine 253:extm de at K7B3; choice, de $S 954 65; fiincy de., $4 3005 73; round hoop Ohie t 0004 50; choice de 94 60 05 75 ; superfine western 13 300s 00; common te geed extra de 93 7004 15 ; choice de de $4 3504 65 ; choice white wheat de 94 3004 65; Southern quletand unchanged ; common te fair extra 91 7305 30; geed te choice de 95 600650. Wheat llc better; trade maderale active; Ne.l White Sept. 91 001 04; de October II 0501 05e ; de Nev. 191 c ; Ne. 1 White October, llOPc; Cern shade better; lair speculative busi ness ; Mixed western spot, 5Ok059e ; de fu ture. sexQsaxfi. Oats unchanged ; Ne. 2 Sept. 37Ke : de. Oct. 37c ; state, 40044c i Western, at 39041c Philadelphia Marktt. PHH.Amn.THiA. September 4. Fleur dull and heavy : superfine 93 5003 00 ; extra 93 000 3 7G ; Ohie and Indiana family 95 0005 75 ; Penn'a family de 94 6905 00; St. Louts family at 95 5006 00 ; Minnesota family 95 230573 ; patent and high grades 93 5008 00. - Rye flour at 94 374 50. Wheat higher, unsettled : Ne. S Western Bed 91 03; Penn'a Bed 9102010 3; Amber at 9103. Cern firm ; steamer 51J$?52c : yellow 53c ; mixed 52Kc. Oatslirm ; Ne. 1, White 41042c ;Ne. 2. de 40041c; Ne. 3, de 38039e; Ne.-.', Mixed 37c. Bye firm and scarce, 96. Previsions market steady; mess perk 116 0016 SO; beer hams $20 0021 00; Indian mess beet at 916 00; bacon smoked .shoulders 67c: salt de 5-46Xc; smoked hams 12013c; pickled hams 1O0 Lard firm; city kettle at 89c; loeso butchers' 8c ; prime steam IS 37s 45. Butter firm ; supplies in market small ; Creamery extra 2627e ; Creamery geed te choice 242Tki ; Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 2425c ; Western reserve extra 17013c ; de geed te choice 14lCe; Bells dull, quality peer; Penn'a extra 1301S; Western reserve extra 13016c. Eggs quiet; Penn'a at 19c20; Western 17W018C. Cheese steadily held; New Yerk full cream 13c; Western full cream 12c!; de fair te geed 11X012; le half skims 10 011c. Petroleum firm ; refined UUc. Whisky 91 16. Seeds Geed te prime Clever firm at 98 25 0875; Timethy firm at 92 4002 50; Flaxseed quiet at 1 2781 27. Stock Market. September 4. Stocks irregular. New Yerk Stocks. a. sr. 10:15 EricR. B 304 Michigan S. A L.S.... 1075(5 Mlehlmin Cent. K. It ftl-? A.M. 11:15 r. m. 12:15 r., 1:10 2:15 3 .... 107 102 42& 84?i 38? 35 57& 252 00 "H 103 "" 00 .... 42i .... ml .... Wth - - - ssii -. if4 :::. 77 ---- 814 - - - 90 .... 10G 4 26tf "."'.'. 04'X .... Chicago A N. W. lery Chicago, M. & St. P... Han. A St. J. Cem " "M Pld.... Teledo A Wabash.... Ohie A Mississippi.... St. Leuis, I. M. AS. R. Ontario and Western. CC.ftI.CR. R 42 38 m mew.iersevvciurai.. le-ji Del. A Hudsen Canal. 85 76?i Del.. Lack. A Western wi Western Union Tel.. .105 Pacific Mail S.S. Ce.. 41 Manhattan Elevated. 27 Union Pacific 9 Kansas A Texas W jiieniiy New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland A Pitts Chicago A Reck I Pittsburgh A Ft. W. Philadelphia. 418 2tyi 94( . 23 .... . 116JJ .... . 107 .... . 119 122 ie!i Y.Y. 123 Pennsylvania R, R.. 58 53- rnira. x ueaumg..... rz Lehigh Valley 53 Lehigh Navigation... 3W Northern Pacific Cem 30 124 .... say: .... 31 384 1 my 54 12J4 iw se vs. Pitts., Titusv'c A B... Northern Central .... Phil'aAErieR. R... Northern Penn'a.... I2JS Un.R.R's of N.J. Hestenville Pass.. Central Trans. Ce. ... 1C8 LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD MARKET. DAIHT. Butter fllh lS20c Cup cheese, 2 cups 5c Cottage cheese. 2 pieces 5c Dutch cheese V lump 810c vuurrs. Apples 11 pk C8c Bananas each 2$5c Cherries, dried, )t qt 12c Currants, dried, f) n 12c Dried Apples fl qt 58c " Peaches ft qt 10f$12c Fex Grapes fl qt 23c erapes fi y pic.............................i Wfi.ie Lemens fl uez..... ..1220c Oranges ft dez 50c Pears ft peck 10l8c Peaches ft peck 15 20c priuic ................ it"v Plums ft qt 10 15c VKOKTAULES. Beets ft bunch 5c Cabbage ft head OfRlOc Carrots ft bunch 35c Cucumbers ft dez 510c Cern ft dez 5lUc EggPlants each 58e Green Cern ft dez 810e Green beans ft peck 710c Lima beans ft qt. lOtJl'c Lettuce, head and plate 35e Onions ft pk 2025c " ft bunch 5c Potatoes flpk H10c Radishes ft bunch 5c soup ifeans ip qw.............................iK Salsify ft bunch lc Squashes each 2c Tomatoes ft pk 10$ 15c rOCLTBT. Chickens ft pair (live) 4060c " ' (cleaned) M)$$75c Ducks ft pair JJOfeCOc Geese ft piece 60cl MISCELLANEOUS. Apple Butter ft qt 25c Cautcleups 395c Eggs ft dez Hi13c J10I1CT f Je. ..................... UJyJC SO till 4H B) ..................... Kjy t Sauerkraut ft qt 10l2c Watermelons 1530c MKATS. Beef Steak, ft ft 1020c " Roast (rib) ft ft 12$l;c " " (chuck) ft ft 10j)12c " Cerncd,ft ft 1012c " Dried, ft ft .' 2S$$28c Uolegna dried 25c nam fi ut... ............................... ..U"5ieC Lamb ft ft.. ........... ....... ...... ..12a0c Lard ft ft 70c Mutten ft ft l0lCc Perk ft ft ogiec Pudding ft ft 8c Sausage ft ft 1012c Sides and Bacen ft ft 701Oe Shoulders ft ft 7e Summer Bologna.' 14c Veal ft ft 10016c waa. Bassfl ft 10c Catfish ft ft ic Eels ft ft loc s u ii ............... AUC eutfjkvrs. . .... ...... ic OBAIK. Clevcrseed ft bus $5.006.00 Hay ft ten 920025 Cern ft bus 55c Oats ft bus 35040c Rye ft bus H500c Timethy Seeed ft bus $3.2503.50 Wheat ft bus Loe M1SVELLAXEO VS. HANCOCK GARDEN. ZAEPFEL'S SALOON, Centre Square, is the most cheerful place in town. Plenty et light and fresh air. Best of beer en tan. Liauorsefall kinds, the best in he city. Come and see. aug27-lwd AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 33 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will receive nremnt attention. Bills made out and , ttendedtowltheut.addltlonalcost.. e7-ly f)BOPOSAL3 WILL be RECEIVED AT X the Mayer's Oflice up te MONDAY. SEP TEMBER 6, 1880, at 8 o'clock p. m., for digging out and filling in sixteen hundred (1,600) feet. mere or less, et trench for water pipes along Lemen street, westward from Nertli Onccn te Concord alley ; for digging out and filling in :tSO teet. mere or less, en North Plum street. between the Pennsylvania railroad and the New Helland pike; ler digging out anu nuing in I75fmt.moreorles8.ou MifiUn street, west Hi Water street, trenches te be 4 feet deep and 2. feet wide, isms must ee inaue ler cacn trench separately: te state new mucn ier earth and new much for rock per cubic yard. Werk te be done under the direction and sub ject te the measurement el the Superintendent of the Water Works and at the time he may direct. Bend in 99)0 ter the faithful perform ance of the work te accompany bid. PBOPOSALS will be received at the same time and place for as much geed American lead (net exceeding two tens) as the city may re quire te April 1, 1880. PBOPOSALS will be received at the same time and place for repairing Nes. 2 and 3 fir kenbine numps at the Water Works according te specifications te be seen at the Mayer's Oflice. JOHN T. MacGONIGLE, Chairman of Water Committee. sepMtd-TFS. M" :ss bembebgeb, TEACHER OF MUSIC, Ne. 24 West King street. Fall Term will begin the first Monday of September, jt3-3tdeawTu M t