. "- -'f.V y-. Fn .$ TCP ?v .-.- x IC-.tr ' ; I ,' '"" H J J1 7fer Lancaster daily intelligences. Monday, august 30, isse. lT.-'-. .."- !-- SLanrastcv 1-ntdltgcnccr. MONDAY EVENIKQ. AUG. 30, 1880. c... Ttrv Vu.r Itivn llner. n.eM,vit.vif 1.1m cliiiinnaii of ihotivityef Jdge Poland, who made the Republican county committee lest the morals br the young men in this com cem munily may he corrupted hy the location of the Democratic headquarters is as un expected as his appearance in the role of a moralist and temperance lecturer is novel. If Chairman Kslileiiuui-sintcn-st in the morals of the young men, or Dis trict Attorney Eshlemaus concern for the pciice ami welfare of the community, is sincere, he could have begun and con tinued his missionary work in his own party years age with credit te himself and profit te all concerned. Conversions, like charity, begin at home. It would have been well, for instance, if the pious exemplars of his party, who. some eight yean; age. forged and fabri cated iialnnilizat ion papers in this city. had met their just dues. se that the young men of Lancaster might hae had set before them a vivid realization that j the way of the political trangrcer is , hard, instead of being taught by c:imiv! that the perpetration of such iniquities; commends the offender te renewed facr i at, the hands of Lancaster county lie-1 publicans. ; It wvuld hae been well if a Rtpubli-. can court had taken some cegr.irancv j yearsagoefa Republican district atter-1 ney's flagrant offense, his breach of oath j and fidelity, in representing te it that ; the witnesses necessary te make out a iiigh crime against a Republican official were beyond process when they were really sitting in court wailing te lv called. It would hae been well if this Mine court had at some time taken cog uixauce of another Republican district atternev te wln.se alms.! of his pelitic: one grand jury after another Called the court's attention, but v." he was allowed t ire en multiiMvun: iiiu-. iineiits te make ik costs for himself, it. ".'at:i:g just ice in it'' very temple with imp"i ity. It would have been .:! it some one. at least, of a deen ' ;-:-:icau leaders in this citv. exne.-t ' ': the uiteringand u.-e of bogus tax receipt-, four years age, liail been indicted, or at least deposed from the favor of their parly, toshewthe young men of this city what a careful censer of the public morals that party is. It would have been well if when tiir-e Republican members of the Lancaster bar, including Chairman and District' Attorney I'shlcmaii.hadnided in the pros titution of the local machinery of justice te serve the exigencies of the Republican parly, by saving one of its beat workers, the Republican court had taken cogni zance of the imposition practiced upon il and the disgrace attaching te it. h would have been well if i-oiee oneel the pi-rjured Republican politicians in this county wite, according te the .Vi" AY', have made its primary elections a " carnival of fraud," and who. according te the Ks'uuim r, render it impossible for any such election te be hemislly held, bad been indicted, tried and convicted under the statute law. which prescribes abundant prohibitions, pains and penal tics for these crimes. It would b well if the district attor ney, in view of the direct charges of fraud and perjury against well-known members of his parly, made by the :'.-(t.if.e.-, in relation te the Second ward primary election of KSTil, had set upon them the aldermen, detectives and oli't eli't oli't cci'e whom lie invokes te push and prose cute cases of chicken .stealing and ether offenses net nearly se grave as these against the purity of the ballet, when brought te his notice. it would have been well if Mr. i'shle man,s party had kept steadily in view the influence of a geed example for the young men of the city when they nomin ated for district attorney this year the most grossly unlit man at the bar for a position of such high professional and populareenlienoe, one who has betrayed his clients and forfeited all claims upon public toleration of his offenses, who holds his tenure at the bar by the indul gence or judges whose nomination, like his,was secured by the favor of the worst class of the corrupt politicians that in fest this community. It would have been well it the district attorney had investigated the charges of a corruption fund sent hither by one of his friends in state politics and used in his behalf te accomplish the direct bribery of voters and alteration of returns at the late primary elections. In short, if the chairman of the Re publican county committee will only for one term of quarter sessions turn reform er in earnest, he can find abundant ex ercises for his newly discovered talents in a, cause far mere urgently demanding his attention than the impending danger which he depicts te the young men of this city, who occasionally assemble at the Democratic headquarters. When the young men of Lancaster want, te pass ever the Red Sea, dry shed, they will hardly call en Eshlciiiau te part the waters. "When they are , hirst, neither will they invoke Picaym'- .Jehnsen te strike the rock. Thesj who mingle in the host; that fellow:; ".u- leaders will most likely have need ix f: '. themselves out from such debrl ;; , was left after Pharaoh's chariots ;":d hivernen ven tured upon the fording. -Mir- I'ai.mz-:!:. of lioslen, gives some very geed reasons why it is much mere consistent for the Republicans or 1W0 and IS'SO te support Hancock than Gar field. When parties change their princi ples it is time for people te leave their party. Se thought .Simmer and Greeley and Chase and Seward, Doolittle, Trum bull, Palmer and lleadly. Swartzv.dder. Massey and McCalmont. "Where they nave led these who tollewcd them in the past need net fear te fellow new. - -a-e& SomkeI the Republican organs repre sent Dan Dougherty as very gloomy ever the prospects of Hancock's almost in. evilable defeat. Others are ridiculing his alleged beast that Pennsylvania will give a Democratic majority of 10,000. The organs should make their stories con sist. TIip.v should niif f Iimr ctiAf- i.n. ! teffether. I JIis.s Xaxcy Keid of the ZYfttmc has Miss Nancy Smalley up in Vermont writ ing about the Republican campaign in tliat new hotly contested state The JllOSl SiriKlllg Ullllg fellO itC3 ill UIU iic report convicting Garfield of the Credit Mebilier business, the large attendance of women at the Republican meetings, their exceptionally orderly conduct, the less of the (Republican banners and tin' inabilitv of Republican orators in "il" te make tlu-nwivcs luiud above thecheiTS for Hancock. '. Vt.kment is aroneaJ. tuc l'uu has the news exclusively. Alse, that the nfincTiv.c, :u, net ting se strong in that once tv'ktbh Kcpuhll can state, that lxcpublhur. ;.it,ns are hoot Oil and howled down meetings until they a". desist." Troops for Vermont ! Republican ia.i tied te Gkam-and Uaes hae cub had a renfrth,n.u, bailer in their cat'ducts. ki,!,,,;,,,! Meshvand l.oncstieot w it li lvrM,.l:., ,-;nv.. :nuJ e(RiW (J- VU,M ., mt. . . ;xiSeii Teries. !i was a Ya-ikee who blew up t lie Chilian tiauspert l.e.i." On Wail :svet mi Sat in day ii was t-'J.OOO e: Hancock t' if l.SOO en Garfield. Tim: .'Vwi publishes a map te show that ;i million people Iie within a s:tccn mile radius of Philadelphia's centre. A si"MiNi. topic of conversation in Wellington is the possibility of a change" and what the effect would be upon things material. Kvi:i:iehy m?ciiis te agree that the New Yerk Democrats have effected an honorable subj-antial and labting peace, in Philadelphia the paity is in excellent fhape. A xi"v company has been formed in Paris, with a capital of ten million francs, te establish factories for making sugar from lw! root in various parts of Canada, each factory te cost from 100,000 te 120,000. Win::; the Republicans decorated the scene of their ratification meeting at Washington last week, they left the statue of Lincoln without a single tribute. If Lincoln were alive te-day he would net be a Republican the World thinks. General JJ; ri.i:!i said in his Faneui! Hall speech en Saturday night: "1 marched te the Gulf with a New England division con! aining 0,000 men and there could net have been found. 100 men in that division who had ever voted any ether than the Democratic tiekec."' T;n: Sim, which thinks Sherman v.i (jiiile willing somebody else hhnuld de it, says: 'When the army was l be em ployer! for a political purpose-, Gen. Sher man, knowing it was a crime against the constitution and the liberties of the people, prefened that the infamy of signing the order should rest en the president, rather than en his own name !'5 Gi..m:i:ai. RiTi.m: has sag-.ited a sim ple and sufficient explanation of the fact that the veteran volunteer votes of the North aie drifting 0cr by se large a ma jority te Hancock and English. The gov ernors of the Northern slates being all Republican-! ciimmi&iieii'jd mere Republicans than Democrats as regimental efiieers. ilut the Democratic EcMlere appointed themselves miv.-.ter,. Dan Eumi-Ntheu? will pull through i Rerks as Clymer's succor.'or. T.'ie prima ries declared for him. JenxC. Kxex, who die! Ic ; en Saturday, was Ibrmci-ly ji'.-i; .supreme court and had l.i en alt oral of the state. He vr.i.- . r. .1 county. SitSATe:: Wai.laci: rece:,li; immense meetings at Cj.i:Uh. andTilusville. Democratic cut sburg f the ; gen. Tie-a -a . .Mf "ilvilic u..iasm is at fever heat in the western counties. On Saturday Wallace addressed an inimensc mectingat Ncwvillc, Cumberland county, a section that is fully aroused. Gi:xm:Ai. Fi:ax7. Sier.n is te lake the slump for Hancock. He will speak in In diana and ether "Western states. The boys who "fought mit Sigcl" will rally around their old commander in his effort te dis lodge the enemies of free government from their entrenchments. Mi:. AYiLiiiAM P. Murphy a prominent Republican, who was the secretary of the Garfield club of Freeport, Armstrong county, and also a member of the Garlield glce club of that place and assistant editor of the Freeport Jrurnul, has come out for Hancock. swju't lit a it Kim; r: I'eur Ileys en Xu el a Tr::in, On Saturday evening the conductor of a passenger train en the Lewell & Law rence railroad which left Lawrence at 7:'J0 p. m., just after passing ever Sprague's bridge, two miles from Lewell, Mass., was surprised by the mangled body of Jehn tshimiick, a lad of 16, falling from the top of the car te the platform. The boy ex pired in twenty minutes. Investigation disclosed that live Lewell boys, who had been attending a picnic at Amlover, had gotten en the top of the car te steal a ride home, and had been struck aud swept oil' by the bridge. It is believed all were in stantly killed except Shiunick. Thrce of them had fallen en one side of the car and ene en another. There names were AVil liani Maher, aged 13 ; Jehn McNaniara, 10 ; Timethy Nelan, 17, and Patrick Ryan. 15. MODKItX CIlIVAl.liY. Kiilcii in Dclciixeuf AVeisiiu.'s Hener. Geerge C. Ilurwnrd, a premising young lawyer, aud Peter J. Larkin, a. friend, spent the evening with some friends en Saturday night at Brooklyn, aud started for their homes about 1 o'clock. On their way they were appealed te by two women te protect them from the insults of three rough -looking characters who were fellow ing them, whereupon tlarwam speke te the fellows. Blews ensued, and while Harward and Larkin defended themselves with their lists their assailants drew knives and stabbed Harward te the heart, killing him instantly. lie leaves a wife aud two children. Larkin was also badly but net dangerously cut in the neck. The pelice at ence secured one of the assailants Themas Ticrucv, a porter. Last night "Walter J. Best, a bottler, aud Jeseph H. Hurley, a laborer, were arrested as the etlicr guilty parties. The women assert r that they did net sec the cutting. Their names are Eliza A. Burke and Jane Bend. ! A KeimbHraii C!i:iinn:ni IVcMiIch Over Crewilesl llaiicecl: lectin;; In KkucuII Mall. In Renten, en Saturday night, the fleer and galleiies of Faneuil hall weie tilled te their utniesL capacity with a large and eager audience ene-thiid, at least, of whom were Republicans te listen te Gen. Rutler. .Many ladies wc.re hi the gallery and the St. Stephen's band of music was in the usual place, but the hum of the uxpee- taat people almost stilled the musicians and cut he! v drowned their efforts when General Rutler appeared. The platform as ciewded with men v. he were conspic uous in Dcme.aatic ciiclcs and in public life. Mr. Albeit Palmer tenk the chair, lie h.'. been honored by the Republican p.uty of Ma- uchu.-.etts with many terms e." logiM.ttive i Hire, and has been a popu lar Republican in his district and has elteu pVCMueil.u ivcpuelicau mass-meetings, lie spoke in Mib.stance as fellows : " When pirlics change their principles, p.itiietic moo change their parlies. I cast my fust pieMucntial ballet for Lincoln, the maityr. I shall cast my next for Han Han ce.ik. the great soldier ::id tiie great statesman. Democratic principles have neer ceased te rule this country, but the Democratic pari y has sometimes failed te icspend te the Dcmoeratie instinct. It was se. in ray judgment, in 1800. The Republican party was born of Democratic aspitatiens, cradled in Democratic ideas, nursed by Democratic stafesmen and car ried te triumph by the votes of the Demo cratic massas. Rut in the fulness of time that Democratic m:s .ion has Dcen accom plished. Il has ceased te bear Democratic fruit; and the fungous growth of sectional ism which springs from its decay has at length provoked the cry from the people, fut it down, why eumisercth it the ground V When the Republican party first sprang into the arena, armed for the tight with a party nominally Democratic but actually sectional, villi weapons appropriated from fhe armory of Jell'ersenia doctrine, it declared for every thing winch it new repudiates. She pie amble te its first platform, adopted in lt."i;i, at Philadelphia, deel.ires that lis purpose was 'te restore the action of the federal government te the principles of Washing ton and .lull'ursen," and the first resolution declares that the I'lainteiiaucc of the principles promulgated in the Declaration of Independence, and embodied in the federal constitution, is essential te the preservation of our republican Institu tions, and that tlw federal constitution the rights of the states' marl: that sen tence, "the rights of the state,' "and the union of the .states shall be preserved. Four years later, in 1SU0, at Chicago, it declared its linn resolve, in the fourth resolution of itsptatferni, 'that ihemaiutc nauce inviolate of the rights of the stales, and especially the lightef each staloteorder and control its own domestic institutions according te its own judgment exclusively, is essential te that balance of power en which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend.' In the same plat form it denounced the use of ih veto power te override a vote of the people's representatives. Feiknv citizens, where does it stand te-day'.' Net en that ground eelrainly. It has ceased te talk of Jeffer Jeffer eon and has come te regard 'the rights e' the states' with a spirit of hostility that is as fanatical as the spirit of:: pernicious and malignant sectionalism can make it. Then its orators were went te wake the echoes with denunciations- of fed era! ) lower used te enforce a sectional policy. Ge te your libraiies, my lellewcitixenSjand see what early Republicanism had te say when federal bayonet ; formed a -opiate in which Auther,-,- Burns marched down Slate street; te lie remanded. t slavery. They spoke less contemptuously, I assure you, of the rights of the slates in that con nection. Rut the successors of the men who rcs'-nted the presence of federal troops te enforce federal laws e.i Massa chusetts soil weuid have us believe te-day that the Union is net safe and that liberty is net secure unless the federal govern ment may encircle every ballet box with its strong arm, and shadow every citizen with a federal spy. Is this republican liberty.' Arc these the principles of .Tell'er.-en for which they declared in 1830 anil ISM -.' Are these the rights of the states which they de clared then te be of essentia! importance '.' Or is this the mailed hand of centralization copying from Use pattern set by the third Napeleon, with his prefects at every ballet urn and his giudtii'meric te superintend the vetimr. "What else did they declare in these earlier pkitferins".' Fer economy in the public service, against 'fraud and corrup tions in the federal metropolis, and the 'systematic plunder of the public treasury by favored p.v.ti:-.in.' Rrave words were these Democratic words words upon who.-e f:::r-uro:eisiug win.-:; ihev mounted l- power. Did reu l, ear an thing '!l;a tnem lreiu in Mav la-t :' Ne : but veu Chicago heard instead, above th lectie scream of sec- tienal hatred, the vek'C of Flanagan in quiring, " What aie we here for if net for eliiecs .'' And that is what they were there for, and, se far as they are concerned, it is what they are lighting this campaign for." Mr. Palmer then reviewed the Chicago and Cincinnati platforms and concluded amid the wildest applause as the crowd re cognized hew completely he had turned the tables upon his former associates. Gen. Euller undo a lengthy and bril liant speech faking leave of the Republi can parly and declaring his support of Hancock. Its length compels us te defer its publication n day or two. il';.-.. Ix- TlUJilOUNfEi:. :- t - LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. There were 5( births, ISO marriages and 000 deaths in New Yerk city last week. F. 1). Jerdan, of Savannah, Gergia, was diewed in the Surf ol'Tyhce Island. The Supreme Ledge of Knights of Pythias will held its next biennial session at Detroit in 1SSQ. Sanferd R. Gilferd, a well-known artist, died yesterday at New Yerk of inieir.iit tcnt fever. The barn of Themas Stanley, in Peuliac county, Out., was burned and two of his children perished in the flames. Captain Jehn J. Delaney, of Orange, N. J., was drowned while attempting a long swim in Shark river. Baseball en Saturday : At Ruithle Bosten, 4; Buffalo. 2. At Cleveland Cleveland, 0; Providence, 0. The First Presbyterian chinch and two or three ether buildings were struck by lightning last evening -at Providence. Rliode Island. The tobacco factory of L. J. Cathell and live dwellings near by were burned en Fri day, at Owcnsbore', Ky. Less, S;33,000 ; mostly covered by insurance. Richard Bress, colored, was fatally shot at Chicago, by Jehn Orr, white, a tug deck hand, in a row in a disreputable part of the city. , Michael Boylson was shot and killed at Chicago by his stepson, Charles II. Hirsch man, aged 10. at his house en Sevcntv fifth street. The end of the track of the Southern Pacific railway is new within 190 miles of El Pase, and it is the intention te reach that point en or before January 2G. The passengers by the steamship Cybcl whieh went ashore at Anticesti, have ar rived at Montreal. The total number en beard was fifty-four, including the crew. A fire at Prospect, Me., destroyed the IIANCOCIv IX BOSTON. store of Mudgct & Libby, together with the pest office in the same building. Less $0,000 ; insurance, 84,500., The strike of labors en the Lachine canal works at Montreal has ended, the contract ors conceding an advance of Ave per cent in wages. The carrier pigeons are about te try the lpiigcst flight yet attempted in this coun try from Indianapolis te Jersey City, a distance of mere than 000 miles. M. J. Stewart & Ce.'s tannery, at Clin Clin eon, Mass., was destroyed, together with the stock and tools, by an incendiary lire en Saturday morning, 'llic less en build ings is about C-5,009 ; fully insured. Jehn Yates, colored, was fatally shot, at Marysville, Ivy., by Sanies Hassen, because the latter had been cut recently in a diffi culty with a brother of Yates. Hassen surrendered himself. A cyclone struck Dedge Centre, Minne sota, en Thursday, destroying the Baptist church, a steam grist mill and feed stores, and damaging many ether buildings. The less is 10,000. The .steamer Marine City running be tween Mackinac and Detroit, was burned yesterday afternoon, a I'uw miles from Al pena. Michigan. Five of these en beard are missing. At Milwaukee en Saturday fifty-four veumr women took the veil at the Convent of Notre Dame, aud en the 13th instant there were fifty-six ethers, making 110 within two weeks. Mrs. Mary Ege. wife of Asa Ege, a well known farmer of Hopewell, N. J., who had been missing from her home since the 14th hist., was found after a week's absence in some brush about six miles from Flcming Flcming teu in a demented condition. She has ever since refused nourishment, and it is feared that she will starve herself te death. A number of delegates te the Freeville Baptist ipiarterly meeting, at East Ware, N. U., who were stepping at the house of one Daniels, were accidentally poisoned by eating potatoes upon the vines of which Paris green had been used. Four persons are seriously ill, and Mr. Daniels is net expected te recover. The guests are from Sutten. N. II. STATE ITEMS. Alteena is desirous of having a fire alarm telegraph. It is proposed te stock Lewis and Hun ter's lakes, in Sullivan ceurty, with feed fish. Forty-live local agricultural fairs are te be held in Pennsylvania the coming autumn. One of the largest glass factories in the United States started last week at Phillips burg, Reaver county. Prosecutions for profane swearing are said te be frequent in Mercer, Lawrence and Warren counties. The Philadelphia Sunday Jlcrcury is new published by a company and is te be Democratic. Meeser has retired from the tripod. The lightning sti tick the house of Jehn Wcllcr, ene mile from Mifflin while the family were at dinner. Wcllcr and four of his children were severely burned. Near Pinkerton tunnel, Somerset coun ty, an old man named Mays was struck and instantly killed by a passing train while he was driving some cows near the railroad track. The largest Democratic meeting ever held in Lehigh con. ity assembled Saturday at Miekley's tavern thrce miles en the line of the f alnsaiuiua & Fegelsville railraad. Hen. F. P. Heller presided, aud speeches were made by Hen. Jehn J). Stiles, Hen. S. A. Bridges, Hen. Kdward Harvey, Hen. W. II. Sowden and ethers. The cnthii-sia'-ui was intense. On Saturday evening two freight en gines, with trains attached, collided en the line of the Cumberland Valley railroad one aud a-half miles cast of Scotland, in a deep cut at that place. The engines were considerably damaged and two ears badly wrecked. Ne lives were lest. The engineers and firemen jumped oil their en gines when they saw a collision was inevi table. Military imports. In Halifax, N. S., two seldies of the 07th regiment deliberately smashed 10 plate glass windows in stores and offices en Hellis sireet, before they were slopped. Their belts, with the buckles attached, were the weapons used, and the damage is estimated at .$1,000. They did net attempt te escape, and it is supposed they wished te go te prison rather than remain in her majesty's service. Sunday in Itcd i:iik. Twe men, named "Weed and Splaner, engaged in a prize fight in a ring within a few yards of the main thoroughfare in Red Rank, N. J., yesterday morning. After lighting an hear and a half without inier: option, Weed fell upon Splaner, and this latter had his arm broken in two placi's. Neither was arrested. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Tilt: J1UT1' Of THIS MUltlt. What Deimicraliu Voters SIieulil Attend te. The most pressing political duty new Claiming the attention of voters and com mitteemen is te sec that every voter is duly registered. Neglect of this is irreparable. If the voter is net registered he cannot piy his tax. liven if he has a tax duly paid and his name is left oil' the registry he mayleschis vote for lack el' the necessary vouchers en election day. The d of September is the last day for registration and assessment. The assessor of each district is required te lie at the election house en Wednesday and Thursday, September 1st and 2d, from 10 :i. in. te 3 p. m., and from 6. p. m. te 0 p. in. te perfect the list of voters. All perrens entitled te vote should pcr xiUHiUy see that they are assessed as well as registered. Persons intending te be naturalized be fore the 2d of October should also be as sessed and registered by the 2d of Septem ber. IX ST. JOIIX'si rilLl'lT. ilev. Dr. iteOt. J. 'cvlii, of Itume. There was a very large congregation present at both the morning and evening services in St. Jehn's Free P. E. church yesterday, especially notable being the at tendance of many Presbyterians and mem bers of St. James, whose churches have dispensed with services during August. In the morning Rev. Barker, rector of the church, assisted in the services, and in the evening Bishop Vail, who had preached in Marietta in the morning. Rev. Dr. Robt. J. Ncviu, son of Rev. J. W. Nevin, D. D., and rector of St. Paul's. Within the Walls at Reme, preached at both services in St. Jehn's. His sermons were respectively parts 1 and 2 of a discourse en the text from Matt., vi., 24-'Jl : "N.e man can serve two masters, etc.," and it was a clear, logical and scholarly exposition of the fact that te lay up heavenly riches there must be a singleness of purpose and disregard of earthly thoughts of what a man shall cat or drink or wherwithal he be clothed, as well as of the morrow. Dr. Nevin is an impressive preacher and has a deep, rich veice that resounded melodiously through j the church, . f1 2irr."jeY3ii5w. J i : 3""" . - The Ilnreusli . itsdgvt CuToretl Camp- Meeting lterreslilns lJaln lmrctirs stud Sellouts.'- ., The colored camp-nicctiug in Dctweiler's grove, under the auspices of the African Methodist Episcopal church, of Spiingville, ended last night rather abruptly en account of the rain-storm. Fer ten days these meetings have lieen in p:egiess, but en Sunday only was there anything like a large attendance. Yesterday was their big day as far as numbeis are concerned; and 300 vehicles and 2,M)0 persons were en the grounds nutwitlislanding the mercury danced above the nineties and the dust flew in dense clouds. Several lights, none of which interfered with the services, took place, and one accident by which a iittle girl was knocked down by a horse and run ever by the carriage from which she re ceived some injuries. Rider Robinson, of Lancaster, preached in the morning ; Rev. of Columbia, in the afternoon, and Rev. Wells in the evening. Accident. On Saturday afternoon, 'Mr. Henry Bessier, of Raphe township, in company with his wife and. aunt, who is an elderly holy, was driving a frectioiisiier.se, hitched te a covered niaiket wagon. At a point en the Mauhciiu read, about three miles from this place, the horse became un manageable, when his wile ami aunt jumped out. The aunt escaped injury, but Mrs. R. received injuries about the face. The man, when he became conscious en Sunday, could net tell new he get out of the wagon. He sustained several severe bruises about his upper extremities. They were taken into the house of Mrs. Pelly Brubaker, where they were kindly eared for. The wagon was a brand new one, and is new an entire wreck. j Coin! I.'iiin. A rain from I he west last night will put an end te the injurious effects of the dreuth. In a sheit thins the water will soak deep into the ground and wells that were dry (of which there were many,) will koeu be replenished ; the backward tobacco which had, strange te say, retained much of its vigor, will commence te .sit etch its leaves surprisingly; the cornfedder will be all the better in consequence, and the "tee numerous loe mention"' will be ben efited thereby. Let us give thank.;. Cl!:ii)t!l Completed. St. 3tary"s Catholic chapel has been completed, and a real pretty aiid'pleasaut place it is. Services for the first time since its completion were held in it yes terday. High mass was said by Father A. F. Kaul,au(l a pait of St. Antheny's choir, of Lancaster, gave the responses, accom panied by instrumental music. Father ivaul preached i sermon in English and then one in German. A fair te liquidate the church debt is announced te take place in the early part of next November. The school will be opened next Monday in the room en the second flcer, aud instruction will be given in English and German. Miss Celia Hepthig, a graduate of the Sacred Heart academy, will instruct them. .!lsei:!!.iiiceus. This morning the ''young idea" wended their way sehoehvard. They who arc prompt in attendance will be taught "te sheet" the next eight months. Fruit thieves are getting in their work handsomely and grape vines and peach trees are relieved of their luscious burden. A cigar manufactury will bu opened en East Main sheet at an early day. Levi Shcllingbarger will be proprietor. Miss Annie Brown has accepted a pesi tien te teach in the Mewpeit, Perry county school Mr. B. M. Flower:;, el Ojiitiey, lIiiuei.s,is home en a visit COI.KIIAl.VAl'T.UI'.S. iMirii-IIaiMsij; Twiiareii !elilis, A. v. Such social gatherings as "barn-raising"'" "apple-parimrs" anil etheis de much te cultivate the sociability ami geed feelings of the people in the rural districts in which they are held. Seme of these social gatherings have been given a somewhat political aspect a mere straw in the po litical wind. There was a regular Han cock barn-raising last Thursday at the farm of William liarrar, in f elcraiu town ship. The building te be erected was a frame addition te bis already spacious barn te be used as a tobacco shed, it had a ground area of 10x10 feet and was about HO feet high. Over fifty e! his friends and neighbors assisted in the ''raising" after which all sat down te a table groaning under the weight of things eatable. A vote was taken as te the presidential pref erences of these present, resulting hi !:i for Hancock audi! for Garfield. At the barn-raising of Mr. ' iiu Gal- breath's a week or two age the vote, steed 47 for Hancock and 1 for Garfield. Right geed for "rebel Ceierain." There are a number el line toeaeco patches in this neighborhood, and the fanners are busy at work cutting off the tobacco or picking the worms, which of late have been very bad. Mr. Jehn Gal- breath, who has quite an'enviable record as a tobacco grower, snows some line nan cock tobacco," as he calls it. It was from one of the best patches he had eat large, just ripe enough, and curing nicely. The Democratic voters of Ceierain township, te the number of several hun dred, met at the public house e! Jes. Hepp in Kirkwood, en last Saturday evening, te organize a Hancock and English campaign club. The following efiieers were chosen President, Rebert Patterson ; Vice Pres ident, Milten Kceler; Secretary, "Win. II. Hegg; Treasurer, S. U. Swisher. The club will be known as the 'Ceierain Hancock Club," and fieni present appear ances it will be a power in the township for the Democracy that will make even the "only Republican in Kirkwood" feci that he is voting for a " lust cause." ui'i'KU E.::ACi:cK. A tZeesla;; K:illy fr U:ii-.fick. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Upper Leaeeck Democracy was held at the Midway house, en Saturday evening, Au gust 2s", te complete the organization of a club. After having a spicy address by J. Frank Reed in honor of our gallant stand ard bearers, Hancock and English, a per manent organization was effected with the following officers : President J. Frank Hilten. Vice President J. Fiank Reed. Secretaries M. B. Wcidlcr aud W. Reamer. Treasurer Elias I lard: Marshal Geerge F. Bare. Aids Jacob Donwoedy, Fiank Weid Ier. ' Over seventy-li've signalme.s were put upon the roll of membership, and after the transaction of sonic ether business the club adjourned te meet cverv two weeks. OlUTUAKY. Tlie Yeu n j; -lluy Die. Gleem has been cast ever the social cir cles of Quarryvillc and vicinity by the death of Miss Ella Raub, in the twenty third year of her age. After a short ill ness from typhoid fever she died at 4:20 en Saturday afternoon. Miss R. was a daugh ter of the late Dr. Jehn K. Raub of New Providence and was a young lady of rare intellectual and social premise. She was graduated from Millcrsville in the class of 1877 and had adopted teaching as a profes sion. With her sister Lclia she had just built and moved into their new residence, in Quarryvillc, and the dispensation of Providence which has se suddenly stricken their home is especially sad te its surviving member. She leaves besides this one si?;- tnt lini mrtftiMi" VLntl lirnt.tier dnil n. Imyf fit" sorrowing friends te mourn her early death. COUUT l'KOCKEMNtlS. Quarter Sessions and Common rie;n. Court anct en Saturday afternoon at half past 2 o'clock. - Frank Bender, a boy who was charged with stealing a small sum of money, was released from custody, as he has already been in prison for forty-seven days and this was his first offense. His mother en tered bail for his geed behavior. Abraham S. Geed, of Raphe township, was charged by his methcr-in-Iaw, Cathe rine White, with having threatened te de her bodily harm. Abraham denied hav ing made the threats and testified that the presecutrix endcaved te entice his wife away from his home. The court ordered each party te pay the costs and the defen dant te enter into his recognizance te keep the peace. Commonwealth vs. Casper Dittuiaii, de sertion. Ne testimony was heard in this case as evervthing in regard te the family affairs was developed in a recent hearing in a Jtabctt corpus case, when the father endeavored te get possession of the children The court ordered the defiudent te pay $2 per week te his wife, and besides paying the costs te give bail in the sum of $:00. Milten Gess, the small boy who plead guilty te setting fire te barn of Witincr Rohrer in Strasburg township was brought before thu court. After hearing the evi dence, in regaid te the boy's confession, and te his previous conduct, all of which has before appeared in these columns, the court ordered him telw taken te the house of refuge. He was given into the charge of the sheriff, who will take him te that institution. llnlx-as Corpus Case. alary Diana Stout, a nine-year-old col ored girl, was brought into court in order that the court might decide who was enti tled te her. She is the daughter of Aman da Stout, but since 187(5 has been living with Jeseph ditto and his wife, who are very respectable colored people and reside in Little Britain township. Catte and his wife claim that in the year 1870, Mrs. Stout, who was then working out as a cook with different people, hail no place for her child. She made a verbal contract with thcni by which they are te take her child te raise. They were te clothe her, send her te school and maintain her as their own child. Since that time they have kept the child and did net want her te leave their possession. Mrs. Stout admitted having given the child te Catte and wife, but she said there was no time specified for Lcr te remain with" them. Since she has been living with them she (Mrs. Stout) has bought clothing for her te the amount of $10.75. She new has had a guardian appointed for the child and a place for it te go. On the ether side it was shown that Mrs. Stout gave the goods only as a present te her child, who was net in need for them. Mrs. Stout also claimed that upon one occasion the child had been severely whipped by Mrs. Catte. The latter denied that, however. The court after hearing the evidence decided te allow the child te remain where she new is. The little girl upon hearing the decision seemed as much pleased with' it as did her adopted parents. Coiimieu l'lcas Court. This morning the second week of com mon pleas court began, with Judge Patter son presiding. There were thirty cases down en the list for trial, eighteen of which have cither been continued, settled or otherwise disposed of. In the case of Jehn C Campbell aud Klias Campbell vs. William N. Smith, the plaintiffs suffered a non-suit. As there were no cases ready for jury trial Ibis morning the jurors were dis charged, and court adjourned until half past two o'clock this afternoon. Iu Court. Jehn II. Briuteii, esq., of the Chester county bar, who is an attorney for the plaintiffs in the Pickering Valley cases, was in court this morning. UAKT 1TKMS. Tobacco 3Iore Interesting Than l'ellli.- :ci-Ctuu'l! (iiitlicrings. While almost every election district in the county is forming political clubs, Bart is ever head and ears in the tobacco busi ness. We visit the hotels of an even ing in order te get some new ideas about the campaign, but are greeted with no con versation except that relating te tobacco. Yve stroll across te the postellice, thinking we may hear sonic of the newspaper arti cles commented upon, but we are there deemed te listen te the same strain tobacco, tobacco. The fact of the matter is, the people of our village aud vicinity are net going te bother themselves te any ex tent about politics or politicians until the tobacco crop is safely housed, afterward leek out for some little " Hancock boom " from "old Bart." Our tobacco crop is net one of the small things. Bart will send out about as fair a crop of geed wrappers for Ib'O as any ether section of the county. Although some of the raisers this year are amateurs in the business we may safely predict geed results te all. Among the raisers who are housing a geed quality iu size and gtewth, may at present be named I). G. Stcacy, Solemon I lamer, J. P. Russell, ?. 31. Lennex, A. Hcidlebaugh and a great many ethecs. The demijohn stolen from Ben. Fritz en Monday niidit, August 10th hist., was left at Greil's store, en Tuesday night, Aug. 17. Mr. Fritz recovered it a few days age. The thieves who are making these incur sions are no doubt the same "Welsh mountain gang" who, two years age, en tered the store of Aitkin & Palmer iu this village. The season for festivals is at a close, and the people hereabout need net feel slighted en account el" the lack oftheso conven iences in their neighborhood. Four festi vals were held during the summer, two iu the village of Georgetown and two at the nickel mines, each one resulting in a geed net profit or from $80 te $I2."i. The Bart vigilant association held their third annual picnic in Hartman's Greve en Thursday, August 10. The attendance was net as full as usual. The committee for the next have full power te make arrange ments for something that will call out a full attendance and the picnic of 1831 will no doubt be a grand success. j:itiirry-iixi:. Abraham lnter JJonere;! Life. Te have lived in a community for eighty nine years aud maintained the confidence, respect and esteem of the people, is the best evidence el a man having lived a use ful and honorable life. A correspondent was led te these reflections as he yester day called te pay ins respects te Abraham Peters, one of Lancaster county's best known citizens, who celebrated his eighty ninth birth-day. Our correspondent says : "We found him enjoying unusually geed health and excellent spirits for a man of his age. lie was called upon by a number of his friends and neighbors who congrat ulated him upon his health, and wished him many happy days te enjoy iu his old age. His old Democratic friend, C. F. Rces, the German speaker at public meet ing:-, sent linn a bottle or wme with his compliments in the morning. He told us he iias voted at every election since 1812. and his friends suggested that they would take him te the polls in a carriage this year, but he straightened himself up and said that he intends walking te the polls as he did for 03 years, and intended te vete for General Hancock, aud hoped he would be elected, as he wanted once mere te live under a geed old-fashioned Democratic ad ministration." Cuuccriicil for the "Yeunij Men." In his speech before the Yeung Men's Republican club en Friday evening, Chair man and District Attorney B. F. Eshle- man congratulated its members that thev had net located their place of meeting at a beer saloon like the Democrats. He ex pressed great concern lest the action of the latter in fixing their headquarters next te a beer a! ou would deleterious!' affect the young nan of the city. Alderman J. K. Ban- and Alderman A. Iv. Spurrier were simp ii- speakers en the same atl'ect ing oeeaie-i. VXVZ. 'itlKiLEY IN LIMKO. Arrr;.tr.i !)ciii-.ite i:urt;Iur ami Thief. Evcrsin.v the robbery of Geigcr's store at Quarry H!c thu police have been active in seaiji'li of a clue as te the whereabouts of the thicw ;. The .stealing of a number of teams g:n e i i.petus te their search. Paul Quigley. ueil known in police circles, was fiem the ltr: Mispeeted as the ringleader iu these depredations. Since his race with and escape from Oflicer Adams his abiding place was unknown until late en Saturday night, when he was arrested by Ofiieers Adams and Lentz, at a tenant farm about two miles north of Cochran ville. Chester county. Every night for weeks past these efiieers have scoured the county iu the hepO of finding n clue. On Saturday evening they bearded the 0:2." train for Atglen (or Penniiigtonville), where they hired a team and proceeded te f echranville. They had information that two suspicious characters were working as farm hands en a farm about a mile from that place. Ariiving at the farinheiise Officer Lent;: guarded the rear deer, and Adams went te the front deer and knocked for admittance. Soen he heard the step of a man coming down the stairs and the deer was cautiously opened. Officer Adams feu-ed bis way in and at once recognized Quigley. When Quig ley saw Adams he ran for the stairs, but was caught by the officer before he had proceeded far, and then ensued a terrible tussle between captive and captor. The women in this house cried "murder," and the "ether man" jumped out a second story window and took te the corn-field. Lent, hastened te the assistance el Adams, the bracelets were put en Quigley and he was brought te town and taken te jail early yesterday morning. On his way te town I;e sieke but little el" his kilo actions and seemed very defiant. He had repeat edly declared that no officer should take him alive, and il is probable he would have made a mere effective resistance had he net taken the officer te be ene of his thieving companions returning from a midnight raid. Officers Adams and Lentz deserve much credit for the persistence, tact anil success with which they hae hunted Quigley down. The law has several unsettled accounts with him. First, he jumped his bail in the case against him wherein be is charged with the theft of a quantity of block lead from the city reservoir grounds. Then he was seiiw months age charged with the larceny of chicken:; from Mr. Ceover, of r'phrata. and still later, when he outran Officer Adams, as has been before rciierteil, be dropped from his shoulders a bag containing several pairs of shoes which have been identified as a part, of the property recently stolen from Geigcr's store in Quarryvillc. It is known also that, he sold several pairs of the stolen shoes te parties in the eastern section of the city, and it is confidently be lieved that he wiil be proven te have bad a hand in several ether burglaries and lar cenies recently committed. The baiJp'ece for Quigley':; arrest for stealing the lead pipe was issued by Al derman Met "oneiny. The ether complaints against him will Imj heard by Alderman Spurrier. The time for the hearings have net vet been fixed. COLUMBIA NEWS. euii i:i:c!'i..u: coi:i:i:.sreMiKNCi:. Alieilt U:.f "II.i.M'h" Tim Sliiiik-nte Mill ;imi!i:i1 I'lckiir;. MissLi::.:c, the daughter of Geerge Gra ver, who is ."arming Den Cameren's farm, was visiting in Columbia en Saturday, the guest of .Miss Florence Hainbe. The ewneis of the eatannran piuchared n few months age from Cyius Bruiicr, have become weary of their prize, and new offer it for sale. 'Keeping it ever winter is probably the stumbling block. The beat is yet iu geed condition, the sales alone be ing wei ill an eagle or mere. Te-day the proclamation of the Chief Burgess issue! en August Oth, te have all the dugs in l.cvn muzzled or confined for the spaci ". twenty days, has spents its force, the required" time having passed, and new the dogs, the muzzles having been discarded, are again, running free. Many persons took the muzzles, from their deg.-: yesterday, believing the twenty days were up. The Shu'.vnci) mill. The much reported starting of the Shaw nee iron mill is about as mysterious as un explored darkness can be, ami until a little light is diffused into, or through it, it is likely t remain se. It is certain that the mill will net resume operations this week and we have a hankct ing belief that the probabilities m its doing se before another month rolls around are exceedingly slim. -Air. Samuel B. Themas, president of the Themas iron company, who is interested in the Catas.tuqua iron company, te whom the mill has been leased, has Iieen iu town during the past few days and the news el" its starting up iu the near future is news indeed te him. The whole rumor could probably be traced te persons bent en gossip. A Het Knx Sti:-y. All old passenger engineer relates this story of a het box en a certain car years age as showing the inconvenience and trouble te which net only the train men but even the passengers may be put. One night while running the Cincinnati express west, when between Ceatcsville and Parkcsburg, en looking towards the rear of his train, he noticed :i glare issuing from the train which lighted up the fields en both sides of the read bed for a distance, of a hundred yards. With his experience he had no trouble iu making out the cause of the light, aud ou reaching Parkcsburg, where the train stepped for water, he went back te sec whether the box could be cooled. The first leek convinced him that all such attempts would be fu tile as the "journal" el the car and the "brasses" encircling it were at a white heat. The eugitieuiau told the conductor he had better awaken the passengers in the "sleeper" and have them take another ear. The conductor thought it unnecessary ; but it was fin ally agreed te leave the mutter with thu passengers. A few minutes were spent in awakening the dreamers aud then in an other minute or two the occupants of the car had assembled ou the platform at the station. The engineer told them he was satisfied te haul the car if they desired te remain in it, but explained te them the danger attending such an undertaking, stating that the car might go down at any time and that it was net sale for a minute. The passengers unanimously decided te take te another car, and the disabled one was placed en the Parkcsburg siding. Frem Parkcsburg it was taken te Lancas ter ; from Lancaster te Mount Jey, from Mount Jey te Harrisburg and from Har risburg te Thompseiitown where it was lest sight of by the engineer. He was as sured, however, that it took a week te get the car te Pittsburgh. They De Sting Fruit. 3Ir. Geerge Yeung invited your corns?, peadent te his residence at Second and Walnut streets this morning, where there are half a dozen or mere grape vines growing, each of which was visited. While we were there the rain was .falling, and there were no bees te be seen, but Mr. Yeung told us that in clear weather the vines wcre covered with swarms of them. It required but one glance te convince va V U