--V ,-i' "J."J i" j. AJ ' 'l V L.r- '.u; j ---- f . - '- ' i nu hi 1 . ,11 II 1 I 4 A'"'-1!" " T. -W - - ; -iil vi LANCASTER DAILY UPEELLIGENCER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 3. 1880. f -r .- .-V w ." Lancaster feitelligencer. FBIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 3, 1880. JTMEKE'S VICTORY IN THE AIK. Brave comrades, give attention As I rchcarsD tha fame Ul a noble faithful soldier, And Hancock Is bis name. He en the field of battle Net a moment did despair. Then let ns rally In our might There's victory in the air. He boldly led the army Te battle for the right. And bravely faced all danger As they battled with their might; Then let us rally round him, The noble, brave, and fair. And seen we'll see a brighter day There's victory in the air. Then slug aloud for Hancock, The gallant, true, and tried, Jle'll lead us en te victory With the Union en his side ; Then come, brave boys, take courage, Fer seen you must declare Tlier'es music all areundtis Thore'vlctory in the air. Victory will crown our efforts, It we work witli heart and hand, Then let us be united, And together boldly stand, Then sound the lame of Hancock, We'll sound It every where, Ter seen he will our ruler be There's victory in the air. A.J. Frailey. A Perilous Trip. A maniac tramp, traveling en a railroad train from Reading te Pottsville, swung himself from the step te the grating of a window when the train was running thirty live miles an hour. The conductor hasten ed inside the car and pulled the bell-rope. He had no sooner done than the tramp made a spring te the next window until he reached the middle of the car, peering into each window as he passed, and yelling at the top of his voice, "I'll beat you into Pottsville yet." The passengers in the car were tcriificd at the dangerous posi tion of the man, especially when it became known that the train was approaching a bridge near Landingville. The bridge was reached and all expected te sce the unfor tunate tramp swept from his moorings, but when the danger was passed the yell ing outsider still maintained his position. A little further en he suddenly disappeared and all hands expected te sec his mangled icmains when the train shot past. Just as Landingville appeared in sight, the tramp also appeared who was running up the hill at full speed, still shouting pet names te the conductor and "I'll beat you tt Pottsville yet." The man is supposed te have run te the hills, as yet he is net known. A Werd te Our Headers. When you read of a remedy that will cure al diseases, beware of it; but when veu read of a pure vegetable compound which claims te cure only certain parts of the body, and fur nishes high proet that it does tills, you can safely try anil with the assurance that it will help you. Thts is just what Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure docs. It cures all troubles ei the lower portion et the body and none ethers. It will net help the toothache, earache nor consumption, but it will put your body in a vigorous and healthy state wiiere you can enjoy life and appreciate its geed things. Try it. 2 uevsi: pujinisuinu goods. FIAM & BEENEMAK 100 Gress Fruit Jars, Kenght before the advance anil ler Fale at $1.20 PER DOZEN. Creat I'.argalns In TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, AT Flu & Breneman's 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. ,1EELKY. JOUIS WEKKK, J WATCHMAKER. Ne. 150) NORTH QUEEN STRKET.ncarP. K. H. Depot, IjincaMer, Pa. Celd, Sliver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, &c. Agent, for the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta cles and Eyc-Glavics. Uepairing a specialty, aprl-lyd Lancas ter was We have the .jusj received a second Invoice of t te whieh we call special attention or anyone wanting a Ueliahh; Watch at a LOW PRICE. E. F.BOWMAN, 10 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. Lancaster Watcn Ge. Wai, NAMED WeSb Slid, isle. Celd Cases. West End, , mr. t;0j,i Cll3CS. WeSt EnQ, in Silver Hunting Cases. WeSt JCjnCl, in silver open-face Cases. AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S. Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster, l'a. VAltPETS. pAKCAINS FOB EVERYBODY. RARE CHANCE IN CARPETS, Positive sale te Reduce Stock et 6,000 Yards Binds Camels, AT AND BELOW COST. Call and satisfy ycnrsclf. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and ChainCarpctsiualinestcndlcss variety, at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET TTAT.T., 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW HKNltY A.KILKY Attorney and Counscller-at-Law 21 Park Rew, New Yerk; aiiflltcctlens made in nil imrts of the ITnltarl Ucfefltd a general legal business transacted I - ieruilssinn te Stclnnian A Ilennn I MEDIC AX. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED TOUCH BTTEE Though Shaking tike an Aspen Leaf With the chills and fever, the victim of malaria may still recover by using this celebrated spc cinc, which net only breaks up the most ag gravated attacks, but prevents their recur rence. It is infinitely preferable te quinine, net only because it does the business far mere thoroughly, but also en account of its perfect wholcsemeness and invigorating action upon the entire system. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally. sl-lydeedAlyw NERVOUS DEBILITY. Te Nervous Suficrcrs The Crcat Euro pean Ucmcdy Dr. J. I). Simpsen's Specific Medicine. It is a positive cure! for Sperma Sperma eorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Inipelcncy, and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse, as Mental Anxiety. Less of Memery, Pains in Hack or Side, and diseases that lead te Consumption, Insanity and an early grave. The Spccilic Medicine Is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent tree te all. Write for them and get mil particulars. Price, Specific. $l per package, or six packages for $5. J. It. SIMP SON MEDICINE COMPANY, Nes. 1(U and 10B Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Address all orders te II. B. COCHRAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, 137 and 139 North Queen Street, Lancaster. ml7-lydeed&wl HOSTETTER'S BITTER'S FOR SALE AT Lechcr's Drug Stere. 9 East King street. DR. GREENE Is exceedingly liappy te announce te his nu merous friends that his wile and self have safely returned from nearly a seven weeks' tour through a portion of nine slatcs,riding and sailing nearly 3,000 miles. Dr. Urccne is new ready te help all sick, persons te regain their health. His attendant says In one week of his absence 107 patients called te see him at his offices. The following appeared in the Col umbia Oeurant of J line 17, 1880 : FROM THE BRINK OF THE (J HAVE. As nearly everybody In Columbia knows Harry Leng has net for two years past been ex pected te live from one week te the ether, nearly all et which time ' he lias been in bed or prepped up in an ami chair. Dnrlng this time he has taken medicine enough te kill a dozen people pounds et pills and powders and barrels et liquids, Mr. Wm. Paxson, and ethers who had been looking after the wants of Mr. Leng, pre vailed upon him te try Dr. C. A. Crcene, of Lancaster, and I am pleased te say the cllcct of Dr. Greene's treatment is magical. The sick man is new almost like one raised from the grave. He Is new out visiting friends, and a few days age was in Lancaster city te elfcr congratulations te Dr. Crcene in person. Well! well ! ! Wonders never cease. S. S. DR. C. A. GREENE, Jj-30-trdMWF Ne. 23G North Queen Street. NERVINE, OR TONIC SPEUIFICA. A BOON TO BOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for all diseases arising from Nervous Deblllty.Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits. as well as from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic lerms ei me lonewinj tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : ;it- ollewing diseases have been e uy tuc most JS: Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, Cencral Debility, lmpetcncy, Premature Decay, Ac. It has been in use for ever forty years, and is te-day the most popular remedy for the dis eases above mentioned in the WOK M. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in 1nate mill ltetter limn nil It tu m,ru civ. .. certain cure. It is no quack medicine, but BUU1U9 uiniu iiauwii iiutiui, as any trial Wll amply demonstrate. Since 1S3G this remedy has always been sold for a much fcitmr nrier- than that for which It is new sold ; but owing iu mi; uti iimi. uiu muiu iur uic payment et an enormous royalty upon its man u racture has expired, it is ettered te the suffering of both sexes at one dollar per package, se as te be within the reach of all; at which price it will be sent te any address tree et further charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 40 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mail. 1y2G-;uid&w EDUGATIONAL. MISS MAYER'S SCHOOL, NO 114 NORTH Prlnce street, will re-open MONDAY. SEPTEMBER C. 7td LANCASTER KINDERGARTEN WILL reopen MONDAY, SEPTEMBER , isse, at 131 North Duke street. Advanced pupils will be taken charge of by Tacy A. Cleim, graduate of Swarthmore College, Pa. aug27-2wd PENNSYLVANIA MUSEUM AND SCHOOL of Industrial Art. The school year of 1SS0 81 will begin Monday. Sept. 13. Instructions for young men and womciiinihrfiWofrio wemciiinihrfiWofrio womciiinihrfiWefrio tn.7. Painting anil Modeling as applied te the arts, send ler circulars te THE SECRETARY. 15 S. Seventh street, Philadelphia. augi-mtceil.Vfitw S' JAMES' SCHOOLS. WILL REOPEN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER O, 1880. Fer terms apply te the Principal.; augl4-tscp4d MISS M. MARTIN. 1U1K ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH . Franklin and Marshall College eilers su perler advantages te young men and boys who desire cither leprepnrc for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any tinie during the school year Send ler circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ctll-lvd Lancaster. Pa. MODES, BLANKETS, t C. OIGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS I have new en hand the Lamest, Best and Cheatest Assortment of Lined and Unlined BUFFALO ROBES in the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of ' Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. WBepalring neatly and promptly done. S A. MILEY, 108 North (Iwm St., Ijaneaster. e25-lydMWAS rfHE LITTLE PINEY Geld & Silver Mining Ce., OP COLORADO. Capital, $l,oeo,ooo, Number of Shares of Stock, loe.ooo. Par Value, $le. Sleck lull paid and net assessable. Ill East Third St., irtuuviiic, Colerado. 200 Walnut Place, Philadelphia, Pa.- OFFICERS : A8TSICH BBCS ADVERTISEMENT. ASTRICH BR0.S' Lancaster TBazaar 13 EAST KING ST. Special Netice te Oar Customers. Our store will be closed en MONDAY and TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER the 6th and 7th, en account or holidays. Will be reopened Tues day evening, SEPTEMBER 7th, at 6 p. m. We also beg te Inform the ladies of Lancaster and vicinity that we shall keep for the next season a complete line of TRIMMED MTLTiTNERY, and eW-r such at our well known low prices. Due notice will be given or our FA LL OPENING. EMBSOZDEEIES, AC. Wc have opened this week a new line et GOESETS, which wc offer at our well-known low prices. Call in and examine the goods and prices Our well-known 49c. CORSET, is still in great demand, and cannot he sur passed by any ether in the market. We eiler a llrst-class French "Woven Corset for GSc. The "COUNTLESS," a side-steel and laced Corset, ler 50c. The "QUEEN CORSET,"cxtralength double busk, side steels, embroidered bu,t and trout, for 7tc. The "PAVILION," a handsome and me.st cl cl cgantCersct, spoon busk, laced at the hips, side steels, embroidered bust, trimmed with lace edge, in white and drab, ler 73c. Our extra long "STAR CORSET." with double busk, side steels, worth fl.Sj, ler only 05c. Our leading 100-bone Corset, the " PARIS IAN," fer$l.0, A most elegant FRENCH WOVEN CORSET, extra long, sidestccls, with rich hand embroid ered bust, for $1.00. A splendid NURSING CORSET, side steels, SO-benc, for $1.C0. The "CYPRUS," spoon bnsk, side steels, elaborately embroidered bust and trout, at $1.23. The "DOUBLE ADJUSTABLE" Corset, side Steele, double side-lacings, extra long, at $1.50. The "LISBON," a most elegant, long Cersel, side steels, with silkstltchings. at $1.C0. An elegant "SATIN COUTILLK" Corset, in pink, blue, cream and drab, rer $.'8.00. Wc are closing out a lotet" Corsets, odd sizes, for 25c. thereby offering our customers a chance te purchase a Corset worth Hec., 7flc. ami $1.00 ler the small sum et c. EARLY FALL HATS. One Let of New Style Hats at 21c One Let or Fine MILAN HATS at etc MOSQUITO NETS. CANOPY NETS OVER BEDS, $2.00 Wc have opened this week a Full Line et WORSTEDS, and offer lore. thein at prices never sold for lie- Knitting Yarns at. First Quality at ..Ale per pound. . .Wc " BEST GfiDnine German Knitting; Yarn Celers $1.40 per pound, "mc per Common quarter. High Celers and 40c per quarter. :aluieral $1.(W per pound. GERMANTOWN WOOL. Black and White. Colored Shetland Fless.... .$1..15 pel . 1.50 . 1.10 pound Shetland Yarn i.sii BEST IMPORTED BERLIN ZEPHYE, Full Weight, All Celers, at the uniform price NINE CENTS Per ounce, $1.35 per pound. DEXTEll'S Ball Knitting Cotten, All Numbers, at Excelsior Ball Cotten at. ...7c a hall ...4c a hall EMBROIDERY SILK, In all Celers, Skeins. !5c a hunch of twenty-live White Perforated Card Beard at.. Silver Card ISeardat ...Itcashect ...5c a sheet Business Offices rNe.1 : "j Ne. ! President Edwin G. Fay. Secretary and Treasurer A. IT. Moekk. Solicitor F. F. BiuenTLY. Superintendent F..C. Fay. A limited number of shares et stock of this company will be sold atone dollar per share. x-ruspceius sem. ey man en application te the hia. a27-lvd<w company's office at Phliadelpli jtTARCCS U. 8EHNKB, HOUSE OABPENT.EB, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al eratlen and repairs sl3-lyd IN Fall Underwear Wc arc offering some great inducements. An elegant Ladies' Merine Undershirt, silk stitched front, regular made cuffs, at 50c The best ever sold in this city for the price. DRAWERS the same price. Child's heavy, geed quality Undershirts from 25c upwards An excellent Gent's heavy Merine Undershirt for 50c Gents' English Merine Socks, regular made, for 25c a pair CHILD'S IMPORTED Fall Cotten Hosiery, In New and Elegant Designs. Ladles Heavy Iren frame Hese, full regular made, Londen length, 25capalr Heavy Baibrlggan Hese, full regular made silk clocked 25c POLKA DOTTED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, all silk, 49c. Satin Hat and Neck Scarfs, polka dotted, 50c Pelka Dotted Satin Neckties for Gents. Pelka Dotted Satin Shirt Cevers for Cents in the latest designs. Gents' Pelka Dotted Handkerchiefs, lOcapicce. Gents' Satin Scarfs and Tics in black and colored. Men's extra size Undershirts up te 50 inches A large assortment of Gent's Suspenders Socks, Dress Shirts, Handkcrchicis, &c. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT QUNDAKER'S. LADIES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Jtufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, Ac, call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Cuffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c., call and exaraine our stock, at GrUKDAKEK'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. ifir zirjntr stable. TMArELEJUf U VIDE, LANCASTER AND MIIXERSVIIXK K. K Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancatset- p.R. Depot), at 7, 9, an.i 11:30 a.m., and 2, 4, s and 8 JO p.m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9-JO p. m. Leave MlUersville -(lower end) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1,3, 5 and 7 p.m. Can run dally en above time except en Sen day. COLUMBIA AMD FORT DEPOSIT K. K j Trains bow run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Statiehs Nebth- Express. Express. Act-en.. waed. . m. p. m. r. v. Pert Deposit. 6:35 3:30 00 Peachbottem 7:12 4:24 3: IS Fite'aKddy. 7:35 4:35 3:&t McCall's Ferry.... 7:37 4:4U 4.00 Shenk's Ferry..... 7:54 5:01 4:34 Safe Harber. 7:59 5:00 5:0(1 Colombia.- 8:30 5:35 I G.20 Stations Southward. F Columbia.... Safe Harber.. J. O. HTJGrHTOSrS LIVEEY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE, Ne. 112 Seuth Queen Street, in the Bear of Erisman's Hetel. Where gentlemen will find at all times Geed Safe Horses and First-class Wagons te hire. Alse all styles of Wagons con stantly en hand for sale, new and second-hand. New Wagons, Buggies and Carriages Made te Order, And all kind of Repairing done at short notice, in the best style and at the Very Lewest Frices by HARRY HAUGHTON, Shep in the rear of the Stable. Alse nerses and Mules constantly bought, sold and exchanged. STABLE 112 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, Shenk's Ferry.. McCall's Perry. Fite's Eddy..... Peachbottem.... Pert Deposit... Express. A.M. 10-J3 11:25 12:45 Express. P.M. 6:49 11:23 0:54 11:41 7:09 U-M 7r20 r. m . i r. x. V07 7:32 8:05 Acceni. 7:50 Ar0S LeiMO 9-Jt llfctt; 11.07 r.M. van READING AMD VOLUM1MA RAII.KOAD On and after MONDAY, MAY.lOru, isse, passenger trains will run en this read as foleows: Traihs Geino Seuth. Heading,. DUX UOODS. FLANNELS! m NOW OPEN CHOICE LOTS OP White Flannels, Red Flannels, Gray Flannels, Plaid Flannels, Sack Flannels, at Lewest Frices. BLACK CASHMERES. All Weel Black Cashmeres at 45 cents. Finer Grades. E3?"PIease call and examine. All Weel Black Cashmeres at r0 cents. All Weel Black Cashmeres in NEW FALL DRESS GOODS New opening daily. Carpets and Oil Cleths, in New Styles, also opening daily. G-IVLEK, BOWEKS & HUEST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. EYCVRSIONS. DAILY EXCURSIONS F30M PHILADELPHIA KIDNEY PADS. DATS HD1! PAD! A NEW DISCOVERY, CAPE MAY. The famous mammoth three-deck Steamer REPUBLIC M rivini' That acta directly en the Kidneys, Bladder and I Urinary Organs, hy absorbing all humor, ' every trace of disease uiul forcing intothesvs intethesvs I tern pewcrlul and healthful vegetable Tonics, Klvlng It wonderful power te cure l'AIX IN I THE HACK, Side and Leins, Inflammation i und llright's Disease et the Kidneys, U ravel Dropsy, Diabetes, Stene in the Uladdcr, In ability te ltetain or Expel the Urine, High Cel, ered, Scanty or l'ainful Urinating. Deposits. Shrcads or Casts in the Urine. Xi-i-vmw :unl es ! I'hysical Debility, and In fact any disease of m i ini!se "nia ei-lihih- ler bathlmr or a drive en the beach. A full i l.r-.iss lland and Orchestra Music for dancing. I It avoids entirely the troubles and dangers l'aner -Entertainments varled weekly. Lunch- j ei taking nauseous and poisonous medicines. ji is cuiiiiuriauic, saie, picabaiiianu rename in j its effects, yet powerful In its action. It can I he worn at all seasons, in aiiv climate, and Is equally geed for M AN, WO.VlAN OU CHILD. Ask your druggist for It and accept no imi ! tatien or substitute, or semi te us and receive I it by return mail. j Regular Pad, $2; Special Pad, for Chronic, iiccp-Buawti. iu cases ei long sianiiing, &.; Childreirs Pad, prevention and euro .of sum mer complaint, weak kidneys and bed wet ting, $1.00. cons and I.efreslmients In abundance. Din ners aim suppers provided. Oysters and Fish served for supper a lew moments after taken from the water. Fare for the Round Trip $1.00. it SUNDAYS Will leave lSaee Street Wharf 1 a. m. r. S. A Kre.ul Gauge Steam K. It. will con vcy passengers te Cape Island iu 8 minutes. Tickets for sale at CHAS. H. BARB'S, 2S-2md.tw CKNTI.E SCiUAI. K. AOKICUI.TVJtAZ. Day Kidney Pad Company, OTATK FAIK. Twenty-seventh Annual Exhiltitieii evTnu TOLEDO, OHIO. nugl-lydcedM & F&w Penn'a AaMeral Society ,$500 reward! WILL BE HELD IN MAIN CENTENNIAL. BUILDING, FAIRMOUNT PARK, PHILAD'A. SEPTEMBER 6 te 18. Entries nnd Competition Free! INTKKNATIONAL SHOW OP SHEEP, WOOL AND WOOL PRODUCTS. SEPTEMBER 20 te 25, 1880. Entry Beeks will close at the Office, North west comer of Tenth anil Chestnut trcct. August 31, ISSO. $40,000 IN PREMIUMS. CASH PHIZES FOlt LIVE STOCK, 924,315 Excursion Tickets at Greatly Reduced Bates. Liberal Arrangements for Transportation. D. W. SEILEU, Kccerdlng Scy. ELBKIDGK M'CONKISY, Corresponding ftcc'y. i xiiiiiAai a. liieauLi iVj. anglG,18,21,28,23,2S,30,8cp2tel0 President. Jb'OVNDEBSAND MACHINISTS. T ANCASTEK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Orresm thx Loeoxonvx Weuxa. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tannine and ether purposes Furnace Twlers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-Iren Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. ! 49" Jobbing promptly attended te. augis-lyd) JOHN BEST. ' OVER A MILLION OF PROF. GUILMETTE'S Freucli Kidney Pais Have already been sold In this country and In France : every one of which lias given pertect satisfaction, and has performed cures every time when used according te directions. We new say te the alllicted and doubting ones that wc wll pay the above reward ler a single case et LAME BACK 1 that the Pad falls te cure. This tircat Ucmcdy will Positively and Permanently cure 1.11111. bage. Lame Back. Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Tlrnnw Itrlerhf.'s llisease of the Kidnevs. Ill- I continence and Retention of the Urine. In flammatien or the Kidneys, Catarrh et the Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain In the Back, Side or Leins, Nervous Weakness, anil In fact all disorders of the Bladder and Urinary Organs whether contracted by private disouse or otherwise. LADIKS, ii" you arc suffering from Female Weakness. Lcncerrhaja, or any disease et the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CUBED I Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply wearing T1NWAHE, C piAinmiNG, Gas and Steam Pitting- BY Skertzer, HnnLphreville & KielTi sr.l j 1 PROP. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KEDNEY PAD, WHICH CURES BY ABSORPTION. Ask your drngglst for PROF. GUILM ETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether. If he has net get.lt, send $2 and yen will re ceive the Pail by return mall. Fer sale by JAMES A. MEYERS, Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbia, Pa. Sold only by GEO. W. HULL, Druggist, IS W. King St,, Lancaster, Pa. aiigll-ttmdcedM.W&F DHUUS, AC. DGLLLIMU OFF FISHING TACKLE AT tl COST. Avail yourselves of this opportunity, fisher men, 10 jay 111 ai noiiem prices a ceiupitMt; sieck et TACKLE, Drugs, nlO-yd AT FICEY's PHARMACY. Cor. N. Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster. Pa. Chemicals at the lowest prices. Philadelphia Express, Fast Line,.. ... ..... YorkAccem. Arrives; Harrisburg Express, DillervIlleAccem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation. L Frederick Acceni. Arrives, l'acinc jsxpress, Sunday Mell, Johnstown Express,... Dav Express. Hurrlsburg Accommedal'n, TTULL.'S DRUG STOKE. PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. All Kinds of PATENT MEDICINES AT HULKS DRUG STORE, 1 S West King St., Lancaster, Pa. Alse a Large and Fine Assortment of TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, American, Frencliand English PERFUMERY, Teeth. Hair, Nail, Flesh, Cleth, Shaving and Infant Brushes, Preparations for the Teeth, soaps, Jiair Oils ami Pomades, Trusses, feiieui der Braces and Supporters. PURE GROUND SPICES. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, FISHING TACKLE, RODS AND REELS of Every Description. HULLS DRUG STORE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET. au;23-lyd LEGAL NOTICES. TESTATE OF PHILIP SCHUM, LATE OF LJ tuc city or Lancaster, deceased. .Letters of at Illustration en said estate having been granicii 10 me unuersigneu. nil persons in deb ted thereto are rea nested te niake inline diate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same will nresent them without delay ter settlement te the under- signcu, residing in sain ciiy. JOHN E. SCHUM, CHARLES IIOLTZWARTH. M. Brosius, Administrators. J. B.Goei, Attys. Jy2l-etdeaw TESTATE OF MICHAEL TK1SSLEK. JCj late et the City of Lancaster, deceased. inciters testamentary en saiti estate Having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned, residing at Ne. 130 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. CATHARINE F. TRISSLER, KATE TRISSLER. ANNETTA K. TRISSLER, anglS-Ctdeaw. Exccntrivcs. Rcinhehls,. 8:01 Ephrata,.... . ...... S:1S Kren,... ...... ......... e.m. .uiuz...... .......... e. Manhciui 9-SH Lancaster Junction,.. 9M lAndtsviuc, 'J-.u Columbia, !h40 fJlllcrvliie, vsj Lancaster, 9-JSi King Street, 9:45 Harnlsh, 9-JS West Willow. 1(W Baumganlner, KWW Pennea, 10:17 itetten,. iimu New Providence, 10:34 Qnarryville, IQJiQ a. jr. 7J0 ll:Ki P.M. 124 1S40 12:43 ltOi 1:13 1:40 l:M 2:05 2:02 2:05 P.. Teains Goihe North. Qnarryvlllc............. less, .................... New Providence, jlWtjLLOIlf r Cfj llCt Bauuiganlner,.. West Willow, Harnlsh........ King Street, Lancaster, DillervUle, Columbia, Landisville... Imcastcr Junction . . Manhciui,. jviruiif Ephrata. Keinlieldsville, Reading, 6:45 K2 C:59 7:11 7:18 7S3J 732 7:41 7:55 8:05 8:08 7:55 8:30 8W 8:49 ii-.it; 9:23 9:42 10:05 P. if. C:l C.:4.- 7:: 7:08 7sS 715 7:45 7:50 8:20 8:06 8:10 8:20 S::tl 8:42 8:47 ssa 9:01 9:12 25l r.M. 5:20 ::. 5:52 i;:lt: 0:011 6:17 6:26 (US' 1 ttM 7:10 P.M. 1:00 1:03 1:05 1-M 1:25 1:48 00 2:18 2:46 3-JO 2.35 2.41 2:48 259 3:05 3:13 3:18 ir-X 3:40 3:.M 3:40 4.04 4:15 4rJ0 4::) 4:47 i-M 5:14 5:50 A.M. 7:50 7A 8:13 8:27 K'A 8:13 8:4il 9:011 9rJ0 9-J!0 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Petfcjvlllc.llarrishurg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains found from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUN PAY AUGUST 23d, 1880, trains 011 the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the l.aiicaslr and Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Lcave '.uue'ter 2:10 a.m. 5rJ) " 8.00 " 8:05 " 8:45 " 9:10 " 2:55 " 1SI0 im I2.-00 " 3:ur 4:4". " 6SB " Arrive Phllad'a 4:15 a.m 7:10 " 10:10 " 12:0"ir.M. 11:15"" I 5:00 " MM 6:45 Wjhtware. leave IfPhilail'ii Way Passenger, r3e a.m. Mail Train No.l,vIiiMt..Iey, 7:30 " Mail Truin Ne.2,Tia Corbia, Niagara ft Chicago Express 9:00 Sunday Mall, 8-.00 " Fast Line, 11:50 " Frederick AccommiNlatlen, .... DUIerviilelecal.via Mt..ley Ilarrlshurg Accoiniiiedat'n, liXt p. Columbia AccommiMlatieii, 4:00 " Ilarrlshurg Express, 5:30 Pittsburg Express 6:25 " CincInnati.Exprcss, 9:10 ' Pacific Express pl:55 ' Arrive Iinc'tci- K.rn . h.i v A.JH. 0:10 " 10:15 " 11:05 " IIKS0 " 2:10 p.m. ") 5:45 " liX " 750 " 8:50 " II..-I0 " 2.10 A.M Pacific Express, cist, en Sunday, when flag 1 Sed, will step nt Bliddletewn, Elizaliethtewn, It. Jey, Landisville, Bird-tn-Hund, Leuiaii Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coutcs Ceutcs ville, Oakland aiul Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Kiinday, when flagged, will step at Downlngtnwn.CeutiiMVilh', Purkes hurg.Mt. Jey, Elizahethtewn and Mliidli-lewn. Hanover accommodation west, ceniiiitii(at LunciLstcr with Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:05 :u 111., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 p. it., and will run through te Frederick. INSTATE OFE. U.8TOWKKS BABUEK It gcr, late et Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make imme diate settlement, nnd these having claims or demands against the same wUl present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in Lancaster, Pa. ALEXANDER J. HARBERGEU. Executer. J. L. Steikmktx, Atty. ang20-6tlear MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Will positively euro Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake. Billiens Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Bleed. Price $1.50 hy mail. Send for Prof. Guilmette's Treaties en the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. augll-GmdcedM.W&F Gl O WEST. FOR THE BEST COFFEE K. Sncars and Teas. Best Cirars and Tnhn j ces, Best Wines and Liquors, Ask for Oftkdale Fare Old Bye Whisky. 33 per cent. JAlcohel. Invigorating Tonic and. mi; ii;iir J.1H4UIU. .an ui RINGWALT'S Ne. 205 WEST KING STREET. MISCELLANEOUS. CONGREiSS HALL, CAPE MAY, N. J. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. II. J. A G. R. CRUMP, ) Of the Colonnade Hetel, E.A.GILL KIT, Philadelphia. iyl2-10tileed j Jr; Y LOCHER'S SYRUP ItKNuwNED COUGn THE- Lancaster dip IiM Without a denbt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS In the Market. Warerooms 32a North e,ucen street. Manufactory in the rear. iirancn urace, is jsest King street. Alex. McKillipe, Proprietor. Alse Agent for Lancaster County for CH1CKERING & SON'S Celebrated PIANOS.' A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music Small Instruments, Violins, Banjos, Band Instru ments. Ac. always en hand. 113-lydSftlyw X OCAL MAIL ABRANUEMENT.S. HOURS FOR CLOSING TUB MAILS. BY RAILROAD. Nxw Yerk through mail 7:30 a m, 1230 pm, 4:15 pm and 11:30 pm. te Wat Mail, cast, 7:30 a m. GOBDOHVU.LK, Dewningtnwn, Iranian Place, Gap 0 p in. Pauadi.sk and Seudcrsbiirg via Lcauian Place, 7-J0 a. 111. Pbiladklthia through mail, 7.30 and 8:45 a m., 12:30, 4:15 and HUW p uu PrrrsBUiieu and west, lUJOaml 11 JO p 111. UajuusbObe Mail, 10-JO,a hi, l:30,5:l5and ll::S pm. Wat Mail, west, 10-JiO a m. Baltimerk AMD Washington, via Philadrl phia, 4:15 p in. Baltimore amd Washington, via Yerk, 1:9. p m. Baltimerkand Washington, via Hurrlsburg, HJOpm. CeATXsvitXK, 4:15 p m. Columbia, 10-.3D a m, 1-J30 and 5:15 p m. Yerk amd Yerk wat, 1:30 ami ll&t p in. Nebthkrn C'KimtAL,10Uain,li0und 110 p m. IUcadine, via Reading and Columbia R R, 7:30 am and 1230pm. Rbadine, via Ilarrlshurg, 5:15 and ll::pni. Rkadinewav. viaJiinctlen, Litltz, Maiihelui, East Hcmptlcld and Ephrata, 3 pm. ;e, iteiien, Aowrmvl Aewrmvl Lime Vallcv. Murtins- Chcstnut Levcl.Grecnu. .' . .. - .im ' .. .. . . X'cicrs 'urccK, i-icusiuiiureve. heck springs, Oakwoednd Rowlands ville.Md.. 9:13a iu. and 50 pm. w Helland, unurciiiewii, urccnuanic Blue Ball. Goeilvillo. Beartown. bv wav el Downlngtewn, at 7:30 a m anil C p m. Safx Harber, via Columbia, lOM a m. Willow Stukkt via West Willow, at 9:15 a. m. BY STAGE MlUcrsvllle and Slackwuter. In Sate Harber, daily, at 4:00 p m. Te-Millersville, 8 and 11 JO a in, and 4 p in. Blnklcy's Bridge, Leacock, Barevillc, New Helland, 230 p m. Landis Valley. Oregon. West Earl. Fanners- IvUle, lUnklctewn, Terra Hill, Martindaie. Greenland, Fertility, Lampeter and Wheat land Mills, te Strashurg, dully, at 4 p m. NeUsvillc. dally, at 4 n in. New Danville, Concstega, Martlcvlllc, Cele- x mi-de. itawn: manvilie, Mount llnsvUIe. Bethes.ia 105 LADIES AND GENTS II you want a 105 GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, f Ready-made or made te order, call at F. HTEMENZ'S, Ne. 106 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. ic2G3AWtM T MIY LOCHER'S RENOWNED COUGn SYRUP. and Liberty Seuare. daily, at 30 n m. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY BAIL. Eastern mail, 7 11 m 10-30 a ra, 3 and 6:30 p m. Eastern way mail, 11:30 am. , Western mail, 7 and 10 a m, 2 and iKWp m. Reading, via Rcailing and Columbia, 230 j m. Western way mail, 830 a m. Reading way mall. 1030 a m. Uuarryville Branch, 8:15 a m and 4 pm. ARRIVING BY ST AGE. Frem Sate Harber and MlllcrsvUle, at 9 a m, daily. Frem MiUersvillc, 7 and 9 a in, and 4 p m. Frem New Helland, at 930 a 111, dally. Reading way mail, at 1030 a in, daily. Frem Strashurg, at 930 a m, dully. Frem NetrsvBle, at 1 p 111, dally. Frem Rawlinsvllle, at 11 a m. DELIVERIES BY CARKIE1W. There are four mall deliveries hy letter car riers each day, and en their return trips they take up the mail matter deposited in the letter Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the office at 630 a m; second delivery at 10am; third delivery at 11 a in ; fourth delivery at 3 p m' SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the posteraco Is open from Aprl 1 te October 1, from 8 te 9 a'm, and from 6 te 7 am: from October 1 teAnril l.f rem 9 te 10 a m 1 and from 0 te 7 e in. BOOTS AND SUOES. EASY BOOTS, SHOES AND LASTS made en a new principle, Insur ing comfort for the feet. TVrpe Lusts made te order. DUUllJ MILLER, lebM-tfd 133Kaet?laKtrMt