&-ir.::ttsi-3' --y-r d'u' :- "J -T -e T-V .- -"-. Tr ' -? - ', '... .'yfryyi Lancaster daily intiSugencer. Saturday aegust 28, i880. 'vr"t'!,--.-V'-i xt Lancaster intelligencer. SATURDAY EVENINO. AUG. 28, 1880. The ReTlKtd Bible. There is no subject of such universal and unabating interest te all Cliristen Cliristen dem as the Bible, and the article which we publish en our first page te-day, rela tive te the progress of the movement for the revision of the King James version, will be read with much interest we doubt net. That version has long been regard- ed as a well of pure English undented, and holy men for generations have shrunk from altering the stately simplicity of its text. The present movement for its revision necessarily involving excisions and expurgations was met with stern opposition from many quarters, and its progress has been received witli doubts and with apprehen. siens much lxstter founded than these of iiishep Coxe, whose chief concern seems te Ik; lest some ethers than representa tives of his own church should partici pate in the revision. Really, however, there is no reason why the text of the Hely Scriptures should net have applied te its correction and illumination the re sults of the scholarship and scientific ac quisitien of three centuries, than any ether subject of human knowledge and agency of civilization and evangelization. Earnest as were the last revisers in their work, of ripe scholarship and profound religious veneration, the discoveries of science, the rapid advances in philological studies, and the archkeoegical investiga tion of the last tweity years especially, have made it altogether iessible, if net absolutely necessary, te make the English translation conform mere closely than it new does te the original. This is abundantly illustrated every Sunday by preachers who give new twist:, te their texts, and by commentators who explain te'their readers that se many parts of the scripture are net te l-e read as they are printed. The account which we print contains ample ajolegy for the undertaking uf the work, and an interesting account of the way in which it has been done. Seme of the details are of curious interest and recall the incidents of these famous editions of the scriptures in which Adam and Eve " made themselves breeches," and in which Ged's ieeple were enjoined te " commit adultery." These editions were, of course, diligently suppressed, and yet the lbunders which made them the honors of the church and the rare game of bibliographers were scarcely mere serious than the mistakes which the modem revisers find, in the light of new 'earning, that their predecessors made deliberately and in the sincere be lief that they were doing the best for the truth. It seems that "by-and-by" used te mean instantly, while go te " signified come : " mules " were warm springs, and Jeseph's ' coat of many colors." which has se well served the purposes of the nursery, of the Sunday-school, and of Biblical panoramas, was only "a tunic with long sleeves." The entire excision f the story of the woman taken in adul tery and even a brief amendment te the ordinary version of the Lord's Prayer, will awak-n mere general interest. It is startling, if net discomforting, te hear that such familiar texts as " many be called but few chosen" and " if any man hath ears te hear let him hear" have net passed the tests of authenticity. But since the authorityef learned men at different times in the world's progress lias been universally recognized te amend the translations and codification of the Scriptures; te reject this or that ; te interpolate, revise, alter and change; and since: the present movement was un dertaken in a catholic spirit, for no special end, and has been guided by pre" found scholarship, there is no reason why, at no remote time, its conclusions should net Ikj accepted by all Protestant churches as their standard version, how ever radical the changes proposed, Fer if the end of knowledge is the truth no sentimental feelinsr can withstand its advance ; and because the Bible is the sacred book it is, there is all the greater re:isen why the popular version of it should Ik) purged and purified and cstalr lished by the ripest scholarship of ad vancing centuries. Pennsylvania. Wc de net knew why Democrats should be timid in claiming Pennsylva nia for Hancock, and yet they arc. They will speak confidently of Indiana and with great expectation of New Yerk, but when they come te Pennsylvania, which . we consider quite as certain for Hancock as cither New Yerk or Indiana, our friends seem te turn from it with fear. The New Yerk Sun lias been questioned by one of these trembling souls, and seems itself te think that there is enough in its correspondent's appre hension te warrant it in giving an elaborate statement of the ground of its hope hardly its faith that Pennsylvania will vote for Hancock. We beg te say te these doubting Themases that wc have no sympathy in their tribulation nor share in their ap prehension. Pennsylvania will vote for Hancock as surely as election day comes around. Why should she net ? Is she net a Democratic state and is net Han cock her citizen ? Has she ever shown any disposition te turn the cold shoulder te a presidential candidate from her soil ? Pennsylvania is a'mere Democratic state than New Yerk, which is only carried by the Democracy, when it is carried, by the city vote; and the New Yerk city De mocracy have net up te this time been as unanimous as they should be. There has been much hesitation en the state committee's side in proffering Tammany Hall the embrace of brotherhood, al though there is premise te-day that tin3 will be amended. In Philadelphia there is a hearty Democratic union under a strong leadership. Philadelphia cannot drown the vote of the state. There will be no opportunity for the frauds which alone have kept Pennsylvania from the Democracy in the past. Ner is there the strong motive which has heretofore existed ite induce the men who have manipulated these frauds te attempt their execution in "this elec tion. Their lukewarmness three years age, that they might punish Hayes, left the election free and the Democratic party elected its candidates. In a fair election it can always win ; and we have guaran tees of such an election this time as would suffice te give it te us even should we be compelled te fight the frauds and devices that have se often overthrown as. Of these we have no apprehension. Tills election will be decided en its mer. its, and if General Hancock has net strength enough te carry his native state he has net the strength that will elect him. As gees Pennsylvania se will go the election ; and we await the result with absolute confidence. The Lancaster Examiner in its issue of yesterday says : New, why don't the Intelligences which is all the time bragging about its fairness, publish the card of these gentle men ? A. G. Stuart, II. C. Tinsley, A. C. Gorden, Hugh F.Lyle. Come own up or shut up and don't show any longer, if it can be helped, the " mark of an illogical or stupid mind." Se new te please the Lancaster Exam iner, we publish the card of u these gen tlemen," which they print in te-day's New Yerk World. The Examiner will read it and ' shut up." The undersigned citizens of Staunton and Augusta counties, who heard thespeeeh of Governer Hampton at the Staunton opera house in July, desire te say that it did net as a whole or in any of its parts convey te us the idea that Governer Hampton meant te affirm that the Southern Democracy in the pending presidential contest were con tending for the right of secession or for any ether issue involved in the late war. On the contrary, we regarded the speech as patriotic and unobjectionable from a Union standpoint, and certainly net incon sistent with a perfect acquiescence in the results of the late war between the states as embodied in the recent amendments te the federal constitution. A. G. Stcakt, II. C. Tinsley. A. C. Gorden. H. F. Lyle. StauLten. Ya., August 27. m m New Yerk is solid. All elements of the party have agreed te call a Demo cratic suite convention en September 2S. in which all elements will be fairly repre sented, an d after which all will move forward te the same end with no rivalry except te see which can de the most for Hancock and victory. MINOR TOPICS. Tin: Philadelphia Ledger thinks the Hancock-Sherman letters are character ized by sound geed sense en both sides, " and especially General Hancock's. Gi'stave Der.K is engaged upon a pic ture painted en a colossal scale like the majority of his scriptural subjects, and il lustrating the text. "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden." The Meravians report '0,8S3 communi cants in America, Germauy and Great Britain, an increase of 201 during the pas year. This total does net include the communicants in the mission field. Many Jesuit Fathers who have been ex pelled from France arc new in Heme. They have petitioned tne Pepe te assign them te an apestalatc en the Eastern Missions, or wlieievcr their missionary labors will be most advantageous. One result of the publication el Dean Buchanan's hiding in Detroit has been the collecting of indubitable proof that Dr. Launcelet Yeunghusbaud, LL. I)., an Episcopal clergyman there, has been acting as his agent for the sale of diplomas, live having already been traced te him. Ki:v. ReiikktJ. Nkvin, I). I)., of Heme who isvisiting his parents at Caernarvon place near Laneastcr,and who is announced te preach in St. Jehn's Free P. E. church te-morrow, is the well known rector of St. Paul's Within the Walls in the Etemal City. Se nipid is the progress of Christianity in China, that Dr. Lcggee, the professor of Chinese, at Oxford, England, says if the present rale of conversion of the Chinese te Christianity continues, by the year 1011! there will be 20,000,000 of church members, and, 100,000,000 of professing Christians in the Chinese empire. Tiik seven largest Congregational churches in this country are Plymouth, Brooklyn, 2,519 members ; First, Chicago, l,10:t; Central, Brooklyn, 1,0-18; Broad way Tabernacle, New Yerk city, 008; Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, 9CG; Church of the Disciples, New Yerk city, 817 ; First, Obcrlin, Ohie, 713. A Leauvillk gambler advertises in hand-bills as fellows : "Kcne, as played at Wy man's, is a very honest, upright and religious game. It is religious because Wymau don't allow any one te swear or te make these vulgar expressions sometimes used in playing kcne. It is respectable be cause the Rev. Mr. Talmagc was in the ether evening te sce the game. Wyman has no noise or trouble, because he treats all his customers te the finest liquors and cigars free ; also a het frce lunch three times a day. Therefore there is nothing for any ene te quarrel about." The international committee has issued a Year Boek of Yeung Men's Christian associations throughout the world. It presents in compact form the present con dition of the enterprise, and its work for the past year. It contains reports of 825 associations in North America, 285 in Great Britain and Ireland, G5 in France, 15 in Belgium, 293 in Germany, 406 in Hol Hel land, 204 in Switzerland, 79 in Sweden, G in Italy, 8 in Spain, 1 in Austraa, 13 in Australia, 2 in India, 4 in Syria, 3 in Seuth Africa, 2 in Japan .and 1 each in Madagas car and the Sandwich Islands. The Amer ican associations are most numerous and excel also in financial strength and in work ing force. They held property in buildings, furniture and libraries, worth mere than $3,000,000. The Christian communities of this country have contributed during the past year $400,000 for their support. This is mere than for any previous year. The preservation of tombstones and monuments is an important question in view of the great interests involved. Pro Pro feseor Geikie, in a paper read recently be fore the Royal society of Edinburgh, re corded the results of certain observations en the weathering of mennments in grave yards, for the purpose of measuring the rate of degradation by atmospheric in- fluences. The calcareous rocks marbles and limestenes yield quickly, as a rule, te atmospheric influences. In some cases slabs have been worn down a quarter of an inch in less than a century by the superfi cial solution of rain containing carbonic and sulphuric acids; in ethers, they are found te have been disintegrated inter nally, se that the very substance of the marble crumbles away; and in a third scries of cases, where the slabs have been inserted in a framework of solid stone, the expansion of the slabs has caused outward curvature and ultimate fracture. In sand stone the effects are mere varied. When the stone is flaggy or distinctly bedded, and the lamination is exposed te the ac tion of the raiu, or when the rock is net of homogeneous composition, the destruction has been very rapid, the flakes scaling off and leaving raw, bare surface. Slabs of freestone and ether unlaminated sand rocks were, however, found te be se enduring, that the sharpness of the cut letters is hardly blunted after a century's exposure. PERSONAL. Dr. Mauy Walkei: is panting through the White Mountains. JesEru Cook was robbed of his geld watch while en his way te Chautauqua. Mr. and Mrs. William Simiaevk arc about te be amicably divorced. A large number of persons of Yerk ami vicinity proceeded te the residence of Ilen Jekemiaii S. Black last evening and ten dered him a cordial welcome home from his European trip. The engagement of Jesse, youngest son of General Graut, te Lizzie, daughter of U. S. Chapman, a large California land owner, is announced. The marriage will take place at the Palace hotel, next month. The Lewell, Mass., Democrats chose delegates te the state convention, all of whom would be favorable te Gen. Bir lei:"s candidacy if he would stand, but he himself was chosen in his home ward, at his own request, with the purpose it is understood, of declining gubernatorial honors in the convention. Senater J. Donalu Cami:i;ens new Washington house is nearly ready for its occupant, and will add greatly te the beauty of Massachusetts avenue. It is sur rounded by handsome residences, among which is that built by Sir Richard Thorn Thorn eon, which is en Connecticut avenue. In the second story of the National bureau of engraving and printing are shown three swords, valued at $-"50,000, which General Butler brought from New Orleans. It be remembered that he pre sented them te President Lincoln, who de clined te receive them as presents because he was a salaried official. They belonged te General Twiecs. His heirs arc trying tejget them back from the government. A bill was introduced in Congress for the purpose net long age. During the war, en one occasion, as Cel. Ben Inoeiisell was galloping away with his men as fast as their horses could get ever the ground, his horse stumbled in a lane and threw him. Just as he fell sev eral balls struck the leg near him, and en looking up he saw two or three rebels rais ing cai bines at him. With characteristic quickness and presence of mind he shouted at the top of his voice : " Held en there ! Don't make feels of yourselves ! I've been doing nothing else for the last live minutes but wishing for a chance te recog receg nise your Confederacy!" LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. Laborers en Ne. 11 section of the Laehiue 'canal, te the number of 400, have struck for an advance of wages from $1.10 te $1.25 tcr day. Hen. DeWitt C. West, a well-known Democratic politician of Lowville, N. Y., died suddenly of heart disease. Jacob Winding, of 1010 First avenue, New Yerk, hanged himself in his room. He was only 18 years old, and no eause is known for the deed. The wife of C. M. Hendlcy, chief execu tive clerk te Mr. Hayes, died suddenly at Bcmus Point, N. Y., en Thursday even ing, of typhoid-pneumonia. The remains were forwarded te Washington for burial. A furious storm, en Sunday last, at Fert Mojave, Arizona, blew down the company quarters. Three men were killed and sev eral ethers wounded. The officers' quar ters were destroyed and the hospital and sterehsusc much damaged. While descending the shaft of a new sewer yesterday at Bosten, James Clark, foreman of a gang, fell out of the cage, a distance of eighty feet, and was killed, lie was a resident of Maryland, where he leaves a wife and seven children. In Hartferd, Conn., St. Julicu en his second trial against time, made a mile in 2:1 U, beating the record a quarter of a second. The first quarter was made in :2J, the half in 1 :05 and the three-quarters in 138.. Washington presents a beautiful appear ance new, with its parks innumerable and its long lines of trees. The grounds around the Agricultural hall are simply grand. The Washington monument has gained four-feet in height since the work of eemplctcing it was commenced about three weeks age. The hotly of an unknown man, much mutilated, was found at 5 o'clock yesterday morning lying across the track of the Har lem river railroad,at Ninety-seventh street and Fourth avcuue, New Yerk. He had been cut in two by a train. The man was about twenty-eight years of age. Mrs. Obncy, a New Yerk milliner in Paris en business, a party in the Newell divorce suit, committed suicide at the Hetel de Paris. In a letter written before her death she says: "lam weary of life and want rest," and asked te be placed in a coffin in the dress she were when she died. Dr. Chalfont, the slayer of Jesiah Bacen, was convicted of murder in the second de grce, and will receive sentence next Friday, in San Francisce. Chalfent.was a dentist, formerly of Chester county Pa., and had been harassed by Bacen, agent of the vul canite patent monopoly. The murder closely resembles the famous Parkman Webstcr case. A passenger train en the Chesapeake & Ohie railroad ran into a coal train in a tunnel 27 miles west of Greenbrier White Sulphcr Springs, en Thursday; several cars of both trains were wrecked. The freight conductor was killed, and several trainmen and a number of passengers were injured, but none fatally. The shock of the collision brought down stones from the ceiling and sides eg the tunnel. Mrs. Catharine Scheffcr, a widow sixty years old, has commenced a suit in the Brooklyn city court for $10,000 damages for alleged breach of premiso of marriage against Antonie Fersarierc.a young Italian. She has also preferred a charge of obtain ing a mortgage for $1,000 from her under false pretences. The Italian was arrested andjtaken te Brooklyn te answer the latter complaint. Near Guthrie. Ky.. a colored man named Green Ellis, assaulted His. Duncan with intent te commit robbery. After beating her severely and taking $13 that was en her person he left her for dead. She re covered sufficiently te get home and report the fact. Ellis was caught, had his trial and was te have been sentenced te the county jail. Between twenty-five and fifty men rode into town, overpowered the guard and quietly removed Ellis, who was hanged net far from town. STATE ITEMS. The quantity of coal and coke carried ever the Pennsylvania railroad the second week of August was 13(5,780 tens. Lcvenns Yan Slyke and his little grand son were instantly killed by lightning at Salisbury Corners. Charles Gresch, an employee of the Bethlehem iron company, fell asleep en a railroad siding near the mill and was kill ed by a shifting train running ever him. Twenty-three skeletons were recently dug up in Erie, and the Dispatch explains it by showing that eighty-five years age thegreuud covered by Erie was an Indian burial greuud. Michael McCue. while engaged in shovel ing cinder from the pit into which trucks are backed for the purpose of carrying off the refuse in the blast furnace of the Cam bria iron company, met with instant death by being crushed between the bumpers of atruekand the embankment. The proprietors of the St. Cloud hotel, Philadelphia, having just refitted it gave a banquet there yesterday te fifty uows uews paper men from Philadelphia and eastern Pennsylvania. There were fifty gentlemen present. Colonel A. K. MeClure, of the Times, presided. On his left sat Charles E. Smith, editor of the Prest, and en the right D. S. Ncitnan, of the Easten Sen tinel. The Hcrdie personal transportation com pany have leased the large wareheuse et Hugh Craig, en the Northwest corner of Bread and" Cherry streets, Philadelphia, and will at once begin the work of altera tions te adapt the place te the use for which it has been secured. This building, which is the largest in the city, will be the head quarters of the Herdic coaches. It will be fitted up with two hundred stalls, and as seen as this work is completed sixty coaches will be put en the streets, Mrs. William McFarland, of Pottstown, aged about thirty-five years, while men tally deranged, attempt te commit suicide by hanging. She was found by a young man suspended te a joist in the cellar. When assistance came life was almost ex tinct. Physicians labored diligently for about thirtv minutes before signs of life were visible. It is thought new she will recover. Several months age she had ty phoid fever, and ever since she has been melancholy. m m The Celeman Memerial. The parish of St. Luke's church, Leba non, has been erecting a new and substan tial church of great beauty. It is Gothic in style, and is chiefly of brown stone and native limestone All the doorways, windows and capitals, the chancel rail ing and the trimmings are of Ohie sandstone, pale and white. Abeve the portal is a large wheel-window, set in white stone. Immediately below this, carved in bold relief, are figures of a winged lien and a winged bull. All the glass in the building is stained. The overhanging masonry in the interior rests en columns of Tennessee marble, the capi tals of which are very beautiful. Each of the latter is of different design. The nave and transept will be floored with tile. The choir and ceiling are of polished oak. At the rear of the main structure are the rec tor's study and the vestry room. The whole, it is said, will cost almost, if net quite, $200,000. Ail Acquitted Alter All. In Somerset, Pa., G. Melville, M. J. Mar tin, James Parren, T. J. Baker, Vick Bur Bur eon, Scott Fergusen, William Wilsen, Jehn Mayuard, Philip Beycr, Frank Pemmian and James Harrington, attaches of Boyd & Pctcrs's circus, were placed en trial en a eharge of having committed an outrage en Miss Saleme Burkett, at Shanksville, in July last. On motion of their counsel they were allowed separate trials, and Jas. Par ren was selected as the first te be arraign ed. After hearing the evidence In his ease the court ordered the jury te be sworn in the ether cases. This was dene and the jury then rendered a verdict acquitting the prisoners, and they were all discharged lecalIntelligence. TIIK DRAMA. Opening uf tlie Season. Mrs. Heward ill " Unde Tem's Cabin." The amusement season opened auspic iously in this city, judging from the large and appreciative audience assembled at Fulton epera heuse last evening te wit ness the rendition of that old stand-by of "Uncle Tem's Cabin," by a company with Mrs. G. C. Heward at its head. Mrs. Heward's is the generally accepted ideal of Topsy, "the child that never was born," and her interpretation of the character bears witness of an intelligent adaptation. It "took" immensely with the audience which was of the impressible character usually gathered te witness the production this work, and she in fact, carried the play, though her support was fairly geed ; Mr. Heward's St. Clair, Mr. Monell's Marks, and Mr. Doud's dual rele of Phineas Flet cher and Legree, being notably worthy of mention, while Mr. White succeeded in making Uncle Tem as insufferably priggish as that venerable individual is went te ap pear ; little Eveline Pollock gave a charm ing personatien of Eta. Though shorn of many of the absurdities that in latter years have cropped out in the renditieu of this play through managerial devices te give it freshness, Mrs. Heward's version is susceptible of further intelligent pruning, and the quartet of alleged Virginia Jubilee Singers might very properly be dispensed with, especially in view of the fact that their singing is net even ordinarily geed, and their songs are introduced at, the most inopportune juncture. On Monday evening Miss Anuie Firmin and Mr. Jehn Jack will appear in the com edy drama et "Civil Marriage." "THE L1TTLK I'INEX." A Ilare Investment In Mining Stock. A handsomely printed pamphlet of 21 pages comes te us with the title " The Little Pincy Geld and Silver Mining Com pany of Colerado," which corporation owns 80 acres, ten near Leadville, near railroad communication and with cxclusive and ample water facility. The president sent out in July te push the work of develop ment has returned, bringing beautiful spe cimens of the geld obtained by himself upon the ground, which may be seen at the company's office, in Philadelphia. The president's report, together with an assay of the geld, and certificates of Hen. W. H. Fishback and Colonel Harrison Berry, two experienced miners, as te the value and condition of the company's property, arc published in the company's pamphlet and make a most gratifying exhibit of the re sources of the company and the value of its product. The price of a limited num ber of snares has been put down te $1, se that the most cautious investor need risk little for the chances of a big stake. Demented. A man named Philip Marks, residing en the Fruitville pike north of this city, was arrested this morning and committed te the county prison for 30 days for disorder ly conduct. He appears te be infatuated with a belief that he owns all the property in the neigborheod, and has greatly an noyed the real owners by offensively posh pesh ing his absurd claims, and threatening te dispossess them. ICOJT PARTISAN. Gee. H. Themas rest, G. A. K.. Net Te lie a "alltlcl Organlxatieu. These spirits of the local pest of the Grand Army of the Republic who have been designing te give that organization a partisan turn and enlist it in the cause of the Republican candidate for president latterly have received a couple of set backs that will be calculated te dampen the ardor of their efforts in this direction. Recently the inspector of the order in this state paid a visit te Gee. H. Themas pest here and, re ferring te the manifest desire of some et the "best workers" te pervert it te partisan purposes cautioned them agaiust attempt ing te carry out such intention as hostile te the spirit of the organization, which was formed te protect the widows and orphans of their comrades of the war who comprised men of all political creeds; and concluding with the statement that if it came down te a strict test of preference General Hancock would be found te have a majority of the pests in his favor. Last evening Gee. II. Themas pest held a social gathering at their headquarters in Bair & Shenk's banking house, Centre square, at which it was very generally agrecd that the influence of the pest should be lent te neither of the political parties, but that the original purpose of the order should be ""maintained throughout this and succeeding campaigns: that partisanship should be strictly tabooed in the life of the organization. Refresh ments were served, and the bold soldier boys spent the evening in entertaining re citals of tales anil incidents which they shared together around the eampfirc and en the battle field. LKA1' TOBACCO. The Pennsylvania Crep or 1880. The following is an estimate, in cases, of the product in leaf tobacco in Pennsylva nia for 1880. The crop is new being heused and the list is valuable, as the average estimate of five leading buyers and packers new in Lancaster : County. Cases. Bucks 10 000 Philadelphia 300 Delaware 500 Montgomery 2 000 Chester 15 000 Berks 5 000 Lancaster 40 000 x erk ........... oil UUU Lebanon 8 000 Dauphin 2 000 Cumberland 5 000 Franklin 1 000 Juniata 1 000 Mifllin 1 000 Northumberland 500 Clinten 20 000 Tiega ti 000 Westmoreland 1 000 Scattering 1 000 Total 119,300 TIN CAN STILTS. The Small Hey's Latest Invention. The small boy is enlarging the sphere of his discoveries. He has found a new use for discarded fruit cans. Hitherto his operations were limited te tying them te dogs tails, making singing machines of them, and feeding them te billy-geats ; but new he makes stilts of them. He takes a pair of old tin pans, punches holes through the bottom of them and passes a cord or strap through the holes forming a stirrup of sufficient length te cnable him te held it in his hand while standing erect. He then mounts the empty cans, pulls the stirrups taut, and walks oil' te his infinite delight and te the amazement of his ma. The music made by an active boy in trot ting off en a pair of these tin-can stilts can neither be imagined nor described, but it can easily be heard a square or mere away. Smart boys have a project en feet te im prove the stilts by building them two or thrce stories high. Munhelm mid Vicinity. Mr. Henry Schwartz sold a let of ground, containing 2J acres, and fronting en the south side of West High street, for $1,005. Mrs. A. L. Lengenccker, purchaser. Mr. Jehn Showers, sr., sold 2 acres and 48 perches of his farm, in Raphe township, te Jeseph Connelly, for $100 per acre. Annie, a nine-year old daughter of Abram Bchm, of Pcnn township, while standing en a fence gathering grapes, accidentally fell, and ene of the pointed pales entering her groin passed into her abdomen, causing a dangerous wound. At last accounts she was in an improving condition. Cbas. Lehr, auctioneer, sold at public sale for the estate of Jacob Connelly, de ceased, 11 share Lancaster County national bauk stock te B. M. Stauffcr, esq. 2 shares at $99 each, remainder at $90.50 each ; and 1 1 shares Union national Mount Jey bank stock ( te Jonas White, at $72 per share, and 5 te Henry Becker, at $71.25 per share. TlioSprlnKVllle Iloeni. A correspondent sends us a long and humorous account of the organization of a Republican club in Springvillc a week age. He knocks all the romanceoutofthc glow ing description furnished the New Era and declares that it can be proved by Garfield men living en the spot that there were net present all told, at any one time, mere than 25 or SO men, including a number of Democrats. There was net a single lady present and there was net a single cheer offered for Garfield en the occasion, and that after the Democrats assisted them in putting up the poles, the Republicans un der cover of a tunc played by the Maytown band, sneaked off te their homes terribly discouraged. We are compelled te emit our correspondent's full account of thoaf theaf fair and his portraits of the doctor, the postmaster and the "little ordcrlie" first because we are crowded for room and sec ond because he wrete en both sides of the paper. A Denial. David Phillips, the husband of Mary Phillips, who was before Aldcrmau Barr a few days age, te answer for disorderly cou ceu duct and surety of the peace, takes excep tion te the testimony offered agaiust his wife,and declares that she is net disorderly and that he has net neglected her nor had any immoral dealings with Miss Irviu. The witnesses, he says, are down en him and his wife because they will net associate with them. As only one side of the story was given he asks us te give the ether. OIHce Bobbed. Last night thieves broke into the office II. C.SIoere, tobacco packer. North Prince street, ransacked the drawers and pigeon holcsef the deskjstrcwedthe papers all ever the office and succeeded in finding $4.50, which of course they appropriated. In one of the drawers of the desk was a box con taining quite a sum of money, which the thieves in their hurry overlooked. An en trance was effected through a broken win dow sash in Bitncr's warehouse. Contract Awarded. The finance committee of the beard of school directors have awarded te Mr. Charles U. Barr, bookseller and stationer, the contract for supplying the beard with books and stationery for indigent pupils of the public schools for the ensuing year. The East Basin. A further examination of the south wall of the cast reservoir seems te prove that its condition is generally geed, but that there is one bad place in it which will require repairs involving a cost estimated at $250. The brick facing of this portion of the wall will be taken down for about ten feet from the top, the bank will be puddled, and the wall relaid in cement. The height of water in the east basin this morning was 11 feet ,2 inches, and of the west basin 16 feet 0 inches. LAST NIGHT IN LIME STRHBT. Wnat a Greea Reporter Saw and Heard. Herman Hirsh and his daughter Miss Cclia returned yesterday from their Euro pean tour, and their house was aglow with light last nignt ana bnlhant with nags and flowers te welcome them te the circle of their family friends who had assembled te greet them. Refreshments were spread in the dining room, and a brass band sere nade was net emitted from the occasion's festivities. Mr. Hirsh and his daughter return in improved health, neither of them having suffered from sea-sickness cither in going out or returning. They traveled ever 12,000 miles during their tour, visit ing all points et interest in northern, south era and central Germany and ether Euro pean states. Neither was our congressman absent, and great joy as usual accompanied his presence. Mr. Smith is genial and gives his time te his friends, if he don't threw his money away te Dr. Hen Muhlenberg for foolish banners and things. The doc tor get a dollar when he wanted five, and new proposes a vete of the subscribers returning Mr. Smith's gift as net needful. Ne doubt Mr. Smith will be glad te have it and te get a chance te use that dollar where it will de mere geed. He knows that Benjamin Franklin never would have given a penny for such afoelishjpurposc, and he is solid in following Benjamin ; and in going te see his friends when they ceme home and bidding them geed cheer and smiling upon their pretty daughters and going home at the early hour of ten o'clock, as he did last night. Mr. Smith is a bachelor of most excellent habits ; and therefore he preserves his bloom and his geed name and his geed digestion and dreamless sleep. Mr. Smith has a geed conscience, as te all but the ene girl whom he ought te have married and made happy and borne about with him te Con gress and into his friend's houses as Ged's best gift te him. Net that we refer te any particular girl. Mr. Smith has never been- a deliberate heart smasher ; he has never been in leve se far as the world knows. And it must be se ; for he lives en Lime street ; and what Lime street don't knew about the denizens of its street and in deed about these who live en many ether streets we confidentially dcclare'is really net worth invuiring about. Mr. Smith bears the certificate of his neighbors that he has never been in leve and, alas ! that he never will be. Which is a great pity for a man of se fair fortune and such sound mind and limb. It is the sole reproach upon Mr. Smith's name; and could he but rise te the need of the occasion and resolutely shake off his bachelorhood he would net only stand peerless among his fellows, but he would make sure his chance of heaven. Especially if he would get a hen-pecker. That subject was up for discussion in Lime street last night ; net apropos of Sir. Smith, however, but somehow introduced by an emphatic declaration that such crea tures did exist in our midst and could be counted by the dozen. The hen-pecked husband was handled without gloves, the interesting hen being let off with light de nunciation as ene who could net well be damned for abusing the weakness of her mate. And " hew weak he must be te stand it," was the general exclamation. Hew unanimously the girls agree that submission and complaisance is the wife role ; if the wives would only be as unan imous, hew fine a world it would be for the men ! Mr. Smith has no liquor iti his house. Maj. Brcncman, ever the way, keeps open house for the congressman's bibulous friends ; which is clever. The Lime street people are great travelers, but they are all at home new, including the babies ; for they have babies en Lime street, and they are heard afar off; but Lime street smiles en, knowing hew beauti ful will be the lives which this lung exercise is fortifying for the world's bat tles. They speak sometimes with severity of reporters; but that is only the fashion. They dearly love in reality te have their virtues and geed deeds made illustrious in the local chronicles. Our distinguished friend Lyte, of the Examiner, net long agejcalled at a house en Lime street te get the particulars of a death. When he departed Mrs. was overheard te liken the presence of the reporter te the hovering of the buzzard abeve a carcass. Dr. Brown, of the United States navy, surgeon at the Mare Island navy yard, California, and his wife, who is is a sister of Mrs. Dr. Messcrsmith, U. S. N., of this city, is at the residence of the latter en Lime street. They sit en .their deer steps in Lime street, when they are at home ; and that makes the street se cheerful ; and that is hew they get te knew se much. Mrs. Ucah Frazcr has had some most beautiful chairs of ancient pattern in the upper regions of her heuse, which have lately been brought down te adorn the dining room. Why are the chairs of old se much mere graceful than these of this day, whiie at the same time stout and strong ? It is fashienable en Lime street te cat watermelon in the evening. And ice cream any time. Semper paralus is the motto of the street. "" Sometimes they forget te put the forced meat balls in the mock turtle soup. But they are geed cooks, and the Grid iron club enrolls thorn as among its most distinguished members. A lady en that street fell from a peach tree yesterday and seriously injured her self; we de net give her name because we understand that the publicity would net be agreeable te her. Miss Daisy Grubb. who was away for some weeks at Spring Lake, returned some days since, and Lime street's attractive ness is greatly enhanced by her charming presence. Mrs. and Miss Brcncman are back from Saratoga, where they had a most delightful visit, and new out upon Lime street shines the light of their most hospitable home. Mrs. Reitzy.ef Savannah, Georgia, nee Miss Alice Haldeman of Chiques, and daughter of that elegant gentleman and most estimable man and Democrat the late Dr. Edward Haldeman, is en a brief visit with her two daughters at the resi dence of Mrs. Rcah Frazcr, en Lime street. They have en Lime street a new cook. And they have a book club te which the new cook's mistress and the mistress next deer both belong. The habit of the house is te pass the books ever the fence. The new cook was net posted in this habit, and when the mistress confided the books te her for transmission, she thought she was a very kind mistress and she took them up te her room. But she did net read them. She did net want te. Her tastes were net lit erary. But at the same time she would net disappoint her kind Mistress and she kept the books just as though she appre ciated the lean of them. After a while she returned them. She received a revela tion. But the fines for the detention of the books were net collected from her. The joke was thought cheap enough at the price, and the mistress paid up cheerfully. Yeu can find nut anythingyeu want te en Lime street. Wc have net told half of what we heard. It was all innocent, but net all for the public. Our reporter thinks he has struck a mine in that avenue, butwe fear he has ex hausted it. They will cry "mad deg" when they see him next time, and run.' Alas ! and alack-a-dav ! Se it often ball pens that in our sinccrcst efforts te com pliment one's friends our endeavor is net appreciated : and these wc adore the most are the maddet. We have suffered thus severely in the past. Wc expect te suffer iu the future. We are long-suffering, and walk in humility as we grew in grace. A MODE11N MACBETH. "Hang out our Banner en the Outer Walls." Jelly Jack, of the Examiner, in his last expiring efforts te held the fort, seems de termined te emulate the bloody Scotch usurper. He affects te believe that "our castle's strength will laugh a siege te scorn," and te show his pluck under the most disceuragcing circumstances he gives the command te "Hang out our banners en the outer walls," and forthwith Ad. Delict aud Jesh Lyte hang 'em out The one is a home-made banner bearing the names of "Clay Fkkuxghuysex asi 3Iakklk" all of whom were ingloriously defeated by the Democracy in 18-11. On the rcversc of this banner are the words "protection the tariff as it is,' The motto of course referred te the tariff of 1S42, against al most every protective feature of which Garfield has voted again and again. The ether banner is a silk one en which is painted a geed looking woman placing a wreath en the brew of a bust of Hcnry Clay. Forming a circle around the pic ture are the words " Wc honor these who cherish us ; Our hearts arc with our wreaths." The reverse side of tlie banner shows that it was presented te the Whig party of Lancaster by the Whig ladies of Lancaster. The Whig party is dead protection is dead (Garfield killed it) ; all the candidates named en the old banner were defeated as disastrously as Hancock defeated the Con federates at Gettysburg. There seems therefore te be a sad propriety in the Ex aminer bringing forth these funeral em blems and exhibiting them te its .surround ing friends as tokens of the approaching deem of its party aud its candidates. Still the Examiner is te be commended for its courage, and about the time the filial and fatal conflict comes en we cx)cct te hear it shout, " Lay en Macduff and dammed be he who first cries hoId,cneugh' They light ; Macbeth dies ; the curtain falls. MOM KSTIU TKOimi.KS IN Cl'UKT. Surety of the I'eace and Desertion. Before court this morning Wm. Cosgrove had a hearing for threatening te wring off the neck of Eliza Hildebrauil for swearing a bastardy case en him (of which the jury acquitted him.) He denied it and the court let him off, "county for costs." Christiana Adams, who sued her husband Jacob Adams, for desertion, swore that he has failed te provide for her for several years, especially since July 4, and that he had tried te send her te the insane asylum. He swore that he duly provided for her and had the certificates of Drs. 31. L. Hcrr and Davis that she was insane, and he only de serted her when the neighbors interfered te prevent her removal. Dr. Hcrr testified that she had been insane, is new better, but still nervous. Adams was ordered te pay his wife and son $2.50 per week and costs. Jes. II. Bewman, who was ordered at April court te support his wife, was ar raigned for failure te de se. He swore that he wrote for her te come te Ephrata te live in a room which he had fiUcd up, but she preferred te live in Reading. Or dered te pay her $1 a week and costs. Casimcr Lichty, according te Margaret Gcttler's oath, told his wife te scald her or her children if they came into the common alley between these parties' houses en Maner street. 1 Ie declared the children te be troublesome, but swore he had made no threats. Each party ordered te pay half the costs and Casimcr te give bends te keep the peace. Abraham Brubakcr, tried for desertion last Saturday, was ordered te pay his wife $3 per week and costs. Ged fried Gressman, charged with de sertion, was dismissed, "county for office costs," as the parties, who are very peer, are new living together. Christian Bard, an insane man, sen tenced te six months in jail for carrying concealed weapons, was scut te the insane asylum. Henry Missel's restaurant license was transferred te Francis Nell. Jehn Warfel was granted a .soldier's license te peddle. Stephen Grissingcr, Jehn W. Engle and Davids. .Millar were appointed viewers te lay out a read from the Alt. Jey and Mt. Hepo read te the read running near Mas tcrsvillc te Olier's bridge ; and also te re locate a part of a read, recently laid out in Raphe tewnsiiip leading from the Man hcim and Overbroek read te the Manlicim and Lebanon read. I.ITTLK I.OCAIS. Ucro and There antlKverywherc. Father Weedman, the Paulist preacher will preach at vespers, St. Mary's church, te-morrow evening at 7 o'clock. The Ninth ward Hancock club picnic comes off at Green cottage en Monday. The picnic for the benefit of St. Anth Anth ony's church, takes place at What Glen, en Monday next. It premises te be a day of enjoyment for the young people of the parish. Capt. Gee. 31. Franklin and family re turned yesterday from Brigautinc. 3Ir. and 3Irs. J. W. B. Bailsman sailed for home en Tuesday from Liverpool. The money drawer in the .stand of 3Irs. Andrew Kreider, in thcNerthern market was opened this afternoon, while the lady had her back turned and all the money stolen. Alderman Barr denies that he struck S B. Herr at the What Glen picnic ; se does Wm. Blickeiidcrfcr ; se does Peter Letz. Richard Conyngham, injured en the railroad at Lcaraan Place, has died from his injuries and exhaustion upon being re moved te his home at Chatham, Chester county. Waived a Hearing. Allen Ceble, charged with certain Jar ccnics at Elizabethtown, licferc reported, and his brother,H. U. Ceble, charged with being accassery after the faet, were te have had a hearing before Alderman Spurrier this morning at 9 o'clock; but when the hour arrived defendants who were pre sented byS. II. Reynolds and AV. A. Wil Wil sen,esqs., waived a hearing and entered bail te answer at court, their fathcr,Lcvi Ceble, becoming their bondsman in the sum of $300 en each of the live complaints agaiust each of them. Ninth Ward Club. A business meeting of the Hancock and English club of the Ninth ward was held last evening at their room in Haas's hotel. Several new names were added te the list of members, and the equipment committee was directed te purchase one hundred sets of equipments for the club. Purchase of a Property. R. n. Brubaker has purchased the property of Mrs. Dostman,two doers south of his residence, en North Duke street, for $2,500. S k X