i,.' HMHNMHWMMIMMW JrW LI UJ'tff r -- --- -- ---, ' - . ' .-v,ri;""S -. Yfy-i!' . -'Si " , fc . LANCASTER DAIM 1KTELLIGENCER .MONDAY; AUGUST 30 1880. - " J that something was visiting destruction te the fruit of the vines, as nine out of every ten of the grapes were stung, the juice mostly taken from them, and the skin discolored wholly en one bide. The fruit was barely held by the stems, and the least shake of the vine would cause it te rattle down with a noise like the falling of large drops of rain en dry leaves. As "the bees arc the only insects te be seen about the vines the blame for the destruction of the fruit is visited upon them rightly we believe under the circumstances. In preceding years Mr. Yeung has been able te gather all the grapes his family could use, but this year the supply is short and he is compelled te purchase or pull from his vines before the fruit is wholly ripe. Seme of our towns tewns IKMiplc keep swarms of bees for the honey they give, net taking into consideration that where they receive the honey their neighbors sillier by reason of the destruc tion of fruit. News About Town. - Mr. Ames liartch, who drove into the country yesterday, says that between here and Chestnut J I ill the farmers are all busily engaged in cutting thcr tobacco. The crop throughout this poitieuof the county is verv geed. Mr. P. A. IScnuctl'.s deg "Dem Pedre" foiget m was tied yesterday, and jumped ever a fence. The rope was net long enough te allow him te reach the pavement and lie was hung by the neck. Fortunately, for the deg, a man discovered his predicament in the nick of time, and the rope was cut. Mr. S. Griflith, better known as " Hudd," is visiting his mother in Colum bia. Mr. Swift Mender, a printer of Har risburg, is -visiting his sister, Mrs. Tay Tay eor Gallic. Mr. "-5. S. Clair, ol'Middletewii, Pa., was in town a short time this morning. The Kev. Jehn T. Kerr, of YVrightsville, eliiciatcd in the Presbyterian church yes terday morning, and the Kcv. J. McCoy occupied the pulpit in the evening. A man traveling under the neunlc plume of Itev. SehaclTer and claiming te be the pastor of a church in Maryland recently destroyed byiirc, has been in town during the past week soliciting subscriptions te rebuild the church cdrlice. The Itcv. J. V. Dcsheng authorizes us te say that this Kcv. Scliacller is an imposter and should be arrested. Mr. J. E. Dewers, of Frederick City, Md., has been appointed mail route mes senger en the Frederick accommodation train running between Frederick and Lancaster city. Mr. P. B. Hallcr has been transferred te the Baltimore Ac Ohie railroad, te run between Baltimore ami Grafton, "West. Virginia. We are sorry te hear that Mr. Hallcr is te leave his present run. Geerge P. Bess, of the attorney-general department, llarrisburg, was visiting in town yesterday. Miss Annie Filbert will leave hereto-day with her friend, Miss Lydia Nagle, en a visit of a month te the-hemc of the latter at Philadelphia. The mercury ran into the nineties jes tcrday. The heat was severe. We had rain, thunder and lightniiig last evening. Te-day it is drizzling and very unpleasant. kittle locals. Ilcre and Tliore and Eierywlicrc. Cooper Ac Bailey's advertising car left town at (i:"i en Saturday evening, after giving a popular ste-un calliope conceit. Harry Sweitzer, a young Columbian, left for Salt Lake City en the fast line this afternoon. His friends "saw him off." Jehn Wil.ncr's new and handsome brick house at Paradise, had its chimney and walls shattered by lightning ycsteiday. Twe houses near Intercourse were struck hut net burned. St. Antheny's Catholic picnic and the Ninth waul Hancock picnic, te have come oil te-day, were postponed en account of the weather; the former until the fust fair day and the Ninth ward picnic until Thursday. The four year old daughter of Mr. Me Connick, corner of Middle and Lime streets, bitten in the linger by a deg some two or three weeks age", died suddenly last night of internal spasms, which in some respects resembled these produced by hydrophobia. Peter C. Eckcrt's new barn, raised en Thursday last, en his farm near Paradise, was blown down by the storm en Thurs day afternoon. Fer a prize of $23 the Ironsides baseball club of this city and a llarrisburg club will contend in Columbia next Saturday. W. P. Hambright and Jehn A. Beyle, who have been spending some time at At lantic City, rcturued te Lancai-tcr Saturday evening. SUDDEN DEATU. Jehn E. Frauclscui Dies Under ilia lullucnce of Chloroform. Jehn E. Franciscus, eldest bon of the well-known Jehn Franciscus, hotel keeper, Seuth Quccu and Strawberry streets, died suddenly, in the hands of his physician, this afternoon about 2 o'clock. It appeal's that for seme years past he had sr.ilcrci! from heart disease, and for a few months past had been afflicted with fistula. Te relieve him of this last disease a sur gical operation was deemed necessary and as the operation is a very severe one it was thought best le administer chloroform. This was done by Dr. Warren and Mr. Bcchteld, the druggist, and Mr. Franciscus died during its administration, but whether from hcait disease or ether cause will probably be made the subject of an investigation by the coroner. Mr. Franciscus was in the 37th year of his age, having been born March 21th, 184-1. lie was a meulder by trade, and did his last work for 3Ir. Jehn Best. He was a soldier during the last war, having served nine mouths in Com pany A, Captain Mercer, of the 122d regiment, and then te the close of the war in Company B, Captain McCaskcy, of the 79th regiment. Pa. Vet. Vels. He was a widower, his wife having died about two years age. He leaves no children. He was a member of the Order of Improved Bed Men, and also of the Shinier fire com pany. Owing te his ill-health he had made application for a pension, but at the time of his death it had net been granted. a i; aufielw irons. Spliced Iluttonweod nnd Cedar. Hen. Glazier has erected en his let, Mid dle street, above Seuth Quccu, a Garlicld pole. It is spliced as most of the Garlicld poles arc--the butt being buttonwood.'and the top cedar. Hen. seems te appreciate the fact that the hickory is the emblem of the Democracy, and he will have none of it ; this is sensible en his part. He also holds with ether Republicans that the Union is net one and homogeneous but di vided into two parts insecurely spliced to gether, and se he splices his pole. He shows mere geed sense in this matter than when he contested Jehn Mcrriugcr's elec tion as constable of his ward. Interesting Curiosities. In East King street store windows are displayed te-day a number of interesting curiosities from India and ether points of the East, which will be introduced in the play of "Civil Marriage" at Fulton hall this evening. Among thorn is a splendid crape shawl which will be worn by Miss Firmin, all of whose costumes are said te be of unexampled elegance. Father Weedman at St. Mary's. Hcv. Father 'Weedman, the eloquent Paulist priest, preached te a large congre gation at vespers in St. Mary's church last evening. His text was " Forgive us our trespasses as we fergive these who tits pass against us," anl the disCJurs? was pointed and effective. KEl'UBLlCAN COUNTY COMMITTEE. Ilml te Hack Down en the Assessment!. The meeting of the Republican county committee this morning rwas largely at tended. The assessments made at the last meeting were reduced as fellows : Candidate fur Ceugre.ss, from $1,200 te 81,000; district attorney, $800 te $.100 ; senator, 8330 te $300 ; Assembly, $173 te $130. The ethers were left as they had Ikjcii fixed, the total reduction being $G75. It was agreed te held a county mass-meeting, the time and ether arrangements to te be lixed by a committee of ten appointed by the chair. The Ephrata Democracy. On Satuiday evening the Ephrata Han cock club was favored with an able and el oquent address by Jehn A. Ceyle, esq., of Lancaster. The speaker elicited applause whenever reference was made te Hancock in any sphere. Addresses were also made by Geerge Bolster, Albeit Bewman, I). Rhine Hertz and ethers, the meeting at all times showing the utmost enthusiasm. The club is prospering having new one hundred and eighty names enrolled. Hew lie Saved Ills Sen. liracl Jenc.-, of Franklin station, Ohie, has a son whom the doctors have given up with Diabetes. He applied a Uav's Kihm:v P.i, when he commenced te Improve and ij new able te get out and attend te his wark. ang'-lwdJIW.VF. AllltlsCIIICIltH. "Civil Marriage" Te-night. TUi: appear ance at Pulton opera heitc thii evening of Miss Kirmin and Mr. Jehn Jack In the comedy drama of "Civil Marriage " pes-essiw lealurcs of interest that ought te attract a large audi ence. Their reception home alter a six-years' Jouriicy.areund the world was mestflattcriiig, mid they have played te bigiiudlenccs at t lie Park theatre, Philadelphia, ler the pa-t tun week'., receiving Use high commendations et the new .papers. The play Is described as "a socialistic view et of modern science," and i- said te be an adaptien of Sardeu's "Daniel Kechat." In the cast we observe the familiar name et Mr. Sam Ilemple. the popular come dian, and ether favorites. The company is under Mr. Jehn D. Mi-hlisr's management. l'aid. HcrrASIuuffcr, local agents ler the Lancas ter county mutual Insurance company, have tut lit te Jehn Adam Ziegler?l.rn, ler the death of hi horse recently. Fragrant with delicate Hew or odor. and healing balsams Culiciiru Seap. Tlie Three C races. sue lcprc-eutcil with perfectly developed forms beauty ami health combined. Ne decayed-eeothed man or woman tan be healthy, because digestion must be imperfect. U.sc SOZODONT, gel healthy teeth, geed digestion and a :-eund body. Ucvlve the three Graces. Consumptives gain in flesh, strength and spirits under a dally use et Malt Hitters. Sl'EVlAl, XOT1VES. SAMl'ti: notice. It is impossible tera woman alter a faithful eour.-eel treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound te continue te Miller with a weakness et the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jy2U-lydceiKVw Try i.eeher's ICeiiewued Cough Syrup. Warm Weather and its Effects. Many people, especially ladies, complain at i hii season of the year of a general weakness or I'ebllily. The use of Speer's l'erl Grape Wine prevents this. The wine is said te have a most wonderful effect in giving strength, vigor ami tone te the whole system. It is ex tensively used by ladies nursing, or about te nurse Infants. This wine isnetamanufaetured article no liquor isadded te it. ltis no patent medicine or cordial humbug, but is a superior wine of the Oporto grape. Ills pure, old, un adulterated nine, nothing mere or less. Mr. Speer has been supplying hospitals Willi his w ine for many years past. U is said te be un surpassed ler summer complaints, and for weakly persons. The price is low ler se eeel leiila wine, and no lamilv need be without it. Tills wiivj is endorsed by Dm. Allen and Davis, and sold by II. K. Sluyiunkcr. aiilG-2wdAw Ilea. y Clement, Almonte, writes: "Fer a long tiincl was troubled with chronic Rheu matism, at times wholly disabled ; 1 tried any thing ami everything recommended, but failed te get imv benefit until a gentleman who was cured of i rheumatism by Dr.Theinas' Ecleelrie Oil told me about it. 1 began using it both in ternally and externally, and before two bot tles were used I was radically cured. We Hud it a household medicine, and for Croup. Iturns. Cuts and Bruises, it has no equal.' Fer sale by Jf. 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 ertn tnicen street, i-nncisier. J.a. m Mothers! .1: ethers!! Mothers:!! Are you "disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child sull'eiiiig and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting tcctliT !!. go at once and get a het lie of Mil's. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, it will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon it: there Is no mistake about IL There is neta met her en earth who lias ever used it, who will net tell you at ence that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, epcratihg like magic. It is perfectly safe te iteln all cases, and pleas ant te the. t:iste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Slates. .-e!d everywhere 25 cents a bottle. il7-lyd&w M.W.tS "WlialV the matter, Jehn?' "O! a big boil " " Well w by don't you lake ' Dr. Lind scy's Bleed Searcher,' and be cured"" Tiy Leclicr's Renowned Cough Syrup. Ne l'vnporatien. Tina;:: is se Evaporation or Deterioration in strength about Dr. Themas' Eciectric Oil. Tins Ingredients of this incomparable anti rheumatic and threat and lung remedy arc net volatile but lixed pure and imperishable . Pain, lameness and stiffness are relieved by it, and It may be used with equai benelit exter nally and internally. Fer sale by II. B. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and 139 North ("uecii street, Lancaster, l'a. 21 Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Their Uights and Dmlcs by Law. I have suffered from a kidney difficulty for the past ten years, accompanied w ith nervous siiasms. Physicians gave me but temporary relief, but alter using three and one-half bot tles of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, my nervous spasms xrtsreenlirelg relieved. My age Is77 vears. 1 recommend this great rem. edy te'alf suffering from nervous troubles, j MRS. MARY RKKSK. ZfrEaUen, Pa. 4 Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup. Have you headache, pain in the back, coated tongue, or dizziness? If se, take "Sellers Lier Fills. Sold by all druggists. Coughs. "JSrewn's llrenchlal Treehex" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, Hoarseness and RreiichUil At'ectlens. Fer thirty years these Troches have been in use, with annually Increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the fewstaplcreincd'csef the age. The Threat. "Jiruivii'x JirenchUtl Treehts"1 act directly en the organs ofihe voice. They have an ex traordinary effect in all disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, cither Irem cold or ovcr-cxertlen or the voice, and produce a clcarand distinct enunci ation. (Sfnca.rcrattnd'iS'iHflrcrsllnd the Troches useful. A Cough, Celli, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re quires Immediate attention, as neglect often times results In some Incurable Lung Disease. BreiciVs Jirenchial Troches " will almost in variably give relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many el which arc injurious. The genu ine "Krown' Bronchial Troches" are sold only in boxes. ianlj-lyd&wTu.Tlu-iS Try Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup VJCATUS. Rauii At her home, m Quarry ville, en Sat urday, Aug. 23, Mi-s Ella Raub, in the 23d year of her age. Funeral from her le-idencc en Tuesday at 9 a. in. Interment and services at Mennonite meeting lieu?e, New FreYi'lcncc, at 9 a. m. 1'OLITICAJ. BVX.TJZTIX. Cor Assembly. ELIM.G. SNYDER, of the Ninth ward.wil be a candidate for the democratic, nomination te the Legislature from Lancaster City. Sub ject te Democratic rules. tp The fourth ward club will meet ou Tuesday evening, Augu3t 31," at Rethwciler's hall at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is desired. Te Voters. The it of SEPTEMBER Is the last day for registration and assessment. The assessor of each district is required te be at the election house en WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st and 2d, from 10 a. m. te 3 p. m and from 6 p. m. te 9 p. m., te perfect the list of voters. All persons entitled te vote should personal ly see that they are usse.vcd as well as regis tered." Persen intending te be naturalized belere the 2d of OCTOUEK should al-e be assessed ami registered by the 2d of SEPTEMBER. Committee en naturalization : J. L. Steiu metz, 1). MeMiillen, B. F. Davis, Jehn A. Ceyle, U. F. Montgomery. Persons desiring te be naturalized can applv te any of these, or te W. V. Uensel, at the Ijctkllieexcer office. Hancock Veteran Association meets at Cen tral Headquarter every Tuesday evening. Conference committee meets en every sec ond and leurth Wednesday of the month. Campaign committee meets regularly every Thursday evening. Hancock Legien meets every lirl and third Monday of the month. There will be a general mass meeting of the City Democracy and lighting up of the Central Headquarters transparency, in the southeast angle of Centre Square, en FRIDAY EVEN ING, SEPT. 3. The ward clubs will meet at their respective headquarters and march therelrem te ; the Central Headquarters at 7:45 p. in., sharp. There w ill be speaking. Aspecial mcctingel" the Ninth ward Han cock and English club will be held at their club room, ever Arneld Haas's saloon, Xerth ('tici-n Street, en Tuesday evening, 31st, at H o'clock. All members who have subscribed their names tethe subscription list will please attend for the payment of uniforms, Hancock Veterans. A regular meeting or the Hancock Veteran association will be held en TUESDAY EVEN ING, at o'clock. Four companies will te formed and the attendance of every member is requested, as company officers will be elect ed. Third Ward. The Hancock and English club or the Third ward will meet en TU ESDAY EVENING. 31sl inst., at 8 o'clock, at the Central club rooms. Final action will be taken in regard te uni forms. A full alteiidaneee! the bloekcommit bleekcommit bloekcemmit tee is requested. '-a1' Seventh Ward. The Yeung Men's Hancock and English club et the Seventh ward will meet at Utzinger's sa loon, Middle street, en TUESDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock. A punctual attendance et the members is requested. The picnic will be held at Green Cottage en Monday. Sept. :. FOB PRESIDENT : GEN. WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOB VICE PRESIDENT : HON. WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. The great principles or Amerlcnu lib erty arc still the Icwfiil inheritance of this neenlc, ana ever should lie. The right of trial by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, lac ircedem el speeclu the natural rights or persons nnd the rights or property must be preserved. Wm-IELDS. HANCOCK, 51aj. tJiif.Cemtl'jrllepi. La. ami Texas. Stale Llccleral Ticket. rXECTOIlS. It. E. MONAGHAN, V. II. PLAYFORD. JOHN SLEVIN. K. A. I UK. .1. M. CAMPBl-'LL. G1U.K-; DALLKT. JOHN N, MOFFET. KDWIN WALDON. NATHAN C. JAMES. GI-'ORGK FILBERT. JAMES G. aicSl'ARRAN. DR. ALFRED J. MARTIN ADAM G ERRING Kit. FRANK TURNER. F.J. BIRMINGGHAM. 11. K. DAVIS. GEORGE A. POST. A. M. BENTONJ .1. 1. LINTON. COL. JOHN S. MILLER. J. O. SAXTON. CM. BOWER. J. A. J. BUCHANAN. CIIRISTOFHKR MAGEE. ROBERT M. GIBSON. THOS. BRADFORD. HARRY W. WILSON SAMUEL GRIFFITH. .1. ROSS THOMPSON. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. peit RcriiEMi: jimei. GEORGE A.JENKS. FOU ATTMTOn (IBNKRAl. ROBERT F. DECHERT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. KOU COJlGHEBS. J.L.STEINMETZ. FOU DIST1UCT ATTOKKKV. D. McMUM.EN. FOU SENATOR (I Jill IlISTKICT.) J. B. DOUGLASS. FOU ASSKMI-.LV (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. ivu ASbianiLY I'M msriiurr. II. M. BRENKMAN. R.DAVIS YUNDT, J ACOit M. 1IAENLEN. rea rniseN iKsrKCTens. BARTON N. WINTERS. BEN.!. MILLER. roil roeu niRKirreits. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN FRANCISCUS. SJill' AVVUIlTISJiJlJCXTS. MISS CLAKA . KAUUII will give lcssseiis en the FIANe. Fer iiti in j imt iti ii nt llil 37 WEST ORANGE ST. PICNIC rOSTFONEB. Tlic picnic ler t lie b''nefltel St. Antheny's church, -a hich was te be held te-day. is post poned until te-morrow if the weather is favor able, and It net, en the first line day. ltd OCIIOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL. BOOKS, New and fresh, at the VERY LOWEST POSSI BLE PRICES. Shelf-Wern Scheel Beeks, atSECOND-HAND PRICES. All the new books just Introduced into the schools of our city en hand and ready for de livery at introduction prices. Scheel Bags, Scheel Straps, and all ether articles used In the school room always en hand. CHAS. H. BARR, a30-2td 35 Centre Square. 105 GO TO F. IUEMENZ'S, 105 Ne. MCi North Queen ntreet for the Cheapest and Best BOOTS AND SHOES. 105 Six: of the Kit? Shee. 105 "2-SAiVtfd 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer which the highest price will be paid. i CENTS PER FOUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. The highest price paid ter Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, tc. Ten Raj? Asserters wanted te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Qtie.cn and Orange Streets, y9-tfdU Lancaster, Fa 105 LADIES AND OENTS It you want a 105 GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Ready-made or made te order, call at F. HTEMENZ'S, Xe. 103 North Queen Street. CUStOW Werk a Specialty. Je2GSftWtfd yjEIT ADTEBTISEXEltTS. Among the many vantages gaiaediby our change of business location, an important one is the enlarged rooms and improved fa cilities of our REPAIR DEPARTMENT. With our present corps of skilled mechanics and complete equipment of machinery and tools we are are prepared te execute and warrant all work on en trusted te us. WATCH REPAIRING, MUSICAL. BOX REPALNING, CLOCK REPAIRING, JEWELRY JOBBING,' MONOGRAM INSCRIPTION AND ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING, (Sec. A great variety of new work in original designs will be produced in our own manufactory. Any orders for specialties will be filled at short notice and te the satisfaction of our customers. Old Geld or Silver bought, taken in exchange, or made into new goods. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. NOTICE! On and after SATURDAY, AUGUST -ft, the entire stock et BOOTS AND SJIS.Vm.V,1.0 PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. 2 EAST KING STREET, will be offered at a great SACRIIj ILL, te CLOSE OUT BUSINESS. Desiring te engage in ether btndne-s, I take thU opportunity te etlcr the entire stock, consisting et 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Makes, at least 23 per cent, le than they can be bought elsewhere. Having made a specialty in geed goods ler the last two years aspleiidid opportunity is new offered te buy superior I.f nil and SHOES at lower prices than TRASH can be bought elsewhere. FARMERS ! Wishiinrte purchase their BOOTS AND SHOES for Fall and Winter, new is j-eur chance te buy CHEAP. Ceuutrv hterckcepcr-i will de well te call while our stock is yet complete. "Ae-ilse havea llnc.f very nne goods w hieh e will sell from $1 te 2 a pair less than belerc. The KN T1RE STOCK niustbeSOLDeutas SOON as POSSIBLE. We also elfer a part et .Ajtun-jier the -tore, consisting of revolving fixture In window. Lounges, part of shelving. Writing Disk, one Fireproof Combination Safe, as geed as new, and fine Shew Case and Stand, :it PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. 2C 1-3 East King St, op-iesite Lancaster Ce. Bank. C. A. Reeee. ax wav run tiskmests s CIIOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS AKll SCHOOL SUPPLIES for Umcaster City and County, at L M. FLYNN'S Ne. Vi AVEST KINO STREET. S CIIOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS, New ami Second-hand, at S. H. Zanm & Ce.'s, Nes. IS and 20 Seuth (Juer u Street. A large supply cheaper than ever. Call and See. Boek: exchanged. a28-2UIR JSVVUJtSIOXS. -VVEBA HOUSE. Monday, Aug. 30, 1380. MR. JOHN D. MISHLER has the pleasure et presenting the lar-faiued artishi, Annie Firmin AKll Jehn Jack, ha lug ju:t returned le America alter a six vears'teur around the world, who will apiear in the great Parisian siicccs, the great comedy drama, CIVIL MARRIAGE! Supported by A GOOD COMPANY. l'rlccs, 35, 50 and 75 Cents. Diagram at Yecker's box ofliee. a2i"-4tl DAILY EXCURSIONS FSOM PHILADELPHIA TO CAPE MAY. The lamens mammoth three-deck Steamer REPUBLIC 1" Leaves Race Street Wharf at 7 a. m., arriving at Cape May about iy, p. in. Returning, leaves Cape May at 3 o'clock p. m., giviiigatuple time Ter batliinir or a drive en the beach. A full Brass Band and Orchestra Music Ter dancing. Parler Entertainments varied weekly. Lunch eons and Refreshments in abundance. Din-nei-sand suppers provided. Oysters and Fish served for supper a lew moments alter taken from the water. Fare for llic Round Trip - $1.00. SUNDAYS Will leave Race Street Wharf at ' '. S. A Bread Gauge Steam R. it. will con vey passengers te Cape Island in h minutes. Tickets for sale at CHAS. LT. RARll'S, 23-2UindSw CENTRE SQUARE. WAXTJSlt. WANTED. KVEKIBOBV TO ADVER tlse, free of charge, in the -Lntelmhih-kr, who wants something te de. ANTED AN UNFURNISHED ROOM in n house with a respectable family l an aged man. Apply at this eflice. 2td ANTED A WIDOW WOMAN WANTS a situation te de general housework. Apply at 435 East Grant street. 2td w ANTISD A GIRL ADOUT It YEARS et age te assist In light work. Apply at M.. "til this olllce 2td WANTED A YOUNU UIRL WANTS A situation te assist in general house work. Apply at Ne. 301 East Chestnut street. WANTED. A middle-aged woman te help te de house work in the country. Te a geed person steady employment, geed wages and a com fortable home's guaran ted. Inquire at West ern Hetel. ltd W' ANTEW-A YOUMS MAN OF INDUS INDUS trleus ami steady habits wishes a situa tion where he can make himseir useful. Net particular what kind et work. Please address, G. W. F. ltd Lancaster P. O. AOJtlCUZTUltAL. B USIIELS NOT ACKKS. Baugh's 25 Phosphate, A Reliable Wheat Manure for $25 PER TON. Analysis Guaranteed. Address BAUGH & SONS, 20 Seuth Delaware Avenue, rillLADELPAIA. S-l'iirc Dissolved Raw JJencs composed et Pure Raw Benes anil Oil et Vitriol only com pletely dissolved. Send ler our special low Xnccs. ni2C-3mw SOUTH JERSEY 1NST1TUTI. BRIDGE BRIDGE ten, X. J. Fer both texes. College pre paratory. Institute, classical and scientific courses. Building brick. Modern improve ments. Climate mild, very healthy. Instruc tion thorough. Begins September 3. Semi for catalogue. ' H.K.TRASK, augSHtw Frlnclpal. FARMERS ! 3118 VELIj. IXHO VS. "fcflSS MAYER'S SCHOOL, NO 114 NORTH 11 Prince street, will re-open MONDAY, SEPTEMBER (!. 7td LANCASTER KINDEIMJAKTKN WILL reopen MONDAY, SEPTEMBER I, IfM. at 131 North Duke street. Advanced pupils will be taken charge of by Tacy A. Uleim, graduate of Swarthmerc College, Fa. aug27-2wd INSTRUCTION IN MUSH MISS MAUlilE Spurrier will begin her Instructions in Piane Music September 1. Fer particulars apply at Ne. KB North Duke street. uug2K-sLtt (1 KA1N Sl'ECULATlON X In large or small amounts. $23 or $20,000 Write W. T. SOULE & CO.. Commission Mer chants, 13(1 La Sidle street, Chicago, HI., for cir ulars. lnSJ-iyd AK. McUANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. .". Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 4B North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Billsmadeeutand ttended te without additional cost- e27-ly HANCOCK C.ARDEN. ZAEPFEL'S SALOON, Centre Siptare, is the most cheerful place in town. Plenty et light and lresh air. Best el beer en tap. Liquors of all kind-', the best in the city. Come and see. aug27-lwd PROPOSALSFORFURNIS1IINO150TOSS or furnace and ISO tens of range coal et geed quality for use of Lancaster county prison will be received at W. F. Beyers's eflice. Ne. 17 North Duke street, en or before September fi, l"t, at !l o'clock sum. By order of the beard. AMOS RUTTER, aug20-3td Secretary. me THE TEACHERS AND 1'UriLS OF J. the public school". Thclollewlng notice explains itself: it K.BiTKiii-Ln.Isfi..CitvSuit. Lancaster. Fa. Deau Sin. Under the new rule adopted by the Beard et" Directors August 111. the common schools of the city et Lancaster w ill be opened Wednesday, the first day erScptember, ne.t. Yeu will please te cause notice of the same le be duly given. By order et Superintending Committee. DAN. G. BAKER, Chairman. The undersigned desires te meet the teachers for consultation previous te the opening of the schools at his eflice, as fellows : Primary Grades August 30 at a a. in. Secondary G rades August 31 at 9 a. in. R. K. BUEHRLE, aug2t-4td Suiicrintciiduiit. riniE LITTLE PINEY Geld & Silver Mining Ce., OF COLORADO. Capital, $l,oeo,ooo, Number of Shares of Stock, loe.ooo. Par Value, $le. Stock lull paid anil net assessable. f Ne. Ill East Third St., 1 ini, -J Leadville, Colerado. Bushier Ofliccs : N i(x. Walimt Place, (. Philadelphia, Fa. OFFICERS : President Ekwis (J. Fay. Secretary and Treasurer A. II Moen::. Solicitor F. F. Bkieiitly. S uperlntcndeilt F.U. Fa v. A limited number of shares et stock el tni.s ceinpany.will be sold at one dollar per share. Prospectus sent by mail en application te the company's eflice at Philadelphia. a27-ld.ltw S' TATE FAIR. Twenty-scvcutli Annual Exhibition or TUB 'a ApMtnral Soci WILI.BRIIEI.niN MAIN CENTENNIAL BUILDING, FAIRM0UNT PARK, PHIlAD'A. SEPTEMBER 6 te 18. Entries and Competition Free ! INTERNATIONAL SHOW or SHEEP, WOOL AND WOOL PRODUCTS. SEi'TEUBER 20 le 25, 1880. Entry Beeks will close at the Ofilce, North west corner of Tenth and Chestnut streets, August 31, 18S0. $40,000 IN PREMIUMS. CASH PRIZKS FOR LIVE STOCK, 8X4,315. Excursion Tickets at Greatly Reduced Rate. Liberal Arrangements for Transportation. D. W. SELLER, Recording Sec'y. ELBRIDGE M'CONKEY, Corresponding Sec'y. WILLIAM S. BISSELL, President. aiiglli,lS,21,2:!,2r,'i'f,'K.''Cp2teU) Mill's. B UY THE 1ILATC1ILEY PUMP Fer Cisterns or Wells of any depth. 1'i.Aix, ntex, i'eiivi:r.Aix en vui'i'Mt 1.1SE11. B rands , AC, U.X1X, G(.5, U.Ne. 1, It. BB, B Ne. Fer sale by the Hani ware; Trade, Country Stores, Pump Makers, etc. See tliat the Fump you buy is stenciled C. G. BLATOHLEY, Manu facturcr, tOS Market st, FhiladclpIiIa.Pa m31-Cmw CANVASSERS MAKE FROM 825 TO 850 per week selling goods for E. G. RIDE OUT A CO., 10 Barclay street, New Yerk. Send for Catalogue and terms. jinglG-l y w TILUD EDITION. MONDAY EVENING, AUG. 30. 1880 WEATHER 1NDICACION Washington, D. C, Aug. 30. Fer tbe ll'uldle Atlantic states, stationary or higher followed lower barometer, cooler north te east winds, partly cloudy weather and occasional local rains. UV WIRE. Te-Day Telegraphic News. The Brighten beach races were declared " off" te-day en account of the -"feather. Near Lynchburg, Va., Elmore H. Der. by's farm building was burned by light ning en Saturday night with the crop of hay just harvested. Less, 81,000. Aitlnir Whiting's house was also burned. Henry Grasil and Michael Cirkcr, em ployed te move seme furniture in Madisen avenue, New Yerk, quarreled ever the pay. Uirker pushed Crasil se that he fell, struck his head en the curb, fractured his skull and is dying at the hospital. Cirkcr is locked up. A misplaced switch caused a pony engine and a freight te collide at Centre street, Cleveland, last night. Jehn King, engi neer of the pony, was thrown or jumped oft' and was killed, his body being cut in two and horribly mangled. Other train hands were severely injured. Of a crowd discussing politics at the station yJatferm at lteckdalc, near Ches ter, last evening, Jehn Dufly shot at Wm. Drake. It missed him, but killed Themas Cenncr, aged 19. Duffy has given him self up r.ud claims the killing te have been accidental. All the professional oarsmen except Ten Eyck entered for the general regatta this week are en hand. Ex-Gov. Paul G. Hcbcrt, of Louisiana, died at New Orleans this morning, at the age of OS years. Twe negrees quarreled at a picnic jat Tliamendale, Chariton county, Me. One killed the ether, and when Constable O'Brien tried te arrest the murderer, and when he swore that nobody should arrest him or take his pistol, O'Brien killed him with a shotgun. In New Castle, Ivy., Constable Cochran arresting two men for lighting, was fol lowed te the justice's elficj by Allan Thompson, with murderous threats. Thompson drew his revolver te exocute them, but Ceehrau get the drop en him and killed him, after which the constable gave himself up. This morning 12 feet of pier 12 East river, New Yerk, caved in and stink. The pier was leaded with old iron, fifteen tens being lest. Avoeb Khan has abandoned the invest ment of Caudahar and taken position en the Argnndab river. Gen. Phagre's ad vance has occupied Gatai, and troops are rapidly moving forward. The Memphis health authorities are en the alert te prevent the landing of the tow beat Itaven from New Orleans which pro ceeded en its way from Vieksburg last evening against the pretests of Dr. C. A. Hice, inspector of the national beard of health, after he had taken live sick people elf it. UOINCS IN DELAWARE. A Itnd illan en an L.xctirhieii Train. WibMiMtreN, Del., Aug. e0. A serious row occurred last evening among the pas sengers en an excursion train en the Dela ware railroad near Middlctewn, during which a man whose name could net be learned shot two ether men, leaped from the train while if was in rapid motion and escaped. The injured men are net fatally hurt. Republican Delegate Election. The returns from the entire state of the Republican delegate election en Saturday for delegates te the state convention te be held at Dever en Thursday, arc all in and indicate the nomination of Hen. Jehn II. Housten of the judiciary for Congress. THE 15ROOKLYN MURDER. Sensation Caused by the Stabbing or Lawyer Ilarwar.l. The murder of lawyer Geerge C. Har ward has caused quitca sensation in Brook lyn. The police have arrested Walter J. Best and Jeseph II. llarley en suspicion of teing concerned in the tragedy, and arc en the track of two ethers. The men ar rested elaim te knew nothing of the mur der. The Brooklyn bar will held meeting te express sorrow at the death of Mr. liar ward. m Hurt by a Hand Car. On Saturday evening as Jacob Mc Nananay, a track hand en the Pennsylvania railroad, was riding en a hand-car, between Gap and Chrfctiana, he was thrown from the car and it passed ever his body, injur ing him very severely internally. He was removed te his home at Christiana. Dr. Plank, who attended him, regards his case as very serious. LEGAL NOTICES. I .'STATIC OF DANIEL W1KEB. LATE OF Zi Stnisburg township, Lancaster county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the. undersigned, all persons indebted te bald decedent are request ed te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in Stnts burg township. SAMUEL II. WIKER, jySJ-Ctw Administrator. 1.1 STATU OF DANIEL LEFEVEH Zl (Fanner), late of Drumerc township, de ceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same will pre sent thein without delay ler settlement te the undersigned. C. M. HESS, or Drumerc Twp., DANIEL D HESS, of Eden Twp., T. E. Ekasklix, Executers. Waltkk 31. Fkahkli:', Ally's. migl-'.tw INSTATE OF .JACOB UA1CGE LATE OF li Stnisburg borough, deceased. Letters or administration en said estate having liccn granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebt ed thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and thei-e having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, resid ing in Lancaster city, Fa. .1 ACOB BARGE, Administrator. D. P. Resexmiller. Jit., Att'y. aug!-tw ESTATE Of HORACE W. K1LLIAN, late of Ephrata township, deceased. Let ters or administration en said estate having Ijeen granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make imme diate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersign ed, residing in said township. A. G. IvILLIAN, Residing at Akren, Wm. S. Amwee, Administrator. Atteme v. Ne. 13S E. King St., Lancaster. JulylS-ltdAStw TJEMOVED. LOWELL'S Herse Cellar Factory and Leather Stere KEMOVEDTO 20 and 32 East Orange St., Lancaster, Pa. WaatCl--Byc Straw at all times. apr2i-tt 3UUtKTS. gmrXorkltUr-Kec r Nw Iemc Amj. 30. Fleur State nniriVcst ernlmycrs' favor duU; Senthcrn dull, heavy : Wheat opened a shade stronger, afterwards adTaneolest;No. 1 White. Aug. $1 07 (te Sept, SI 07c : October, $1 t7Kc : de Ne. S Red September $1 07c -de Oct. it l (Xc i de "Nev. SI Oe. Cern a shade stronger; moderate trade; Mixed western spot, " SPVf 31Je ; de future, 51We53c. Z?i, Oats quiet and linn; St-tf&'at 36lic.; West ern, at -BQlOc. -' " VMladelpklA Market. Philadkuhia. August 30. Fleur steady supcrflne 13 9003 00 ; extra S3 500 ' Ohie and Indiana family 5 S05 75; Fenn'a family de $4 7505 S3; St. Leuis family at $3 500(1 00 ; Minnesota family S3 ZiQa OO ; patent and high grades Stl 5008 00. Rye flour at S3 2JfjT SO. Wheat dull and lewer: Ne. 2 Western Red S104kl 0; Fenn'a Red II 03; Amber at S103X. Cern stead v; steamer 32c: yellow 3:'c: mixed S-K3:;c. Oats dull and lewer: Ne. 1. White lia: Ne. 2, de 10c; Ne.3, de J7.(i-tc; Ne. '. Mixed 37c. Kycscarce and nominal, SOiTSJe. Previsions market unlet; incsa perk S16 00; beer hams 21 eu22 ; Indian m."ss beet at Slt 00; bacon smoked shoulders 7c; salt de tfttc: smoked hams l-Sc; pickled hains 10i(j)llc. Lard quiet; city kettle at S?c; loose bulchcrs sc ; prime steam sc. Butter steady with light supplies ; Cream ery extra 23'Jc; Creamery geed te choice 22!3c; Bradford county and New Yerk extra. 23c; Western reserve extra It 17c; de geed te choice 1313c; Rolls dull ; Fenn'a extra 13Q1G; Western reserve extra 13lte. KKSS quiet ; Fenn'a at We: Western Uv. Cheese strong, held; New Yerk full cream 13c; Western full cream 12c: de fair te geed HVe; de half skims 10 lie. IB. .nf. ...... .I..... . al.....a t'.. 4 1 VUII1VIIU1 lit 111, IVUUtll VH n msicy i 1 4. Seeds Geed te prime Clever linn at SS 23 GO 00; Timethy firm at 12 2002 10; Flaxseed quiet at $120. Cattle Market. Fiin.Ani-i.ruiA, Aug. JO. Ciittle in fair demand : receipts ..330 head. Prime SJ.I-'c geed lJB3-;e; medium IJ ..ic ; common "1? tjtc. , . Sheep market fair; receipts 12,'Jno head. Frimu 4JfiS5e; geed 1 "'.; medium l-6 4.e ; common 'l,i41ie. Ile-is Market active; receipts 1,300 head; selliiiir at 7J(j''c. Stock Market. A.Jf. A.M. I. M. P.M. 11-30 1:20 2:13 3:20 New Yeiik, Aug. 30. Erie It. R 37"; 37'i 3S!;, .... MichlKiiuS.A L. Shere.... ll).V ln.. le-.', ... Michigan Centnd R. R ..: :l .... Chicago X N. W. R. R. W'i Ki? mfii .... Chicago, 3111. & St. F.R. IL .s7J- S7''i SI'i .... Han. X SI. Jes. R. R. Coin. te't tl5s 40; .... " " l"id. Si SIJs; SI'J .... Teledo X Wabash R. R M 31i'B W .... Ohie X Mississippi R. R... 33? :!li 23& .... St. Leuis, Iren M.&S.S. R. 55 S54J .wZ Ontario and Western R. R. 21J C. C.&l.C. R.R 1S- IS. Mi .... -' - U. t. V ! I. ' 1 l--k I'-l l'M -- New Jersuv Central R.R... 7I, 73' 7M: ... Del. A lliidseu Canal Ce... St M't SHi Del.. Luek..t Western R. R. St?' Wi SI'S .... Wextern Union Tel. Ce.... HK 10842 l!i .... Pacific Mall S. S. Ce. :Sli 31 Jti .... Manhattan Klevatud It. R.. 2iiJi 27 27i .... Union Faeitle ttt?2 XV :. .... Kansas X Texas fOj; & 31 Tllenev .. .. al(J! Jvi 1 !" 111 I 'Ml New Yerk Cent nil Adams Kxprcss Illinois Centnd Cleveland X Pittsburgh... Chicago & Reck Island.... Pittsburgh Ft. Wayne... in .. 121 l'lllLADKLl'IIIA, Aug. 30. ! 3HX 115-5 "i-5 63KS3f '. 31-Ji 3l?i Pennsylvania R, R 57 5X 1'hil'a. X Reading R. R llij, 1IJ. Lehigh Valley It. R KI" ; Lehigh Navigation Ce.....3F'$j'-.-'l"! Northern Pacific R. R. Cem '. il' " " " P'd. 5t M Pltts.,Titusv'e&Bult.R.i:. I2lid 12.f Northern Central R. R : 'M l'liil'a.t ErleR. R 13(jjii; ic Northern Fenn'a R. R ISK United R. R. Ce.'s or N. .I.1i;sftl71 171 llcsteiivillu Fass'ger IC. IC. 20JS -')i Centnd Trans. Ce. 12 :w 15 iK 4SJS FOKSALE OR ItKXT, IIUICLIU SALE OF VALUAIJLE CITY PROPERTY. On SATURDAY. SEPTEM BER 2", lKl. the undersigned executer or the will of Kllliau Beck, decea.sed. will eiler at public sale at the Columbia ('nnlcn hotel. Seuth ('neeii street, Lancaster city. Pa., the following described real estate el" said de ceased, te wit: All that certain one-story and attic rramc DWELLING HOUSE with Frame Kitchen at tached. Frame Barn with Wagen Shed attach ed. Heg Sty and ether outbuildings. Well el water with pump therein, fruit trcesand ether improvements, and I ACRES andSCPERCIIES of fand, mere orless.thcrctebelongiiig.situate en the south side or Leve lane, in said city of Lancaster, adjoining Love lane and properly of Christian Bees and ntliciN. Side te commence at 7 o'clock p m. en said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by ANDRKWSIIBKINER. Executer. .lACOlt tiUNOAKKIt, Auct. ailg2(-TlK"fc31tsd TjlOIlSALK. HANDSOME RESIDENCES, Ten-roomed, two-story and Mansard reef, Green Stone Frent Dwellings, Nes. 123 and t:K West Orange Street. Willi all the best MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, Including. leaning's Improved Londen water closets, inarblc-tep washstand, Improved wali-ed-in range, cellar heater, perlect dr.dmige and sewerage, deep, dry cellar, white marble Ikisc and steps, Ac., &c. Let 22 by 213 feel te a I In :t wide alley, front yard 21 feet in dcpth,iucleM:d with ornamental iron fence. Fer terms, Ac., apply te .IOIINH.MKTZLER, aug21-WAStfd Ne.!) .Seuth Duke St. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUAHLE HEAL ESTATE. -On THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1880, will be sold atpubllesale, en the premises, en the Millcrsville pike, in the city or Lancas ter and county or Lancaster, Fa., the following, le wit " A tract et land, containing S ACRES, mere or less, en which Is erected a large and conve nient two story BRICK HOUSE, witli Mansard Keer and a two-story Itrfck Back Building at tached, and a small Summer Kitchen; gas through the heuse: has a line liall and eleven large rooms, conveniently laid out; a well or ncvcr-tal!!ng water with iiumntlierein, cistern and a choice let or Irnit trees in bearing order, peach eichard, etc.: a tine driving read te and from the house. The ground frenLs en three streets : would be well adapted for building lets. There Is also n geed cellar under the whole house; heater in cellar, and geed ven tilation in all the rooms; there Is an observa tory en top et the house, also a geed large Barn, Carriage Heuse, Ice Heuse, stabling ler three horses and two cows, with water at the barn ; a glass front 'hennery, 55 feet long, with work-shop attached. There are en this property about prr different varieties or grapei, bearing, witli a line let or shrubbery, evergreen and shade trees. This property Is well worth the attention et persons who wish te buy a private residence, or ler building lets, or ter a florist. Any person wishing te view the prejxirty previous te the day et sale em dosebyl calling en the undersigned residing en the same, either by letter or personally. Sale te commence at 2 o'clock F. 31. el wild day, when attendance will be given and condi tions or sale will be made kyn(, Mm S. Hkhs A Sey, Auct. aug21-ltdAntdSA7tw PUBLIC HALE OF VALUABLE ICEAL ESTATE. On WEDNESDAY, SEFTEJI BERir., 1880, will be sold at public sale en the premises, situated in Rnphe township, ou the read leading trem 3It. Jey te Jlanlieim. one half mile northeast or 3It. Jey, adjoining lands et Christian Geed, Jeseph Detweiler, Jno. Brcnenmn and the Little Chiques Salunga creek, a Valuable Farm ceiitulniiig LJ3 ACRLS. en which Is erected a two-story Brick Heuse with twn-stery brick wing attached. There is ue liner rami house in lincaster county. A balcony extends the whole length or the house en the nrst and second stories. There are large folding doers in the hall; in winter the doers can be closed, making another room, and in summer by opening the doers a large, cool hall Is the result. A circular staircase runs te Hie third story. The cellar Is cement ed and has a sub-arched cellar underneath, whicli is intended for keeping milk, butter, meats, Ac. Stene Tenant Heuse with basement kitchen. A large bank barn, wlicn erected in 1871, cost nearly $3,000. Attached te the barn l a building which contains a horse power and above is a large mew. A large straw house at tached te the barn, a carriage house, wagon ulind corn crib nnd all necessary outbuildings. all of which are covered with slate. A large ice house near the house. The rcnclng is com posed or locust pests and chestnut rails. The property lias been thoroughly limed within the last five years, is in a high state or cultiva tion, and is one el the most desirable farms; in the county. If desired 15,000 of the purchase money can remain en the farm. Any person desiring te view the property be fore the day of sale will please call en 3Ir. Charles Bender, residing thereon. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, when attendance wUT Jftg- L, D. Gawaehi-k, Anct.augWwjkct(leawS