jhii-ii en i fcu'ijii'j''yy?rt!11 ,fi. "ViV A . I -"-(4''JJ r.- Vy .r- ft. - l?jS -r- - . " - '" ' I ' !,.. LANCASTER Dj&LY INTELLIGENCER. MONDAY AUGUST 80. 1880. Lancaster intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, AUG. 30, 1B80. HOMEWARD BOUND. Our trusty, well-beloved lrlend Was homeward bound across the sea, Frem lonely sojeora la far lands He came te clasp our clasping bends, Te bear our welcome sweet; Te bring bis wanderings te an end In this dear borne with mine and me, Te make my quiet bliss complete. " I come," he wrote (bis letter lies Bclore me In tbe sunshlne fair), ' I come with heart content te tee The Jey which Ged bath given te tltec. My comrade true and trled ; I fain would sec It with mine eyes, 1 fain would hear thyself declare Uew deep tblne happiness, hew wide. ' l come because I long te see The bonny English flowers abloom, Ilecausc a spirit of unrest Deth vex my lately-quiet breast With whispers in my sleep Of daisied meadow, breezy lea, et April sunshlne and perfume. Of heath-clad mountains grey and steep. " I come because the rolling years Have stilled the passion of my youth. Because the rugged path of time Hath led me up te heights sublime. And I, who could net see Thy llrst great bliss for blinding tears, I say te-day in honest truth Ged's way was best ler thceand inc. ' I come te take thine hand, my lrlend, Te leek upon thy sweet wife's lace, Te sec thy children fend and fair; Tebrcatlic again the blessed air That fanned me at my birth ; Until (bcsldcthcc te the end) I go lrem lerlh my dwelling-place Tell ml u grave en English earth. " I come, my lrlend." Ah me ! sweet wife. What marvel that the tears run down? What marvel that these tender words Smite mournfully en true heart-chords Since he, whose thoughts they bear, IN, who had loved us all his lite. Who for love's hake laid down love's crown. Hath parted lrem us etherwhere? He thought te see our happy home. Our w edded bliss, our children dear. He thought te see thee by my shin, Who dared net leek upon my bride. Who lev'd thee in his prime : But o'er hisgrave, with crests el foam The wild Atlantic billows rear Their hcad, and makes aiueiirnlul clilinc. He will net see this home of euis. Tills little Kden all our own, He will net bring within our dour An added blessing te love's store Of cheerful sacrifice ; And te the height of heavenly tlew.r Our precious blossoms will have grown Before they meet his kindly eyes. He w ill net sec, my sweetest wire. Thy radiant beauty past its mei n. Ner tender traces of the tears, The sighs and smiles, the hopes and fear, Oi wife's and mother's care. If through the mists of failing Hie, He saw thy lace, it must liave worn The leek that 1 remember there. The April loekot long age. When all were young and thou wast lice. And en the hawthorn-bearded way We loitered in the glad noonday, Beneath a sapphire sky; Ah, wlte ! then dawned love's summer glow, 51 y beating heart sprang out te thee, Hut in' true friend went silent by. He was the worthier et the twain. His pulses beat as strong as mine, He looked en thee with lever eyes, And never sought te win the prize. Hut standing calm apart, Smiled brotherly upon my gain, And pressed into my cup of wine The crusJi'd, ripe llrst-lrults of his Iieai t. Ah, my Iet friend ! that lender debt Which wc had purposed te repay. The debt which came with sweet love's biitli. Can never be repaid en earth. Hut thou host surely found A happy end te life's regret ; Ged's angel met thee by the way. And thou. Indeed, wast homeward bound ! All the Year Round. Rebert Lubbeck. Cedar Kaplds, Iowa, writes: " I 1iav used Dr. Themas' Eclectrlc Oil both fnrnivNiif!ui(i lamilv for Dinhthcrla. with the very best results. 1 regard it :is ene efthe best remedies for this disease, and would use no ether." .... Tope & Btllau, druggists. Cedar Rapids, li:i. n-rifp? " We have never sold anv medi cine that gives such satisfaction tethe custo mer and pleasure te the seller as Dr. Themas1 Kclcctiic Oil." Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IS) North Queen street. I-ancastcr, Fa. w The Friend of Delicate Ladles. Warner's Safe Kldncv and Liver Cure is the remedy that will cure the many diseases pe culiar te women. ucauecues, uuunugiu, (un ordered nerves, weakness, mental shocks, and kindred ailments arc cncciuaiiy rcmevcu uy its use. The Mether's Magazine. 4 ltcds of Down Feel Hard. All Bbds Seem Hard te the rheumatic. Then hearken, ye peevish sullcrcrs! Apply lr. Themas' Kclcctrlc OH te your aching joints and muscles. Ucly upon it that you will ex perience speedy relief. Such, at least. Is the 1 .: ..-... wlm 1.n MLi1 If- Tll. ,1,ll- II'KHIUUIIV Ml IUUW 1IMVV UtTVU ... uu ... cdy is likewise successfully resorted te fer Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North ijuccn btrcet, Lancaster, l'a. 20 EDUCATIONAL. 13ENNSYXVAN IA MUSEUM AND SCHOOL. of Industrial Ait. The school year of 1880 si will lrcrtn Mendav. Sent. 13. Instructions for young men and women in Industrial Draw ing, Painting and Modeling as appHcd te the arts, send ler circulars u xius wiuuaaiH, 15 S. Seventh street, Philadelphia. aug2-iatcedACtw WILL REOPEN ON SEPTEMBER G AT 419 East King street, Rebecca S. Hol Hel brook's school ler children. iuig23-3td ST. JAMES1 SCHOOLS. WILL REOPEN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1880. Fer terms apply te the Principal.? augli-tscnid MISS M. MARTIN. 11HE ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH Franklin and Marshall Collcge eflers su pcrler advantages te young men and boys who desire cither te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circular.. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ctll-lvd Lancaster. Pa. LANCASTER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. I Will rc-epen MONDAY, AUGUST 30. Course of study embraces single and double entry Boek-keeping, Penmanship. Arithmetic, Grammar, Correspondence, Business Ferms ami Commercial Law. Yeung men and ladies desiring a practical business education send for cat alegiie giving terms, etc., or call at col lege rooms. Ne. 4 West Kingstrcct. 11. C. WEIDLER, Principal. W. D. MOSSER, Secretary al6-2wd A LLENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE. Under auspices ei Reformed church. e sigucd for the literary and religious education et Ladies. Best facilities for Music, Drawing, Painting and Modern Languages. Location healthful. Terms moderate. Thirteenth year will begin SEPTEMBER 6. Fer Catalogue address REV. W. R. HOFFORD. A. M.. yl7-12td President, Allcutewn, Pa. THE YATES INSTITUTE, LANCASTER, PA. (Endowed.) A Church Scheel for Beys. Prepares for higher Colleges and Universities. REV. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND, M. A. T. C. D., Principal. A few boarders can be received who will have the special care and oversight of the Prin cipal. The next term begins SEPTEMBERS, 1880. iy31-lmdSTu CONGRESS HALL, CAPE MAY, X. J. OPEN FOB THE SEASON. H.J.4G.K. CRUMP, ) Of the Colonnade Hetel. E.A.GILLETT, J Philadelphia. Jyl2-10tdeed MMOUCAXm HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED Defensive Medication Is a precaution which should never be neglect cd when danger Is present, and therefore a course of the Bitters at this season is particu larly desirable, especially for the leeblc and sickly. As a remedy ter biliousness, dyspep sia, nervousness, and bowel complaints, there Is nothing cemparable te this wholesome res torative. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gener ally. auMydced&lyw HOSTETTER'S BITTER'S FOK SALE AT Lecher's Drug Stere. 9 East King street, DR. GREENE Is exceedingly happy te announce te his nu merous friends that his wile and self have sufely returned from nearly a seven weeks tour through a portion of nine slatcs.rldlng nna sailing nearly 3,000 miles. Dr. Greene is new ready te help all sick persons te regain their health. Ills attendant says in one week of his absence 107 patients called te see him at his offices. The following appeared in the Col umbia CeuratU of June 17, 1880: FROM THE BRINK OF THE GRAVE. As nearly everybody In Columbia knows Harry Leng has net for two years past been ex pected te live from ene week te .the ether, nearly all et which time he h:is been In bed or preppn-1 up in an arm chair. During this time he has taken medicine enough te kilt a dozen poenle pounds et pills and powders and barrels of liquids, Mr. Win. Paxson, and ethers who had been looking after the wants et Mr. Leng, pre vailed upon him te try Dr. C. A. Greene, et Lancaster, and I am pleased te say the etlect of Dr. Greene's treatment is magical. The sick man is new almost like one raised lrem the grave, lie is new out visiting friends, and a few days age was In Lancaster city te offer congratulations te Dr. Greene In person. Well! w ell! ! Weudcrs never cease. S. S. DR. O. A. GREENE, J ySC-tfdMWF Ne. 28C North Queen Street. NERVINE, OB TONIC SPECIFICA. A BOON TO BOTH SEXES. A REMEDY WITHOUT A RIVAL for all diseases arising from Nervous Debility, Sexual Disorders, ever Indulgence of Vicious Habits. as well as from the prostration et old age. Its curative properties in violent and chronic lenus ei uie loiiewing uiseases iravu ueeii ui tested te by the most Eminent Physicians : Dyspepsia, Self Abuse, Headache, Dizziness, Sexual Exhaustion, Spermatorrheea, General Debility, lmpetcucy, Premature Decay, &c It has been in use for ever forty years, and Is te-dav the most nenular rcmedv for tbe dis eases above mentioned in the WORLD. It can be used without regard te diet, is pleasant in ..... .....1 lint... ,l.n .ill ffr le a.t.. c.td .mil certain cure. It Is no quack medicine, but stands upon its own merits, as any trial wil amply demonstrate. Since 1836 this remedy has always been sold for u much larger price than that for which It is new sold; but owing te the act that the time ter the payment et an enormous royalty upon its manufacture has expired, it is eflcrcd te the suffering of both sexes at one dollar per package, se us te lie within the reach of all; ut which price it will be sent te any address tree et further charge. Address DR. WILLIAM YOUNG, 4G Spruce Street, Philadelphia. May be consulted en all diseases by mall. JySG-Guul&w K1VNEY l'AHS. HAY S KIUNEY PAD! A NEW DISCOVERY, That acts directly en the Kidneys, liladdcr and Urinary Organs, by absorbing all humors, every trace of dlsease.tand forcing Inte the sys tem pewerlul and healthful vegetable Tonics, giving It wonderful power te cure PAIN IN THE HACK, Side and Leins, Inflammation und Hrlght's Disease et the Kidneys, Gravel Dropsy, Diabetes, Stene In the liladdcr, In ability te Retain or Expel the Urine, High Cel, ercd, Scanty or Painful Urinating, Deposits, Shrcads or Casts In the Urine. Nervous and Physical Debility, and In fact any disease of imcsc great organs. It avoids entirely the troubles and dangers of taking nauseous and poisonous medicines, it Is comfortable, safe, pleasant and reliable In its leffects, yet powerful In its action. It can be worn at all seasons, in any climate, and is equally geed for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Ask your druggist for it and accept no imi tation or substitute, or send te us and receive it by return mall. Regular Pad, $2; Special Pad, for Chronic, deep-seated, or cases of long standing, $3; Children's Pad, prevention and cure ;of sum mer complaint, weak kidneys and bed wet ting, $1.50. Day Kidney Pad Company, TOLEDO, OHIO. ttugi-lydeedMW&F&w $500 REWARD! OVER A MILLION OF PROF. GUILMETTE'S French Kiduey Fads Have already been sold In this country and in France ; every ene of which has given perfect satisfaction, und has performed cures every time when used according te directions. We new say te the afflicted and doubting ones that we wil pay the above reward ter a single case of LAME BACK that the Pad falls te cure. This Great Remedy will Positively and Permanently cure Lum bago, Lame Back, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Vright's Disease of the Kidneys, In continence and Retention et the Urine, In flammation of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder. High Colored Urine, Pain In the Back, Side or Leins, Nervous Weakness, and In fact all disorders of the Bladder and Urinary Organs whether contracted by private disease or otherwise. LADIES, if you are suffering from Female Weakness. Lcucerrheaa. or any disease et the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CUBED ! Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply wearing PROP. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, AVIIICII CURES BY ABSORPTION. Askyourdrugglstfer PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no ether. If he has net get It, send $2 and you will re ceive the Pad by return mall. Fer sale by JAMES A. MEYERS, Odd Fellows' Hall, Columbia, Pa. Sold only by GEO. W. HULL, Druggist, 15 W. King St., Lancaster, Pa. augll-6mdcedM,W&F Prof. Gailmette's French Liver Fad. Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake. Blllieus Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia and all diseases of the Liver. Stomach and Bleed. Price $1.50 by mall. Send for Prof. Guilmcttc's Treaties en the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address FEENCH PAD COMPANY, Teledo, Ohie. augll-CmdeedM.WAF TOUCH BITTERS ASTXICDZ BMV8 XDYXX.TMM SMENT. ASTRICH BRO.S' Lancaster Bazaar 13 EAST KEtfGr ST. Special Netice te Oar Customers. rt ni i. a1u1 n UfAVll 4"V enl TUJbSDAY. SEPTEMBER the Ctli and 7tli, en ... rltnKilnva VIM II IkA Wtnr lATIAil 'Piifte. day evening, SEPTE.MBKtt 7tli, at 6 p. m. W j IUSU W(5 IAJUI1VA a wwv -v ivmuv. and vicinity that -we shall keep for the next SCUauii a wiupnstms uu w TRIMMED MTLLTNERY, and offer such at our well known low prices. Due notice wIICTms given orenr FALLJOPEN ING. EARLY FALL HATS. We have opened our llrst let of FALL II ATS. One Let of New Style Hats at. 21c One Let of Fine MILAN HATS at Wc Mesquite Net Canopies Over Beds only $2. We have opened tbls week u Ifull Stock of WORSTEDS, and offer them at; prices never sold for be fore. Knitting Yarns at... tjOcperpeuud. First Quality at 9Cc " BEST Gsnuuie Gennaji KuiUiDe: Yarn Common Celer $1.40 per pound, 35c per iiuarter. I High Celere and Balmoral $1.00 per pound , 40c per quarter. GEBMANTOWN WOOL. Black and White $1.33 per pound Colored - 1.50 " Shetland Fless 1.40 ' Shetland Weel - 1.80 " BEST IMPORTED BERLIN ZEPHYR, Full Weight, All Celers, at Xltc uiilleriu price NINE CENTS Per ounce, $1.35 per pound. DEXTEK'S Ball Knitting Cotten, All Numbers, at - "caba'l Excelsior Ball Cotten at . tea bull White Perforated Card Heard at.. 3c a sheet Silver Card Heard at Sea sheet EMBROIDERY SILK, In all Celers, 25c a bunch el twenty-five Skeins. SHETLAND SHAWLS at 75c. handmade Large size af. $1.00 Heavy close mash Shawls at 1.29 Children's hand-made Split Jackctsut 19c Hand-made Bootees at 14, 19, 25c Babies' hand-made Carriage covers at $1.33 Babics'cmbreidcrcd Shawls from iUs up te $5.00 BABIES' MERINOCLOAKS IX WHITE AND DRAB. Full line of Towels el" every description. A geed Tewel for 5c A very large Tewel for 7c Large, heavy German Linen Tewel at 17c Fine Damask Linen Tewelat 'J5c Toweling by the yard ut 5c Glass Toweling 10c a yard Rcmnantef Ten clings at 10c a piece. A great bargain. Wash Rags at lea piece NAPKINS IN GREAT VARIETY. We call the attention of our Customers te cur complete stock et DRESS UNINGS. Paper Muslins at.. Silvias at Wijrijanat. . .0c a j aril 12c 10c LADIES' LINEN & LACE GOODS. In this one department we eiler ami c.liibit the greatest variety ever shown before. Ladies' Llucn Chemisettes at 'Zie ladles' Lawn Tics, embroidered at 5c Embroidered Tic and Clicnilscttch for Sc Ladies' Lace Ties in cream and white from 15c te $1.00 SrAXISll LACE TIES IN I1LACK, CUKAM AND WHITE. Spanish I.acc Fichus from 75c upward Single-width illusion in white, black and cream, atlOc a yard. Dotted Xctfer licayard Our assortment in Black and Plated JEWELRY CaniietbeHurpassCd. Cemcand sec the pretty designs wc exhibit in this department. IX Fall Underwear Wc arc eflerlns .soine great inducements. An elegant Ladles' Merine Undershirt, silk stitched trent, regular made cuffs, at 50c The best ever sold In this city for the price. Ladies' Merine Drawers, 50c same quality Child's heavy, geed quality Undershirts from 25c upwards An excellent Gent's heavy Merine Undershirt for 50c dents' English Merine Socks, regular made, for 23c a pair CHILD'S IMPORTED Fall Cotten Hosiery, In New ami Elegant Designs. Ucavy iron frame Hese, full regular made Londen length, 22capalr Heavy Baiurlggan Hese, full regular made SI llw ClOCIvCH mttttn POLKA DOTTED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, in three different shades of Navy llluc, white, large aud small dot, all silk, 19c Satin Hat Scarfs, polka dotted, 50c Pelka Dotted Satin Neckties for ticntx. relka Dotted and Satin Shirt Cevers for Gents in the latest designs. Gents' Pelka Dotted Handkerchiefs, blue and white,... 10c a piece Gents' Satin Scarfs and Tics in black and colored. Men's extra size heavy Merine Undershirts as large as Ne. 50. A large assortment of Gent's Suspenders, Socks, Dress Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Ac. ASTRICH BRO.'S 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE, AT GUNDAKER'S. LADLES, for New, Desirable and Cheap Embroideries, Rufflings, Cotten Trimmings, Ruchings, Black Silk Fringes, Satins, Black and Colored, Silks, Buttens, all Kinds, Corsets, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hosiery, &c, call at GUNDAKER'S. Fer a Geed and Cheap Crape Bennet or Hat, Crape by the yard, Crape Veils, Linen Cellars and Caffs, call at GUN DAKER'S. Ladies, we will open te-day all the Latest Novelties in Millinery, &c, call and examine our stock, at GrtJlSTDAKER'S, 142 & 144 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. LADIES! WE ARE OFFERING EXTRA INDUCEMENTS IN BLACK CASHMERES. Having purchased a large number of pieces at a very low price, we arc offering them at A GREAT BARGAIN. "We also guarantce them te be of PURE WOOL, and of the very best makes. FLANNELS! FLANNELS!! While, Red ami Gray Weel Flannels, Bleached and Unbleached Cotten Flannels, SHEETING AND SHIRTING MTJSLLNS, A1J at LOWEST PRICES. " Please give us a call. GMVLEE, BOWEBS & HTJKST, 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. J. C. HUGKHTONPS LIVEET, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE, Ne. 112 Seuth Queen Street, in the Bear of Erisman's Hetel. Where gentlemen will find at all times Geed Safe Horses and FirsUsIass Wagons te hire. Alse all styles of Wagons con stantly en hand for sale, new and second-hand. New Wagons, Buggies and Carriages Made te Order, And all kind of Repairing dene at short notice, in the best style ami at the Very Lewest Prices by HARRY HAUGHTON, Shep in the rear of the Stable. Alse Horses and Mules constantly bought, sold and exchanged. STABILE 112 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, itjtx aoeDs. EAOBSTOCK'S, Next Doer te ttte Court Honne, Have opened this day large lines of DOMESTICS. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, nil the populer makes at less than regular prices. CALICOES. Wclmej ust received large lines of PRINTS of best quality, light ami dark, int Remnants at 5 and 6 1-4 Cents. MADRAS GINGHAMS, In all the new styles. Ucd, While, Grry , Canten and Demet FLANNELS. LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELS, lit large quantities. CHEAPER THAN EVER ! J. B. MARTIN & CO. Muslins and Flannels SHEETING MUSLINS, Bleached, all widths, from Ji te 12-4 yard wide. FLAOTELS. FLAMELS. New Fall Styles in MADRAS GINGHAMS, PERCALES AND PRINTS. ite Neti J. B. Martin & Ce. LANCASTER, PA. jtnvas, jtc. SELLL1NO OFF FISHING TACKLK AT COST. Avail yenrselvcs of this oppertnnlty, fisher men, te lay in ai oeiiom prices a complete stock et TACKLE, AT FREY's PHARMACY. Cor. N. Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Pa. Drugs, Chemicals at the lowest prices. nlO-yd TTULL'S DRUG STORK. PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. All Kinds of PATENT MEDICINES AT HULL'S DRUG STORE, 15 West King St., Lancaster, Fa. Alse a Large and Fine Assortment of TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, American. Frenchand English PERFUMERY'. Teeth, Hair, Nail, Flesh, Cleth, Shaving ami Infant Brushes, Preparations for the Teeth, Soaps, Hair Oils and Pomades, Trusses, Shoul der Braces and Supporters. PURE GROUND SPICES. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, FISHING TACKLE, RODS AND REELS or Every Description. HULL'S DKUG STOEE Ne. 15 WEST KING STREET. aug23-lyd) T1NWAMX, JtC- )LUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FITTING BY Shertzer, HumphreTille & Kieffer. Hesen i k GaieDies XMMMOnXMlS, JtC. DBX GOODS. NJ21V livjSBY STAJITjE. VAJtPJiTS. AKGAINS FOIt EVERYBODY. RARE CHANCE IN CARPETS, Positive sale te Reduce Stock et 6,000 Yards firais Camels, AT AND BELOW COST. Call and catLsly yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpets in almost endless variety, at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. VH1XJ. AND OZASSWAJUi. Tj'ltUIT JAICS! FRUIT JARS I CHINA HALL. Fruit Jars, Fruit Jars, Fruit Jars, Fruit Jars. AT THE LOWEST PRICES. JK5fcce our window. HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. meiius, bxlAnkjstii, cc. OIGN OF THK UUFFALO 11KAD. ROBES! KOBES!! BLANKETS! BLA.NKETS I have new ou hand the Lakekst. ISi'-stakd Chbatkst Assortment of Lined and Unliucd BUFFALO ROBES in thu city. Al&e LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 49lCcpaIrlng neatly and promptly done."K A. MILEY, lOS North Qtieen .St., Lancaster. e'Z5-lydMW&S LUAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF PHILIP SCUU3I, LATE OF the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of admtstratlen en said estate having heen granted te thu undersigned, all persons In dchtcd thereto arc requested te make inline dlate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ler settlement te the under signed, residing in said city. JOHNE.SCHUM, CHARLES HOLTZWARTH. M. Brosius, Administrators. J. B. Goen, Att'ys. JySl-Ctdeair ESTATE OF JACOB STOTT, LATK OF Lancaster city, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te pass en excep tions filed te the account and te distribute the balance remaining te the hands of William W. Stott, administrator of said estate, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose, en TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1830, at te o'clock a. in.. In the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, In the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested In said distribu tion may attend. II. C. BRUBAKER, augio-itdeaw Auditor. ESTATE OF M1CUAKL TR1SSLER, late of the City of Lancaster, decease t. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent arc requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned, residing at Ne. 130 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. CATHARINE K. TRISSLER, KATE TRISSLER, ANNETTA i TRISSLER, augl8-6tdeaw. Exccutrlvcs. INSTATE OFE. B.STOWER9 IIARHER j ger, late et Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make imme diate settlement, nnd theso having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in Lancaster, Pa. ALEXANDER J. HARBERGER, Executer. J. L. Steixmetz, Atty. aug20-tdeaw 1WY LOCHER'S EEKOffNED COUGH . SYBUP MEVIVAJU. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. H. E. Slayuiakcr, Agent for Relgart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te In his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the euro of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the faverable notice ei Invalids espe cially these afllictcd with that miserable ills case Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, which In nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with loeble appetite and mera or less debility, will And this simple medicine, when used properly. A Sovereign Remedy or all their Ills and aches. Be It. however strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and that is REIGARTS OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II E SLAYMAKER. Tills Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give It the preference ever all ether Brandies, nemattcrwlth hew many jaw-lircaklngFrcnch titles they arc branded. One-fourth of thu money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice te buy all the Brandy te euro any such case or cases. In proof of the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon nuiii bcrs of witnesses ene case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been afllictcd with en exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of years; hfs stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly no appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McG rami's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly ag:ilnst all kindsef strong drink. When advised te try Relgart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked np with astonishment, but after hearing et Its wonderful ctTccts in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te foUew our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bettle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a. sound man.wlt h a stomach capable of digesting anything which hdchese te cat. He still keens It and uses a llt- tlu occasionally; nnd since lie has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Pkactisise Physician. II. E. SLAYMAKER, aesht veb Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established In 1785, IMrORTER AND DEALKR IN FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1818, 1827 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE rORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 211 EAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER. PA MUSICAL INSTM UMENTS. THE Lancaster Orp Manofactery Without a doubt furnish the FINEST IN STRUMENTS in the Market. Worereoms 320 North Queen street. Manufactory in the rear. Branch Office, 15 East King Street. Alex. McKillipe, Proprietor. Alse Agent for Lancaster County for CHICKERING & SON'S Celebrated PIANOS. A Full Line et Sheet and ether Music, Small Instruments. Violins, Banjos, Band Instru ments, Ac.always en hand. 113-lydSAly w CI O WEST, FOR THE BEST COFFEES, T Sugars and Teas, Best Cigars and Tobac cos, Best Wines and Liquors, Ask for Oakdale Fere Old Rye Whisky. a per cent. JAlcohel. Invigorating Tonic and the Hair Liquid. All at RINGWALT'S Ne. 205 WEST KINO STREET. ATTOJtNMY8-A.T-LA.W HENRY A.RILKT Attorney ami Connscller-at-Law 21 Park Rew. New Yerk. Collections made in all parts efthe United States, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Stfilnman h Heme TKA rKLUJCS UVMDM, LANCASTER AND MILLERSYILLE K.B Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancntser P.R. Depot), at 7, 9, an.l 11:31a.m., and -i, 4, K and 8-M p. in., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9Up. m. Leave Jlillersville (lower end) at 3, 8. and a. M and 1,3, 5 and 7 p.m. Cats run daily en above Unia except en San day. COLUMBIA AND FORT DEPOSIT R. R Trains new ran regularly en the Columbia and Pert deposit Railroad en the following tlme: Statiehs Nertu-war. Accein. r.x. Pert Deposit.... Fcachbetuiin.... Flte's Eddy..... McCall's Kerry Shenk's Ferry Safe Harber..... Columbia... 00 3:18 3:39 4.00 4:31 5.-06 6.20 Express. Express. . x. r. m . 6:35 3-5t 7:12 4:24 7:25 4:3.-. T37 4:46 7:54 SHU 7-M 5:(W &30 5:35 Statieks Seuth- Express. Express. Accein. WARD. A.M. r.J. A.M. Columbia. 10:53 driia 7:se JafeUarber.. 11:23 6:ltt AHMK . UMO Shenk's Ferry. 11:2S &54 9-JV1 McCall's Ferry.... 11:41 7:t 10s Kite's Eddy. 11:56 7sM 10:46 , P.K. 1 P.. Pcacbbottem 107 72 11.07 Pert Deposit 12:45 S:05 l'ias KEAD1NO AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD On and after MONDAY. MA Y. 10th, 1880, lassenger trains u 111 run en this read as lol-ews: TRJUH8 GoiBe Seuth, a.m. a.m. r.M. p.m. Reading, 7:30 11:55 :ie .... Rcinhelds, 8:01 list 6: IS '.'.'.'. Ephrata, 8:18 12:40 7:lO Akren, 8- 12:15 7:08 .... Litlz, S:I3 1:02 7:25 .... Manbcim, ihftJ 1:13 7:36 Lancaster Junction,.. 11.05 1:10 7:45 .... Landlsville, Otic 1:30 7:50 Columbia, "hie 05 8:30 DUlcrvillc,.. er27 2:02 WW Lancaster, jsb ins sua 5:20 King Street, 'J-.45 8sS 5d IlaniLsh j-j s-jst 5:52 West Willow, 10:05 .... 8:42 6:03 Baumgardner, I0KK) .... 8:47 6:0a Peqnca, 10:17 .... 8:55 6:17 Rctten le-a "MM 6:26 New Providence, 10:34 .... a:ia 6i Hess, 10:42 .... 9:19 6:51 Quarry vlHc,.'. IO-.50 9rJ5 7:t0 Traiss Geime North, a.m. r.M. p.m. a.m. Quarryville, 6:45 2.35 7:50 aaVBKSj D)m ihiI ivO New Providence, K-sa .... 2:18 8:13 ltefteu,. 7:11 2:50 8:27 Pequca, 7:18 3:05 8:35 Baumganlncr, 7:26 3:13 8:13 West Willow, 7:32 3:18 8:49 Harnlsh, 7:41 .... 3:26 9:00 King Street, 7:55 3:10 9rJ0 Lancaster, 8:05 1:00 3:50 O-JJO Dlllerville, 8:08 1:03 3:53 .... Columbia, 7:55 1:05 3:40 .... Landtsvllte, 8:30 1:30 4.04 .... Lancaster. J unction,... :.' 1:25 4:15 .... Manhcini, 8:49 1:48 4:20 Litlz, 9:00 2:00 4:30 .... Akren, 9:16 2:18 4:47 .... Kphrata. 9:23 2.-25 4:53 .... Reinheldsvillf, 9:42 2:46 5:14 .... Reading, 10:05 3.-20 5:50 .... Train connect ut Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia Pottsville, Harrisbiirg, Al Al lcueown and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A. M. WILSON, Supt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and aru-r SUNDAY AUGUST23(1, 1S, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lanca.ilr and lhilalelihi:i deiiets as follews: Eastward. Arrive Phllatl'a 4:15 a.m 7:40 " 10:10" 12:01 V.M. 5:15 " 5:00 " 5-JJO " 6:45 " J-JJO " Philadelphia Express fast Line, . .... Yerk Aceeni. Arrives; Harrlsliiirg Kxprcs, Dlllerville cceiu. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frcderiek A com. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday .Mail Johnstown Express, 7 iay r.xpres, Harrislmrg AcreuiniMdut'ii, WrSTWARU. Leave I Arrive )Pliilara r-iuc'ter Way Passenger, Mali Train Ne. I, ia Mt.Jey. MaUTniin Ne. 2. via Cel'ltia, NiagamA Chicige Express Sunday Mail, fast LI uc,... ... Frederick Accommodation, Dillcrville Local.viaMt.Jey Harrislmrg Accommednt'ii, Columbia Accommodation, llarrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express, Clnclnnuti.Exprcss, Paclflc Express, 12ite 7tJ .wiJ 8:00 5:(0 le-.IO 10-11 11:05 10-J-jO 11:50 2:10 2:15 30 5:45 7rx 7i0 80 ll.: 2.10 2a i 4:00 5X0 6:25 9:10 11:55 .n Paclllc Exnrcss. east, en Sundnv. when flat? fit cd, will step at Middictewiu Elizaltethtewii , it. Jev. fiuilisvlllc. lllnl-in-llMiuL f.emaii Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coates Coates Vilie. Oakland and Glen Lech. 1 Kast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged. win snip aiimwiniisiown.ueaHifiviiie, rnrKcs rnrKcs burg,31t..ley, t:!izalethtowuanIMiddlHewn. Hanoveraeeeiiiiiiodation west, connecting at LanciLslcr uilli Niagara and Chicago Express at 11:0 a. in., will run through te Hanover. Krcdcrick At oiumedatioii, west, connects at Lancaster, with East Line, west, at 2:10 r.M., and lv 111 run through te Frederick. I OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BY RAILROAD. New Yeiik tiiheuciii mail 7:30 a in, 120 p m, 4:15 p m and 11: K) p in. Wat Mail, cast, 7:30 a m. Gorden vili.k, Downingtown, Lcaniau Place, Gap C p in. Paradise and Seudur.-biirg vi.i Lcaniau Place, 7:30 a. in. Pbiladklvuia through mall, T3t) ami 8:15a m., 1230, 4:15 and 1130 p in. PrrrSBintnu and west, 1:30 and ll:'3) p in. IlARiusBtilui Mail, 10-0, a m, liSH, 5:15 and 1 1:30 pm. Wat Mail, west, 10-.30 a m. Baltimore ahd Wahhimuten, via Philadel phia, 4:15 p m. Baltimore asd Wasuimuten, via Yerk, 1:30 p m. Baltimerxasu Washikctew, via llarrisburg. ll'JOpm. Ceatesvillk, 4:15 p m. Columbia, 10-JW a m, WO and 5:15 p in. Yerk ahd Yerk way, 1:30 and 11 p in. NOBTHBBM CBaTRAL,10d0am,13Oaild 1130 p m. RaADiire, via Reading and Columbia R R, 7:30 am and 12:30pm. Kxauine. via llarrisburg, 5:15 and llOpni. Reauisewav, vlaJuuctien, LItitz, Maiiiiciin, East Hempileld and Ephratit, 3 p m. VUAUKl VII.LK, vuiuurgi, 1MJ11UII. J1UW J1UII- dence. West Willow, Linie Valley, Jlartiim vllle,SinithvilIc, Buck, Chestnut lASvel,Grecnc, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, Reek Springs, Oakwoeil and Rewlandsvillc, 31d.,U:15a in, ami Hffl p in. Nbw HeLLAifD, Churchtown, Grccnbank Blue Ball, Goeilvllle, Bcartewn, by way et Downingtown, at 7:30 a in ami K p m. Satb Harber via Columbia, 1U:30 a m. Willow Street .via West Willow, at 9:15 a. in. BY STAGE Mlllcrsvlllc and Slack water. t Safe Harber, dally, at 4:00 p in. Te Millersvillc, 8 and 11:30 a m, ami I p in. Blnkiey's Bridge, Lcaceck, Barcvilic, New Helland, 2:30 p m. Landls Valley, Oregon, West Earl. Karinci ville, Hlnklctewn, Tcrrc Hill, Martindalc. daily, at 2ri pm. Greenland, Fertility, Lampeter and Wheat land Mills, te Strasburg, tlaiiy, at 4 p m. Ncflsvllle, dally, at 4 p m. New Danville, Conestoga, Martlcville, Celt -manvllle. Mount Ncbe.RawiinsvI!lc. B:t!ics.la and Liberty Square, ifally. at 2'ai p ni. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mail. 7 n. 1 0-JJ0 a ni, 3 am 1 0:30 p in. Eastern way moll, 11:30 a in. Western mail, 7 ami 10 a in, 2 and M) p it:. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, 2SW p m. Western way mall, 8:30 a in. Reading way mail, 10-.30 a in. Quarryville Branch, S:15 a in anil 4 p m. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Sate Harber and Mlllersvllle, at 9 a in, dally. Frem Millersvillc, 7 and a am, and 4 put. Frem New Helland, at 930 a m, daily. Reading way mail, at 1030 a m, dally. Frem Strasbu rg, at 930 am, dally. Frem Ncflsvllle, at I p m, daily. Frem Kaw!lnsvillc,atll am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries by letter car riers each day, and en thrlr return trips they take up the mail matter deposited In the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the office at 630 a in; second delivery at 10 am; third delivery at 11 a in ; fourth delivery at 3 p SUNDAY POSTOKKICE HOURS. On Sunday the postefllce Is open from Apr! 1 te October 1, from 8 te 9 am, anil from 6 te 7 a m ; from October 1 te April l.f rem 9 te 10 a m , and from 6 te 7 p m. SOOTS AND 8MOE8. f? A QV BOOTS. SHOES AND LASTS JLjx. O L made en a new principle, insur ing comfort for the feet. TWype Lasts made te order. febM-tfd lSSSMtSUagSrttMi Leave Lanc'tcr 2:10 a.m. 5r2 " 8.00 ' 8:05 ' 8:45 " 9:10 " 12.5S " 1:I0 r.M. 2:00 " 3:05 " -4 " 0:25 " V ? V t I I