& V vj '. r-"- ;- i?:-&ax 1 - V - . - x LAKCASTERJXAIXy iftTELlAGEftCER 'FRIDAY! AUGUST' 27 1830. z- "7 J I il yrew newer and truer every day ; with advancing years it wears net out. He works like A weaver who bat ut hU loom, Flinging his shuttle- fust. And a thread that should wear till the hour of deem Was addedal every cast." WHAT GLEN? Digraccrtil Rew A Man JJrutally Beaten. Yesterday the "managers" of the What glen park -association had a family picnic en their grounds. There were present about twenty-five couples of adults and a number of children. The day was pleas antly spent and everything ran along smoothly until towards evening, by which time llie nude portion of the party became somewhat hilarious, and a row followed, resulting in the severe beating of Mr. S. B. Heir, proprietor of the Park house. There arc different stories as te the cause of the tjeuble. One story is is that Mr. Hcrr used vulgar and insulting language te one or mere of tlie ladies present, and for this misbehavior he was attacked and beaten by A. J. Ceglcy and his son Jehn W. Cog ley. On the ether hand, Mr. Hcrr posi tively declares that he did net insult any of the ladies, and did net make use of any language in the presence of the ladies that could possibly be con strued as being vulgar. He says he did make use of one or two slang phiases in the bar-room, but he did net suppose that any ladies were there if they were they oughtn't te have been. He says there was cheering in the bar-room for (lariield, and in i espouse he hurrahed for Hancock, and he was at once set ujen and beaten by half a dozen men. He says Alderman Ban- was the first te strike, and lie was immediately afterwards struck by AVin. Blickeiidefer, Peter Letz of the Schiller house and the Uegley's, father and son. Olhci.s present encouraged his assailants by crying out "Kill the son of a bitch," anil he probably would have been killed had he net received some protection from Gottlieb Schmidt, who had charge of the saloon, and Jehn Herting, Samuel Gensemcr and ether members of the association, who declared it "a shame te abuse a man because he was a Democrat." Mr. Hcrr says that he and his wife were invited, and went te the picnic at the urgent request of members of the association, and that his only offence was that he was a little " full " and per sisted in hurrahing for Hancock in re sponse te ether fellows who were equally full and hurrahing for Garfield. Mrs. Heir, who lushed te the assist ance of her husband when she saw him attacked, corroborated his statement te the extent of saying that she heard her husband make no use of any insulting or improper language. She also says that Alderman Barr pulled her away when she tried te save her husband and told her she was no l.uly. It is due te Alderman Barr te say that lie utterly denies having struck Mr. Hcrr or said a disrespectful word te Mrs. Hcrr, until hhe used a vile epithet te him. The alderman s:iys the attack en Hcrr was made by the Ceglcys because he insulted Miss Cegiey, and net because he was a Hancock man. lie and ether members of the association acknowledge that all hands were pretty full of beer. It is charged that when Samuel Bitzer, a Democrat, came upon the ground, Alder man Barr said, " We have just licked one Democrat and " te which Mr. Bitzer re plied, " well then, I had better go away," and at once left the ground. Alderman Barr denies having madejiny such remark, and states that there were several Demo crats en liie ground, and nene of them were interfered with en account of their politics. Cooper & Il.UIey'n Second Car and Callope. Advcrtiscing car Ne. 2 of Cooper & Bailey's Great Londen Circus will arrive in this city en Use C:25 train from Harrisburg this evening. This car has a steam calliope unen it. which is performed upon by an excellent player, who will play a number of new pieces upon the arrival el the car in this city. Mr. Crete Pulvcr is the ceur teeus and gentlemanly superintendent of the car, and he will be glad te show these around, who will call upon him. There arc about a dozen lithographers and pre grammers en the car, among whom is Geerge W. Goedhart of this city, who has been traveling with this show during the entire season. MU Jey l'est Ofltce Robbed. Last night thieves broke into the post pest post efiico at Mt. Jey. They effected an en trance by pryingepenthe back window with a chisel which they stele lrem the wagon maker shop of 1). Boyce. They broke open the money drawer, but only succeeded in getting three cents. The stamps had all been locked up carcfusly by postmaster W. ('. P. lleed and they were net disturbed. Sometime dming yesterday Wm. Man ning received a cheek for $1,273.50, for back pension, from the government. After he received the money he deposited it in the First national bank. A number of per sons were aware of the fact that Mr. Manning was te receive the money and it is supposed that they thought they would succeed in getting it by breaking into the posteflice. Little Locals. Many Lancaster sportsmen arc te-day at tending a sheeting match at the hotel of Jehn Kchternacht at Millport. Dc. Witt C. Prance, of Philadelphia, is stepping at the City hotel. He is spending a few days with friends in this city. Miss Lizzie Stiebcl, organist of St. Mar's church, is spending a vacation amid the invigorating atmosphere of the Allc ghenics in Garrett county, Md. The Republican parade anl banner hang ing intended te come off this evening has been" indefinitely postponed. The com cem mittcc had ordered a 10x15 banner in New Yerk, but the Hancock Legien bauncr en North Queen street and the "time, spirit less" manner in which it was hung com pelled them te change their plans and scratch their heads te discover what they will da about it. Last evening the wooden plug in the end of the six-inch water pipe at the extreme north end of Piincc street, was blown out by the weight of water against it, delug ing the street. The water was shut off at the corner of Prince and Frederick, and the plug was replaced. m Old Almanacs. One of the Intelligencer staff was this morning presented with a collection of old almanacs dating back almost te the begin ing of the present century. Among ethers are " Bonsai and Miles' Town and County Almanac' for 1804, printed in Wilmington, Del.,Paulsen"s Town and County Almanac for 1805 ami 1800," printed in Philadelphia, the "Lever's and Bacheler's Almanac, for Seuth Carolina and Georgia," for 1807 : the " Grand Republican Almauac for Seuth Carolina and Georgia," ' Bieren's Town and County Almauac" for 1811. These old almanacs arc well preserved and contain some entertaining reading. A Horned Tead. Dr. S. S. Rathven has received from Martin K. Mylin, Gordonville, this county, a very beautiful specimen of a horned toad. It was brought from Chicago by one of the Sir Knights who attended the parade re cently given there ; but Dr. Rathven says it is net a native of Chicago, but of a wanner country. It is much handsomer, plumper, and less horned thau the Texas toads. Committed for Court. Jaeeb Weaver and Charles Albright, charged with stealing chickens from Jehn IT. Ceover, of Ephrata, some months age, had a hearing before Alderman Spurrier this afternoon, and in default of bail were com mittcd te jail te answer at court. COLUMBIA NEWS. OCR REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE. Pergenal Points Gunnlnc and Fishing Heme Again. Miss Jesie Jehnsen, who has eccn risk ing in town for some weeks, returned fe her home at Philadelphia, te-day. Rev. Jehn McCoy, pastor of the Presby terian church, is again in town. lie had bcenj spending a couple of weeks ia Dela ware. Anether party of Columbia gunners went tewaids Mount Jey for plover yester day. A party of nine from Columbia will spend this evening at Norwood, the resi dence of .Mrs. Uel. Myers. Fishing is again becoming geed. Bass and cat fish are right plenty, and rock fish are again being caught in small numbers. The Utter Bres., of Lebanon, have leased the store room jSe. 33 Seuth bccend street, and also the room adjeiniug A. D. Reese's f i.:n: i l n i. r,i iu, r , I billiard hall en the second lloer el the same building, fiem Mr.S. S. Detweiler te open a dry goods store. The store will be opened en September 1st. The picnic given yesterday at Mill way park en the Reading & Columbia railroad by Messrs. C. Coepsr, Hogentogler and Orrick Richards was a highly enjoyable and successful affair. Tayler's orchestra furnished the music. The Pcnuslyvania railroad company is raising the curb in front of the depot. Rille team Ne. 2 was out for practice yesterday. Coiperal Ed. B. Eckman scored 2! out of a possible 70. His score was the highest. The ladies' committee besides appoint ing sub-committees, did some work last evening in aid of the Citizens' band fair. Fred. Buchcr returned last evening from his trip te Germany, France, England and Ireland. His objective point was a place near Hesse CasscI, where his mother aud a couple of his sisters reside. He found his family in an excellent state of health and remained with the mcmbeis thereof for several weeks. He had been away three or four months and returned en a steamer of the Antwerp line. James Kiscadcn is the name of the man who had his leg broken by the closing of a barn deer en the farm Hen. J. Donald Cameren during the wind storm of day be fore yesterday, noticed in the Intklligen ci:it of last evening. The right leg is broken below the kucc. Kiscaden was taken te his residence at Second and Perry streets, Columbia, where he lies, a patient of Dr. F. Hinklc. Strange te say no evil consequences at tended the party of picnickers en Greem's Island yesterday, for the reason, probably, that all hands were encased in gossamer coats, hats, etc.; the etc. being a curious' article resembling a Chinaman's queue, metamorphosed by the ladies into head gear. In fishing the ladies came out ahead. The party en reaching land were drawn home by the famous "colt" of the octagon. Rew at a Picnic. There was somewhat of a row at the picnic of the colored cornet band held yesterday in Heisc's weeds. A number, which inns te near a majority of these present, sampled a big amount of "lire water," and ended the thing by making sample demons of themselves. Beginning with boisterous laughter, hard jokes and harder language, the life of the occasion was kept up. but its gaiety was sadly diminished by the whole crowd engaging in a free fight, using their fists, feet, clubs and whatever else came te hand, a revolver or two net being the most insignificant means of offense aud defense. The aforesaid clubs came down with a whack en the iren-plate pates of some of the dusky plcasurc-scckers, and were broken in two without in the least in juring cither the shape or usefulness of the substance with which they came in contact. A pistol bullet at length found the abdomen et Reynolds Allisen, who was retired from the active force of com batants and carried into the shade. A woman whose name we arc net able te learn, was also injured by a blew from club or fist wc knew net which. Alli Alli eon's injury is net serious. Blackson's orchestra furnishes the music. ANOTHER SCARK. The East Kescrvler Reported Leaking. At neon te-day there was a report that there was a leak in the senth wall of the cast reservoir. Mayer MacGenilc and the water cemmitter at once visited the reservoir and found that for a distance of several feet along the south wall the brick lining of the basin had sunk several inches and the feet-walk en top of the reservoir bank showed signs of the moisture be neath it. It was deemed best te lower the water in the basin a feet or two sit once and ascertain if the leak is near the surface. There is no sign that the water has made or will make its way through the bank, but the superintendent believes the proper thing te de would be te concrete the -south wall in the same way the bot tom and north wall of the basin were re cently improved. It will be remcmbjicd that when the recent repairs were made the south wall was net teuche d it being believed te be water tight. The DeGelyer Veterans. Last night the veterans, who will sup port DeGelyer Garfield, met in Grant hall and were addressed by Ex-Mayers Atlcc and Staufler, Hugh R. Fulton aud Charles Dcnncs and W. D. Weaver csqs., and Alderman J. K. Ban-. The attend ance at the meeting was very small and there was very little enthusiasm. A nappy Man at Lockport, X. V. V.. C. Williamson, of this place, is rejoicing ever the recovery of his wile, who lias been nu invalid Jer Hie past lour years. She has re gained her strength, her complexion is vastly improved, and she has walked mere in the past month and ! stronger and better than she has been In years. lie attributes these happy re sults entirely te Day's Kidxby Tad nug23-lwdM,W&F Amusements. Mrs. Heward Te-night. It will be proper for our citizens te start the amusement campaign in this city with a boom, especially when the opening attraction is se popular favorite as Mrs. G. C. Heward In her great lelc el Topsy. "Uncle Tem's Cabin" never fails te draw In this city, and te-night's presentation of the play premises features of special excellence. Cleanse, whiten and beautify the .skin with Cuticura Medicinal Toilet Seap. Or high or low, or lich or peer. Nene would foul teeth or breath endure. If they but knew hew sure and swift Was SOZODONT, that priceless gift. In giving beauty, life and tone Te every charm the mouth can own. Feeble digestion, sick headache, dizziness anil faintness cured by Malt Hitters. SPECIAL SOT1VES. SAMPLE NOTICE. It is impossible for a woman after a faithful course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound te continue te suffer with a weakness of the uterus. Enclose a stamp te Mrs. Lydla E. Plnkham, 233 Western avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. jy29-lydeedw It is simply marvelous hew quickly consti pation, biliousness aud sick headache are cured by "Sellers' Liver rills." The Pleasures et Hepe. When the body is bowed with pain an Intense longing for relief brings hope. This may biighten the suffering but It does net cure. At a time like this hew welcome is such a friend as Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, bringing hope, health and happiness and the joys of a renewed liie. 1 Try Leclier's Renowned Cough Syrup A lady In East Liberty, Pa., whose face was covered with sores, was cured by using one bottle of " Dr. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher." Warm Weather and Its Effects. Many people, especially ladies, complain at this seaspeftt'e year of a general; weakness or debUHSj. Sit use of Speer's Pert Crape Wine prevcnbTthls. The wine Is said te have a most wonderful effect in giving strength. vigorandteHC te the whole system? It te ex tensively used by ladies nartlng, or about, te nurse Infants. This wine te net a manuf actmred article no liquor Is added te it. It Is'nd patent medicine or cordial humbug, but is a superior wine of the Oporto grape. It is pure, old, un adulterated wine, nothing mere or less. Mr. Spccr has been supplying hospitals with his wine for many years past. It is said te be un surpassed for summer complaints, and for weakly persons. The price is low ler se excel lent a wine, and no lamily need be without It. This wine te endorsed by Drs. AUee and Davis; and sold by H. E. Slaytnaker. fi aul&Swdftw Try Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup. Streng Evidence. I liavc sold at retail price since the 4th et De cember lsuit. 106 bottles of Dr. Themas' Eclcc- trie Oil, guaranteeing every tettle. Imratjsay I never aeld a medicine in my life that gave .,,,,,.., fKf.lcfi01, tfi mv own cast. wlthn badly Ulcerated Threat, after a physi cian penciling it for several days te no effect, the Eclcctrjc Oil cured it thoroughly In twenty-four hours, and in threatened croup In my children this winter In never failed te relieve almost immediatelv. C. R. HALL, Ghayville, III.. March 28, 1890. Fer sale by II. IS. Cochran, drugzist, 137 and 1311 North Queen street. Lancaster, l'a. 17 Try l.echci's Renowned Cough Syrup. Yeu May, Rut! Yeu may drink a glass of ice water when you an thoroughly heated by exercie,but be care ful te have Dr. Themas' Eclcctrlc Oil by you. The best remedy In the world for Cclic. Fer sale by II. IJ. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. 18 Mether! Mether)!! Mothers:!! Ai'syeulisturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying ith the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? It -e. go ut once and gctabettle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOU J.IIING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon il : I here Is no mistake ubent it. There is ueta met her en earth who lias ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the beu els, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It is perfectly s-afe te use in all cases, and pleas ant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest anil lel female physicians and nmcs in the United Slates. Sold everywhere ST. cents a bottle. ni7-lvd&wM.WAS Cough. " Brown's Bronchial Troches" are used with advantage te alleviate Coughs, Sere Threat, rieareness and Bronchial Affections. Fer thirty years thc-e Troches have been In use, with annually Increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. The Threat. "BrewnS Bronchial Troches'' act directly en the organs of the voice. They have an cx cx traeidlnary effect inall disorders of the Threat and Larynx, restoring a healthy tone when re laxed, either lrem cold or ever-exertion of the voice, and produce a clcarand distinct enunci ation. Speakers and Singers And the Troches useful. A Cough, Celd, Catarrh ei Sere Threat re quires immediate attention, as neglect olten elten t tines results in some incurable Lung Disease. ' Brown's Bronchial Troches " will utmost in variably give relief. Imitations are offered for sale, many el which are injurious. The genu ine "Brown's Bronchial Troches" arc sold only in boxes. iaul3-lyd&wTu,ThAS POLITICAL 11ULLEIIS. Te Voters. The 2d of SEPTEMBER is the last day for registration and assessment. The assessor of each district is required te be at the election house en WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st and 2d, from 10 a. m. te 3 p. m and lrem 6 p. m. te 0 p. m., te perfect the list of voters. All persons entitled te vote should personal ly sec that they are at-scsscd as well as regis tered. Persons Intending te be naturalized bclerc the 2d of OCTOBER should also be assessed and registered by the 2d of SEPTEMBER. Committee en naturalizatien: J. L. Stelu mctz, D. McMuIlcn, B. F. Davis, Jehn A. Ceyle, B. F. Montgomery. Persons desiring te be naturalized can apply te any of these, or te W. U. Henscl, at the IifTELLiaisxcEii office. Hancock Veteran Association meets at Cen tral Headquarter every Tuesday evening. Conference committee meets en every sec ond and fourth Wednesday of the month. Campaign committee meets regularly every Thursday evening. Hancock Legien meets every llrst and third Monday of the month. Sixth wanl club meets regularly en Friday evening; Amcricusclub en Thursday evening. Third Ward. Third Wanl Hancock club meets at central headquarters, Friday evening, Aug. 27, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requested us ar rangement! will he made In regard te uni forms. Attention, Ninth Ward Democrats I The regular stated meeting of the 9th wanl Hancock and English club will be held at their club room ever Arneld Haas's saloon, North Queen street, en Friday evening, August 27, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance et every mem ber is desired, as flnal action will be taken en uuilerms; also business relative te the picnic en next Monday, August 30, will be brought beleie the club. Let there be a full turnout of every member en Friday evening. FOB PBESIDENT : WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOK VICE PBESIDENT : WILLIAM H. ENGLISH, OF INDIANA. GEN. HON. The great principles or Amerlcau lib erty arc still the Icwful inheritance or this people, and ever should be. The right of trial by jnry, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights of persons and the rights of property ninst be preserved. ITINFIELD S. HASCOCK, Maj. lien. Cemd'g Dept. La. and Texas. Slate Electoral Ticket. KLECTOHS. R. E. MONAGIIAN, W. II. PLAYFORD. JOHN SLEVIN. E. A. PUE. J. M. CAMPBELL. (ULLES DALLET. JOHN N, MOFFET. EDWIN WALDON. NATHAN C. JAMES. GEORGE FILBERT. JAMES G. McSPARRAN, DR. ALFRED J. MARTIN ADAM GERRINGER. FRANK TURNER. P.J. BIRMINGGHAM. IL E. DAVIS. GEORGE A. POST. A. M. BENTON.J J. P. LINTON. COL. JOHN S. MILLER. J. O. SAXTON. C. K. BOWER. J. A. J. BUCHANAN. CHRISTOPHER MAGEE. ROBERT M. GIBSON. THOS. BRADFORD. HARRY W. WILSON SAMUEL GRIFFITH. J. ROSS THOMPSON. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. TOR SDTBEMK JUDOB. GEORGE A. JENKS. TOR AUDITOR OXXXRAL. ROBERT P. DECHERT. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. TOR COHGRKSS. J. L. STEINMETZ. TOR DISTRICT ATTOIUntT. D. McMULLEN. TOR SKXATOR (13th DISTRICT.) J. B. DOUGLASS. FOB ASSKXKLT (2d DISTRICT.) S. C. STEVENSON, S. P. SHIRK. TOR ASSURE? (3d DISTRICT.) H. M. BRENEMAN. K. DAVIS YUNDT, JACOB M. HAENLEN. ter prison nraneTORS. BARTON N. WINTERS. BENJ. MILLER. TOR TOOK DTRKCTOBS. A. J. SNYDER, JOHN FBANCiSCUS SEW AJiTEBTJSEMESTB. irr OTIQE! On and after SATURDAY. AUGUST 28, the PAKLOKSUUJ-. MOKE, .iO.i t,Ail ali aiaui.vui w vucini m iihii eauuu ., te CLOSEOUTBUSINESS. Desiring te engage in ether business, I take this opportunity te etcr the entire stock, consisting et 10,000 Pairs of Beets and Shoes of the best Styles and Makes, at least23 per cent, less than they can be bought elsewhere. Having made a specialty in goett feeds for the last two year, a splendid opportunity is new offered te buy superior beets ami HOES at lower prices than TRASH can he bought elsewhere. FARMERS ! Wishing te purchase their BOOTS AND SHOES for Fall and Winter, new Is your chance Mte buy CHEAP." Coantrysterckeepcrswill de well te call while our stock is yet complete. We also havea line of Very line goods which we will sell from $1 te $i a pair less than before. The EN TIRE STOCK must be SOLD out as SOON as POSSIBLE. We also offer a part of the fixtures of the store, consisting of revolving llxture In window. Lounges, part of shelving. Writing Desk, one Fireproof Combination Safe, us geed as new, and line Shew Case and Staud, at PARLOR SHOE STORE, Ne. 26 1-2 East King St., opposite Lancaster Ce. Bank. SEW Alt VEUTISEMESTS IANCASTEK K1NDEKGAKTEN WILL. j reopen MONDAY', SEPTEMBER 0,1880, at 131 North Duke street. Advanced pupils will be taken charge of by Taey A. Gleim, graduate of Swarthmore College, Pa. aug27-2wd HANCOCK GAKDtiN. ZAEPFEL'S SALOON, Centre Square, is die meaz cheer! ul place In town. Plenty el light and lresh air. Best of beer en tap. Liquors of all kind, the best in the city. Co.ne and see. aug27-lwn FIRST AUNUAL 1'ICNIC OP THE S'.JUARE ASSOCIATION, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST , 180, ATTELL'S IIAIN. Omnibuses will leave Centre Square, Knnpp's anil Wechrlc's every halt hour after noon and evening. JS-Dancing until 11 o'clock. ltd w HAT GLEN PARK. GRAND PICNIC, MOSDAY XEXT, AUG. 30. 18$, ler the benefit of ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH. TICKETS, 25 CENTS. Amnln nrovUien made ler Refreshments. Tayler's Orchestra will discourse choice music. iseaung, r lsiiingunueiiierumusuuiciiuj win uv theenler et tne day. Tickets for sale at Jehn Hicmrnz's shoe stereand by the committee. a27-2td 100 Tens et Rags Wanted, Fer whicli the highest price will be paid. 2Ji CENTS PER POUND FOR GOOD MIXED RAGS. The highest price paid for Woolens, Old Paper, Beeks, 4e. Tea ttag Asserters wanted' te whom the highest price will be paid. JOHN A. SHOBER, Cor. North Queen and Orange Streets, y9-tfdR Lancaster, Pa ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. On TUESDAY', SEPTEMBER2I, 1880. will be sold at public sale, en the premises. 150 Seuth Water street, Lancaster, Pa., the follow ing personal property belonging te the estate of Philip Schum: Twe excellent DRAFT HORSES, two Ceal Wagons, nearly new; a targe quantity of Ceal, Ceal Sehutes and Shovels, New Market Wagen, New Phaeton, two Sales, one et which ii nearly new, large and small Scales, Clocks, Ac. Household and Kitchen Furniture el every description. Alse the entire stock of Coverlets, Counterpanes, Blankets, Herse Blankets, and an excellent as sortment et Heme-made Carpets, Yarns, Ac. Sale te commence at S a. m. and 1 o'clock p. m., when attendance w 111 be given and terms made known by JOHNE. SCHUM, CHARLES llOLZWAKTH, S. Hess & Sex, Ancts. Administrators. Stere goods will he removed from 38 and 40 West King te 1!0 Seuth Water street. aug27,31Asep3,7,I0d F IRUIT J AKS ! FRUIT JARS ! CHINA HALL. Fruit Jars, Fruit Jars, Fruit Jars Fruit Jars. AT THE LOWEST PRICES. S-Sec our window. HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. miiE LITTLE PINEY Geld & Silver Mining Ce., OF COLORADO. Capital, $1,000,000, Number of Shares of Stock, loe.ooo. Par Value, $le. Stock lull paid and net assessable. f Ne. Ill Eai J Leac 1 Ne. SOC Wi L r Ne. Ill East Thlnl St., Business Oflices l.eaaville, coieruuo. ainiii riaee, Philadelphia, Pa. OFFICERS : President Edwin G. Fat. Secretary and Treasurer A. II. Moere. Solicitor F. F. Brightly. Superintendent F. C. Fat. A limited number of shares el stock of this company"will be sold nt one dollar per share. Prospectus Bent by mail en application te the company's office at Philadelphia. a27-lwdAltw AXVSE3USXT8. "CHILTON Oi-EttA HOUSE. FRIDAY EVEXIXO, AUU. 27, USS0. Yeu have seen imitators new see the 'great original TOPSY, Mrs. G-. O. Heward, in her new version of Mrs. Harriet Bccchcr Stewc's immortal work, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, together with the eclebrrted troupe of Virginia JUBILEE SINGERS, Real colored people, Men, Women and Chil dren, will appear in thegrand. realistic PLAN TATION and COTTON-PICKING SCENES The characters in the drama will he portrayed by a CAREFULLY SELECTED DItAMATIC COMPANY. Admission, 25, 35, and 50 Cents. RESERVED SEATS, 50 CENTS, te be had at the Opera Heuse Office. a21-4td e JERA MOUSE. Monday, Aug. 30, 1880. MR. JOHN D. MISHLER has the pleasure of presenting the far-famed artist, Annie Firmin AUD Jehn Jack, having just returned te America after a six years' tour around the world, who wlU appear in the great Parisian succes, the great comedy drama, CIVIL MARRIAGE! Supported by A GOOD COMPANY. Prices, 35, 50 and 75 Cents. Diagram at Yecker's box office. a2G-4td WASTED. WANTED. .EVERYBODY TO ADVEB tlsc, free of charge, in the iHTXtuanr CXB, who wants something te de. ANTED AN UNFURNISHED ROOM in a house with a respectable family by an aged man. Apply at this office. 2td -trTTANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL YY housework. Apply at Jehn Copland's. Ne. 125 North Queen street. ltd -TTT-ANTISD A GIRL ABOUT 14 YEARS TV et age te assist in light work. Apply at this office? 2W entire stock of BOOTS AND SHOES of the FARMERS ! C. A. Reeee. 3IJLRKETS. Mew Yerk Market. Nw Yerk, Aug. 27. Fleur State and West ern In buyers favor; superfine state at 130 i00; extra de at ?:5 7T1 25 : choice, de., $1 304 75; fancy de.. 4806 00; round hoop Ohie $i 105 00; choice de $5 10 G 00; superfine western $3:rl 00; common te geed extra de ?S 734 25 ; choice de de $1 30G23; choice white wheat de $1 254 05; Southern dull and declining ; common te fair extni f4 73g5 50; geed le choice de 3r,06 75. Wheat a shade easier and dull ; Ne. 1 White, October, f 1 0$e ; Ne. 2 Red Aug $1 0&91 OSVc ; de September, $1 07.7c ; de Oct. $1 0K1 08 08 Cerna shade lower, heavy ; Mixed western spot, 515l!4c ; de future, 51K53?kC. Oats dull and weak; State, at 37 Ik.; West ern, at .43c. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, August 27. Fleur ijuict and steady ; superfine $2 S03 00 : extra W 50 64 00 ; Ohie and Indiana family 95 2595 75 ; Penn'a family de5525; St. Leuis' family at $5 506 00 ; Minnesota family 5 25g 00 ; patent and high grades C 508 00. Rye Heur at (4 50. Wheat ipiiet and wsak ; Ne. 2 Western Red $1 031 Kr ; Penn'a Red $1 Wi ; Amber il OGKc. Cern firm with geed supply : steamer 52 52KC : vellew 5-53Ke; mixed 53c. Oatsllrm; Ne. 1, White 4243.i ; Ne. 2, de 40J41c; Ne.3. de3S3'Jc; Ne. S, Mixed 37c. Kye scarce ; Southern 70. Previsions market unlet: mess perk 1U CO; beef hams i'-l 0U22 (KJ; Indian m.sa beet at $1G 00; bacon smoked shoulders 7c; salt de 6(c; smoked hams ll13c; pickled hams lOgllc. Lard quiet; city kettle at 8-&c; loeso butchers' sc ; prime steam S&c. Butter steady; medium active ler expert; Creamery extra 25c ; Creamery geed te choice 2224c; Bradfent county and New Yerk extra. 23c; Western reserve extra 1017e;ilogeod te choice 1315c ; Rolls dull, quality peer; Penn'a extra 131C; Western reserve extra IGQlGc. Eggs quiet and steady ; Penn'a at 19c; est ern 18c. Cheese quiet hut very linn; New Yerk full cream 1213c; Western full cream llc; de fair te geed 10'illXc; le half skims 90110c, Petreleum'qulet; rcflncd OJc. Whisky $1 13. Seeds Geed te prime Clever linn at$S25 6900; Timethy firm at $2 5082 60: Flaxseed quiet at $120. Stectt Markets. Philadxlpuia. Aug. 27. 12-30 T. X. 3:00 r. M. Stocks steady. Penny 6's (thlnl issue) 10014 Philadelphia A Erie I5'4ir;i 10 Reading ll?HHAt 11 Pennsylvania SSJittSsyi 58J4 Lehigh Valley. 5353J 53 United Ces. et N. J 18170 171 Northern Pacific 3030i 30 " Preferred 5353i 53 Northern Central 38J4P3S 38'i Lehigh Navigation 31J;;31ft 31)2 Norristown 101i Central Transportation Ce. 4!)49 49 Pitte., Titusville & Butrale. 1212 12J Little Schuylkill 4748 Naur xehk. Aug. 27. Stocks strong. Meney 2-32 N. Y. Central 130J r.rlC............... ...... ...... lj fi-vH Adams Express 115 Michigan Central 95 95'4 Michigan Southern 107 107,' Illinois Central 112 Cleveland & Pittsburgh.. ..121 Chicago A Reck Island Wi Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne. .122 Western TJnien Tel. Ce KJ 105 Teledo & Wabash Zli 39-J New Jeiwy Central 75 70 Ontario Western 25j 23 United States uends and Sterling Kxcha.ii.; (Quotations by B. K. Jamisen & Ce., S. W. Cor. 3d and Chestnut Streets). Philadelphia, Aug. 27. United States 6's, 1S31, (registered). .10I);;101K United States 5's, 1881, (registered). .102102 United States 4's, 1891, (rcglstercd)ll96110 United States 4's.l891,(conpens).. .11111 United States 4's, 1907. (registered). .110 110 United Statcs.Currencyd-s.. . .125,125,12C,127,12S Sterling Exchaniic 2 Giv eej: sale en best, PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE KI.AL ESTATE. .On SATURDAY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, SEPTEMBER 18, 18S0, at the Key stone Hetel, North Queen street, in the city of Lancaster, will be sold in pursuance of the di rections of the will of Jeseph Peel, deceased, the following real estate, viz : Ne. 1. All that certain half-let or piece or ground situate onthcwestsldcerNorth Queen street. In said city, containing in front 32 lcet 24 inches, and in depth 215 lect te a 14 feet wide alley ; bounded en the north by ground of Jehn Rese and en the south by ground et Richard McGrnnn, en which a One-Story Frame Dwelling I louse is erected en Norih Queen Street, and another One-Story Frame Dwelling situate en the said fourteen lcet wide alley. , . . Ne. 2. All that certain One-Story Briek Dwelling ' Heuse and half-let, or piece of ground, situate en the south side et East Chestnut Street, in said city, containing in front 32 ieet 2 inches, and in dcptli 245 feet te a 14 feet wide alley, bounded en the cast by ground of D. B. Hoetcttcr and en the west by William Henscl. Possesien and title en Aprils, 1SS1. DAVID JIARTMAN. Executer. II. SnunKirr. Aue. aug 20-TAF-tsd PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. On SATURDAY, SEPTEM BER 23, 1880, the undersigned executer of the will of KUUan Beck, deceased, will offer at public sale ut the Columbia Garden hotel, Seuth Queen street, Lancaster city, Pa., the following described real estate of said de ceased, te wit: All that certain one-story and attic t rame DWELLING HOUSE with Frame Kitchen at tached. Frame Barn with Wagen Shed attach ed. Heg Sty and ether outbuildings. Well of water with pump therein, fruit trees and ethi-r improvements, and 4 AC RES and 80 PE RCH KS of land, mere erlcss, thereto belonging, situate en the south side of Leve lane, in said city or Lancaster, adjoining Leve lane and property or Christian Bees and ethers. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p in. en said day, when attendance will be given ami terms made known by ANDREW SHREINER, Executer. Jacob Gundaker, Auct. aug2C-Th&Mtsd MISCELZASEOUS. IpiE LADIES AND GENTS (F It you want a GOOD FITTING BOOT OR SHOE, Ready-made or made te order, call at F. HIEMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk a Specialty. 1c2fiSAWtfd ENGINES AND MACHINERY Of all Kinds, repaired at Short Netice. IRON AMD BRASS CASTINGS Al PATTERNS, MADE TO ORDER. BBA8SB0XES, PACKING RINGS. GLOBE VALVES, Of all Sizes. All Kinds of BRASS AND IRON VALVES AND BEER SPIGOTS REPAIRED tS" Foundry and Machine Shep rear of W D. Sprechcr A Sen's Seed Stere, Grant and Christian streets. JOS. H. HUBEB. al7-3mdS THIRD EDITION FRIDAY EVENING, ATJO. 27, 1880. NEWS BY WIRE. TO-DAY'S TELEGRAPHIC BUDGET. Uappcnisc Nfart-UHt Far. COAL ADVANCING. The Lehigh and Schuylkill Exchanges Pnt- ! IT.tfaA.J'rlaaa. . PniLADELWrtA, -Aig.' 27. Committees of Jtlie Lehigh " and Schuylkill ' foal, ex? chaujres met this afternoon and agreed te an advance in prices of coal for September The Lehigh companies will increase the rate 25 cents per ten en all grades, and the Schuvlkill interest will advance prices 2e cents en all grades, except lump, steam boat and pea, which will be unchanged. The harbor prices of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad company for coal deliver ed en their vessels at Pert Richmond, will be : Lump and steamboat, $4.70 ; broken, egg and stove, $4.60; chestnnt, 84.35; pea, $3.35. The collieries will work con tinueusly throughout September. COLORED TROOPS FOUUHT BRAVELY. Jehn Brown's Warm Reception of a Gang UK Uttiwn. Atlanta. Ga.. Aus. 27. On "Wednesday night, near Cochran, Ga., four young white men disguised themselves, went te a negre cabin, broke down the deer and commenced firinc into it. The occupant, Jehn Brown, seized his gun, which was leaded with buckshot, and fired both bar rels, killine two brothers named Dickcs. The tops of their heads were blown off. The negre escaped. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict of justifiable hemicide. Leng Island Swept by a Cyclone. Flushing, L. L, Aug. 27 During Wed nesday's storm a cvclone ene mile wide and seven miles leug swept ever Little Neck and Crccdmoer. Hundreds of acres of corn wcre entirely destroyed, and many buildings damaged. Eztenslve Fire at Stcelten. An incendiary lire early this morning at Steclten destroyed a warehouse and thrce stables owned by J. B. Litch, and a building belonging te llcnry Banhaltzer. The contents, with the exception of nine horses, were entirely consumed. Less net estimated, but the buildings were insured. NEW YORK DEMOCRATS. The State Committee Deliberating en the Question of Helding a State Convention. New Yerk, August 27. The Democrat ic state committce met at the St. James hotel this afternoon te take action en the preposition te call a convention for the nomination of a candidate for chief justice of the court of appeals. There was a full attendance of members. On motion of Mr. Manning a committee was appointed te consider the question of calling a state convention and report back at 4:30 o'clock, te which time the committee adjourned. Prize Fight in Canada. At Ottowa, Ont., last night Paddy Ryan, the American heavy weight, and Charlie McDonald, champion of Canada, indulged in a "friendly" sparring match, during which they pulled off the gloves and pum mcled each ether in true prize ring style. Bleed flowed and McDonald's ankle was dislocated. WEATHER 1NDICACION Washington, D. C, Aug. 27. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, stationary or falling barometer, northeast veering te southeast winds, warmer partly cloudy weather. Refuses te Run. Chester, Pa., Aug. 27. Gen. N. L. Jeffries, congressional nominee for the Sixth district, has withdrawn and IS. 31. Custer substituted. Saratoga Races. Saratoga, Aug. 27. The races at Sara toga this afternoon were wen by Gabriel, Hermit, Checkmate and Warflcld. fatal Affray. Patrick Deeley and Jehn Dundas en" gaged in a quarrel at Bcamsville, Ont., last night, ever a trifling matter. Deeley was fatally injured. Bismarck In BerUn. Berlin, Aug. 27. Prince Bismarck ar rived here te-day. LEGAZ. SOTICES. I STATE OF DANIEL WIKER. LATE OF li Stnisburg township, Lancaster county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are request ed te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate of bald decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing In Stras bnrg township. SAMUEL II. WIKEU, jy28-6tw Administrator. STATK OF DANIEL LEFEVER (Farmer), late or Drumerc township, de ceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto arc requested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same will pre sent them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned. C. M. HESS, of Drumerc Twe., DANIEL D HESS, or Eden Twp., T. E. EnAXKtis, Executers. V .ii Ttu M. Fuasklix, Atty's. augi-Ctw I'usri's. T)CY THE BLATCHLE PUMP Fer Cisterns or Wells of any depth. l'LAIS, XROS, BORCELAIS OK COM'EK LIXED. U rands, AC, G. XIX. GG, GNe. I, IL UB, B Ne. Fer sale by the HardwarcJ.Trade, Country Stores, Pump Makers, etc See that the Pump you buy is stenciled 0. G. BLATOHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 Market st, Philadelphia,! m3l-6mw CI O WEST, FOR THB BEST COFFEES, JT Sugars and Teas, Best Cigars and Tobac cos, Best Wines and Liquors, Ask for Oakdale Pere Old Bye Whisky. 03pcrccnt.;Alcohel, Invigorating Tonic and the Hair Liquid. All at RINGWALT'S Ne. 205 WKST KINO STREET. NOTICE TO JURORS. All jurors drawn ter the weeks commenc ing MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1880, and MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1630, are hereby notified net te attend, as the cases set down for trial for these weeks have been continued. By order of the court. JACOB 3.8TUINE, Sheriff. Shekifv's Office, Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 23,186a aug23-3tdA2tw A8TMICB MMfXS AJtrEMTISEMEST. ' ' ASTRICH BR0.S' Lancaster Bazaar 13 EAST KING ST. I EARLY FALL HATS. We have opened our first let of FALL HATS. One Let or New Style Hats at, .Sic One Let of Fine MILAN HATS at 61c Mesquite Net Canopies Over Beds only $2. We bave opened this week a Full Stock of WORSTEDS, and offer them at prices never sold for be fore. Knitting Yarns at 90c per pound. First Quality at 96c " BEST taiGflMi Mi Tare Common Celers 11.40 per pound, 35e per quarter. High Celers and Balmoral S1.60 per pound, 40c per quarter. GERMANTOWN WOOL. Black and White $L33 per pound. Colored .. 1.W " Shetland Fless 1.40 Shetland Weel I.S " BEST IMPORTED BERLIN ZEPHYR, Full Weight, All Celers, at the uniform price of NINE CENTS Per ounce, $1 .33 per pound. DEXTEK'S Ball Knitting Cotten, AIINumbeK.at "caball Excelsior Ball Cotten at 4caball White Perforated Card Beard at 3c a sheet Silver Card Beard at 9c a sheet EMBROIDERY SILK, In all Celers, 25c a bunch of twenty-live Skeins. SHETLAND SHAWLS aL 13c. luind made Large size at. M.OO Heavy close mash Shawls at 1.29 Children's ban d-made Split Jaskctsat. 49c Hand-made Bootees at 14,19,23c Babies' hand-made Carriage covers at $1.33 Bablcs'cmbreldcrcd Shawls from 8Gc up te$3.0i BABIES' MEBINOCLOAKS IN WHITE AND DRAB. Full line of Towels of every description. A geed Tewel for 3c A very large Tewel for 7c Large, heavy German Linen Tewel at 17c Fine Damask Linen Tewel at 25c Toweling by the yard at Be Glass Toweling 10c a yard Remnant of Tewclingat 10c a piece GREAT BARGAINS. Wash Rags at lea piece NAPKINS IN GREAT VARIETY. Wc call the attention of our Custemcis te cur complete stock et DRESS LININGS. Paper Muslinsat Gcayard Siltclasat 12c Wfgganat. Me LADIES' IINEN LACE GOODS. In this one department wc offer and exhibit the greatest variety ever shown before. Ladies' Linen Chemisettes at 23c Ladles' Lawn. Ties, embroidered at. 5c Embroidered Tie and Chemisettes for 28c Ladles' Lace Ties in cream and white f Tem. ....... ....--.- .....ic te si.fju SPANISH LACE TIES IN BLACK, CREAM AND WHITE. Spanish Lace Fichus from 75c upward Single-width Illusion in white, black and cream. Cream and White for 10c a yard Dotted Net for 12cayard Our assortment in Black ami Plated JEWELRY Cannet be surpassed. Come and sec the pretty designs wc exhibit in this department. -IN Fall Underwear We are offering some great inducements. An elegant Ladies' Merine Undershirt, silk stitched Irent, regular made cuffs, at 00c The best ever sold in this city for the price. Ladles' Merine Drawers, 50c same quality Child's heavy, geed quality Undershirts from 25c upwards An excellent Gent's heavy Merine Undershirt Xer flMc GenU' English Merine Socks, regular made, feri. ttAC i pur CHILD'S IMPORTED ML Cotten Hosiery, In New and Elegant Designs. Heavy iron frame Hese, full regular made Londen length 22c a pair Heavy Baibriggan Hese, full regular made silk clocked .........................23c POLKA DOTTED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, In three different shade or Navy Blue, white, large and small dot, all silk, 49c Safin Hat Scarfs, polka dotted, .59c Pelka Dotted Satin Neckties for Gents. Pelka Dotted and Satin Shirt Cevers for Gents in the latest designs. Gents' Pelka Dotted Handkerchlels, blue and white, 10c a piece Gents' Satin Scarfs and Tics in black and colored. Men's extra size heavy Merine Undershirts as large as Ne. 50. A large assortment of Gent's Suspenders, Socks, Dress Shirts, Handkerchlels, 4c. ASTRICH BRO.'S 13 EAST SING STREET, LA2f CASTES, PA. t. it-