nwii i" mitiMii mm ymmmmwjmimwmtBmml - , ' ,l.l--t -- t Imtfaite uMm& K' v acb I I V- Volume XYI-Ne.309. CLOTUINU. Spring Opening AT 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have lei sale for the coming seasons an Immense Stock or Ready-Mate Clothing, it our own manuiacturc, which comprises the latest ami Most STYLISH DESIGNS. Come ami see our MEW GOODS ren MERCHANT TAILORING, jvlilch ij larger ami composed of the Iieat styles je be leumi in the city.- D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. n-lyd LANCASTER. PA G AT H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having ml returned Hern tlie New Yerk Woolen Market, I am new prepared te exhibit meefthe Beit Selected Stocks et WOOLENS -FOUTHB Sjirii ill Slier He, rerlueiightl" this city. Nene hut the very aslef ENGLISH, FRENCH AMD AMERICAN FABRICS, all the Leading Styles. Pi ices jus low :ls the nn est, and all goods warranted as rcpresent ,at H. GBRHABTS, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. "smalin"g7 THE ARTIST TAILOR. Cle-liifj out our i-lock el l.h?ht Weights at cot.! te make loom ter Fall and Winter Stock. A Large Line el English levelties. TROPICAL SUITINGS, SERGES AND REPS, hanneckesurns ani celtecs, uamukoen paramata and batiste suitings. SEEltSUCKEEtS, VALKNCIAS, PAKOI.E AN1 MOllAlU COATINGS. . splendid Assortment of Wiirerd's Padded Ducks In Plain and Fancy Styles. A Full Line of All the latest novelties. An examination of our stock is respectfully solicited. T. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. IIUX l'Al'ERS, Jte. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. MAKES ALL KINDS OF TOE SCREENS ter w Endows, and put up In such a manner that you need net remove when you close the window. Wc have some decided bargains in WALL PAPER. In order te close will be sold very low. PLAIN WINDOW SEIAEES, inall colors and widths. Extra Wide Goods for Large Curtains and Stere Shades. Fixtures of I test Makes. Hollands, Fringes, Tassels, Cords, Leeps, Paper Curtains, Ac. Extension Window Cornice In a variety of Patterns, will fit any window up te live feet in width. Cornice Poles, Ebony, Wain nt and Ash. ORDERS TAKEN FOR FINE PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS. AT Fry's, 57 North Queen Street am PE NIN ill DH V6SK DRY DRY GOODS! H AGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 W. KING STREET. LANCASTER, Are lecclvlngXuw Goods in all Departments. OUR STOCK OF CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS - AND PAPEK HANGINGS Fer the Fall Season will coinptlie all the Latest Designs ami Colorings, and be Larger and mere complete than cvcr;bcferc. HAGER & BROTHER. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS AT THE NEW YORK STORE. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins and Sheetings at Greatly Reduced Prices. LOOM DICE TABLE LINENS, DAMASK TABLE LINENS, TURKEY RED DAMASKS. Towels in 50 Different Styles and Quantities, Table Cevers, Napkins, Deylies. SPECIAL, BARGAIN, 10,000 YDS. mi DARK CALICOES AT 5 CTS. A YARD. ELEGANT STYLES IN CALICOES, 3IOMIE CLOTHS AND PERCALES. NEW FALL GINGHAMS. " Popular Goods at Popular Prices," is our motto. Watt, Shand & Company, S AND 1 0 EAST KING STREET. HATCHES, ZAHM'S EE-OPEflED E0R BUSINESS. We are triad te announce te our friends that w e have completed the alterations In our main storeroom and new eiler a very full anil complete stock ter their Inspection, including Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, American and Fine French Clocks, &c. Among the riiircrcul makes of Watches we cairy ue call especial attention te THE LANCASTER WATCH as one el the IkM In the maikct. Our Spectacle Department Includes the Arundel Tinted Lenses, which allerd mere comfort te the eyes than any ethers. Special attention given te fitting glass es te weak and defective eyes. Ourfaeili'lC'j for business in our SALES, MANUFACTURING and KEL'AERENU depart ments are much better than they were, and we feel reawnably sure or meeting the wants of these w he favor us with their trade. We extend a cordial Invitation te all te call, assuring them polite attention, lair dealing and low prices. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler. Znhm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa, VTMTnisa. CLOSING OUT OF SPRING AND SOHHER STOCK. Iti order te close out our stock of Spring ami Summer Goods te make room for a heavy Fall Trade, wc arc offering great inducements in Men's, Yeuths1 and Children's Clothing. In our Custom Department wc have a large let of Piece (Joeds, which must be closed out before September 1, rcgardlcss.ef profit. In our Kcady-madc Department wc have an unusually hue sleck of Summer Clothing, all of which can be purchased at very lowest bottom figures. Gentlemen, our facilities are net equaled in the city. It will cost yen nothing te examine our stock. MYERS & RATHFON, Se. 12 EAST K1XU ST1SEET, MEDICAL, DR. BROWNING'S T0MC AM ALTERATIVE! The Celebrated Prescription of W. ClEAMPlON BROWNING. M. I. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND FUKIFllNU THE BLOOD. Perrectl v l'nrlllcs the i;ioed. Enriches the llloed, Kcddcns the Bleed, makes New Meed, Wonderfully 'Improves the Appetite, and Changes the Constitution Suffering from General Dcbilitv into one of Vigorous ileal tli. The best proof of its wonderful efficacy is te be obtained by a trial, and that simple trial strongly establishes it reputation with itill. 3-it Is meat scientifically and elegantly compounded by its author and sole proprietor, W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A ivular graduate of Jeffersen Medical . Pnaitnnclst. Price, 50c and 1.00. Skillful Dealers In Medicine OENTS' GOOV8. TJOR LINEN COLLARS GOTO EElSMAN'h. T?OB FAMCX STOCKINGS no te EEtlSMAN'S. YjHB SUSPENDERS GOTO EEIBMAN'S. JOK NEW STYLE LINEN HANDKERCHEEFS, CO TO E. J. ERISMAN'S, S6 NOBTII O.UKKN STKEET. jhakht... WQRKS. WM. P. FRAILEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nena yaeea Street, Lancaster, Fa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, 4a All work guaranteed and satisfaction given in every 'particular. N. B. Remember, works a, the extreme end of North Queen street. m30 H UP BITTEBH JTOK BALE AT LOCH- ers Drug- store, 9 East Jung race:. HOODS. - jewelry, te. CORNER. LASUASTEK, FENK'A. College, of Philadelphia, a thorough Chemist and Fer sale by the Proprietor and all Druggists and CAMPAIGN GOODS. :c AMI'AION GOODS! New Samples ! New Styles ! nulls and Committees invited te call and ex amine our goods before purchasing. CAPES, COATS. IEATS. CAPS, HELMETS TORCHES. BADGES, STREAMERS, FLAGS, BURGEES, (Political Lanterns very cheap.) Bunting Flags of All Sizes. Portraits of Presidential Nominees en cletb, suitable ler Banners and Transpar encies. FLASH TORCH. Every Club ought te have some, even if they de net nave them for entire Club. D. S. BUKSK, 17 East King Street, Lancaster. OJtOCEBLEH. w HOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEVA3TS FLOUTt AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. 017-lyd LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1880 Hancastrr intrlligrnrcr. MONDAY EVENING, AUG. 30, 1880. OUE LOCAL SCIENTISTS. AUGUST MEETING OF TOE LINN-fliAN SOCIETY. Additions te the Museum and the Library Papers Itcad. RULES FOR THE LIVERY. Seme Valuable Hints ou tnellirlng of Teams Hew te Handle a Herse and Buggy Tbat Don't Belong te Yen. THE CAMPAIGN. Seme Startling Exposures or Thefts and De ficiencies That Have Occurred Under Bepublicau Administration Spirited Meeting et Ches ter County Democ racy. Meeting of the Lluuiuan Society. The society met in the ante-room of the museum en Saturday afternoon, Aug. 28, 1880, President Itcv. Prof. Stahr in the chair, five members present and four visit ors. After the usual preliminary business the follewiug donations were made te the museum and library : A germinated lemon seed was donated by Mrs. L. N. Zell. This, in itself, would seem te be au object of little importance, were it net that this seed germinated in the stomach of Miss Annie Null, Ncvin street, Lancaster city, and was thrown up from her stomach en the afteruoeu of Aug. 24, 1880. It was given te Mrs. Zell by the family and she has no doubt about the genuineness of the case. A bettle of the larger and mere conspic uous insects, collected by Dr. M. L. Davis, in the vicinity of Millorsville, containing the gcucra Allerhina, Cepris, Passulut, Uy bister, tiilpJm, Pdhlueta, Calotema, Clytua, Laehneslerna. Cicada, Spectrum, Tabanus, l'hylleptera, Pimpla, Prienrn and Gorrda Gerrda lus : also oue Akacuind (Ifigalc). Dr. D. also collected in the same locality a number of lapidoptereus insects including the genera PupMe, Philampelis, Dcilaphila, Spilosema, Nectua, Terlrix, Eudryas, Ayro Ayre tis, Sjrfiinx, Catecala and Saturnia. Three stene spcar-hcads, one arrowhead and a crystal Jet' quartz, were donated by Mr. Jehn Prier. These were collected en the banks of the Couestoga, about fifty years age, by Hannah Stark, a colored woman new eighty years old, who gave them te Mr. Prier. A fine specimen of Phrynosema was donated by 3Ir. Martin K. Mylin, of Gordonville, Lancaster county, Pa. This animal was sent from Chicago te the donor but it evidently docs net belong te that lo cality, and most likely was brought from New Mexico, Texas, or one of the farther western states, if net Seuth California. This is evidently a different species from any in our collection, unless the distinc tions arc sexual. A full grown specimen of the larva of the "Saddle-back Meth," Kmjmtia Slim tdt), from the effice of the "Examiner." This insect seems te have been mere num erous this season than usual, and speci mens have been found in different locali ties. A specimen was sent up from North Carolina, which is cither a variety of ours or a new species. Only one species of the genus is described in "Merris's synopsis of Lepideptera," and that is the one fre quently found in this locality. See the Farmer for August. A small box of the beeds of a fi uit which the vender of it called Sapidile sapile, from the East Indies. It has the form of an orange, a greenish color and reddish sweet pulp. Externally it has a russet appearance and as an edible is net particulaily desira ble, cither in appearance or taste. In its general appcarauce it is net much unlike a pomegranate. A singular abnormal jrewth of aspargus. This had a very bread stem, which grew up in perfect spiral form, but it has shrunk very much in drying. A bettle containing a " water mink" and a large number Jef ''caddice worms" and their bingular cases, con structed out of small fragments of rock woven together with silk, from " Celd Spring" ou " Cob Hill," near the country residence of Gen. Stciuman, Martic town ship, Lancaster county. Pa., collected by J. B. Kevinski, July 27, 1880. Donations te Library. A copy of the Reynolds Memerial, con taining addresses delivered before the "Historical Sosiety of Pennsylvania," upon the occasion of the presentation of a portrait el Maj. ucn. jeun r . iicyueuis, 100 pp , royal; octave, bound in cloth with a portrait and two maps. Donated by the Pennsylvania Historical society. An octave namnlct 72 nn.. containing a list of the members' names of the "American Philosophical society." Proceedings of the "American Philo sophical society," from July,187S, te March, 1880, 87 pp., octave, containing the cele bration of the 100th anniversary of its in corporation. Parts 5, 0, 7 and 8 of the "Official Gazette of the United States patent eflicc." "Industries of Penn sylvania," containing historical and de scriptive review of Lancaster, Columbia and Mount Jey, 16-1 pp., royal octave. Lancaster Farmer for August, 1880, eight catalogues and circulars of scientific and general literature. Historical, Twe envelopes containing thiity histeri cal and biographical sKctcucs. Papers Bead. Notes en the norncdTead, by Dr. Rath von. Notes en a variety of Walking Fern, sent by Prof. A. T. G. Apple, read by Kev. Prof. J. S. Stahr. Notes en the lloraef the neighborhood of the haunted cottage, by Mrs. Zell. Adjourned. Bead Them, Traveler ! Bules for Hiring a Livery Team. I. Always pick the best-looking buggy iu the place. If it is engaged, take the next best. n. Be sure and inquire what kind of springs is used, whether Whitney, Brews ter or Timpkius, and suggest some im provements in the general make-up of the vehicle. HI. If the buggy has a few scratches en the side panels, you can remark that it leeks shabby and hint that a new coat of paint and varnish would be au improve ment. As it only costs ten or twelve dol lars te de it up, tUe liveryman will no doubt take the hint and have them paint ed up every trip they make. TV. Be particular about your horse. If he is thin and has a sere, back and a short tail, reject him. Flics have no business te trouble a livery horse, compelling him te switch his tail and wear it off en the cross bar. V. If the liveryman has Bet the saddle back and lengthened the check rein, se as te give the sere back an opportunity te heal, say nothing about it, but when you get a mile or two from town, get out and set the saddle forward, right en the sere spot, shorten the check rein be as te make him carry up well, with his nose pointing te the zenith. This is ene of the most expeditious ways of healing up a sere back, mouth and crupper. Yeu go out for style, and are bound te have it, as yen pay for it. VI. When your team is ready don't wait until the horse is turned ever en the lock, but put your feet en the nicely varnished hub, threw your ether leg ever the wheel, and kick the polished panel thrce or four times before placing your feet in the buggy. This adds very materially te the appcarance of the vehicle, and gives the next customer additional room for criticis ing its battered appearance. VII. If the liveryman is tee quick for yen and turns the horse en the lock, if you are standing dh the right side, always place your right feet en the iron step, your left feet en the wooden side bar, then raise your right feet and kick the side panels six or seven times with it. This will knock the paint off the side bar and panels, and give you an opportunity te judge the kind of weed of which they arc made. VIII. When you are fairly seated in the buggy, grasp the lines firmly with both hands, 'iyank " him thrce or four times te the right and left, hit him with the whip, and if the horse steps complain that he is balky and insist en having another animal. The herse's sero mouth had nothing te de with his stepping of course IX. When once fairly started en the read put one feet ever the side panel, out en the side bar ; whistle some lively tune te yourself and keep tinie with your feet en the side bar. When tired of that position, put your feet en top of or against the dash. If the patent leather is scratched and the dash bent out of shape, no matter; yen.havc paid two dollars for the hire, and if it costs five dollars te fix the dash up, that's where the liveryman's prelit comes in. X. Always drive the herse as far as you can in the time for which you have hired him. Bring him in red het, with the per spiration standing en him like foam and his sides working like a pair of bellows. This method will always keep the animal in ceed ilesh and sound en his legs. XI. Be sure aud threw the lap cover en the lloer of the vehicle and wipe your feet en it a number of times. This will keep it clean and sweet smelling. XII. Lastly, break the whip and lese the hitching rein, and if the liveryman thinks he has made anything offyeur hire, call again, smash the buggy and founder the horse. Republican Misrule. Enormous Defalcations and Thefts while the Party had Full Sway The Figures. It is a favorite saying of the Republican leaders that a political change of adminis tration would be unwise, because the Dem ocrats de net knew hew te rule. The fact that the Democratic party gave the United States the purest, wisest and most econom ical administration this country ever saw, from the day of its birth until 1800, seem te have faded from modern recollection. In February, 187C, the Seuate passed- a resolution calling for all balauccsduc the United States from public officers and per sons no longer in the public scrvice: Sec retary Bristow replied te this resolution, and from his letter it appears that the losses te the government en account of de falcations by efliccrs in the collection of customs, internal revenue, direct tax re ceipts from public lands, miscellaneous sources &c, since 18C9 te June 19, 1870, were 3,500,593,93. This does net include the amount stolen by corrupt officials who combined with the whisky ring and smugglers te defraud the government. McDonald says that the members of the St. Leuis riug, including Bab cock, Grant's private secretary, divided 1,500,000 among themselves, after paying a large proportion of the campaign expenses of the Republican party. It is estimated moderately that the whisky rings in St. Leuis, Chicago, Evansvillc, Milwaukcc,and elsewhere, robbed the gov ernment of 50,000,000. The following statement shows the sources of the defal cations which, during Grant's administra tions, amounted te 3.500,593.93 : Pest masters indebted te the United States wliose accounts have terminated since 1809, 373,371.74; balances due from United States marshals, 249,200.01 ; bal ances due from efliccrs of United States courts, 78,007.83; balances due from governors aud secretaries of territories 10,713.e2 ; balances due from late assess ors of internal rcvenue 1,409.50 ; balances due from cx-collecters of internal reve nue, 33,518.10 ; balances due from late stamp agents, 09,300.91; balances due from diplomatic and consular efliccrs, 41, 339.09; balances due from Uuitcd States bankers, Clews, Habricht & Ce., 130, 178.84 ; balances due from officers of the Indain service, 38,872.04; balances due from pensieu agents, 228,824.80 ; balances due from cx-collccters of internal revenue appointed by Grant, 2,312,544.20; balances due from cx-emccrs et tue customs, S'o, S'e, 732.07; balances due from disbursing agents, receivers of public money, sur veyors, registers of land offices, etc., 103,030.03; balances due from ex-commissioners of direct taxes for the insurrectionary states, 82,003.21 ; balances due from ex-officers of the navy and ethers, $G23,203.79 ; balancosdue from army officers, 784,053.07. All these de falcations occurred during Grant's admin istrations. The Times correspondent fig ures that the losses under Grant in dis bursements wcre 1,416,541, while under Pierce's administration they were ever 200,000 greater. Senater Windem in 1870 said that the losses under Gnnt wcre only 1,276,882.00. Secretary Bristow's state ment, however, is authoritative. Under Republican rule 290,000,000 acres of the public domain have been voted te corporations and monopolies since the Re publican party has been in power. The states of Maine, New Hampshire, Ver mont, Massachuscets, Rhede Island, Con necticut, New Yerk, New Jersey, Penn sylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Ohie and Indiana have au area of 250,200 square miles. The public lands donated by the! n..l,i;n. nit-ir lietrn (in oral rtf 9'ld TCft I Iiupuuutau .tvj .....v ... ..m -v, .w square miles. Besides this, the Republican nartv has triven bends te railroad corpora tiens, the principal of which amounts te 64,000,000. 1 In Line. Democratic Meeting in Parkesburg. The Democracy of Chester county are fuliy aroused. The name of Hancock has stirred up the Quaker bleed of our sister county te such healthful flew, that enthu siastic meetings are the order of the day in almost every nook and hamlet. On Fri day night the pretty little borough of Parkesburg was wild with, excitement the occasion being a Democratic meeting. At 8 o'clock the principal streets wcre lined with people, greeting the incoming crowds andcheering with hearty fervor every mention of Hancock and English. A large handsome flag was flung te the breeze, bearing the names of the Demo cratic candidates a mighty shout went np from the multitude as the nag was un furled and three times three were heart ily given for him who will make that ensign of our country the symbol of union and peace. , The meeting was organized by the elec tion of the following efficers: President Jehn Harrar. Vice Presidents J. Ress Owens, Jehn A. Parke, Jehn Bondfeot, William Mo Me Kenna, Dr. A. Murphey. The llrst speaker was R. Jenes Monaghan of the West Chester bar, who for an hear gave an eloquent but calm and clear state ment of the issues of the day. He was lis tened te with the closest attention many of the audience being Republicans willing te hear the truth in order te vote intelli gently. The next speaker was Rebert B. Risk, who devoted himself principally te the tendency of the two great parties of the day and the records of the respective can didates. The speaker reviewed the action of the Chicago convention of which he was an eye witness, and made some humorous allusions te "Edmund Kirke's" life of Garfield. The people of Chester county are among the most intelligent in the State, hence they can get abeve prcjudice and passion and reason calmly. The indications are that the independent voter will be "abroad', very "numerously" in Chester county this fall. Taking the Parkesburg meeting as an index of calm popular feeling we are inclined te think Chester county will net burden Garfield with a mighty majority. Jacob IE. Bleemer, of Virgllle. X. Y.. writes: " Your Dr. Themas' Eelcctrlc Oil cured a badly swelled neck and sero threat en my son in forty-eight hours ; one application also re moved the pain from a very sero tee; my wife's toot n as also much inflamed, se much se that she could net walk about the house ; she applied the OH, and iu twenty-four hours was entirely cured." ForsalebylE. El. Coch ran, Dmgglet, 137 and IS) Xertli Queen street Lancaster. Pa. '-E Statistics prove that twenty-nve percent of the deaths In our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te abottleefLochcr's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall w e condemn the sufferers ler their ncgli gence, or pity them for their ignorance? Ne 9Ea;t King street. Flowers Must Fade. The KuimiTKSTKLOWKitsmust fade, but young lives endangered by severe coughs and colds, maybe preserved by Dr. Themas' Eelcctrlc Oil. Croup, whooping ceugli, bronchitis. In short all all ect Ions of the threat and lungs are relieved by this sterling preparation, which also remedies rheumatle pains, sores, bruisci, piles, kidney dlfllculty and is most economic. Fer sale by IE. B. Cochran, Druggist, E37 and IS) North Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. 22 BOOKS ANli STATIONERY. CtCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS AJiU Fancy Stationary -AT FOI DERSMITH'S Ne. 32 Bast King St., Lancaster, Pa. ainrtS-lUl SCHOOL BOOKS Schools of Lancaster City, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. At the LOWEST PIC ICES, at the Boek Mere of JOHN BIER'S SONS, 15 aud 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., llOUSJi FUJtNISUINO OOODS. FLliNiN & BRENEMAK 100 Gress Fruit Jars, Bought before the advance anil ler bale at $1.20 PER DOZEN. Great Bargains In TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, AT Flu k Breneman's 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. HUKNITUKE. HEINITSH, FINE FURNITURE -ASD Cabinet Manufacturer. All in want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk woulildewelltocallanil cxauitne specimens et our work. OFFICE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. HEINITSH, 1S East King Street. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. f ANCASTEK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Orreerrx ins Locexorrra Wents. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes Furnace Twlera, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmitbing generally. M5" Jobbing promptly attended te. angl8-lyd JOHN BKST. TRY LOCHER'S SYRUP. RENOWNED COUGH Price Tw Ctertfc DMT HOODS. HOW TO GET almost everything below value. Every day during summer all sorts of goods remnants and goods that for ene reason or another are in our way are picked out and put together te be sold at 6uch prices as they will bring. They are undcsirable for as te held ; but they may be as geed for the buyer as anything we hare. We have sold already this summer net less than $100,000 worth of goods at irregular prices in this way for, say, 950,000; and many thousands mere are going. There is semething marked down at nearly every counter in the store. Evcrythiug sold is returnable if un satisfactory at the price. Jehn Wanamaker. Chestnut, Thlrtecntb, Market anil .1 uilper. PEEEE.A1ELPEEEA. COAX. B. V. MARTIN, Wholesale and Kctall Dealer In all kinds of LUMBER AND COAU .9-Yard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prlnc strcctH abeve lieuien. Ejuu-astcr. n:i-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL Ceal of the Heat Uuallly put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. - YARD ISO SOUTH WATER ST. ufiU-ljd PHILIP HCEEUM.SON ft CO. " COAL! COAL ! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kind of COAL gote BUSSEL & SHULMYER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 22 East King Street. AK1: 018 North Prince Street. augM-taprlSIt piOAL! COAL I COAL!!! We have constantly en band ull the best gradea of COAL tliat are in market, which we are selling as low as any yard lu the city. Call and get enr prices before buying else where. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, s-7-Eyd ZM NORTEE WATER STREET. C0H0 & WILEY, SSO NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, V., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Branch Office: Ne. 3 NORTEE DUKE ST. feb28-Eyd COAL! - - - COAL!! GORREOHT & GO., Will deliver coal at the following prices : B. D. Broken Egg and Nnt $4.3.', Enterprise, Broken Egg and Nut KX Lykcn's Velley, Broken, Egg and Steve... 4.H0 All Grades Ne. E Pea 3.35 Weight guaranteed. E W. GORRECSET, Agt., J. B. UKILLEY, aug!7-tfd W. A. KELLER. JEWELRY. IOU1STVEBKK, J WATCEIMAKEEC. Ne. 150)4 NORTH QUEEN STREET, near E if. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, Silver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent ter the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta cles and Eye-GIasses. Repairing a specialty, aprl-lyd Lancaster ttkes. We liavj just received a second Invoice of the New Lancaster lereint te which we rail special attention of anyene wanting a Ueliablc Watch at a LOW PRICE. ER BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Lancaster Watch Ge. Watch, NAMED WeSt EiTld, in isk. Geld Cases. WeSt JUnCI, in 14k. Geld Cases. WeSt End, lnSllvcr Hunting Cases. WeSt EaKl, in Silver open-face Cases. AT AUGUSTUS RHOADS'S. Nt. SO East Kbg Street, Laacaster, Fa. OTAZS. DK.S.B. rOKKMAK, (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON), Removed lrem Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ne.SU Wast King street, Laacaster, Pa. fm3-taid -ajTAKCUS G. 8KHNZB, flOTJSK CABIPENTJBBf, He. 1 North FrJace street. Prompt and particular attention paid tool i ration and repair slMyd e Tk4 tvj Ji