-" ": . .V -O LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1880. " v-i . " OBITUARY. Death of Samuel Jehns, of Leacock Town ship. In the death of Samuel.' Jehns, Lea cock township, this county, loses one or her eldest, wealthiest and most respected citizens. Fer the last few days he had been cemplaininR of a severe pain in tbe side. This had been a complaint of long standing of his, but was brought back in a severe form by a misfortune a short time since of falliug in the barn. On Henday this week, the pain left his side and ledged near his heart and in his breast. On that day lie walked around the yard as usual until the afternoon about 4 e clock, when he took his bed. On Tuesday he seemed no worse, and conversed freely with his friends. At midnight en Tuesday he be came unconscious and remained se until death relieved him of his suffering at 11 a. m. Wednesday, September 1. lie was one of these sturdy Pennsylvania farmers who. by their industry and thrift, have met with success in all undertakings, and at the time of his death was worth at least $100,000. He belonged te the old school Lutherans and was noted for his benevolent acts. He hail a kind word for all in distress, and these te whom the Ged or plenty had net smiled he gave liberally. In politics he adhered strongly te the dd Jeffcrseuian and Jackseniau doctrine, and never, it is said, "cut the Democratic ticket in a national or state election.' He will be buried from his late residence, a riiert distance northwest of Mechanics burg, en te-morrow (Saturday morning at 1 1 o'clock. KEMAKKAULEWIKKOMKNON. Tobacco "Frezen" by Lightning. The Mt. Jey Star is the reliable author ity for the remarkable statement that in a recent storm a blinding Hash of lightning Htruck the highest point of an cightccu cightccu acre tobacco patch en the farm of Henry Kurtz, adjoining Mt. Jey en the south. Witliiu a radius r ten feet a number of the tobacpe stalks resemble frozen tobacco with the leaves badly tern as if by hail. The stalks vlitrc the stroke was the heaviest were upioetcd. Mr. Jehn Haines, a farm baud, whila passing by in company with his son, when about fifty feet Irein where the most damage was done, was se nheckcd that lie Tell te the ground, be wildered. He says that the otler rescm- i.i.l !... .r l.mnirwr lii-misfrtun. His SOU. being confused after the shock, turned his steps in an opposite direction from the way t hey were going. ltlrtb-tay Lunch. Jwrcuce Knapp was 53 years old yes terday, and in consideration of that event, his geed W'fc prepared an abundant lunch te which his friends and acquaintances were invited. The lunch tables were set in the .spacious gardens in rear of Mr. Knapp's residence, Kast King street, and large numbers !' his friends were present, including the members of the Lancaster Masnncrcher and the Citizens' band, both of which organizations furnished excellent music, both vocal and instrumental te the ether guests. uongrauiiaiery pci:i:iu:s were made by members of the Mienncr Mienncr cher. and they were happily responded te by Mr. Knapp and ethers. The occasion yvar. one of rare social enjoyment. Lew Water. The Concstega creek has been unusually low during: the present season and as a consequence Hie water power is insufficient te run the water pumps and the steam pumps have been kept running mere reg ularly than last year. The Worthincten steam pmnp was set in motion en the 7th of May, and during that month was kept runuing 15 days; in June 20 days; in July 'M days, and in August 20 days and six hours making in all 84 days and 0 hours te the lst of August. During the entire year of 1879 the Worthington pump was run only 85 days and 12 hours showing net only that the stream is unusually low but that the consumption of water has also jaigcly increased. Hey Kun Over. Lust evtijiing Jehn Hern, a boy aged 1:1 years, residing en Derwart street, and em em pleyed at Ne. :t cotton mill, was run ever by a horse belonging te Jehn Ilusheiig, Heur and feed dealer. The boy had just ceme out of the mill and while running across the street he was knocked down by the horse. The animal stepped en his head and bedy,brusing and cutting him badly.. The wagon passed ever his body which was also bruised but no bones broken. The boy was picked up by the driver of the wagon and several ether men and he was taken te the ellice of Dr. JehnL. Allec, who dressed his wounds. Fall or a Wall. Yesterday afternoon a portion of the cast wall of a small brick warehouse be longing te Mr. II. B. Grefl", and situated Sn Tear of his large warehouses en West Lemen street, fell down. This morning the entire wall was thrown down te pre vent its falling. The cause of the accident, was that the wall was te some extent un dermined by workmen who were digging a trench for the foundation wall of an ad dition which is te be made te the ware house. Ne one was hurt by the accident, and the damage is net heavy. Death or a Fermer Lancnslerlan. The JlcpitbUam of Geshen, N. Y., con tains a notice of the death of Mrs. Sned grass. She was the wife of Rev. Wm. Snodgrass, a Presbyterian divine, who in time? past occasionally filled the pulpit of that church here. Her many friends here will regret te hear of her sudden death at Saratoga en Tuesday last. She was born in Lancaster in 1802 and married here in 182.. Tramp Hearing The tramps who were arrested in Lan- dis's weeds en Wednesday had a hearing before Alderman Brr this afternoon, and all bnt one were sent te jail for the fellow ing terms: Samuel Craig, Mary Craig, Julia Shields, 90 days; Mary Kelly and James Kelly, 30 days, and Jehn II. Brown, 10 days. Themas Shields was the lucky man, he get off by paying the costs. Pleasant Picnic. The young Democratic voters of the Ninth ward held a very pleasant picnic yesterday afternoon and evening at Green Cottage, The attendance was large and the decorum of all present unobjectionable. The profits of the picnic, amounting te $33 te 45, will be devoted towards the pur chase of equipments for the Ninth ward Democratic club. The Assessors' Heeks. The extra assessment having closed last evening, the assessors' books of the sev eral wards and townships were te-day re turned te the county commissioners' oflice where they may be seen and examined by parties interested. The assessment appears te have been a very full one. Thickly Grewn Pears. We were te-day shown a twig, about six inches in length, which was broken from a pear tree of Fred Bredcckcr, of Church street. It has six very large Hancock pears upon it. Thcykave grown se clese that they almost touch each ether. The Jewish New Year. The Jewish new year comes in en Mon day, and the Israelites throughout the world will celebrate the event in the usual manner. All places el business carried en by Hebrews will he closed en Monday and Tuesday. Police Cases. The mayor had three drunken and dis orderly cases te dispose of this morning : Jeff. Moere was sent up for 5 days ; Mary Pcarsel ler 30 days ; and Jehn Habcrbnsh 10 days. Te Chase Ants Away. Many housekeepers in this city are troubled with red ants, which infest cup boards, closets, etc. A subscriber says that he lias chased all the ants out of his house by cutting a fresh onion and laying the slices hi the cupboard. This is said te be an excellent remedy. The Second Ward. A large meeting of the Second ward Hancock and English club was held at Sprengcr's hall last evening. The club ordered one huudred uniforms, and about fifty names were added te the roll. Hew lie Saved His Sen. Israel Jenes, of Franklin station, Ohie, lias son whom the doctor have given up" with Diabetes. He applied a way's Kidney- Pad, when lie commenced te improve and Is new able te get out and attend te ids wurk. augSO-lwdMWfcF. Astrich Bre?.' stoic, East King street, will be closed en Monday and Tue.-lay next Sept. C and 7, en account of holidays. They will re open en Tuesday evening at C o'clock. Amusements. "Fun en the Pacific." Hr. Jehn T. Ferd's brilliant comedy company are underlined for Tur-day evening next at Fulton opera hem-e. They come direct from ISnltiiunrc and Wash ington, in which cities tliey achieved a pre-neunccdsueccs-., playing nigMly te packed heii-.es. "Fun en the l'aeilic," the piece in hieh they appear, is described as a sparkling musical melange, overflowing with fun and abounding in pretty tunes, miiiic of the bent numbers el a dozen popular comic operas being given. The names of Mis-cs Marie Reckcl, Uelle Mackenzie, Blanche Thompson, Messrs. Frank Oushman and Archer, who form a portion efthe cast, will deubticss be ample te secure a largeandienec. Mattamr 7Vs' Miislrclx.On Monday evening next this favorite organization will appear In this city. Their last .season wassuch a creditable one, as attested by the commenda tions of reputable newspapers all ever the country, thai they come bearing renewed claims te popular laver. Wit, jollity and uiu sic arc presented by lids company in attrac tive lerin and geed taste. They have a num ber el new hits, including an amusing bur lesque entitled "William Venn's Aunts Among the Pirates," and the Vienna orchestra and Vlvaniliere cornet baud are retained, along Willi a dozen ether entertaining features. Veiivr A Jlttilei's lAtnihm Virciix. The cir cus el Cooper .V Bailey, w hieh ill exhibit in Ibis city en Saturday, Sept. II, is conceded by all te be the largest ami best traveling. P. T. Rarnuui, the greatest showman living, ac knowledges that the show is a line one and he says that il has made mere money this year than Iheene traveling under his name. The lnenageiie connected with the show is very large and in it there are sixteen elephants, in cluding the one which Mas born in Philadel phia last March. This is the only elephant ever born in captivity and il isagreat card. Among the herd el elephants are the ones which per per lerm tiieksaml are built in pyramids. The circus includes some of the best performers living, among w heiu are the lolleu ing : Chas. W. Fish and William Diitlen, bareback riders; Lawrence Sister.-, trapeze performers; I.lmla .le.il, who rides her heixe through a hoop of lire: the Leotards and Snow Brethers, famous acrobats; W. II. llatc'.ieller.llic leaj cr ; French latuilv l.ivene, acrobats and trupc.iits ; M'lle D'Atlaie, the female Samson, and a host el ethers. The street parade given by l he show is remarkably line. In it there are two lull brass bauds, a troupe of colored Jubilee sing ers, six Scotch bagpipers ami twenty golden chariots. F.lcphants and camels an- driven in harness and the great Mardi (Ira1. Carnival, which is original with this show, is given. A Valuable Facts from a Safe Source. TheulVairs of this country havcbccoiiiesoev havcbcceiiiesoev havcbccoiiieseev tenilcd that it is only by a carefully prepared synopsis in the form el figures that one can hope le understand what is really going en. Hen. A. It. SpolTerd, the Librarian of Con gress, is the only man who has the lacililies at his command for collecting complete national statistics and he does il Willi the greatest cans and accuracy. His latest issue, "The Ameri can Treasury of Fact," has been sent us by Mes-rs. II. 11. Warner Ce., proprietors id the valuable Warner Sate Remedies. This book is a miniature cyclepaedia in itself, containing in addition te a vast amount of national mat tcr, about all el value that has transpired in tills country duringthe past year, ami relleels credit upon the cenip'lcr as well as upon the enterprise el Messrs. Warner A. Ce., in select ing it Mixchavis, lawyers, bankers, fanners, me chanics, laborers, ladies anil children are daily supplied with first-class beets and shoes cheap er than than trash can be bought elseu here, as the entire stock and store lKturesinust be sold etTas seen as possible at the Parler shoe store, Ne. 2i; Hest King street, opposite the Lancas ter County national bank. lid . . - - Delicate lemales find Malt Rittcis nourish ing, strengthening and puiilying. The Three Oracrs. are represculed with perfectly developed tonus beauty and health combined. Ne de cayed-loethed man or woman cm be healthy, because digestion must be imperfect. ll.se SOZODONT, get healthy leelh, geed digestion and a sound body. Revive the three (races. A natural bcaittilierand restorer el the com plexion Cutlcura Medicinal Seap. I'OLt'l'lCAl. I'.VLI.ETIX. Fer Assembly. EI.IM (I. SN'YDBB, el'l he Ninth ward , M il be a candidate for the Democratic nomination tethe Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub ject te Democratic rules. tp Te Voters. Persons intending te be nniurali."d be I ere the.Mef OCTOI5F.lt should attend te il with out delay. Committee en naturalization : .1. L. Stein metz, D. McMiillcn, IS. F. Davis, Jehn A. Ceyle, 1!. F. Montgomery. Persons desiring te be. naturalized can applv le any of these, or te V. IT. Heuse, at tins Ixtullkii:ncki: oilier. Hancock Legien meets every week en Wed nesday evening, at Central Headquarters. Hancock Veteran Association inert sat Cen tral Headquarter every Tuesday evening. Conference committee meets en every sec ond and leurth Wednesday of the month. Campaign committee meets regularly every Thursday evening. There will Iks a general mass meeting of the City Democracy and lighting upef Hie Central Headquarters transparency, In the southeast angle of Centre Square, en FRIDAY EVEN ING, SEPT. ::. The ward clubs will meet at their respective headquarters and inarch therelrem te the Ccnli-.il lleadquarlers at 8 p. m., sharp. There will be speaking by Jeseph C. McAlaarney, esq., of linrrishurg. Vecal music including some campaign songs written especially for the occasion, by the Hancock (JlceCIiib. First Ward. The First Ward Hancock and Kngltsli clnb will meet at 7:30 p, in., September :, at II. Neamcr's saloon. Hancock Veterans. Company " C," or the Hancock Veler.uis wil meet at Central headquarters Friday evening for the purpose; of electing company efliccrs. The Hancock Legien. The Hancock Legien will meet at Schiller hall this evening and parade with the (ith and Sth ward cIuIm te tlin'sqiiarc. The Legien will wear dark clot lies wiiitc hats, balge and carry bamboo canes. Hats, badges, Ve., cm be had Oitberat l:'. Kast King strect.(secend lloer), or Schiller, this evening. Sixth Ward Americas Club. Tiie Si.xtli-Ward Amcrlcns club wili lneclin Schiller hall at 7J j p. m., and after a joint bus iness meeting the united clubs will be escorted te Centre Square by the Ninth Ward clnb. Klglitlt AVarders Attention! The members of the Eighth Ward Hancock club and Democratic citizens in gcncr.il, are requested te meet this (Friday) evening at 7 o'clock at Mrs. Dicld's saloon, en High street, for the purpose of inarching te Hie Central headquarters and participating in the mass meeting. Ninth Ward. The regular stated meeting el the Ninth Ward Hancock and English dub will be held at their club room ever Arneld Ihias'.s saloon, North Queen street, en Friday evening, Sept. 3, at 7 o'clock sharp. All members are desired te be present at quarter of o'clock. The club will proceed in a body te the Schiller house le escort the Sixth ward club te t he mass meeting at the Central headquarters in Centre Square. XXW ADVESTISEMENTS. Among' the manyjadvantagee gained by our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL BOX REPATNINGr, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING, MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, &c. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. BOOTS AHD NOTICE! On ami arter SATURDAY, AUGUST 29. the entire stock of HOOTS AND SHOES or tin: FARLOIt SHOE STORE, Ne. -Xy. EAST KING STREET, will be offered at a great SACRIFICE, te CLOSE OUT 1SUS1NESS. Desiring te engage in ether business, I take this opportunity te eiler the entire stock, consisting et 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes at least 25 ner cent, less than they can be bought goods for the hist, two year-, asplemlid opportunity is new eilere SjIIOES at lower prices than TUASIICUI or nengm risen uuiv. FARMERS ! Wisliin-'le purchase their HOOTS AND SHOES for Fall ami Winter, new is your chance te buy CHEAF Country storckceperswilldewc.il te call while our stock is yet complete. Weals-e haven Hue of very fine goods wliieh we will soil from l te ! a pair less than before. The EN TIRK STOCK must be SOLD out as SOON as l'OSSIISLE. We also eiler apart of Hie lixturrset the store, consisting of revolving fixture in window. Lounges, part of shelving. Writing Desk, one Fireproof Combination Sale, as geed as new, and line Shew Case ami Stand, at PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. 2(5 1-2 East King St., onneKito laiicasler Ce. Hank. C. A. Reeee. FOB PRESIDENT : GEN. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE PRESIDENT : HON. WILLIAM II. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. The great principles of American lib erlv arc still lite lawful inheritance of tliis people, ami ever should he. The right of trial by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights of persons anil the rights of properly must lie preserved. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, Maj. tJeii.Ceiiid'gDepl. la. and Texas. Slate ICIcrteral Ticket. i.Lucrens. R. E. MOXACIIAN, W. II. PLAYFORD. .IOIIN SLEV1X. E. A. PUE. -I. M.CAMfl'.ELL. (JILLES DALLET. JOHN N, WOFFKT. EDWIN WALDON. NATHAN C. JAMES. CF.ORCE FILRERT. .IAMKS (i. MrSPARRAX. DR. ALFUED .1. MARTIN ADAM OKItRlNCKR. FRANK TURNER. P..I. IHRMIXtilillAM. II. K. DAVIS. (JEOROE A. POST. A. M. 1JENTON.I .1. P. LINTON. COL. JOHN S. MILLER. J.O. SAXTON. C. X. P.OWER. J. A. J. IIUCHANAX. CHRISTOPHER MACKK. ROREUT M. CIRSOX. TIIOS. BRADFORD. HARRY W. WILSON SAMUEL (JRIFFITH. .1. ROSS THOMPSON. DKMOUKATIU STATU TICKET. FOIt Sni'I'.EME .IIT1K1K. OEORliE A.JENKS. iron Ai'imer. eknkual. ROISERTP. DECHERT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKUT. FOB CONOUESS. J. L.STEINMETZ. ren niSTmcT atteunuv. D. MuMULLEN. KOK SUSJATOR (13tll DISTRICT.) I. I!. DOUGLASS. KOil AKSKMIILV (il PISTIilCT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. FOlt ASSEMBLY (1 DlKriilUT.! II. M. 1IRENEMAN. U. DAVIS YUNDT, .1 ACOI! M. HAENLEN. FOR VIMSON INSrECTOIM. I'.ARTON N. WINTERS RENJ. MILLER. FOR VOOU niUKCTOKS. A. .J. SNYDER, JOHN FRANCtSCUS. 8PEVIAT, XUTJVES. SAMPLE WOTJCK. It is impossible ter a woman after a taithlul course of treatment with Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound le continue te sutrer with a weakness et Hie uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydla E. Plnkham, i Western avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jy2MydcedSw Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. My JiTe was saved by Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. K. H. IaOci-Iii, Selma, Altt. Itemember! The only perfect proprietary medicine as a Bleed Searcher" Is that bearing the name of "Dr. l.indscy," and which may be hail from druggists. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrnp Cengiis. "Jtrewn's Iimnehial Treches'''' are used with advantage te alleviate Cengiis, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and Bronchial Atl'ectleiih. Fer thirty years these Troches have been in use, with annually increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by 'wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among Hie fcwstaplcrcincdh'serthenge. The Threat. " J'.rewn's Jirenchial Treehcx" act directly en the organs of the voice. They liavc an ex traordinary cHccl in all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, either irein cold or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a clearaml distinct enunci ation. Speakers ami dingers llnd the Troches useful. A Cough, Cohl, Catarrh 01 Sere Threat re quires Immediate attention, as neglect often times results in some incurable Lung Disease. "Krewn'M Jirenchial Troches" will almost in variaiily give relief. Imitations are eil'errd for side, many of which are injurious. The genu ine ' Jlrewii's Jirenchial Troches" are sold only in boxes. ianl.Vlyd&wTn.Tli&S '"Sellers' Liver Pills ' cured me of liver com plaint. 1. H. Celeman, Short Creek, W. Va. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Areyeu;disturlcd at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering anil crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth T It se, go at once nn;l get a bottle of SHU. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sutTercr immediately depend upon it; there, is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once tliat it will regulate the bowels, ami give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating Ukc magic. It is perfectly safu le use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians und nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. i 17-lyd&wM. W&S Try Lechci's Renowned Cough Syrup. SHOES of the best Styles and Makes, elsewhere. Having made a specialty in geed i'il te buy superior IKiOT.sand FARMERS ! The ambition el Hie -.merican people leads them te overtax their .Jrciigtiiniid completely break down their ncjveus systems, impov erish the bleed, and almost destroy their con stitutions. Recover your constitution iiuinc d lately, before if is tee late, by taking Dr. Browning's Tonic and Alterative, the great Bleed Purifier and Cloed Maker. Price Ml cents and $1. Fer sale by I he Proprietor, W. Champien Rrewning. M. D., 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia, and all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. s'MwilTu,ThS AVarm 'Weather anil ils Effects. Many people, especially ladies, complain at this season of the year of a general; weakness or debility. The use of Spcer's Pert (J rape Wine prevents this. The wine is said te have a most wonderful cllcct In giving strength, vigor and tone te i he whole system. It is e tenslvely used by ladies nursing, or about le nurse infants. Thisw hie is net amaniilactiircd article no liquor is added toil. His no patent medicine or cordial humbug, but. fs a superior wine of the Oporle grape. It is purr, old, un adulterated wine, nothing mere or less. Mr. Speer has been supplying hospitals with Ids wine for many years past. It is said te In; un surpassed Ter stimuu'r complaints, ami for weakly persons. The price is low ler se excel lent a wine, ami no family need be without it. This wlius is endorsed by Drs. Atlee ami Davis, and sold by II. E. Slaymaker. auKMwdXw Statistics prove that twcuty-tive percent of the deaths In our larger cities are caused by consumption, and whcii we relied, that this terrible disease in ils worst stage will yield le a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn ihesu'rercrs ler their negli. genre, or pity them for their Ignorance? Ne '.East King street. Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. in: A TJIS. 'loMi.ixt.ex.-ln this elly, en September 1, I.Sse, Jehn Toinllusen, fn the SCtli year of his age. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral from his late residence, Ne. 4'J Middle street, en Sat urday atternoen at "iV. o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. MoeitE. In this elly, en the 3d insl., Albcrlha Irene, daughter el'N. O. and May Moere, aged 'i years. Funeral from the residence of J. K. Shirk, .'KIT North Queen street, en Sunday allcrnoen at 3 o'clock. Services at the house. Interment at the Lancaster cemetery. The relatives and friends of tlic family are respectfully invited t attend file Mineral. s:'--Jtd IfEU'AJt rEKTtSESt EXTS "1 OOD SIGHT. Or 3,800 Pounds Melons. UKI MELONS IX THE LOT. Loek at them. Centre pipiarr, Friday evening. Fer ale by METTFETT. ltd 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. iyL CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. The highest price paid ler Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, &e. Teh Rag Asserters wauled te whom the highest, price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, yiMtdlll Lancaster, Pa a si v sim en rs. Yvl .TON OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Tuesday, September 7, 13S0. FORD'S BRILLIANT COMEDY CO. Alter two weeks in Baltimore and one week In Washington, will produce the musical com edy of "Ft en fte Pacific !" With the gems of SIX OPERAS, ami many blight minstrel effects introduced. Full of Fun, Jollity and Merry Music In cidental te a Trip from China te California. ADMISSION, --- - n.1 and eO Cts. RESERVED SEATS, 75 CIS. New en sale at Opera Heuse. sl-litd TUl.TON Ol'EltA HOUSE. ON MOXDAY F. VEXING, REFT. C, 1SS0. The world-famed, great original and en'y Mme Rente's Minstrels, Enhancing ils illustrious value and interest by merging into itself Hie equally honored VIENNA LADY ORCHESTRA, and their equally eminent VIVANDIERE C0KNET IJAND AS1 M'me. RENTZ'S Peerless Opera Eurlcsuue Stars. RESERVED SEATS, 75 CENTS, en sale at the Opera Heuse Ollice. sMtd INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC MISS MAGGIE Spurrier will begin her Instructions in Piane Music September 1. Fer particulars apply at Ne. 41-2 North Duke street, nugij-slit THIRD EDITION. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 3,1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. "Washington, D. C, Sept. 3. Fer the New England and Middle Atlantic states, lower barometer, stationary and higher temperature, partly cloudy weather, fol lowed by local rains, southerly winds. THE BATTLE GROUND. First of a Series of Joint Discussions Between the Rival Candidates In Indiana. Chicaue, Sept. 3. -- A special de spatch te the Tribune from Seuth 1'end says : The first of a scries of joint debates between A. G. Perter, the Re publican candidate for governor of In diana, and Franklin Landers, his Demo cratic opponent, which came off here yes terday, suffered 'in the matter of a crowd in consequence of the raiu, deluging the country for miles around. Undeterred, however, by the mud and rain, from 2,000 te 2,.100 of both parties gathered around the stand in the court house yard, from which the orators spoke. Dr. L. J. IIamf mayor of Seuth Bend, introduced Mr Landers, who in an hour's speech, arraigned the Republican party of the state and nation. "When he had concluded Hen. Lucius Hubbard presented Mr. Por Per ter in a brief speech, and he in a speech of an hour and a halfs duration discussed the issues between the Republican and Demo cratic parties in Indiana and the United States. According te arrangement Mr. Landers closed the argument in a half hour's speccht Beth speakers were- frequently interrupted by applause which was about, equally dc vided. AT 1SUKL1NUTON. Hayes Spcatts te G.OOO lewans Gen. Sher man's Kcmurlc te the Soldiers. Bprmncten, Iowa, September 3. Pres ident Hayes addressed a crowd of 5,000 people near the depot here last night. He spoke in favor of universal education te be provided by the general government. In the course of his remarks, General Sherman said : " Beys, there arc some things above politics. The profession of war is one of them. I hope no soldier will be influenced in his vote simply because I votejeno way or the ether, or because I held certain opinions." Pointing te a large American Hag, he said : " Let us mnke that flag the emblem of all that is great, geed and glorious." The presentation of Mrs. Hayes before the crowd aroused enthusiasm. The party then withdrew te the train, which at once moved off amid loud cheering. The speeches during the stay at Ottumwa were brief, and when the train was once mere under way the party retired for the night. General Sherman also spoke saying he hoped no one would be influenced by his opinieushiijt each vote as he thought best. KV WIRE AND CA1SI.K. Afternoon Telegrams Condensed. Unfavorable weather caused another postponement of the Geneva (N. Y.) re gatta. Gen. Roberts has defeated the Cabulesc at Quellah. Michael Kennedy was killed at Pitlsten at midnight last night while stealing a ride en the Lehigh Valley railroad. Details of the recent hurricane and earthquake in Jamaica say immense dam age was done te shipping and ether prop erty. The banana crop is ruined, and the total less estimated at .t'100,000. Thus far six bodies from the wreck of the Vera Cruz have been washed ashore r.t St. Augustine, Fla., and it is feared none en beard escaped. In New Yerk relatives and friends of the persons en beard the ili-fatcd vessel throng the company's ellice, and many refuse te believe she is lest. The Vera Cruz , was leckened one of the strongest ships in the world. MAltKJSTS. Philadelphia Market. FniLiDicLrniA, September .". Flenrdiill and weak ; superllni) f S0." 00 ; extra $:; ;ri :: 7; ; Ohie and Indiana family $5 005 75 ; Penn'a family de $5 5 !'. St. Leuis family at $5.rj0a0U; Mtnnesetu'famfly f!i 'r."7.-,: patent and high grades C S08 00. live Heur at $1 1 SO. Wheat dull ami lewer: Ne. 2 Western Kcd $1 OcX ; Penn'a Ked $1 (WJ; Amber at Cei-li linn; steamer f2c: yellow ."ille; mixed 5JJc. Oaks strong and higher ; Ne. 1. White; lie 42; Ne. 2, de 4Htf?4Ic; Ne. 3, de $:; Ne. ?, Mixed 37e. Kye 11 rm and scarce,;. Previsions market steady; mtss perk $11! IXlIi; M; beef hams 20 0tl21 (HI; Indian m.s beet at fits 00 ; bacon smoked .shoulders fi,'ifi7e; salt de rftSfic; smoked hams 12IUc; pickled hams W$ lu-c. Lard linn; city kettle at S'.c; loeso butchers' Sc ; prime steam SJc. ihltter firm; supplies' well sold up: Creamery extra aWi)27c; Creamery geed 10 choice SlJi'ic; llrnilferd ceuntyand New Yerk extra. 2l2Tic ; Western reserve extra 17ISe; ilogeodlo choice llU'iC; Cells dull, uallly peer; Penn'a extra l."h:; Western reserve extra V.lQWc. Eggs steady ; Penn'a nt l'.e2i; Western lSISc. Cheese scarce and higher; New Yerk full cream 1:!l; Western full cream 12c' $ ; de fair te geed ll12u; de hall" skims lel ft) Me. "Petroleum II rm ; rellned !e. Whisky $1 Hi. Seeds Uoed te prime Clever flnn at $S2Ti S7S; Timethy llrin at $2 4-.! : Flaxseed quiet at $127-1 27. Mew Yerk Market. Nkw Yerk, Sept. :!. Fleur State and West em buyciV favor; Ugh, expert and home trade demand Southern dull; heavy common te lair extra, $1 (W3 23c; geed te choice de, $5 'MC no. Wheat 4lc lower; trade very moderate; Ne.l White Sept. 1 01 04:$; de October $1 03(1 ttic ; de Nev. 11 OUJic ; Ne. 1 White October, $le'J4c ; Cern JiGJe lower; fair speculative busi ness ; Mixed western spot, SeMVtJe ; de Ju tiirc,S043:j;c. Oats unchanged ; Ne. 2 Sept. .".TJic : de. Oct. 37' .c ; State, 40i(g4 let. Western , at 3:ig 1 1 c. Stock market. September Slecks irregular. New Yei:k Stocks. A.M. 10:) KricK. K 40 Michigan. & I.. S....107 Michigan Cent. It. H.. Chicago & N. W 101 Chicago, M. A St. P... 80 A.M. 1I::W 31m" 107 am 42 8 a W 57 24 2IJ4 7' S3& !K 27 , P.M. V. M, 12:13 1:10 2:15 40 40 40 107 JU7 107 X,A XV4 !I3 101;K 102-. VTJii WI- ! " b-;i 4.-5-J1 43 4.1)2 ; S.VJ4 i :se Si4 .w a:, & vk Tuy, JW 5S 23& a: 2514 i 'iyx 21 71 77 iny. tfi 85 83J5 Han. A St. .1. Cem 4.;-4 " P'ld.... 8. Teledo A Wabash.... :K Ohie A Mississippi.... X,y. St. Leuis, I. M. A S. ... r74 Ontario and Western. 24 C. C. A I. C. K. K. 20 New Jersey Central. . frK Del. A Hudsen Canal. KM l)el.,iack.A Westeni Oe Western Union Tel...l(H?M Pacific Mall S.S. Ce.. 40J Manhattan Klevated. 27 Union Pacific !l Kansas A Texas ill OIIC j New Yerk Central Adams Express Illinois Central Cleveland A Pitts Chicago & Heck I. Pittsburgh A Ft. W j" '. ue ler. 10 Hew 42 yA 41 27 27 27 91 UIJ 94K a?4 ay-,, 111 ;4 '. 131 '.'.'.'. '.'.'.'. . 110 ', 121 ".".".' '.'.'.'. X ly.t t M ;2 Philadelphia. Pennsylvania It, It.. I'htra. ft Heading... Lehigh Velley 5SJ4 12 .MX 5SJ GSJf .riS w. 12C? r 53& XiX. SIX 5. 32 32 K 31 30J 31 SBJi 53? 33 54J 54J2 12 li 122 12 37& 33 3S 33 152 15i 15 15 167i .... 21K rOLITICAX. DEMOCRATIC RALLY A GENERAL MEETING OF THE City Democracy WILL P.E HELD UNDEU THE AUSPICES OF THE CITY CAMPAIGN COMMITTER IN THE SOUTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE SQUARE, Friday Evening, Sept. 3. J. C. McALAMEY, Esq, OP IIAuRISBURG, (Ot counsel ler the prosccntien of the riot bill legislative bribers) EDGAR M. LEYAtf, Esq., OF READING, . will address the meeting. THE HANCOCK GLEE CLUB et this elly will make their first public ap ap jiearance en this occasion. THE NEW TRANSPARENCY RANNERef the Cent nil Headquarters will be lighted up. Want Clulis will assemble at their headquar ters anil thence maich te the place et meeting W. U. HENSEL, Chairman Ce. Committee. EOlt SALE Oil KENT, DMINISTKATOltS' SAI.K. . On TUKSDAY,SEPTEMRER21,lS80.will "ne sold at public sale, en the premises. 150 Seuth Water street, lmcsister, Pa., the follotr fellotr folletr iiigH'rt.oiialproMrty belonging te the estate of Philip sebum: Twe excellent DRAFT HORSES, two Ceal Wagons, nearly new; a large quantity et Ceal, Ceal Sehules and Shovels New Market Wagen, New Phaeton, two Sal'i-x, one et which Is nearly new, large and small Scales, Clocks, Ac. Household ami Kitchen Furniture et every description. Alse the entire stock of Coverlet, Counterpanes, P.lankets, Herse Rlankets, and an excellent as sortment et Heme-made Carpets, Yarns, Ae. Sale te commence at a. in. and iy. o'clock p. m., when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOHN E. SCHUM. CHARLES HOLZWARTH, S. Hr.ss A Sex, Aucts. Administrators. Stere goods will be removed from 33 and 40 West King te 150 Seuth Water street. aug27,31Ascii3,7,10l PU1U.IC SALE OF VAI.UAUL.K KKAL ESTATE, ion SATURDAY' EVENING, at 7 o'clock, SEPTEMBER 18, 1SS0, at the Key stone Hetel, North (hieen street, in the city of Ijincester, will be sold in pursuance of the di rections of the will of Jeseph Peel, deceased, the lollewing real estate, viz : Ne. 1. All that certain hall-let or piece of ground situate en the westsideer North (Juecn street, in said city, containing in front. T.! feet 1 Inches, and in depth 245 feet te a 14 feet wide alley; bounded en the north by ground of Jehn hose and en the south by ground et Richard Met! rami, en whieh a One-Story Frame Dwelling Heuse is erected en North Ouccii Street, and another One-Story Frame Dwelling situate en the said fourteen tcct wide alley. Ne. 2. All that certain One-Story Prick Dwelling Heuse and lialf-let or piece of ground, sit unto en the south side et East Chestnut Street, lit said city, containing in trout 32 feet '1 inches, and in depth 215 feet te a 14 feet wide alley, bounded en the east by ground of D. IS. Hostetteranden the west by William Hcnscl. Possession ami title en April 3, 1881. DAVID UARTMAN. Executer. II. Siiur.Kirr. Auc. ang 20-TAF-td "CIOK SALE. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-roomed, two-story and Mansard reef, Green Stene Frent Dwellings, Nes. Inland i:K West Orange Strcit. With all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, including .leaning's improved Lern Ien water water cleM't, marble-top washstmid, improved wall-ed-ln range, cellar heater, perfect drainage and sewerage, ileep, dry cellar, white marble ba-e and steps, Ac, Ac. Let 22 by 243 fleet te a 14-fcct wide alley, front yard 2 1 feet in depth, inclesed with ornamental iron fence. Fer tcniis, Ac, apply te JOHN II. MET.I.ER, aug2l-WAStfd Ne.D Seuth Duke St. PU1U.1C SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. On SATURDAY", SEPTEM BER 25, 18X0, the undersigned executer efthe will of Klllian Reck, deceased, wilt eiler nt public sale at the Columbia Garden hotel, Seuth Queen street, Lancaster city. Pa., the following described real estate of said de ceased, te wit: All that certain one-story and attic Frame DWELLING HOUSE with Frame Kitchen at tached, Frame Rani with Wagen Shed attach ed. Heg Sty and ether outbuildings. Well of water with pump therein, fruit trees and ether improvements, and 4 ACRES andHi; PERCHES of lam), mere or less, thereto belonging, situate en the south side of Leve lane, in said city of Lancaster, adjoining Leve lane and property of Christian Bees and ethers. Sale te commence at. 7 o'clock p. m. en said day, when attendance will be given und tenns made known by ANDREW smtEINER, Executer. Jacob Giindavek, Auct. aug2iThAMtsd PUHLIC SALE OK VALUAULE REAL ESTATE. -On THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7. 18S0, will be sold at public sale, en thepremises, en the Millersvllle pike, in the city of Lancas ter uml cennty or Lancaster, Pa., the following, le wit.: A tract et land, containing 5 ACRES, mere or less, en which is erected a large und conve nient two story BRICK HOUSE, with Mansard Reef ami a two-story Brick Back Building at tached, and a small Summer Kitchen; gas through the heuse: has a line hall and eleven large rooms, conveniently laid out; a well of never-iaiiing water wiin pnmpxncrein, cistern and a choice let et Irult trees In hearing order, peach e. chard, etc.; a line driving reail te and from the house. The ground fronts en three streets; wenld be well adapted for building lets. There is also a geed cellar under the whole house; heater in cellar, and geed ven tilation in all the rooms; there is an obscrva ebscrva obscrva terv en ten et the house, also a ceed large Burn, Carriage Heuse, Ice Heuse, stabling ler tnrce nerses anil two cows, wim water ui iiie barn : a irlass front hennery. 55 feet long, with work-shop attached. There are en this property about ;20" different varieties or grapes, bearing, with a line let of shrubbery, evergreen and shade trees. This property is well worth tlic attention et persons who wish te buy a private resilience, or ter building leU, or ter a florist. Any person 'wishing te view the property previous te the day et sale can do:te byj calling en the undersigned residing en tlic same, either by letter or personally. Sale te commence nt 2 o'clock P. M. et said day, when attendance will be given and condi tions of side will be made known by HENRY G. LIPP. S. Hess A Sex, Auct. aug24-ltdACtdSA7tw WA.NTEV. WANTED. .EVERYBODY TO 'ADVEK tlsc, free of charge, in the IirrzixieKr se, who wants somethinif te de. HANCOCK GARDEN, ZAEPFEL'S SALOON, Centre Square, Is the most chcerliil place in town. Plenty et light and fresh air. Best of beer en tap. Liquors of all kinds, the best in liecity. Come and see. aug27-lwd ESTATE OF DANIEL LEfEVER (Farmer), late or Dromerc township, de ceased. Letters testamentary en. said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same will pre sent them without deluy ter settlement te the undersigned. C. M. HESS, of Drumore Twe., DANIEL D HESS, or Eden Twp., T. E. Kicanklin. Executers. Walter M. Franklin, Atty's. aagl-Otw Lehigh Navigation... Northern Pacific Cem " " P'd . Pitts., Titusv'cft B.... Nert hern Central Pliil'aAErieK.K.... Northern Penn'a Un. It. H's of X. J llesteuville Pass Central Trans. Ce..... DRY GOODS. HOW TO GET almost everything below value. Every day during summer all sorts, of goods remnants and goods that for ene reason or another arc in our way are picked ent and put together te be sold at such prices as they will bring. They are undesirable for us te held ; but they may be as geed for the buyer as anything we have. We have sold already this summer net less than $100,000 worth of goods at irregular prices in this way for, say, $30,000; and many thousands mere are going. There is something marked down at nearly every cennter in the store. Everything sold is returnable if un satisfactory at the price Jehn Wanamaker. Chestnut, Thirteenth, Market and Juniper. PHILADELPHIA. MEDICAL. Brandy as a Medicine. The lollewing article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for ReigurtV Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has exteiwU ely used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended jus a beverage, but te be used as a mediclneefgrcat potency in the cure et some of the destnietive diseases which sweep away their annual thoiisaudsef victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these utllicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, n sprcillc remedy, which in nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite ami mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or alt their ills and aches. Be It, however strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and that is KEIUAItVTS OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II E SLAYMAKER. This F.rnmly has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference overall ether Brandies, no matter with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia spcclllcs would sultlce te buy all the Brandy te euro any such case or cases. In proof of the curative powers id Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can .summon num hers of witnessed one case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had lx-en nflllctcd with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a numlier of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly no appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, ami us a beverage he used SlclJraiin's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, us new, preached at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing et its wonderful ein-cls in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he ut last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man, Willi a stomach capable of dlgestlngany thing which hcjcliose te cat. He still keeps it and uscsalit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine lie has been of very little pecuniary lcnc tlt te the doctor. A PitAcr ihi.ne Physician. II. E. SLAYMAKER. AOKXT FOR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established In 1785, IMPORTER AHD DEALER IN FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES. SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1H1S, 1827 ami l&S.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALB PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 29 KAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER, PA MISCELLANEOUS. M TISS IIOMIJERUEK, TEACHER OP MUSIC, Ne. 21 West King street. Full Term will begin the first Monday et September. u31-3tdeawTu SOUT11 JERSEY INSTITUTE, ItRlDOE ItRlDOE ten, N. .1. Fer both sexes. College pre paratory. Institute, classical and scientille courses. Building brick. .Modern improve ments. Climate mild, very healthy. Instruc tion thorough. Begins September K. Send Ter catalogue. H. K. TRASK, aug.!5-Hw. Principal. w HITK KRON.E MONUMENTS. MORE DURABLE THAN GRANITE! MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN MARBLE ! Cheaper than cither. Send for Catalogue te PAXSON, COMFORT & Ce., yil-Ouiw IHB Market St., Philadelphia. PROPOSAL) WILL HE RECEIVED AT tile Mayer's Oflice up te MONDAY. SEP TEMBER 0, 1830, at 8 o'clock p. m.. Ter digging out ami filling in sixteen hundred (1.C00) teet, mere or less, et trench for water pipes along Lemen street, westward from North Queen te Concord alley; for digging out and tiding in :t50 teet, mere or less, en North Plum street, between the Pennsylvania railroad und the New Helland pike ; for digging out mid tilling in 173 feet, mere or less, en Mifflin street, west et Water street, trenches te be 4 feet deep and 'I lect wide. Bids must be made for each trench separately: te state hew much ter earth and new much for rock per cubic yanl. Werk te 1m; done under the direction and sub ject te the measurement et the Superintendent efthe Water Works und at the time he may direct. Bend in taw ler tbe faithful perform ance of the work te accompany bid. PROPOSALS will 1x5 received at tins same time and place feras much geed American lead (net exceeding two tens) as the city may re quire te April 1, 1880. PROPOSALS will be received at the 'same timeand place for repairing Nes. 2uui:t P.ir kcnblne liumps at the Water Works according te specifications te 1m; seen nt the Mayer's Office. JOHN T. MacGONIG LE, Chairman of Water Committee. SepMUl-TFS. "DUSHELS NOT ACRES. Baugh's $25 Phosphate, A Reliable-Wheat Manure for $25 PER TON. Analysis Guaranteed. Address BAUGH&SONS, - 20 Seuth Delaware Arease, PH1LADELPAIA. JSfPurc Dissolved Raw Benca cqmpe",'Jt Pure Haw Benes and Oil et Vitriol qj-few pletely dissolved. Send ter OttJfsJta,,2.w prices. wr jy. " ' -Au-frt- . i-Sfi